#traveling onboard ships
savvytravelers · 4 months
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Traveling Onboard Ships
Experience the joy of traveling onboard our luxurious ships with Savvy Travelers!
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hkryu · 1 year
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i feel like if alibaba were older and was able to meet the sindria trading co, he’d still admire sinbad but also be a ball of nervousnessbecause he knows shits always gonna go down. and sinbad goads him into doing paperwork 💀
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
I'd Follow You Across The Galaxy
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Y/N Skywalker loved her husband. She loved him through everything. Even when he turned to the dark side, she still loved him. But she couldn't be with him. She had her babies to protect. Her husband would follow her across the galaxy.
A collection of moments from Y/N and Anakin's relationship, recounted as she travels across the galaxy.
Travelling alone through the universe, Y/N Skywalker had a lot of time to think. She thought about her name, how, even though she was still married, she'd have to change it to her maiden name.
She thought of the friends she hadn't seen since the end of the war, the children she had sent off to keep safe, the husband who had died in front of her.
The Clone Wars were something Y/N thought about often. She and her husband had fought side by side. It was when they fell in love. Her favourite thing to think about was when they first met.
“Princess Y/N from Idobaar has been kidnapped yet again,” Obi-Wan said to his Padawan learner. “We are to find her and bring her back to Coruscant. That way the Jedi Council can keep an eye on her,” he said.
Anakin Skywalker had heard of Princess Y/N from Idobaar before. He had heard stories of her beauty, but also of her recklessness. If she was kidnapped, it wasn’t because guards weren’t doing their jobs, but because she had wandered away and gotten herself into trouble.
Obi-Wan and Anakin only took a small ship to rescue the princess. Something that would allow them to move almost undetected through the stars. They found the vessel she was being kept on and made their way onboard.
The Jedi had to remain undetected for the safety of the princess. With the help of R2, they snuck their way through the ship, easily locating the cell Princess Y/N was supposed to be kept in. The key word there being ‘supposed’. It was empty, the door already open. A destroyed droid was beside the door, its blaster missing.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” said Obi-Wan as he looked at the droid.
Blasts from further down the hall. The Jedi unsheathed their lightsabers and took off towards the sounds.
It was a blood bath. Or, it would have been if droids could bleed. Princess Y/N of Idobaar was ducking into alcoves, emerging only to shoot at droids. As Obi-Wan and Anakin rushed towards her, a droid had a lucky shot. The princess cried out as it hit her arm and ducked behind the alcove.
The two Jedi took care of the droid’s Y/N had yet to destroy. Once they were finished with, Anakin put his lightsaber away and walked towards the Princess. “Princess Y/N?” He asked, offering her his hand.
“Who in the world are you?” She asked, accepting the help and getting to her feet. Her hand held her injured arm, keeping it close to her body.
Anakin took only seconds to observe it. There was no medical droid onboard their small ship; they would need to get her to an infirmary as soon as they got back to Coruscant. “I am Anakin Skywalker—”
“A Jedi?” Asked Y/N interrupting him.
More droids were approaching, that was easy to tell from the readily approaching footsteps. The Jedi wasted no time in moving Y/N along, running her back towards their ship. There was no point them moving under the cover of stealth, not when Y/N had already caused so much commotion.
As they ran she blasted, using her uninjured arm to shoot behind her. Obi-Wan and Anakin did their bit in cutting down droids and protecting the princess. They got her back onto their ship with no more injury and flew her back to Coruscant.
Of course, they were followed. Little fighter ships followed them, but Anakin was quick to take care of it. It was his flying skills that caught Y/N’s eye first, he would always say after this.
"Anything on the scanner?" Y/N asked her ship. It really was an incredible piece of engineering, a vehicle with a personality of it's own. Ship made a noise, something only Y/N could decipher.
Nothing. No Imperial Star Destroyers behind her.
"How about we stop at the nearest planet and get some rations?"
Ship made another noise.
"If you think you can hold out that long before we have to refuel," she replied, patting her steering mechanism.
Before Y/N met her husband, she couldn't fly a ship. He was the reason she learnt.
“So, I’m to be kept on Coruscant as a prisoner?” Y/N yelled, staring at Mace Windu.
The Jedi Master sent her an unimpressed look. He had better things to do than look after a spoiled princess. “Your parents have requested that you be kept here under the watchful eye of the Jedi,” he replied, clearly fed up with her already. Y/N seemed to have that affect on people.
Anakin watched from a distance as Mace Windu got more and more annoyed with her. Never angry, though. He was a Jedi Master, after all. “We have assigned Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan to protect you,” Anakin heard him say.
“You mean the guys that saved me?!” Y/N suddenly shrieked. But then her expression changed. She thought about it for only a few seconds  before nodding. “Yeah, okay.”
Looking past Y/N, Mace Windu summoned Anakin forward. The Padawan walked towards Y/N and bowed. "Princess," he said, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. "It is good to see you again."
Y/N just gave the Jedi a look. She grinned, turned on her heel and walked away. Anakin followed her silently, his hands clasped behind his back. “So, Padawan learner, where is your master?” She asked him as they stepped into the elevator.
“The Jedi council has sent him on a mission,” he answered. “I will be your protector.”
Protector, Anakin liked the sound of that. He would be the one to protect Princess Y/N of Idobaar.
"I don't need a protector," she spat back as the elevator arrived at her new room. The room Y/N didn't want. "I shouldn't even be here on Coruscant!"
All Anakin could do was watch as she stormed into her room and pulled the door shut behind her.
Anakin looked around the foyer. It was where all of Y/N things had been placed, her possessions from Idobaar brought over to make her feel more at home and comfortable. One bag was open and full of dresses. Funny, Anakin couldn't imagine Y/N in a dress.
The first time he'd met Y/N, she'd been wearing a shirt and trousers, a holster strapped to her leg. Her outfit now was much the same, just without the holster.
Anakin looked to her room. Being a Jedi he could feel her in there, except he couldn't. He ran at the door, throwing it open as he went. If Anakin had lost her already, he'd never hear the end of it.
Princess Y/N of Idobaar was nowhere to be seen. Her bed had been stripped, her sheets tied to the bed post and hanging out of the open windows. Running over, Anakin's eyes followed the sheets to the roof of the slightly smaller building just below them.
Throwing his head back, Anakin let out a groan and jumped out of the window after her.
Y/N had her arms out, balancing her way across the roof. Her steps were slow, steady as she concentrated on staying up there.
There was a noise overhead, but Y/N wasn't concentrating on that. She had hours before her Jedi protector noticed she was gone.
But then he landed in front of her. Y/N stumbled back as he did so, but the Jedi was quick to grab a hold of her. "You really haven't spent a lot of time around Jedi, have you?" Asked Anakin as he kept her upright on the roof.
"So what if I haven't?" She glared up at him, but Anakin didn't release his hold. Y/N softened her expression. "Okay, fine. I don't want to be stuck here on Coruscant until my parents want me home. I just want some freedom before I'm trapped," she said.
What happened the last time she got some freedom? She got herself kidnapped.
And then, Anakin had a plan. "What if I took you flying?"
Anakin nodded his head.
"What, so just outside of the planet?" It would take maybe five minutes at most.
Anakin just gave her a look.
Y/N loved flying. When she was younger and her parents took her on diplomatic trips, her favourite part was travelling there. Y/N sat in the cockpit, watching as Anakin flew the ship. He made it look so easy.
"I've never flown a ship before," Y/N confessed as she watched him.
A grin covered Anakin's face as he began to show off, manoeuvring around other ships. When he got to a wide open space, Anakin stopped the ship and pushed his chair back. "Want to give it a try?"
Y/N sat.
Where did she sit? Why, on Anakin's lap, of course. He helped her to fly it, taking things nice and slow. Anakin had her doing his manoeuvres from before, just at a much slower pace.
He let her drive until they were coming in for a landing. That was when Anakin had to take over once again. Once they were back on Coruscant, Y/N turned towards him. "Nice lesson, Jedi," she said with a giggle. "Maybe we can do this again while I'm stuck here."
Anakin stood from his seat. He followed behind Y/N as she left the ship. "Will you stay on Coruscant now, your highness?" He asked her as he held the door open.
"I'll think about it," she answered, stepping into the elevator.
That was a large number of years ago. So much had changed since then. When Y/N thought about things like that, about how things were all those years ago, it hurt.
It hurt being alone, drifting through the universe. It hurt not having a co pilot to keep her company. Ship was the only friend she had now that her husband was dead.
Y/N checked the coordinates. "Uh, Ship? Why are we heading to Tatooine?"
This time, when Ship made his noises, Y/N couldn't figure them out. Tatooine was fast approaching, but Ship wasn't slowing down. "Give me control!" Y/N cried, sitting back in her seat. "Ship! We're gonna crash!"
And crash they did. When Ship hit the sand, Y/N went flying forward, through the windshield and out into the desert.
They were stranded. Y/N laid in the sand. The Tatooine sun beat down on her, frying her. But she couldn't feel it - she was out cold.
Y/N woke up with a panicked start. She had been attacked, hadn't she? There was no way Ship would have just crashed other wise. She looked around at where she was, at the person in the corner of the cave. "Oh my God," she whispered, pushing herself to a sitting position.
It was somebody she had not seen for a great many years, somebody she'd grown to care for like a friend. She'd grown to miss him over the last ten years, too. "Obi-Wan?"
The last time Y/N had seen the man, he hadn't looked quite so haggard. The last time she had seen him, he had saved her and her babies from the clutches of Darth Vader
"That is a name I have not heard for many years," answered Kenobi as he stood up. "Now, what are you doing here on Tatooine, your highness?"
Y/N shook her head from side to side. "I don't know. Ship and I have been drifting for years, landing when we need to and avoiding Vader and his men at all costs. He suddenly landed me here with no word."
"Well, at any rate, I am glad to see you."
Obi-Wan gave her what rations he had and something to drink. "I'll see what I can do for Ship," he said, but Y/N knew what he was thinking. If Anakin was here, he'd be able to fix Ship in a heartbeat.
There was a question Y/N had been dying to ask Obi-Wan since the moment she woke up in his cave. One question she was was terrified of hearing the answer of.
"Obi-Wan, what happened to Luke and Leia? Have you seen them at all?"
Obi-Wan took his time answering her. Which filled her with anxiety.
"Let me show you," he finally said and Y/N let out a breath.
Kenobi took Y/N away from his cave, to a cliff. They sat themselves on the little ledge and Obi-Wan pulled out his Macrobinoculars. He looked first, making sure the little boy was still there, playing with his toys.
And then he passed the Macrobinoculars to Y/N. "Right there," he said and pointed.
When Y/N looked, she let out a gasp. There he was, the little boy she hadn't seen since the day he was born. Y/N watched him play in the Tatooine sand with his toy that looked a little bit like Ship. He was playing just outside of the moisture farm Y/N had visited only once before.
He was with good people, people that had taken care of Y/N in her hour of need.
"No, master Jedi, nobody is trying to kill me," said Y/N as she marched back to her room in Coruscant. It had been her home for a year now, with her Jedi protectors following her every move.
Y/N had spoken to her parents only a handful of times since they'd sent her to Coruscant. They were paranoid and wouldn't have her home any time soon. She missed her home, missed the palace and the friends she had there.
"Your highness, please," Obi-Wan began. "We just ask you be cautious. Our job is to protect you in any way we can; please don't make our job difficult."
Y/N let out a sigh. "Fine," she mumbled, sparing a glance at Anakin. "I'll be on my best behaviour."
The next few days passed somewhat normally for Y/N. When she left her room, Anakin was right behind her, close enough to touch. But he didn't; he kept his distance. That was the Jedi way.
But then, three days after Obi-Wan sat her down to speak with her, things started going wrong. The Jedi believed that, with Y/N safely in her room and with two guards outside of the door, they would be able to go to Jedi council meetings. Y/N, too, thought she was safe for that little while.
As Anakin returned to Y/N's room, he sensed something. Something that wasn't right. He ran into Y/N's room, lightsaber drawn. Y/N let out a gasp as Anakin cut off the hand of the person at the window. They were on the other side, hole cut in the glass for their gun.
"Holy Shit!" Y/N cried, turning to face the Jedi. "What happened?"
Anakin's breath was short as he stood with his lightsaber held above him, looking for the assailant. Before he could answer Y/N, he was jumping out of the window, chasing after the person trying to kill her. "Anakin!" Y/N cried as she leaned over the now broken window, watching as he disappeared between the speeders.
Okay, so maybe somebody was trying to kill her.
The Jedi council set Obi-Wan on the job of finding her assassin. While Obi-Wan worked, Anakin was tasked with looking after Y/N. "We should get off of Coruscant," he said as he sat on Y/N's bed.
"But where can we go?" She asked him. As much as she agreed, Y/N couldn't think of a single place safer for her. She couldn't go back to Idobaar, not when her parent's didn't think it was safe. But then she thought of somewhere. "My parent's are close to the Queen of Naboo. Maybe she'd host us," she suggested.
Anakin sat there, watching her as she packed her bags. She was beautiful, but Anakin had always known that. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her - it made his work as a Jedi very difficult.
The Padawan was hellbent on protecting her. He carried her things to their transport, said goodbye to Obi-Wan and took her to Naboo.
Senator Amidala was there to greet them when they arrived. She greeted Y/N with an embrace and gave Anakin a polite hello.
Naboo was where Y/N and Anakin camped out until Obi-Wan had caught her attempted killer. It was warm, sunny, peaceful. They sat by the lake, watching the sunset. They ate a decadent feast, but only once they'd taken the food up to the room Y/N had been placed in.
But, while they were on Naboo, Anakin was having nightmares. Y/N had never noticed before, but with only a thin wall between them, it was hard not to.
"What is it, Ani?" She asked one morning. When she woke up, she saw him outside of her room, on the veranda.
They were stood so close, but not yet close enough to touch.
"It's my mother," Anakin answered, staring at the water in front of them. "I keep dreaming of her, having nightmares."
His mother. Y/N knew the story, of how Qui-Gon Jinn had found him and his mother, slaves on Tatooine, how he had placed a bet with the man who owned him and had taken Anakin to learn the ways of the Jedi.
"What if we went to Tatooine?" Y/N suggested. "You have the power to free her, now."
Y/N said a farewell to the Queen of Naboo and they were on their way, flying to Tatooine. It was a peaceful trip, Y/N and Anakin sitting side by side, still close enough to touch but not quite. If she moved her hand even an inch, she would have been touching him. Would he be warm to the touch, his skin burning beneath her touch? Would his hands be rough and calloused from the years of Jedi training, or would his touch be soft?
When they landed on Tatooine, Y/N followed Anakin. He spoke to people in a tongue she couldn't understand, leaving Y/N to stand beside him, watching the interaction.
The thing that used to own Anakin directed them to a moisture farm. That was where the man who now owned Anakin's mother would be. And that meant that was where his mother would be.
They set off, heading out towards the moisture farm.
When they got there, they were met with the nicest people and the worst news. Shmi married the man who bought her and had been living with him and his son at the moisture farm. But then she was kidnapped by Tusken Raiders and nobody had seen her since.
"I have to free her," said Anakin as soon as they told him what had happened to his mother.
The suns were setting as Y/N looked at the Jedi she loved. No, not loved, not yet. "Ani," she whispered, reaching towards him. But, before her fingertips could meet his skin, she pulled away.
"Stay here, Y/N, please. They'll look after you here; they're good people," he said.
But Y/N wasn't quite ready to let him go yet. Not without a proper goodbye. Y/N grabbed the front of his Jedi robes and pulled him in. She pressed her lips to his and closed her eyes.
Taken by surprise, Anakin was stood there for just a moment before his body reacted. His hands settled on her waist and he closed his eyes, kissing her back. It was slow and sweet and tender. It was everything the two of them had been waiting for.
When Anakin pulled away, he reached up and pushed her hair out of her eyes. He didn't say anything as he left. Y/N watched him walk away. She waited until he was out of sight before returning to the moisture farm.
"What about Leia?" Asked Y/N as soon as she put down the Macrobinoculars. But then she shook her head. "It's better if I don't know."
It was one of Y/Ns greatest fears, Vader finding her and discovering the existence of their children.
"Why here?" Y/N asked as she passed back the Macrobinoculars back to Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan looked at her. "I thought it best if he grew up with family," he answered.
She spared one last look at Luke through the Macrobinoculars, still playing with his toy ship.
While Obi-Wan helped her to get Ship repaired, she hid in the cave he called him. It was a quick ordeal, Obi-Wan using Jedi mind tricks to speed the process along. He wouldn't use them for anything else, but she was desperate to get away.
It was two weeks before Y/N was flying away on Ship once again. She patted the steering mechanism, happy to have her only friend back. "Get us out of here, Ship," she said.
Ship made a series of noises. "Thanks, pal," Y/N whispered as she looked at their surroundings, the familiarity of space.
Until she crashed on Tatooine, Y/N had managed to keep track of Vader and his fleet of ships. But now, she had no idea where they were. She couldn't tell if she was flying towards them or away from them.
Vader. She remembered the day she met him. But that wasn't a story for right now. So, she thought about Anakin, about the first time he told her he loved her.
Obi-Wan was in danger. Who better to save him than his padowan learner? But Anakin didn't think so.
He had a princess to protect, and he was going to protect her with his life. Besides, they were on Tatooine and Obi-Wan was on Geonosis.
Ever since Y/N had first come to Coruscant, Obi-Wan had been kind to her. He'd protected her with his life, and it was about time she did the same.
So, she thanked Cliegg, Owen and Beru. Whether Anakin was following her or not, she marched over to their ship. "You shouldn't have taught me how to fly," she mumbled when Anakin walked onto the ship behind her, the door shutting after him.
Anakin grabbed onto a chair as Y/N flew the ship. She wasn't very good - there was a reason her future vessel was going to be something that could practically fly itself.
He took over, taking control of the ship from her. "You're not gonna turn us around, are you?" She asked, giving him the pilots seat.
Anakin shook his head. "As long as you promise to let me take the lead, we'll go save Obi-Wan. Just, stay behind me and stay out of trouble," he said. Y/N nodded, reaching for his lightsaber. But Anakin had the force - he could sense it as she reached. "No!" He called and Y/N quickly withdrew her hand.
It wasn't long beside they arrived on Geonosis. Anakin tried to be stealthy, but that wasn't Y/N's specialty. She took down the first droid she came to, stole its blaster and went charging in, head first.
Anakin couldn't stop the small grin crossing his face as he followed her. His lightsaber was drawn as he fought of droids, Y/N continuing to push forward.
And then she found herself on the droid assembly line. Jumping over and around parts, taking out droids as they were being built. It shouldn't have been fun, but it was. And Anakin could tell. He couldn't help but being distracted as she punched a droid, knocking off the head that hadn't yet been properly attached.
But then they got themselves captured. Anakins lightsaber was knocked out of his hand and several finished droids surrounded Y/N. They were well and truly screwed, blasters pushed against their backs as they were forced to walk forward.
Their hands were chained together and they were placed on a chariot. If they weren't about to die, it would have been both magnificent and romantic. But they were, almost quite literally, being marched to their deaths.
"I love you," he said before they were paraded out in front of the crowed. "I'll do whatever I can to protect you."
Y/N tried to step closer. She looked up at him as she leaned towards him. As she did, Anakin dipped his head, pressing his lips to hers. It was slow, gentle, and so full of love. His lips slotted against hers oh so perfectly, soft and pillowy.
Intoxicating. He was intoxicating. They were about to die, and Y/N couldn't think of a better way to go.
"I'd do anything for you," whispered Anakin as they were paraded around. "I'd follow you across the galaxy," he said.
Y/N leaned up to kiss him once more. "If I'm travelling across the galaxy, you'll be right there beside me."
It was hard to keep track of where Darth Vader could have been, Y/N realised as the great, large ship appeared in front of them. It was much bigger than her own, its tractor beam easily pulling them in.
He had found her.
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meroif · 11 months
A Hundred Years of Sleep
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Far, far away from home, you awake to a world changed. Everyone had their time to grief,  with the exception of you. Then I ask, what would you give to fix what is broken?
A Hundred Years of Sleep is an interactive fiction novel taking place in a universe of magic and machinery. It aims to guide you through a journey through the stars, one that begins and ends with your very home.
The Story
You come from Vaeravel, a small and peaceful planet orbiting around an even smaller star in a corner of the universe. You live with your aunts in your quaint neighborhood until you're considered a young adult by the standards of your long-lived species.
Then without fanfare, everything ends.
The Collapse is a terrible accident that completely destroys your planet and most of its inhabitants. You manage to survive, taken to one of the few emergency vessels fleeing disaster, but slip away into a deep sleep.
You wake up again, in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar galaxy, alone. Everywhere you look, life has gone on without you.
So when you hear rumors of a ship departing for what is now called The Collapsed you can't help but embark on the journey home, so that maybe by the end of it you'd be granted peace, or at least instructed on what to do with all your loss.
Character customization. Choose name, pronouns, appearance, personality and ambitions of your character.
Moral compass. Be bad, play nice, decide how you want to interact with the world at large and see for yourself where your actions take you.
Romance. Meet and fall in love with four different characters, all gender selectable, or don't, if you prefer to the take the romanceless path.
Flirt options with various NPCs, with future extra side-stories to give them the space they deserve.
Multiple endings, good and bad, once you reach the end of your journey.
Romantic Options
Riel Rosenquartz (he/him, or she/her, or they/them), the heir of the Rosen Crown, lost monarchy of Vaeravel. Elegant, kind and diplomatic, they're overjoyed to meet another survivor of the disaster. Although you're not sure why they'd wait for so long before making the journey back home.
Khael (he/him, or she/her), the Captain of the Chrysa, the ship travelling to reach The Collapsed. Highly perceptive and infuriatingly charming, Khael is undoubtedly the person in charge. But what could they possibly stand to gain in embarking on such a dangerous journey?
Nathaniel (he/him, or she/her), allegedly a researcher hailing from afar, they seem to be unfamiliar with how the entire galaxy works. Mysterious, reserved and stubborn to a fault, it's undeniable they're hiding something big. Yet as complete strangers, you have no idea why they'd be so opposed to your presence onboard.
Aelinor (he/him or she/her), your old neighbor and childhood friend, miraculously found again in the mists of the ship's crew. Although they're just as sweet as you remember them, you can't help but wonder...where were they as you slept?
Portraits (1, 2); Aesthetics (1, 2, 3, 4); Playlists ; ROs Introductions (1, 2) ; Side Stories (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
A Hundred Years of Sleep is currently in development and will be released episodically, the current build includes the Prologue and the entirety of Chapter One.
If you've enjoyed the story so far, please consider supporting me on Patreon, it really does make a difference in the time I'm able to dedicate to the project.
Patrons receive access to the alpha demo, which currently adds the first part of Chapter Two to the public build, as well as side and themed stories, polls, and other exclusive benefits.
Thank you for your support, and for playing A Hundred Years of Sleep. 🌙
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imagines--galore · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if you could write a zuko x reader? Y/n is a water bender working for zuko while he travels(set in the first or second season) thank you !!!
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Mentions of injuries and such but nothing too extensive.
A/N: This is a separate entry from my other Zukoxoc fic The Thread of Fate. So please do not confuse them to be the same. Also you have to read between the lines to sense the romance. Like really between the lines. Thank you! Hope you enjoy!
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You may have be on the ship because of a debt you owed General Iroh, but it didn't mean you had to like any of the occupants.
And by occupants you meant resident Prince Pouty - Zuko.
You had kept your distance at first, keeping your head down and going about your job, but it didn't take long for your patience to snap and you began to talk back to the Prince. All because he just had to be rude to you and everyone else on the ship.
Sure General Iroh had explained the reason behind his behavior, it still didn't excuse him from being so rude all the time. Not to mention brash.
Your skills as a waterbender came in handy whenever he or any of the other soldiers aboard the ship would return with injuries. The soldiers had been wary of your at first, and you them, but in time they had accepted you as one of their own, and would often joke around with you, or seek out your help with an injury or a bruise.
Prince Zuko, on the other hand, had been entirely too stubborn to allow the enemy, his words, to see to his injuries. It wasn't until he had very nearly collapsed from ignoring his injuries, after several run-ins with the Avatar, that he had allowed you to come close and heal him.
Afterwards he had been somewhat civil towards you, and you him. Though there were times when you would berate him for putting himself in unnecessary danger and only coming to you when the pain would be too much for him to handle. He would justify his actions, saying he could handle it. Iroh was usually the mediator between the two of you, always there to make sure neither of you accidentally harmed the other. You had threatened to toss the Prince overboard on more then one occasion.
Funnily enough, he had never ever mentioned hurting you with his firebending.
Your transition from hostile shipmates, to hostile companions was slow-going and took months for the both of you to actually admit that perhaps you both could get along.
Of course, when you had just come to that realization, Zhao had commandeered Zuko's soldiers and ship, to be used to take over the Northern Water Tribe. Iroh had instantly dismissed you from your post, saying your debt had been paid. He had no desire to see you in the hands of the evil man.
Which was why you were now staying at the small inn where Zuko's ship had made its final port. You had no idea where to go from there. You didn't have any family to go back to. You had been saved by General Iroh out of the goodness of his heart. Which was the reason you had stuck to him with the claim that you owned him a debt.
Truthfully you had just felt safe with him, and now?
Where would you go now?
You were so lost in your thoughts, staring at the small cup of tea in your hand that you very nearly jumped out of your skin when the door to your small room slammed open and General Iroh stumbled in, supporting an unconscious and injured figure at his side.
Your eyes widened at who it was. "Zuko!" Your cup clattered to the floor as you ran to help the General lay the Prince down on your bed. A sharp gasp left your lips as you assessed the damage to his body. Burns, cuts, scraps, bruises, gashes. There were so many of them.
"What happened?" You demanded, even as you quickly began to gather supplies. A bucket of water, an old blanket to rip up for bandages and the bag that contained your own salves and pastes to help with the bruising.
"The pirates. They were in league with Zhao and they blew up the ship with Zuko onboard." The man explained, worry for his nephew evident in his gaze as he watched you do you work. Taking a small knife, you quickly cut open the shirt Zuko wore to assess the damage there.
You worked the entire night.
The more serious injuries were healed with your healing abilities and once you had tired yourself out from that, you began to apply the healing salves to whatever small burns and cuts you could find. You were almost out when your patient began to stir.
"Wh-" You reached out to gently grasp his shoulder to keep him from getting up lest he aggravate his injuries.
"Shh....just lie still. You're alright. You're safe." You told him. Pouring the concoction you had steamed a few moments ago, you held the cup to his lips. "Drink this. It'll help with the pain."
For once Zuko made no complaint, as he raised his head just enough to drink the warm liquid. His face grimaced at the taste but you made sure he drank every last drop.
"Your Uncle has gone to get some food. It's nearly afternoon." Outside the sun was high in the sky. Sleep hung heavy in your eyes as your gaze ran over his face. "Does anything hurt? I was able to cure most of the injuries, but I don't know if I missed something." Worry laced your tone as you fussed over the bandages that were wrapped around his forearm.
He pulled back his arm, only to grasp her hand tightly with his own. You were surprised at the strength behind the grip but you met his gaze with your own as he stared at you with an intensity that had never been there before. At least not the kind where you felt your face growing hot and had you averting your gaze after awhile and clearing your throat. His grip softened, allowing you to slip your fingers from his grasp.
"Thank you Y/N." Well that came as a shock. He had never once thanked you for when you treated him. He must've hit his head really hard on something.
Still you didn't say anything, the blush along your cheeks only intensifying as you nodded and cleared your throat. "It was nothing." But it seemed to mean something to him.
Thankfully Iroh returned just then, with food and provisions, and with the way your stomach had been growling, you all but wolfed down the soup and dumplings.
Of course you couldn't ignore the feeling that someone was watching your every move.
You simply focused on the food, too afraid to meet those intense golden eyes again.
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Closed RP w/@mazamba
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Ahsoka Tano was dead. Or at the very least, that's what the galaxy assumes after finding her lightsabers where her ship crashed. Killing all her men onboard, including herself. However, this was not completely true.
Ahsoka survived Order 66, an order from the Sith Lord, who was the chancellor of the once Galactic Republic. The order caused the Clone army to turn on their Jedi commanders and kill them all. Ahsoka, despite not being a Jedi anymore, was still considered one by the soldiers. Thankfully, she not only survived, but saved one of her Clone friends, Captain Rex.
The two faked their deaths and went their separate ways. To avoid the other from getting hurt.
Ahsoka left onboard a ship and found herself traveling beyond the Outer Rim, before finding herself being transported through a portal. One that caused her to find herself adrift on her ship. In a new galaxy that she was unfamiliar with and was in need of some help.
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grimm-the-tiger · 3 months
I made this post a little while ago listing some facts about shipwrecks that probably only I find interesting, so now I’m back to talk about some of them. Specifically, the Olympic. The Olympic was the namesake of the Olympic-class liners, whose most notable member was the Titanic. Out of the three Olympic-class ships - Titanic, Olympic, and Britannic - only one of them was actually unsinkable, and that was the Olympic. 
Over the more than 20 years of its existence, the Olympic was never once in real danger. The Olympic was the danger. On its fifth voyage in September 1911, Olympic was running parallel to the HMS Hawke, a British warship designed specifically for ramming things. Olympic suddenly turned to starboard (right side of the ship if you were facing towards its front), catching Hawke’s commanding officer off-guard; he wasn’t able to avoid the collision and ended up ramming the other ship. Olympic was left with a substantial hole beneath the water line (although flooding was for the most part averted due to its bulkheads actually working properly, *cough* Titanic *cough*) and a slightly less substantial hole above it. Hawke, meanwhile, had its entire bow caved in. Olympic made it back to port just fine under her own power, while Hawke almost capsized. Somehow, no one was seriously hurt or killed. 
Three fun facts about this situation: Violet Jessop, a woman famous for surviving the sinkings of both of the Olympic’s sister ships, was onboard the Olympic when this happened. This incident also reinforced the idea that the Olympic-class was unsinkable. The famous postponement of the Titanic’s maiden voyage also occurred because of this incident; a propeller shaft was damaged in the collision, they needed a new one ASAP, and, well, the Titanic was right there... 
Four years later, WWI broke out. The Olympic was requisitioned as a troop ship, given 6-inch naval guns, and sent on its way. In 1918, while travelling to France with a literal boatload of American soldiers, Olympic spotted U-103, a German U-boat chilling on the surface of the ocean. Olympic opened fire on U-103, which immediately crash dived to keep from dying, then turned to ram the U-boat. Olympic hit U-103′s conning tower and tore open the hull with its propellers. U-103′s crew decided “fuck this” and abandoned ship; Olympic didn’t bother to stop to pick them up, so a nearby American warship did instead. It was later found that U-103 was preparing to torpedo Olympic when they’d been spotted, but they couldn’t flood the torpedo tubes in time. Olympic remains the only merchant vessel in WWI recorded to have sunk an enemy vessel (which would become a more common occurrence during WWII, to the extent that the Nazis apparently tried and hanged at least one captured British merchant captain for ramming one of their U-boats. The Nazis were ones to talk, considering they rehired the man who sank the Carpathia and was notorious for war crimes that included things like “drowning surrendered enemy crews by forcing them to strip and stand on the roof of his submarine, then diving the submarine” and “attacking designated hospital ships that made it very obvious they were hospital ships”). 
Following WWI, while Olympic was being refit for civilian service, a sizeable dent was discovered below the waterline. It was later concluded to have been caused by a faulty torpedo, most likely fired by U-53 while the Olympic was travelling through the English Channel. 
Olympic collided with another, smaller ship, Fort St. George, in New York Harbor on March 22, 1924. There’s not much information on how badly Olympic fucked Fort St. George up, just that Olympic apparently fucked around a little too much and found out, because the collision broke its sternpost (support post in the back of the ship; think of it like a central pillar in a structure), forcing the entire stern frame to be replaced. 
On November 18, 1929, Olympic was cruising not far from the Titanic’s wreck site when the whole thing began shaking for two minutes. This was later found to have been caused by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Newfoundland. 
The Olympic’s last hurrah (and casualty) was on May 15, 1934, when it collided with the lightship LV-117. Olympic had known the lightship was in the area, but didn’t know where exactly it was until they were right on top of it. Olympic’s captain immediately ordered a hard turn and the engines slowed, so Olympic wasn’t moving particularly fast when it did hit LV-117 (about 3 and a half miles per hour), but Olympic was fucking huge, and the people onboard barely noticed when they practically crushed the lightship under them. Only four of the eleven crew aboard LV-117 survived; four went down with the ship and three died in Olympic’s hospital (yes, these things had hospitals; I told you there were fucking huge). 
Olympic was fully scrapped in 1937, forever going down in history as both the only Olympic-class ship that was actually unsinkable and the one with the longest reign of terror. Good God, man. I understand sinking the U-boat, but you didn’t need to bring like four other ships down with you. 
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jpitha · 1 year
The Gods Among us
It is not unusual to have Gods.
Most - if not all - of the sapient races did at one time or another.
What is unusual however, is how completely the humans kept their gods.
Don’t get it confused. There is not one human religion.
There are millions.
There are atheists who worship no gods and think the whole thing is rather silly, monotheists who worship one and only one god and get sniffy about all the others, and people who worship a whole pantheon of gods of all different shapes, sizes and colors.
People who worship nature.
People who worship their ancestors.
People who worship their system’s star.
Humans are unique in their belief though. They bring their gods with them. I mean this figuratively of course. But... also literally. Humans will talk about how their gods follow them, and come along - sometimes to help, sometimes not. They speak of them as if they're right there with them.
And friends, I swear I’ve seen them too.
One time, we were between the stars and our FlashWarp drive failed. I don't know the details behind the why of it, I was onboard as a passenger. We were two days without our drive and thoroughly stuck.
On this trip, quite a few of the passengers were human. I had seen them before in passing, but never up close before. Short and stout, their bodies shouted their origin. A dangerous, difficult, high gravity world. They were strong and clever and built to survive.
Some carried little trinkets and charms too. Little pieces of metal, or plastic in small shapes. During the evening meal, I had asked one of them about it, and they had mentioned that it was a sign of their religion.
"Religion? As in worshiping the supernatural?"
"Well, technically, I suppose. It's much more personal for me than something academic sounding like that." They smiled and used their delicate digits to manipulate the little charm while they spoke. "Humanity has had religion a long, long time. I understand that many Confederation races had it too at one point, but most decided to put it away as they ventured out into space, correct?"
I nodded. It was fascinating to hear the conversation. I had never spoken with a human this much before. Her accent was impeccable and her voice was like music. Did all humans sound like this?
She continued. "Humans - those who Believe - bring that with them in what they do, who they are. That's not to say that Atheists are bad or wrong, or people who follow different gods are bad or wrong either. The galaxy is large enough for everyone, right?" I nodded, trying to follow her logic. "But in a galaxy as large as this, I believe that there is more to existence than meets the eye." Her eyes twinkled as she spoke.
While we were speaking, another human walked by. Tall for them, male shaped, with broad shoulders, and quite a lot of facial hair - beards is what they called them I believe. His facial hair was neatly trimmed and oiled. As he walked by I could smell it. I couldn't place the scent. Resinous though, natural. It was nice.
As he walked by, he glanced down at Meredith, he saw her fingering her little charm - it was two straight pieces of metal crossed near the top, one smaller than the other - and smiled.
I looked up at him. We met eyes - Meredith didn't notice him - and he closed one eye quickly and then opened it again. I think it's called... a wink? It's one of those gestures humans do that's full of nuance. It's hard for most translators to understand it.
Just as quickly as it began, the interaction was over. He continued on with long purposeful strides towards the rear of the ship, where Engineering and the FlashWarp modules were.
Later that day, there was an announcement from the Captain that the drive was repaired and we could continue to warp to our destination. We would work hard to make up for lost time, but that we would probably be a demi cycle behind. Apologies were offered, discounts on future travel given out, but mostly everyone was happy we weren't stranded anymore.
A rumor started on the ship however. While the engineers had the drive apart and were struggling with why it had failed, a human had walked into Engineering, looking around as if they belonged there, approached the FlashWarp module and stared at it for a moment.
When confronted and asked what he was doing, he replied in perfect Maligran - the language of the engineers working that time - "Have you checked the outer compensator? It looks cracked to me." and then did that motion with one of his eyes - closing and opening the lid quickly - and left.
The engineers, with nothing else left to try checked the outer compensator. It was impossible to see with an unaided eye, but they scanned it and sure enough, it was cracked. Just enough to prevent the FlashWarp seed field from forming. They had a spare on hand, replaced it, and were up and running almost immediately.
The next morning, I sought out Meredith at the morning meal. I asked her if she knew the human that had walked in, pointed out the error and left.
"What did he look like?"
I described him as best as I could, as well as the scent I noticed.
She nodded sagely. "That was probably Saint Eligius, patron saint of mechanical engineers."
My fur puffed out involuntarily. "A religious figure?"
She nodded and took a sip of coffee. "A minor one, but one nonetheless."
"And you're not surprised by this?"
"On the contrary, I'm pleased to hear that my prayers were answered."
"You... prayed for him?"
"Not him specifically, but I did ask for help."
I sat down at the table heavily. It seemed impossible that a human saint had walked by - had winked at me - and yet...
"Meredith, can you tell me more about your religion?"
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allwaswell16 · 5 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics where at least one of the main characters is a pirate as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis/Harry -
🏴‍☠️ Swim In The Smoke by whoknows *
(E, 101k, captain Harry) “What about this, Captain?” Liam asks, nudging the boy kneeling between their feet with the toe of his boot. The boy hisses and swipes at him, slurring out something unintelligible around the makeshift gag Niall had to stuff in his mouth.
🏴‍☠️ Resist Everything Except Temptation by Lis *
(E, 100k, captain Harry) The one where Louis is the commodore's son who is forced to become a part of Harry's crew when he is captured.
🏴‍☠️ Ace of Spades (series) by @allwaswell16 *
(E, 90k, omegaverse) Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic. Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
🏴‍☠️ A Sea Without Water, A Compass Without Direction. by loveraging *
(T, 84k, omegaverse) ”Tell me, Louis,” Captain Styles said, leaning forward a little. ”D’you think I’m an idiot?”
🏴‍☠️ Sodalite & Aventurine by @forreveries
(E, 80k, secret identity) The one where, in his travels to find Swan’s elusive treasure, Captain Louis Tomlinson of the Black Dagger discovers he has a stowaway onboard - a stowaway who is rather tall and pretty and pouty and can spout off Shakespearean poetry as though he had written it.
🏴‍☠️ Si Pudiera Volar by @softfonds
(E, 69k, based on Corazon Salvaje) When Harry’s fiancé leaves him for his cousin, he looks the other way for the sake of his happiness. It isn’t until his cousin’s former lover, a pirate, appears that he realizes everything is not as it appears, and an honest pirate might be the only person worthy of his heart.
🏴‍☠️ Into The Mist by babyhoneyhslt / @babyhoneyheslt
(M, 63k, captain Louis) Sneaking on board the famous pirate ship Compass Arrow to get a story for his journalist father, Harry must do everything to keep a low profile. But when one of the crew discovers him, hiding from the ruthless Captain Tommo becomes almost impossible.
🏴‍☠️ The Pirate and The Piper by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom *
(E, 38k, Peter Pan au) the one where Harry is Hook, Louis is Pan, and nothing is what it seems.
🏴‍☠️ I Sail With You by AFangirlFantasy / @afangirlfantasy *
(T, 35k, pirate Louis) Against his wishes, Omega Prince Harry Styles is arranged to mate with someone he doesn’t love, much less knows. Though he pleaded to his parents incessantly, they not only refuse to comply but force him to depart on a ship days later. 
🏴‍☠️ In Your Black Heart (Is Where You'll Find Me) by graceling_in_a_suit
(E, 35k, omegaverse) Louis Tomlinson has been lying for five years. His crew sees him as a pirate, a Captain, and an alpha; only two of those are the truth.
🏴‍☠️ Lead Butterfly by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(M, 32k, secret identity) When the ship Harry lives on is boarded and overtaken by the crew of The Lady Charlotte, he thinks it’s going to be the end of the line. What he’s not expecting is to be brought onto the ship and provided safe passage.
🏴‍☠️ I Don't Have a Choice (But I'd Still Choose You) by Wishingforloushair / @wishingforloushair
(E, 31k, captain Louis) The men discover a stowaway on the ship, and to Louis' utter shock the man is Lord Styles, the man who broke Louis' heart years earlier and drove him out to sea in the first place.
🏴‍☠️ Sail Across Me by iwillpaintasongforlou / @canonlarry
(E, 21k, royal au) Harry is a prince that is about to be forced into marriage against his will and running away to sea seems like a much better option. Louis is the captain of the infamous pirate ship The Rogue and he has a thing for helping defenseless creatures.
🏴‍☠️ why take your life when you give it so willingly by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(M, 19k, enemies to lovers) When Louis Tomlinson, Captain of The Rogue, ends up adrift at sea after Captain Cowell attacks his ship, he is surprised to find his enemy, Captain Styles, coming to his rescue.
🏴‍☠️ Gentle Rogue by @juliusschmidt
(E, 15k, captain Louis) Harry bets Nick a hundred pounds he can get Louis to sleep with him. He wins the wager and a thorough fucking.
🏴‍☠️ I Gave Up Hope and Found You Instead by Cyantific / @beyondxmeasure
(T, 13k, crossover) Where the Adore You music video ends and the Our Flag Means Death story begins.
🏴‍☠️ come my love be one with the sea by CuckooTrooke / @larrydoinglaundry
(M, 6k, mermaid Harry) Pirate captain Louis gets saved from the storm by mermaid Harry, and grows particularly fond of this mysterious creature.
🏴‍☠️ Tide's Deathless Death by Jennifer_Kaid / @poetsreprieve
(E, 4k, captain Harry) He was certainly going to relieve all the navies of their plight by taking down the captain. At least then, in his relatively newfound life of piracy, he would have done one good deed.
🏴‍☠️ Set Sail With No Compass by @zarah5
(M, 4k, captain Harry) Pirate AU. That's it; that's the summary.
🏴‍☠️ She's Never Been One to Stay At Home by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(G, 2k, girl direction) Harry Styles is the daughter of the governor in Port Royal, and a mysterious band of pirates is terrorizing the town.
🏴‍☠️ Tied Up Like Two Ships by @enchantedlandcoffee
(T, 2k, rivals) Captain Styles wakes up to find his rival and old friend, Captain Tomlinson, aboard his ship.
- Rare Pairs -
🏴‍☠️ I was a king under your control by frenchkiss
(M, 8k, Zayn/Liam) Liam Payne, co-captain of The Rogue and notoriously fierce pirate of the Seven Seas, meets runaway Zayn Malik. This is their love story.
🏴‍☠️ I've Never Painted Daisies on a Big Red Rubber Ball by tomlinsunshine*
(NR, 6k, Harry/Nick Grimshaw) It's a Pirate AU. Guns, puns, and tons of fun.
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merbear25 · 3 months
Mer!!! Give me Shanks x reader story and my life is yours!!!!
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I felt like this took a little longer than usual because I wasn’t really sure where to go with it. I hope it’s good enough for that precious life of yours. 😂 Thank you for sending this in 💜💜
With so many passing through this quaint town you call home, there are few who leave a lasting impression on you. The ones who do leave you with thoughts of ‘What if’, some of which will be nothing more than fantasies. However, when you just so happen to make the same impression on them, your hopes of what could be solidify, having you wish away the days until your paths cross again.
CW: SFW, gn!reader, fluff, slight angst
Until we meet again (Shanks)
With the tides of the sea constantly pulling in and out of the shores, knowing what awaited was never finite. Whether you were onboard the ship pulling into the docks or among those watching from afar, the anticipation that rose was palpable.
Walking along the cobblestone path, your eyes laid on the new ship in the harbor, while your imagination sparked images of who these travelers were.
Upon entering the pub, you greeted your fellow coworkers and patrons as usual—a gentle smile and nod being the typical exchange. Wiping down the counters in preparation for those who’d surely drown out that day’s worries with booze, you heard hushed rumors being spread from one of the tables.
“That captain is an emperor.”
“What? Nah, what would someone like that be doing in some nothing town like this?”
Eavesdropping, you could assume the captain in question was of the ship that docked earlier that day. While you cleaned the mugs and pretended to mind your own business, the swinging of the doors was hardly a sound to grab your immediate attention.
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a few gentlemen approaching the counter. “Evening! What can I get you?”
As you turned to look at them, the strangers appeared to be quite the unique bunch. Deducing that they were who the others were gossiping about, you did your best to push those suspicions aside. The one in front came towards you while the others made themselves comfortable at an open table.
Adding in your casual gestures of greeting, the red-haired man seemed to take well to you.
“We’ll take your finest beer!” With a smile that radiated warmth, you couldn’t help but match his friendly energy.
While you prepared the drinks for him, idle chit chat felt appropriate. “I haven’t seen you around these parts before.”
“We arrived not too long ago. Asked around about which pub would be the best to unwind a little and this place was a crowd favorite.” His eyes didn’t leave your hands as you moved between mugs. “Thought we’d give it a try,” the tone was soothing, inviting you to glance at him.
“Well, it’s always nice to meet new travelers.”
As the moon ticked away in the sky, a few more customers came and went, most of them calling it quits from the late hours alone. However, that small group remained just as lively as when they entered.
Listening to their stories, admiring the life of adventure they surely led, it was admittedly hard for you not to go over and ask your burning questions. But with piqued interest dancing in your eyes, one would have to be oblivious not to notice.
With business being a little slow, your manager gave you the green light to head home a bit early. Giving them a ‘see you tomorrow’, you’d inadvertently given the redhead an incentive to come back.
At the start of your next shift, you’d already given everyone your customary greeting. The swinging doors drew your attention to that man from the other night, accompanied with just his tenderness.
Giving him a slightly friendlier smile, you asked, “Just you tonight?”
An airy laugh passed his lips while he leaned on the bar counter. “Yeah, it seems my men are more lightweights than I took them for. They’re still recovering from last night.”
While you were preparing his drink, the pleasantries of conversation flowed, allowing this sense of ease to settle on the both of you.
When he took a swig of his beer, he caught himself in a line of thought. “Ah, I really should introduce myself! My name’s Shanks and may I ask what your name is?”
“It’s (y/n),” the fluttering in your chest stirred a soft heat on your cheeks, and the smile you gave was genuine. “It’s nice to meet you, Shanks.”
“The feeling is mutual.” He propped his chin on his hand as he began showing a bit more interest in you, taking a small break from the alcohol to engage in conversation.
That night business was slow, giving you ample amount of time to get to know each other. At first you were a tad embarrassed to ask about his life at sea, but the pleasure he took in telling you alleviated any prickling bashfulness. He gladly shared some of his stories tied to having the title of emperor yet managed to remain humble, which gave you more reason to adore him.
You didn’t want to pry by asking about how long he’d be around, though the question was at the forefront of your mind. Choosing to just enjoy the nights you tended that bar with him there visiting with you made that gnawing feeling more troublesome. Finding someone who got along with you so well was already taxing, let alone when that someone was just passing through.
When you came in for your shift after having a day off, you had to admit you were a bit heartbroken when you found out they’d set sail early this morning. You thought that if you’d just gone in as a customer the day before, you could have at least been given the chance for a proper goodbye.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Your coworker handed you two slips of paper.
“What’s this?”
“That man you were always talking to left them for you yesterday.” 
One of the papers was blank and shifted delicately in your hand while the other was folded. When you opened it, you balled your hand to your chest.
Although our time together was short, the joy I had getting to know you will be long-lasting. Know that with these pieces of paper, we aren’t saying goodbye but instead putting our conversation on hold. Until we meet again, Shanks
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604to647 · 4 months
Scherzo (a Barón Tovar Takes a Wife one-shot)
3.1K / Bridgerton AU Regency!Pero Tovar x fem!reader
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Scherzo - a short composition – sometimes a movement from a larger work such as a symphony or a sonata
Summary: Your husband takes care of you when you get hurt during your travels.
Warnings: None! All fluff, though reader gets cheeky with her husband cause I mean, it's Pero? Protective!Pero, Soft Husband!Pero (I NEED HIM). A little bit of violence is described where reader gets physically hurt, nothing graphic.
A/N: This was written for @morallyinept's Flora & Fauna challenge; please see #jettsflora&faunachallenge for all the other amazing works by some wonderful authors (I didn't do much with the meanings of the flowers, was just going for ✨vibes✨ - hope it's okay!). I tend to always miss my babies after I complete their series, and can't help but write little one-shots for them to see what they're up to. This is our Regency couple from Barón Tovar Takes a Wife, but you don't need to read it (although it would be cool if you did - I'm kind of proud of this one 😭) - just know our happy Barón and Baronesa are doing what they love the most, which is travelling on the high seas together.
Beautiful Bridgerton inspired dividers by @saradika-graphics 🥰
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Truth be told, Naples is not one of Pero’s favourite places to visit in Italy; the Barón much preferred the rolling vineyards of Tuscany or the cultural diversity of Milan.  At least it will be a short stay, too short to even arrange for lodging in the city; it was much easier for everyone on the ship to remain staying in their onboard quarters while he oversaw some Royal fleet business with the Italians.  It would be just three short weeks before they're set to raise the sails again, this time charting a course up the western Italian coast to the Civitavecchia Port of Rome.  He realizes the last time the two of you were in Rome had been when you said your final goodbyes in his youth, parting ways and not meeting again for over ten years; Pero looks forward to strolling the cobblestone streets together once more, this time with you as his bride.
In the meantime, he would try to expedite the matter before him – if the Italian dignitary sitting across from him would acquiesce, perhaps he can still save enough of the day to take you to do some sightseeing before nightfall.  Just as the stout man’s mustache twitches at something he’s read on the document Pero gave him, someone bursts into the office, violently banging open the door.
Recognizing one of his trusted footmen, Pero exclaims, “Miguel, could this wait?  Signor Romano and I are in the middle of something.”
“No!” cries Miguel, alarmingly, “My apologies, Barón!  It is the Baronesa...”
Pero reacts with blinding speed, his chair knocked to the ground from the force with which he stands, “What has happened?!”
“There was a commotion in the square, my lord.  Your wife was hur-”
Pero is already out the door, running as fast as he can towards the city square where he knows you and your lady's maid, Lucia, had planned to do some exploring while he was away at meetings.  Wind rushing past his ears, he can hear behind him the faint thundering footsteps of Miguel the footman trying to keep up with his master.
When he gets to the square, Pero is stunned to find it in a mild state of chaos – several shops have been vandalized and an overwhelming number people seem to be in a state of mild panic, crying.  He scans the crowd and when he finally spots you, he nearly falls to his knees.  You’re sitting on the ground next to Lucia who is crying loudly, comforting her the best you can; and while Lucia is clearly emotionally distraught, she appears to be physically unharmed - the same cannot be said for you.  Your dress is torn in several places and covered in blood; whose blood Pero does not know, but he realizes, stomach dropping, that some of it at least must be yours when he sees the long bleeding cut down your left forearm.  Your beautiful face has at least one messy scrape across your cheek that he can see even at this distance and your lip looks like it’s starting to discolour and swell.
You spot Pero when he is a but few steps away and instantly feel a wave of relief wash over you at the sight of your strong, handsome husband (though you do hate to see the look of panic and terror on his face).  Dropping down to your side, Pero immediately cups your face in his warm, bear paw hands, careful not to disturb any of your injuries, “Dulce!  How are you?”
You don’t want to tell Pero that your heart is still beating fast from how scared you had felt during the stampede, or how the cuts on your arm and face sting and that your sides and back have started to ache.  You know that doing so will only make him feel worse - but you’ve never lied to your husband in all the years you’ve known him so you simply say, truthfully, “Better now that you’re here, Pero.”  Melting into the soft tender kiss he presses to your mouth, you try not wince when his soft lips meet your bruised ones but fail miserably.  Trying not to shatter in front of you when he hears your pained whimper, Pero wills himself to pull back with a silent reminder to handle you with more care; as he starts to check over your injuries, he asks delicately, “What happened, mi amor?”
One of the sailors who had joined the footmen in accompanying you and Lucia starts to explain before he’s silenced by a glowering look from your husband; Baronesa Tovar is not a woman who needs others to speak for her.
You give the poor sailor a reassuring smile before drawing Pero’s attention back to you and recount for him what happened in the square earlier.  Noticing that the Barón's hands have been cold in the mornings as of late, you had headed out today with a mission to purchase your husband some gloves made with the fine leather craftsmanship that the Italians are known for.  While admiring the buttery softness of a pair of large leather gloves handed to you by a lovely stall merchant, a fight had broken out across the square between a mob of over twenty large and angry Italian men.  The fighting horde continued their bout while moving across the square, barreling into families and unsuspecting people just trying to go about their day.  Caught unawares, the pedestrians scattered and ran panicked in an effort to get out the way of the oncoming melee.  The fleeing crowd had ran in your direction and you and Lucia could not get out of the way fast enough – pushed down to the ground, in your attempt to shield Lucia as the two of you tried to crawl to the side of the street and away from the mob, your dress had been torn by the flurry of feet as runners stampeded, your body kicked more than once.  At one point, someone had produced a pistol and shot at several buildings; and while that effectively ended the fight, several windows had shattered and some of the errant glass had fallen and cut your arm.
Pero feels absolutely sick at the picture his mind conjures of you being physically pushed and kicked, imagining how scared you must have been; he wants nothing more than to sweep you into his arms and comfort you, but without knowing the extent of your injuries, he settles for pressing his forehead to yours and whispering that everything will be okay now.  You believe him.
With some difficulty, Pero helps you stand and brings you back to the ship; both of you agreeing that when the doctor is called, it should be to the safety and comfort of your own quarters.  Though ever gentle with you, the fearsome scowl on Pero’s face clears a path from the square down to the docks – the deep furrow of his brow accentuating the faded scar over his left eye, as if to challenge anyone who would get between his wife and her safe haven.  Calling out for medical supplies and hot water as soon as he’s onboard, Pero leads you to your chambers and sits you on your shared bed before falling to his knees in front of you.  Slumping, tension in his strong frame finally dissolving, Pero lays his head in your lap and lets a few tears fall at the relief of finally getting you back home, safe.  You stroke your husband’s soft curls lovingly, understanding all of him and letting his devotion wash over you - it brings you a calm that you haven’t felt for several hours now.
In silence, you let Pero tend to your cuts and scrapes, eyes never leaving his handsome face as you watch him concentrate on being gentle with his big, sometimes clumsy hands.  Pero washes your face and hands, wiping away all evidence of the time you spent on the hard stone streets of the square, then takes care to thoroughly clean your injuries.  When you hiss at the sting from the salve he applies to the cut on your arm, Pero murmurs, “Be good for me, Baronesa,” and distracts you momentarily from the pain with that sweet smile of his that he knows makes you melt.
Finally comes the point that Pero has been dreading; he undresses you carefully to tend to the injuries on your body, hoping none will be too serious.  Once he has you stripped to the barest of your undergarments, he takes in the bruising that’s starting to show on your legs, hips and back and thinks he might cry again; his beautiful wife, so brave and strong – he cannot believe you sustained these injuries and still allowed him to move you about as he has without complaint.  As if reading his mind, you run a finger through your husband’s scruff that you love so much and try to lighten his mood; nodding towards your discarded dress on the floor, you joke, “I do not think I will be wearing that dress again.”
Half serious, Pero replies, “I think I will bring it to the Polizia tomorrow, when I demand answers for how they allowed what happened in the square to transpire.”
“Or we throw it over the side of the ship,” he shrugs, a little bit a light returning back to his eyes when he sees your good humour is unscathed; permitting himself to hold you close, Pero breathes his first calm breath since Miguel interrupted his meeting, inhaling your soft perfume.  Seeing Pero in a better mood instantly lifts your spirits, and while in the safety of his loving arms, you give him a playful little wiggle and press your barely clad body to his. 
“Dulce,” he warns, voice dipping low at your giggles.  To show him it’s just a little bit of teasing, you straighten up immediately and allow Pero to run the warm cloth over your body and finish cleaning you up before dressing in your most modest nightgown without any more shenanigans. 
The doctor who is called leaves a short while later, declaring that both you and Lucia will be fine and that a few weeks of lightened activity and rest should heal your injuries without issue.  It’s not something you’re looking forward to, but you agree with Pero that for the remainder of your time in Naples, it would be better if you recovered from the safety of the ship.
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For the first few days, you enjoy the calm and quiet of your vessel, many of the sailors and staff taking the opportunity to enjoy some leave while docked.  But as the days go on, with Pero away for most of the day on business, you find yourself getting restless.  You read your books and write your letters.  You play your piano and even entreat Lucia and whomever remains onboard to play cards with you.  From the ship’s deck you can still see much of the city, and even though you have no particular wish to return on this trip (your experience in the square still too fresh), it unfairly beckons to you like a siren.  You’re bored.  And despite loving your ship, you’re starting to feel cooped up.
Pero does his best each day to finish up his work as quickly as possible so he can return to you, enjoying the warmth of your company and checking for himself that you’re recovering properly.  The Barón brings home delicious treats and pretty trinkets for his wife everyday, leaving no doubt that you’re ever on his mind even when apart.  And while you love your husband dearly for his thoughtfulness, you cannot help, while enjoying his gifts from within the boundaries of a ship that once represented freedom to you, feeling a bit envious at being unable to go out and procure them for yourself.  Pero can tell that you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, not your usual cheerful self; he so hates to see the wings of his pretty dove clipped – it saddens him just as much to see you try to hide your melancholy from him.  And although he cannot agree to lift the current restrictions on your movements, he deeply wishes for a way to make your so-called confinement as pleasant as possible.
The morning that marks the start of your last week in Naples, you wake to an absolute ruckus coming from the ship deck; for a moment you feel a stab of fear, unused to such loud noises and voices without having been given some forewarning.  You must still be feeling some effects of your recent scare, you think; upon listening a bit more carefully, you relax to the realization that the voices are primarily instructive and even calm.  But it’s still much too early for this level of activity from the deck – the footsteps and voices you hear must be from at least double the amount of people you would normally expect to be up at this time of day.  Also unusual is that you’ve woken up to an empty bed; every day following the incident in the square, you’ve woken up to your husband curled around you, arms and legs thrown over your body like protective amour.  You don’t think you particularly like today’s change, but it makes sense – you can’t imagine whatever is going on outside to be taking place without your Pero’s permission.  Not especially looking forward to another day of doing the same things again within the same confines of the ship, you lay in bed for a while longer, at least until the noises start to die down and your curiosity gets the better of you.
The sight that greets you as you open the door to the deck nearly knocks you off your feet.  Somehow, it’s not a wooden ship’s deck that you’re now gazing upon, but a colourful and enchantingly idyllic scene, something that could have been painted by a great master of the arts.  For a moment, you have to pinch yourself, is this a dream? 
You step through the doorway from the ship’s hold into an ethereal garden – blooming flowers have overtaken every inch of the ship’s deck: thick braided garlands of roses, violets, and peonies wrap wondrously around every one of the ship’s railings, big bright pots of lilacs, azaleas and irises line the sides of the ship and surround a makeshift sitting area where some garden furniture you’ve never seen before has been arranged.  Even the mast has been decorated to look like a spring maypole, intertwining vines of clematis and jasmine crisscross all the way down from the crow’s nest so tightly you can barely see any of the dark wood that normally centres your great vessel.  Every bow is positively dripping with wisterias, reminding you for a moment of your beloved Bridgerton House.  You walk slowly through the dreamlike scene, weaving between the lush plants and the fresh, bold flowers.   Brushing your hand over the railing as you meander, your fingertips flutter at the soft feel of the blooming petals and your eyes brighten at the rainbow hues that paint every perimeter inch of the ship.  Your nose breathes in the sweet and intoxicating floral scent that now dances lightly in the air.  You close your eyes and inhale.  Your eyes open again with a soft exhale.  Repeat.
You’re turning around slowly, trying to take in the entirety of your magical surroundings when your eyes land on your beaming husband, standing like a handsome faerie king holding an exquisite bouquet of your favourite peonies in his hand, waiting for his pretty queen to take in all his hard work.  Despite the residual pain you still feel a bit in your sides, you launch yourself into Pero’s arms, throwing your own around his neck and passionately press your lips to his.  Mouth opening, you let Pero lick in and explore, before pulling yourself up onto your toes and suck on his tongue eagerly.  Pero pulls you in tightly and when he feels your tongue stroke behind his teeth, lets loose a deep vibrating hum of want that reverberates through you, straight to your core.  With a quick nibble to your bottom lip and a few chasing flutter kisses, Pero reluctantly pulls away; he’s sure there are curious eyes all over the ship deck, even if they are currently concealed by the splendid greenery that’s overtaken the space.
When he steps back look at you, the expression on your face almost gives Pero enough reason to throw modesty and decorum out the window, grab at your enticing curves and throw you down amidst the lush fauna he’s brought onto the ship to have his way with you.  Almost.  Your eyes shine bright and twinkle, there’s a fresh glow to your cheeks, and your smile is the widest that he’s seen in weeks: you’re alive again.
“Pero,” you cry in bliss, “what is all this?”
The Barón gently cradles your head in his hand and reverently strokes the soft hair of his beloved Baronesa, “Mi amor, I could tell that staying confined to the ship has not been agreeing with you.  If you cannot go out to explore and play in the wide world, then I will do my best to bring the wide world to you.  Now, instead of a cold, dreary ship deck, I hope you will enjoy the remainder of the week before we set sail in your own private garden.”
You could cry – what did you ever do to deserve the love and devotion of your perfect husband?  He forever thinks of your comfort and the wellness of your heart – but he does so much more than just take care of you or do things that make you happy, he’s the reason for your joy, for your very being.  You cannot stop murmuring, Thank you thank you thank you, into his chest as he holds you close, not only to him but for him.
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The flowers last a week which is precisely how long you need them to last.  During those final days before your fleet sets sail, you find yourself soothed every time you enter or sit in your personal secret garden; second, by the tranquility and peacefulness of your botanical hideaway, and first, by the knowledge that you have the love of the kindest, sweetest man on earth.
Leaning now along the once again bare wood railing, with the salty sea wind blowing through your hair, you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.  The patchy facial hair of your husband tickles your cheek as he presses a sweet kiss to your temple and whispers in your ear, “Happy to be on our way, Dulce?”
Turning in his arms, you snuggle into his safe hold; tucking yourself under his chin, you sigh into Pero’s neck, “Just happy, mi amor.”
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savvytravelers · 4 months
Best River Cruise Ships
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Explore Savvy Travelers: Unveiling Our 20 Best Ship Features
Embark on a journey like no other with Savvy Travelers as we reveal the top 20 features of our exceptional river cruise ships. From luxurious accommodations to unforgettable experiences, let's explore what sets our ships apart and ensures an unparalleled cruising experience.
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Floor-to-Ceiling Windows: Immerse yourself in panoramic views from the Main Lounge, where floor-to-ceiling windows showcase the beauty of each destination we visit.
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Embark on an unforgettable journey with Savvy Travelers and experience the epitome of luxury aboard our river cruise ships. Contact your preferred travel advisor to learn more about our ships and embark on your next adventure today!
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onim5 · 1 month
Luffy x reader
Enjoy this weirdos writing.
You were . . . Well, you were the one he had fallen for.
Back at Dawn Island.
Ace had just left, so he was alone. Luffy spent his free time training, but it was boring to do it alone. Some days later, Luffy mentioned his problems to Makino. "There's a girl that just moved into the village. Maybe you could try to be with her?"
Your pov:
"What did I do?" You asked, looking at the man in a straw hat. He had been following you the whole day. "Nothing." He answered shortly and then jumped down from the ceiling he sat on. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy! Nice to meet ya." He said, smiling. "Oh, I'm N/n." You answered, shaking his hand.
You and Luffy became great friends. You pretty much spent three years with him. Most of the time, you two were up at the mountain, but other times, you two vibed at the village or the trash place.
"Y/n, do you want to join my crew?!" Luffy asked in his loud cheery voice. "No. . . . ." You answered, dragging out the o. "What! Why???" "I uh, well, um, I don't like the idea of traveling." Luffy felt his heart sink. "And I want a house that I can call my home." "Ah, that's understandable, I guess. See you tomorrow." Luffy said, waving goodbye.
"I need a big ship so I can fit her stupid house on it," Luffy muttered, kicking a rock as he walked up the mountain. He didn't know why, but he felt weird when it came to you. You were honestly at this point trespassing his mind. You appeared too much!!! But he liked the feeling that came with it.
Luffy felt heavy. He wanted to cry, but he was not a crybaby. Instead of going back to Dadan, he climbed a tree and sat with his knees on his chest. Thinking back, he remembered a man that he had met once. He was crying and had been in deep pain.
"Hey, why are you crying?" Luffy had asked. "The woman I love rejected me . . ." Luffy had said that he needed to explain further since he didn't know what that was. In his misery, he explained love and the pain of being rejected by it.
Had, had you rejected him??? Why. . . . . Did you not love him? Was he maybe too weak for you? "I need to train more," Luffy mumbled.
Y/n pov:
Sorry Luf, but I have other plans and goals.
The day came, and you waved goodbye to Luffy. You watched as he went away. He had never asked you to join him again. And it pained you a little, but alas. Walking away from the port, you started your secret training session. You had trained for years and knew haki. "Well, I guess it's time for me to start my search. Future home island, here I come!!! To the grand line!!!" You cheered as you walked onboard your loyal ship.
"I laid low, long enough. . . . Let's meet again, Luf."
Luffy pov:
Y/n when I meet you again, I will, most likely be pirate king. But then you can't reject me, and we will be married and then engaged.
"I just need to figure out what marriage and engaged mean. . ."
The end 
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sea-lanterns · 3 months
I remember that Pirate AU! I really wanted to see more of it! I wonder if Siren reader resides in the seas of Liyue, Inazuma, or Fontaine? Maybe even Mondstat? Or does she travel from season to season? And I wonder how other genshin women become pirates... People like Jean could be a very busy pirate that's somehow also working with a lot of paperwork within the captains lounge. And do you think the genshin women from different nations do well in a boat together? (Separately by nation of course! Like Jean with Lisa, Eula, and Amber? Apologies if I forgot someone...)
Ignore this ask if too much! I'm not good at making long ideas... 😔
I imagine that each region’s women has their own pirate ship that rules their part of the seas. Mondstadt has their own ship with the Mondstadt women onboard as pirates, Liyue has their own ship with the Liyue women as pirates, and then so on for the other regions! (This way we have an excuse to make all the genshin women as hot pirates…)
Since the Pirate AU first started out in Fontaine, I imagine that Siren! Reader originally lived in Fontaine’s waters, but can easily travel to different regions through the ocean. However, the Fontaine women were definitely the first ones to capture you first, and it’s not long before the other regions’ pirate ships catch news that Fontaine managed to capture a legendary creature.
In this AU, I imagine that sirens are an extremely rare and elusive creature (many thought that they were hunted to extinction) so there would definitely be some pirate wars over snatching you for themselves. Everyone wants to have a siren in their possession, whether it’s for good intentions or bad 😨
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arsenatupin · 1 year
Born from a writing prompt last year on Reddit
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After boarding my ship for the new exploration program, I took the letter that my previous commander slipped me when he learned I was gonna take my first command and have some human crew with me. It seemed strange, but boarding was done, we were on the way and outside routine reports, I had nothing else to do.
„Dear Sterpiin,
Congratulations on passing the command examination and lending your first exploration vessel. I learned you were assigned to sector 235B and you had some human crew on board. Read carefully my letter as its content means survival of your crew and success of your mission.
You see, the humans had this custom when they were still exploiting minerals on their home planet. They were bringing a yellow flying pet with them underground and if it died, it means danger and the humans were running away from that place.
Now what I’m trying to say is this: if you land on a planet, all your instruments say the atmosphere is breathable and you don’t detect any dangerous wildlife, turn to your nearest human crew member and ask them what they think of this new planet you just landed. This human is your flying pet. If it tells you, that it ressembles any part of their home planet, you put a gag-order on the ship and don’t let anyone set a single step outside.
I was on one of the first explorations with humans in year 2,523 A.S. We landed on a planet full with dense vegetation and some insectoid form of life. The human said it reminded him of a place called Amazonia on his planet. After 3 cerelan hours, we had two crew members dead after being bitten by a 8-legged horror not bigger than a plate, and some small 6-legged entities invaded the ship by thousands. Those were the worst, they dilapidated our provisions, cut cables and melt several of our Xeraus friends with some acid in their buttocks. We lost 10% of the crew before running away, 25% more due to deficiency of survival systems in the following weeks and the rest barely made it home due to food rationing. When we asked the human about it, he said that they had the same kind of bio-hazard on their planet and as they used to see those all the time, he didn’t think there would have been any issue.
Remember it well, what humans consider home is a lethal environnement for most of us and our allies. They don’t mean to downplay the dangers, they just don’t see them, they are numb and quite immune themselves.
Your human crew is your flying pet for minerals adapted to space travel. If they say that the planet you landed reminds them of any place on their planet, DON’T EXPLORE!
Wishing you safe travel out there!
PS: be careful of any pet native from their home planet that they bring onboard. Some are obedient to them, but others just ignore all instructions and knock things all over the place
Sincerely yours,
Commander Fhiljan”
I put down the letter and thought pensively... I should ask a human for the name of this yellow flying pet, that could be useful.
First time writing a prompt, advice welcomed (written on mobile sorry for formatting)
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imagines--galore · 1 year
Since you're asking for prompts,I was envisioning Will confessing to the reader in the same way George confessed to Charlotte in Queen Charlotte (the "my heart calls your name" confession) and thought it would suit Will really well!! Like maybe reader puts herself in danger by trying to save Will or something idk
Pairing: Will Turner x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None. A/N: I just ADORE Will Turner so much :3 and I love Charlotte the series as well so this was the PERFECT blend! Sorry for any mistakes folks! Also If you read this please please tell me what you think!!!
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Your head was pounding. And not from drinking too much ale. You were sure of it.
Blinking your eyes, you were met with an unfamiliar ceiling. Normally you would wake in a hammock onboard the Black Pearl, with the gentle sway of the ship welcoming you to another day.
But everything was steady and there was no creaking or moaning of the ship as it sailed.
Your eyes blinked once more, to clear them from any remaining sleep. Slowly your brain began to recall the last thing you remembered.
Davy Jone's crew.
A fight on an island.
Fleeing to the Black Pearl.
The Kraken attacking the ship.
The entire crew fighting valiantly to save themselves and their ship.
Huge tentacles rising from the mysterious depths of the waters you had traveled for so long.
Ready to kill.
To drag someone to a watery grave.
To drag Will to his doom.
You sat up with a loud gasp, eyes frantically darting from one end of the unfamiliar room to the other before finally landing on a familiar figure that had only just stepped into the room.
Will Turner stood at the threshold, holding a bowl of what could only be food. The scent of it wafted through the air and your stomach grumbled in protest at being denied nourishment.
Yet you could not move. Could only stare at the man as he stood before you.
"I see I managed to save you then." You finally said, feeling a little uncomfortable under his gaze. He was looking at you as if you were the very moon that hung in the sky. Which was utterly ridiculous because that was how he saw Elizabeth.
"And that we managed to escape in one piece." You raised a hand to your head, only to be greeted by a bandage wrapped around the entirety of it. A slight twinge of pain against your left temple made you aware of where exactly your injury was. "So, what did I miss? After I passed out?"
Whatever emotional turmoil Will had been battling he pushed it aside in favor of walking forward and handing the bowl to you. As you began to spoon the watery broth to your mouth, he pulled up a chair to sit beside your bed.
"After you passed out, we all piled into the lifeboats. I managed to haul you in as well." He paused almost looking at you expectantly. You raised an eyebrow at him. "And you expect me to thank you for saving me?" You asked in a dry tone, to which he rolled his eyes before continuing.
"Elizabeth was the last of us to get on. But Jack.........Jack stayed. To act as diversion for the kraken."
Your eyes widened and you dropped your spoon into your nearly empty bowl. "He...what?" You whispered, sounding just as in disbelief as you felt. Sorrow passed over Will's feature as he nodded gravely. "Jack's dead, Y/n." He confirmed, to which you took a shuddering breath and closed your eyes, before slowly falling back against the wall behind you.
The both of you sat in silence, with Will reaching out to gently and almost hesitantly placing a hand on top of yours as a sign of comfort. "I'm sorry, y/n. I knew you were close." Tears pricked your eyes but you didn't let them fall. Though you did give a small nod. "As close as a person can be with someone who took them under their protection."
That had been the extent of your relationship with Jack. Your families were old friends, and even related by blood somewhere down the line. And when you had decided to travel the seas as a pirate, Jack had been the one who agreed to let you sail with him. Not many pirates were happy having a female presence onboard, but you had proved yourself enough times that it no longer bothered them.
You had been with Jack through thick and thin. Through fire and water. You had been the only one on his side, along with Gibbs, when Barbossa had mutinied against him.
If it weren't for Jack, you wouldn't have realized your dream of becoming a pirate. And if it hadn't been for Jack, you would never have met Will Turner.
When you had first met Will, him and Jack had just arrived at Tortuga to look for a ship to go after Will's beloved Elizabeth. You had been slightly mistrustful towards him at first, and also a little jealous since Jack seemed to be spending all his time with him. But given how easily Will had befriended the rest of the crew, despite his own mistrust of pirates, you had taken to forming an unlikely acquaintanceship.
You were the best swords woman of your age, and it showed when you would take to the deck and practice every single day.
Then one day, your sword clashed with Will's.
Your eyes met over the joined blades, gauging the silent question in his. A smirk was your response before you stepped to the side and raised your sword in response.
And so a battle of wits and skill began.
Your swords clashed, your feet danced, your gazes never wavered and neither did your determination.
The entire deck was your practice ground, and the rest of the crew had gotten well out of the way when they had seen the both of you begin to duel. The both of you used every prop to gain the upper hand. But never once did either of you try a dirty trick. And while there had been a sense of pride behind each fell of your swords, slowly they began to grow playful. As did your words.
Back and forth, back and forth. With your swords and with your teasing insults and quips. Smiled full of passion and energy playing about your lips as you both danced to a tune only you could here.
It finally stopped when Jack called out to you. Neither of you yielded, or allowed the other to gain the upper hand. So, with sweat lining your brows and barely able to get a word out with how you both panted for breath, you were only able to smile at one another and say.
"To be continued good sir?" You had said in a slightly mocking yet playful tone to which he had grinned and given you a little bow before speaking.
"As the lady wishes."
But you never did pick back up on the match.
Instead the both of you would simply find each other and talk. He spoke of his life growing up as an orphan, with no money and no family. You had spoken of your own struggles, and slowly, without you realizing, in the weeks that it took you to finally catch up to the Black Pearl, you were made aware of your true feelings for Will.
You would watch him as he interacted with the rest of the crew, and on more then one occasion Jack had caught you simply smiling at him. He had tried to discourage you, telling you of who Will really loved and how nothing could be done about it.
Especially not when he was in love with Elizabeth.
You knew of the consequences, but you simply enjoyed his company too much to just stop spending time with him. And while you knew you were setting yourself up for a lot of heartache, it didn't stop you from forming a companionship with Will.
Although that too came to an abrupt and almost cruel end.
To cut a long story short, Elizabeth was rescued and Barbossa was defeated. Jack had his ship and his crew.
And Will returned home to marry Elizabeth.
Whatever friendship had been blossoming between the both of you had fizzled out the moment Elizabeth had been rescued. And though you knew you were setting yourself up for heartbreak, you did not comprehend just how much it would hurt. How his lack of presence would effect you. He hadn't even offered a proper goodbye when he had left. You had thought that perhaps as a friend he would do you the courtesy, but it was not so.
He never looked back at you.
Not once.
And so you decided to put him out of your mind. But never your heart. You couldn't put him out of your heart and it only made you miss him more.
So when he returned, this time for the purpose of saving Elizabeth once more, you were cold towards him. Cold and distant, even when he had approached you to speak with you. Your heart had cursed you for not speaking with him, but you were still too hurt over his dismissal of you the last time that you had no desire to forgive him.
All that vanished though, when Davy Jones appeared and agreed to take Will aboard the Flying Dutchman. You knew it was Jack's doing, that he had a plan in place, but that didn't stop you from stepping forward and volunteering to go along with him.
Out of love? Out of desperation? Out of your compulsion to protect the people you cared about? You did not know.
Jack had tried to protest, but Davy Jones accepted.
And so you found yourself standing beside Will, watching as the Black Pearl sailed away, leaving you onboard a ship of dangerous pirates, and a man who did not know how much you loved him.
At every turn, you tried your best to help him. You had learned long ago when to keep your head down and simply follow orders. Will was not a pirate. He picked up every chance he could to fight back. And when he discovered his father was one of the crew members, you had comforted him. And when he had been punished for his mistake with lashings, you had been the one to tend to him, cleaning his wounds and wiping away the blood. You had held his hand as he twitched from the pain, had stroked his hair when he needed a comforting touch.
Your mind screamed at you, at how you were setting yourself for heartbreak once more. But your heart rejoiced. You knew he was doing whatever he was to help Elizabeth, to save her, but you couldn't help it. All those feelings you had buried came rushing back to the top.
Your escape from the Flying Dutchman as well as the Kraken was pure luck. However, by your second encounter with the Kraken, when it came after Jack, your luck had run out.
You had been trying your best to avoid the lashing tentacles, as they grabbed man after man and threw them into the sea. You had successfully avoided capture, but only barely. Your eyes had frantically searched the deck, looking for a way to avoid yet another tentacle when you had spotted Will.
With a tentacle gliding his way to swipe him off his feet and into the water below.
You had screamed his name, had felt yourself leap into action. You ran, throwing yourself forward to push him out of the way. And you succeeded. Only for the tentacle, meant for Will, to hit your body with a force that had your teeth rattling and for you to go flying.
A flash of pain was all you felt at the side of your head. A voice calling out your name in utter alarm and despair was all you remembered.
And then darkness.
Presently, you blinked away your tears as you set aside the bowl and looked around. It was the first time that you noticed you were in some sort of bed built into the wooden walls. The air smelled heavy and musty. Familiar even.
"Are we at Tia Delma's hideout?" You asked, to which you received a nod in response. "How many of us survived?" Will pursed his lips at her question, and you knew the answer could not be good. "Only a few. Gibbs made it. As did the both of us. And Elizabeth." Of course she did, you thought to yourself.
Wanting to change the subject you raised a hand to your head to press your fingers tenderly against your covered temple. "How long have I been asleep?" The thinning of Will's lips told you just how displeased he was with the answer he gave. "Three days. You were barely alive when we reached Tia Delma. She took one look at you and took you to this room. Working on you for hours before finally letting me in to see you." He admitted, sounding almost angry at the woman.
"Remind me to thank her later." You said with a small smile, as you leaned your head back against the wall and sighed. Your hand came up to fiddle with the skull and cross gold necklace that rested at your throat. "I can't believe he's gone." You whispered, feeling the loss of your friend deeply.
"Elizabeth is in pieces because of it."
You blinked. "Why would she be in pieces over Jack's death?" You asked. You had suspicions that the girl never really liked Jack. There was always some sort tension between the both of them.
"Because she loved him."
Will's words had you blinking in utter surprise.
He frowned at the confusion on your face. "I thought you knew?" You rolled your eyes. "Oh yes Will, Elizabeth and I sit together for tea and gossip about our love lives." The statement did make him crack a little smile before he continued.
"Well now you know. Elizabeth loved Jack."
"But I thought you loved her. Weren't you going to marry her?" You asked, allowing your curiosity to show. With all that had happened, neither of you had been able to properly sit and speak. Not when your lives had been in constant danger by either cannibals, or mad pirates or mythical creatures or the Company.
So many people were out to kill all of you.
"I was. I thought I loved her. But I realized, when we got back home, that it was nothing but infatuation. She was the one who rescued me when I was found adrift. And we grew up together. So, I allowed my boyhood feelings to grow into something that was never meant to be." He paused for a moment. "Those feelings are all gone now. And I was glad she found someone to love. For a little while." He added sadly, glancing in the direction the door where Elizabeth was probably sitting beyond. You did too, almost expecting Jack to come swaggering in with his usual land-legs and a bottle of ale in his hand.
"I never expected Jack of all people to die. He seemed almost immortal." You admitted.
"Well he proved he was a mortal man and met his doom. And you would've followed him too, if Tia Delma hadn't been here." You glanced at him curiously, not understanding the tone of his voice. He was glaring at you, his eyes almost stormy. "How could you be so reckless? What you did was extremely dangerous, even for you Y/n."
"You mean saving your life?" A frown creased your brow. "I did what I did to save you Will. And if that is a crime then take me to the brig." You snapped with a roll of your eyes. "And aren't people usually grateful to those who save them?"
He glared at you. "Not at the expense of their own life. The Company is taking over the seas, we need every good pirate we can get."
Anger coursed through your veins. "Oh so thats why you were worried about me? Because you didn't want to loose a good pirate. Its all about strategy with you isn't it?" All your past hurt and heartache was beginning to simmer under the surface, and if you weren't careful you would probably say something you would regret. But you didn't care.
His nostrils flared. "How could you think its simply because of that? Do you truly believe I am that shallow?" He spoke angrily to which you gave a mocking nod. "Of course I do. I mean why else would you ignore me once you gained my friendship?"
"I never-"
But you cut him off. "I thought we were friends Will. But the moment you rescued Elizabeth you ignored me as if you never knew me. As if we didn't spend weeks in each other's company. And then you came back, and I was there with you on the Dutchman, but as soon as you saw Elizabeth, once more you pushed me aside. I am not something you can use whenever you desire before putting it aside to gather dust. And even when I save your life, when I rescue you, you say such things to me?" Your voice had slowly started to rise in octave with each passing word. It was a good thing no one was within earshot to hear you.
Will looked angry with every word that came out of your mouth. "You put yourself in grave danger, Y/n. You always have no regard for your own life or your own safety and it worries me."
"And why should that bother you? Or even worry you for that matter. What am I to you?"
"I only wish to help you Y/n. To protect you-" He reached out with his hand almost as if he were about to touch you but stopped.
You turned your head away. "I did not ask for your protection Will, I do not need it. Why would you wish to protect me?"
"Because-" But you didn't allow him to finish.
"Is it because you think of me as some damsel in distress?" He shook his head.
"No Y/n-" Once again he was interrupted from saying his piece.
"Or you do not believe me to be capable of doing anything."
His voice was almost pleading, imploring you to listen to him. "Y/n-"
But you barely heard him, allowing your hurt and pain to blind you as you spoke. "Why? Why do you wish to protect me so?"
"Because I love you!"
His deceleration came out in a shout. One that echoed in your ears and had your mouth parting in utter surprise, while you stared at him in utter disbelief.
For his part, Will had stood from his chair, hands buried in his hair as he began to pace the length of the small room, still speaking in an almost frenzied and desperate manner.
"From the mo-" His voice broke as he met your gaze. "From the moment I saw you." Suddenly he was sitting in front of you on the bed, clutching at your hand in an almost desperate manner as he continued. "I have loved you from the very second I saw you." His words washed over you like a warm ocean breeze.
"I love you desperately Y/n." His voice was trembling, every word sounding almost broken as he spoke. "My heart calls your name. And I cannot loose you. I cannot." With each word his hands raised to cup your face, only to bring you forward and press your lips to his in a desperate kiss.
And you returned it.
You felt your heart heal and break at the same time as he brushed a hand against your bandages. Pulling back from the kiss, he rested his forehead against your own. "I cannot do this without you, Y/n." He admitted to which you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and embraced him with all your strength, hoping to pour all of your love for him in that one simple gesture. "I suppose it is a good thing I love you as well then." You whispered against his neck, to which he let out a small slightly tearful laugh. "I am aware of that. Given how you whispered it to me when you were slipping in and out of consciousness."
You pulled back, staring at wide eyed at his grinning face. "What?!"
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” He gently brushed his knuckles against your cheek, a gesture that made you blush. Your hand lifted to trace along the side of his face, enjoying how he closed his eyes, as if to savour your touch.
“I will never leave you Will. Just as long as you promise to never leave me.” You said, still stroking his face.
He nodded in response. “I promise.” His hand found the back of your head, urging you forward to close the remaining distance between the both of you.
This time the kiss lasted longer then just a few seconds.
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