#twink q force
toydrill · 5 months
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its me jessi and ari.... if they test me they sorry....
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Round 1F Matchup 3
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May the twinkest twink win!
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thesquirrelqueer · 2 years
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Day 26: Twink from Q-Force
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shippyboi · 2 years
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I know, I'm funny
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djsherriff · 2 years
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I literally just thought about this and I need to post it but:
Baseline Rodimus about SG Optimus:
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kaviasposts · 2 years
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Why wait for a season two when you can just make one
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Q-Force - Stat & Twink - Tourette's Syndrome Awareness Month Prompt 3 : Triggers
Prompt : Write a fic about a character's triggers for their tics Headcanons : Nonbinary!Stat, Tourettic!Stat
Stat knew all the things that generally served as triggers to make their tics worse- Caffeine, lack of sleep, stress- Basically all constants for them.
You'd think that, considering these things all made their tics worse and they knew this, they'd cut back on the caffeine, try to sleep more, and change their situation to lessen stress. And that's what they would do if they were about 20% more careful with their own wellbeing, but this was Stat. Self care wasn't exactly their strong suit.
This all culminated in a very active tic day that left them thoroughly exhausted by the end. The rest of the Q-Force didn't comment on it. They'd all been around the hacker for years- They were used to the highs and lows of their Tourette's (even Buck). However, by the end, Twink was worried enough to speak up.
"Active tic day" he started with an awkward smile as he flopped down on the couch next to them. They just stared at him miserably. "Any reason?"
"Coffee, lack of- Haha! Wow! WOW! Wow!- Lack of sleep, and- Mph!- Stress" they listed off, just as they'd done plenty of times over the years. Their neck jerked painfully and their arm shot up, which made them groan in annoyance.
"You should rest"
"Gee, thanks Captain- Loser!- Obvious" they spat. "Really wish I- Haha! Crazy! That's crazy!- Thought of that one"
"Don't be a cunt"
"Sorry" Stat sighed. Twink shrugged. He didn't mind their rudeness. Lord knows he could get crabby when he didn't eat breakfast or missed an hour of rest. He couldn't imagine dealing with the constant shouts and movements all day, hopeless to stop any of it.
"Would melatonin help?" he offered. "I know it can be harder to sleep when they're so persistent"
Stat smiled weakly and nodded.
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 15 Tourette's-centered prompts that you can find here
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clovecardamom · 11 months
justice for q force & high guardian spice
i was yelling on the bad bird website and i forgot i can also yell here now so i want to yell about the completely embarrassing legacy that we, the collective royal we, all of us hooligans on the internet, cursed high guardian spice and q force with.
this is for two reasons:
i think the way our cultural forums decided to burn these shows stake because we did not personally like them extremely sucked, especially if you were a queer person in those industries watching it happen, especially if you were one of the many queer people working on these shows.
they were just genuinely super funny if you gave them a chance and didn't prescribe preconceived notions of what good queer animation is supposed to be.
the cosmos is compelling me to yell about this. so i am. you cannot stop me.
so, both of these shows were burdened with a press cycle basically yelling at everyone from the hills, okay! hey! the new gay show is here! if you're gay you should like it!
anyone familiar with how media works should already be going like "aw geeze" if you weren't there for this in real time, but the resulting shitshow was heard round twitter, tumblr, youtube, and probably other places i don't use as much.
instead of cheering on these underdogs and politely recommending people give them a shot, or just politely stating if they were or were not to our tastes, it became like... a cool fad among posters on all platforms to explain why these shows were actively intrinsically, irreparably bad!
when the shows were perfectly fine, with some mediocre lows but overall high highs!
q force, for every softball joke about lesbian uhauls makes five more genuinely hysterically specific jokes while treating its cast with a huge degree of respect. if you did not get these jokes, that's fine, but lines like "call me miss congeniality honey cause i'm a femme top with a gun" and the entire endgame of eurovision hosted by a small european nation whose economy is based entirely around christmas (twink's favorite holiday from harry potter) live forever in my mind. it was a stupid little adult comedy, but the characters talked like me and my friends. characters like twink especially, was allowed to be funny and silly while still respected by the people around him. i cannot express to you how rare it is to find stories where a flamboyant drag queen twink is given his degree of nuance and development.
on the other hand, high guardian spice was doomed from the outset, but we all jumped at blood in the water instead of letting it exist as it was. it takes no research effort to learn that high guardian spice was yanked around through development hell for years and very clearly had no time or money to make their original pitch a reality.
i'm the first person to admit high guardian spice is, put kindly, a complete mess, but it's a mess with an unbelievable amount of heart and charm if you just engage with it organically instead of making fun of every little production error. i cannot stress enough how little time or money they had to make this thing. it was straight up unethical.
and despite that production hell... it was funny? high guardian spice was straight up just way funnier than most cartoons lately if you just engaged with the jokes as jokes and got the hate-watch stick out from under you. the character chemistry was super compelling, the voice performances had that bee & puppycat amateur charm, and it was a viewing experience so genuinely enjoyable my friends and i have literally watched it like three times from to back.
so, this completely mediocre and janky western anime should've just fallen by the wayside right? nope! it became political baby! it became about wokeness ruining animation, and we all participated in that narrative because we thought that one scene where a character says he's transgender very bluntly was awkward!
the way that everyone, mostly without watching more than ten minutes of the first episode, decided to jump on a hate train spearheaded by 4chan to completely destroy the show's chance at survival was... quite frankly? pretty embarrassing! it was genuinely super awful to watch otherwise reasonable members of our community to act so callously because something was... cringe? annoying? even if high guardian spice was as bad as everyone was saying it was, this kind of behavior is kind of straight up cruel if you took a second to listen for the cacophony of dogwhistling and the way that the cast & crew of the show was being spoken about.
as these things go, it became an easy way to punch down and earn some sweet engagement by posting jokes you thought sucked or where budgets and production timelines faltered.
it was really stupid. i am not asking for an apology for these shows, but i am asking that you give them a chance if you previously avoided them or otherwise bounced off. if you don't like them, that's okay, i don't care. i just want these works by queer writers, artists, and actors to... actually get to exist on its own terms, instead of being swept up into a cruel and pointless circus of engagement farming.
because you know what the industry takeaway extremely is going to be moving forward? guess people hate this, let's make sure future products for this market receive less time and funding.
if they do get made? gotta make sure they completely avoid all of the meatier and mainstream alienating subject matters both shows genuinely got into if you gave them the time of day.
every time the next gay movie or television show comes out in this online fandom space i have my eyes peeled for the kind of buffoonery that we subjected q force and high guardian spice to because they had the gall to make queer cartoons that were not for everyone.
they were specific, they were weird, and they were rough around the edges. and they've stuck with me because of that.
so far, it does not feel great to see media with non-threateningly nothing representation where characters peck each other on the lips briefly and wave a flag but otherwise never engage with each other, their identities, or their communities, and have everyone praise it because it didn't dare say anything specific enough to alienate anyone.
i would rather not connect with a gay character in a movie or cartoon because they just weren't the type of character or story i connect with... instead of not connecting with a gay character because there was nothing there to connect with in the first place!
okay i'm done i love you goodbye.
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blindedveil · 2 years
i love the new gay spiderman
i sure as hell wouldve loved him as a kid, hes the kind of representation I needed. Just because he's feminine doesn't mean he's inherently a harmful stereotype. He probably isn't a twink, more a drag queen, but regardless femme gays should not be put down because ppl feel as though he's harmful.
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While I can understand that femme gays and twinks are more or less the face of the gay community, it's not harmful to make a character that indulges in femininity. And while i live for masculine gay characters, we shouln't put down feminine ones. It's really not the same as Q-force(personally i loved the show i thought that shit was funny asf). Considering he was based off queer fashion designers and was made by queer creators, there really shouldn't be an issue.
And I'm not gonna say his design wasn't extra lol, it sure as hell was, but it makes sense bc he's a fashion designer. its great 10/10
anyways no debates ‼️im always right on my blog 🙏🙏
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boyinatown · 1 year
warning: massive spoilers so dont scroll until ur that far .
i am spoiling u guys rn even tho im tired so thank me 🤞
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actual footage of me tryna understand if jinyeong is daniels dad:
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daniel when his mom started acting tf up.
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daniel thinking of excuses:
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daniel as we speak:
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daniels family when he showed up all fine and shit
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jake was definetly staring at this mf ´s ass .
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spot the difference:
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´´ he´s so big and so dumb , and one day im gonna top him´ - twink from q force
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bro definetly has that corona virus, plague , lung disorder and Schizophrenia , bc wtf is he even smiling at bro?? like can someone get my boy some hair. teeth, and new clothes lookin like he´s gonna audition for one direction gtfo 😭😭
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not the locs/dreads... man.. why is ptj so obsessed with drawing poc hairstyles on pale bitches.
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pov: ur daniel and u see ur cousin after a long time:
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me knowing whats gonna happen:
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litereally grandma :
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daniels fam when gma start actin up
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pov : ur one of daniels family member
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daniels mom ignoring her son being beat up:
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daniel vs gma
extra meme that reminded me to much of them:
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the cult where mira, zack and johan were bought in that episode:
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Welcome to Tournament of the Twinks!
Characters included in the bracket
Round 1 A & B has ended
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Round 1 C & D has ended
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Round 1 E is up! & F is up!
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Round 1 G & H tba
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Links to polls under the cut
Round 1E
Matchup 1: Noise from Roleslaying with Roman vs Yukito from Cardcaptor Sakura
Matchup 2: Al Leon from Appare-Ranman! vs Ingo from Pokemon
Matchup 3: Oscar from Tea for Two vs Kajiyama Fuuta from MILGRAM
Matchup 4: Damien from Dream Daddy vs Marvin the Magnificent from Jacksepticeye
Matchup 5: Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club vs Daniel from Camp Camp
Matchup 6: Mike from Roleslaying with Roman vs Gowther from Seven Deadly Sins
Matchup 7: Felix Escellun from Last Legacy vs Anasui from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean
Matchup 8: Bailin from Bailin and Li Yun vs Hatori Sohma from Fruits Basket
Round 1F
Matchup 1: Diego the Squire from Nimona vs Keith Kogane from Voltron
Matchup 2: N from Pokemon vs Lilia Vanrouge from Twisted Wonderland
Matchup 3: Twink from Q-Force vs Chuuya from Bungou Stray Dogs
Matchup 4: Asra from The Arcana vs Tobias from Faroff
Matchup 5: Jermey Heere from Be More Chill vs Nico di Angelo from PJO
Matchup 6: Ennon from Good Omens vs Sigma from Bungo Stray Dogs
Matchup 7: Yule from Wild Beast Forest House vs Errol from Tea for Two
Matchup 8: Shang Qinghua from The Scum Villian’s Self Saving System vs Akito Sohma from Fruits Basket
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doveswriting · 2 months
I don't understand the hate against Q-Force. Especially by the LGBTQIA+ community
Q-Force is a funny series revolving around queer people made by queer people. It's not 'stereotypical' because we're literally shown that there are different types of queer people in the world. The cast is voiced by queer men, a black lesbian and a trans woman. Plus has a whole litany of queer side characters.
"They even have a character named Twink." Twink's NICKNAME is a play on the type of guy he is. He's SUPPOSED to be the cunty one. As shown in episode 2, we're literally given his real name. His father called him Bastien which I can only assume could be short for Sebastien. People hate that Twink is written the way he is because "not all gays are like this" but he is the rep for the ones that are. Again, we're literally shown different types of gay men throughout the show. Reminder, he's also a FEMME TOP.
"Stat's trans rep is non existent." Stat is a trans character voiced by a trans woman. The reason why it's never mentioned in the show is because SHES PASSING. Stat can live her life as a trans woman peacefully because SHES PASSING. As someone who falls under the trans umbrella, that is literally MY DREAM. It's the goal. "But Twink is so obviously a drag queen" because he's the master of DESGUISES. Of course it was going to be much more obvious for him. Do you expect being trans affects her job as a hacker in a group filled of queer spies? Her friends accept her for who she is. Stat is also not the type to talk about these things so often, she's not going to walk around blurting out she's trans as soon as she meets someone. There are different types of queer people everywhere, including trans people. Ever consider some trans people just want to live their life like she does?
"It's all about being gay" Of course it is, it's targeted audience IS the queer community. But it's also about homophobia in the workplace. If you want straight representation as well, there are straight characters. Dirk, the Princess, V, maybe Buck. There are a lot of different types of straight people as well. This show is inclusive as shit. It even cracks jokes about straight people targeted for queer people to laugh at AND jokes about queer people for straight people to laugh at. Equality my dudes. "There's too much male nudity" It's called being a feminist. Women are constantly sexualized. NEEDING to have a naked woman on your screen literally says a lot about you. And this is coming from someone with a preference for girls.
"All the gay men are stereotypical" We've got 2 gay men as our main cast who are VERY different. If Twink is the 'stereotype' you've been complaining about, you're not actually taking into consideration Mary, Benji, Ennis, Chaston, Antoni, etc. The actual types of gay men are shown throughout the show.
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just-being-leonest · 2 years
Okay so I just binged all of Q-Force and since this is a critique blog of sorts I’ll give a quick review.
In general? I liked it. Sure it’s not groundbreaking but honestly do all diverse shows need to be groundbreaking?
There were a few bumps that I personally would smooth over (I’ll talk about them later in the post), but in general I liked it.
Yes the characters were stereotypical but honestly? I like how they were portrayed. They took themselves seriously and the show/writing itself took them seriously, even if some characters didn’t.
Yes they poke fun at the community in some cases but it doesn’t feel malicious, more like an inside joke.
I also like how some people had their identities explicitly stated (with Mary being gay, Deb being lesbian) while some didn’t (I.e. we know Stat is sapphic but we don’t know her exact label) (side note I heard somewhere that Stat is trans which is great! But I would’ve liked a small mention of her being trans in the show if that’s true? Not even anything explicit maybe just her mentioning needing to take her estrogen or smthing)
I also do like the story and how it does intertwine with queerness.
A few bumps I personally would smooth out tho:
Mainly the Twink and Buck relationship one. And honestly only one particular episode. I forgot which one it is but basically Twink catfishes Buck as a princess to play a prank on him, and it just felt uncomfortably intimate considering Buck genuinely thought he was hanging out with a girl and Twink was just… catfishing him? Like personally I would love to see Twink and Buck get together (bi Buck I am BEGGING you) but that episode was just… eh. Twink also made a comment that personally didn’t sit right with me, and unintentionally played into the “gay men are predators” stereotype. :/
Personally I would’ve liked to see a trans character in there? And I’ve heard that Stat is trans (I don’t know if that’s true) and if she is, I would’ve liked a small comment about her being trans? Nothing big just her mentioning needing estrogen or maybe being forced into Boy Scouts or smthing.
That’s all I have for now, if y’all want a more in depth review… Lmk ig
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello!! I'm an 18+ roleplayer. She/they pronouns. I don't mind the gender of my partner! These will be OC x CC double ups! But depending on the ship, I can do CC x CC
I'm looking for one of three fandoms!
1. AOT. Now I'm not all caught up. So if we could do an AU that would be absolutely perfect!! I'm down for all plots! I love angst and dark themes! But fluff and softer plots are perfect too!! I can play anyone! Just ask!! All I ask is that you can play either Levi or Eren for me! I don't mind if the characters are OOC.
2. BNHA! I'm more so caught up with these ones! But if you rather do an AU then we can do that!! I can play anyone that you want me to! I'm not picky about what characters you play against mine! I have multiple OC's that match with any character! Like with AOT. I love darker plots and angst but I also love softer plots too!
3. Q-Force. Now I'm not sure if a lot of people have seen this show on Netflix but if you have. I'd love to plot something with this! I can play anyone! But I mainly muse Steve, Benji, V, and Twink!
Please like this and I will reach out!!
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kaviasposts · 2 years
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so uh, i can explain
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