#tsukishima kei one shot
saffronwritings · 1 year
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Tananka’s Awful Brownies
A Tsukishima College AU Oneshot
A/N: I wrote this one a while ago and wanted to break up between what I post next, hopefully something soon, this writers block got me feeling a sorta way. Everyone is aged up and there is mentioning of injesting thc. So warning? idk how it works lol. Enjoy~
“Tsuki, you should come to Tanaka’s party with Yamaguchi and I.” You said to your best friend who was laying down on your bed, reading one of his books. You were getting ready for the party by curling your hair just how you liked. It was rare for you to get dolled up but you were feeling yourself tonight. “I’ll pass.” He muttered without missing a beat. A groan left your lips, but you should have known better. Getting Tsukishima to agree to go to a party with you was like pulling teeth. “When was the last time you actually went out and had fun?” You shot at him while glaring at him through your vanity mirror. However, he didn’t notice because he hadn’t broken his concentration on the pages of the book he was holding. “I don’t need to go out to have fun, Y/N.” He answered in a matter of factly tone of voice. 
You let out a huff of frustration and just continued to finish curling your hair for the party. You and Tsukishima’s friendship was natural and normal. While you two had the same sense of humor and tended to mock one another, you felt very comfortable around each other. Enough so that you could do mundane tasks with the other just vibing and doing their own thing. Most of the time, it would be a surprise if either of you were found without the other. Practically attached at the hips and the world's most dynamic duo. You both had brash personalities and honestly is what keeps the two of you as friends. There was never any sugar coating and was purely honest, even when the honesty was brutal. 
“Fine, be a loser and don’t go. However, you can’t stay at my place.” You mentioned as you went to get up to find clothes to change into. “Why not?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. It wouldn’t be the first time he stayed in the vacancy of your apartment. There were plenty of times where he would just sit in your room or living room waiting for you to get back from your college classes. It got to the point where you had even offered for him to move in with you, however, he refused every time. So to continue avoiding his annoying, I waited forever for you to get back’s, you had just made him a spare key.
He never overstepped his boundaries and even was courteous to let you know most of the times that he was either on his way over, or was waiting for you after class. “I don’t want to come home and you make fun of me if I come back drunk.” You countered from your closet, sifting through your different clothes. “I would do that regardless if I was here or not.” He countered and you could almost hear the coy smirk that was forming on his lips. You ignored his comment and finally made a decision on your outfit. Grabbing things off hangers, you made your way over to the bathroom in your room. “Whatever, Kei. If I come home and you make fun of me, I’ll just lay on you.” You sighed out of annoyance. 
“Oh no. Whatever will I do.” He dramatically said, making you roll your eyes. You had finished putting the finishing touches to your makeup and hair before stepping out into view. “Without being the biggest asshole in the world, how do I look?” You asked but didn’t hold out hope for him to not respond sarcastically. “But how will I retain my title if I don-” He started to say while sitting up but when he caught a glimpse of you he stopped his sentence all together. 
Your hair was actually styled cutely to frame your face, your makeup was natural but enough to highlight all your best features. You were wearing a cute black and white plaid patterned mini skirt that hugged your hips well. You were wearing a basic tshirt that had the words “Self-love” laid across the front, but you had it tucked into your skirt to really highlight your frame. Not only that, but you were wearing your favorite black platform boots that made you just a few inches taller. This was the first time in a while that Tsukishima had seen you this dolled up. He was left breathless at how effortlessly stunning you looked. 
“Hello? Earth to Tsuki?” You said in an annoyed tone, waiting for your best friend to say something. He shook his head from his intrusive thoughts and laid back down. “You look fine.” He said, trying to focus back on his book. “Just fine? Ugh, you suck, Kei.” You groaned before going over to your vanity to grab your phone. “Yamaguchi is here to pick me up, stay if you want, but like I said, if I come home drunk expect me to just flop on you.” You stated while grabbing your bag. “Wait, Yamaguchi is already here?” Tsukishima asked, getting up suddenly from your bed.
“Yeah? I told you he was on the way before I started to do my hair. I barely had enough time to get ready.” You explained, ignoring the fact he was moving across your room. “Well, it’d be a shame for us to keep him waiting.” He said, grabbing his jacket from your desk chair. You stopped dead in your tracks and looked up at your best friend. “Wait, you’re coming?” You asked dumbfounded, almost getting too excited. “Someone has to look after your dumb drunk ass. Yamaguchi is going to get distracted and god forbid something happened to you. I can’t have that on my conscience.” He explained, yawning in the process. 
You weren’t going to fight him on the topic, instead, you quickly gathered your things, grabbed his arm and headed out of your apartment. Yamaguchi was almost just as excited to see Tsukishima trailing after you from your apartment complex. “Tsuki, are you coming?” Yamaguchi asked after rolling down the window. “Only to keep Y/N out of trouble.” He griped, rolling his eyes. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he refused to let you leave the apartment looking that good and having any of the guys at this college party get any ideas. He knew Tanaka wasn’t the bad type of guy, but he didn’t trust others. 
The two of you got into the back of Yamaguchi’s car and rode in silence to Tanaka’s house party. He rented out the place with Nishinoya, Yamamoto, and a few other volleyball students. Which led him to throwing regular parties that you attended frequently. Yamaguchi finally agreed to go with you, and now you were having your best friend attend the party with you. As Yamaguchi pulled the car up to the house you could hear the music blaring from the road. “Great. This is going to be such a headache.” Tsuki grumbled, but you were still smiling ear to ear. 
You all got out of the car and headed up to the house. When you entered you were immediately met with loud music and the smell of alcohol lingering in the air. Tsukishima scrunched his nose at both. “Loosen up a bit, Tsuki.” You yelled and made your way through the crowd. “Y/N-san! You made it!” Tanaka shouted from the DJ Table. He walked over and enveloped you in a hug. “Wouldn’t miss it Tanaka!” You yelled back over the loud music, returning the hug. You broke from the hug to look at an annoyed Tsuki who had been trailing behind you. “No fucking way, you got Shittyshima to finally come along?” Teased the upperclassman but had a wide smile on his face.
Tsukishima had only frowned at his statement. “Only to watch after my two dumb friends.” He replied in his usual monotone voice. You rolled your eyes at his attitude. If he was going to be such a sour puss what was the point of him coming? Was he going to be a stick in the mud the entire time you were here? Tanaka had wrapped an arm around Tsuki’s shoulder and directed him over to the kitchen. “Here, let me get you a beer man.” Tanaka stated, his voice not as loud in the kitchen where the music wasn’t as loud. “No thanks. I’m not here to drink.” He responded just as quickly as the words left Tanaka’s lips. 
“Don’t be such a Debbie downer, Tsukishima. One beer isn’t going to kill you, if you drink it you drink it, if you don’t you don’t.” Tanaka shrugged, handing him a bottled beer before disappearing back into the crowd of people. Tsukishima had already lost your small self in the crowd of people. A sigh left his lips as he looked down at the beverage that Tanaka was insistent on him drinking. “So stupid.” He muttered before putting it down on the counter. It was littered with different snacks and drinks. However, his eye caught the tray of brownies that was laid by the chips. It was barely touched, but his sweet-tooth got the better of him and he helped himself to one of them. 
He slowly munched on the large piece and made a face after swallowing it. It left a strange after taste in his mouth and looked at another one to see if they were burnt on the bottom. However, he noted that if it was burnt the bottom would have been crunchy. These were soft and moist, so there was no chance that they were burnt. Maybe his taste buds were off, so he ate the one he had picked up to check if it was burnt. Still, the brownie had a strange taste to it. He almost wished he had drank the beer instead of eating the gross brownies. Tanaka had come back into the kitchen to grab a plate full of different snacks. “Who brought the brownies to the party?” Tsuki had asked with a disdainful look in his eyes. 
“I made them, why?” Tanaka questioned with a raised eyebrow. Tanaka looked at the two different plates of brownies. “They taste awful.” Tsukishima said, grabbing a bottle of water before exiting the kitchen to find you. The music was almost louder going back out into the crowd. He had recognized the song playing, only because you had played it multiple times while studying. Tsuki’s eyes scanned the room in attempts to find you and low and behold there you were dancing to one of your favorite songs. You were dancing with a few of your female classmates, and you already looked like you had a few drinks. Your face was flushed not just from the alcohol but from dancing.
He made his way over to you and admired the way you seemed to not care that you were dancing your little heart out. However, before you could catch a glimpse of him, he dodged his way over to a wall to lean against. He chugged a bit of his water to hopefully get the taste of Tanaka’s awful brownies out of his mouth. His face still was scrunched in disgust with the lingering aftertaste. You had finally turned in the direction of which he was standing and you smiled his way. His heart warmed at your action, but he instead raised an eyebrow towards you. You motioned your hand for him to come join you on the dance floor. He crossed his arms into an X and you frowned at him momentarily before shrugging and going back to your dancing. You were still blurting the lyrics out while dancing.  “Am I falling in love with the one that could break my heart? Oh no, I was doin' better alone, but when you said, "Hello'' I know that was the end of it all. I should've stayed at home 'cause now there ain't no letting you go. Am I falling in love with the one that could break my heart?” You sang the final lyrics, almost looking at Tsuki the entire time. 
With a playful smile, you rushed over to the tall boy once the song was over. “Are you having fun?” You shouted over the music. He winced from your obliviousness to sound levels at the moment. “Tanaka made some nasty tasting brownies. Who lets him cook?” He asked you, since you were more frequent to these parties. You quirked your own eyebrow up at his question, not sure what he was talking about. “Forget it.” He said, rolling his eyes. “You’re just picky with your sweets.” You mocked him while rolling your eyes. He was about to retaliate your teasing but when another song started, a squeal left your lips and you rushed back out into the crowd of dancing college students. A small smile quipped up on his lips as he saw you get so excited about the song currently playing. 
He felt like he had been watching you dance forever. The song felt like it was playing on repeat and it was never going to end. Baby don't worry, you are my only. You won't be lonely, even if the sky is falling down. You'll be my only, no need to worry. Baby are you down, down, down, down, down? The song had kept repeating over and over. You were swaying your hips and dancing very in sync with the longest song he had ever heard. Maybe it was an extended version due to the party setting? What a silly tactic for musicians. Tsuki thought to himself. He looked away from you for a split second only to come back to seeing Nishinoya now dancing with you.
A frown had formed on his face to see Nishinoya getting up close to you like that. You weren’t doing anything in attempts to get the short skunk haired boy away from you. You were giggling and dancing stupidly to match Nishinoya’s silliness. You had always found Nishinoya amusing, especially since he hit on almost every girl in his class regardless of how many times he got shot down. He was an immaculate dancer and you had fun dancing with him whenever you came to these parties. When he swayed left, you had swayed right and vice versa, and you kept doing it to the beat of the song. It was a silly little thing you had going on. He had taken your hand and spun you around playfully making another giggle escape your lips.
You had only downed one of your solo cups and you were just floating happily. Even though you kind of felt bad that Tsukishima was seemingly bored out of his mind. He had just been leaning against a nearby wall, watching you and Yamaguchi having fun dancing. Nishinoya finished dancing out the song with you, giving you a wide smile before dancing off to a different girl. You rolled your eyes at his child-like antics and continued to groove to the songs that were playing. Once you felt like your heart was going to explode, you had stepped off the dance floor to see how your grump of a best friend was doing. 
“Yo, Tsukishima, Y/N, wanna step outside and sit for a minute with us?” Tanaka offered. before you could say anything to your best friend. You had noticed Yamamoto was behind him. You looked to Tsuki for a coy response but he only shook his head. You grabbed his hand as if you were afraid he would bail on you, leaving you to deal with Tanaka’s bad humor alone. Tsukishima had leaned down to you while the two of you were walking to the back porch and had asked, “Didn’t it feel like those songs were playing forever?”. You looked back at him with a weird look and shook your head no, making him frown. 
You followed Tanaka and Yamamoto out the sliding back door onto the furnished patio. You had plopped yourself onto the cushioned two seater and patted the seat next to you for Tsuki to sit next to you. He ignored you and just leaned up against the house near the sliding door. You huffed and pouted to your best friend before turning back to Tanaka. You figured he was annoyed with you for dragging him to this party that he was having no fun at. Tanaka and Yamamoto were talking back and forth about the new female manager for the volleyball team. You had nothing to contribute to the conversation but you were just glad to get outside into the cooler air. 
There were a few people lingering in the backyard, probably to also escape the heat of the over-populated house. Some of them were in the inground pool that was below the patio deck. The music still reached out here so you could still hear the songs coursing through the party. You were honestly surprised that the boys didn’t have connected speakers outside, but at the same time you were glad they didn’t. You were able to relax for a moment without having to worry about shouting over not only over all those people, but the music as well. 
You happily listened to the two boys gush about their crush on the new manager for a few minutes. Every now and then, you’d glance up at the spaced out Tsukishima and shoot him a smile. He’d return it with a small one before returning back to his spaced out state. You were about to get up and go talk to him, before the sliding door quickly flew open and Nishinoya was running at full speed with a boogie board in hand before jumping onto it to slide down the steps. He was doing great before he face planted at the bottom into the grass. Tanaka was laughing his ass off and you asked him if he was okay. Nishinoya had only given a thumbs up before jumping back up and undressing down to his boxers and jumping into the pool. A few other boys had followed Nishinoya in suit - disturbing those who were just lounging in the pool.  
You hadn’t even noticed Tsukishima stalking over to sit next to you. “Hey,” He started, making you jump a bit. You held a hand to your heart and took a few deep breaths before looking at him. “What’s up Kei?” You asked, smiling at him. “Do you think that Nishinoya’s one brain cell bounces around his skull like a windows screen saver and when it finally bounces perfectly in the corner he experiences a legitimate coherent thought?” he spewed out.You, Tanaka, and Yamamoto had become quiet for a moment's time, you blinking a few times at what you just heard Tsukishima say. That was, before Tanaka burst out laughing at his statement. “Dude you are so right!!” Tanaka laughed out, gasping out for air. 
“I knew something was off with you dude! I know my brownies are fucking bomb, but I guess I didn’t realize Noya had taken the spiked brownies out of the oven.” He laughed out. You whipped your head at Tanaka’s statement with bewildered eyes. “Excuse me?” You asked, looking back and forth between your best friend and the host of the party. “I’m pretty sure your best friend here had some edibles, my dude.” He laughed more, tears leaving his eye from how hard he was losing it. “Tsuki, how high are you?” You asked when you turned back to your best friend. He stared at you for a moment, raising an eyebrow at you. “I’m not high, you’re just short.” He responded after taking a moment to take your question into consideration. Tanaka stopped laughing for a moment before losing it all over again. He quickly got up from his seat to go over to the railing. “Yo! Nishinoya!! We got Shittyshima high!!!” He yelled out to the small boy. “WHAT?!” Noya shouted back out from the pool. “Yo Tanaka, two of the baseball students are fighting in here.” A lanky boy shouted from the doorway of his house. “Damn it, not again, Yamamoto, come help.” He groaned, excusing himself to break up the fight going on inside the house.
You were amused to see your best friend who was usually so strung up on everything, so relaxed. He looked at you and seemed disgruntled. “Are you okay, Kei?” You asked, turning to face your best friend. “Do you think there are parallel universes in which Nishinoya is both tall and smart?” He blurted out. A laugh escaped your lips as you shook your head to his silly thought. “That would mean there would be a universe where I’m short and nicer to people.” He sneered with a frown on his face. “I think you’re nice regardless.” You laughed, making him look at you with a fixed expression on his face that you couldn’t place. 
 The song had changed to the famous Katy Perry song that was really popular on Tik Tok. A smile spread across Tsuki’s face that you registered as amusement. “Let’s have a contest.” He suggested, making you raise an eyebrow. You were interested in what he was about to suggest, but you would have never guessed what he said next. “Let’s do the TikTok challenge to this song. Sing only the choruses to each other seriously without breaking eye contact but still make eye contact in between choruses, first one to smile or break eye contact loses. We start at the first chorus.”
A small laugh left your lips, but you accepted his challenge. You were going to have so much fun teasing him with this later when he finally sobered up. The song was nearing its first chorus and you straightened your back and cleared your mind in order to be able to do this with a straight face. You closed your eyes and let out a long breath before the lyrics started. Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over, and if I think it over, maybe you'll be coming over again, and I'll have to get over you all over again. You both sang, both with a serious face. However, inside you were dying to laugh because you don’t know how to take this challenge with your best friend seriously, especially since you knew he was so high. 
However, when the chorus was over and the next verse came on, you felt him intently staring at you. It was as if he was staring into your soul, like really looking at you for the first time in a long time. You felt your cheeks redden at his intense gaze at you, his eyes softly looking at you. The next chorus was coming up and you prepared yourself not to laugh at the silliness that was this challenge. You both succeeded the second chorus as well and you did everything not to look away from Kei. “What on earth did I just stumble across?” Nishinoya’s voice pulled you out of your intense focus. 
“Mind your own business Nishinoya.” Tsukishima hissed, but didn’t break his gaze at you. Nishinoya muttered something before heading back into the house and closed the sliding door behind him. The two of you could still hear the blaring song through the closed door; Thought we kissed goodbye, thought we meant this time was the last, but I guess it's never really over. Thought we drew the line right through you and I -  can't keep going back, I guess it's never really over. The pre chorus sang, and it seemed as if you and Tsukishima were drifting towards one another. You had noticed that the two of you were very close to each other’s face. Kei’s eyes still bored into your own and finally you had to break eye contact when he flashed his signature smirk at you.
You felt your face immediately flushing hot and you tried to not to think too far into what just happened. However, you didn’t get a chance to register your thoughts because Tsukishima had gripped your chin between his fingers and forced you to look at him. You were breathless with his actions and you noticed his eyes glance down to your lips before flicking back to your eyes. “I win.” He breathed, with a shit eating grin. You silently nodded, feeling dizzy from everything going on and from how close your faces were to each other.. “Hey Y/N?” You heard Yamaguchi called from the sliding door. You broke away from Kei’s grip in a frazzled state to look over at your other friend. 
Yamaguchi had raised an eyebrow to the two of you but had a smirk on his face. “The cops were called because of the noise level and the fight that broke out. Do you want me to take you and Tsuki home?” He asked, the smile still etched onto his face. Tadashi had often teased you and Tsuki about dating from time to time. Tsuki always mentioned he would never date his gross friend or some backhand comment. You had told Tadashi in confidence of your growing feelings for your best friend, and he promised to keep it strictly between the two of you. You had always figured your feelings were one-sided but with how the night was going, you weren’t so sure anymore. However, catching Tsuki basically almost kissing you, made the boy wiggle his eyebrows at you. 
“Yeah, that would be nice.” You blurted out, standing up and grabbing Tsuki’s wrist to pull him up from the chair. The three of you had trailed to Yamaguchi’s car after saying your goodbyes to the boys hosting the party. Tanaka was still laughing about how Tsukishima had eaten some of the weed brownies. You told them you’d text them to let them know when you all made it home. You climbed into the back seat again and Tsuki had taken the initiative to lay down on your lap and scrunch himself into the backseat. “That has to be way too uncomfortable for you, Kei. You’re too tall for that.” You said running a hand through his messy blonde hair. “I’m fine.” He said, looking up at you with his intense brown eyes. He said he was fine but he looked super crumpled in Tadashi’s small vehicle. 
The ride back home was quiet as Tsukishima just let you play with his hair, while humming the Katy Perry song from the party. When you reached your apartment complex, Yamaguchi asked if you wanted him to take Tsukishima home. You looked down at Tsuki who had seemed relaxed and calm. While you knew Yamaguchi would take care of him, you wanted to be extra sure that in case he started to get paranoid, you were there to take care of him. Even though Tsuki would gripe about it, he would have done the same for you. You said your goodbyes to Tadashi and made it up to your apartment with no problems. “Do you know the real reason I went to this party with you tonight?” Kei asked once you had locked the door to your apartment. 
“What's that?” You asked, amused that he even brought this up. “You looked too good all dolled up and god forbid I wasn’t there and some undeserving guy started flirting with you. Hell I almost wanted to shoo away that annoying Nishinoya.” He started ranting. You narrowed your eyes at him. You had gone to plenty of parties before today, what made this one so different in his eyes? And did he just admit he was jealous that you were dancing like a goon with Nishinoya? “Kei, I don’t understand what you’re saying. Maybe it’s the weed brownies talking. We can discuss this in the morning.” You told him, going to set up the couch for him. Before you could walk away from him though he grabbed onto your wrist. 
“Y/N. If I have to be blunt, I will be.” He stated in a serious tone. Your face flushed again at his direct nature. “What do you mean?” You questioned him, surely he had to be messing with you. Maybe he thought you were drunk and even in his hazed state he was still determined to mess you with, that being the nature of your friendship. However, before you could say anything else, Kei had put his hand behind your neck and pulled you into his own lips. It wasn’t forceful like you had always imagined it to be, he was soft when it came to you. While the two of you may have always roasted each other, you always knew it was in a playful manner. Anytime he knew he took it too far he would always come and apologize to you, whether directly or indirectly. However,  you pushed him away from you though and put some distance between the two of you, even though this is everything you could have ever wanted. A frown quickly formed on his face, taking note of your reaction to his actions. “Ah, I overstepped my boundaries, I see.” He muttered, going to turn away from you. “Stop messing with me, Kei! I’m not drunk! I don’t know what you think you are doing, but this isn’t funny.” You managed to squeak out. It took him a few seconds to recognize what you were going on about. Then a small laugh rumbled out of his throat. “Oh, you are too much sometimes, Y/N.” He laughed, before stalking back over to you. 
He cupped your face in his hands and made you look at him. “Drunk, high, sober. It does not matter, because I am absolutely smitten for you. You make me want to do ridiculous things like dance with you at parties, you make me want to tell stupid jokes to get you to smile and laugh. Have I hidden my feelings for you way too long? Absolutely. However, seeing how flustered you got with me tonight, I had a feeling that maybe you liked me the same way I’ve liked you. So I’m taking this chance, even if I’m a bit hazy, to finally conquer this fear of mine.” He admitted to you, making your heart skip a beat. When you hadn’t said anything to him, he continued on his little rant.  “I was jealous that maybe you would have found some other guy to come home with tonight. So I went to this party to hopefully keep me in the forefront of your mind.” He continued and when you looked up at him you could see the blush rising to his cheeks.
“I realized, I don’t want you to be happy with anyone else, but with me. I want you to myself, and if that is selfish then I want to be selfish for once.” He grumbled, realizing he sounded like a middle schooler and turning away embarrassed. You stayed quiet in shock for a few moments, really reeling in the fact that your best friend, whom you’ve had feelings for, was admitting that he had those same feelings for you. “You’re not messing with me?” You once again asked in a hushed tone. “My god, you idiot. Do I have to spell it out? I like you, hell maybe I even love you, but don’t press your luck. I still gotta sort out my own emotions.” He stated, not as confident as before. A smile spread across your cheeks at his confession. 
“It only took you eating some edibles for you to finally admit that you like me? Gosh, if I knew that I would have asked Tanaka to make me some earlier.” You teased, making him roll his eyes. “You know what, forget everything I just said, I take it all back.” He teased back, making you pout. He took the opportunity to kiss you once again, making you a flustered mess once more. However, you happily reciprocated the kiss back.  “However, I guess it's not all that bad, getting teased by you.” He uttered in a soft voice once he pulled away from the kiss. You nodded your head, as you started towards your bedroom. 
“Do I still have to sleep on the couch?” Tsukishima asked in a low voice, his cheeks still tinted red at his subtle but direct question. “Absolutely not, get your tall ass in my bed now so I can cuddle you.” You laughed while shaking your head. “With pleasure.” He answered, trailing behind you with a smile embedded on his face. Maybe going to parties with you, wasn’t all the bad after all. (But, he knew never to touch any brownies ever again, especially if they were made by Tanaka.) 
5 notes · View notes
priniya · 2 years
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sumarry: tsukishima gets extremely jealous when a certain outside hitter tries to hit on you, unbeknownst to him – you’re already taken and your boyfriend doesn’t like sharing.
notes: tsukishima kei x reader, jealous type of boyfriend, also a brief moment of iwaizumi hajime x reader. also reader is way shorter than kei, but if you’re tall just skip the part. also not proofread.
word count: 1.3k
kei didn’t want to be at the party in the first place. he has been a more introverted kind of person throughout his whole life, and changing it wasn’t even a thing in his mind. but you asked him to be there. and there was nothing that could make tsukishima refuse you. you were the only one occupying the boy’s brain all the time anyway.
so when he agreed to your idea, you promised to send him the address and smiled delightedly. it would be your first social event since you started dating a few weeks ago. and since you two attended different schools, no one besides yamaguchi and kageyama knew.
it was definitely a sweet thing, enjoying each other’s presence without being forced to hear mean comments how you two didn’t fit together or something else that would’ve just got on your nerves and the boy would have to calm you before you threw hands on someone.
before tsukishima got to the house of your classmate, you had already been there, dropped off by your mom, who wanted to be sure of your location. a quick promise to be walked home by someone was said and you were free, waiting on your boyfriend.
me: text me when you get here and i’ll find you somewhere
the house was filled with seijoh students from different years and classes. you could recognize most of them, as you weren’t really someone new there. tōru oikawa, the school’s star, standing next to matsukawa and hamaki somewhere nearby the staircase, tanjiro from the basketball team was talking to a girl from a year above while a third year was talking to someone you couldn’t see.
the heavy scent of alcohol mixed with smoke itched your nostrils, and you grimaced as you entered the kitchen, accidentally bumping into someone.
“hey, you’re alright?” a familiar voice spoke out, his hands on your arms to prevent you from falling. “l/n-san, nice to see you here.” with that words said, you realized it was iwaizumi hajime who you were talking to.
“don’t say you didn’t expect me to be here, iwaizumi-san.” you laughed, moving to be closer to the counter, pouring yourself a drink. you could feel his eyes tracing around your body, as if the ace tried to remember your curves like it was the last time you see each other. unfortunately for iwaizumi, you were too oblivious to catch a sign. “what you’re looking at?”
“uh-” he stuttered, flushing like a tomato. “your dress. it brings out your curves, you look gorgeous.” hajime added after a minute, bringing his eyes up to your face.
you looked more than just gorgeous, you looked ethereal. with the perfect, black eyeliner on your eyelids with an eyeshadow that fitted your eye colour. and oh my god the dress. you wore a tight, backless, black dress with a split on your left thigh (your mom wasn’t too pleased about it tho).
it was the first time you dressed like that to a friday party, always wearing cargo pants and tank tops with a zipper hoodie you once stole from tobio. your boyfriend was the reason why you dressed like that, you wanted to see him breathless, happy having a girlfriend that hot.
“thank you.” a soft smile spread over your mouth as you took a sip of your drink. “is there any occasion? wanna catch somebody’s eye?” the boy asked, his eyes not leaving your lips.
“actually… yes.” you laughed at the sound of your reply, and leaned your back on the counter behind you. iwaizumi swore he could feel his heart skip a beat upon hearing your words. he knew you had a long time crush on him in the junior high, and now he felt like the heavens finally gave him a chance.
“hey, uh. i’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while now.” he began, getting a little closer to you. “wouldn’t you like to go out somewhere next sunday? like on a date.”
that’s when you connected the dots and froze. he thought you were talking about him. out of all people, it had to be hajime that you bumped in. gosh. you chugged down your drink before revealing you’re in a happy relationship, but eventually it wasn’t you who said that.
“maybe in two weeks? she’s already going out with her boyfriend on that sunday.” kei, who walked to the two of you out of sudden, remarked harshly, wrapping an arm around your waist. pulling you away from the ace, gently but swiftly.
“oh.” was the only thing that came from hajime.
tsukishima didn’t need to hear any more, pushing the respect for his seniors aside in his mind, he took your hand in his and walked out of the kitchen. and when normally he wasn’t the one to show any affection in public, then that day was an exception. maybe for the extreme jealousy he felt rushing in his veins when he noticed you with hajime and especially after hearing how he tried to ask you out.
and before you could even realize, his lips crushed into yours passionately. in public, so everyone from your school could see it and not hit on you anymore. after a few moments, you would just drag your boyfriend into an empty room, right. a rush of adrenaline must have got to him when he sat you down on a drawer, so the kisses would be more comfortable for both of you since the height difference.
he pulled away for a second, cupping your cheek with his hand and aside from melting under his soft touch, you melted even more after seeing how kei smiled at you. “you don’t even know how much i love you.” he empathized. “i don’t even know if i ever felt something like that towards anyone else. if someone ever had me choosing between something and you, i’d always choose you.”
tsukishima’s words destroyed you. it wasn’t anything bad, obviously, but it was the third time he spoke up about his feelings towards you, the first happened when you misunderstood his intention and thought of your first-date as a casual, friends hangout, the second when he confessed he likes you in a way he doesn’t like anyone else and now… he dropped the L-bomb. your boyfriend has never been the type of someone who’s fond of his words, and expressing emotions was hard for him as well. you felt your eyes watering, and thank god that you chose waterproof mascara.
“did i say something wrong…?” he was confused by your reaction, he knew you so well, yet he couldn’t tell why his girlfriend was crying in the first place. you immediately shook your head and by pulling in the fabric of his collar, you kissed him again. hands on the back of his neck, rubbing it gently, while his wandered around the length of your thighs.
“i love you” you spoke out as he pressed his forehead to yours. you could feel his body loosen up upon hearing your confession. “and there’s never gonna be anyone better for me than you.”
“next thing, me, you in that dress and a dinner at my house together on sunday?” he smiled at you, caressing soft circles on your leg. “and then afterwards, me, you in my hoodie and whatever movie you wanna watch.”
“i don’t know if i’m free, baby. gotta stand in line.” you chuckled as tsukishima rolled his eyes. “hmm, but if you say i get to keep the hoodie, then i can cancel some guys.”
“it’s not like you wouldn’t keep it anyway.”
(another part of tsukishima x seijoh!reader, here)
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minarixx · 10 months
𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝'𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐍𝐨 ✯ 𝐊.𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚
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"𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙'𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚, 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙. 𝙄 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙬𝙝𝙮"
PAIRING. Tsukishima Kei x f!Reader
CONTENT. Angst, Cheating Tsukishima
Y/N and Tsukishima, a couple engaged to be married, until a shocking revelation of Tsukishima's infidelity rocks Y/N's world on the eve of their wedding.
WC. 3.4k
A/N. Writers block rn. I really liked the symbolism and metaphor and writing I used in this one so I hope you enjoyed it as well. I might rewrite my older and short ones cause I hate them so much. Anyways, Inspired by My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)
Not edited
Masterlink - Songs Unwritten
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city skylines where Y/N and Tsukishima's love story began. It was a place filled with memories and promises, but today, the air was heavy with uncertainty. Tomorrow was meant to be the day when Y/N would become Tsukishima's wife, the day they had eagerly awaited and planned for. Yet, fate had a cruel twist in store.
Y/N had always been a girl of hope and dreams. Growing up, she had always believed in love and soulmates. Her engagement to Tsukishima was supposed to be a fairy tale come true.  
When she first met Tsukishima, Y/N couldn't help but be intrigued by his stoic and reserved demeanor on the volleyball court. It was a chilly autumn afternoon, and they were both participating in a local volleyball tournament. Y/N had always been drawn to the sport, and she eagerly observed the players, seeking to learn from their techniques and tactics.
As she watched the matches unfold, her attention was drawn to a tall and lanky tall young man in the middle position. Tsukishima's movements were precise and calculated, and he displayed a level of skill that impressed even the most seasoned players. However, what caught Y/N's attention the most was the intensity in his eyes and the way he seemed to keep his emotions tightly locked away.
Curiosity got the better of her, and during a break between sets, Y/N decided to strike up a conversation with him. "You're an excellent middle blocker. Your blocks are on point."
Tsukishima glanced at her briefly, his expression remaining impassive. "Thanks," he replied curtly.
Undeterred by his reserved response, Y/N continued, determined to break through his shell. "I've seen you play a few times before. Your techniques are impressive. How long have you been playing volleyball?"
"Since elementary school," he replied tersely, not offering any more information.
Y/N sensed his reluctance to engage in conversation, but she was determined to connect with him on some level. As the tournament progressed, she made small efforts to strike up conversations during breaks, asking about his favorite plays or how he got into volleyball. It was a slow process, but Y/N's genuine interest and friendliness gradually began to chip away at Tsukishima's guarded exterior.
Over time, they found themselves exchanging more than just volleyball-related conversations. They discovered shared interests in books, music, and even silly jokes that would elicit a rare chuckle from Tsukishima. Y/N learned that beneath his aloof façade, he had a dry wit that matched her own, and they found comfort in each other's subtle sarcasm.
As their conversations grew more frequent, Y/N noticed that Tsukishima's walls were starting to come down. He seemed more at ease, even cracking a genuine smile from time to time. Y/N was thrilled that she was able to break through the barriers he had built around himself.
Tsukishima's childhood friend, Asami, became a part of their lives too. They were the three musketeers, but little did Y/N know that the bond between Tsukishima and Asami was deeper than she imagined. They even had a lighthearted marriage pact with Asami, Tsukishima's childhood friend, that if none of them were married by the age of 30, they would marry each other.
But life took a different turn when Y/N came into the picture. Tsukishima and Y/N's connection was undeniable, and they fell in love deeply and irrevocably. Their love seemed to transcend the bounds of their childhood pact, and they decided to get engaged, looking forward to a lifetime of happiness together.
As the soft evening light streamed through the curtains, Y/N found herself lost in a whirlwind of memories. The room felt filled with echoes of laughter and whispered promises as she reminisced about the journey that led her to this very moment. Her fingers gently traced the delicate gold band adorning her finger – the engagement ring that symbolized the love story she had always dreamed of.
It was a lazy evening, and Y/N had decided to surprise Tsukishima with a visit to his home. The knot of anticipation tightened in Y/N's stomach as she approached Tsukishima's house. Tomorrow was meant to be the day of their long-awaited wedding, and she had come over to surprise him with the final touches they had planned together. A warm smile graced her lips, and she couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he saw the arrangements they had made.
However, as she pushed the door open, her heart plummeted to her feet. Right at the entrance, a pair of unfamiliar women's shoes lay neatly placed, catching her eye like a glaring beacon. Her mind struggled to process what she was seeing. Thoughts raced, but she couldn't deny the sinking feeling in her chest.
An unsettling sense of dread took over as Y/N stepped further into the house, her footsteps echoing in the silence. "Tsukishima?" she called, hoping for an explanation, hoping that she was wrong.
What Y/N saw shattered her world into a million pieces. There, in the dimly lit room, stood Tsukishima and Asami, their hands intertwined as they gazed into each other's eyes with a tenderness that was meant only for lovers. Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she tried to comprehend the scene before her.
Her voice quivered as she walked through the house, and the sight that met her eyes was a painful blow to her heart. In the living room, there they were – Tsukishima and Asami, sitting close together, their hands intertwined, their faces far too close for Y/N's comfort.
The room seemed to spin around her, and she clutched her chest, trying to steady her breath. Her vision blurred with tears, and she took a step back, unable to bear the betrayal before her.
Asami's eyes widened with guilt, and Tsukishima's face turned pale, realizing that their secret had been exposed. Y/N took a step back, her mind racing, desperately searching for an explanation or a reason that could justify what she had just witnessed.
The damage had been done, and Y/N could hardly bring herself to look at either of them.
"I-I can't believe this," Y/N whispered, her voice trembling with hurt and disbelief. "How could you do this to me, Tsukishima?"
Asami looked equally guilty, her eyes filled with remorse. "Y/N, we never wanted you to find out like this. It just happened, and we never meant to hurt you."
Y/N felt a mix of emotions – anger, betrayal, and heartbreak. Her whole world felt like it was crumbling around her, and she struggled to find her footing amidst the chaos of her emotions.
Tsukishima reached out to her, his voice filled with regret. "Y/N, please, let me explain. It's not what you think. It was a mistake, and I never wanted to hurt you."
"How can you say that?" Y/N choked out, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You knew how much I loved you, and yet, you chose to betray me."
The words hung heavy in the air, and the pain was palpable. Y/N turned on her heels and ran out of the house, feeling like she couldn't breathe. The world outside felt like a blur, but she kept moving, seeking solace and clarity amidst the chaos in her heart.
Y/N found herself standing on the same beach where she and Tsukishima had once shared beautiful moments. The waves crashed relentlessly against the shore, mirroring the turmoil in her soul.
She clutched the engagement ring on her finger, a painful reminder of the love and dreams that had shattered. The future she had envisioned had crumbled into pieces, leaving her heartbroken and lost.
At that moment, she didn't know what to do or where to go. But as she stared out into the vastness of the ocean. As Y/N stood on the beach, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean, she felt an overwhelming sense of despair. The crashing waves mirrored the turmoil within her, and she was torn between holding onto the love she once believed in and the pain of the betrayal that had shattered it.
Tomorrow was meant to be the day she had dreamed of – the day she would marry Tsukishima, her soulmate, and start a new chapter of their lives together. But now, it felt like all those dreams were being thrown away, lost in the depths of the ocean before her.
Her mind was a whirlwind of confusion, anger, and heartbreak. Part of her wanted to confront Tsukishima, to demand answers, to try and salvage what was left of their love. But another part of her knew that the trust had been broken, and nothing could ever be the same again.
As the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow across the water, Y/N sank to her knees on the sand. She clutched her engagement ring tightly, feeling the weight of its symbolism in her hand. It was a symbol of the love they had once shared, but now, it felt like a painful reminder of the love that had been lost.
Her heart ached, not just for herself but for everyone who had been excitedly preparing for the wedding. Friends and family had come together to celebrate their love, but now, it seemed like it had all been a facade.
She closed her eyes, feeling the tears welling up once more. It wasn't just the wedding she was mourning; it was the future she had imagined with Tsukishima – the laughter, the shared dreams, the moments of love and understanding.
As Y/N stared out at the ocean, lost in her thoughts, a figure caught her eye in her peripheral vision. Turning her head, she saw Asami running towards her, her face etched with worry and concern.
"Y/N!" Asami called out, breathless as she reached her side. "I've been looking everywhere for you. Are you okay?"
Y/N felt a mix of emotions at the sight of Asami – the woman who had been at the center of the painful revelation. Part of her wanted to push her away, to demand answers, but another part yearned for someone to lean on in her moment of vulnerability.
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she turned her gaze back to the ocean, unable to meet Asami's gaze. "How could you?" she choked out, her voice trembling with hurt. "How could both of you betray me like this?"
Asami's face fell, and she knelt beside Y/N, her voice filled with remorse. "I know I can't justify what happened, and I never intended to hurt you, Y/N. It was a mistake, and I regret it deeply."
Y/N's heart ached, torn between wanting to hear an apology and wanting to push Asami away. "A mistake?" she whispered, her voice filled with bitterness. "Do you have any idea how much pain I'm in right now?"
Asami reached out to touch Y/N's hand gently. "I can't undo what happened, but I'm here now. Please, let me try to explain."
A part of Y/N wanted to turn away, to shut Asami out completely. But another part couldn't help but yearn for closure and understanding, as painful as it might be.
Taking a deep breath, Asami began to speak, her voice soft and remorseful. "It started out as innocent , Y/N. Tsukishima and I have known each other since childhood, and we had this marriage pact. But as we spent more time together recently, old feelings resurfaced, and we made a mistake. I'm so sorry."
Y/N listened, her heart torn between anger and sadness.
"Why didn't you both tell me?" Y/N asked, her voice trembling with emotion. "You were both going to let me marry Tsukishima without knowing the truth?"
Asami looked down, her guilt evident in her eyes. "We knew it was wrong, and we wanted to stop, but we were scared of hurting you even more. It was selfish, and I regret it deeply."
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "He's got you on a pedestal but me in his arms," she uttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is that how it was all along? Was I just a place holder for him?"
Asami looked down, her gaze filled with guilt. "I can't speak for Tsukishima's feelings, Y/N. But I do know that you mean a lot to him. He loves you, but he also made a terrible mistake."
As Y/N stood there in front of Asami, clutching the engagement ring tightly in her hand, her tears fell like raindrops on a stormy night. 
Just as she was about to speak, she heard a familiar voice call out her name. Tsukishima emerged from the shadows, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and regret.
"Y/N, please," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "Give me a chance to explain."
But the pain within Y/N was too raw, too overwhelming to bear. "Explain what, Tsukishima?" she cried, her voice breaking with each word. "The lies, the betrayal? There's nothing left to say."
Tsukishima took a step closer, reaching out as if to touch her, but he hesitated. "I know I made a terrible mistake," he said, his voice choked with remorse. "But please, let me try to make it right."
Y/N's heart ached, torn between wanting to believe him and wanting to shield herself from further pain. "How can you make this right?" she asked, her voice filled with anguish. "You're engaged to me!"
As Tsukishima looked into her tear-filled eyes, his own filled with pain. "I was a fool, Y/N. I let my fear and confusion cloud my judgment. I never wanted to hurt you, but I let my emotions get the best of me."
Tears streamed down Y/N's cheeks, and she shook her head, unable to find the strength to forgive him just yet. "Why did you even ask me to marry you," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the crashing waves.
Tsukishima stepped closer, his desperation evident. "Please, don't throw the ring away," he implored. "It meant something once, and I want the chance to prove to you that it can mean something again."
In that moment, Y/N's heart wavered, torn between the love she had once shared with Tsukishima and the pain of his betrayal. The memory of the happiness they had once found in each other tugged at her heartstrings.
Summoning all the courage she had left, Y/N shook her head, tears falling like raindrops. "I can't, Tsukishima," she said, her voice resolute. 
The weight of the engagement ring on her finger felt suffocating, a constant reminder of the shattered dreams and broken promises. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she knew that she couldn't carry the burden of that ring any longer.
With trembling hands, she removed the engagement ring, the symbol of a love that had turned to betrayal. As she held it in her palm, her heart ached with the weight of the decision she was about to make. She looked at the ring, its delicate gold band gleaming in the fading light, and she knew that it no longer held the same significance it once did.
With a mix of pain and determination, she flung her arm forward, releasing the ring into the vast expanse of the sea. It glimmered for a moment in the sunlight before disappearing beneath the waves, swallowed by the ocean's depths.
As the ring vanished from sight, Y/N felt a sense of pain wash over her. 
The sea seemed to embrace her grief, its vastness swallowing her sorrow.
As the ring disappeared beneath the water's surface, Y/N felt an overwhelming emptiness engulf her. The tears kept falling, and she knew that walking away from him wouldn't erase the pain she felt.
Her heart shattered into a million pieces, and the world around her seemed to blur into a haze of desolation. The love she had once believed to be eternal had crumbled, and she was left standing on the precipice of a dark and unknown future.
With a heavy heart, she turned away from the sea, Asami and Tsukishima, feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders. The beach, once a place of happiness and laughter, now held only memories of betrayal and heartache.
Days turned into weeks, and the ache in Y/N's heart showed no signs of subsiding. The pain of betrayal lingered, leaving her feeling lost and adrift. She tried to keep her distance from both Tsukishima and Asami, seeking solace in the company of friends who were always there to support her.
One evening, as she was going through old messages on her phone, Y/N stumbled upon a post. It was a picture of Tsukishima and Asami standing together, their arms wrapped around each other with smiles that felt like a cruel twist of fate.
As her eyes widened in shock, she began to scroll through the messages and discovered the truth. Tsukishima and Asami had indeed gone through with the wedding, sealing their love just a few hours after Y/N's heart had been shattered. They didn't want all that money and venue to go to waste and just like that her dreams were stolen from her.
The revelation hit Y/N like a tidal wave, knocking the breath out of her. It was a betrayal on a whole new level, as if the universe was conspiring against her, mocking her pain. The two people she had trusted the most had found comfort in each other, using their deceit to validate their actions.
"How could they?" Y/N whispered, her voice cracking with disbelief. It felt like a knife through her heart, adding salt to the wounds that were still raw and bleeding.
The sense of betrayal and hurt overwhelmed her, and she felt a mix of anger, sorrow, and confusion. It was as if the world had collapsed around her, and she found herself questioning everything she once believed in.
At that moment, Y/N couldn't see a path forward. The pain was all-consuming, leaving her feeling lost and broken. She wanted to scream, to demand answers, but the bitter reality was that there were no answers that could mend her wounded heart.
In the distance, the sun began to set, casting a melancholic glow over the apartment. As darkness descended, it mirrored the darkness that had settled within Y/N's soul.
Grief washed over her in waves, as she mourned not only the love that was lost but also the future that could have been. She pictured the life they had planned together – a home filled with love, laughter, and children, growing old hand in hand.
But now, those dreams lay shattered, scattered like fragments of glass on the cold ground. The pain was all-consuming, leaving her feeling adrift and lost in a sea of sorrow.
Y/N felt as if her heart was like an artist's scrapped work discarded in the trash bin. The pain of the shattered love was akin to the pain of watching something she had poured her heart and soul into being tossed aside, unappreciated and unwanted.
The canvas of their love story, once filled with vibrant colors and promising strokes, now lay in ruins, torn apart by deceit and betrayal. She could almost see the paint splattered across the floor, an abstract representation of the chaos that had consumed her emotions.
She had invested so much in this masterpiece, carefully adding each brushstroke with love and hope. But as fate would have it, the canvas had been marred beyond repair, leaving her feeling like an artist who had lost her way.
Her memories served as a painful reminder of what could have been – a love story that was meant to be cherished and admired. Instead, it had been abandoned, a casualty of human flaws and weaknesses.
She felt like a shell of her former self, her spirit bruised and battered. The red strings of fate that she had once believed in now felt like a cruel joke, a reminder that love didn't always lead to happiness.
Fate had played a cruel trick, entangling her heart with the wrong person, and how she was left to untangle herself.
©Minarixx 2023 - please don't copy, repost or translate without my knowledge credit or permission.
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yanderecrazysie · 10 months
Curiosity (Yandere Tsukishima)
This was a Quotev request!
Title: Curiosity
Pairings: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, suggestive themes, non-consensual touching, seriously creepy vibes from Tsukishima
Summary: Tsukishima seems like a normal guy, except that he’s always writing in that journal of his. When you decide to see what he’s up to, you learn that he’s anything but normal.
a strong desire to know or learn something:
 DAY 1
It’s the first day of school again. (Y/n) looked beautiful as ever today, I missed seeing her in her school uniform. Of course, I’ve been following her around town over the summer, but I missed seeing her in a skirt. This is the last year I see that until I make a move, as I doubt she’ll wear skirts to university.
I’ll do my best to draw what she looks like, since this is a special occasion, but there’s no way my art can do her justice.
Tsukishima Kei was a quiet guy, which, you supposed, was common for smart kids. You hadn’t known him well throughout high school and you doubted you’d have much time to get to know him, since the end of your third and final year was nearly upon you both.
One interesting thing you always noticed is that he was always writing in a journal of sorts, sometimes sketching away in it instead of writing.
You always wondered what it said.
DAY 17
(Y/n) smiled and waved at me today. She does that to everyone, I know, but I couldn’t breathe when she turned her divine attention on me! I felt like, even for a second, I had her undivided attention! I’d do anything, ANYTHING to get that on me again. I’d fucking kill everyone she knows if that means she’ll look at me and only me.
Tsukishima always gave you the distinct vibe that he wanted a friend, especially after his only friend moved away last year, but that he didn’t know how to approach anyone. You sensed a sort of longing when he looked at you and you wondered if your friendliness appealed to his loneliness. Perhaps he was awkward or shy?
You felt bad that you hadn’t had time to talk to him, but life really was just too busy. You always tried to be friendly when you passed him in the halls or made eye contact. 
It was the least you could do.
DAY 33
I love (Y/n) so much that I was willing to dig around in her trash can to find that lip gloss she’d thrown away. How many guys would do THAT for their girlfriends? She only wore it a few times since she didn’t like it very much, but that just meant I had so much of something her precious lips had touched.
I felt like I was in heaven putting it on- like I was kissing her! I had dreams about doing just that and I woke up feeling happier and more refreshed than I had been all year. I need more.
You’d always felt like someone was following you and like your things were disappearing, but you wrote those feelings off as paranoia. Maybe you should take those things seriously, but who had time for that? You were on the student council, an honor student, and preparing for college.
Why didn’t you see the red flags?
Were you really so colorblind?
DAY 52
I went to her house and climbed in through the window. Thank goodness she’s on the first floor.
I went straight to her bed and just laid on it and inhaled her scent from the pillows and blankets. She’s on vacation and I miss her so much, so I really couldn’t help doing all this. It’s her fault for leaving me.
I wonder if she wants our room to look like this or if she has a better one in mind. I’m not a fan of the color but, if she likes it, who am I to disagree? I just want her to be healthy and happy with me. I’ll make her.
You were a naturally curious person. That’s probably why you did so well in school- you had a thirst for knowing why and how that many people your age didn’t care for. You never just wanted to accept things without an explanation. Better to be informed.
Sometimes you were called nosy or told to mind your own business, but you couldn’t help it. You also had a bad habit of eavesdropping and “investigating” on your own. You’d do great in a Nancy Drew book, but it annoyed real-life people.
It’s really no surprise that, when you went to grab Tsukishima’s left-behind notebook, you couldn’t stop yourself from peeking inside and reading some of the entries and looking at the drawings.
DAY 82
I peeked through her window at just the right time and caught her getting undressed for a shower! I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. Words can’t describe the experience, so I’ll draw what she looked like instead:
You felt sick. For once, you wished, desperately, that your curiosity was nonexistent. If you could take back everything you’d seen in the last few minutes, you would.
You’d just go off to university, blissfully unaware, and never see that freak ever again. How could he write and draw such things? How could he violate your privacy like that? How dare he-
“You read it, didn’t you?”
The empty classroom went so silent you could hear a pin drop. Your horror felt like metal weighing down your stomach and throat. You couldn’t swallow, you couldn’t breathe.
Tsukishima was right behind you, inching closer each moment, but you couldn’t hope to turn around or run away. You were petrified, rooted in place like you were a statue. A statue with wide eyes and terror etched into your features.
You wanted to claim you hadn’t but the journal was still open in your hands, opened up to a disgusting drawing of yourself and your eyes couldn’t tear themselves away from it. Even if you wanted to futilely make up an excuse, your mouth wouldn’t form the words. You couldn’t so much as squeak.
As he stands directly behind you, his hands caress your waist, finger pads sinking deep into the flesh through your shirt. You shudder in disgust, but that’s the most movement your body can even make.
Even as his fingers dance at the hem of your shirt, daringly searching upwards against bare skin, you can’t move or make a sound. You wished you were a fight or flee kind of person and not a freeze.
You feel his lips brush against your earlobe and you violently shudder as he speaks into your ear a few chilling words.
“Don’t you know what curiosity did to the cat?”
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evereinefaust · 14 days
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Kei Tsukishima X afab!Reader
Synopsis: MC navigates a challenging day, encountering annoyance from Tsukishima but managing to turn the tables with witty comebacks.
Word Count: 466
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I sighed for the umpteenth time this day, slumping my shoulders as I hung my head. A frown formed on my lips as I walked through the hallway to my room.
"So annoy—"
"Oops~ I didn't see you there, shortie," came along the blonde's taunting remarks.
"Tch," I glanced up to see the tall male hovering over me, flashing him my dangerous glare. Tadashi-kun is standing beside Tsukki.
"H-hey... [Name]-chan," Tadashi-kun greeted me with clear nervousness in his tone, giving me a shy smile.
I'm not so sure if he's nervous because of the tension between me and Tsukki or not. But anyways, when he greeted me, I returned the smile with my own closed-eye one. After that, I faced the blonde once again, the glare returned. I saw the smug smirk in his face, and it irked me just seeing it.
As you can see, I had a bad day today. I had to deal with my annoying brothers at home before I arrived here to do my work. And when I arrived here, the tiredness took a toll on my mind and body that I can't help but snap at anyone who annoys me. But of course, I need to calm down first and try not to snap at anyone at all.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at Tsukki who still had his annoying smirk on his face. But instead of snapping at him, my brain thought of a comeback to his retort earlier, a similar smirk appeared on my face as well, and it somehow irked him. "Oh~? I'm so sorry for being so short that you can't see me," I started, putting my hands on my hips as I watched his expression. I can tell that he's somehow getting annoyed by my comebacks. "No wonder you need two more eyes before you can see me because two isn't enough. Whatcha say, hm, four eyes?"
By this time, Tada-nii tried to suppress a chuckle when he heard of my remarks for his best friend. By the looks of it, Tsukishima is clearly annoyed by my remarks, his smirk was now gone and replaced with a scowl. I mentally praised myself for thinking of that comeback, now Tsukki is entirely annoyed because of me. My smirk soon contorted into a huge smile as I watched Tsukki walked past me, calling over to Tadashi-kun to follow him, which he obliged once he finished chuckling.
"Well, that battle was interesting," I mumbled to myself as I watched their figures disappear from my sight. "Tsukki never stops to make my day horrible... but too bad for him he failed. Better luck next time, Kei-nii~"
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
He Comes To Your Rescue *Part 2*
Atsumu Miya X Reader, Osamu Miya X Reader, Rintarou Suna X Reader, Kei Tsukkishima X Reader 
Summary: You get caught up in something and he defends you
Part 1- Toru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Kotaro Bokuto 
Part 3 - Kuroo Tetsurou, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Tendou Satori
Part 4 - Yuji Terushima, Kiyoomi Sakusa
Part 5 - Tobio Kageyama
Atsumu Miya
🍣 Atsumu had always been popular with the girls, you had known him since you were in school but you only started dating when you started to manage the Jackals. 🍣 While you were all over Atsumu’s social media but everyone just thought that was just because you were the manager, you were close with everyone after all. 🍣 That was okay for a little while, the people that mattered knew you were together and the fans vying for his attention was normal and the ones that did put it together honestly didn’t care all that much. 🍣 The problem came when people he met professionally seemed to flirt with him or try to steal his attention for some reason that was what got under your skin and this interviewer for some reason really wanted to get to you.
You were in process of filling up water bottles for the boys, the match was close to ending and it was looking like they were going to win but you never celebrated to early, you managed to get back in time to see the winning point smiling to yourself as the boys jumped around, the scream from the crowd overpowering everything else until you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned to see a interviewer, you recognised her as the one that had taken to using all of her time to question your relationship the Atsumu. “They’ll be off the court in a moment, I’ll make sure you guys are the first people that they talk to.” You said. “Actually we wanted to talk to you.” She smiled and you nodded slightly confused, you passed the water bottles off to the couch so that he could give them to the boys, who at the moment were still celebrating. “What can I do for you?” You asked. “Well you're the manager, it’s nice to hear from you every now and again.” She answered. “So first question, are you proud of them for everything that they’ve accomplished in this tournament?” She asked and you nodded with a smile. “They’ve all worked so hard, they show up early, they leave late and they’ve all sacrificed so much. Most of them have families that they haven’t really seen properly because of the practice schedule so I’m sure it’s nice for them to see the results are worth it.” You answered. “Who are you most proud of?” She asked. “I can’t choose one of them, they all work so hard.” You answered with a shrug. “Huh… Funny.” She mumbled more to herself and you rolled your eyes, you were sure that the interview was going too well. “What?” You asked. “Well I was sure that you were going to say Atsumu.” She answered. “Why?” You asked. “Well considering you seem to do anything to stay on his good side, you seem a little bit clingy for a manager.” She answered but before you could say anything you were turned away from her and the camera. “What ya doin’ hiding over here beautiful?” Atsumu asked, pulling you closer by your hips. “I’m in the middle of some ‘Sumu.” You pointed behind you with a thumb over the shoulder. “Don’t worry about her.” Atsumu mumbled. “‘Su-” He cut you off by pressing a kiss to your lips, if your eyes had been open you would have seen the glare that he was giving to the woman behind you, he pulled away and pulled you into a hug before mouthing ‘leave’ to the reporter behind you. “Come on, the others were looking for you.” He pulls you back towards the team, arms firmly around you when you weren’t hugging another team mate, he can’t have you believing what that reporter had said after all.
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Osamu Miya
🍙 Osamu met you because your parents worked at the restaurant when he was younger and they used to bring you down sometimes, as you got older you’d help out with serving and such and ‘Samu was always in the kitchen you both became close because you were the same age. 🍙 Osamu didn’t actually realize that you went to the same school for a long while, that is until ‘Sumu pointed you out in the crowd of people that made up one of their new classes. 🍙 He fell in love with you when you immediately told the two twins apart and walked straight up to him (before they dyed their hair). You guys became official after you left school and you helped him run the restaurant helping with all of the paperwork so that he could do what he liked, the cooking. 🍙 Osamu would never tell you when it was getting busy so every now and then you’d show up to make sure that he didn’t need help and when he did you’d help.
When you walked into the restaurant it was complete chaos, you tied your hair up as you walked into dodging and greeting people as you walked through the kitchen looking for your boyfriend. “What are ya doin’ here?” He asked as he noticed you. “You stopped answering your texts, figured it was getting busy.” You answered. “I owe ya dinner after this.” He mumbled pressing a kiss to your cheek and you waved him off as you started working, most of the customers were regulars who recognised you and stopped you to ask how you were doing while you poured drinks or placed food, for the most part the night went fine, it was still pretty busy when you walked back into the kitchen you were walking towards one of the guys in the back to ask about one of the orders, as you did someone came from behind you knocking you off balance as she barged past you, your hand went straight into a pan of boiling water as you tried to steady yourself. “Get out of the way, the only reason you're here is because you're dating ‘Samu, you don’t even know how to do this job.” She said as she moved past you, you heard her asking about the same thing you were but she didn’t get an answer as the person that she was talking to rushed over to you. “Are you okay?” He asked and you waved him off smiling. “I’m fine, what’s the update on that order?” “It’ll be next out.” He smiled as he went back to his work station though you could feel him glancing at you as you picked up some other plates and headed back into the restaurant.
As the night came to an end, Osamu was cleaning up his station when “Hey boss.” He looked over at one of his long term chiefs, Ren. “What?” Osamu asked as he looked at him. “I think you should check on (Y/N).” He scratched the back on his neck. “Why?” He asked as he looked at the door that led out to the restaurant where you were cleaning tables and putting up chairs. “She bumped into Yuka, the new hire earlier, she insisted that she was fine but I don't know, the ovens were all on, I think she burned her hand.” He explained, Osamu didn’t wait to hear the rest of it, he walked out in time to see Yuka knock your shoulder as she passed you again but you didn’t say anything you just continued to clean everything. “Hey Yuka! Go home and don’t bother coming back, you're fired!” Osamu called after her, she turned to him almost as if she was going to argue but the look on his face told her not to. “‘Samu what are you doing?” You asked as you walked up to him. “Show me your hands.” He ordered putting his hands out palms up, you put your hands out and he could see that one of them was red raw and starting to blister slightly. “Why did you tell me this happened?” “It was busy we needed to-” “You were hurt, that's always more important!” Osamu didn’t mean for his voice to rise but it did and he regretted it immediately as he saw the tears welling in your eyes, he pulled you into his chest careful of your hand. “Ren lock up!” He yelled, pointing to the spare keys behind the counter. “Sure thing Boss.” Ren called back through the small window leading back to the kitchen. “Come on, we need to sort out your hand, then there's dinner I owe ya.” He mumbled against your hair before leading you out.
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Suna Rintaro
🦊 Rin trusts you but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t keep tabs on you, he knows where you are at all times and if he doesn’t know where you are your phone is blowing up till you answer him. 🦊 Rin was aware that you had an Ex that liked to lurk around you if he spotted you out on your own but when you texted him asking where he was he knew that you needed him wherever you were, he texted the same question to you, you answered him immediately. 🦊 He told you he’d be there in 20 minutes and he made it in 10. 🦊 He couldn’t see you at first but the moment his eyes landed on you and registered the distressed look on your face and the guy's hand latched around your wrist he knew what he needed to do.
You hoped that Rin wasn’t too far away because there was only so long that (Y/E) was going to try convincing you by talking, you were brought out of your thoughts by a grip on your arm “Hey are you listening?” He asked. “Oh yeah.” You answered. “So?” He asked. “Look I’m waiting for someone, maybe we can catch up some other time.” You suggested not meaning a single word that you said. “They’re not here yet, we have some time.” He smiled as his grip on your wrist tightened slightly. “They’ll be here soon.” You argued trying to pull your arm away. “I’d love to meet this friend of yours.” He smirked as you continued to try and pull away from the man. “He doesn’t want to meet you.” You heard the low timbre that you had come to love. “You ready Sunshine?” “Mmm.” You hummed. “Do you mind?” Rin asked, eyes moving to his hand but he frowned. “We weren’t done talking-” “You’ve got three seconds to remove your hand before I do it for you.” Rin warned him, he looked at him for a second before dropping your wrist and waving a hand. “She’s not worth all that.” He waved off, Rin launched forward as if to grab him but you stopped him. “Let’s just go.” You pleaded. “Alright, what did you come here for anyway?” He asked. “Just needed some stuff for the house.” You answered. “Come on, let’s go get everything and then we can go home and get some rest yeah?” He asked. “Weren’t you at home resting anyway?” You asked. “Mmm.” He hummed “and now I can relax with you.” He pressed a kiss to your head before leading you towards the shopping center.
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Kei Tsukishima
🧂 Tsukki cares about very few people’s feelings and troubles. This had been the case for a very long time, there were only a few people that he actively protected, you were one of them. 🧂 You weren’t all that confident but you wanted to support Tsukki in his volleyball matches so you finally built up the courage to one, he noticed you the moment that he was out on the field. 🧂 His view of you was blocked by a group of boys coming to stand in front of you, he didn’t recognise them so he watched as best he could through warm ups but then he saw you flinch away from them. 🧂 Tsukki pushed his water bottle into Yamaguchi’s hands and told him that he’d be back in a minute.
You looked down at the floor as the leader of the group of boys sat in the chair next to you, his arm around the back of you as he smiled “so what do you think, you don’t look like a sports kind of girl, how about we all get out of here and have some real fun.” He suggested as he squeezed your shoulder, you shook your head as you searched for a way out of the situation that you found yourself in but no matter what you did, it seemed that one of the many boys standing around you stopped you from leaving. “Hey Pipsqueak what are you doing all the way over here?” You heard Tsukki in your ear on the other side of you, you felt him remove the arm from your shoulder before pulling you up and into his chest. “Who are you?” “We were just trying to show her a good time.” The guy smirked and Tsukki looked down on him for a second and smirked. “Well let me save you the trouble, you're not worth her time.” He answered before turning away, you heard shuffling and for a second you thought that a fight was going to break out but Tsukki looked back at them and the ice in stare stopped them in their tracks. Tsukki walked over to the group of people there to support Kurasuno, you recognised his older brother. “Keep her here with you until the end of the match, I’ll come get her afterwards.” “Tsukki you don’t ha-” “If I’m going to play, I need to make sure that I’m not worried about you the whole time.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Okay,” You said softly. “I’m proud of you.” He said it so quietly you weren’t even sure that he had. “Proud?” You asked. “Of me sitting there like an idiot?” “You were standing your ground.” He mumbled before pushing you into the open seat and ordering you to stay “I’ll be back later.”
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Request Here
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suplicyy · 17 days
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— Introduction:
Hello!! I'm Suplicy, but you can call me Supla! This will be my first time writing, as well as being the first time I write in English too (English is not my native language), so if I made any grammar mistakes or something like that, please let me know!!
For now, I'll only write for Haikyuu, but maybe in the future I'll write for other works that I like. I will only be writing for Reader x Character, and most of the time the reader will be in neutral gender, but if anyone request I can also write for fem and masc!
I won't write about the Haikyuu timeskip for now because I only follow the anime, so I'm not so confident that I can write without knowing what happens.
And it's very likely that I won't be as active as I would like because of the workload at my school, which is very heavy, but whenever I can I'll be bringing things to you here! ^_^
— Rules:
Yes!! (≧∇≦)b
• SFW;
• Fluff
• Angst (sometimes)
• One-shots, headcannons;
No!! Σ( ̄□ ̄;)
• NSFW, smut;
• Any dark contest (incest, non-con, etc);
• Yandere
— [Masterlist]
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taeyamayang · 1 year
ㅡan otome-style interactive fiction wherein you play as (y/n). the plot and the character (y/n) ends up with are solely dependent on your choices. (taglist open)
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♡ POSSIBLE PAIRINGS: Daichi Sawamura x reader | Miya Atsumu x reader | Kuroo Tetsurou x reader | Tsukishima Kei x reader | ? x reader
♡ SETTING: University
♡ TAGS: tooth-rotting fluff! | otome/reverse harem | romance | interactive fic | cliché tropes/dynamics
↬ after every end of the fic, there will be a poll and readers are encouraged to participate
↬ ofc, majority wins so no hard feelings if your choice doesn't win!
♡ REMINDER: (y/n) uses they/them pronouns and is a fem bodied character. eye color, skin color, hair color, race, etc. are not specified.
♡ VERSION UPDATE every FRIDAY of the week beginning Feb 10, 2023, 12pm EST.
• taglist: @thechaosoflonging @alienvarmint @phoenix666stuff @citrustsuki
a/n: hi, some of my old followers may be familiar with this concept as i have done this before with RUN (unfortunately i wasn't able to finish it on time before christmas sooo continuation this year? *winks*) go check it out if you want a clearer idea of how this fic works. i will update once a week only since the plot will depend on your choices. technically, i'll have to improvise every update. don't be afraid to interact, this is literally an interactive fic lol. anyways, are you interested?
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♡ New Beginnings
♡ Your Place or Mine?
♡ The Labyrinths
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artistfingers · 1 year
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surface tension [Ao3] by @artistfingers
Haikyuu!! | Teen | Tsukishimi Kei/Hinata Shouyou
Tags: feelings realization, canon compliant (to a point), slow burn, pre-relationship, first year, nicknames, pining, missing scenes
Shoyou swallows something bitter. That was… even more underwhelming than he’d worried.
But it’s not just underwhelming. It’s a swirling spike of disappointment that twists unhappily at Shoyou’s stomach.
He fends it off. Because—so, what?
In Tsukishima’s words, they’re only sort of friends, anyway.
(Shoyou always wants more than what he’s given.)
part two of bubble.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Chapter 1 is up 💖
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 25 days
Haikyuu oneshot/drabble/hc requests open!
feel free to request anything- platonic, romantic, poly, familiar, lgbt+, headcanons, etc. slight angst is okay, but please include tws in your request when necessary!
some things i personally like doing are:
bokuto, kuroo & tsukkishima (platonic or not)
i feel very normal about touch starved kageyama (lie)
tbh anything kageyama centric lmao
hurt/comfort & fluff in general
im pretty open to most ships though? so feel free to request something even if its not on this list
ns/fw is okay!
i'll usually take most requests, but these are a few things i won't do, simply because of personal preference:
historical/royalty au's
romantic ships between oikawa & any of the karazuno boys
angst with a sad ending/major character death/terminal illnesses/reincarnation au's
i also haven't finished watching it yet, so pls try to avoid spoilers in your request, or put a warning lol. if i take a bit to get to your request, it might be bc i haven't gotten to the part where one of the characters you requested is introduced lmao
i think it goes without saying that i will never do any problematic/toxic/p3do ships, so just don't even follow me if ur into that shit.
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alphysz · 1 year
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- But i don't wanna to... - It was a lovely saturday outside, the weather was warm with a cool breeze that (Y/n) wanted to feel the wind caressing their hair, even if it was just for 5 little seconds and then go back sadly to the endless pages of pure torture, TSUKISHIMA calls it 'chemistry', (Y/n) said it was bullshit and received a rude 'for dumb people like you maybe is'
- If you are just going to complain, then why did you aggreed to come when i told you explicitly it was just a study session? - The blonde retorted bitterly from the table he was currently (trying to) study at, he knew he shouldn't have invited the (H/c) for a simple subject review, he should have known this would happen given their nature... not very studious
'Who am i fooling' He thought annoyed and slight amused at their dumbness 'They probably never picked up a textbook of good will.'
- I thought it was just you weird and nerd way to invite me to a date! - Tsukishima felt his eyebrow twitch
- Who would call a brainless being like you out on a date? - Seeing you pouting, he gived a smug grin and went back to answering the questions of the simulation he was working on for the upcoming exams
- Meanie, so evil. wait till i tell 'Dashi all the suffering you put me throught - You said as you let out your last dramatic sigh and went back to concentrating on the book and the formulas. little did you know that Tsukishima from time to time peeked out of the corner of his eye at your form lying on his bed as you nibbled absently on the tip of his pencil that he lent you, although he felt a slight tinge of irritation that you bite his pencil, he can't help but let an unusually small affectionate smile spread across his face.
'Well, maybe you are not so wrong about the date thing.'
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priniya · 2 years
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when y/n’s figure ice skating career is in danger, because of how bad her grades are, tsukishima is willing to tutor the girl until her dream will be safe again.
notes: tsukishima kei x oikawa!reader, younger sister, fem!reader. ice skater!reader. have i told you how much do i love iceskating. also reply sth if you want to be in my taglist!
one things tsukishima knew about you, even before you two got together, was that you were incredibly similar to your brother when it came to engagement in sports. oikawa being extremely obsessive and trying top everything that includes volleyball, and your eagerness to top every single jump in a day or the same obsession, but with ice-skating.
sometimes, he felt compassion for your parents, two out of three children (he wasn’t so sure about that since he never met your older sister) somehow passing each year with their full focus on their athletic career. and sometimes it was funny to see how obsessed both of you were, yet so successful.
there were many things, you’d give up for your brother, but when shiratorizawa offered you a scholarship, you couldn’t refuse, even if it hurt your brother to the point where he refused to talk to you for a few weeks. one of the best high schools in miyagi with the absolutely best ice-skating programme, built-in ice rink, and the best teachers in japan. it was a chance you couldn’t let go.
watching you ice skate was one of tsukishima’s favorite after school activities. he would take an hour-long ride to see you on the rink for at least a few minutes. the blonde boy wouldn’t admit it, but helping you with stretching out, or recording your jumps, so you could watch it over, and over again, was just as satisfying as when he blocked wakatoshi’s spike.
so when you called him in the middle of his school day, barely breathing and said that you might lose both scholarship, and a place at shiratorizawa, because of how terrible you were with your studies (mostly ‘cause of your focus on skating), he knew there wasn’t a single scenario in the world, where he wouldn’t help you.
not only, because he was already so whipped for you, but also because you deserved everything that would help you out in pursuing your dreams and career. you’ve already made so many sacrifices that you couldn’t just leave in the middle, and tsukishima wasn’t the person, who would stand in the way of your happiness.
“i’m not your boyfriend for nothing, right? i’ll help you.” he replied, cutting you off as you panicked, imagining every possible scenario in your head. “i’ll make sure no one will take the scholarship from you, try to breathe, okay?”
Every time he had tutored you, you weren’t able to focus. your eyes would always wander around his face, flustering the shit out of your boyfriend at the same time. keeping your focus off him seemed like a crime, and you weren’t a criminal.
however, this time was supposed to be different, your career was on stake, and tsukishima wasn’t the one who would let you let it down, you weren’t the one as well. ever since the day, when dad took you and oikawa skating, you knew it was your thing, so tossing aside classes and homework to stay a minute longer on the ice-rink wasn’t the worst thing.
when the clock hit 8 in the evening, and your entire body gave up on another jumps, you finally took off skates with an additional help of your boyfriend, who untied them. his hand hung loosely around your shoulders as you walked towards your dad’s car.
“hello, mr. oikawa.” tsukishima greeted your father, opening the door for you. “would you mind if i stay overnight? y/n-san needs a little help with her studies.” he asked politely, a smile rosed on your dad’s face as he nodded.
“thank you.” you let out, exhausted. your head resting on his shoulder with the accompaniment of dim outside, and hushed music from the radio. you got to your house half an hour later, and in the meantime you decided that your boyfriend would stay for the whole weekend since the upcoming exams of yours were supposed to happen on monday.
you sat on your bed, starting off with maths, which surprisingly seemed to be the easiest for you, books surrounding you two as you groaned, falling onto the mattress. “we wouldn’t have to be here if you actually took care of your grades, remember?” he looked at you, eyebrows knitted together.
“i can’t do this.” you whined, hands on top of your faces, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. it took you ten seconds to get over the little breakdown. “give me another exercise.” you stayed up till two, with a little break for something to eat.
as a reward, you finally got to kiss him as he refused to let you for almost all day, pulling back whenever you leaned to give him a smooch. his hands cupped your, bruised from falling, hips, pulling you as close as he only could. his soft lips moved against his, and you sigh, making him smile, because it feels too good to be kissing him after such a tiring experience.
his hands fell lower on your bare thighs, caressing small circles on your skin. your fingers ruffling through his hair, pulling on them sometimes. the kiss would probably last waaaaay longer, if it wasn’t for tōru, who barged into your room.
“fuck, can’t you two behave?” your brother rolled your eyes at you, grabbing something from your desk, not even sparing you a glare (thank god). “hands off her, i already have a nephew, and don’t need another one.” he remarked, cocking his head to the side. “oh, fumiko will drop off takeru tomorrow.”
“can’t you knock?” you replied, frowning as you watched him, leaning on the door frame. “what? i have to study, i can’t fail the exams or i will lose my place at school.”
“excuse me, what?”
“we have it under control, can you go now, please?” you pleaded, cheeks burning hot, after his comment on making a nephew. when he finally left (after another five minutes of teasing you, of course), you yawned, and focused yourself on the blonde boy next to you.
he swiftly switched off the light, laid down, and waited for you to cling to his side before drifting to sleep way too fast, as you always did. “night, love you.” you whispered, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
the next two days were exactly the same as the friday evening. tōru took over your shift, as you called it, with takeru, so you and tsukishima could spend more time studying japanese literature and english. when the time of his visit at your house, came to the end, you were a mess, stressing out that the weekend wasn’t enough, and you needed more time to learn something more.
“you’ll do great, okay? i know that.” his fingers held your chin, making you look at him. “you don’t need to worry about it, call me as soon as you know the results, okay?” you nodded, letting him kiss you for the last time, before you bid goodbyes.
he was in the middle of the morning practice, when yachi called for him, his phone in her hand and an incoming call showed on the screen. he excused himself to pick up, and the first thing he heard was-
“I PASSED MATHS!” you shouted through the speaker, your tone so happy that he smiled involuntarily. “but i gotta go, four exams left, call you later, love you.” and before he even got to say i love you back, you hung up the phone.
“what was that, tsukishima-san?” sugawara asked, when the boy stepped into the gymnasium again. “something happened?” he inquired kindly, a worried expression on his face.
“no, no. my girlfriend passed an exam she studied hard for.” he shrugged, not noticing the reactions of his teammates upon hearing the word girlfriend. “shiratorizawa have exams mid-year?” yamaguchi, who seemed to be the only one that knew about kei’s relationship, frowned.
“it’s for the scholarships or something, school wanted to take the scholarship from her since she has shitty grades.” it was one of the first times others witnessed that kind of openness from him, but he could never shut up when it came to talking about you.
“your girlfriend’s a scholarship at shiratorizawa?” kageyama asked, his eyebrows knitted together as he tried to process the information he just received. “oikawa-san’s your girlfriend?”
“the ice-skater?” someone uttered. “the great king has a sister, and she’s your girlfriend? that’s so cool!” hinata exclaimed out of sudden. “you should invite her here sometimes.” someone chimed in.
“she barely has any time, she has a competition soon, so she rarely leaves the ice rink.” he spoke out, before daichi cut off the conversation, before they got back to the practice.
when you finally left the classroom after the last exam, you were on cloud nine, making your way towards the train stop to get to karasuno as soon as possible. you were too ecstatic about passing that you could have a day off training to surprise your boyfriend.
it was already afternoon, when you arrived at the location. the volleyball club was having another practice, so you headed to the gym, the direction showed by one of the students. you peaked your head out through the door, and grinned at tsukishima when he noticed you.
“i aced japanese lit!” you exclaimed quietly, feeling the eyes of his teammates on your back. “so i thought you’d maybe like to go eat something tasty with me after the practice?” you beamed.
“what if you went with me and the guys somewhere? then you could stay overnight, akiteru goes to sendai tomorrow morning, he can drop you off.” he suggested, tugging a stray of your hair behind your ear. you nodded, happily.
“sooo, we’re on the stage where i meet your friends?” you chuckled as he rolled his eyes.
“sure we are.”
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minarixx · 11 months
❛𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧❜ 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
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A series of Haikyuu one shots inspired by Taylor Swift songs.
All of them are angst I will not be writing part 2's or follow ups for any of them and the endings are all sad for reader because its kind of boring writing a happy one If it says '???' in the character list slot, request a character pls lol FEM (AFAB) reader x Various Haikyuu Characters
Tsukishima Kei - Should've said no
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐍𝐨𝐰
Miya Atsumu - Speak Now
Iwaizumi Hajime - Back to December
Kuroo Tetsurou - All Too Well
Suna Rintarou - I Almost Do
𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Miya Osamu - Getaway Car
Suna Rintarou - Cardigan
Oikawa Tooru - August
Remake Oikawa Tooru Oikawa - August
Kita Shinsuke - The 1
Tsukishima Kei - right where you left me
Sakusa Kiyoomi - You're Losing Me
Miya Atsumu - High infidelity
??? - Red
??? - The way I loved you
??? - Exile
??? - Champagne Problems
??? - Foolish One
??? - Tolerate it
??? - Mr. Perfectly Fine
??? - Illicit Affairs
??? - Enchanted
??? - Babe
??? - Betty
Spotify Playlist
©Minarixx 2023 - please don't copy, repost or translate without my knowledge credit or permission.
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Entrance (Yandere Fan! Tsukishima)
Requested on my Quotev.
When I say that I love Yandere Fan x Famous Reader stories, I am absolutely not joking- I just freaking LOVE these stories!!! The most likely victim of a yandere would be someone in the public eye because these people are already put on pedestals and treated like gods. I’m so excited to write this asdfgfhfgsdfsad sorry for how late this is, but finally got inspiration AHH!
If you doubt me, go to a boyband concert and look around at some of the girls in the crowd and THEN tell me that not a single one of them would consider murder for their favorite band member.
Also, the way Tsukishima finds Reader’s location is based on a true story of how a psycho fan found and stalked a Japanese Pop Star named Hibiki Sato.
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Title: Entrance
Pairings: Tsukishima x Popstar Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Swearing, Slight incel vibes, not Tsukki stealing you from Yams lmao
Summary: You’re different from your bandmates- from every other idol somehow. At least, you are to your biggest, most obsessed fanboy.
fill (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention
The blond male sitting at his laptop paused in his typing and sent an annoyed glance to his bedroom door, which had been suddenly flung open by his closest friend.
“Shut up, Yamaguchi. Did you forget how to knock?” Tsukishima’s snide comment didn’t do anything to put a damper on his friend’s grin- if anything, the freckle-faced boy beamed even brighter.
The scowling man didn’t bother to ask his companion why he was so happy- he knew he’d find out in a moment. Sure enough, Yamaguchi eagerly brandished a shiny square case, practically shoving it towards him in excitement.
Tsukishima adjusted his glasses and studied the object- a CD case depicting a J-Pop girls’ group. The three girls were attractive in a somewhat-cutesy way. They stood close together, pearly-white grins across their faces as they held up peace signs, each of them clad in a different, glittery, pastel-colored dress with matching ribbons weaved into their long hair. The background was a faded pinkish color and covered in different illustrations of candies and sweets. A bold, bright, and cutely scribbled font above the idols’ heads declared what Tsukishima assumed was either the group’s or the album’s name: Candy Cloud.
“What the hell is this?”
Yamaguchi’s face flushed in embarrassment as his eyes darted away, his smile fading into a wistful expression. Tsukishima felt a twinge of regret for putting a damper on his friend’s spirit but… seriously? What was he thinking, acting so excited over some stuck-up celebrities?
They were all the same. Soaking up the fame and praise like narcissistic sponges when all they cared about was the money and attention their admirers gave them. The personas they showed off to the public were all for show, puppeteered by some publicist who knew what their audience wanted to see and hear.
Female celebrities were the worst- always so desperate to stay basking in the limelight that they would sell their soul to the devil if it meant that no one would forget about them. They’d pump themselves full of Botox and silicone, sleep with the most popular celebrities, and pull asinine stunts if they ever felt like the public wasn’t keeping their eyes on them.
The smiles and laughs they forced in interviews made Tsukishima sick to his stomach. So painfully fake. It was fascinating to see how bad singers were with words and how bad actors were at acting when it came to donning the masks their fans wanted to see.
He’d heard enough stories about these “sweethearts” and “oh-so-genuine” celebrities acting like disgusting monsters the moment they thought no one important was watching. Infuriating divas that verbally abuse their staff, condescending assholes that believe they’re better than everyone else, backstabbing bitches that no one likes but will never say so…
And what do their fans do when this news comes out? Even when faced with undeniable facts, they’ll defend their idol to the death, becoming utter hypocrites and making fools out of themselves. Simping for girls who would probably never know they existed and wouldn’t care about them if they did.
It didn’t matter to Tsukishima what these girls Yamaguchi was fanboying over pretended to be- he had no doubts that they went back to being self-absorbed bitches the moment the camera stopped filming.
Why would Yamaguchi invest any amount of time and effort into girls that would never know of his existence nor appreciate any support he gave them? Why couldn’t he just focus on a girl in one of their university classes or something? Tsukishima could stomach his friend gushing over just about anyone, as long as they weren’t famous.
The friend in question was looking at Tsukishima sadly, disappointed in the response he was receiving as it dampened the positive mood he’d been in, “Sorry, Tsukki, I just… thought you’d like one of them. All three of them are really cool and one’s your type.”
Tsukishima snapped back immediately, “And I’m supposed to believe she’d want to date me or something? They’re just braindead celebrities.”
Yamaguchi wilted and nodded reluctantly, muttering another apology. He stood there awkwardly as Tsukishima resumed tapping away at his keyboard and finally let out a meek excuse to leave.
“Goodbye,” said Tsukishima, not at all sad to see him go. Yamaguchi returned the parting word softly and scurried off, likely to listen to his CD at home.
As the night dragged on, a nagging feeling tugged at Tsukishima’s mind, distracting him from his essay. Why does Yamaguchi think I’d like one of them? Which one of those three girls did he think I’d even like?
Before long, the boy found himself typing “Candy Cloud” into the search bar and scanning the results. Sure enough, Candy Cloud turned out to be the group’s album name, their actual group being a mashup of parts of the members’ names. The first girl wasn’t his type, nor was the one in the middle, but the last girl, (Y/n), was just his type.
She wasn’t like the other celebrities he’d watched interviews of- she was entirely herself without a hint of deception. She giggled over the awkward moments but never lied, only ever saying “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you that!” when asked a confidential question.
Her interests and values aligned with Tsukishima’s, to the point that he began to imagine that they agreed on everything. And, as one night turns to one day, turns to a week, to a month, and so on, he begins to delude himself into believing that you know who he is and already feel the way he’s beginning to feel.
Tsukishima no longer lets Yamaguchi come over.
He’s embarrassed, to a point, by how much you have taken over his living space. Your posters and pictures line his walls, your solos play on repeat, and he has every piece of merch, official or not.
Tsukishima studies the latest selfie you’d posted to your personal social media account. He grins. The name of the train station you’re at reflects in the iris and pupil of your big, beautiful eyes. It’s nearby. No more than a 15 minute drive and you’d mentioned “walking home” in the text portion of your post.
Soon enough, he’d be adding the best possible addition to his extensive collection.
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evereinefaust · 24 days
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐲 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Kei Tsukishima X afab!Reader
Synopsis: Kei gets annoyed at every little things MC does. But that only fueled her mischievous side of messing with her beloved person.
Word Count: 842
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Me: *sighs*
Tsukishima: What's with you today? You kept sighing for the past hours.
Me: *sighs* Oh, nothing... just bored, that's all.
Tsukishima: *looks at me* Nothing? Bored? It doesn't look like to me.
Me: *rolls eyes* Why do you care anyway?
Tsukishima: *irk mark appears* Because you kept making that annoying sound. *glares at me*
Me: *glares back*  Oh~? Really? Well, aren't you a smart one? Why don't you use your headphones to block the annoying sound that I'm making? You're such an idiot... *sighs*
Tsukishima: *glare hardens* I am no idiot.
Me: *rolls eyes* Yeah, yeah, whatever, Tsukki.
Tsukishima: *another irk mark appears* Don't ever call me Tsukki, it's annoying.
Me: I can call you whatever I want, you aren't my mom. *shrugs*
Tsukishima: Oh~? *smirks* Then it means that I can call you whatever I want as well, hm, shortie?
Me: *laughs* Is that what you've got?
Tsukishima: *glares*
Me: C'mon, Tsukki! *laughs* You can never annoy me by calling me short. Yeah, I'm short, so what about it? At least I already accepted that fact.
Tsukishima: *scoffs and looks away*
Me: Aww~! Tsukki's annoyed~ *giggles*
Tsukishima: *scowls* Stop calling me that.
Me: Tsukki~ Tsukki~ Tsukki~ La la la la la~
Tsukishima: Ugh, stop. *glares again*
Me: *chuckles* Tsukki's easily annoyed~
Tsukishima: *scoffs and looks away* Whatever. *puts on his headphones*
Me: Nah-ah! *grabs headphones before he can place it on his ears*
Tsukishima: *glares at me* Give me that back, [Name].
Me: No way~! *grins widely* Tsukki~
Tsukishima: *growls* Stop. Calling. Me. That.
Me: Haiii~ *giggles* I'll stop calling you Tsukki.
Tsukishima: Good. Now give me back my headphones. *tries to snatch the headphones from my hand*
Me: Oops! *raises hand to avoid his* Nah-ah! *wags index finger from left to right in front of his face*
Tsukishima: *growls* Give it back.
Me: *sticks out tongue* No way, Tsukishitma!
Tsukishima: *looks confused and shocked* What?
Me: You heard me, Tsu-ki-SHIT-ma!
Tsukishima: *glares at me* I'm not a shit, shortie.
Me: Oh~? Then you're a tall bean pole with glasses.
Tsukishima: *snickers* That's it? So lame. *chuckles* Can't you think of a better comeback, shortie? C'mon! Is it because you're short and small that your brain isn't big enough to think of better comebacks? *snickers*
Me: *smirks and whispers to self* We'll see about that, Tsukki.
Tsukishima: *laughs* Despite being a middle schooler, you're so short that people might think of you as an elementary student. *snickers*
Me: *watches Tsukishima with the smirk still on my face*
Tsukishima: How awful is it to be short, hm? Shortie~ *smirks at me*
Me: *chuckles* Oh~ It's awful alright.
Tsukishima: *smirk widens* Oh~? Really~? Shortie~
Me: *snickers* Oh, Tsukki~
Tsukishima: *growls* Stop calling me that.
Me: Hm? *hums innocently* How about I sigh again, Tsukki?
Tsukishima: *glares at me*
Me: *laughs* I'm just joking! Here. *puts headphones on his head* I'll give it back.
Tsukishima: *scoffs* You should be. *plays music on his phone*
Me: Aww~ Tsukki's cute when he's annoyed.
Tsukishima: *groans* Stop calling me Tsukki. I'm not cute. And I'm not annoyed.
Me: Admit it, Kei~ *pokes his cheeks*
Tsukishima: *smacks my hand away while giving me a glare* Stop it, you're annoying.
Me: *snickers* I've never been this annoying until I met you.
Tsukishima: *scoffs and looks away* Whatever.
Me: *smiles* By the way, you're cute.
Tsukishima: No, I'm not.
Me: Yes, you are.
Tsukishima: No, I'm not.
Me: Yes, you are.
Tsukishima: No, I'm not.
Me: Yes, you are.
Tsukishima: ...
Me: Admit it~
Tsukishima: Shut up, [Name].
Me: *giggles* Well, you wouldn't admit you're cute because you're not cute.
Tsukishima: Finally, you get the message through your thick head.
Me: You're not cute. *smirks* You're handsome~
Tsukishima: Ugh. *groans* Just shut up.
Me: Aww~ Kei's annoyed.
Tsukishima: No, I'm not.
Me: Yes, you are~
Tsukishima: No. I'm not.
Me: Yes, you are~ *giggles*
Tsukishima: *glares at me* I hate you.
Me: Ehh~? *pouts childishly* Why~? I thought you only hate hot-headed people? *thinks while placing my index finger and thumb on my chin* Or was it hot-blooded?
Tsukishima: *growls*
Me: *shrugs* Anyways, I'm not any of that, so why do you hate me?
Tsukishima: *clicks tongue* Because you're pissing me.
Me: Aww~! *grins* I thought you would say that I'm annoying you~
Tsukishima: *huffs* Shut up.
Me: Man~ Kei's really mad~ *giggles*
Tsukishima: *glare hardens* Yeah, I am. Now shut up.
Me: Yey! *cheers* I finally made Kei mad~
Tsukishima: Whatever. *closes eyes*
Me: *cat smile* I'll stop now. Do you still hate me?
Tsukishima: I loathe you.
Me: *snickers* Well, close enough. *giggles* I love you too, Kei-nii~! *huge grin*
Tsukishima: *scoffs* Whatever, shortie.
Me: *smiles*
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licaliquor · 2 years
Tsukishima Kei x Fem Reader
characters x reader (serie)
enemies to lovers
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Era la solita mattina primaverile al liceo Karasuno e come sempre la c/c era per le sue,completamente da un'altra parte,durante la lezioni.
All'apparenza poteva sembrare che stesse solo intensamente ammirando dalla finestra i fiori di ciliegio,di cui ormai la struttura scolastica era piena, ma non erano quei fiori a farle viaggiare la mente bensì ciò che le ricordavano.
In un pomeriggio come tanti dopo le lezioni la malcapitata era stata delegata da sua madre ad uscire in città per portare a termine delle commissioni, quando qualcosa catturò la sua attenzione durante il tragitto e a quel punto le sembrò impossibile muoversi,era ipnotizzata da ciò che vi era difronte ai suoi occhi.
Un viale,senza un'anima viva,silenzioso,pieno di alberi di ciliegio rosei i quali avevano cosparso con i petali dei loro fiori panchine,marciapiedi e strada,contornando così un tramonto sereno che avanzava all'orizzonte. Ogni tanto solo un alito di vento passava indisturbato giocando fra le chiome dei ciliegi,i quali poi frusciavano in coro come le risate d'un solletico. Ella rimase qualche secondo ferma ad osservare quel luogo che in sé conservava qualcosa di fiabesco,osservandolo poi più attentamente ogni dettaglio,finché un ragazzo seduto in lontananza su una delle tante panchine spuntò di sfondo a quel quadro,era così tranquillo che si confondeva con il paesaggio ed era difficile notarlo subito nonostante fosse l'unico oltre a lei in quell'oasi di pace e nonostante sembrasse molto alto perfino da seduto. Ben presto capì che in quel paesaggio il dettaglio più bello era proprio lui,ma egli era uno di quei dettagli che vanno cercati attentamente,che nascondono la loro bellezza e rarità in mezzo a tanto barlume,uno di quei dettagli che colgono quei pochi che non osservano solo il centro dun'opera. Cercò di non far notare il suo esser rimasta incantata davanti al giovane sconosciuto,ma era impossibile non rimanere stupiti di come egli sembrasse parte di un dipinto d’impronta impressionista. Lui che per conto suo quel pomeriggio era su quella panchina lontana da tutto e tutti,con le cuffiette e un libro fra le dita,come se l'assordante silenzio di cui amava far parte non fosse abbastanza taciturno. Lui con la testa leggermente chinata verso le parole scritte su quella carta giallastra che quasi dava una sensazione di antichità,con gli occhiali che scivolavano lentamente sul naso senza che se ne potesse rendere conto,mentre le sue ciocche bionde si perdevano nel paesaggio dai toni caldi ma impallidivano la sua figura. Di fatto quel paesaggio non era abbastanza caldo poichè nonostante il cuore della ragazza fosse ormai come un caminetto quel ragazzo invece appariva freddo e gelido come neve appena caduta,che il suo animo non riuscisse a scaldarsi a causa di una ferita? Ch'egli non riuscisse nemmeno più a fidarsi del silenzio di cui si circondava? Qualcosa il lui rendeva riservata e distaccata un'atmosfera che dava tutt'altre sensazioni.
Come una goccia blu in una tela rossa egli portava con sé l'inverno in quel pomeriggio di primavera.
Perché mai cercare di scaldare un cuore incastonato in una lastra di ghiaccio con un paesaggio simile? Perché mettersi a leggere lì in quel momento se quelle sensazioni contrastavano a tal punto con la sua persona? Forse come tutti gli opposti che si attraggono,egli si sentiva attratto da quel luogo,il quale in un certo senso poteva essere l'unico a dargli la tranquillità di cui era visibilmente parte in quel momento. La ragazza avrebbe potuto ammirarlo per ore,ma prima o poi se ne sarebbe accorto,ed il tempo passava troppo velocemente per permetterle di restare lì e rimandare le sue commissioni.
Fine flashback
Da quel giorno anche se piena di impegni,anche se doveva studiare,anche se doveva concentrarsi e persino se doveva dormire la figura di quel ragazzo non smetteva di tormentarla, non usciva dalla sua testa. Rimase impressionata di come qualcuno fosse riuscito in un attimo a infilarsi nei meandri dei suoi impegnati pensieri senza neanche avergli mai parlato. Lei era riservata e stava sulle sue come lui e forse non avrebbe neanche mai avuto il coraggio di parlargli,neppure se gli si fosse palesato davanti d'improvviso e scontrandosi con esso si sarebbe almeno dovuta scusare,ma i suoi pensieri sembravano saper parlare più di lei quando si trattava dello sconosciuto.
La sua mente era costantemente distratta e tutto questo non le dava pace al punto da fargli venire il mal di testa,semplicemente non aveva senso,come poteva una persona vista per caso essergli rimasta in mente per così tanto tempo? Continuava a convincersi che non fosse lui ad esserle rimasto nei pensieri,era invece solo la suggestione di quel paesaggio dove lui era seduto,ma il dubbio persisteva e le stava corrodendo l'anima,voleva una risposta.
"Si può sapere a che pensi?" Esordì la compagna stufa di chiamare la ragazza ripetutamente senza essere degnata nemmeno di uno sguardo.
"Nulla...scusa,sono solo stanca."Rispose y/n con fare stordito risvegliandosi da quel labirinto di pensieri.
"In genere chi è stanco non si mette a fissare i ciliegi per così tanto temp- Ahhh non era questo quello che volevo dirti,all'uscita devo fermarmi a comprare del ramen per mia madre se vieni con me mangiamo anche della soba." Continuò il discorso la ragazza invitandola a pranzo.
"Va bene....però emh....scusa perché mi parli di questo ora? Che ore sono?" Chiese la giovane con fare perso dopo essere ritornata presente nella sua realtà.
"Tra mezz'ora finiscono le lezioni." Le rispose l’amica.
"Cosa?!" Replicò con stupore ella.
"Cerca di riposarti,mi preoccupi y/n." Concluse la vicina di banco per poi riprendere a seguire la lezione.
"Ma fino a tre secondi fa stavo solo guardando dei fiori di ciliegio...ma che mi prende.." Pensò tra sé e sé la ragazza incredula.
"Bene,un'altra giornata scolastica è passata senza aver fatto nulla,non ci vorrà molto prima che io diventi il nulla come lei." Pensò drasticamente la studentessa,riferendosi alla sua media scolastica la quale seppur ottima di questo passo non avrebbe impiegato molto tempo a calare.
"Passiamo dall'uscita vicino la palestra,facciamo prima,lì non passa praticamente nessuno e poi il negozio sta su quella strada." Propose la compagna e la giovane semplicemente annuì seguendola verso l'esterno dell'edificio,tra un passo ed un altro prese il telefono fra le mani iniziando a rispondere a qualche messaggio mentre camminava,la sua vita iniziava ad assomigliare ad un continuo distrarsi ma infondo a quella realtà giornaliera c'era poco e niente che la legasse.
"Uugh Lee scusa-" Si scusò prontamente la ragazza credendo di essersi erroneamente scontrata sulla compagna tanto da esser caduta,ma le bastò alzare gli occhi da terra per notare che la persona di fronte a lei non era Lee e non era neppure caduta a differenza sua.
"Scusami,no-non volevo." Cercò di salvarsi da quella situazione scusandosi ancora dopo aver notato con stupore nascosto che la persona su cui era andata a sbattere era proprio il protagonista del suo ricordo, il quale accompagnato da un ragazzo dai capelli scuri e le lentiggini ora la scrutava con sguardo giudicante.
"È molto alto eppure continuo a non vederlo evidentemente" Si rimproverò lei mentalmente, mentre con finta disinvoltura provava a rialzarsi.
"Guarda dove vai." Rispose lui con fare distaccato.
"Perfetto ottima prima impressione y/n." Pensò sarcasticamente.
"No davvero scusa." Isistette,provando a convincerlo a cambiare il suo atteggiamento scontroso nei suoi confronti,non voleva essere odiata dall'unica persona che non sarebbe mai uscita dai suoi pensieri.
"Sì questo lo hai già detto. Riprenditi i tuoi libri piuttosto." Replicò subito il ragazzo con tono di sfida.
Si chinò per raccoglierli,effettivamente aveva lasciato dei quaderni a terra senza volerlo,tuttavia quel comportamento stava già mettendo a dura prova la sua pazienza,quel suo dare ordini e sentirsi superiore le faceva solo salire la rabbia.
"Ahah" Ridacchiò lui spostando in lontananza con il piede uno dei libri che giaceva sul suolo mentre ella cercava di afferarlo.
"Si può sapere che problemi hai?!" Si alzò da terra con scatto felino la ragazza con i nervi a fior di pelle, senza neanche badar più a quegli oggetti sparsi ancora sul pavimento.
"Io nessuno,tu?" Gli chiese con ironia pungente il ragazzo prendendosi gioco della giovane studentessa, guardandola dall'alto verso il basso, cercandosi la lite da chi sapeva avrebbe abboccato.
Si guardarono negli occhi per qualche secondo,ma non appena y/n si rese conto di essere a pochi centimetri dal suo ormai rivale lo spinse via sbuffando,sorpresa e intimidita dalla sua vicinanza improvvisa,per poi chinarsi nuovamente con fare sbrigativo e prendere i quaderni rimasti sull'asfalto,sospirando nell'intento di mantenere la calma.
"Andiamo Tsukki" Lo sollecitò timidamente l'amico,almeno ora la ragazza sapeva in parte il nome di chi non sopportava.
I due si allontanarono e la sfortunata corse a cercare la sua amica che sembrava sparita in quei pochi minuti in cui rispondeva agli sms,provando a dimenticare l'accaduto,ma se prima la figura del giovane era bloccata nella sua testa per un puro sentimento inconscio ora sarebbe rimasto lì solo per il fastidio che egli gli procurava come un prurito.
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