rosie-kairi · 1 year
So, if you had to give one union leader, or union leader adjacent person, their memories of the future, who would you choose to cause maximum chaos
Hmmm that's a tough one. They all present some interesting scenarios...
I feel like the obvious answer would be Ephemer or Brain. Brain getting his memories of the future would just give him all the more reason to try and change it as much as possible, and knowing him he'd wait until the last possible second to drop that fact that he knows what's going to happen to them in the future, mostly because he just seems like the type to do that.
Ephemer for the same reason as Brain- trying to change the future without telling anyone else- but also because I feel like some really funny scenarios would arise if you give the future memories to Ephemer at the point in time before he's recruited as a Union Leader/when the player firsts meets him. He just goes full conspiracy theorist about it. Imagine the bit where he drops the fact that the disney worlds are just holograms on the player, except he also drops some cryptic stuff about the future and refuses to elaborate.
Lauriam would be some good angst material wherein he's completely horrified by Marluxia's actions but is unable to do anything to prevent it because of the amnesia thing. I'm unsure what Ventus would do because he also has that amnesia thing going for him, but I think he'd just be happy he has so many friends in the future.
Jury's still out on what Skuld and Strelitzia's respective deals are, so it's difficult to say what they would do about it.
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blazingjackdaw · 11 months
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I missed doing meme redraws <:
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pollocklegacy · 1 year
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in game: November 23, 2025
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sugasiren · 1 year
☆ Astro Observations Pt 2 ☆
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**NOTE: This blog contains Mature Content.
💜 Scorpio Suns can "fake" smile A LOT - especially the women. They'll have big ass Cheshire Cat grins on their faces when trying to convince others that they care when they DO NOT. Shit looks mad weird! 🤣 Scorpionic Energy is meant to be dark, enticing & magnetic. So just embrace it!
💜 Scorpio Venus Women can be reserved Nuns or wild Wh0res! Lol. They can go hard in either direction. Either way though, they *hate* to be objectified and crave connection. Scorpio Venus Men are simply seductive AF. 🔥 Like dayummm! They're usually a highly sexual yet very choosy bunch. They can go years (by choice) without sex like a Monk. Many will "hold back" and repress their craving for an all-consuming love. Then suddenly FLOOD with emotions (and semen lol) for that special somebody - ready to devour your pu$$y & envelop your soul! 😎 These men are possessive & not for the faint of heart.
💜 Individuals with Mars in the 3rd House are MAJOR Sapiosexuals. Deep conversations turn them on!! Intellect gives these women many tingles and usually arouses *both* heads on the men. 🔥 3rd House rules short-distance travel... so these people may enjoy car sex, sex outdoors or sex while on a weekend getaway. Also, the women can correlate how a man drives/parks with how he fucks. 🤣 And you know what? It actually makes sense! A man who sucks at parking is probably a shitty lay. Lol. A man who handles large trucks with ease will probably dominate you.
*fans self*
💜 Libra Risings often look like walking works of ART from the Romantic Era. 💕 Paint these pretty bitches in ALL of their Venusian glory! Just sit them next to an elegant fireplace wearing *nothing* but a silk robe and a smile for Titanic vibesss. Often, the Men look like Sculpted Gods (like The Rock & Idris Elba) or Pretty Boys - like Leo DiCaprio & Harry Styles. And the Women are typically very lovely & voluptuous - like Beyonce, Doja Cat & Kate Winslet. Even when Libra Risings are average in appearance, they come across as pleasant & attractive to others.
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💜 Men with strong Capricorn and/or Leo in their charts (especially Mars, Moon or ASC) give hella Big Dick Energy. 💪💪 Take me from the back, Zaddy! And they often make for being the best Providers for their families. *King Aura*
💜 Women with strong Taurus and/or Scorpio in their charts give Big Clit Energy. 🔥 Women with heavy Leo or Capricorn definitely possess Queen Energy. 🥂 Ladies with strong Aries give BOTH! The Queens w/ the Juicy Clit. ♈
💜 Aries Suns are indeed the PIONEERS of the Zodiac in every sense of the word. They blaze trails everywhere they go. 🔥🔥 Aretha Franklin was The Queen Of Soul; Marlon Brando & Bette Davis were the King & Queen of Old Hollywood; Celine Dion & Mariah Carey created the female Vocal Trinity that dominated the 90's music scene; Steven Tyler taught us how to boldly "Dream On" and Marvin Gaye asked us "What's Going On?" and inspired us to think! Selena was the FIRST woman to became a megastar in Tejano Music; Loretta Lynn broke major ground for women in Country Music; Martin Lawrence made us laugh until we peed our pants; Lady GaGa is in a glorious class all by HERSELF. 💯 Van Gogh created timeless Art; Phoebe & Simone have inspired the masses to bring back real romance as the lead actresses on the smash show 'Bridgerton'; Halle Bailey is amazingly talented & is going to be the best damn ARIEL this world has ever seen. 🧜🏾‍♀️
You need a ground-breaker? You need courage & inspiration? You need to see the IDGAF spirit in action? Go find an Aries and they'll get the damn job DONE. ♈
That's all for now Darlings! 💕 Catch you again soon.
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somevagrantchild · 1 year
Favorite Random Lestat facts
I have insomnia and vampires on the brain, so here are some of my favorite random Lestat facts, in no particular order:
He stole decorating ideas for his chateau from Armand’s Trinity Gate
His fingernails were a little too long when he died, so he files them, though they regrow every night
He liked to spend hours polishing his own coffin as a meditative exercise
As a human, he never liked to masturbate, he’d just go out and find someone to have sex with
When he’s not with Louis, he always thinks Louis can’t possibly be as attractive as he’s remembering him, but then when he sees Louis again, he’s like, “Nope, he really is that hot”
Despite his vanity, he thinks he’s one of the most conventional and boring looking vampires you’ll ever see, and ordinary and uninteresting compared to the cooler vampires
He thinks his best feature is his expression
When he was human, he never had much beard and didn’t have to shave often
He’ll always mention when people are taller than him, so we know anyone whose height isn’t given must be less than six feet
He knows how to tap dance
The other vampires think of him as a poet
Most dogs instinctually hate him, and being rejected by a dog makes him sad every time
Except for with Akasha, he never killed a human that wasn’t a meal
Even as a baby vampire, he had the power to toss Louis across the room with a flick of his wrist, but would still let Louis hold him back and whale on him just to get his rage out
He absolutely adored Claudia and thought of her as his mini-me
In the decade he lived with Antoine (1860-1871), he never wanted to go out in public because he was ashamed of his burn scars
He likes to take naps
He’s a voracious reader
He only wears black socks
He’s a serial walker, not even going anywhere, just walks for hours
He performed a rock concert in a full Bela Lugosi Dracula costume and never took off his suit or cape even though he was sweating buckets. That’s commitment to the bit.
Even though he’s good at it, flying always frightens him on an existential level and fills him with despair
Despite his love of fine clothes, he’ll wear the same outfit for weeks or months until it becomes rags
His list of things that make existence worth it: the blazing warmth of fires and caresses, kisses and arguments, love and longing and blood (emphasis on the longing)
His love language is gift giving (but not receiving)
He never shows any skin in public other than his face (and soooometimes hands)
He doesn’t like how white his hair turned after repeated burnings, and wishes it was more yellow
He gets really angry at the thought of Louis being embarrassed or insulted by others
He is incapable of expressing big feelings out loud, so he writes them all down instead
He wants everyone to remember how scary he really is
He doesn’t like blood with alcohol in it because it makes him dizzy
His mom came up with his name by combining the first letters of his 6 older brothers' names, and it means absolutely nothing
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fr3sh-tragedies · 6 months
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[Shadow of the Tomb Raider] Lara Croft x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.12k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Touch starved Lara (?), feelings of homesickness, fear of death, mentions of mourning, brief descriptions of wounds
Angst Fluff Mix
One-Shot Preference Headcanon
[A/N]: Wanted to try a bit of a different format for the summary, hope it makes sense.
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Harsh winds whipped past the shape of the land, bending around every mountain and down every ravine and valley like ribbon. Shivering harshly and clutching onto her heavy coat, Lara sighed, planting herself in front of the campfire she had set up. As the flames crackled to life and began to grow, she scooted closer, holding her hands out towards the blazing heat in an attempt to warm them. She huffed out hot air into her cupped palms before rubbing them together and shifting to hold them out again.
She repeated this motion a few more times before wriggling her fingers around a bit. Once she was sure they were warmed up enough, she slipped her journal out from her traveler’s pack and took her pen out. She flipped over to the next blank page, beginning to jot things down with stiff hands. It started with her summarizing all that had happened during the current expedition up until that point, but quickly shifted to her feelings of homesickness. It wasn’t the manor or her private apartment she was missing, however. She was missing the woman waiting for her back home.
A small smile of content formed on her lips at the mere thought of her.
“God, [Y/N], I wish you were…”
She shook her head as a chill ran down her spine, as if she was being reminded of the brutal conditions she was in. With a small struggle, she scribbled out the ending of the sentence before starting a new one.
“No, I wish I was there with you. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss you. Especially how warm you are. It’s freezing out here, although I’m not sure what I was expecting. Even when we stayed by the hot springs for a bit, my hands were too frozen to do anything. Writing this right now is extremely difficult because we’re headed toward the peak of a mountain where the snow is really dense. The altitude levels are getting high, and it’s making some of the crew sick, so we had to set up camp in the meantime. Aside from Jonah, the crew here doesn’t really care for all of this. They’re either doing it for the media exposure or for the money. The majority of them have made it clear that they aren’t doing it for the sake of discovery. I do kind of wish you were here in all honesty. Jonah is interested in what we’re looking for, but it always takes some convincing with him. With you, you’re always on board immediately. And, according to the others, you share the same level of enthusiasm as me. I guess I never really noticed it.
“Which is honestly a bit of a surprise. I know I can get a bit…aggressive about these things, or obsessive. People tell me I start getting picky about things once I realize they don’t have the same interests and intentions as me. And Sam wonders why I don’t like hanging out with other people.”
She laughed softly to herself, skimming over her words before she continued writing.
“Except you, of course. I wish I could bring you along with me to these expeditions, but I’m just…worried Trinity is going to get to you somehow, and aside from Jonah, you’re the only one I have left. If they got ahold of you, I don’t know what I’d do with myself. I’ve lost too many people already. I can’t lose you too.”
A small pause. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself during these trips anymore. Before she had met [Y/N], she had gotten used to sleeping alone and spending the majority of her time alone. She could go on journeys without worrying about returning home to someone. She didn’t want to die, that wasn’t what she was thinking of. She just didn’t feel guilty about trips taking longer than she initially planned. Deep down, though, she knew [Y/N] understood. Each time she’d make it home to her girlfriend, she was always greeted with relief and excitement rather than annoyance and resentment.
During the nights where she was alone on the expeditions, she could eventually get herself to fall asleep for short periods of time, pretending she was back home in bed with her girlfriend, cuddled up together under the blankets and sleeping in.
Another thing she had to readjust to was doing things solo. The only thing she tended to do on her own at the manor anymore was paperwork. [Y/N] would do everything with her there: researching, reading, cleaning, taking trips to different cities, and so on and so forth. She had grown so accustomed to that to where she found herself itching to talk to someone or move around at the campsites when she used to just sit there and think to herself.
She genuinely enjoyed the idea of having someone to come home to every time, but it still caused guilt when anything went wrong. There was a near-constant worry that her job was straining the relationship, regardless of what [Y/N] told her.
She had never been in a relationship before, so she really had no idea what to expect. It was stressful trying to learn how to open up to someone, but once she realized she could fully trust [Y/N], she found it much easier to start talking about her past.
Another sigh slipped past her lips, her gaze dropping down to the page of her journal again.
“I can’t wait to get home to you again. And honestly, I never thought I’d be able to say that. With how often I’m traveling, I figured I wouldn’t find someone who was willing to put up with my constant researching and preparing. I suppose I could take you on easier trips where I know Trinity won’t be. I could teach you how to go rock climbing and the basics of how to survive out in the wilderness.”
A sense of fondness washed over her, remembering how Roth would take her backpacking and traveling to random places so she could learn all of his tricks.
“If Roth were still here, I bet I could’ve convinced him to let you come with us to one of our training expeditions. He loved teaching all about journeying. He probably would’ve talked your ear off the way he did with me.”
Once more, a soft laugh escaped her.
“I’d honestly give anything to hear him lecture me about trusting my instinct again. You would’ve loved him. He was a good man.”
She studied her entry, repeatedly skimming over Roth’s name scribbled out in her shaky handwriting. 
“I wish you could’ve met him.”
She frowned at the memory of what happened in Yamatai, guilt beginning to bubble up to the surface again. She sighed, trying to shift her focus to something else.
“I can’t wait to get back home to you. I miss you. Hopefully I’ll be able to see you sooner rather than later. I already want to come back just so I can be with you again. I love you.”
Gently, she shut her journal and tucked it away again, dropping her pen in on top of it before zipping the bag shut. Once she placed the bag to her side, she shifted to turn back to the fire, which had grown to a decent size. Her unfocused gaze watched the flames in front of her dance wildly to the bitterly cold gusts of wind. Soon, as she waited for Jonah to call her over, her mind wandered off, her body shivering, aching, and craving to be in her warm, plush bed by [Y/N]’s side again.
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The expedition finally came to an end. Unfortunately, it had taken an extra three days thanks to Trinity’s operation disrupting everything. Lara was returning home with another artifact, one which she planned to donate to a local museum instead of adding to her personal collection. She asked Jonah to drop the artifact off for her, her expression alone telling him all he needed to know. He agreed, knowing she just wanted to get home to [Y/N] again and rest. Once the plane landed and they disembarked with their luggage, Lara instantly found her car still parked in a private garage she had paid for ahead of time.
She hopped in instantly after tucking her small amount of luggage into the trunk, started the engine, and sped off toward her home. The majority of the drive there, she reflected on what had happened during the expedition. Although she had been in a warm environment for hours on the way back, she still felt chilled to the bone after swimming in glacial waters for hours on end. All she craved was to get home and warm all the way up so she could sleep comfortably, even though she knew the moment the numbness subsided, her joints would ache even more.
Once she finally arrived, she parked her car in her usual spot and headed inside, completely forgetting about the bags in the trunk. Her body felt like it would collapse any minute, so she was desperately trying to get inside and find [Y/N].
With a great deal of effort, straining the aching muscles in her arms and back, she shoved the main door open leading into the front parlor. Before any of the servants could lead her somewhere to get her injuries treated or get changed into warmer clothes, Lara made a beeline to the stairs leading up to the second floor of the main building. She wobbled down the hall to her bedroom door, weakly pushing it open with a small grunt of pain. She didn’t spot [Y/N] in the bedroom right away, so she checked the bathroom attached to it.
She wasn’t there either. Odd.
With a groan, she forced herself to trudge back out of the room and down the hall, planning to check the library next. And if she wasn’t there, she’d search the main study. Before she could make it to the doorway leading to the library, [Y/N] stepped out carrying a couple of books. When she spotted Lara, her face lit up, excitedly placing the books aside on a nearby console table and rushing over to the brunette. At the sight of [Y/N] heading her direction, a small surge of energy bolted through Lara’s senses. She beamed over at her and opened her arms, sighing in relief when the smaller woman leaned heavily into her embrace.
“Lara, you’re back! How was the trip? Find anything good?”
Lara grinned wider at her enthusiasm–a breath of fresh air to have someone show genuine interest in her own passion. “Yeah, we found an old artifact, but I told Jonah to just go donate it to the local museum. I don’t have much space left on the shelves in my study, and I don’t want to clutter our room with them.” [Y/N] chuckled at her words, a small nod as her response as they remained in their embrace a moment longer.
At length, much to Lara’s dismay, [Y/N] leaned back. One hand dropped down to gently take hold of the brunette’s, and the other lifted to cup her cheek. At the feeling of warmth against her face, Lara leaned into the touch, her eyes shutting as she sighed. “C’mon,” [Y/N] started softly with a warm smile, “let’s get you patched up and changed. Then you can get some sleep.” Before she could try to refute, Lara yawned and nodded, wearily following the smaller woman’s lead as she carefully tugged her toward the bedroom again.
Once in there, she sat Lara down on the bed, retrieved the First Aid kit from the medical cabinet in the bathroom, and joined her on the mattress, which the brunette seemed to immediately sink into. She pulled out a damp rag she had also grabbed and began to dab cautiously at the scratches and cuts littered across Lara’s skin. When she began to apply the antiseptic, she earned a few hisses of pain, though they quickly died down with each passing second. All the while, Lara’s eyelids were growing heavier. She did her best to bite back her yawns, though most of them still snuck through.
After cleaning all of the visible marks, [Y/N] stitched up what she needed to, and applied bandages to what was left. She quickly packed the kit back up and stored it in the bathroom once more. Then, she helped Lara head into the bathroom and get undressed, helping her step into the bath when the warm water filled up enough. Once the brunette was situated and comfortable, [Y/N] took her hair down for her and began to rinse and lather it with the shampoo she had set up beforehand. Once her hair was clean, she then washed Lara’s back, shoulders, and mostly everything but her stomach, legs, and mostly whatever was underneath the water, which she let the Croft do on her own.
By the time Lara was clean and wrapped up in a towel after stepping out of the tub, [Y/N] left and came back in carrying a pair of clothes that had just been pulled out from the dryer. She gave the brunette a bit of privacy to get dressed. Lara hummed contentedly at the warm, soft fabric brushing across her skin: a pair of black fleece pants with a slightly oversized gray t-shirt.
She stood after tugging her clothes on. After folding the towel back up enough to hang on the rack on the wall, she flipped the lightswitch off and left the bathroom, finding [Y/N] standing by the bed with a tray in her hands. Curiously, Lara walked over and sat down at the foot of the bed with an eyebrow raised. Before she could question what it was, [Y/N] moved to hand the tray to her, revealing her favorite dish warmed up and placed nicely on a plate.
At the sight of it, she blinked, and soon looked back up at her girlfriend, who had moved to her own side of the bed. “Go ahead and eat. I wanted you to have something in your stomach so it doesn’t growl and wake you up like last time.”
With a pleased grin, Lara nodded and shifted up to her spot in bed to prop herself up against the headboard. She was quick to pick up her fork and dig into the dish, clearly grateful to have something prepared for her instead of needing to fix something for herself the way she had done the past few days in the wilderness. It saved her a lot of time and energy, all of which she could spend on recovering from the trip. Within minutes, the plate was clean and her cup was empty. She moved to get up and bring it to the kitchen downstairs, but [Y/N] was quick to stop her and take it from her hands. “Hey, no, go ahead and stay here, alright? I really just want you to relax for a while.”
Even if Lara had planned on refusing the help, it would’ve been no use, as [Y/N] was already by the door by the time she finished speaking. She quickly slipped out of the room, leaving Lara there to wait. She hadn’t even had a chance to nod. She sighed, shuffling downward to bundle up underneath the thick blankets layering her mattress and tugging them partially over her head. The moment her head made contact with her pillow, she groaned in relief, the plush surface welcoming her and pulling her into a partial slumber already.
She fought to stay awake a little longer, however, wanting to be cuddled up against [Y/N] as she slept so she could hear her heartbeat. Ever since the two had started sharing the bed, that’s how Lara fell asleep. It’s why going on long expeditions was so difficult sometimes–she had no heartbeat to listen to, no breathing she could hear but her own, and no warmth to lean into when she got a chill or had a strange dream that kept her eyes pried open in alarmed confusion. Another yawn pushed past her lips, her eyes slowly fluttering shut. Just as she was close to being lulled into sleep, the bedroom door creaked open again. [Y/N] stepped inside and turned the lights off, then headed over to the windows and closed all the heavy curtains, leaving a very dull light in the room.
She then crawled into her side of the bed, though she was quickly met with Lara scooting over and pressing her head against her chest, planting her ear directly over the girl’s sternum to hear the steady thumping of her heartbeat resting safely behind her ribs. A sigh of relief made its way from Lara. She wriggled over a bit, nuzzled her face further into the blankets, and finally settled for a position. With a small smile, [Y/N] rolled over just enough to wrap both of her arms around the brunette’s torso. She pulled her closer as softly as she could.
“Did you wanna talk about the trip?” She whispered softly. A bit of a delay, but Lara answered with a small shake of her head. “No,” she murmured almost inaudibly. “Maybe tomorrow.” [Y/N] nodded in response. She slid one of her arms over a bit, earning a groan of disapproval, though it was quickly replaced by an even fainter groan of pleasure once her fingernails began to gently rake through Lara’s brunette locks. [Y/N] repeated this motion for a while before changing to let her nails scratch soothingly at the sore muscles of the taller woman’s back. “Mmm, what about you?” Lara finally managed to slur out after a few minutes.
[Y/N] hummed, confused. “What about me?” She questioned quietly. Again, there was a pause before she got a response. “What about your day? Tell me…about your day.”
“Oh. Well, it wasn’t very eventful, to be honest. I just helped some of the maids and then read a few books. That’s why I was leaving the library when you made it in.”
Lara groaned and shuffled even closer. “I missed you so much,” she whispered. [Y/N] beamed down at her, pure adoration in her eyes. “I missed you too.” She pressed a kiss to the brunette’s forehead, to which Lara responded by scrunching up her nose and leaning her head forward, wordlessly asking for another one. The smaller woman complied after letting a gentle giggle slip in between breaths and pressed a longer kiss to Lara’s head, earning a small huff of satisfaction.
For a while longer, [Y/N] continued to talk about whatever came to mind. Lara wasn’t entirely listening, she just wanted to hear her voice, but [Y/N] already knew that. She didn’t mind. She could talk about seeing a bird on the window sill, and Lara would still find it calming solely because she could hear her speaking. She could hear the low rumbling and vibrations in her chest with every word spoken, and on top of the sound of her heartbeat, it was like the ultimate white noise for Lara.
She wasn’t entirely sure why it brought her so much comfort, but she certainly wasn’t complaining. It helped her fall asleep and stay asleep, which is something she struggled with for the longest time. Being able to get a proper night’s rest felt so refreshing.
Especially after having to be on high alert and sleep lightly for weeks on end during most of her journeys.
After a while, [Y/N] ran out of things to talk about. However, knowing that hearing her make noise was what helped Lara fall asleep, she opted to sing softly instead. An hour or so must’ve passed before Lara’s breathing deepened and slowed, evening out as her body signaled she was fully asleep. After finishing the song she had been practically humming at that point, [Y/N] stopped singing. When she fell silent, her own eyes beginning to droop from fatigue, Lara tugged her closer, unconsciously trying to find the source of the noise again. She settled after a moment when her hearing focused in on her heartbeat once more.
She mumbled something under her breath, though the blankets muffled most of it. The other half of the incoherent speech was caused by her lack of conscience. [Y/N] didn’t mind it though. Finally being able to hold Lara safely in her arms again after two and a half weeks was all she had been wanting. She glanced down at her, smiling tiredly and pressing a gentle kiss to her head again before yawning and closing her eyes.
Soon enough, she fell into a deep slumber as well.
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The following morning, the sun crept in through the blinds, alerting everyone of its wake. Bright golden beams trailed their way into the bedroom, sneaking up the covers and making Lara suddenly aware of her surroundings again. She grumbled, calloused fingertips grasping at the hem of the comforter that had slipped from over her head and tugging upward, desperately trying to block out the warmth that stirred her awake. It had been years–until she met [Y/N], anyway–since she had been able to sleep in peacefully without the overwhelming worry of needing to constantly accomplish something. She wanted to stay asleep at least long enough to finish her dream.
For a moment, she smirked to herself, noticing just how soft she had gotten once her relationship had been established with the other woman. Had they never met, nor had they gotten as close as they did, she’d likely still be awake at this hour, buried away in her personal study with stacks of books and loose files strewn about.
With a sense of bitter hesitation, one in which she debated falling back into the dream she had been having just a moment prior–which thankfully wasn’t another nightmare keeping her awake–she let her weary eyes flutter open. A small shove downward let the covers fall free from over her head again, begrudgingly allowing the sunlight to caress her features in a more willing manner. A sigh of relief slipped past her lips once she was able to let her eyes adjust to the blazing beams of light dancing around with each small movement.
After a moment of gaining her bearings, she yawned, drowsily rubbing the exhaustion from her eyes as she shifted over to find [Y/N] still resting at her side. The corners of her lips perked up into a small smile of contentment at the sight. She hummed, shuffled up to let her head rest even in front of [Y/N]’s, and gazed over at her.
The light that had disturbed Lara of her rest now brought her a sense of peace. The warm glow of the amber streaks lighting up the room seemed to embrace every little mark across [Y/N]’s skin, highlighting each scar and stray freckle. Never before had she seemed so at ease in her slumber–or maybe Lara had been too focused on holding her close to have noticed. She noticed it now, though.
And she intended to savor every minute of it.
Moments passed, and her hands were itching to feel the softness of the woman’s skin. With a slight ounce of uncertainty, worried she might stir her awake, she finally lifted her hand from the spot on the mattress next to her and drove it up to let the backs of her fingers graze over [Y/N]’s cheek, huffing out a small sigh at the warmth as though she hadn’t been pressed tightly against her mere moments before.
Her fingers trailed up to tuck a few loose strands of hair behind the sleeping woman’s ear, slowly and silently shuffling forward to press a featherlike kiss to her forehead. At the feeling of soft lips and touches against her skin, [Y/N] began to wake, her brows furrowing together momentarily in thought, as if she were stuck between her dreams and lucidity. Her features softened just as quickly as they tightened, followed by her eyes flitting open and instantaneously focusing on the smitten gaze in front of her. She hummed, grinning and letting her hand slide up to gently take hold of Lara’s. With a small squeeze to her lax hand, [Y/N] turned her head to press an equally soft kiss to her palm.
“Morning,” she murmured against her skin, letting her focus flicker back toward the deep brown eyes now somehow filled with even more love than before.
“Morning,” came her faint reply.
“Are you feeling better now that you’ve slept?” Lara grinned, nodding almost unnoticeably. She carefully slipped her hand from [Y/N]’s, then letting it trail down to the smaller woman’s hip. Once moving a bit closer, as well as shuffling back down further into the comforter, she wrapped both arms around [Y/N]’s waist, tugging her closer and letting her head fall against her chest. Once [Y/N]’s chin moved to rest atop the brunette’s head, Lara sighed, her eyes fluttering shut once more. “Yes, but if I’m being completely honest, my entire body is aching right now. So much happened before I got back.”
She chuckled, wincing to herself at the sudden jolt of pain that erupted from the nerves in the skin taut against her stomach. “I don’t know if I can physically get up yet. Or if I'll be able to at all today.”
A playful snicker sounded above her, prompting her to lift her head and look up at [Y/N]. “Are you sure that’s why? Or do you just want to stay in bed and cuddle like this for the day?” Lara rolled her eyes with a smirk of her own. “I’m telling you: every single muscle in my body is painfully sore. I could get up if I absolutely needed to, but I don’t, so I’d really just prefer to stay here.”
With a moment in between the playful banter, Lara dropped her head back against [Y/N]’s chest. She waited, pondering what she wanted to say as her nails gently scratched at the soft fabric of the shirt she leaned against, sighing silently at the feeling of the motion being reciprocated in a far more soothing way. As she focused on [Y/N] tracing random shapes and words against her scarred skin, subconsciously wondering if she could make out anything specific if she focused, she closed her eyes.
“But even if I somehow wasn’t sore like I am now, I’d absolutely want to stay like this for the day. I missed you,” although her voice had already started off gentle, her tone only seemed to drift further into silence. Whether it stemmed from sheepishness or fatigue, [Y/N] didn’t know. She didn’t mind it, however, and instead pulled her closer. “I missed you too. So very much.”
She paused, one of her hands stroking the brunette strands sprawled out on the mattress behind Lara as her brow creased in thought. “I do worry about you though,” she admitted after what felt like hours, not sure if Lara was still even awake at the moment or if she had heard her. She had, however, and was quick to gaze back up at her, partially hidden way beneath the comforter. Her eyes, which had just been staring at her with a mix of blissful fatigue and love, were now a concoction of bleary concern and confusion. “Why?”
“Because sometimes I worry that something is going to happen to you while you’re away, and I’m never going to know. I mean, I know you won’t go down without a fight, but I’m still terrified that there will be a day where I see you alive for the last time. That thought alone plagues my mind every single time you leave, and it just…scares me?” She scoffed. “No, it’s so much more than just feeling scared. I’m terrified beyond belief that a thought like that could somehow become a reality.”
She hadn’t realized she had begun rambling until Lara shifted up to be eye-level with her again, a far more serious expression taking over. With her features creased with concern, Lara cupped [Y/N]’s face, the pads of her thumbs stroking away the tears that she hadn’t even realized had fallen. When had she started crying?
“I promise you I’m never going to let that happen, alright? There’ve been so many times I shouldn’t have been able to survive, but I did. Like you said: I won’t go down without a fight. And now that I have you here, I have all the more reason to fight to stay alive. I couldn’t bear the thought of never coming home to you. Just…don’t ever worry about me not coming home, okay? One way or another, I’ll find a way to get back to you.”
Her tone softened with every passing word, her heart and mind filling with relief upon seeing a gentle smile grace [Y/N]’s lips. She returned her grin and leaned forward to rest their foreheads together. “Even if it means I have to admit to Jonah that I’m wrong,” she added with a fake annoyance and a small roll of her eyes. [Y/N] couldn’t help but chuckle at her words, allowing Lara to finally let out a small sigh of solace.
“I wouldn’t trade my time with you for anything,” she reassured, trading roles and pulling [Y/N] into her chest instead. “Not for an artifact, not for a trip to some uncharted land, not for my studies, not for anything. I know I may not be the best at showing it, but I truly love you, [Y/N]. I promise you that I’ll always find my way back to you.”
At her reassurance, [Y/N] nuzzled closer to focus in on her heartbeat, unable to bite back the wide smile that stretched across her lips. “I love you too,” she whispered.
Her words were true, she just wished she could find a way to prove it to her every day. Regardless of how invested she could get in her studies or research for her next expedition somewhere far away, she wouldn’t trade these moments of serenity for the world. She treasured them far more than any artifact she had discovered, and would do anything to ensure more of those memories could be made. Not even the strongest forces out there would stop her from returning to the one person she could call home, and she vowed, one way or another, to make sure it stayed that way for good.
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gmanwhore · 3 months
Thinking about the Aperture Holy Trinity
Chell is the hero, the angel blazing a golden path through the lonely halls and not allowing anyone to taint her light. She avoided the flames and got her just reward, and has never looked back. Not once.
GLaDOS is the facility itself, the god in the machine. The whole place bends to her will, it was made to be her body. She was briefly cast out but she has returned and restored her temple to it's former glory.
Caroline is the ghost that remains, but the bleeding heart. She carries the scars of what this place has been, she is the reminder to never repeat those mistakes. She no longer owns her body but she owns herself.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 4 months
schools of thought: part 2 🦊
A landoscar college AU, told through social media
to catch up, check out part 1 here
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author's notes
thank you for your patience and the kudos on part 1 🤧 irl stuff happened and i worked on a different story for a while before getting back to this one
ignore timestamps, they don't really matter
if you enjoy it, please consider liking / reblogging / commenting! 💙
—————we pick up at the federation U library———————
lando's studying late. it's a tuesday, and there aren't too many people there - just him, linda the librarian who isn't particularly impressed at anything or anyone, and a couple of other students on other islands of desks, stuck in their own world.
lando doesn't find academic work impossible per se, it's more the sustained attention that gets challenging. and contrary to how he seems, he does actually work hard at his core modules. even if he isn't sure exactly to what end, yet.
the screen's blazing bright and lagrange's theorem is starting to make his brain statick-y, so lando rubs his eyes. one of those advice pages on tiktok said changing tasks could help sometimes to refocus on his studying. something about crop rotation or switching channels of the brain or something. if it's on social media, it must be true.
so he opens his design software instead and makes a party invite.
he sends a prayer to the holy trinity of tiesto, guetta and darude for his very basic photoshop abilities. and an extra hail-van-helden for the free software that he pirated off charles.
the party playlist is already whirring in his head. definitely some garage smashed with some old school hip hop, and he's sure there's a way to get some hans zimmer piano in there. whatever, it'll work.
satisfied with his efforts, lando sips from his hydroflask. (the drink is one part instant coffee, one part spicy honey, and a lot of hot water. carlos gives him shit about it all the time, but carlos is spanish and generally prone to dramatics when it comes to coffee and just about everything else.)
still focused on his important task of Procrastinating His Stabilizer Equations, lando texts max.
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linda, to her credit, only glared at him once when he started humming kid cudi under his breath.
and judging from experience, max and charles are going to be a while, so there's nothing for lando to do but stare at the wall and keep working on his playlists. oh, and his math assignments.
meanwhile, oscar gets a ping from logan.
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what is there to say about the meeting really, oscar thinks. uneventful. ———————earlier——————————
the first project catch-up with lando, they'd met under the campus bee statue. a sunny afternoon, but the campus was quiet, half of them having decamped to the nearby hills or beach for a change of scenery. it was just the pleasant and tolerable buzz of other students enjoying the warmth and doing university student things. he'd spotted a couple of people with picnic blankets out. he hadn't brought a picnic blanket, thinking this would be a quick meeting.
lando had appeared in a blur of white and orange, like a y2k elf. ear piercing, music festival rubber bracelets and all. in a t-shirt that said i'm acute angle.
"'sup osc!" lando said.
"that t-shirt's gramatically incorrect. technically." oscar had replied.
"whaa-aat. but more to the point, it's funny."
"i guess. did you do the reading yet? thought it'd be good to talk roles and responsibilities and maybe a project timeline."
"timeline?" lando said, as he tossed his backpack down and flopped on the lawn. lando extracted two heinekens from a side pocket and went through a complicated manouvre of opening them with his room keys. "thought we'd maybe crack open a beer and just chat, matey."
i'm not your matey, oscar thought. i'm a passenger to whatever train of chaos it is that you're driving and i'd like to get off.
oscar's skin prickled as he realised the double meaning of get off. he also tried to not think too hard about how overfamiliar lando was acting towards him. the worse thing was: there was a bigger part of him that was probably willing to let lando get away with it.
lando seemed to be ignoring whatever existential crisis oscar was going through. instead, lando was going on and on about philosophical youtubers and sparknotes. lando was so animated when he spoke, too: hands always in gestures, as if excitement buzzed directly out of his fingertips and onto oscar. there was a sparkle in his eyes, blue sliding into grey, that made oscar want to sit on his hands. because they were the kind of eyes they wrote about in regency novels, the windows to the soul kind of melodramatic nonsense. that would make him want to do stupid shit. like, get-in-the-way-of-the-project-grade kind of stupid shit.
so it took oscar a lot of energy to focus in that first meeting. he thought he did a pretty decent job picking up the thread of conversation, around the part where lando had called foucault's theory "the indiana jones thought thingy."
"i think you mean archaeology of knowledge."
"right! right." lando said, as he beamed up at him.
oscar had suddenly felt overly warm, then. probably just the sun on the quad, he thought to himself. he was from australia, so technically he should've known better, and worn adequate SPF. he'd have to set a phone reminder for that at a later point. he refused to be fooled again by the european summer and its apparently hypnotic effects. even if those hypnotic effects were probably mostly caused by a menacing parallel phenomenon that oscar would call solarus landonitus.
later, oscar's cooks dinner, and tries to decipher the instructions on the back of a frozen bag of beef mince. pato and logan are away at a football game across the border in italy, an overnighter thing.
his phone vibrates. it's lando.
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oscar's hands hover over the letter keys. a party? he couldn't think of anything worse. but lando said a couple of friends, and it's true oscar hasn't really partied, and he thinks hanging out with his D&D friends doesn't really count. there had been that one instance in first year when oscar had gone to try and meet logan and pato at the ministry of sound, and he'd accidentally ended up at the ministry of state government building. after that, he'd figured parties weren't really fated for him.
but. lando, social butterfly lando, campus personality lando is the one asking. and logan's right, oscar probably does take himself too seriously.
osc types and deletes at least four different responses before be replies. he is an eng lit major, he tells himself. surely he should be better at crafting his words than this. but sometimes it is what it is.
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so it isn't a commitment, and it isn't a hard no, either.
oscar stares at his phone. it's gone quiet. lando's moved on – probably uploading an instagram story. or smashing his too keyboard loudly in a public space as he solves a polynomial. or making a new and unlikely EDM song out of radiator noises, or whatever it is that lando "i'm so cool" norris decides to do with his free time.
oscar is studying the dorm kitchen tiles, thinking about not thinking about lando, when his pasta water boils over. it hits the induction stove with a loud hiss.
"shit!" osc yelps. he grabs a nearby dish towel to wipe it up.
the pasta ends up both soggy and under salted, but he eats it anyway. mind turning all the while.
——————stay tuned part 3 (hint: party party)————————
p.s. if you want to be tagged/notified on the next part/updates just lmk in comments or DM and i'd be happy to!!
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marthawrites · 1 year
Beneath the Prince Regent
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Aemond Targaryen x fem reader
Word count: 2.6k+
Can be read as a one shot, but reads best as part 2 to Midnight Passage
About: After your little disturbance in the Prince Regent's study, Aemond finally comes to bed.
Includes: Explicit sexual content! (the holy trinity of fingering, pussy eating, and p in v, with the continued theme of finger sucking)
Note: Hello lovely reader! No one asked for a part two to this, but you're getting it anyway because I'm self-indulgent and wanted to do it for myself. As always, please enjoy! ♥
You looked so pretty sleeping in Aemond's bed he almost felt bad for waking you up. 
Passed was the hour of the owl – when you'd disrupted him with your neediness and he released his spend on your face and chest – and the hour of the wolf wasn't quite here yet. It was a quiet space between. Dark. Eerie. The halls of the Red Keep were nearly hollowed of guards, for there were only a skeleton crew of them at this time of night.
The edge of Aemond's bed dipped slightly beneath his weight as he sat beside your sleeping form. With an affectionate tilt of his head he ghosted the backs of his fingers across your hairline, cheek, down your neck, and over the slope of your shoulder. How pretty you looked, truly, like a doll. From your shoulder he grazed down your arm until he reached your hand. There, he lifted it to lightly kiss the top. Low embers from his hearth barely illuminated the amused suspicion of his eye. Repeating the motion with your other hand, the prince regent found himself smiling all to himself.
There wasn't a trace of your arousal on either of your hands. Upon your departure he said he would know if you touched yourself; he wholly meant it.
You were always so good for him. His good, sweet girl. So pathetically patient for his praise and reward that you didn't give in to the beast of your arousal tonight, even as it thrashed and roared and snapped its hungry jaws.
No. Not you. Not his good girl.
Laying your arm gently where it previously rested, Aemond pushed the blanket off your body and reveled in the sight of it only covered by his yesterday's shirt. Your thighs looked impossibly soft below the hem; warm and inviting. He pushed one palm up them, the pressure slow and steady, until his fingertips brushed the top of your smallclothes. He bent his head to kiss your jaw. Your neck. That little spot behind your ear. 
Finally, you stirred. 
"Wake up byka kēlītsos little kitten," he whispered in your ear, his breath tickling the sensitive reflex there.
You hummed sleepily as your eyes fluttered open. "Aemond? You're finally here." Sleep clung heavy to your voice. "Unless I'm still dreaming…," you added with a satisfied sigh.
"I assure you I'm quite real," he replied with quiet mischief. "As is the hunger you woke in me earlier. I sat debating if you're an elaborate spy to distract me from my duties for longer than I care to admit." Fingertips slowly eased passed the ribbons of your smallclothe's waistband, tugging them loose.
Any other time you might have blushed with his words. Now, still groggy with slumber and his touch at your hips, you giggled softly and bit into your bottom lip. "I listened," you admitted, a shudder of excitement building up the back of your legs to the top of your spine. "Being under your blankets wasn't enough. I had to find your shirt, too."
"I know, sweet girl," he cooed, placing his free hand above your head for support; you were beneath him, caged by him, enveloped by him. His eye dragged up to your eyes from your mouth, his own curling with a proud smirk. "You did so well for me. How will I ever be able to scheme in my study without thinking of you kneeling like that?" The question edged with condescendence as his chiseled features oozed with silent taunts. 
Desire blazed to life with his attention. The ache of your needy core had finally relaxed, and now it returned with a vengeance as he slid your undergarment down the lines of your legs. "Please don't tease me. I can't handle it," you nearly stammered as another shudder ran up and down your spine. Goosebumps pebbled your skin. If he accused you of spying and witchcraft, he was the highest of sorcerers to put you under his spell of lust.
A soft hum came from his thoughtfully pressed lips, head tilting once again. The ends of his hair brushed over your neck and cheeks. "I don't think I will," he said before meeting your mouth in a kiss. "Do you want my fingers?" He asked against your lips, eye cast down to find yours barely open. The pads of his fingers brushed over your mound, testing you, teasing you, circling upwards until he reached your clit. 
If you could hear it you knew he could hear it. The lazy circles of his touch were echoed by tiny wet sounds from your cunt. You were already soaked. A hot blush burned your cheeks as your body craved him. "Yes."
"Spread your legs," he said, surprising you by removing his hand from your center and up to your mouth. "And open your mouth," he added, features glaring with a smirk.
You obeyed, gasping, hips immediately arching up to the memory of his touch.
One by one he pushed his fingers into your mouth. "Be a good girl and get them all slobbery, hm?" He pressed down on your tongue and twirled around the little muscle, coaxing saliva to collect around him. "There…"
One finger, easy. Two? Not bad. Three? A challenge, especially when he flexed and splayed them apart in the small confides of your maw. You gagged. It was when he pushed his pinky inside that you felt another gush of wetness collect in your exposed center. You pulled your shirt above your breasts and immediately squeezed over them: the need to be touched too great as your hips squirmed for any sort of friction. The soft mounds were marked by his bruises from this morning. 
His hand left your mouth and went right to your slickened folds. Middle finger sunk effortlessly into your saturated walls, the length of his digit lazily swirling around in you. A soft growl rumbled in his tightened throat. "I don't think you could be any wetter," he said huskily, voice graveling over your senses in the best ways. "Been thinking about this since you left," he added as his index finger joined his middle in your heat.
A broken moan escaped your throat. Your eyes unfocused, lids fluttering, body wrapping around his digits. You started to mumble something up at him until his thumb circled your clit. He grazed over it and replaced whatever you were going to say with a sweet moan that jolted right to his cock. Those sounds only increased as he began to pump in and out of you. Squelches were all the more obvious in his quiet room. "F-uck..! Yes! Please don't stop…"
Unable to resist the way your tits bounced in sync with his movements, he dipped his head to catch your nipple and sucked at the pebbled flesh. He hummed around his mouthful. He released it only to repeat it to your other, fingers and thumb never easing with their lovely assault.
You arched your breasts up into him, gasping at the new waves of sensation tingling beneath your skin. He kissed, licked, and sucked over your chest, fingers curling up inside you in tandem. "Fuck!" You panted, warmth and tightness knotting in the low muscles of your belly. "I'm close! Please keep going… feels so good…," you whined, desperate.
"Give your pleasure to me. I want it, byka kēlītsos. I need it. Soak my fingers. Soak these fucking fingers." His voice was soft, hushed, raspy with his own need. He slipped a third in.
You came undone beneath him. Orgasm rushed through your muscles and flooded your blood with the utmost pleasure. You squirmed, grounding yourself to the moment by gripping onto whatever part of him you could reach. The bliss was so high, and your mind so momentarily clouded, that you didn't even realize he slid down the bed until you felt him. "A-Aemond..!" You cried, hands flying down to his head between your thighs.
His tongue dragged up, and over, and across your clit, kissing and sucking at your pearl while his fingers remained inside you. "I love when you're swollen here like this," he panted up at you, his eye black with desire. He lost the eyepatch on the way down and his sapphire glimmered up at you. Handsome mouth wrapped around your little bud again and he pumped in and out of your cunt with a renewed pace.
With him lavishing you so soon after your peak, your body was deliciously sensitive and he was perfectly relentless with his pleasure. Your hands in his hair didn't deter him. Your fingernails on his scalp and his ears didn't make him flinch away. If anything it all seemed to spur him on even more. Even as you rolled, squirmed, and twitched under him, his pressure or pace never wavered. Greed for your bliss clouded his mind. The combined sounds of your approaching peak, along with his lapping, sucking, and contented sighs, made for an obscene symphony of carnal delights.
"You're close," he groaned up at you, free hand palming and squeezing over your breasts. "Gonna soak my chin like you did my fingers?" He asked, eye glinting.
"Mhm," you mumbled as he went back to your pearl, tongue gentle on the sensitive little thing. He pinched and tugged at your nipples and it was the sweet edge of pain that pushed you over for a second time. Your thighs replaced your hands at the sides of his head. You barely covered your mouth in time to muffle your cries of pleasure; you had to be quiet in Aemond's room. Warmth, and tingles, and lightheadedness rushed over you as you melted into his mattress.
He allowed your body to relax before slipping his fingers free, standing up. "One day I will allow an artist to watch you reach peak so they might be able to recreate your likeness. You're so lovely like this. Blushed, and sprawled out, and pleasure drunk," he said adoringly as he undressed.
"You'd let another man watch you fuck me?" You asked dreamily, the sweat atop your skin cooling. 
He laughed. "No. It'd be a woman. No other man is to ever see you like this." There was no humor behind his laugh or words. It might have sent a coil of darkness around another woman's gut, but not yours. You liked it.
A smile flashed across your face before you sat up to finally take your shirt off. You leaned back on your elbows. Looking up at him you tipped your head to the side, biting your lip. "Come here, my prince. Let me wrap my legs around your waist." Your legs bent up at the knees to playfully flash him where you wanted him to be. 
With a smirk, and as smooth as water, he crawled across the bed to you, cock bobbing. His lean hips fit easily between your thighs. You both groaned as he pressed the exposed tip of his cock against you. He teased your still sensitive bud – grinning despite his loosened jaw – before sliding himself lower to your eager opening. 
The resistance of your body made both of you shudder. He sunk into you further and further – your toes instantly curling – until the solid length of him was wholly engulfed by your saturated walls. No matter how many times he took you, the first push and stretch of him never failed to take your breath away. "Oh Gods, Aemond…," you drawled, head tipping backward.
"So fucking wet for me. Wetter than even this morning. How is that? Such a needy little cunt," he mocked, pushing his weight into you so his cockhead sent a bolt webbing throughout your senses. "How desperate you'd be without me…," he groaned, pulling out to snap back into you. "Only able to be satisfied by your prince's cock." He set a pace, now, the hair on the topside of his thighs rough against the smooth underside of your own.
"Yes! Just like that..!" You moaned, barely able to keep your eyes opened to meet his. Your ankles crossed behind his back and the heels of your feet dug into the firm curve of his ass. The flex of your legs wasn't tight enough to keep him from thrusting how he liked, but was enough to keep him close and there where you wanted him.
"You're going to have to be quieter. Can't have guards coming to see what the matter is, hm?" He asked in a hot whisper, a gutteral sound building in his throat at just how tight, wet, and fucking perfect you felt. "So loud. Filthy girl." He drove into you harder, skin slapping lewdly together. 
Your moans and cries of pleasure were beyond your control, then, body on the brink of yet another climax. You began to flex and contract around him. 
He grabbed your discarded shirt and balled it up, stuffing it over and into your mouth. Your eyes widened above it. He smirked once more. "If you can't be quiet then I'll make you be. Gonna soak my cock this time, byka kēlītsos?" He fucked you at a different angle, now, one hand keeping the shirt over your mouth while the other squeezed firmly at your bouncing tits.
You nodded, and whatever you had to say was muffled behind the cloth. It didn't matter; it would've been unintelligible as your third and final orgasm of the night washed over you. You crumbled beneath him, eyes rolling closed, as your thighs squeezed roughly around his middle. Your walls convulsed around him and the sound that ripped from his throat was enough to make you whimper under his hand. 
With a deep rolling groan and praise of your name, climax overtook the prince. Pleasure slackened his sharp jaw; pale brows melted in a way only sex could grant. His hips shuddered, cock twitching, as he stilled inside you. His breath was heavy as his hand eased from the lower half of your face. Finally, you were able to get a true lungful of air. Sweat glistened on both your bodies. He rarely looked more handsome than he did right now; spent, sated, and panting. 
You could lay with him like this forever. You were sure your expression said it, too, with how you gazed reverently up at him; face blushed, skin sheened, chest rising and falling.
"Mmm… you make me feel so good, byka kēlītsos." He eased out from your center and from between your legs. Grabbing his shirt he walked across the room where a basin of water sat atop a table near the fire. He dipped a portion of it and came back to you, offering the wet cloth.
"Thank you," you sighed contentedly. Despite him being in front of you, the image of him walking there and back, naked with his hair free and loose, played over and over until it branded on your memory.
"There's a couple hours left before dawn. Sleep with me. I want to hold you for awhile." His voice was thick with exhaustion. It'd been a long day and he'd spent himself multiple times since waking with you this morning. He laid on his back beneath the blankets, inviting you in.
After cleaning yourself, you replied, "happily, my prince. Sleep well." Smiling, you laid upon your side, head on his chest and legs tangled with his, with an arm draped over his abdomen. 
The last thing you remembered was his arm scooping around your back and his soft mouth kissing the top of your head.
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider a follow and reblog as I have plans to create and share more writings ♥
here is my masterlist
taglist: @melsunshine  @iiamthehybrid  @arcielee  @nina2697 @darylandbethfanforever9 @sahvlren @targaryenbrainrot @obsidian-hearts @bellaisasleep @watercolorskyy @ruby-dragon @aemonds-fire @meggiemay82 @doublesparrows @welcometothelioncage @its-actually-minicika
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rosie-kairi · 1 year
Do you thing the dreameater dandelions will ever be able to wake up? Do you think the story will address this, and how would you want it to be done ideally
Well I certainly hope they're able to wake up, it'd be a bit bittersweet if, when all's said and done, the dandelions are never able to wake up from their slumber.
Personally I think that there has to be something planned for the dreameaters. There's not a single detail in kh that doesn't come back around to mean something at some point. You can't just say "the cutesy pokemon clones from dream drop contain the slumbering/comatose souls of child soldiers!" and never come back to it. It's like a "but we don't have time to unpack all of that" situation.
As for how I think the story will address all of this, I'm not completely sure tbh. I think that maybe Ventus's Chirithy will have something to do with it? Since it is a dreameater/spirit. Other than that, it's completely up in the air.
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blazingjackdaw · 11 months
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Sometimes to face the demons You have to walk through Hell... [x] 🎶
This game and Aviators' songs about it live rent-free in my head
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leslutdepointedulac · 10 days
Armand/Louis: “ why did you help me? ”
For context, this is set shortly after Louis first arrives at Trinity Gate and follows my fanon idea that he moves in after (and because of) the events of Merrick.
Armand sits with his back against Louis’ chest, as they watch the fire blazing in comfortable silence. He releases a content sigh at the sensation of Louis running his long fingers through his hair, and places a hand over the arm which is draped across him. Just as he starts to close his eyes, the movements falter and he feels Louis take a shuddered breath from behind him. 
“Something’s the matter.” It’s not a question, Armand knows when Louis is feeling troubled. He doesn’t receive a response right away, so he switches to speaking in his mind instead, hoping that maybe it will encourage him to speak if it’s not out loud.
Talk to me, Louis. I can’t bear to see you suffer, I can help. 
There’s another pause before Louis finally speaks, though he says the words out loud. “Why did you help me?” 
A frown comes over Armand’s expression and he chooses to go back to talking aloud, sensing that’s what Louis feels most comfortable with right now. “I don’t think I understand, beloved.” 
“You accepted me into your home, with the children. You’ve allowed me to stay here with you all, despite the responsibility you knew you were taking on. You didn’t have to, and yet you did.” 
Armand sits up straight and turns to face him, his frown only deepening when he sees the distant look in Louis’ eyes, as he stares off into the flames. “Of course I did. Did you think I would turn you away, that I would leave you alone to your pain?” 
He studies him carefully, watching as Louis continues to gaze ahead before going on in a gentle voice. “Louis, look at me. No, I didn’t have to let you stay but I did because I know what you’re going through. I knew you’d be better off here than anywhere else, as did Lestat; he entrusted me to keep you safe because he knew this is what’s best. We’ve both been where you are now and neither of us can stand to see you hurt. You’re here because I made him a promise, which I intend to keep, but most importantly, you’re here because my love for you won’t allow me to have it any other way.” 
A silence falls between them, with Armand peering at Louis, praying he takes his words and feels the purity of his love blazing through them. 
Louis blinks at him slowly with an almost feline quality, then he gives him a subtle nod in acceptance. His thoughts are open to Armand, and rather loud, with feelings of guilt and sorrow that he’d ever doubted him and his intentions. 
In an attempt to prevent any further spiralling from Louis, Armand stands and heads over to the bookcase which sits to the left of the fireplace. He selects a book before heading back to the sofa and settling beside Louis again, opening to the first page and holding an arm out to give Louis the chance to nestle in if he wishes. 
Louis complies, his head resting against Armand’s, and lets the calming sound of his voice wash over him as he’s read to.
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here is an ask game based off destiny 2 exotics! 🟡 feel free to reblog and have fun
Riskrunner - What was the very first weapon that your Guardian knew was truly theirs? Do they still use it?
Sunshot - What is your Guardian's temper? How do they handle stressful situations? How do they relax?
Ace of Spades - What's your Guardian's relationship with the Vanguard?
Crimson - Does your Guardian often compete in the Crucible arena? How successfully?
Le Monarque - How does your Guardian feel about puzzles and mysteries?
Ager's Scepter - Does your Guardian enjoy hunting down lore, transmissions, stories? Do they know much outside of the Vanguard network?
Touch of Malice - Is your Guardian often participating in raids?
Hard Light - Is your Guardian proficient in all subclasses or do they specialize? Do they have a favorite subclass power?
Gjallarhorn - Was your Guardian risen during the D1 or D2 events, or even earlier?
Black Talon - What is your Guardian's aesthetic?
Malfeasance - Did your Guardian side with the Vanguard or the Drifter when he asked? (or what would they have picked if didn't get a chance back then)
Witherhoard - Does your Guardian wield the Darkness? How does it make them feel?
One Thousand Voices - Is your Guardian lucky with loot drops?
Outbreak Perfected - Does your Guardian have any body modifications? Do they want any?
Trinity Ghoul - Does your Guardian prefer to work alone or do they have a fireteam?
Huckleberry - What is your Guardian's approach to combat? Are they subtle, all guns blazing or prefer to avoid it altogether?
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ladiesonfilm-indices · 9 months
Ladies by PSR 20->13
Sheena Shaw ———————|🥇| 19.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Adriana Chechik ———|🥈| 19.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Gina Gerson ———————|🥉| 19.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Riley Reid ————————|🏅| 19.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jynx Maze —————————|🏅| 18.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Krystal Boyd ——————|🏅| 18.0 ⭐️⭐️
Naomi Russell —————|🏅| 18.0 ⭐️⭐️
Sarah Kay ————————————| 18.0 ⭐️
Remy Lacroix —————————| 17.5 ⭐️⭐️
Ariana Marie —————————| 17.0 ⭐️⭐️
Siswet ———————————————| 17.0 ⭐️
Scarlet Chase ————————| 17.0 ⭐️
Zuzana Zeleznonova ———| 17.0 ⭐️⭐️
Angel Dark ———————————| 16.5 ⭐️
Gianna Dior ——————————| 16.5 ⭐️
Alexa Tomas ——————————| 16.0 ⭐️
Amirah Adara —————————| 16.0
Emma Hix —————————————| 16.0
Rae Lil Black ————————| 16.0
Rebecca Volpetti —————| 16.0
Vina Sky —————————————| 16.0
Carter Cruise ————————| 15.5
Cayenne Klein ————————| 15.5 ⭐️
May Thai —————————————| 15.5
Morgan Lee ———————————| 15.5 ⭐️
Vanna Bardot —————————| 15.5
Adria Rae ————————————| 15.0 ⭐️
Angelina Crow ————————| 15.0 ⭐️
Apolonia Lapiedra ————| 15.0
April Olsen ——————————| 15.0
Ginger Lee ———————————| 15.0 ⭐️
Jillian Janson ———————| 15.0 ⭐️
Lita Phoenix —————————| 15.0
Melisa Mendiny ———————| 15.0
Sofi Goldfinger ——————| 15.0 ⭐️
Tori Black ———————————| 15.0 ⭐️
Alexa Flexy ——————————| 14.5 ⭐️
Angel Hott ———————————| 14.5 ⭐️
Angelica Bella ———————| 14.5 ⭐️⭐️
Crystal Greenvelle ———| 14.5
Eva Lovia ————————————| 14.5
Nancy Ace ————————————| 14.5 ⭐️
Stefany Kyler ————————| 14.5
Sybil A ——————————————| 14.5
Abella Danger ————————| 14.0
Anita Blond ——————————| 14.0
Blondie ——————————————| 14.0 ⭐️
Bree Olson ———————————| 14.0 ⭐️
Cindy Shine ——————————| 14.0
Claudia Jamsson ——————| 14.0
Destiny Cruz —————————| 14.0
Emelie Crystal ———————| 14.0
Emily Willis —————————| 14.0
Gia Derza ————————————| 14.0
Hanna’s Honeypot —————| 14.0
Janet Alfano —————————| 14.0
Julia Roca ———————————| 14.0
Katja Clover —————————| 14.0
Lexi Belle ———————————| 14.0
Lupe Burnett —————————| 14.0
Nataly Von ———————————| 14.0
Octokuro —————————————| 14.0
Presley Dawson ———————| 14.0
Roxy Jezel ———————————| 14.0
Stella Barey —————————| 14.0
Nikki Montana ————————| 14.0
Roxy Lips ————————————| 14.0
Timea Bella ——————————| 14.0
Agatha Vega ——————————| 13.5
Ally Tate ————————————| 13.5
Clara Trinity ————————| 13.5
Martha A. Tanika —��———| 13.5
Monica Sweet —————————| 13.5 ⭐️
Sonya Blaze ——————————| 13.5
Alex Grey ————————————| 13.0
Alice Von V ——————————| 13.0
Alina Li —————————————| 13.0
Angel Youngs —————————| 13.0
Ashley Tervort ———————| 13.0
Aspen Rae ————————————| 13.0
Cindy Starfall ———————| 13.0
Dora Venter ——————————| 13.0 ⭐️
Freya Mayer ——————————| 13.0
Gina Valentina ———————| 13.0
India Summer —————————| 13.0
Katja Kean ———————————| 13.0
Kelly Collins ———————-| 13.0
Kristy Black —————————| 13.0
Liya Silver ——————————| 13.0
Madison Ivy ——————————| 13.0
Michelle Wild ————————| 13.0
Polly Petrova ————————| 13.0
Suzie Carina —————————| 13.0 ⭐️
Veronika Zemanova ————| 13.0
Whitney Westgate —————| 13.0 ⭐️
Zara Whites ——————————| 13.0 ⭐️
20 notes · View notes
sapphicbookclub · 9 months
Tumblr media
Bonded Love by Renee Roman
Master carpenter Blaze Carter has upheld her family legacy for honesty and excellence and honed a reputation to match. Her greatest desire is to pass her knowledge on to her children. All she has to do is find her perfect partner who wants the same things—a full life and a family of their own.
Trinity Greene grew up poor and has risen above the stigma of believing she’ll never amount to anything. She’s worked hard and is well on her way to becoming head nurse in the ED. Her dream is within reach and the last thing she needs is an oh-so-attractive distraction.
When a devastating injury threatens to derail her future, Blaze struggles with the possibility of giving up on her dream. Trinity knows all too well the odds are against Blaze but isn’t willing to let her stop believing. Not when she’s beginning to care for Blaze’s heart as well as her recovery. Together, they must decide if love and a future is a possibility worth fighting for.
Genres: contemporary, romance
Get the book from Blackwell's with free worldwide shipping here!
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toyourstations · 1 year
Happy Pride! and Happy Birthday to me!
Because I am gay, and it is my birthday (on sunday), consider buying my games!
You want queer games for pride? Gotem.
You want anything else? It's probably there! It's also Queer.
All my work is queer.
Oh you want specific recommendations?
Okay so if you want something about being polite to Dracula so badly that it becomes homoerotic, you can always try This Game Takes Place In Dracula's Castle (this one's a hit with the Dracula Daily crowd)
If you want to fuck off to space and leave humanity behind to be your gay self and discover alien genders, what about Space Legs?
Have you considered having a transgender threesome but instead of sex it's emotional intimacy? It could also be sex too if you want. That's Trinity.
But wait, there's more! maybe you're more into making a camp ass jukebox musical complete with actual songs and glee level drama? Passion of the Jukebox is here for you!
And that basically just scratches the surface of my games. Go check them all out! There's unionisation, there's demons, there's piracy, and yearning, and a horse named blaze. Literally, you want it, I got it*
*as long as it's queer and I also want it
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