#tried a new shading method here
always-amity · 4 months
Merciless's Second-In-Command
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I can't recall if it was ever explicitly canonized that Wodensfang was Merciless's second-in-command during the first war, or if he was just chosen at random to kill Hiccup I, but with all the parallels between the stories of the Hiccups', and especially Hiccup I and Merciless compared to Hiccup III and Furious, I love the idea of young Wodensfang being to Merciless what Luna was to Furious.
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hanniluvi · 4 months
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— you still exist in jay’s world. you’re still here, he believes, yet he doesn��t want to face the real truth. you’ll still stick with him, right?
pairing ⋆ 𖦹 ‧ best friend!jay x best friend!fem reader
(_ _ ) . . z Z % genre : angst, best friends to ???
warnings : mentions of diagnosis of disorder
feat. ᥫ᭡ : jake (enhypen) | word count : 1.4K (1408 words)
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 — no way, soph is going on a posting streak??? only the proofreaders remember this fic 🙏 LMAO idk why i didnt post this sooner — i kinda forgot about it and would always scroll right past it in my drafts (or i never see it cause i dont scroll that far down) this has been stuck in drafts since may 25 2023 😊 BUT this is finally released !
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"Whoever loses has to buy lunch for the other person!" Your words echoed as you sprinted along the sidewalk. Glancing behind, you noticed Jay's bewildered expression while you dashed ahead. The black cat keychain swung side to side with each stride you took.
"That's not fair! You started running first!" Jay remarked, observing your increasing distance with a smirk. As usual, he swiftly caught up, transitioning from being far behind to directly trailing you. His sudden voice surprised you, causing a gasp to escape your lips.
"How did you—?" Before you could finish, Jay leaped onto you, causing both of you to tumble onto the ground. Instead of getting upset, laughter erupted from both of you. Clutching your sides and still pinned beneath Jay, you playfully nudged him aside.
Feigning offense, Jay's expression elicited more laughter from you. He smiled, captivated by your radiant smile and how you wiped away tears of joy. He wished he could witness this pretty sight every day.
"Shall we start over?" you proposed, smirking once more.
Beep Beep.
Jay's eyes shot open, startled by the sudden sight. He gasped for air, his heart racing. Anxiously, he fumbled for the towel placed beside his bed, using it to dab away the sweat clinging to his forehead. Tossing it back in place, he sat on the edge of the bed, feeling a sense of emptiness wash over him.
Oh how he could wish he could start over with you.
With groggy eyes, he tries to make out the numbers on his digital clock.
9:15 AM.
He sighed, rubbing his eyes. He had another dream about you, a bittersweet one. Or, should he call it a nightmare? Every time he dreams about you, a wave of guilt crushes over him, even if it’s not his fault. Staring at the blank expanse of his white wall, he reluctantly rose to begin his day.
Jay made his way to the bathroom, methodically rolling up his sleeves. As he turned on the tap, he cupped his hands to splash water on his face, revitalizing his senses. Wiping the water off his face, he noticed a new notification on his phone. Curiosity piqued, he glanced at the screen to find a text from Jake, compelling him to click and read the message.
“You wanna meet up?”
Grasping his phone, Jay contemplated his response. After thoughtful consideration, he finally typed out his reply, observing the words before hitting send: "Sure, where?" Suddenly, with a plan to hang out and no longer a day filled with nothing, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. Placing his phone on the counter, he resumed his morning routine, knowing that today held a purpose.
Running a comb through his hair, he meticulously arranged each strand, allowing them to gracefully cascade across his face.
It's a hairstyle you adored on him, often playfully brushing the strands away and commenting on how handsome he looked.
As he selects his attire, he opts for a simple combination of beige pants and a brown cardigan, a wistful sigh escaping his lips.
The colors hold a special significance, reminiscent of the times you praised how well they suited him. In an attempt to hold onto a piece of your presence, he chooses to wear lighter shades day after day.
Preparing to leave the house, he reaches for his cologne, spritzing a few times with a bittersweet smile.
Jay recalls how you held strong opinions about his fragrance choices, finding some too subtle and others too overpowering. However, this particular scent held a special place in your heart, and he remembers the joy it brought you. Since you mentioned it, he always made sure to keep that bottle in his possession, a subtle gesture made solely for you.
Exhaustion engulfed him, as the burden of the world settled upon his shoulders, relentlessly crushing his spirit. The weight of it all became insurmountable, rendering him a prisoner within the confines of his own room.
Every breath felt like a futile struggle, an agonizing reminder of the impossibility of escape from the torment inflicted by your absence.
Ignoring his thoughts, Jay steps outside his house, a rush of nostalgia flooding his senses as he inserts earbuds into his ears. The gentle caress of a fresh breeze momentarily grants him a fleeting sensation of freedom, but it quickly gives way to a surge of overwhelming emotions.
Each stride feels burdened, as if his body rebels against venturing into a world that still echoes with your memory, causing a subtle frown to etch upon his face. It serves as a constant reminder of the connection he once shared, amplifying the weight of your disappearance.
Despite knowing deep down that you wanted something better for him, Jay finds himself trapped in the inability to move on. He's trying with all his might, and today is no exception.
As he crosses the bustling streets, a soft, melancholic melody seeps through his earbuds, the gentle beats mirroring the fragments of you slipping away, gradually causing him to lose himself in the process. The sidewalks grow increasingly crowded, forcing Jay to navigate through the swarm of people, squeezing his way past them in a bid to move forward.
Placing his earbuds back into their case, he retrieves his phone and scrolls through his contacts until he finds Jake's name. With a mix of anticipation, he dials the number and brings the phone to his ear, the ringing echoing on the other end. His gaze scans the surroundings, desperately searching for any sign of his best friend's familiar presence.
Amidst the sea of faces, Jay's eyes lock onto a figure in the distance, stirring a glimmer of hope within him. Squinting, he desperately tries to discern the features, momentarily believing it to be Jake. But as he looks again, his heart sinks. It's not Jake; it's someone else entirely. Yet, their back, the way they stand, the clothes they wear—everything resembles you, frozen in time since the day you vanished. His eyes widened in disbelief, momentarily forgetting the call with Jake.
It was you.
There was no denying that that black keychain was yours, you guys had matching ones.
He could spot it anywhere, he knows.
Igniting an urgent determination, Jay pushes through the crowd, disregarding the pleas of his best friend on the other end of the line. He runs closer, his voice cracking as he calls out, desperately pleading for people to clear a path, oblivious to their bewildered gazes and startled reactions.
All that matters in that moment is the possibility of finding you, of reuniting, even if just for a fleeting second.
No response.
No response still. Just you moving farther and farther from him.
and Farther.
He's on the verge of reaching you, his heart pounding in his chest, but among the overwhelming crowds flooding the streets, he loses sight of you. A rasping cough escapes his throat, his vision blurred by tears, and the last glimpse he ever catches is of your retreating back.
All he could see was your keychain, swinging from side to side. But this time, he couldn’t chase after you.
He can’t see your face again, can’t hear your laugh again, and can’t hear you request for another race.
You had won.
You had finally won the race.
So, why do you keep leaving him?
Why can't you simply return and reassure him that everything will be alright?
“Jay? Jay, listen to me.” a voice pierces through the haze, calling him back to reality.
He lifts his gaze from the black cat keychain in his hand, finding his psychologist looking at him with a gentle smile.
Confusion mingles with emptiness as he sits in the suffocating confines of a small room, engaging in a conversation he has no desire to partake in.
"Where's Y/N?" he finally manages to utter, his voice tinged with desperation, causing a slight frown to crease the psychologist's brow.
"She's not here anymore, Jay," the psychologist responds, and an irritated expression flickers across Jay's face, disbelief etched in his features.
"No, she is. She's still here!" he insists, his voice growing louder, his anxiety showing up with his bitten, peeled lips. "You just don't understand!" He confronts his helper with a mix of aggression and frustration, seeking validation.
“She’s going to come back. I just saw her earlier—even though she disappeared before I could talk to her, I know she’ll come back to see me.”
His psychologist sighs, holding onto their clipboard. Clicking onto their pen, they swiftly scribbled the words:
Delusional Disorder.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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melodyartiez · 5 days
My will wood hyperfixation is strong here
(A strong reference to a will wood song - 'hand me my shovel,im going in!')
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Also tried a new shading method bc i was bored
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runnning-outof-time · 8 months
There’s Something About These Grounds… | Tommy Shelby x Mrs Shelby & Reader
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Request: no - written for @zablife ‘s 2k celebration and @little-diable ‘s 15k celebration
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Mrs Shelby & Reader
Summary: Mrs Shelby takes a walk and stumbles upon a dark secret that is hidden on the grounds of Arrow House. She's given a warning about the future of her family, a warning that makes her new husband wonder if she should even leave the house at all.
Warnings: language, drinking, smoking, paranormal themes, implications of past and future miscarriages (nothing in detail), implications of suicide (nothing in detail)
Word Count: 3317
A/N: I…I’m not 100% sure what this is, but hey, I finished it - I think we’ll call it my best attempt at writing something that’s the complete opposite of fluff haha. I’ve given Mrs Shelby a name…she’s an OC but reader is also present here. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: Lee and Chi - congratulations on your amazing milestones!! I’m so thankful that you’re both part of this amazing community…I can’t imagine it without you! Thanks also to Chi for allowing me to play around with the prompt - it’s bolded/italcized in the story…I hope I still got the gist of it!
Comment/Message Me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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The landscape got darker and more overgrown with each step Mrs Shelby took. She wondered why she'd decided to take a walk away from the manor that she resided in. At one point, she even considered abandoning her original idea and turning back to the house. But then she reasoned that anything would be better than being cooped up inside those dark walls for yet another day.
Her marriage to the man who owned the very estate she was walking on, Thomas Shelby, can only be described as a whirlwind. No one in either of their families knew of it happening until after the license was signed and they had taken a trip to Paris. What had bright promises at first now felt like the beginning of a prison sentence for the young woman.
It was Tommy's family that insisted they have the party that was taking place today. The bride was weary about it - she was never one to jump into the spotlight during social events, but Tommy's methods of convincing made it hard to say 'no'. He assured her that she'd be in control; that when she'd say that she'd reached her limit, the party would be over. It eased her worries when she agreed to it, but now that the day of the party was here, she was feeling uneasy once again.
So, in hopes to quell her building nerves, Mrs Shelby decided that she would escape the house and take a walk on its expansive grounds.
The landscape seemed to turn a darker shade of green the further she walked away from the manor, but she reasoned that the worry of being amongst some overgrown trees was affecting her much less than the worry of what would be happening later this evening.
She continued walking until she came upon a pond. The small body of water was surrounded by trees and shrubbery, and the fog that hung low over it added an eerie vibe to the atmosphere. As Mrs Shelby got closer to the pond, she noticed a woman standing in the middle of it.
"Hello?!" she called out, confusing quickly filling her as she walked closer to the water’s edge with caution. "Excuse me," she spoke again when the woman didn't respond or even turn to face her.
From her short distance away, she could see that this lady looked almost white, as if she'd been submerged in the cold water for too long and had lost all color. Her hair was wet and flat on her head, sticking to the skin of her shoulders that could be seen above the water.
Mrs Shelby felt a chill run through her body as she stayed focused on the mysterious woman, who still hadn't moved despite the other making her presence very known. "This is private property, you know," Mrs Shelby tried another direction, hoping that her voice held the authority that was needed to finally make the lady face her. But her words did nothing.
Frustration seeped into her bones as she willed herself to move even closer to the pond's edge. Maybe she didn't hear me, she reasoned as she prepared to call out again. But just as she opened her mouth, the woman completely submerged herself under the water, leaving not a trace of her behind. This made Mrs Shelby frantic. She looked everywhere - even kneeling down on the muddy ground and straining her eyes to see if she could spot her underwater - wondering how the lady could disappear from sight just like that.
The sudden voice that came from behind her made her jump.
"These woods are no one's property, darling." It had to be the woman who was in the water. Mrs Shelby was hesitant to turn and face the person, but when she did, she found the woman, who had disappeared just moments ago, standing beside her. She noticed that she was no longer wet, and was wearing a worn, white slip, something that was too cold to be wearing on a dark, autumn day. "They belong to nature."
"My husband would say differently," Mrs Shelby tried to stay calm, standing up and jutting her chin upwards slightly in hopes it would add to her act of confidence. She didn't want this woman to know that she was actually shaking in her shoes.
"Your husband does not know what he stands for," the woman was quick to say.
"Who-who are you and why are you here?" Mrs Shelby decided to ask, her voice faltering only slightly.
"My name is (Y/N)," the woman responded, "this is my home."
The second part of her statement made Mrs Shelby scoff slightly. "Impossible. My husband and I own these grounds. They've been in his hands for four years now," she spoke in a refuting tone.
"Don't be silly, Eloise. These grounds have changed hands many times," the strange woman countered, uttering a laugh of her own at the face that Mrs Shelby pulled when her name was said.
"How do you know my name?"
"I know things," (Y/N) spoke frankly. "I know things about you, about your husband. I know why your marriage occurred in the manner it did...it's not for the reason you keep telling yourself."
"I don't know what you mean..." Mrs Shelby wasn't sure if she actually wanted clarification.
"Tommy was lonely. He couldn't cope with himself, with his business and its demands. The whores weren't doing it for him anymore, and even though I told him that he could keep coming to see me, it wasn't enough for him. He needed someone who would be by his side constantly. Someone who could appease him physically. It's unclear to me why he chose you...since it seems you'd rather be away from him then by his side." (Y/N) ended her explanation by looking the other woman over, an unimpressed look present on her face.
"He and I love each other," Mrs Shelby tried to be indignant, but she didn't quite believe the declaration herself.
"That's what you try so hard to believe," (Y/N) snorted at the thought.
Mrs Shelby felt slighted by these words. She hastily tried to muster up the ability to take back the conversation, since it was clearly falling into (Y/N)'s hands. "We do. We've spoken of starting a family, of completing our home...a little brother or sister for Charlie." (Y/N) only laughed at what was said. Mrs Shelby scoffed at her reaction. "How dare you react in that way! This is not a laughable matter," she insisted, glaring at the grinning woman.
"You are so naïve to believe that it'll be that simple; that your wishes will be granted," (Y/N) stated, shaking her head. Silly woman, she thought.
"I don't see why they wouldn't be," Mrs Shelby furrowed her eyebrows at the other woman's cryptic statement.
"You've not lived here long enough to know what'll happen...to know what fate befalls every woman that sets foot on this property."
"What are you saying?"
"It's the land, Eloise. It's cursed. It took my babies, and it'll take yours too," (Y/N) words had an ominous tone to them, making Mrs Shelby shiver as she heard them. Nothing could have prepared her for what would come out of the other woman's mouth next: "it kept me here to make sure of it."
A mortified look formed on Mrs Shelby's face while a smirk formed on (Y/N)'s. The former of the two stayed frozen in her spot as the latter slowly retreated back into the trees that surrounded the eerie pond.
Even if Mrs Shelby wanted to, she couldn't ask the strange woman what her ominous message meant because (Y/N) had slipped completely out of sight. She'd practically vanished into thin air.
The conversation left Mrs Shelby reeling; questioning if any of it was even real. She tried blinking her eyes several times, wondering if doing so would do the trick of waking her up. Yes...maybe this is all just a twisted dream. But it wasn't. She was still standing out in the middle of the forest, the fog-covered pond still in front of her; the bottom of her dress still covered in the mud of the bank she kneeled on. So many questions were swirling through her mind as she grappled with what was real and what could possibly be made up.
She knew two things for certain: one, she couldn't stay out here a second longer, and two: she needed to speak to Tommy about this immediately.
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Mrs Shelby was completely out of breath when she reached the doors to Arrow House. She rushed inside, squeezing herself through the people who were working hasilty to make sure finishing touches were in place before the party started. She gave them no thought as she frantically looked for her husband, moving so quickly through the crowd that she hadn't noticed he was in front of her until his hands were grabbing hold of her shoulders.
"Where're you running to, love?" Tommy asked, his brows furrowed as he took in the sight of his distraught wife. He watched closely as she took several breaths to calm herself down, and he placed pressure on her collarbones with his thumbs, hoping that it would aid the process.
"Tommy, I...I went out t-to walk and followed the, the path down to the trees, and then I walked further in and I just kept walking until I reached a p-pond, and I, I, I uh I didn't...I didn't..."
"Hey, slow down, Eloise," Tommy cut off his wife's frantic rambles with a steady voice, "catch your breath first before you talk again," he suggested, seeing her nod before he brought his hands from her shoulders up to her cheeks. He caressed them softly as he let his eyes drift over her body. "What's happened, eh? Why is your dress muddy?" he asked, his brows furrowing together again.
"I was telling you, I...I found a pond. And there was a woman in it."
"A woman?" Tommy was taken back by the information.
"Yes. She, she was in the water when I first saw her, but then she came to me and she, she...Tommy, we need to leave. We need to leave here, now," her voice might have been shaky, but she still said the final word with the dire emotion it needed.
"Why would we do that, darling?" he needed to ask, now full of confusion.
"We have to leave here if we want to have the family we talk about. We can't have a baby here, Tommy," the fear filling her body was present in her words.
"You're confusing me, Eloise," he bluntly said, hoping she'd get to the point of her worries and stop dancing around the problem.
"To keep them alive, Tommy," she spoke with a sense of urgency, "there's something in the woods...a woman...she said that she's going to take our babies."
Tommy took a few moments to let what was just said sink in. The cogs in his mind were now turning at the second mention of this woman. He knew now that it was no mistake made by his frantic wife. She must've encountered (Y/N). Just the thought of that happening made his blood run cold. He needed to think of a way to deflect this; to make her believe that this was nothing to be worried about. "I think you might have been outside for too long, love. Why don't you go upstairs and change for the party, eh?" he suggested, his eyebrows raised, showing that even though he'd asked a question, his suggestion wasn't actually up for debate.
"But I didn't...I know it wasn't..."
"Go on, love," he cut her off as she fumbled for the words, nodding his head towards the stairs. "Everyone's almost here."
Mrs Shelby bit on her lip as she fought to keep everything inside. It felt like she was on the brink of a breakdown, and Tommy surely had to see that. Why was he trying to diminish the situation? Didn't he care to know more of why she was reacting the way she was? Did he even want the family they had talked about? All of these questions were bouncing around Mrs Shelby's mind as her husband looked expectantly at her. There was no way that she could bring the conversation back now. It was over.
So she nodded her head ever-so slightly, silently agreeing with what he wanted her to do. That was all Tommy needed from her. He dropped his hold from her, leaning in to press a quick kiss to her lips before he mumbled 'good' and left her side. Mrs Shelby stood there for a moment, still overwhelmed from everything that had happened. But there was only one thing she could do now: get ready for the party and hope for the best.
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"Fuck," Tommy breathed as he paced the floor of his office. He brought the glass of whiskey up to his lips and drank the rest of it, setting the glass down just as the door to the room opened.
"Frances said you needed me," the voice of his sister called out before she walked in from behind the door.
"Yes, come in," Tommy answered, waving his hand to her even though she'd already entered the room, "shut the door," he said then, fishing the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.
"What's going on?" Ada decided to get right to the point. She was never one for beating around the bush, especially when her brother was so clearly being affected by something.
"Eloise just returned from a walk. She managed to find the pond," Tommy started, running his hand along the back of his head as he looked to the ground with a huff. His statement may have been vague, but Ada knew exactly what he was getting at.
"Oh, Tommy," she sighed in dismay. She watched her brother then, now seeing the stress and worry that was so clearly etched into his features.
"She told me she met the woman and that she talked to her," he gave more detail, sitting down on the couch with a sigh. "I don't know what I'm going to do to cover this up," he added, bringing the cigarette to his lips to take a long drag.
Ada stood in her spot, her arms crossed as she observed her brother. It didn't take much to notice that he’d already given this problem all of his attention. He may have seemed composed on the outside, but she knew that his mind was working on overdrive. "Maybe it's time you forgot about her," she offered a suggestion a few moments later.
"Forgot about who?" Tommy asked, not even bothering to raise his head from the couch's back.
"(Y/N)," Ada didn't hesitate in saying the woman's name. Hearing it made Tommy's head snap up so that he could look at his sister. He almost looked surprised at the fact that she'd dare say that name. "You have Eloise now. There's no longer a need to visit her anymore."
"She knows too much," he countered.
"Who?" Ada asked for specifics.
"(Y/N). She knows too much. Of me, of this land, of fucking everything. I don't want Eloise speaking to her anymore."
"What're you going to do then, forbid Eloise from leaving the house?" Her question was meant to be a joke, but it was one that made the lightbulb above her brother's head go off. She noticed it in the way Tommy moved, standing from the couch and stalking out of the room, on a new mission. "Fuck," she breathed with a sigh, knowing that his mind that been set and there'd be no changing it.
Ada wondered why Tommy cared so much about this woman; this person who was no longer living and breathing, yet was still chained to this world. He had told her about (Y/N) in depth: about how she lived a very unhappy life, how she'd gotten to the point where she had nothing left, how she went to that very pond and walked into it knowing that she wouldn't be coming back out.
What Ada didn't realize was that Tommy felt like he was connected to (Y/N); like she was the only person who understood everything he'd been through. Tragedy understood tragedy, and both (Y/N) and Tommy's lives had been filled with it.
So would Tommy really insert more control over his loving wife’s life just because she’d stumbled upon a spirit lurking on the grounds of their estate? That question may not be so easily answered.
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Despite the events of the day, the party went smoothly. Tommy, while still having to play host alongside Eloise, managed to speak to his wife about the adventure she'd taken earlier. He convinced her that they wouldn't be moving, and even though she didn't quite understand his reasoning, she agreed to never again walk past the gates of Arrow House's garden; thereby relinquishing her ability to leave the immediate property.
Eloise was able to fall asleep the second her head hit the pillow, exhausted from everything that had happened. Tommy was still wide awake late into the evening. He had one more thing he needed to do.
It didn't take him long to find the pond on the property, and it was no surprise that (Y/N) was waiting for him when he reached the water's edge. She waded towards him, a smile gracing her lips as she stopped in front of him. "I knew you'd come back," she said, speaking in that sweet voice that he'd come to find comfort in. But he couldn't let it calm him this time.
"You shouldn't have spoken to her," his words were abrupt, hoping that she'd get the point and they'd move on.
"I just had to let her know," (Y/N) didn't let it go; instead she explained her side. Her smile dropped into a pout as she tipped her head slightly, feigning innocence.
Her look didn’t faze him. "You'll not speak to her again.”
"I'm not sure I'll be able to help it if the option presents itself," her smile returned, and any trace of innocence was gone.
"It won't...she won't be coming down here anymore," Tommy stayed assertive, still not letting her switch faze him.
"So it'll just be you then?" (Y/N)'s eyebrows raised.
"It'll just be me. Forget you ever saw her," he finished off with one more succinct statement before turning to leave her. Even if he wanted to, he knew he couldn't stay out here tonight.
"She knows what'll happen," (Y/N)'s voice stopped him before he could leave. "She knows about the curse. Knows what'll happen if you try..." she trailed off, not even finishing her sentence because he already knew what she meant.
Silence hung in the air as he stared her down, watching for any subtle movements she could make. "Make it so it doesn't,” he said after a few beats, not waiting to turn and walk away from the pond without allowing her to have a chance to respond.
"I'll see you soon, Tommy," she called after him, smiling as she watched him walk away.
He knew that there was no way she could make things change, even if she wanted to. There was something about these grounds...something that was darker than anything he'd ever known. But he'd be lying if he said he wanted to leave them.
Eloise may not like it, but at the end of the day, she didn't have a choice. She'd stay locked inside of Arrow House so that Tommy could ensure that his two worlds wouldn't collide again.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @dlmlufics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @areyenotfondofmelobster @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
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missredherring · 8 months
D.D. + "Then we'll find out together."
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
Rating: G
Word Count: 744
Contents: established relationship. fluff.
A/N: This is another of my journal prompt fills! The wheel of destiny picked Din Djarin and "What do you like?" "I don't know..." "Then we'll find out together." from the inexperienced smut prompts.
I love this idea for Din and was ready to actually try some smut for him, but then I came up with this idea instead.
Not beta'd. Any mistakes are my own.
Summary: "Then we'll find out together."
Series Masterlist
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Your little house on the outskirts of Nevarro is too quiet.
You can hear the hum of the appliances from the kitchen and the air system cycling on and off, but they're soft and low sounds. It's nothing like the rattling production the Razor Crest went through as it traveled through space, letting you know every effort it took to run the functions you'd ask of it.
The time spent on the Crest is shaded with fondness now in light of what came after it: any kind of lodging they could find or afford, even it if ended up being a corner of a cave system filled to bursting with Mandalorians.
Instead of the console lights or the dizzying display of hyperspace travel, the only light that came through the window was the ambient light from the capital city and the starlight above. When you glance over at Din beside you to see if he's awake, all you can make out is the outline of his body. He's laying still, flat on his back instead of crunched up in the least amount of space he can take up, and the dark fabric of his flight suit turned pajamas disguised any movement of his chest. You can't tell if his breathing was steady and slow in sleep, or if he was just resting like you were.
His armor stands sentry in the corner. The soft light reflects on the cuirass and in the dark t-visor of his helmet. It had felt strange to take each piece he gave you after carefully and methodically cleaning them and put it on the stand instead of back onto his body. In the hushed silence of the room he'd spoken of wanting to explore what it meant to be Din and not the Mandalorian in the safety of this new home. On the other side of the blank visor, he'd met your eyes in the reflection and smiled, adding on that the comfort of your presence gave him courage to do so. His dark eyes had sparkled just as bright as the star shine you see in the visor now.
You shift on the bed. And then shift again. When you'd tried the mattress out earlier in the day, you'd delighted at the way you'd bounced and sunk into the soft platform. Now it feels like that same softness is going to swallow you whole. No matter what position you try you can't get comfortable enough to sleep.
In all of the nights you'd spent on the stiff cot in the Crest, and then more often than not a nice spot of hard-packed dirt, you'd never expected to have this problem. It's too... nice. It's like a dream come true and the irony of your inability to sleep isn't lost on you.
You're turning back towards the window, thinking to at least watch the stars to pass the time, when Din breaks the silence.
"That's the third full rotation you'd made, riduur." He says, his unfiltered voice sounds loud too.
There's no denying it. "Am I keeping you up?"
"You aren't. What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," You say, fiddling with the blankets, unsure of how to explain what the problem is exactly when there isn't an obvious thing to point to. "I just... can't sleep. Just need to adjust to a new place."
He hums his agreement and reaches across the small space between you to take your hand.
"Is there a reason you're so far away?" He asks.
"I thought you might want to spread out, now that we have the space."
"Please get over here." He gives a light tug on your hand and you wiggle your way over to him, settling down so you're laying more on his body than the mattress.
His body without the armor feels almost as soft as the mattress. But his solid build is firm and familiar and you can feel yourself start to relax. Din readjusts your arm so it's not poking quite so much into his ribs and sighs so deeply you can feel it on your head.
"Tomorrow we can do whatever you like." He offers.
"I don't know what I like." You admit. Since starting your relationship with Din you've been going non-stop, and in your life before him there hadn't been much downtime either.
"Then we'll find out together." He says and there's no judgment in his voice, only a promise.
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ruija · 4 months
Coloring Tutorial Part 2
Part 1
As promised, here's the 2nd part of my color ramblings. This time I'll go a bit into how I pick colors for cohesive and atmospheric looks in my illustrations. Usually, when working on a piece, I'll think about what kind of mood I'm going for and then choose one color as a base. Let's use this pic as an example:
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I wanted something warm and cozy, and the feel of an old house. For the base color, I chose brown. The funny thing about colors is, that they can look veeeery different depending on which shades you put next to each other. For example, you can make a shade that's not actually red, look like it's red by putting greenish tones around it. Let's look at the shades I picked for this piece. When you look at the color spectrum, you can see that all the colors can be found somewhere within the range of red and yellow. Don and Leo look like their normal shades of green, even though there's not any real green in this picture.
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For comparison, I colored this picture as if it was in a neutral light and all the objects showed up in their true colors.
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Looks rather jarring, doesn't it? The colors are picked from all around the spectrum and there's no consideration of whether they match or complement each other. When you pick colors from a more condensed 'area' within the hue spectrum, it's easier to harmonize them. Also, in general, it's wise to stick to a limited palette. It doesn't have to be in the same hue range either. You could pick something like blue and orange as your base colors and then use shades that are close to those two.
Another trick is to repeat your chosen colors in different areas, instead of picking a new tone for everything. This will make the overall look more cohesive. And if you want something to stand out, pick a more unique color for it. (This same rule can apply to character design too.)
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A demonstration of how almost all the colors appear in several spots within the picture. Note, how most of the BG is non-obtrusive browns and reds, while Don and Leo become a focal point with their greens and the blue duvet.
So, how do I actually pick out these colors? I'll show you. Here's Raph in neutral light aka in his true colors. And two different versions where I've used indigo and orange as the base colors.
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Now, I'm not sure how comprehensible this is, but I tried to explain my method with this visual guide.
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Basically, I'll try to remain close to the base color in the hue range and then fiddle around with how the different shades look together. It does take some practice and using various color adjustments or blending layers is very helpful if picking the colors manually is too hard!
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I hope someone got something useful out of this, thanks for reading and sending the ask!
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WARNING: This post contains grooming, guilt tripping, suicide attempts, talks of Self Harm, threats of SA to a minor, and mentions of animal death
Hello, if any of you are reading this, then I’m here to say that I highly recommend blocking this cunt on Twitter
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To those who are wondering, this deplorable bitch has groomed my friend @cagneyblooms (Vriska is 18 and Cagney is 15) and Vriska has guilt tripped Cagney by threatening to send her cutting pictures
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(The pink/purple text is my friend Cagney)
Vriska has also encouraged her to commit suicide by listing methods Cagney could do
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Vriska has also threatened to kill her own perfectly healthy animals and told Cagney it
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Vriska has also talked about murdering her on one of her many termed Tumblr accounts
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However, me and some of Cagney’s friends weren’t going to let this bitch keep doing this to Cagney, so we sent her anonymous hate mail (I couldn’t screenshot theirs, but here’s one of mine)
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(Also I do not give a shit if you give me smack for this, Vriska is a fucking terrible person)
Cagney has also informed me that after this, Vriska had tried to threaten me with SA before her account got termed
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All I have to say is that how fucking pathetic are you to the point of threatening to send one of your “friends” after me. Keep in mind, I am a minor and I’m the same age as Cagney (15)
Vriska is also extremely racist because look at this shit she made
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This speaks for itself, and something that also makes it worse is the shade of color she specifically used for the skin
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It’s fucking dark muddy orange/yellow
So to conclude this, fuck Vriska, I hope she gets terminated and eventually sent to jail. If you or any of your friends see any account of hers. Block and report it
As a bonus, here’s my response to her on her brand new Twitter account before I blocked her
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(EDIT: I made a continuation post right here)
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creepydixon · 2 months
captured by dark!Daryl
girl being captured, middle of Alexandria area, 18+ I suppose, getting information by rub the victim off, he uses his boot, no aftercare(?)
• you had been lurking around outside of Alexandria for a while now, not that you were a threat but mostly curious what kind of place it was. Until you got caught by one of the people.
• with the whole Negan thing going around, their leader Rick thinks you are a spy. You cry out to say you have no idea what they are talking about.
• with a bit back and forth, they decide to put you in one of their made shift jails.
• if there was one person you were slightly scared of, it was Daryl. He came often, to give food but mostly, he just tossed the food on the floor and you had to scramble it up to eat, while he watched.
• Daryl saw you as someone weak, how could Negan send a spy weak like you?
• “Eatin’ from floor like a dog,” his eyes narrowed at you. You weren’t giving any information about Negan, in this pace, they could get attacked if they don’t get information from you.
• so one day, Daryl steps closer to you as you are on the floor. You were dirty, hair greasy and dusty. You looked up at him as he stood between your legs. It made you in a vulnerable position and your hands supported you from behind on the floor.
• Daryl didn’t say anything as he narrowed his eyes at you. He is used to get information out of people and usually some of his group would also be there to listen while getting out information from people.
• but this time, it was only you two. And Daryl would test a new method.
• he had studied you. You are at the weakest point. How you hug your knees at night, the silent sobs. You are craving comfort and attention in the most pathetic way, made yourself looking weak on purpose, to gain some sympathy from them.
• well, he didn’t feel sympathy. But he could play a bit around.
• as you are there on the floor, and he stands between your legs, he raise his boot up and slowly press it at your crotch area.
• a sharp inhale from you echoed in the empty room. A shade of red spread across your face.
• “Ya gon’ tell me about Negan?” Daryl asked in a low voice and pressed the boot down a bit so you could feel the pressure.
• you talk in a shaky voice as you say you don’t know who Negan is! “I’ve told y’all before! I don’t know who that is!” you looked up with pleading eyes that is getting watery.
• Daryl had his arms crossed. You don’t resist, not stopping him. He moved the top of his boot in a circle on your crotch while his heel rested on the floor.
• you let out a small whimper and closed your eyes. Daryl could see how desperate you were to get attention. The way your eyes is getting watery, your quivering lip and your eyebrows furrowed, like you tried to make yourself look cute and vulnerable for him.
• “Sneakin’ around here without any intention then?” Daryl asked low and dangerous. Pressing the top of his boot on your crotch and continued the circles and you let out a shaky breath.
• your thighs were trembling, you breathed heavier as the sudden waves of tingles spread around at your clit.
• Daryl noticed you didn’t answer. “Open yer eyes and talk.” he pressed more down with his boot and this time it did hurt.
• “I- I wanted to see if it was safe” you breathe out and glancing up at him with your watery eyes. He lifted the weight off slightly but continued with the circle movements.
• “Hmph.” Daryl grunted and didn’t say anything as he continued with his boot. Moving in circles and watching your breathing heavier and how your body laying down further closer to the floor. Resting on your elbows. How you are almost giving yourself up to him. Showing you are submissive.
• “Were ya plannin’ to tell someone after seein’ it was safe enouf’?” Daryl said low and moved now his boot up and down which had you gasping.
• “N-no,” you whimpered and closed your eyes again. Ashamed you felt the tingles, how your panties become wet inside your pants. Only because of his boot.
• Daryl continued with the slow motions, pressing and making circles. Suddenly you whimpered louder and bit your bottom lip. Holding back the moans. Breathing heavier. Daryl could feel how your hips buckled up towards his boot.
• “So yer alone?” Daryl asked and you nodded, it started to aches in your elbows for resting on them. “Easy ta tell.” Daryl remarked dryly.
• the way you are on your edge to squirm around on the floor because of his boot was enough proof that you have been alone and without physical touch for a long time.
• “How did ya pull ta stay away from Negan?” Daryl asked. Considering Negan has a large territory, it is hard to avoid one of his men.
• “D-dunno, ah,” you hadn’t meant to let out the small moan when you answered. You couldn’t help but to tilt your head back, craving some pleasure in this shitty situation. “I- I kept being in the forest.”
• “Stayin’ away from open roads, huh? Smart girl,” Daryl muttered and watched how your hips buckled up once again. You were really craving for him to continue.
• Daryl lifted up his foot from your crotch, you fluttered with your eyes in confusion, and Daryl could see the pleading in your eyes.
• “Ya think I goin’ ta let ya cum from my boot, ya fuckin’ slut?” Daryl snarled at you and lowered his face a bit closer to you. You winced and curled up, leaning closer to the floor to avoid his hard gaze. Like a puppy who screams it is submissive and listens, to do whatever the owner says.
• “Next time I maybe should grab ma belt, ma crossbow?” Daryl mocked even if there was no trail of smile on his lips. “Let ya cum an’ tell me how pathetic ya are.”
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spacecolonie · 10 months
i adore your paintings so muchhh would you happen to have any other tips or tutorials for your process? anything from thumbnailing all the way to final render
Thank you 😭♥ I appreciate that a lot!! To start with I've got my advice tag (both new and veeery old stuff lol), & my youtube has a couple of speedpaints on it, one with commentary including process, brushes etc
In terms of general stuff about how I approach painting, I tend to tailor the method to the desired outcome. I talk about it more in depth on this post here, I also link to some references & tutorials that I really enjoy/recommend!
Besides that though, I guess I can do a little walkthrough of the Whisper & Tangle painting I uploaded a few months ago, since I tried something new with it that I pseudo integrated into my workflow & could be fun to talk about? 🤔
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SO yes, I do always thumbnail when I'm doing a bigger painting, and they're definitely not pretty LOL. I usually use the colour fill lasso just to block in basic shapes and values with a gradient map slapped on the top -- I ended up swapping the values around in the end because it let me use the fireflies as the sole light source, making it more character focused! Then it's the usual process of resketching it all & flatting in the base colours (I also added Whisper's wisps hehe), then adding shading:
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This is how I usually approach it, w/ all the shading layers clipped to the original flats to preserve editing. Multiply, screen & overlay are the most common layer modes I use while doing this, and if I'm ever struggling I'll sometimes add a gradient map too in order to unify awkward colours etc. The new thing I tried for this painting was doing what's often nicknamed as a 'clown pass' -- which is using hard edged shapes to create an easily-accessible selection mask for each part:
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It looks Super funny but I actually found it very helpful, and I ended up using it to select & cut out all of their body parts onto seperate layers, which were then alpha locked. It meant I could go ham w/ large or textured brushes, smudges etc without worrying about losing those edges, or accidentally over-rendering and screwing up the anatomy in the process!!
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I've kept doing something similar since, though it's a bit more dialed back; mainly using the lasso select to chop it up directly and preserve specific/necessary edges, grouping up similar body parts on a single layer etc.
After doing all that, I sat down and started rendering. The background was all blocked in & detailed with a hard round brush and these amazing brushes from Devin Elle Kurtz. There isn't anything super insightful that I think I could type on how I render, but I do have that speedpaint I mentioned earlier that'll probably shed more light. It's just a lot of eyedropping & painting, rinse and repeat
When rendering is done I usually add a concoction of adjustment layers, as well as an overlay w/ a noise texture on it. I also sharpen it all after doing so! These are the ones that I ended up adding for this painting:
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The dupe & blur is a fun thing that doesn't always work, but it looks super neat when the painting itself calls for it, especially when paired w/ that noise texture. It can make stuff look like an old/low quality photograph or recording -- here's another example w/ a shadow and amy doodle I posted a few months ago:
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That's about it for this painting, the majority of the time spent on it was honestly me rendering those damn leaves 🥲 Very tedious but worth it & it was a really good learning experience. I'm not sure if any of this will prove useful but thank you so much for sending in the ask, & if you (or anyone else reading this) wants a similar breakdown for a different painting of mine, please do let me know and I'll try my best to do one!! 🥺💞
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plutoids-thoughts · 1 year
Some Optimus sketches! I tried a new shading method and I don’t hate it but I don’t know if I like it LMAO
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Here’s another doodle
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I am a strong believer in not infantilzing him but for ironic purposes ONLY: POUTY BABY!! I wanna eat his face🥹🥹
Disclaimer: the color scheme is not mine, I was really in love with this oppy war frame design and wanted to give the color scheme a try lol:
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imreadydollparts · 1 year
Mattel Head Glue
With G3 Monster High hitting shelves, people are looking at G1 again and looking for ways to rectify the disgusting, seeping, doll destroying head glue Mattel was using at that time.
Not only is it gross but the glue discolors the vinyl heads of the dolls.
Barbie, Monster High, Ever After High, and Disney dolls all had the glue.
This method was shared to Reddit with incomplete information which has caused some confusion and concern there.
My biggest concern is OP claiming this is safe.
We don’t know if it’s safe. Not enough time has passed TO know. All we know is that L.A.’s Totally Awesome removes and at least partially sets Mattel’s head glue.
Room Temp T.A.
I’ve pulled out some of the original heads that I’d treated in this post from 2017, so some of the first to be treated:
These were soaked using this method:
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They seem fine, so far.
Abbey has a blend of Doll Grade Kanekalon and Saran hair with tinsel. All three are fine. Her face paint is ok, the glitter looks the same, and her vinyl is the same shade of blue it was before. (She was treated before the glue had a chance to cause discoloration)
Her head is no harder than before other than where glue is. Because the glue itself has hardened, her scalp area is firmer than her face.
She is a little sticky again which comes as no surprise considering I was still experimenting and hadn’t really nailed down how long to let them soak, yet.
Snow White also has no problems, yet. She’s not sticky at all and still looks about new.
The Barbie who’s name I have forgotten (Sorry, Barbie Friend) and who’s glitter eye shadow turned a little white in the soak is a little bit sticky, but not bad.
None of them have had anything odd happen to their face paint, vinyl, or hair fibers.
This method does leave some glue inside the head and I had hoped it would be stabilized and stop seeping out. It seems it’s mostly stabilized but there may still be some in the roots of the hair that never set.
Hot T.A.
I also experimented with using hot cleanser (which I still do not recommend but I go over that in the related post).
Other uses for Totally Awesome
Other things I’ve done with L.A.’s Totally Awesome are
Deflocking My Little Pony:  https://imreadydollparts.tumblr.com/post/708165700900028416/imreadydollparts-we-all-know-i-love-my-las
Removing tape residue from a doll:  https://imreadydollparts.tumblr.com/post/189391048515/experimenting-with-las-totally-awesome-again
Soaking sticky, disintegrating rubber bands from doll hair (not much info at the link, but it works great):  https://imreadydollparts.tumblr.com/post/187195051015/bonus-i-got-a-doll-in-the-mail-with-the-hair
!A real-true-total removal!
So far, the only report I’ve seen that shows a 100% removal of the glue is by @dollsorwhatever​ who tried a combination of L.A.’s Totally Awesome and pure tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil will strip the paint from the face and scalp.
If I’m understanding correctly, they had the same problems with just tea tree oil that I have with Goo Gone in that it’s effective but difficult to wash away when done, which is what prompted combining the oil with Totally Awesome.
Their result is total removal of the glue with some risk, versus Totally Awesome’s partial removal with low risk.
I have not personally tried tea tree oil.
The Triton Trials:
Triton X-114 is effective at removing head glue from doll hair with results similar to Totally Awesome. There is more info and experiments here:
Triton X-114 vs a repainted Monster High Nefera
Triton X-114 vs a repainted Monster High Skelita
Totally Awesome used in the same manner as Triton X-114 results
Triton X-114 used in the same manner as Totally Awesome results
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derek has nightmares. this isn't a surprise to anyone, least of all himself. logistically, it would be a more concerning if he didn't. no one survives the trauma he's been through without a few scars— mental or otherwise.
he deals with it. he knows how to handle himself, how to pick up the pieces and fit them together one by one until he's just shy of whole. once you've established a routine, it's mostly about falling back on the reliance that muscle memory will carry him through.
nothing about it is easy. but. he deals with it.
they seem follow a pattern of sorts.
paige. kate. the fire. being unable to stop jackson from killing the rest of his pack, watching in powerless, paralyzed horror. it's not like they rotate in shifts, but each one happens frequently enough that he almost immediately recognizes the fact that he's dreaming before the rush of adrenaline that his brain pumps through his body in response to his distress does it for him.
this time's different.
he isn't covered in blood, trembling, clutching a lifeless corpse to his chest and he isn't standing in the twitching light cast by towering, billowing flames, smelling burning flesh and feeling the indescribable agony of his pack bonds snapping like brittle rubber bands.
in the traditional sense, this probably wouldn't even be considered a nightmare.
he falls asleep. he opens his eyes.
he's in his bedroom.
not the bedroom in the new pack house, with hunter green walls and stiles' idea of "tasteful decor" marring the walls. it's his old bedroom. there's a gouge on the wooden floor beside the door from cora's ice-skates, and a slightly lighter shade of paint in a splotch over an area that derek's dad patched last year after his elbow found itself in the wall.
derek is lying in bed, and he's not alone. stiles' hair is tickling his nose, his body heat soaking through derek's thin sleep pants. he smells like coconut conditioner— the real stuff that lydia orders in bulk with derek's credit card because it doesn't irritate any of the betas' noses— and chemical-free deodorant.
derek's arm is over his waist, fingers curled loosely into the soft bare skin of his lower back, his other arm bunched under his own neck.
stiles is oblivious, dead to the world in that peculiar way derek is lying to himself if he doesn't admit he finds awfully cute, mouth hanging open around intermittent snores. there's a patch of drool on the pillow perilously close to derek's face.
his chest is full of tiny, invisible threads. one ties him to his big sister. he knows, in a hazy sort of way, that she's sleeping in her bedroom down the hall. if he listens hard enough, there are dozens of heartbeats filling up the house. dozens of pack bonds tie him to each, loose and content.
in some small way, he knows it's a dream. not with the use any of the methods that stiles has taught him, but in a blurry, abstract way. the details of his room are fuzzy, scents floating away.
the feeling in his chest is real, though. the absolute horrible joy.
down the hall, a toilet flushes. derek listens to the creak of floorboards, and throat clearing. it sounds suspiciously like erica, and when the footsteps pass his bedroom door derek recognizes the beat of her heart without any effort.
his entire pack is here. safe.
he noses into stiles' hair and closes his eyes. there's no urge to move, to get up and seek out his mother, his alpha. who knows how the dream would change if he tried, in that nasty way dreams do.
he clings tightly to stiles and breathes in his smell. the dream shifts, dissolving like sand in water. he wakes up holding a pillow in the pitch black of his bedroom.
the case is soft against his bare face. he'd shaved before bed, knowing by morning a shadow of stubble would already be crawling across his face. stupidly, he does it because he knows stiles likes it, had mentioned it casual and off-hand over a cup of coffee and a box full of lore that was the sole thing standing between them and a creature stalking the contents of the preserve with foul intentions.
the fabric is wet under his face. derek has a split second of awareness before a sob bubbles out of his throat and he chokes wetly, mashing his face into the pillow.
his eyes are still red, no electric blue, no beta gold. the pack bonds in his chest are far fewer, but just as strong even stretched taunt across the miles that they're separated from him. his bed is empty, and derek is alone.
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
I wanna say this would take place towards the end of season1 young justice
Klarion had been up to his old habits again but this time he was summoning and binding ghosts to his will causing a whole new brand of chaos. the league is getting desperate calling every magic user they have at their disposal to figure out how they can combat the ghosts. While each of them have their own methods they are usually up agains shades rather than fully formed ectoplasmic ghosts. Both the justice league and the young justice team have met to discuss their next move. They all keep trying to come up with solution when then are interrupted by a young girl that appeared from thin air asking if they needed help everyone is immediately on guard prepared to attack
The girl (ghost?) backs up with her hands up and exclaims Woah woah chillax everyone I’m here to help! Batman immediately jumps in demanding she identify herself she says that’s fair the names phantom. Zatanna looks surprised and says that can’t be true Batman says a simple explain and Zatanna tells everyone about how phantom is a ghost who fought off other ghosts hundreds of years ago but to her knowledge phantom is a myth and well male
“Phantom” immediately gets offended im not a myth im dead there’s a difference and so what if I decided to be a girl this century that’s very sexist of you I mean really
Zatanna tries to apologize but “phantom” just says whatever I don’t care whether you believe me or not I’m here to help. Klarion is messing with my friends and that is not okay. She immediately starts explaining her plan and The rest of the league joins in
In the end they decide to use “phantom”as their secret weapon and she travels with Zatanna Conner Kaldur and Robin. When they get to Klarions base they get in position and wait for the signal but Phantom gets bored and start talking to the others asking about what it’s like being on a team and what each of their powers are she gets excited to hear about Kaldur being Atlantean and what that’s like before moving on to Conner asking what it was like being Superman’s son Conner immediately gets defensive and states I’m not his son I’m his clone. Phantom freezes and seems like she has a million and one questions but moves on to Zatanna just as they get the signal to attack.
The fight was hard but phantom managed to pull through and they were able to stop Klarion and free the ghosts. When it was all said and done everyone was injured in one way or another they had all gotten back to base to report their mission success to the league and were talking when a voice comes from behind “phantom” having fun? She turns around quickly and immediately tackles a tired looking teen to the ground yelling DAD what are you doing here you’re supposed to be sleeping. Everyone is confused after all how could an ancient ghost have a dad? He managed to sit up and replied that he’s so glad she brought that up because last he checked he was about to go fight Klarion the witch boy when the next thing he knew he was asleep In his room in his lair. Phantom? rubbed her neck and said sorry about that but you’ve been working so hard lately cw and her thought he needed a break.
Wally chimes in “what’s happening here?” And the teen says oh right nice to meet you guys I’m phantom. And this is my daughter Specter. Reaction is immediate and they start to get mad at her for lying to them and how she put the whole team at risk, they went in there thinking she was centuries old and she was a child. Kaldur jumps in to defend her and says that her help was invaluable, Danny thanks Kaldur and states that he’s not that much older than her and she is just as capable as he is at beating back klarion.
Things calm down and it’s Wally who asks how exactly Spector is his daughter.
They look at each other and laugh before Danny explains that he took her in as his ghost daughter but she was actually a clone made by his arch nemesis created to replace him. You could hear a pin drop even without super hearing before the team all slowly looks back and forth between conner Spector superman and phantom.
Danny and Elle just look at each other and say what did we say?
Honestly I forgot about this but please enjoy this vomit that has spewed from my brain :)
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A Shade of Gray: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Your abilities are put to the test when you have to gather evidence based on what your psyche is telling you. Hotch believes in you, and that’s the only thing that matters. 
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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"To lose a child is to lose a piece of yourself." - Dr. Burton Grebin
A seven-year-old boy is missing, and it's up to your team to find him before the worst happens. Cherry Hill, New Jersey used to be a quiet suburb to live in, but when news broke out about this little boy, it sent everyone into a panic. Hannah lives in Cherry Hill, but before you go getting her hopes up that you can see her, you're going to focus on the case and see how much time you have afterward.
There are reporters up the Murphy family's ass. They just lost their little boy, the least anyone can do is give them time to grieve. That's why you're here, you can shoulder the burden that is the press. Sarah and Dan Murphy lost their little boy, Kyle, this morning. They have another son, Danny, who you can imagine is suffering just as much.
The reason why you got here so quickly is that two other little boys were taken and killed within twenty-four hours. The worst-case scenario is that there is a pedophile murderer on the loose. The best-case scenario is Kyle got lost somewhere and is fine.
"What time was he taken?" Derek asks.
"Between midnight and 6 AM."
"Is the MO the same as the other two?"
"Yeah. All of them were abducted in their beds in the middle of the night. The first two were found strangled with blunt force head traumas and dumped in the Wharton State Forest."
You arrive at the Murphy house and see a news reporter talking to the camera with the Murphy family behind her.
"We're just getting word that an amber alert for the tri-state area has been issued. The Cherry Hill Police Department is about to hold a press conference."
Sarah and Dan are in tears for their lost son, but Danny looks bored. He doesn't have any expression on his face that he is grieving, and if he does, then it's forced. Something isn't right. Detective Bill Lancaster steps to the podium they set up so he can talk to the press directly.
"Thank you all for coming this morning. It's important we get this information out to the public as soon as possible. The parents of the missing boy are gonna make a statement. I would ask you to please hold your questions until the end, and I'll answer them directly."
Sarah steps to the podium with her husband and composes herself before speaking.
"My name is Sarah Murphy, and I'm Kyle's mom. This is Kyle's father Dan and his older brother, Danny. My little boy just turned seven this year. He's in... He's in the second grade. Oh, god. I can't. I'm sorry," she cries.
Even from where you are behind the news vans and the crowd forming to watch, you can feel waves of guilt come from the parents. Why would they feel guilty? Sure, it's a natural response when a child is taken, but this guilt is too strong to be considered normal.
What are they hiding?
"Kyle is shy and quiet," Bill takes over for the parents, "but ever since he joined the soccer team, he's really come out of his shell. He's more outgoing. He even scored his first goal. Everyone is so proud of him. Kyle loves to read. He gets that from his dad. His favorite books are about dinosaurs and he knows all of their names."
"I'm glad they took our advice and started the press conference," Emily says.
"Yeah, but it would be nice if there weren't so many people walking all over the crime scene."
"He's allergic to peanuts," Bill continues. "He loves to snack all the time. Whatever happened last night, whoever took Kyle, the Murphys want you to know it's okay. Thank you for finding their little boy. They know it was a mistake. They just want their son back. They just want Kyle back safe and sound."
"What's the theory on what happened to Kyle Murphy?" one of the reporters asks.
"We're just hoping that he's lost, that whoever finds him will bring him back home soon."
"This case is similar to two other cases in Cherry Hill. Those boys were abducted and found in the woods. Do you really don't think there's a connection?"
"We're not ruling that out. We'll keep the public informed of any leads. If you have any further questions, you can contact me at the station. I'm Detective Bill Lancaster. Thank you for coming."
He concludes the press conference and immediately heads over to your team who are waiting patiently off to the side. Only you, Rossi, and Derek are here while the rest set up at the station.
"You guys arrived quickly."
"We don't have a lot of time. Can you show us around?"
"You should have taken this off-property," Rossi advises.
"The truth is, I wanted to do this down at the station. Danny and Sarah didn't want to leave the house, in case Kyle comes back. I'm known as Uncle Bill. We're friends and neighbors. Dan and I grew up around here."
"Your involvement in this case could be a conflict of interest," you say.
"I appreciate your concern, but I'm not gonna stand around while Kyle's still out there. I know the other two cases. I didn't want to admit this to the press, but there is no doubt in my mind that Kyle's the third victim."
It's almost as if Bill wants you to believe this is true. Like he's forcing his views onto you instead of letting you come to your own conclusions.
"You know what we're looking at. Ninety-nine percent of abducted children are killed within the first twenty-four hours."
"I know. I'm gonna go check on them."
Bill leaves and you narrow your eyes in suspicion.
"We saw the pictures of the first two victims. We know what this guy does to little boys. Kyle might be the one percent that makes it. It would take a miracle."
"For his sake, let's hope we get one."
You three walk inside the Murphy home that is covered head to toe in spiritual and aura energy. Sarah, Dan, and Danny are sitting in the living room to comfort each other, but the guilt is stronger now that you're near them. Danny still has the same bored expression on his face, but it looks like he's pretending to care about what's happening. You don't know this family well enough to make this assumption, so you're going to go about this as an FBI agent instead of a psychic.
"Hi, I'm Agent Y/N. May I ask you some questions?"
"Thank you for speaking with me. I cannot stress enough how much time is of the essence here. Abductions from the home are rare, and that allows us to narrow down the suspect pool even more."
"What makes them unusual?" Dan asks.
There is a beat of sweat on his forehead that you notice. It's not uncommon for parents to be stressed or nervous in situations like these, but he seems worried; not for his son but for himself. What the hell is going on here?
"Abductions typically are about timing and opportunity like when a child walks home alone or gets separated at a shopping center, that sort of situation. This is a sophisticated high-risk crime. Whoever did this has good social skills. They're highly functioning and they have a steady job. He wouldn't look out of place to you, and you wouldn't be alarmed if your children were talking to him. So, he may be wearing a uniform like a deliveryman or a mail carrier. Have you noticed anyone hanging around the neighborhood and talking with children?"
"Nothing comes to mind."
"No," Sarah says. "Oh, I don't know."
"Mrs. Murphy? Do you need to take a break?"
"I think I need to--I need to lie down. I'm so sorry," she whispers and leaves.
"Are you able to continue?" you ask Dan.
Dan is more composed than his wife is, but they wouldn't feel guilty about anything unless something happened to their son and they know about it. She passes under the archway separating the living room from the main hallway, and when she walks upstairs, you see Kyle standing at the foot of it. He looks over at you and just stands there with an sad expression on his face.
Your heart breaks knowing he's dead.
This place is covered with the energies of the parents and both sons, but that shouldn't concern you in the way that it is. This is their home, they're going to have their energies here. The thing that concerns you is how dark Danny's energy is. He's a kid so the energy is yellow, but it's not as bright as other kids. He's very angry and you're not sure why.
"Danny, you and Kyle always walk to and from the bus stop together, right?"
"Have any strangers tried to talk to you or your brother recently?"
"The bus driver asks us questions sometimes. I don't know," he shrugs.
"What time of day do the boys usually play outside?" you ask Dan.
"Well, they both have practice after school. Lately, Kyle's been into video games and Danny loves building model airplanes."
"That actually tells us a lot. I'm going to need you to make a list of everyone who's been in or around your home in the past six months. Whoever took Kyle has probably been in this house before. He watched the family routine, he knew exactly where everyone slept, and he got Kyle out without anyone seeing or hearing anything."
You look over at Danny to see him crying but it looks and feels forced. You feel Danny trying so hard to act like he's sad when you know he isn't. He's only pretending to keep up some act. Why, you don't know yet.
"Daddy, can I go play now?"
"You can go to the family room. I'll be the soon." Danny is too eager to get up and start playing. "He doesn't really understand what's going on."
"Yeah, that's probably for the best. Mr. Murphy, we are going to do everything we can to find Kyle."
"Thank you," he whispers.
It's hard to do your job when there are people not being honest about what's going on. Something doesn't make sense here.
After the first two abductions, Cherry Hill PD compiled a list of registered sex offenders in Camden County. There are four hundred and thirty-nine offenders within a thirty-mile radius of where the boys were taken. They have been knocking on doors and conducting interviews, and haven't been able to come up with anything.
They should have called the FBI earlier because there are a lot of these men you can eliminate right away. Anyone who is new to the area is automatically eliminated because the unsub knows the neighborhood. Anyone who targets females, whose preferential age is over seven, whoever has a specific type of child, and whose victims have only brown and blond hair is disqualified as well.
The thing that doesn't make sense to you is that you find no spiritual trace of anyone besides the Murphy family inside the house. The first two victims were taken from their beds, and if the same thing happened to Kyle, you'd see the unsub's energy.
You leave Dan to create that list of suspects while you join Rossi's side who is in Kyle's room with Bill. You don't want to interrupt them so you opt to get a read on the Detective.
"I cleared our techs out of here. What is it you're looking for?"
"Certain behavior. What happened here will give us a clue about the unsub. Kyle's sheet and blanket were pulled apart and off the bed, toys were stepped on and kicked out of the way, and there was a struggle. That's consistent with the first two abductions. The boys woke up and fought, but this looks a bit more chaotic than the others. When we're finished, have the techs look for any trace of blood or fibers. He may have gagged Kyle."
"In the other two cases, the boys were struck on the head. What if he used the weapon to scare them?" Bill stutters.
Just like that, suspicion arises. The Detective is acting like anyone is going to find out the secret he's been keeping. He keeps looking around the room to make sure everything checks out like he's lying about something. He feels guilty but not as much as Dan and certainly not Sarag.
"He could have. He would have had to act quickly in order to keep Kyle quiet."
"Detective! You need to see this!" someone calls from down below.
"Excuse me."
Bill leaves you and Rossi alone, and once he is out of earshot, Rossi turns to you.
"What theory do you have cooking in that magical brain of yours?"
"The first thing I noticed is how much Sarah and Dan feel guilty; guiltier than how they should be feeling. Their son is pretending to be sad when really, he feels nothing. His energy is dark yellow. There is so much anger in that boy. When he was crying earlier, it felt forced. Bill also feels guilty but not nearly as guilty as the parents."
"Guilty about what?"
"Exactly. That's not all. I saw Kyle downstairs as a spirit. He died, and not that long ago."
"Where are you going with this?"
"This is only a theory, Rossi, but based solely on what I see and feel, I think Danny killed his brother. His parents along with Bill either know about it or were involved, so I don't think it's best if we divulge this theory to him until we know more. I promised Hotch I'd be better at collecting evidence to back up my theories, so that's what I'm gonna do."
"You have my full support. Let me know if you need anything."
"Thank you," you smile.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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matt-eldritch · 6 months
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Here's an art gift I made for a very dear friend of mine, the ever fabulous @lovelytekki featuring two of her favourite characters, JFK from Clone High and Mega Man from the Capcom video game series, Mega Man, reenacting the "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy" meme I found on twitter a little while ago.
I tried out a new colouring method with these two where I had softer coloured lines on the inside while keeping a lighter shade of black for the outside and for under their chins. I also copied the method of highlighting Mega Man's helmet from The Venture Bros character, Ro-Boy (from S4E6).
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lonelysheepling · 1 year
Advice for artists and non-artists but mainly just artists
You know how you do a thing for so long that it’s becomes super mundane and insignificant to you, like when you’re sewing something you just do a basic stitch and struggle to tie a standard knot at the end. But you don’t do this often enough for it to stand out to you. You’re an artist, hey maybe even a professional one, and you’ve been doing your art a certain way for a long time. You use pose references and look up environment pictures to reference. But you still draw shoes without a reference or you draw clothes without any detailed folds.
At various points in my art journey I tried using tutorials, resources, and step by step guides for drawing certain things, be that nature brushes, drawing noses front-on, etc. and my skills at the time were kinda basic so I could never really pull off the tutorials in a way that satisfied me. I then went years just improving on broad areas like perspective and posing, focusing more on the overall composition than the minor details. But one day, years later, I got bored and decided to look up how to draw clothing folds
On the left of the green line is some previous work, on the right was two pieces I drew after I heavily referenced cloth physics
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Ignore the shading, lighting, colors, etc. the stuff on the right definitely has way better flow than the stuff on the left. Now it wasn’t like a “wow I used a reference and now I’m a master” situation, there was an adjustment period with some less than stellar examples
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But when I created those first 2 folds it was like a fucking switch was flicked in my head and I’ve been improving ever since. I am immensely grateful that I just happened to go looking for reference photos because holy shit something as simple as improving my clothing folds massively boosted my confidence in my work. Something I’ve noticed after I followed tutorials is that during the adjustment period, while the first couple of pieces are very reminiscent of the source tutorial, they start to get a little too far off and I stop referencing the tutorial and start doing my own thing (for better or for worse), but there’s then a period afterwards where I go back (maybe after re-watching the original tutorial) and develop it more into my own style.
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Here’s a graph to better explain my thought process
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Here’s another gun to the head reminder to use references. Recently I was drawing shoes for a character and I have a pretty consistent method of drawing shoes (consistent, not good).
But I wanted it to look more rugged so I looked up an image of a hiking boot and guess at what point in this timelapse that the reference was pulled up
I had for years tried using tutorials and reference photos but the process never really clicked for me. But over the years I have improved my technical skills and I believe that those improvements and all that practice made it way easier for me to understand and replicate tutorials, i understand now how the specifics of certain things like shading and depth work, picking up new skills that are still in the area I work in became way easier. But Im obviously still finding areas in my art by random chance that I can improve on. Because I don’t think about those parts anymore, they’re in the background of my design process.
This is where my advice to non-artists comes in. Look up tutorials. For anything. You know earlier when I mentioned sewing? Look up a guide on stitching, I just learned today what a surgeons knot is despite having been hand stitching for years. You don’t know what you don’t know, you don’t seek out improvement when you don’t perceive the need to improve. Trust me, there’s always areas to improve but you are going to have to stretch your mind at some point to recognize them. Everybody talks about how you should use tutorials and use references and all that, but I don’t think many people are going to research tutorials for things they don’t feel like they need improvement in.
. Anyway that’s the end of my monthly psa
If something in this post confused you feel free to send me like an ask or a brick through my window with a note attached to it, I’m not picky.
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