#ts sides headcanon
muppetable · 2 years
brain freeze headcanons
-logan is pretending not to care about how cold he is just because he’s used to repressing it
-roman takes this as an opportunity to sing freeze your brain from heathers
-remus joins in singing
-virgil goes and puts his old hoodie over his normal hoodie
-janus is literally dying because as a snake he’s cold blooded
-patton is wearing his cat hoodie instead of tying it around his neck, and he gave his cardigan to janus.
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part-time-zombie · 3 months
Headcanon that remus likes to take some idioms very literally, as in he'll physically manifest symptoms of them as a joke.
He's daydreaming and all of a sudden his head is surrounded by clouds. Patton freaks out thinking his head is on fire, until remus tunes back in and they disappear. (Head in the clouds)
Someone gives him a compliment or shows him genuine kindness and he immediately throws up a bunch of butterflies. Logan shrugs it off as him just eating things he's not supposed to again, and remus doesn't try to correct him. (Butterflies in your stomach)
This idea just came to me and ngl I kinda love it
(if you have any other metaphors/idioms please add them to this, I'd love to see how much other stuff he could do)
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randomnerd737 · 1 month
so imagine Logan says that Remus can't annoy him and Remus is like "is that a challenge?" and Logan decides that yeah actually it is a challenge so then Remus starts randomly talking to Logan and hanging out with him and trying to be annoying but Logan actually enjoys spending time with him and then they become friends
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Y’all ever think about how he’s ambidextrous?
Do y’all ever wonder if Remus is too?
If Roman controls Thomas’ left arm, does Remus also have that control?
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blackoutbugza · 4 months
patton gets really strong emotional outbursts because he’s the embodiment of morality/emotions, right?
roman gets these extremely strong creative ideas because he’s the embodiment of pride and creativity, right?
virgil gets really bad anxiety attacks and tempest tongue because he’s the embodiment of anxiety, right?
aight so who’s giving remus a hug
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loganslowdown4 · 11 months
Logan: I’m going to get some take out, do you want something to eat?
Roman: *having a bad day* No, I’m good.
Logan: *eating his sandwich while working*
Roman: Um… could I have some of your fries?
Logan: *pulls out a whole bag with a sandwich, fries and cookie from his desk drawer, bought just for Roman* Yes, of course.
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 7 months
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I would like to suggest aromantic Patton
He doesn’t know what Thomas meant when he said “I just felt something for someone else that I had never felt before” in Moving On pt 2, and during the Five Years Later video, he didn’t seem very enthusiastic about Nico
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I propose that while Patton deals with a lot of the feelings, he doesn’t necessarily enjoy or understand them
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we-all-horny-here · 4 months
As far as Roman's assigned animal goes, I've already dedicated my heart to peacock, he'll always be a peacock to me
That being said, if I were to make a winged au totally unrelated to my previous headcanons, Roman with dove wings and Remus with pigeon ones, animals who are essentially one and the same One held up as holy, while the other disregarded as dirty and unkept
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shsl-fander · 27 days
So I had the idea of Virgil dying his hair red (for roman) but when roman asks hes like "PFFT WHAT NO its for gerard way get over yourself princey...."
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confusedasever · 8 months
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Sander sides has once again taken a hold of my brain
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prodigal-explorer · 11 months
RESULTS!!! sanders sides controversial opinions poll
alright guys this is what you were waiting for! i am so grateful that this little poll i made ended up getting over 630 responses? that's insane! thank you all so much for helping me with this project, i loved researching this fandom that i love so much! without further ado, here are the results!!
(also for the interesting opinions, i don't agree with all of them, they're just opinions that i thought brought up something cool that i hadn't considered before!)
the canva link in case the photos aren't working: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFxdNIQW6s/XXMtxyz_icwgEp2cdgGBLQ/edit?utm_content=DAFxdNIQW6s&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
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part two is being reblogged below!! and i am in the process of tagging people who said they wanted to be.
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muppetable · 2 years
some janus headcanons
-hes cold blooded, and hates winter because hes always so freaking cold.
-janus does in fact have a ponytail but he keeps it under his hat because roman made fun of him for it when thomas was a kid. he likes it, he just doesn’t know if roman is gonna continue being annoying about it.
-his scales encompass the entire left side of his body. because of being cold blooded, he would wear just one glove over his scaly hand but it looks stupid in his opinion so he has to wear two anyway.
-every time thomas tells a lie, he gains another patch of scales. it’s only like five or six scales at a time, and it doesn’t include acting off of scripts, but his scales do in fact multiply with each lie.
-he has a forked tongue and, while he doesn’t have fangs, he has sharp canines. all the dark sides do. his are actually the dullest, remus has the sharpest ones.
-LOVES time travel and steampunk vibes. if it’s shiny, copper, and he can wear it, he WILL.
-would wear green, but he and remus rock-paper-scissored for who would wear green, and remus won. he probably cheated.
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part-time-zombie · 2 months
Remus and Patton should be best friends actually:
Both of them are shown to eat things which are, well, inedible,
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They're both very willing to strip on (misinterpreted) request,
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And Patton is a certified chaos-bringer and potentially an arsonist.
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Tbh think it's in everyone's best interest that they don't team up, because if they do the apartment will burn down in two minutes.
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randomnerd737 · 2 months
Remus who refuses to be understood by science x Logan who wants to study him like a bug
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arya-skywalker · 9 months
First off, the new sanders sides was amazing and fun and I loved it!
Second, I have a new headcanon: Remus does needle-felting.
Mr Fuzzy looks like it could have been at least partially made through that, and Remus would absolutely love an art form that involves repeatedly stabbing something with barbed needles.
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anartistinahat · 5 months
When you think about it
Logan would be a crow not an owl if we are going to give logan am animal/bird
Owls are not any smater than any other bird but crows are one of the smartest animals, possibly the clossests to human intellegence too
Crows are great at using the tools and make their own tools, REMEMBER THE SECOND VIDEO ABOUT DEALING WITH INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS WHERE THOMAS USED A FEW TOOLS(music, coloring book and puzzles) TO HELP THOMAS
Crows are great decision makers, great communicators, have amazing reasoning skills, they can make rule guided decisions
So what im saying is pleasepleasepleaseplease someone draw logan as crow or with crow motifs thatd be so cool omfg like im just saying it's be so awsome it would be so cool it would be the most incredible fanart of logan the world has ever seen (i will most likely end up making it myself BUT IM STILL THROWING IT OUT THERE)
(someone probably already talked or brought this idea up but i just had to get this off my chest alr?? Ppl probably stopped making him a owl too i think BUT STILL HUSH IT-)
So basically
Janus is a snake
Remus is a octupus
Patton is a frog
Virgil is a spider
Logan is definitly a crow
What is roman? (Idk if ppl gave roman any animal motifs yet so pls tell me any you guys think would work for roman)
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