#tw yandere behaviour
potestas-amoris · 2 years
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Kanato seemed to be in an especially irritable mood as of late, the cause of which remained a mystery to you. Even the simple fact that he had yet to voice the reason for his aggravation had you walking on eggshells around him, given that he normally doesn’t hold back when something is bothering him.
So, when you approached him, freshly baked macarons from the newly opened bakery in-tow, you were surprised to see him eye them with an emotion akin to… anger? Frustration, perhaps?
 “Kanato-san, I know that I can’t buy your forgiveness, I ju-“
“Then what is this supposed to be? You thought you could waltz into my room with some sweets and everything would be okay again? You think it’s that easy to manipulate me?!”
Well, if he had given you a chance to explain, that outburst could have been avoided. Not that it mattered anymore, as he was now expecting you to provide him with a sufficient explanation that would make him feel better and at the same time blame you for whatever misdeed you had just committed.
 “Well, here’s what I was thinking; I figured I would ask you how you have been feeling lately since I’ve been getting the impression that you haven’t been doing too well. I was hoping we could have a chat over some sweets to put us both in a better mood, since I’ve been a bit worried about you lately.”
 You finished your explanation, not having raised your head once, since you wanted to focus on choosing the words that felt most truthful to you, and because looking at his mesmerizing eyes would have distracted you too much.
Whether he would understand that this was just a tick of yours was yet to be determined, though you could only hope he would overlook this detail for now and instead focus on what you had just said.
 By the way he was staying silent and pondering over what to say, you had a feeling that may have just been the case.
A somewhat comfortable silence settled before he spoke again.
“You’re not lying to me right now?”
 “I’m not, I really just wanted to talk with no ulterior motives,”
 “Then you were really worried about me? Why?”
 “Because- “you cut yourself off for a moment to look at him and gage his reaction; maybe you could finally convey your feelings to him without chickening out again?
 He was wearing a puzzled expression on his face, one eyebrow inquisitively-raised, while his mouth remained relaxed.
 “Because, uhm, you know, I have grown to care for you and I worry when you don’t seem to feel alright since I want you to be happy and okay…”
 “Fufu... and pray tell why is it that you seem to be concerned about me to that extent?”
 “Well, that’s because I think I… I think I like you, r-romantically, that is, and I’m sorry if that grosses you out, that I like you, I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with you just that, you know, I’m me and I know that can be off-putting for some people so I’m sorry to be putting this on you and-“
 Before you could continue with your self-deprecating rant, you stopped only to have your eyes widen once you realized why you were so abruptly cut off.
 He was kissing you. But before you could kiss him back, he was already off you, and you were left reeling, looking like a fish out of water and wondering whether this was all just a dream. A beautiful, amazing, and unbelievable dream.
 “You do look rather charming with that wondrous expression on your face. Perhaps I should kiss you more often to see whether you can show me any more interesting faces?”
Without replying you put your face in your hands and felt all the warmth in it raise up to your ears.
 “You know, I actually thought you were going behind my back and were lying to me but based on your startled reaction, I think the others were just using you to bully me, so I don’t blame you, too much,”
 “I’ll just have to make sure to teach them a lesson that you’re mine,”
“How-I mean, I’m yours? What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to engrave myself into your very being, of course.”
 And with that, you were in for a rather long evening.
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Yandere!Alastor x Reader Thoughts:
Alastor would be the type to adjust and tailor his darling's behaviour/tastes into what he desires in a way that's subtle but noticeable.
For instance, it would start with something as small as music taste. He strikes me as the type to hate rock music the same way the majority of people can't stand country music.
Just a cacophony of senseless noise that isn't pleasant to him in the slightest and makes his eye twitch the moment the first few chords ring out around a room.
He'll listen to his darling emphatically go off about their favorite artists, sure - smile never wavering in the slightest as they list names with a passion that, if he wasn't so composed, would spark jealousy.
But he wouldn't return the energy in the slightest, only giving the most minimal responses back possible. It wouldn't be cold to the point he'd come off as rude, but it would be enough to plant the seed of doubt in their mind on whether or not the music they like is really as great as they think.
Gradually he'd shift the conversation over to different genres in the music industry and the difference in engagement would be night and day.
The same would go for any other topic. In order to get anything out of him, the more they would have to involve themselves with what he likes.
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rie-092 · 2 years
hola espero que tengas un buen dia quiero preguntarte sobre un yandere cale henituse romantico donde termina enamorándose de la bella esposa del cale original
❲ yandere! cale henituse x wife! reader ❳
summary : cale henituse didn't expected that he'll fell in love with the original cale's wife. and for the first time, cale became jealous of someone. cale wanted to be selfish. he wants you for himself, even though he was not the real cale henituse.
tw : yandere behavior, unhealthy obsession, misunderstanding, possessive behaviour, mentions of violence, cursing
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no, but seriously. we all know that getting married at a very young age was very common among nobility, right? that was the reason why cale/kim rok soo thought that your and the original cale henituse's relationship was not that good.
first of all, in the birth of the hero, you were described as the pitiful wife of the trash. the pitiful wife who was forced to clean up the mess that her husband made. and many citizens of roan kingdom pitied you because of that. ahh, what a pitiful being you are. they are sure that if you weren't married to the trash cale, you will live a good life.
that's also the reason why cale didn't bother to include you in his plan. he's sure that you will avoid him since you know, you were forced to marry him. and besides, you are free to do whatever you want since the count, his father, favours you.
but, of course, just like usual. things didn't go the way he wanted. since he didn't expect that your and the original cale henituse's relationship was good.
how did he say so? well, it was because of the countless portraits of you and the original cale henituse that he saw in his room. both of you were smiling brightly as if the two of you didn't care about the world. not good my ass, based on the portraits that he saw in his room. the two of you look very in love with each other.
and for some reason, after seeing those portraits. cale felt something foreign inside him. anger? no, annoyance? no, rage? no, jealousy? absolutely not. then what is it? what is this feeling that makes him want to burn those portraits and make sure that he won't be able to see them again? what is this feeling that makes him want to get rid of the memories that you had with the original cale henituse? cale might be considered smart but he's unfamiliar with these types of feelings.
but inside cale, he already knows what is that feeling. but he chose to ignore those feelings. he chose to deny the fact that he fell in love with you. because he knew that once he accepted that (according to him) useless feelings of his. he will become more selfish and greedy. he will start to want you for himself. and he knows that he couldn't do that since he isn't the real cale henituse.
and even this guy was always busy. he always makes sure to make time for you. like going to restaurants, boutiques, festivals, or any places that you wanted to go. he's contented as long as he was able to see your smile.
you see, cale doesn't care if people talk shit about him. he doesn't care about what people think about him. he is a trash after all. but are you wondering what will happen when those people/nobles who oppose cale started targeting you? hmm, well, they should ready themselves. you see, cale is a calm person but he had the power to destroy an island. so disposing of those people/nobles talking shit about you was a piece of cake for him.
fast forward to that time when cale henituse met the original, no, kim rok soo. this guy didn't even hesitate on asking what happened to you on the birth of the hero. are you curious about kim rok soo's answer? of course, you died along with the other members of the henituse family when the paerun kingdom invaded the henituse territory.
and seeing how cale's face darkened after hearing what he said. kim rok soo realized something. it looks like you also managed to make cale fall in love with you. haah, seeing how much cale cares for you made kim rok soo relieved. it looks like he will be able to leave you in cale.
“ cale, i'll leave (nickname) on your care. ”
after talking with kim rok soo, cale felt as if he was finally gotten rid of some burdens on his shoulder. now, he will be able to express himself to you without thinking about the original cale henituse.
he will finally be able to be selfish and greedy. he will be able to show everyone that you were his. not the original cale henituse, no, not kim rok soo's but his. so, be ready, okay?
fun fact! the og! cale henituse now known as kim rok soo is also yandere for you. but his yandere tendencies weren't as worse as cale's.
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“ hey, (first name). you're happy being with me, right? ”
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belphiesreverie · 2 years
Hi! Can I request headcannons for a platonic yandere Zhongli?
You do not understand how long I’ve waited to write Zhongli as an overprotective father figure 🙏🏻
TW: yandere behaviour, controlling behaviour
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You’d never be able to tell just how far Zhongli was willing to go to keep up this fatherly charade when you first meet him
Nothing sticks out as weird, overbearing, or out of the ordinary. He genuinely just seems like a lonely older man who likes to talk for hours about very varied topics
And you learn a lot by listening to him! He knows so much information about a large array of topics that interest you, so you stick around to listen and keep him company. You’d feel bad just leaving him alone all the time, especially when it doesn’t seem like others have the patience to listen to his monologues like you do
But soon enough, your friendship evolves from sitting in a tea shop and listening to his rambles, to walking around the harbour and having actual conversations with him
You ask him questions, he answers them in kind. You tell him about your day, and he listens with enthusiasm. You come to learn that he is a great conversation partner, even if you’re clearly no where near as cultured or knowledgeable as him. He holds no judgement, and is willing to listen to anything you tell him
The issues only start to bubble to the surface when you go to him for advice about what seems to be a taboo topic to him. Dating
It was a harmless question really; you simply asked if he had any recommendations for good first date spots since you were planning on asking a longtime friend out finally. You thought Zhongli would be the perfect person to ask since he knows everything about everywhere in Liyue
And he seems to freeze for a moment. For the first time since you met him, he seems genuinely speechless, no response to give
But he quickly recovers with a quick remark about how you’re too young to be dating, which is such a fatherly thing to say that you try to take it as a joke. Even if his tone was much harsher than usual
And you vowed never to bring it up again since Zhongli didn’t seem to appreciate that kind of question. But the question came back up in a different form about a week later
Your friend had started distancing them self from you, and you had no clue what you did to make them suddenly dislike your company so much. So once again you went to Zhongli with your concerns, he’s the smartest person you know and you trust his opinion greatly
“Friends who don’t have the conviction to talk through their issues face to face aren’t worth chasing after. I would advise that you let them move on”
Whatever response you were expecting, that certainly wasn’t it. His voice was so sharp, devoid of the usual warmth it had when talking with you. Maybe lost friends was a sore topic for him? You seemed to be walking on eggshells with your conversation topics recently
You tried to move past the conversation, brush it off and pretend like it didn’t happen. But the venom in his voice stuck with you and made you a bit more cautious around him. But clearly not cautious enough
You were too worried about saying something to direct that venom your way that you didn’t even notice the hold Zhongli had on you was growing stronger. You always joked about how he acted more like a dad than a friend, and it seemed like he was taking that info to heart
He started voicing his opinions on your choices in a different way, phrasing them as questions. Like a father who didn’t want to enforce his unspoken rules on you, and instead wanted you to doubt yourself and take into consideration what he wanted instead
Your walks around Liyue harbour no longer felt like a friendly stroll, it was practically like going shopping with your dad. Having him pick out food and clothes for you, and being a constant overbearing presence that stopped anyone from attempting to chat you up
It took you realising that you practically lived with him for you to notice just how much control he had over your life now. No longer were you an independent adult, you’d practically become one of those kids that never moves out of their parents homes for the rest of their lives
But just because you realised it didn’t mean you were able to do anything about it. His entire house was practically baby proofed, there was no way you’d be going anywhere without his permission
But it’s okay. Zhongli has been taking his role as your father figure very seriously, and he’ll make sure you’re well looked after in his care
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darlingvhs · 10 months
*paws at you* Sh together?
*paws at you* purg3 together?
*paws at you* masturbate together?
*paws at you* be insanely obsessed with each other?
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duskoon · 3 months
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Yandere!AlterEgo!Ashiya Dōman Short Blurb: Tw: Gn!reader, Yandere themes, Obsessive/Posessive behaviors, Manipulation, Desecration of the dead, Invasion of Privacy, Sadism, Implied one-sided infidelity, Caster of Limbo/Dōman is a warning himself. Taglist: @bluemoondust, since you liked my last ramble regarding my take on fate. Here is a blurb for one of my personal favorite servants in the game. He is so petty, yet such a multilayered character. I will probably write a hc’s for him soon after my other request.
⛦ Yandere!Ashiya Dōman who for some odd reason took a sudden interest on you. There’s something familiar and appealing about you, that he couldn’t put his fingers around it. Something that makes his spiritual core aches and coil at the sight of you.
An incessant need—an obsession, hunger, and a curse if you will— to know more about you, akin to that of a begruding spirit that refuses to move on until it satiate it’s vindication.
⛦ Yandere!Ashiya Dōman who drives you away from Chaldea in hopes of getting you alone. Using every trick and scheme in his book to lure you to him, like a pied piper. Instead of a magical pipe, it was a shikigami conjured in the image of your deceased loved ones.
⛦ Yandere!Ashiya Dōman who adores and drinks upon every expression that comes out of your visage like the finest of sake. The joy that adorns your face after saving a soul at death’s doorsteps, and the sheen of sweat as you pull through the toughest of battles with your servant alongside Mash and Fujimaru.
Yet, the most worth ravishing of all was the pain etching on the contour of your face and bleak eyes; As your world slowly fall asunder by his hands—be it directly or indirectly. It brings him the zenith of elation.
⛦ Yandere!Ashiya Dōman who can’t help himself but hijacks visit you in your dreams. The humble priest, as he calls himself, is far too curious about your inner workings. He wants to pick you apart piece by piece, like jigsaw.
To see the side that you fiercely hide away from the world, the most intimate and shameful part of you. Your own secret garden. His sharp green talons softly caressing your cheeks, as he observe you sleeping. Careless, to the beast’s in a man skin wandering freely in your mind.
Oh. How he wishes to sully you. To witness you become the thing that you have sworn to defeat. To see one of humanity’s saviors fall down to the depths of limbo. Where he awaits and welcomes them within his coldest embrace.
⛦ Yandere!Ashiya Dōman who is cackling vehemently; Going through your memories seething in green, as he sees an image of him of all people here.. Ha. Even in death, his most hated rival still mocks him. Yet… Why! Why! Why was he here?! You were supposed to be his and his alone for the taking.
His eyes grows darker like a sea of an endless abyss, while his smiles expands in madness showing the sharp fangs that laid beneath his faux friendly smile.
⛦ Yandere!Ashiya Dōman who tries to rewrite your memories. To erase him and your allies from the necropolis of your mind, yet failing miserably. Your soul, mind, and heart was protected heavily by him that much he can infer. But… why?
⛦ Yandere!Ashiya Dōman who finally recognize for who you are, or rather were and why he latched onto you. It makes sense, now. Your essence were that of the beloved wife of Seimei. Ahh.. Fate.. What a cruel mistress, yet she brought you to him once again.
This time, however, he won’t fumble like he once did. You'll be his like you were meant to be, especially now that damned adversary of his is gone for good. Ahh.. You'll be singing his name like a mantra, even if he has to get persuasive and pacify you like he did back then.
“𝑵𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏.. 𝑵𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒓𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆.. 𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆.. 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆, 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒆.. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒌’𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕..”
• You could say a shikigami is the Japanese equivalent of a familiar, but that's my interpretation.
• The rival refers to Abe-no-Seimei, who bested him multidudes of times in onmyōdō. Which—oversimplification— caused Dōman to be exiled from the capital (Heian-kyō), hence the hatred.
• Secret garden: are essentially the person’s heart and desires. Usually—within Fate CCC— it is uncovered by others. In the case between a servant and their master, it’s purpose usually is to strengthen their bonds.
• Seeing how manipulative Dōman is, he would probably find a way through his darling’s garden. Which, ngl, is terrifying even more so if he wasn't contracted with his darling (not in a servant-master relationship with his darling, meaning he could not be restrained with command seals).
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m-ayo-o · 7 months
omg omg omg speaking of yandere! megumi....literally so obsessed with the idea of him having major attachment and abandonment issues due to yk,,, his circumstances yeah bro's got a rough childhood 🧍 and then there comes innocent little you (even better if you're his childhood best friend or something) who's shown nothing but warmth and tenderness to him all this time and he slowly descends into madness wanting to keep you his because you're the only constant in his life....and there comes all that guilt-tripping and manipulation just so that you'd stay by his side + giving you 'gifts' like teddy bears that contain hidden cameras just to make sure you're 24/7 safe and 'well-monitored'
i'm pretty sure there's a similar fic with this concept that i'm heads over heels over but i have to go through my endless fic reblogs if i wanna look for it ahsgahshah
yeah he's got both of those......
yandere x sweet childhood bestie is a recipe for fucking disasterrrrr 😵‍💫😵‍💫 (now imagine she got a shitty mean boyfriend and megumi finds out what he's been doing to her anddd---- oh god maybe he watches them ---- on the teddy bear cam)
if u ever find that fic pls send it to meeeee !!
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jiraikeibabes · 6 months
Weirdly I think my self harm scares are beautiful, I think they add a bit of character to me.
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violetbearlog · 10 months
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sol-consort · 8 months
May we have a crumb of yandere Kai Leng x reader headcannons or something like that? 🙏 🥺 (I'm sorry)
Hell yeah my dude, you may even get a smooch on the forehead for being the bravest soul out there to ask for this.
Yandere Kai Leng HC
[Dark content, yandere, stalking, obsession, possessive behaviour, enemies with tension, love/hate relationship]
[Shepard reader - gender neutral]
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"You killed the scientists... What do you want?"
"Your attention."
Kai Leng is many things, an assassin, a killer, a bastard and the most annoying thorn digging at your side with exceptional delight.
The way he snatches victory from your fingertips at the last moment, drinks in the expression on your face going from genuine surprise to despair and then rage.
It makes the blood pump faster in his veins, being at the centre of your undivided attention as you stare at him with a look of pure primal rage.
Careful Shepard, you treat a man this way and he might get the wrong idea.
Next thing you know, he's breaking into the Normandy undetected while it's docked on the Citidal. Crew blissfully unaware as they enjoy their shore leave for a day.
Your quarters aren't what he expected, not from the best fighter he ever went against in his life. Yet so very endearing, you collect ship models? You care for fish?
He traces his gloved fingers against the surface of your desk, leaves a couple smudges on the glass of the aquarium with a smirk as he imagines the annoyed look on your face.
Sits on your chair, examines the various medals you keep in a case display. Reading what each one was for, looking through your life achievements as if it was a to do list he's crossing off, comparing his own skills to yours without a hint of shame.
Moving to your couch, he spots a half empty glass of wine. A small smudge of lips against the rim of the delicate glass.
Nimble fingers pick it up, careful not to let the sharp metal nails on his gloves scratch the surface. He drinks in the aroma of the wine.
Oh, definitely not his type, you have an awful taste in wine. He thinks as he turns the glass around, parting his lips and pressing his mouth against where your own lips have been.
Downing it in one gulp, he feels the same rush of dopamine whenever he fights you. The same shiver ran up his spine as that day he noticed a bit of your blood on his finger and licked it off while meeting your eyes, shameless at the look of disgust in yours.
You tasted just as awful as this wine, as sickingly bittersweet, and he can't get enough.
Your bed is on display next to him, all made and neat just like any alliance soldier must have been taught to do.
What a good little soldier you are, he thinks, did you keep your bed all made for him to ruin?
So many ideas go through his head on the ways he could piss you off with this, maybe spill the wine on it? Or how about his own blood? Maybe litter the cover with bullet holes and spell out his name.
He walks closers to the seemingly soft thing, lifting the covers and leaning down.
It...smells like you. Like the faint scent he catches whenever he has you pressed under him during combat, amidst the smell of gunpowder and rubble, your own scent stood out as he pressed his nose closer to your neck, alongside his sharp sword.
Kai Leng buried his face in the pillow much like he wanted to do with your neck just before you flipped him over on the ground and pointed a gun at his head.
He settles for laying on the bed, nothing else. You wouldn't have had an idea he was here except for the few wrinkles on the sheets his heavy armour would leave behind.
Your bed is surprisingly hard, much like your own body. He thought it was fitting, and yet a part of him wanted to force you on a soft bed, see you unwillingly sink into the comfortable fluffy sheets and have your muscles unconsciously relax.
Do you keep yourself constantly sharp not to lose your survival instincts? Do you refrain from allowing yourself the luxury of comfort not to grow soft around the edges?
He has read and heard so many things about you, he has searched the aftermath of every battlefield you left behind.
He knows more about you than anyone could ever claim to, more than the person you've shared this bed with before could ever attest to.
On his way out, he removes the bugs he planted to block the cameras. Twirling one of your shiny medals between his fingers, your opened wine bottle in the other hand.
"You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me."
He's cocky and confident in his own skills. He has nothing to prove and no one to impress.
But you, oh you, always working hard to meet other's expectations. Always being spun around and dragged from one trivial mission to another, hunting for the most useless of sentimental items to return to their owners without being asked to.
He hated seeing others use you, he felt like it was only his right to have you running around searching for him.
Whenever your focus drifted elsewhere, he'd blow up a small colony here to get you chasing after his trail again, plant a small hijacking device on an alliance ship you'd need to save, let some info slip so your sources could get a tip on him.
Let your pathetic crew think they managed to track him when he turned off his own firewalls just long enough to ignite the flames.
He always gives you just enough to keep the fire burning, just enough to keep him out of reach with you on his heels.
Just enough so you don't get distracted by lesser matters.
Or lesser people.
He has seen your record, read your personal information reports and he was not impressed by the person you've called your lover.
What do you even see in them?
Now he can't have his cute little commander getting distracted by some lame date or a sorry excuse of a person you call a lover, no he needs you to focus on him.
And if slitting more throats was all it took to keep your pretty eyes focused on him, then can you really blame him?
Can you blame him for looking forward to each fight with you.
Your back aches from the sharp stones of the cracked wall behind you digging into your armour. Legs floating just above the ground below as you were helplessly pinned to the wall by a hand against your throat, helmet cracked open with your eyes glaring into the masked figure in front of you.
There's a sharp dagger against your heart, an obsidian blade threatening to tear through your armour like paper. It has also dug a way through to your bare flesh with its tip, you feel the cold press of the sharp stone against your skin.
Heart beating, your fingers stay still against the trigger of your pistol. Despite the barrel pressed directly onto the temple of his head, Kai Leng paid it no attention as his closed his body against yours more.
Thighs touching each other, the heat radiating off of the two of you from your previous game of cat and mouse. The way he keeps all of your weight lifted off of the ground with just a single hand, pressing hard enough to choke you but not cut your air off.
He's smiling, a gesture so seemingly innocent yet smug at your scowling expression. Each one holding the thread of life of each other, the threat of snapping it hangs thick in the air but neither of you makes the first move.
The dagger is steady against your heart, his body keeps moving closer. You're struggling not to let your grip on the pistol falters, it's all you have left.
Letting go of your neck, the supply of air makes you regain your wits. His body is tightly pressed against your now, the blunt edge of his dagger pressing against his own heart.
Strangely, his free hand holds you lovingly. Holds you like you're partners in a slow dance, like you're seconds away from sharing a kiss after months spent at sea away from your lover.
His face is moving in, your eyes are glued to his lips. Your mouth parts on its own.
Closing your eyes, you feel your finger slipping from the trigger on the pistol. You feel the dagger faltering.
Within a second, you immediately bring up your knee to dig painful in his stomach and free yourself. He staggers backward before finding a cover from the barrage of bullets you fire his way.
The dagger slashed across your armor, a line from your heart and upwards to collar bone. The marks of his fingers on your neck left a visible bruise.
He noticed your high collared wardrobe choices in the following weeks, the corner of his lips tugging upwards at the purple traces peaking through the turtlenecks you wore.
But his own bruise from your solid knee hitting his stomach was on fill display as he wore lighter clothes during his training. Stopping in front of the mirror in his room to lift his shirt and admire the mark you've left on him.
He wanted more.
He wanted your claws marking down his back, he wanted your thighs squeezing his waist until it bruised.
Your teethmarks against his neck and shoulders, a slap to the face, a punch to bruise his side.
Reducing the two of you to animals in a state of primal fighting for domination, he wanted you to give your best to him and watch as he still overpowers you.
Make you struggle for your life and then lose to him, time after time he wanted to keep you frustrated and losing.
Making the acclaimed hero, the Commander Shepard, feel weak against another human for once in your life.
It gave him such a power trip. A rush of ego going straight to his heart and between his legs.
You were his. Since the day you the Illusive man handed him your file, you were fated to be his.
He wanted you more than anything, he wanted you more than air itself at times. Wanted to push and prod you and experience all of your reactions, wanted to put you below him then watch you flip him over.
Kai Leng will take anything and everything you have to offer, be it love or hate. He will gladly feed his obsession off of both, make you feel his body pressing against yours during each encounter.
Remind you of your equal, that you're not the unbreakable titanium everyone claims you to be.
That just like him, you're human too. Weak and prone to error.
He will never look at you with stars in his eyes like the rest of your loyal crew does. He will never see you as bigger than life like the other humans do.
He will always see past all the fancy titles, shiny medals and heavy armour.
And see you. Not Shepard, not your last name and not the commander.
But you.
Bare, strong, weak.
And no one else besides him will get that, no one else will be your equal but him.
He will make sure of it, that you won't get to experience this with anyone else.
Everyone is worshipping at your feet. Doesn't it get tiring? Don't you want to feel alive? Really alive rather than being reduced to this symbol of hope rather than the living being you are?
And so he reminds you of that, several messages disguised as war reports or intel from military officials sent by him.
Only for the first line to be met with, is him praising you for doing such a good job and opening these messages, falling straight into his trap.
Be good for him, read through the whole thing. Through all the demeaning praise and gratifying insults, through all the things he has written about you.
Like eating at a restaurant and leaving a review afterwards, that's how he treats those battles the two of you have. Sending you a performance review afterwards and listing the things you did wrong and how to improve them.
Making you the more confused by him, by why he does the things he does.
Sometimes, his messages include information about you that no one else knows, references to moments you were sure you've spent alone, past, and present.
He ignores every questioning message you send him, cherry picking the parts of your message to reply to.
He grew more and more unhinged with his messages as time went on, more and more shameless with his voicing his inner thoughts on a recording and sending it to you.
There's a faint sound of gunshots and screams in the background, as if he was recording them on missions. Forcing you to have to listen to them so you may catch any details on where he was and who he was killing.
Other times, you started finding things on your bed and desk that you were sure you didn't buy whenever you came back from a shore break on the Citidal.
A dark chocolate candy bar on your desk.
An apple on the table.
A shirt that's not quite your size, washed and folded on the bed.
A perfume that smells faintly familiar.
One handwritten letter you found, stabbed to the bedframe with an obsidian dagger.
"The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written.
I hope l'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death."
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adogmetaphor · 7 months
Your name would look so good carved into my thighs ♡
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crazydaizyy · 2 months
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rie-092 · 2 years
Hi! Can I request the Duke of the North Phileo Boleoti with darling that is stronger than him?
❲ yandere! phileo boleoti x fem! reader ❳
summary : phileo helped you get away from the engagement that you never wanted.
tw : yandere behaviour, misogyny, mentions of blood, mentions of torture, violence, mentions of poisoning.
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being stronger than the famous duke of the boleoti dukedom is... kinda exhausting. let's be honest here, the boleoti family was unstoppable and considered the most powerful family in the empire. but you? you're just an (according to everyone) mere lady from a wealthy county. that's why no one expected you to become a war hero and defeated an entire army by yourself.
and everyone who knows about your strength was planning to use you against the boleoti family. even the imperial family themselves was planning to make you a perfect soldier to kill duke phileo. but there was one thing that everyone doesn't know. and that is you and phileo were good friends. the two of you were stuck with each other ever since you were a child. you and phileo were close to the point that you can barge onto his estate on the boleoti territory unannounced.
but how does the nobility who were planning to pull you on their side doesn't know about your relationship with phileo? easy, because whenever you visit phileo you are always wearing disguise magic.
and even though phileo acts as if he hates it whenever you visited him. deep inside, he was happy. after all, even though he is a softie around you, he rather die than show you his feelings. in short, he is a tsundere and ahem... a little bit, yeah, you already know it.
anyways, the first time you met leonia was when you visited their mansion. leonia was in the greenhouse, playing with the maids when she accidentally bumped into you. causing the hood of your cloak that had been hiding your face to fall of. and leonia was captivated by your beauty. her usual confident and sassy personality was nowhere to be seen. it was as if she became a seven-year-old kid when she saw you.
let's go back to you. who was confused after seeing leonia. black hair and black eyes. you suddenly remembered the reason why you're here and the contents of your friend's letter. when you connected the puzzle, you gasped. you smiled at leonia as you crouched down and greeted her. and leonia, unlike her usual self was shy after you smiled at her. she suddenly became restless. but how could she not when she saw a woman whose beauty was on par with the female lead?!
after getting to know each other. you took leonia with you to phileo's office. and there, you saw your friend casually sitting on his table with two cups of (favorite tea) and a plate of (favorite dessert) placed in the usual spot where you usually sit and watch him while doing his work.
you greeted each other and he was quite surprised when he saw you entered his office with leonia. while leonia gave her father a sly grin after she notice the unusual expression on his face.
and when phileo suddenly called you 'general (y/n)'. that was the time when leonia remembered your character in the novel. she was caught off guard when she met you earlier so she had forgotten about the novel for a moment. so you were that (y/n)! the character in the novel who was famous for being much stronger than phileo and... also his first love.
and of course, just like the usual second female leads in every novel. you and phileo didn't end up with each other. instead, you became the bridge between for him and the female lead. because... general (y/n) (l/n) got married and got killed by her husband and her in-laws a few months after their wedding. how did they kill you? of course, even though you were the strongest. you still have your weakness which is your powers going out of control. and your powers became like that after your husband and his family mixed the poison that they got from the imperial family in your food. and instead of choosing to unleash your power who's getting out of control so you'll be able to live. you just accepted your faith and died.
leonia remembered an extra chapter in the novel that was gruesome. it was the chapter where phileo personally tortured the people who killed you after he heard about the news of your death. he tortured them slowly... and he made sure to make them feel the excruciating pain that will make them wish that they were dead. she could still remember a quote from that chapter that made her feel... as if something was odd with phileo's character.
“ .... seeing this place covered with your filthy blood was quite fun.”
when leonia looked at you and phileo who were casually talking to each other. for a moment, she saw a glint of possessiveness in phileo's eyes while looking at you.
after discussing about some important matters. you and phileo were now doing what you always do whenever you visit him. and that is... sparring! and for some odd reasons, after you took off your cloak. leonia started to compliment your muscles. but you didn't pay any attention to it since according to you, leonia is a kid.
and the time that you and her father attacked each other. leonia's eyes widened. she knows that the most powerful ability that exists in this empire was 'the beast fangs'. yet, now in front of her. she is seeing an ability that was on par, no, stronger than the beast's fangs.
and just like usual, you won. after chatting with the father-daughter duo you decided to go home to prepare yourself for your engagement party. you planned to tell phileo about this yet you couldn't. the atmosphere around him changed after you saw him last time. and you don't want to destroy it. besides, you can just ask carnis to tell phileo about your engagement anyways.
but little did you know, there was a little girl who was currently telling her father about your engagement party. and the two of them started to plan on how they gonna destroy that engagement party of yours.
move on to the day of the party. everything is perfect. your brother, the current head of your family made sure of it. and you can see that he was really worried about you. but who won't? when the reason why you were getting engaged was that the emperor threatened you that he will kill your brother if you don't?
you were aware that they want to keep you in check. but for the first time, the strongest person in the empire felt weak and helpless. you tried to ask your soon-to-be fiancé to cancel this engagement party. but do you know what he said to you?
“ shut up and act like a proper lady. you should be thankful that i agreed with the emperor's request. i mean, who would want to date a barbaric woman like you? ”
every time you remember that you just want to grab his head and slam him on the ground. the audacity! he will be dead a long time ago if it isn't for your brother stopping you.
preventing yourself from killing the man next to you. you looked around the venue and your eyes widened when you saw phileo standing next to carnis. the pair of dark eyes looking at you. you averted your gaze as you looked at carnis who shrugged and smiled sweetly at you.
you internally cursed him but you suddenly realized something. your lips twisted into a smile as you asked your 'fiancee' if he will agree to break the engagement if you find a man who'll accept you. he confidently said yes knowing that you couldn't find a man who will accept a woman who can kill her husband while sleeping.
but what you did next surprised him and the people inside the venue. even carnis and phileo themselves were surprised. who will not? when you suddenly walked towards phileo and suddenly kissed him. take note it wasn't just a simple kiss but a passionate one.
phileo wanted to laugh knowing the reason why you kissed him. but, this time he'll gonna help you. he snaked his arms around your waist as he pulled you into him as he deepened the kiss. he then looked at your fiancee whose face was red because of anger.
let's just say after that event. the two of you become the hottest topic in the empire. everyone knows the story about how you confidently broke her engagement for the sake of your true love which is the duke boleoti.
while you after apologizing to phileo many times. got an offer from phileo that he will help you to make the emperor forcing you to get married stop by getting engaged to him. you tried to reject him first but when he said that he'll going to agree with your conditions. you immediately agreed.
while leonia was happy that she was able to prevent you from dying. phileo was also happy but for another reason. he was happy that finally, he was able to tie you to him. sure, it was only a contractual agreement. but you don't have to worry, this guy will make sure that you won't be able to leave him and leonia.
even if he had to use his money and influence. you might be stronger than him but he was a lot smarter than you. he can just use his mind and manipulate you, no?
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“it looks like i won this time, (nickname). ”
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angel-anachronism · 11 months
Who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (Oc x Gender neutral! camp counselour! reader) (DARK)
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Hello, dear reader. This oneshot is created after my hyperfixation with summer camp-related things and creepy stories. I might turn this oneshot into an actual book somewhere in the future. Hope you enjoy it, and please send me more requests in the inbox if you have a story you'd like for me to write! ~Luce
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: obsessive behaviours, just overall creepiness, death
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"And then, little Patricia opened the door and saw a tall figure...'Who are you?' asked Patricia, not knowing that this tall figure was indeed the Crooked Man from the haunted book she read! " I stood up and put my hands in the air to make myself taller as I growled playfully towards the campers. Some of them got scared, meanwhile others didn't. Mostly the younger campers got scared by my story, but even some of the older ones shivered.
Before I could continue the story, another voice joined from behind me "Alright, my little woodpeckers! It's currently 10:30 PM, which you know what that means, nighttime!" It was Asha, a fellow colleague of mine. The campers didn't seem too pleased that they needed to go to sleep, as some of them whined, and some of them groaned. "Tomorrow we're going canoeing, and we need to be full of energy!"
"Yeah, and if you don't go to sleep, the Crooked Man will come to your cabins, and steal you all!" I joined in, just to help Asha out. This caused the kids to scream and cry. "I was just joking of course! The Crooked Man would never mess with a woodpecker! But just to be sure, we need to go to sleep. I'll make sure to scare him if he does appear!" I reassured the kids, which seemed to have calmed them. Thank god.
"Well, come follow me, while (Y/N) and Isaac make sure no monster will appear – And of course, to put the campfire out!" Asha giggled as the children started following her towards their cabins.
Now I was left here with Isaac, another camp counsellor here at Camp Woodpecker. We got along pretty well not gonna lie. The only thing I'm wondering at the moment is where is Ajax? I haven't seen him tonight one bit.
"So, (Y/N), do you perhaps believe in the Crooked Man?" I heard Isaac ask as they were currently sweeping the grass to get rid of litter.
"Pshht, yeah. I only invented that story to give a good ol' scare to the kids. Why are you asking? Did my stupid story actually scare you?" I giggled.
Isaac began giggling too "Yeah! Shiver me timbers, the Crooked Man will totally come at night and steal my Pokemon card collection!"
We both giggled while cleaning the burnt marshmallows and juice bottles that were on the ground.
"Alright, our job here is done. Now we only need to put out the fire and-" "I don't think we should put out the fire yet. Ajax hasn't appeared back on the campgrounds since hours ago. I'll be waiting for him here." I cut Isaac off as I sat back on the log bench.
Isaac just shrugged "Suit yourself then, see you in the morning. I'll go clean the entrance of the camp. If Ajax comes here, tell him to come help me before we go back to our cabins, OK?" I nodded, to which Isaac smiled and started walking away.
I started waiting for Ajax's appearance for what seemed like hours. Long boring hours, but by what my wristwatch was saying, only fifteen minutes passed.
I sighed as I kept looking at the crackling fire, to not fall asleep. My eyelids felt heavy, but I was trying my hardest to stay awake. As I was slowly falling into the hands of slumber, I heard a shuffling from behind, which woke me up. I looked behind. No one was there except for some bushes. Huh, weird. It might be Ajax trying to fool me.
"Nice try, but you're not scaring me, 'Jax." I yawned, smiling derpily. No response. It might've been an animal. The fire was slowly getting smaller and smaller, leaving only the cabins in the distance to be lit up.
I heard shuffling again. I looked back, tired of whoever or whatever was trying to scare me. This time, instead of being met with nothing, I saw a silhouette come out of the bushes. The fire wasn't really showing who was behind, but all I could see was what seemed like a man with big mouse ears. At this point, I just know that Ajax is trying to scare me by wearing some kind of mouse or rat mask.
"You're really funny, you know that? How about you eat a roasted marshmallow before the fire burns out? Isaac told me they're expecting you to help clean with them the entrance." I smiled towards Ajax, who just started walking towards me and sat on the opposite log bench, taking a marshmallow out of the marshmallow bag Asha brought for the campers, and putting it on a stick while roasting it to the small fire. I still wonder why he's wearing a rat mask.
"You know, my dear mouse... I've admired you from quite afar. You truly are a shining gem in this world full of disease." I heard Ajax say...wait, this doesn't sound like Ajax...
"That sounds...sweet, Ajax..." I said, trying to indirectly ask this man if he was indeed Ajax. I didn't really communicate with Ajax throughout this summer, but something about this new person was...off.
He chuckled. "Oh, how innocent and naive you truly are. Being scared of me? I can hear the fear in your voice, my little mouse. You don't have to be scared of me. I'm just your friendly neighbourhood vermin man."
Okay, now I just know that this is just Ajax in a rat mask. "Stop joking around, Ajax. You're not funny." This seemed to have made Ajax, or how I should call him now "Vermin man", be amused.
"Oh, but I'm not joking. Jokes are supposed to be funny. I'm being fully serious, mouse. You truly are an innocent and pure soul. If only you'd join me...oh, that would be heavenly."
"Alright then. Bye, Jax." I got tired of Ajax's whole prank and just got up and walked away from him. I still couldn't see his face, but I could see the form of his rat mask and how he turned his head towards me.
"Until next time, my love." I heard him say lowly, which I decided to ignore. I won't wait for him any longer if he keeps trying to goof around. He's a grown-ass man, he can do whatever he wants.
As I was walking towards the Cabin, I found Asha looking worried, as police sirens were heard in the distance. What's going on?
"Hey, Ash! What's happening?" I asked. Asha looked at me and frowned with worry.
"I heard from Isaac that you've waited for Ajax to come to the campfire. Well...now we know the reason why he didn't come..." Asha looked as if she was shivering and on the verge of tears. What does she mean, Ajax was just with me a few minutes ago?
Before I could ask any more questions, Asha walked with me towards the entrance, where Isaac was talking to a police officer. The whole camp staff were here, including the camp director, whom I hadn't seen since the interview I had with her when I was getting my job.
I looked at the forensic team as they were zipping a cadaver bag, and immediately ran to see what happened. Did somebody die?
Right as they were zipping the bag, I saw him...Ajax, all bloodied and bruised...Then who was the person I talked to?
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darlingvhs · 1 year
hit me !! i need someone to beat me!! i want to feel something !! i need to feel something !!
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touyastearss · 2 years
“You’re going out again?” Hawks x Reader
Hawks x Reader
WARNING: abusive relationship, manipulation, possessive/jealous behaviour, gaslighting, pet names
“You’re going out again?”
lil note:
i apologise for the repetition in thee little intro things lmao one day i will make my tumblr look consistently nice
o this is part of a little series of yandere one shots of anime/genshin characters i did that you can find on ao3 here
“You’re going out again ?”
You turn at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice, hands tracing down the fabric of your dress as you smooth it out. Keigo’s eyes follow their movement, all the way down to the bottom that cuts off mid-thigh, to which he gives an unimpressed look.
You sigh, lightly. “Kei, I’ve been planning this for over two weeks, and the last time I went out was ages ago. I swear we’re not even going to drink that much.”
His eyes narrow.
“You’re going drinking?” You roll your eyes, ignoring your boyfriend as he steps closer to you, and instead turning away from him to face the mirror again, where you give yourself a once over to make sure your outfit and make-up are still perfect.
“I spent so long getting ready, I’m gonna be late.” You rush around the room, grabbing some things to throw into your bag that lies on the chair next to your bed. Once you have everything you need, you sit down on your bed, grabbing the heels beside you.
Keigo stands in the same spot, voice a little accusative. “Babe, you know it’s rare for me to get a day off. Why do you have to be selfish and go out tonight?” You once again ignore him, finishing with the straps on your first heel before moving to the second.
“It just seems like you don’t want to spend time with me anymore.”
You stop pulling on your heels, frowning at Keigo’s words.
“Kei, you know it’s not that, but I-”
“Fine.” His voice is suddenly cold. “Go out then, if you’re so desperate to whore yourself out.” He grabs your bag, tossing it to you harshly. “I’ve got plenty of other sluts I could be wasting my time with right now.”
You freeze in shock at his words. It stings. Keigo has never said anything like that before. You didn't think he'd ever even considered seeing anyone else. A little sick feeling of panic starts to grow in your stomach. Just the thought of losing him has nauseau worming it's way to you, and you can't help the tremble in your lip as a wave of tears escape to roll down your cheeks.
How could he be so cruel ?
You turn to look at him, cheeks wet as you stare, mute. He stares back in a rivalled silence, his eyes deadly sharp as they watch you.
“Now you’re quiet”, he scoffs, shaking his head. You remain silent, ruined by the stains of mascara and running make-up. His gaze softens a little, and you watch him as he moves to sit beside you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear with a tired sigh.
“I’m sorry, baby, I took it too far. But you were being unfair. I needed to make you see it.” He gives you a light kiss on the cheek. “You acted like I was being ridiculous when I told you I didn’t want you going out, because you’d be flirting with other men. But here you are, crying, when I say the same thing. Don’t you think that’s a little unfair? I’m trying to look out for you, Dove. Can’t you see that?”
'But it's not the same' you want to argue, want to show him that you would never do that to him, never even look at another man, just like you'd promised when you first started dating. But you can't risk losing him after everything that's happened, you don't even want to imagine a life without him. You couldn't.
You give up, nodding your head at his words.
“I’m s-sorry Kei, I wasn’t thinking. I was just so excited to-”
“You really hurt my feelings, Dove.” You turn to look at his face, guilt pooling at his expression, eyes downcast and mouth drooping. Your heart sinks, guilty.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. It was my fault, Kei, I’m so sorry, please forgive me.” You beg, grabbing his hand with teary eyes. He looks up, silent for a moment, and your heart screams at him to not leave.
“It’s okay. I forgive you, Dove.” He brings you in for a kiss, hands gripping your waist, and you melt at his touch, falling into his arms with a heavy sob as you break apart. He kisses the top of your head, gently, and then takes out his phone. The screen flashes and he clicks his tongue.
“You’re running late.” You raise your head to check the time, but you’re met with your reflection in his camera. “And look, your make-up is ruined now.” He gives you a look of pity.
“Maybe you should just stay home tonight, hmm?
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