comradekatara · 8 months
no but it really is crazy that lok all but states that the fire nation succeeded in their imperialist project in every way that mattered, but because the avatar was allied with the firelord and helped facilitate the maintaining of their colonial outposts in the name of global unity, and because said firelord is nice now, it’s fine actually. and the only people who point out this contradiction are power-hungry bloodthirsty autocrats who are being unreasonable and greedy when they point out that the “united republic of nations” is earth kingdom land that was colonized by the fire nation, and in every way but in name, still is.
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puppyeared · 2 months
youve heard of "i was too excited writing this down i forgot some words" ADHD but have you heard of "i was too excited writing this down that i used a word twice somewhere in the same sentence and didnt even notice" ADHD
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you can make a beatles reference out of literally anything. you walk outside, you see the sun. here comes the sun? george harrison? well, say perchance it's a rainy day, therefore no sun. rain? like the beatles song? you walk back inside to grab an umbrella. but what's that? you're back inside... and you're walking on wood! norwegian wood? this bird has flown? so you get back in your car.. but whats that? you're driving? on the road? why dont we do it in the road? you get to the supermarket and when you pay for said groceries, theres... taxes? taxman? BEATLES REFERENCE?
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QSMP Members wandered into Purgatory 2 fearing BadBoyHalo, knowing of his ruthlessness and pure undeniable skill from the first Purgatory. Warnings were exchanged through whispers and soft-spoken words of caution. They stumbled out with chainsaws whirring behind their eyes, a boy dubbed Coach pulling gambit after gambit, eeking out a win by mere decimals of a percentage point, finding a pixel-perfect map location, and massacring an entire group before continuing on the hunt for more. A different name settled on their tongues-it was idiotic, really, to have assumed the one issuing the warning was harmless. You never want to ask a survivor what they did to survive (and if the leader of Team Goose had led BadBoyHalo into battle and fought against Philza Minecraft himself, then really, shouldn't they have realized to fear him?)
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martyrbat · 10 months
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batman: two-face strikes twice! #1.2
[ID: Batman shown from a low angle as he leaps off a metal grate. He's presenting—his legs spread wide as the focus of the panel is right on his Bat-gooch. He promises, “Harvey! No one's gotten hurt yet! Surrender, and I'll—!” END ID]
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
forgive me for the possibly foolish question, but what kind of care do the fish in the aquaponics require? do you have to feed them to a certain point where the plants then supply their diet, or do you continuously care for them? merci! i love your blog 🌱
The plants don't feed the fish, it's the other way around :) The plants use the fish poop as natural fertiliser (with the help of useful bacteria that break it down), and in doing so they clean the water for the fish. Here's a little diagram
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Since my system has towers over the fish tank rather than grow beds, the fish do nibble on the plant roots that dip in the water but that's just an illegal snack, fish food is their main diet. Also when I find little insects on the plants, I shake them so the insect falls in the water where the fish give it an enthusiastic welcome. Some aquaponic gardeners farm insects to feed their fish (and they feed the insects with some of the plants so they have a complete symbiotic system) but I haven't tried that yet. I used to successfully breed dynasties of stick insects in a terrarium in my bedroom as a kid, so maybe someday.
The fish part of the aquaponic system is very low-maintenance—I don't clean the tank since the plants absorb the fish waste, I just have to adjust how much I feed the fish depending on how many plants there are, so the water doesn't get dirty, it's a bit of a balancing act. The main other thing to watch for is the water pH, for plants it should be around 6 or 6.5 (ideally) and for fish around 7 or 7.5, so I try to keep it between 6.5 and 7 to keep everyone reasonably happy. Rainwater has a lower pH and my spring has a higher one, so when I fill up my watering can in the tank to water outside plants, I look at the pH meter and top up the tank with rain or spring water depending on what's needed.
You just have to be careful not to pick up a hitchhiker fish in your watering can as you go to water other plants!
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ambrosiagourmet · 2 months
A thing that does indeed always get me about Laios and Marcille is the fact that after she becomes the dungeon lord the elves are like “we have to kill her” and Laios is like “what??” and the elves are like “literally the only option is to kill her there’s not another choice” and he makes a sad face and they stare at him and go “dude the entire world will literally be consumed by a demon if we don’t kill her” and then he just goes
“OK. How do we kill the demon?”
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bluespring864 · 30 days
"I would love the opportunity to play against Novak again. I think the last time that we played against each other was in... I think it was in 2017. And before that we were playing - it felt like a lot. [...] And I'm sure neither of us expected that that would be the last... last time that we play. So yeah, I hope I can get the opportunity to play against him one more time."
source: lemanbleutv
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
heyhey!! just wanted to say your works are amazing and i love them so so so SO much aagghhh!!
now onto the request— what if,, what if reader knew a ton of languages like nikolai does, and they call their s/o pet names in those languages. an example would be,, maybe if they knew french they would say 'mon chéri' or perhaps they picked up romanian at some point and would call them 'dragă'
the characters i have in mind are price, nik, alejandro, & rudy, if that's okay !! (´▽`)
sorry for the super long ask, lol :')
Hey there! Thank you, that makes me really happy to hear :D And don't worry about sending longer asks, I really don't mind ^^ Also, that request is really cute! I love reader speaking several languages and being a sweetheart in all of them :D
Price, Alejandro, Rodolfo and Nikolai with an S/O who Knows Many Languages
Price: I think he knows quite a few languages himself, being a captain in the SAS and all. Not nearly as many as Nikolai, but he probably knows a good three to four languages, so he likely wouldn’t be entirely clueless when you call him something along the lines of mon petit chou fleur. While he won’t understand every term of endearment you call him, it does warm his heart to hear you speak a language he doesn’t know. It flows off your tongue very nicely and he just loves listening to you. Depending on what kind of language it may be, even the profanities sound nice. Although whenever you want to get his attention, just to call him something in a language he doesn’t understand, he sort of expects it to be some cute pet name. Will always smile at you, even if you were to call him your albernes kleines Kaninchen. Retorts with a pet name in one of the languages he speaks. Sometimes he does feel the urge to learn a new language, just for you. Or maybe you could learn a new language together? Practice with each other and just have a good time overall? He might bring up the idea at some point.
Alejandro: Like Price, he probably knows a few languages himself. More than the average person, but not nearly as many as Nikolai. So probably three to four as well. However, because he knows Spanish there’s a good chance he can derive most words in a Romance language. Call him something along the lines of giliw and he’ll always retort with some embarrassing pet name in Spanish. Yes, he knows several languages himself, but that doesn’t mean he won’t almost always revert to Spanish anyway. Pretends that you’re using your languages against him and calls you a traitor. And, as is the rule in your household when you’ve betrayed him, you will be held accountable. Lots of chasing through the house. Will “interrogate” you to get you to tell him what you said. Call him a term of endearment in Spanish and you won’t ever hear the end of it. No matter how many times he hears you call him guapo, he always gets that goofy grin on his face. Might research embarrassing terms of endearment to use on you in any other language. And yes, his goal is to find a language you don’t speak. Once he’s found one? He’s not gonna let you live it down. He’s bested you, and that’s all he wanted.
Rodolfo: You’d actually have to call him by his name if you want his reaction since he usually just tends to block out people speaking a language he doesn’t know. Why bother trying to understand someone like that? It’s not like he’ll learn the language overnight anyway. Rodolfo knows about three languages, so not as many as Alejandro. But he knows English and Spanish, which means he can communicate in most places anyway. He thinks he knows enough languages since learning one takes roughly an eternity and he doesn’t have the time for that anyway. Call him Cục vàng and he’ll just look at you as though you’ve grown a second head. You’d have to tell him what it means and then he’ll smile. While he will always appreciate a good Hartlam, he might look at you confused until you tell him you love him. Might not always retort with a pet name of his own, but will mix it up among the languages he does know since he doesn’t wanna seem too stupid next to you. Will also sometimes look up new terms of endearment in languages he doesn’t know so he can surprise you, but might get a bit shy since he might botch the pronunciation a bit. But he tries, and that’s all that matters.
Nikolai: He canonically knows eight languages, so there’s a good chance he knows what you’re saying. Even when you’re saying something in a language he might not entirely know, he might be able to derive the word from a language he does know. Although he may love any pet name you give him, he especially loves any Russian ones since he’s very attached to his country and his native tongue. Goes absolutely wild whenever you call him radnoy. There’s just something so sweet about you calling him something nice in Russian, doesn’t even matter if you botch the pronunciation. Will always give you a hug and a kiss to your forehead since he will always be reminded of how much he loves you. But even a simple min søde skat will get him to smile, even if he has no idea what it means this time. Because of you he might be inspired to pick up some new languages along the way, maybe even ones you don’t know so you can get the same treatment he does with you. Whenever you speak a language he doesn’t know he gets heart eyes for you. You’re just so gorgeous, you’re just so very smart. However, at some point he will just start speaking Russian to you, even if you don’t know the language. He won’t say anything mean, he’ll just tell you how precious you are and how much he loves you.
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yokowan · 7 months
okay listen I don't just ship kyouko x momiji for entirely self-indulgent reasons. there's actually a really interesting story that can happen there.
a dumb chuuni puppydog girl trying to impress the badass sword lesbian, and the badass sword lesbian feeling the need to protect this helpless mutt before she hurts herself. the this evolves into momiji for the first time getting a kind of unconditional love and adoration that she'd never known before from her toxic tengu polycule, and kyouko getting knot from a wolf who calls her "kiddo"
okay you know what on second inspection maybe this is entirely self indulgent
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 3 months
Okay alright maybe I'll read the comics now that I know Aaron and Jesus couple-up and kill Beta together and get married, that's fuckin rad
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kinkymcbutweasel · 3 months
Somebody take me camping so we can make s'mores and fuck in the woods
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inkyquince · 6 months
Nothing is worse than if I come across an excellent summarised fic with sexy ass tags and then the first line is a clunky, grammatically off sentence that we're taught in high school on how to avoid
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thebardisabird · 9 months
me to me when i repeat words too close to one another or in the same paragraph
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flowercrowngods · 2 months
the ever lovely @cuoredimuschio tagged me in six sentence sunday
and i’m half passed out in bed already but i gotta do what i gotta do 🤍 some time travel au words with double/triple sentence count bc lord have i been tagged a lot in those lately 🫶
Owens wants to talk with him — well, as much as the scientist leader of a secret government project that makes political super weapons of unborn children can ever just want to talk with someone like Steve. It makes him shudder every time Hopper mentions it in an off-sentence, just a side note over the sizzling food on the stove, just an afterthought when he grabs a beer for himself and a coke for Steve.
And every time, Steve freezes with the ice cold rush of panic, his jaw clenching shut and the nausea he’s been fighting all day crashing on him tenfold.
Steve knows what they do to helpless children and their mothers; he knows what they do to people who ask just the wrong question, or who know just a bit too much. He doesn’t even want to imagine what they’d do with him if they find out what he knows. If they get it in their heads that he knows everything; if they make him out to be someone who’s a lot more than a scared, confused teenager who got wrapped up in some bullshit that’s so much bigger than him.
Owens wants to talk with him. It didn’t go so well last time — images of broken skulls and bodies ripped limb to limb come back to him, swirling in nausea and feverish fear that leaves him immovable and deaf to the world at least once a day.
“Told him I’d put a bullet through his head if he tries,” Hopper adds that night, and Steve, still frozen and suddenly feverish, lifts his eyes away from the nothingness to look at him. Hopper is looking at him, too — because they do that now — and there’s something in those eyes. A surprising genuineness. Fierce. Familiar.
And suddenly it’s like the walls are extending around him, the ceiling ascending as the world outgrows him and leaves him tiny and pathetic and with one more reminder that he doesn’t belong here. Now. It’s pathetic, how much relief it brings to hear Hopper utter such a direct threat, announcing he would kill someone for Steve like he’s talking about the weather.
It’s twisted, the feeling of security so wrong in its nature, and yet so pure. It battles all the other things he’s feeling; all of them leaving him without the energy to speak.
So he remains still, tempests of emotions and thoughts and memories warring inside him, and all he can do is hope that Hopper understands his silence for now.
Please don’t kill anyone for me, he wants to say, but also Yes, please and Thank you.
With a grunt and a nod, Hopper turns back to his food, and Steve envies him for his ability to move right now; for the ability to eat anything at all. He envies him for not knowing.
But he takes that envy and shoves it into the tempest, feeling only tendrils of it lingering in his mind, and adding to the mess of things he carries inside his chest.
It will burst one day, he knows. It already feels too tight to breathe.
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thissying · 6 months
Max Verstappen: Near Perfect (3/6)
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