#even though it took forever to do it was pretty fun tho
always-amity · 4 months
Merciless's Second-In-Command
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I can't recall if it was ever explicitly canonized that Wodensfang was Merciless's second-in-command during the first war, or if he was just chosen at random to kill Hiccup I, but with all the parallels between the stories of the Hiccups', and especially Hiccup I and Merciless compared to Hiccup III and Furious, I love the idea of young Wodensfang being to Merciless what Luna was to Furious.
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multi-fandomedfreak · 11 months
Hi, may I request headcanons for Connor, Nines and Ralph (separately)? How would they react if reader took them to buy clothes for themselves for the first time?
Authors note: This is so stinkin cuteee
Characters: Connor, Nines, and Ralph
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ : Ralph is a little insecure about his scar lol, very fluffy
🪙 Connor 🪙
-He would be so grateful for you to buy him clothes
-He doesn’t wanna walk around in that Cyberlife uniform all the time lol
-Even though he’s Deviant he’s still not used to doing things for himself a lot
-So when he hears that he gets to pick out his own clothes
-He just awkwardly sifts through the clothes at the store
-You find it pretty cute how he has no idea what he’s even looking for poor boy
-Eventually he asks you for help and you both get swept into a shopping spree
-If you asked him to, he’d definitely give you a little fashion show as he tries on clothes
-He may or may not get addicted to shopping with you
-I also feel like once he gets a sense of what kind of clothes he wants
-He’ll pick out so. many. suits.
-And of course many ties to match
-Idk why but yeah he just loves lookin dapper
-Although he would be very considerate of your budget and would try not to buy too many things
-Just keep a close eye on him tho
-Bc he will get lost in the store (poor boy gets too curious)
💙 Nines 💙
-He is so confused on why you want to buy him clothes
-He’s all like: “But I already have clothes.”
-And you gotta convince him that one suit just isn’t enough
-Literally takes forever to convince him to let you buy him some clothes
-And he’s even more confused-for some reason- that he has to go with you to buy them
-If you could give a question mark a face, it’d be the face that Nines is making
-He just didn’t think he would actually be picking out the clothes himself
-So you make it a goal for him to start making decisions for himself
-When you both get to mall, a little like Connor, he has no clue on where to start picking out clothes
-So you both take a while to first discuss what kind of clothes he wants
-And then you finally start picking out clothes
-I feel like Nines would def get a bunch of suits too
-But not like Connor, Connor at least knows he can’t have just suits
-But no, Nines wants ONLY SUITS
-Takes more time to explain how he can’t just have suits
-Literally took almost the whole day to just buy him clothes
-But it was worth it because he was grateful for it in the end
🌿 Ralph 🌿
-He’s ecstatic about getting new clothes!!
-He wants to look more presentable and is beyond grateful you would offer to buy him clothes
-Like I’m pretty sure the amount of time he said “thank you” that day
-Was the amount of times someone says “thank you” in a lifetime
-Buuut he gets a little hesitant when you ask him to come with you to buy his clothes
-He hatesss the idea of going out in public
-Especially with his scar, he’s super insecure about it
-So tons of reassuring later, you and Ralph are in the store picking out his clothes
-The entire time he’s practically glued to your side
-Like literally. He has not let go of your hand the moment you both let the house
-But it’s not as bad as he first thought
-He actually starts having fun picking out his clothes and trying them on
-Definitely a flustered mess when you compliment the clothes he tries on
-He’s confused but happy that no one has said anything about his scar
-Totally not having to do with you giving anyone The Death Stare™️ if they even breath at Ralph the wrong way
-Over all it was a very fun experience for the both of you
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khuzena · 8 months
Itoshi Rin, Michael Kaiser x g/n!reader
Summary: Like how flowers bloom in spring, how flowers bask in the warmth of summer's embrace, their petals fall in autumn and their essence crumbles in winter. Their heart does too, though it still beats for you <3
Warning: Angst, breakup, cheating, drifting apart, hurt just hurt. No fluff, we don't do that weak sh here (kinda but nothing lasts forever).
A/n: life update. Been gone for MONTHS, sorry for no update :(. i fell in love, fell out of love but took me months to get over and now i came back ^^ tho I'll post a full update if any of you still remember me and want to know everrrrything that went on these months i was inactive:>
Listening to: MR. LOVERMAN
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Michael Kaiser
I've shattered now, I'm spilling out
Upon this linoleum ground.
The memory still ingrained in the crevices of his heart like a fresh wound.
He remembers it like it was just yesterday.
It was spring when he met you.
His headphones blaring music so loud the world went silent around him as he walked without a care in the world. There you were, some nobody transferee with a dream, three books hugged to your chest as you bumped into him.
"A-ah! Sorry!" The books fell to the ground, kneeling as you tried to grab all your pens that fell too.
Kaiser sips his tea in his balcony, The cacophonic mantra of sorrys of that sunny afternoon still ringing in his ears.
When he also knelt down to your level to help you carry them, he shrugged it off and apologised back.
Your gazes locked, it was new, so exciting. Yet It felt so dangerous.
Then, he swept you off your feet on the summer beach.
There were three things that caught his eyes that day: the endless sea, the ice cream that melted on the sand and you.
"Pfft you— you wasted your ice cream!" That sweet laugh of you still haunting him in his dreams everyday. It was June when he told you -he was lonely- it would be fun if you tagged along in his trip to the seaside.
The soft sand touching your skin and his, as he inched closer to your face. His heart raced, faster than he's ever felt before.
Your lips touching, he expected it would feel like fireworks exploding in new years but no— it felt like home. He was no longer just a man, he was a lover (too).
The sun set and till autumn, every kiss, every hug was straight out of the movie.
It was just the two of you; his eyes never leaving yours, a kiss on his neck or two, maybe even the trickling sweat from his forehead.
Either way, it felt just right.
Autumn, he was tired.
Though he could not leave you, not when he was your loverman.
Not like this.
He may have loved you, but he loved feeling loved more.
A little too much— that he found himself in the arms of another woman.
"It isn't what it seems like, mein liebe please." His fingers gripping your wrist hard, begging you to stay.
How could you? Why would you?
He smelled too much like that other woman.
From a noble, rich, revered professional athlete now turned into an idiotic, dishevelled, weak man. Begging for forgiveness, he got on his knees and sang your name like a prayer but it was no use.
You were no god, it was not your obligation to forgive nor give salvation to those who've sinned.
You couldn't look him in the eye. All your love for him fell in a blink of an eye. Not all of it though.
"I'm sorry, I know you won't forgive me. But please, don't leave me tonight."
It was true when all your love wasn't gone for him, maybe you were selfish too.
That night, you indulged in this sin too. You were a sinner too, maybe even more than him.
You've sinned against yourself, your own morals for your pleasure.
It was Winter when you left.
The morning after that loveless night, he shed his tears in his dreams— he didn't want you to see.
Though you've seen through him.
It was natural to feel hatred, contempt and confusion because of his act of betrayal.
But you didn't.
You cupped his face gently, tracing your thumb over his tear-stained pretty face. He cried again; not in his dreams but in your embrace.
His heart broke more at the sight of you looking at him with such pity.
You've packed your things that day. As you opened the door you were greeted with first, the taxi cab then the gust of strong snow carried off by the wind.
"I guess this is it."
A man with an ego of god, staring at you with eyes of a believer, still hoping, praying you realise that you can't live without him and run to his arms and stay.
But you didn't.
And you looked back to him one more time, the cold has already frozen your tears.
Then, silence.
'Shit, shit, shit' the thought raced in his head as kept pacing around in the living room.
Though he knows it's for the best. He's a selfish, self-centred, arrogant man.
Though if there's one thing: he loves being loved more than he loves you.
But when you left, he realised he loved you more that he let you go.
He was no longer a loverman, just a man.
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Itoshi Rin
The ways in which you say my name, Have me wishin' I were gone
They ways that you say my name, have me runnin' on and on
Not too much, not too little.
How'd he describe his past relationship with you.
It was just right.
Where did it go wrong?
Was it when he stopped saying your name sweetly?
Or was it when you stopped cheering for him in his game?
It wasn't that, he still doesn't know why you both fell apart.
Though as cold as he is, he's as gentle as a flower on the inside.
When you started your midterms, he had a bouquet; the largest in the store possible.
He plopped it on your desk as he saw you tirelessly study your notes. Sighing, he made you some tea to calm your nerves.
"Rinnie, you didn't have to do this," Groggily said as you examined the bouquet to your left, "You didn't have to get me this…"
"But you deserve it."
A flush creeped in your cheeks when he blurted it out with no hesitation, did this loverboy love you to the moon and back this much? Oh how'd you tease him for this a billion times.
The bouquet was still as fresh as when you got them— it was already summer but he took good care of it.
His eyes watching your every move; the clicking sound of your pen, your frown as you tried to absorb the lesson and your oh so pretty eyes.
He could never get enough of this, he's wanted to see this sight every day, every night for the rest of his life.
Maybe marriage would do? But like all stories, not all are fairy tales.
Everyday until autumn he'd take you to a cafe you both liked. It was quiet and it smelled like coffee— the perfect combination.
Like all flowers do, the petals started to fall from the vase.
At this point of the relationship he was too busy to care about getting you flowers, or tending to your needs as he had his to attend to.
But, the relationship was happy… right?
He was oblivious, too naive to notice what was going on.
Though you were there, you wanted to fix things.
You'd bring him tiny trinkets from your work trips, a yummy cake from a nearby bakery or maybe some pair of cleats he was eyeing (though most of the time he already had bought it right after you gifted him one.)
The relationship was getting boring.
It was going nowhere.
Though none of you wanted to go anywhere.
Even though he'd hold you in a tight embrace, it felt cold. Was it the weather? Or was it just him?
The 'I love you's that'd slip from his lips often, stopped. There were no more random compliments or cute nicknames.
An occasional gift or two, though he was an idiot, he gives and gives and doesn't know how to take.
When winter came he was no longer begging you to warm up with him near the chimney or near the Christmas tree.
It was winter, his heart turned cold.
"Lets break up"
Adamancy dripped from his tone, he was serious about it.
"Because… I don't see this relationship going anywhere."
Your heart shattering into a million pieces, you wanted to punch his stupid face. How could he say that nonchalantly?
Though, it was true.
It wasn't going anywhere.
He knew it was for the better; he loved you too much to trap you in such a boring, loveless relationship.
Maybe one day, it will be spring all over again.
But your hand is holding another man's (or woman's).
He passed by another flower shop, he thinks he should buy you another bouquet again.
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Notes: I wrote this at 12 am (it's 2 am now). I apologise for any grammatical mistakes :(( super tired and i have an unfinished sci assignment. I dont wanana live anymoreee. Idk if any of u still remember me tho LOLOLOL.
If u do i'm sorry if i dropped some underwhelming work as a return to the bllk tumblr fandom ehe (no kinktober just heart wrenching angstober ^^)
Written by @khuzena. Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated. ♡
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tempvstas · 1 year
i- i saw requests are opened- but im totally not wanting an s/o who's secretly into romantic stuff but keeps denying it and then gets super worked up and embarrassed when they get caught by t*ey a*e and a*ul as their crush ahahahhahahahah- n 0-
take your time tho <3
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Content Warning(s): teasing, reader is implied to be shorter in ace's
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Trey Clover, Ace Trappola, Azul Ashengrotto
also HAHA SIMP 🫵
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Trey Clover
Trey loves seeing the way you react around him, seeing you get all flustered makes his heart race and it only makes him want to tease you more
He found out about your "secret" by accident LMAOOO. The two of you were in the Heartslabyul kitchens with you reading a book and sitting on the counter, and Trey had a tray of baked goods in his hands(haha get it, Trey, tray?)
You suddenly got a text from ADeuce that Grim was causing trouble in the Rose Maze to which you promptly took off to take care of your brat cat, but in the process of doing so, you left your book wide open.
Trey didn't mean to look! He was walking towards the counter with the tray of baked goodies in his hands when his eyes wandered and landed on the page.
By the time that you made it back from stopping Grim from burning down Heartslabyul dorm, you walk back into the kitchen, seeing Trey reading the contents of the book, fully invested. As soon as he hears you coming back in, he merely smiles at you like, "This is what you're into?"
Definitely does not let you live it down, and only teases you more from there(in a lighthearted manner obv)
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Ace Trappola
He's an absolute menace, shit-eating grin, and everything. A lil piss baby.
The two of you are in a study session together, you're helping him with the recent history lesson that the two of you went through in Trein's class.
Ace gets up to go to the bathroom, but when he does that, he just so happens to glance over at what you're reading on your phone when he suddenly just grabs it out of your hands.
He starts reading the lines of dialogue(and he's pretty damn loud too, it's a wonder you guys didn't get kicked out of the library right then and there), holding your phone high above your head.
Meanwhile, you're all flustered and your face is flushed as you tug on his uniform sleeve to try and bring his arm down.
He'll never openly admit it but he finds your reactions very cute and he wants to see more from you.
He continues teasing you, but he never crosses your boundaries, If he does tease you too much to the point where you get upset, he quickly apologizes, mainly because he starts panicking(Grim also joins in on the teasing even though he has no idea what's going on)
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Azul Ashengrotto
He gets embarrassed on your behalf for you.
So this is under the assumption that the two of you have been friends for a little while, mutual pining definitely not obvious(who am I kidding, it's very obvious everyone can tell you guys are down bad for each other)
he doesn't make fun of you, it's not like he's going to judge you for your interests. Pre-overblot, he may have taken the opportunity to use it as blackmailing you into obeying his every whim, but post-overblot he's far more thoughtful in regard to you
So when he does inevitably find out, while you're all embarrassed and trying to find an excuse for yourself, he's clearing his throat and handing you back your phone/book(whatever you were using to read what you were) and looking away shyly with a blush on his face.
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uncannylaw · 9 months
His Number 1 Fan
Hobie x reader smut, MDNI!!!! Sorry this took so long anon, work has been draining me dry and not in the fun way😭. Blow Jobs and infidelity, you’ve been warned!!!
He exhaled into the mic, the stage lights beaming down on his figure as his jacket hung loosely on his shoulders. He looked into the crowd, trying to remember each and every face that came to see him. Sweat dripped down his body, making way to his bare chest. He loved moments like this.
His eyes landed on yours. A pretty smile sat on your face, he smirked. It seems he couldn’t escape you, no matter where the concert was you were always there.
He thanked the crowd and made his way to the back. He cleaned up a bit in the dressing room before there was a knock on the door. He watched from the mirror as it slightly opened, revealing your figure. A backstage pass attached to your neck.
You got special treatment, it wasn't like the both of you were dating but more so fuck buddies. You enjoyed his company and he enjoyed yours.
You made your way in closing and locking the door behind you. He followed the soft sway of your hips.
“I’ve missed you,” the words quietly leave your lips. His gaze never faltered. He let out an exasperated chuckle.
“Missed me or my dick luv?” Head tilted in thought, a cheeky smile present on your face.
“Would I get a reward if I said both.” A snort sounded through the room. Tension at an all-time high. “Maybe if I'm feeling nice.”
He sat in a chair, it was sturdy enough to support your combined weight but not today. You could see the bulge underneath his pants. You sunk to your knees, making sure to put your jacket underneath for padding.
Wanting to be good, you waited for him. Looking up you met his eyes. He stared at you for what seemed like forever. He was here physically but mentally it seems as though he clocked out.
“Hobie, can I—” that woke him up. He sat up a bit, unbuckling his pants and pulling his dick out. “Do as you please but know we don’t have much time.” That never bothered either of you as much as it should. Whatever you didn’t finish, you’d be sure to do it the next meeting.
With a soft hum you dove in. Hand pulling back the foreskin slightly before your mouth engulfed the tip. The taste of him delicious as always. Hobie exhaled through his nose letting his posture slack a bit.
He felt good but his mind only allowed him to think of the what ifs. It was draining him.
You sat happily between his legs sucking him off. Putting your heart and soul into the technique. Tongue slowly dragging over the slit of the tip before making way to play with the under side of it. Going from tip to base.
Not feeling enough you decided to go the extra mile. You pulled back from him, hands resting on his tense thighs. “Pull em’ down a bit more Bee.” A stupid nickname that made his heart stutter. He didn’t fight tho, doing as told he pulled his pants down more. Letting the rest of himself free.
Your hands were the first to touch them, sensitive, and then your tongue. Licking one sack and then the other. Tongue slowly creeping up the middle. His hands found themselves in your hair, careful not to mess it up.
“Suck on em’ baby, don’t be shy now.” A soft demand, one repeated far too often. You wanted to tease him, but seeing as he didn’t seem in the mood for it you didn’t. You followed instructions taking the sacs into your mouth. Sucking and swallowing around them.
His hips twitched under your hold, a sign that he was close. Your mouth moved back to his dick. Sinking inch by inch onto it until your nose touched his abdomen. God, Hobie could pass away happily right now. You felt so fucking good.
His eyes followed the bobbing of your head. The little gagging and sucking noises deafening. He tunneled, his mind and body warped around you, and you didn’t even know it. The thought of making you his was an ongoing thought. One that pushed him over the edge.
You gagged in surprise but otherwise swallowed. Detaching from him, you wore a teasing smile. “That was quick,” it was a little jab that meant no harm, Hobie snorted.
“I wasn’t thinking about you sweetheart, it was nothing special.” Another jab, that was the beauty of the relationship. The teasing and the jokes that came after sex. After a good laugh you decided to part ways. Saying goodbye to him, hips swaying as you left, a tease through and through.
Hobie cleaned up, putting himself back into his pants and pulling them up right. He went and fell into the couch that sat not too far from the chair. His mind going back to you. He wanted to ask you for more. But reality hit, you didn’t want anything more, at least the way you acted conveyed that.
You’d come to him for a quick fuck and then leave to go be with that bum you called a man. Hobie wanted you to be his and he only got you through sex and money. And if that was the only way then so be it, even if his heart broke time and time again.
Uhhhh yeah, I’m sorry for the delay anonnie! I went on and decided to finish it bc I hate having drafts pile up and I couldn’t ignore a request from you. I hope it’s to your liking, enjoy!!!
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Heyyy I saw ur down to do headcannons would u be cool with doing a kakyoin fluff Alphabet feel free to ignore if not , also how has ur day been I hope it goes or is going well ♡
omg hello!! i am so so sorry this took so long!! fluff alphabet is so much fun but takes an arm and a leg, but they are so satisfying in the end!! i absolutely love kakyoin and am so glad you requested this! i hope you have an amazing day and stay hydrated! <3
Fluff Alphabet with Noriaki Kakyoin
Pairing - Kakyoin x reader
Warning - none!
Notes - (inspired by this post) this is a kakyoin lives au because i cannot live with knowing this cherry boy is gone <3 this was so much fun!! thanks again for the request and have a lovely day! <333
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
he loves going on walks with you
like a picnic and a walk?? sign him up
he also just loves holding you
i see him as a very cuddly guy, so expect him to be playing video games with you tangled in his arms
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
omg this man adores you
thighs tho for sure and if you have those mama honkas, he's totally down
but because you find everything pretty about him, he feels the same
he mostly loves your personality though, that's what made him fall in love after all
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
first of all, the man brings you water
tells you to take a couple breaths
then he'll ask what's up
and if you dont answer, or arent ready yet, he'll ask if a hug is okay
if you nod, that is the first place he goes, his arms wrapped around you
he just wants to make sure you're ready for everything and healthy and taking the right breaths
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
he wants you in his life forever and ever
like he cannot imagine himself without you
he wouldnt be who he is without you
i mean, it is canon that he literally had no friends until jotaro, so you mean a lot to him
also he wants all of the SDC at your wedding if you happen to have one
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
he's a little baby
you are definitely the dominant one
mans has to have you order for him sometimes lmfaooooo
he's just a sweetpea, okay?
if you are girlboss, he will love that about you and worship it
but it's pretty equal since you're more just together because you're together
you love him and he loves you
it's pretty equal
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
he knows that communication is key
he will forgive you as long as you two talk first
if you do fight, it never gets out of hand
no super loud yelling or any of that, it's just communitcation
if you need space before talking, he's fine with that, he needs space too
but you both know you need to talk eventually, so you usually get that out of the way
nip the problem in the bud and go on with your day satisfied to have another amazing day of a good relationship in the books
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
again, man could not live without you fr
of course he is grateful to you
he knows that he wouldnt be the same guy he is without you, so he shows you that love and appreciation every day of his life <3
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
especially if you came on the trip to egypt
even if he has a new mole on his butt
if he has a weird feeling about something, he will have you check it, no matter how embarrassing it is
he just loves you that much
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
he's a little more open because of you
you were both really open to trying new things in egypt, but after that, you would like to chill more before trying out anything new lol
but yeah, he is much more open with you and it's really cute
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
i feel like he doesnt have a big problem with it, but it still gets under his skin when he sees someone else flirting with you
or when jotaro just speaks to you lmfaooo
he usually just tells you how it made him feel later, but he's not a man of confrontation, especially with another man lmaooo
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
this man has the kisses of an angel
he's got baby soft skin, meaning he has the softest kisses in the world
their always soft and light, never rough
he just presses his lips to yours while cupping your face softly, pulling you closer
your lips definitely stick to his for a second as he pulls away
he's got the best kisses ever, change my mind
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
he'd be too shy to tell you so while you're both just eating at a resteraunt one day, he just slips over a sticky note that says "you're cute wanna go on a date? :)"
how can you deny that?
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
oh 100%
i already have wedding headcanons here if you wanna read those instead of me rewriting them
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
cherry blossom
that's definitely his go to other than honey
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
he just cant stop smiling at you
like it's pretty obvious
it's really cute though because occasionally he will giggle too
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
it's not really his thing
in front of the SDC it's fine, but he doesnt know about random people
if you're okay with it tho he's down
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
communication and a great kisser
also nice hugs that really comfort you
and he also does this amazing thing where he whispers next to your ear how much he loves you and it makes you shudder with a smile on your face
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
he prefers picnics and walks, so I guess that's pretty romantic
also just loves to go to your or his house to cuddle
i also think it would be cute if you guys had a jar of dates and whatever you pull is what you're doing for the night
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
his is your #1 support
he would stay up all night just to help you do your thing
literally no one else supports you as much as he does
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
he likes being routine, but since y'all met at a weird time anyway, spicing it up is nothing
like if you have a stand and both of you are called by the Speedwagon Foundation, then off you go, just another date! :)
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he knows you so well it's not even funny
like he knows when you need to eat or drink something and he knows when you need a hug. he also knows when you need space though, so he will let you do your thing
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
again, this man could not live without you
he literally needs you at this point
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
sure he's the cherry boy, but i think he would smell like vanilla so when he holds you close, he smells godly
best cuddles ever with this man
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
he'll miss you, but he knows that you two needed space anyway
it's a time for him to be even better in the relationship
expect he cant sleep
he literally cannot sleep if you two arent cuddling
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
oh yeah
this man is literally willing to do ANYTHING
jjba masterlist --- pinned post
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papakhan · 9 months
im really sorry if this question was asked before 😭 but im super interested in khans' relationship with animals. not only like, in the religious way, but with pets and cattle. would love to hear your thoughts on that
Sorry this took me forever to reply I wanted to draw some things for it first but I feel like I'll forget if I don't post now :')
I think the Khans have a lot of different relationships to animals, I think it's pretty interesting how at multiple points they have had some relation to dogs, with their leader even having a guard (who I hc that he considered as his right-hand man, only because there aren't any named New Khans in that role) and in FNV there's cut NCR reports mentioning the Khans hunting dogs (the report actually mentions possible a dozen one group! 12! that's a lot of dogs!)
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Personally, I hc that the Khans have their own standard breed of dogs similar to the Legion mongrel that's descendant from Darion's baddog, and you could probably trace its ancestry back to the guard dogs/pets of Vault 15. I think they have a lot of working dogs tho! I already have an oc whos the Khans newest houndmaster, but I think they also have pets, I think working dogs are very valuable to them though
In my story Sun gets given Rex by the King, leading the King to have an unexpected alliance with the Khans because 1. he had no idea who Sun was and just thought Rex seemed happier with him after Sun helped get his brain fixed and 2. Papa was so pleased and IMPRESSED about this other (smaller) gang leader giving his son a working animal/guard dog, I imagine he sent the Kings some real tanners, leather workers and armorers to reinforce their leather jackets or something
Sun also loves his new pubby (and has no idea that he's 200 years old LMAO)
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Speaking of dogs, Papa Khan specifically has an association with wolves that isn't really seen anywhere else with the Khans, unless you count Baddog (which the Chosen One isn't even sure IS a dog) which I think is cute and fun for him, the way he calls the courier a cub and the Longhouse the wolf's den. Part of me hcs that it could be something to do with him being a different bloodline to the Death Hand linage but idk I haven't got very far with that. I don't think its a reglious thing, since the Khans have been shown to be areligious from the start, maybe just a splinter group of New Khans he was part of? idk I'm probably overthinking I do think its also interesting that the other 2 raider groups from Vault 15 picked animals to represent themselves and the Khans didnt
I'm gonna write about other animals under the cut because I just rambled about dogs :')
As for other animals, I know its not in game but I think the Khans 100% farm brahmin, at least a little, if only for their dung to make jet. I know the Khans are eating brahmin steak and have brahmin over spits but I think if its their dung specifically that makes jet then they probably would want to avoid killing them just for meat. So maybe brahmin are more like Jack's pets and he names them and loves them so so much. I think the Khans farming bighorners or something would be fun, especially since those are pretty regional to the Mojave so it'd mean that the Khans have picked up on it in the 14 years since they arrived, which is nice for them and something I could totally see them doing
CHICKENS as well this is some really old art I had for fallout chickens and I think the Khans would have them. Maybe not so many though, I think the Khans lost a lot of their animals in Bitter Springs either because they ran off, they got killed or because the Khans had to eat them when they first arrived in Red Rock with no other supplies.
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I've also seen some people talk about Khan falconers which I think is SO COOL I'd love them to have that. I know that hunting with eagles is a thing in Mongolia so maybe they could pick it up from the book you get from Ezekiel? Please. I haven't really done anything with it personally but I SHOULD
Last but not least, horses. I think the Khans very much do have horses (because I believe in a horseful fallout) Again, I think a lot of their herd bolted during Bitter Springs but I think the Khans have been working to get them all back. I hc that Khans will insist on a person learning to ride a horse before learning to ride a motorbike because to them it teaches balance (strengthens the right muscles) and co-ordination and also a horse can take you home and bikes use up precious fuel and are usually reserved for the Khans messengers or long distance raiders A lot of the Khan's horses will have NCR branding on their flanks which the Khans usually cover either with their own branding or some other decoration. I think they'd be considered very skilled riders with an average Khan being just as if not more skilled on a horse than an NCR ranger. They do a lot of sport involving horses like their own version of jousting and also shooting on horseback. I hc that a lot of Khans will have their own horse but will also share, the fastest horses are often gifted to people involved in the Khan's communication who need something more subtle then a motorbike, like negotiators or scouts. Horses also pull their carts when the Khans are moving their location. Here's a drawing of Suns other dad Min and his caravan
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Thank you for coming to my Khans and animals conference THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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kbug17 · 2 years
Makeup, Make Out
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Pairing: Eddie munson x plus size reader
This was a request and I’m super excited for it.
A/N I’m not very good at smut so I tried to give you an outline and let y’all imagine what you want. I hope you guys enjoy it
You and Eddie have been best friends since middle school, which felt like forever ago considering you’re both seniors now. Well this is technically Eddie’s second senior year, he’s one year older than you.
Recently, you and Eddie have gotten extra close. He drives you to and from school every day, he’s been buying you more gifts than usual, and even having sleepovers at his trailer. You even heard Eddie’s uncle ask Eddie if you all were dating because you’d been so close lately.
“You really think I’m dating Y/N?” Eddie laughed in response to his uncle.
But the way Eddie meant that and they way you took it were two different things.
Obviously Eddie was very good looking, so were you but you’re a little bigger than most girls, which is why you thought that Eddie wouldn’t date you because of your size (this is far from the truth)
Even though Eddie was “the freak” it wasn’t uncommon to hear girls talk about how much they’d like to have sex with him. You and Eddie always made fun of them because they were the same girls who treated his best friend like garbage. Eddie never had anything negative to say about you and when people would try to be mean at school he would immediately shut them up and you do the same for him.
However in your later years of highschool, the guys stopped being as mean and the even some of the girls were a little nicer. You still plus size but now you’re plus size with curves. Since you and Eddie have been hanging out more, some people thought it was because you guys were fucking, but that wasn’t it. Most of the time it was to listen to music or just have deep conversations.
Today, Eddie asked you to come over and you said yes so now you’re on your way to Eddie’s when you got an idea, what if you did his makeup. You bring your makeup bag with you and some extra clothes because you’ll probably spend the night and most of his clothes are too small for you.
“Hey Eddie, is your uncle not home?” You say as you walk into his trailer like you own the place, it’s getting close to summer time and Eddie doesn’t have AC so you’re wearing a white cropped tank top with some denim shorts that show off your curves and white converse with your hair half way up, perfectly framing your face, showing your makeup skills.
“Nope, he’s working double today Princess” he paused looking you yo and down trying not to be obvious about his crush. “I like what you did with your hair today” he finished his sentence. “Thanks Eds, so I got an idea. Do you remember the other day when you told me that I was really good at makeup and that the guys who wear eyeliner and play guitar are really metal?”
He looks at you excitedly, “ I remember something like that”
“We’ll good because i brought my makeup today and figured we’d try out some eyeliner, you gotta out your hair back first tho”.
“Shit. I don’t have a hair tie”
“That’s ok” you sit down on his bed “Come sit infront of me and I’ll put it up with one of my rubber bands” Eddie plops down infront of you on his bed letting you gently gather his hair into a loose ponytail, leaving a few strands out. “There ya go, now turn around so I can do your makeup pretty boy” he watched as you brought him close to you and he took in the scent of your perfume while you made sure to be gentle and do his eyeliner. He noticed you were kind of struggling as if you couldn’t get close enough.
“Would it help if you sat in my lap sweetheart?” That question took you by surprise, Eddie knew you were a bigger girl, has this man lost his mind? “Eddie are you serious right now?” You ask kind of scared to know the answer. “Why wouldn’t I be? y/n you are 5’4, I’m quite a bit taller than you, it’d be easier if you were in my lap so you can make me look all metal.” “Boy, I may be shorter than you but i am also heavier than you!” You say kind of frustrated that he’s making you explain yourself. “So?”
He says with a smirk. “I can handle it” he’s so pleased with himself right now, you roll your eyes. “Eddie I really just don’t know” he cuts off your rambling by grabbing your hips and placing you on his lap. This man is so strong for no reason. You felt like a ragdoll being slung around.
“See I’m fine, now finish my eyeliner if you don’t mind m’lady”
“Okay” you giggle. You’d never felt this close to him. When you we’re almost finish you had him open his eyes so you could get the bottom part good. When he does he looks you up and down fully taking you in.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are y/n”
“Eddie are you high right now”
He tries to act hurt by the question but you both know he’s not, “Nope, stone cold sober, surprisingly”
“So you really think I’m beautiful?”
“Absolutely I do, I always have but I’ve been and idiot and too scared to say anything. I don’t know why but now just seemed like the perfect time to tell you. Everything about you is beautiful; you’re amazing curves, your stretch marks, these thighs, how soft you are, your beautiful face, how kind and funny you are. You’re my dream girl.”
“I don’t know what to say, I’ve kind of always had a crush on you too but I just thought you saw me like a sister or something, especially since I’m fat and I over heard you and your uncle the other day”
“Oh y/n I only said that because I didn’t think I was good enough for you”
“I wish I would’ve known that, I’ve been trying to lose weight ever since that day so maybe I would be” he cut you off again, but this time with a kiss, eye liner half way done and all. He didn’t care he just wanted you. This kiss wasn’t just a normal kiss either, it was slow and passionate, the kind to make fireworks go off in your head. Then he pulled away with one hand around your waist and the other holding your chin.
“Never try to change for anyone, especially not me. I love you as you are.” He kisses you again and you could feel the passion he tugged at the bottom of your tank top for you to take it off, you do and he leaves a few hickeys down your chest and gets to your stomach and kisses it all over. When he gets to your shirts he begins to unbutton them, giving you a look first to make sure it’s ok. You nod. He takes them off you and takes you in. He begins to kiss down your thighs and he gets to your panties feeling how wet you are. You pulls them down and slips his fingers into you slowly, you feel his rings against you. (Y’all use your imagination) he makes you feel so good. “I want to taste you” he says, the next thing you know his tounge is touching all the right spots, he makes you truly feel like a queen. (Again y’all use your imagination because I’m not good at writing smut) “Do you want me to taste you?” You ask.
“Over course I do, but today is all about my girl” my girl you loved the sound of that as he began to clean you up. He finished and layed down beside you. He looks you in they eyes and you could both tell what the other was thinking “How am I so lucky”. Now everyone who made assumptions before we’re right now. You were dating and you were HIS GIRL
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paper-and-snow · 2 years
Alchemy of Souls ep 12
shit, that was intense
Jang Wook hugging Mudeok even though he just witnessed her sucking the soul of another person is just AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Yes, I was expecting that he would do something like this even before but actually seeing that scene is glorious. I mean he already told Yul that they could protect monsters too but AAHHHHH!! He's terrified... for her. I doubt it if he's actually thinking about his own safety. It's always about her, the way he just continue to moved forward even though she told him to go, the way he tried to comfort her, saying it's okay, she's fine OH GOD.
Kudos to both Jung So Min and Lee Jae Wook for that scene, that was some hella acting.
That hug tho, I was squeeing and clawing at my face.
I don't want to think of inevitable... that Mudeok may actually run wild. I mean there's a difference between her and other soul shifters. When they suck the soul/energy of another person, the color is black. Hers is blue (just like the blue jade egg, ehem, I noticed that Hong Sisters) and the way the stars bloomed around them when she touched the water in that pensieve like basin... so there's hope that she would not run wild and be petrified right?? BTW, that scene when she's sucking the energy of that eunuch is so badass. She looks small and cute and the blue aura around her is so pretty but the look on her face is just so badass.
Anyway, there's less bickering for this episode and more Jang Wook taking care of Mudeok. I thought their fight would last long but it only took for Mudeok to dip her toes in that dirty water and Jang Wook became soft, like wiping her shoes and telling her to change it so that she won't freeze. And then when Jang Wook heard about her past, about how Jin Mu used her and the first thing he does is to hug her and carry the bucket for her. And then he took her inside Chonbwugan (how do I even spell this?) because he heard that her father was a mage there. I mean Mudeok was about to go there because of the errand but Jang Wook used his status and playful wit to get inside. It's just sad that some wild soul shifter ruined their date.
One of my favorite scenes here is when Crown Prince and Jang Wook meet at the bridge, the bgm and the dialogues are just chef kiss. But then I saw the preview and my liking for Crown Prince suddenly plummet. What do you mean, you're going to use the duel to get her? Fuck it CP, I like you but don't be like this. Can we just stop this hexagonal ships and just make them friends forever? It's more fun when they're bickering and helping each other cheat.
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hildegardladyofbones · 10 months
favorite movies / shows ? (:
sorry for the late response, but i took this too seriously and started going through notes and diaries to find lists
Idioot (2011) by Rainer Sarnet. It's an adaptation of dostoyevsky's "the idiot" and it's one of the few movies i can actually call underground, because i've yet to met anyone besides my mom whose actually seen it. I don't like it because of that though, i like it because all of it is shot in a church (even the outdoor scenes) and the ending has gay undertones. it's arthouse, what else do you expect?
Amelie (2001) is one of the few romance movies i like because it's super sweet and has very interesting visuals. and also i saw it before i knew i was aroace so i didn't care about whether or not i like romance.
Knives out (2019) has super cool visuals and also very cool foreshadowing. definitely a movie i watched an explanation of later. not THAT deep though, like you get the message before even finishing it.
Tank Girl (1995) is a fucking comedy and apocalypse masterpiece and no one will convince me otherwise. I do not care about if it's accurate to the comics at all. it's just pure, unfiltered, 90s action. with implied lesbians.
In tandem with the last movie comes Bad Girls (1994), even though this one is a bit less goofy (it does not have kangaroo-man hybrids)
Kill your darlings (2013). i don't even care about the gayness, they went ham with the poetry references. like they explain a technique in poetry and then do that same thing in the movie? fucking beautiful. the soundtrack is also so unique. i could go on about this movie forever.
Birds of Prey, or the fantabulous emancipation of Harley Quinn (2020) is like all of those other superhero action movies, but this time it's For Girls (tm) and i LOVE it because of that. idec about action movies in general, that one just Gets It. Margot Robbie OWNS Harley Quinn for me
speaking of feminist action movies, Mad Max Fury Road (2015) is amazing. it has one of the most unique colour palettes i've seen, because of how much contrast there is. Surprisingly condensed, the action is not spread out at all, gets straight to the point. Also it has like no romance at all.
Hannibal (2013-2015) is my number 1, no competition. It's a rom com, it's a thriller, it's horror, it's whatever you want it to be. not gonna say too much, becuase i want you to experience its glory first hand.
pushing daisies (2007-2009) is whimsical, light hearted, fairy-tale like, fluffy, etc. basically the opposite of hannibal, even though both of them are made by Brian Fuller. fun fact: it has the only straight romance i actively root for. they're also asexual because i said so.
I am not okay with this (2020) is another one of those movies you only see in those lists of shows that netflix ended too soon, because it did. it's like netflix said "wait it has LESBIANS? we can't have THAT" which is a shame, because it's a masterfully crafted allegory for grief and depression. and as if THAT wasn't enough, it parodies while ´imitating an 80s high school movie, which gives it this cool aesthetic of the modern day mixed with the 80s.
Over the garden wall (2016). Wirt is a very accurately written teen who i want to be friends with SO BAD, and Greg is somehow even more accurately written because my sister is roughly the same age as him and they are basically the same people. It goes pretty hard with the historical influences, the soundtrack fits it so well and the story is very sweet. i recommend it 👍
Hope i didn't burden you with my ramblings too much, i don't even have an excuse. thanks for the ask tho, i had fun
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vacantgodling · 2 years
yeah so i basically just started answering questions from this ask game to get to learn n & bibi better. i'll post bibi's when i finish his lol but this took forever ngl. i didn't answer any questions that i didn't feel like answering (so a lot of stuff regarding memories or backstory bc idk yet and i didn't feel like thinking of something on the fly). anyway tho,
getting to know nathali "n" blackburn:
describe your character’s voice.
n’s voice is slightly higher pitched but is somewhat androgynous? he’s a trans man whos done some pretty extensive voice training but because before he transitioned he had a very high pitched, girly voice (he hated it so much) so he wasn’t really able to get his voice down to a super deep register. he’s very well spoken and anunciated, especially since he does have some tv-reporting training (though he really hates being in front of cameras). 
2. is your character an indoor or outdoor person?
both actually! as long as he has something to occupy him n doesn’t really care where he is. he enjoys hiking, nature walks and bird watching but he also really likes reading and board games.
3. what’s your character’s favorite recreational activity?
of all the things n likes to do, his favorite activity would proooobably be hiking. its nice for him to get away from the city for awhile and just be alone from all the buzz of activity. he’s always on, waiting to hear something that can spark a story or a research binge, bc he usually mans the political and world events columns at the paper he works at and he’s DEFINITELY a workaholic. being in nature means no people and no people means no worrying about work lol.
4. what was your character’s dream job as a kid? is it different than what their career ended up being?
n didn’t really have much of a dream job when he was younger. in fact, he sort of stumbled into journalism by trying out many, many different majors when he was in college and this was the only one that stuck (and was the last one he tried lol). he didn’t really have any particular aspirations until he got into journalism and really realized how important telling the truth and debunking misinformation was and he became extremely passionate about it. college is really what helped shaped his worldview tbh lol.
5. what is the thing your oc likes the least about themselves?
some small gripes he has are things my fellow trans men/mascs can relate to is 1. his height 2. his voice. his voice peeves him more because especially when he’s frustrated or upset or uncomfortable it pitches higher which is no bueno for him. when it comes to personality and morality related gripes, he hates his tunnel-vision it can really mess him up. he’s also extremely stubborn to the point of ridiculousness- like he gets so bull-headed when he feels he’s right about something and doesn’t really like to hear otherwise. he can get very argumentative and it does bother him because its such a natural instinct for him to get defensive and argumentative. 
6. what is the thing your oc likes the most about themselves?
his mental fortitude. he’s never let anyone tell him who he could and couldn’t be, what he could and couldn’t do, and what he was or wasn’t capable of. he considers himself to be a very strong person in that regard.
7. what book genre is their favorite?
when he reads books for fun, he likes books that make him question his entire worldview. because even when he’s not working he can’t give himself a break lol. so super into allegorical stories and the like. 
8. what book genre is their least favorite?
he’s not a super big fan of fantasy (sacreligious tbh) but its because he usually has a hard time following what’s going on. he’s not the best multitasker, so stories where he has to learn about the setting and the characters and the rules of what’s happening just tire him LMAO.
9. what kind of music do they enjoy?
n isn’t a huge music person, its just mostly a background thing for him. he usually just listens to jazz or classical music while he works or does other things lol.
10. has your oc ever fallen in love and with whom?
oof the only person n’s ever been in love with is beau. literally all of his romantic pursuits when he was younger went nowhere and throughout college and starting his career he’s just been much more focused on those things than trying to cultivate a relationship. not that people haven’t confessed or had crushes on him, he just doesn’t have time for them looool. however, i would say that n didn’t really fall in love with bibi he grew to love him. catching feelings wasn’t intentional at all. and a lot of it does have to do with proximity and the fact that bibi likes him how he is. he’s never had a relationship or anyone respect him for his beliefs and who he is, so points for the vampire boy lol.
11. how well did your oc do in school?
extremely well. he was valedictorian in both high school and college lol.
12. where would your oc like to go on a honeymoon?
oof convincing n to take a vacation is a task and i’d like to wish you luck. however, i think if he could be convinced (which he will be lol) he’d probably like to go somewhere with a lot of history. even when not working he’s a nerd at heart lol.
13. who is your oc’s best friend?
HIS MOM lol. i don’t know too much about her yet (like her name? no idea). but it was a situation where she had n pretty young and they were pretty close throughout him growing up. even now, he doesn’t really view her as much of a parent more like an elder sibling — which makes sense since his grandparents mostly raised him alongside her and he didn’t find out that she was actually his mother until he was about 15-16 years old. it was pretty weird, however, they haven’t let it affect their relationship at all. she’s super supportive of everything that he does and always has his back (though always reminds him to be careful and not push himself too much). 
14. how does your oc feel about their parents?
well, n mostly considers his grandparents his actual “parents” since they were the ones who raised him. he has mixed feelings about them. they raised him well and he wanted for nothing but they are quite conservative and he doesn’t agree with their views on a lot of things. they also don’t agree with his “lifestyle” in being trans, however, he really doesn’t give a shit about their opinions lol.
15. how does your oc feel about their siblings?
n’s an only child.
16. hobbies your oc enjoys?
n enjoys in no particular order: hiking, reading, board games, puzzles, bird watching, gaining knowledge (so like watching documentaries, reading articles and doing research in general he’s such a fucking nerd) and he used to like dancing when he was very young. he doesn’t dance much anymore now but its a bit nostalgic for him to think about and he always tells himself he’ll get back into it again (he never can make time for it though lol).
17. what are your ocs biggest flaws & biggest strengths?
n is really good at sticking to his guns and his morals however, that can also be his biggest flaw because it leads him into situations where his morals aren’t the best option. wanting peace and neutrality and seeking to create the path of least resistance— that the truth will somehow pave the way—when sometimes you have to do things you don’t want in the name of creating positive change is a huge theme of dead rites in general. and while i wouldn’t call n a complacent person or character, he does let his moral compass fuck him over sometimes. 
18. how does your oc handle the death of someone they know?
not well. n doesn’t really handle extreme emotions well, they tend to overwhelm him and he prefers to defer to logic as a safety mechanism. if he can logic his way out of a situation then he doesn’t have to deal with the emotions around it. however, there's no way to not feel things when you’re sad or upset or grieving especially. so he just handles it very messily to put it mildly lol.
19. favorite food and color?
n really loves a good stew or curry. anything he can kind of dump into a crockpot and come back home to lol. favorite color is brown!
20. least favorite food and color?
really isn’t the biggest fan of fruits, they make his teeth cold and he doesn’t like that lol. he’s really a warm foods and warm flavors person. he doesn’t really care enough about any particular color to dislike any enough to mention.
21. zodiac sign?
22. is your oc a dog or cat person?
n doesn’t really care for pets just because he doesn’t really have time to devote to them, but he would probably be more of a dog person. they can be trained and can be multipurposed (they can be protectors and save lives etc etc) and are devoted and energetic just like him lol.
23. when was your ocs first kiss?
it was something forgettable at a middle school dance. honestly, n remembers more how uncomfortable he was wearing a dress than the actual person or kiss itself LOL.
24. does your oc wish to be married someday?
i don’t think n would be against it but he also doesn’t really see the point of it? he’s a man married to his work and his vision, so he kind of doesn’t see the point of stopping all of the things he wants to do to tie the knot in some kind of unnecessary ceremony with a shit ton of paperwork. just being with whatever person he cares about is what matters to him lol.
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snailvibes · 2 years
okok let me think for a moment .
mike: usually sticks to watching the others play, but when he does he's pretty average at it! mains dualies. has terrible fashion sense in-game
will: not very into it aside from the artsy themes and lore and is very low level, but is really good at turf war somehow. maybe because hes the only one ever covering ground? he plays as an inkling boy with the tied back hair and mains the basic brush. probably a fanartist and draws all their avatars together in the drawing tool
el: plays as an octoling and really seems to like the octo expansion. i guess she resonates with eight. when she does turf war she usually doesn't like to go for other players. splooshomatic main (yes im projecting my favorite weapon)
lucas: is on a league team (im not sure if people actually make teams but ive heard of it happening) with max! isn't very aggressive when playing but is still pretty good! really likes clam blitz. he'd main the blasters
dustin: usually does stuff in main story, hasn't 100%ed it yet tho. mains whatever the hero bucket is in turf war! has a crush on marina but knows the love is unrequited.... for she has a lover :(
max: is a completionist. has done all of main story with every weapon and is the only one in the group besides el (who took a long, long time) to have beaten inner agent 3. on the chance she does turf war she immediately goes for other players, but she mostly does ranked/league. what she mains depends on the mode but usually uses chargers
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MIKE HAVING A HORRIBLE FASHION SENSE INGAME IS PERFECT FOR HIM LMAO he lies and says it’s for the good stats but he genuinely thinks the outfits look good😭
I think Will 100% makes the party agent ocs and constantly draws all their splatoon characters hes the one person that always has a new plaza post everyday and also inks spawn
EL WITH THE SPLOOSH HELL YEAH if she knew what kinning was she’d make kinning Agent 8 her entire personality she probably exclusively plays as an octoling and constantly grinds for CQ points even after she’s 1000% the dlc (which takes her forever because she refuses help or advice from the party since she really wants to do it herself)
LUCAS AND MAX ON A LEAGUE TEAM TOGETHER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💕💕💘💞💖💖💖💖 Lucas definitely focuses more on the objective and lets Max worry about getting kills and being aggressive when needed. He 100% tries to avenge Max whenever she gets splatted though <3 they work rlly well together competitively and max constantly makes fun of him for now having the storymode completed or even owning the dlc lol
Dustin’s is so fucking funny to me😭😭😭 he loves Marina but respects the lesbians what a champ❤️ I am choosing to believe part of the reason he hasn’t beaten the storymode yet is he spends too much time annoying Marie and trying to get Steve to watch him play
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risu5waffles · 1 year
Sweet Christing Hell, Time Slow Down a Bit
Here we are again, got another 10 in the pipe (i don't even know what that is supposed to mean.
A nice, simple one, wiv a good set of material choices to make up for a bit of a paucity in decoration. The gameplay is relatively smooth, keeping a good flow aside from a few overly tight jumps early on, and a bit of unclear player communication toward the end. A good use of the four or five minutes it'll take to clear.
Chronos loves this one, and i do like it well enough, i guess; though i find the pacing to be a little bit on the plodding side. i appreciate that the environment, tho' LBP1 kludgy, is actually cohesive. Like, you're in a factory, and it goes from base materials to final product, and that's actually kind of neat. The total lack of music does make things a little eerie, too, which was pretty cool.
This is a level i wish i could go back and lay in base LBP, because the translation to LBP3 really doesn't do it many favours. Still, i really liked the idea of making each scene discrete, wiv its own little platforming or puzzle challenge. i wonder if it was intended to be a group play kind of deal, because that elevator ride at the beginning doesn't give you any time for the stickering that seems expected. Also, while the boss was definitely neat, it drags on forever, it feels like.
We talked about this one last week, and i don't really have more to say except Neptune seems like a really nice kid, and i wish him well wiv his endevours. Honestly, i've been super lucky as far as YouTube comment interactions, but even wiv that, Neptune's been both kind and interested, and that means an awful lot.
Oh, i do remember one thing about the video i need to own up to, i accidentally wrote the publish date as December 14th, 2023, which is what happens when you've got too much going on and no one to give your videos an editing pass but you.
This is a neat one that i wish had a bit more to do in it. i've been a sucker for cardboard as a building material since day one, and seeing what atriku8040's done wiv it is super impressive. But at the end of the day, there really isn't anything to do here. One more editing mistake to mention, in the video the name is written as ダンボーロ instead of ダンボール because i am a loser, and now that's forever.
i was so pissed when i noticed. Which was, of course, too late to correct.
This one's cute, even if, again, there really isn't much going on in it. It was neat how they got the actual metro announcement in the level; don't know how gomafuomo pulled that off wivout the recording being total pants. It took me a couple of seconds to realize, "wait, i know that announcement. i've ridden that train."
It would probably be unseemly for me to mention here that i don't like Akihabara at all. i'm a geek, but i'm not really that kind of geek, and there's nothing that Akihabara does that Osaka's Den-den town doesn't do wiv more charm and far less walking. Think i'm always going to be an Osaka gal, me.
This one looks real pretty, but boy did it need another couple of good passes through playtesting and gameplay polish. Communication wiv the player is pretty poor throughout, and it's easy to get yourself lost in the crufting; and some of the jumps are just awkward (tho' some of that is definitely on me, i've never found jumping onto platforms moving through layers to be particularly intuitive). It's a real shame, because i see a lot of the Wedding kit being used for general "scary" levels, but i rarely see anyone leveraging it as a theme, and it's one i really do like a lot.
What to say about this one? It's a simple little LBP1 jam. It's got fire, it's got ice (glass), it's got a race wiv some fiddly jumps onto slippery ice (glass). It's not not fun, and i understand that's not exactly high praise, but it's hardly the worst feeling you could leave a level wiv.
i like this one. i think i like this one more than Thin Lines of Neon Lights. The verticality helps, and the feeling that your're just zipping along. Plus, Neptune changed the hamster wheel to actually do something based on my review, and folx, when i tell you i was honestly touched.
Holy crap, folx, this one tho'. i've mentioned before there seemed to be a couple of particular styles we'd see in the LBP2 era. You'd have your natural-y types, usually wiv a certain material set and often some gratuitous hookshot action; your weird cartoon-ish worlds wiv real blocky construction, expressive puppets, and meme-adjacent humour; and then you'd get, every now and then, something like this. Fiddly mechanical design wiv lots of movement and the level shifting and building itself as you go along, and holy shite, but this is a top-notch example of that style. i don't know if it's koknsun's best, but it is the best of theirs that i've played (although, that being said, some of their levels, like Hokusai's Soul are broken in LBP3; so that might be a touch unfair).
So that's another ten down, and we're up to 50episodes, and that's kind of a wow. i'd intended to put together a hub level wiv 10 i particularly liked from the set (not, perhaps, the 10 best, because i'm terrible at judging that kind of thing). That's still in the works, and actually pretty close to being done; just need to do a couple of passes to make sure the mechanical elements are working right and consistently, and then go through decorating and putting in music. Wiv luck it should be up sometime this week, or next Wednesday at the latest.
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myrfing · 2 years
Yeah! In the end WoLs are very personal to the players so I try to remember and not to be too judgey about it! And yeah there are some WoLs I really love as well! And my own was originally just a vague self insert with the name of an old OC and then they took a life of their own so I renamed them .. xD
Regarding wishing there was more freedom in choices in 14: I think that as an MMO there are just some limitations people just have to accept. The msq is linear for sure though I don't know if that's just because 1) it's Final Fantasy first and foremost, 2) it's a jrpg first and foremost (different game design philosophy between JP and US?) You certainly can't have multiple outcomes, I think, especially not with 14's infamous spaghetti coding. And the team already have so many tasks... (reason why I'm just rolling with the gender unlocking of certain glams being slow)
Though, I've never played an MMO prior to this, and most western RPGs don't interest me. So my lack of frame of reference is probably another reason why I can't really fathom choice freedom similar to, say, Dragon Age, in an MMO in general, esp not one as linear as 14 ... poyo.
(I could do with more fiddling around with GW2 tho, I do enjoy it whenever I boot it up for fun)
HAHAHA YOU AND I BOTH if it's. not obvious that "gourd appraiser" wasnt meant to be. well. youre so right suddenly theyre alive what can we do but give them the reins.
and for sure. I'm really mostly okay with xiv's linearity and rigidity; I think they wanted to tell a certain story and told it. I actually dunno if that's a western/eastern design philosophy and don't think choice/branching narratives is necessarily not a jrpg element but the concept of it with games like for sure DA or UT or even older text rpgs whatever have really popularized it here yeah. in xiv theres obviously some parts where im like He would naht do/say that. or some parts I wish weren't in the msq at all. but for the most part I'm glad things turned out the way they did and I've never struggled too hard to work with it. i think it'd sit wrong with me if the story went another way, if the wol like, just said I don't owe anyone anything and everyone shouldnt ask a thing of me and ran forever.
but that's mostly because I fell hook line and sinker for the world so when anyone in the story is like do you want to keep going and keep this world alive I'm like of fucking course AND it's going to be fun you don't even need to ASK bro. while for others I do understand the sort of disappointment that comes with thinking this could have gone another way that they would have liked better, but the devs chose this way, so they feel like they were robbed of that different outcome. and to me they chose this one because they wanted to tell a story about caring about others and finding hope in others and struggling together towards a better future in a world that is largely hostile to that, that constantly gravitates towards its doom, and I really like that. I like how it reflects in their own dev experience having to reboot the game too! but some people feels like it rings hollow, or they don't really care for that sort of thing, or this spirit just doesnt reach them, and well...wat can you do.
and you're definitely right in that mmos simply cant handle diversity of choice in a game meant to support..well..massively multiplayer online play. at most you get factions which are notoriously clunky and seem to only function in games without a strong central narrative. if 50% of the playerbase said fuck off to minfilia, fuck off hydaelyn, you can't tell me what to do, and went to live a low-stakes life then. that's 50% of the playerbase that needs something other than all the dungeons, trials, deliveries, sidequests, raids, pretty much fucking everything to do, that aren't gonna be a part of the roulette. and they wouldn't have been able to pull off the concept of azem's magic either, the weird living idea that as players of the same character you all walk the same path and thus are always at each other's side. or the funnier route would be well everyone who wanted to play gets the kino ass "shepherd to the stars in the dark" shit and everyone who didnt to play can just sit on their hands I guess.
but i dont think people actually expect it to have branching paths, they just wanted the devs to choose a different one. but there's so many good and fun things throughout the entirety of the game that it'd honestly feel pretty lonely to lose all of this over a nebulous refusal to owe anyone anything and be owed anything, because the wol does go through some painful stuff and has some high expectations placed on them...AS IFFFF everyone in the story doesnt suffer and struggle against the same things while the wol has the privilege of controlling more of their luck, AS IFFFFFFFFFF choosing a path where you say fuck everyone else wouldn't have been empty and boring. as if the antagonists that apparently care about us more don't have wishes and goals and duties and lives of their own and are only made to love you in some made up but easier, purer, assured way.
and oh hee hee gw2...I saw a golden chicken in that game and logged off forever I was like this is it. but I'm playing gw1 (slowly) with friends and while it's still campaigns it definitely does excel in that look at this big ass world go do what you want thing. and yeah mmos are fucking...expensive and terribly difficult to make and keep alive. there's a reason they're just dying out
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likelylarks · 2 years
What’s your most common DnD alignment?
Which DnD (5e) race do you tend to pick?
On a bad day I’m a Slytherin. On a good day I’m Ravenclaw. Thank you for the lengthy answer! I completely agree even though my house assignment has been pretty stable. But I mean I took the quiz when I was 15 already.... which is very different from 11. Emo teens are fun not evil lmao
I’ll tell you my alignment and DnD race once you answered haha.
sorry to answer this so late! i'm a mess!
okay so i've only been a part of one campaign so far, so i don't have trends yet!! but in the one i'm in currently, i'm chaotic neutral technically (tho, bc i'm playing with... i love them dearly but roleplay is not their gift, so in actuality, it tends to be more chaotic/lawful good because i'm trying to keep us on task lol)
i'm also a wood elf rn! and tbh i think i'll probably maintain a bias for wood elves even if i do experiment more, just because legolas's Cool CGI actions are imprinted in my psyche forever (even though he's not my favorite lol (aragorn my dearest darlingest beloved)) and also haldir, owner of the most emotional death committed to the silver screen, i think about him so much
also you're right! emo teens are fun!! they're just trying to figure stuff out and fit in somewhere!! they shouldn't be "punished" for the aesthetic!!!
i'm excited to hear your alignment and dnd race!!
much love to you xx
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boethiahsboytoy · 8 months
1, 3 and 10 from that one oc ask meme if you’re still taking questions :3
literally just occurred to me i forgot a character for the ask i sent 💀 so how abt vulon :3c
Wow !! Hi!!! This ask is so old because I have a goofball little hell brain that just Could Not get answers out :( I'm so sorry this took forever 😭😭 but I Did It.
(I don't have the meme this is from rn but I WILL find it and reblog it again) anyways
VULON WOOOOO i hope this is tha right meme btw bestie im not 100% sure this is the last one i reblogged ;;
1) What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
Listen, it's conceivable that coffee is in Skyrim. SO. It would get coffee with milk (maybe with honey in like Riften) and sugar. All the Nords judge Vulon for drinking its coffee super sweet and it adds another spoonful of sugar to be Spiteful. In a place where that isn't an option, it would probably drink fruit juice or tea, depending on where it was and what time of year it was. If its feeling like Treating Itself it'll order a fancy cocktail/mocktail type of thing tho !! Definitely something with fruit in it uwu
I think what this says abt Vulon is it likes to Indulge, and Pamper itself, and things like That. Like it doesn't NEED a fancy tea blend with fancy syrups in it. But it's Yumy,,,,,
3) What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? (Gets you thinking about socio-economic class, values, and how they spend their leisure time)
Hmm OK so Vulon Steals Shit. It isn't a part of the Thieves Guild bc it disagrees with their Politics (being toys of Maven) but it is for sure a little thief. So it's most expensive belongings werent actually Paid For, and the most valuable things it owns were indeed freely given to it. So it's most expensive *purchase* was probably like, a three course meal at an inn. Maybe a nice little wizard robe.
BUT it does occasionally Actually buy items that it doesn't really Need. It loooves trinkets like, SO much. It carries so many around and has a bunch more just scattered about Fort Dawnguard. Gives em to people. :3
(The most expensive thing it owns is probably either Goldbrand or the Ebony Mail bc they're daedric artifacts I think. Idk but it would be funny if it also just randomly had like a one pound diamond or something that it just Found Randomly)
10) What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
VIBRATES EXCITEDLY I love this question. For ANY oc. So! Things Vulon always has:
Ebony Mail counts for this one
Goldbrand does too
Secret Dagger
Hunting knife
At least one (1) bottle of a highly concentrated poison it made by throwing random shit together in a bowl and superheating it
JOURNAL + quills and ink (in fun colors!!)
Necklace that Sissel gave it
Friendship charm it made with Serana
Amulet of Mara
Amulet of Arkay
Buncha rings (some enchanted, some just pretty)
Big thick warm cloak with a frost defense enchantment
Robes from a Temple of Lord Boethiah in Morrowind
Random trinkets and assorted shit it found on the fucking ground (some things it doesn't even remember grabbing or why it got them they are just In Its Pack)
Auri-El's Bow and a handful of Sunhallowed Arrows (though normally Serana hangs onto these)
Magicka, health, and stamina potions (Also some alcohol)
Skyrim weed and edibles. I can't remember the name of thay fancy elf bread from lotr but Vulon would make the skyrim equivalent of it but with weed.
It also carries around various spices and cooking supplies + preserved food and other various survival basics. Since I'm rewriting it's backstory to have it been in a traveling circus I'm sure it would still have memorabilia from that but I'm not sure What exactly--clown paints for SURE but beyond that idk. It carries a LOT of shit it doesn't *technically* need. Just like I do :') Also, some of those potions are for SURE several months old But unopened so they're still good but Serana still side eyes it for keeping them. This is definitely NOT a reference to my Emergency Back Up Energy Drink thays months old.
THANK U FOR SENDING THOS I'm sorry again it took me so long to get to it ;;;; I have SO many asks thay I'm partially finished with. I dint know why I'm like thos but it sucks 😭😭
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