#tw Nude
asmodeauxx · 9 months
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happy sex update yall
buy me a kofi?
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rosesandalfazemas · 26 days
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-How many times would I have to do this, caro?
-I am sorry, darling. But I like it when you do this, in a sense. You care.
-I do care, amor. I love you, but you cannot break all the time.
-Aye, husband.
Inspired by @greengreekeyes25 and this , a new rpg AU
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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You Dare Disobey Me, Girl? |Silva x Reader Angst|
Warning: brutal spanking, language, nudity, humiliation, sexual themes/discussions, physical abuse.
      Silva stood in front of you, his huge 6'6 form towering over you like a skyscraper, his blue eyes hard and menacing, body ripped with muscles. He made you feel so small and fragile- he could tear you apart if he wished.. that was the exciting part about working here- the rush of always being just so close to death. "I don't like when you act out Y/N, I found you nine years ago trusting you and taking you under my wing. Treating you as my own. Why would you dare to break my trust? Look at you now, in deep shit."
       You were completely naked, humiliation being apart of the punishment as your hands were tied above. You looked up at the metal bar, a sigh escaping your lips as you studied the rope. "I wasn't breaking your trust, I was just overwhelmed that you wanted Illumi to marry me. I didn't mean to run
away, I was going to eventually come back once I had time to think." You didn't like Illumi at all, he had no personality. You sound much rather marry Milluki, at least he speaks kindly to you.
         "You dare disobey me, girl? In my own damn house, acting so keen about everything. You are going to pay," he snapped, taking his thick leather belt off. He shook his head, silver hair resting on his broad shoulders. "You will marry Illumi and you will have my grandchildren. You knew that I would seek that in you, you knew Y/N. That is why I trained you so brutally for all of these years." His bright blue eyes traced down your body, staring at your womanhood with intensity.
         Your cheeks flushed red at the utter humiliation of all of this, knowing that he stares on purpose to humiliate you. Ever since you turned 20 he had begun a new phase in your punishing.. it was painful and embarrassing but in a way you liked it. The pain that once made you go insane was now turning you on wildly, making you grow wet with anticipation for your beating. "I'm sorry I disrespected you."
        His eyes traced up your body, full focus now on your breasts.  "You're going to be very sorry once I'm done with you. I was generous enough to allow you a warning the first time but that came with a promise that you wouldn't run away again. You broke that, so now I am going to beat your ass. Do you understand me?" He questioned, his black shoes padding against the hard ground, now standing in front of you. The leather belt was at his side, taunting you.
          "Why do you have to stare at me like that? What's the reason of staring at someone you will never have anyways? I belong to your little son, shouldn't he be the one to do this since I'm being forced to marry him?" You questioned, tone sharp.. you quickly regretted smarting off to him by the look in his eyes. Suddenly, you were fucking terrified.. your heart rapidly skipping a beat.
          "I could have you and take you right now if I wanted, my wife and I would use your body up.. separately and together. We would break you and next time we will, rather you are Illumi's wife or not. You will be handled," Silva snapped, slapping his large palm across your face with force, a snap gasp escaping your lips as your legs went weak. If it wasn't for the chains that tied your hands you would have fell to the ground. "You will marry my son and you will have our grandchildren. Or you will have mine, and I won't treat you well. Illumi will, do you see how well I treat my wife? I've never put my hands on her unless she asked."
         You shook your head weakly, "how could I marry a man that I don't love? At least give me more time to love him Silva, he hardly speaks to me. He hates me." You looked down, blood dripping onto the floor in front of you, the left side of your face throbbing. You wanted more.. why couldn't you just marry Silva or Kikyo? Damn it, this sucked.
         "He will be back in a week, you will marry her next day. You had seven years, I refuse to wait any longer. Now it is time for me to punish you," he said, walking behind you, his hand resting on your back. "He will learn to love you and he is willing, I already asked him and he said that he would treat you well. You will live rich and you will never be out of work. You will have a great life, just as you do now. Stop being stupid, now apologize to me."
           "But what if Illumi wasn't the one that I desire? What if the one I desire is someone else, someone that I owe my life too," you said, staring into his eyes. It was wrong to love Silva, so wrong.. but everything in this world was wrong. You were wrong. "I love you Silva, please let me be with Kikyo and I promise that I will make the both of you happy," you begged, tears falling down your face. You haven't cried in so long. "I love you so much, please love me back."
           Your desperate and lonely heart clung yo both him and Kikyo those seven years ago and you've been in love with Silva and slowly falling in love with Kikyo ever sense. You usually spent every waking moment with Silva.. how could not fall in love with him? It was impossible to avoid, now you are stuck marrying his stupid son who has the personality of a fucking plank. That was why you ran, you had to escape all of this but instead of letting you go he had to find you. This just wasn't fair at all.
         Suddenly a whip sound filled the air, the hard leather belt crashing on your ass with such force that it knocked the wind out of you, a loud sob escaping your lips, your legs trembling. The motion repeated two more times, the two harsh smack causing your entire body to tremble, a harsh burning sensation lighting your ass on fire. Again. Again. Again. He wasn't letting up, leaving your confession unanswered as he beat you, a low grunt escaping his lips.
         "W-why?" You sobbed out, your legs finally collapsing and giving out. You were hanging by your hands, that being the only thing keeping you up. Despite how uncomfortable it was you couldn't stand.. you were in too much pain as the leather whoosh began to attack your spots.
          "I don't love you in that way, Kikyo and I love you but we have no romantic feelings towards you. Illumi does and he is who you will be with- a man your age. He's my son, if you love me then you can love him," spoke Silva, continuing to harshen his blows. You felt the welts forming on your ass, the bruises that wouldn't heal for a month.. this was your reality. "Apologize and I'll stop. You're bleeding, it is only going to get much worse for you." 
          "I-I apologize!" You cried out, causing the leather belt to finally drop. You sobbed, entire body now shaking.. it hurt so bad, your ass throbbing, hands cramping.. you shouldn't have said anything. You should have never ran away.. you knew that this was bound to happen sometime.
          "Good, I'll come let you go and clean up in a few hours. For now just think about rather you want to wear white or another color next week. Perhaps red, it compliments you" he muttered, walking out the door and leaving you alone to suffer in pain.. just as he always did.
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accopara · 2 months
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put this delicately.
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whimsimarion · 1 month
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A cycladic fisherman proudly displays his catch. I barely see anyone making art about the Cycladic civilization (most of the time, it's either the Mycanean or the Minoan Civilization), so I thought of being the first one.
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fluffytimearts · 3 months
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the hand that
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lieutenantak · 1 month
i present you Nicole, Carter and Richard. They're not supposed to be a trouple but I decided otherwise
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endy-merimo · 11 months
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hehe bloody owen after fall going brr
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nnnlap · 3 months
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asmodeauxx · 9 months
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mini ddup doodle dump!
whether all of these are canon or not? you take a gander
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He Wants It...No..He Needs It.
‘‘Today is Not My Fucking Day’‘
Dew Angrily Mutters To Himself As He Throws And Kicks Stuff Around His Room Almost Breaking Some of Things He Holds Dearly To His Fiery Heart. Any Day He Would Be Careful Trying not to Break Anything In His Path But After The Day He Had Today He Doesn’t Care and Is At His Limit.
Even Waking Up In The Morning, He Felt It  Was Going to Bad Today But He Didn’t Expect How it’ll Go For Him Leading Him To Where He Is Now.
From Stepping On A Thumbtack To Being Electrocuted By A Loose Wire In Band Practice, Being Teased By Swiss, It Shouldn’t Have Bothered him But it Did. Getting His Pants Caught In the Door, Being Chewed Out By Imperator For One Thing That Wasn’t Even His fault. Anything That Should Have Gone Right Today Went So Utterly Bad For Him As More Terrible Yet Utterly Humiliatingly Things Happen As Well.
In His Violent Anger,  He Plops Down In the Mess He Created During His Massive Meltdown Rocking Himself Back And Forth Pressuring Himself To Calm Down But That’s Not Even Helping As The Thoughts In His Own Mind Start to Bother Him.
Not Even Safe From His Mind Today Too.
He’s Looks Anywhere Trying to Make His Mind off Track But Looking At Mess He created, There Piling In Fast.
‘‘Couldn’t Even Do It Right’‘
‘‘That Was Surrrre Electrifying Dew, Watcha Trying To do?’‘ Become A Glitch, Hehhehe.’‘
Dew Covers Himself With His Hands, Starting To Shake As He Rocks and Back Forth Faster Breaking Down More Little By Little Causing His Room To Heat Up.
‘‘You Sure Aren’t A Water Ghoul?’‘ 
‘‘You Still Have The Blue Eye There.’‘
‘‘Ghoul Stop Being Useless and Get Back To Work.’‘
‘‘Look All I Am Saying is That Aether Doesn’t Deserve To Be With a Ghoul Like You.’‘
The Room Heats Up, Nails Digging Into To His Skin
‘‘Why Would I Spend A Night With Dew, I’m Pretty Sure He’s Terrible In Bed.’‘
Nails Digging In More Starting to Bleed As Well.
‘‘You Look Awful Today’‘
‘‘I’m Sorry If I Sound Mean But I Think You were Better Looking As a Water Ghoul Without The Afflictions’‘
‘‘Hey Weren’t You The Ghoul Ifri-
He slams The Back of His Head Against The Floor Just Try Somethin, Anything To Make It Not Caring If it Hurts Himself. Looking Up Directly At The Ceiling While Laying Spread Out On The Floors. His Disastrous Thoughts Stopping As The Pain Inflicted He Did Him Self Cease.
‘‘Well That Helped...’‘ He Mumbled Staring up At The Ceiling, Feeling Headache Coming Now. Making Him Whimper. He Side Eyes Taking In The Destruction Of His Room That Was Once Tidy And Cleaned Up Now A Crappy Room, Objects On the Ground Luckily Not Broken, A Hole In The Hall, The Mirror Shattered In Many Pieces. His Bed All Ruined And Bunch Other Things He did Around Him Starting To Bother Him Even More Than Before.
The Heat In The Room Has Died Down As He Tries Not Make Himself More Frustrated and Upset Not Wanting To Look Even More Pathetic Than He Is Now. A Few Minutes Pass By Consisting Of Teeth Grinding Against Each Other and Tail Thumping Against the Floor While Dew Attempts To Figure out What To do To Make Stop Feelin Like This. Want The Day To Be Over, Wanting to Fall Asleep Not Worrying About Tomorrow, Wanting To Be Cuddled and Possibly Intimate with...Someone.
Wanting to Let Go From The Day He Had Today.
To Be Embraced, Kissed, Pressed Up Against Someone As They Make Him Come Undone As They Grant Him The Pleasure He Needs. To Be In Someone’s As They Praise Him And Call Him The Most Sweetest Yet Things A Few Ghouls Had Called Him When Being Intimate.
He Wants it....No.. 
He Goes Over What Ghouls He needs to Let Go With:
Aether? No He’s Out Today With Copia.
Swiss? Not After The Thing He Said Today.
Rain? Maybe But No He Spending Time With The Girls Teaching Them His New Water Techniques From A Old Book He read From. He Doesn’t Want To Interrupt Them.
That Only Leave One Person, The Gentle Yet Tall Giant Named Mountain. He Isn’t Busy Today, Mountain Been Checking On Him to Make Sure He’s Alright When Something Had Happened Today, Glancing at Dewdrop Not Noticing The Looks Dew Gives Him Back After. Appreciating the Help Dew Provides When Attending The Green House or Helping Dew Back When He Gets in trouble or Sometimes Being Bratty To Surprise Dew More. 
Dew Purrs At the Thought Of Mountain Being Bratty, Always Managing To Learn How Or What Makes Mountain Do The Things He Strangely Does In This Confusing All But Fascinating World Everything Revolves Around Of. He Hopes When He See’s Mountain He Just Doesn’t Start Bawling His Eyes, Not Wanting To Look More Worse Now Also Thinking That Mountain Might Say Something Will Make The Day Even More Worse.
‘’Breaths in, Breaths Out’’
‘’I Can Do This.’’ Dewdrop Sighs, Getting Up From Hard Floor Heading Straight Outside Leaving His Door Wide Opened, Not Caring About The State of His Room or Worrying If Someone See’s It, No the Only Thing On His Mind is
Letting Go...With Mountain By His Side Tonight.
He Marches Thru The Halls Of The Abbey, Glad No Sibling Or Ghoul Around To See The Fire Ghoul March like He’s On Mission Judging By The Way He Walks and Looks. It’s Long Way To Mountain’s Room Due to All New Things Put In Place By There Clergy, Mountain Decided To Move Rooms Due to The Lack Of Space and Of Course His Height Gaining a Bigger Bedroom In The Process That’ll Seem Fit For A King Or Queen. 
Things are Going Smoothly For the Fire Ghoul as He Gets Closer To Destination But Alas His Thoughts Are Going After Him Again.
Thoughts Becoming Stronger As he Practically Sprints Just to Get Away, His Mind Torturing, Running Even Faster Feeling His Lungs Burn Not Stopping For A Quick Break While His Own Mind Consumes Him Like A Prisoner. He Runs and Runs, Legs Hurting, Headache Pounding More, More Out of Breath, Holding on to His Goal Of Letting Go.
He Makes it.
Landing Directly In Front of Mountain’s Door, Heavy Breathing, All Sweaty, Lung Burnings. Taking The Quick Breaks He Needs In Order for this Work. He Lifts Himself Up Using The Big Pot of Flowers Right Beside Him. Standing Up, Breathing Slowly But Heavily Now He Looks Up At Door now. Too Tired Or Exhausted He’s About to Knock But One Of His Thoughts Interrupts Him.
‘‘Is This A Mistake?’‘
‘‘What If He Laughs?’‘
‘‘You Don’t Ne-’‘
‘‘Fuck it.’‘ Dewdrop Says as He Knocks On The Door Ignoring His Trouble Some Thoughts With His Horn Too Exhausted to Use His Hands From The Long Run He Just Did. He Hears Movement Coming From the Room, Drawers Being and Items Being Placed Down.
‘‘Dammit, Bus-’‘ Dew Almost Says Before Mountain Opens The Door Wearing A Fluffy Blue Robe With A Green And Red Tint Mixed In, His Hair Up In A Bun, Skin Looking Radiant As Ever. Mountain Is Like  A  Angel Who’’ll  Protect You From The Dangers If Needed.
‘‘Hello Droplet, Nice To See You.’‘ Dew Stiffens At The Old Nickname He Hadn’t Heard In A Very Long Time. He Hopes Mountain Didn’t See That But He Did.
‘‘What’s Wrong?” Mountain Questioned as He Looks At the Fire Ghoul. The Fire Ghoul Starts to Tremble As He can Feel His eyes Start to Water.
‘‘Did Your Day Ge-OOOF!’‘ Dewdrop Immediately Goes Into Mountain’s Chest Starting To Ramble And Bawl His eyes at How Everything Went Wrong and How His Mind Won’t Stop Torturing Him. Hugging Mountain Tighter, Getting His Robe Wet his Tears Crying Harder. Mountain Rubs Dew’s Head, Hugging Him letting Him Let All Out, Rubbing His Back soothingly.
‘‘i-m so-sorry’‘
‘‘Sorry, For What My Dear’‘
‘‘C-’’sniffles-Coming Here Cryi-’‘
‘‘It’s okay To Cry Dew, Let it Out.’‘
He Looks Up At Mountain, Eyes Red And Puffy he Cries More, Mountain Picks Him Up and Carries Him Shutting The Door So They Can Have Privacy.
Mountain Goes Directly to The Edge Of His Bed, Almost Placing the Distraught Ghoul Down But is Quickly Stopped By Dew Pleas.
‘‘Don’t Put M-m-Me Down Plz...’‘
‘‘Let Me Be Just Be In Your Arms...’‘
Mountain Lets Him Stay in His Arms, Sitting Down On The Edge Holding The Weeping Fire Ghoul While Moments of Sniffling and Bawling Happens.
Few Moments Go By and Dewdrop No Tears Left to Cry is Laying On Mountain’s Thigh While Mountain Pets His Head Softly Feeling Content Now And Mind A Bit Clearer Now Than Before. Mountain Rubs His Back Again Softly to Help Him a Bit. 
‘‘Better?’‘ Mountain Asked, Looking Down At Dew. 
‘‘A Little.’‘ Dew Mutters, Not Wanting to Move At this Moment’‘
They Go Like For A Few More Minutes, Dewdrop is Feeling More and More Better.
‘‘How Bad Was It Today?’‘
‘‘That Bad, Huh?’‘
Dewdrop Nods, Not Wanting To Speak, His Throat Raw From His Breakdown.
‘‘What Do You Need Me To Do, Dear Ember?
Moments Of Silence Pass
Dewdrop Looks Up at Mountain All Lovingly 
He Speaks
‘‘I Want You To Make Me Let go.’‘
‘‘In Your Own Way Please...’‘
Clothes Are Scattered In Matter Of Seconds, Laying On The Floor, Dewdrop Lays Bare On His Back On The Bed. Mountain Preparin Him and Himself Knowing How This Night Will go. He Doesn’t Teases Him Like He Usually Does Or Roughs Him Up, He Kisses the Tender Spots, The Scars, Feeling The Fur Against Him. Clicking there Horns Together, Tails Intertwining.
Mountain Goes Thru The Gentle Foreplay To Make This Experience More Better and Gentle as He too Wants To Let Go With Dew.
‘‘Lights On Or Off?’‘ 
‘‘Anything Else, Ember?’‘
Mountain’s On Top Looking Directly Down Dew’s Flushed Face.
‘‘Your Sure?’‘
‘‘I’m Sure...Please...’‘
‘‘What, Sweetie?’‘
‘’Make Love to Me’’
Mountain Leans Down Kissing Dew, Embracing Him as He Pushes in gently.
He Cradles Dew’s Head In His Arms.
‘’I’ll Love Too, My..
‘’Fire Lily’’.
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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🩸Not A Fair Punishment |Risotto x Reader Dark Lemon|
Warning: this one shot is a dark lemon, containing dark themes. this one shot is rated MA, only for 18+. this one shot contains noncon (period), humiliation, vibrator torture, mental abuse, threats, strong language, suicide mention, as well as blood.
      "If you wouldn't have disobeyed him then you wouldn't be in this situation," Prosciutto muttered as he crouched down in front of you, placing his soft fingers under your chin, raising your trembling head. No- your entire body was trembling. "You can't go behind our back Y/N, it isn't okay." His face was stern yet soft at the same time, his blue eyes staring at you, thankfully not trailing down to look at your nude body. He wasn't like that.. you respected him for that.
       You've been on your knees for hours, vibrator on high plunged deep inside of your womanhood, not giving you a single second of a break. Your hands were balled into fists, resting on the red carpet of Risotto's office floor. His desk was in front, the desk that he made you kneel in front of as he lectured you on the dangers of going behind his back, then leaving you here with Prosciutto to further your embarrassment. All you did was complete a mission that Polpo commanded you do alone- you were just doing your fucking job and this was what you got.
      He confronted you days after the mission, right when your period started like he was waiting. He knew that you would listen to him because you respected him deeply, just as you would listen if you were left with Prosciutto. It was a deep betrayal of your love and trust, using the love that you had against you. Fuck.. it worked. Tears finally filled your eyes as you stared at Prosciutto- you felt yourself breaking.
      Period blood stained the vibrator and the red carpet beneath you- the vibrator's gentle hum ringing throughout your ears, driving you as mad as the feeling of it inside of you, unmoving and fucking frustrating. "I was doing my job, I don't deserve to be humiliated in front of you! What if everyone finds out and I'm humiliated more, they already think I'm weak and now they're going to do this to me too!" You sobbed, snatching your face away from his gentle grasp, ashamed to even be touched. "Don't touch me!"
       "Risotto and I aren't going to tell anyone- I already asked him to agree to that one condition if I agreed to watch you. They aren't going to fuck you, don't be scared," he said softly, placing his hand on your bare shoulder.
       "You'll never see me the same again- you will look at me and always see this! I'm.. I'm going to kill myself! I can't live with this humiliation!" You screamed, feeling yourself go mad from the hours spent having to do this.. it hurt. Your knees stung, red from carpet burn due to hours of kneeling but Risotto didn't give a fuck about that. Your were making a bloody mess all over yourself and the vibrator was starting to hurt, your pussy cramping from the discomfort that it was causing. You.. you couldn't do this anymore.
       Just as you ended your final sentence Risotto entered, his red eyes and black sclera landing right on you as soon as he entered. His thin white brows pulled into a scowl, perfectly chiseled face still so beautiful even as his entire face twisted into anger.. but it was a calm anger. Always, he knew how to compose himself. "Thank you for watching her Prosciutto, I think I'm going to take over now."
      Prosciutto sighed, lifting your head up with a little more force, making sure that you couldn't snatch your head away. He didn't look at you with angry, his face completely calm. "I will never look at you any different Y/N, we are friends and we always will be. This.. pretend it never happened once it's over and please just listen and behave. Don't say or do anymore foolish things," he muttered, light beads of sweat forming on his smooth forehead as he pulled away from you, standing up. He ran a hand through his short blond locks, pushing down the few out of place strains as he walked by Risotto, nodding his head as he left, leaving you to be fucking tortured more.
     As soon as the door closed your head dropped to the floor, low sobs escaping your mouth as fear coursed throughout your entire quivering naked body. This was a fear that was at least eased when Prosciutto around because he always tried so protect you- even while having sex with him he was gentle. You felt at ease around him and to have that leave and your furious boss enter- the one who was punishing you in the first place.. you felt that ease fade away. You could only fear him right now, not feeling an ounce of the love that you always feel for him.
      "I'll beat the shit out of you if you ever threaten to kill yourself again. If you attempt to kill yourself I'll find you and make you regret attempting something so fucking foolish," he hissed sharply, his deep voice making you visibly flinch. His footsteps were silent but you felt him coming, his tall shadow casting over you, staring at how pathetic you were. "If you complete a mission alone then you tell me beforehand so I know where you are. If you get fucking killed your blood will be in my hands and my hands are already filthy enough."
       Sorbet and Gelato, you though, not daring to say their names because Risotto commanded you all to never speak of them again. Forget that they ever existed but the chair they sat in remains cold and untouched, like Sorbet and Gelato would be one day filling those seats again, complaining right along with Ghiacco about how you are the most underpaid and under appreciated in the familia. The blood of them, it didn't just stain his hands- it stayed your entire teams. A fallen teammate meant a lost family member, your team was your family.
      You shook your head, tears clouding your vision and snot running down your nose, trailing down your chin. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you but he told me not to tell you! I-I didn't mean any harm, why are you doing this to me!" You yelled, slamming your fist against the carpet, punching the ground. "I can't do this anymore, I can't take it!" The pain in your now red knuckles.. it wasn't taking away from the pain you felt from the vibrator. So many hours.. you rather be dead.
       "Don't you let this happen again.. I won't be so generous next time." He crouched in front of you, reaching between your legs, turning it off as he slowly pulled it out of you, the period blood providing a slick entrance and leave but it still was embarrassing. "Turn around and stick your ass in the air. I'm going to fuck you, understand? We've had sex plenty of times so stop being scared."
     "You're going to hurt me, I don't want you to hurt me! Please just let me go, I'm so scared. I learned my lesson," you sobbed, trembling becoming violent as you tried to scoot away from him, being stopped by his large hand wrapping around your wrist, holding you firm in place. "No," you cried softly, lowering your head even further so he couldn't see your face, your hair providing a curtain.
     He sighed, "I'm going to be as gentle as possible. Having that vibrator in you and Prosciutto watch you was your punishment, now I just want to fuck you because seeing you naked makes my dick hard. Look me in the eyes, don't hide your face from me. I'm not a monster.. I did what I had to do in order to teach you a lesson that you needed to learn." His grip on your wrist loosened, leaving you room to snatch yourself away but you didn't.
      You looked up at him, letting him see your disgusting face. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying tears that still leaked from your eyes- snot still running from your nose, dripping down your chin because you didn't bother to wipe it. "I'm on my period, it's gross," you whispered, staring at him with a helpless stare, hoping that he would show mercy on you.
       Risotto let go of your wrist, dropping his hand to your womanhood, shoving to fingers inside of you. "I'm a grown ass man, I'm not scared of period blood," he said sharply, pulling his fingers out of you, raising the bloody fingers to his mouth. He kept eye contact with you, two drops of blood running down his hands as he stuck the two bloody fingers in his mouth, licking them clean. "Bend over, I'll be quick and I'll give you a bath and keep you in my bed tonight. Just don't tell the others.. I don't want them knowing a thing except for Prosciutto."
       Your eyes widened, face turning a bright red before you quickly turned over, spreading your legs and sticking your ass out, arching your back. You let a pained groan escape your lips as he instantly entered you, his massive cock slowly pushing in and out of you, your blood providing lubricant. His right hand brushed through your hair gently, left arm snaking around your waist.
     "I have to protect you, I have to keep you safe so please understand that. The bond that I have with you is so strong that I'll instantly fall apart if you die and so will Prosciutto," he whispered as if someone other then yourself was listening but nobody was- the apartment was completely empty, only holding the two of you. "I'm not sorry for what I did and I would do it again if you crossed me again, but next time I'll put one in your ass as well so both holes will be bleeding. Don't let that happen," he thrusted three times before cuming inside of you, being quick and gentle as he promised.
      You closed your eyes, not feeling a single ounce of pleasure from any of this. Being tortured like this didn't turn you on, it made your pussy cramp, lips swollen and throbbing. You liked gentle sex with Risotto, not humiliating period sex.. this humiliation would always be with you. You couldn't forget because this was going to be too hard to forget. One small mistake and you suffered lasting effects..
      He pulled out of you, his forehead resting on your shoulder, silver hair gently tickling your shoulder blade. "Every thing I do, I do it for you," he muttered, arms tightly wrapping around your waist. "You're mine.. you won't be dying anytime soon on Prosciutto and I."
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whimsimarion · 1 year
A small fanart dedicated to one of my favorite protagonists in bande dessinées: Mélusine Anoukian! She has her birthday today. She wears Kääjirä's jacket from this year's Eurovision.
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I am not sure how this site will react to nude, but if I don't hear anything, I will let it stay.
Now it was never revealed when exactly Mélusine's birthday is, but according to this gag page...
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... And the knowledge that the album featuring it ("Tales of the full moon") was released on October...
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... makes me believe that her birthday is on October 12th.
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humonculuss · 10 months
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Finishing this for a friend 💖
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Josephine “Seph” Hemlock | The Shadow: [21]
Orphaned from a young age after her father, a knight, was killed in war, and her mother died from tuberculosis, Josephine was left on the streets. Tired of scavenging and begging for food, she finally took matters into her own hands by becoming a thief. Despite the numerous times she was almost caught by the royal guards patrolling the streets and had some near death experiences, Seph continued to steal and rob for survival. She broke into people’s homes and shops to steal coins or wares, mugged drunkards who roamed at night after the curfew, and even took hit jobs from the brothel to protect the women from abusive men. Sometimes she wouldn’t accept coin, only a decent meal for the night.
Josephine became a professional at her “career”, and eventually started training to become an assassin at the age of 12. At first, she practiced assassinating people that she knew were horrible and cruel—several shop keepers who abused their assistants, abusive husbands and wives who neglected their families, corrupted officials who let their guards down, criminals who managed to escape conviction, etc..
She continued to work for the brothel, only because the workers and head matron treated her like family. They are the only family she had. And in return for their support, love, and respect, Josephine protected them from harm. She even saw the matron, Lady Merylin, as a maternal figure, and several of the workers see her as their younger sister.
“The Shadow” soon became her nickname and secret identity as her influence across the underground operations grew, invoking fear into the hearts who wish to spread injustice and destruction. After Josephine gain enough money and saved an old alchemist man, who goes by “Saullen” from being killed by an assassin sent by a nobleman, she was taken under his wing and was taught everything about alchemy. For nine years, she was his assistant until he passed in his sleep; her old mentor had left everything to her in his will, and Josephine vowed to continue his legacy.
Every now and then, she would sneak shipments of special “potions” to the brothel so the workers could poison and drug the patrons afterwards if they refused to pay or got violent. Josephine continued to play her part of being the Shadow to protect the innocent and punish the wicked in her own twisted sense of righteousness and justice, but recently she has gotten the attention of the Queen and her little jester…
Josephine has jet black hair, ocean green eyes, pale skin, and light brown freckles.
Her costume is made of various fabrics and scrap metal she has gathered over the years, “trophies” of the people she has slaughtered in cold blood. Richmen, knights, government officials, priests, crime lords…all who deserved to die by her hands.
The alchemist shop she helped ran with her former master, “The Bubbling Cauldron”, was a two story building with a three-roomed residential space (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom), with an average sized balcony area to wash and dry clothing, and access to the rooftops, with the two-roomed shop, basement, and access to the alleyways bellow.
After her master died, Josephine changed the shop’s name to “The Hemlock Wonders and Potions”.
So far she has made a good amount of coin creating potions and poisons, selling herbs, and providing enchantments and supplies for travels and regulars.
She stole a goblin (who goes by the name of Shanky) from an evil wizard, and gives him stale bread and water daily to sustain him so that he may continue to shank anyone who dares to steal from the shop. She even made him a small cushioned bed to sleep in.
The King of the nation—and whom lives in the castle looming over the capital city—Stephan Edwards ||| has no issues with this “Shadow” keeping the crime out of the city, but his wife, the cruel and evil Queen Janeth, has been keeping tabs on Josephine’s alter ego’s murders. She plans to use this mysterious assassin as a weapon of war against the kingdom’s enemies, and her own personal hitlist. She has sent her little puppet, an insane jester by the name of Harlen Zorkinzel who is no stranger when it comes to backstabbing and killing, to seduce persuade the assassin into becoming allies with the royal family.
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And the persuasion attempts were successful. You can guess why…
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The Queen’s Harliquin has the skill range of aerobatics, sorcery, weapon handling, animal taming, sleight of hand, sing, and playing several instruments such as the lute, drums, flute, viola, and harp. Although she isn’t stealthy due to her bells on her costume, she can be very agile and quick on her feet, staying out of sight and playing tricks on the mind.
Josephine often uses Harlen as a test subject for her potions. Once, Josephine had Harlen drink a potion that was supposed to make her into a giantess (she had to be naked so her outfit didn't rip). After chugging it down, Harlen didn't felt anything different, despite her stomach rumbling. Then the effects of the potion hit her body like a sack of bricks and—let's say, the jester didn't grow in height; rather, her "assets" (four of them, actually) fattened up to the size of small boulders in an instant. While the alchemist was perplexed on the results, Harlen seemed to enjoy her new appearance.
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Harlen has a very…complex background. Like Josephine, she was an orphaned child who tragically lost her parents and had to earn a living one way or another. She earned coin by performing in the streets, doing mediocre magic tricks and stunts. Harl had to fight other homeless citizens for scraps of food, but after taming some wild dogs, she finally had some protection against others. After several more years of performing, doing petrifying and thrilling acts to amaze crowds, her mind started waning and the stress of surviving became too much for her fragile sanity to handle. Nightmares plagued her mind, funneling all the horrors she had witnessed over the years into her dreams. With every little issue and worry pressuring down on her like a mountain of marbles, her brittle consciousness stretched and eventually snapped. She started stalking the wealthy, learning to easily pickpocket them in broad daylight. She trained the strays to obey her commands and attack those who wish to harm her. She jumped over the rooftops to chase after her dreams. She stole a dark arcane arts book from a magic pawn shop and practiced spells everyday until she memorized every single one. She often stole weapons from blacksmiths and guards to practice on her victims, enjoying watching the light leave their eyes.
She no longer feared. All that she was a catalyst for mayhem.
When she was finally captured by the royal guards, the Queen took interest in the young teen criminal. She saw potential for a puppet that she could manipulate under her thumb, and had the girl properly trained to become a weapon of war, now serving the royal family as their jester, spy, advisor, messenger, and personal hit woman. That’s how Harlen became the royal family’s puppet.
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