#tua hogwarts au
holistictimedrfiter · 7 months
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Final decision on each others’ houses:
Luther: Hufflepuff
Diego: Gryffindor ( Only Diego would be Gryffindor from my perspective)
Allison: Slytherin
Klaus: Ravenclaw ( To be honest he gave me this Luna vibe and still he could be smart )
Five: Slytherin
Ben: Ravenclaw
Vanya/Viktor: Hufflepuff (Remember, if Hufflepuff turned dark they would be a more dangerous villain than the other house…If you twisted the kindness 👀…)
Lila: Slytherin (I wonder the hair style she could have… I remember there was an episode showed when she was trained by The Handler… but I couldn’t find a screenshot. Still love her in short hair)
This is going to be a bigger work and will takes longer time because I hadn’t really drawn that many characters in a frame before 😅 but I’m excited!
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tua-braindump · 1 year
HC: TUA as Hogwarts students (non-powered AU)
1. Luther
Hufflepuff, quidditch captain, keeper, good at care of magical creatures, has a pygmy puff.
2. Diego
Gryffindor, also quidditch captain, beater, good at transfiguration. Somehow everything becomes knives, has a pet snake.
3. Allison
Slytherin, prefect, head girl, skilled at charms pet cat.
4. Klaus
Hufflepuff, gobstones captain, divination genius, bff's with the giant squid.
5. Five
Slytherin, wizard chess club president, prefect, best at DADA, knows all the secret passages in the castle, angry owl named Aristotle.
6. Ben
Ravenclaw, prefect, seeker, potions prodigy, always sneaks down to the kitchen for snacks, tiny owl named Kimchi.
7. Viktor
Ravenclaw, prefect, loves herbology, hides away in the shrieking shack to play violin, hairless cat named Bach.
Bonus! Lila
Slytherin, quidditch captain, beater, somehow aces muggle studies, pet iguana.
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trixter-god · 2 years
Umbrella academy Hogwarts houses
(From a slytherin)
Number 1 (Luther) griffindor or slytherin
Number 2 (Allison) slytherin or ravenclaw
Number 3 (Diego) hufflepuff
Number 4 (Klaus) griffindor or hufflepuff
Number 5 ravenclaw or slytherin
Number 6 (Ben) ravenclaw or griffindor
Number 7 (Viktor) ravenclaw
Umbrella academy oc Hogwarts house’s
Number 1 (Arron) griffindor or slytherin
Number 2 (tbd female) ravenclaw
Number 3 (McKenzie) slytherin
Number 4 (tbd female) hufflepuff or ravenclaw
Number 5 (tbd male) ravenclaw or slytherin
Number 6 (tbd female) hufflepuff
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in-tua-deep · 1 year
i need you to know that ever since three years ago when you posted the first part of your tua hogwarts au, i have been deeply obsessed with it. it has lived with me rent free for three long years. nonstop.
adfsSFDghASDF i'm glad !! i do really have a guilty pleasure for hogwarts aus, though it's for a version that i've built in my head based on my siblings retellings and fandom over the years! admittedly i,,, never actually read the whole series even as a kiddo
though fun fact: one of my earliest memories is going to see the first harry potter movie in 2001 when i was like, four-ish? i fell asleep and woke up during the part where the unicorn is being vampire'd which certainly made an impression lol
sometimes i think i'd like to properly write it up but that would require a deeper dive into hp than i'm willing to make tbh, though i get away with surface knowledge and quickly googled questions in my little scribbly tumblr posts ;3c
#fuck jk amiright#i did watch the movies though i never have finished the books#i made an attempt in jr high and just didn't#which is honestly shocking bc i read and finished other series i actively did not enjoy just for the completionist nature in me#but i mean i was a tiny english child so i couldn't escape the harry potter hype#the whole thing is just. marred though by everything i a) didn't pick up on as a child in the books and b) everything jk is doing now#i wonder why it managed to gain such notoriety#though i was a warrior cat kid#rather than a harry potter kid#the true tragedy is that i'm not a furry despite being in all the furry adjacent communities smh#BUT i really do like my hogwarts au for tua though despite everything#i miss what i used to think harry potter was when my sister was retelling me the plot#the opposite for animorphs though whatever the fuck is actually in the text is so much more interesting than my sister's retellings#i would love to read them again as an adult if i could#but i can't get past the kneecaps going backwards when i know too much about animal anatomy#who knows though might give it another shot one of these days#it's actually super impressive how much i know about harry potter due to pure cultural assimilation though#i know so many book specific things despite not even reading them what the fuck#in case anyone is wondering my stance in general though#it's 'fuck terfs'#viktor is a trans man and i'm nonbinary and terfs can get the fuck off my dash in general
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TUA Hogwarts AU because why not
so i know this has been done a lot but i saw some fanart where the handler was the headmistress and it inspired me so uh yeah
i kinda wrote this as one long ramble as i thought of new ideas so its not very well organised oops 
vanya and five are still siblings but none of the others are
vanya is two years older than five and he hates it
vanya is a 4th year five is a 2nd year
theyre both slytherins but vanya would rather be in hufflepuff and five would rather be in ravenclaw
allison is also a 4th year slytherin and is vanya’s best friend
and shes got a crush on luther (ok i dont ship them but it is canon to some extent so im keeping it)
luther is a 4th year gryffindor who follows the rules 
diego is a 3rd year gryffindor who does not follow the rules
they hate each other
then there’s klaus and ben who are both 3rd year hufflepuffs and keep getting in trouble
luther hates them because they always seem to be involved with whatever shit diego’s fucked up this time
luther is part giant
he can and will carry misbehaving 1st/2nd/3rd years straight to the headmistress’s office
he’s good at defence against the dark arts, care of magical creatures, astronomy and not much else
diego is insanely good at duels
like insanely good
he’s also very good at defense against the dark arts
allison is part veela and very popular
she’s also very good at charms
klaus is friendly with all the ghosts in the castle
especially peeves, who often joins in on his chaos
he’s a beater on the hufflepuff quidditch team
five somehow taught himself to apparate 
he really shouldn’t be allowed to legally but the handler (or Ms Temps as she’d called in this AU) is the headmistress and has a lot of sway in the ministry so he gets away with it somehow
he’s also planning on taking every class in his 3rd year so he can get his hands on a time turner
he’s very good at potions
ben is very very good at care of magical creatures
he’s also managed to befriend the giant squid somehow
vanya is very good at defence against the dark arts
she’s also good at charms which is how she became friends with allison
she’s on the slytherin quidditch team (she’s the seeker)
the commission is basically the death eaters of this AU 
of course the handler/ms temps works for them but obviously nobody knows that
nobody knows ms temps’ first name 
or why she’s ms temps instead of professor temps
she was in slytherin
grace is a professor, she teaches charms
she’s also the head of hufflepuff house
then there’s reginald, or Professor Hargreeves
he teaches defence against the dark arts and is head of gryffindor house
allison is a pure blood
vanya and five are actually half bloods but everyone thinks they’re pure bloods because theyre in slytherin (damn house stereotypes)
luther is a pure blood
diego is a muggleborn
klaus is also a muggleborn
ben is a halfblood
allison is a parseltongue
i’ll probably write an actual story for this at some point but for now here’s a bunch of random thoughts lol
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sagelovesbooks · 2 years
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Tewksbury Masterlist:
Incorrect Quotes:
Y/n's Honesty
Dating Tewksbury
Holding him.
Hermione Masterlist:
Loving Her
A Freezing Kiss
*Coming Soon*
Incorrect Quotes:
Five Hargreeves Masterlist:
*Coming Soon*
Incorrect Quotes:
What To Do When Five Is Angry
Sneaking Out
Birthday Cake
Stronger Words
Y/n's Intelligence
Washing Machines
Klaus's Freakout
Steering Wheel
Is That My Tea?
What Happens Behind The Curtains.
All It Ever Was
Eddie Munson Masterlist:
Hallway Crush
Sleepy Days.
Eddie Munson Headcanons
Incorrect Quotes:
Robin Buckley Masterlist:
*Coming soon.*
*Coming soon.*
Incorrect Quotes:
*Coming soon.*
Remus Lupin Masterlist:
*Coming soon.*
*Coming soon*
Incorrect Quotes:
*Coming soon.*
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neonnewitch · 4 years
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Umbrella Academy - Hogwarts AU
(My reasons for sorting:
Luther - Gryffindor: I know a lot of people would sort him as Hufflepuff, and I agree. I think he’s a Hufflepuff at heart, but at a younger age, he would convince himself to be a hero, a leader, a Gryffindor, just to prove himself (to daddy?). Also, I need to create a rivalry between him and Diego, so it makes more sense for them to be in the same house.
Diego - Gryffindor: This is an easy one. He’s brave, he tries to be a hero, he wants to be there for others, he heads straight to trouble so he can save others - remember the scene at the beginning of season 2? He just arrived in a foreign time and place, he heard a scream and he went to help. Yup, Gryffindor.
Allison - Slytherin: She’s a star, she wants fame, and in season 2, she’s fighting for equality. There isn’t a better word to describe her than ambitious.
Klaus - Hufflepuff: I wasn’t very sure about this one, almost put him in Gryffindor because I know he can be brave (see 2x09). However, I don’t think that’s the main part of his heart. He’s a little bit of an asshole, but he tries to help even though he hides it and denies it, and deep down he wants to have some peace. He wants to be loved and he wants to love others.
Five - Slytherin: Come on. Look at his lil smug face. Can you imagine him in any other house?
Ben - Ravenclaw: He loves reading, which was clearly indicated in the show. I think this sorting is clear enough.
Vanya - Hufflepuff: I also wasn’t very sure about her, almost put her in Slytherin b/c of season 1. But after watching season 2, I think she’s quite similar to Klaus. She can be fierce and tough, but she’s a big softie inside, and she aches for a peaceful life with loved ones. And she’s incredibly loyal to the ones she loves, like Sissy and Harlan, and of course her siblings once she made peace with them.
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shortnotsweet · 4 years
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[ Five & Vanya Hargreeves ]
Five’s breath hitches like a lit match, and those thoughts come alive again, hard and whole and unmistakable.
He wants to touch her and hold her down and marry her and get the hell away from her.
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hellstenglow · 4 years
Hogwarts AU
Anyway, here where I (me and my personal opinion) will sort the Hargreeves in the classical Hogwarts houses. Shippy headcanons (mention of fiveya and alluther, if you don’t like, don’t click) and scenarios included, because my brain can’t help it. I also think I want to write this into a fanfiction, but I have not the time and I am not confident enough in my skill at the moment? Yeah, I just vomit a lot of words. 
Five – Ravenclaw. People would put him in Slytherin because he can be ruthless, but I see his clever brain being his prominent feature. He loves knowledge, he just focuses on what he loves the most of course (math, physics in real world). He is also cocky and smug about his own abilities and intelligence, which is a side-effect on a lot of Ravenclaw. They think they know better. He thinks the same. I can see him excelling in Arithmancy since it’s the Math of Magic.
Ben – Ravenclaw. He likes books and he is pretty rational most of the time. He has a gift with words and with them he reaches people’s heart. He doesn’t notice a lot of people have a crush on him, because he is good looking, a funny sensitive guy and when he starts talking about the beauty of latest discovery on Runology people are influenced by his passion. Yes, he is definitely good in Ancient Runes.
I like the idea of my favourite boys being in the same house. I am sure Five would insult Ravenclaw’s eagle knocker every time he can’t get inside their dormitory, because the eagle goes all philosophic and Five has no time for that. Ben always gets the answers right.
Ben: “It’s about the perception of the question, not the accuracy of the answer per se.” after Five flipped at the guardian of their house once again that week.
Five *snikers*: “Bullshit, Ben. The Eagle just hates my guts since the first year I called him an obnoxious opinionated rusty emblazonment.”
Ben: “I am sure Rowena Ravenclaw would have loved to listen you insulting her enchanted knocker! But may I remind you, you cannot threaten to melt him in an ashtray every day and demand him to like you.
Klaus – Hufflepuff. He is so random and full of chaotic energy, Hufflepuff can be that. He is also very empathic and has a very acute emotional intelligence. He is better at school subjects than what people gave him credit. Since in the wizarding world ghosts are more common than the muggle world, he learned to not be afraid of them. They do not have superpowers in such AU, they’re already magical so seeing ghosts isn’t something special. I imagine him having a sort of sixth sense though, not powerful enough to be a Seer but good enough to have amazing intuitions. He had tons of fun in the Divination class, because he can talk for hours about random sh*t (remember the frog and the scorpion) and it sounds like a prophetic genius. 
Vanya – Hufflepuff. People always look down on this house because they are “the rest” and their good features are loyalty and just. What’s wrong with being loyal and just? Helga Hufflepuff thought everyone with magic deserve an education when she decided she would take everyone else the other four didn’t want. That’s an educator, great Helga! This house encourages the students to be proud of who they are. Vanya being in a house that welcome people and treat the students equally is a fitting choice for me, she would love the warming dormitory too. Vanya is loyal to the people she loves and at the core she is a good person. Extra points for the fact you must get the right musical rhythm to open the secret entrance. She nailed it. She joined the Hogwarts Orchestra in the Third Year and have a wicked talent for Charms. (I am biased because I am an Hufflepuff, but my house is good!).
I imagine Ben and Klaus’ friendship being the reason why Five and Vanya’s orbits collided at the beginning. One day Klaus drags Vanya with him in one of the study rooms to join a study group for the next Transfiguration test “Benny is funny and adorable, but he is also bringing this other super nerd Ravenclaw who is kinda of a jerk. I CANNOT deal with studying Transfiguration and two brain-suckers at once. You are my emotional support.”
Vanya accepts because she had to prepare for the same test anyway and she already knows Ben, she likes him. So, they met, everything is fine except for the fact Five is being his snarky self. Then I imagine Vanya saying something very witty at him to shut him up and suddenly Five feels a sort of sparkle inside (brain Five: Oh. Wait.). 
He doesn’t expect such a counterattack from this seemingly timid shy Hufflepuff girl. By the way he has noticed her since the third year, when she casted an actual Patronus charm during a lesson in DADA (Yes, Vanya is a powerful witch). Five was VERY impressed that day (probably turned on, but he is a teenager that’s normal. Hormones suck). However his brain didn’t catch up the hints from his heart until that moment in the study hall. 
Allison – Slytherin. I could put her in Gryffindor, but I like the idea that she subverts the typical image of a Slytherin. She is cunny, clever and ambitious like any Slytherin can be, she also doesn’t mind being at the center of the attention. However, she is also caring, kind and a social butterfly among her peers. She befriends Vanya because she genuinely likes her, who care if she is of another house. She certainly doesn’t care if his boyfriend Luther is a Gryffindor, the “enemy” of their house. No Slytherin bullies can ever have the best on her, she hex them before they can blink. Excellent in Cure of the Magical Creatures and Transfiguration.
Luther – Gryffindor. He wants to do the right thing and showing it. Big body, bigger heart. Quidditch player in the house team, probably a chaser. He is doing it just because Diego asked, he is more into Astronomy and Herbology (he was very caring with his little plant on the base on the Moon, I like the idea he is good with plants in general) than sports. I mean, if not Gryffindor where else?
Diego – Gryffindor. In this reality he doesn’t have such a bad hero complext, but he has a strong sense of justice and he wants validation through his good actions. He does them because he is a brave of course, but also because he’s a little show-off like any Gryffindor on monday morning. Captain of the Quidditch team, a chaser and he loves to participate at the duel club (a proper duel club, not the fake one created by Lockhart years before). He is good on Defence against the Dark Arts. He wants to be an Auror.
Klaus convinces Diego to join the “How long it will take for Five and Vanya to finally confess their feelings and snog in one of the broom closets?” bet he made with Ben. Allison and Luther try to help them by organizing a double date at Hogsmeade, one of the weekends when the students are allowed to visit the village. Five almost chokes his own twin brother (YES, Luther and Five are twin brothers canon in this AU. Like in the comics. It’s my guilty pleasure okay) for tricking him, altough the plan worked at the end of the day. Ben wins the bet. 
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craccjhead · 4 years
Hi👋🏻 Diego Hargreeves request! Maybe a little weird... but a Hogwarts au where he is a Gryffindor or Slytherin and he has a girlfriend who is a Ravenclaw, and he is all soft with her and cute, which surprises his siblings?😂 Some fluff for our hearts❤️
Surprise, Surprise (Slytherin!Diego Hargreeves x Ravenclaw!Reader)
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(Credits to the background owner)
Note: Hi LobsterAnon, thank you so much for this request! And no, it's not weird at all, this was actually quite fun to write! I made this an xReader (and also the next request I'll be writing too😳)
Hope you guys enjoy! 🦞✌
(And PS, sorry if it’s a bit crappy-)
Warnings/Triggers: None (aside from me not knowing the floor plan of Hogwarts-)
Pairing/s: Slytherin!Diego Hargreeves x Ravenclaw!Fem!Reader
Summary/Request: "Hi👋🏻 Diego Hargreeves request! Maybe a little weird... but a Hogwarts au where he is a Gryffindor or Slytherin and he has a girlfriend who is a Ravenclaw, and he is all soft with her and cute, which surprises his siblings?😂 Some fluff for our hearts❤️ " - Anon
Prompt (If any): N/a
Requested?: Yessir!
●●● ●●● ●●●
As a Ravenclaw, you and most Slytherins got along pretty well, some even befriending you. But then there was one Slytherin, your boyfriend of about eight months now; Diego.
You and him met a year ago, when Proffessor Snape paired you two up for a potions making project. You were the first one to strike up a conversation with him, (since, much to your surprise, he was super nervous to even look you in the eye), and also found out you two had a lot in common.
From then on, you two always hung out after school, and inbetween, rarely being seen away from eachother, but then your feelings started growing larger and larger for him. Then one day, you both finally broke, spewing your feelings out on eachother, the night leading to something more between the two of you.
This leads you to now, as you wait for him outside the Great Hall. You hum to yourself, playing with the hem of your sweater, when someone tapped your shoulder. "Y/n,"
A large grin formed on your lips as you turned around, wrapping your arms around him. "Diego!" You exclaimed, excited, "Let's go to the library, hm?" Diego nodded, your hands intertwining with his, as you both started to walk to the library, lovingly chatting with each other on the way.
You flipped the next page of the book you were reading to Diego, who was resting his head on your shoulder, listening intently. “Hey, Y/n?” He turned to look up at you, looking deeply into your eyes.
You looked down at him, tilting your head. "Yes?" Diego leaned in a bit closer, your foreheads touching, "I love you." He whispered.
Your heart fluttered at his words as you blushed. "Diego, I love you too." You smile warmly, planting a kiss on his lips.
"Aww! How adorable!"
You both turn behind you, seeing a confused Vanya and Luther, and an amused Klaus. "Diego, brother dear, you didn't tell us you had a girlfriend!" Klaus mused, resting his chin on his hand.
"You didn't?"
Diego looked between you and his siblings, "Erm, I can expl-" Vanya shakes her head. "I just got dragged into this, I'm a bit confused, so she's your girlfriend?"
You look at Diego. "You haven't told your siblings?"
"I didn't think they'd care."
Klaus scoffs, holding a hand to his chest. "Wow, I do!"
Diego shrugs, and waves them off. "Go away!" He exclaims, flipping them off. "Sorry, we'll go." Vanya apologizes, turning around to exit the library, Luther and Klaus trailing behind.
He turns back to you, caressing your cheek. "Sorry, about them," Diego flashes a nervous smile. "Now, where were we?" He chuckles, returning the kiss you gave him earlier.
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holistictimedrfiter · 7 months
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Hogwarts AU with The Umbrella Academy + Lila
Hopefully you will be able to recognize most of them, but anyway… it’s done! 💜🥰
TUA x Hogwarts House AU( I also put Lila here since she would be family even if in AU, from my perspective hehe) Hope you enjoy!
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So like... if I hypothetically wrote a multifandom fanfic in which characters from umbrella academy, the society, stranger things, anne with an e, outer banks, and the 100 all randomly got transported to Hogwarts and had an entire complicated plot line in which they all had to stop Voldemort while also dealing with their own personal issues, would anyone be interested?  
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doctordirectioner5 · 4 years
Hey everyone, I never do this but I just wanted to let you all know I have an Archive of Our Own account!! I mainly post Troy and Abed works but I am working on other things and I’m open to suggestions. It would just mean a lot to me if you could at least check it out!!! Thanks so much
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
For the Harry Potter AU, Is there going to be Five time travelling, be it accidentally?
Five does not decide to time travel on a whim to use his powers in the hogwarts au - this does not mean he doesn’t time travel
(Five is very very concerned with them all sticking together in this timeline/au !! he doesn’t want to run away at all, because their lives are finally good - he has no reason to want to time travel when there’s all this other magic shit he could be learning)
during one of their summers, they end up at the Weasley’s house. It makes sense. Ginny was their youngest child and she’s graduated and moved out. The Weasley’s had a whole seven children, which means they have space slash beds for seven whole children. So they stay with the Weasleys, which is a somewhat awkward fit but I digress
but look the Weasleys still have kids, and those kids do visit
(Which is how Klaus meets Fred Weasley, which is another story)
But Ron comes home to visit and Hermione comes with him and they end up telling stories about their Hogwarts days to the umbrella kids, which is interesting and fun !! they downplay the deadliness of their shenanigans probably but they tell them stories
and Ron mentions Hermione’s insanity their third year when Hermione decided she had to take every single class available to her like an absolute madman. How did she manage that? Oh, she got a time turner with the ministry’s permission or something
and Five, who is always doing Way Too Many Things At Once is immediately enthralled with the idea that you can jump back hours at a time. And they used this just to get to a class at the same time as another class? The possibilities are limitless. 
As soon as Ron and Hermione leave Five is already penning furious letters to his head of house hollering about getting a time turner and that he also wants to do All The Classes
(all his Hufflepuff friends admire his work ethic, yes, very hufflepuff, but come on five put the book down and play exploding snap with us for once in your goddamn life)
And Sprout mails back like “You’re literally 12 you don’t even get electives for your second year?? ask me again next year????” because this is a ravenclaw problem usually - and a Hermione problem - that the Hufflepuff head of house usually doesn’t have to deal with tbh
and Five pouts about it but yeah okay that’s fair, even if having the five hour time turner would be super super useful for things like... sleep or homework slash doing other peoples homework (for a fee of course)
so Five goes through his second year very patiently and then at the end kicks in Sprout’s door and is like “PROFESSOR SPROUT, TIME TURNER ME” giving her an absolute heart attack
(Five is pretty good at zooming through his homework actually, he’s one of the top students in their year actually??? he’s one of those annoying kids who doesn’t even have to put in much effort to get top grades? 
this is because Five is voracious in his pursuit of magical knowledge and is actually like, way beyond his year’s appropriate material tbh - like he’s not quite brewing polyjuice potions in the bathrooms but the librarian knows him by name and he’s started eyeing the restricting section with a little too much interest recently
the age old wisdom learned in Reginald’s household: you only get in trouble if you get caught)
Five is willing to even do the really stupid sounding classing like divination (gag, he’s going to be doing the class with Klaus, Allison, and Diego though so it’s not a total wash he guesses) because if he does the work he gets a fucking time turner are you kidding
(Klaus is way too enthusiastic about divination, when asked why she’s taking Allison arches an eyebrow and says she can absolutely predict the future - for example she heard a rumor you left her alone - wow look at that it came true! Diego is taking it because Klaus begged him but also because he heard it was a really easy class and he would like to focus on quidditch thanks)
they end up staying at the Longbottom Estate the summer between their second and third year (the Weasleys weren’t a great fit and they plan to go to Romania that summer to visit Charlie) since the bigass mansion from an old family has enough room
They’re familiar with Neville, who is apprenticed under Professor Sprout and is probably going to take over herbology classes in the near future. Ben and Neville get along like a house on fire, spending way too much time in the green house
Five, on the other hand, strikes up an intense rivalry with Augusta Longbottom, who is ancient and fierce and strikes terror into the heart of any child she wishes. Five kind of wants to be her but also is at war with her because there are so many good books that Augusta won’t let him read
(anyway, Five learns the hard way that Augusta Longbottom keeps an armed mouse trap in her purse and admires such a simple non-magical solution to keeping intruders away)
Klaus doesn’t like the estate (it’s very old and there are... quite a few ghosts), Diego is constantly badgering the others to practice quidditch with him, Luther carries everything for Augusta and is deemed a ‘nice young man, very Gryffindor’ with approval, Allison models herself the perfect young lady and takes great pleasure in sticking her tongue at the others when they get in trouble (behind the adult’s backs of course), while Vanya takes the opportunity to practice her violin with intensity considering they can’t practice magic anyway (curse underage magic laws)
of course there is a small incident where Ben and Five set up an illicit potions lab in the definitely not a dungeon basement and may or may not experiment which lead to something almost blowing up
“In our defense,” Five says, scrubbing a sleeve over a very sooty face thanks to a small explosion, “we were really bored.”
“Potions.” Neville despairs, like potions personally killed his parents and kicked his dog. And who knows, maybe they did somehow. This is the magical world, nothing ever makes sense honestly. 
“Sorry for nicking some of your boom berries.” Ben offers, managing to actually look sincerely sorry. Five should take pointers, honestly.
“The boom berries aren’t even ripe.” Neville whimpers, face in his hands.
Five exchanges a look of realization with Ben, “Ah, that’s why they - ”
“Went boom.” Ben says with a slightly hysterical giggle on the end.
“No more potions without supervision.” Is the order they get stuck with, which is really unfair considering that there are seven kids and only two adults honestly. 
(“I can’t believe you almost blew up the house.” Luther hisses at them later, to which Ben looks appropriately abashed.
“You’re just jealous we didn’t include you in any plots with explosions.” Five points out crossly. Luther doesn’t say anything to that, which means he’s right.)
Vanya only blows up like, three whole rooms and the bright side is that everyone chalks it up to accidental magic even though Vanya should really have grown out of it by now but... it’s not like they have another explanation!
The kids get very good at distracting the adults and the others trying to train Vanya so that she doesn’t blow things up by accident, which goes better than canon because she wasn’t pent up for literal decades at least but does mean that more accidents happen than the Longbottom house is necessarily used to
“I’d forgotten what it was like to have children underfoot again.” Augusta says when they have to go back, leaning on her cane and looked at them all severely. “Do not return.”
and that’s their stay at the Longbottom estate
so Five enters his third year and gleefully is given a time turner
and he’s informed he can only turn it back five hours, which is the safe time !! and he’s like “haha neat” and immediately turns it five times and - 
he shows up like five years in the past due to funkiness of his powers interacting with the time turner, which lovingly dumps him right into the middle of the war when he’s like, thirteen, in 1997
“what the FUCK” - Five, probably
and this is how five realizes he has time powers
Five is missing for five months when he shows back up, more than a little bit traumatized, clutching his time turner
“what the FUCK” - all of Five’s siblings upon his return, because they have been freaking out for five months
“What do you mean I’ve been missing for five months?” Five asks hysterically, “It’s been like, a month? Tops? I hope you idiots know I had to break into the fucking Ministry of Magic to get back to y’all fuckwads”
“What the fuck, Five” say the siblings, with feeling
“I had to steal and juryrig like, half of the ministry’s supply of time turners. it’s fine. they got ruined during the war anyway, I read about it, so it didn’t upset the timeline or anything to snag a few before it happened and stuff.” Five explains
(He returns the time turner to a very shaken Professor Sprout, but he does not return the pilfered ones he stole five years ago)
after everyone stops freaking out (more or less - the Hufflepuffs refuse to let Five out of their sights for more than five collective minutes which is an absolute pain) Five ends up having to drop some classes (he ends up dropping divination since he likes arithmancy way better - predicting the future with numbers? hell yeah !! and he drops care of magical creatures but insists on keeping up with muggle studies since he feels it’s important to keep up with that world just in case they have to disappear back into it) and life vaguely returns to normal
“Wait.” Klaus says, with a voice that says he’s had a very important revelation. “Does this mean that we’re older than Five?”
“No.” Five says, very firmly, as though that will help what is to come.
“Absolutely.” Diego immediately butts in.
“Absolutely not -” It’s no use. Klaus has wrapped his arms around Five (and curse him, Klaus is a fucking bean pole and taller than Five) and is crooning about how they’re going to take such good care of their babiest brother - 
Klaus deserves result of this interaction. The rest of the room? Well. Needless to say the siblings get detention for destroying an unused classroom
(this does not stop the others from referencing Five’s apparent youth at the most inopportune moments, which never fails to his Five’s berserk button)
everyone keeps a close eye on five. besides more food hoarding and some more general feralness he seems fine for the most part tbh
(he does not talk about his month away, but needless to say he was dumped into the beginning of Harry Potter’s seventh year, which was deeply unfortunate due to the fact that Death Eater’s had taken over Hogwarts and other deeply unfortunate events were taking place)
somehow Five manages to catch up to all his classes despite having been missing for Five months Five what the fuck, and maintains his position as one of the top students in their year
the siblings initiate daily meetings which means all of them pile into the Hufflepuff common room once a week on Five’s night hosting which is basically part sibling study group part “we WILL keep track of everyone on god”
yeah there may or may not be some like. trauma regarding their brother literally vanishing on them tbh
third year is also when Five discovers he can jump into the chamber of secrets and meets the painting of Dolores, and then proceeds to be down there whenever he’s getting sick and tired of everyone’s attention on him like he’s just gonna vanish on them for fucks sake Luther stop breathing in his ear he’s trying to read
he likes talking to Dolores, and she’s full of cool and interesting information and facts, and is very good at charms and hexes, not to even mention her encyclopedic knowledge of various jinxes
but yes five does time travel. it’s sort of to do with his time powers. it’s very accidental, basically his powers going absolutely haywire due to exposure to temporal magic and amplifying their effect to a terrifying degree, but thanks to genuine wizarding knowledge about temporal magic and the existence of time turners Five was able to get home in a timely manner
...sort of, honestly being four months off wasn’t too bad considering his canon difficulties with timing lmao
#hogwarts au#far tua long#long post#in a twist of fate five is gone for less time than passes in the real timeline#i haven't decided whether his own temporal powers fuck up his aging or not#but he is physically and mentally four months younger than his siblings#which doesn't sound too bad but he also still has possession of extra time turners and boundless curiosity#which means this could be a repeat occurrence#anyway yes they stay with mcgonagall before their first year#the weasleys the summer between first and second#and the longbottoms between second and third#it's not bad but the siblings need way more adult supervision than they get between neville and the very old augusta#five out there carving runes into the walls while augusta lays traps for him#augusta: i'm too old for this please never come back#but she secretly had fun#but like the kids did destroy several rooms of the estate and damaged more#*mostly* by accident#five definitely stole at least once ancient tome but augusta found him amusing enough that she allowed it#five vanished and traumatized everyone#ESPECIALLY himself#five out here vanishing to the chamber of secrets#his siblings: WHERE WERE YOU#five: GETTING SOME GODDAMN PEACE AND QUIET#but yeah five time travels into the past with a time turner oops#five has a very eventful third year tbh#almost as eventful as his fifth#five's obsession with knowing things puts him at the top of his classes but it's sort of a trauma response tbh#all the kids get excellent grades#it's kind of them worrying that if they don't do well they'll get put back with reggie#even klaus is getting good grades albeit he's lowkey cheating with fred's ghost tbh
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Just texted this to my brother (@timetorage) but anyways here’s my take on the Hargreeves in Hogwarts
The moment the Hat touches his head it shouts Gryffindor.
He absolutely becomes a Prefect
Despite being the only Gryffindor, he is constantly moving around through areas that the other houses tend to hang around, and is constantly policing what his siblings are doing, despite them all also being prefects
He joins the Quidditch team in his third year, and becomes a beater
He is especially good at Defense Against the Dark Arts. Defense spells are his speciality. That being said, he adores Astronomy
His patronus is a gorilla
The Hat spends some time on him. It can’t decide whether he belongs in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. After a minute, it declares him a Hufflepuff
This is, in his father’s eyes, not good. Reginald (a Slytherin himself) believed the best house to be in is Slytherin. Gryffindor was a good house to be in because it meant that you were brave enough to fight regardless of the challenge presented, however, it had the downside of the impulsiveness that held them back from thinking forward properly. Ravenclaw has the intelligence to think through things and plan ahead, but they were also far too curious, far too conerned with learning everything the world had to offer. Slytherins were smart and willing to fight, but also knew how to get others to fight for them. Hufflepuffs provided nothing but loyalty, and while that’s certainly okay in functionality as a team and as a follower, it provides him with nothing but that (at least, in his mind). They were weak, in his mind.
It certainly doesn’t help that Diego is the only Hufflepuff in the family
He becomes a Prefect, but gets the title taken away fairly quickly after he gets into a fight with another Prefect
He is also fairly good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, though while Luther is especially good at defense spells, Diego is great at offensive spells
He may or may not have mastered the Cruciatus Curse by the time he’s 15
He joins the Quidditch team in his third year, and takes on the role as one of the main chasers fairly quickly. He is, after all, an exceptional shot
His patronus is a hawk
The Hat is like an inch from her head when a stray piece of fabric from it touches her, and declares her Slytherin instantly
She’s her father’s shining star. The perfect Slytherin.
By the time she’s 12 she‘s mastered the Imperious Curse
She is, of course, made a Prefect, and is Head Girl in seventh year
And if she had to do a few “unforgivable” things to get there, so be it
Charms is by far her favorite class. She loves the convenience that charming items provides
She considers joining the Quidditch team in her fourth year, but instead becomes the announcer for Quidditch games
Her patronus is a cat
The Hat can’t quite put a finger on Klaus at first, but it does have a hunch. At first, it leans towards Hufflepuff, but as it deliberates it starts to lean towards Slytherin. Eventually, at around the two minute mark, he is declared to be a Slytherin.
This, ultimately, is actually what makes him such a disappointment to his father. He embodies the cunningness of a Slytherin perfectly, but he has no ambition to use that cunningness anywhere.
He is made a Prefect for about two days, before he gets his position revoked after getting caught making prohibited potions in the girl’s bathroom
He was really only made a Prefect because most of his siblings were
He’s surprisingly good at Potions class, as well as Herbology. It’s a shame that he abuses that knowledge
He gets brought on as the co anouncer for Quidditch (or rather, Allison forces him to join her)
He and Allison can usually be found lurking in the common room as they paint each other’s nails
His patronus is a raven
The Sorting Hat hates him. It gets stuck between Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw. It takes the Hat six minutes to finally declare him a Ravenclaw
He falls firmly in the know-it-all Ravenclaw category. Many of the other students find him insufferable
He quickly finds his footing in the Transfiguration class, but Apparition is obviously his specialty, and he started practicing it
He’s made a Prefect, which just makes him all the more unbearable to some of the other Ravenclaws
His patronus is a mongoose
The Hat takes a while to decide, but also disgards Hufflepuff in favor of Ravenclaw after a minute
He’s also generally well liked, so people aren’t surprised when he become Head Boy even though he’s never a Prefect
Luther is a little bitter
He exceeds at Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures. He adores learning about other creatures
His patronus is an octupus
He also becomes a registered animagous later on, and he turns into an octopus
Her siblings actually put a bet on what house she’d be in. Luther and Diego firmly believe she’s a Hufflepuff (and after getting sorted there, he hopes she’ll be sorted there so he isn’t the only disappointment), and Five ends up eventually agreeing. She’s too nice to be anything but a Hufflepuff in their mind
Klaus and Allison believe she’s a secret Slytherin. They think she’s quiet because she’s secretly watching them all and gathering info to use at a later date.
Ben thinks she’s a Gryffindor. He thinks she’s the kind of person who may be quiet most of the time, but if given the opportunity, would firmly defend her loved ones
She’s the last in the alphabet of their names, so it’s even more nervewracking waiting for her to get sorted and see who wins the bet. Eventually they get to her, and she takes a while to get up the stairs so they’re all just biting their nails waiting
The Hat gets put on her head for a millisecond and immediately declares her a Ravenclaw.
None of them win
Vanya is a more artsy Ravenclaw, obviously. She’s too quiet for the other Ravenclaws to really talk to her
She is exceptional in the more artsy classes of Hogwarts, like music class.
That being said, she is shockingly incredible at Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms. They quickly realize that she has a lot of raw power when applied properly
She becomes a Prefect, but she’s a rather hands off one. It’s not that she ignores the rules, but that she’s too self conscious to actually put her foot down
There’s a corner in the Ravenclaw common room that is officially the Hargreeves Corner, because the three Ravenclaw Hargreeves can consistently be found taking over it
Her patronus is a mouse
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tmarauder101 · 5 years
Vanya at Hogwarts: TUA and Harry Potter crossover Headcanon
Vanya at Hogwarts
A TUA (the Umbrella Acdemy) and Harry Potter crossover Headcanon
This is after Reginald puts her on the medication, and she’s deemed “ordinary”
• Vanya gets her Hogwarts letter and decides “well I’m definitely going no matter what! what do I have to lose?”
• Decides to make a fake letter from some XYZ boarding school so Hargreeves is like 🤔
• If that doesn’t work she’ll ask Allison to rumor Reggie into letting her go
• Goes to Diagonally on her own,(or maybe Five drops her off?) exchanging money she borrowed stole from Reginald
• Made a friend 👀 (I have a OC ready lmaoooo)
• Got her wand (!!!!)
And then waited until school started
• School starts and it’s also the year the 8th years were in school
Vanya would have gone to Hogwarts 3 years after the war, more or less, and that would have been probably enough time for repairs and getting the government back in track, or as much as it can. 
• Vanya gets into Ravenclaw 
• There’s a girl she met at Diagon that got sorted into Slytherin 👀 
(Her name is Leilani, she’s a girl with long black hair and little streaks of midnight blue in it, milk chocolate skin, and brown eyes. She also happens to live near Vanya, and Leilani, “Call me Lani”, is surprised that she hadn’t met Vanya prior to then…) Last name Raj???
• The elder years look at the younger ones with a slight smile (were we ever that young??) 
•Vanya tends to keep to herself but her roommates are so nice, and the prefects tried their best to be helpful and supportive. ( Also She talked to a nice 7th year named Luna Lovegood)
 (Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy took Lani under their Wings) I love Draco so like 👀
• Vanya took to Luna and a girl named Kami Moss, who happens to be her roommate
• Professor Flitwick (the charms teacher) and Headmistress McGonagall are her favorite teachers
• it was in Vanya’s second year that Flitwick had noticed her abilities
• When they found out they got her a tutor, the same one Leilani has for her musical magic 
Her name is Desai Hope and she’s a 23-year-old witch, who happens to be half Merperson, and specializes in Musical Magic (that has to do with sound waves and all that Jazz) She has short blonde hair with streaks of ocean blue in it, blue-green eyes, and is a tiny ball of energy. (she’s 5′2) she has a rather soothing voice, and tends to talk in metaphors to confuse the hell out of people then laughs about it later. 
•Those two met a Hufflepuff boy who was also learning under her, 
His name is Luca Terry, and he is a brunette boy with pale green eyes that are framed with turquoise round wire-rimmed glasses. He plays guitar, and loves learning about the muggle world, (he is a pureblood, but sort of similar to the Weasley’s) 
Together, Vanya, Lani, and Luca were the newest Trio of Hogwarts. 
 (Draco becomes the Potion teacher 3 years after he graduated and Harry becomes the DADA Teacher around the same time, also Neville is the assistant herbology teacher) ok moving on
• In the summer before 4th year, Vanya had stopped Five from leaving with Time Travel by running after him and explaining the dangers of time travel (she knew because of guest talks by Hermione during History of Magic class) and there may or may not have been tears involved
 Crisis 1 averted
• When she came home for Easter vacations they Umbrella Academy had been called on a mission and Reginald had decided to bring Vanya along
( To see if she had “changed”)
{Sometimes he felt like he was not in control of number 7 but he always became distracted pretty fast so that thought process never went too far…}
•Vanya saw that Ben was about to get seriously hurt and no one was noticing (if anything Reginald looked INTRIGUED)
•She had to do some quick thinking (Ron had a soft spot for her, hopefully, he’ll be the person to fetch her, or maybe Dersai will?) 
•"Nixie!“ She called for her favorite house elf, the one who loves to get ribbons and bow ties, and Nixie apparated her to the site and she shouted a "Projecto!” just as Ben turned
• And Leilani had popped in with Nixie, (when did Nixie even leave?), 
° “In for a Knut, in for a Galleon?” Leilani asks with a smirk, brandishing her wand and throwing Vanya hers
“Why not, Kingsley loves us,” Leilani laughs a truly wicked laugh and they fight off the other criminals with ease.
• Before Reginald or the others could even think to talk to Vanya, two Aurors pop in and the girls give their most innocent smiles letting Nixie pop away with their wands.
° “Let’s go, little Missies,” Seamus winks and Dean shakes his head fondly. 
And they spend the rest of their holiday with the teachers at Hogwarts. Luca comes to visit them, and they sing songs in Hogsmeade for fun. (Mostly covers of Muggle songs, but the Wizards love them!) 
Vanya knows she’ll have to answer a lot of questions at the end of the school year, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
But maybe she had scheduled summer classes with Dersai on purpose but nobody has to know that
And Leilani is always there with Nixie to offer her sanctuary
Thanks to @in-tua-deep for helping me with Details, and for listening to me ramble on and on about this 
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