#trying not to react on these but i find the addition of ''hate this person's guts'' really funny
dca-prompts · 1 year
An AU where Y/N(Or an OC) is an employee at the Mega Pizzaplex and has never talked to the attendants once, but for some reason they're obsessed with them. Absolutely smitten! This could be platonically, romantically, heck, the attendants could even hate this person's guts! :)
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pomefioredove · 17 days
Hello and good day 🕊️
How will the vice dormheads react seeing reader overblot and finding out they kept the pain all to themselves until they couldn't take it anymore?
Pls I'm so desperate for overblot!reader content and angst❤️❤️ tanks
RARE VICE HOUSEWARDENS REQUEST 🔥🔥🔥I LOVE ANGST!!!! not adding ruggie this time because I'm lazy sorry everyone
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ overblot!reader
type of post: headcanons characters: trey, jade, jamil, rook, lilia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, established relationship for the Angst
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there are a lot of things Jamil is feeling right now. fear, a little frustration, too. but he's mostly just ashamed that he never saw the signs. his favorite person in the whole world, the only shoulder he had to lean on, is overblotting, and he has no idea why. you were so supportive through the aftermath of his own overblot, he never thought to... it's his own selfishness and pride slapping him in the face, and it stings
but he'd rather feel guilt than grief. overblotting is painful, exhausting, and emotionally scarring, and he knows it. he's going to get you out of this, even if you hate him for it
this makes the second time someone close to Rook has been led to overblot, and the second time he didn't see it coming. a tragedy in two parts. and his guilt would have killed him, if it weren't the only thing keeping him alive now. he has to survive this for you. he can feel miserable about it after you're safe and sound at his side again. he won't even consider the other possibility; you have so much more to explore together
it just can't be over yet
Lilia has followed grief for his entire life. now, at his age, when he's finally settled down, and the world is quiet for once, this happens. he can't tell if he had simply missed the signs, or ignored them, and each answer is equally distressing. despite what he's said about life and loss, he was never ready to confront the reality of losing you, especially so... soon. so, reality confronted him instead
he can't let it end like this. not again
Trey blames himself. how could he not? all this time, he's been trying to stay out of the way, to keep the peace. if he had been by your side, if he had defended you, if he had made a better effort, maybe you wouldn't be in this place now
his unique magic isn't particularly strong, and his magic pool isn't very deep, but he'll walk right into the center of the storm if he has to. it's about time he started rocking the boat
Azul's overblot was tragic, but Jade knew it was coming. it was entertaining, anyway. but this...
never in his life could he imagine something making him so uncomfortable. it makes him queasy, almost seasick, which is a strange thing for a man of the sea to feel. he wishes he could just talk to you, but it's too late for that now. when this is over, you can have a long chat over tea
he just needs you to hold on for a little while longer
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jymwahuwu · 6 months
Hello. God has spoken to me personally, and he commanded me to spread the word of promoted Aventurine and humiliated reader going on a business trip to Pentacony and Sunday offers you a new job.
God wants everyone to really think about the possibilities. Your treatment is bad enough in the office, what will Aventurine do to you when he knows there's no witnesses? Your day to day life is now completely in his hands. What embarrassing thing were you forced to do that made Sunday find out about your situation in the first place? How does Aventurine react to Sunday requesting to speak to you in private? Imagine trying to come up with excuses when Aventurine hounds you for information the moment he gets his hands on you again. How does he react to you turning in your two weeks notice, and how painful are those two weeks? What sort of job does Sunday want you to do for him? God nearly came just thinking about all the potential for insane sex.
Anyways, God said you're an excellent writer and remember to take care of yourself because you deserve it <3
Thank you <3!! I'll have a good rest, watching new videos today, inspiration struck me… He will make your resignation a joke 😽🙈 You think you can get rid of him like this?
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(This is about the reader who framed Aventurine and was demoted now!! If you don’t like to read content that humiliates arrogant reader, please skip it!!)
cw: yandere, non-con, abuse of power, humiliation, forced breeding
Aventurine has a spacious office, including glass for gazing at the Milky Way and nebulae, a holographic projector, and advanced computers. In addition to this, to satisfy some fashion needs, he added trinkets such as small fountains and bonsai, as well as jellyfish lamps.
Aventurine takes your humiliation to the next level by sitting on his lap and warming his cock for hours when no one else is around (and inevitably creampies in the end). Takes all your clothes and hides you under his desk when some clients come to visit. When their rudeness attacks the senior manager, the polite smile becomes subtle, and the hands push your head lower, and the cock is pressed against your throat. Your lips were stretched open by that, but you had to hold back that sound, otherwise a longer humiliation would be waiting for you.
Shutter sound!! You glare at the camera in annoyance. If your gaze could burn things, you would have burned a hole in that phone, but your hands are spread out on the ground, like some well-behaved pet. Well, you know the lesson, don't you? There is a penalty for taking your hands off the ground. You growled and scolded him, like "I will make you regret it", "despicable", "I will be promoted again and trample you under my feet…" The cream on your face and the messy hair betrayed you. You're just bluffing. Spanking should teach you a better attitude. Pull you up and spank you. After 10 minutes you learn to shut up from the slaps. It should be you who regrets it, after all. Your current situation could have been avoided if you had not taken pleasure in setting him up and humiliating him before.
Hmm, Aventurine got the notice to go on a business trip to Pentacony. You are now just the lowest level P13. As his current assistant (pet), you must follow him to this planet. You mumbled as you followed him and took care of the boring tasks of serving drinks. Unexpectedly, the leader of the Oak Family asks to speak to you in private. Aventurine glanced at you before pulling away and giving you some space.
According to intelligence, it seems that you are now working for this…Mr. Aventurine? I know he can't offer you any promotion right now. Why not consider joining The Family? We are in need of a senior staff to coordinate our activities.
After Sunday left, Aventurine asked you about the content of the conversation. Your thinking is interrupted. You can accept the offer and leave this humiliating work environment! What company would send you to work for coworkers who hate you after your business plan fails? You smiled proudly and said that you would inform him that you were resigning.
Boom. This is not surprising. He pretends to be annoyed and frustrated, and watches your face become increasingly smug. Oops, same as before, but now you look cute. According to IPC's contract, you still have two weeks to work for him.
You didn't realize at the time how…intense these two weeks would be. Wipe that arrogance off your face again. Your ass is swollen from the paddle spank, bouncing on his cock, glistening with water and cum. You held back the whimper in your teeth ("You…you're so horrible…"). Carry three vibrators with you everywhere, those three straps tied to your thighs. Aventurine adjusts the vibration level freely in the pocket. In front of the passengers, you tremble and clench your legs, trying to stay normal or find a chair to sit down. Pour some fragrant wine down your throat during the kiss. You untie his tie and service his cock with bleary eyes. And creampie. creampie. creampie.
But the belief in resignation sustains you. You know you can overcome and one day regain your dominance!
On the last day, you were humming happily and walking briskly…until Aventurine showed you a warning, proof that you had maliciously damaged company property many times during your work, and you needed to repay this debt. You can't believe that number…it's so exaggerated…you won't be able to pay it back even if you go bankrupt. what is that? Why did he frame you like this?
"I learned something from you." Aventurine declared, holding your shoulders and comforting you softly…you who finally…sobbed loudly. "I guess you will have to work for a long time to pay off this debt. Don't worry, we will face it together."
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dunmeshi-darlings · 5 months
Hello! It's good to hear that your request are open again!
If my idea isn't of your interest please just skip thi n.n
What about some comfort headcanons or imagines of Kabru and/or Laios X Reader who is scared of loud noises such as thunder or fireworks?
Thanks for your time!
Oh dear anon i would never skip an ask! i love everyone elses ideas, and just because something may not be a situation im particularly into doesnt mean i wont do it! i want other people to enjoy these posts. Truth be told dear anon im the same way, i hate fireworks and sudden loud popping noises. In fact, Ballons possibly popping makes me so nervous i get sick from the anxiety of it alone when simply near them. But enough of that, lets show some love. Going to go with kabru since our favorite little manipulator doesnt get enough love.
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When you first Joined Kabru's party he had already had already gathered some basic information about you. He had heard nothing but average things from others about you and through his own digging he figured you would be a perfect addition to his group.
However He took notice when The group was travelling a Large brick had come undone and smashed into the ground. The resounding sudden loud noise caused you to jump slightly. He didnt react to it but took a mental note, He had seen you face monsters just fine but this sudden loud noise cause you to jump. He would need to look into it more.
Sure enough the more he watched you the more he noticed this pattern, if it was storming out and lightning struck, you always flinched at the thunder. He would watch you tense up and try to not jump whenever fireworks were going off. They were small details most people would miss, but between who kabru is as a person as well as the interest he seemed to have taken in you meant that he noticed every little minute detail.
One day as a particularly mean storm begins to roll in you start prepping yourself, you knew this was going to be miserable but you didnt want to let anyone know about this. You know if mickbell found out he would probably tease you endlessly about it. However you are surprised when kabru hands you a pair of ear muffs.
"Here, I figured out you were afraid of loud noises so at our last stop i decided to get you some of these to help out. " Kabru says smiling handing them to you, you look at him shocked at this. you can feel your face grow warm, having hoped that nobody would have noticed. But of course kabru did, it was kabru, this man notices everything.
You put them on and breath a sigh of relief as while you feel the thunders rumble, you dont hear it and you can feel the tension release from your body. as the storm passes by you eventually take the ear muffs off and tell him thank you, but ask why he did it?
"your part of my team, and i look out for my team. And besides...i find you fascinating and i hate seeing you upset. Im sure you have a reason to hate loud noises, i wont pry until your ready."
Kabru says softly, gently punching your shoulder causing you to chuckle softly and smile. Gosh, kabru was an interesting guy to say the least. You werent sure how you felt about being "Studied" like this...but the more you thought of him doing it the less you minded.
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
How would the bots react if one of the kids had braces and/or a herbst appliance? I have both growing up and hated those godforsaken dental torture devices and the herbst appliance had a creeping sound whenever I moved my mouth that made me both sound and look like the terminator lol 😂
Oh boy, I had braces, a tongue guard, AND bands for a while. I have felt the wrath of the dentist. RIP my screwed up jaw. That said, I bet the bots would react like this:
Jack came in with braces one day, and no one noticed at first. He had them put on over the weekend and so his friends had already gotten over the novelty of it all. Miko had her fun mocking him the first few days and frankly Rafael didn't care all that much. But the team? Once they figured it out, they had some thoughts on the matter.
Bumblebee was the first to notice Jack's new mouth addition when the boy started struggling to speak around his braces, the addition to his life being new and unusual still. Bumblebee pointed it out in a panic and before long, the team had gathered around to observe Jack's new augment. Each had their own thoughts upon learning what it was meant to do.
Ratchet couldn't help but find it fascinating. He personally came to the conclusion that all humans could use the metal bands if the things kept their mouth bones from FALLING OUT. Bumblebee for his part was thrilled that humans could get metal augments. It gave him hope that perhaps humanity could be technologically evolved enough to one day increase their lifespans. Bulkhead was more impressed than anything else since to his knowledge, the squishies didn't tend to take to metal all that well. Wheeljack was more interested in trying to find a way to weaponize the braces, perhaps by giving fanged metal caps to Jack or something of the sort.
Ultra Magnus was unimpressed and more worried about the metal rusting since humans have a lot of fluid in their mouths. He had exactly zero interest in having to write a report for Jack's cause of death, especially if that cause happened to be from infection. Smokescreen found the metal braces impressive and wanted to mess with them more than learning their practical use. Arcee was more concerned about how Jack even got the braces ON to care about much else. Optimus shared her thoughts and became rather intrigued and horrified upon learning about the process of braces and what they do to the human mouth bones.
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punksocks · 1 year
Lilith square Ascendant
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Lilith square ascendant is an interesting placement. It’s packed with energy that often seems excessive and uncontrollable. Lilith energy is always tied to the mythology of Adam’s first wife, Lilith. She was an unfit wife because she saw herself as equal to Adam and could not be “tamed” to follow him as her husband. Lilith the figure is filled to the brim with complexity, s*xual energy, and intrigue just like the placement is.
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Lilith can be felt powerfully in the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) as these are the houses tied to how you are perceived and received by others (self, childhood/family, spouse/partners, public). Personally I have Lilith in my 10th house squaring my ascendant which is why I wanted to dive into some of my observations with this placement.
Lilith aspecting the ascendant is often observed as an alluring placement. Lilith is impactful, often others will have a strong reaction to you. When you walk into a room you will have people that immediately love or hate you no matter how neutral you attempt to be.
Individuals with Ascendants that are Trine/Sextile to Lilith tend to enjoy and find empowerment from the often sexual attention they receive. While Asc Conjunct/Square/Opposition Lilith individuals tend to feel disgusted or turned off by these strong reactions.
In all honesty, strong Lilith placements are in the individual’s birth chart to encourage them to come into their own without shame or making themselves smaller for others.
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Lilith square ascendant is said to be the most alluring and untamable placement because of the strength of the tension of energy of this aspect.
In addition to that, there’s something startling about the energy of strong Lilith placements/aspects, not because of Lilith herself but because of the reactions of others.
People often assume that the version they perceive of you to be all that you are. They also tend to be quite possessive and controlling of you. Either they shame and avoid you because they feel especially overwhelmed by your energy. Or they try to capture you, as if they could be the one to assert total control and dominance over you and to make you up in whatever image they view as “respectably feminine”.
This is obviously a trap, because Lilith’s energy cannot be muted, so when controlling people cannot change your essence they will sometimes react badly. As if they are following dark impulses, something snaps and they simply cannot process you being so uncontrollable.
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Personally with my Lilith in 10th house in Leo squaring my ascendant in Scorpio, I find I usually get a certain set of reactions. From feminine energies, I often get femmes that suddenly get very competitive with me. For attention, skill, or otherwise, especially at work. (Check your 11th house to see where competition tends to come up). I usually have an easier time making friends with femmes with Lilith energies who are more aware of and embrace their “alternative” or “dark feminine” sense of expression and social s*xual power/identities.
For masculine energies I often get contempt or infatuation. Contempt in the form of avoidance and belittling. Or infatuation in the form of pushing boundaries with leery behavior. Something about Lilith makes some men really uncouth in a jarring way. It’s like the socially polite part of their brain just shuts down and they devolve in front of you.
Lilith isn’t a bad placement, just to be clear. I don’t believe any placement is bad, I know that every placement has its disadvantages and advantages and your lesson is to use them accordingly. Lilith is just a litmus test. If someone is an envious, possessive, abrasive sort of person, their behavior will be shown to you almost immediately. Especially with very masculine or very “traditionally” feminine energies.
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I’m synastry too, Lilith overlays will show you a lot about your partner and their behavior towards you. Lilith shows if people around you are developed or undeveloped the easiest of most placements I believe.
This is definitely a placement to be careful with because you can’t really tell how far into scary behavior other people will go once they’ve made up their minds about you.
Day by day, I’m learning Lilith’s lesson of not letting people control you by gaining means to be independent and have my autonomy supported throughout my relationships always, but I’ve definitely gotten through some scary situations by having to get away from people that want me to submit to them.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
Why do you like Killer?
Well first off my fixation on the guy started because i got curious about his story while watching Gacha React videos and kept coming across conflicting accounts. And then I realized, wow no one really knows anything but this silly guy.
So I did my own research. And I realized, wow. He is severely misunderstood. This poor man has been through hell and is struggling with himself, lost in his disorientation, losing his grasp on his reality and himself due to outside factors. And the way he has responded and reacted to his trauma is not pretty or even easy to understand.
He hates what he’s become so much, and it isn’t pretty what he’s been made into against his will—yet he struggles to tell if it was truly against his will or not. He’s so lost he struggles to even realize that he was manipulated and coerced, unable to differentiate between memory and reality anymore.
And yet he also refuses to admit that he was ever any type of victim—instead reclaiming control by leaning into the identity he has formed, finding security with the belief that this is something he chose rather than something that was done to him.
His emotional states (or capacity for emotion), mindset, personality, belief system—those things change in response to his circumstances and the world around him, reflected in his soul’s Stages. Parts of him are still stuck in the past, while he’s trying to outrun it.
And he struggles to integrate it all into a sense of a coherent self—which only gets worse when others are wanting things from him, too, and won’t take no for an answer. He’s always wanting someone to help him make sense of things, to ‘save’ him, and yet he doesn’t trust anyone and doesn’t trust himself even more.
And killer doesn’t even see ‘no’ as a valid answer either. Learned helplessness in Stage 1, believing choice is a privilege constantly out of reach in Stage 2. Maybe not even having a concept of choice or free will in Stage 4.
I would say more but tbh I think this post (and its later additions) said so much that I agree with already. I like that Killer is not in any sense of the word, a “perfect” victim. He has normalized a lot of what was done to him and tends to normalize it when done to others, as well. He tends to externalize his trauma quite a lot.
Other than that, by sharing everything I could find on his canon in various sites and apps like Tumblr or TikTok, I met and interacted with a lotta cool people. Made some pretty cool friends.
Even met my late girlfriend through Killer, who related quite a lot to Killer’s circumstances and felt seen by someone being able to see him the way she did—and she gave me the best months of my life.
Killer is very dear to me not only for the rep of how trauma can completely destroy or change a person not always for the best, the age old question of ‘can even the worst person change for the better?’, but also cuz of the people I met through him.
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Phase 5 theory: Murdoc goes to jail for a crime he was actually framed of doing unlike Canon. So Noodle goes around looking for Bassists to replace him and finds a certain fan named Ace who gave her a tour around Townsville where she meets the Powerpuff Girls after a fight who gleefully volunteer to temporarily replace Murdoc (Buttercup being the Bassist because she's the green one and can play Bass, and the other 2 help around since they didn't want to be left out)
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Stu looks back and starts feeling intense guilt for how he treated Murdoc back in the day and somehow gets possessed by a demon. Noodle notices this and gets suspicious including Russel due to Stu's strange behavior. So they contact Murdoc about it since he has a history of being possessed by demons and can help, so they hatch a plan to help him escape. After Murdoc returns he gets the demon to leave before it does anything drastic. Stu gets the chance to apologize to Murdoc who is reluctant at first but luckily accepts.
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Some months go by and the both of them start catching feelings for each other but it took a year for them to confess since they were scared of how the other would react. Murdoc, Stu, and the demons inside Murdoc start dating. with Murdoc gifting Stu the Souk Eye plastic eye. their relationship is revealed to the internet a month later, the feedback was mostly positive but there were some hate and homophobic reactions. Noodle and Russel were happy for them and were especially happy that they finally started to get along. And that's where Phase 5 ends.
If you disagree with some parts, please tell me why and what you personally think might have happened! 💗
that's as good of a theory as any !! it certainly works with what little information we have to go off of :3 (buttercup being the bassist would be really cool !! and it'd explain why they have fingers kjlfadsjklfadslkjfads)
I wouldn't necessarily Change anything, but some additions I'd personally make:
1: the "demon" in question being HIM, it'd finally make good on "SAVE US FROM HIM" and it'd be cunty <3
stu's fashion is already pretty camp, but adding HIM's influence would absolutely kick it up a notch
2: they SPECIFICALLY need the help of murdoc's demons to save stu! that way part of murdoc and stu's reconciliation would involve reconciling with the demons possessing murdoc as well :>
3: while noodle and russel are trying to break murdoc out the powerpuff girls are trying to just beat the snot out of HIM the old fashioned way. this isn't necessary to the plot it's just fun
this but dynaswap stu would be so incredibly cunty
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Hi! I was told to come here by another rec tumblr. I'm just gonna copy what I asked them...
I'm not sure if you can help with this, but I'm looking for triad fics with Derek/Stiles and a third. I don't have anyone specific in mind for the third person. I'm just craving a threesome pairing with Sterek. Maybe with the story revolving around Stiles? I'm not sure if this is too vague or if you even rec fics like this. Thanks!
Hopefully you have some recs?
I've heard that 3 is the magic number. That's right, right?
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Just one of the pack by pterawaters 
(1/1 I 5,370 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Scott)
Stiles is the new kid, well new kitsune in town. It doesn't take him long to catch the attention of Scott McCall and Derek Hale, the leaders of the Beacon Hills wolf pack. Stiles isn't sure he'll be a good addition to the pack, until Scott and Derek convince him otherwise.
How to Fill an Empty Loft by bloodwrites
(1/1 I 5,457 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Isaac)
Derek returns to Beacon Hills in search of a connection. He finds it in Stiles and Isaac.
Triad by Blue_Five
(16/16 I 37,414 I Mature I Stiles/Derek/Jackson)
Werewolf Alphas take two mates when they build a pack ... or at least that's supposed to be the way it works.
@lovesouthernsweettea suggested these!
Sweets by i_might_be_in_over_my_head (a whole series!)
Activity Ideas When Trapped in a Cave by Onlymystory
(1/1 I 2,684 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Isaac)
“I hate everyone here,” pouts Stiles. He doesn’t. But then again, he really does. There wouldn’t be a problem if he had gotten to go hunt down the damn goblin with Allison and Scott. But no, they had insisted on bringing Lydia along instead of him. He’s like 89% sure that Allison and Lydia finally got Scott on board with a threesome, hence the split. Which again, not the worst thing ever. But there are ways he’d like to be stuck with Isaac and Derek, both of whom he’s had a thing for pretty much since the day Derek pulled his “I’m the Alpha” routine at the police station and since the day Isaac got all up on Jackson at the rave. And since Stiles has had regular appointments with his dick since he discovered it had other uses, he’s thought about the two werewolves A LOT. Trying to hunt down a goblin who apparently thinks it’s fun to fuck with people on Halloween in the rain is not how Stiles wants to be stuck with the stars of his fantasies.
I Choose You by Inell
(1/1 I 4,397 I Explicit I Allison/Derek/Stiles)
After a pack disagreement, Stiles is joined by Derek and Allison to deal with a threat. This gives Derek and Stiles the opportunity to finally explore what's been developing between them, but they don't expect Allison's request to join them.
Even Better by Inell
(1/1 I 4,825 I Explicit I Allison/Derek/Stiles)
Allison joins Stiles and Derek for a night to fulfill one of Stiles' fantasies.
Together by BustersJezebel
(1/1 I 11,367 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Allison)
Closing his own eyes, Derek threw back his head as he let go of their hands and opened his mouth in an uncontrolled roar of ownership.
Triad by Blue_Five
(16/16 I 37,414 I Mature I Derek/Stiles/Jackson)
Werewolf Alphas take two mates when they build a pack ... or at least that's supposed to be the way it works.
Put your loving hand out, baby. by MBlack93
(10/10 I 98,725 I Explicit I Allison/Stiles/Derek)
"You trained me too well, and I listened, like you always said, 'Don't only trust your magic, always have a backup  plan."
He then gives a two-finger salute, the sign he has trained with his pack, and before she can react, two shots are heard in the clearing. Blue blood starts spilling out of her mouth before she coughs and falls to her knees. Her eyes are wide and focused on Stiles.
Stiles sits on his haunches in front of her, so he's on eye level with her. "It's pretty stupid that people keep underestimating me. You should've known better-" Lydia screams in the distance, and Stiles knows it's time.
After the warehouse disaster, Stiles finds himself surrounded by a couple of people he hadn't expected. Like at all. See how Stiles becomes more badass, starts his own pack, and finds love in unexpected places.
Badass Supernatural Immortals by Inell
(10/10 I 111,074 I Teen I Poly)
When Stiles and his team of badass supernatural immortals receive a vision involving a werewolf pack being burned alive, they take a trip to Beacon Hills, California to stop it from happening. He certainly doesn’t expect two major complications to his life in the forms of Peter Hale and his nephew, Derek.
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grison-in-space · 19 days
My blog would just make you more confused because I have been an advocate for voting, the post in question has a lot of resources about Biden's lack of action and another person explained why voting doesn't work and things like getting involved in volunteering and protesting works better, and I thought of you as a person who seems to know a lot about politics since I follow you. I should have put more effort in like I did with my second ask. Honestly I'm glad I'm anon because the publics eesponses to my ask, while I deserve it, is vitriolic and I imagine they would move to my inbox. while it's not an excuse I have brain damage from an accidentthat I'm trying to recover from and I n't say that calling me names insulting my lack of intelligence is really helpful when I'm very insecure about it and I have to reallyconcentrate to get my language right. I have been having to really work on communication and sometimes obvious problems to my thought process aren't clear to me like they used to be, like voting not being an and or thing. plenty of people have pointed out the flaws in my ask and I see that I'm in the wrong. I'll leave you alone now, sorry again
I'm sorry I misunderstood you, anon, but the point I was actually trying to make is that I don't have the context that you do even so far as a burner identity, and that also means I can't necessarily presume good faith without additional context. I get why you are concerned about harassment and worried about people in your inbox, but the level of pressure you are putting on me for misinterpreting your original ask is not cool.
(For the record, I do not engage in anon harassment, and if I ever find someone who is pulling that shit based on one of my posts, I will block them outright.)
I also have memory problems, and being on anon means that I have no cues or context to any previous interactions with you. I cannot treat you, on anon, like a well meaning friend who sometimes phrases things funny, because I can't tell you apart from someone who is hate-following me and trying to harass me via inbox, potentially by asking questions without good faith. Which, by the way, does happen and specifically does happen to me! I try to delete that shit out of hand rather than responding, but look, sometimes I want to make a broader point.
I am sorry that the post is getting comments from people who, like me, are not reading your initial words as intended. Truly, I am, that sounds like it sucks. But this is an access problem. You are not sure how to communicate the questions you want to ask without setting off alarms that are, in the rest of your life, defused by the knowledge from the people you are speaking with that you are speaking in good faith as someone who knows and respects them. That might not be something you are able to do without help right now, and that sucks!
At the same time, accommodating that would necessitate that I, what, identify you from speech patterns when you're deliberately hiding your identity, or know you when convenient and not-know you when it's not? That's not reasonable, and I think you know that. This goes double for questions about politics that have people reacting emotionally or being gunshy, which seems to be your primary interest in interacting with me. That is very stressful for me and it makes me feel worried and bad, too.
Anon is going off for a little while, I think.
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Imagine this; Yandere! Splinter who sees reader as their own daughter, their interaction is like father and daughter bond and how reader is sweet and gentle also has a motherly figure it reminds him of his mother, but noticed how his sons falling in love or having crush on reader, Imagine Splinter would been like; "Y/N, be my daughter in law and Marry one of my sons"
and reader been like "…eh? (• ▽ •💧)"
Of course, the (yandere) turtles HEARD what their father's words and they start like having competition and who will have reader's hand in marriage. What do you think or react like if one of turtles won? and one of them lose?
With all the feminine-based phrases in this ask, let me confirm that MC is gender-neutral, as always. (I was considering copying and re-wording it tbh)
Tw: isolation, kidnapping, depressive state
Splinter was never the most attentive when it came to what his sons liked or what they did on uneventful days. But recently, he’s noticed a significant change in their behaviour, especially when a certain someone is around.
Leo tends to do everything they ask for, even if it means getting up from a comfortable position. He gets aggressive when someone interrupts his time with them, even if it’s the most innocent creature to exist.
His youngest, Michelangelo, talks about them for an eternity, and not a single word is hateful. Once, when Splinter wandered into his room, the rat man found a shrine of photos, some hoodies, and even a book titled, “Praises for your Divinity”.
His eldest had considerably changed as well: the boy will start to tear up if they announce they have to leave, and on some occasions cling onto them. The worst part is the fact he killed a Foot ninja for following them once (and possibly more).
And finally, his genius son, Purple. He was always inside his lab, only coming out when needed, but if the special someone arrives, he’s already out there waiting at the entrance 10 minutes before. Additionally, he complains how unhealthy their other friends are and mutters about putting more trackers.
Even a mosquito could see that the boys are hopelessly in love, and Splinter can’t help but find it endearing. The person who they admire, Y/n, had always been so caring to this mutant, albeit broken family. It was no surprise that this would happen. Splinter knew in his mind that Y/n would be a great addition to the family. Speaking of which…
“Y/n, would you be willing to be my future child in-law?”
“What do you mean?”
“You see, my boys may not ever marry. They may never find love. It would be dishonorable of me if I didn’t see at least one of them get married so…Maybe in the future, are you willing to accept their hand?”
“Uh…I’ll think about it.”
Meanwhile outside the very room are the four sons, their eyes widened in shock. Someone is gonna be able to marry Y/n in the future, with their father’s approval. They slowly slide off into another room, not wanting the pair to hear the conversation.
“Marry? I get the honour to marry them? This may be the greatest moment of my life~!”
“No. I get to. You can’t even provide what they need, something a truly good husband would do.”
“Leo, you do realize that we’re on the same level, right? Either way, none of you can do a decent job of keeping them safe, which is much more important.”
“Look, maybe we shouldn’t compare ourselves because we have different points here. We should have a competition, with Dad as the judge.”
“Fine, but I’m going to beat you all anyway~”
“What ‘Nardo said except it’s going to be me.”
“I’m getting my spot. You guys aren’t true devotées.”
“May the best brother win.”
Since that day, they’ve amped up their flirting to the point it’s glaringly obvious. They’re trying so hard to get you to love them, and for you to let them love you back.
If they win:
Regal Foot Cloth:
He knows it’s in the future, but the thought makes him so gleeful. You’re going to be bound to him for eternity, and you’ll never leave him. I don't know if it's possible, but he gets even more clingy. Gets teddy bears that have wedding attire as a celebration.
Lather Thou Bald Head With Butter:
We all know he's gonna be cocky. It's like that quote from the Zootopia spin-off, "It's not entitlement if I deserve it." If we were to speak his true feelings he's very honored to serve this position now soon (bro is so excited he forgets the time frame).
(I think my grammar was shit but oh well)
Don't Touch My Flipper Floppers:
He's honestly going to doubt it at first. Like he actually won? Sure, he's never worked so hard for a competition before, but it still shocks him. Marks the day on a data table, and starts to count the days until the actual event.
Mad Raccoon Ate My Bees:
Cries. I kid you not, he will cry. Already starts creating art of you guys getting married even if it won't happen for a while. He's definitely designing all the decorations and attire in his works and obnoxiously hangs them everywhere around the lair.
If they lose:
I don't mean for this to get too dark, but with the circumstances, I think it's the only way possible.
It depends on who wins. Worst situation, most likely Leo. He first goes into a depressive state before confronting so said turtle for a rematch. Sure the only way to win the competition is based on your feelings, but he's going to try again because he's not going to let you leave his grasp.
Lin-Manuel Miranda:
(His Vivo soundtracks are so great)
Gets into a big fight. He argues and yells with whichever brother, his emotions completely unhinged. He's so upset he won't talk with anyone for a few days...and kidnaps you to a different dimension only he can see you at. He knows that he shouldn't be a bad loser, but he can't help it.
Donald Duck:
Doesn't accept it. He thinks it's odd that you would pick someone else over him. Mind you, he knows all your likes and dislikes so he finds it puzzling why the outcome isn't what he expected. Similar to Raph, he'll be persistent, but if things don't go well, he might lock them into his lab.
Mort Is The Root Word For Death:
Accuses that you got threatened into saying yes. He fully believes you are at no wrong, so the only conclusion he can come to is that someone intervened. Tries to find all evidence that there was wrong in the competition, to the point they might have to restart.
(This was supposed to be a blurb, but there was so much I had to make it a longer piece. I'm still putting it under the blurbs tag tho.)
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fraugwinska · 3 months
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Chapter 17 - Moxie
Moxie (noun) 1. a courageous spirit and determination/perseverance 2. vigor / verve / pep. 3. an outstanding skill; know-how
Tags & Warnings: None The song mentioned ist "Perhaps" by Oscar D'León, if you want to listen along to it!
“My feathery fellow, are you quite sure that you don't want to find something more entertaining to do?”
He gripped his cane, tightly, restraining himself from whipping it over the birds head. The boy, Dante, had followed him everywhere like a lost puppy, chatting away and talking his ears off the whole morning. A lastor had always hated dogs. Charlie had, to his great misfortune, whipped his dear assistant away - again – for dealing with whatever trifle with the upcoming event that needed her utmost assistance, and stuck him with the delightful task of dealing with the newest addition to the hotel.
What unnerved him the most was the demons inability to recognize his blatant dislike for him. Sure, as usual Alastor weaved his snark remarks and snide comments into a overly cordial demeanor, but really - one should have assumed the threatening glares or the rising intensity of his aggravated static would constitute as obvious warning signs, making the bird realize his intentions weren't warm and welcoming. But this dunce, seemingly blind to all those very clear anti-social clues, only smiled through it all, ignoring every jab he aimed, and Alastor wished he could strangle some sense of self-preservation into him.
Unfortunately, that wouldn't go over well with the girls - Charlie and Vaggie grew quickly attached to Dante - not to forget about his kitten, who would doubtlessly at least frown upon her best friends second demise. In conclusion: Murder was forbidden. And therefore, so was strangling. For now.
Alastor's ears twitched involuntarily at the mental image of her expression of disappointment. He was so engrossed in trying to tune out the idiot that talked his ears off, his memory reminded him, rather intrusively, how beautiful he thought her lips were when she bit them in anger, and how she did it - oh so, temptingly - in situations he wished to be alone with her. And her body. Oh, this soft and enticingly supple body, flushing in the most charming hues of pink when she became flustered, angered, annoyed, aroused. How warm had it felt under him, so willing to react to his touch, welcoming him with a feverish yearning that lit his mind ablaze... His well-concealed tail started wagging, bordering on making noise, and he willed himself back to calmness.
Lately, his mind often wandered off like this, Alastor noted. Since their night in his bayou he felt... restless, in a sense that he craved to be close to her again. It was odd, for him - normally he would have taken the chance to enjoy some distance, his own personal space being a very important part of him. Especially after the revelation that his – let's call it: small fit - had been proven to have been slightly unnecessary. Yet, he started to feel uneasy and annoyed when she wasn't by his side, feelings that only intensified the longer they were separated.
"Oh no, Mr. Alastor, I don't mind helping you!" The demon pulled him harshly back into the here and now, his cheerfulness unceasing and infuriating. He clenched his fists, ready to kill, but he only took in a long, calming breath.
"And what a tremendous help you are.", he smiled at Dante, with such fake courtesy, that someone less dull should've felt the underlined message - but no. This moron went on, babbling his head off, asking questions he answered shortly, or commented on every little thing - making it ever so difficult to focus on actual matters of business, like the rebuilding of the collapsed west wing he was currently working on. While he observed his created minions removing rubble and debris, the nightingale just looked at this painting or that bust, completely useless.
"...and munchkin offered to help me, without her, I would've never made it through the dancing finals."
Wait, what did he say? Alastor looked over to him, raising an eyebrow.
Dante, standing in front of a bust of the goetian duchess Gremory, turned and smiled at him. "Oh, we had a contemporary dance workshop, the final grade was a big performance in front of an audience." He laughed softly, fondness in his eyes. "I have two left feet, and was sure I'd fail the class. But (Y/n) is a beast on the dance floor, and she offered to be my partner, helped me practice after school and all."
"I see.", Alastor replied, keeping his eyes on his work. So, his little kitten could dance, hm?
"She taught me a lot, actually.", the bird continued, and the deer didn't miss the fondness in his tone. "About dance and music, but also about life, what it means to have a real friend..." The demon stilled for a moment. "She always seemed sad, even when she was putting up a cheerful face. Like she was searching for something, and didn't find what she was looking for. But here, I mean... when she's with you, she seems... different. Really happy."
Alastor turned to look at him, and found a knowing smile looking up in... was that admiration? Maybe this little sinner wasn't as daft as he thought he was. The birds feathers ruffled a bit nervously under his stare, probably a subconscious reflex, and he spoke again, in an earnest, earnest voice.
"I'm, just saying... she, well, she deserves to be happy, truly happy, so... Whatever you're doing, or saying, or giving to her, Mr. Alastor, keep doing that, please."
Alastor stopped for a moment, eyes slightly wider than usual. Then, his mouth opened in a short laugh, eyes closing in amused astonishment.
"Is this... meant to be some kind of approval, dear boy, by any chance?"
Dante hesitated for a short moment. "Um, in a way, I guess."
He contemplated a few seconds longer, tilting his head with an indulgent smile. The simpleton had no idea what he had done in the bayou. Still, there was this irritating genuineness to his tone, an earnest request from someone who cared deeply for his gem, and for a moment, his honest efforts and dedication showed through the cracks of Alastor's deep dislike of him.
"I will take your word for it then, featherling."
The bird nodded slowly and smiled in the direction of a painting, as if it was an indication of what his mind dwelled on.
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You went over the third list Charlie handed you with a deep sigh. You barely finished your breakfast when she and Vaggie took you with them into the office, to “get your input about a few things”. 'A few things', as you quickly learned, had been elaborate (and mostly impossible) plans for decorations, dinner menues, guest lists and other things Charlie was too indecisive about to decide on her own. Normally you wouldn't have minded helping her, working alongside Vaggie to tune down Charlies enthusiastic endeavors and manage logistics around the event, but the thought of Dante alone with Alastor for a prolonged amount of time like 'all morning' made you worried, unfocused and frankly – impatient.
“So, you see, Al will provide the music, aside from our program, but I don't know how formal we should be...”, Charlie rattled, shuffling through countless papers. “We are sending invites to practically every name in hell, wealthy sinners, overlords, even some of the goetian royalties, and dad will come – I think, maybe – so, maybe we need to plan for that. But I don't know what they'll expect, we don't know that.” She looked stressed and worried, which would normally be compensated by Vaggie. But she too looked tired and unsure, scratching her arms every now and again, with a lost look on her face. You put the paper aside and took Charlie's shoulders. She shut up instantly and gave you an apologetic smile.
“Breathe, both of you. We're going to figure it out, I promise.”
"Thank you for all your help.”, Vaggie suddenly said, looking away as if she was embarrassed. “I... we have never planned something big like this before, and without you... well, we probably would've given up by now, if it wasn't for you. I know I gave you a hard time, but... yeah. Thanks.”
It was the first genuine praise you heard her giving you and you felt not only surprise, but content. Slowly but surely, the mistrust and defensiveness of her towards you had changed, and although you felt a bit guilty about not being honest to them, you still genuinely wanted to be seen as an ally, not an enemy.
"I'm glad to be of help, really. Now, come on, let's tackle this. Charlie, I'm sure you, as princess of hell, know something about the in's and out's of formal events down here.", you said encouragingly, sensing Vaggie's discomfort at this admission of emotional vulnerability and deciding not to drag it out. Charlie sniffled tears away, but smiled nonetheless.
"Okay, yes, let's tackle this.", she took a deep breath. "Well, let me think... When I was a teen, mom and dad often held big concerts or balls, maybe.... maybe we could have Al's band play some songs to dance to? Formal and classy in the beginning, and maybe something more modern for the informal part, like an after party?"
You folded your arms and gave her a nod. "There's the royal intuition, princess." The corners of your lips twitched. "But maybe don't count on Alastor for modern songs. I am sure Angel can happily provide us with a DJ or a good - halfway modest - playlist at least."
Charlie giggled, the excitement back in her eyes. Her girlfriend however, looked not as convinced.
"That's a good idea and all, hon',", she hesitantly said, "but I don't think the others know how to dance, except for maybe Husk and the radio idiot. I sure can't."
"Oh yeah, you're right..." Charlie's mood seemed to dampen for just a moment, until she locked eyes with you. Her eyes widened into big, round, sparkling orbs.
Oh for fucks sake.
"I wonder if we could find a trained dancer among the hotel staff who would be willing to help us out?", she chirped with pleading, sweet-looking eyes and an innocent, beaming smile. “Pleeeeeease?”
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„Alright guys,“, you sighed as you put your hair into a ponytail. Charlie, in her untameable enthusiasm, had rounded everyone up in the foyer for their first 'totally spontaneous and super-fun dance lesson/bonding activity'.
In the short time it took her to find, instruct and bribe everyone to participate, you - in wise foresight - had run back to your room and changed into more comfortable clothes, discarding the belt entirely, exchanged your blouse for a flowy boat-neckline lounge shirt and threw on your black leather heels. It kind of excited you to dance, really dance, again - it was what you had become the best at at the Academy, this particular talent landing you most of the meager few roles after graduation.
But looking at the rag-tag-group before you, your ardor quickly receded. Husk was looking doubtful and annoyed, Angel distracted and with much too much silliness and mischief in his demeanor, Vaggie looked nervous and tense while Dante was Dante, you knew him well enough to know that even through he didn't lack eagerness he was a left-footed disaster waiting to happen. And Niffy... well, you doubted she was there to learn to dance at all, manically polishing the floor underneath her as the group waited to begin.
Your gaze fell to Alastor, who watched you with amused pity. His grin was much too smug as he sat a bit aside in one of the armchairs, his midday cup of coffee before him and his hands rhythmically tapping on the coffee table. You felt him examining you, eyes landing on the shoes he gifted you, and his smile widened a bit. You quickly turned your face before it could flush at this simple gesture.
“So, umm. Does anyone except Dante have any experience at dancing?” Angel raised his hands with a smirk - you sighed. “Ballroom dances.” Angel flipped you off and laughed, taking his hand down again. Charlie nodded with a shy smile, her hand remained up. “A bit, I'm no good at all. But we're here to learn, and I'm sure it will be fun, right, guys?”
You crossed your arms and thought for a moment. “Alright. We don't have a lot of time and I don't think any of you have the patience to get really detailed. So let's just stick to two or three basic dances, easy ones that are versatile enough, yeah?” “Waltzes are fun, and pretty standard, too.”, Dante smiled. “My Mom and Dad always loved to dance foxtrot, can we do that, (Y/n)?”, Charlie chirped, bopping on her feet.
Angel huffed. “Okay, if we're just learnin' the boring frigid dances, I'm out. I don't have these hips to not shake 'em, Rocks.” “Don't you already shake them enough at work?”, Vaggie mumbled unnerved, earning a mocking grin from the spider. “'What, Vagina? Jealous that I know how to use 'em better than 'ya?”
"OKAY .”, you interjected, slightly annoyed as you massaged your temples, feeling Alastor's suppressed laugh in the back of your neck. “So, the waltz and the foxtrot are good, easy dances to learn, we'll do that. And Angel, I'll throw in the Cha Cha, to busy your hips instead of your mouth, sounds fair?” "Oh sugar tits, 'ya know I'm a professional, I can do both at the same..." he grinned at Dante with a wink, but you cut him off quickly, seeing Dante backing off with a nervous smile.
"GREAT, awesome, let's pair you guys up."
With an apologetic smile to the cat, you pulled Angel to Husk in the hopes he would be able to manage the... vigor of your lewd friend. Charlie and Vaggie were a given pair, already getting in position, which left Niffty and Dante. The nightingale looked at the still cleaning and scrubbing maid, then to you, with a helpless shrug. Dreading the pain your feet will be in as, from experience, Dante would definitely step on them relentlessly, you take a deep breath.
"Alright, Dante, I guess you will..."
"Be just a perfect partner for our dear Niffty. The little darling is quite the enthusiastic learner, very fitting for a beginner such as you, would you not say, sweetheart?"
Alastor's 'question' wasn't aimed at you, but Niffty, voice vibrating overly cheery in a quiet threat, cutting you off once more. Niffty, already putting the polishing cloth away in her pocket, gave him a quick curtsy, and skitted over to Dante, smiling manically. He chuckled, looking a bit worriedly to her, but kept a cheerful smile as she enthusiastically grabbed his hands and pulled herself onto his feet.
With all of them paired up, you were left with...
"Looks like I am at your service for a change." Alastor's grin widened. He appeared next to the record player and adjusted his suit jacket, folding his hands behind his back and gesturing with his head a tiny bit to the side of him. A sign. He wanted you to join him by his side, to come to him, a little, subtle power play. Your body reacted naturally by walking to him, without further need to think about it. His eyes stayed with yours as he slowly nodded approvingly, stepping towards you.
With you standing only inches apart from his broad frame and a curious blush creeping on your cheeks as your memories served up the recent moments the both of you had shared together - It took great effort on your part to ignore the intense, very unbecoming thoughts that flooded your head, but you cleared your throat and clapped your hands.
"So. Let's start with the Cha Cha."
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"Alright, Angel, for the tenth time, stay in box form, your hips can only sway AFTER the forward steps, so move...", you sighed exasperated. You had given them the basic steps, how to count and what the man and the women's posture should look like, having Alastor waiting (and slightly brooding) at the side lines. You patted an annoyed looking Husk on the back, and gave a side glance to Niffty and Dante. As chaotic as they were, they were already in a weird, hilarious looking sync, both counting their steps and mowing down furniture (and the other dancers) as they tumbled across the foyer in vague looking Cha Cha moves. Charlie was giving a rather frustrated and grumbling Vaggie a much needed pep talk, but from her embarrassed giggling and the exhausted look on Vaggie's face you guessed it wasn't going well.
"Goddammit, you can't give me this much shit, Husky!", Angel groaned and grabbed Husk's shoulder and paw - despite the cat's disgruntled protests - and tried again to lead his reluctant partner in an overly dramatic fashion, mumbling loudly 'da-da cha-cha-cha'.
"Actually, no - I totally can, if I want to.", he hissed back, pulling the spider back roughly by his upper arm in the opposite direction.
"Uuuuh, getting rough with me now, baby? You know I like it like that."
"Will you two fucking stop bitching at each other for once and dance?", Vaggie shouted over her shoulder, stepping on Charlies toes – again.
"Hey, language!", the princess yelped, hopping on one foot while holding the other.
"Well, isn't this a productive lesson." Alastor grinned, his eyes following Niffty who spun a helpless Dante into a bookshelf. You stared at him, your expression unamused, and he chuckled.
"It is quite literally not.", you groaned, gesturing towards the couples. "Please, help me."
He leaned in, close enough for you to feel his hot breath on your cheek, and spoke in a hushed tone.
"Are you asking me for a dance, dear?"
Your heart skipped a beat at the suggestive, flirty tone of his voice, and you swallowed. God, cool your head, at least try to have a backbone.
"Might be more effective to show than tell."
The deer straightened himself again, eyes glinting at you mischievously, while you took out a vinyl from the sleeve, smiling at the title – you knew that song well. The music started playing from the gramophone, a latin jazz song with a catchy rhythm. Alastor stepped back, his smile widened and he made a short, elegant bow, offering you his hand.
"Let us see if we can salvage the situation, then." He pulled you close to him, positioning his hands perfectly, as if he'd trained it thousands of times. It took your breath away, the instant feeling of a dance partner who actually knew what he was doing making you feel queezy and excited at the same time. "Dante, Niffty, would you please get out of the way, thank you."
The bird and the maid, less in mid-step and more in mid-stumble, jumped aside, the latter still counting out loud. The other pairs stopped their feeble attempts too, watching in stunned silence what was happening. He started to move, and you followed his movements perfectly.
"Now, I assume the problem lays with the fact that not one of these simpletons are familiar with the art of dance, or has at least the basic ability to count?", Alastor cooed, just barely loud enough for you to hear it over the music.
"If you're not used to it, it can be hard in the beginning." You felt a little proud when he twirled you, and you came back smoothly. He hummed in approval.
"Not that difficult, after all. It is easy enough to count, if one is able to hear, and follow a few simple steps, if one is able to walk."
"You make it sound like it's child's play.", you chuckled, and he smiled wider, letting you take the lead briefly.
"Quite. But if there's no other solution than to teach them, why not make an actual game out of it next time?"
"...how so?"
"Simple, really. Make it into a competition. That always works for me." He leaned back, twirling you out again. "Give the winner a reward."
"What reward?", you asked, and he leaned in, closer than before, and lowered his voice as his hand moved from your hip to your thigh, pulling it up into a borderline scandalous pose.
"I can think of a few ideas."
Your face flushed instantly, and he laughed his staticy laughter, his claws digging into your skin ever so slightly as he held you tight, leading the both of you with such elegance that your heart beat faster, the butterflies in your stomach erupting in an unruly flurry.
"I think we have their attention now, darling."
Indeed, you felt the many eyes on you, and your dance. Alastor's hold tightened, his movements became sharper, the pace faster and his grip harder, pushing you, challenging you. You kept up easily, the tension between the two of you rising. You heard Angel whistling through his teeth, and in a moment of Alastor pulling you into another pose, you had the clarity of mind to give the gawking group a stern, aggravated look.
"What are you guys doing, gawking like that? Stop staring, start dancing."
Vaggie and Charlie exchanged a brief, flustered look, and started their attempts again, albeit a bit more successful. Angel had a smug, knowing smirk on his face as he turned back to Husk, and the cat sighed, rolling his eyes and adjusting his bow tie, muttering something along the lines of 'this is not gonna end well'.
The Radio Demon's grip tightened around you even more, his hand moving dangerously high on your thigh, the other one gripping your waist almost possessively. He leaned his head towards your neck, his lips brushing against the soft, sensitive skin as he whispered.
"Look at them, little kitten. Look at how they try and fail, compared to us."
His teeth grazed the soft, vulnerable spot right under your jaw, and the sensation sent a shiver through your spine. He grinned, and pulled back.
"I don't know... they seem to make at least some progress."
"Such a gracious teacher." He mused, twirling you once more and catching you again, pressing his chest against yours. You were starting to breathe heavily, the strain of keeping up with him taking its toll, or was it the tension of his suggestive words? "It is no wonder my lovely assistant was able to earn her place in a prestigious school of cultural arts. If she's able to teach these dunderheads how to move their bodies, I wonder what she might be able to teach others, given the right incentive."
Your face burned with a red heat, the implications of his words hitting hard. Alastor, in his usual teasing and unusual suggestive manner, was always saying such things, always dancing around the topic (pun not intended). Never going straight into it. Yet, somehow, in a weird and roundabout way, his words lately carried a meaning with them, a promise - a silent, secret wish - and it excited you, thrilled you even. You realized why he and you seemed to dance so perfectly well together: Leading a dance commanded to take full control and having a plan, following a dance meant to give it up and let your partner make the decisions for you, reacting to even the most subtle hints.
"I guess there are no awards for doing a teachers job?", you asked, trying to keep up with his quick steps, feeling his gaze piercing into yours.
"Oh, I'm sure a well deserved one will present itself soon enough."
The song was about to end, and he lifted his hand, signaling you to go under his arm, and you did, twirling into the final position, his hand on the small of your back, holding you against his chest, and your arms wrapped around his neck, face turned away. He must've done that on purpose, right? Keeping this last moment to himself, to pull you so close, so intimate you closed your eyes in certain expectancy of an impending kiss. When the song ended without it, the rest of the world seemed to come back abruptly, and you blinked, realizing you weren't alone with Alastor but in a room full with people. People with eyes. And ears. And most of them with functional brains. Shit.
"Well, that was some hot fuckin' shit."
Angel's voice pulled you back completely, and you stepped back a bit, out of the Radio Demon's embrace, and felt the eyes of the rest of the group on you again, especially Vaggies.
"Language, Angel!", Charlie squealed, her cheeks red, but she was smiling.
"But in a way Angel is right.", Dante said, giving you an approving thumbs up. "You still got it, munchkin. And Mr. Alastor, that was..."
"A goddamn performance, yeah.", Husk mumbled, crossing his arms, and Vaggie hummed, her one eye flitting back and forth between you and the tall, red demon.
"Well, that's a word for it."
"As I always say, my friends - the world is a stage. Sometimes even one worth sharing, given the right talent." He took your hand, bowed elegantly and planted a small, tender kiss on it, his red eyes looking up and never leaving yours. You were still blushing, a little breathless, a little speechless, and nodded, turning your eyes away to find a way to ground yourself again.
"Ummm, that was a good start. Yeah. Cool. Let's take a small break, drink something, and we'll continue in five."
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Alastor sat back, content, watching his kitten hurry off to the kitchen to grab some water for everyone. He saw her tail all fluffed up and swishing upright, which only made him grin wider as he returned to his armchair. The rest of the group broke into excited, albeit not exactly dance related conversations.
Husker came up to him and put down a glass of whiskey next to his emptied mug, which Alastor took and drank in one swing. He looked over the cat, whose face was contorted in a mixture of disbelief and disgust.
"That was a nice little stunt you pulled there."
"Stunt, dear Husker? I am not sure I know what you mean."
"Cut the crap, Boss. I have a nose for that kind of stuff, and it reeked of bullshit."
"Oh-ho! Language, Husker!", Alastor said with mock indignation, grinning widely.
Husk looked him over, and frowned, tilting his head. "Fuck. Yo' actually look pleased."
"Mh... Do I?"
"Yeah. Kinda. And not in the goddamn smug way yo' usually do... if your psychotic asshole attitude would allow the feeling, that is." Husk raised one of his furry eyebrows. "Do yo'... Am I getting something right here?"
"I'm afraid you will have to specify, because I don't have the faintest idea about what you are blabbering."
The cat pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Holy shit, you fuckin'... Does this... You and her, do you-" He gestured vaguely into the direction of the hallway.
Alastor stayed silent and lifted his glass for another fill, and Husk grabbed the bottle with a snarl and opened it up, pouring it for him with shaking paws.
"Yo' know what, forget I even tried to ask that stupid question."
"Best if you do. You know very well, dear friend, what happens to curious beings putting their noses too far in my business."
"Asshole.", he growled and filled his own glass with whiskey, knocking back half the bottle in a swing, grimacing when the burning liquid traveled down his throat, and putting the now significantly lighter bottle down with a huff. The cat demon looked over his shoulder, watching as his pet returned with a tray full of various drinks, handing one to Niffty who looked both disheveled and exhilarated. "M'tellin' yo', it's not gonna end well."
"So are a lot of things down here. No point to fear a day that hasn't even begun." The cat demon gripped his glass tighter, obviously biting his tongue. But the expression on his longtime companions face was something Alastor hasn't seen in quite some time - genuine worry. For what, Alastor didn't care enough to think about, although he suspected it to be about her rather than himself. In her efforts, it seemed his little gem really weaved some pretty impactful bonds to the residents, first Angel Dust, then Niffty and Charlie, now even Husk.
"You would be surprised, Husker my friend, the number of things I am able to... work out." Alastor laughed darkly, not exactly oblivious of the double meaning he offered, but in a rather malicious and ill humored tone. He eyed the little, scarlet cyclops as she threw herself around his kittens neck, babbling on about the 'memories she'll cherish forever', and that she learned 'an excellent dance that required a partner with excellent feathers for them to have fun with', and then he watched his kitten trying to appease her by patting her head. Somehow, Nifftys hair entangled in her hand, and he watched with keen eyes as she slowly and carefully pulled magenta hair from the red thread on her finger, easing the little demon into holding still as to not rip it from her digit.
Somewhere, deep inside, this unfamiliar sting appeared again, and he had no other choice but to attribute it to his strange fondness of the scarred beauty he acquired not too long ago, and which steadily increased every moment they spent together. A soft smile curled over her lips as she threw a glace back to him, still listening to the small maid, but with a freed hand, thread safely in place and intact. H usk was talking still, Alastor wasn't sure if he was aware or not. It didn't matter to him at the moment. Another conversation caught his attention, a hushed discussion happening over with Vaggie and the little princess.
It looked serious. And serious talk made him want to frown, even with his tight smile sewn into place.
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sass-squat · 2 years
Which Link would most likely win the Hunger Games?
This has probably already been done but regardless we're still gonna do it! Anyways, we are ignoring the canon age limits for the games so hear me out, I know the obvious answer is probably Wild but consider the many other strengths, advantages, and strategies the other Links could utilize when all fighting against each other. Any magical abilities or items involving time travel are banned however cause that's CHEATING.
Time - One word. MASKS. He’s got 3 masks that change his form giving him an advantage in various settings. Deku mask for the sky/forest, Goron for the mountains and volcanoes, and Zora for the water. There are also the Stone and All-night masks to consider especially in these circumstances. And of course there’s the Fierce Deity mask which would be great for taking out other tributes but be honest, do you REALLLLY think Time could or would use it against any of his boys?
Twilight - I’ll be honest he doesn’t have a lot going for him weapons wise but he DOES have sheer brute strength and his ability to turn into Wolfie. He can easily track other tributes before they find him and sneak up on them in wolf form since most won’t consider their enemy coming in the form of a wolf. Plus, he doesn’t really have disadvantages terrain wise and fellow animals will likely like him and be willing to help him which is a win.
Sky - Remember y’all this man is a GOD KILLER so he will not be afraid to do what needs to be done. Plus he’s got Skyward Strikes for dayyyyyys and he’s definitely got an advantage in terrains that require battles in the sky or that take place on high ground. Not only that, he’s the best swordsman in the group so that is something to consider. However his stamina does leave something to be desired.
Warriors - This man doesn’t really have any special weapons other than his sword and fire rod but what he DOES have is his charisma and military leadership experience. In the famous words of Haymitch, “When you’re in the middle of the Games and you’re starving or freezing, some water, a knife, or even some matches can mean the difference between life and death. And those things only come from sponsors.” Warriors has a lot of experience rallying and leading armies so I believe he would be able to form alliances among tributes and lead them accordingly. Not only that, but you cannot convince me he wouldn’t have the Capitol completely wrapped around his finger and be able to get sponsors left and right.
Legend - Jesus Christ what DOESN'T this guy have? He's got everything from weapons to rings to magic to all boost his chances for survival. Not only that, but he's also got experience to back up his crazy arsenal. You wanna know what he doesn't have though? A good personality. This man would probably make the Capitol HATE him within the first five minutes of meeting him, and everyone knows how the Capitol reacts to people who disobey and rebel against them. So while he himself may not have many disadvantages, the Capitol itself would likely be his biggest enemy.
Hyrule - Listen, Hyrule may not have any fancy sword fighting techniques but he is damn good at magic and I believe that that skill alone would be a massive advantage. Especially when you consider how he could use his healing magic to cure himself and allies which is something no one else would really be able to do without aid from sponsors. On top of that, his ability to turn into a fairy could make hiding from other tributes easier. Plus, his Hyrule (pun intended) is likely just as bad as any Hunger Games setting poison/toxins wise so he already has a lot of experience surviving in environments whose sole goal is to try to kill you.
Wild - Oh boy, it's the man the myth the semi-feral king of survival himself! Whatever survival skill it may be Wild has got it and is simply there to have a good bad time! This guy is a master of just about every weapon out there in addition to being able to run like mad and climb entire cliffs in seconds. Wild also has the ability to scavenge and cook food from what he finds and brew potions that boost his physical state in various ways. That is of course assuming he can find a cooking pot AND that the smoke/fire won't draw the attention of other tributes. However, I believe his biggest weakness would be his inability to NOT break every single weapon he finds. Fighting the literal calamity with nothing but a tree branch and a pot lid may have worked at the time, but fighting fellow incarnations of the Hero who all have similar skill sets and abilities is another story.
Four - I honestly think that Four could win the Games mainly because nobody could find him for the vast majority of it. Like, he could easily pull a Lucy Gray Baird and just shrink into a Minish and wait out the majority of the games. But in the case that he IS discovered or when the others have killed each other off, there are very few people know about Four's ability to split into four people and so he could easily split and perform a surprise attack of sorts and strike as four people rather than the expected one. His biggest disadvantage however, is his small size and any sort of intense weather. Opponents larger and stronger than him could likely overpower him and any rain or dramatic weather could be dangerous as a Minish.
Wind - I swear this kid runs on spite and sheer stubborn determination most days. This kid forcibly dragged the Triforce from the bottom of the ocean and stabbed the King of Evil in the head as a child do you really think he'd die easily in the Hunger Games? Anyways, I would say weapons wise Wind's greatest advantage is his fire, ice, and light arrows. While they do take magic, getting hit by any of those arrows would cause major damage if not instant death for any opponent. In addition to that, he would have a great advantage in any water-based terrain and his ability to manipulate the wind could be used in a number of circumstances as well. However, while he is very strong due to his power bracelets, his shorter physical stature would still likely put him at a disadvantage against larger opponents.
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The Way He Looks at You Series I:XIII
Act I: The Way He Looks at You Chapter 13: The Way He Visits You
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Read on AO3 Read on Blogger Read on Tumblr Story Master List: The Way He Looks at You Series
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Chapter Summary
You make a new friend, and see an old one. Rating: 18+ Words: 3.1K
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The room feels empty now that Cal has left and you find yourself unsure what to do now that you have almost complete freedom. You have only spent a couple hours alone since the end of your relationship with Theo and being in a strange place makes the loneliness feel more extreme. You had been so excited to have this time, and now that it is here, you feel lost.
A wicked thought crosses your mind, the chance at escape, you have the resources to do so. There would be a significant head start before Cal would realize that you had run off, maybe enough time to warn your fellow Rebels and get them out of harm’s way. An opportunity to restart, away from the Empire and the Rebellion, away from all the pain that you have felt from both sides of the Force.
Is the risk worth it? You already made the choice, attempting an escape now is risky, maybe more than before when Cal had provided you the choice. Even if you had time to warn the others, you can imagine that Cal would hunt down everyone you cared for and then yourself with a vengeance once he realized your betrayal.
Is that what is keeping you here, fear? You aren’t sure, so you attempt to change how you ponder the feelings inside of you. If there was no risk of anyone being hurt or killed, would you still choose to stay? No immediate answer comes forward, so you sit on the edge of the bed and await clarity on the topic.
Mulling over your feelings for Cal confuses you more, he has given into your every desire and been fair considering his position in the galaxy. However, he did also seduce you in a moment of weakness. You haven’t exactly been in your right mind since Theo broke up with you.
You try to sift through who you are now versus who you were just a few days ago, but it’s hard to remember that person. Several days now feels like several years and you huff before falling backwards on the bed, staring at the texture on the ceiling.
Trying to think back to the woman you were when you first began piloting, before meeting Theo. She was determined but afraid; the determination won out. That woman wasn’t looking for safety in a man, just safety and peace for others. She wanted to do anything and everything possible to fight back against the Empire. You feel you hardly know that person.
Here you are, waiting for an Inquisitor to return to you; worrying for his safety while you spend his money. It’s almost pathetic, you hate yourself for succumbing to temptation. You can’t imagine how your old self would react to seeing what has become of you. There is a deep sense of shame in the decision.
Then another thought hits you, you didn’t agree to stay with just any Inquisitor; you stayed with Cal. He didn’t choose this life, and he is doing what he can to fulfill his duty while protecting who he can. There was even the implication that if the Empire should fall, he would abandon it for you. He isn’t evil; he is just as terrified of the power of the Empire as anyone.
You wonder if staying with Cal won’t do more good in the grand scheme of things. Had you left, Cal would fight back in the off chance the Rebellion attacks and wins. He would cause more loss of life in a last battle.
By staying, you ensure that if the future plays out how you hope it will, that one Inquisitor will leave and take no additional lives.
But if that day never comes, then your choice to stay only makes you compliant with everything you have fought against. There is no obvious answer on what makes sense, perhaps you’ll never know what choice is correct.
You sigh out a breath, so overwhelmed by all the conflicting thoughts in your head. There is half the day left and you are becoming hungry, so you sit up, shaking the conflict from your mind. You go into the bathroom to confirm your appearance is the way you want. Tugging awkwardly at the revealing dress, it doesn’t bother you when Cal is around, but the thought of others seeing so much of your skin makes you uncomfortable.
You finally give up your plight to be more modest and open the front door. You quickly lock up before heading down the stairs and out into the bright day. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the invasive light, but once they do you look for a place to get some food.
There is a small food cart, and you grab something small and portable from the vendor. While you would love to have a full meal, you are also eager to visit the various shops. You eat the snack as you window shop, taken with all the stores in this area. The market is bustling and people seem less weary of you now that you are by yourself. You still receive many glances, likely because of your clothing, but there isn’t an innate fear of your presence.
A small bookshop sits at the corner of one street and you find yourself drawn inside. You feel at peace the moment you enter. It is quiet; the shelves crowded with novels. It is a perfect place to spend the afternoon. You wander through the aisles in no particular order, simply enjoying the peaceful environment. A beautiful book catches your eye and you pull it from the shelves to study the description. Finding a seat in the window to read the first chapter to help you make your decision.
You spend most of the afternoon in a fantastical bliss, going to and from the shelves with a new book in hand. Every time reading the first chapter before returning the book to its home and finding a new one. There was never much time for reading since losing your family. There was always work to be done in the Rebellion and you loved the work. But without direction, you want to find something new to keep your mind busy.
You find yourself lost in the first chapter of an interesting novel when you feel a tap on the shoulder. A small Gree woman is standing over you, clearly the owner of this establishment.
“Struggling to decide?” She asks in common tongue.
You look up at her, settling the book in your lap. “I’m afraid so, there are so many interesting stories and it may be awhile before I can buy another book. I don’t want to make the wrong choice.”
She nods thoughtfully, “That is the trouble with books, you may never return to the story you once loved.”
You frown, “I wish I didn’t have to choose.”
She studies you for a moment, “I may have what you need.”
You tilt your head at her in curiosity. “What do you mean?”
She takes the book from your lap and places it back in its home on the shelf. Then she takes your large hands in her small soft ones and pulls you to follow. You stand and follow without further question but wonder if you should be more resistant to following strangers. Cal said take no risks, but you don’t feel this woman is a threat.
She leads you to the back of the shop towards a rickety old door. You momentarily worry you shouldn’t follow her further, but you want to know what she has in mind. The tiny woman opens the door and pulls you into a room with a workbench and many electronic parts lining the walls.
“I have been working on something.” She says excitedly. “A new way to read, it will access all books available on local databases. The more you travel the more books you can find. You do travel often?” She asks, glancing at your heavy cloak.
“I do.” You say, looking back at her with equal excitement. “Your invention, it sounds amazing!”
She smiles wide at your enthusiasm. “It is, I made it after all. This is a prototype, I will sell it to you at a discounted price. You can test it out for me, send word if you like it or if it needs improvements.”
She hands you a thin book sized datapad. You examine it carefully and press the button to bring the device to life. A huge smile overtakes your face as you learn how the device works. The Gree woman helps teach you the nuances of the datapad. You are both beaming at one another, excited to have someone else match the thrill of a device to read endless books on.
After about an hour of learning how the device operates, you agree on a price. The cost is most of your spending money, but not all. If it works well, you will have endless entertainment when waiting for Cal while he works. The woman introduces herself as Kaahlii and provides you with a way to contact her through the datapad. You introduce yourself and she walks you back into the main store front to collect payment.
“Thank you Kaahlii, I am so grateful for your kindness and am very excited to use your invention.” You say as you hand over the credits.
You quickly realize that you have no way to store the device on your person and Kaahlii notices your strife. “No storage? No problem.”
She heads to a distant corner of the store and brings a black leather satchel large enough to fit your new device. You smile at her and agree on another price for the bag. Just as you are about to shake on the deal you see a package of folding papers for sale on the corner of the front desk.
“I’ll give you the rest of my credits for the bag and the folding papers.” You negotiate. She thinks for a moment then holds out her hand, you eagerly shake it with a smile and pass over your remaining spending credits. She opens the bag and places your datapad inside. Then she walks towards the folding papers counting up how many she has available, even looking under the desk to see if there are any additional.
You watch a bit confused. You had only wanted one package and aren’t sure why she is counting her inventory. She takes the entire stack and fills the remaining space in your bag with all the folding paper she can fit. You furrow your eyebrows but a grin is stuck on your face.
“For trying out my invention.” She says simply.
“You are too kind.” You say back as you pick up the satchel and wrap the strap across your body, ensuring to cover it with your cloak.
She gives you an approving nod and grasps your hands in hers once more. “I want a response when you have used it for enough time, an honest opinion on my work.”
“I will be in touch.” You say and squeeze her hands gently before turning to exit the store.
You are on cloud nine with the lovely afternoon you had in Kaahlii’s shop. There is a bit of shame in spending all your money so quickly, but you feel it was a wonderful investment, like it was always going to happen this way.
The small snack from earlier has worn off and you realize how hungry you are. You find a nearby eatery and order some food before taking a seat alone at a table in the corner. While you eat you eagerly pull out your reading datapad and power it up, searching for all books that you can get in the area. You spend lots of time adding as much as you can to the device, excited to have such easy access to so many lovely books.
“What are you doing here?” A familiar voice sounds to your left, standing at the edge of your table.
You look up, recognition setting in. “Theo?”
He stares at you in confusion before sliding into the seat opposite you. You look around nervously, fearful that Cal may show up suddenly; afraid of what would have to happen if the two saw one another.
Despite the fear, your heart leaps seeing him again. He is as attractive as ever, his messy dark hair falling into his kind gray eyes. They draw you in, reminding you of your relationship together, making you feel special. His looks are enough to make you feel heat between your legs, but you try to ignore it. Theo doesn’t want you, he made that very clear, lusting after him will only cause more trouble.
“Why are you here?” Theo says, his eyes show how concerned he is. “No one has seen you, I thought you went back to Yavin 4, but I contacted the base to ensure you got there safely and there was no word of your arrival.”
The thought of him still feeling concern for your safety warms you slightly. You want so badly for him to take you in his arms and tell you he still loves you. You realize you haven’t answered his question when he speaks again.
“What are you wearing?” He seems a bit horrified at your dress. Though you don’t miss his eyes traveling along the bare skin between your breasts. There is a whisper of lust in his eyes, his pupils dilate, but he seems to resist.
“Theo, I, it’s a long story. I had some things come up, I haven’t been able to rejoin the Rebellion. I’m not sure I ever will.” You try to explain, but you know it won’t be enough, he is going to push for more information.
“Why? I know how much fighting back means to you. Is this about…our conversation from the other morning?” He asks, looking ashamed.
“I suppose it started there.” You try to keep your tone even and not give away the hurt you feel. Unfortunately, your eyes don’t care and tears swell in your eyes.
“I didn’t want to hurt you, I never thought that you would leave the cause because of me.” He tries to explain hastily.
“You broke my heart.” You say slowly, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“I didn’t want it to be this way, I just realized after…that night…that I was falling away from the Jedi Code. There is danger in straying, it could lead me to the Dark Side.” He says quietly, trying to ensure that no one else hears the words he is speaking.
You scoff, “I don’t think that loving me will cause that.” You think about how silly this all sounds since being with Cal. He fell to the Dark Side, and it feels like loving you is pulling him away from it.
Theo frowns, the expression pulls at your heartstrings. Arguing with him won’t change his mind, and you don’t want to have this interaction be on bad terms. You don’t want to see him hurt.
“You don’t understand the training that I received. They forbid attachments.” He tries to reason.
“I don’t understand. You allowed us to date, but you waited until the worst possible moment to break things off. It made me feel insecure, and used.” You say to him pointedly.
He sits quietly, thinking over your words. “I am so sorry for hurting you in that way. I care for you so dearly and I was wrong to not end things before allowing it to go so far.” He says with genuine remorse.
His gray eyes pierce yours, different that Cal’s. Theo’s are soft and caring, he sees so easily into you and you feel calm and safe in his presence. It feels impossible to hold a grudge and you sigh in exasperation.
“I know, it just still hurts.” You mumble.
There is a beat of silence that washes over you both. You are trying to soothe your pain. Theo observes you, wishing he could help.
“What brought you here?” Theo asks, attempting to change the subject.
You feel so torn; you want to tell him the truth, the man whom you have trusted for the past couple years should know. It feels wrong to hide anything from him. But Theo is no longer your boyfriend, and telling him anything would only endanger him.
“I can’t tell you.” You whisper.
Theo sighs, wishing to get more information, he is clearly worried for your safety.
“How long are you staying?” He tries.
“Five days including today.” You answer honestly, there is nothing wrong with providing this information and you feel grateful to speak some truth to him.
You so desperately want to ask for information on the Rebellion, to learn who is still working to fight back against the Empire. To know if any major breakthroughs have come about in the few days that you have been away. But you know better, any information you learn will quench your need for knowledge, but it will put others in danger.
“Is your reason for being here to help the fight?” Theo asks, looking with desperation in his eyes.
You are technically here because you are helping the fight, you just can’t fight anymore. “Something like that.” You say slowly.
Theo nods, “You need to be careful, there is an Inquisitor in the area, I saw one of their ships. I am unsure which one but I do not want you to be in danger.”
He looks at you, waiting for a reaction, knowing how much you fear their kind, especially after what happened to your family. Theo seems more concerned when you don’t react.
“Are you okay? Did you already know?” He implores.
“I was aware.” You say, “You need to leave, the Inquisitors will quickly sniff you out.”
He gives you a charming smile, showing off his white teeth. “I do not fear the Inquisitors, I heard that the one here works alone. Also, I can’t leave now that I know you are here. I need to know you are safe.”
You tremble, realizing that Cal will hunt Theo down if he does not leave you alone. “Please, Theo, you need to leave, I am okay on my own. I’m stronger than I once was.” You feel you are begging.
Theo only shakes his head, “I have to go, I have work to do, but I’ll be around. Please stay safe.”
You watch as Theo stands and heads for the door before disappearing into the early evening crowds. Taking some calming breaths you finish your remaining meal and pack up your things. The sun is setting and you need to get back to the room.
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Next Chapter: The Way He Returns to You
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hello, host of the system that sent that first ask about not being sure about how normal is it to find out you're plural in your early 20s, joined by 3 alters; we've come to seek some advice/positivity/comfort/kindness in times of great stress. we recently came out to a friend who also is a system, but things didn't go well at all and they have cut us all off, not without being furious, unwelcoming and in disbelief beforehand. not going into details about the things that were said (and some of their anger was justified, for we didn't make ourselves known sooner out of fear of, unsurprisingly, this kind of outcome) but it has affected us greatly; i (the host) have been not entirely lucid and our co-host (the eldest alter and the only one who can understand the elusive trauma holder in our system) is nowhere to be seen; they have never been absent like this before, and we're afraid that the rage/disgust that was directed towards us has made them go dormant, because last time someone in our system went dormant (long before i was aware of these guys), they came out with no recollection of their first time here; only their exomemories remained. we're hurting badly, and scared that there is no place for us in the world, that the suffering/trauma i as a host have been through is not enough and that we're not safe at all for they could very well find this ask (although it's highly unlikely because they have gripes with plural spaces).
we apologize if it got wordy, we just want to feel safe after all this.
-🌙 (reviewed by 🐻, 🌀 and ❄)
hey, gosh, we are so incredibly sorry y’all had to go through something like this. it seems like y’all have a lot on your plate right now, and being rejected and cut off by a friend (and fellow system, no less!) must be incredibly painful. we truly are so sorry y’all are having to go through something like this.
we’d like to share with y’all a post we made fairly recently on dormancy, with a focus on coping with the temporary loss of a headmate.
your co-host likely will not be gone forever, but it makes sense to feel lost, confused, and hurt by their absence. we hope that y’all can try to have patience, grieve in whatever ways make you feel most comfortable, and try to just sit with your emotions for a while. it’s okay to feel sad. it’s okay to feel angry. there are no wrong emotions, and it makes sense to feel hurt and overwhelmed when a headmate goes dormant like this.
about your friend…
please know that you did nothing wrong by trying to come out to your friend about your system. in addition, you keeping your system from them for so long does not in any way justify their response to their anger. it can be incredibly dangerous and terrifying revealing your system to someone else, and that is private information that you do not owe anyone. as a system themself, they should understand this. but even if they don’t, that doesn’t make it less true. it is okay to keep your system a secret for as long as you need to in order to keep your system safe and comfortable. again, you do not owe anyone this information about yourself. your friend becoming angry due to you keeping your system hidden from them is fine - there are no bad emotions and we can’t control what feelings we have in the moment. what is not justifiable at all, in our opinion, was how they reacted by cutting y’all off and directing their rage and disgust towards y’all. in fact, choosing to react in that way to us seems hateful and unkind, and they obviously have some work they need to do in order to become a better person/system.
about your feelings regarding your trauma and place in this world…
please know that you belong in this world and in the plural community as you are - no changes necessary. you are so loved, and you absolutely belong here, no doubt about it. not everyone is going to be willing to accept you or your system for who y’all are, and ultimately, that’s on them for being closed-minded and unwilling to listen and understand. we truly hope that soon you will find your people, that soon you will find yourself surrounded by folks who love each and every member of your system and are happy to accept y’all for who y’all are. we mean this with every ounce of our strength.
many traumatized individuals worry that their trauma “wasn’t bad enough” or that “someone else has had it worse.” in disorders like did and osdd, the important factor that causes these disorders to form is repeated trauma in childhood that causes the child to dissociate regularly as a result. that’s it. there’s no set of traumas that are “bad enough” for these disorders to form. if a child regularly has to dissociate to cope, if they’re not receiving adequate support from a caregiver, if they’re having to rely on themselves for emotional processing… chances are, they may end up with a dissociative disorder. even something as minor as being given a brief time out can cause a child to dissociate if they’re already prone to dissociation and cannot reliably rely on their caregivers for support. so, please trust us when we say, yes, your trauma was enough. it was enough, and you never, ever should have had to suffer the way you did. even if you think it was minor… we don’t agree. no child should be traumatized. for a child with little to no support, there is no such thing as “minor trauma.” every trauma may seem huge and have a major impact on their lives, especially if they have to deal with the aftermath alone.
anon, we are wishing your whole system peace, rest, recovery, and self acceptance. please know that you’re not alone, and you are loved just the way you are. we will never doubt your system here, and you will always be welcome here on our blog and in the plural community as a whole. in fact, the plural community is made brighter and more vibrant due to your presence in it. your friend is really missing out by choosing to let go of your friendship due to your choice to be honest and vulnerable.
we hope this helps, even if it’s just a little bit. we’re sorry this got so long-winded. please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if there’s anything we can do to help y’all in the future. please take care of each other - we really are wishing y’all the best!
🐢 kip and 💫 parker
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thatndginger · 22 days
OC Deep Dive Tag
thank you very much @pandoras-comment-box for the tag (their answers for the fantastic Cal and Finder here!)
Rules: answer the following questions for your OCs!
I used a random die roll to pick which character got to answer these, and apparently the universe really likes Warrick right now, because he's the winner~
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? 
Warrick is scared of heights, and also of outer space. His reasoning for that last one is that it is a near-perfect vacuum devoid of anything except for bullshit fake-but-actually-not stuff called ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’. Of course he should be scared! Also: aliens.
Do they have any pet peeves? 
For someone who doesn’t really care about germs, he really hates it when people don’t wash their hands before putting them anywhere near their mouths. Or any orifice, really.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? 
A duffel bag full of spraypaint cans. A poster for the “4th international motorcycle speed event” of 1964. A white, sheer silk shirt with a floral pattern.
What do they notice first in a person? 
Confidence, or lack thereof.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 
For minor injuries 3/10. For major injuries 8/10. He’ll whine to hell and back about a stubbed toe, but will try to play off a dislocated joint like it’s no big deal.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? 
Usually flight, unless he’s been backed into a corner.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? 
Yes, because Warrick considers the Pack to be his family. There are roughly 20-30 people who consider themselves Pack (the numbers fluctuate some as people come and go) which is a big family. And while he’s kind of flighty and forgetful Warrick’s end goal is to make sure they’re safe.
What animal represents them best?
…. Well, he is a werecougar. But if I had to pick another animal, it’d be a labrador retriever: friendly, loyal, sometimes kind of dumb, and 10th most dangerous dog breed in the US statistically.
What is a smell that they dislike? 
Have they broken any bones? 
Yup. He’s broken a couple toes and fingers, and once one of the bones in his tail while in cougar form.
How would a stranger likely describe them? 
Cute in a gangly goofball way, flamboyant, fantastic hair, a little spacey.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? 
Night Owl 100%. His preferred schedule is staying awake until 5am and sleeping until 2pm. Or later.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? 
Hate - sweet potato. Love - Fenugreek
Do they have any hobbies? 
Graffiti art, urban exploring, fleecing unsuspecting fools in games of pool.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? 
After he manages to restart his heart, Warrick is so fucking jazzed. People want to celebrate him? And they went to the trouble of planning a surprise party? This is the best thing to ever happen to him. Will try to pretend that this doesn’t make him want to cry happy tears, but is going to hug every single person in the room at least once and will be smiling like a loon the entire time.
Do they like to wear jewelry? 
Oh my god, yes. In addition to being a fashion disaster when it comes to clothes, Warrick loves accessorizing. He’s got a couple ear piercings and an eyebrow piercing that he’ll change out regularly, and always has some assortment of rings, bracelets, and necklaces. He doesn’t stick to one material either, so it’ll be a mix of gold, silver, leather, shell, or whatever else he’s found. It shouldn’t look good but somehow usually does.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? 
Messy. So messy. Which is hilarious considering his graffiti writing is usually very neat and stylized. But give him a pen and it devolves to chicken scratch.
What are the two emotions they feel the most? 
Excitement and boredom.
Do they have a favorite fabric? 
Silk. Followed closely by linen. He’s a fan of natural fibers.
What kind of accent do they have?
A generic American accent with a bit of that northwestern accent (saying egg like “aygg”, caught as “cot”, pawned as “pond”)
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I shall gently tag @sliceoflifeshepard @aritany @half-hell @a-crystallen-author if y'all would like to rant about an oc or two!
Here is a handy list of the questions to make it easy for you:
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry? Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric? What kind of accent do they have?
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