#tw temp character death
kheprriverse · 10 months
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The Final Battle.
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aslitheryprinx · 16 days
The Red means I Love you
inspired by this animatic by @mellozheist
TW: blood & gore, temp character death
not explicitly ship, but can be read as ship if you want
The crown felt like a lie on Ren's head. It was a small thing, weighing less than a helmet would, but Ren thought it must secretly contain the world for how heavily it weighed on his brow. 
He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve the loyalty of Dogwarts, not when he couldn't protect the people who had sworn themselves to him. Not when Skizz had crawled out of the crater red red red, and Ren himself was a life down. 
But the crown was there, like a brand against his skin, and as long as he wore it he would do everything in his power to protect the people he loved. 
Even if it meant pain, if it meant death. 
His eyes fell on the axe he'd pressed into Martyn's hands barely an hour ago. The air felt far colder without his armor. 
Even if it meant willingly stepping into corruption and bloodlust so he could strike first against those who would harm his people. 
Martyn, his Hand, his most loyal friend lifted the axe in trembling hands. Oh, if only Ren had the strength to do this himself, so that his Hand didn't have to sully himself along with him. …A selfish part of him was glad Martyn was holding the axe, that he would stain his hands alongside Ren. 
The King of Dogwarts met his Hand’s eyes. He took one last, shaky breath, and knelt, baring his neck to his most trusted friend, his executioner.
Apologies spilling from his lips, Martyn swung the axe down in a deadly arc. Ren closed his eyes just before the impact. 
There was a visceral thud and pain pain red red RED R E D R  E  D- 
b̸̯̒l̵͔͊o̸̞͋o̷̰͑d̸̜̿r̷̨͠e̷̻͊d̸͓̾ā̶͈n̴̪͝ḋ̷̼p̴̢̾ȧ̴͙i̷̖͗n̶̙̆w̵͙̅h̶̰̊y̶̟̿w̴͈̍h̶̗̾y̸̛̳ẘ̵̙h̵̠̎ẙ̶͍ ̵̺͊
Red Winter is coming…
Martyn stood, taking in heaving breaths as he stared at the body of his king. Blood dripped from the axe in his hand, joining the puddle that was staining his boots a permanent crimson. 
Why wasn't the body disappearing? Ren had been yellow; he had one life left, so why wasn't he respawning? A chant of whywhywhy echoed in his brain. 
He couldn't tear his gaze away from Ren's head. It lay a few steps away, in it's own puddle of blood. It should be disappearing, along with the body it was no longer attached to, but it was still there. He was glad Ren's head had landed face down. Martyn didn't think he could handle the sight if he could see his king’s lifeless eyes.
Movement caught his attention, and his eyes were drawn to it automatically. 
His stomach dropped and the axe nearly slipped from his shaking hands. Ren's body was twitching. It was moving. All Martyn could do was watch in horror as Ren's headless body slowly shambled to its- his- feet.
The body of his king took a few stumbling steps. Martyn thought for a horrifying moment Ren's body was about to kick his own head, but it-he-Ren stopped just before it. With a motion that was far too smooth, the body plucked its head from the ground. 
As Ren's head was put back in place, Martyn couldn't stop himself from looking in his eyes. They were lifeless and dull, just as he feared. The Hand felt sick to his stomach, unaware if it was from the emptiness in his King's eyes or the way sinew and bone wriggled into place, slowly stitching itself together until Ren's neck was whole. 
Ren's eyes closed as he took in a breath. When his eyes snapped back open, Martyn felt a shiver go down his spine. His King's eyes were red, as red as the blood that still dripped down his neck. 
Martyn had seen the change in Scar. He'd been unnerved by the cruelty in the other's eyes, but he hadn't understood. Not until it was Ren looking at him with a cold, dark gaze. Not until it might as well have been a stranger for all the warmth his King's eyes held. 
Ren stepped closer and some primal thing in Martyn's brain screamed for him to run, or to raise the axe and fight. It screamed that this was a predator approaching. Danger! Danger! Martyn stayed rooted in place. 
His King raised a hand, and Martyn fought back a flinch. Ren settled his hand against Martyn's cheek oh so gently. It was a familiar motion, but his King's hands were soaked in blood. Martyn could feel the way crimson dripped down his cheek where Ren had touched him. 
Familiar, but marred. Twisted. 
Their foreheads settled together, and Ren closed his eyes. 
“My Hand,” he muttered, in a voice that was still warm, despite the new cruelty in his eyes. 
Martyn nearly sobbed with relief. Despite the way his instincts screamed at proximity to a red, despite the way his King's eyes were hungry for blood, it was still his Ren. 
“M’lord,” Martyn breathed, just shy of reverence. 
His eyes fell shut, and he basked in the tainted, bloody comfort, the only comfort Ren had left to give. 
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psychologeek · 23 days
Not-Yet-Written-Fics Game
So, uh, a month ago @byrambles has tagged me about it.
(of COURSE I started writing it, then got distracted, and only remembered now.)
Below are fics that I don't-currently-write (,which includes unwritten ideas, but also fics on hiatus.)
(feel free to tell me if you find something interesting, or you'd like to hear more about it. Who knows? It might give me serotonin and make me write it!)
Fandom: Batman, Superman, DP*DC
Sweet Dreams 3 - Keep Your Head Up (movin' on):
What happened in the Bad!verse before and after the kids were taken.
Include bb!Jay's background, Shadow, Quizlet, Renegade, and more.
Sweet Dreams 4 - Travel the World (and the multiverse):
the end of the series, in which some characters move between universes, others don't, some misunderstandings are solved and there's a lot of found family.
Baby Bird Search& Rescue (BBS&R) -
maybe, one day. I love the idea, I have some clever and funny scenes, but who knows?
Belonging - M/E rated, tw: csa, underage prostitution (mentioned) and LOTS of Trauma.
one day, things would get better for Timmy.
(When Jason attack the Titan's tower, the replacement doesn't fight back. Some things are not as they seem. This must be some mind game, right?
Or: a story of the in-between. What we remember (or don't), choosing to look away (or act), and a lot of trauma.)
maybe - part 2 of "17, 42" ? (Tim in a Tim loop)
He isn't the only one in the time loop.
(none of them know it.)
This is about to change.
DC (Superman)
We keep our love in a photograph (temp. name) - M for grief and death of (oc) children.
A character research of Martha Kent's character.
What kind of person takes in a baby alien and doesn't tell anybody?
How could they do that? What was the community's reaction to a surprise baby?
For that, we need to start 16 years earlier, on their wedding, and watch the pain and beauty in Martha and Jonathan's life and marriage.
(this fic contains a lot of minor characters' deaths, including death of children, dying kids, stillborn and miscarriages.)
Core Skills (chapter 9-12)
One day I'll get there. Things are just... not so well rn.
Lost& Found series
Lab Rat -
Jazz's parents found out about Danny. Few days later, she finds her brother bleeding in their lab.
This is the worst case scenario, and as they run for their (half)lives, she call the only person she can think of.
Jason, freshly named Red Hood, just wanted to beat up some sense into the Replacement (and get the clown killed).
He didn't expect a call from an old friend.
Not Broken (just bent):
Jazz managed it.
Finally, she got to college and moved out of that house. She got her siblings with her, by blood and heart - they have a small apartment in a not so good part of this city, but they are OUT. Dan can exist as a person. There's no need to hide Ellie anymore. They can live.
It's hard, but things are always hard. This is just how it is.
And maybe money's tight and she's working double shifts and she feels like she's a step away from the edge - but that's life.
(Jazz is not okay. A mysterious costumer, a long lost friend, and a scholarship might change her life.)
The Red Parade (series)
Following the Batarang Incident TM.
In which actions have CONSEQUENCES, Red Hood's goons make a deal with... (A god? A demon? A Fae? Idk Jeff, that's what the boss said to do!), and Danny is a very reluctant king.
Months later, Dick is Not OK, but there's a world-ending thrreat, and the watchtower need everyone as they summon the King of the Dead for help.
(The Red Knight is not what they expected.)
@gilbirda @muffinlance @Gghost-bxrd @a-witch-in-endor @enigmaris
@envysparkler ? Only if you got time for it, of course!
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callmelyc · 1 year
Week 2: Future
Tw- canon temp character death
Canon divergent
If you had told a younger lance he'd be in this position then lance would tell you you were lying. He hadn't even blinked before pushing Allura out of the way, taking the hit of the ion cannon.
Lance had barely heard his own screams over the buzzing in his ears. He couldn't feel anything yet everything all at once, the pain crawling through his veins like spidering lightning bolts.
The moment everything went dark he knew.
And it was his greatest relief...
He feels like he's floating then suddenly he's not.
The next time lance opens his eyes it's to the sunlight crawling through the windows. He blinks away the tiredness of his eyes to look around which does nothing to alleviate the confusion. Gray walls, hospital floors, fluorescents on the ceiling. This room looks like earth architecture, it looks...human.
Lance goes to sit up but is stopped by a heavy weight on his chest, what he doesn't expect to see when he looks down is a familiar mop of black hair. He fights his other arm against the IV tubes to shakily prod at Keith watching in awe as the other man just snuggles more into lances side.
"He fought the entire hospital to be in here ya know-" a voice says from the door bringing lances attention to the man standing there casually with crossed arms "he's still in recovery too but he insisted he be at your side."
Lance almost missed the man's words, he's much too distracted by the fact this man is /human/, but blushes at the smirk sent his way anyways.
"T-thats Keith for ya..." lance chuckles awkwardly turning his attention back to a sleeping Keith. Deciding he needs a distraction lance brings his free hand up to gently play with the black strands fanned across his side "always so stubborn"
While lance can't see the guy he feels the man's eyes watch him for awhile. Lance tries his best to act like the guy isn't creeping in the doorway before realizing he's moved, stepping in and holding out his hand with a kind smile "we haven't officially met yet, my name is Adam I'm one of Keith's adoptive guardians."
Lance shakes it with shocked surprise, he can't remember Keith having mentioned this before "lance-"
Adam smirks "I know, all of you are bigshots. kinda hard to miss the names"
Lance chats with him for a bit after that and decides he really likes Adam, he's smart, hilarious and sounds like he gives shiro a run for his money. But when he leaves lance is left alone with the confusion again.
He doesn't know where he is or how he got here, yet when he starts running his fingers through Keith's hair he has a feeling it's all gonna be ok.
The floating sensation is back, this time dizzying with a sharp snap back to reality.
"LANCE!" A door slams and heavy footsteps sound up the stairs "if you aren't ready I swear!"
Lance turns in his childhood bedroom only to come face to face with his sister Veronica. There's no time to feel his confusion this time, no time to be prepared for what he's looking at.
He doesn't even feel the tears spilling from his eyes, isn't even aware he's crying until her face falls in worry "Leandro what's wrong?"
"Vera-" his voice comes out so watery and broken but lance doesn't care because it leads to a hug from her. An embrace he hasn't felt for years since he became a part of Voltron. A hug he could only imagine in his dreams light-years away from the real thing.
So he burrows into the hug, nose pressed to the top of her head and arms wrapped around her so tight he might die if he lets her go. It feels so real, so tangible it only makes the tears run faster and a sob breaks free from his throat.
His sister feels so /real/.
She still has her signature scent down to her usual shampoo, the one he could barely remember the smell of anymore. The room smells like home, the temperature feels just how he remembers it and its all so much lance feels like he's drowning. But he's so so relieved...he's home...Veronica is /hugging/ him.
"Leo?" She ask again voice clearly worried "what's wrong, did Keith cancel?"
Lance sniffles , pulling back from the hug so he could look at her face. What he sees is an older Veronica than he last remembers, one with worry lines and dark circles, yet she still glows like a sunny day. He doesn't understand how this is happening-
He doesn't want it to stop...
Fighting to reign in the tears all the while ignoring how this shouldn't be possible "cancel?"
Her eyes grow confused "the date? He's coming over to meet Mami still right?"
Veronica watches him for a while before seeming to decide on something "oh! Are you nervous? Don't worry Leandro we won't chase off your alien boyfriend-"
Lance squeaks in response unable to form words at that but she continues onwards ignoring his turmoil.
She keeps talking all the while lances mind races with /Keith boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend/
He snaps out of it when a hand pats his arm confidently "so don't get all worked up over it alright? You love him and that'll be enough for everyone else."
As she drags him down the hall, lances mind is short circuitng for another reason.
'did she just say I love him?!'
Veronica wasn't enough to have prepared him For seeing his family again, they all shared a similar worry to her when he burst into tears before she explained lance was just scared. To which they all so Lovingly reassured lance that they'd do anything to make sure he was happy after everything he'd been through. With every hug he strived to remember each of their scents and their faces that had grown blurry in his memory.
When Keith gets there he gives lance a small gift and a very sweet kiss lance thinks he'll remember forever. The best gift of the night though, is watching Keith sit at his family's dinner table smiling right alongside them.
When Keith's eyes meet lances they sparkle with amusement and so much affection lance can't help but smile back just the same.
The floating is the only gentle part of it this time, he's nauseous and feels like he's falling right alongside that floating sensation. Then, again, he's snapped into reality.
His eyes come into focus to the view of an Arizona sunset. Colors wash over the rock formations in beautiful brush strokes of orange and red but nothing is as beautiful as Keith is in this moment.
Keith is looking off into the distance, head resting on one knee he has pulled up and he looks so relaxed lance doesn't want to break the silence. So he leans into Keith, resting his head on the other man's shoulder.
Together they watch the sunset disappear leaving way for the stars to sprinkle the sky.
For the first time the floating sensation is exactly the same as the previous time. He's floating, nauseated, yet falling at the same time. When he snaps to reality this time he's at an altean dinner table.
Sitting around the table is his entire team but older. shiro with grayed hair, pidge with longer hair, hunk having grown into his features, coran and allura looking almost the exact same then there's Keith. Keith who sits next to him with an aura of joy and contentment he's never quite seen on him before.
And when Keith smiles at him it's exhilarating.
Someone makes a playful jab about them getting a room, Keith replies in rapid fire causing laughs to roar through the room. It's a happy get together, lance has never seen his space family so relaxed but all he can focus on is Allura.
Allura who is dressed like a queen, allura who has a strange glittering glow about her. He first thought it a trick of the light but with every time their eyes meet her glow becomes more prominent.
No one comments on it, lance thinks he's the only one who can see it.
It reminds lance a lot of when she'd healed the balmera or healed anything at all. It unnerved him just the same as the floating did.
Before things fade away this time Alluras stare changes, it's more serious, more focused on him and her glow is the brightest he's ever seen.
If lance thought the floating staying the same was unnerving before, he was right. It was the calm before the storm because this time there's not a drop of gentleness. He's tossed around, it feels like crash landing in one of the lions but zero gravity, it feels like being body slammed into reality.
So when he wakes this time it's more startling, lance thinks he might not stick this time yet the hands gently holding his bring his mind back down to earth.
Lance is face to face with a Keith that's looking at him so Lovingly he thinks he might just die again. Everything in his peripheral is white paired with shades of red and blue. The softness in those cosmic eyes and gentle grip grounding him are enough to make lance crumble but then he realizes Keith is speaking.
"You once said I was like the future...." Keith says and it's so /soft/ lances heart swoops "but I think, our futures lie within each other."
Before Lance can do anything there's a sharp pull, he looks down and sees his hands are glowing just like Allura had been, then he's torn away from a Keith that's holding back tears of joy.
This time when lance opens his eyes he doesn't feel the floating, the confusion or the sense of displacement. All he feels is overwhelming exhaustion and phantom pain climbing up his left side. Before he can even gather his bearings he's crushed in a relieved hug by an Allura that's not glowing.
There's tears in her eyes when she says "thank Alran-" and everything after goes so quickly.
Lance is thrown in a pod just to make sure, tears are shed, the clone shiro betrays them, the castle Is damaged,Keith comes back-
He has half a mind to ask allura about everything he saw, about how real it felt but then he'd have to explain why Keith was the center of every dream. Lance decides he's better off not knowing.
At least...not yet.
After all these years it's finally here, their wedding day. Lance had poured over every excruciating detail down to the color of the buttons on Keith's suit jacket and it was perfect. This was the best day of his life.
Spending these last ten years with Keith had been a dream come true, they had confessed sometime after his return from the blade and stayed inseparable ever since. Keith was everything he could ever want and more- and oh God lance was gonna cry before he finished his vows!
He feels Keith squeeze his hands in support despite fighting off the tears himself, lance reaches out to wipe one away before finishing his speech "Keith, every path has lead back to you and no matter the distance I'll follow you across the universe because you're my guiding star."
Keith chuckles wet and fond before starting his own vows that make lance cry almost instantly with how sweet they are. He's a mess by the time Keith closes with "you always said I was the future...but I think our futures lie within each other."
After dancing the night away they walk hand in hand along the shore in a peaceful silence. Suit pants rolled up to let the waves roll across their bare feet and jackets left behind to enjoy the cooler air. Perfect for thinking, perfect for remembering.
Lance remembered once that Keith explained the space whale to him and how the flashes of the future felt like dreams he couldn't touch. Lance had never told anyone about the future he saw, how real it felt, how he could feel all his senses in them so vividly.
He thinks now he finally understands, he's lived this all before, if only briefly, but now it's his to hold. So he looks at Keith pulling his husband to a stop.
"What is it?" Keith questions gently turning to face lance and rest his hands on the other man's hips.
Lance wraps his arms around Keith's shoulders with a smile "I think...our futures actually lie together."
Note: this is based on a 1am trying to sleep "what if" (pic attached of the rushed note idea) and is in a canon divergence au where the lotor bit doesn't happen, lance is really close to Veronica, they arrive to earth just as the Galra do which is why they start in the hospital in lances future snippets. Things are altered a bit to for the rest.
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Could we see prompt 23?
Yeah sure, here you go :)
(it's honestly mainly stuff that would have presumably already happened before any story events I would write)
((also special little appearance from AU 55 which runs in the same universe (55 is basically plot for 23))
tw: death, perma-death, torture, mentions of suicide
also a few dsmp characters are mentioned but it is very much a hermitcraft AU, they're just there because they fit the roles I needed.
also also they're basically formatted in giant text blocks bcs i write on docs on my phone (took me so long to paste it in because tumblr actually has a limit to amount of characters in one big text block)
Perma-deaths. Most people aren't immortal, and even the ones who claim to be actually just have a slower degradation(?) rate than others. degradation, aka how likely someone’s next death is to be permanent, is represented by a number (percentage? work with numbers first then maybe compare to using percentages instead, supposed to be confusing to people who haven’t trained in the system). when an admin reaches a high enough clearance level they learn about such degradation scores and are taught how to access them to see how at risk a player is in an emergency (ie. suicide, long stays on anarchy servers, kidnapping/experimentation, etc.). it is possible to see the past history of when the number changes however that requires the assistance/one-time permission from one of the highest admins, usually an admin can only see the singular number. In order to view the number an admin has to look  directly at the player’s code, which makes it a giant privacy violation (thus why only for emergencies). The fact that this is even something that can be done is kept on a very need-to-know basis. if a player is in danger up to three friends can be informed of the danger (how likely they are to experience a perma-death, not the manner in which the admin knows), additionally it is very rare for admins to be taught of it in the first place, usually limited to high-up/trusted, typically natural-born admins (X is natural-born) as well as admins running particularly high-risk servers (ie. hermitcraft’s ‘safe space’ category for many creatures and hybrids). anarchy admins are not allowed to know unless under very dire circumstances. there is currently heavy research as to what causes the score to go up (or down, very very rarely), and the general consensus is that it is higher when one is very young and old (specific age varies by species), it typically mellows out around the young child (no longer infant) stage and is typically very close to 0 by teen years (scale is 0-10, goes into specific decimals, highest number currently recorded is an 8.7, most people perma-die before their number reaches 8.5, typical average without unforeseen complications is 7.9.) preexisting health conditions, gained health conditions, traumatic temp-deaths, random chance, and general unidentified factors all raise the score. additionally, anarchy servers (servers in which the world is set to a mix or hard and hardcore, in which deaths are almost always traumatic but don't typically outright ban/delete your code + kick you from the world) are easily the quickest way of a score increase, typically why many anarchy players die easily despite seeming very strong/healthy. If a player has experienced multiple traumatic deaths before their teens, or an excessive amount in their teens, they can face a drastic increase in number or, in the first case, not have their number decrease as they leave the child stage (typical in players who have grown up/lived on anarchy servers from a young age) (also why all players are given multiple chances to leave anarchy players (if they can make it to the exit, many servers try very hard not to let them, which is technically illegal but hard to enforce)). Hardcore servers aren’t quite as bad as anarchy servers, a players number is automatically set a bit higher than usual while on server but experiences a slower incline while/after playing than an anarchy player would (ie. higher chance of on-server perma-death, lower chance of post-server death).
Much research is being done into ways to lower the degradation score but not much has been found. Many suspect a higher entity to be involved (Kristen/death is highly tied to it but it's really just natural, not her doing. Phil perma-died on his hardcore world bug had spoken with Kristen while on-server and they’d fallen in live so Kris used gold-privileges (she’s not entirely sure how and doubts she could (or wants to) do it again) to set his number to 0 after his death so he can technically still die he just has an abnormality long lifespan. Similarly Techno’s voices (remnants of the blood god) absorb some of his added score which gives him a lower degradation rate despite being a common anarchy player, this absorbed score does however transfer over into bloodlust in situations of extreme emotion. Nearly all immortals simply have very slow rates or naturally long lifespans. On the topic of stopping the rate, most don't mess with it as it is clearly divinity-related and they don't want to anger gods (a few have tried and they did not meet good ends). however a small group of once-rogue admins now known as the Watchers had ties to Herobrine, who was a god of destruction and, in his bid to cause such, gave the Watchers the knowledge of how to artificially raise the degradation rate (void rot pog) just before a few other gods teamed up to trap him (gods/deities are the only true-immortals, they have no degradation rate). Eventually the Watchers tired of destroying and, realising that they themselves would one day die (the void rot they used on others also slightly sped up their already slowed rates) sought to find ways to stop it. They began to experiment on anarchy players who would not be missed, avoiding the gaze of deities by hiding deep in the void, close enough to the abyss that their trace was masked and washed away. Eventually theys et their eyes on EVO due to Grian being a natural-born admin (they hadn’t been able to get their hands on one before due to high guarding) as well as an anarchy-raised player. (YHS and ‘terra’ aka earth were anarchy servers, so he essentially stayed in anarchy until he left YHS. Pearl was also there at first (siblings yey. Timmy’s adopted), but after Grian was abandoned in Japan her parents took her off-server). Grian had a skill for code and bendable morals as well as a slightly off view of perma-death due to his upbringing so he’d discovered the degradation rate on his own without contact with the main council. The time-jumping was a Grain-intended feature of EVO but the Watchers offered to help and he (like the basically-child he was), agreed due to them claiming to be ‘invested admins’. the Watchers fiddled with the code throughout the updates to see if anything would change the DRs of the players. Eventually they realised that the continuous traumatic deaths Grian had experienced as a child, while raising his rate with each one, basically slowed the natural progression to 0, they took him after the ender dragon fight and used a sigil to make sure the players couldn't talk about what happened with anyone (even people who already knew).
The listeners were a second group of admins that were also trying to find ways to reduce the DR but did so through more scientific and moral ways, Martin and Jimmy were contacted by them while on EVO and were able to tell them some of what was happening before the Watchers implemented the sigil. Anyways the Watchers took Grian and, having a solid way to perma-kill someone by forcing their number up (highly, highly painful + traumatic void rot), decided to force his number up while ensuring he didn't perma-die by pseudo-setting his DR to 0 (they figured out how to do this by essentially freezing the target in a time loop, however everyone they had previously used it on perma-died immediately after leaving the loop). Grian was essentially stuck in an infinite loop of dying to void rot to the point his already high number reached 10 and overode itself back to a permanent technical 0, actual 10 in which every death is experienced as a perma-death (highly painful, leaves scars and pain lasting months afterwards, almost always results in some form of ptsd), but functions as a temp-death, aka he perma-dies but doesn’t stay dead. The Watchers don’t realise this though and think, after he comes out of the loop with his number at 10 and an immediate perma-death that they failed again. Grian meanwhile gets pseudo-yeeted into Kristen’s domain where she starts to treat him like a dead soul (he is relieved, void rot deaths hurt and he’s always cold now) before he is -painfully- torn back to the living. the Watchers though he was perma-dead so they had burned his body, leaving him to respawn at a glitched respawn point in the Watcher library. He panics in general but even more so when a Watcher comes in and self-preservation skills kick in and he writes over his own code in a panic to match that of the Watcher’s, unknowingly marking himself as an apprentice archivist. He ends up being forced yo go along with the pretend role for a long (but unknown amount of time (void/Watcher time shit is yucky)) before he rises high enough in the ranks to gain access to the research on stopping/slowing the DR. He realises that's what they are trying to do with him (he’d been looking into it beforehand but really only came to the ‘torture’ conclusion.) (Watchers go out of their way to avoid any kind of death so he didn’t experience any more temp-perma-deaths while with them) and ends up -after plans and allies (bigB?)- copying the information just in case before escaping in ::sparkles:: dramatic fiery destruction :::sparkles::, some of the Watchers die and ‘Xelqua’ and their allies are marked as traitors and enemies. The Watchers work to regain their progress but Grian had set up an excessively strong sigil to block any knowledge of it from them so they work to break that first. Grian ends up self-sacrificing to get the others out safely (he’s seen his degradation rate and knows any death will be permanent) as well as partly selfish reasons (suicide oof). He has a breakdown when he and Kristen realise exactly what’s happened and that he won’t be able to stay dead despite experiencing such painful deaths. The most Kristen can do is set his spawn point to one of his old friends (Mumbo’s) singleplayer worlds in hope that Mumbo can at least help Grian get away and stay away from the watchers.
As a watcher (Or HC 23) Grian can’t die, the Hermits get captured ((ex-)watchers? (good watchers + anarchists accidentally broke G’s perma-death %?) anarchists?, ex-admins?) and the capturers decide to torture the Hermits to get to X. Eventually they come back with an experimental (hacked in, very illegal) potion that temporarily forces a player to experience any deaths while under its effects as perma-deaths, but still respawn later as if they were normal deaths. They use it on one hermit for a bit before Grian pisses them off enough (and they realise X is the closest with him (platonic love pog)) that they use it on him. X begs them to stop and eventually they stop and leave him to bleed out after they know the potion has worn out. The hermits are chained up and can’t reach him to help, he dies. And then he doesn’t. They forgot to chain him up and while he is too weak to even really stand up, he does manage to send a distress signal (to who? Watchers? admins?) before passing out. People come back and think he barely survived and decide to use the potion again as a ‘reward’. Most of the hermits just think G got lucky and the potion hadn’t worn off, a couple (who?) realise he actually did die but he came back somehow. Eventually they are rescued (probably by the watchers (make the group that first broke G’s % ex-watchers/a rogue group))
enjoy :3 (feel free to ask more questions if you want, I am always happy to brainrot)
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chilewithcarnage · 4 months
curious abt your ocs 🤔
they're all a part of series i want to manifest in some way, i have big dreams of being an animator and making shows and movies you know the vibes.
aaron is the main character in a series i originally dubbed 'psychopimp/pomp' but im considering changing the title cause the overall plot has changed a lot since i originally conceptualized it. its the story of a young man who died in the late 80s and his afterlife in purgatory which is like some form of a temp agency in a void where dead people are given certain tasks to complete as a sort of soul weighing to determine whether they pass on to heaven or hell. another aspect that determines the passing on is if a soul has had any unfinished business or personal hang ups. he stays in purgatory for decades (the living world being in modern time) because he died at a point in his life where he was trying to get his it together but never did (also internalized biphobia and having to spend the entirety of his short life closeted). his cause of death was a car crash. his girlfriend is amanda, who's also in purgatory but they don't end up finding each other until years after their deaths. aaron didn't even know she was dead until they found each other as (tw for suicide) amanda dies by suicide after the grief from losing him became too much to bear. she was a young woman who lacked a lot of agency in her life. being beautiful was the only aspect of herself that her parents valued and taught her to want nothing short of just being the trophy wife of a rich man. her meeting aaron and choosing to be with him was initially in part to rebel against her parents as he's someone from a poorer and rougher background but she does legitimately love him down. the series would entail a lot of like supernatural action oriented arcs. this is an afterlife world specifically based off of the christian mythology of heaven and hell. there's angels and demons and the like within it. ultimately its about the two of them going through trials and tribulations on a grander scale than anything they've ever witnessed in their living lives. whilst also dealing with grieving one another and the things they were denied
(aaron also gets a demon boyfriend later on etc).
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unovasaved · 6 months
Alright until I get my CARRD redone here's a temp rules page
General rp etiquette applies. IE. No god-modding, don’t be pushy for replies, don’t reblog IC things you’re not a part of, don’t kill/severely injure my muse without mun’s permission first, etc.
I am very open to cross-over interactions and will be happy to explain anything to those who follow me but don't know about my character or the series she's from.
Mun is not muse IE. Muse may say or do things mun does not agree with and vice versa.
I will hard block anyone who sexualizes children or teenagers. This is the first and final warning.
Fighting rp’s must be discussed beforehand and must have an ending/winner plotted out from the start.
Memes do not have an expiration date(unless the meme specifies IE. First five get kisses, etc). So if one sees an old meme they'd like to send, feel free to do so.
I will not interact with muses from Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss / Zoophobia, Villainous, Boyfriend to Death, South Park, Hetalia, Attack on Titan or muses for IRL People (IE. Idols, Youtubers, Celebrities, Historical Figures, etc.)
I do not tolerate the use of AI generated images for icons, graphics, etc. I feel AI generated images are a form of art theft and will block anyone I see using them. If one does use them I request they block me as well.
I don’t want any racists, LGBT+Phobes of any kind, Pedophiles, Nazis or general nasties following me. If I see anyone acting in this way I’ll block them on the spot.
All triggers will be tagged as 'Trigger tw'.
This blog will deal heavily with discussions of cult activity, PTSD & the affect fame has on young stars. All will be tagged accordingly.
I will be selective in who I ship with and do require prior conversation+plotting before shipping can happen.
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TW: Major character death and attempted suicide (this ain't the happy cut)
These are mostly alternative takes that were never used and never fully restored from the '86 film. It's interesting the use of temp tracks for some scenes. Mostly, Twoey being a giggly brat and the way the phone gag was drawn out was cool to see. Pacing means fun stuff sometimes has to go.
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vihrago-a · 1 year
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(   𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖝𝖚𝖘   )      :      independent   and   highly   private   multimuse.   this   multimuse   contains   only   original   characters   which   are   majority   female   or   non-binary.   all   of   these   original   characters   are   based   in   a   plethora   of   different   fandoms   ―   written   and   cared   for   by   𝚅.   rules   can   be   found   under   the   cut. [ previously illyriamade, mkoshi, atlaentian ]. nsfw sb is @jigjigstreet.
(   𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘   )   :   @motife  ,   @jonbyers , @deadranch , @adaelus
(   𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖉   )       :   link. promo temp credit. promo.
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001 : i am 18+, so nsfw content will be present but it will be tagged with the generic ‘nsfw tw / cw’ tag, this also goes for triggers. — consider general trigger warnings for blood, death, murder, torture, are withstanding due to the nature the fandoms i interact with — all of these will be tagged accordingly ( trigger tw / trigger cw ), but if you need anything additional tagged, please let me know ( via message, anon, or carrier pigeon ) and i’ll make sure to do so! i generally tag anything that’s extensively / actually written out in threads or any visuals / direct references, but if you need something more than that, feel free to let me know.
002 : i don’t use heavy formatting ( occasional bolding / italicizing and small text is all i use ), but if you need me to adjust anything for replies to you ( because of eyesight / disability / ease of reading / etc. ) don’t hesitate to let me know i’d be happy to do it. otherwise, i give you overarching permission and encouragement to edit any parts of my reply formatting that you need to to fit your needs!
003 : i prefer to keep my blog mutuals only, that being said, if you unfollow me i’ll be pretty quick  to unfollow you as well. typically i just block and move on because i detest confrontation with all of my being.
004 : i love multi-muse blogs and fellow ocs / oc writers, but i will not write with self-insert ocs or blogs that write a non-fictional character / a character that is based on a real life person. it’s nothing personal towards those muns, but the line between fiction and reality is a bit too blurred for me to be comfortable with it.
005 : i ship chemistry. force-shipping is an automatic block. but generally, if you ship it, i ship it. so just talk to me! i am a very nice person and easy to talk to! chances are, i'm more afraid of you than you are of me.
006 : regarding call out posts, DNIs, and messaging people about “toxic” mutuals – i 100% your respect your right and experience and choice to keep your dash a safe space for yourself, but i believe in two/three sizes to every story and i prefer to develop my own opinions about people. i do tag urls on all my replies to make blacklisting easier for those that need it and i respect all my mutuals enough to never talk negatively about them behind their back, so if you message me trying to spread anything but basic information ( like hey here’s what my experience with this person was, it wasn’t great ) you’ll likely be blocked because i don’t want to be put in the middle of drama that has literally nothing to do with me. the only time i do anything other than that is when someone is genuinely harmful and i feel that interacting with them is going to bring YOU more harm than good. i value every one of my mutuals' well beings.
007 : got something mean to say? tell your cat. or dog. or plant. but don’t send it on anon and just don’t spread hate about people in general. anon hate on this blog will only be accepted if it is either a haiku or a pun.
DISCORD available upon request for chatting / plotting / flailing purposes.
MUN INFORMATION:  V ( any prns ). 18+. ISTP-T. sagittarius. please tell me about your pets, i’m dead serious. i want to know about your pets. or if you don’t have pets, i would like to know about your plants. also if this rules page looks familiar, it is because @seesgood gave me her rules to use after she realized how little braincells i had left.
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absalbr · 3 months
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Art in header credit. Header temp credit. Banner temp credit. IC banner temp credit.
-— First and foremost, I don't own any concept of the Backroom universe. It's a fun concept to play around with an inject my own ideas into, etc. Absal is, however, fully my creation. Their 'fc' is Danger the EDM persona simply because that's the closest tangible thing I have for them right now.
— Note this is an activity upon demand blog. Meaning as long as there's a demand for this character, there will be activity. I'm not going to be seeking out people to follow or write with or sinking too much time into networking.
— General TW for this blog are the typical ones found with content concerning the Backrooms or general weirdcore shit. Derealization, disturbing imagery, death, gore, etc. Because of these themes and because this is attached to my main blog, I likely will not be entertaining interaction with muses or muns under 21+
— Abby's pronouns are purely they/them or it/it's ic and ooc, please. They also will not likely share their true name or nickname with your muse initially so feel free to come up with whatever silly nickname you want. :)
— Also TW for fucky audio and flashing. Flashing imagery will always be tagged with cw flashing. In terms of the audio, many of the songs on their playlist are glitch and noise.
— I will soft-block if I don't see us being able to interact or, usually, if I think this blog will have triggers that align with your own. Please don't take it personally. Here's a pretty detailed list of potential triggering content you might find here.
— Note that I prefer to have Abby exist within the Backrooms. Though there are 'canon' LEVELS, it's to be noted you can make up just about anything. I encourage partners to go ham and cultivate their own fucky setting.
-— I also encourage ask blog-esque interactions from anons. :) Just don't be weird please!
— I will play Abby outside of their home turf to be more accessible to partners , but they are always going to be some sort of fucked up and incomprehensible creature of unknown origin.
— A lot of my inspo comes from general weirdcore/dreamcore, J*ck Strauber, _boisvert, Bread Man, OFF, General analog horror, Joey Val*nce & Brae, j*rma985, and more if you're looking to catch a vibe.
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what project r u worldbuilding for? :D
I am so glad you asked! TLDR it's a god au centered on ash (and some vitalasy) but i'll put elaboration under the cut because i have a Lot of thoughts
(tw for guns/temp character death)
so in this au, most of the lifestealers (bar Zam and Ash) are gods of this country, named Sthenia. (which is like. a fancy word for lifeforce/vitality <- this is a word i cannot spell now)
(for reference, the technology level in this au is around that of the late 1830s, and there's no magic/potions/nether/other mc stuff)
Ash is a guy from the north (i misspoke in the earlier post, that list was about the North) who due to circumstances i haven't figured out yet travels to the south, where most of the cities are located due to it being way less cold/wet. For a while he's just kind of around, doing odd jobs and visiting the big temples in the capital. overall though, his main motivation is to become a god.
one day, when he's visiting the temple to the King of Patience (some of the gods' domains are more impressive than others i'm ngl), he sees a fox curled up in the statue's hand. foxes are sacred animals, at least kind of, but everyone's just kind of ignoring it/being dismissive. he feeds the fox some of his lunch and goes on his way
he doesn't really think about it for a while, having bigger things to do. a while later, he buys a revolver, and prepares.
i still need to figure out why he's doing this <- storytelling!, but after a while, he sneaks into the palace and shoots Zam, the prince ruler of Sthenia. however, instead of Zam dying, or even bleeding, his head explodes into light.
yknow how sometimes some traditions have gods who were human and became gods when they died? yeah.
anyways, Ash goes to RUN because that wasn't supposed to happen and when Zam recovers he'll have one pissed off god on his back, but he instantly sees Vitalasy. he raises the gun for a second, but realizes who it is pretty quickly.
Vitalasy's like. damn spoke's not gonna be happy about this. (Ash is just now realizing what he's done. it's a lot different pissing off the government than the gods. he doubles down on it though bc it's Ash that's kinda what he does)
Vitalasy offers to help him out, and even though Ash is really suspicious he accepts, needing the protection. he talks himself into stuff that's way over his head but he's not stupid enough to turn Vitalasy's offer of help down.
after that, the plot essentially follows Ash (and sometimes Vitalasy) as he runs around trying to not get smited and figure out how to become a god.
i have written none of this yet, i'm working on building up Sthenia and the neighboring countries so they can support the plot well and also allow me to design characters in a way that reflects their surroundings. the only design i have rn that i'm confident in is Mid's ngl
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shih-coulda-had-it · 4 years
Angst then comfort?
I, uh, decided to go heavy with the angst. This is sort of a “What if?” take on Closing the Loop, which features Toshinori breaking the universe to save Nana. I got a comment asserting that Toshinori definitely tried a loop on his own, and, well... anon, you provided me with a good excuse to write it!
When Toshinori throws everything into a punch to save himself and Gran Torino, he is thinking, ‘I want to save everyone! I want to go back to when we were happy, and safe, and—!’ One for All sparks through his veins, a fiery if muted resolve that lets Toshinori break space and time.
He guesses even One for All has its limits. Toshinori would have liked to have landed before All for One murdered Shimura Sakumo and made oshishou look sad and drained, dissatisfied with all her shortcomings when she encouraged him to review, accept, and move past his. But it’s better to land in the middle of dinner than, say, in media res on the boat to Ekusegoru.
This time-loop thing bites. The trope seems so cliche in media. The set of conditions to end it, simple.
Toshinori sees All for One shove his hand through Gran Torino’s chest, the viscera clinging to the neatly-pressed black sleeve of his blazer and his pointed fingers, and has the very distant thought that he’s responsible for it. If he’d been smarter, he could’ve remembered where the hostage was when asked, and then Gran Torino would not be dead, and oshishou would not be screaming her terror and loss and fury—
One for All resets. Gran Torino is whole again, and so is oshishou, who is running a loop behind.
Toshinori is trying to think logically, like how Gran Torino taught him to be. It makes sense to warn oshishou of their mistakes; it makes sense that somewhere in the universe, there is a way that leads Toshinori to saving both of his mentors.
Oshishou wrestles with Gran Torino. She is not taking the spar seriously, and Gran Torino is clearly indulging her need to expend the nervous energy. Toshinori watches from the sidelines and wonders how two people in love can be so blind; sometimes, he wonders if his existence as oshishou’s successor prevents them from voicing it.
The boat. Ekusegoru. A swift, almost surgical strike to the heart of the empty city.
He snatches the hostage and leaps to the roof of a nearby building. He should get her back to the boat, post-haste, and add his strength to the fight. Maybe that’s what’s missing.
“Ma’am,” Toshinori says, distractedly, “you should brace yourself.”
He’s not as fast as Gran Torino, and he lacks the ability to remove his considerable mass from the equation. So Toshinori jumps, kicks off the sides of buildings, ascends. He gains a vantage point that lets him see Gran Torino’s yellow cape streaming away from the center of the battle, and the concern blooms, malignant and malicious.
Toshinori changes directions to follow. Almost loses them for a bit, and then Toshinori wishes he had, because he’d rather have been ignorant than witness oshishou, sprawled broken against Gran Torino, the silvered head bowed with something like grief and resignation—
Toshinori screams. He doesn’t realize that the hostage has slipped her hand in his.
One for All resets. Oshishou is whole again, and Gran Torino looks so exhausted and fragile, hugging them both and breathing raggedly. Oshishou is just realizing the cause for their second loop, and Toshinori’s brain is whirling.
Logically, the loop is resetting after his mentors are dying. The solution is not their sacrifice.
One for All resets. The solution is not to eliminate All for One.
The solution is not to run away to oshishou’s place either, but Toshinori thinks the idea has merit. Gran Torino is burdening himself to solve this, and he needs time to recuperate. And if oshishou can connect to the spiritual nature of One for All, perhaps all she needs is time to really hash things out with the Quirk.
It provides him an opportunity to try another solution as well. He’s the consistent reason for their deaths, no matter that All for One wields the knife. Toshinori runs away, every single goddamn time, even though he’s the one who’s used One for All to break the world.
I want to save everyone, he had wished. A monumental effort that requires a monumental sacrifice.
Toshinori obediently moves from the couch to the spare bedroom oshishou had set aside for him. He hears her bedroom door click shut, and waits a breathless five minutes before getting to his feet. His bedroom window is just wide enough for him to wriggle out of, but first he needs his gear.
Gran Torino has tried to teach him how to sneak.
Sneaking is a lot easier with a fake excuse. Toshinori judges the distance from the kitchen to the front door, and hopes that oshishou is too distracted—ack, gross, gross, even if Gran Torino is unbelievably sweet and stupid—to think about his footsteps to the kitchen.
He roots around for a mug and switches on the kettle. Tensely, Toshinori waits for oshishou to peek out and double-check on him.
When that doesn’t happen, he darts for his gear. Boots and cape. His wrist bracers and belt are still on. Toshinori wraps his shoes in the fabric and lobs the package through his bedroom door onto his bed; it lands with a muffled thwmp.
Toshinori makes tea. He carries it carefully back, and sets it down on his desk. He listens for the soft murmuring of their conversation, and hears nothing. Not even a snore.
Time to go.
There aren’t any alternatives to reaching Ekusegoru. He’s only eighteen; he’s an intern to a nobody pair of pro-heroes; he doesn’t have money to hire some unsuspecting captain. So Toshinori puts on his brightest smile and charms the hell out of the crew.
“It’s only a recon,” he laughs. “Oshishou and Torino-sensei think I should get some experience with a solo patrol, y’know?”
The captain is visibly uncomfortable by the change. “All Might, are you absolutely sure that your teachers want you to do this alone? Maybe I should call the agency.”
“They’re preoccupied with something else,” Toshinori lies, smiling. “A really dangerous villain tried going for the archives and is trying to go underground, and they dispatched me to take care of this while they dealt with that.”
“Huh,” mutters the captain, tugging the brim of her cap. “They trust you a lot.”
“I’m top of my class.”
“Kids these days…”
And she takes him to Ekusegoru. Toshinori chafes his hands together and tries to think about a strategy. He can’t kill All for One. That resets the loop. At the same time, giving his oshishou’s greatest enemy—Japan’s greatest threat—One for All is definitely not on the table. Toshinori needs to die, and the best way to do that is to goad the bull.
If this doesn’t work, he tries to comfort himself, then the loop will simply reset, and his mentors will be none the wiser.
If this does work—well. Not like Toshinori will have to face the consequences anyway.
He enters the empty city, hyper-aware that he is walking into a trap without the certain possibility of a safety net. He sprints for the heart, channeling all his desperation and resolve, pulling on One for All in a way that burns.
The world looks sharper. It looks a little smaller. His suit stretches to the point of tearing a little. Toshinori doesn’t have time to gauge the differences; his body moves instinctively, and he slams into the warehouse shouting, “All for—!”
He freezes.
All for One looks at him coolly, with disinterest. The hostage is discarded on the floor, dead. Her wrists and ankles are untied; in the previous loops, she’d been forced to her knees, and the dread of disobeying her captor were all the restraints needed.
“The intern,” All for One names.
“All Might,” he corrects. Toshinori forces his feet into moving, forces himself to circle All for One instead of leaping directly to extract the body.
All for One doesn’t even turn to keep him in sight. “Shimura’s stray, ready for a fight that he shouldn’t even know about. Aren’t protocols for recon to check the perimeter and then investigate?”
Don’t freeze. Don’t stutter. Goad the bull and allow yourself to be gored by the horns.
“Even the blind could tell this was a trap,” Toshinori retorts. “Your reign of terror is over, All for One.”
“Oh? You know who I am?” All for One’s voice saddens, sweetens. “I knew the woman was a fool, but I hadn’t taken her to be cruel enough to force a child into this vendetta. You’re her successor, aren’t you? Number eight?”
Toshinori lunges at All for One’s back.
It’s a short fight. He gets curb-stomped, for lack of a better term, even though his body moves faster, endures better, hits harder. All for One is an opponent he hasn’t been prepared to face; oshishou prioritized running away and survival for him. For good fucking reason, apparently.
“You’re a hundred years too early to be challenging me,” the enemy chides. Toshinori can barely hear past the pain of being broken and bloodied and bruised.
“Asshole,” he curses.
“You know how this works. Give me One for All, and all this ends.” All for One’s grin is wide and manic with victory. His hand settles over Toshinori’s heart; Toshinori’s pulse is going rabbit-quick with fear. “I must thank Shimura before she dies. It’s always such a hassle, knowing the wielders’ luck in finding successors right before I can retrieve my Quirk.”
“It’s not yours,” Toshinori denies. It won’t be. I won’t. I won’t break.
“It was mine before you existed. Mine to give, and mine to take back.” All for One pulls out a pager. “Now, will you be a good hero and give me One for All, or shall I message Shimura that you’re my hostage? She’ll die for nothing, and I promise, I will make you watch her death.”
Goad the bull and allow yourself to be gored by its horns.
He wonders how much time has elapsed. Two hours total, for the boat to return to the mainland, get oshishou and Gran Torino, and come back. By then, the five hours allotted to them by the time-loop will have run out.
“Why are you such an asshole,” he says, wheezing.
“I’m righting the wrongs of the world. I need power to do it. Power, that comes from your stolen Quirk.” All for One presses the hand on Toshinori’s chest down, and something is creaking. Something is breaking. Unbidden, tears mix with sweat and grime and blood. “You understand. All Might. A man after my own philosophy.”
“You want justice and equality. I’m going to provide that.”
“You monologue too much,” Toshinori spits, and All for One sighs.
“Well. We have time.” The pressure on his chest relents, and All for One backhands him—
One for All resets. Toshinori wakes to the scent of oden, savory and nauseating, and he understands now why Gran Torino is always moving violently after a loop. He should hide the trauma; he can’t unnecessarily burden them with the knowledge; he understands why Gran Torino didn’t want to tell oshishou.
He falls off the stool.
“All Might!” Oshishou immediately slips off her seat and kneels on the ground beside him, and the worry in her expression—Toshinori’s hyperventilating, burning with shame and terror, and he wants—
“Oshishou,” he sobs, gasping, and her cape falls over their heads, curtaining them off from the world. It’s the first time he’s been subject to the use, and he gets why oshishou wants to register the cape as a shock blanket. It’s very effective.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, you’re safe,” she says, soothing. “You’re okay, Toshinori.”
“Oshishou, I’m—I’m so sorry—I’m—”
He’s glad, in a way, that another loop has been triggered. It means that One for All is generous. It does not want anyone to die; it’s following his wish. One for All wants everyone to be saved, and is willing to reset time until they learn sacrifice is not the name of the game.
Toshinori hugs her, repeating his apologies. Her hug is firm, and gentle, and kind; she continues to reassure him, even though it must be increasingly awkward to break down in public like this.
Eventually, he collects himself. He can cry later. Probably in the office, as a defensive measure when Gran Torino inevitably wrangles the story out in the debrief.
Because Gran Torino will tell oshishou that they napped the last loop away. And no nap should result in Toshinori crying and having a panic attack. Therefore, he’s done something traumatic and he needs to tell them.
This needed to be tested though. Toshinori could never forgive himself for being too much of a coward not to try, and his mentors wouldn’t have given him permission.
(There’s an unspoken agreement, after, that the loop will be spent recovering. Five hours is not nearly enough time to gloss over the memory of All for One, but Toshinori is sandwiched between his mom and—and his dad—and even though Sorahiko seethed over Toshinori’s inherited ideals of martyrdom, Sorahiko was the one to call for a dogpile.
Of course, Sorahiko is a hypocrite who goes to confront All for One on his own. Oshishou is much smarter, if bitter, and she tells Toshinori, “I am going to talk to One for All, and I am going to figure out how to end this cycle.”
Toshinori feels hope rise, and he believes her.)
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lieutenanthearted · 6 years
Let Hank check your pulse!
There was a sense of urgency to the lieutenant’s voice as he stepped inside the pool room. One of Elijah’s Chloe’s had met him at the door, fear brimming in her usually bright eyes.
“It was an accident!” she had cried, all but tossing herself into Hank’s arms. “My sister didn’t mean it - she was just trying to play!”
That alone had been enough to send Hank into a premature panic. What the fuck could she have meant by that?
Once inside, he could see another Chloe crouched over an unresponsive body. A sickening cold settled into his gut when he realized she was sobbing - and the body beneath her? That was…
“Fucking Christ! Elijah?”
“I’m so sorry, Lieutenant Anderson! I didn’t mean to cause him harm!” Chloe all but yelled, and Hank couldn’t find it in his heart to yell at her. He just couldn’t.
“Step aside for now, honey. We’ll worry about that in a minute.”
As soon as she managed to pull herself away from Elijah’s body, Hank was shoving his fingers into the crook of the man’s jaw. He waited impatiently for a second, two, three, four, five –
He couldn’t feel a fucking pulse.
“Shit. Shit, you bastard!” Just to confirm, Hank laid his head down on Elijah’s chest as well, listening intently for anything - even just one beat …
Fuck. It had been far too long since the last time Hank had administered CPR. He was still certified, but no one ever wanted to have to use their certification.
Especially on the person they loved.
Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Hank put one hand on top of the other, laced his fingers, and then positioned them over Elijah’s heart.
“You better fucking come back, Elijah. I swear to god.”
CPR hadn’t changed much since Hank had joined the DPD. Around the time he was promoted to Lieutenant, rescue breathing had been abolished and the proper practice was to perform unwavering chest compression.
Act as the heartbeat.
No human being was strong enough to simulate the a complete pump, but keeping the blood flow moving even in the slightest increased the chances of survival.
And that was exactly what Hank planned to do.
After Hank counted thirty compressions, he felt Elijah’s ribs give way beneath his hands. There was a sickening crack as they splintered and broke beneath the force of his palms, but he kept going. He wasn’t giving up on Elijah, and he’d be fucked if Elijah gave up on him.
“Come….on….Elijah…” he grunted out between compressions, not allowing himself to get emotional. Not now. Not when he was the only force left pumping Elijah’s heart.
He just had to ignore the fact that the last time he’d used CPR was on his son four years ago.
He had to ignore the fact that Elijah was unconscious. 
He just had to focus. Because Elijah was coming back. If it killed Hank, Elijah was coming back.
He stopped after another thirty compressions, panting from the effort, and checked for Elijah’s pulse again.
“Fuck.” he breathed, feeling warm relief spread through him now that it was all over. There it was…the weakest little pulse against his fingers - but a pulse nonetheless. Elijah’s heart had taken back it’s own function and Hank could fucking breathe again. 
He hadn’t even heard the clamor of the paramedics as they came tearing through Elijah’s house - at exactly the right time, too. Hank was getting ready to breathe for Elijah until they got there.
But the medics should be able to take it from here.
“Don’t you do that to me again, Kamski. I fucking mean it.”
With that, he pulled away so the medics could get to work on Elijah, and ran a hand through his hair.
What a fucking day.
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achliegh · 3 years
Epilogue Chapter 3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
This is the epilogue to Olive and Otto
It will mostly be exploring the relationship the cubs have with O&O
There will also be a little storm chasing
TW/CW: Kids, Food, Storms, Smut, Sickness
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
“Daddy! Daddy!” Olive comes running around the corner with his phone in her hand facetiming Eloise, she ran over hopping up and down next to Leo who was taking Otto's temperature for the millionth time that day.
Otto had caught a stomach bug from somewhere they went, he was pale and shivering, coughing and he had a low fever. Leo, being the warrior that he is, checks his son's temp every hour, and brings him a new water bottle. He was attentive. Olive was much worse than Leo, Logan and Fin would watch them fuss over the sick child with slightly amused smiles but they knew where the worry stems from. That scar on Otto's head wasn’t just for looks, it also was the mark of someone who survived.
“What is it Sugarbug?” He looks over to his bouncy daughter and smiles a little, placing a cool cloth on Otto's forehead as the young boy drifts back off to sleep.
“Ma ’Maw and Pawpaw will be in Hufflepuff! They said the storm of the year will be there and asked if we can go!” If one thing ran in the blood of the Knut’s it was a love of storms. INK was like Logan in the sense that she was terrified of storms, when she was kicked out of her family's house for getting pregnant it was storming and she thought she was going to freeze to death. “Canwegocanwegocanwegocanwego! Pleaseeee!” She was using her puppy dog eyes on him while Eloise was laughing on the phone.
“I know Otto is sick, you don’t have to, Sweetheart. Our camera man’s wife is having a child right now and the storm is supposed to hit tomorrow, We could really use your help.”
He smiles and shakes his head a little as he stands up and cracks his back taking his phone.
“Tremz doesn’t like storms and Otto is sick, I mean if you really need me I can go but I doubt Harzy wants too and if I’m behind the camera and you and dad are gonna be focused on your equipment. Who is gonna keep an eye on Olive.” He looks up to see Logan has taken his place in front of Otto on the floor next to the couch and Finn has picked up Olive so she is sitting on his hip as they look through pictures of puppies and kitties that need homes. The kids (plus Logan) really wanted a pet.
“Just tell Finn that we’ll give him a company track jacket and he will come”
“Track Jacket?” Finn was suddenly right next to Leo looking at the phone screen with Olive squished between them, giggling. “I want a track jacket” Eloise is giving Leo this ‘I told you so’ look, rolling his eyes he kisses his lover's cheek.
“What about Logan and Otto? I don’t just want to leave them here.”
“What, you think I can’t take care of a sicky?” Logan looks up at him from where he's sitting and smiles a little. Finn raises an eyebrow because he has never seen Logan be able to even take care of himself when he's sick. “At least I don't throw up when someone else does, Harzy. Anyway, as long as the storm doesn’t come to Gryff I should be fine. Plus, I won’t be alone.” He looks back at Otto and runs the back of his finger over the sick boy's soft cheek.
Thinking for a moment Leo realizes he has no reason to say no, he sighs a little and nods to his mom. “Pick us up on your way, yeah?” The smile on his mothers face is just pure sunshine. They say their goodbyes and hang up.
“Will Otto be okay?” Olive's mind has switched to her brother like it has been for the last two days he’s been sick. She gets set down and goes to sit in Logan's lap while she watches him sleep. “I don’t want to leave him if he won’t be okay…” She looks at Logan a little sad and he gets an idea.
“Let's go for a walk, Mon Douce.” He takes the hairband off his wrist, which all the boys have started wearing because they just fall off the small girls wrists and she doesn’t notice, he puts her hair up in a ponytail. They figured out that the best way to clear the energetic girls head was exercise, skating, rollerblading, running, or even just a walk around the neighborhood. He pats her leg and she stands up, not taking her eyes off her brother.
“I’ll stay, you three go.” Leo kisses his boys and gives Olive a bunch of kisses on her face until she laughs. “Don’t worry he’s going to be alright”. She nods a little and walks to the door to put on her light up sketchers. The other boys grab their house keys and phones after they put on their shoes and open the door for her. Leo smiles at them, every time he sees his boys with his kids it makes him ecstatic. He goes to sit on the end of the couch, opposite of his child, and starts reading on his phone.
Finn was holding onto Olive's hand to keep her from running ahead of them, once they left it was like sonic after he was supercharged, she was trying to get them to run but neither of them were wearing shoes they could actually run in. She was talking so fast and in so many different languages Finn was totally lost and Logan was less lost but still not following.
They made it to the dog park before they realized it, maybe they should get one of those kid leashes for Olive and then she could run ahead of them but not get lost.
“Look!” Olive somehow got out of his grasp and sprinted after something in the bushes. The two boys curse under their breath and follow her. Or they try to because the hole in the bushes she went through was very small.
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ravs6709 · 4 years
Intro+Writing Masterlist
Hey, I'm Ravi/Astra/Solstice! Pronouns are she/her and ve/ver/ver/vers/verself. Pick one or switch 'em up, doesn't matter to me
Pronouny! Pronouns.page! Sheet with gendered terms and my preferences!
I'm cis(?), aroace. Just a shy person attempting to be more social!
I tag triggers as "[trigger] tw" whenever I remember to. If there's something you want me to tag, please let me know!
Multifandom blog, but main fandoms include:
-Kotlc by Shannon Messenger (frequent)
-Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto (occasionally)
-Miraculous Ladybug (occasionally)
-Akatsuki No Yona (occasionally)
-The Owl House (frequent)
-Revolutionary Girl Utena (frequent)
-Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (frequent)
-Revue Starlight (frequent)
Notable Tags
#ravi's randomness- Used for mostly non-fandom original posts. Often rambles about life
#astra's asks- My ask tag
#ravi rants- My liveblog tag
#ravi writes a thing- My published writing tag
#astra makes an art- My art tag
#school stuff- My tag for school
My Writing!
Request status: Closed (for now)
Avid writer of fanfic! List of them can be found below the cut! (Favourites marked with asterisks)
Alternatively, you can also find me on RStar6709 on Wattpad!
I also now have an ao3 account! I'm RStar6709!
Keeper of the Lost Cities
Masterlist for KOTLC here, because there's a lot of them
My Little Pony (Both normal and EG)
The Science Of Sunlight- Sciset Romantic Fanfic (only on Wattpad for now) (fluffy, censored swearing)
Crown of Feathers
*Home With You- Sevade Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, mild panic attack, but that’s it). 3.9k words.
The CoF Tangled AU- (written by me and @/subrosasteath, various oneshots). Romantic Tristnyka and Sevade Tangled AU Part 1. 2.4k words.
Proud Of Who You Are- Tristan & Cassian Oneshot (family feels, mentions of canonical character death). 0.7k words.
I Have To Cover My Ears (When You Listen To This Song)- Romantic Sevade Oneshot (angst and comfort, canon rewrite of book 1 but it's a soulmate au). 3.3k words.
Going Forward- Latham & Veronyka Oneshot (dynamic study, bitter ish, swearing). 1.0k words
Miraculous Ladybug
Not-So Poly- Love Square (features all 4 sides) Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, mild injury). 3.2k words.
A Pun Time- Adrienette Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, lots of puns). 2.2k words.
Kwami Sitting- Alya & the Kwamis Oneshot (very fluffy, mentions of food). 1.3k words.
This Is All I Have To Offer- Marigami Romantic Oneshot (Revolutionary Girl Utena AU, angst with implied happy ending, pre-relationship). 2.6k words.
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Kiss The Cook- YJH & Kimcom Gen Oneshot (very fluffy, mentions of food). 1.3k words.
*Of Distant Dreams (That Can't Come True)- Lee Jihye/Na Bori Romantic Oneshot (angst, unhappy(?) ending, check fic for warnings). 6.2k words.
Halloween Treats- Lee Jihye/Na Bori Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, mentions of food). 0.9k words.
*Waking Up From Eternity- Yoohankim Romantic Oneshot (hurt/comfort, kdj's trauma of being od). 3.6k words.
Should Have Been You Standing Here- Lee Jihye/Na Bori Romantic Oneshot (angst, major character death, part 1 to roleswap au). 5.9k words.
A Story From The Library- Queerplatonic Kim Dokja & Yoo Sangah Oneshot (no scenarios au, mostly fluffy, a little bit of angst). 5.7k words.
*The Girl Who Didn't Cry- Lee Jihye centric Oneshot (angst, grieving, happy ending(?), very canon compliant). 17.4k words.
One-sided Rivalry- YSA & YJH Oneshot (no scenarios, crack treated seriously, temp death and swearing warnings). 2.4k words.
What Are You Doing, Standing Here- Na Bori & 999 LJH Platonic Oneshot (angst, 999 arc, part 2 to the roleswap au). 2.4k words.
Ignorance (It's Bliss, Isn't It)- JHW & KDJ Platonic Oneshot (angst, character study, JHW's feelings on 49). 0.7k words.
A Quiet Moment (Calm Before The Storm- Joongdok Romantic Oneshot (missing scene, pocket watch). 0.3k words.
First Birthdays- LJH & SYS Platonic plus Borijihye Romantic Oneshot (grief, during timeskip, birthdays). 1.9k words.
Close Your Eyes (You're Safe With Me) - Romantic Seolhyuk Oneshot (2nd regression, sentinel/guide au). 3.7k words.
Mercy At The End Of These Cold Fingertips- YSA Study, minor Sanghee Oneshot (yoo-yoo roleswap au). 4.8k words.
The Owl House
You'll Always Have A Home With Me- Platonic Huntlow Oneshot (post Hollow Mind, panic attacks, hurt/comfort). 1.6k words.
Vanilla Dates- Romantic Lumity Oneshot (post season 2, fluffy dates, no warnings?). 1.8k words.
A Bit Of Growing Up To Do (A Lot To Learn)- Collector Character Study ish (during final episode, angst ish). 0.9k words.
Link Click
Only Your Heart Beats The Sound (Keeps Me Awake So I Can Fight)- Shiguang Romantic/QPR Oneshot (canon compliant ish, hurt/comfort, heartbeats). 3.0k words.
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klgrv · 3 years
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"           𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑘    𝑡𝘩𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩    𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑒,     𝐲𝐨𝐮    𝐚𝐫𝐞    𝐭𝐡𝐞    𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐬.         "
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#KLGRV:   private  and  highly  selective  original  character  based  on  THE  CRUSADER  of  diablo  III  with  affiliated  fandom  verses  such  as  dragon  age,   lord  of  the  rings,   dungeons  &  dragons,   and  the  witcher.   penned  by  tinez.
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first of all, fuck blizzard (tw: racism, sexism, sexual harassment).
ephwyn aesteri is a primarily headcanon based original character only loosely connected to diablo lore. i will be fudging things how i like them.
i am very crossover / au friendly please let me write this Strong Kind Woman in as many universes as i can. i’m very open to writing in any verse and/or modern settings!
there may be triggering content featured on this blog. themes surrounding manipulation, religion / religious trauma and religious imagery / iconography will be reoccurring, all known triggers will be tagged as tw trigger / tw: trigger. 
the order of zakarum is fictional but is widely believed to be partly based on the catholic church, something i intend to be sensitive of in how i choose to write ephwyn and the order. i take full responsibility for the themes presented and the research that goes into the lore and material on this blog. if you find areas where my research or perspective has lacked i would gladly appreciate it if you let me know. you do not owe me an explanation, google is free and i will to the extent that i am able educate myself.
temp. bio
killgrave was born as ephwyn aesteri and was taken in by the order of zakarum at eight years old, after which she was trained to be a crusader, a warrior meant to preserve the dying zakarum faith. she was sixteen when her master passed away, killed in battle, and as the elder drew her last breath, ephwyn became a crusader in her place, inheriting her shield and her name: killgrave. after this event, she pushed her doubts aside and devoted herself to carrying on her late master’s name and faith, attempting to live up to it no matter the cost. it’s during her quest to stop the rise of diablo that she casts the order and her inherited title aside and chooses to fight by her own name and merits instead.
arc I: early life.
ephwyn was born in a swampland to a large family, her parents were wetland farmers and had, in total, five children. ephwyn was the third to be born and, more often than not, had to protect her two younger brothers from the two older during their sibling squabbles. in large they made a happy family, until she was eight and disaster struck. an illness swept through the swamps, killing the land and its inhabitants alike. those who did not perish by the cough died in the following famine as crops began to fail. epwhyn's father and older brothers died from the sickness and, after having gone on the road to escape the famine, their group of refugees are targeted by bandits, resulting in the death of the rest of the family - save for ephwyn. she is aimlessly walking across the marshes when she's found by a tall and armored woman, mounted on a large horse. her name is killgrave and she's a crusader of zakarum, she and her fellows in arms are leaving the marshes to return to the west, ready at last to continue their quest to find the root of corruption in the zakarum faith. ephwyn, a lone child with nowhere left to go, is offered to come with them as killgrave's apprentice, and after what she's been through - the back of the large woman's saddle seems the safest she's been in months.
arc II: into the west.
killgrave and ephwyn go west and epwhyn is introduced to the crusade. the quest is without end or purpose, it's sole direction is to defeat evil and search for the root of corruption that has haunted the zakarum faith since it's origin two-hundered years ago. killgrave travels from city to city, offering her aid, training epwhyn in the ways of the crusader at the same time. when ephwyn is sixteen, killgrave is bested in battle - the woman dies, and in tradition of the order, epwhyn inherits her near complete being. her name, her shield, her life sworn to the quest - ephwyn becomes killgrave and it's now up to her to carry on the crusade.
arc III: crusader.
killgrave does not take an apprentice and for several years she travels the west alone and continues the work she and her master did. she's well-known in the area and often recieves word when there is need for someone of her capabilities, be it against monster or man, she's always near wherever there is fighting. she comes across a falling star that crashes into an abandoned zakarum church, the star turns out to be a man - a fallen angel - and he takes her on a journey to defeat the greatest evil itself, and in the journey of doing so she renounces the order and fights as ephwyn once again.
arc IV: the nephalem.
after the defeat of diablo, ephwyn returns to continue what has become her personal quest - to continue to do good, for no other reason than that good needs to be done. she is haunted by the ominous warnings saying she'll one day be tempted to corruption, but after having lived her whole life in fear of it she trusts that whatever comes she'll have the strength to face it.
dragon age:  the same story in a different font: she's taken in by the chantry at 8 and is put towards becoming a templar. thinking she has no other choice, she commits to her vows at 12 and eventually becomes a seeker like cassandra, undergoing her vigil at 16. however, during the mage rebellion, her doubts come to a peak and she sides with the mages against the chantry. 
lotr:  tba.
the witcher:  tba.
dnd:  paladin  /  cleric aasimar who decides that she’s actually going to kick her patron’s ass.
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