#trickster anime
friendofthecrows · 2 months
When I give my blog a makeover I always want to change the icon, but THIS TIME I don't want to until I know I've gotten at least one person to watch Trickster (the superior anime adaptation of Edogawa Ranpo's "The Boy Detective Club")
Oh well. I made the world's best header to make up for it.
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ghostscrown · 5 months
Being a Bungou Stray Dogs fan AND a Trickster : Edogawa Ranpo "Sounen Tanteidan" Yori fan is so wild because like. I understood both all of the references to the original Shounen Tanteidan in BSD, and the similarities that weren't necessarily in Shounen Tanteidan in the first place, since I watched Trickster first – maybe, I don't remember which one I watched first tbh (super powers detectives agency, guy who fails to kill himself again and again, literal Edogawa Ranpo, ykwim). But BSD season 5 ? The SECOND Fukuchi said "they call me the man of a Hundred Faces" I immediately knew where this was going, I was like "how THE HELL didn't I understand sooner this guy was the BSD equivalent of Twenty Faces when I knew Fukuzawa is literally the equivalent of Akechi Kogoro" ???
This was so insane from my POV you have no idea, the parallels in my mind when Fukuchi tried to manipulate Akutagawa (just like Twenty Faces tried to manipulate Hanasaki), the war flashbacks with Fukuchi and Fukuzawa (just like Twenty Faces and Akechi) when Atsushi was trying to talk to manipulated-vampire Akutagawa (just like Kobayashi talking to manipulated Hanasaki) the twisted motivations of Fukuchi (just like Twenty Faces), EVERYTHING. I was insane watching this season, this was not the same but so similar it feels like parallel universes istg, and no one is talking about this since Trickster is like completely unknown to everyone except a few people
(And that's another Twenty Faces anime guy to add to the list ig)
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mimidrulz · 10 months
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nom nom nom
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The inspo ✨️
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mew-cake · 8 months
I relived a high school anime and it was Not Good but my god was it funny
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blvcklizard · 2 years
You know what, I'm gonna say it. Trickster is objectively speaking mediocre at best, but the way they handled Kobayashi's powers in the epilogue was amazing.
His powers didn't disappear. Whether he wore shoes because he had to (the barrier growing weaker) or wanted to, he was facing forward, he had hope for the future. He found a place to belong, a purpose in life, a boyfriend and friends, and he was happy.
And despite all that, he still wanted to die.
His powers didn't just disappear completely. And like, of course they wouldn't, but it's so rare to see media actually show that. From what I've seen, if a character's suicidal tendencies are relevant to the plot, they'll either forget about it completely once their journey is over, die, or the story ends before anything is resolved and leaves it up to interpretation what happens next.
But Kobayashi? After everything that happened, his powers were still there. And it would have been so easy to drop this detail, to show that Kobayashi's powers are gone or even just leave it open, but they didn't.
I've seen many people complain about the ending of Trickster, but actually I think it's one of the best things in the whole anime.
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badlydrawnmspareader · 2 months
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HAPPY 4/13
This was a really fun project and even if im not that active anymore i LOVE this community
(click for full resolution)
collab art with:
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silverspadesss · 1 year
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no thoughts, just zac’s smile when pib saw the fox and the rabbit were alive <33
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shadowfear-art · 2 months
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Just wanted to draw toon Crocodile differently
((Tho as I was making this I've been playing around with the ideas but nothing to settle on yet.))
All I got is a trickster that plagues the Straw hat pirates after setting him free (and defeating) in Alabasta. Seems to have a fondness towards two of them...
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Cas doesn’t trust any animals that Gabriel was allowed to make or add to.
His reasoning? He doesn’t need one, there is no doubt in his mind that Gabriel’s brotherly torment will follow him around earth.
Thing is no one believes him, I mean why would they? So when they take him to the zoo they don’t really consider his concerns as, well, concerns.
“I don’t think an anteater can glare at you, I’m sure it’s just hungry.”
“Cas the porcupine wasn’t aiming for you.”
“I’m sure the platypus normally purrs and follows people as they walk past the enclosure.”
“I don’t think a parrot shouting feather brain at you repeatedly means anything, people probably call it that all the time.”
This kept happening until a giraffe straight up licks Cas’ head and not even Dean can give a reasonable explanation because it is odd that all the animals that Gabriel is constantly bragging about are terrorising Cas specifically.
Safe to say that Cas refuses to go to the zoo again and Gabriel finds it absolutely hilarious because he really didn’t have anything to do with it, and it’s probably just the fact Cas is an Angel, but obviously as a trickster he’s gonna take full credit for it.
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daxnorman · 5 months
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The Trickster
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axepng · 6 days
Guess who's rewatching gravity falls
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conceptofjoy · 5 months
dirk being introduced to the trickster development is still the funniest fucking thing because of how he just. JAKE GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!! stop im fucking giggling at 1 am hes like dont fucking call me or text me we are OVER and jake is like eveyone loves me and wants to make babies with me of course so you are lying come here hubby 😙😙😙😙
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sylviaritter · 1 month
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Seven of Swords
Card No. 57! 
Created with Krita and Blender Copyright © 2024 Sylvia Ritter.
www.sylvia-ritter.com, Mastodon, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. 
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new animatic up in a few minutes!! it has le frog in it 🙏🙏🐸🙏‼️
reminder my commissions are open :D
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desultory-novice · 1 month
A Silly Post
So I have that amazing Kirby 30th Anniversary collection of wall magnets, right? They're wonderful and I love them so much and have them hanging by my desk and look at them every day.
I woke up one morning to discover...it was gone! Apparently, I'd hung the magnet board I got to display them badly and they all fell during the night. I searched under my desk and could only find a few of them. The board, with the rest intact, fell behind MY CLOSET.
The rest of the Kirby gang are still trapped there, because MY CLOSET is huge, heavy, and completely unstable, and any attempts to move it could cause it to come crashing down! But here's the thing.
Check out the surviving figures...
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Do they look like they'd make a fun cast for a big adventure story about rescuing the rest of the Dream Land gang or what?!
We're missing Coo and no Bandanna Waddle Dee to be found either, but you've got a good spread of key players, either way! (Dess is just happy because my beloved Marx and Magolor survived.)
Anyway, yeah, that's my brief summary of the plot of the newest game, "Kirby and the Impossible Closet" (Maybe this is the game where Kracko gets to be the last boss, finally?)
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blvcklizard · 2 years
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Small list of villains my mind has compared to him for more or less obscure reasons so far:
Fukuchi from BSD
Tsubaki from Servamp
Mashiro from Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari
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