#two or three more chapters left and then we'll call it done
puffymucher · 7 months
The Ex
AKA a look into some of Hazel's personal struggles with herself and why- As well as her realizing the real reason she left for Pentagram City in the first place. This chapter covers her hesitance of talking about her time before working with Velvette.
TW FOR A BIT OF BAD EX TALK. the ex hasn't done nothin yet, we'll get there in the flashback
Today had started like any other day for Hazel.
She woke up decently early as the sinners screamed outside the window, slipping underneath the many arms, tails and legs alike from her partners. The bed creaked as she leaned her weight particularly hard, and the large hound had to hold her breath as the three still asleep adjusted accordingly, filling in the gap she'd made with no real hassle. It certainly was a sight, seeing Velvette curled up between the ridiculously larger Rosalina and the more average leaning Sage in bed.
Hazel's eyes scanned over the three once more, a crooked smile on her face as she finally made the effort to stand, scratching at the scruff of her chin as she made her way to the bathroom, stepping over discarded shoes and clothes from the night before, thrown away as they all filtered in to snuggle into bed. She did nearly fall, one of Velvette's heels being the cause, but she soon had recovered with a huff- Claw catching the doorway as she turned on the light.
It was still a bit jarring just how... Full the bathroom was. Hazel could recall many a times in her life where she wouldn't really think a tube of mascara left open would make her so soft, or the way the counter had been sanctioned off in zones for each of them made her snicker, but there were a lot of things she felt she'd outgrown. Herself, being one of them. Her tired eyes caught herself in the mirror, and as much as she was sure her girls would say she looked so "macho" and "handsome" rolling out of bed, she couldn't really find it in herself to agree with them. She combed, or at least tried to comb a claw through her thicker fur around her neck, but she found herself snagging a matt or two with even just the small effort. 'Shit, it ain't gettin' any better...' The hound growled to herself, a bit embarrassed over the fact that her simple method of forgetting it existed failed, yet again. As she continued to tug and yank at the knotted fur, an all too familiar feeling of dread prickled up her skin as she traced over something she'd thought she'd never remember.
It was a casual night out in the Lust Ring. Hazel herself had never really found herself going all that much to begin with since she moved here with her girlfriend, Indigo, a greed shark she'd met during her "daring escape". Not even a year ago, she'd finally escaped that damned house, and found herself.. Free. Of course, her heart grieved for her litter mates, her pack, but.. It was necessary. For survival, she told herself. Something she needed to do. It's what she needed to tell herself to get to sleep, at least. That wasn't really as important to her now. No, she was more focused on the stuffy air of the sleazy club Indigo had swore up and down about, that it was going to be an amazing night out and a perfect date all in all. That's at least what Hazel was told, and as she found herself getting pushed by another demon with no real respect, she realized that Indigo had gone off without her, again. Just like the last time, though this time Hazel couldn't really catch the shark demon within the crowd, and her heart sunk at the realization. Yet again, she'd been dragged around like some stupid pet dog, following after her girlfriend like a lost puppy before she was inevitably shoved off by another demon, before she inevitably found herself walking home alone again. Though, this time, she found herself busting open the doors much sooner than she usually would. No, she didn't sit around, sip awkwardly on her drink waiting at the door for her beck and call. Not anymore. No, tonight she walked with conviction, brows furrowed and her maw curled up into a snarl as she made her way to her and Indigo's apartment- This time she didn't even bother with the keys, her strength alone enough to rip the handle out of place. With that, she started the process of packing up her things. Considering the few months she'd been staying here, there wasn't much that she would really claim as hers, and not something that Indigo would demand back after just a day with an excuse that it really WAS hers. It was a bags worth of stuff, mostly clothes if anything, but.. Wait, where was- Where was her box of letters?
The recollection Hazel generally had with herself in the mirror every morning was soon cut short though, as she felt a pair of thinner arms wrap around her, a cheek nuzzling into her furry back as she looked down- Though, she knew who it was as soon as they walked through the door. "Mornin', Boss, miss me that much?" The reply she got in return was a muffled groan, and Hazel couldn't help but chuckle as she got distracted from her tangled mess, turning around and pulling Velvette into her arms with a snicker. "Gosh, yer grumpier than usual, what's got ya in a twist, love?" She was pretty sure that the few huffs and mumbles in reply were about her getting up and leaving, as she generally was the bed's heater at night. "...Did you make coffee yet?" Hazel rolled her eyes as she shook her head, which had Velvette groaning as she slammed her face back into the fluffy chest, though as she moved to wrap her arms around Hazel's neck, it.. Was rather odd that Hazel had gone up to intercept her, instead now holding her hands. The confusion was clear enough on the overlord's face, and Hazel gave a more awkward laugh. "Well- I better get started on yer cup, right?" The both of them knew that it really wouldn't be enough, and that they were going to be having a chat later together, if not with the four of them, but Velvette knew better then to press than that. So, as they unraveled, Hazel couldn't help her tail tucking between her legs as she exit the bathroom, feeling the overlord's gaze follow her the entire way, and apart of her was thankful for the plans today. She wouldn't get poked and prodded about it until later tonight, as, today was one of the days that Hazel was working with Rosalina- Another myth meeting, and this one she was actually invited too! That was exciting! Of course, she'd miss Velvette (though not the impending investigation), but she knew that Sage could handle it. Hell, Sage could come BACK if she died or was torn apart.. Hazel wasn't as lucky, but no one had really gotten that close. Not since....
Hazel huffed and shook her head as she started to brew the coffee, leaning against the counter as she watched the coffee drip into the pot, and she had the handful of mugs ready and waiting, every preference covered for. In moments like these, she was grateful that she only drank sugar in coffee form- And as she looked into her own cup, she swished the creamer around, ears flat against her head as she started to think again. 'What am I gonna tell her? That I just don't take care of it? She'll know I'm bullshittin' her.. And I ain't like lyin' to her much either. Fuck.'
The beep of the machine finishing it's pot had snapped her back, and as she poured the cups, she was met with Sage, who she handed a mug to with a smile and a little kiss to the top of the demon's head, which was met with an appreciative hum as they sipped at their mug, now leaning next to where Hazel continued to pour the other cups, not really minding the eyes on her. That was, until, Sage spoke up. "Mm, you seem like you're thinking about something, Hazelnut," How the fuck was she so easy? Hazel froze up, two mugs in hand, and she turned her head around, giving a nervous laugh. "Shoot, why do you say that, Bluebell?" The shakiness of her voice didn't help her case at all, and she nearly spilt the boiling hot coffee onto herself when Sage simply pointed at her tail. "You're not subtle, you never tuck your tail like that around here unless you were getting into some fun, and we all just woke up. I know you're quick- But, I'm assuming it's something else." It was hard to argue with that sort of logic, even with how stupid Hazel could be, and so she didn't. "Just.. Boss is gonna wanna talk to me, and I don't really know if I'm.. Ready?" Hazel sighed, now just staring at her cup, wishing she could just drown herself in it rather than talk about her mushy feelings about it. It was just fur, she told herself, she just.. Didn't want to go to a groomer yet. That's it. Nothing more. Too busy, most likely. That's what she kept telling herself. Sage took a few moments to ponder, tilting their head at the hound as they watched her internally struggle, before shrugging. "I can't force you to talk if you don't want to, I just was curious, love." Sage gives a soft little smile, raising their non-robotic hand up to gently caress Hazel's cheek, a gesture greatly appreciated with how she leaned into it. "...Thanks, sugar." Hazel mumbled out, that bushy tail of hers starting to finally wag again, and it was hard to deny that the demon's attempt at cheering her up had worked wonders.
"Now, you better get ready to go with Rosa, before Boss changes her mind and keeps you here." Hazel nodded in agreement as she scampered back off to the room, Sage's eyes following after her with a soft chuckle, enjoying the coffee and the show. - CHAPTER 1 END MAN. MAN ARE YALL READY FOR THE FUCKING LORE?? THIS FIC HAS REALLY BEEN A PAIN IN MY ASS AND THE REASON I HAVENT POSTED... i also will doodle some stuff for these probably idk
sage n rosa belong to thge pookies @theacedragon0w0 and @mirconreadzztuff22 also have fun @helluvadyke
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tc-doherty · 11 days
Book One | Chapter Twenty
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They passed a little more time together that morning, alternating between practicing and simply talking until Felisjyta looked up and said, "It looks like that rain is blowing in. We better get inside if we don't want to get soaked to the skin."
Patrice looked up as well. A mass of dark clouds was coming towards them at a fast pace, threatening to cover the sun and bring rain. By the time she looked back down, the two knights were already well on their way to being packed up.
"How do you move so fast?"
"Practice. Here, you can carry the basket. Errys and I will take the swords."
As the first dull rumble of thunder rolled through the air, the three women hurried back to the summer palace.
They almost made it in time. Despite being only a short distance away, they were forced to keep to twisting paths and could not travel in a straight line without destroying valuable property. The storm had no such constraints. A few fat drops of water caught them going in through the door. Errys laughed.
"Just in time anyway. At this point we should still have plenty of time to get ready before they call us down for lunch. None of us can turn up like this."
Patrice looked down at her outfit, now covered with bits of grass and wet patches where the rain had hit. "No, I suppose not."
A much louder rumble of thunder covered the end of her sentence, followed by a blinding flash of lightning and more thunder. The storm had reached them in full. The hallways took on a dark and dusty quality as the storm covered all the light from the sun, leaving a few pre-lit candles as their only source of light.
Felisjyta whistled softly. "You often get big storms like this?"
"I've heard it's not uncommon in this area, but we don't see much of it in the city," Errys said. She looked down at her own dirty, rain spattered tunic and britches. "I have enough work to do on my own, I'll see you two at lunch."
"I suppose she's right. We ought to get cleaned up."
Patrice nodded. "I suppose so. Can you see well enough with this little light?"
"You offering to take me back to my room?" Felisjyta grinned. "I don't think I need it, but I wouldn't mind the company." She offered her arm and, as she had done so often lately, Patrice took it.
"I almost like it better this way," Patrice said as they moved through the dark hallways. There was no one about except them and the cat, who padded along silently behind. Dark and empty, the summer palace almost reminded of her home – the ruined castle which had once been connected to her mother's tower. It was long since given back over to nature, but in her early days there had been more of it left standing and she used to often play within the derelict building.
"It makes me feel like I'm in one of the stories Elaine told so many of," Felisjyta said. "Any moment I think we'll see an unhappy ghost." A flash of lightning came just as she finished her sentence – a very timely addition from the storm. The rain pounded against the windows.
"If the rain comes so fast, the storm should not last long, I would think."
"You'd be surprised. Oh, this is me. I'll see you at lunch, Patrice." Felisjyta let herself into her own suite.
Patrice looked down at the cat, who had quickly moved up to take the knight's place. "I suppose our only option is going back and letting Maria fuss over us."
He meowed at her.
"You seem unbothered by the storm as well," she said to him as they walked. "I suppose they teach you that, when they teach you everything else."
He purred, though whether in response or just at the sound of her voice, Patrice couldn't tell.
Maria was predictably dismayed at the state of her outfit, but resigned to it at the same time. "I don't know why you find it necessary to do all that unladylike fighting and such anyway, Lady Patrice," she grumbled. "You've had the life of a noble offered to you on a silver platter, and you insist on making it difficult for yourself anyway."
Patrice shook her head. "I suppose to you it seems a wonderfully fulfilling life, but for me I'd rather do something interesting."
Maria sighed but ceased to argue about the matter.
Although she was once again being forced into a bliaut, at least the process of getting cleaned up and ready was actually somewhat relaxing. Patrice could hear the rain hitting the windows, and for once the natural sounds were loud enough to cover up the ever present sound of human life.
Today's gown was a shade of deep maroon that played well against her skin and hair – Patrice was beginning to get a sense of such things, in spite of herself. Like the one from the previous day, it was simple. It only had some slight embellishment at the edges done in gold thread and glass beads. The jewelry Maria picked was similarly simple – gold chains, then gold bangles, and a few strands of gold cord to braid into her hair as it was plaited and tucked up.
"Everything will be inside today, on account of the rain. A dress like this should be enough."
"It's more than enough for me."
"I know, I know." Maria made shooing motions with her hands. "Now off with you. If you can find something to keep you entertained until lunch, I can start cleaning in here."
Patrice wasn't entirely sure why she needed to be out of the room for Maria to clean it, but she shrugged. "I'm sure I can find something."
What she found first was the library, with its rows upon rows upon rows of books. Dragons had their own system of writing, still Patrice knew that there were dragons who were great lovers of human books, who turned each delicate page with a single claw, or who would shapeshift only to go into town and buy more books. She did not trust herself with books, given how wildly her body temperature varied. The sight of the library, however, made her wish that she could sit down and read some of them for herself.
The second thing she found was the music room, and Lady Katerina, who sat on the windowsill watching the rain with the same intensity to which she devoted everything. The girl turned around guiltily when Patrice opened the door, but her face brightened when she saw who had arrived.
"Lady Patrice!" Katerina jumped down from the window and dipped into a quick curtsy. "Did you come to play music?"
Patrice smiled. "Lady Katerina." She inclined her head towards the younger girl. "I am unfamiliar with human instruments. I was merely looking for some form of amusement before lunch."
"I'm supposed to be practicing right now, but I hate it! I'd rather be out in the garden like you were earlier." She mimicked a few sword attacks, including the clacking sound of sword on wooden sword. “That's amazing! Just like a knight!"
A quick glance out the window showed Patrice that it did indeed look straight out in the direction of the grotto they had been in. She took a seat on a bench next to one of the larger instruments. "Do you study fighting as well?"
Katerina scowled and crossed her arms, her attitude decidedly at odds with the delicate pink bliaut she wore. She shook her head with an angry vehemence that caused a few strands of fine blonde hair to dislodge. "No! Even though I've asked, and asked, and asked. Maybe if I was a dragon, I would get to say what I want to do, and no one can stop me."
Patrice paused. In Katerina, she saw something of herself – something too wild to be constrained to court fashions and rules. But she did not know how such things worked with human families. Among dragons, things were simpler and parents rarely stood in the way of what their hatchlings wanted.
Katerina wasn't bothered by Patrice's silence. She slouched back against the window and began kicking her feet back and forth. "They say I'm not old enough, but everyone knows that if you start young you can learn much better. Or even if I can't fight, maybe I could at least learn interesting things! Emilia and Vincent get to learn whatever they want, and Joan is going to be in charge of all the judges so she gets to stay behind and study crimes and the law. Why do only I have to sit here and learn pointless stupid things like music and embroidery?"
Patrice nodded. She could certainly sympathize with that! "Have you tried doing things without asking your parents?"
The girl just gaped at her.
Patrice continued, "There are books, plenty of them, you can read about knights and battles and fighting on your own. There are many knights and squires around your own castle, have you spoken to any of them? Perhaps one would be willing to train you, even if not officially. That is what a dragon would do."
Katerina grinned suddenly. "If I don't tell them, they can't stop me!" She said, understanding instantly what Patrice implied.
Patrice wasn't sure if Katerina had never thought of it, or she simply had been unwilling to act on it without the sort of tacit approval that Patrice had just given her. "It would be hard work," she cautioned. "Being a knight would be hard work even if that's all you were to study."
"I'm not afraid of work," said Katerina. "I would rather do that than…this." She waved her hand around to indicate the entire music room. "Maybe I can join you in the garden tomorrow morning. Do you think I can?"
Patrice shrugged. "It is not my business to stop you from such a course."
Whatever reply Katerina was about to make was swallowed up by the sound of the bell. She sighed. "Lunch is ready."
"We can go together," Patrice said.
The younger girl brightened at that. "And we can sit next to each other!"
Lunch ended up being a slightly trying affair. Patrice did not mind Katarina's company or even her enthusiasm, for the most part, but that was not to say that it did not get tiring after a while. Katerina could chatter on endlessly when she had a mind to, and neither the food nor her mother's admonishments were sufficient to head her off.
To keep her occupied, Patrice found herself talking a great deal about her mother and the tower in which she had once lived, and was surprised to find that her grief was not as strong as it had been a mere three weeks ago. Somehow in all this fuss with humans and their customs, she had actually begun to heal, and she hadn't even realized it when it started happening.
This disturbed her enough that she reached almost involuntarily for the spirit stone Felisjyta had given her. By now it was worn smooth and much smaller than it had been, but it still comforted her. If this was a human tradition, and she was half human herself, surely she was neither forgetting her mother nor abandoning her grief too slowly.
It was after the meal that things became more interesting. The queen stood up, and silence fell over the table. "Due to the weather," she said, and gestured to the windows, through which could be seen the fact that the storm had not abated in its ferocity, "we have arranged for a number of indoor amusements. If you would follow us to the salon, we may begin."
One by one the nobles stood up from the table and waited for their ruler to lead the way. She, in turn, waited for her husband to stand and give her his arm before she left the dining room and began the short trip through the halls towards the salon.
The salon itself had been well decked to handle a passel of bored nobles. A fire crackled merrily in the hearth, combating the slight chill the storm had brought. A kettle hung in the fire, keeping warm a drink for those attending. The couches, lounges, and chairs which ringed the room were each supplied with a small pillow and a warm blanket, and every candle was lit. Overall, the room was bright and cheery and a good counterpart to the storm darkened countryside outside the palace walls. To Patrice it seemed a little overmuch for such a simple summer storm, but she could not deny that it also looked cozy and inviting.
"Let's get one of those couches together,” Felisjyta said.
"Yes, let's."
Felisjyta led Patrice around the outside of the room, to a comfortable looking couch near the window. Here there was no need to wait formally for the queen and king-consort to sit; the other guests were already seating themselves. Felisjyta and Patrice settled onto their chosen spot and waited for what came next.
"No need to squabble over a seat next to the fire when I have you," Felisjyta said with a chuckle.
"It's especially convenient in the winter," Patrice agreed.
"Patrice-" Felisjyta began to say. She was interrupted by the queen turning to face the room.
"Today we plan to dedicate to the arts," said the queen. This was no throne room or grand ballroom, no fine setting to give the queen the appropriate grandeur. Her conservative bliaut of brown silk was nothing compared to the elaborately bedecked gowns she had worn in New Iber, and the veil over her hair was only unembellished white lace.
Even so, Patrice would've been able to pick the queen out at a distance. There was something different in the way she held herself, some inherent self-assurance that came from being queen. Patrice realized with some surprise that the queen would still be the same in a castle or a cow field. She made the room seem grand, rather than the other way around.
The queen continued on, unaware of Patrice's intense scrutiny. "I know we have some wonderful reciters and storytellers among us this summer, along with musicians and singers. It is only fair for each person to contribute something to the day's entertainment, starting with my lord husband."
The king-consort stood and cleared his throat. The queen took her place on the couch they shared, leaving the floor to him alone. He smiled at the gathered guests. He did not have his wife's same appearance of royalty, but instead an attitude that made each of them feel as if they were close personal friends. Certainly some of the people present were, but Patrice was not, and the charisma of the royal couple fascinated her. But not half so much as the king's voice when he began to speak. It was deep and pleasant, perfect for storytelling.
Of course she had been around them before, but that was always in much more of a group setting where multiple people were interacting with each other. Those hadn't been the right kind of settings to actually examine the royal couple. For now she put her examinations aside and settled back on the couch to listen.
"Be still, and I shall recite for you the ballad of Dame Joan, from whom I am descended." He launched into the tale with little delay.
Over the afternoon, Patrice heard all manner of stories and songs, all different ways that humans had of entertaining one another. Not all of the guests had the same sort of presence as the queen or king-consort, but Patrice listened to each act politely and with honest interest.
Felisjyta told one of her ghost stories, as she seemed to love to do. Katerina was rather put out by being forced to play the harp for the guests, though she clearly had a talent of sorts for it. Errys recited a poem of great length and formality and managed to stand in the same pose for the entire thing – a feat that met with great approval from the nobles as the proper way to recite a poem of that nature.
A few more poems and shorter stories flew by after that, and suddenly everyone was staring at Patrice. She stood and moved to the front of the room with great dignity, though she didn't have the faintest idea what she was going to say. None of the stories she knew came easily to her in the human tongue. They were strange, too soft, with their bite taken out of them. They would not soar as they should, crippled by the Runerian language, and she did not particularly want to reduce them to such lows.
She stood at the front of the room thinking rapidly before coming to a solution. "I cannot tell you the stories of my people," she said, "for they will lose something in the translation to your tongue. But I will sing one of our songs for you."
The song she sang was a love song, although not the kind of love that humans seemed to prize. It was a love song dedicated to harsh mountains and deep forests, to open skies, and to freedom. It was a relief to speak a language that fit well in her mouth. The words of the song flowed from her, not like bird song or trickling water as in human music, but like lava from the belly of the earth. Dragons never lost their fangs or their fire.
Although it was a love song, for Patrice it was also a song of homesickness. And although none of the humans could've possibly understood the subject matter, when she looked at Felisjyta she seemed to see a flicker of the same longing that she felt. But perhaps she was imagining it, after all, she already knew how much Felisjyta wanted to go home.
She bowed when she was done, because it seemed appropriate, and walked back to her seat without a backwards glance. The slightly scattered applause did not bother her, though others had received more acclaim. Although she was happy to be able to sing a song she knew, doing it in front of others was a completely different matter. She was just happy to have it over with.
"It's nice to speak your own language." She gave Felisjyta a small smile, then turned to face the front of the room where Johan's father had taken his place.
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mendessi · 1 year
speak now | part five
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pairing: fem!reader x pre-outbreak!joel
summary: joel saves you from the biggest mistake of your life
(this will end up being a multi-part story)
word count: 2.8k
warnings: smut probably, pre-outbreak, mentions of marriage, based off speak now by taylor swift, mentions of domestic abuse, joel is 26 & reader is 21, mentions of cheating, kind of slow burn, brief mention of death, angst, will add more as i think of them, not proofread
this chapter: kind of domestic joel at the very end
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
minors dni
"Do you have everything together?" Joel asked Tommy as he entered the hotel room.
"Yeah, all packed." He said.
"What time do you wanna head out tomorrow?"
Tommy hesitated and it came out as more of a question, "Two?"
"Two? We won't get to Austin til after midnight if we leave at two. I already told the Adler's we'd stay for dinner after getting Sarah." Joel almost raised his voice, but refrained. Tommy understood why he had been so touchy recently and gave him a pass because of it. He had lost you the only person he ever really loved.
"I asked around and she's getting married at two." Tommy told him, hoping Joel would pick up the rest.
"I'm not watching her get married." Joel finally snapped and then put his head in his hands muttering an apology to his brother.
"Not watch... Stop." Tommy said. "You can't let her get married to that man, Joel. Statistics don't lie and she will not survive that relationship."
"That's not my problem." The words stung coming off his tongue and it almost made him physically sick, "She doesn't love me and I don't love her. Just some summer fling."
"That's a lie and you know it." Tommy took a seat in the chair across from the bed. "Joel, you were like a love sick puppy following her around these last few weeks. Never in my life have I seen you so infatuated with somebody, let alone someone you just met."
"I know." Joel sighed. "I know. That's why it's hell, Tommy. Losing her to someone like him. It scares me thinkin what she'll go through. It makes my chest hurt like I can't breathe knowin that we'll be gone tomorrow and she'll just be stuck with him for the rest of her life. It fuckin hurts, Tommy."
"So don't let her get married tomorrow." Tommy told him.
"She doesn't want me." Joel shook his head and looked at the ground.
"I'm gonna tell you somethin, Joel." Tommy inhaled a short breath and then looked up at his devastated brother in front of him.
The next morning your annoying mother-in-law woke you up barely as the sun was rising, talking about how you had hair and makeup appointments to get to and that you needed to eat breakfast before doing so.
It felt like you were in your own personal hell being dragged around all morning by her. Barely touching your breakfast, the idea that you'd be married come this afternoon making you nauseous. If only this woman knew how horrible her son was.
People were in and out of your house all morning, people you didn't know. Everyone invited you didn't know because they were all his friends and family. You only had the friends you worked with and they were hardly friends, you certainly weren't close enough to invite them to your wedding.
The day was beautiful at least. You almost wished it had been storming so it would be called off all together and would deny your betrothal a bit longer. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and for the first time all summer, the temperatures weren't scorching hot. It was how you always imagined the day to be when you dreamed about your wedding.
Staring in the mirror, you found it easy to dissociate from the reality that was currently setting in. People touched your face and your hair and even your nails despite having them done just the day before. You thought of Joel and how he was probably halfway home to his daughter, leaving any thoughts and memories of you behind in Austin. Now you'd get to live with every single piece of himself that he left behind because you lived here.
"Are you not happy?" Your fiance's mother asked.
"I'm great." You forced your best smile and looked at her as she watched what the hair stylist was doing.
"He told me." She said to you.
"He told you?" Your heart sunk and you tried to hide any surprise you might've shown at the question.
"That you had another man in the house while he was away."
"Yes, I did." You didn't bother lying. Even if you did, she wouldn't believe you.
"Did you love him?" She asked.
"More than anyone I've loved before."
"I was in your position once." She said. "When I married his dad. I didn't want to but I did it because it was a woman's only way of survival back then: marrying into wealth. I loved somebody else but he couldn't give me what I needed."
You sat there speechless that she was opening up to you. Over the three years of you knowing her, you never talked so personally. It was refreshing to say the least than her regular nonsense about things that simply didn't matter to you.
"I'm sympathetic for you. I know what it's like to be in your position. I won't pretend my son is perfect but neither were we as parents so perhaps that's our own fault. Going through with something like this is quite frankly a woman's purpose in life. Doing things we don't want to for the sake of a man's ego." She said to you. "At least you look beautiful doing it."
Her words stung but a part of them felt slightly right. This was your place in the world.
"Did you ever see him again? The one you loved?" You found the courage to ask.
With a shake of her head and a sad smile she said, "No, but if she would've came through those altar doors I would've left with her in an instant."
Tears brimmed your eyes as you looked at yourself in the mirror, your mother-in-law zipping the back of your dress up. You felt hopeful that maybe the two of you would have a healthy relationship after today. There wasn't much you knew about maternal relationships, you didn't have one with your own mother so there was nothing to compare it to, but she seemed empathetic today.
With only five sons and no daughters, experiencing a wedding from her daughter-in-laws perspective was somewhat touching to the old woman. It's always different for mothers and daughters in weddings and in childbirth, there are just certain things to be shared between the two.
Your dress was beautiful, handed down to you from his mother, a gesture you didn't expect. It was simple and that was something you loved. The sleeves were sheer which was a nice touch considering the Texas heat and hung just off your shoulders. The neckline was modestly cut straight across and didn't reveal any cleavage but made your collarbones look nice. The dress flowed effortlessly to the ground, pooling ever so slightly at your feet and instead of white it was a soft cream color. Your hair was pulled into a simple bun, pieces left to frame your face.
You held back tears not wanting to ruin your freshly done make up and wished silently that your dad would be here to walk you down the aisle on what you presumed would be the best day of your life. This wasn't the best day like you imagined. You weren't marrying someone you loved and to be honest this day felt like the last one of your own.
"You look beautiful." His mother said placing her hands on your shoulders. "Come, it's almost time."
Your lead to where the rest of the bridal party is stood outside the altar doors and you hear the music start playing. It bothered you that even your wedding party was assigned by his mother, nobody you knew well. His cousins who were your bridesmaids for the day and his groomsmen who he chose all congratulated you upon your arrival and it made you wonder how his entire family seemed so sweet and he was so awful. But then again, he was sweet at first too.
The music didn't sound like music at all as pair by pair started walking down the aisle, moreso sounding like nails on a chalkboard. His mother snuck back inside to find her seat so it was just you and the wedding planner now who would cue you when to walk. You took multiple deep breaths, each one shakier than the last and stared down at your feet.
"Your turn." The planner said and her and her assistant pulled the large oak doors open to the beautiful altar before you filled with people you barely knew.
You found a steady pace to walk down the aisle falsely returning smiles to those who smiled at you, trying your best to look happy. You imagined your dad had his arm linked with yours and was walking next to you, steadying you from falling. You imagined it was somebody, anybody else standing at the end of the aisle waiting for you. You swallowed the lump in your throat, realizing about halfway down the aisle that you weren't breathing so you reminded yourself to do so.
Once you reached your annoyingly too old for you fiance, you handed your flowers to your maid of honor who you couldn't even remember the name of and took his hands in yours.
"You look ravishing." He said to you, squeezing your hands so hard your knuckles turned white. He had a gleam in his eye like he had won, having you exactly where he wanted you. Joel wasn't coming to the rescue. He had won the prize.
"Let's get this over with." You said quietly as everyone before you returned to sitting.
“This beautiful couple you know and love have invited us to share in this celebration as they affirm their love before us, pledge their faith to one another, and enter into the joys and privileges of marriage." The preacher started and you fought back the tears that were threatening to brim your eyes. You wouldn't let him see you hurt like this.
"If there is anyone present, who can show just cause why these two persons may not be joined in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Your chest tightened as everyone's attention turned towards the sound of the church doors swinging open. Your head turned and it felt like every moment forward happened in slow motion.
Your eyes met Joel's down the aisle standing in the church door frame, looking like a literal angel with the way the sun hugged his figure. Like you always said before, Joel was the sun and he radiated warmth and safety and he was here. He was here to save you.
You looked back to your fiance who had a dumbfounded look spread across his face. Nobody wanted to say anything at all, not understanding who this man was that had just burst through the doors. Your eyes found your fiance's mother who was standing looking between you and Joel and you could've swore she had the tiniest hint of a smile on her lips.
Joel didn't even have to say anything, didn't even have to move for you to drop your fiance's hands. His eyes were hopeful that you'd come with him, he knew you'd come with him but there was still the ounce of doubt that what Tommy had said about your conversation wasn't true. You turned on your heel taking your first step down the stairs just for him to grab your wrist.
"Don't you fucking dare." He said under his breath.
"Now darling, don't cause a scene." You yanked your arm away from him and then picked up the fabric of your dress up just enough so it wouldn't drag as you took off sprinting down the aisle towards Joel, everyone in the audience collectively gasping.
A smile spread across his lips as he held his arms open for you, jumping into them and twirling you around once, pressing his lips to yours. He didn't pull away until you were on the ground and it felt like straight out of a fairytale for you. The moment young you would wait to see in a movie as a child. Joel was the prince and he had saved his princess.
"Let's get out of here." He said taking your hand in his.
Ignoring the screams of your ex fiance as you ran down the steps of the church hand in hand, laughing at how you nearly tripped down the stairs in your dress. This moment was everything to you both.
Joel pulled open the back door of the truck and you both climbed in, Tommy laughing loudly as he pulled off chaotically from the church parking lot.
"I love you. I fucking love you." You said cupping his cheeks and bringing his lips to yours, kissing him with every fiber of fiery passion coursing through your body.
His hands couldn't find one place on your body, just thankful that you were sat safely in front of him, "I love you, baby."
"Where are we going?" You asked through a laugh, as his lips pecked kisses all over your cheeks.
"Home. We're goin home."
ten years later | one year before outbreak day
You sat on the porch watching Sarah play with her younger sister, Savannah, who was born nine short months after you moved to Austin.
"Mom, did you see?!" Sarah laughed as she kicked the soccer ball right past Savannah.
"You gotta dive for it, Sav!" You laughed at the defeated look on her face.
Joel's truck pulled into the driveway and the girls immediately swarmed him and Tommy as soon as they got out of the truck. Tommy immediately began kicking the ball around with the girls, inevitably showing them who was boss. You stood up from the chair and stepped down the porch steps, holding your hands out towards him as he approached you.
"Hi, baby." He grinned down at you kissing you softly. "My shirt again?"
"It's all that fits." You pouted as his hands found their way to your swollen belly. "And barely." You noted how you only had a few buttons done and the rest of the shirt draped open exposing your pregnant belly.
"I love it. How is she?" He asked, brushing his thumb against your skin.
"Good. Any day now." You said standing on your toes to kiss him again. "We missed you."
"Our daughter's a real soccer star, huh?" He asked looking over as Sarah passed the ball around Tommy.
"Oh, she's going for the World Cup one day." You laughed and the two of you walked up to find a seat on the porch. Joel sat in the chair and you sat on his lip, leaning against his chest as his hands rubbed your belly gently.
Not a day passed that you weren't grateful for Joel and your small found family. Everyday reminding you that a found family is bit as beautiful as a born family.
maybe ill continue this but post outbreak day
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emhm · 2 months
How are you doing? I feel kinda weird asking for a life update but I'm curious how you've been. I love all the dolls you're make. I think KC is currently my favorite. And are you gonna do anything special for your 100th chapter?
I didn't want to answer this until I was back home and on my PC, [I REALLY hate typing long messages on my phone.] As far as the chapter- I don't hold things back for certain numbers. Or I would have teased Sun and Eclipse's first actual sex together until the 100th chapter. Thank you for that. I'm already planning four more dolls. They're really fun to make. Everything else... it's complicated. I've already dosed the cats for fleas twice in the last 30 days and it's supposed to last a month. The Frontline Gold is barely keeping them flea free for two weeks and it's insanely frustrating. The only way to get them better meds entails a vet visit for the 3/4 cats that aren't current anywhere. I still have a lot of cleaning to do because I'm only home/awake two days of the week and I still have to cook for the rest of the weeks lunches on those days. This is my problem and I am working on it. My partner basically does the same job as me but for a different client because our work is contracted out by a parent company. Her previous contract ended and took her from 40hrs a week down to 24. And that's the biggest reason that I've been having to beg via Ko-fi just to pay the normal household bills. I already work 40hrs a week and they won't give me any more. We also share a car so that limits what she can do. I heard offhand that the client I work for wanted 10hr shifts for my position instead of 8 but didn't get it for some reason. And I'm the only one on the site, so it was likely to avoid paying me overtime. So what I've done is arrange for my partner to take one of my weekday shifts. This doesn't make us any less fucked on the bills, but it means that if the client pushes for longer hours then I can bump back up to 40 and she'll have the extra day they wouldn't give me. Plus it means I get three days off to do shit at home instead of just two. We have the money to get Lucky fixed [thanks guys!] but we can't seem to score an appointment to get it done. It's a low cost thing and it's first come first serve. We'll keep calling. The dealership offered us a better deal on getting the breaks repaired then the tire place we were going to use. But it was sight unseen. They owe us a free oil change anyway. The appointment to have that done is tomorrow. I also have money set aside for that. [You guys are freaking amazing.] I won't touch any of it until the breaks are done and then I'll know if there's anything left to put towards bills or buy some wood for winter. Because we're already not getting what we need for hours I have to assume the worst [that there will be nothing left] and the every other month electric bill is this month. Fortunately we're only had the AC running maybe four days since it got hot. Point is that I was short several thousand dollars last month. This month will probably be more like $600 short at the worst. Personally. I'm just... here. Doing my thing. I'm really hoping to see some people attempt to follow the patterns I put up. I actually love teaching people to make things and I'm happy to answer questions. Thank you for asking. :) https://ko-fi.com/followmeontumblr
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evil-feather · 10 months
Pairing: MissPeregrineXMissCuckoo
Warnings: sickness but comfort :)
Word count: 1807
Tags: @sam1kath @vykanya @mmemalwa @msperegrinesimp @l-lizzy-y
Notes: I know I know, this took me ages, terribly sorry about that. Also about one tiny thing (because it bothers me somehow): I settled for Fay as Alma's nickname given by Isabel YEARS ago and I actually find it cute to this day. I did cringe the hell when I wrote this because I don't wanna write my name in there so we'll just pretend like I'm not called Fay, right? Thanks🥲
Anyways another thing, there will be a little bonus "chapter" coming soon, as an apology :)
Oh and please let me know if you liked it!! <3
It was a normal day, really. 
The children were playing in the garden while the birds were chirping outside and the sun was shining through the big kitchen window.
Alma was teaching the last lesson for the Ymbrynes in training while Isabel was standing in the kitchen washing the dishes from lunch.
Just as she had put the last plate into the cupboard she could hear the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. 
She looked out of the kitchen and saw the class coming downstairs and separating themselves to go into the garden or the living room.
Isabel smiled slightly as she watched the few girls that went outside to enjoy the sun.
She put the towel away and made her way upstairs to the classroom that was full of students not even a minute ago. 
The door was slightly open so she knocked and pushed the door all the way open.
The huge classroom came into view, with large windows and the wall plastered with pictures and posters. 
At the end of the room sat a tiny woman on a desk that was way too big for her, leaning over some books and papers.
She looked up when she heard Isabel enter the room and gave her a weak smile.
"I see you are still working," Isabel chuckled as she made her way through the classroom.
Alma mustered her shortly before returning her gaze to the papers in front of her.
"I'd also love it if this paperwork did itself but sadly…," she sighed slightly as she gestured at her desk.
Isabel took a look at the papers, now standing on the other side of the desk. 
Then she whispered: "Looks awfully boring."
She looked up and met Alma's face just a few inches from hers. There was a small smile on her face from the comment but there was also something different.
Quickly Isabel noted mentally, how tired Alma looked. She would make sure that she got to rest later. 
Isabel leaned forward a little and dropped a kiss on the small woman's lips before she stood up again.
"I'll bring you some tea and then we can maybe get some things done together, I also need to prepare some lessons." 
Her eyes met the green ones opposite of her and they seemed to shine a bit more than before. 
"Thank you, that's very kind of you," Alma smiled.
"Anything for my favorite falcon," she laughed, making her way back to the door. 
She heard Alma chuckle in the back but when she turned her face again, Alma's nose was already stuck in the papers again.
So she made her way to the kitchen to boil some water. 
In the meantime, she collected all the things she might need to work on the next lesson.
When everything was there and the tea on a tray, Isabel left the kitchen but before she could make her way back to the classroom she bumped into Emma.
"- my, I'm so sorry Emma." 
"Oh Miss, I was actually looking for you! Do you have a minute?"
Isabel looked at the tray in her hand, then at the blonde girl in front of her. 
She sighed, putting everything on a cupboard and following Emma to the garden. 
They stopped under a small tree where Bronwyn and Millard were sitting, a massive book in their lap.
Isabel raised her eyebrow and looked at the three children in front of her with a questioning expression on her face.
"Uhm-, well, we know that you two aren't the biggest fans of celebrating your birthdays and all that," Emma started slowly, nervously fidgeting with her hands as she spoke.
"We still wanted to make something for Miss Peregrine," Millard finished quickly.
Isabel's face softened and a small smile formed on her lips.
"And how can I help you with that?" she carefully put her hand between Emma's to stop her from picking her skin and returned her gaze to the two children under the tree.
Emma's gaze flicked to her hands and the Ymbryne beside her before going to the book in Bronwyn's hand.
"We started to collect pictures from the past weeks and months since a lot has happened and changed," Millard explained.
"And we have collected them into one big album," Bronwyn said, gesturing to the book in her lap.
"We were wondering if you might want to add something yourself."
The Ymbryne thought about it for a short while, then she shrugged lightly.
"I don't think I have anything newer that I could add."
"Nah, we already have newer pictures of you two-," the invisible boy blurted out.
"Millard!" Emma tried to shush him.
Isabel narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Emma who suddenly looked very uncomfortable.
She sighed and agreed that she'd see what she could find. 
Leaving the kids to discuss the rest, she made her way back inside.
The tea had gone cold so she brought it back into the kitchen and quickly made a new one.
Finally, she reached the classroom with a delay of 47 minutes.
Carefully not to startle Alma, she knocked on the door.
When no answer came she knocked a second time and after being left in silence again, she slowly pushed the door open.
She nearly dropped the tray when the room came into view.
Quickly she put it onto the nearest table and rushed to the oaken desk.
Alma was lying with her head on the desk, looking incredibly pale.
When Isabel carefully laid her hand on the younger woman's forehead to check her temperature, she noticed how warm she was.
She cursed internally for not doing something when she had noticed an hour ago that something was wrong.
Gently she started to nudge Alma's shoulder to wake her up.
After a minute she slowly started to open her eyes, tiredly blinking at Isabel until her vision became clearer.
Then in seconds, her head shot up when she realized that she was lying on her papers.
Immediately she regretted the sudden movement as her head started to hurt again and tiny black spots began to cloud her vision.
Isabel caught her head, just as she started to faint again.
"Why didn't you tell me that you felt this bad?" Isabel scolded her softly.
"It's not that bad. -'m fine," Alma whispered, barely audible.
"Yeah, I can see that," the other Ymbryne sighed. "Come on, let's get you upstairs."
Eventually, after a little bit of convincing, they made it into their shared room and Isabel got Alma to lie down.
"Stay? Please?"
Isabel sat down on the bed, carefully taking Alma's hand into hers.
"I can stay until you are asleep, but then I have to go check on the hatchlings and see what we're gonna have for dinner later."
It didn't take long until Alma was asleep. Isabel pulled the covers over the sleeping woman and did as she said, checking on the kids and Ymbrynes-in-training. 
When Alma opened her eyes the next time the light in the room was dimmed and the house seemed to be quiet. 
Not having the strength to stand up, she turned her head a little to the side. There was a tray on the nightstand with a small bowl and a teapot on top of it. 
In the small armchair on the side of the bed sat a tall figure, cuddled in a thick blanket.
She looked up when she noticed that Alma was awake. Isabel smiled warmly at the ravenette’s tired face.
“What happened?” Alma rasped, not being able to move her head.
Isabel got up from her chair and sat down on the bed, carefully taking Alma's hand in hers.
“You are sick, and you passed out because you wouldn't stop working on your papers,” Isabel replied, a thick layer of worry in her voice.
“Nonsense, I'm not sick!” Alma murmured weakly, barely keeping her eyes open.
The other woman couldn't help but chuckle slightly at Alma's not-at-all-convincing reply.
“Well then, I made you soup. Here, you need to eat something. That shouldn't be a problem if you are not sick, right?” she teased, taking the 
bowl from the nightstand and holding it out for Alma to take.
But she only groaned and threw her arm over her eyes. “Seems like you've defeated me.”
The cuckoo set down the bowl and softly squeezed the small hand she was still holding.
“Alright Fay, go back to sleep. But promise me that you'll try to eat something when you wake up the next time! It will help you get better soon!”
Alma nodded slightly but Isabel was sure that she hadn't listened to her anymore and was already asleep.
She didn't get better, rather the opposite.
Three days had passed since she had collapsed over her desk. She had slept through most of the days and had barely eaten nor drank anything, looking paler than ever.
“I miss my children,” Alma whined weakly.
“But you need rest!” Isabel protested, her arms crossed over her chest. This argument has been going on for a while now.
“And I promise that I will do that, it's not like I can move anyways,” the ravenette pleaded, “I just miss seeing them!”
The older Ymbryne sighed loudly. 
"Fine! But if they bother you too much, I'll send them to their rooms again!”
“Deal!” Alma gave a weak smile.
Isabel nodded shortly before picking the small woman up and carrying her downstairs into the living room.
The room was quite warm and comfortable. The fire in the chimney was crackling softly and the kids were sitting splattered around in the room, some reading, some playing games, or simply talking.
However, they all looked up and happily greeted the two Ymbrynes as they entered the room.
“Your Ymbryne is still sick so please let her rest,” Isabel reminded the children as she threw the blanket over Alma's shoulders.
She left the room to make some tea and when she came back a few minutes later, Alma was fast asleep again.
Isabel noticed however that Alma seemed to be much calmer than before and she could swear that there was even a hint of a smile on her lips.
Alma was slowly getting better over the next few days. 
When Isabel checked on her, the following day, she was sitting on the sofas, wrapped in a thick blanket and having little Claire in her lap.
Olive was sitting to her right and they were coloring a picture together.
It was an adorable picture, that Isabel had to pause for a minute and just watch the scene.
It was at this moment that Isabel realized that the kids really seemed to do Alma good. And from that moment on she was sure that things were gonna be okay again.
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links-in-time · 3 months
Twilight Warriors
Chapter 2
Yes looks like I'm carrying on this Fanfic of a Fanfic! Inspired by my favourite work from @st0rmyskies.
🔞 Warnings for this chapter. Things are gonna get spicy people 😏
It was approaching midnight when the Chain returned with medicine for Twilight. It was two days before Time, Hyrule and Warriors were discussing whether the sickly sweet smelling medicine had done its work enough for Twilight to travel.
"I'm telling you I feel better!" Twilight protested for the tenth time. "I don't feel tired anymore and my head feels just fine."
"It's just over half a days walk to the town Twi," Sky sighed, smiling softly. "You sure you're up to that yet?"
"Yes! Yes, by Hylia yes! Please let me out of this barn!" Twilight groaned, his arms spread wide as he pleaded with his brothers.
"Alright fine, we'll get going. But if you feel fatigued you're to tell us and we'll take a break or set up camp early, alright Rancher?" Time asked pointedly, leveling his good eye in Twilight's direction.
"Alright, I'll take it easy I promise."
With Twilight's assurance that he would take a break if he needed one, the Chain packed up their gear and left the village. Sky and Wind waved at some of the residents as they walked along the main road and out into the countryside.
Hyrule and Wild had succeeded in finding some fairies in their search of the woods. Hyrule had convinced three of them to come with them and patted his pack with a comforting knowledge they were there if the Chain needed them.
Twilight found he was a little short of breath and the pace was a little slower than the rest of them had grown used to. However he refused to complain and simply kept his head down and got on with the task of walking along the road.
They eventually stopped when Wind announced he was hungry and wanted dinner. But he had been stealing sideways glances at Twilight all day. Twi had the sneaking suspicion Wind had called for supper purely for his benefit, rather than his own stomach.
"Do you want to stop here for the night? Or do you want to carry on to the town?" Wars asked Twilight, as he collected up everyone's plates and passed them to Wild.
"How far to the town Four?" Twilight asked.
"Not far, about an hour and a half from here," Four replied with a shrug.
"That's not far. Let's pack up and keep going. Everyone could do with a good nights rest in a bed, not just me." Twilight decided, already pushing himself up onto his feet.
"You sure?" Sky inquired.
"Yeah. Come on, let's get movin."
After their little break and some food Twilight felt a little more invigorated and they reached the town gates in just over an hour. Four apologised when he explained that there wouldn't be enough room at his house for all nine of them. But quickly led the Chain to a tavern he knew near by. Four paid for all the spare rooms the Inn-keep had. Which turned out to be four rooms. Wind drew the short straw and had to share with Time and Wild, while the others split off in pairs.
Warriors and Twilight tumbled into their shared room. Wars slumping against the door while Twilight sat on one of the two beds. He dumped his gear at the foot of the bed and rubbed a hand over his face.
"You good?" Wars checked, stepping away from the door.
"I'm good. Just tired now," Twilight sighed, giving Wars a weak smile.
"Okay. I'm just gonna go find the bathroom. Be right back."
Wars was about to turn for the door when he changed his mind. He crossed the room to where Twilight sat. Twilight glanced up just as Wars leant down to plant a soft kiss against his forehead. Twilight's heart leapt and he couldn't help smiling up at Wars.
"Hey Cap," Sky waved, as he passed Wars coming out of the communal bathroom. "You and Twi alright?"
Wars paused, a small knowing smile curled his lips as he thought of Twilight waiting for him in their room.
"Yeah, we're just fine."
When Wars opened the door to his bedroom, he found Twilight laying on the bed already half undressed. His boots lay discarded on the floor along with his tunic and male. In just his trousers and undershirt Twilight looked a little smaller somehow. No less muscular, quite the opposite. But without the bulk of armour and extra layers, he looked more defined.
"Comfortable?" Wars asked, as he eyed the messy pile on the floor.
"It's not bad, haven't checked out the other bed though. If it's more comfortable than this one we might have to swap."
Wars chuckled as he unbuckled his pauldron and carefully placed it on the table by the window.
"Well," Wars began, as he unlooped his scarf and carefully folded it, "we could always, erm, share."
Twilight's gaze darted towards Wars, who kept his eyes on his scarf, picking at a bit of invisible dirt.
"You wanna sleep together?" Twilight asked, eyebrow cocked.
"Only if you're comfortable with that. If you still don't feel great and you'd rather just get a good night's sleep, we don't have to." Wars quickly assured him, feeling like he was giving Twilight enough outs if he needed them.
Twilight chuckled and swung his legs off the bed, pushing onto his feet and walking around the bed to where Wars stood. He looped his arms around Warriors middle, gently pressing him against his body. Wars stiffened as Twilight rested his head on Wars' shoulder.
"I'd like that very much," Twilight whispered, tickling Warriors ear with his breath.
"Okay," Wars swallowed.
It had been his suggestion. Why was he now so nervous. Twilight seemed to sense his trepidation and released his hold on Wars a little.
"But if you've changed your mind. That's fine too," he assured him.
Wars spun around in Twilight's arms, pressing a firm kiss to his lips. He lifted his arms and draped them over Twilight's shoulders, pressing his body into him.
"No I want to. I just want to be close to you. I want to touch you. I want to touch you everywhere. Kiss you everywhere. I'm mad for you Twilight. You make me feel like I'm drunk. I'm drunk on you."
"I wouldn't want to take advantage of a drunk man," Twilight almost growled, pressing his nose against Wars'.
"Such a gentleman," Wars hummed, unable to keep a playful smile from his lips.
"Nah, I'm no gentleman, trust me."
Warriors body shuddered involuntarily, and Twilight gripped him a little tighter.
"I don't want you to be gentle Twi," Wars sighed, quickly stealing another kiss.
"Well, I'm not sure I'm 100% just yet, so perhaps we aught to take things a little slowly to start with?" Twilight uttered, half wishing he hadn't said anything. He didn't want to ruin the mood. "Besides, we might have this room to ourselves, but I doubt the walls are very thick."
"I might have something to help with that," Wars admitted, smiling mischievously.
"Really?" Twi raised a curious eyebrow.
"Let me go and I'll show you."
Twilight was reluctant to release his hold on Warriors, but a moment later he unclasped his hands and Wars slipped away from him. Warriors quickly went to his pack and pulled out a small teardrop shaped vial of purple liquid.
"Wild gave me some of these a while ago. They're stealth enchantments. They're supposed to surpress noise. If we pour it on the threshold I think it will stop any noise travelling outside this room." Wars explained, showing Twi the tiny vial.
"You sure? I thought you were supposed to drink them?" Twilight asked with a frown.
"That's one way to use it yes. But I've experimented with them and they work this way too."
Wars did as he said and carefully poured a line of the violet potion behind the door of their room. Before swiftly locking the door.
When he stood up again he found Twilight lounging on the bed once more. Wars snorted a short laugh.
"What are you doing over there?"
"Waiting for you, come here," Twilight called, not bothering to lower his voice any more.
Wars felt a strange tug in his chest at being told what to do by Twilight. He was used to being the one giving orders, very rarely receiving them. He crossed the room towards the bed, but stopped short of sitting down. He eyed Twilight, his lack of layers.
"Seems you already have a head start," he said, hands at his belt loosening the buckle.
Twilight's core tingled as he watched Wars begin to undress himself. They'd all seen each other in various stages of undress on their journey. Obviously avoiding being naked in front of each other if they could. But Twilight had often stolen glances at Wars as he undressed at the end of each day. He had stuffed his fist into his mouth late at night, as he jerked off to the image of Wars pulling off his undershirt.
Twilight almost felt like he was dreaming, watching Wars deliberately undressing just for him. He pulled his green tunic over his head before shucking his male. He spent time slowly untying the ribbons at the front of his shirt, gradually exposing his chest inch by inch. Twilight felt his mouth watering as Wars pulled his shirt open and let it fall to the floor. Not caring now about tidying up his clothes. He was caught up in the ritual of his performance.
Wars kicked off his boots but Twilight couldn't hold himself back any longer. He sat up and perched on the edge of the bed. Reaching forwards he grabbed Warriors by his belt and tugged him forwards. Wars let out a soft exclamation of surprise at being so roughly handled, but he couldn't deny he didn't like it. If this was how Twilight was going to be, he wanted more of it.
"You put on a good show, but I can't watch you any more," Twilight uttered, looking up at Wars through his bangs.
"Hmm, I did wonder how long you were going to just lay there watching."
"I could watch you forever. You're so gorgeous. But right now I need to touch you." Twi huffed, leaning forward to kiss Wars' torso.
Wars took in a sharp breath at the feeling of Twi's lips on his skin, while his hands moved up his back to draw him in closer. Twi bit his lip as he eyed Warriors' crotch. He glanced upwards to catch Wars' eye.
"May I?" He asked, his voice husky and laced with want.
Wars nodded, placing his hands on Twi's shoulders to brace himself as he swayed on the spot. Twilight moved his attention back to Warriors' trousers. He unbuckled his belt quickly, then unbuttoned his trousers. Twilight's heightened senses caught the scent of Warriors' arousal. It tugged at Twilight's core, and he could feel himself growing hard. As he tugged Wars' trousers down his legs Twilight noticed the slight damp patch in the front of Wars' pants.
"I'm flattered you're so excited for me," Twilight chuckled, nuzzling his face against Wars' groin.
"Ahh ah ha!" Wars gasped involuntarily as Twilight rubbed his mouth and chin over his erection.
Wars shuddered and Twilight held him a little tighter, digging his finger tips into Wars' ass. He tugged at his pants with his teeth and started tugging them down. Wars' cock sprang free and stood proud in front of Twilight's face. He was practically drooling now, though his mouth felt quite dry as he eyed the object of his desire. Pausing briefly, Twilight looked up at Warriors standing over him. After a few seconds their eyes met and Wars gave Twilight a wink.
"You okay Cap?" Twilight asked softly.
"Yeah," Warriors nodded quickly. "Goddess above I want you. I want this."
Twilight smiled up at his lover, drinking in the frustration on Wars' patiently waiting face. He made him wait just a few more seconds before Twi looked down again. Bending slightly, Twilight dipped his head down level with Wars' cock. His tongue darted out to slide across the tight pink skin at his head. Wars gasped and shuddered in response. Twi repeated the action and received a similar response. Twilight licked his lips before softly kissing the tip of Warriors dick. It was warm and a salty taste lingered on his tongue as he licked off beads of precum.
"Uhhhh," Wars stammered, curling his fingers into Twilight's shirt as waves of pleasure began to wash over him.
Twilight's mouth was hot and wet and he took Wars so eagerly into his mouth, he wanted to sing the Ranchers praises. Currently however, he was struggling to hold onto coherent thought. Twilight continued to suckle more of Wars' cock, lowering his head down over his length. When Wars tip touched the back of Twi's throat, Wars threw his head back and choked on the lump in his throat. Curls ticked Twilight's nose as he hollowed out his cheeks around Warriors dick. His tongue worked up and down while he sucked, drawing Warriors closer and closer to release.
"Fuck! Twi!" Was all Wars could muster as Twilight continued his relentless sucking of Wars' dick.
Before he could crest the wave he was riding, Twilight released him and pulled back. Wars let out a strangled moan, half in pleasure, half in frustration.
"Please Twi, please don't stop. Feels so good," Wars stammered, rocking on his unsteady feet.
"Hmm, you sound so sweet when you're begging. I'd be more than happy to finish ya off. But I'm a bit afraid you might collapse onto the floor."
In a few precise movements Twilight scooped Warriors off his feet and manoeuvred him onto the bed. Twilight quickly pulled off his shirt and undid the laces of his trousers. Wars hands captured Twilight's face and pulled him down for a kiss. Wars sighed at his own taste on Twilight's lips. He had been so close only moments before, and he wanted so desperately for Twilight to take him again.
"Easy pretty boy," Twilight teased, slowly easing down his trousers while he continued trying to kiss Wars at the same time.
"Oh shut up and fuck me farm boy!"
With that Twilight surged forwards, capturing Wars' wrists in his firm grasp and pinning them against the pillows behind Wars' head. The look of thrill and surprise on Warriors face made Twilight's heart pound faster. Wars was gorgeous, slight and lean but devastatingly handsome and delicious. Twilight was still having trouble processing the fact that he was where he was. That Warriors slightly shuddering form was trapped beneath him. Naked and more than willing to take him in whatever way he seemed to want.
Twilight transferred Warriors wrists to one hand, holding them above Wars' head. He kissed Warriors lips and cheeks, then worked his way down his neck and over his collar bones. With each new touch of Twilight's lips Wars sighed in delight. As Twilight continued to map his body with kisses, Warriors crained his neck down to watch. Twi continued his trail of kisses over Warriors chest, pausing briefly to suckle at one of his nipples. Wars let out a brief gasp and Twi logged that reaction away for later exploration. He used his free hand to ensnare Warriors cock once more. Wrapping his hand around the rigid member and slowly starting to pump up and down.
"Mmm, oh!"
"You make such gorgeous noises sweetheart," Twi uttered, his lips brushing over Warriors navel.
Wars chuckled, enjoying the unique way Twilight said 'sweetheart' with his slight accent.
"I'll make all sorts of noises for you."
"Will you now. And what sort of noises will you make if I do this?" Twi asked, his sly smile and mischievous intent creeping into his voice.
Wars frowned slightly as Twilight withdrew his hand from his cock. His wrists were released and he heard the tell-tale sounds of more clothing being removed. Before he could open his eyes however, he felt Twi's hands on his thighs, gently forcing them apart. Fingers slick with saliva pressed into the muscles of Warriors inner thighs, marking their progress towards his, oh!
Twilight firmly pressed his forefinger against Warriors hole. His eyes fixed upon his lovers face, searching for any signs of discomfort or pain.
"Twi!" Wars managed to say between sharp breaths. The finger was withdrawn and Wars relaxed a little.
"You alright?" Twilight asked, concerned he'd crossed a line.
"Do you want me to stop?" Twilight asked again, patiently waiting for Warriors to give him a positive answer before he touched him again.
"No, it's... It's okay. I just wasn't expecting that."
"No, please Twi. I want you so badly. I want you... want you to fill me up," Wars replied, catching Twilight's eye and shooting him a seductive smile.
"Oh is that what you want?" Twilight asked, his lilting teasing tone quickly returning to his voice. The sound of it made Warriors melt.
"Yes Twi."
"How much do you want it?" He whispered, his face suddenly very close to Warriors ear.
"So fucking much!"
Twi shoved his fingers back into his mouth and pulled them out with a wet pop. An instant later they were back on Warriors ass. Wars gasped as Twi gently probed and pushed a single digit into his hole.
"Oh, you're so tight. Gonna have to work you for a while to make you ready for me," Twilight cooed, slowly drawing his finger in and out of Wars' hole.
Twilight continued his ministrations of Warriors ass, gradually stretching him out. He added a second finger and Wars let out a soft moan of pleasure. When Twilight pushed them deeper inside him however, his back arched off the bed and a moan caught in his throat. Twilight was enchanted. He watched Wars' face as though caught by some spell. As he continued to finger him, Twilight couldn't look away from Wars. Seeing his friend, his usually stoic and serious Captain, come undone at the mearest touch of his fingers bolstered Twilight's ego to new heights. Midna had always been the commanding one in their infrequent trysts. Now being the one on top and somewhat in control of their escapades was intoxicating.
When Twilight was satisfied Wars was ready, he crawled his way back up the bed towards him. Wars looked up to find Twilight hovering over him, leaning on one arm while his other hand wrapped around his cock. While Twilight stroked himself, spreading his own pre-cum up and down his shaft, he shoved his tongue into Warriors mouth. Wars moaned against him, opening his jaw wide for Twilight to claim.
For once in his life he didn't care what he looked like. Didn't care how he sounded. Didn't care that he wasn't in control and that Twilight was using him as he pleased. Twilight was all he cared about. Their shared desire burned in the air around them. The smell of sex and sweat clung to his nose and made his mouth water.
Suddenly Wars felt Twilight probing his hole again. This time it wasn't with his fingers. The slick head of Twilight's dick pressed firmly against Warriors ass, begging for entry to his still taut hole.
"Take a breath for me honey," Twilight uttered soothingly.
Wars let out the breath he hadn't realised he was holding. He forced his body to relax, which at this point didn't take a lot of convincing. He felt pressure against his ass as Twi began to move into him. The stretch as Twilight's head found it's way inside Wars was heavenly. Twilight was large and hard and oh Godesses! Wars hoped he was going to last!
"You still okay?" Twi checked in, with half his cock inside Warriors ass. And half his brain still just about working.
"Uh huh!" Wars nodded furiously, unable to form proper words any more.
"Spirits you're still so tight!" Twilight grunted, the vibrations of his voice sending little shock waves through Wars' body.
After he pushed in a little further Twilight withdrew slightly, adjusting his knees a little and placing his hands on Warriors hips. Wars let out a staggered breath as his body trembled at the promise of more pleasure. When Twilight was properly seated he started to rock his hips. His calloused hands gripped Warriors hips to give him more purchase as he built up a steady thrusting rhythm.
"Oh Fuck! Oh Twi!" Wars uttered, one hand resting on his forehead, the other on one of Twilight's shoulders.
"Aww, only a whisper. I'd better work harder if we're gonna test out that potion properly!" Twilight cooed, though he stammered a little between his thrusts.
Twilight kicked into another gear, driven by the beautiful blush on Warriors chest and the perfect little mewing sounds he was making. Wars bit his lip in an attempt to keep himself quiet, but Twilight only hammered him harder and faster. Even the moans caught in Warriors throat were loud and unseamly now.
"Uh, Twi I'm close!" Wars groaned, squeezing his eyes shut while Twilight pounded him into the pillows.
In response, Twilight released one of Warriors hips to grab his dick. Wars cried out as Twilight continued to plough his ass and pump his cock at the same time.
"Ahah!" Wars screamed, almost throwing himself into the air as jolts of heat and pleasure surged through him.
Twilight's eyes never left Warriors face, he was just too gorgeous to look away for a single second. Never mind he was doing all the work, it was worth it just to see the blissed out expression on Warriors face. He buried his cock to the base and thrust his hips as hard as he could into Warriors pelvis. Concentrating on fisting Wars' dick at the same time was a challenge, but Twi could feel Wars' member throbbing in his hand. They were both so close to release. Balls of heat boiled away in their guts sending out wave after wave of tension.
At last Warriors opened his eyes, his mouth dropping into a perfect O as he came over his torso and Twilight's hand. One deep thrust later Twilight released his load into Warriors ass. The heat of Twilight's cum and feeling of fullness stretched Warriors own pleasure beyond what he was used to. His legs trembled on either side of Twilight's body as his orgasm rocked him.
Twilight kept himself buried in Warriors warmth. Wars' ass clenched and spasmed around Twi's length, making him gasp for each breath. As the tide of orgasm began to ebb, Twilight started to withdraw.
"No, please. I don't want you to take it out yet," Wars protested weakly, exhaustion lacing every syllable.
"Sorry, but I'm just about done love. And from the look of you I'd say you are too," Twilight sighed, shaking his head.
Carefully he withdrew himself from Warriors and sat back on his heels on the bed. For a moment he just breathed, looking down at Warriors sprawled on the bed beneath him. His heart felt full and it pounded furiously in his chest. Twi almost felt exhausted, but he forced himself off the bed and to his feet.
"Where you going?" Warriors whimpered, reaching out in a vain attempt to grab Twilight's arm.
"I'm just gonna grab a cloth. You made quite the mess," Twilight whispered, stepping back to give Wars a quick peck on the cheek.
Although the Inn had a communal bathroom, each room had wash-cloths and a bowl of clean water on a stand. Twi dunked in a clean cloth and wrung out most of the water before taking it over to Wars. He sat gently on the bed beside his lover. The beautiful pink flush still present on his pale skin. Twilight made quick work of cleaning up their mess and gently wiped around Warriors dick before giving himself a clean.
With that work done Twilight manoeuvred himself back onto the bed, settling himself beside Warriors. Wars curled his body against the curve of Twilight's figure, drawing in on himself as Twi wrapped an arm around him.
"That was incredible love. You're incredible," Twilight huffed into Warriors hair.
"So are you. I'm... I'm almost lost for words."
"Well that's a first. Who knew all it would take was a good fuckin to finally get you to stop talkin'!" Twi chuckled, squeezing Warriors against himself.
"I suppose I'll have to ask Wild for some more stealth elixers," Wars hummed, smiling contently to himself.
"You planning on doin this again already?" Twilight huffed, unable to hide his laughter.
"Well, I was kinda hoping this wasn't just going to be a one time deal," Wars replied. Suddenly a little nervous, despite everything that had just happened.
"I'm teasing you Captain," Twilight assured him with another squeeze. "I'm not sure I could go on like it was before, knowing it could be like this."
"Me neither. You don't know how many times I've dreamt about you. Or even day dreamed about this," Wars sighed, snuggling into Twilight's embrace.
"Probably about as much as I've dreamt about you."
< Chap 1 : Chap 3>
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final-girl96 · 4 months
Broken World: Chapter Thirty-Three
Nebraska Continued
Daryl was sitting outside his tent by the fire when Lori showed up. “Moving to the suburbs?” She asked, but he didn't say anything. “Listen, Beth's in some kind of catatonic shock. We need Hershel.” Daryl continued to whittle the stick he had in his hand. “Yeah. So what?” He said. “So I need you to run into town real quick and bring him and Rick back.” Daryl wasn’t surprised she was up here telling him to go looking for them. “Daryl?”
“Your bitch went window-shopping. You want him? Fetch him yourself. I got better things to do,” He sput at her. She narrowed her eyes at him, “What's the matter with you? Why would you be so selfish?” She asked. That really got under his skin and he stood up. Selfish? Listen to me, Olive Oyl. I was out there looking for that little girl every single day. I took a bullet and an arrow in the process. Don't you tell me about me getting my hands dirty! You want those two idiots? Have a nice ride. I'm done looking for people!”
Lori shook her head in disbelief. What had she expected? He isn't he fucking dog. “Wrll, you should know it wasn't just Rick and Glenn. Yn went with them.” Lori turned around and started heading back towards the house.
“Those your cars out front?” Dave asked. “Yeah. Why?” Glenn asked. I love Glenn but he's a little too friendly. “We're living in ours. Those look kind of empty, clean. Where's all your gear?” Dave asked. Rick narrowed his eyes at him and didnt say anything. “We're with a larger group out scouting, thought we could use a drink,” Hesherl offers up.
“A drink? Hershel, I thought you quit. Well, we're thinking of setting up around here. Is it safe?” Dave asked. “It can be, although I have killed a couple of walkers around here,” Glenn told him. “Walkers? That what you call them?”
“That's good. I like that. I like that better than lamebrains,” Dave says, sitting back in the chair he was seated in. “More succinct,” Tony said. “Okay, Tony went to college,” Dave yells us. “Two years.”
“So what, you guys set up on the outskirts or something? That new development? Trailer park or something? A farm? Old McDonald had a farm.” Tony laughed at Dave's lame as fuck joke. “You got a farm? Is it safe? It's gotta be. You got food, water?” Dave asked. This motherfucker asks a lot of fucking questions. “You got cooze? Ain't had a piece of ass in weeks,” Tony days, looking at me and kicking his lips. “I will fucking cut your goddamn eyes and tongue out if you don't top looking at me.”
“Listen, pardon my friend. City kids, they got no tact. No disrespect. So listen, Glenn…” Rick cuts Dave off before he can ask Glenn anytjing more. “We've said enough.”
Dave stood up and went bwhind the counter. He set his gun down in the bar top. “Well, hang on a second. This farm, it sounds pretty sweet. Don't it sound sweet, Tony?” He says. “Yeah, real sweet.”
“How about a little southern hospitality? We got some buddies back at camp been having a real hard time. I don't see why you can't make room for a few more. We can pool our resources, our manpower.” Rick sniffs, narrowing his eyes at him. “Look, I'm sorry. That's not an option.”
“Doesn't sound like it'd be a problem.”
“I'm sorry. We can't. We can't take in any more in.”
Dave lets out a short laugh. “You guys are something else. I thought we were friends. We got people we gotta look out for, too,” Dave said. “We don't know anything about you,” I told him. He points a finger at me. “No, that's true,” he says. “You don't know anything about us,” I say. “You don't know what we've had to go through out there, the things we've had to do. I bet you've had to do some of those same things yourself. Am I right? 'Cause ain't nobody's hands clean in what's left of this world. We're all the same. So come on, let's take a nice friendly hayride to this farm and we'll get to know each other.”
“That's not gonna happen.”
“Rick…” Fave starts but Tony cuts in. “This is bullshit!” He yells. “Calm down,” Rick tells him. Don't tell me to calm down. Don't ever tell me to calm down. I'll shoot you four assholes in the head and take your damn farm!” I raised an eyebrow at his outburst, my hand going to the hilt of my gun that rest on my hip.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Relax. Take it easy. Nobody's killing anybody. Nobody's shooting anybody. Right, Rick? We're just friends having a drink. That's all. Now where's the good stuff, huh? Good stuff, good stuff, good stuff. Let's see. Hey, look at that. That'll work.” Dave holds up a bottle of whiskey. “You gotta understand, we can't stay out there. You know what it's like.”
“Yeah, I do. But the farm is too crowded as is. I'm sorry. You'll have to keep looking.”
“Keep looking. Where do you suggest we do that?”
“I don't know. I hear Nebraska's nice.”
Dave laughs, “Nebraska. This guy.” Then he's raising his gun. I pulled my and pulled the trigger shooting him in the head. Rick stood up and took out Tony before he could even react.
Shit really hit the fan when we tried to leave. Other members of their group came looking for them or at least were close by because they heard the shots. We ended up having a shootout with them.
About an hour later Carol had come up to his camp. His been sitting thwre thinking about the last thing Lori had told him. That yn was out there too. He shouldnt care. He doesn't care. At least he tries to tell himself he doesn't care.
“We can't find Lori. And the others aren't back yet either,” Carol said to him. “That dumb bitch must've gone off Iooking for 'em,” Daryl told her. “What?” She asked, looking confused and shocked. “Yeah, she asked me to go. I toId her I was done being an errand boy.”
“And you didn't say anything?” Carol asked. “Don't do this. Please. l've already lost my girl,” She begged him. He turned and looked at her. “That wasn't my problem neither.”
Carol looked at him and he started to get uncomfortable. “What are you doing?” He hssed. “Keeping an eye on you,” she said. Daryl scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Ain't you a peach?” He said sarcastically. “I'm not gonna let you pull away. You've earned your place.” That set him off. He doesn't know why, but that was his last straw.
“If you spent half your time minding your daughter's business instead of sticking your nose in everybody else's, she'd still be alive!” He yelled at her. Carol just stood there, back straight and her head held high. “Go ahead,” she told him. “Go ahead and what?” He asked confused at forat but then he realized what she meant.
“I mean just go! I don't want you here! You're a real piece of work, lady. What, are you gonna make this about my daddy or some crap like that? Pfft! Man, you know Jack. You're afraid. You're afraid 'cause you're all alone. You got no husband, no daughter. You don't know what to do with yourself. You ain't my problem! Sophia wasn't mine! All you had to do was keep an eye on her!” He screamed. He had so much hope that Sophia was out there waiting to be found. That she was alive. He was doing it because he knew what It felt like to have a piece of ahit for a father. But when she came out of that barn–something broke inside him.
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simshousewindsor · 6 months
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire 11:23 AM WST]
[??]: (on the phone) We'll only be gone a week. Anthony is so excited. Thankfully my morning sickness has passed.
Queen Katherine: Have a fun time in Americreek, Lara. I've never been invited to the Academy Awards, so you'll have to tell me all about the celebrities when you return!
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Queen Katherine: I should go. I'm only allowed five minutes of fun per day and Uncle Louis' antics this morning took up twenty! (laughs)
Princess Lara: (on the phone) Get back to work, Your Majesty! (laughs)
Queen Katherine: Love you!
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Martin Lavelle [Private Secretary]: Your Majesty. Before your next audience, we need to finalize plans for Garter Day. With three weeks until the ceremony, much is still left unresolved.
Queen Katherine: Why are we so behind?
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Martin [P.S.]: (confused) Your coronation, ma'am.
Queen Katherine: Oh yes! That was just last week. Goodness. So much has happened since.
Martin [P.S.]: Many of the Knights felt snubbed by not being permitted to join the Knights' procession during the coronation.
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Martin [P.S.]: The orders leadership has asked that you restore tradition, by granting full pomp and circumstance for this year's ceremony.
Queen Katherine: (annoyed) Leadership? I am the orders leadership! They should be reminded that I am Sovereign of the Garter. The Monarch alone decides who is appointed and removed.
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Martin [P.S.]: Your Majesty. With this being your first Garter Day since crowning, parliament would approve the additional expenditure.
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Queen Katherine: Would I still have time to go to Beaverdam beforehand?
Martin [P.S.]: I'm afraid not, ma'am. For a traditional ceremony, you would require an additional three days of rehearsals. Unfortunately, your schedule would not allow for another vacation until the end of July, after Trooping the Colors.
Queen Katherine: (sighs)
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Martin [P.S.]: We also need to talk about Windsor Castle. This is the first year the castle will host Garter Day since renovations began in 2021! The Queen Mother was heavily involved in the luncheon's planning and...
Queen Katherine: Thank you, Martin. As Prince consort, Rainier is more than capable of taking those responsibilities from the Queen Mother.
Martin [P.S.]: Yes! Of course. Yes, Your Majesty.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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[Griffin Park, Buckingsimshire 11:43 AM WST]
Lady Sonja [Lady-in-Waiting]: The Women's Foundation sent a letter of thanks for attending their luncheon yesterday, along with a lovely bouquet of flowers.
Delores Bryant [Private Secretary]: How lovely, especially after not having invited you the last two years.
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Delores [P.S.]: It appears the negativity from the scandal has finally been forgotten. Your approval ratings have also improved since the coronation!
Queen Rowena: A new chapter is beginning.
Delores [P.S.]: You endured so much hate over the last three years, and then to lose your husband! No-one understands how much you have truly given to this country, ma'am. I'm glad to see Windenburg showing you the love and respect you deserve again.
(phone rings)
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Delores [P.S.]: Griffin Park, this is Delores.
[??]: (on the phone) Hello. Is this the office of the Queen Mother? This is Sister Angela. I am the aide of Mother LaKisha.
Delores [P.S.]: Yes! Yes, it is. I am the Queen Mother's private secretary. How may I help you, sister?
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Sister Angela: (on the phone) The pope has invited Mother LaKisha to the Vatisim next week and she would love to visit with the Queen Mother during her time in the country.
Delores [P.S.]: The Queen Mother would be honored to host Mother LaKisha. The royal family would be happy to take care of any and all accommodations, not done so by the papal organization.
Sister Angela: (on the phone) Thank you, Delores. I will be in touch.
(call ends)
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Delores [P.S.]: Things really are beginning a new for you!
Queen Rowena: Oh?
Delores [P.S.]: The pope has requested an audience with Mother LaKisha, and she has asked to see you while here! There are rumors she is being awarded the Noble Peace Prize for humanitarisimism.
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Queen Rowena: Mother LaKisha founded a sisterhood that runs 19 homes. She was so close with my dear mother. Shortly after my mother died, Mother LaKisha returned to her home country of Marvania, and has become revered for her work with the poor.
Delores [P.S.]: I didn't know you still kept in contact.
Queen Rowena: I haven't seen her since my mother died.
Previous | Beginning | Next - continue Heir Ascent (story)
Previous | Beginning | Next - continue Consort Redemption (story)
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ant-thebooknerd · 6 months
Hey guys, here's another chapter from my Wattpad book. This one is set after Believe Me, and from Warner's POV. Features Kenji and Warner friendship. There will be a part 2 to this, but it will probably take a while.
"Hey buddy, guess what?"
I roll my eyes. I am standing in the common room tent, or what Kenji calls the "VIP dining room". Nazeera and Ella are gone for the day, and I am on special orders from my wife to hang out with him. 
If I had to be honest with myself, I do not hate him as much as I once did. I would still rather impale myself on a pike than admit that to him, but still. Progress is progress. 
"What do you want, Kenji?" I reply, already bored of him. 
"I got us matching friendship bracelets!" says Kenji, a big bright smile on his face. 
I almost manage to choke on air. I turn around to fully face Kenji and look up at his grinning face. For the first time in a while, I am left speechless. I try to speak, but all that emerges is a series of incoherent stutters. Any sense of dignity and composure abandons me faster than my father did. Did this grown man just-
The idiot in question is doing his absolute very best not to laugh at my expression. However, his 'absolute very best' isn't good enough, (like everything else about him) and he explodes into a wave of hysterical laughter. 
"Excuse me? You, a delusional grown man, just asked me, who is only here to fulfil the wishes of his wife, and who wants absolutely nothing to do with you, to wear matching bracelets? Do you even realise-!?"
"Okay, okay!" Kenji cuts me off, hands in the air, feigning innocence. He is still chuckling. "Wow man, I didn't think you'd get so worked up. Ouch! It's alright, we'll work towards it."
I would very much like to retract my previous statement of not hating him. The world is a better place without Kenji Kishimoto.
I shake my head, embarrassed at my outburst. I should have expected this type of behaviour from the moron. "No, not a chance," I tell him, much calmer.  "Now, let's decide on something to do together that will require minimal contact and communication but enough so that we can tell the girls we hung out." 
Kenji looks down at me. My height is not something that makes me feel insecure, but I loathe how I have to look up at him.
 "Really man? That is the only reason you want to hang out? To please Juliette? Don't tell me it's got nothing to do with our growing friendship." he says, grinning. 
I sigh. It is clear that Kenji considers us to be friends, and I have to agree that we have gotten a lot closer since my wedding to Ella. That doesn't mean I am happy about it. 
"I suppose I can truthfully say that I do not wish you a miserable and painful death. I do not quarrel with you dying, but perhaps not painfully. But don't get me wrong, I will not miss you."
Somehow, he finds that funny.
"Sure, man. Do you want to play UNO?" he asks, amused, taking a red cardboard box out of his pocket. I do not know why he would carry such a thing around, but he has done many other even more questionable things, so I let it slide.
"UNO? As in, the number one in Spanish?" I say. I look closer at the box he is holding, from which he takes out two piles of colourful cards.
"Well, aren't you just a fun, shining ray of sunshine," he replies before he shuffles the cards.
Ten minutes later, we are halfway through a round, and I now know all the rules of UNO, which I only agreed to after finding out Juliette enjoys this game.
Kenji places down a Blue 2, having seven cards left in his hand. I have three. A Blue Skip, a Blue 6 and a Blue 8. I am feeling pretty confident, and place down my Skip card followed by my 6, and say "Uno,". All I need is for him to put down a blue card, or nothing. There is no prize to be won from this game, but I will greatly enjoy beating Kenji.
He puts down a Red 6. "Idiot," I tell him. I pick up a card, and it is a Yellow 3. I was so close.
His turn. Red Skip, taking my turn. Green Skip, taking it again, then a Green +2. I scowl and pick up my two cards. A Blue 7 and Red +2. 
Apparently, many people play differently, but the way Kenji was taught says that you are not allowed to play a card the same turn you just picked up one. 
He also told me he used to play with his parents.
Red 9 is what he puts down. I have no cards that I can respond with, so I pick up another card. A Red 4. My dreams of winning this game of UNO fade away more and more with each card I pick up. 
"Brainless delinquent," I mutter under my breath, just loud enough for him to hear.
He places down a +4 and says "UNO", but it doesn't matter. This is my chance. My chance for redemption. To avenge my lost UNO. Payback.
I throw down my Red +2 and stare him down. This is what he gets for trying to beat me, for thinking he even stood a chance. Now he has to pick up 6 cards and it's all ove-
A +4 card falls from his hand on top of my +2. He...wins?
Kenji jumps up from his chair and starts cheering. "Woohoo! Guess who just won! Me, motherfucker! Yeah! I win! Take that, you insufferable dipshit!"
"Moron!" I snap back. "This is a game of luck. Rest assured, if it came down to skill, I would have destroyed you within two minutes."
"What I'm hearing is a sore loser!"
"I am not a sore loser! You uneducated swine!"
"Ha, look who is breaking out the meaningless insults. Ran out, Warner? Got nothing to insult me on?" He taunts.
"Not at all, I simply have too many. For example, you incompetent imbecile, you have absolutely zero fashion sense. Those sneakers do not at all go well with those trousers, and your shirt doesn't even match your skin tone. Amateur!"
To my regret, Kenji actually looks down at what he is wearing. It is a grey T-shirt, black joggers with three white stripes down the side, and black runners. Overall, it is not too bad, especially considering the available options here, but I had to respond in some way.
"Okay, well my bad that I grew up at Omega Point and never got the chance to even buy my own clothes. What would you know about that, knowing that you probably have closets full of colour-coded clothing, made from the finest silks and materials?" He mocks.
"You're overexaggerating," I reply. It is mostly suits.
"And you're an inconsiderate ass. When the hell did I ever have the chance to find myself some decent clothes? Definitely not while the world was going to fucking hell and it was up to us to fix it. Fuck off." 
He looks genuinely upset. I realise, too late, that he is right. At the same time, I hate him for making me feel bad.
I sigh. "I apologise for that last comment. It is not your fault, nor is the outfit as bad as I said."
I feel the shift in his mood when he asks me "What's wrong with it?"
The question surprises me. I would not have expected him to care what I think, but he recognises that I know my way around the wardrobe. 
Also, since he started dating Nazeera, I have noticed subtle changes in his life. He started styling his hair a bit neater (she always ends up ruffling it, but I think that's the point), going to the gym (they have a small one at the Sanctuary) a lot more and doesn't swear as often. I do know about the deal he made with Castle, but he seems to be sticking with it a lot better since Nazeera started giving him dirty looks when he swore. I am pretty sure Castle told her to do that.
Whatever it is, he is a lot more put-together nowadays but could be a lot more so if he changes his style. That is something I could help with. But, am I willing to use my free time, my knowledge and my clothes to help this idiot?
I am shocked to find that the answer is yes. I want to say that it is because he is friends with Ella, but I do not lie to myself. He was there for me during the break-up, during my panic attack, was with me when we saved Ella from Oceania and was right beside me for my wedding. 
I check my watch, a wedding gift from Nazeera. 
"Ella and Nazeera said they will be back by 9:00 pm, which leaves us with just over 4 hours. We can go to my house and fix your fashion disaster."
His eyes go wide. "Wait, actually? You'll help me out with this?"
"Let's go," I say, my back already turned from him, walking out of the tent. "Before I regret this."
Welp, here's this! I really don't know much about fashion so someone (me) is going to have to do some research before writing Part 2 to this or  find a way to write so that her obvious lack of fashion sense doesn't show. Hope you enjoyed!
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virtualtrashcollector · 8 months
🌼 Kisses & Brownies
Joker x Female (Dark Knight Joker) 18+ only
Summary: As a young kinky British woman working as a mechanic in Gotham for the Joker, one night you see him looking rough after a fight. You decide to invite him into your office to patch him up.
Warnings: 18+ VERY EXPLICIT. This story features lots of dirty words and situations! Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised. No minors please. Enjoy!!
Word count: 7,198
Note #1: I will post each chapter separately as some are quite long. 6 chapters in total.
Note #2: This story takes place between 'Joker Comes for a Sleepover' and 'Meeting the Joker'.
Note #3: My OC has several body mods, including a split tongue, a pierced septum, and pierced naughty bits.
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Chapter 1:
It was a cold and windy Thursday night in downtown Gotham as the three of you worked away in the garage. Richie and Michael were in the machine shop while you toiled away in your office. It was a smallish room tucked in the upper left hand corner of the shop. Thinking you heard your name, you approached the door and pushed it open slightly. Standing quietly in the doorway you listened in. A grin slowly spread across your face as you overheard the two men talking to one another.
"Daisy's way hotter than that other chick was." Michael said while tightening the bolts on a large tire.
"I'm not arguin' that with you, just saying she had a bigger rack that's all." Richie exclaimed as he rifled through a large metal toolbox.
"That she did, those tits were huge." Michael responded as he finished the tire he was working on.
"Haven't you two talked enough about tits for one day?" You inquired stepping out into the shop. Both men stopped what they were doing and turned to look at you. Richie smiled and replied,
"Don't think so. Maybe you would care to join in, ya know? Maybe a little show and tell?" His Italian accent was very strong and you had always found it very sexy. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and an incredibly sweet smile. Both men were wearing dirty shop coveralls and were stained head to toe with grease. You wore the same coveralls as they did, along with your regular steel toed beige colored workboots. The shop smelled like sweat, gasoline, and balls.
"I'm good thanks, maybe later. That is if you two get all of your repairs done." You teased making your way over to the counter for the blueprint you needed. Snatching it up, you started back to your office as they resumed their work.
"Now that's what I call incentive." Michael exclaimed while rolling another tire over to his station. You made eye contact with the buff heavily tattooed man, and held it for a moment. Damn he looked good tonight. You just might have a little fun with these two later.
"And someone please turn on the fan, it smells like sweat and ballsack in here." You said while waving your hand in front of your nose. As you approached your office the backdoor next to you opened, and in stepped J.
He seemed to notice you at the same time you noticed him. The other two men seen as well but quickly looked away once he glanced in their direction. He looked roughed up, almost as though he had just been in a nasty fight. His long green hair was a mess and his suit was dirtier than usual. Approaching him you inquired quietly,
"Everything alright sir?" He was slightly out of breath and was gripping a small black knife in his right hand. He was also hunched over a little more than usual.
"It is now." He replied closing the knife and putting it back inside his coat pocket.
"Just had to deal with a couple of...... disturbances." As he said this he stepped closer allowing you to get a proper look at him. Inspecting his jacket it didn't take long before you noticed the red stain underneath.
"You're bleeding." You said lifting the fabric to see a sizable crimson spot. J looked down.
"We'll...... what do ya know." He licked his lips and continued.
"Thought maybe one of those assholes got me, but I wasn't sure." You found yourself feeling genuine concern for your new boss. The thought of him being hurt very much made you want to care for him.
"I've got a first aid kit in my office, I'll get you fixed up good as new." You said gesturing towards the door. He grinned and quickly headed inside.
Luckily Richie and Michael hadn't noticed J slip into your office. Inside the steel room was a desk, a mini fridge, a coffeemaker, a few filing cabinets, and a couple of chairs. A large mural was stamped onto the metal wall behind your desk, and a ceiling fan spun perpetually above. There was also a metal shuttered window that opened up right into the shop, should you choose to have it open. You had placed a few plants around the room to make the place feel a little nicer. It was relatively dimly lit. The only lights were a floor lamp, a table lamp, and a candle.
"Didn't know you had an office." He remarked clicking his tongue. You shut the heavy door and locked it behind you. Approaching your desk, you removed your laptop and set it off to the side on the concrete floor.
"Have a seat." You encouraged him while gently patting the desk.
"Yes ma'am." He said hopping up on the dusty surface. Grabbing the nearby first aid kit you opened it up on the desk beside him. His legs were parted slightly allowing you to easily slip between them. His feet dangled freely in the air. J slid his tongue over his lip as you moved in close. You were now virtually eye to eye with one another.
"I like this....." He said reaching out and touching your large steel septum ring.
"Thank you sir." You responded softly with a grin. Carefully you removed his heavy purple suit coats. He watched closely as you peeled off layer after soiled layer. Now down to his dirty dress shirt, you untied his tie, slid off his suspenders, and unbuttoned his shirt.
The faint sound of an air compressor leaked through the thin walls of the otherwise quiet room. J was now shirtless allowing you to instantly spot the wound he had obtained earlier. Right at the base of his ribs on his left side, there was a painful looking gash most likely caused by the tip of a blade. Reaching for the gauze and disinfectant, you dabbed a little on the material and poised to press it onto his skin.
"This is going to hurt love." You warned him softly while placing your free hand on his thigh. He nodded his head slightly and took in a breath. Making contact with his soft tan flesh he barely even flinched. Thankfully the laceration didn't look deep enough to require stitches. After sufficiently cleaning the area you put on a fresh bandage, making sure to secure it good and tight. It took a few minutes to clean up some other minor cuts and scrapes on him as well.
"There we are." You said packing up the first aid supplies.
"Thanks doll." J said with a crooked smile. With the supplies away, you used your fingers to lightly touch a blackish bruise on his muscular bicep. There were at least a half a dozen more bruises you could see scattered about his arms and torso. He also had a number of scars in an assortment of sizes and shapes. Standing close to him, you could feel the heat coming off of his body. His dark eyes seemed to observe you hungrily. He smelled like sweat and dried blood.
He seemed to notice your left hand for the first time. You had lost your middle finger a few years ago.
"Never noticed this before." He said gently gripping your hand and observing your wound. He looked sympathetically at you with a questioning expression.
"Nothing too strange, I simply flipped the bird to the wrong person. Before I knew it my finger was on the floor. Learned my lesson that day." You answered him. He felt the nub where your middle finger should have been.
"Damn. This makes my injuries seem..........trivial." He exclaimed with a soft chuckle.
"Not trivial. Just not so severe." You told him with a small grin.
"Unfortunately I can't really do anything for these." You said tracing his various bruises with your fingertips.
"But there is one thing I can think of that might make you feel a little better....." As you said this you trailed off purposely. Your lips were nearly touching his as you felt his hands slip around your waist, pulling you closer still.
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carbo-ships · 8 months
Chapter XXXVI
Beginning: Chapter I Previous: Chapter XXXV
"On her back, right between her wings." Papa was on the phone with someone back at the ministry. The ghoulettes had left to shower, leaving Papa alone in the dressing room with Ardis and Aether. Ardis had redressed herself and had her face buried in Aether's broad chest. He wrapped his arms around the anxious angel to comfort her. He could tell how nervous the mark's sudden appearance had made her. "No bigger than the palm of my hand," Papa continued. "Yes, it's clear as day. We're not sure – less than a week, but we don't know exactly. Quintessence, yes, Aether's. Not the star – the circle with the lines. Yes. No, no, of course not, they– Well..." He looked to Aether curiously and held the phone away from his mouth. "You two haven't, er... Have you?"
It took Aether a moment to catch on. His cheeks flushed slightly when he realized. "No! No. Come on, Papa, you know her."
Papa gave him a sympathetic smile. "But I also know you." He turned his attention back to the phone call. "No, certainly not."
Ardis looked up at Aether curiously. "Don't worry about it," Aether said before she could ask, kissing her forehead. He didn't want her wings to turn pink again.
"Brown," Papa continued as the gears in Aether's mind began to turn. "Yes, almost like a birthmark. She says it doesn't hurt. She had no idea it was even there until Cumulus spotted it. That's right. Alright. Well, thank you. I appreciate it."
"Ardis, do you think... I mean, yesterday..." Aether asked her quietly.
Her eyes widened a bit. "You don't think..."
Papa cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "I'm having a few sisters look through the archives. We're hoping to find answers in an old manuscript," he explained, sticking his phone back in his pocket. "They'll call as soon as they learn anything."
"About that," Aether mumbled awkwardly.
Copia gave the couple a strange look. Ardis somehow seemed even more flustered than she had been before. "About what?" Copia asked slowly.
Aether held Ardis tighter. "Yesterday when we were in town, I, um..." He sighed, embarrassed about what he was going to admit. "I was flirting with her."
"Yes?" Papa said, encouraging him to continue. That wasn't exactly news. They were dating, after all.
Aether suddenly found that he couldn't look him in the eyes. "She got a little flustered and, well... her wings turned pink."
Papa's eyebrows shot up. "Pink?"
"And her halo."
"I... I see," Papa said, his brow furrowed. "And you think perhaps this is related to the mark? That it’s, what, a reflection of her attraction to you?”
Aether shrugged slightly. "Maybe? I... I don't know. But..."
Papa seemed to be in deep thought for a moment before putting on a brave face. "Alright. Go ahead and shower and change. We can talk more on the bus. But first–" he opened his arms to her "–come here, cara. Give me a hug." Aether released her so she could find comfort in Papa's arms. The man stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. "We'll figure this out," he cooed quietly. “Your Papa will make everything alright, okey-dokey?”
She summoned her courage and released him to timidly look him in the eyes. “Okay,” she mumbled.
“There’s my girl,” he said with a reassuring smile, kissing her forehead again. “Go on, now. I’ll see you back on the bus.”
Once everyone had showered, changed into their night clothes, and boarded the tour bus, Aether and Ardis knocked on Papa’s door. Papa opened it and quickly ushered them both inside, not wanting to draw the attention of any of the other ghouls. All three sat on the edge of the bed for a chat once he’d shut the door behind them – Ardis in the middle, with the men on either side. “So,” Papa started with a gentle sigh, resting a comforting hand on Ardis’s knee. “Tell me about the pink wings.”
“R-Right,” she said, fidgeting with her braids anxiously. “They’d, um, they'd never done that before. I'd heard a rumor that it was possible – for them to change color, I mean – but I'd never seen it happen.”
“And this happened because Aether was flirting with you, yes?” Papa asked, and she nodded. He turned his attention to Aether. “What exactly did you say to her?”
Aether felt his cheeks warm. “W-Well, I…” he stuttered, glancing at Ardis nervously. She looked mortified. “Is it alright if I– I mean…”
Papa smiled gently and held up a hand to stop him. “I understand. Not something to repeat in polite company, yes?”
Aether looked relieved. “Exactly. I’ll let you use your imagination.”
“And this was the first time you'd expressed such sentiments, I assume?” Papa continued.
“That plainly, at least. I didn't expect it to surprise her like that, though.”
Papa took Ardis’s hands in his, a sympathetic smile on his face. “Aether embarrassed you a bit, yes?”
She nodded silently, looking up at him bashfully with her big brown eyes.
“Oh, my poor darling,” Papa cooed, kissing her forehead. “Can I ask how it made you feel when he said those things to you?”
She suddenly dropped his gaze. “I… um…” she mumbled. “I’d prefer not to answer that, if that's okay.”
“Of course, my love,” Papa tutted. He gave Aether a little smirk. That told him all he needed to know. She was embarrassed about how she felt, suggesting she’d likely enjoyed it more than she was willing to admit. “So, Aether says something uncouth, your body reacts to it, and the next day we find his mark on your back – is that right? Well, it’s certainly compelling. I don't want to draw any conclusions until the sisters find something concrete, but I wouldn't be surprised if you were right.”
Aether took her other hand and gave it a little squeeze. He knew this must be uncomfortable for her. She couldn't have been thrilled that her body had seemingly physically manifested a sign of just how hard she’d fallen for him. He remembered how much she’d struggled to admit that she even found him handsome only a few days ago. This was a bit of a step beyond that – and one she hadn't made willingly. He felt a twinge of guilt. He should have known better than to mention sex, even as subtly as he did. She was an angel, after all. However, that feeling was quickly being eclipsed by a sense of pride. How could he not let it inflate his ego? Ardis was seemingly so infatuated with him that she just couldn't hide it. He fought to hold back a grin. This wasn't the time for that. This was about Ardis’s comfort. He could see the worry on her face. “Are you okay?” Aether asked gently.
It took her a moment to answer. “I just… This is a lot. I don't know what to think. My superiors aren't going to like this.”
Aether frowned. She had a point. He couldn't let her see him look concerned. She was scared. “Once we learn for certain what’s happening and why, we’ll decide together what they need to know,” he said confidently. “You've done nothing wrong. You know that, don't you?”
Ardis looked up at him shyly, seeming less than convinced.
The ghoul offered her a gentle smile. “Loving me is not a sin, amore. Neither is being attracted to me.”
That only seemed to embarrass her more. She looked like she wanted to vanish. Papa had to think of something to ease her anxiety. It was getting late, and it would be time for bed soon. While he trusted Aether, he’d decided that it was likely unwise for her to sleep on his chest as she had been doing. Papa knew now that Aether was apparently a bit of a flirt when they were alone, and that was the last thing she needed that evening. She had her own bunk, of course, but Papa didn't like the idea of her being alone with her thoughts all night. “Would you two like to spend the night here again?” Papa offered.
The idea seemed to bring Ardis some comfort. “If… If Aether doesn't mind,” she said, looking up at her boyfriend hopefully.
“Of course, cara,” Aether cooed. He sent Papa a glance that seemed to communicate that he understood Papa’s intentions. “Whatever you like.”
“It’s settled, then,” Papa said, standing from the bed. “Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. I’ll remove my paint then join you.” He sent Aether a little nod as he stepped into the ensuite bathroom, silently urging the ghoul to use those few minutes alone with the woman to say anything he needed to. Leaving them alone for hours wouldn’t be good for her, but Aether deserved a moment of privacy to say what was on his mind. The door clicked shut behind him.
A heavy silence hung over the room for a few moments before Aether sighed and wordlessly pulled her into his lap. She immediately hugged him, hiding her face in his shoulder. He gently rocked her back and forth as he spoke quietly in her ear. “I know you're embarrassed, and I understand why, but… part of me hopes we're right.”
“You do?” she asked timidly.
Aether let out a little chuckle. "Do you have any idea how flattered I would be if that's what it turns out to be? Some sort of embodiment of your feelings for me? Yes, Ardis. I would like that a lot. You’ll have to forgive me if I get a bit of an ego when the sisters call to confirm.”
She held him a bit tighter and he kissed her temple. His fingers drifted to her upper back, delicately tracing the symbol he knew hid beneath her shirt. She melted into him. He could feel her racing heart finally begin to slow against his chest. “I suppose,” she mumbled.
The thought in his mind that he’d been holding back since the symbol’s discovery was once again begging to be spoken aloud. He knew he shouldn't say it. He knew he should continue to hold his tongue. However, against his better judgment, he allowed himself one moment of weakness. “It’s almost as if…” He sighed. He couldn't turn back now. “Deep down, some part of you knows that you're mine.”
Next: Chapter XXXVII
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skaylanphear · 10 months
The Marauders
Summary: Heading to Hogwarts for the first time, Remus tries not to let his worries get him down. He has a lot on his plate—truths he can’t share with anyone—and none of it is helped by the bullies constantly casting jinxes and calling him nasty names. Despite it all, though, he has his three best friends—the first friends he’s ever made, in fact.
Yet, it doesn’t take long for Sirius to start getting suspicious, questioning what strange sickness could be keeping Remus in the hospital wing for days at a time. Ever nosy, Sirius takes it upon himself to unravel the mystery that is Remus Lupin, unaware of the tortured consequences that come with knowing such an intimate secret.
A story about the Marauders as they navigate their school years and set off into adulthood.
Year One: The Marauders and the Shrieking Shack - Chapters 1-34 Year Two: The Marauders and the Counting Curse - Chapters 35-?
Start Reading Here
Chapter 18
The Gryffindor vs Slytherin quidditch game was absolutely infuriating. It happened in mid-February and was full of low blows and cheating. Madam Hooch tried to call what she could, but it all ended horribly anyway. Gryffindor lost by over two-hundred points and were knocked well out of first for the quidditch cup.
Even though no one in their own house cared for them, the four first-year boys were livid.
"That's it!" James said as he paced their dormitory. The other three were standing around as well, Sirius practically bursting with rage, Peter nearly ripping his robes as he twisted them in his hands. Remus was trying to keep his cool despite his steaming annoyance. "We've got to do something!"
"It's time," Remus said, his voice so grave that each of them turned his way. "Tonight. Revenge."
"Are—Are we ready?" Peter asked, suddenly twitchy.
"We applied the linking charm and the sticking charm last week," James said.
"Which means there's nothing left to do but act," Remus said fiercely.
"But we haven't done any reconnaissance," Sirius pointed out. "We don't even know where their dormitory is."
"We know it's in the dungeons," James said, growing visibly excited, but in a calm, dangerous sort of way. The same way Remus found he was also excited, like it was a fluttering flame in his gut. "They just beat Gryffindor, so there'll be plenty of celebrating."
"Which means there might be a lot of movement in and out," Remus added.
"It also means they're going to be up super late," Peter pointed out.
"All the better," James said. "They'll be so exhausted when they finally turn in that they won't notice us at all."
"We need to go get the buttons," Remus said strictly. "My wand did the sticking charm so I'm the one that has to finish it." In other words, because he'd done the initial casting, he had to be the one to "stick" them in order to complete the charm. This only required a tap from his wand-tip, thankfully, and no oral incantations.
"We'll transfer them into my bag," Sirius said and grabbed it up from his bed. "James' bag, we'll burn."
"Right." James nodded. "Then we'll head for the dungeons and camp out. Let's go!"
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winterviolet1 · 10 months
Ateez Pirate Au: A journey of a lifetime Chapter 2: The rescue
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September 17
It's been three days since the pirates had pillage the town I visited. I wonder if those guys were still around especially the one that saved me from a villager that mistook me as a pirate. Hiding in my room as I was writing something in my journal, I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
"Who is it"
"It's me hun" It was my mother as she open my door and peeked in. I stop what I was currently doing and looked towards her direction. "Need something?" I asked and knowing my own mother, I had a feeling it was something I wasn't gonna agree with. "Your father wanted me to tell you that he wants you to get to the store in town to get some vegetables for dinner tonight" I was dumbfound by this request since we literally grow our own food. "For your information mother, the town is currently recovering from being pillage three days ago" I said to her as she looked shock from the news.
"How did you know that?" I sighed and closed my journal as I put it on my desk. "Cause I was there when it happen and nearly almost got killed by a store owner who mistaken me for a pirate" I said to my mother as she looked horrified. "Your not hurt are you!" I shook my head and told her that I was alright. "Well I'll break this news to your father, if you could. We're running low on fire wood so can ya get some more for us" I sighed and nodded my head before my mother left to tell the news to my father. As I headed outside and went to grab our axe. Something felt off as I grabbed the axe but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Alright time to split some wood before my mother comes back" I headed over to where our chopped wood area is.
I split 8 medium logs into fours so it would give up next wood for the time being. Once I was done and brought the fire woods into the house and into their spot. Looking outside to see that it was still daylight out. I decided that I was gonna go out for a little bit but when I was about to leave the house. I heard my father call out to me which cause me to pause and turn to see what he wants.
"Need something father?"
He was in the kitchen drying his hand when he called out to me. "Have you thought about the offer yet" What was he talking about? While I was thinking on what he had meant. My father came over and stood in the arch way between the kitchen and Livingroom. "I was talking about the marriage offer your mother and I mention to ya three days ago" Ah that one that I refuse to do. "Yeah I have and I still refuse to marry some random person because of money" Oh how furious my father was when he came over and back handed me. "Why won't you do this for us, for your damn family!" My father ask in a demanding voice but I was standing my ground. It was a very and I mean very simple answer. "Cause I don't want to nor do I think it's right when it involves money, Now I'm leaving while you should rethink your choices" I said to my father as I head out the door where my father was cursing me out and tell me that I was pathetic and a waste of their time.
I honestly didn't care cause they been on my case bout it. As I was heading down the path that would lead to the harbor. I heard a commotion not to far into the woods to my right as I stop to hear it out. "Pathetic pirates, you deserve this punishment for stealing and killing innocent people" A male voice spoke while a loud whip sound rung and a hearing a yell from another person cause me to run towards to source. As I got closer to the area, I hid behind a large tree and peek to see three villagers were whipping two people that were tied a tree.
It was two guys from the pirates that pillage the town not that long ago. I was surprised that they were still here but right now these two are in trouble. "We'll be back, don't think this is over yet you filths" The villager said as he and his friends left the area. Waiting til they were fully gone, I quietly and quickly made my way over to the two and saw how bad their condition were. Both groan in pain before then one that was taller then the other open his eyes and saw me:
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"What do you want, here to torture us some more" The taller guy said bitterly as he tries to move but stop when the pain took over. "Don't move, you'll only make the pain worse" I calmly said to the pirate while I look around to see if there was something I could use to cut them down. When I was a knife on the capture pirate, I know I need it to get them down. "I'll get you guy down but I need to use your knife, if you allow me" I ask while keeping an eye about to make sure no one was around. The pirate glares at me in suspicious which I don't blame him for til he simply nodded his head. Carefully removing the knife from the pirate. I open it and quickly started to cut the rope while trying to not cut the guy at the same time. Once I manage that, I caught the man as he tumble down as he held onto me. I carefully had the pirate lean again the tree while I went to cut his friend down and did the same for him:
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"As much as I want to help patch you guys up, we need to leave before the guys villagers are back" I said to the two as they carefully stood up. I handed the taller guys knife back and he took it while I had them follow me. When we manage to get out of the forest and hid behind one of the boat at the harbor. I checked on the two behind to see them very tired, in pain and struggling to keep up. When I was about to ask them a question, I heard a gun shot and people screaming as a male voice yell out angerly.
"Where are my men at you insects!" I know that voice. It was the same voice that belong to the guy that saved me three days ago. I peeked over to see that the guy was very piss off as two other were behind him with the same angry expression as well. "Like we would tell you" A villager said before the pirate point a gun at the man and pulled the trigger. That villager was dead on the spot as the pirate point his gun at another person. "Want to meet his fate, no? Then tell me where they are and you'll see another day" I had to do something before someone else get kill on the spot. I turn to the wound men behind me and carefully had them put and arm around my shoulder for support as I walked them to their crewmates. "I believe I found your men sir" I called out the three pirates as they turn to see me holding up their friends.
I froze when the two pirate behind the main one came over and took their friends while the main one walked over to me. He looked about my age if not older while long dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, wear a fur coat over his leather coat, white shirt, tannish orange pants, boots and has minimum jewelry on. The pirate in front of me expression change to a much softer one and smiled as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, if not for you helping then there would been more blood shed that wasn't necessary" I looked at the scared villagers as they watch from a far. "Will you stop terrorizing this village now that you have your men back" I said as the pirate looked behind at the people before looking back at me.
"Now that I have my men back, we don't need to stay here any longer but..."
The pirate smirk before he took my chin into his fingers. He had me look at him as he gave a serious yet curious look. "I want something from you" The pirate said as I tense at words he said. "What do you want from me?"
"To join my crew"
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bleachbleachbleach · 11 months
10/9 - 10/22/2023
✅ Renji chapter - DONE* ✅ Chapters 1-6 reread/revise - DONE
Some of this actually reads very well--at the sentential level, sometimes even the chapter level. I was pleasantly surprised by Rukia's, Hinamori's, and Akon's chapters.
There are portions of this fic that are kind of histrionic about use of tense (looking at you, Hinamori. Girl.), but on read-through now I think it works and I kind of like it.
Reading back it was fun to see what kinds of personal hangups were informing everyone's interactions and who was projecting what on whom. The order in which information appears (or is revised) based on whose POV chapter it was was cool, too!
I know there are critiques of the impact of film on writing, and I am sometimes self-conscious about how thoroughly my writing has been informed by writing for one singular TV fandom. That being said, having spent almost 15 years in a TV fandom, I always feel very validated when I can fix something by thinking about it in terms of TV constraints--like, oh, we can't do that scene because we don't have the time/budget to prep that scene again or put those actors on the call sheet. I may not be subject to those constraints but sometimes I'm like, "OH that makes this easier and less insane. Problem solved!"
Oh god, the Renji chapter is R O U G H. ngl feeling pretty betrayed, Abarai. So is the end of Matsumoto's chapter, which I knew going in, and which I then tried to revise last night, during which time I was apparently not mentally right, and now it s VERY weird and much worse!!
Aside from that, I'm... not convinced this story works, at the macro level. I don't know if there is a way to make it work better, outside of simply writing a different story. I don't feel like taking it down to studs is the move, and I think I should probably just keep going with it as-is and suffer the potential consequence of being disappointed. And then write a different story. SUCKS THO BECAUSE I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS ONE FOR YEARS.
Maybe this is a mid-light, rather than a lowlight: I feel willing to be convinced, or at least willing to take a chance on, the idea that part of my "eh I don't know if that works" is just me assuming this story is meant to be something that it is not, in fact, meant to be. Correspondingly, I think some of the things where I'm like "that's Not Right, that's not how that's supposed to work" may just be my writing style. For better? For worse? Jury's out, but it might just be me. It might be the work, and not what needs to be fixed.
Chapter 7 Rukia will close out Part 1. There's effectively two scenes left to do--maybe three if I decide to be weird about it--one of which I think about all the time and one of which is all vibes and "lmao fuck if I know" right now, so we'll see how those go.
One thing I'm feeling preemptively daunted by is how much less I already have written of Part 2 versus Part 3, but seeing as I'm probably not going to be done with Rukia 7 by next update anyway, what does it matter! It doesn't! Not yet!
ETA: Actually, one more thing. In my working document I've inserted anchors so I can flip between scenes more easily. These are NOT official scene breaks nor will these scene titles feature in the final product, but they feel like amusingly bad DVD chapter titles (remember DVDs? Chapter menus? DVD makers for some reason feeling that these chapters needed to be titled?):
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fandoms-in-law · 1 year
Stories Chapter 5
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4
Summary: In which Steve takes a few friends paint shopping and makes an awkward comment to try ensuring 2 know he's a safe space
authors note is added at the end
"So let me get this right," Robin started, clearly ready to rant as Steve led her, Eddie and Will into the home decoration store. "You scoff and let both me and Eddie go through subtly bringing redecorating up to you, act like it all has to be theoretical and are now, not a week later, taking not just us but Will off to get paints and see how much redoing your bathroom might cost? Why Will? And when did you tell him anything about this when we said no kids involved?"
Steve shrugged at her. "I need him to help with a couple rooms. He's just getting the tiny pots of paint and all I've decided on is the bathroom and colours I'd like the rooms to be. Also you two decided to do it that way because you knew I'm just as likely to try making my house fit your tastes as I am to let the kids take over if they try to."
"It's my turn to be Steve's favourite anyway. Dustin and Max keep refusing to let anyone else have the chance." Will agreed.
Eddie grinned,nodding at the statement before nudging Steve. "Come on then. Tell us why Will is oh so essential to your home redesign? What can't the three of us achieve?"
"A decent looking mural. I've asked him to do two and his sketches after I tried describing my idea when I called the Byers last night look awesome already." He explained easily.
That gets him a frown and Eddie reaching for his bag, forgetting it was left in Steve's car. "I'll show you that I could do that later." He states instead.
The other three all pause at that before Steve smiles widely. "Better idea. I'll commission you to do a painting I can get framed to replace the one in the dining room. I know you've been covering my parents portrait up every time you're around. Work with Will if you want ideas of what will work since one of the murals is opposite it."
Robin smiled at him now, her teasing annoyance over the redecorating plans going differently than she expected forgotten in curiosity over what he'd chosen. "Come on, give us the list of colours we're looking for. I know you have one if you did this planning without us." she nudged his shoulder. "And I want to see what you decided."
"Only so I can have some peace in here: Have some swatches to find. Eddie gets some too and we'll split up to see who finds their colours first. Meet at Will in the tester pots section." He offered them over, not bothering to explain the stars indicating the colours he wanted. It seemed clear enough that neither of his friends would try getting all the colours on a swatch.
Steve was last to meet up with them and by the time he did he was muttering under his breath, more frustrated than he would be by an out of the blue demand for a lift from Henderson that could have been mentioned far earlier.
"Were those colours that difficult to find?" Robin began, ready to tease but hesitating so she could check on him.
"The bathroom fitters don't give straight answers and didn't much like me saying I could go to a gay bar and get clearer replies than their hemming." He grumbled. "In good news, I should be able to afford to get the bathroom I want done. In annoying news, I'm going to have to find anywhere but here to do it since they seem to be homophobes as well as missing braincells."
Robin nodded slowly, ignoring Will and Eddie staring as if utterly confused by the sentence Steve just shared. "So you can have your corner tub deep into the floor of your bathroom?"
"That I can. Also either of you know if there actually is a gay bar around? So I can see if anyone there has recommendations for plumbers or bathroom refitting?" Steve continued glancing from Robin to Eddie.
At both of them shaking their heads in disbelief and Robin elbowing him again he dropped the subject with another grin. He'd checked before speaking at all that the area was empty of people other than their group and kept speaking quietly the entire time, but had deliberately mentioned it, trying to confirm he was safe to both Eddie and Will. It had been something he'd thought about recently when Robin mentioned she hadn't come out to anyone other than him and didn't want to just over a crush; that in a place like Hawkins, even with their trauma bonded family, his friends still couldn't be sure everyone was safe and Steve knew that even if he couldn't make everyone prove themselves accepting, he could at least make himself a safe place for others.
Eddie grinned back at him. "Can't say I do, not any that's nearby at least,but we could get recommendations from around the trailer park. I know who's cool already and even if you get overcharged for rich area privilege I bet it'd be cheaper than somewhere like here, looking for the wealthy home renovators, quoted." He offered instead.
"Mum and Hopper probably have some recommendations too." Will quietly spoke up, holding his sketchbook up for Steve to see before pointing out various tester pots in the colours he wanted. "How many of these can I have for the mural?"
"Do homes really take this much paint? It looks like there's no way you could ever use all of this." Eddie groaned, looking over the checkout with all the paints they'd collected over it.
Steve shrugged, "Not a clue, but I did check guides on how much a can will cover for the amounts I asked you to get of each colour and as you're all fond of reminding me, my house is big."
"I'm drawing pictures on your walls and then filling the gaps in if you seriously think I can stand just painting a wall in one colour." Eddie warned, grinning to show it was mostly teasing.
He got a laugh in reply. "That's why we've got paint rollers to make it quicker to do, but sure, go wild with it and see if the things you draw can still be spotted after everything is the same colour."
"Hey Dingus, stop chatting and help with putting this all back in the trolley. I swear your brat got a mini pot of every colour in existence." Robin grabbed their attention from where his paints were now being scanned.
"Will isn't a brat. He's an occasionally brutal angel compared to the rest of them, except maybe El." Steve corrected while squeezing past the trolley to help as requested.
"So this is actually being made into a home after all these years?" Hopper asked, stood outside of Steve's house only there to drop Will off but smiling and clearly ready to wait and chat if he wasn't about to volunteer to help with the painting.
Steve nodded, "Doesn't seem real, but apparently believing it's my biggest challenge yet."
Most of their group would argue, point to Russians or anything the Upside down had thrown at them to contradict him, but Hop just sighed. "Guess so. Making big changes deliberately instead of letting them happen around you is always tough."
"I did want to ask you something though." Steve hesitated now, knowing Hopper was the best person to ask the thought that had been in his head since he spoke to Jonathan about owning his home, but unsure if it would change anything.
He got a nod encouraging him to continue after a moments silence though. "Is there a way to contact Doctor Owens? The fact I have this place and nobody else seemed to get quite this much doesn't sit right so I want to challenge the unfairness with him."
"I've got a number for him but most of the time he just shows up after everything has gone to shit and been fought back." Hopper admits, moving towards the house. "But for now, let's get at least part of your house properly painted. I bet none of your friends have ever painted a wall in your lives."
Steve grinned at him, "No, but it doesn't seem too hard. We are just aiming for a flat colour, other than Will."
"You'd think so, but I'll show you the knack to it." Hopper grinned, rolling his shoulders and following the noise of voices through to Steve's living room.
Having new colours on the walls unnerved Steve. He'd be doing something and then pause wondering why the light was different for a moment before remembering. It felt kind of ridiculous to realise but just repainting the walls changed how the house felt completely.
"What's going on?" Dustin stared at the hallway through to the living room as if something would attack him.
This was the first clue and only possibility that the kids beyond Will would realise Steve owned the house early and he'd mentally been preparing himself to tell the most useful lie in avoiding demands to interfere.
"My parents barged in last week, said this friend of theirs was saying how unfashionable their decor was of the flat they keep in the city so apparently every property including this house needs redecorating urgently." Steve groused. "I'm just hoping it stops with repainting."
"Does that include your room? Cause anything has to be better than that wallpaper." Dustin immediately asks. "Actually, can I see how they've done your room? I need to judge it."
"They haven't done anything to it yet but they will and hell no. You lost any chance to look around when you decided to snoop and invade my privacy when I wasn't even here. You are restricted to the living room alone." Steve countered, unsurprised when he felt someone leaning over his shoulder a moment later. Honestly part of him wanted to show off the changes, and forget about Dustin rooting through his notebooks but Will had started with the mural in his room. If the ruse that this was dictated by his parents was going to continue then none of the other kids could see that. 
Eddie had been in the kitchen with Robin catching up and joking about their dream homes so both had probably heard that Dustin had arrived for Hellfire now. 
"Yes Dusty-buns, a few weeks does not erase the memory of that. Why are you here an hour early anyway?" Eddie cooed, reaching over Steve's shoulder to remain draped on him while messing up Dustin's hair.
"Will keeps mentioning coming round to help Steve with something and I'm his little brother. I should be the one doing all this helping." He glared at them, ready to argue just as much as actually ask what Steve needs help for that he wouldn't be approached about first. 
Steve grinned at that too, shrugging as he headed through to where Hellfire would soon be playing. "Don't think you can, Henderson. The Byers are the experts in art and photography. You're my audio and tech expert and honestly, the sound system I have is already good and the radio works fine."
"So what? You're actually getting a say in what's done?" Dustin scoffed. "That means you need my help even more. Let me see your room a so I can-" 
"Shut up. So you can shut up cause whatever say Steve does or doesn't get in how anything is decorated does not need dictating by you, shithead." Eddie interrupted, pushing off Steve to shove Dustin through to the living room. 
authors note: No I don't know or remember what I thought Steve spoke with the bathroom dept about, just that the comments online about lesbians being good at home repairs was in my head. The idea that that's how Steve tries to show Eddie and Will he's either an ally or part of the lgbtq+ is now just a scene I love because of its awkwardness
Chapter 6
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Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: NSFW 18+ Chapter Summary: Unwelcome home comings and confessions lead to a little fun on the way home. Word Count: 4,607 Warnings: Shitty parents and smut Commentary: I can't believe the last chapter is here!! Seems like only yesterday we started to plan this, not two months ago!! thank you so much to @slipperygiraff for trusting me to help them write this <3
Part One Part two Part three Part four Part five
Steve couldn't believe it had been six months since they finally did something about their feelings for Eddie. It was probably one of the most terrifying things they'd done, a close second to all the stuff with the Upside down. Things had been going well despite the distance. They had made time to see each other at least every other week and talked on the phone every night. Recently they had been discussing one of them moving, Steve keeping their promise to J to not try and get Eddie to move back to Hawkins. 
It wasn't an easy decision to make. The idea of leaving was hard, even though it would mean getting significantly more time with Eddie. The kids were all still in Hawkins with a couple years of school left and the idea of not being that close to them was hard. All it took was Dustin telling Steve to leave. They'd be fine without them, some would be learning to drive soon. Somehow the kids knew that wouldn't be enough and had made a point to stop asking Steve for help or rides as often. 
The only other thing keeping Steve in Hawkins was Robin, who wouldn't allow them to stay for her. She'd be graduating soon and promised to move after, already planning on going to college there. With everyone all but packing for Steve, the choice was obvious. The next time they went to visit Eddie they told him their decision. Steve would stay in Hawkins for one more month before moving so they could give Family Video their two week notice and have time to pack. 
Today they were waiting for Eddie to come over as they sat on the couch. He was going to help them start packing some of their things so they had dressed comfortably in a slightly oversized lavender sweater and a pair of black ripped jeans. Hearing the front door open, Steve got up. Only it wasn't Eddie who was walking through the door but their parents setting suitcases just inside. It had been so long since Steve had seen them, the couple of times they had been home Steve had made it a point to be anywhere but home. Of course their luck would end here, only a month left and their parents chose now to show up unannounced. Sure it was their house but they usually called first. 
"Take these upstairs for us Steven. Then get ready to go, we'll be going out for lunch." Their father ordered, not even looking in Steve's direction. They took the suitcases upstairs as asked but headed back downstairs without changing. The gasp that came from their mother as she looked at them for the first time in almost a year only confirmed what Steve was already thinking, this was not going to go well. 
"What did you do to your hair!" Their mother said, almost yelling. Steve's dad finally looking up at them, giving them a look they haven't seen since they accidentally broke an expensive lamp when they were eight. 
"You will go back upstairs, change into some respectable clothes, and you will go shave that eye sore off your head. We will not be seen in public with you like that." Their father demanded. 
"No." Steve answered, crossing their arms and leaning against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. 
"I must have been gone too long and you've forgotten who's in charge around here. You will do as you're told. Now go, we have reservations." Steve didn't move, not even to uncross their arms. They knew this would happen if their parents ever came home before they were able to move out. There was only a month left, they'd find somewhere else to live temporarily if they really had to. They had done too much work on bettering and finding themselves, they weren't about to undo all that now. 
"I said no. You don't have to like it. I just won't go." Steve stated, staring blankly back at their father. 
"You have until I've made it to those stairs to get your ass up there." The look in their dad's eyes wasn't one they'd seen before, it was dangerous. They'd never stood up for themselves like this before. 
"Don't." Their mom said, placing her hand on their dad's arm as he got up. She knew that wouldn't stop him but Steve didn't expect her to really try. They knew their mother didn't care enough to really stop their dad, she never had before. 
"You had your chance." He said, grabbing the collar of Steve's shirt from behind and walking up the stairs. Steve was trying to pull the collar away from their neck with one hand while trying to loosen their fathers grip with the other, they weren't having much luck.
"Richard stop! You're hurting him! He doesn't have to go." She yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Steve was surprised she'd even gotten up, it was the most she ever tried.
"Absolutely not. He will go. He will shave this pink shit off his head. He will change. This is not how a man dresses. I raised a respectable man, he will look and act as such." Their father screamed as he continued to drag Steve up the stairs by their shirt collar. None of them heard the front door open. 
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"Unhand them!" Eddie shouted up the stairs as soon as he saw what was happening. 
"Who are you to tell me how to deal with my son?" Richard asked in response. 
"I said unhand them now or so help me god I will make you." Eddie growled, dangerously low whilst stepping forward, almost at the bottom of the stairs now.
"This doesn't concern you. This is a family matter. Please leave." Steve's mother whispered. 
Richard, being slightly distracted by Eddie, didn't notice his grip slowly loosen on Steve's collar, giving them the chance to free themselves. Before Steve could get far, their father pushed them back against the wall with his forearm to their chest. 
"You aren't going anywhere but upstairs like you were told." Richard commanded, looking back at Eddie. "And you will be leaving."
"I am not leaving without Steve. I will say it again, unhand them or I will make you!" Eddie seethed, reaching for Steve. 
"I think not." Richard growled, moving to put space between Steve and Eddie while keeping Steve against the wall.
"Right, come on baby, let's go. Just move in with me early." Eddie said, taking hold of Steve's wrist and trying to pull them away from Richards' hold. "Let go of them dick"  
"Dad just let me go." Steve begged, trying their hardest to wiggling out of their dad's grip. 
"Who the hell is this boy and why does he think he can walk into my house and tell me how to handle my own son?" Richard demanded.
"That's Eddie. He's… he's my boyfriend dad." Steve answered hesitantly.
"Well not anymore. I raised you better than this. This ends now. He leaves and you will not be seeing him again." Richard dictated. 
"You raised them better than to find someone who supports them? Would do anything for them? Loves them? You wish you'd raised them to do what you want but that's not the case anymore. You have no idea what a wonderful person Steve is." Eddie said, "Now I will not tell you again. Unhand them." 
"You love me?" Steve whispered, tears starting to form in their eyes.
"Oh" Eddie said, realizing what he had admitted, suddenly panicked that it was too quickly to utter those words but knowing he meant them. "Yeah, i do, I love you"
Steve manages to wiggle out of their dad's grip, throwing themselves at Eddie. "I love you too." They sobbed.
"Now this wonderful person," Eddie stated, pulling Steve closer but glaring at both Richard and Karen, "is going to go upstairs to pack some essentials and is leaving with me. We will be back once you two have fucked off again for the rest of their stuff and neither of you are going to stop us, am I clear?"  
"Richard, please, let's not cause a scene. What would the neighbors say? Let them both pack up some things and leave. We can discuss this later once everyone has calmed down."  Karen pleaded, laying her hand on her husband's arm.
Steve and Eddie made their way up the stairs. Eddie making sure to always be in between Steve and Richard, he wasn’t going to give him a chance to lay another hand on Steve. Shutting the door and locking it, they stood there awkwardly for a moment. They both knew what needed to be done but needed a moment to calm down to try and think clearly. 
"Soooo, we should probably talk a little about what just happened" Eddie spoke quietly, breaking the silence that had washed over them. 
"I'm sorry you had to see that. I didn't know they'd be home." Steve agonized, grabbing any bag they could find from their closet to pack things in.
"No, you're not going to apologize for them. You do not deserve for that to happen to you and it will not happen again" Eddie replied pulling Steve away from the bag they were packing to hug them.   
"I hate that it happened. I was really hoping I could just leave before they came back. Normally they call but not this time. I'm so glad you're here." Steve said wetly, trying to hide their face on Eddie's shoulder. 
"hey, hey. It's ok. I'm here. Let's pack and get out of here." Eddie whispered, tilting Steve's head towards him and kissing them lightly on the lips. 
"What do you need to take with you now? Let's just get all that packed as quickly as possible and let's get home" Eddie said, squeezing Stevie's biceps and stepping away to continue to pack clothes. 
"I guess really just clothes and some bathroom stuff for now." Steve answered, coming up behind Eddie and wrapping their arms around his waist. "Thank you for being here and helping me." They whispered, kissing the back of his neck. "I love you." Kissing Eddie's shoulder before starting to back away. They didnt feel like their words were enough. Steve knew it would only have gotten worse if Eddie hadn’t shown up. How could they possibly begin to show Eddie how grateful they were?
"I love you too baby, you're never going to have to face them or this house alone again. I'm always going to be here for you." 
The rest of their time packing had been mostly spent in silence, wanting to focus more on packing in hopes of getting out of there as quickly as possible. All of Steve’s clothes and toiletries just barely fit in the bags they had found. There was still stuff they didn’t want to leave behind but it could wait. Steve’s parents didn’t usually stay longer than a few days before heading back out again, they could come back then and get the rest. Once all the bags were set next to Steve’s bedroom door, they took one last look around to make sure they weren’t forgetting anything. Eddie insisted on carrying all the bags no matter how much Steve had argued, makng sure he was the first one down the stairs too. Thankfully Steve’s parents had moved from the stairs to sit down in the living room, Richard glaring at them while Karen just looked down at the floor, unable to look at them, as they made their way out the front door and to Eddie’s van.
"We'll grab your car next time ok, I want you with me on this trip home" Eddie said moving Steve away from their own car.
"Home" Steve smiled, "that sounds perfect"
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They had been on the road for 20 minutes and had passed the 'Leaving Hawkins' sign 15 minutes ago. So far the journey had been silent and a little tense. 
"Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?" Eddie asked, running a soothing hand up and down Steve's leg, squeezing slightly. "It's ok if you don't want to, or want to right now."
"Yeah, yeah I'm ok, or I will be anyway. Thank you baby" Steve replied, taking Eddie's hand and squeezing back lightly before turning the radio on. 
" Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds? " Eddie sang along, very badly. Whilst tapping along to the beat on his steering wheel and turning to look at Steve who was trying their best to not laugh. " Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed
Late at night, I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need, " Eddie continued badly and even more theatrically. 
" I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life
Larger than life " They both sang along badly to the chorus before dissolving into a fit of giggles. 
Eddie continued to sing along to the next few songs on the radio, getting even more theatrical as he went. Steve just sat and watched, utterly entranced by this gorgeous, funny, perfect man they could call theirs. How did they get so lucky? 
"You're staring sweetheart, what's up?" Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow, glancing at Steve again and back to the road. 
"Nothing, just looking at you." Steve replies, shrugging. 
"Something on my face?" Eddie asks, running a hand down his face. 
"No, just thinking about how lucky I am. How lucky I am to have the most gorgeous, amazing, perfect boyfriend." Steve says simply. 
"Shit sweetheart. You can't go saying shit like that when I can't kiss you. I'm the lucky one though. How did I, the king of freaks and over all social reject, end up with the most perfect person in the world? I know we haven't been together long but you're it for me sweetheart. Seriously, I will spend every day from now until the day I die making sure you know how loved you are." Eddie says bringing Steve's knuckles to his lips and kissing them quickly.   
"I guess we're both lucky" Steve laughs, finally feeling a little lighter than they had done in the last hour or so. Finally realizing that they'd never have to live in that house again, never have to see their parents on their own again. All thanks to this man sitting next to them, a man that hadn't thought twice about stepping up to defend them and threatening their dad.
"I have an idea, always something I thought would be fun and I'm feeling in the mood to say thanks." Steve says with a very mischievous tone. "Got to trust me though baby and got to concentrate on driving. Think you can do that for me?" Steve asks seductively. 
"Yeah, yeah. I'll try" Eddie says as Steve reaches for the zip of his jeans. "Fuck baby, want me that bad you cant even wait until we're home?"
"No, I need my mouth on you now" Steve whines, unzipping the jeans and unbuttoning them. 
Eddie lifted up and helped Steve pull his pants and underwear down the best he could whilst keeping control of the car. It really was going to be difficult to concentrate but his rapidly hardening cock is very interested in the idea of being in Steve's mouth. 
"So big, fuck" Steve whispers almost to themselves, taking Eddie in hand. Using one hand to jerk Eddie off, they used their other hand to unbuckle their seat belt so they could lean over the central console and take Eddie in their mouth. 
"Baby, shit, so needy, my perfect needy princess" Eddie rambled, unable to help a string of compliments coming out as Steve started to suck his dick. "So good, always so good with that mouth of yours" 
"Not enough, need you to fuck my throat" Steve panted, pulling back off Eddie leaving a string of silivar as they did so. "Please" Steve pleaded as they started to jerk Eddie off again with a much slicker hand this time. 
"Anything for you" Eddie replied, trying to maintain some control so that he didn't crash with his dick in his partner's mouth. 
Luckily slightly further down the road there was a turning into a wooded area which Eddie took. Pulling as far down as he could to make sure they couldn't be seen. He pushed the seat back as far as it would go and made himself more comfy. 
"Come take what you need baby, I'm here for your taking" Eddie said, rubbing his hand down Steve's cheek. 
Steve took Eddie back in their mouth, deeper than they previously had been. Eddie hand found Steve's hair and started to thrust upwards. The moan that Steve let out in reply told Eddie that they really did want their throat fucking. 
"So good for me, always so fucking good for me baby. I love you so much, fuck. I'm close already, shit baby that mouth of yours is sinful" Eddie rambled as his thrusting became more exaggerated, forcing himself further down Steve's throat causing a choked off moaning to come from his partner. Seconds later Eddie's thrusting became very erratic before he spilled down Steve's throat. 
"Whatever I did to deserve that, I need you to tell me so I can do it again" Eddie joked breathlessly. "Now come here, need you on my lap" he said encouraging Steve to come over the console and onto his lap. 
The two of them on one seat, even in the roomy van, made for a tight squeeze but neither minded this. Steve was situated and within seconds Eddie had his Steve's pants opened and their dick out of their underwear tugging Steve's dick as quick as he could knowing that Steve didn't mind it being dry, they liked a little pain with their pleasure. 
"Please" Steve pleaded, not sure what they were pleading for, Eddie always seemed to know though as he sped up his hand on Steve's dick and brought a hand up to their hair tugging slightly. 
"You look so beautiful like this, so needy and wanting for release." Eddie whispered against Steve's lips. 
Steve couldn't think straight enough to kiss Eddie as they came between their two bodies. 
"I made a mess" Steve giggled looking down between them, "You'll need to change your shirt before we take everything in" 
"Worth it" Eddie laughed before kissing Steve softly. "I love you, you perfect little minx, now let's get you home" 
"I love you too" Steve said, taking Eddie's hand and kissing the middle knuckle on his left hand, over the first of two tattoo's Eddie had gotten for them in the last 6 months. An exact replica of Steve's favorite pair of earrings, a dagger with a rose wrapped around. Steve then lent forward moving Eddie's shirt collar down slightly so they could kiss the second tattoo that Eddie had gotten for them, a print of Steve's lips in their favorite lipstick shade a soft pink.    
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One thing that had not changed in their relationship after Steve moved in, was a weekly date. Each week they made time to do something together. Sometimes this was a meal out, a hike in the local area, taking in a sports game or rollerblading. Today they had spent the whole day out of the house to make up for the long hours both of them had been working with Eddie trying to make a name for himself and with Steve still having had to work a few days at Family Video before their notice was up. A lot of time when not working was also spent unpacking Steve's things and making the place look like 2 people lived there and not just Eddie. 
Their day started with lazy morning sex and then breakfast at a local diner they both loved going too. They spent the afternoon walking around the local shops doing a little bit of shopping for upcoming birthdays and the holiday season that wasn't too far away. They had eaten a late afternoon meal at a quaint restaurant before ending their day at the local drive-in movie for a showing of The Princess Bride.
"You didn't need to do all of this, you know, we could have brought my car and sat on the hood." Steve said shyly as he looked at the back of the van Eddie had just opened up. It revealed a nest of pillows and blankets, lights had also been strung on the inside. 
"No, my boyfriend deserves the best drive in movie experience. He deserves all the sappy cliche shit I know he loves. Plus we couldn't really sit close on the hood of your car, I know Indy is progressive and all but let's not risk what's been a perfect day so far. " Eddie said, quickly squeezing Steve's hip. A gesture they had adopted as a public way of affection towards each other. 
"I love you" Steve whispered back. 
They sat and watched the movie with their legs dangled over the back of the van sitting as close as they could and inching closer and closer as the movie went on. 
"Oh that was amazing! Romantic and funny. Westley loves Buttercup so much! He went through so much to be with her." Steve gushed at the end of the movie. 
"I'd go through all of that, and more for you, already have" Eddie said, running his hand under the polo shirt was wearing, using his thumb to rub soothing circles on Steve's hip. "I haven't kissed you in far too long can we go home now" Eddie whispered. 
"I don't think I'll ever not get a little bit giddy over you calling a place we both live home, lets go baby" Steve replied.  
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Four months since Steve moved out of his parents home a month early. Four months of feeling happier than he had in a long time. Living with Eddie had been one of the best decisions he’d made. Here he could be himself with no fear of his parents coming home. Sure they had gotten into a few silly arguments since but it was to be expected. Eddie leaving just a sip of milk left in the carton in the fridge, who was supposed to clean what, Steve getting mad at Eddie for using way too much of his hair products, which way the toilet paper was supposed to face, squeezing the toothpaste in the middle versus the end. They had started learning each other and compromising once they were able to stop laughing at how ridiculous some of their arguments had been. Of course once they had found themselves in a decent spot things only changed again. Which is how Steve found himself standing in the kitchen arguing with Robin.
“Robin, I thought you were gonna take care of this?” Steve groaned.
“Don’t look at me. I thought you were going to?” Robin answered with a shrug.
“You live here too, you know! I cooked last night so it was your turn to do the dishes.” He said, rubbing his hand over his face. He thought they went over this before he started cooking. Now he stood in there wanting to make them breakfast since none of them had to work any time soon but he couldn’t since the dishes he’d needed were still dirty.
“J, baby, sweetheart, darling. Help me out here.” Robin said pouting at J.
“I am not getting in the middle of your little sibling argument over there. I know better than that after what happened last time. Plus I did the dishes last time.” J responded.
“How about you Eddie? You’ll help me won’t you?” Robin begged.
“And have to sleep on the couch? I think not.” Eddie replied.
“Looks like breakfast is on you today Robs.” Steve announced.
“Aw come on Steve.” 
“Nope. That’s the rules.” Steve , leaning back on the counter and hands on his hips, Robin turning towards him with a pout. “Don’t look at me like that. You agreed to this before you even moved in.”
“Fine. Guess I have to actually change out of my pjs today.” She sighed, walking back towards her bedroom to change. Steve looked over to find Eddie and J giggling on the couch.
“What are you two laughing about?” Steve asked as he sat down next to Eddie.
“Nothing at all princess.” Eddie replied, giving Steve a quick kiss on the forehead.
“You know I don’t believe that for a second right?”
“We were just joking about how we don’t even need a tv with you two around.” J giggled as they smiled at Steve.
At least someone was entertained by their bickering. He knew this is how it’d go when they discussed the four of them moving into together. Steve still loved Robin though. It was nice to go from a house that was always eerily quiet to their apartment that was almost constant noise now. He was glad that J and Eddie had remained friends after everything. Steve couldn’t imagine not having them around, quickly  becoming almost as close as him and Robin. 
Robin had moved in first so she’d be closer to school. It was obvious how much of a crush she’d developed on J. As if the shopping trip the three of them had gone on hadn’t made it clear enough. Robin rambled on and on with them around, he caught her staring often, and as much as she denied it for a while she talked about J any time they weren’t around. J was just as obvious in their flirting, Robin just didn’t believe him when he pointed it out. The two of them had helped push Steve towards Eddie so of course he had to do the same for them. He tried talking Robin into making a move first but quickly gave up. J was easier to convince, telling them the plan he’d come up with.
Steve and Eddie suggested a movie night and invited J. Eddie had picked a horror film he'd seen before, loudly asking Steve to help him get everyone drinks from the kitchen when he knew it was about to get scary. The two of them watched from the kitchen doorway as Robin jumped only for J to pull her close and whisper something, whatever it was had Robin blushing so hard that it was impossible to miss even with how dark the living room had been. It hadn’t been long after that, Robin finally admitting to Steve that he had been right.
J had ended up spending the night enough times that Steve and Eddie had just told them to move in already. He’d worried it’d be awkward, and at first it was a little but all it took was Steve and J picking on Eddie together once for everything to fall into place. J had even helped him get a job at the bar when he was having a hard time finding anything else. He’d been nervous to move to a new city but now he knew, as long as he had these three with him it would be just fine.
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