#truly eclipsing the sun with her might
karaokebearwithal · 4 months
Do you wanna see the umm... My interpretation of the size difference between Aylin, Isobel and Aylin's wings?
Okay So in Game Aylin and Isobel are like a few inches in difference which I mean is cool I guess? But i like height differences So they're a foot apart.
(the picture was way bigger, I had to squimsh it to fit here)
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As you can see here, Aylin's wings are pretty big i guess.... Like yeah you can shelter Isobel from maybe....a light drizzle? But after many careful thoughts and ponderations, I found it made more sense to me if Aylin's wings were like this!
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Now THIS is an angel!!! Look at those monstrous wings!! Striking fear into her enemies and adoration in her allies!!! These are the type of mighty wings you use to completely envelope your lover!!! This will be the ref I'll be using to animate Aylin and Isobel! Size wise I mean. Its exciting stuff!!! Next i'm gonna try doing a turn around with Aylin! It can't be that hard right?
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theblueflower05 · 9 months
Heavy In Your Arms
A/N: We didn't get enough time at High Camp. I swear, it was the perfect setting for hurt/comfort. Forever upset about it.
Word Count: 5.5K
Warnings: Explicit smut. Aged Up characters. Talks of PTSD and war. Injuries. Blood. Angst. Cursing. Oral Sex(male receiving). Riding. Service Top Neteyam. Reader with a praise kink.
Summary: You and Neteyam find moments of peace during the war. Neteyam x Fem! Omaticaya Reader
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I was a heavy heart to carry,
My beloved was weighted down.
My arms around his neck,
My fingers laced a crown- Florence & The Machine
Life can change in an instant.
One moment, things are as they have always been. Your existence a well loved pattern, easy and comfortable in the Forests of Pandora.
You had been born after the Long War, after the evil Tawtute had been sent back to their dying planet. You had only ever known peace and kind humans like the scientist that lived in the rickety out post. You’d only ever known the rich and abundant rule of Toruk Makto, Jake led your people to victory and prosperity. The Omatikayan Village had been a beautiful one to grow up in, colorful and cheerful and thriving despite all that it had endured.
Your days had been filled with community and childlike wonder.
That had all changed when the Sky People returned. When they set fire to the Forests just to watch the Great Mother bleed.
Your naivety had been stolen, snatched away by uncontrollable circumstances.
By war.
High Camp is nestled deep within the Ayram Alusing hidden in a twisting impenetrable cave system.
It is bustling and busy and just bit cramped.
The Omatikaya are a resilient people and even through forceful uprooting had managed to make due of the space given. The Stronghold is littered with Canvas tents and woven mats. Small burning fires, and a larger one for the communal meals that are so desperately needed after long days battle.
You spend most of your time in the main healers keklu, working tirelessly with Mo’at and the other medicine leaders. You’d never been much of a healer, always more of a story teller. You’d get lost in the tales of old, in the songs of the ancient ones, but since the invasion, most had honed their medical craft.
It was all hands on deck, wherever you could be helpful you would be.
It’s good. Keeping your hands full is a good thing. It helps to distract your restless mind.
The War Party had left early in the morning- the sun still hiding behind the shadow of the eclipse, and had still not returned yet. You fear that it might be one of those missions, the kind that lasts days and leaves the village in shambles as they wait for the return of the warriors.
You’re grinding Ti’ku’klu seeds into a fine paste, your arm tired as you stare wordlessly into nothing.
The healers tent is quiet, filled with only low chatter and the crackling of the fire, the boiling of the pot that contains a potent medicine. One that needs to be kept hot and steaming. You cant seem to be present, to keep up with conversation when your mind is so far away- soaring over the forest. Focused on the unseen battle
This would be a dangerous one, you’d heard the whispers of the people. The humans were growing sick of the raids. They had heavy precautions laid out- would kill any Na’vi on sight. You trusted your Olo’eyktan whole heartedly, truly, you did.
But the thought of having to lay any more of your brothers and sisters to rest made bile raise in your throat like acid. There had been so much death, so much loss.
You sneak a peek at the woman next to you as she works in sorting bandages.
Zephya is only a few years older than you- and yet the light seems to be gone from her eyes. Dimmed down to something small and wilting. You’d never forget the piercing sound of her cries, echoing off the rock cave walls as her munxatan’s (husbands) body was brought back from the last raid.
Another round of nauseating anxiousness churns in your stomach.
You dont know if you could survive it…
Would you be forced to? Would this war force you to watch the ones you loved die?
The thought of losing your own lover is enough to send you free falling. Spiraling into your own mind.
“That is quite enough” Mo’at tuts her tongue in your direction and you stare at her with a wide, almost guilty expression. Had the Tsahik heard your thoughts? Sometimes you didnt doubt the elderly woman could, with all of her boundless knowledge and those all knowing amber eyes “You will destroy the paste, it is not meant to be so thin”
“Oh” you feel like dunce as you look down at the mortar and pestle in your hand “I apologize, I just wanted to make sure it was well mixed”
“Hmm” she doesn't call your bluff “Why dont you take a break. Go find more herbs, the fresh air wll clear your head. You’re no used to me here with thoughts so loud”
Her words are casual but her gaze is knowing and warm and you nod eagerly “Of course, Tsahik”
You’re happy for the break and the opportunity to stretch your legs, you stand quickly and exit the incense heavy area.
Everyone has gotten good at pretending.
At pretending they’re not terrified, at trying to go on with any semblance of normalcy. The scientists still gather near their trailers, facemasks on and typing away at holo tablets. The karyus’ still teach the younglings, their little giggles can be heard in the distance. You smile, a very practiced mask, at any you pass. Are pleasant. Friendly. Not betraying the inner turmoil you feel-
You’re jostled out of the heavy thoughts.
Nearly rushed straight on your ass, more like it.
“Oof-” the wind is knocked out of you as a small but solid weight collides with your side. You look down and find big golden eyes string up at you- golden eyes so familiar.
“Y/N! Hi!” Tuktirey is the youngest Sully, and probably the one you’ve always been the cloestst to. Back home, years ago, she’d become a bit enamored with you. More specifically, you’re weaving and jewelry crafting skills. Many teased that she was your shadow. “Look, look’it what I made”
You cant help but grin. Her joyful energy is contagious and you’re glad for the distraction. You take the necklace she shoves into your face delicately. Run your fingers over the rows of mis matched beads. She really is quite good.
“Very pretty, Tuk. You’re getting so good! Soon you;ll take my place- the whole clan will be trampling over themselves to wear one of your pieces” You’re words make her blush, make the smile on her face go a bit shy and bashful.
She looks so much like her brother it hurts.
“I did that thing you showed me! You’re right- sometimes the bigger beads need the little ones to anchor them”
Tuk is rarely quiet, always a babbling brook but even she isnt immune to the tense atmosphere that looms, to the toretoure that is waiting for the warriors to return. She talks about the necklace, but her tail flicks nervously behind her. At her side, a carved wooden Toruk toy hangs in her loose grip.
You figure, maybe you can distract her too.
You reach for the toy and she holds tight to it before sighing. You’re probably going to take it, she thinks. Tell her to stop being annoying. Chastise her the way that others had when she’d tried to get them to play with her. All day long, everyone had turned their heads or sighed in annoyance when she’d approached-
You raise the wooden Toruk above her head- and let out an undignified squawk. Your best impression of the mighty beast. It’s dismal, but it seems to satisfy the little girl who instantly breaks out into giggles.
“You better run, Tuk Tuk” you grown payfully, sending the toy into a nosedive “Before I eat you whole”
She shrieks and sets out running in the opposite direction and take after her, ignoring the stares. Should you be back in the medicine tent helping? Maybe. You’d rather play with the seven year old instead.
The two of you play for a while, until your thighs burn and your lungs hurt from laughing. You dont have the endurance of a child, she runs absolute circles around you. She’s fast and agle and quite obviously takes Neytiri’s lessons to heart, even at her young age. You can only use your size to you’re advantage, picking her writing squirming body up and spinning her round-
The horn is loud and echos through the rock walls of the cavernous case.
Both yours and Tuk’s ears swivel, perk up and stand to attention.
There it is. The calls of your people. The sounds of ikran wings flapping.
Tuk writhes in your hold, the back of her head connecting with your lip painfully as she hollers joyfully “They’re back!”
Shes off then, only sparing you a quick glance as you seem to stand there in daze, rubbing your slightly split lip lightly as your stomach does somersaults.
“Come on!” The little one hollers back at you and your feet carry you forward, seemingly of their own volition.
The crowds are building as the people make their way for the edge, where ikrans land by the dozen. Carrying the warriors on their back. Along the way, Kiri and Spider join you. Eagerly bouncing along, following an over animated Tuk.
Excitement and dread bubbles in your stomach, a horribly potent and toxic mix. It’s always like this when they return. When he returns. You’re so anxious to see him, physically there. Alive. So anxious that he might not be-
Your eyes are peeled for the familiar swirling green and blue patterns of Atanzaw, his ikran.
“Mom!” Tuk screeches, of course she spots them first.
Your eyes follow her,
Straight to him.
He dismonts his ikran, alot less gracefully then his mother did. His actions sluggish and unlike him- it only takes you a moment to notice how injured he is. The bleeding wounds and bruises that litter his body arent pretty and hes limping, not putting his full weight on his right thigh. His face in smeared war paint- blacks and yellows and greens. They make him look intense, as he stangs tall and muscular and still fully dressed in his tsamsiyu(warrior)garb.
When his gaze meets yours your breath gets stuck in your throat.
Usually when he returns they’re bright. The adrenalin of the fight still cursing through his veins like wildfire- this time thats drained. His eyes are filled with barley concealed dread. Sharp with pain.
Your fingers itch and your chest aches, the invisible string that ties you to him taught. You want nothing more then to go to him-
“Sully’s, fall in” Jake’s voice is booming and stern. All Olo’eyktan. Marine. War leader. You can barley recognize him like this. So far away from the carefree doting father he’d always been.
-Its a small thing. A barely there shake of Netryam’s head but it sends a clear message. He doesn't want you to approach. When he turns away from you, giving you the necessary but cold shoulder your unsettled stomach lurches.
It’s like it plays out in slow motion, you watch the family from the edge. An outsider. Not welcome in their obviously private conversation. Even Spider, a human, get’s to be closer than you do.
You’re unwelcome.
The heated words. The way that Jake scolds his sons, you’re not supposed to be privy to it.
“Jesus, I let you two geniuses lead a fleet and you disobeyed direct orders!”
Those words hurt you, for him. You know that they must peirce right through Neteyam. He still hasnt looked back in your direction and you are sure he doesnt want you to bare witness to any of it.
You slink away, slowly falling back. Fading into the background of loved ones reuniting. Warriors returning, alive and dead. The clan welcoming them back with open arms. You wish, as you so often do, that you could welcome Neteyam the same. That you could run into his arms. Hold him the way you ache to after these difficult and dangerous missions-
You convince yourself that you are content with just knowing that he is alive, and make your way back to the healers tent where your presence is wanted.
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It gets so cold in the mountains. Frigidly so.
The wind whips through the caves, leaving a bone deep chill in their wake. You keep the fire at the center of your tent going all night long, and can normally be found crouching at it’s hearth. It’s been raining on and off all day, torrential down pour to drizzles- from the sound it seems as though it has finally stopped. Quieted down.
You wonder if the sky is clear and the stars are bright. You miss climbing high into the trees after the evening eclipse. Miss gazing at the constellations, miss basking in the Pandoran night and listening to the sound of the forests.
Mo’at had sent you home, demanding you get some sleep.
It had been three days since the soldiers had returned and they had been very busy. Full of tending to the wounded, and organizing for the dead. You’d thrown yourself headfirst into anytask that was given to you. Kept yourself busy. Useful.
You didnt have the time to mope and obsess over a man that was not yours.
That is what you told yourself at least.
This…thing that you and Neteyam shared didn't have a name or a definition. It had started out of loneliness, out of the desperation for comfort. Before the humans had come back and brought their war upon the clan, you dont think the future Olo’eyktan had ever really looked at you twice. Violence and hurt had pushed you into eachothers arms, both of you seeking companionship. Someone to weather the storm with.
It wasnt love. Not to him, you know that. He would marry a woman with high standing one day- one that could be his match. Become Tsahik.
That wouldnt be you.
For Eywa’s sake, you could barely do stitches. You messed up simple tasks like making salves. You would not delude yourself into thinking it was anything more. Many Na’vi couple without mating, pleasure isn't stigmatized in your community. That was all it was. A need for pleasure. Your body satiates him and that is all.
You cant go looking for him. Begging for his time or his touch.
So you sit by your fire, thread your necklaces, and long for the stars.
You’re humming a tune to yourself, something soft and gentle and melodic when theres a sudden shift. The canvas wall of your tent shakes and your stiffen, reaching for your knife that lies on the makeshift table next to your bed-
Neteyam slips through the flap- easy as anything. Smoothly, his motions fluid from all of those years of training.
Your eyes and mouth are wide open, ears lying low to your head.
“Hi” the man grins, boyish and handsome as ever.
As though he hadnt just broken into your home. It’s not like the two of you hadnt done this before, he’d spend many nights sneakily tucked inside your tent but he usually came through the front entrance.
“Vonva!(asshole)”you hiss at him, exasperated “You- ugh! I couldve stabbed you!”
He’s so handsome it makes you sick. He’s so tall and broad, a few of his braids falling into his face as his eyes sparkle with mirth “That would not be very nice of you, what have I done to deserve such a fate?”
“Breaking and entering is grounds for stabbing” you huff “you scared me!”
Neteyam steps forward a bit, hands out stretching to you, tone gentle “Hey, I didnt mean to scare you. I just wanted to see you is all, Im sorry”
You hate the way that you’re so easy for him. He ignores you for days, and then shows up unannounced and you’re jumping at any and all attention he may give you.
The way that as his large hands engulf the tops of your arms, you lean into his touch greedily.
“It’s fine. It's just- very late. I wasn't expecting anyone” you try to keep your tone even “I was actually about to go to bed”
“Oh?” Neteyam wonders, his tail flicking behind him “Can I join you?”
Your heart speeds up, if thats even possible. Both at his words and his tone. The insinuation right there. He had spent too much time in your bed that really, it shouldn't be a question. You'd always welcomed him into your nest of blankets, your warm arms. In between your soft thighs-
“I'm not sure that would be a good idea” you respond, stepping out of his hold.
Neteyam sags a bit, surprised. His ears swivel and his smile weans, tugging downwards at the corners of his full lips “Not a good idea? Why not?”
You shrug, not able to look directly at him. Instead focusing on his shoulders. His abdomen. He’s still all banged up, the bandaging covering his bruises are expertisley wrapped. Done by the Tsahik herself, obviously.
It’s the perfect excuse.
“You’re still hurt,” you insist ”You need to be careful, you don't want to reopen anything”
A smooth chuckle escapes him and makes a tingle run down your spine. He reaches out again, this time he grabs at your hand, leading it from its place awkwardly at your side to his chest. Pressing your palm gently against his warm skin.
“I'd like to stay with you tonight, if you’ll let me” Neteyam starts, you can feel the vibrations of his strong voice in your palm, pressed against the muscle “I may need you to be a little bit gentle with me though, paskalin”
You're quiet, lips quirked, stuck in your head for a moment as your fingers lightly trace over one of his stripes.
“Y/N, hey-” He seems to be more serious than before as he urges you to look at him “I'm not sure what’s wrong, but If you want me to go I will”
Everything in your body, your soul, protests at his words. There is no part of you that wants him to leave.
You’re being so stupid.
Neteyam could have anyone. Anyone. And he’s here, with you. So what if he doesnt love you. You have to take whatever you can get. You dont want him to find solace with anyone else, dont want him to leave and never return-
You lean in, where your hand is, on his strong chest and place a kiss to the edge of the bandaging. Its a small little thing, a barley there brush of your lips but still. When you look up at him through your lashes you know you must make quite the sight.
“Stay” you urge. “I want you to stay with me tonight,” everynight. ”Please?”
He looks unsure for just a moment, clearly thrown off by your conflicting mood, before he nods. He cups the side of your face then, forcing you to make eye contact with him. No matter how uncomfortably intense- you cant turn away.
“Can I kiss you?” His words make you quake. He hadnt asked, so explicitly, for months. Since the two of you were still fumbly and newly exploring eachothers bodies.
It makes butterflies erupt in your stomach, makes you giddiously nervous. You nod, way too hard “Mhmm”
And then he’s bending down, having to crouch because of how much taller he is, to capture your lips with his own.
Its always so good.
His mouth and the way it tastes and the way it makes you feel. Neteyam seems so sweet, everyone in the clan knows him as the Golden Boy. The perfect soldier- in privacay, in these stolen moments of intimacy, he’s anything but.
His kisses are dirty, all demanding tongue and nipping fangs. He kisses like a man whos trying to get his dick wet. Like he wants to pick you up, crush you to him. Rut into you-
And normally he would. Normally he tosses you around like nothing but a child’s ragdoll(and you let him), but he’s still hurt. Still tender and healing. When you wrap your arms around his shoulders and tug, trying to climb him like a tree, he hisses in pain,.
“Shit” you pull away from his mouth, your lips wet with his saliva “Sorry, I didnt mean to”
He just shakes his head, nuzzling at your cheek “It’s fine, I’m okay”
“Im hurting you” you argue.
“You’re not. Just- be gentle, okay?” Neteyam urges, trying to lean back into the kiss “Grandmother thinks they’ll heal quickly, but my ribs-” he breaks himself off, laughing a little strained. “I fucked them up pretty good”
You frown.
He always does this. Always downplays his pain. You will have none of it, you grab his hand and tug “Come, I will make you tea”
Neteyams hairless brows raise “You dont have to, I’m really fine”
“Bah” you lead him to your bed and push gently on his shoulders until he sits. “Enough, it is no trouble”
You keep an ornate clay kettle next to the fire, boiling water always ready. He watches you as you fiddle with the many little jars in your arsenal, collecting herbs here and there. Steeping them in the hot water before pouring him a steaming cup.
“Here- it is bitter, but it will dull the pain”
Neteyam accepts the tea with a small smile “Irayo(thank you)”
It’s nice having him in your space. In your bed amongst all of your softest things as the fire crackles and illuminates the tent in a warm glow.
The shadows it casts over his angular face make him look haunting. So beautiful.
You like to take care of things. Instruments. Broken pottery. Children. It comes naturally to you.
You dote on him even though he protests, check his bandages and make him drink the whole cup of strong leaf tea, before he lies down. You're perched beside him, still on the edge of the bed mat.
“I didn't come here to be nursed, Y/N” he sighs as you rub salve on one of his nastier bruises.
“Humor me” you reply wryly, your dainty fingers all over him.
It takes him a while to relax, as it always does.
But oh, its your favorite thing.
Watching his walls come down and the facade of Olo’eyktan in training slip. Neteyam is funny and witty and a downright gossip. You enjoy talking to him as much as you enjoy getting fucked by him.
You like that when given the opportunity and the ear to do so; he loves to talk. About any and everything. His deep voice is like a blanket, warming you up from the inside out.
“I feel bad. I sneak in here; scare you and then make you take care of me” He snorts, “You must be so sick of me”
“No” you reassure with gentle touches “Never that”
You dont really know what Neteyam sees in you.
You’re pretty enough- but far from the gorgeous warriors and dancers that throw themselves at him. But when he looks at you, like he is now, you know there must be something. Something that turns those eyes of his to molten amber. They’re hungry, you’ve never seen him look at anything the way he looks at you. Except maybe the prey that ends up victim to his arrows.
He makes you want to be good to him. Be good for him.
“I enjoy taking care of you” you whisper as you trace the leather cords of his tweng, your fingertips dipping dangerously below them. “Can I take care of you tonight, Neteyam? You want me to?”
Neteyam nods slowly, making room for you as you climb carefully over him. Spread his legs enough for you to settle between them.
You cant help it, cant help how much you touch. You cant get enough of the feeling of his strong body under your hands. All of that corded muscle, all of his pretty deep tahini speckled skin. His strong calves, his well built thighs.
When you reach where he’s hard, straining against his cloth, his eyes flutter closed. You rub him until he chubs up, all plump and hard. Until a patch of wetness starts to darken the cloth-
“Help me a little, sayrip(handsome)”you urge as you tug on the strings of his tweng. Neteyam lifts his slim hips, helps you shimmy it down his thighs-
You’ve seen him naked more times then you can count, now. But still. You’re always struck by it.
His cock springs free- thuds against his well toned lower stomach. Drooling and pulsing, the tanhi there exceptionally bright. He’s so pretty, so vulnerable that it goes to your head. Your leaning in, tongue first-
“Wait,” Neteyam gruffs, “I want to see you too”
Neteyam was very partial to your body. He’d told you many times- would try to wrangle you out of your skirt whenever he got the chance.
You smile, raising up on your knees before tugging the gossamer top off, over your head, Your nipples are hard and peaked, reacting to the cold. You run your fingertips over them, knowing that he likes a show. He likes to watch. He props himself, arm behind his head as he does so, it feels so lewd to play with your breasts for him. To trail your hands slowly down your tummy, to your full hips- tugging on the strings of your own tweng.
When the mound of your pussy is revealed he groans, he can see the way your slick shines in the low fire light.
“Good Mother” Neteyam’s rough and demanding as he yanks on you, pulls you into a kiss “You’re so fucking sexy”
His kiss is fervent and you could so easily lose yourself to them- you know what he wants. He’s already inching closer to your hot wet slit, his big fingers kneading at your plush asscheeks.
“Lemme take care of you” your mumble is insistent, and he sighs. Letting you pull away. Letting you re situate yourself between his legs.
He just lays back flat once more, a lazy grin on his face. “Okay, baby. Take care of me”
You’d always loved giving pleasure with your mouth, and lovers you’d had before had told you how good you were at it. You liked the taste and feel of a heavy cock on your tongue.
With Neteyam, as everything seems to be, it’s different. You dont just like giving him head, you love it.
You love the way that he jerks when you give his rosy tip that first little lick. You love the salty tang of his precum, so much that you spread it all over. Your lips, your cheeks. You rub his cock along your face, nuzzling it. Your cheeks, chin and nose wet with him. You love the way it stretches your lips as you take him into your mouth- he’s the biggest you’ve ever had and it pushes you to your limit. The hinge of your jaw aching as you force him down your throat.
“You’re such a good girl for me” Neteyam praises you, all choppy. His long fingers tangled in your waist length hair.
That is what you adore the most.
The Omaticayan prince is so vocal. He’s all whimpery moans and deep gritty groans. He lets you know exactly what he likes and doesn't like. And he rains down praise on you like its his job.
You’re his good girl. His sweet berry. His little whore..
You take it so well. So- ah- determined for him. You ram him down your tight convulsing throat ,until you’re sobbing around his dick. Never trying to pull away. Eager to get him off.
It is the most shameful position you’ve ever been put in. You’re addicted to the way that me makes you feel- you could never allow yourself to be this with anyone else.
“I-Im close” He warns as though that's not exactly what you want.
“Good” you hum, before diving back in. Suckling on the head and the sensitive sides of his shaft over and over. Just like you know he likes it.
It doesn't take long at all, you can feel him twitching n your mouth. His balls, so full and swollen, start to pull up, taught and ready to blow.
“Oh fuck, Y/N. Fuck”
He gasps as he knots his fingers at your scalp, as he holds on for dear life, his hips swiveling madly. His belly concaving with his heaving, rapid breaths as as his orgasm rips through him.
It’s a good one. You can tell. He’s biting his lips bloody and grinding his head back into your pillows, eyes tightly closed as he rides the waves of pleasure. The whole time, he fists your hair, holding your face to his crotch.
You take his cum, all of it. Popping the tip on your mouth and catching the thick spurts with your tongue. He tastes so good, it feels so intimate to get to have him like this. You close your eyes and savor it, dont pull off until he's twitching and whining with over sensitivity.
You sit back on your haunches, wiping your messy mouth clean with the back of your hand and assessing the damage.
Neteyam is all shivery, his arm thrown over his face as he comes down from the high. He’s still struggling to catch his breath and you cant help the pride that
“You feeling any better, baby?” the human term of affection rolls off your lips, smug and sultry and he laughs behind his arm.
It takes a few moments, but he finally collects himself “You are way too good at that” he’s told you before, but repeats it as he pulls you close. You’re perched in his lap, his strong arms around your waist as he holds you close.
“I like watching you” you admit between the pecking kisses “I like the way you come”
He smiles into your mouth, you can feel his sharp canines on your lips “That’s my good girl”
You full body shiver at the praise, gritting your forehead against his and breathing through your nose in an attempt not to lose it. You're gushing between your legs, your thighs a sticky mess and your cunt swollen and blood hot.
“Your turn, huh? Come on, I know that pussy has to be needy. You want me to eat it?” Neteyam whispers hotly in your ear and you just groan.
And while his skills with his tongue are legendary, you’re feeling particularly empty, needing to be full of him after weeks of distance “Mmm, no. Want you inside of me”
“Can do” he affirms, his hands going to your hips, nudging you “Lay down, I’ll fuck you, paskalin. I’ll fuck you so good. Wanna’ stretch you out”
“Wait” you press a hand to his chest when you notice the grimace on his face. The one he’s trying to hide as he attempts to lift you “You’re still hurting, Nete”
“I’ll be fine, I’ve got you” He assures, stubbornly “I want you to feel good, too”
He’s not the only one who's stubborn. You wiggle out of his grip, pressing down firmly on his chest.
“We can try something else” you suggest, really not wanting him to hurt himself even worse. Neteyam can get…intense when hes fucking you. It’s all very physical, he pours buckets of sweet down onto you as he works your body.
“You want to get fucked” He reminds you, his hips jerking up pointedly so that you can feel his erection between your legs.
Eywa, yes you do. You want him, you want him to carve his way into your body. To bully your tight walls until they accommodate his wide girth.
You bite your lip and reach for his length, pumping his cock thats still wet with your spit before leaning in close so that you can whisper in his ear “We’re just going to have to compromise”
Neteyam is huffy until you sink down onto him and ride him until neither of you can formulate thoughts.
Until you’re boneless, tangled limbs and buried under your quilts.
The afterglow is your favorite.
Neteyam is always so gentle and tender after sex. He holds you, lets you lie your head on his chest and listen to the steady thrumming beat of his heart as he plays with your hair. The only thing that could make this better is if he reached for your kuru. Is if you got to experience Tsaheylu with him-
It’s not fair,
How could he expect you not to fall in love with him?
The quiet stretches on. The fire is dim and dying and the tent is mostly black, night creeping in and covering you both in darkness.
“I’m sorry” his voice almost startles you, his words confusing and unexpected “I’m sorry I ignored you- the day we came back. I was trying to figure out how to calm my dad down. He was so pissed and Lo’ak’s attitude only makes it worse-”
You don't say anything. You just keep listening to his strong heart.
“I didn't mean to hurt your feelings”
You don't respond for a while. You don't want to shatter the atmosphere that is shimmy fly wing delicate “I was just happy to see you alive. It terrifies me, that you’ll leave on one of these raids and never come back. I dont- I wouldn't know what to do if that happened”
“I'm not going to leave, Y/N” his arms tighten around you and you close your eyes, relishing the way he holds on to you. It makes you feel like maybe you're not the only one desperate for this to never end.
“Do you promise?” You sound young, look so small in his big arms.
“I promise”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Weeks later, The Sully’s leave the tribe.
They’re running, fleeing for the good of the Omaticaya people- that is what Jake says. He claims it is for the best. You have never doubted his prowess as Olo’eyktan until that moment.
The tribe mourns, falls into great sorrow as the family says their goodbyes.
You can not bear to look. You drown in your tears and hide in the crowd. Will not meet Neteyams gaze no matter how much he tries to get you to.
When he mounts his ikran and takes to the skies you feel something inside of you shatter. He disappears into the vast horizon.
Neteyam leaves.
You were a fool to believe he’d keep his promise.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Welp. Um hi guys lol. I was like let me post something short and sweet to come back with before I start hitting you guys with all of my Kinktober prompts next month. Somehow I ended up with a 5k angst filled what could be first chapter of a series. LOL I HATE MYSELF AND THE FACT THAT I CANT WRITE ONE SHOTS.
I literally don't have the time to work on another story, but if this one was a little too much angst, I'd be glad to give us a fix it Part Two.
This will be the last kind of stand alone update until after October. If you havent alread, check out Luna’s( @pandoraslxna )Kinktober prompt list. She is such a gem for cultivating it and helping keep this fandom alive and thriving.
As usual, please leave me some feedback. Good, bad(not mean though lol my psyche’s very fragile rn) I want to hear your thoughts!
Love ya, pretty babies!
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creesask · 28 days
Posted it on accident and now I have write this whole thing from the start
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True. But I ship her with V3-V4 Eclipse only. He never did anything bad yet and you can see that he actually respects her. She's the one he goes to when he needs someone to talk to. He opened up to her more than any other character. Her opinion and words are important for him enough to try therapy, he asks for her advices, he wants to know the way she thinks and sees the world around her and why she loved Solar so much. I truly believe he's trying to bring Solar back just for her
I don't ship "just because" or out of spite. I genuinely think Eclipse is a better option than Monty. He changes for HER because he LIKES her and that's how healthy relationships work
You might think "oh but they both act nice around her while being dicks to others" well yes but:
Eclipse doesn’t deny the fact that he is a bad person while Monty is just two-faced. Monty treats badly everyone, even his friends. Should I remind you what he did to Foxy? Eclipse hates Sun, Moon and Lunar because of how they left him behind in the past. This doesn't justify his bad actions (I hope you read this clear👁️👁️, I don't consider him a good person) but it does makes him a more understandable and likeable character than Monty who is just a jerk
And a cherry on top? I liked Monty when I just started watching sams! He used to act like a guy that would laugh at you when you fall down the stairs but still visit you at the hospital when you're lying there with a broken leg. Which is how I see Eclipse right now. To Earth at least. And that's enough for me
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red-write-hand · 8 months
pairing -> thomas shelby x f!oc
warnings -> not much, tooth rotting fluff
summary -> Tommy thinks about how much he loves his wife, not much else
AN: I may or may not have written this at an ungodly hour of the night so there might be some mistakes so just pls be nice to me :)
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The rain was going sideways and the trees outside of the Arrow House had started to bend. Usually these were conditions that would make Tommy groan because he wouldn’t be able to get to work but today? He welcomed the torrent of harsh weather. It meant he could hold his sleeping wife for longer. He shifted his hold on her to make sure she was comfortable. She looked so peaceful while she slept. Like a goddess who had decided in her infinite wisdom to grant him her hand in marriage. She was so perfect, everything about her was perfect to him. All he wanted to do was spend the morning kissing each one of her freckles. His cornflower blue eyes were so full of adoration. He pulled her closer to his chest. He wished he had a way to truly show her he loved her. No matter how much money he spent on her, no matter how many hours he spent with her, no matter how many times he had loved her body until she fell asleep in his arms, no matter how much he showed he cared, it would never be enough for him. He had too many emotions. It was all too much. It was bursting out of him every time he saw her. After the war, he barely smiled. He barely laughed. He barely took joy in anything that wasn’t his family. It was like a total eclipse of the sun. The moment he saw her.
Obviously, he had put on the attitude that he hated her, but deep in his heart, the romantic part, the part that still smiled or laughed loved her. That part still loved her until they finally had realized that they both truly loved each other. It felt like they had been together. Neither of them remembering that they had ever hated each other. It was like one day they just appeared in each other’s arms. The thing was, neither of them cared. Tony was content to lay in his arms and pick apart every speck of his eyes and he was at his happiest when he was allowed to just hold his adoring wife and count every single freckle on her face, keeping his tallies with kisses. It was still so dark outside. He smiled and kissed her hairline. He wished he could freeze time and keep her here forever, in his arms, safe, cared for. He put on a facade of not worrying about her but that was the biggest lie he had.
He worried about her every day. He always worried about his family’s safety but most especially his wife. He knew that it was a little silly to worry about the most powerful woman in Ireland who could, and would, kill anyone at a point blank range if she felt the need to. He also knew that she had been in this business longer than he had, but he still worried. He worried about the way Kimber looked at her, he worried about the way Changretta talked to and about her, and he worried about the business she did. He knew he shouldn't but he always does. He wanted to keep her in his arms forever, this way he could make sure that she was safe, but he also knew that she would never let him. She was her own person who could protect herself, so he resigned himself to be the place she would come home to.
The warm pair of arms that she would wrap herself up and fall asleep in. The place she felt the happiest. The place she felt the safest. He pulled her even closer. It was like she was absolving him of every sin he had ever committed just by being with him. It was like God was finally granting him peace. He had never been one for organized religion, but after loving her for over a year, he would go to church with Aunt Polly and praise the Lord for letting him have her in his life. He sighed, wishing the rain would continue for the entirety of the day, keeping him and his wife in bed. He could feel her breath against his bare chest. Something that he had realized about having real love was that even though his gorgeous wife was completely naked, completely against him, he didn’t feel the urge. He just…loved her. Love wasn’t even the best word for it. It was worship. He truly did worship her. He could spend hours upon hours just picking her apart. She had once decided that she should try and bake something. Of course, she had never baked anything up until this point so he supervised to make sure she didn’t burn anything down. It turned out that Tommy was content with just watching how she moved. How her body worked. How everything about her worked. He was happy just to sit on the countertop behind her and analyze her mannerisms.
She always thought it was so funny. She would catch him staring at her with this look of curiosity and adoration and she would stand between his legs and kiss his nose. Only she could do something like that. Another example of how she had changed him. He had somehow allowed himself to become more romantic with her. He let himself want the things he had wanted before the war. Small kisses on his face, designs traced into his chest, random acts of affection. He had started to notice that she did all this. He also had noticed that he had wanted all of this before he had gone to France. His brothers would laugh and joke about how soft he would get the moment she would enter a room. One of his brother’s favorite stories was the time Tommy had forgotten his phone on his bedside table and had come to the betting shop. He had gone to check the time but he couldn't find his phone. He had panicked until a very sick Tony had come all the way from the Arrow House to give it to him. His brothers would recount the ‘stupid fucking love sick puppy look’ he had plastered on his face when Tony had handed him his phone and ghosted his cheek with a kiss. He had been lost in memories and a stream of thought that he hadn't even noticed that a hand was running lazily through his hair.
“You were supposed to go to work almost an hour ago. I assume neither of us are leaving this bed today?” His wife’s voice was tired but still had that Irish edge to it. He chuckled and nuzzled his face into her neck. She shifted so that she could kiss his hair. Her smile was full of love and tenderness. The smile she had worn on their wedding day. The smile that appeared on her face whenever she was around him. She started to laugh as he started to plant kisses on her neck. He kissed and nipped at her neck which led her to gently push him off her.
“Neck kisses should only be used as apologies and seduction methods.” He laughed a little as he pulled her in again, this time kissing her soft lips. Even after almost two years of their marriage, he still figured things out about her. Today’s realization was that she somehow always tasted like strawberries. It was faint, but it was there. He had always loved strawberries when he was young, but as he grew, he neglected eating fruit and food all together. This solidified her in his mind as being sent from God. He kissed her again, this time, tenderly, with as much love and gentleness as he could. He could feel her hand come up to his jaw, her soft hands, her inexplicably soft hands gracing his face. He felt unworthy of them. He smiled again. He always smiled around her. She smiled too. This moment was perfect. Two broken people in love, in each other’s arms, healing, loving tenderly. It was rare to have mornings like these with both of their jobs but they held onto these fleeting hours for dear life. He pulled her in tight and kissed her hair. She kissed his jaw and whispered a soft ‘I love you.’
“I love you too my darling, more than you’ll ever know”
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Our Love is a Work in Progress
Pairing: Aonung x Fem! Metkayina! Reader
Tags: Slightly Jealous Aonung, Childhood sweethearts, Tsireya being playful, Socially awkward reader
Word count: 3,194
Summary: Idiots in love. That's what you and Ao'nung are. If it weren't for your friend's devious machinations in the background, both of you would probably grow old still tip-toeing around each other.
For the umpteenth time this morning, you let out a dreamy sigh. From the corner of your eyes, you see Tsireya shake her head. "Just go and talk to them. Then you'll know that they are not so bad," she says, gesturing towards the Sullys who were currently practicing their breathing with Rotxo. Tsireya was right there teaching them with him earlier, but when she saw you peeking at them from up a boulder at a distance, she apparently decided that her quest for today was to finally convince you to approach them.
She climbed up to meet you with a knowing smile before pointing at each of them. "That one beside Rotxo is Kiri, she's a very fast learner," she says, "the small one is Tuk, she's very sweet. The boy over there is Lo'ak, and beside him is his older brother named Neteyam."
You listened to her with a pout, knowing that you won't need the information anyway.
You found them interesting, not so much in the beginning, no. You were wary of them, they were so different, and It didn't help that everyone collectively grimaced in disgust when it was revealed that they had demon blood, even though you didn't understand why. But they all look so warm and welcoming, especially now. (It might just be the certain, soft warm glow from the sun that makes it look like so, but still.)
"You know I can't, Tsireya. Mother would kill me if I so much as stand within arms reach." Your friend only giggled.
"You're a very persuasive girl, my friend. I'm sure your mother will change her mind about them. Now, how will you convince your mother of their kindness when you haven't experienced it yourself?"
You narrow your eyes at her, fighting back a goofy smile. "You're pretty persuasive yourself."
"You only think so because you actually want to approach them. You just need a few extra nudges."
You shake your head. "I told you, I can't." You nearly whine.
"...not a few nudges then, perhaps a full-on shove?
"A what now?" You begin to ask, but you could only yelp as she shoves you off the boulder. You cried out, only for it to get cut off as you land in the water. You scoff at her playfulness, causing bubbles to block your view.
You resurface, sputtering, still reeling from your shock (and amusement) and you hear her quite disrespectfully giggle at you from up the boulder. You crane your neck to send her a playful glare.
"Are you okay?"
You whip your head towards the unfamiliar voice, squinting. You raise your hand up to shield yourself from the harsh glare of the setting sun, your eyes adjusting, slowly making sense of the person's feature.
Truly, it felt like you were gazing upon something sacred, like Eywa herself sent you a guiding spirit with eyes that are pure melted gold, poured from a sun on the brink of an eclipse. It was mesmerizing.
Neteyam looked down at you from his Ilu, hands slowly reaching towards you, unsure if you'd let a stranger near but he keeps it there anyways in case you truly were in need of assistance.
"What?" You ask, feeling a little dumb as you stare at the rather magnificent picture.
He tilts his head in confusion. "Tsireya called out, she said you slipped and hit your head—"
You struggle to hear whatever he was trying to say at the end, his voice being cut off by the sound of Rotxo laughing, and the others floundering about in the water as they arrive. "She's fine," he says. "I saw the whole thing." He looks up to send a knowing look at Tsireya who only giggles as she moves to go back down from the boulder.
You blink rapidly, trying to gather your scattered thoughts. What are you supposed say?
You stare blankly at Neteyam, some of your hair were in your mouth and you remember the not-so-graceful way you whipped your head towards him earlier, squinting at him. You must've painfully looked like an idiot, because you see Rotxo cringe and you realize distantly that you were still staring.
"What's up with her?" You hear Lo'ak ask.
Neteyam stares back at you, his hands still hovering and you see him hesitate. Rotxo turns away, as if watching you was too painful, still, you do not miss the subtle shaking of his shoulders, it was what snapped you out of your daze and you reel back, laughing awkwardly. Neteyam raises both his eyebrows, his eyes flickered from yours and to his siblings in confusion. You curse at yourself instantly, wishing for an Akula to just eat you up.
"You must be..." The girl named Kiri trailed off, her voice startling the uncomfortable silence your awkwardness settled in the atmosphere. Rotxo provides her your name and Kiri nods. "Tsireya speaks of you. She says you're the best singer in the village."
"Ah, hehe." You chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of your nape sheepishly. "I wouldn't say that I'm the best—"
You yelp as Ao'nung rose from the water, his eyes staring straight at yours. He came seemingly from out of nowhere.
"Ao'nung? Weren't you…Where'd you even come from?" You ask, positively flabbergasted at his sudden appearance. He was supposed to be out with his father. You cross your arms. "I bet you’re slacking off again, Aren’t you supposed to be with the chief?”
"I was." His answer came in a short burst. As if he couldn't be bothered to answer you properly. Then he scans you like a mother checking her child for injuries, before letting his gaze wander back to your eyes then at the others who came to help you and you realize the gravity of your situation.
You feel yourself frown before you could control your expressions. "I'm really sorry for disturbing your lessons." You say, mostly facing Rotxo, who in turn, shakes his head, smiling at you. He's always been so patient and nice, just a little prick sometimes, mostly when Aonung's around. Together, they were little teasing menaces.
You hear Tsireya before you see her, grinning at you as she floats in the water by your side. "Well, I'm just glad you're okay, my friend." She sighs in relief (as if she wasn't the one who pushed you off).
You lean closer to her and whisper, "you're lucky you're the chief's daughter."
She giggles as she rests her hand on your shoulder before approaching the others. "We could always use another's help. Perhaps my friend can also help with teaching?"
"Oh, well. If it's alright with her to…" Neteyam answers. You inwardly cringed. They must've thought that your hesitation to receive help from them stems from the skepticism and disgust that the rest of the village doesn't bother hiding towards them.
"I want to…help, I mean. I did cause quite a ruckus. Let me make up for it," you say, smiling. You felt relieved that you didn't stutter once. You've already made a fool of yourself enough to give you nightmares for 3 weeks.
"How did you manage slip from there anyway, that's always been your spot." Ao'nung tilts his head back to look down at you through the bridge of his nose. You couldn't stop your face from scrunching up at his words, it heralds an incoming torrent of nagging. You knew that he would start if you so much as wince in pain. You appreciate his concern, but you hate how he makes you sound so weak and fragile, and in front of these people you’re trying to befriend!
"It was my fault, really. We were messing around," Tsireya says, raising her hands. You thank Eywa that she hasn't completely abandoned you to your own clumsy social skills.
"Yeah, and what's up with you? Why are you suddenly here?" You ask, turning to face Ao'nung, genuinely curious, but also flinging towards him a vindictive glance
"I heard you scream and I thought you needed help…" he starts, then he glances at Neteyam. "although someone's already beaten me to it." With that. Ao'nung nods at you before diving back in and swimming away.
You feel a headache slowly seeping into your head. Ao’nung left as fast as his sudden arrival, and it irks you just as much as it confuses you; his cryptic behavior, worried glances but searing choice of words, his awful timing…
"Wow, so he can actually talk without outright insulting anyone," Kiri says.
Tsireya giggles as she gives you a look you don't bother to decipher.
"Are you really okay? You look a little dazed." You turn towards the voice by your side. You almost squeal in delight as the youngest of the Sullys look up at you with her wide eyes.
"Oh she's fine. She's just extremely shy." Rotxo says, waving his hand around in a dismissive manner.
"Okay, okay. How about we stop wasting time on me and resume the lesson, yeah?" You say, having had enough of this, whatever this whole predicament was. You couldn't say it was all bad though, since you finally succeeded in introducing yourself to the Sully kids. There may have been better ways to do it, preferably without making such a racket, but it is what it is.
Throughout your childhood, Aonung was always there. He was your first, and most eager listener. He always went along with you whenever you would go out and practice your singing, claiming to be your protector, your guardian. He always has his eyes on you, always listening to every single word you say. You especially notice this whenever you were hanging out with the other kids. No one really asks for your opinion, and nobody expects you to contribute to the conversation, so much so that you feel like you only open your mouth when you sing during shared gatherings. But Ao'nung was different. He always asks you what you think, always prodding you to speak your mind, always glaring sharply at anyone who tries to talk over you.
And he is always hovering around you. It was at first, stifling, until you decided that perhaps he simply enjoyed your companionship. Even now that he avoids you, refusing to be around you for long, like your mere presence burns him, he still doesn't completely abandon you. And it makes you furious, more confused than mad, of course. First he barges into your life, spending almost every waking moment with you only to suddenly shove you away, still keeping you within eyesight but refusing to even approach you. You don't think that he suddenly doesn't want you as a friend anymore, it is evident in the way he looks out for you, even indirectly.
You spend the next few days hanging out with the Sullys, much to your parent's chagrin. They do nothing to stop you though, you figured they've either given up on you, or trust that you know what's good for you.
Neteyam was, in almost every way, especially nice to you. You don't think that it was because you completely dazzled him with your amazing existence, making him fall madly in love with you, no. His way of showing care was almost aggressive, like he was trying to prove a point or something. And you're only able to notice because you've sharpened your observation skills instead of your speaking skill. You weren't completely stupid…you noticed that Neteyam becomes incredibly touchy and sweet whenever Ao'nung was around. You quite enjoyed the situation, you can't lie.
Also, you've never hung out with so many friendly people before. You miss Ao'nung though. And of course, because of that, confrontation was inevitable.
"You wanna know why I've been avoiding you?"
He asks but he doesn't wait for you to answer before he continues.
"It's because you keep hanging around those freaks. You wanna be an outcast by associating yourself with them, then go ahead."
He doesn't mean it, he really doesn't.
You shake your head. "I was already an outcast, Ao'nung. And frankly, I'd rather be one than associate myself with your friends—" You raise your hand up to silence him, you were not done yet. "—and I know for a fact that you no longer see them as freaks. I might even say that you've started to treat them with respect. You can see them now, Aonung. I know it. So why are you suddenly back to saying such rude words about them?"
He exhales a deep, exasperated breath, his head pounding with all the words he wants to say but couldn't.
You wait for him to gather his thoughts.
"He…" Aonung started. "Yes, what you said is true. I've…they've grown on me, those Sully brats…"
His gaze flickers back to you.
"But he— that Neteyam. He's obviously aiming for you."
You frown in confusion. "He's what? Aiming for me? With what? I don't think—"
He rolls his eyes. "What I meant was he's seriously considering you as a mate."
With his answer, you felt even more confused.
"I think that is highly unlikely. It's too early for him to choose a mate and even more unlikely for him to choose me. What am I supposed to do when there's a war, huh? Sing the enemies to death?"
"There's more to choosing mates than just their assets, their worth, during a war."
"But he's a chief, he can't just marry anyone."
He sighs. "A chief's mate doesn't always have to be a tsahik…you do know that right?"
"No no no. Still, it's impossible. He hardly even knows me and—" your gaze sharpens towards him. "Even if, for some reason, he wants me as his mate, what's it to you? And why would you avoid me because of that?"
He scoffs. "I was not avoiding you. I was simply giving you space."
You give him the stinkiest grimace you could manage. "Explain…"
He clicks his tongue in annoyance, rubbing the back of his neck. He gestures with his hands as he tries to do as you asked. "I was furious—"
"What did I do?"
"—not at you." He sighs again. "At myself."
You stare blankly at him.
"You mentioned earlier that it was too early for Neteyam to choose a mate, but courting takes time, just like how I've been courting you since we were kids. I'm not done explaining yet," he says when he sees your confused frown. "I was angry when I saw how happy you were with your new friends. (Again, angry at myself) You should know that you're actually pretty popular among the boys in the village. The reason they do not even attempt to approach you is because they know I like you. I did not mean to…It was not my intention to make you lonely. I did not know that it would make the girls dislike you and I'm sorry for that. Now, the reason I avoided you was because the Sullys offered friendship, something that you weren't able to have in your own home, because of me. I distanced myself because I realized that I took you for granted. I used my position as a guarantee that no one else would try to court you. I was selfish and it made you…it turned you into an outcast…"
You hardly knew how to react, and you, in an attempt to try and make sense of things, stammer over your words, a torrent of sentences that makes absolutely no sense pouring out of your lips. Finally, you pinch the bridge of your nose and you take a deep breath.
"You give yourself too much credit, Ao’nung."
He raises his head to look at you.
"My social life was already done for, even before your supposed destruction of my potential relationships."
"No, it is my fault. You are not some property or a thing to be claimed. It's my fault that the boys…I feel like I ruined your chances to choose whoever you may want."
"Ao’nung…Even if that is so, they are not worth my time if they are too scared of you to even try to talk to me. It means they do not like me enough. My point is—listen—my point is that you should not blame yourself for something that you cannot control. Seriously, d'you think everything that's happened in my life is caused somehow by your decisions? You idiot."
He bites his lip, eyes narrowing in deep thought.
"Okay, it sounded a little less conceited in my head. But that's how I feel."
"I understand…what I don't understand is the whole 'I have been courting you since we were kids' thing."
"What's so hard to understand about that? I like you. I love listening to you sing. I love spending time with you. You're kind. You never talk bad about anyone, you actually cared about me and wanted to be my friend not just because I’m the chief’s son…You gave me flowers, you wrote songs about me, (I am partial to the ones about us on an adventure, by the way) you make me feel warm and appreciated. I adore you…I pine for you.”
"...Oh, wow. Sorry, this is a lot to take in. And I didn't even notice that you were courting me."
"I still am. You have no idea how much you mean to me," he says, looking at you through his ridiculously long eyelashes, his ears flat against the side of his head.
You feel your chest tighten at his words. Why he hadn't told you this before, you do not know.
"You can't just. Why, I never even…" You trail off as he holds a hand up.
"Now, I'm wondering if I was being too subtle, or if you're just too dull."
"Hey, that's not nice."
"Kind of hard to be nice when the person you adore is fawning over a foreigner."
"I was not." you huffed.
"I know. I'm sorry for saying that. It's just, I never seem to know what to say. I know what I want to say but I can't put it into words that would perfectly describe it."
"It doesn't need to be. Also, are you kidding me? That confession was perfect!”
Ao’nung groaned, running his hand down his face. “Okay, stop.”
“It was heartfelt, and poetic.” You see his tail wagging sideways from behind him.
“And,” you continue, your voice carrying venom. “It’s the most you’ve said to me for days!” You punch his arm and he glares at you, mumbling something about ruining the mood.
"Y'know what? I'm gonna write a song about you, about how stupid you are." You say, still seething.
"As long as it's about me…" He shrugs, stepping closer towards you, grinning like a fool.
"You asshole." You say, but without any real anger.
He hums. "Well, I'm your asshole…"
You both frown as you take in his words.
"Okay, that did not—"
"Uncalled for." You shake your head.
"That was not what I…wow, it did not sound romantic at all, I don't know why I…"
"I feel violated…"
Can't believe I have to say this but pls remember that x readers aren't going to be a 100% accurate presentation of you. I don't wanna be gettin no "but I can't sing" comments. I stopped writing fanfic because of comments like that (which is dumb). So don't do that please, Thank you!
Also read on Ao3!
English ain't my first language so pls be kind.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Dragon's Mistress (9)
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9. Is it I, the younger brother
Summary: You can’t catch a break
Warnings: cursing, mentions of war, mentions of death, humiliation, use of the word bastard and traitor, incest, smut, might miss some warnings
Wordcount:  2.9 k
Notes: Please do not hate me for what I'm about to do… 
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Aemond walked the hallways hastily, with only one objective in mind
He found his cousin in a big dining room where they held small banquets for members of the court. He was talking to other lesser lords.
As soon as he saw him coming he smiled weirdly and triumphantly at him
“Cousin, long time no see”, he greeted
“It is Your grace, to you”, he said shortly and bitterly, Abelon’s demeanor changed in a second, “Go away”, he said to the other lords and they obeyed immediately after bowing shortly, then his attention returned to his cousin
They stared at each other for a while 
“I’m glad you brought Dragonstone back into the fold”, he said weirdly, he was truly an ass-licker, Aemond thought, not a warrior, but only a politician, and that is why he was now the heir to Old Town without even as much as lifting a finger in the war
“And why is that, cousin?”, he asked bitterly
“Well, it was the seat of the traitor, and many of her followers”, he said nervously. Aemond could see why he would be worthy of you, he was a… somehow decent man, thich brown locks, green eyes, he was skinny though, nothing remarkable about his height
“Something else might make you glad I took it?”, he pressed, Abelon just straightened his posture, and drew a small smile
“Well, your grace, it is no secret… her Grace the Queen has been most gracious on offer, the princesses’ hand”
“You will deny the offer”, he said, no open for discussion
But Abelon wasn’t the smartest of men, unfortunately 
“I am afraid I cannot do that, your grace”, he said, “is it not only the Queen Mother, but my family, my father, and the future of my house, the house I share with you in blood”, he said solemnly. Aemond only snickered, leaning into him, invading his personal space until the young man began to sweat heavily
“I know you think so highly of yourself”, he murmured, “what would you think of your betrothed if I tell you she is my personal whore?”, he asked, looking at him intensely with his one good eye. He swallowed, hard
“I’m aware of the rumors”, he said, trying to keep his composure
“And what do you think about them?”
“She is not going to be the first impure betrothed and she is not going to be the last”, Aemond only hummed, entertained
“I don’t know how you are going to do it, but you will refuse this betrothal”, it is the only thing he said before he walked away, leaving his cousin trembling in the middle of the dining room.
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Alicent left you shortly after, and you took as second to keep admiring the room, and then you walked towards the beautiful balcony to gaze upon the view
You breathed in, and you had to admit that you didn’t like the smell
Those who had lived out of King’s Landing would agree, the sights of the beautiful city were eclipsed by the stench. The sun was setting and you already felt so tired you wanted to curl into the bed and sleep
But again, when could you ever do what you wanted?
The door to your rooms opened and Aemond appeared through them, once he set his eye on you he walked hastily towards you to grab you by your upper arms
“My love, sorry I abandoned you”, he said huskily, his eye roaming all over your face and frame
“It is alright my prince”, you whispered, you smiled at him, trying to calm him down, he did seem… excited… should you ask him about your betrothal? but again you didn’t want to make him feel like you were asking for explanations
You avoided his eye, looking at everywhere nervously, you didn’t know why, but you did felt like you were doing something you shouldn’t be doing
What if the Queen mother saw him here in your chambers?
he caressed your upper arms
“Nothing will change”, it was some sort of warning, “everything will remain the same between us two”, you only nodded, finally looking into his eye
“Of course”, you whispered
“You will not marry that man”, he added, and you barely nodded
“I don’t want to make things difficult”. you whispered, meaning that you were here in enemy territory and the last thing you could do was refusing direct orders from the Queen herself 
“You are not making anything difficult”, he said, “you are obeying me, and that is the only thing that matters”, you nodded
“Of course my prince”, you whispered, he chuckled darkly, leaning in
“Soon it will be “my King”, he purred, and you smiled
“Are you happy to be home?”, you asked
“I am”, he said, “tomorrow morning I have an audience with my brother”
“Is the King alright?”, you asked
“HIs burns have rotten”, he said, “the amount of milk of the poppy they are giving is so high his mind has melted, he will not recognize me even if he saw me”
“That is horrible, my prince, I am very sorry”, you offered, that did indeed sounded terrible
“Thank you”, he said solemnly, “no one deserves to suffer like that, regardless of how… depraved they might behave”, you nodded, giving him the reason.
Soon the moment turned awkward, he kept looking into your face for something, and you didn’t even think 
He kept smiling arranging a wild lock of hair behind your ear
“I will send for our dinner, and then we will lay together in that bed”, he whispered ludly, you just nodded
“Yes, my prince”
“I’ve trained you well”, he said so fleetingly that you thought you had imagined it, he walked away from you and towards the doors to your chambers
You turned again to the view of the balcony and you sighed loudly
You had been in these chambers so many times when you were little, looking for your mother. You whined when you felt the tingles in your nose that indicated you were about to cry
You couldn’t cry
No when Aemond was so near
You shaked with uncertainty and fear
The meal seemed to appear out of thin air as the maids brought in plates and silverware and set the table for just the two of you
You sat and ate in silence, Aemond couldn’t take his eye off of you the entire meal, he seemed to prefer to eat you than the roasted duck they have served you
But as you were in the middle of dinner, the doors to your chambers opened up abruptly
Alicent came in with that disturbed face, trailing behind her was Criston Cole
“AEMOND!”, Alicent called, and you believed you had never seen her so angry.
“Mother”, he said simply, wiping his mouth with a napkin
“What do you think you are doing?”, she asked, looking at you
“Having dinner with my betrothed”
“Enough!”, she said, you have never seen her like this, “a word? please?”, she asked after calming herself a bit, she seemed nervous
And you wondered
What could possibly make her nervous after all the hell you all been through?
Aemond sighed loudly but he stood up from the table, nodding
“Yes, mother”, he said lightly, and they all three abandoned your rooms quickly
You kept wondering if you were going to have privacy and a little bit of respect, or if people was going to keep barging in your rooms unannounced
Was Alicent going to convince Aemond to leave you alone for you to marry someone else? did she know her son had taken your maidenhead? Was Aemond powerful enough to do as he pleased?
The power of a King was an illusion, you thought bitterly, you still depended on the lords and ladies of the seats of power, you still depended on your family, or even the smallfolk if they knew how to press enough. 
And you didn’t know what you wanted.
But the Queen did, she knew what she wanted from you. Aemond didn’t return in the night, so you did what you thought you should do, you put on your night dress, and cuddled yourself on the bed. 
The very next morning you found a new dress the Queen had sent for you to wear, it was light green and when you looked at it, you wanted to throw up. But disobeying her wasn’t smart, so you sucked it up, and got dressed with the help of a nice maid Alicent has sent your way as well
You had an “invitation” to break your fast in the gardens with Abelon Hightower
And you decided to attend
When you saw him you realized happily you had never seen him before, and that somehow gave you comfort, because if he was on the Green’s side he didn’t quite make much in the war
“Good morrow M’lady”, he greeted with a smile, and you smiled back
“Good morrow My Lord”, he invited you to sit in a small table in the middle of the gardens
You soon realized he was a little full of himself, speaking of how powerful he was, of what he was going to do once he was the Lord of OldTown, and other things, he just kept yapping and yapping
“It is an honor to marry into the Targaryen Bloodline”, that did went through your haze of disinterest
“You are too kind My Lord”, you whispered
“Even though it come with strings attached, I know about the relationship between the Crown Prince and you”, he said, like he didn’t like that part and he didn’t, “But I believe we can work past this”, he said mindlessly
“I’m thankful for that”, you said
“Just make sure you are not with child”, he said, annoyed, and a shiver went through you, “after the ceremony we will leave for Old Town, as soon as we can”, you nodded, even though, you couldn’t show yourself too happy or content, if this didn’t work, you didn’t want to make it look like you were looking forwards to it
This could go terribly wrong
Aemond was a man you should fear, you had learned that the hard way. 
You kept talking, or rather, he was talking.
You were constantly looking into the eyes of Arryk, like looking for help, and he couldn’t help his smile
Was this big-mouth fool a better choice for you than Aemond?
Yes he was full of himself, and he was kind of misplaced on what to say, a bit of a loose tongue, but… he didn’t seem cruel, he didn’t seem like he would like to play sick games with you to bend you to his will
Perhaps a live with him would be more bearable 
But leaving Aemond seemed harder for you that you would like to admit, he was the only person you felt… comfortable with, the only one you truly knew
But your pondering of what your life might look like in Old Town was cut short, Arryk moved hastily, bowing, as Aemond appeared in the garden. Abelon stood hastily from his chair, making a mess of the table, he seemed genuinely scared
“Y-your grace!”, he stuttered
“Cousin”, and you never have seen Aemond so angry, he then looked at you, “my dear, why won’t you walk back to your chambers? Arryk will escort you”, you barely nodded, “Abalon”, the man beside froze at his name being called
“Your grace”, he stutters, again
“A word”, he wasn’t asking
The skinny man shakily bowed to you as a sign of respect and then walked towards him fearfully, and he abandoned the Gardens. Aemond turned to you
“You will not marry that man, I told you already, don’t make me say it again”, he said with a deep grunt, you only nodded, “I will have you on the throne room at noon”
“Yes my prince”, you whispered. And then he also left the gardens following his cousin. 
Arryk walked towards you, nodding. You stood up from the table, grabbing one last lemon cake for the walk back to your chambers
“Perhaps your mother dropped you on your head as an infant”, Aemond spitted out as soon as he had his cousin away from all ears and eyes
“Your grace please, my dear aunt, the Queen…!”
“I don’t give a shit about my mother”, he spitted out, Abelon sighed
“Your grace, please… I”
“You will go away from this court”, he said shortly, no room for answers, “you will withdraw your offer for her hand, and you will not marry”, Abelon looked into his cousin’s face, “or I will kill you”
“Your grace”, he whispered, truly frightened, “you would kill your own cousin?”, Aemond laughed, cruelly
“I killed my own nephew and the man I most admired, who was also my uncle and you don’t think I will kill you?”, he mocked him, and Abelon almost peed his pants
“I see”, he said shakily
“I think you just got a letter from your father calling you back to Old Town”, it was not a suggestion 
Abelon walked… rather… he ran away from Aemond, away from the gardens and later that day away from the Keep, and away from King’s Landing, never to be seen again. 
With him out of this way, Aemond sighed loudly, now he had you all to himself, but he feared you were not going to have him all to yourself.
He as probably the most powerful man in all the seven Kingdoms and yet he could not do as he pleased
Today, at his mother’s pleasure, the entire court was going to be summoned to the Throne room. Aegon was not well, he didn’t even recognize him, he didn’t even recognize his mother, so she decided for the realm’s sake, to introduce him as the King, King regent for now, King when the stranger decided to take him.
And alongside his appointment, he had to announce something that will cement him as the King, his alliances and his appointments for the small council
Members that had already been carefully selected and named
You were concerned, to say the least
You took advantage of the fact that the Queen was distracted for you to change into a dress of the colors of your family, black and red, you will not use green as they intended for you to use. You used a old dress from your mother
If you were not going to marry Abelon, and not have a new life away from all this mess, and Aemond was determined you marry him, you were going to be the next Queen of the Seven kingdoms
perhaps this was divine justice, for all that had been done to your family
With this you could actually make everything worth it, no more wars, no more conflicts, unity, your mother’s blood on the throne. This what was meant for you, your purpose, your mission, you had to do this, the ultimate revenge, for your mother. 
Noon came faster than you anticipated, and you found it strange nobody came looking for you, so you found your own way to the throne room
People were already gathered towards the throne, so you walked back and over at one of the side hallways, to have a better view. As soon as you placed your hands on the stone bannister you caught Aemond’s attention, he was standing by the feet of the throne, which was empty, the Queen was by his side, and she followed his gaze towards you.
Her mouth twisted disapprovingly when she spotted what you were wearing, but Aemond only smirked a little 
Criston Cole stood in front of everyone
“I present the court this day, the King Regent, Aemond Targaryen”, he said aloud, and the throne room started clapping
It didn’t surprise them, he had been acting as King regent for the moment Aegon got injured badly, he ha seemed to heal from his wounds, but then relapsed under unknown circumstances to you
The realm wanted him, at least, the court and the city did
He was a hero of war, he had murdered half your family, and for them, that made him a hero.
He walked the unsteady steps until he could sit on the Iron throne. Arryk approached with the crown of the conqueror in a pillow and offered it to Criston, who ceremoniously placed it atop of Aemond’s head.
Not content with that, he placed Blakfyre on his hands as well
Aemond sitting on the throne, with the crown on his head and the sword on his hands, it was an imposing view, incredible view, certainly, it made you tremble
The people applauded, as the Queen did
“King Aemond!”, cheered Arryk, and everyone followed him, everyone cheered the name of their next King
He stood up, with the sword still in his hands.
“My first act as King is to name the small council, that will help me to lead this Kingdom to its future”, he started naming old men you didn’t know, except for Tyland Lannister who had somehow survived your mother’s torturing when it was demanded of him to return the treasury. And also Borros Baratheon was named, surprisingly, as the hand of the King. 
“And also, to announce the most important alliance of all”, you never notice how thunderous Aemond’s voice could be when he spoke aloud, it certainly make you feel something, He found you, he looked straight at you, and Alicent noticed, Cole noticed it, a few people noticed. 
You shook were you stood
Were the people going to accept you?
“I am to marry”, he announced to the court, and he looked at you fleetingly, but then he looked back out front, “the lady Floris Baratheon”, he said aloud, and right then and there, you felt like you were truly going to die. 
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tea-plantz · 1 year
hey there! could i request lumity x fem reader with something like general relationship headcannons or what its like to date luz and amity?
Hello!! Thank you very much for requesting! I’m honestly so obsessed with The Owl House right now, so in honor of the show’s finale, here’s the hcs! Enjoy!
She/her for all
!tw! Spoilers ⬇️
<3Lumity x fem!reader relationship headcannons<3
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In the begging, everything was a little bit awkward. Sweet, but awkward. Of course, that is to be expected when someone first starts dating, and three people at that! But alas, you all worked through all of the nervousness and became even closer than before!
Sometimes, being in a relationship with three people can be a bit chaotic, but luckily, you’re all masters of talking things out. Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship you know!
Luz and Amity has sort of a “sun and moon” thing going on, with you being their eclipse to balance it all out. Perfect relationship in every way!
When it comes to comfort, these girls are the best! First of all, they are both such good listeners and they give the best advice when you need it. Although, sometimes people don’t really want advice or logic when their feeling blue, and in that case, you’re girlfriends are ready with as much cuddles and words of affirmation as you need! Supportive gfs <3
Speaking of cuddles, Luz and Amity both give such good hugs, their heavenly fr. Even though Amity can sometimes be a bit awkward about it (her body just goes stiff as a board), it’s always so wholesome and sweet. Usually, Luz is the big spoon with either you or Amity in the middle, or you guys are all just huddled up in one big messy pile. Eda and King always finds it so adorable whenever you guys fall asleep together on the couch, and you can trust that they take a bunch of pictures too.
Amity often gets really flustered around you and Luz, which usually results in a lot of teasing. Her tomato face can just be too cute sometimes, and trust me, you get to se it A LOT!
Luz however doesn’t get flustered as much as Amity, but it’s still easy to get a stunned expression and red tinted cheeks out of her. You just gotta know what to say.
You all literally scream relationship goals fr.
Now, when it comes to the rest of the gang, they all support you guys so much! They think it’s so cool that you guys have a relationship, and even though they tease you about it from time to time (especially Eda, while Hunter mostly gets annoyed from all your lovey dovey stuff), they truly think that what you guys have is the sweetest thing ever. Oh and Hooty is your biggest fangirl, I’m not even joking.
Luz and Amity can be protective AF! Don’t get me wrong, they don’t really go around and get jealous of everything and stuff, but if anyone, witch or human, says anything to upset their girl, they’re really gonna get it.
Kisses with these two are usually fast and sweet.
Luz normally just goes in for a quick peck before turning away with pink tinted cheeks and a small smile, acting like nothing happened.
Amity on the other hand looks at you a bit before slowly leaning in. Afterward, she quickly retrieves, face completely burning up and her eyes as wide as plates. (Sort of like when she kissed Luz’s cheek in that one episode)
These girls are absolute suckers for hugs n’ kisses, and especially when they’re from you~
You guys are the most dorky couple EVER! Your all so silly, it’s adorable honestly.
Luz definitely loves picking her two girls up. She might say she has weak nerd arms, but we’ve all seen that that’s not true. There has been moments when she just comes up behind you, and with a little “aaand scoop!” she simply swipes you off of the ground while giggling.
I feel like you all give off kinda like a summerly girl in red vibe.
You and your girlfriends DEFINITELY have sleepovers and Azura movie nights! (I also said this in my Amity fic, haha)
Praise is one of the main factors of your relationship. These girl got TRAUMA and since you probably also got some as well (taken in perspective that the whole cast of this show have and does go through a lot), praise and words of affirmation/encouragement is super important to them.
When you got sent to the human realm, it was a hard time for everyone, but with the love and support from each other, you all managed to make the best of it and have a wonderful time together.
Camilla absolutely loves you and Amity so much, she is such a sweetheart!!
After some quality time spent in the human realm, you and the others, along with Camilla, finally managed to return to the Boiling Isles. And as we all know, even more challenges were lying ahead.
When things seemed dark, you, Luz and Amity always stuck together, and supported each other the whole way, never ever letting you or each other feel like they were alone in this.
In the end, you all helped each other so much with developing as a person! With all of the love and encouragement, everything turned out just fine, and these girls couldn’t be happier! Ever since this whole crazy adventure started, you’ve all gotten so much closer together, and really formed a special bond. To be able to be in a relationship with you like this is the best things to have happened to either Luz or Amity, and they never want to let that go in the hopes to someday be able to put a ring on it.
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Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and feel free to send in more toh requests<33
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chaotikanvas · 11 months
Ok, ok, so incoming ramble about the Glamrocks that I keep thinking about under the readmore! 
Disclaimer: I can’t promise too much structure to this since I’m just putting some thoughts down, but hopefully it’s still an enjoyable read or something to think about ghfdkñkjgh
A while ago, when I was first planning my first ever fic for SB (which has been thoroughly planned but not written and I haven’t talked about it here at all but that’s! Beside the point!), I started really wondering how the glitch/virus worked (I will keep referring to it as virus as I think it fits a bit more).
And I was so happy that the DLC seemed to be in line with what I was thinking or at the very least it supports my headcanon in a way!
(And oh gosh this is gonna take setting the scene a bit at first so bear with me)
So, I’d like to make a note first of all, that I’m not entirely convinced Glitchtrap is gone, because the end to the princess quest 3 minigame means Vanessa gets freed from possession (via opening the door). There is not a fight with him as a boss that seems to deactivate or get rid of him once and for all, at least. But what happened to him is entirely guesswork on my part. Also, while the DLC implies very strongly that all the other endings are not canon and more stories Gregory drew himself, there are still elements from those endings that I feel cannot be discarded, and they help understand the story. (The blob does exist after all and that is only discovered in the Burntrap ending, and it is my belief that the friend that has the schematics for the underground mentioned by Gregory must be Vanessa, because Freddy seems to have only vague recollections of the place when Vanessa had him clear the way for her before, and also he is not capable of accessing all areas of even the main pizzaplex)
(Also, I squint a little wondering if they changed their minds on which ending was the true ending because the Burntrap ending is the one that has animated cutscenes and a cgi ending image. I actually like that Princess Quest is the canon ending now, since Vanessa gets to be free, but it does come with some inconsistencies. But anyways!!!)
So taking all of that into account! To me, the way the virus works, and considering that there must be a supernatural element to it due to the existence of Glitchtrap, has to do a lot with it locking away the “consciousness” of the animatronics. Much like in the way Vanessa’s true self was locked away actually! In past games, the animatronics only seemed to act outside of their programming due to possession of some kind, but these specific ones seem to actually have self-awareness. I have no doubt that the way they were programmed influences their personality, but the DLC has really emphasized that they are not actually just limited to their functions. 
They have true intelligence! Not a surprise, since Freddy was clearly self-aware since SB, but I like that it seems to be a confirmation of it being the case in general and not just an exception. And I believe this because there are animatronics that are able to snap out of it after Cassie interacts with them. They do seem to think things are normal like any day in the pizzaplex, at first (Eclipse and Roxy) and it would seem like this means they are not truly sentient, but considering that Sun was aware all this time that things were very wrong, and that Moon would attack Cassie if not rebooted, and that Roxy later awakens, realizes the danger and goes to rescue Cassie from the Mimic, makes it clear to me that their self-awareness is the real deal. 
So not only would the virus have to infiltrate the robot’s systems, but it also would have to fight against the “consciousness” of the animatronics to gain control. While we know the Burntrap ending didn’t happen, I think when we see Burntrap trying to take over Freddy is a good visual representation of what might have happened over a long span to the other animatronics.
Ok, ok so! With all that said (again gfkjh)! I’m getting to the main point of this post, which is that I cannot stop thinking about the little backstory we got for Monty and what might have happened with Bonnie!
The damaged model of Bonnie we find in Ruin makes it clear to me that yes, it must have been Monty the one who destroyed him. The scratch grooves that join with the hole in his chest do match with the marks we have seen on other spots, (I thiiink Monty’s room has them), and we know the claws are the characteristic associated with Monty.
(And here I make a sidenote acknowledging some buts, because I went back to read the SB messages, and according to those, Monty only received the upgraded claws to play the bass, which means Bonnie was already gone by then. One of the messages states clearly that Monty received modifications only after being moved to the position of bassist, when Bonnie was out of commission, so either Monty already had really strong claws or it's a bit of an oversight there, but I digress!)
But! Even with that clear evidence, and here it’s where I admit it’s more speculation on my part, I find it a bit hard to believe Monty, the real Monty, at least, would destroy Bonnie just like that. Which makes me think Monty must have been one of the first, if not THE first of the band being infected with the virus. I think it’s a generally accepted headcanon that the virus alters the glamrocks personalities in a way that some of their main character traits are twisted in a destructive way. 
Now, Monty already clearly existed back when Bonnie was in the band. He had his own (large!) area even though he wasn’t part of the main band. The DJ is large and has his own section too, but he seems confined to it and was bought from outside the plex. And Monty seems to have been able to roam around anyways, so I think that probably means the higher ups were counting on Monty being a main animatronic in the future. (I have to wonder if the whole one man band thing from the backstory was something he did do for a brief time at the start, but admittedly that could have been added just in the cardboards). 
With all this in mind, Monty was probably the newest addition, a newcomer in a place that already had the four main animatronics. Almost known by no one in the public and without an established personality in a franchise he’s never been part of before. One of the messages says Monty could be more popular than Bonnie, after Bonnie’s disappearance, which makes me think he was mostly a side attraction, and nowhere near as known as the main glamrocks. Why mention that he could be more popular if the audience was as aware of him as the band right?
So, I think the main trait programmed for Monty’s personality is ambition. The backstory in his ride seems to hint at that. A young Monty with his own little music business, looking in amazement at the Glamrocks and dreaming of one day reaching their level. It would make sense to have one of the robots have this as their main trait, since kids would relate to the big dreams. And it seems to fit with other main traits from the other Glamrocks: Roxy seems to have been made with self-confidence in mind (winning races and having a beauty salon) which might be for encouraging kids, Chica is obviously all for being chipper and energetic and enjoying food (useful in an entertainment establishment that wants kids to indulge and get their parents to spend their money when they’re having a good time), and Freddy is meant to be nice and fatherly and the approachable gentle main face of the franchise.
(Though I am a bit sad Chica gets pushed aside a bit in regards to explicitly showing what she’s really like)
(As a small parenthesis from all this, I want to say that the Pizzaplexes troubles with the virus (or at least the more worrying behavior of the animatronics) are likely relatively recent before Gregory’s arrival. Could be months or a couple of years, don’t know how much exactly, but the fact that there are old messages all around, how some of those help give Gregory hints to where he can find stuff that is still there, how Bonnie’s Bowling Alley has not been rethemed to get rid of the evidence of his existence, Freddy’s hurt over Bonnie being gone sounding (at least to me) still fresh rather than from that long ago, and the message about the disappearances makes me think it can’t have started a decade ago or something like that)
The Monty “rise to fame” story from the ride establishes that Bonnie “gave” his bass to Monty in order to have him join the band, though that Bonnie cutout is obscured. If they really wanted to make it seem like Monty had retired, why not make a cutout with the most important part of the story clear? They made one with Roxanne styling Monty’s hair! So maybe the plan had been to establish that (in the “in universe” narrative for the animatronics) Bonnie would be the Glamrock that took Monty under his wing and teach him the ropes of being a star? Though probably not with the plans of having him be a Glamrock at all, but maybe appearances with a Glamrock would increase the chances of the new gator attraction succeeding (again, speculation on my part, I know).
Coming back around Monty likely being the newest addition, him still not being established as a popular character would maybe mean that he was an easy target to spread the virus. Way more attention would be paid to the main stars, I think, so I think the probability of him being infected from almost the start is high. And with his main trait being ambition, and Bonnie maybe having been planned to be a sort of pathway to him being more known, it wouldn’t surprise me that by the time the incident happens, the virus has already twisted Monty’s ambition into jealousy and aggression and so he ended up destroying Bonnie that one day. Was Bonnie summoned by Monty? Did Bonnie go to Monty out of his own will because he noticed something was wrong? (which ouch if that was the case. It could very well be even that Vanny noticed that Bonnie noticed something was off and had Monty dispose of Bonnie in order to not have any secrets exposed) Who knows! But this is mostly what I think happened.
And why am I so convinced Monty would not have done this without the virus’ influence? Well… Mostly because of Roxy.
In the main game, Roxy is such a bully. Many of the phrases she says are outright cruel, and at a point where Gregory has done nothing to her yet. But in the DLC we see Roxy as she was meant to be. Encouraging. Lifting a child’s spirits up. Assuring them that they are fantastic how they are. 
We know that Cassie is a lonely child. A bit of an outcast who probably spent a lot of time in the plex while her dad worked. We know that her friends did not show up to her birthday and she treasures Gregory as a friend for being there when she was down. Cassie, seems to me, is the kind of child that would be an easy target for bullying. Insecurities and loneliness seem to be main struggles for her, which is why, if Roxanne was already a bully without the virus, why would she be Cassie’s favorite? Why would she be so nice to this kid that obviously needs the confidence boost Roxanne was made to provide? One of Roxanne’s literal lines in SB towards Gregory is “I bet you don’t even have friends!” Knowing that Roxanne knows this is an issue for Cassie, it seems even more brutal that if she’s in her right mind she would use that as an insult when chasing after Gregory. The Roxanne we see in Ruin is so kind. She is a source of comfort for Cassie, soft spoken, and making sure she feels like number one, instead of being self-obsessed (even if it’s born out of extreme anxiety over her own image). 
So if there is such an extreme change from a virus riddled Roxy, why would Monty’s extremes not be the same? We know not even Freddy is exempt from this sort of change though this one is more evidence from the books (slight not too consequential book spoiler and can’t quote from which book exactly it was, but I remember there was an off handed mention of Glamrock Freddy fighting over a plushie with a kid and then feeling dejected when people got angry at him, so it seems if Freddy was ever truly infected, his change of personality would entail being a spoiled main star?).
And it makes sense! Because Freddy considers all the Glamrocks his friends! We know Chica cares for him, because in the intro to SB she takes a step towards him when he malfunctions. And in the base SB game it looks like Freddy is just in denial about his friends (with the arcade minigolf game even having the famous Freddy in a trashbin course to hint at Monty’s jealousy, which you know could very well a real danger with what happened to Bonnie) (and now that I’m writing that it makes me squint a little at that arcade, since it’s very heavily implied the arcade in Sun and Moon’s room infected them so hmmmmmmm, but I digress), but honestly, seeing Roxy acting how it seems she’s supposed to act right before Cassie turns her off as the final node, really makes me think that the true selves of the animatronics are pushed back by the virus to replace them with a caricature of themselves that will obey Vanny’s commands. I mean, the Glamrock Freddy body is completely headless, and doesn’t even appear in the AR world! I don’t know whether it “attacks” because it’s what it would do if infected, or if it is simply leftover code from the way Freddy hid Gregory in his chest, but there sure as heck isn’t anything resembling a consciousness in there. Besides, we know Vanny was invisible to Freddy.
And if consciousness really is pushed aside by the virus, then it would explain why Monty is like that right now. (At least if my speculation of him being the longest with the virus is true) He would know nothing but anger and at this point he is acting like all he knows how to do is attack. Monty’s mind seems to truly be absolutely gone by now. :(
But aaaah this is getting way too long now fkjdghkjf
I guess I just want to talk about Bonnie a bit more, because we don’t have that much more about him that I can form any conclusions about. I do love the poster in his room! The fact that he really was this close to Freddy! They saw each other everyday and Freddy still decided to write a heartfelt message for Bonnie, that Bonnie decided to hang where he would see it clearly everyday! It really seems that Bonnie cared for Freddy just as much and that makes me so happy! It makes it all the sadder to know how heartbroken Freddy is over Bonnie’s disappearance…
Also I am incredibly confused by the whole wetfloor bot stuff! I don’t know if it’s implied that Bonnie’s “consciousness” somehow managed to transfer to the small bots (or why children screams can be heard from them), and if he managed to stay present through them after all. The little bots never really try to harm or sound alarms on Gregory unless shot at I think, so there’s that to think about! Or maybe Glamrock Bonnie was able to connect himself to them but not transfer? Kind of as long as there are any functional he too would be able to hang on? (Or did someone did that for him and it wasn’t himself who did?) Because deactivating the ones where we find Bonnie makes Bonnie’s eyes go dark. But why?? This I really have no idea about!
There’s also that one floorbot that remains beside a pile of Monty’s merch! And if Bonnie is looking or controlling the wetfloor bots that could mean a lot of things!! If Bonnie is in control, is the bot gathering the merch? Is it a negative thing? A sort of attempt to just collect the merch so it can’t be found ever again like Bonnie himself was? Or maybe, if Bonnie did have the most contact with Monty, did he get to know the real not-virus-infected Monty, and saw the merch as a way to remember someone that was briefly a good friend before things went terribly wrong? Hmmmmmm…
Well, I think that’s all I have! Just wanted to get my thoughts out there! It’s not very organized but if you made it all the way to here, thank you for reading!
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ikamigami · 1 year
Am I exaggerating whenever I say that Sun will "off" himself?
I see so many signs that the show's plot is going in this direction.. and yet I feel like I'm in minority...
Most people tend to focus more on Eclipse and his issues... Yeah, he needs therapy.. but no one can force him to change. He have to want that even if no one would forgive him or no one would like him. It might be harder to want to change but.. it's important to remember that we should always change for ourselves, for our own mental health etc. Eclipse shouldn't take things for granted because this is where the issue lays...
Anyway.. I didn't want to talk about Eclipse. It irks me that people tend to babify Eclipse and vilify Sun at the same time. I guess someone has to be a villain?/s But it frustrates me that people saw that Eclipse is su*c*dal and didn't see that with Sun! They saw it only when it was explicitely pointed out!
I know people probably like Eclipse more than Sun. If not.. Sun's fans are probably hidden somewhere..?
Anyway.. that's not what I wanted to talk about either.
I wanted to point out some of the signs that show really is going with Sun will "off" himself plot:
despite the obvious fact that Sun truly believes that he made everything worse there are also things like:
Earth's comment about Sun's cat liking her so much - Sun may feel like even his cat doesn't love him;
Earth's comment about her anxiety and lower self-esteem due to feeling unsure if she's helpful enough etc. - Sun may feel the need to support her more and shove away his own problems which will result with him not wanting to open up to Earth to not burden her further;
Moon's obliviousness to Sun's struggles - Sun may feel like no one really cares about him;
Moon's quick dismiss of Sun's idea about what to do with Eclipse - Sun may feel like he's efforts are nothing which alongside with
Moon doing most of the tough, important things - reinforces Sun's feelings of being useless and stupid;
Moon obliviousness to the whole situation with that "fangirl" - Sun may feel like Moon doesn't care about him or that his struggles are completely invisible;
Existence of "fans" like that "fangirl" - Sun said "so you're this type of fan" - did he met more fans like her? I'm assuming that yes, he did. - Sun may feel like fans not only doesn't like him but they hate him and either they want him gone or like seeing him suffer which he knows from comments on YT and Discord;
Being left alone with computer often time because Earth is in her room and Moon is going to do most of things needed to help with Eclipse's and creator's situations - computer's attitude towards Sun may worsen his mental state.
All of those things are so little and so easy to go unnoticed but it doesn't mean that they don't hurt Sun. And it's even worse in Earth's and Moon's cases because Sun knows that they care! How much easier it would be if they didn't... How much easier it would be to let go... But they care! They care.. and yet.. they seem so oblivious to Sun's struggles and suffering. Which only fuels su*c*dal thoughts and feeling of unbearable pain..!
I really wish that Sun won't kill himself.. or even try to... But the signs are there.. and they're painfully obvious... And yet not many people seem to notice that.. or maybe they don't care... ; ;
People only seem to care about other characters. "Where is Lunar?" "Oh no, Moon will sacrifice himself again!" "Eclipse is su*c*dal..." "I want Bloodmoon back!" And also the fact some of the fans left or were saying that show is badly written when show started focusing more on Sun's issues.. doesn't help to shaken off the feeling that people don't like Sun that much...
I know that people can like whoever they want.. but the lack of understanding of Sun's issues is unnerving... I still see that people only focus on Sun's "anger issues" even if it's the least concerning issue of all! It's tiring.. it's just tiring...
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starheirxero · 3 months
See, I genuinely thought, Solar's death broke me-
Earth's everything broke me! Kat did such an outstanding job!! Earth finally cracked under the pressure… She's been trying so hard to keep it all in, to solve it herself quietly, and now her entire world is shattered, because her best friend is dead, and she may never see him again! This was a full on mental breakdown, and I swear, I was crying till my hands were shaking- The way her voice cracked, and got louder and louder, yet she still felt the need to apologize for not holding it together, as if she wasn't in the right to mourn, to grieve, as if she didn't just lose her brother. Because that's what he always was, even, if he didn't see himself that way! He was their big brother, and their anchor! He just never took the title, because he was afraid to intrude, to hope too much, because he didn't see himself as worth it! Not to forget her fear, that if he were to come back, he might end up like Moon, without memory…
Before that, I almost broke when Lunar fell to their knees- They can't even process it! Both of their siblings were crying, but even when their voice broke, they didn't. Instead, they've been pushed back into the numbness they came back in, trying their best to help out, but not being sure how- Their robotic brain is trying so hard to keep them stable, turning off their feelings by doing so, because the moment they come back, all hell will break loose-
Monty's scene also broke me for some reason- Their immediate reaction to seeing Earth cry, and trying to calm her down- I loved his insistence when it came to Lunar as well, because she likely knows what's going on in their head! They heared them say "I'm okay", and instantly replied with "nope, you are coming with us!"
God, even Sun and Moon… Sun sounds so tired, there's so much grieve in his voice! He's trying so hard to be of help, but he can't, not as long as the wounds are fresh... And Moon, Oh dear- The fact, that he barely even reacted to Eclipse! He sounded so damn exhausted, and so done, telling Eclipse that he can't stop him… Before also admitting, that he saw Solar as a brother, but never said anything for Solar's comfort!
Solar truly thought he was replaceable, thought he wasn't worth what he was worth. Yet so many people cared for him, loved him, and are trying so hard to hold out to hope to get him back! If only he could see it…
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lgcminsoo · 4 months
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"Being alive means embracing the highs and lows, the joy and pain, for it's through these experiences that we truly come to understand the depth and richness of life."
𝙵𝚄𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 : kang minsoo
𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 / 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙽𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚂 / 𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 : cis ― male , he / him , demisexual / demiromantic
𝚉𝙾𝙳𝙸𝙰𝙲 / 𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙽𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃 : libra sun , cancer moon , capricorn rising / chaotic neutral
𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙸𝚃𝚂 : confident, assertive, tenacious, determined, rebellious, manipulative, introspective, vulnerable, creative, passionate.
tested IQ of 132
stands at an average height of around 5 feet 9 inches
he has a lean and athletic build, with well-defined muscles from his training and dance practices.
minsoo has naturally dark brown hair, which he often styles in a trendy and versatile manner. He might experiment with various hairstyles and colors, from a sleek undercut to tousled waves, depending on his mood and the occasion.
his eyes are a captivating shade of deep brown, often reflecting his emotions with intensity and clarity.
minsoo possesses sharp and angular facial features, including high cheekbones, a defined jawline, and a straight nose. His expressive eyes and full lips add to his charm and allure.
his skin is naturally fair and smooth, with a healthy glow from his active lifestyle and skincare regimen.
minsoo has a distinctive sense of style, often opting for edgy and fashionable clothing that reflects his bold personality. He might be seen rocking streetwear-inspired outfits, featuring statement pieces like graphic tees, leather jackets, and stylish sneakers. However, he also knows how to clean up well for formal events, effortlessly pulling off tailored suits with confidence and flair.
𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 : (tw-bullying & arrest)
despite his confident exterior, Minsoo harbors guilt over his past as a bully during his early teenage years. He bullied classmates out of insecurity and a desire to fit in, but he deeply regrets his actions and has worked hard to make amends.
at the age of 15 he was arrested for vandalism, an incident he keeps hidden from most people. He was caught spray-painting graffiti on public property with a group of friends and was caught fleeing the scene.
minsoo's strained relationship with his mother weighs heavily on him. Despite his confident demeanor, he feels a deep sense of abandonment from her decision to prioritize her career over her family, leading to a lingering resentment.
behind his assertive facade lies a deep-seated fear of failure and inadequacy. he grapples with self-doubt, questioning whether he's truly capable of achieving his dreams and living up to the expectations he's set for himself.
Rivalry Turned Friendship: a fellow trainee or performer who Minsoo is threatened by and initially views as a rival, but discovers they have more in common than he initially thought.
Friendship Betrayal: Minsoo's ambitious nature led him down a treacherous path and he betrays/betrayed a close friend.
Provocateur: he derives a twisted sense of enjoyment from getting under your muse's skin. with a biting word or insult he relishes in the challenge of unraveling their composure.
Shadowed Rivalry: Minsoo suffers from resentment and jealous towards your muse who he feels overshadowed by. Their rising star is eclipsing his own and he can't hide his avarice.
Past Loves: due to a case of the roaming eyes, minsoo's relationships never end well. Your muse is one the many people charmed by his smile only to be betrayed by the notorious "Misbehaving Minsoo".
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naffeclipse · 11 months
Surprise!!! >:D
I come here fashionably late to deliver the comment I owed with interest and all! And oh boy oh boy, get ready because this one might be the longest one yet! At least that’s what it’s looking like in my notes app at the moment kñjfdhgkj (Me: writes my thought not usually longer than a sentence long because each note has a not huge word limit. Also me: nearly reaches the limit and every sentence is basically a paragraph here fkjdhgkjh)
Anyways! Let’s start! :D
Ohhh man, that poor old man. What a scene to come back to! Considering the hunters seemed to have secured the area for the confrontation I can only imagine what must be going through his mind after his last interaction with them all! Meanwhile Sun and Moon are over here just like. “Great. Someone else that thinks we killed them all. :( ” 
But ahhh I just love how it’s a slow scene that builds the tension! Because we know what happened at the end of the last chapter so we experience the restlessness as the clock ticks by. And then, they get free, and things get going.
Oh it was so interesting when they found Vanessa. The fact that she was wearing their jacket! I can’t imagine Glitchtrap would be the one to put it on her after he took the white patched one, so it’s such a sad image thinking about her dragging herself towards the discarded green jacket like it’s the last thing she’ll get to keep of y/n after this D:
Also how they identified her! It makes me wonder how much they can know from a heart. It does get explained later but it immediately got me speculating about different levels of rulebreakers. So I imagine other people who might be considered guilty but not rulebreakers might be those that were in compliance with the harm, or those that were neglectful. It seems to Eclipse both are just as bad as any rulebreaker and deserve the same fate. Thank goodness for their vow!
Also gfkjhgfjh poor Vanessa, fr XD Just got freed from a heart eating demon and she can’t get a full rest before another heart eating demon is roughly shaking her awake. Though gotta give her credit! It’s sad, but also very badass of her that she’s just so done that she won’t show any fear to them. Just that she despises them. Also respect for her for refusing to sell y/n to the new demon. From her perspective she already feels guilty for one demon taking them and she wasn’t gonna make their troubles even worse, even if that might have meant this demon ended her right then. But also I love that that’s what makes them start to reel their anger in a little, because they know that, exactly like her, y/n also thought Eclipse would kill them. They realize all Vanessa sees right now is a demon after its quarry.
And aaaahh, Vanessa noticing the patches! She must have looked at the patch in her own jacket enough times to recognize y/n’s handiwork and all the implications for that. Even so exhausted, she’s very sharp still! But oof the dread in all of them when she admits what happened. Gosh the part where they clutch the hair clip with one blue hand and one red one! Ahhh that had me feeling so many things. It’s a small moment of despair and trying not to grief, snapping themselves to action instead of thinking the worst!
And then they go back to not giving Vanessa a single break sheesh XD Oh man, the dreaded acceptance in her face when they accuse her of not protecting the children. Punching right where it hurts the most. And like, she read the book. She knows what being considered guilty means when encountering a demon that follows the sacred rules. And it’s so sad to think that she might even consider that if they had killed she would have deserved it. Ooough my heart. But then they don’t and she just has to accept that they truly do care about finding y/n, they sound desperate in telling her that the hunter needed her to not give up on them, even if for Vanessa right now giving up might be the only way to find some rest after what she’s been through. And so Vanessa just has to go “this might as well just happen huh”. Not to mention the whiplash fdkjfhdgjkh This demon that just admitted to wanting to kill her suddenly referring to themselves as the cutesy nickname y/n assigned them just like “we’re their sweetie <3” is sure gotta be something from her perspective XD
But at least as they start to calm down and form a sketch of a plan for what to do they do truly start to notice how badly Vanessa had it with how often Glitchtrap used her. Even for someone they deem guilty the act of possession is simply horrific to them. But aaaah I love how they keep reminding themselves that Vanessa is y/n’s friend and they take their hunter as an example. They try to take care of her as they know y/n would aaaaa! 
Oh, Vanessa has the scar too! This definitely makes me think Glitchtrap likes to mark what he thinks it’s his. Seems like a signature since it was also done near a finger in Vanessa’s case. At least for his vessels.
And jfkhdkjhg the amused “What do they see in you?” comment XD Boys please. I guess it would be surprising to them because she’s much more snarky and hardened than y/n haha. But glad that as they really start paying attention to her they are reminded that there is more nuance where they only bothered to see black and white. They know the guilt when they sense it, but it might not always be due to evil or negligence. Sometimes it’s powerlessness. They really are learning, and it’s thanks to their time with y/n that they are forced to dig a little deeper into what they already thought they knew. It’s learning they do on their own right now, but yet another proof of how their heart has influenced them greatly! They get to see Vanessa does care! She always did! If not for the vow, they might actually just have killed her and not learned the truth, and also not gotten the information to save the hunter.
But of course, Vanessa is learning a bit herself! I’m sure that the boys willing to be present during an exorcism, knowing how dangerous it can be for them to trust her with it, just to be there for y/n is really something for her to think about. Not then though, she really needed that nap.
(sidenote: “They will get you back, even if they must rip the demonic cryptid out of you themselves” the foreshadowing though! I read the chapter again to write this comment and I was pointing at everything with a gasp once I realized XD)
Oh gosh then we get the possession POV oof! This demon really likes to multitask. Hunting while torturing y/n with the hunters’ deaths! And aahhh what a way to hurt them. Since their mind is basically his to rummage through it wouldn’t surprise if he chose the word “gift” specifically to drive the knife into the wound. Referring to it like the boys did to the cryptid hearts they consumed thanks to y/n. Maybe a way for Glitchtrap to tell them that any gifts will be now for him alone and that they don’t belong to Eclipse anymore.
And oh! Does this mean it was Vanessa who assigned him his name? Oooo that really goes with the parallels of each of the cryptid hunters and their experience with the prolonged stay of a demon near them! Interesting!
Also interesting that Vanessa investigated on her own! FEI really are idiots for having trapped him and not gotten rid of him. Maybe they really thought they got Bonnie and were insisting the deaths were someone else’s fault, or maybe they just wanted to keep him as a way to experiment on what they could force the demons to do. Either way, they really messed up. 
And aaah the boys console Vanessa! I think it helps that she let them know that the reason she got into this whole deal was precisely because she was trying to prevent more children’s deaths, even against her employer’s wishes. She did quite the opposite of what they believed at first. Everything in her power to do the right thing. And so they truly have the full picture now. They know why y/n loves Vanessa so much.
But oh, things start to pick up then! 
Immediately, the line “your wild hair is untucked” hits so good because it’s a clear reference to how they are missing the pin AAAAA (actually, I love the emphasis you put in the descriptions of their being loose and moving so much. The hair clip logically is such an inconsequential detail in this whole equation, but it means so much actually. It calls attention to the small hope they are clinging to, and also to the wrongness of it all. The very cause that the hunter is missing it in the first place)
Ooooo the “why did you come back”, Glitchtrap knows all of y/n’s insecurities, but also can estimate some of Eclipse’s through their memories. And the worse part is that it works, because even if they don’t show it, it’s a recent still painful moment.
And oh then we get that good juicy demon lore!! I loved reading through all the encounters they’ve had with him through the years! Glitchtrap causes trauma even to other demons kfjdhdkhs And omg the security puppet bit! Ahhhhh!!! That’s seriously one of the moments in the entire fnaf franchise that stayed with me for its impact and I was so excited when I saw you referred to it! If it hasn’t been asked, I’d love to know about how you chose all their true names! Does Glitchtrap have one too? (don’t worry if it has been asked though! I’ll be going through your blog to catch up anyways haha)
And oooh Vanessa coming up with the plan!!! Ruthless but effective. And aaaahh this part gave me so many feelings though! Because this must have meant so much for her! Finally, finally, she gets to save at least one child from Glitchtrap’s claws. After watching every kid die, likely right in front of her, wanting to do everything to save them. She got the chance to save one, and she succeeded. She might feel responsible for all the others, but it was thanks to her this one lived. It would have been so unlikely that Sun or Moon could have snatched the kid without Glitchtrap hurting them or killing them. Just… aaaaah I love that she got this. The relief that it didn’t end the same way as always!
(sidenote: fkdjhgkjgh that’s 2 kids now that will probably be traumatized by y/n’s face without it actually being y/n doing the bad thing oof)
More possession POV! I want to make a note how I love the way you emphasize that it’s him moving y/n’s body. Very much giving the feeling of a puppetmaster! Even if it’s him “wearing” the body I could very clearly imagine his hands physically moving y/n’s head to look back. And oof, the way he was tearing them apart from the inside, making very sure that he would make as much damage as possible if he himself had to die. And once again, y/n would have been willing to sacrifice themselves if it hadn’t been because it would have meant Eclipse’s end also. They better never admit that or they will earn a well deserved shaking by the shoulders, I swear dksgkjñh 
Oh, Glitchtrap just really likes to mock wherever he can. The way he mocked the almost kiss, not only angering the boys but worsening y/n’s guilt at not having noticed the demon and Vanessa just out of their reach. Oh and then! Using y/n to try and get Sun and Moon away! It’s terrifying how a demon can have more control over a human body than the human in question. 
The double possession! The kiss!! AAAAAA The way they push Glitchtrap out together! How it was inevitable that he would lose that fight because even if their body rejected both, their mind would reject Glitchtrap specifically! The way that he can’t try to tear them apart like he did moments earlier because Sun and Moon are making sure to cut his contact with them! And aaah it’s so intense and sad how the process is so painful that for a moment y/n thinks they really will die. How in their mind they think of Vanessa and the kid being safe as what is important, but then they realize how they would not die without regrets if they did not apologize to them. The fact that Eclipse is the main reason not to give up, when their self-sacrificial nature made y/n so alright with dying if it meant they could take down the monster AAAAAA
And aaaaa the boys instantly let go as soon as Glitchtrap is out. Not a millisecond more than necessary is spent in the hunter’s body to make sure not to hurt them more. And ok, this is just gonna be some ramblings about the battle because gosh I just loved it so much. I love the fact that the boys declared Glitchtrap would never hurt another innocent. Not just children. Ahh I’m so proud of them! 
And oof ooooooouch the part where they get their chest ripped open. More parallels! Just like they did to Shoh what came naturally to them, so did they receive what another heart eating demon would do. And aaa Vanessa keeps helping! She’s so prepared!! She knew it took her a moment to find the incantation, so she got the book ready to be easy to find!
Aaaugh our boys received so much damage there, but they kept getting up for their heart aaaaa And oh you could feel the fury when Glitchtrap got so close to the hunter’s heart with his claws. He really went for it thinking he had won and the boys said don’t you dare!
(sidenote: hehe they Eclipsed the sun X3)
And whoooo boy they really did start ripping him apart, piece by piece like promised!
And what a finale to the battle! I love, LOVE, how Glitchtrap’s brought his own undoing upon himself. It was his sick fondness for the plushie that caused so many deaths, (and its image of the golden bunny suit that allowed him access to children) that meant there would be a vessel for him to be trapped in. And also his cruelty for wanting Vanessa to live and suffer through the effects, physical and mental, of the constant possession. Thanks to her being alive, they were able to find him and predict him. And through one of the beings he considered “nothing”, he was erased from existence. I find it interesting that he was willing to let Eclipse walk away after he thought enough damage had been dealt with. Not out of any kindness, I’m sure (probably to make them live with failure like the others) but he seemed to feel some kinship in a twisted way, with how he tried to convince them to also hunt innocent hearts and leave the sacred rules. Meanwhile humans are just toys. Too bad for him a toy is the last thing he was before he was exorcized. 
Aaaaa what an amazing battle Naff! Brutal and tense and so so good!
And then the aftermath! The boys tasting their blood to be sure they would be okay! They must have tasted all the pain and fear from the past day. The past hours. And then y/n admitting, now genuinely, how scared they are. Of losing them. And then make not one, but two vows! One to really drive it home how they will not betray their trust again. And aaaaah they finally coming to terms with their love for cryptids! Accepting a part of themselves by accepting them! AAAAAAA
And man, the boys really are amazing. Healing so quickly after such a battle! Once things have calmed down I can definitely see y/n fascinated (and thankful) for this ability to heal so thoroughly after a single meal. 
(sidenote: Y/n seriously about to become a mechanic for their boys haha, that knee needs some fixing XD)
(other sidenote: oh they picked the plushie up! Maybe to destroy it? hmmm)
The reunion with Vanessa was so sweet! And it was so funny that Sun was so offended that she didn’t immediately assumed they won XD And aaa she gets a hug! And a good cry too! She really needed that. And oh yeah, she will likely never eat a piece of candy again. Might as well be demonic goo in her eyes.
But ha! The “only you”. Called out! Wheeze!
And oh when y/n is thinking about telling her all they’ve been through my first thought was “Oh Vanessa gets to hear Cryptid Sightings from the start! Lucky her!” XD
And my last thought for this chapter was that if y/n is worried about making a good impression with the demon in laws they really shouldn’t be haha! I’m sure banishing The Enemy they’ve been hunting for millenia will absolutely get them in the good graces of the others effortlessly kfgdjhgj
Oh and! Now that Glitchtrap is gone, while the night terrors won’t disappear, I’m very glad there is some closure for them now. The demon is no longer out there. And when they wake up, they can breathe easy knowing that now, it really is only a nightmare. He has no power anymore.
Okay, for the epilogue!
Yay! Vanessa gets to go to a hospital! Too bad demonic possession is not really in their treatment list dkjhfkjdgh But I’m glad she’s not as bad off as we feared! And oh I’m curious about something she said! Human food tastes like ash to demons, but she said Glitchtrap was obsessed with sugar. Does that mean then that demons can taste things if they are possessing a human? hmmm interesting! (but morbid kjdgh)
(sidenote: “you can’t lingered on what would have happened if you had succumbed to the vampire bite”, well the hunter can’t but WE sure can XP)
Ahhh that’s a long stay at the hospital, but it’s nice how they establish some calm and get to figuring things out. And the fact that Vanessa’s tears are clear when they leave! Finally she is physically free from him!! Aaaaaaa
And it’s so sweet how the boy’s care extends to Vanessa now. How they keep patting her head and there’s a certain camaraderie forming. The way they tried to deal with her nightmares too how they did with y/n! It’s sweet, but a bit sad that they couldn’t help. But Vanessa did say Glitchtrap watched her sleep to make sure she wouldn’t escape. Waking to a demon isn’t what she needed. She needs time. To heal from the freshest wounds at least. Her saying that he’s still here says it all. His effects will always linger and her knowing what happened with Henry… well, it’s no wonder she still fears Eclipse could betray them. Thankfully, they’re all together though. They’ll figure it out. 
And aaaaa that final dance was everything! I cackled at the “missing what’s right in front of you” part, because I feel like they were not even including the cryptid part of the equation just the being obvious about their feelings and y/n logic-ing themselves away from noticing fjdhñkjgh
AAAA the getting out of their vessel in front of them though! When before they were so unsure about it! The fact that it’s y/n pulling them out, feeling safe, and wanting to see them! And omg them sharing their name! Something that feels so important to them, because only their loved ones know it, and it feels like they truly are giving them their being. A part of themselves that’s so personal. In a way, they are giving them what is closest to being their heart. What is theirs and only theirs. And the way they yearn for them to repeat it aaaaa! They finally get their heart knowing them as they crave. And there’s so much more for them to get to know too!
AND AAAAA THE KISS!!! Naff you describe kisses so well! So sweet, and intimate, and full of so many emotions, and it’s the hunter’s pov but you can just tell how much it affects the boys too, like it’s something they tried to imagine but didn’t know how much better it would be than that until now. Just the absolute trust in them, and sharing all those feelings and AAAAAAAA-
(sidenote: “They sink into your touch as if you felled them in one swoop” oh this line encapsulates so many thoughts I’ve had about love in general. The one person that could hurt Eclipse the most in the world right now is y/n. But they know they won’t. They know the person they can lower all defenses around and trust with their life is their little hunter, who would access their most vulnerable parts not to hurt but to cherish. To show them kindness and care and so they are happy to give themselves to their heart. To let them know how much they are able to affect them)
And that’s it! 
Naff, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for this fic! Filled with wonder and tension and so many cool creatures! The relationships all so easy to get invested in! All the themes about love, and the internal struggles, and growing together, and fighting to right the wrongs that were done towards those you love, and what means to be brave and trying to do the right thing! What an amazing adventure! Not to mention how much I love your writing because honestly, it’s just so good! You know how much I love it hehe <3 This is the first fic I’ve followed from early on all the way to end too! And what a fantastic one at that! Thank you for all the time and care you have put into this story! I cannot wait to read whatever you have planned for the future!
So to end this, once again! Thank you so much for this fic, Naff! You really are amazing! <3
Ah, Chaotik! I have been rereading this over and over the past few days and I love how detailed your thoughts are and I adore how you connect the crumbs I laid out! I'm almost so happy that you enjoyed it! You are amazing. I have enjoyed your every comment/thought and appreciate you so much ♥
To answer one question: Does that mean then that demons can taste things if they are possessing a human? hmmm interesting! (but morbid kjdgh)
Yes! Demons can taste regular food while possessing a human vessel, and some even get crazy about it, like Glitchtrap obsessing over sugar. When not possessing vessels, human food is gross/tasteless to them!
Thank you, Chaotik! I treasure each and every word you leave on my fics! ♥
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justaduckarts · 1 year
I wanna try to compliment the SH fic in the least spoilery way possible but i will most likely fail but WOOO TIME FOR A RANT
Starting off, Star Holder
Everyone is so worried that Eclipse or Pluto will manipulate them when Aurelia has already done that. She's the reason why they are so traumatized and meek and so easily gullible. And now here they are, in between several gods while they are all pulling on different limbs in different directions trying to tell them to go their way and to not listen to the others. I don't blame Star Holder for being so god damn anxious about every single conversation. Every conversation could literally end up in a war if they say something wrong.
That cheeky fuck. I love him so much hes such an asshole(/aff). He's just a silly guy doing silly things and he might want to kill you but it's okay because he's just a silly guy! His back story is tragic and perfectly explains why he is the way he is. I also love how open he is to his plans. Is he using you? Yes, but at least he's honest about it. A true gentleman.
God damn. That's all I can say. Just- damn.
Okay but in all seriousness Moon is great. Maybe not great to others (after hearing what Pluto said about the star-) but he's a great character. Very anti-social and quiet but he can have fun if he wants to. *quiet chanting* Moon in a dress! Moon in a dress! Sorry, my demons. Anyway. He's definitely trying his best, but he's not very good at it. E for effort, F for execution.
Sun. Dear lord Sun-
Again, he's trying. He just has no fucking clue what he's doing. He's incredibly oblivious it's almost painful. I don't know if I want to give him a hug or slap him. I could do both. Hug then slap. That'd be nice. But anyway, he's very interesting but after learning more about his past I just keep thinking "hypocrite". Talking about how Eclipse is trying to manipulate Star Holder (which he may have at first) only for the star, but he made the star for the purpose of controlling his own brother. That doesn't seem fucked up to him I guess. Of course there's reasonings but it's still so incredibly wrong. But I think that's enough about Sun.
Oh how I love her. She seems like the only one (besides Eclipse) who truly cares about Star Holder and doesn't want to use them. The moment Sun and Moon found out that the star was growing they immediately jumped to "we need to know how to use it." Though, Eclipse also seems to have a similar thought process, so he's not much better. Is it possible that Pluto is using Star Holder? Maybe. But lets be honest, so many gods are trying to use them that you can barely even tell which ones are actually sincere of their promise that they care. She is so lovely though. I love how she is actually trying to give them the choice of using the star for good and not just using it to control people (as it was originally intended) She seems genuinely good and it'd be devastating to find out that she isn't... concrete turning noises to stare at my angst loving self. Anyway.
He's my babygirl and no one can tell me otherwise. He is a pathetic traumatized stray cat that everyone thinks has rabies but is actually just starving and wanting love and affection. Okay! But in all seriousness! I love him. The more we find out about his past the more we realize "maybe the good guys aren't as good as we thought." They accused him of murder and didn't even let him explain. Sun didn't even try to use his gift? Although, Lunar did say that it's harder to use the gift when upset so I guess that makes sense. But I'm still annoyed cause I'm a whiny bitch. They seem to just never give Eclipse any slack or any benefit of the doubt. Though, we still don't know his entire story, so there is still likely something that changed things a lot (besides Moon's mother's death.)
I'm gonna stop here since I could go on forever. TBH all my thoughts of the characters could be totally wrong in my perception of them. If that's the case, I formally apologize, I don't think much as is so when I do it's not always the best thing. BUT YEAH. THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS. If you want more there is plenty where this comes from just say the word and I'll flood your ask box again with an entire tangent.
Anyway, this is Birdcage signing off dramatic bow
skips away like a goofy goober
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Thank you so much this was so sweet. I love hearing people's thoughts and theories on the story and acvsgvsgvdth MAN. I don't want to give too much away. I will say that things are about to get interesting *looks at Saturday's chapter*
Anyway, thank you so so much!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love getting asks so feel free to share your thoughts whenever (I may take some time to reply).
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Hiiii :33333 im Cayden and i am incredibly abnormal about jrwi teehee ^_^ and im also the #1 silliest guy in the world [TRUE] [FACTUAL] [DONT FACT CHECK ME] [IM RIGJHT] [ALWAYS] I use he/him and she/her since we r sillyyyyy now (if u use they/them on me u explode by meteor. SAD!)
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@spaghett-onaplate is my mostest bestest homoerotic bestiest in the whole wide world :3333 he posts about fandoms i dont understand go follow him rn <3 <- u will be rewarded with 1 thousand unicorns.
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(Flash warning 4 below the cut ^_^)
I am rhe worst tagger on all of tumblr HOWEVER. i am like the eclipse and both the sun and the moon and my AWESOME ORIGINAL HIGH QUALITY POSTS are tagged either
#day thoughts - [partially comprehensible posts]
#night thoughts - [you shall need to study the wizards texts for 10000 years to begin to understand these]
I am like an eclipse i am day and night and sun and moon and dyke and fag and so chill w it and so scared.
#asks :3 - [semi-consistent ask tag which i will definitely forget one day and have done in the past my mind is like an iron trap except made of not iron. Made of. Jelly :3]
#art thoughts - [i used this like once i dont post art ever but might do ??,?, in the future]
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JRWI - i have seen riptide 3.5 times. And bitb 3 times. And apothy twice. And i shall not stop there. This podcast has enthralled me in its grip and it shall enthrall you too. Youtube dot com forward slash just roll with it. Go. Venture forth.
QSMP - i literally have like only watched phil + charlie slimecicle BUT. I am the #3 juanaflippa fan ever ever ever.
LIFE SERIES - only been watchin since like double life AND IM A PEARL MAIN 4EVER however i do like the sillies :3c
OMORI - this game changed me 4everz no questions asked
HOLLOW KNIGHT - worst gamer alive right here took me like a month 2 beat hornet. But i love it nonetheless. This too is yuri.
LIFE IS STRANGE - truly it is. This game changed me. As well. Games tend to do that
LITTLE NIGHTMARES - holy fuck the Guys.
PHOTOGRAPHY - i dont post abt it much But i fucking love photography ^_^
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I have a cat as well he is called jack he is my baby boy my sweetie pie my honey baby my dearest my world my everything. You will love him. <- not a choice, but an obligation.
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starshinedragon · 1 year
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Ydris' fortunes as they are in the game right now are pretty boring. Here are some upgrade ideas to add to make them more interesting.
A, Horse Prophecies: -> You recieve a random silly fortune related to horses, but the game uses info about your character to personalize it- examples: --This might be the day you buy the [ percheron (random horse breed) / black horse (random colour) ] you always dreamed of. --Fortune will favor you today if you decide to race with your [random horse breed you own] in the colours of [ the sky (random colour) ].
B, Mysterious Prophecies: -> You recieve a lore/quests/character/future related prophecies
Character related: --The four break the worlds, but the fifth one can save them. --Only you can see the true reality. You need but open your eyes. --The forebearers failed as it was written... will you repeat their mistakes? --The light blinds you to the truth of shadows. --A soul split between two worlds. You’re not as different from him as you think. --A star fell near the maw of darkness. It might still devour it. --Her light failed before. And it will fail again. --The Healer will fail, unless she can be as dangerous as she is feared. --Even the moon has a dark side. --The Scout’s vision will forever be clouded, until she is willing to look into the past. --She flew too close to the sun and has fallen from grace. --The Princess’ hybris may cost you everything. Every wish has a price. --The sun was extinguished, so the storm could rise. --Lightning flashes only briefly. The storm itself is dark. --If the Warrior doesn’t fight for the right reasons, the war is lost. --The Sage, the Sorcerer and the Seer all blind themselves to the truth. --The Sage failed before too many times and can’t believe anymore. This will be his downfall. --The Sorcerer was abandoned to head towards his downfall alone. Did this betrayal cost you victory? --The Seer hides his secrets in darkness. He is a coward and a hypocrite. --The Guardian guides you well, but he is too quiet about the truth. --The Wanderer may lead you astray. Be careful who deserves your trust. --The night always arrives in the end... even for the sun queen. --He served well. But no king rules forever. --The voice he heard was not an angel, but the devil. --The Warlock thinks he’s so important. But these powers tend to abandon you at the worst of times. He’s too arrogant to see that. --Hellfire heralds the new war. --The fires of war shall be reborn in the shadows of ash. --Darkness perishes in the dark place, but it never truly dies. --She brings the winter, perishes by frost and ice and emerges stronger. --When the sun eclipses, discord is born. --The false heir destroys the ancestor. --The dark child is a ruse. Not the night, but the dawn. --He always was, and always will be. You can’t drown the ocean, can’t kill death, can’t consume the void... --The mist... the mist blurs everything... but you shine through it like a star... he can see you.. it is your fault... --They sacrificed an angel to keep devil imprisoned. --The sacrifice was his awakening. The cycle will repeat until destiny is fulfilled.
Future related: --Torn between the triad of forces. But what is the right choice? --You may see his truth and her lies. --The fifth key can open all locks. But which are the right ones... --The three powers call for a fourth. It will either bind or break them. --You know where to find him. Approach. You shall be rewarded. --They all shall hear his whispers. They shall see the truth of the deep. --The stars shall burn out. The moon shall fade. The sun shall darken. And lightning covers the world in fires. The nightmare is nigh. --To save a world you have to let another perish. Are you ready to make the sacrifice? --This mist keeps him slumbering, but the fog will be an awakening. --Destined for freedom. You can only delay the inevitabe. --This happened again and again... will you be the last one? --It is destined to happen... what you fear the most... you will be its harbinger. --His will is fated to happen... one way or another... your every choice... you can’t run from from it... --Four keep him imprisoned, four light his way, and the fifth will decide his fate. --Will you betray your friends... or will your friends betray you? The choice must be made. --The lost child returns... to lead others back to him... --Your victories are futile. Only his glory lasts. This eclipse will last forever.
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leafkingofbirds · 27 days
WIP Wednesday
A little snippet from Chapter 7 of A Heavy Burden to Bear.
The impromptu ceremony dividing the courts had done just as he’d expected…or nearly so. Oleander had knelt before him and re-pledged themselves to Moon Court. Each former member of Eclipse was given a firm handshake and thanks from Jack as they were welcomed formally into a court where they would be promised safety, equality, and a place to call home. Jack corrected everyone who called him Lord - instead preferring to be styled as simply Jack, Lord of the Eclipse Court. And contrast with Fae tradition, he did not require his people to bow to him.
They had spent the rest of the day observing the remaining Fae swear fealty to Longclaw. The Sun Court formed an orderly line in descending order of hierarchy by rank and age, each in turn bowing low to the ground or curtsying until their skirts pooled. Apologizing, begging forgiveness, and asking to rejoin her strong, shining, golden court. The adjectives varied, but each Fae bowed and scraped like guilt-ridden dogs, hoping to be spared.
Of course, Longclaw welcomed each of them to return home and add their skills to strengthen their new court.
The first surprise of the day came when Aster approached the three new heads of Fae. She’d looked uneasily between Longclaw and Kieran, bit her lip, and…walked toward Kieran.
“Your Highness,” the pale Fae lady curtsied respectfully. “I wonder if I might…petition the Moon Court for admittance?”
Surprised, Kieran had glanced at Ella, who gave a small, surprised smile. Then, he’d looked to Oleander. Oleander had shrugged, as if to say “why not?”
“I admit, I’m surprised. What reason have you to switch allegiance?” Kieran asked.
Aster had looked uneasy. Kieran hadn’t yet given his leave for her to rise from the floor. But her voice was strong and certain when she answered, “I never did feel quite like the Sun Court suited me. Her Highness Longclaw is lovely, to be sure! But my admiration for His Highness and Her Grace has grown, and…well, you see, Aster is a fall-blooming flower, and truly, it means ‘star’ anyway, and therefore–”
“Your petition is approved,” Kieran said warmly, allowing himself a sardonic smile. 
“R-really?” Aster had blinked, then smiled with flushed cheeks. Then she had cleared her throat and said formally, “I pledge my undying loyalty to His Highness, Prince Kieran of the Moon Court, to Her Grace Ella his consort, and all of your future heirs. I shall protect this court with my life. Let my descendents be born beneath the light of the moon, and let me not raise a hand against my liege until my dying breath, or may he strike me down!”
Kieran shared a smile with Ella, his heart warming to see her smile in return. Perhaps he truly was witnessing the rebirth of the court of his ancestors. 
Aster awaited his decision with wide eyes. 
“Rise…Aster of the Moon Court,” Kieran said. “And take your rightful place.”
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