#twinning with dean
destiel-wings · 9 months
think about the potential of charlie living in the bunker with dean and cas for a while
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sslimbo · 8 months
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David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan and Harry Dean Stanton filming Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me 1992
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filmreveries · 1 year
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“Quit trying to hold on so tight. I'm gone. Long gone.”
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) dir. David Lynch
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i feel like in s13 they were really losing the plot. like what do you mean jack and mary are trapped in an alternate dimension where michael is hot but evil and to get them back the rest of tfw has to do a spell they don’t even think will work because they don’t know asmodeus kept gabriel hidden away for years like rapunzel so he’ll conveniently be around to help but first cas has to go to syria and get married to the djinn queen while sam and dean live out an actual mafia movie and all three of them get trapped in a cartoon because of an evil real estate manager and then to get the last ingredient for the spell they have to fight a tentacle porn monster from another alternate dimension, all while lucifer is shacking up with danneel ackles and successfully taking over heaven? oh and sam and dean were stuck in jurassic world for a bit and donatello went insane via chicken wings
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slut4bill · 1 month
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new obsession hello
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minefujicakes · 10 months
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Little Twin Ritalins
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didn’t even think about this until now
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castiwls · 7 months
Hey there! 😀 Can I request two sets of headcanons about being Sam and Dean's twin sister?
"i was with you before we were even born"
Being the boy's twin
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He’s older by like 5 minutes (he never lets you forget it)
You were both really close even as babies. I imagine there was a phase where if your parents separated you both for too long you would cry.
You both get closer after the fire. For the first few months, you would always curl up in the same bed together out of fear of the other one disappearing.
As a teen, you started to question your dad more and more about hunting. You're not as complacent as Dean is to John and his rules. This led to many arguments. 
“Why can’t you just do as he says?” “Because Dad’s word isn't god Dean!”
He’d be just as protective over you as he is of Sam.
When Sam left for Stanford you and Dean started to take cases on your own.
You would try and sabotage any hookups he found in bars. You really hated having to go for ‘walks’ during said hookups. He got you back for it. 
You both look very alike. 
When it was just you and Dean hunting there were multiple times where people would mistake you for a couple of cases.
After your dad died you and Dean didn’t talk for a while. You both argued over why John did what he did and it led to one of your worst fights.
Bobby had to kick sense into you both.
You and Dean don’t fight often but when you do it's bad. When you were younger one time it got so bad that it took Sam yelling and walking out for you both to stop.
When Castiel came around you were unsure but after he saved you on a hunt you began to trust him.
Knowing Dean wasn’t ok after Hell and begging him to talk.
“Dean I know you're not ok.” You frowned and reached out to his arm. “You can talk to me, no one's gonna judge you.”
He did eventually tell you he remembered hell. He begged you not to tell Sam though. (You did tell Sam though)
Finding out about the whole vessel thing and freaking out.
“What do you mean vessels? Why is Heaven and Hell’s fight our issue?”
Since you and Dean were twins you both were classed as Micheal vessels.
You were adamant that Dean wasn’t doing it and he was the same about you.
This again led to another argument.
In the end, there was no way you were letting Sam walk into that fight alone so you ended up saying yes also.
Dean was pissed.
Dean begging for months after that Cas or someone would pull you both out of the cage. (Little did he know someone had)
You randomly appeared on Lisa’s doorstep 6 months later and Dean completely freaked.
After that, he barely let you out of his sight.
You didn’t tell him about Sam also being out (You knew something was wrong with your younger brother and you didn’t wanna worry Dean.)
Eventually reuniting with Sam and feeling so guilty when you found out he had no soul.
Dean insisted that it wasn’t your fault.
He helped you with nightmares from the cage. You found yourself sleeping in the same bed as him again.
You were older by like 10 minutes. You always teased him about it.
He got you back by teasing you over being short.
Neither of you have any memories of life before the fire so as children you used to both make up stories to help comfort each other.
These stories helped you both pretend that you at least knew your mom and what normal life was like.
You both kinda depended on each other growing up.
While you didn’t verbalise it like Sam, you also didn’t like hunting or the constant moving around.
You were a bit more of a social butterfly than your twin but you still struggled with having to make new friends constantly. 
Like your brother, you were also quite smart and did well in school.
For a while, you wanted to be a doctor but knew realistically you had no chance.
As you got older you began to grow a slight resentment towards your dad for forcing you all into this life. One day after a bad hunt you snapped and told your dad how you felt. New’s flash it went really bad.
Your eyes widened as you realised what you had just said. Dean slowly pushed his arm in front of you urging you to move back as your Dad turned to face you. “What did you just say.” Your dad’s voice was hard as he took a step forward. You felt Sam pull you back further as Dean tried to defuse the situation.
After that things were awkward for a while. You went to go stay with Bobby much to Sam’s disdain.
You came back a year later when you were 17.
Things were ok until Sam left for Stanford. You were happy for him but also jealous that he was getting out and you weren't.
During that time you and Dean became close.
Reconnecting with Sam after your dad went missing and helping him when Jess died.
Feeling guilty when your dad died that you spent so much time resenting him (He apologised just before Azael came)
Unlike your brother, Azael didn’t do anything to you so you never had any issues with demon blood.
Convincing Sam that he wasn’t a monster. 
When he died the first time you were inconsolable for days. 
You and Dean arguing over Deans's deal.
Hating Ruby and knowing she was up to something. Her also causing you and Sam to fall out over his powers.
You and Dean both knew that while Sam was trying to do a good thing she was not.
Helping him with his guilt over Litlth and Lucifer.
Him and you making up after Rubys' death. This actually made you and Sam closer than ever.
Again having to convince him that he is not a bad person when the whole Lucifer and Micheal thing comes to light.
You’re the middleman in the situation. You spent most of your time trying to convince both your brothers not to say yes.
Convincing Dean but not managing to convince your twin.
Before saying yes Sam said that he wanted you to get out and have a normal life.
You were pretty heartbroken but after hanging around Dean and Lisa for a few months you ended up meeting someone  (Lisa set you up but you don’t know that)
You both moved in together and you found yourself actually enjoying this normal life.
Then Sam appeared and you had to choose. Dean told you to stay but you knew you couldn’t leave Sam.
When you found out about Sam having no soul you felt so guilty.
“How didn't I realise sooner?” You sat down on the bed placing your head in your hands. Dean gently rubbed your back with a small sigh. “None of us knew. It’s not your fault.
You ended up kinda living two lives for the next year until Sam got his soul back and you realised living two lives was too dangerous. You broke up with him but you both ended up getting back together a few years later.
Sam was happy that you'd found someone and pushed for you to stay with him. But you knew your place was always gonna be with your brothers.
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adamshallperish · 1 year
playthings literally made me lose my mind so here's the sam and dean scene with twin peaks music
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audree-louise · 3 months
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fanofspooky · 2 months
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Scream King - Harry Dean Stanton
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girls-alias · 9 months
The Silent Type - Dean Winchester
Title: The Silent Type - Dean Winchester
Words: 1,325
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader (Somewhat platonic)
TW: Swearing, arguing, violence.
I saw the clip of Sam arguing with John and it triggered me. 😂
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I rolled my eyes as I approached the arguing boys. We were stood at the side of the road as Sam screamed at John. The truth is I feel the same. John has been nothing but a pain in the ass since he turned back up. He seems to tolerate me because I'm naturally quiet. I've been hunting with Sam and Dean for a while now. I was hunting with Dean for a little while before Sam came back from Stanford.
Dean and I have a unique bond. A medium we were talking to said we were soul mates or twin flames. I don't really understand it but I feel it. I love Dean. I love him more than I love anything and I don't care if I never get to kiss him, I will be happy if he's smiling. The real smile that normally only I can give him. I know he feels it too, we openly tell each other we love each other and Sam still, even after almost two years, doesn't know if we're dating. To be honest, I don't think me and Dean know sometimes. We do couply things, like dates and cuddling and constantly being together but we don't kiss or have sex. It's just weird but I'm comfortable in it.
I think Dean and I work so well because I know I can tell him anything and he can tell me anything. I know all about his past and he knows all about mine. We seem like we can read each other, I always know how he's feeling even when we're apart. The time that came to mind was intense. I had woken up in the middle of the night, nothing had disturbed me, I hadn't had a nightmare I just woke up. Quick and startled. I was staying in a motel away from the boys while a wound healed. I called Dean instantly, and as soon as he answered I knew he was crying. We stayed on the phone all night. He told me everything that had upset him and I reassured him and calmed him down until he fell asleep on the phone to me.
Dean seemed to look at me as he stood beside Sam and John. He looked fed up with the argument, wanting it to be over. I sighed softly knowing they weren't hurting each other they were hurting Dean. I listened in as anger started to rise inside me that they were upsetting Dean. Dean seemed to glance at me, somehow knowing I was growing angry. He studied me a little before being distracted by the argument. Dean's afraid of me when I'm angry.
It's rare I ever get angry but when I do I'm the silent type. I don't scream or make threats. I stay silent until something knocks me over the edge and once I'm over the edge I usually am blacked out angry until Dean stops me. Dean learned slowly that he was the only thing that calmed me down, he had always been afraid to approach me when I was that angry but now he knows he can wrap his arms around me and I'll calm down within a second. He just has power over me and he says I do the same. He can be on the verge of having a mental breakdown but if I walk into the room he forgets about it. His mind goes completely blank.
I listened as Sam shouted at John, his anger coming out with ease as he raised his voice and his words were laced with venom.
"Last time we saw you, you said it was too dangerous to be together. Now out of the blue you need our help." Sam explained getting his anger started. "No, obviously something big is going on and we want to know what's going on," Sam shouted, not backing down. My eyes glared at John waiting for his response, Dean growing annoyed and upset by the argument.
"Get back in the car," John instructed but Sam almost scoffed.
"No," He exclaimed but John's jaw clenched.
"I said get back in the damn car," John threatened standing closer. Sam didn't back down.
"Yeah, and I said no," Sam said, the venom in his tone almost suffocating the air.
"Yeah, alright. You made your point tough guy. Look, we're all tired, we can talk about this later," Dean explained before forcing himself between them and pushing Sam back forcefully. I couldn't move as my anger seemed to paralyse me.
"This is why I left in the first place," Sam muttered under his breath.
"What did you say?" John asked annoyed, and approached them. My body moved without thinking, staying beside John.
"You heard me," Sam bit back.
"Yeah, you left. Your brother and I needed you and you walked away- You walked away," John argued, his voice raising as his anger escaped him.
"You're the one who said don't come back, Dad. You're the one who closed that door. You were just pissed off that you couldn't control me anymore," Sam shouted, they quickly gripped each other. Ready to start hitting. Dean forced his way between them.
"Stop it! Stop it. That's enough," Dean shouted as he managed to pry them off each other.
"I didn't raise you like this," John commented. I didn't have to look at Dean to know how he was going to be looking. His sorrow clouded his eyes, hurt furrowing his eyebrows, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he begged it not to quiver, tears threatening his eyes. I saw red.
I punched John in the side of the face. His cheekbone was possibly fractured from the force. Adrenaline spiked to the point I was blacked out, doing things without thinking. John hit the floor with a thud, holding his cheek as he looked up at me startled.
"You didn't raise him, Dean did. Dean did everything for both of you." I boomed, standing over John as he started to look at me annoyed but fear was in his eyes. "You ever disrespect Dean like that again and next time I won't hold back." I threatened, spitting the words as if the thought of it sickened me. "Either apologise to Dean, the man who was a child and was still a better father than you. Or get up and drive away before I'm cleaning your blood off my boots." I practically growled.
"You think I'm scared-" He couldn't finish his sentence as I raised my foot, soon bringing it down on his balls to squeeze them between my boot and the gravel road. He squealed, grunting as he seethed in pain.
"That wasn't an apology," I instructed, He gulped, and glared at me as he breathed quickly, anger rising in him. He looked at Dean, and I could see him smirking proudly beside me.
"I'm sorry, Dean." He said simply but I pushed my boot down a little harder. He exclaimed in pain quickly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I left you to raise Sam. I'm sorry I've been a shitty father. I appreciate everything you've done for this family." John rushed. I looked at Dean, and he bowed his head to me letting me know he was happy with the response. I lifted my foot, taking a step away from John.
"Get up, you look pathetic," I spat, rolling my eyes as I walked away to get back in the Impala. Dean rushed to hug me from behind. I melted into the hug instantly. My whole body calmed and I felt safe in his arms. He spun me around to face him, cuddling me back into his chest. I smiled as I hugged him back, his scent intoxicating me.
"I love you," He whispered as he kissed the top of my head. I smiled a little brighter at his words. We really were made for each other.
Working On
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seasononesam · 2 years
hate ketch but unfortunately he is the funniest character in the history of the cw’s supernatural 
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thelittleangel · 4 months
how they would react to you coming out as trans (ftm)
warnings: mentions of transphobia, and misgendering.
tags: physical affection, coming out, trans reader, male reader, can be read as romantic or platonic.
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Shane Walsh, Negan, Dale Cooper
Fandoms: supernatural, the walking dead, twin peaks.
authors note: if you like this one, I can write an MtF version.
Sam Winchester
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trans ally Sam my beloved.
he probably already had a feeling.
he would see every time you would readjust the way you were sitting, or every time you would cross your arms over your chest.
he sees every time you stare into the mirror, wondering who the person looking back is.
so, yeah, he had a feeling.
he sits quietly with you while you say what you need to.
he wraps you in the tightest hug you've ever had.
immediate he/him, your chosen name, everything.
he takes you to every appointment and he's always waiting outside, or in the room with you.
he holds a party for every milestone
Dean Winchester
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you're in the library, doing research.
he sits across from you drinking a beer, looking at something on the laptop.
"Dean I have something to tell you."
he looks up from what he's doing.
as you begin to tell him, he shuts the laptop.
Direct eyes contact the entire time.
"It ain't the weirdest thing I've seen."
he takes you out and gets you a more masculine wardrobe, if that's what you want.
he wants to be more respectful of what you want.
his father forced him to be a very macho type of person, and he doesn't want you to feel like you have to be this ultra masculine type of person.
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He knows what being trans is.
When you tell him, he stays quiet. he listens to what you have to say because he knows how important this is to you.
he keeps a mental record of your name, pronouns, what triggers your dysphoria, what makes you feel less dysphoric, and things of that nature.
Whenever you feel dysphoric, he gives you his trench coat to wrap up in.
Rick Grimes
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you're going to have to explain it to him.
once he understands, he's like
if you wear a binder, he makes sure you don't wear it for longer that 8 hours.
he makes sure to use the right pronouns and the right name.
he tries to make sure that the others do too.
Daryl Dixon
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once you explain it to him, it's all good.
he's so worried about messing up as far as pronouns or your name.
"You jus' tell me when I mess up, alrigh'?"
he keeps track of how long you've had your binder on and lets you know when it's time.
he goes on runs to make sure you have testosterone. he also makes sure that any of the needles and syringes are safe and clean to use.
Shane Walsh
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he doesn't understand at first.
you're gonna have to explain it a few times.
"She goes by He/Him."
he makes sure you're not wearing your for more than eight hours, that you're taking your meds and generally taking care of yourself.
he will go on runs with you to get testosterone.
he tries his best to understand.
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I am a firm believer in ally Negan.
he understands what being trans is.
it's an immediate switch.
he gets the pronouns and name right first try.
he gets the saviors to get you testosterone.
he makes sure you only wear your binder for eight hours and not a second more, especially in the summer.
he finds a doctor to get you top surgery if you want to do that.
Dale Cooper
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the most ally to ever ally
probably the most supportive character in this entire list.
instant he/him
goes with you to pride parades
celebrates all the anniversaries with you
goes with you to all the appointments.
stays with you when you recover from surgery.
stays with you when you are feeling especially dysphoric.
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curiositysavesthecat · 4 months
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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Now to be overly emotional about fictional siblings.
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