#trig circles
kaywavy · 19 days
sine is abbreviated as sin because trig is the most sinful and evil branch of mathematics
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muckmagister · 11 months
Your imaginary number explanation only works on paper and not in a physical space. That's kind of what pisses me off about math - so much of it just isn't physically real and most of it is just used for tracking wealth/money/other capitalist bullshit. Math should be about efficient ways to count and measure, not arbitrary ways to put people into debt or make rich people seem even richer so they can scam other rich people.
I also think this is why so much of our understanding of physics is flawed - our counting system has less to do with the real world and more to do with social structures, so attempting to apply it to physics doesn't work.
I just. Maybe I'm just out of the loop bc I genuinely cannot process simple math equations but I really feel the reason for that is bc it's not grounded in a sense of reality OR in a mindset I can understand. Idk I'm autisitc and also there's a likely chance I have discalculia or some other learning disability/disorder that impairs math comprehension but seeing talk abt these kinds of math problem really make me think that I'm not the problem here.
enter at your own risk, you've been warned
ok oouuh i- Well. I think you seem to have a pretty cynical outlook on maths. To say that it's all about putting people into debt and letting rich people scam each other is just. That baffles me, to be honest. It's like saying language is all about constructing the most brutal insults possible and telling people to kill themselves. Like yeah a lot of people use language to do just that but that's just one tiny part of it. Maths isn't just about efficient ways to count and measure either, by the way, it's its own language, its own art form, a vast mountainous landscape with peaks we've yet to climb and valleys we've yet to discover. Forgive me for getting poetic but maths just isn't that... small, y'know?
I also disagree that this is why our understanding of physics is flawed. To be clear: It's flawed because we're idiots. We're idiots figuring out how our new toy works by throwing it around and pulling and squishing it randomly, because it didn't come with a manual and we have no idea what we're doing. Also, mathematics isn't our way of understanding physics, it's our way of building models that try and predict what would happen in certain circumstances. That might just sounds like I'm being semantic, but I think it's important to point out that nobody actually, truly, has any idea how physics really works. In fact, no ones ever even seen physics, when we make observations about the physical world, we're just seeing what physics does. So we use maths to make models that predict what we expect to see in our observations, and then we use those models and our observations together to try and infer the nature of reality. But we're all just guessing at that point, really.
So with all that in mind, to say that our understanding of physics would improve if only we had a better suited system of mathematics is. Well, I disagree. I also think that there isn't just some "better" system of mathematics out there waiting for us to discover it. I'm reminded of Gödel's incompleteness theorem. I encourage you to look it up on your own if you want, but basically, in any reasonable mathematical system there will always be true statements that cannot be proved. So there certainly are other systems of maths and we have looked into them. They do have their own upsides and downsides depending on how they work, but to say one system is better than another is, well, if I may use the language analogy again, it's like saying one language is better than another, when really it's just different sets of words and rules for us to say the same sentences.
So when it comes back to our current system of mathematics, it's not better or worse than any other system except for how widespread it is, just like how most of the world uses metric, a standardised system of maths makes it easy for anyone to communicate the same mathematical ideas to one another. But there are other systems of mathematics that become useful tools in more niche areas of maths for people to talk and understand those difficult topics.
With all that being said now too, I don't think our current system of mathematics, or any other system really, inherently has any less to do with the real world than it does with our social structures, or anything else for that matter. In fact, I don't think any system of mathematics inherently has anything to do with anything except itself. People didn't invent maths, we discovered it and then we invented ways of talking about what we learned. But numbers are their own thing. Their own abstract metaphysical objects. And they'd exist whether there was anything alive to know about them or not. Saying that there's a special way to use them to understand physics to me implies that numbers are what physics is, in a way, but like I said we have no idea what physics is. It just so happens that numbers are an incredibly useful way of talking about what physics looks like. But it's also incredibly useful to talk about our social structures. Frankly we're incredibly lucky that we've been able to saddle these concepts from abstract space, that our minds are powerful enough to reach out beyond the real to give us these tools of ideation that we can use for so many things.
You said that maths difficult for you because "it's not grounded in a sense of reality OR in a mindset I can understand" and I think those two things are the same problem in a way. I know I just did some big talk about how maths is really this abstract thing that isn't inherently connected to the real world, but we're all still the idiots I said we were, so a lot of maths does need to get grounded in reality for it to be reasonably comprehensible. And being able to ground a mathematical concept is often about shifting your mindset until you can see it at an angle you understand.
Like, you also said that my explanation only works on paper and not in a physical space, and I actually disagree! But I do think I get where you're coming from. I suspect you're thinking about numbers like physical objects, as in, the number 1 is like having 1 apple. So well of course, negative numbers kinda make sense right? I mean you can't just have less than 1 apple but you can get an apple taken away. But when you introduce i, it's like. What does that even mean? And you'd be right that it really doesn't make sense when you think of numbers as objects like that. But numbers aren't physical objects, we're just taught like that as kids, 1 apple, 2 bananas, 3 oranges, because they want us to build the association between the symbols (1, 2, 3) and the idea of that amount of something, of that value, of 1 being 1 apple or 1 step. But that's it, 1 isn't the apple, or the step, it's the idea of "oneness" or "singleness" and 2 is the idea of "doubleness", 3 is "tripleness" etc. It's difficult to even describe the idea of "singleness" without using physical metaphors, which is why we rarely ever do think about numbers in their purely abstract forms. And it's of course why we teach kids with apples and bananas, and why we go on to teach addition and subtraction by giving them more and taking them away. Even though, likewise, addition and subtraction isn't really about giving and taking. Now, I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't think about numbers as physical objects, or addition and subtraction as giving and taking. I'm just saying those are the initial ways we ground maths in reality in order to teach the concepts in the first place. And for a lot of people, this understanding of numbers is all they need for the rest of their lives. But the truth is there are different ways of understanding numbers and the operations we perform on them, and shifting your mindset on how these things work is an important part of being able to grasp more complex concepts, like imaginary numbers.
Finally, I said my explanation does work in physical space, how is that? Well if your understanding of numbers is that they're like objects, and that addition and subtraction is like giving and taking, then it doesn't work in physical space, no. What you need to do is think about numbers as a distance, and think about addition and subtraction not as giving and taking, but instead about direction. So what that means is that numbers don't tell you how much of thing you have, they tell you how far away from zero you are. Now when people talk about the number 1, what they usually mean is positive 1, like 1 = 0+1. (We just don't always draw the addition symbol out front.) So now if 1 is the distance away from 0, then positive + is the direction you travelled away from zero in. And when you write -1, the negative symbol isn't saying you have an "opposite 1" or that you're "taking 1 away", it's that you're travelling a distance of 1 in the negative direction, which is exactly the opposite of the positive direction. On a number line, this idea is pretty easy to comprehend since you only have two directions you can travel.
However, i is defined as being the square root of -1, which doesn't make much sense if you stick with the traditional understanding of what a square roots is, since it seems impossible to take the square root of a negative number. You can take take the square roots of +1, which are just 1 and -1, since obviously 1*1 and -1*-1 both equal 1. I'd also like to point out that taking the square root of any positive number works like this, you always get two solutions which are both the same distance away from zero in opposite directions.
(Square roots and square numbers are usually taught using, well, squares, introducing exponent notation where, say, 5*5 = 5² = 25, which is explained visually with how a square of side lengths 5 naturally has an area of 25, then that the square root is the opposite of this process and that 5 = √25. As you may expect, there are other ways of defining the notion of a "square" and "square root", and I'm sure that some of those ways can help make the existence of imaginary numbers become much more obvious, it's just, to be completely honest I don't know them.)
Now, if you do try to take the square root of a -1 anyway, and you just don't accept that it looks impossible, you'll have to invent a new number that explicitly has the property of squaring into -1, and since this new number won't be able to fit on the number line what ends up happening is that the number line gets extended into the second dimension, as in, it used to be a number line but now its a number plane. And if this sounds ridiculous let me remind you, this isn't the first time we've invented new numbers and extended the number line, again: negative numbers didn't always exist.
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Also, remember how I said +1 and -1 are both square roots of +1? well +1i and -1i (or just +i and -i) are both the square roots of -1, and as you can see, they also sit a distance of 1 away from zero in opposite directions. In fact, √16 = +4 and -4, and in the same way the √(-16) = +4i and -4i. I know this likely won't really be able to help you understand, but hopefully it's nice to see how it is self consistent in a way and that it does kinda help to think about numbers like that.
or anything useful at least- i'm no teacher i just like talking about this stuff:> fhsdkjhs
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wiria-lae · 2 years
Riddle and Idia would both be good at math. Azul too.
Riddle's the guy who solves things mostly in his head and he has all the rules and definitions memorized. He seems like the type of student who studies ahead of the material, and asks questions immediately when he doesn't understand something. Would be able to do multi-linear calculus problems within a week of presenting him a textbook.
Idia punches numbers and functions into his calculator and code until it spits out a reasonable value. Less of a math guy and more of a computer science guy, but it seems kind of hard to be cracked and comp sci and then trash at math... he's not like, tryharding calculus, but he should definitely be able to tell you a lot about probability and algebra at least.
Ortho is made of math (code) and human ingenuity and a ton of copium, and he has access to the internet pre-installed, so by default I'm not thinking about him. It's cheating if Idia just looks up everything.
Azul is like. Statistics. Whatever math is good for economics and building models and predictions for business and all that.
Everyone else can suffer. Especially Deuce. Poor Deuce. That boy has no clue what trigonometry is, and for his sake, I hope he never has to know.
If there is anything to suggest otherwise in the game... don't remember, or haven't seen it. My eyes are facing the Sun.
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corvidat · 4 months
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Aw damn, i was looking for an excuse to not do my homework :p
I should rb this later with all of it done somebody hold me to it pls
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er-cryptid · 2 years
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coolsnake · 1 year
Look what I made LOL
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thejohnfleming · 4 months
Tales of Prague, tourist bans, a stuffed dog and Reg Presley of The Troggs...
Alexander Frackleton at Heathrow Terminal 3 last Friday On Friday, I had a chat with Alexander Frackleton, while he was transiting Heathrow Airport, London, on his way from Prague to Glasgow. He is a Scot who has been living in the Czech Republic for a while, teaching English to business people.   He hasn’t been back to the UK for seven years and thought he might notice a few changes in…
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bird-goofle · 7 months
Once again back on my bullshit (being an art student who enjoys math, which for some reason is unfathomable to my fellow art students)
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taraxacum-vulpes · 1 year
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occasionalsnippets · 2 years
help! I'm that anon who is getting shafted by tests and exams. My soul is leaving my body. I am not prepared. My writing skills and speed sucks and my social studies grade is suffering. I'm going to fail this course.
Yikes good luck anon!! Hope you’ll be able to find the time to study for it :(
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pinerphotos · 2 years
Trig circle
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Trig circle full#
Trig circle plus#
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Trig circle plus#
TI-83/84 PLUS BASIC MATH PROGRAMS (TRIGONOMETRY)Ĭlick a filename to download that file. TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Trigonometry) Maybe not the second way, and probably not your preferred way.TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Trigonometry). I eventually learned that not all students are going to grasp material the first way something is taught. So I don’t discredit little tricks like this one if it helps even one student feel more confident when working on the Unit Circle in class. Sure, there’s no substitute to true understanding, but I’m a huge math nerd, and understanding the ins and outs of math is a passion of mine.Īnother passion I have is teaching math and showing students they are capable of success even if they don’t consider themselves gifted in math. Use only degrees (or radians) and leave the extra information off. Need to differentiate? Start with what you need. Make it a permanent fixture as a bulletin board, or use tape on the angles and coordinates to make students place each piece in the appropriate spot. Students will understand they can’t escape the Unit Circle in trigonometry if it’s constantly displayed for them! And it might seem a bit less boring than writing it out on paper. Practice makes perfect! This worksheet can be used again and again. There’s also a worksheet included that asks students to find the coordinates of the angle that intercepts the unit circle. Students will drag and drop the angles in degrees, angles in radians, and the coordinates to their appropriate place around the circle. The unit circle can be completed on any device using this activity, designed for Google Slides. Plus it takes effort to put together and seemed to be valued by students more than just a worksheet.
Special triangles and the values of sine and cosine available to figure out coordinates, or use to determine the other trig functions.
Quadrants and x/y axis shown to make signs easy to determine.
Equivalent angles in degrees and radians, easy to see.
Students love to engage with the rotating special right triangles and it really emphasizes all the important information contained in the Unit Circle: So I adapted! This interactive Unit Circle stands out, clips in their math binder, and is a great hands-on tool! I would emphasize the value of knowing the Unit Circle but no matter what – the reference sheet students were supposed to keep in their binders would go missing regularly. The Unit Circle in trigonometry sticks around a while, and so having a strong understanding is important. Don’t Just Try Memorizing the Unit Circle Students start to see patterns in the answers, and in the signs of those answers. In subsequent lessons, we break down that table into smaller parts that are easier to remember and students can breathe a sigh of relief. Usually, it resulted in a bunch of looks like uh, WHAT?!īut Special Right Triangles is the key to understanding the Unit Circle.
Trig circle full#
In the end, we were looking at a whole crazy big long table full of solutions that all looked the same. Then fill in the answers to the remaining 30˚ triangles. Then, we would work through the six trig functions of the Special Right Triangles. I’d start with the quadrant angles and find all six trig functions. I usually reserved two class periods to work through my planned Unit Circle guided notes. (It also makes taking notes faster, reduces errors in copying from board to paper, and absent students know exactly what they missed. That way they always have the tools they need to reference when they try to answer their own questions. So I almost always teach new topics with guided notes. I never want my students to feel like I am trying to trick them. Over the years, I created a few ways to help my students not just memorize, but also understand and master the unit circle. I love teaching trig! But the unit circle is a big beast. I really had to pump myself up to teach my students the unit circle in trigonometry *cue Rocky theme song music*.
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theladypossum · 6 months
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Some cute sketches from math class bc we're bored
#i hate trig #but I love these two #but FR if I see another unit circle I will have a mental breakdown
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
hoax ~ p.p
chapter one: just a sweet, sweet fantasy
series masterlist
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Despite the fact that Peter had been pining for you the last three years of college, he had never had a conversation last more than a few minutes with you. As hard as he tried, he always got flustered and ran out of things to say or just made the conversation awkward. You never noticed him the way he noticed you, even after you were paired up with Ned for a school project last semester and your friend groups merged in the process. Peter thought his luck will change now that he was running in your circle, but all it did was make it more evident to him that he didn’t have a shot with you. You only saw him as a friend, and even that was an exaggeration of your relationship.
You jumped a little when you heard Peters voice and looked up from your phone. You hadn’t even noticed that he was already sitting at the table you agreed to meet your friends at. It was pretty common for you not to notice Peter, but that didn’t mean he’d ever stop trying to get your attention.
“Oh, hi Peter. Sorry, I didn’t see you there. How are you?” You asked politely.
“I’m good. You?”
“Good. Thanks for asking.” You replied. You then pulled your phone back out and started to text, making all conversation cease.
“I like your skirt.” He said after a long beat of silence. You looked up in surprise since you thought the conversation had ended.
“Aw, thanks. That’s so nice of you to say.” You smiled before going back to your phone. He sighed in defeat even though this was how your conversations, or lack there or, usually went.
“Yeah, no problem. It’s like jeans but…not.”
“Oh, yeah. I think it’s called denim.” You laughed awkwardly and didn’t know it was was socially acceptable to go back to texting.
“Right. Denim.” He nodded, and conversation ceased once again.
“I like that it’s pleated.” He said after a full minute of silence.
“What?” You asked and looked up from your phone again.
“Your skirt.” He explained while his face turned bright red. He knew he was beating the death out of the skirt topic and it was made even worse by you knowing the same thing.
“Right, my skirt. Thanks. So do I.” You smiled politely again and touched the skirt.
“Hey losers.” MJ said as she approached the table. Peter heard you sigh in relief over not having to be alone with him anymore, and he couldn’t even blame you.
“Hey. Sit with us.” You smiled and patted the table. MJ sat down and the awkward tension dissolved with the presence of a third person. Your other friends, Kate and Gwen, soon joined the table too and the dynamic of the friend group was restored. Much to his disappointment, you and Peter seemed to lie in opposite ends of the friend group. You were friendly with each other, but also couldn’t be left alone together without maximum awkwardness ensuing. You were the people that would laugh at each others jokes in a group setting but never be able to hold a one on one conversation.
“Did you do the trig homework?” MJ asked you.
“Oh yeah. You need it?” You asked and put your backpack on the table to get your homework out. Peter looked up and noticed a pin of Spider-Man’s mask on your backpack. He did a double table and looked at you in surprise to confirm the backpack belonged to you.
“Is that a Spiderman pin?” He asked you.
“Oh, yeah. You haven’t heard? He’s her latest obsession.” Gwen teased you.
“For the record, I’ve always liked him.” You insisted. “I’ve been a fan since day one. The obsession has just gotten worse as I’ve realized he’s the only man for me.”
“Wait, really? He is?” Peter asked with a surprise smile.
“Please don’t get her started.” Kate whined. You ignored her and leaned towards Peter to talk to him.
“You know when you have a celebrity you like and you just know that if you ever met, you’d be great friends?”
“Of course.” Peter shrugged. “Dylan O’Brien would be my best friend if we ever crossed paths.”
“Exactly. That’s how I feel about Spiderman. Except instead of friends, we’d be lovers.” You said simply. A blush painted Peters cheek to hear you talk about him like that.
“Sounds like you really like him.” He smiled shyly.
“I’m in love with him. I have so many videos of him saved on Tik Tok.” You laughed and pulled out your tik tok to show your friends your collection of saved videos.
“Girl. 407?” Gwen gasped. “You’ve saved 407 edits of Spiderman with sexy songs in the background?”
“Um, yeah. I watch them before I go to sleep.” You shrugged and pulled your phone back. Peter was stunned to silence to hear how deep your obsession ran.
“You need help.” MJ snorted. “You don’t even know him.”
“I feel like I do. Haven’t you ever felt that way about someone you haven’t met yet?”
“I have.” Peter spoke up, making you smile.
“See? I’m not crazy. Just a romantic.” You sighed. The conversation changed subjects and Peter was silent as he thought about what he had heard from you. After three years of being hopelessly in love with you, he may have just found his way in.
A few days later, your group agree to meet up in the library to do homework together. Ned was still out sick with the flu, so Peter didn’t have his crutch to lean on. You arrived early to the library and saw that Peter was the first one there. You gulped and braced yourself for the awkwardness that was about to happen and sat down across from him.
“Hey, Peter.” You said politely. He looked up at you and blushed before trying to think of something cool to say.
“Hey. How’s it going? How are you?” He asked.
“Pretty good. I’m a little stressed out over this stupid paper but Gwen said she’d help me today. How are you doing?”
“Really good. And you? How’s it going for you?” He asked before realized he already asked that.
“Uh, I think we covered that.” You joked.
“Right, right. You’re still good, I’m assuming. And, uh, nice shirt by the way.” He complimented you.
“Aw, thanks. It was my moms back in the 80s.” You smiled at him and then opened your laptop, ending the convo.
“I like your hair too. Did you change it?” He asked to try to resuscitate the conversation.
“No. I haven’t washed it in a few days. It’s just greasy.” You laughed awkwardly and ran your fingers through the it.
“Oh.” He gulped. “Well, it looks good.”
“Thanks.” You smiled again just as the rest of the friend group joined you. You both seemed to relax now that everyone was there and you no longer had to limp through a conversation. Peter didn’t say much as the group talked about homework and weekend plans but snuck glances at you the entire time.
“Wait a minute. Why do you have a magazine? What year is this?” MJ laughed and pulled a magazine out of your open backpack. You gave her a playful look and snatched the magazine from her.
“Because. Look at this picture someone took of him yesterday.” You smiled cheekily and laid the magazine out for the table to show them a picture of Spiderman.
“Oh my God. Please. It’s too early for this.” Kate playfully whined and banged her textbook against her head.
“This is the most detailed photo I’ve seen of him yet. It’s so clear. I bet he’s so cute under the mask.” You sighed happily and looked at the picture again. Peter watched the way you stared at the picture in the way he’d been looking at you all these years and smiled to himself. He’d never been able to turn your head, but he was pleased to know Spiderman could.
“Or he’s 30 and has a greasy little rat face.” MJ grimaced.
“Stop it. Don’t ruin my fantasy.” You said and playfully smacked her arm. She laughed and wrapped an arm around you while you continued to stare at the picture.
“Fantasy?” Gwen smiled coyly. “Uh oh. Spill.”
“Okay, so I have this fantasy where he sees me walking home and drops down from the sky to walk me home. Just to make sure I get there safely.” You told the group with a dreamy smile.
“Oh. That’s a lot less erotic then I thought it would be.” Kate said in disappointment.
“Oh, trust me. I have plenty of those. But I’m not sharing any of them here.” You smiled coyly and drummed your fingers on the table. Peter gulped when he realized what you were talking about and turned bright red.
“What else do you fantasize about?” Gwen asked you.
“Mostly him saving me from danger. But low key danger. I don’t want to actually be in danger danger. Maybe just tripping on the sidewalk and he catches me. Or, you know, he stops a car from crushing me like in Twilight.”
“This little crush of yours is getting out of hand.” MJ laughed and shook her head. “You’re literally asking to be crushed by a car now?”
“But imagine how amazing it would be to be his girlfriend.” You gushed. “He could swing me around the city in his arms and kiss me on the top of the Brooklyn bridge. Or take me on dates on the top of the Empire State Building. I want it so bad.”
“So stand in the street until a car comes near you and wait for him to swing you to safety.” MJ said sarcastically.
“Don’t give her ideas.” Kate groaned.
“You don’t think I’ve considered that? I’d do anything for a date. Just one. I swear, I could get him to fall in love with me. I just need one chance.” You sighed and picked up your magazine to admire it.
“I bet he would.” Peter spoke up. You looked at him over the magazine and smiled.
“See? Peter supports me. At least someone’s on my side.” You said and gestured to Peter. You made eye contact with him again and this time, it didn’t feel awkward. You liked that he was being supportive, no matter how silly your argument was.
“I think you’d make a great couple.” Peter continued, making you smile once again.
“Thank you.” You told him. “Now I just need to find a way to talk to him.”
“Maybe leave a couple flies on your windowsill.” Peter suggested. All the girls looked at him in confusion and he felt embarrassed that his joke didn’t land.
“Because he’s a spider. And they eat flies.” He shamefully explained. You stared at him slack jawed for a moment before throwing you head back laughing.
“That was genius.” You laughed. “Although, I hope he doesn’t actually eat bugs. I don’t think I could kiss a guy who eats flies.”
“He doesn’t.” Peter said with such certainty that everyone looked at him in confusion again.
“I’m….I’m guessing.” He lied. You smiled at him again before going back to talking to your friends. The conversation faded to background noise as Peter constructed a plan in his head.
After class that day, Peter changed into his suit and hung out on top of a building to watch the people walking in and out of campus. If you wanted to talk to Spiderman that badly, he was gonna bring Spiderman to you. Finally, he spotted you walking to your dorm with your earbuds in as you typed away on your phone.
“Hey! How are you? I’m Spiderman!” He whispered to himself to practice what he would say to you.
“No. That’s stupid. She already knows it’s me.” He grumbled. “Hey! What’s up? It’s me, your friendly neighborhood giant fucking loser Jesus Christ this is so difficult. Okay. Just be normal. Just talk to her. Just…”
Peter trailed off when he heard the sound of an engine revving. A car was speeding down the street and heading right towards the blissfully unaware you. Peter immediately jumped down and landed between you and the car, putting his hand up to stop it right before it could hit you. The car bent against his hand and came to a halt as Peter held you close to his body. People on the street gasped and started to take picture while you gasped for air. You pulled your earbuds out and looked at Peter in disbelief.
“Hi.” He said through the mask.
“Oh my God. It’s you.” Your voice shook as you tightened your grip on him. You were shaking with adrenaline and fear so he tightened his grip around your body.
“It’s me.” He said weakly. He had almost seen you die but now had to pretend you were a stranger he had never met before.
“You just saved my life.” You told him as a smile crossed your face.
“It’s my job.” He said simply. Your smile grew and you threw your arms around him in a hug.
“Thank you.” You whispered into his ear. Peter blushed under the mask and hugged you back. People on the streets clapped and took videos, but you were unaware of any of it. The man driving the car got out just as the police arrived to take yours and Peters statements. Once you were all squared away with the police, Peter wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Let me get you somewhere safe.” Peter said before swinging you a few blocks away from the sight of the crash. You held on tight and let out a happy scream as he swung you since it was a dream of yours coming true. When he set you down, you smoothed your hair down and looked at him.
“Thank you so much for saving me. I’m such an idiot. I was so focused on my phone that I just mindlessly kept walking even when the walk sign wasn’t on.”
“You’re not the idiot. That driver was. He was going 60 miles an hour in a school zone. It wouldn’t have mattered if the wall sign was on or not. I’m just glad I could be here to stop the car.”
“Just like Twilight.” You whispered to yourself.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Sorry. I’m just a little starstruck.” You admitted with a shy smile.
“Don’t be.” He shrugged. “I’m just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.”
“I know. But I’m kinda your biggest fan.”
“Well, I’m flattered. It’s nice to have a fan.” He chuckled through the mask. For the first time, Peter actually found it easy to talk to you. Conversation was flowing and he didn’t even have to try.
“I’m seriously obsessed with you. I’ve been following you since you first started, back when I was in high school. I think what you do is amazing. And now that you stopped me from becoming street meat, I’ll love you forever.” You told him before you knew what you were saying. You felt embarrassed to be freaking out so much over him, but he didn’t seem to think it was weird.
“I’m happy to hear that.” He smiled shyly at the sound of you promising to love him forever.
“Good. And I promise, I’ll never look at my phone while walking again. I’ll be super careful from now on.”
“What were you so focused on anyway?” He wondered.
“Oh, um…” You trailed off and just showed him your phone instead of trying to explain. It turned out the thing that had distracted you so much that you almost got hit by a car was a Tik Tok of footage of Spiderman edited to the song Deep Throat by Cupcakke. You smiled in embarrassment while Peter burst out laughing.
“That’s…intense.” He said once he regained his composure.
“I’m sorry. I tried to warn you. I said I was a fan.” You laughed and relaxed a little. You felt like you were being so weird, but he seemed to enjoy it.
“Can I walk you home?” He offered, making you light up.
“Really? I mean, yeah, sure.”
Peter put a gloved hand on your back and started walking with you back to your dorm. Conversation flowed easier than it ever had before and Peter felt like you were meeting each other for the first time. Talking to you as Spiderman was the antitheses of talking to you as Peter. His jokes didn’t fall flat, there was no awkward silence, and you were the one constantly complimented him.
“You know, I’ve fantasized about this very moment a million times.” You admitted to him as you neared your dorm.
“Have you?” He smiled coyly.
“Yeah. I just didn’t think it was actually gonna happen.”
“I don’t mind walking a pretty girl home. Maybe it can happen more often.” He timidly suggested. You stopped walking and looked at him to see if he was serious.
“I would like that.” You grinned.
“Cool. I’m smiling back at you, by the way. Sorry, I know it’s hard to tell under this.” He joked and gestured to the mask.
“It’s okay. I actually could tell.” You told him. Peter smiled only again and felt his heart swoon for you. You got to your dorm all too soon, meaning this conversation had come to an end.
“This is me.” You smiled sadly and pointed to your building. “Can I ask you something? Before you go?”
“Sure. Go ahead.”
“How old are you?” You said, close to a whisper.
“Really?” You gasped. “Me too. You have no idea how relived I am to hear that.”
“Relieved? Why?”
“Because now I know my crush is age appropriate. So I can fully indulge in the fantasy. And because now I get to laugh in my friends faces who thought you were 30 or something.”
“It’s not really a fantasy if it’s really happening, is it?” Peter said as he stepped closer to you. Your breath caught in your throat and you broke into a dreamy smile.
“Trust me. It’s definitely a fantasy.” You sighed happily.
“Well, have a good night.” Peter said and squeezed your arm.
“You too.” You replied as you touched where his gloved hand had just been. Peter looked over his shoulder to wave at you before swinging away. Once you thought he was out of earshot, you let out a happy scream and jumped up and down. But you were never out of ear shot when it came to Peter, and he heard the whole thing with a grin on his face.
chapter two is out now!
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@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning
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@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure
@a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr @maryjanee23
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@unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl
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@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
@pandaxnienke  @thestylestour
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nenelonomh · 5 months
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hello, loves
good morning! happy saturday! i've got a coffee by my side as i write this post and boy, do i have a lot to do today.
now that the school week has ended, i'm going to focus on spending today smashing out all of my leftover work (there's a lot).
{ REFLECTION AND ANALYTICAL PARAGRAPH OF 'THE PEDESTRIAN' BY RAY BRADBURY ☆ learner portfolio (ct2b) ☆ spanish chapter 3 homework book ☆ sehs glossary and learning doc (1A musculoskeletal system) ☆ buis research for pest analysis of a country ☆ buis hrm presentation (research, creation of pp, additional resources) ☆ buis true or false quiz ☆ ABC training ☆ phys practice q's ☆ phys glossary and knowledge ☆ maths chapter 18 hw book ☆ maths work on understanding of trig and true bearings }
my goal with all of my work is to get at least 1 pomodoro complete of each task, and if i finish that in good time, i can circle back around. i need to remember that this is the life i chose for myself, i had to apply to and do testing to get into my current school. i'm grateful for the opportunities it gives me.
other than school work, this morning i stretched for a bit (it's really becoming a habit, which i'm proud of) and read a chapter. i'm currently working on learning to mindfully read--not reading for the sake of reading.
magazine issue #1 was released today! i'm so proud of it. i'm going to be posting a new issue monthly, with all content related to what i currently post.
i hope you all have a wonderful day!
❤️ nene
(images are from pinterest)
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Cheese Balls
i don’t know if this is only local to my area, but does anyone else have those big barrels of cheese balls at their grocery store?
imagine, for a moment, an academic boy in college. he often overworks himself and sometimes skips meals to go study or do homework, leaving him starving by nighttime. as a snack, he rewards himself with cheese balls.
answer a long trig question? he pops a cheese ball in his mouth.
writing an essay? each sentence he finishes, he pops a cheese ball in his mouth.
he’s so absentminded that he doesn’t notice the barrel of cheese balls dwindling. he scans his textbook line for line, shoving fistfuls of cheese balls into his mouth with every page. he’s got nearly 20 pages to read for homework.
when he closes the textbook, he reaches into the barrel of cheese balls and his hand touches the plastic bottom. it’s completely empty. he tastes the artificial cheese in the back of his throat, and gradually starts to feel the ache in his overstuffed stomach.
knowing he’s in for a painful and queasy night, he decides to turn in early, burping up that awful cheese taste. he lies in bed staring up at the ceiling, rubbing circles on his distended, throbbing belly. he worries his roommate might hear his belly audibly hurting and growling. he bites back groans and tries not to toss and turn too much in bed. the bed frame squeaks.
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mischiefmaker615 · 1 year
A Loki request: Prompts: "Will you let me rub your back" and "Care to give me a back scratch".
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Rating: PG
Y/N groaned as you pretty much staggered down the halls after a long day at work, wanting to ignore everything and everyone for the rest of the day.
SHIELD’s training has been killing you since they initiated new protocols and its not like Natasha has ever been easy on you as a combat partner. After the eighth day in a row this week, your body was bruised and achy. The rest of the team that you ran into at the tower knew very well to stay way out of the way when you got into this type of ‘over it’ mood, but not your boyfriend: Loki.
‘’welcome back darling, are you fairing well?’’ he asked in almost an annoying kind of tone, that or maybe you’d feel better if he was less happy and shared your pain.
To answer him, you nearly groaned and practically flopped onto your bed facing down and your body finally sighed and began relaxing; or at least while it lasted. Two gentle hands gently were placed upon your back and you immediately tensed up and practically hissed, triggering your aches and pains once more as you winced.
‘’I’m sorry but I’m not in the mood..’’ you say quickly and held back the pain in your voice, knowing fully well you and Loki usually made love whenever you both got reunited again.. or whenever the clock struck a second.
Loki chuckled as he held his hands up in a surrender position with his palms facing you as you seemed to curl up into a ball. ‘’I’m merely trying to help you relax darling, you look like you’ve had a long day- or week for that matter.’’ He said gently and reached for you again but you leaned away with a cringed look on your face at the very thought of trigging your pain again.
Loki sighed in light frustration and made a come-hither motion with his finger. ‘’will you let me rub your back?’’ he said stubbornly and you bit your lip.
You knew he was only wanting to help and quite frankly, forgot that your boyfriend had magic to help you ease your pain. Pain seemed to be wiping your memories by the second, making you almost want to pity laugh at yourself. Meekly, you relented by fully knowing Loki usually won most of the battles and you were to sore to keep being stubborn so you slowly moved yourself back onto your stomach.
You felt his finger hands gently return to your shoulders, stroking up and down with very little pressure at first before they moved their way towards the crook of your neck. Keeping your eyes closed, you took deep breaths as you helped him make your body relax as he slowly increased pressure with his thumbs kneading any knots they came across and paid extra special attention to them.
You bit your lip as you buried your face in your pillow, mainly hiding your blush as his hands rubbed against skin as the tank top was in both of your favors. As we worked beside you, you felt him shift lightly as he moved and practically sensed his frame leaning over you that would have practically cased a shadow if you both were outside.
His hands flattened against you now, rubbing in sidestrokes on either side of your spine as he worked his way down to your lower back and then repeated. You almost wanted to arch as you heard him chuckle above you.
‘’I thought you weren’t in the mood love, and yet here you are as always, craving my touch..’’ he purred, making your face heat up.
‘’it’s the shifting of the mattress..’’ you lied and tried to make your body sit still against his touch but you both knew it to be not true as you practically whined when he eased up.
‘’don’t forget who you’re lying to love,’’ he chuckled before resuming his strokes ‘’how is the pain darling?’’ he asked and used his thumbs now to rub tight circles down the sides of your spin, making you wince in a good way.
‘’you’re definitely making me forget about it-‘’ you breathed as your fingers gripped the sheets below you before you gasped when you heard your back crack and he moved his hands.
‘’well that’s defiantly a good sign that pressure was released.’’ He chuckled, now rubbing your back lovingly before he leaned down to place gentle kisses on your shoulder blades, causing you to shiver. ‘’I didn’t even need to use magic.’’
You opening your eyes in surprise and glanced at him.
‘’don’t look surprised love, we both know I’m good with my hands.’’ He smirked and you buried your head in your pillow again shyly.
‘’t-thank you..’’
Loki chuckled and you felt him shift a little before his presence on the mattress was gone ‘’you’re welcome love, I’m happy to help.’’
You were almost to quick to raise your head as you rested on your forearms to look over at him, missing his touch already as you bit your lip. Of course you and your boyfriend have been together for quite a while now but you still got nervous asking anything of him as you shifted uncomfortably with pleading eyes. ‘’Loki…’’
Loki looked back in gentle question and smile as he paused his steps. ‘’yes darling?’’
‘’can you..’’ you started, shifting again as you glanced down at his smooth, slender hands you missed already and your eyes switched back to his again as you shrugged a little. ‘’care to give me a back scratch?’’ you gave a sheepish grin as your body told you it needed more of him. ‘’while you’re at it’’
Loki smirked as he turned back at you full and you both knew that’s not entirely what you wanted. ‘’needy girl aren’t we’’ he teased and his pace slowly stalked back towards you. ‘’very well darling, now, lie down.’’
This last gif was just for fun Lol cause come. on! *pants*
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