indig0trolls · 1 year
i want to hold treaders hand
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> You get the feeling he knows that's not what you wanted.
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goldenvulpine · 1 year
Yearly Reminder that C.S Lewis encouraged his fans to write fanfiction about Susan Pevensie becoming a friend to Narnia and reuniting with her family once again.
Literally inviting his fans to write Susan’s adult, angsty character development with a happy ending.
Do your duty fans. Write that fanfiction.
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tenaciousgeckos · 3 months
Shakespeare: So, in Macbeth, the forest doesn't actually move, it's just an army holding branches
C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien: And we took that personally
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wyrd-author · 1 year
The Chronicles of Narnia omnibus containing all seven books in one! Originally a paperback, rebound into hardcover with hand dyed green goatskin leather and gold design depicting Aslan on the front cover. Now available in my shop at the link in my bio.
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amyjsoba · 1 year
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skaldish · 5 days
The bane of my existence—the notion that Loki is a "god of fire"—was apparently first proposed by Jacob Grimm.
I'm beginning to notice that if the things in Heathenry don't lead back to Blavatsky, then they lead back to the Grimm Brothers.
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"there once was a boy named Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it" is probably the result of "there once was a boy named Clive Staples Lewis and he absolutely did not deserve it"
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d4n1elll4 · 7 months
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→ I don't own any of these works here. I just collected them in a single place so I (and maybe others) can find them easier. All the credits go to the authors. → Don't hesitate to notify me if any of the links don't work or anything. I'll make sure to solve the problem as fast as I can. → Check my Masterlist for more fandoms and recs. → Thank you and enjoy :) ❤️
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taking care of you by @winterchildd
he smiles a lot more around you by @the-second-tonks
confessions pt.1 | pt.2 by @delicatel0vers
kiss me by @maybanksslut
beach duel by @heartofwritiing
battle blunders by @pariahsparadise
warm pt.1 | pt.2 by @pariahsparadise
of music and marriages by @pariahsparadise
songbird by @alittlenarnian
daughter of Eve by @alittlenarnian
stuck by @alittlenarnian
a love song by @alittlenarnian
reunion by @anapotatowriter
i dare you by @maliagf
prima donna by @im-a-wonderling
just a few broken ribs by @alittlenarnian
fight or f*ck pt.1 | pt.2 by @eds-gryff
all for the free food by @eds-gryff
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sharpestsatire · 9 months
shout out to eustace scrubb who did not recognize a dragon because he "had read none of the right books" but knows what an assonance in poetry is and uses this poetic device to mock his cousins (a king and queen of narnia)
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quecksilvereyes · 2 years
sometimes i think about narnia and i vibrate out of my skin like...
you walk into a world you cannot understand, frozen and dying, and it is you who thaws it. you who kills the witch, you who breaks the stone table, you who slays the wolf. it is you who is crowned and it is you who wails for two worlds when the wardrobe doors shut behind you.
your skin never sits quite right and your teeth are too dull. there are wars in your bones and decades in your eyes before you can reach the telephone on the wall.
you are king. you are queen. they won't let you read the newspapers at breakfast.
it calls you back from beyond a train and from within paint. begs with bloody palms and salt-crusted cheeks. takes from you all that you can give - and sends you back.
you watch your sister fade.
you are a child twice and an adult once. and when you stand in your home again, with crushed bones and the smell of coal still in your nose, you watch them sneer at your sister.
your sister is the sun above you. she is, beautiful and stone-cast, alive in a world you could never stomach. she smiles, still, and stretches her skin over human bones.
she is no longer a friend of narnia. do you tell them it is her who has to bury you all and the stars that are falling from the skies in shards?
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catmingi · 9 months
Why does he look like Caspian caught by the paparazzi on vacation with his boyfriend? (The paparazzi were beavers)
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indig0trolls · 1 year
no sir i just think motorcycles are sexy. that sounds like an old hog tho, cant imagine shes too fast. im surprised aelium gets as spooked as he says he does. hes kind of a weenie huh?
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Sh/'s only - f/w sw//ps out of d-t/, if I'm hon/st. put mor/ tow-rds k//pin h/r ro-dworthy th-n i h-v/ to my m/t-/ bits.
.....don't t/ll lium I s-id th-t, h/'s b//n on m/ -bout my /y/ l-t/ly.
-nyw-y, - good bik/'ll l-st you sw//ps -nd sw//ps if you t-k/ prop/r c-r/ of it.
sh/'s p/nty f-st, k//ps p-c/ with b-x's pi/c/ just fin/ -nd his is still n/w.
-s for lium, i try not to push him too h-rd wh/n it com/s to my mor/ r/ckl/ss hobbi/s. h/'s /v/ry r/-son to b/ n/rvous, most bik/ wr/cks -r/ c-us/d by oth/r driv/rs not b/ing mindful of th/ sh-r/d ro-dw-y.
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kattab0x · 5 months
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Back at it again with another Edmund fanart
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sage-green-kitchen · 2 months
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tenaciousgeckos · 3 months
One of my favourite things about The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is that CS Lewis very obviously knew that kids were going to go hunting in cupboards and wardrobes for Narnia because multiple times he very clearly states that the kids did not close the door behind them when they climbed in the wardrobe because that would be stupid and dangerous. He knew some kid would lock themselves in the closet and he obviously didn’t want to be responsible for that.
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rainintheevening · 13 days
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie is so much better when I put it in the context of Peter being just about to turn 18, and Edmund is wrestling with that, trying to prepare himself to let Peter go (even though he's already done one term at school without him), and trying to stand on his own without Peter, figure out just who he is without his brother.
I think the implication in the movie is that Peter went to America too, but forget that. Peter's visiting Professor Kirke for the summer, at his little cottage in the country, and working on a farm as well as getting tutoring for university entrance exams, even though he knows he's not going to be going in for a few years, or however long the war lasts.
Ed hates the idea of Peter going off to war without him. Lucy is feeling left behind by everyone (parents and Su in America, Peter on the verge of becoming a soldier, and Ed wanting to join him).
Ed by turns latching onto and getting annoyed at Caspian, because he's not Peter, but it's like having Peter there, and Caspian doesn't understand what he and Peter have, but Ed can see how much Caspian wishes for a brother, and they do become that for each other in the end.
Ed wielding Rhindon at the end, Peter's sword in his hand, like Peter hasn't left him after all, and Peter's love and Aslan’s promise are louder and brighter than any ghost or sea serpent ever could be.
Lucy shooting with Susan's bow, because she doesn't have to be Susan (or Peter or Ed) to be like her in protecting the people she loves, she just has to use what Aslan has given her.
Ed knowing he's gonna go back to England and Peter's going to come celebrate his birthday with them before he signs up, so he hugs Caspian extra hard, because Caspian's going to have to go on alone too.
(But not alone, no. They have the Lion's promise. They all do.)
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