#tw burned alive
across-violet-skies · 7 months
Febuwhump day 15: "who did this to you?"
Whumpee: Hyrule
Whump Rating: 8/10
TWs: blood, restraints, severe burns/being burnt alive, attempted murder
It had been a rough week.
After a surprise portal, the Chain found themselves stuck in Hyrule’s Hyrule, wandering through a forest that smelled of decay and rot. The monsters were relentless as they traveled, and Hyrule was running on empty trying to keep his blood from spilling.
Really, it was a miracle they even made it to a town at all, especially one that allowed the traveler to stay. It was quite clear that Hyrule was not popular in his time, with the way villagers and other travelers treated him. Before they were allowed to stay in the inn, several of the locals insisted on checking Hyrule over for any cuts or scrapes, refusing to allow cursed blood to sully their little settlement. They were only accepted once Time and Warriors had convinced the innkeeper that Hyrule was unharmed, and his blood wouldn’t leave his body.
The traveler went to bed early that night.
The one thing about the inns in Hyrule’s time was that they were all single rooms. The rooms were cheap, at least, since they had to pay for nine of them. It was even easier for them to leave Hyrule to rest and relax, hidden away from prying eyes and angry townsfolk.
Or, at least they thought so.
Never underestimate an angry mob, Hyrule thought to himself, struggling against heavy ropes that bound his arms and legs. They have no mercy for those who oppose them.
The sky was dark, only the north star visible through the haze that covered this world. The forests had eyes, trained hungrily on the brunette boy bound and gagged, tied to a thick iron pole. He screamed and cried as his flesh burned from the contact, fae blood pulsing through his veins as his desperate attempts to be heard were muffled by the large gag shoved in his mouth.
They were just outside the town limits, where monsters roamed free. A group of villagers stood around the pole, watching with darkened eyes as Hyrule sobbed, skin sizzling as it melted against the iron pole. Below him, wood was stacked up high, the smell of gasoline penetrating Hyrule’s nose in a way that made him choke and cough, tears streaming down his face.
He had no magic left to give. He had already been exhausted upon arriving at the town, and a few hours was hardly enough time to regain the magic required for any of his spells. He couldn’t even heal himself or throw up a shield as iron seared his back, melting the skin there until only muscle remained. It was beyond painful– Hyrule felt faint even before smoke filled his lungs, dangerous heat licking at his ankles as he hung above a raging fire.
As if the iron pole wasn’t torturous enough, they were burning him alive, too? At least his blood would burn with him.
Hyrule scrunched up his nose, ignoring the agony to try and shimmy further up the pole. No, he can’t give up that easily… what would Legend think? Wild? Time? Warriors? Did he really want Wind to have to see this? Four? Twilight? Sky?
He couldn’t give up. Not yet. No matter how badly it burned, he had to try and live. If not for himself, if not for his world… then for his family. His brothers. Hyrule coughed around the gag, eyes watering from all the smoke wafting up into his face. He had to break free somehow… the flames were getting closer.
As if the Goddesses had heard his plea, the clouds opened, spilling droplets onto dead grass and decaying wood. The villagers ran back to their homes, a few spitting at Hyrule before turning tail.
The rain dampened the fire, but did not put it out. However, with the pole slickened with rain, Hyrule managed to slide further down, carefully trying to burn the rope that bound his legs with what remained of the fire. Every movement was torture, but Hyrule remained strong, breathing heavily through his nose as the rope finally burnt, allowing him to shimmy further down to try and burn away the ropes around his wrists.
Once he was freed, Hyrule wasted no time jumping away from the iron pole, ripping the gag out of his mouth with a sob. His body wanted nothing more but to collapse, but he knew doing so would be a death sentence. While the rain certainly helped cover the scent, his blood was exposed to the air, and it wouldn’t be long before monsters came after him.
Hyrule stumbled, making his way back to town dazedly. Every inch of him burned, but his determination burned brighter. It was still dark as he swayed woozily, pushing open the door to the inn as he tried to get back to his room.
He was so close… but his body couldn’t take it any longer. Hyrule collapsed in the hallway, creating a loud thud as he made contact with the wooden floor. Awake, but only just, he laid there, unable to force his body to move any further.
Warriors’ door was the first to open, with the Captain holding a defensive position. Upon spotting Hyrule, he gasped, running toward him and slamming a fist on every door he passed.
“What the f-” Legend blinked, staring at Hyrule with surprise. He crouched down beside the traveler as well, frowning. “What happened to him?”
Warriors shook his head. “I don’t know! I heard something from the hall, so I went to check it out, and he was just…” He gestured at Hyrule’s limp form helplessly.
Legend sniffed, wrinkling his nose. “Do you smell that?” He questioned, narrowing his eyes. “It almost smells like…”
“...burning flesh…” The Captain inhaled, pressing his lips together. Making brief eye contact with Legend, Warriors carefully lifted Hyrule’s tunic, only to drop it immediately after. The skin on his back was burnt beyond recognition, red with white bubbles in some areas, and fully black and burnt away in others. It was nauseating, to say the least.
Legend gagged, turning away. “Fucking-” He shook his head, humming uncomfortably. “What the fuck.”
Time was the next to appear in the doorway, staring silently at the scene for a moment before he turned, disappearing back into his room. He returned quickly, shoving a bottle of red potion into Warriors’ hand.
The Captain was quick to feed it to Hyrule, sighing with relief as the severe burns on the traveler’s back healed over, the skin turning a sensitive pinkish color. The traveler took heavy breaths as the potion fixed the burns on his back, soothing his wounds.
“Traveler.” Time stood over the three of them, expression stern and fierce. “Who did this to you?”
Legend helped Hyrule sit up, carefully wrapping an arm around his back for support. The traveler flinched at the movement, and Legend backed away with a grimace as memories of burnt flesh swirled through his head.
“It’s fine,” Hyrule mumbled, holding a hand to his head dizzily. “It wasn’t… it’s not their fault.”
The Veteran scowled. “The villagers?” He guessed, wrinkling his nose.
Hyrule nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact as he shuddered. “They’re not monsters. They’re just scared.”
“Why are you defending them?” Legend huffed, baring his teeth in frustration. “They kidnapped you in the middle of the night, ‘Rulie, and then you come back like this! How are they not monsters?”
The traveler shook his head, staring down at his hands. The burnt rope ends rested in his lap, still looped and knotted around his wrists. Hyrule closed his eyes, exhaling. “I wasn’t supposed to come back,” he whispered, barely audible. He shook his head, tears pooling as he relived the recent memories. “I was never meant to come back,” he continued, slightly louder.
Legend was seeing red. “Those bastards tried to kill you?” He balled his hands into fists, scrunching up his nose. Hyrule winced, shrinking in on himself.
Time set a hand on the Vet’s shoulder, keeping him from getting up. “Nobody is going out there. We have better things to worry about right now,” he insisted. Time smirked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “However, I do think a lesson could be taught to the people who did this.”
Warriors raised an eyebrow, nodding. “I like what you’re getting at, Old Man.”
“Hm.” Legend shrugged, nodding. “Fine, I guess.” He looked down at Hyrule, exhausted and miserable. “But I’m taking him to my room for the rest of the night. I don’t want any more surprises.”
“Good idea,” Warriors agreed, standing up. “We can work on a plan tonight while he rests. We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
Time nodded, offering a hand as Legend and Hyrule stood up. “Rest well, Traveler.” The Veteran slung Hyrule’s arm over his shoulders, helping him to walk back to Legend’s room. Once the door had shut behind them, Time turned to Warriors, expression cold yet fiery. “Rally the troops, Captain. We’ll need as much help as we can get.”
By daybreak, Legend and Hyrule were being ushered out of the inn, all nine of their number awake and ready to go. Time smiled, nodding at Wild as they stepped outside, packed up to leave.
“What the…” Legend trailed off, staring at the scene. All around town, various objects were floating, tethered to purple sacs.
Wild put his hands on his hips, beaming proudly. “Octo balloons!”
“As much as I’d love to stay here and watch, I think it’s in our best interest to leave now,” Warriors pointed out. “Traveler, think you’re okay to walk and navigate today?”
Hyrule nodded, still staring up at all the octo balloons. From barrels to chairs to even part of a fence, all sorts of things floated through the air. While their inconvenience certainly wasn’t on the same level as what the villagers had done to him, it was funny, and nobody had to suffer (well, other than him) because of it. He cracked a smile, exhaling. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
–> support me on ao3!
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wrenthemoralfander · 1 year
My Dc Au
Gotham: Jaded City (this is where I just ramble facts about the DC characters in the story.)
Trigger Warning: mentions of murder, referenced child abuse, theft, burning someone alive, mutilation, forced drugging, suicide, damage of property, toxic family are mentioned
(Two Face)
Best friends with the Riddler. Like these two are best friends. They have known each other since high school.
Two Face hates Amanda Waller because she keeps screwing him over.
Harvey Is rich, due to his hard work in college, and his work as a lawyer. Harvey spends his money. Two Face, unlike Harvey, is smart enough to save the money and hide in a place where Harvey can’t find it.
Hates Cobblepot, but seemingly likes tolerates Sionis.
Loves Lasagna. Like he would eat that shit for days. 
Has an allergy to cumin. He doesn’t know why he has this allergy, but he does. 
Harvey usually cleaned his coin after he flipped it too much to make a decision. If however it starts to get rusty, he replaces it. This seems to satisfy Two-Face
Doesn’t trust Lady Shiva. Why? He’s worried she’s going to hurt his best friend. Two Face hasn’t killed her, yet…
(The Riddler)
Full name is Edward “Luis” Alonzo Nashton.
Is of Latino heritage.
Had a bad upbringing.
Is a single father of a young boy named Cody. Cody’s mother is dead, after committing self termination.
Is one of the more feared villains in Gotham. For a few good reasons. 
Is one of the few Gotham villains who have managed to capture the Batman, but one of the the only two Gotham villains who successfully made the Batman question his thoughts on Riddler.
Killed the villain Killer Frost, all because she tried to hit his son. When the Batman asked why, he said “So… here’s the thing, Batman. I don’t like kids, can’t stand them. Yet, even I wouldn’t stoop so low. You see where I came from, if you hit a kid, and that kid was your own flesh and blood, it meant you were teaching them discipline. If you hit a kid, and that kid wasn’t your own… Well nobody stuck around to find out what that meant. The people who hit kids that weren’t theirs? They were dealt with. I learned that from the elders. As to why? She tried to hurt a kid, and besides… I was just doing what the elders taught me.” He stopped her, knocked her out, chained her up, poured a lithium formula on her, surrounded her with wood, and lit the wood on the fire. She couldn’t use her powers because her hands were covered in an antifreeze like powder. He dragged her death out and laughed as she started screaming.
Used to work in the law industry. No longer does as he went to pursue his own path.
Despite not liking kids, he’s actually a really good dad. Makes Cody some lunch, takes care of him when he’s sick, helps Cody with school, praises Cody for his drawings/accomplishments, tries not to be out committing crimes so much, speaks highly of Cody’s mother, and tells Cody she would’ve been proud of him, and will drop everything for his child.
Yet, Ed worries he is not a good fighter. The reason he’s worried he’s not a good father, is due to Edward’s relationship with his own father and sometimes he has nightmares. His nightmares will go from beating his father to death, to finding Cody near dead in the old man’s place. Due to these nightmares, he often wakes up in a panic, checks on Cody before locking himself in his office, not sleeping for the whole night.
Steals money and saves half of it to put it in a bank account to support his son for college. A quarter of that money goes to bills, and the rest is for Riddler.
Has severe religious trauma. Like he will not attend church, but he’s very polite and respectful about it.
He hates leaving his son alone, sometimes he’ll skip the criminal activity, but if his work truly demands him, he’ll hire a babysitter and pay them a generous amount if they do a good job.
He has killed several innocent people. Some of these people skipped babysitting in favor of going to a party. These people who were found brutally mutilated and deceased in alleyways. He’s also killed people who witnessed crime scenes, because he keeps getting told ‘not to leave any witnesses.’
Actively make sure his son is safe and happy. Ed doesn’t involve his son any crimes because it’s the fastest way to ensure Cody either gets killed or taken away from him. 
His cane is a weaponized cane. He can go from a cane to a taser, to a full blown sword. Yes, he has stabbed people with this. No, he is not sorry.
Has slaughtered a room full of cops before, but have left no clues, as with the GCPD…? He doesn’t take the risk. 
Riddler’s victims if they are smart, but failed to use their brains, are often killed in gory and gruesome ways, so sometimes they are left mutilated. This is because he expects his victims to be aware they cannot afford to screw up, as he reminds them constantly that their lives are on the line.
Ed also doesn’t like playing with his food, unless his victims are interesting, he does not like it.
Has a thing for Lady Shiva and for Jason Todd.
(Poison Ivy)
Her outfit is a live floral ball gown. I am literally not joking, it can turn into a literal poison ball gown. Her outfit is made of nature despite being a ball gown.
Pamela is Poison Ivy by tradition. All the woman and her family before her happen poison ivy since her great grandmother. She is the only one who isn’t evil.
Pamela loves kids, absolutely adores them. She doesn’t like adults, because of what they teach the kids.
Works as a daycare worker and as a gardener.
Has three types of pollen. The first is special pollen that can help people understand her plants. The second is pollen that cure is the person of any ailment/wound. The third is a toxin that allows her to hypnotize people. She is working on the fourth one which will be the powder that poisons her enemies.
Has a PhD in English, botany, and biology. 
Despite what people say about her, she’s not a villain. She’s an antihero. She does not believe in following the rules of the GCPD but she wants to help Gotham.
Has little fireflies in a lantern on her belt that she freeze every night. Surprisingly however, they always come back to the lantern.
Makes snacks for people.
Often styles her hair because she doesn’t like people touching it. It makes her uncomfortable for some odd reason. She normally doesn’t mind Selina doing it but anyone else? If anyone else does it, and they may get poisoned.
The first time Batman met her, she had saved a young Dick Grayson from meeting his fate by penguin’s men. She healed him and patched him up, so when Dick told her she was grateful for her help, Pamela told him it was no big deal.
Batman was skeptical of her. She understood as Gotham was full of tricks and surprises, and trusting others was risky.
Loves the rain. She doesn’t like when it storms but she loves it when it rains. She will dance and play in the rain, often getting soaked much to the disappointment of her roommates Selina.
Her roommate is Selina Kyle. They talk about everything.
(Johnathan Crane)
Is arguably one of the scariest villains in Gotham.
He was scientist who’s work was mocked by the people of Gotham, and due to his family’s peer pressure to be perfect, he slowly went berserk.
Has made people go insane from his fear toxin.
Is an anarchist, and loves when his fear can invoke riots.
With how much he loathes the city, one would think scarecrow could never find happiness. This is far from true, as he has a fiancé named Alicia.
Alicia is the one woman that brings him happiness.
Alicia does not know he’s a criminal. He would prefer it if it stayed that way. (Although he doesn’t know she’s a criminal either)
Alicia and Jonathan have both agreed if they do have kids, they will have two kids. So far, both are uncertain if they want kids.
He has a M.D. in medicine, psychology, and in Crainotomy (surgery of head trauma). 
Due to being diagnosed with strider, he has a raspy voice and is unable to breathe as well.
Respects and fears Riddler and for good reason. Listen, you would think that Scarecrow, Gotham’s bringer of fear and paranoia, would not fear someone as petty as Edward? The thing is, there’s only so far Jonathan would go. Jonathan was there when Riddler murdered Killer Frost. While he respects Riddler for handling Frost’s powers correctly and preventing her from hurting a child, he fears Riddler due to how brutal and how long Ed drew her death out.
While Crane plays with his food to better understands his victims, Edward does not. So when he dragged out her death, Crane was scared for his life.

Gotham’s greatest assassin. 
Is efficient with firearms, blades, and poison.
Floyd does have two sons, and one daughter.
His wife, Wyona is working as hard as she can to support the family. Despite’s Wyona’s job paying super well, she’s always worried about what if they don’t have enough. Floyd actually tries his hardest to be there. Unlike Riddler, he’s not great at time management, but does manage as best he can.
Can poison a drink without notice, and cover his tracks. This is to ensure his targets (and GCPD) won’t trace it back to him.
Thanks to his line of work, and being born into the rich class, Floyd and his wife are rich. His wife keeps telling them even though they are wealthy, they should not take it for granted.
Despite being born into the wealthy class though, Deadshot does not like the upper class, so he targets them on a semi-weekly basis.
One of his sons, Devine (Da-vee-en) has autism, and is non verbal. Floyd uses a device to help his son communicate what he wants, yet he reminds his son that Devine does not have to use it if he does not want to.
Floyd is afraid of spiders. They make him uncomfortable. He can’t stand them, but he does like them when it’s a plush one that his son gives him.
When he’s not killing people, he’s making plushies for his kids… Especially his son Devine.
He has told his kids they are never too old for a stuffed animal.
He sews his kids clothes as some store bought fabrics makes the itchy. His other son, Terrence, likes wearing dresses. His daughter, Sierra loves fancy hats.
(Wyona “Anne” James Lawton/“Serenity”)
Deadshot’s wife, and the retired Gotham hero “Serenity”.
They met in a church and as she was turning to leave after a prayer, she walked up to Floyd and whispered in his ear, “I’m very grateful for the assassin who took Carmine Falcone’s life.” 
Her family in severe debt thanks to Don Falcone, but when he was assassinated, they no longer owed him and his men anything.
They had three kids despite being told by doctors that Wyona would never make it through the pregnancy.
She is very hard-working, very responsible, and always knows to plan ahead.
She changed her name to Wyona to cut off her family. Mainly because of her father, Felix. The main two being that one, Wyona’s family didn’t come to her wedding because Felix, her father said Floyd fidn’t have his blessing. The second reason was because her father tried to get her to give all her savings to him, and when she didn’t, he destroyed her laptop. Floyd, when he found out why Wyona couldn’t communicate with him, bought her a new laptop pro with a four year warranty on it. Thankfully, she never lost hope that she would escape a terrible place… and in a way, she did escape.
Due to the neglect and abuse that Wyona faced of a child, she has leg issues, and has a vision impairment which makes it hard to see. 
She hasn’t told her husband she was once a Gotham hero.
She knows Floyd is Deadshot. She knows he is Gotham’s greatest assassin, but is worried that he’ll be upset with her.
She is in and out of hospitals due to having poor health, and feels terrible for her husband, but he is patient with her because he knows it’s not her fault. 
Wyona struggles with self-love. Her husband is there for her though. 
Bonus: She is only retired due to her vision impairment which got worse as time went on, which made her job significantly harder. Her leg was not an issue for her as she found a way to manage the pain it caused her.
Part two will contain the following:
Alicia Grey
Alfred Pennyworth
Zatanna Zatara
Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter
Detective Nora Fries of GCPD
Mr. Freeze

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theladyeowyn · 10 months
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You shall live to see these days renewed. And no more despair.
requested by @the-mawp
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enigmajaython · 2 years
(this isn't a spoiler but I wish it was)
Companion piece to Luz beating the shit out of Belos: Hunter learning glyphs from Luz and using them for violence ❤️
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new-revenant · 2 months
Although I love the community interaction and the fun, I don’t think I can accept any more DPxDC prompts for the time being. It’s been getting harder and harder to come with meaningful responses to them. And I know I could probably just post them as is, but providing commentary and adding onto them is my favorite part of receiving them. I’m just a bit burnt out I guess haha. My asks will still be open, and you send me DP related stuff and requests, but I ask y’all to not send anymore prompts for a while, at least until I feel better. I’ll be adding that info to my pinned post(glad I have that now lol). I still got like…around 10? Maybe more DPxDC prompts in my ask box that I haven’t answered yet, and it’s definitely eating me up inside as well. Idk, just. Idk
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the-catboy-minyan · 7 months
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a man has committed suicide, set himself on FIRE, BURNED HIMSELF ALIVE.
and people are making fanart.
what kind of dystopia are we living in?
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jewishbarbies · 1 month
the idf is filled with rapists
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shescreature · 2 years
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crownsandbishops · 9 months
hey narinder,
What happened to x-.. elon after lamb overthrown you?
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hussyknee · 10 months
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"Not publicized to prevent copycats" is an absolute bullshit excuse in a nation of school shooters btw.
Please, please read this.
The Congolese genocide is one of the biggest mass murders in modern history, counting eight to ten million murder victims and millions of others severely injured.
As for Palestine, but the bombardment is somehow more intense than ever, they killed about 178 people including 52 babies the first day after the ceasefire. Zionists got hold of the photo of one of the babies cradled by his grandfather in his tiny shroud, his face waxy and eyes open and glassy in death, and has been passing it around, along with other similar pics of dead little children, claiming they're "obviously a doll". The open calls for genocide from the Israeli general public are more virulent than ever, and the IOF has arrested and imprisoned more Palestinians in West Bank than they released. The increase in intensity may be due to Blinken having told Netanyahu that "he had weeks, not months" to finish up whatever he wanted to do (genocide isn't good for the holiday spirit of the voting public methinks), and Netanyahu reportedly wants to "thin the population" as much as possible and herd the remaining survivors out through the Egyptian border.
Please take the time to scroll the tags at least every other day and reblog one or two posts. Keeping eyes on the unfolding situation helps keep the pressure on and politicians are clearly nervous now! YOU can't do anything, but you help create a vital domino effect for hundreds of thousands of people who CAN organize. Relevance is survival. Don't let these people have martyred themselves in vain!
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thechaoticfanartist · 5 months
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I was listening to my sad Mustafar playlist while thinking about them and my hand slipped
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @shinhatigf @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @aiylasdrawings @keoxus @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @amelia-song-pond @it-was-rose @saturnsokas @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo @veradragonjedi @arrthurpendragon @shrinkthisviolet @doodlebugs-and-doodleart @thebrainofocto
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rotzaprachim · 7 months
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As well as being factually wild this is really one of the most off base takes about what it is that’s actually fucked up about an enacted ideology which universally drafts eighteen year olds into a war they might die in and glorifies the martyrs of Masada. Almost like there might be a lil too much self-immolation or at least National immolation of children going on there and more would be a bad thing
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xeraeus · 10 months
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a AU.
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roseworth · 1 year
ive been thinking about drowning recently (not like. considering drowning ive just been thinking about the concept of drowning) and i think about the thing where you have to hold your breath until you pass out so you dont feel the water entering your lungs before you die then i start holding my breath to see if i could do it then i realize that the only thing ill accomplish if i do it now is passing out so then i breathe again. ive done this like at least 5 times in the last week.
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khaoray · 2 years
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I am not a god who saves.
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westeroslive · 5 months
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with  the  castamere’s  success,  something  green  and  ugly  blooms  within  the  hearts  of  many.  the  last  of  her  family,  the  last  of  this  generation  that  would  be  allowed  within  the  dragonpits  for  their  chance  to  claim  a  dragon,  and  yet  not  the  last  valyrian  of  her  generation.  no,  so  many  stand  amidst  the  crowd  watching  as  the  burnt  emerald  creature  landed  ahead  of  them,  torn  silver  wings  propelling  it  forward,  with  long  trampled  envy  revving  up  within  them.
  still,  the  party  carries  on  and  the  envious  remain  silent  in  their  anger  -  some  considering  speaking  upon  it,  others  preparing  to  push  it  back  down  -  and  three,  putting  a  plot  into  action.
  a  trio  enters  the  pits,  but  only  one  survives  them.
  the  first  holds  within  him  the  feeling  of  entitlement  -  for  he  knows  what  he  deserves  and  will  get  it  no  matter  the  cost.  he  had  long  ago  been  refused  even  the  chance  to  request  entrance  into  the  pits,  and  in  the  time  that  had  passed  since  he’d  let  the  envy  thicken  and  rot  until  it  had  fought  against  his  ability  to  see  reason  in  the  face  of  the  castamere  maiden’s  success.  his  entrance  into  the  pits,  flanked  on  either  side  by  a  friend  and  a  protector  respectfully,  is  marked  by  no  applause  as  has  been  done  early  that  very  day.  instead  there  is  quiet,  only  the  soft  echoes  of  rustling  deep  within. 
the  further  they  enter,  the  more  determined  one  becomes,  the  more  unsure  the  next  and  the  more  vigilant  the  third.    
  the  torches  in  hand  grow  vital,  for  how  dark  the  tunnels  become  with  even  the  hints  of  daylight  gone  from  within  them.  a  noise  ahead,  voices,  mark  their  change  in  route  -  taking  a  path  more  maintained  than  the  others.  at  its  end  lies  a  serpentine  creature  of  spiny  azure  scales  and  burned  crimson  accents,  fast  asleep  within  its  place.  their  movement  casts  the  light  of  the  torches  upon  it  and  its  broad  body,  unweathered  by  time  -  reveals  ridged  horns.  their  movement  does  more  than  reveal  it  -  waking  the  youthful  beast  as  it  casts  its  large  silver  eyes  upon  the  trio.
  while  two  step  back  from  it’s  gaze  -  the  first  is  presumptuous,  foolhardy  in  his  beliefs  of  his  divine  right  to  claim  a  dragon.  he  moves  closer  -  hand  reached  out  to  at  long  last  lay  flesh  to  scaled  beast.  
  fire  cannot  kill  a  dragon,  but  the  first  -  the  lord  jacaerys  velaryon  -  is  no  dragon.  perhaps  in  another  life  he  might’ve  been,  but  the  blood  within  his  veins  carries  the  salt  of  the  oceans  -  not  the  brimstone  of  his  ancestors.   thus,  when  the  great  beast's  jaw  opens  -  flames  bursting  forth  -  he  stands  not  a  chance  against  it.
  in  the  end  all  that  remains  of  the  jacaerys  velaryon  is  the  signet  ring  of   valyrian  steel  that  had  belonged  to  the  ruling  lords  of  the  driftmark  for  generations. 
  the  second  can  only  stand  in  abject  horror  and  watch  as  the  flames  grow  close,  biting  at  them  and  scorching  their  flesh.  their  pained  screams  echo  off  the  walls  -  yet  the  lord  garlan  rowan  does  not  die.
  but  the  third’s  pursuit  was  not  so  self  righteous  -  for  they  held  no  vision  of  their  divine  right  by  blood  to  the  dragons  or  desire  to  accompany  their  friend  in  this  task.  while  they’d  accompanied  the  others  with  pretty  words,  their  great  weapon  carried  with  them  with  promises  to  protect  their  companions  should  the  dragons  prove  dangerous,  they’d  held  in  their  mind  a  daring  (  if  potentially  fatal  )  plot  and  the  velaryon’s  death  would  only  prove  their  motif.  
it’s  almost  a  mercy  killing  when  they  cast  blade  to  flesh  -  for  how  they  can  bear  to  hear  the  lord  garlan’s  cries  no  longer  -  and  he’d  never  survive  the  trip  to  a  maester.  
  mark  slashing  young  lord's  throat  is  jagged  -  imperfectly  perfect  as  it  resembles  sharp  claws  of  the  winged  serpent  -  calculated  on  behalf  of  the  last  standing  of  the  trio.  the  young  boy  just  a  casualty  of  war  against  the  dragonlords,  the  seed  that  will  plant  a  rebellion  and  bring  forth  a  new  dawn,  sacrifices  are  needed  -  and  the  third  will  not  martyr  themself,  not  when  other's  fit  in  their  grand  scheme.
  member  of  the  queensguard  will  be  the  last  offering  to  the  gods,  sanguine  staining  the  stones  of  the  dragonpit  deep  crimson,  their  screams  of  pain  are  heard  over  the  festivities  ⸺  screeches  cut  through  the  bone  that  it  summons  guests  to  view  the  spectactle.  and  all  his  fellow  soldiers  will  find  is  his  half  -  eaten  body,  and  his  valyrian  steel  sword  piercing  through  the  dragon's  heart.  instant  kill,  last  act  of  defiance  before  he  is  beheaded  in  the  most  gruesome  way  possible  (  it's  you  and  me  he  decided  when  the  talons  wrapped  around  frame  ).  a  hero's  death,  finally  recognition  beyond  the  grave  ⸻  what  a  lie,  oh  what  a  lie  whispers  number  three  as  they  enjoy  their  wine.
  little  birds  -  sneaky  creatures,  slithering  swift  like  the  reptilian  creatures  lurking  in  the  crevices  of  the  pit,  have  already  informed  the  master  of  whisperers  of  the  events  in  the  darkness  away  from  the  blue  skies.  disclosed  reports  overheard  by  servants  as  rumours  start  to  form,  everyone  knows  everything  but  no  one  knows  the  truth  -  her  highness  the  queen  has  no  other  choice  but  to  set  matters  straight.  an  unfortunate  accident  of  a  too  cavalier  lord  trying  to  claim  what  is  not  his  by  birthright  -  a  heroic  knight  of  her  own  queensguard  saving  the  day,  and  a  half  grown  boy  who  only  wanted  to  please  his  friend,  there  was  nothing  that  could  be  done.  the  valyrian  steel  signet  ring,  she  gives  to  the  family  of  her  fallen  guard  -  token  of  appreciation  for  his  heroic  deed,  trying  to  save  an  innocent  and  a  traitor  against  the  crown.  for  the  queen,  all  matters  were  now  resolved  ⸻  not  for  her  trustworthy  councilors.
a  popular  vote  within  small  council  led  to  the  queen's  decision  to  continue  the  celebrations  in  honor  of  lady  margaery  -  the  hand  of  the  queen  and  his  wife,  however,  retreated  to  their  personal  tower  in  the  castle.  her  highness  the  queen  then  announced  the  news  of  the  events  but  word  had  already  started  to  spread,  meaning  some  nobles  might  have  heard  whispers  from  the  shadows  already.  after  her  speech  mourning  the  loss  of  lives  and  praising  her  queensguard  for  saving  the  day,  she  retreats  to  her  own  quarters.  the  feast  continues  alas  in  a  more  somber  atmosphere  as  the  guests  dwindle  down  -  the  death  of  multiple  nobles  too  upsetting  to  stomach,  many  eye  the  newly  -  claimed  dragon  warily  -  afraid  to  be  the  next  dragon  snack.  
with  this  our  event  concludes,  old  threads  can  continue  with  no  reference  to  these  events.  any  new  threads  must  be  post  -  plot  drop  reveal  as  life  continues  in  the  light  of  the  deaths  of  lord  velaryon,  lord  garlan,  the  queensguard,  and  the  dragon.    
keep  your  eyes  open  on  the  npc  blog,  we  will  be  treating  you  guys  to  the  final  pièce  de  résistance  of  the  claiming  ...  a  showdown  of  the  ages.
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