#tw like talk of self harm but not cutting
meraki-yao · 14 hours
Dropping in to say your crying at the vows Payneland was SUPERB! Is it too late for 🤬 Payneland? If so no stress at all! Your writing is awesome!
Hi! Oh my God, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the last one! Thank you for the prompt and sorry for this being late!
🤬Argument with a family member
This is a human/alive AU by the way!
TW: Paul Rowland being a homophobic, abusive asshole, homophobic slurs
Charles freezes, his fiancé’s hand tightening on his arm. Standing in front of their wedding venue entrance, arguing with the security, is his father who he hasn’t seen in years. After struggling through university on his own and meeting Edwin Payne, he took off and ran far away from home, cutting all contact with his parents while building a new home with the love of his life. A few years down the line, he and Edwin created a cipher to communicate with his mother. But throughout all of this, they have deliberately steered clear of his father. His father, who beat him senseless; his father, who locked his lanky teenage self in the basement that he lived in since he was five; his father, who nearly ripped his pierce off his ear, calling him homophobic slur years before he came to terms with his bisexuality. After Charles confessed his trauma after a particularly violent nightmare, Edwin had held him and promised that he would never let Paul Rowland near him ever again. Charles had gripped his boyfriend’s waist and promised the same: he cannot ever let his father lay a hand on sweet, gentle, loving Edwin. But he’s here now, at their rehearsal dinner, and he can’t help but freeze at the sight. Why? How? What is he doing here? How did he find him out after so long? What do I do now? Charles’ eyes meet his dad’s and the next thing he knows, Paul Rowland is pushing the security guard to the ground and comes marching their way, the rage on his face horrifyingly familiar. He has to move, he has to leave, he has to protect Edwin— But he can’t move. He’s frozen in place, legs turned to jelly. He wants to scream and cry but only quick puffs of breaths come out. Just before his dad can shout a curse at them, Edwin suddenly steps forward, pushing Charles behind him. “Excuse me, sir.” He says eerily calmly, which is a sign that he’s actually angry. “I don’t believe you’re invite to this function. You are trespassing right now, please kindly leave the premise before we have to call the authorities.” “Move out of the way, you fag. I’m here to talk to my son.” Paul Rowland growls, and Charles flinches, he wants to grab Edwin’s hand and run. “As you can clearly see, Charles does not want to talk to you. Now, leave.” Edwin continue, not phased by the slur. “CHARLES! YOU FUCKING USELESS PIECE OF SHIT, HIDING BEHIND A FAIRY?” The familiar roar rings in Charles’ ear. He can’t fucking breathe oh God oh fuck— BAM! Edwin, his sweet Edwin who has always gravitated to words, who he has tried to get into boxing without much success, punches his dad square in the jaw. Both Rowlands stare at him in shock. “YOU FUCKER! HOW DARE YOU—” “No, you listen here.” Edwin states, a dangerous edge in his voice. “We have given you multiple warnings. I will not allow you to come here, ruin our joyous occasion and do any harm to my fiancé, physical or otherwise. The police can deal with you now, we’re done here.” He lays a hand on Charles’ back, gentle despite the situation, and leads him away as the police who have finally arrived come and pull his dad away for questioning. They’ll need to provide their recount too, but Edwin insisted that they’ll deal with that later. They enter the dressing room of the venue where Charles collapses onto a chair. Edwin kneels before him, hand cupping his cheek, thumb swiping under his eyes. “Charles, please tell me what’s going on.” “No, it’s nothing, I’ll be fine I— Holy shit, Edwin, you punched my dad!” “Yes well, I very well couldn’t stand there and let him cause you even more distress, and he was clearly not going to listen to a word I say, sometimes actions do speak louder than words.” Charles pulls Edwin into his lap and wraps his arm around his waist, nose buried in his neck, breathing the familiar scent. Edwin’s hand goes to his curls as he presses kisses on to the top of his head. God, how lucky is he, to have such a wonderful person to call his? “We’ll be alright, my love,” Edwin whispers. “I promise, we’ll be alright.” Charles has never doubted him.
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
The only way I can describe the condition of my brain today is if someone took a chewed up ball of gum, dropped it off of a 30 story building, and then scraped it off of the sidewalk with a fragile toothpick.
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stupidg0th · 22 days
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born-to-lose · 2 years
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
I think I made a very bad mistake
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fagcrisis · 1 year
still trying to pin down the emotion i get when i see someone with scars that are clearly from cutting (bonus points if theyre on the upper arm like mine) like bc i always wanna be like. im like you! but also. feels weird to bring that up. in public
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soup-is-here · 10 months
like fr tho when you talk about ocd symptoms with people who don’t have it you really walking on eggshells🧍‍♀️
Honestly !! Ive had some Gross ones since like 12 years old that I've kept p hidden for years. The amount of times I've heard "you sound insane" just from family members?? Like damn I guess I'll go be distressed without any adult emotional support then
The only person I talk about the bad ones with now is my therapist so I don't ruin my Well-Adjusted persona
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s0re-loser · 1 year
Remaining positive but the suicidal ideation is hitting
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barrelrollgif · 1 year
break from normal posting but this is important (TW: self harm)
tip for people who self harm by scratching themselves with their nails but want to stop:
if you cannot will yourself to stop, clip your nails really short. not short enough that your nail bed bleeds, but short enough to make scratching very difficult. (make sure you also file away any sharp edges) it might be frustrating at first, since the inability to cause pain was frustrating to me. it did help me stop though. it basically lets you have the motion without the damage.
also, another option, though it is less discrete, is wearing soft gloves. this does basically the same thing but you don’t have to clip your nails (unless they’re very long) or feel the feeling of your skin pressing against the top of your nail.
anyway, i hope things get better in your world. scratching yourself doesn’t make you bad or any less human. it is your response to stress. i will admit that self harm is an unhealthy response to stress.
i believe that you can break out of this habit. i broke out of it. it was very hard. many times i wanted to rend my legs to the bone. i gave in sometimes and scraped myself raw. but i did get out and if you start taking the little steps i believe that you can get out too. i went on the journey alone. it was terrifying. no one should ever go through this alone. please reach out if you need support. you deserve support and you are not selfish for wanting it.
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emlos · 1 year
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disarminglybright · 1 year
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jackinalex · 2 years
no one understands me like vic fuentes i fear
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thatsalotofdragons · 15 days
some other feeling to see it written down that disrupting healing + excessive scratching/picking at skin counts as self harm
#talkin tag#what about biting mr doctor? how do i get my friends to be concerned about my biting too mr doctor?#we have a problem re: self harming cuz like. we arent brave enough to cut . we've tried#we tried age 13 (thankfully we didnt do it then. cuz we were pointing blades at the Inside of our wrists)#(like. that wouldve been SOOO bad we wouldve lost so much blood so quick)#but we just ran a razor across our knee yesterday and didnt cut but ohhhh the urge was THERE#currently experimenting w hair tie on wrist and flicking it every so often#otherwise the biting was good. we're also Excessively biting at our lips#feels a BIT pathetic ngl. like . such a failure u cant even self harm properly#i worry though that 5 years ago it was serious and now its more serious and in 5 years does that mean we actually Do something#see this is why we need to get help. like real actual help#fuck man. self introspection can only go so far#people who arent depressed dont spend hours looking through anti suicide websites watching videos reading articles#dont search up how to cut safely dont genuinely in earnest hold blades to their skin#and nobody TALKS ABOUT IT. we're all fooling around about wanting to die but if the train came would i move?#yeah. i mean. yeah. of course. would i want to?#now there's a damn question.#we're all fooling about saying we shouldn't talk about killing ourselves but can we please be serious for FIVE minutes#because i actually want to kill myself and i dont know who to tell or how to tell it#tw suicidal ideation#tw sui talk
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
didn't even get to do my ironing :-(
#tw self harm#i was looking forward to it.. i usually find it calming n a nice way to end a weekend#but kept having thoughts abt intentionally burning myself or hitting myself with the iron so im leaving it for another day#its fine if my clothes are a bit crumpled at work anyway. i think i have some extra stuff i ironed i didnt wear last week too#im safe btw its fine ive been using ice + gentle pressure on my skin to take the edge off (i keep my nails too short to scratch dw)#if i did have to cut it wouldnt be ideal but its a neutral act i try not to judge it. but ik its less safe + i dont want it to become#a habit again bc i already let myself do it last weekend and im still a bit frustrated abt it bc id been managing so well#and it was the first time since january. and before then i hadnt since august which is a really big deal for me!#bc last year + year before i was really struggling with reliance on it. i had months where i was doing it daily or every other day#and its hardest to stop when its habitual. once on occasion is much more manageable so lets keep it that way#one day itll be the last time i ever do it and ill be clean the rest of my life but i dont think im near that yet#it feels kind of uncomfortable to type this out but i want to stop keeping my thoughts on s/h in my head bc i get weird abt it#and the last thing i need right now is to get weird abt harming urges again. and i dont think my friends are safe to talk to abt it#so talking on here is the closest thing i have to being open abt it. im tired of it being so stigmatised#ultimately its just a coping mechanism. even if it can be unsafe but like drinking or smoking or whatever to feel better is no safer so#but still i dont want to encourage it. anyway#at least ive calmed down a bit now. and i finished some admin i was putting off earlier#and now i need to sleep bc work tomorrow. just glad the weekend is over its so much easier to cope on work days#just the structure and distraction of it innit. we'll get through this week#and im back on the more stable dose again for meds this week as well so hopefully thatll help#and i think my periods due which has probably been tipping these mood swings over into intolerable#so hopefully thatll start tomorrow or tues and the hormonal shit will recede 🙏#all good. okay im gonna meditate a little and then sleep goodnight 😴#.diaries
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im-miss-sugar-pink · 10 months
just got such a strong urge to end it all im
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scarletcomet · 1 year
the mental illness is making me very mentally ill today
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