#true. however
possumtailpark · 1 year
real funny of this tuna salad recipe to tell me i should use a pound of high quality tuna from tinfish brands that sell 3.9 oz cans at over $20 a pop tbh
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Been getting a lot of asks assuming that I work for Hoyoverse lately, so I thought it would be a good time to post the reminder! I'm not upset, I just don't want to cause any disappointment (or shock anyone when I swear or say something gay lol).
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deoidesign · 4 months
Happy pride from Adam and Steve, my t4t gay vampire and werewolf!!!
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They're from my webcomic. It's good. I'm not biased. It's funny and gentle and they time travel to a new location every full moon, where there's a new little mystery to solve!
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anglerflsh · 2 months
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she's quite possibly the best genshin impact character
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catmask · 4 months
Having a debate with someone
Would or would not, laika and roadboy impulsively dye their if they had the ability
oh they did. thats just canon
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rb's hair is not dark blue or black his hair is the same white/light blue as his fur but he dyes it. laika had green hair at one point and if she was a human she would bleach her hair to be the cream color her fur is (she would probably have a darker hair color naturally, more like her ears)
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so i was thinking about how Howdy has eight legs bc he's a caterpillar - those have lots of legs. but butterflies? they only have six
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imagine he comes out of his chrysalis and he's down two limbs. mf would have to relearn how to Walk
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dailyloopdeloop · 2 months
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DAY 104(124): funny headcanon
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tekitothemagpie · 20 days
His eye thingy literally disappeared when he saw Bakugo.
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He got calmer as soon as he saw his Kacchan alive.
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cannibalmeowmeow · 2 months
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plulp · 1 year
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mxwhore · 3 months
when sphinx Jon is baby crazy does he ever hump table legs or pillows and things
Martin WISHES he would just hump random furniture but he has to deal with this shit instead!!
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knifearo · 9 months
daily gentle reminder that the words we use to describe ourselves are labels. they're not immutable states of being, they're not all-encompassing, they're not permanent, they're not universal; labels are just words that we use to indicate something about our experience that we find important enough to communicate to others. if your experience with attraction is significantly different enough from a typical allo experience then aspec labels are there for you to use as long as you want them; and conversely, what aspec labels communicate is just that someone's experience is aligned enough with what we describe as aromanticism/asexuality to warrant telling people about it. you never need a label, you never need to keep a label, you never need to justify a label, and you never need to use a label for anything besides what you want it for. it's not a contract. it's an adjective that you can choose to use or not to use. all it needs to do is be useful for you. 💚🖤
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syn4k · 2 months
some more cool facts about thunderstorms that you can use in your writing:
while tornadoes are incredibly dangerous and destructive, a far more common and possibly deadly threat to be aware of during storms are straight-line winds! when a thunderstorm collapses, all of the air in it flows downwards and scatters in random directions across the ground in straight lines, picking up momentum. these events are called microbursts or downbursts. straight line winds are only classified as such when they exceed a speed of 50-60 mph (~80-97 kmh). microbursts have been known to rip the roofs and shutters off of houses, overturn vehicles, and launch heavy wooden beams into the air.
broad swaths of straight line winds that occur at the front of particularly large and strong storm systems are called derechos. derechos can last for hundreds or even thousands of miles before dissipating and are only classified as such when their damage exceeds 240 miles (~386 km) and if the wind speeds exceeded 58 mph (~93 kmh). due to their size and strength, derechos can cause catastrophic and widespread damage. they're often found in the Great Plains areas during storm season in spring and summer.
single-cell thunderstorms, often called "popcorn" storms, are brief, weak storms that pop up and die out usually within an hour, most often caused by the ground heating up in summer.
multi-cell storms are a common variety of thunderstorm in which several cells of storms form a line or group, called a squall line. individual cells may last from 30 to 60 minutes, but the group as a whole may take hours to die out.
supercells are huge, long-lasting, highly organized storms centered around updrafts (rising air), which can be up to 10 miles (16 km) wide and 50,000 feet (15km) tall. most of the most dangerous and destructive tornadoes come from supercells.
the big, overhanging cloud that stretches over a supercell is called the anvil!
a line of clouds that precedes and accompanies the supercell around its edges is called the flanking line.
(source: NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory - Severe Weather 101)
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elizareed · 1 year
every day I log onto tumblr dot com and I have to see people claiming charlotte bronte wasn't a feminist unlike their totally unproblematic fave jane austen and I am physically unable to grab them by the shoulders and giving them a good shake and it makes me real sad
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tainebot01 · 3 months
You know, the AAI2 fandom’s insistence on referring to the characters by their fan localized names we’ve had for like a decade instead of the ones we received this week is really funny. It almost reminds me of something…
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God damn it.
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camplease · 9 months
almost didn’t add pyrrha and offered to make a follow up poll to pit the winner against her because i already knew it was gonna be a pyrrha sweep. but you know what maybe i’m wrong let’s see
also some of these feel like obviously wrong answers to me but my curiosity usually wins out over reason
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