#ty charlotte kiss kiss kiss
reiverreturns · 1 year
for the fanfic writer asks!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
hookay we all know i am incapable of pulling out single sentences so here's some passages! and two because i can't decide!!
Joseph ponders this for a minute, then nods. They both understand what Jacob means. That John lacks discipline, he lacks grit. He toys with ideas bigger than himself and carves them into people’s skin like a child with crayons. He has suffered, oh how he’s suffered, but he’s still too green to have bitten down into the rot of humanity and tested how far his teeth will go. He isn’t them.
from this fic. i really love this line because i think it really nails my interpretation of the seed brother dynamic. joseph and jacob having this affinity as the older, self-sufficient, trauma-bonded brothers while john is always slightly on the periphery of their experience but no less loved. i really vibe with that because john is imo the most violent and unhinged but it really tickles me that his two brothers would think he's the silly rabbit in spite of skinning and torturing people.
As a child, Phoenix never wanted siblings.  She played alone, ate alone, dreamed alone. She had an aptitude for numbers but a torrid impatience for history, a temper that was fierce but took long to spark, a bare-toothed need to learn what tied the knots in people and slip beyond them unnoticed. She is the product of an absent father and a mother who never had the stomach for the job; an older half-sister with crow’s feet and wide hips and red lacquered fingernails. If Phoenix really tries, she can still remember how to get to her sister’s house. The urge has never taken her. She isn’t sure she would even recognise it if she did. 
from this fic. i really like this passage because i think it just captures my take on this character so concisely without being super on-the-nose about her description or why she is the way she is. phoenix my beloved <3
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
i do!
assassin's creed - attrition because i'm ashamed to admit it's the only fic i've fully re-read all the way through and ergo the only one i can comment on (SO BAD SELF)
FC5 - blessed are the meek bc it's the only one published and i love love love genfic in this fandom (even though there is so little of it)
TGM - quiet promises because i think it's the best editing i've ever done on a fic. genuinely don't think there is a thing i would change about it.
What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
that writing, for me, is an act of self-care, and i am a better person (and a better writer) when i acknowledge that. my creative mind needs nurturing and an avenue to express and that shouldn't be considered less important than any other self-sustaining task i need to do. when i treat writing as a tool to help me (instead of one that's dragging me down) i have a much healthier appreciation for what i'm doing.
also, the way to get stylistically better as a writer is to read more. reading is not a distraction from writing but an essential part of it.
ask me some fanfic writing things!
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iinsertblognamee · 1 year
big sister's
summary ― what happens when your overprotective big sister finds out you're dating and not just that, you're dating the team captain. well shit.
pairing ― sam kerr x arnold!reader
warning/s ― angst, swearing
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You let out a puff, as you sat down on the bench next to Katrina. Leaning over to stretch your legs, feeling the tension slowly break away. Training has been hard, Tony ensured we were performing to our absolute best. 
Charlotte joined, asking Katrina about Harper. You tried to listen in to the conversation but your attention was quickly stolen before you could contribute anything important. Caitlin was in deep conversation with Sam. You could see Sam’s leg muscles flex as she attempted to stretch her injured calf. You embarrassingly roam your eyes all over her body as she pushes her hips deeper. 
A shove stole your attention away - a knowing smirk on Katrina’s lips. Her eyebrows wiggling, Charlotte joined in. 
“What’s going on over there little miss?” the older woman teases, giving you another shove. 
“Shut up” you puff out, shaking your head as you stood up and turned your back to Sam. That would stop you from stealing any more glances. Grabbing your water bottle, taking a large sip so you could dodge the questions you knew both girls were bursting to ask. You could feel Charlotte wrapping her arm around your neck, bringing her head close to yours - giggles already leaving her lips. 
“I don’t know if Mac would approve of this arrangement” The comment gets Katrina to let out a laughing snort; now gaining the attention of Ellie. “What’s happening over here?” 
All three of you start to talk over each other, your “Nothing!” the loudest - causing Katrina and Charlotte to burst into giggles once again. 
Thankfully before either of them could say anything else, Tony walked in - gaining the attention of everyone in the changing rooms. 
“Alright ladies, good job out there today! Make sure to get changed and ready for lunch. We’ll be waiting for you in the cafeteria”. A clap of his hands gets everyone moving again. Katrina, Charlotte and Ellie walk out together, as you start to pack your bag up. 
Soon enough you were one of the last to start to leave the room. Your attention fixated on tying your hair up in a bun that you don’t realise arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you back into the changing room. Spinning you around, you’re met with brown eyes and a small grin. You let her guide you to a corner of the room, her grin growing bigger. 
“I miss you” she confesses, as she pulls you closer to her. Your lips practically touching. You feel her give your hips a slight squeeze, a small shiver running down your spine. 
“I’ve been here the whole time” you bite back, a smile playing on your lips as she rolls her eyes at you. Shaking her head, “You know that’s not what I mean”. You almost miss it with how small she sounded, so intimate. 
You did know what she meant. Over the past couple of weeks, the two of you hadn’t been able to have a moment to yourselves. Between world cup preparations, and brutal training sessions mixed, with group hangouts, your time with the women in front of you had been limited. 
“I know, I miss you too” The confession brings a smile back on Sam’s face, one of her hands moving from your hip to cup your face. Her thumb grazing your lip, her eyes piercing yours - watching your every reaction. The sharp breath you take, only makes her smile wider. 
You ultimately stop the chasing game, smashing your lips onto hers, your hands gripping her hips and pushing her body closer to yours. Somehow she manages to deepen the kiss, her hand now cupping the back of your neck to keep you on her lips. 
The kiss was your first taste of her in weeks and if you weren’t so desperate you would have blushed at the noises leaving your lips. Sam only seems to take that on with pride, her second hand now gripping your ass. You gasp into her mouth, her taking the opportunity to trace your lower lips with her tongue before she lips it into your mouth. 
You had known your girlfriend long before you transferred to Chelsea from West Ham United almost two years ago. While you both had been on the national team together, you had met her back when your big sister and Sam had been teammates back in 2014. 
Although there had always been some sort of attraction between the two of you - it wasn’t until you had gotten injured just under a year ago did the pair of you decide to really go for it. 
You vividly remember coming into contact with an opposing team member, pain and suddenly you were on the floor. You were walked off the field, Sam trying to follow but ultimately had to finish the game. The final whistle couldn’t have come any faster, Sam rushing towards the medical room to find you still being checked over for any signs of concession they may have missed. 
Three stitches later - which Sam had held your hand for - you were given the all-clear to head home. Sam took it upon herself to take you home, checking every few minutes to make sure you weren’t going to collapse on her on the car ride home. It wasn’t until you found yourself covered in blankets (in fresh clothes with help from Sam, because god forbid you somehow hurt yourself getting changed) on your couch, water and food ready for you that she finally started to relax. She made sure to stay close enough to you in case you needed her for anything, her eyes never leaving your face. 
You can’t remember if it was before Sam had asked you if you needed anything else or after she offered to stay the night but your lips were on hers. And as they say, it only got better from there. 
The two of you broke away from your quick make-out, a giggle leaving your lips as you shake your head. The two of you acting like horny teenagers. 
“We should probably head to lunch before people start to notice we aren’t there” Your suggestion creates a groan from your partner, the frown appearing on her face reminds you of your nieces when they get told it's bedtime. Shaking your head, before bringing your lips back to hers for one last peck. 
The sound of shoes squeaking against the floor breaks the atmosphere the two of you had created, the two of you breaking apart to find Alanna frickin Kennedy standing there, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. You feel your heart seize up, and it takes you a few seconds to remember how to breathe. 
“Holy shit” was enough to leave her lips for you to break out of your shock. Your legs moving fast enough to grab her by the arms - somehow stopping the woman from running back to your sister. 
“What the fu-” “-You can’t tell Mac” You cut her off, pleading as she closes her mouth. Looking over your shoulder to Sam before back at you. You can see the confusion on her face. 
“Wh-what is - how did this happen?” You couldn’t find yourself saying anything, your mouth gaping but nothing coming out. “Lana-” Sam starts but immediately stops when the defender shoots her head up to look back at her. 
“Mackenzie is going to kill you Kerr” The words made your blood run cold. You knew she was right. 
Mackenzie Arnold, your big sister. You loved her, but you knew she had a protective streak when it came to you. She had managed to scare off every single person you had attempted to date, and as much as you love her - you wouldn’t let Sam be one of them. 
Before you could even begin to beg Alanna to keep her mouth shut, you feel everything around you stopping once again. 
“What the hell is going on here?” The sound of your sister’s voice is enough to make you drop your hands from Alanna and spin your body so you were facing her. You swear everyone in the room can hear your heart beating - but you can’t bring yourself to say anything. 
Sam goes to say something but Alanna cuts her off “Just grabbing these two - Y/N was talking game plays when I walked in” 
Your gaze shoots right back to the blonde next to you, a forced smile on her face but you swear you could kiss her right now. You swear you hear Sam let out a breath as well. 
“Well hurry up - I got a plate ready for you Y/N” It’s enough to get you moving away, breaking away from the small crowd that was now in the changing room and following your sister out - not daring to take a glance back at Sam. 
You make your way to the cafeteria with Mac, taking a seat next to Caitlin as your sister sat on the other side. A plate is ready for you as promised. You can’t help but note it takes an extra five minutes for Alanna to join you guys at the table, but don’t allow yourself to question it as your sister keeps her arm around you. 
The bus eventually comes to pick everyone up, Alanna taking the window seat as you move in next to her. Almost immediately your head is on her shoulder, your eyes struggling to stay open. You miss the way Sam checks you over from her seat, the slight frown as she watches you pass out almost instantly. 
You flinch in your sleep, Alanna’s hand coming to cup your cheek and push your head further into her neck - her soothing graze calming you enough for the twitching to stop almost instantly. Sam watched the whole thing, the frown only deepening. 
She understood why you wanted to keep the two of you under wraps, she knew how protective Mackenzie was over you - and honestly, she couldn’t blame her. She knew you were just worried about upsetting your sister, but it killed her to have to watch Alanna look after you when she was sitting just three seats down. 
A slight nudge wakes you up, your sister smiling down at you as you rub your eyes. 
“Wakey wakey sleeping beauty” she grins, you sliding your head back into Lana’s neck and letting out a tired groan. It takes you a few more moments before you slowly start to get up - your body wasn’t obviously ready for it as your knees buckle, Mac grabs you instantly to steady you. “Woah there! Take it easy Y/N” 
You feel Lana’s hand hold onto your waist, as she moves you out of the seat and towards your sister - who still had her hand holding your arm. You let the pair slowly guide you out of the bus, your eyes still half closed. 
You don’t know how you managed to end up in your room, but the feeling of someone placing you in your bed and putting your blanket over you was enough for you to let sleep take over you once again. 
The next time you wake up, it’s by kisses being littered all over your face. A grin appears on your lips as you slowly open your eyes to come face-to-face with Sam. 
“Hey baby” she practically whispers, her finger tracing your face, slowly down around your lips, before bringing her face closer to plant a kiss right where her fingers were. 
“Hi,” you whisper back, closing your eyes once more and letting out a content sigh. “I like this” you add, you feel Sam vibrate with a laugh, her hand now moving down to your arm. 
“I like this too - could lay next to you forever” her voice just a little bit louder this time.
“Hm. that sounds nice” 
The door slamming open doesn’t give you two enough time to break apart before your sister comes cruising in - carrying what you can only assume was dinner. 
The silence is immediate. Until your sister speaks. 
“What the fuck is happening here?” her yelling brings attention to your teammates, Alanna and Caitlin appearing in your room - both their faces frozen at the sight. 
“Mac-” you try to start, she shuts you up as she raises her hand. Her gaze pointed directly at your girlfriend now sitting up next to you. 
“Huh, what the fuck is this Kerr. Cause it looks like you're trying to fuck my little sister” Sam looks between the two sisters, trying to figure out the best way to calm the situation down. Your sister doesn’t appreciate the silence. “Which wouldn’t be right, because I know you swore you would stay the fuck away from her” 
Your gaze breaks from your sister to Sam. 
“What?” you know everyone in the room hears the way your voice cracks but you don’t care. You look and wait for Sam to deny it, but the way her eyes refuse to look at you answers your question. 
Suddenly you can’t be in the room - you can’t have everyone looking at you. You manage to jump out of bed, but not without your foot getting caught in the sheets. You lose your balance, slamming your hip right into the bedside table. Sam and Mac both jump into action to help you but you flinch away from both their hands. 
“Don’t” you manage you spill out, the tears streaming down your face, as you manage to slip through everyone and out into the hallway. The stinging from the bump was blatantly there. You hear your sister's voice but manage to turn the corner before you can make out what she’s saying. 
You quickly knock on the first door around the corner, a few seconds later Katrina opens the door with Harper on her hip. Her smile drops when she notices the tears streaming down your face and your hand holding your sore hip. Within an instant, you're inside her room - the door closing behind you. 
She guides you to her bed, harper noticing that you were sad as she threw her arms up to be grabbed by you. You let Harper distract you, as Katrina grabs you a glass of water from the bathroom. 
“You wanna talk about it?” she asks, handing over the glass - you take a sip before placing the glass down. Something in the way she looked at you just made you spill everything. 
You tell her how you started dating Sam after years of having a massive crush on her. How you felt like you couldn’t tell your sister because you were scared you were going to lose Sam if you did. How it didn’t matter because Mac found out anyway and you lost Sam anyway. While in the heat of your breakdown, you let it slip that you always felt that Sam couldn’t love you the way you loved her - and now it was proven. The way she couldn’t even begin to defend herself when your sister spilled that she had told Mac she wouldn’t go for you. 
Katrina let you cry out to her, her hand never leaving your back as she soothed you down. She didn’t once stop you or try to cut in and for that you were grateful. Letting everything off your chest to someone, you suddenly felt so much lighter. 
Once you feel like you’ve said everything you could, you turn your attention back to Katrina, she gives you a small smile as she tucked some hair behind your ear. 
“Can I say what I think?” she asks, all you can do is give her a small nod. 
“I think you don’t give yourself or the girls enough credit. Look I know you felt like you had to keep it from Mac because she wouldn’t approve or whatever but I know your sister and I know you. She would do anything for you Y/N. And if that meant being okay with you and Sam she would - because she loves you so so much. And I don’t know what conversation happened between Sam and Mac before but anyone with eyes can see just how much Sam loves you. I'm honestly surprised it took Mac this long to finally see that something was happening between the two of you. Sam looks at you like you hung the sun and the stars, and I promise you that whatever was said in that conversation before has nothing on what Sam feels for you now. Was it shit that this is how it all came out? Yes! But those two girls love you with all their hearts and would do anything to see a smile on your face”. 
The tears had managed to start again as she spoke to you, her other hand now rubbing your knee too. “You really think so?” you mumble out, your gaze looking anywhere but at her face. 
“I know so. And another thing! You don’t realise just how much those two would do for you. You don’t need to be worrying about losing either of them. And if they did walk away well it's their loss and I promise you the rest of us girls wouldn’t take it lightly.” 
You let out a small laugh at the last part - a smile on Katrina’s face as she wipes away the final streaks left for the tears before. She takes Harper out of your lap, who had somehow fallen asleep during your breakdown. 
“Now you know you’re always welcome here but I think you need to go talk to your two girls before they both break down this door looking for you”. 
You say your thank yous, as you give her one last hug before making your way back to your room. The door is still open but when you walk in you notice that your bed has been made as well as the clothes you had left on the floor are now cleaned up. Sam is sitting on the chair by the small table in the corner of the room. Her lip in between her teeth - a nervous habit. 
“Hey,” she croaks out, standing up to wrap her arms around you before stopping herself and bringing them back next to her side. 
“Hi,” you mumble back. The silence feels weird between the two of you. 
You both go to say something before pausing for the other to continue. 
“No, you go,” you both say, causing a small laugh to leave both your lips. 
This was going to be okay. 
“I love you Y/N. I need you to know that. God, I love you so much it hurts. And I’ve loved you for a long time - longer than I probably should have but I do and I'm not going to apologise for that. Yes, your sister and I had a stupid conversation years ago that I regret but I promise you it wasn’t how I meant it. I just know that when I first saw you all those years ago I knew you were it for me and that was before I knew you were Mac’s younger sister. I’ve loved you since 2014 when you came to training and kicked my ass. I still loved you when I saw you jump in Mac’s arms and thought you two were together and I think I loved you even more when I realised you two were sisters and I still had a chance with you. Your sister had made our whole team  promise we wouldn’t try anything on you and I stupidly agreed because I couldn’t understand why you would ever want someone like me. But here we are, and I’m so sorry but I’m not sorry for loving you and I will never feel sorry for that because you’re it for me, Y/N Arnold. You're my game-saving goal, you’re my everything and I will forever be in love with you.” 
You don’t know when exactly you both started crying, but the moment she stopped talking you were in her arms - your lips smashed against each other. “God I love you so so much” she mumbles onto your lips as she continues to kiss you. 
“I love you so much Sammy, you have no idea. And I'm sorry that I hide you from Mac, I just didn’t want to lose you” 
“I know baby. I know. I don’t blame you” 
“Bu-but” her hands were combing through your hair, relaxing you - like she knew it did “I’m going to talk to her, and tell her that she’s just going to have to get over it cause I’m not losing you. Not over this” 
“You’ll never lose me Y/N. Ever” And sealed it with a kiss. 
The two of you ended up in your bed, moments sealed between the two. 
It wasn’t until a couple of hours had passed, Sam traced your face with her finger - the bedsheets covering both your bodies, smiles and secret glances shared between the two of you. 
“I should probably talk to Mac” you whisper into the atmosphere, her tilting her head to catch a better look at you. 
“Do you want me to come with you?” as much as you wanted to say yes, you knew you needed to talk to your sister alone. 
“That’s okay - but thank you” you murmur back, pressing one last kiss on your girlfriend's lips, before slipping out from under the sheets and grabbing the first couple of items you could find on the floor and putting them on before making your way towards the door. 
“I love you” Sam calls out, as you open the door. 
“I love you more” You blow her a kiss, as you close the door and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. Making your way down the hallway felt a lot more daunting than you were hoping. You knew in your head that your sister would love you no matter what, but you still couldn’t help but feel nervous. 
You loved Sam, but you love your sister too and you don’t know what you would do without either of them. 
You knock quietly on the door, taking a deep breath as the door swings open. Your big sister was rubbing her face, but you knew she hadn’t slept at all. The second she notices it’s you, she straightens up - her hand dropping. 
“Mac..” you start, and you already feel the tears coming. It’s enough for your sister as she pulls you into a hug and brings you inside her room. She guides you to her bed, her embrace never leaving you. It was hard for you, the two of you rarely got into fights - even as kids. 
You wait for her to say something, too scared to say the wrong thing; as much as you love your sister so was stubborn and you knew this. 
“Macca, please” you almost choke out, moving your body so you were now facing her, her hands now resting on your legs. 
“How long has this been going on?” Great. Straight to the point. You know there’s no point lying but you suddenly feel guilty telling her the truth. 
“Since I had to get the stitches last year” Had it really been that long? Had you really kept this from your sister for that long? She lets out a sharp breath at the confirmation but doesn’t add anything. Your heart breaking. 
“Please don’t hate me” The tears had officially started, and Mac’s head shoots up at your ask, her mouth falling open. 
“I could never hate you” she chokes out, ripping her arms around you and pulling you into her embrace. Her hand patting your hair down. “I love you too much to even think about ha- that” You grabbed onto her harder as you heard her voice crack as she responded to you. 
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you, embracing one another. 
“I had always figured something had happened” she mumbled into your hair, before pulling you off her to watch your reaction. 
“Wh-What do you mean?” 
She let out a small sigh, as she looked up at the ceiling. “Sam called me up just after they had given you the stitches, told me everything that happened and how she was going to take you back home and watch over you. She sounded so worried and I could hear you in the background calling out for her. I tried not to think too much about it because I knew she would look after you, if not for me but for herself”. 
You couldn’t help but feel your heart speed just a little faster at this new piece of information. 
“She did” 
“I know. I never doubted that Y/N. She cares about you. She always has and I know that - but all of this is scary Y/N. You’re my little sister and I just wanted to be able to protect you as much as I could. And I’m sorry that my protectiveness made you feel like you couldn’t tell me about you and Kerr” 
You let a smile slip at the sound of your girlfriend’s last name. It was a trait your sister would do to anyone who would try to date you - one of her ways of trying to intimidate them. 
“I know Macca, and I love you for being so protective of me - I know I’ll have you in my corner looking out for me but-” 
“-But you love Sam, I know. And I know how much she loves you. I think I’ve known for a while, but I guess I just didn’t want to believe it”. She pulls you into another hug, kissing the top of your head. You let her embrace you as you let out a deep breath. You already felt a billion times better knowing Mac was okay with you. 
“Are you mad at Sam?” you hear the sigh before you feel her shake her head. 
“No, I’m not” 
The seconds her words made sense in your brain, you somehow managed to pull her even closer to you, squealing as you thanked her over and over again. It wasn’t for a couple more seconds before you pulled away - a small grin appeared on your face. Your sister already knew this meant trouble. 
“So you’re okay with…” you trail off, waiting for her to finish your sentence. She gives you a look as your smile breaks even wider, before nodding her head. 
“Yes, I’m okay with you two” You let out a giggle as you grabbed her face and planted a kiss on her forehead - making sure to make an outrageous kissy noise with it. “I love you. I love you. I love you” you repeat over and over again as you keep kissing her head. 
“Yes, Yes! I know! Now go back to your girlfriend before she comes here and I have to deal with watching you two do god knows what” 
That’s all you needed to hear as you broke away from your sister and made your way back to your room - where you knew your girlfriend waited for you. 
And you couldn’t wait. 
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crazyunsexycool · 6 months
My little love
Chapter 33
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
word count: 2.6K
Warnings: None really, just some fluff, implied smut
A/N: Just a little family time. Then Lottie asks a very important question...
Series Masterlist
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“Mama wook it.” Lottie called out. 
You were slipping on the last metal bracelet onto your wrist when you turned to look at her. She was standing in the middle of your bed jumping so that the skirt she was wearing would bounce around. 
“Is so fun mama.” She giggled.
You smile while moving towards the bed. Lottie walks towards the edge and when you’re close enough she jumps into your arms. Her arms wrap around your neck and her legs around your waist. Her laugh is contagious and you can’t help but join in. It had been months since you had been rescued. Since then you had celebrated the holidays and it had been nice to focus on good things. Now everything was going back to normal and part of you was worried about it. Although the good thing was that you were able to focus on the kids. Taking them out more often was an adventure on its own. Watching them learn more about the outside world was wonderful. 
“I lobe you mama.” Lottie says once she’s caught her breath and finished giggling. 
“I love you more, sweet Angel.” You kiss her temple. “Now let’s get your hair done. Do you want two pigtails, space buns or braids?” 
“Bwaids mama.” 
“Ok, braids it is.” You set her down on the bathroom counter where you have all her hair products set up. 
Just as you finish tying the second braid off, Henry stops at the door to the bathroom. He’s also all dressed and ready to go.
“Mama, can you help me with my hair?” He pulls the hair tie out of his hair and lets it fall freely around his face. 
“Of course, C’mere.” 
You’d found out that Henry learned how to fix his hair on his own while you had been gone. Since you came back though he always asks you to do it. While you comb his hair, Henry stands in front of Lottie and the two of them chat about whatever surprise you and Bucky have for them today. 
“Is so fun Bubba. I see it.” 
“Yeah? Where are we going?” Henry asks. 
“Is suwpwise.”
“But that’s not fair.” Henry gives her an exaggerated pout in hopes of swaying her into giving up the surprise. “It’s not my fault I can’t see the future.” 
“Nuh-uh Bubba. I no say anything.” 
“What do you say, Henry, should you have matching braids like your sister?” You joke as you comb through his hair.
“Mama.” He giggles. “No. I want my hair down.” 
“Oh, ok. If you change your mind though, I can totally braid it.” 
He laughs but pulls away while Lottie begs him to get braids. 
“We’ll get him next time, sweet Angel.” 
“Next time, mama.” 
“Alright, time for shoes.”  
You grab Lottie and head toward her room when you bump into Bucky who was dressed and ready to go. 
“What is this about braiding Henry’s hair?” He was already giving you a suspicious look but the corners of his mouth were upturned. 
“You next dada.” 
“Oh so everyone is just going to have matching hairdos, doll?” 
“Yup.” She nods and extends her arms so that he grabs hers. “Shoes dada.” Lottie sticks her foot out and moves it around to show that she isn’t wearing any. 
“Ok, shoes it is.” He says with a nod. “Meet you at the front door in five?” 
“I’ll be there. Oh and don’t forget her tights.” 
He gives you a lopsided smile and you walk back into your room to grab a few last minute things.
At the door you and Henry have your jackets on and are waiting for Bucky and Charlotte. They show up soon enough and the four of you head toward the elevator. Steve catches it just before the door closes. 
“Are you guys ready for your adventure today?” He asks the kids while pressing the button to the floor he wants.
You and Bucky give each other a knowing look. The floor he’s going to is the labs, not his office. 
“Baby already knows what the surprise is. But I’m excited.” 
“Am ‘xcited too, Steebie.” Lottie looks up at him with a smile. 
The elevator stops and the doors open. Steve starts stepping out before turning back to the four of you.
“You guys have fun and you tell me all about it when you get back ok?” 
“Ok.” Both kids reply before the doors closes and the elevator takes you down to the garage level. There you load the kids into the car and head out.
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“Are we gonna see sharks?” Henry says as Bucky pulls into the parking lot of the New York Aquarium. 
“We see all the fishies, Bubba.” 
You and Bucky smile at their excitement. They practically jump out of the car once it’s parked. Bucky takes Lottie’s hand, while you take Henry’s and head for the entrance. The four of you start your walk through of the aquarium. Henry often leads Charlotte just a few feet ahead while you and Bucky walk hand in hand.
“Wook it Bubba.” Lottie points through the glass to a yellow fish. “Is so pwetty.” 
“Look at the turtle, baby.” 
Henry and Lottie stood side by side with their hands pressed up against the tank as they slowly looked around. Both of them with matching expressions full of wonder. It was a beautiful sight to see, the kids finally being able to be kids freely without danger looming around every corner. Bucky keeps an arm around your waist as you both also watch the sea creatures swim by. The two of you talk quietly about the aquarium and with the kids. You take pictures and little videos to show your family and the team later. 
You and Bucky had made sure to have passes for the shark exhibits that Henry liked and picked a penguin encounter for Lottie. They were so curious and asked so many questions. It was endearing to see them enjoy childhood. 
“Have some fries, doll.” Bucky places a few french fries on Lottie’s plate. “You too bubs.” 
The four of you sat at a booth in a small restaurant for dinner. 
“Is so yummy.” Lottie says. A french fry in each hand, one for herself and one she offers to you. 
“Thank you, sweet angel.” 
The four of you continue to eat and talk about all about the aquarium. Henry had loved the sharks and Lottie had been fascinated by the penguins and sea otters.
“Yeah bubs?” You look across the table at Henry. 
“Are you going to go on missions again?” 
You and Bucky stopped in your tracks. Lottie looked between the three of you from her place at the table a bit confused. 
“Did someone talk about me going on missions?” 
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I heard daddy and uncle Steve talking about a mission.” 
“No go on missions mama.” Lottie adds worriedly. 
“Well just so you both know, I won’t be going on missions for a while. I will be helping at the medbay though. So I’ll always be close by.” 
It’s something you had discussed first with Bucky and then the team. Bucky had been completely supportive and relieved that you didn’t want to go out on missions. Although he thought you would have been upset with him when he expressed his opinion. He was just worried about you and would much rather you be safe at home than out on the field. The team was completely understanding but sad to know you wouldn’t be joining them, not even as just the medic. You did state that if you absolutely had to, you would go but it would have to be something big. Fury was the only one that really protested but the matter was quickly shut down when Steve put his foot down and the team supported it.
“Good.” Henry smiles at you. Lottie nods in agreement. 
“Alright let’s finish up here so we can go get some ice cream.” 
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It was past the kids’ bedtime when the four of you finally made it back home. There ended up being an impromptu walk through the park after dinner where Henry spotted a man playing the saxophone. Of course they wanted to stand by and listen and maybe they even danced a little. After that Lottie reminded her father that he was going to get everyone ice cream. It had been the perfect ending to the perfect day. The most surprising part was that both Charlotte and Henry were actually tired but it must have been all of the excitement that had them almost lulled to sleep. Bucky was carrying Henry while you carried Lottie. 
Henry blinked owlishly as the elevator came to a stop at your floor. His piercing blue eyes find yours and he gives you a sleepy smile.
“Today was fun.” He mumbles. 
“It really was.” 
“Friday, could you please open the door?” Bucky asks. 
“Of course, Sergeant.”  
The front door pops open for you. Bucky nudges it with his foot and lets you walk in first. He follows you into the kid’s room where you lay Lottie down on the bottom bunk. You start to take off her shoes which wakes her up. 
“Pinky, mama.” Lottie says sleepily as she holds her hand out waiting for her pink teddy bear. 
“Here you go sweet angel.” You hand her the bear. “Can I change you into some pajamas?”
You smile before getting up and heading toward the drawers. While you get their pajamas ready Bucky ushers the kids to the bathroom in order to have them brush their teeth and clean them up before bed. 
Once the kids were fast asleep in their room you and Bucky left to get ready for bed. You were in your room looking for a t-shirt to wear when Bucky came up behind you. Strong arms trapped you against him and you sighed contently as you rested your head against his shoulder. You felt his lips against your neck and you tilted your head to grant him more access. 
“Today was great.” You murmur.
“Yeah. It’s good to finally be able to go out with the kids and do normal things with them.” Bucky sighs and turns you around so that you’re facing each other. “Up.” He taps your thigh. You jump and wrap your legs around his waist while his hands support your thighs.
You lean down and kiss him while he walks over to the bed and sits on the edge of it. Bucky’s hands slip under your shirt and he caresses your sides, you smile into the kiss. With a content sigh Bucky pulls your shirt off.
“I love you.” He murmurs. 
“I love you too.” 
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The apartment was quiet. Too quiet. It made you suspicious of a certain little giggle monster. You leave the book you had been reading on the coffee table and head into the kids’ room. There Lottie’s bin of art supplies was on its side and all of its contents was spilled on the floor. It was obvious she had been looking for something. 
You lean into the doorway and watch as she works on whatever project she puts her mind to. She’s humming too, an AC/DC song no less. Lottie has been hanging out with Tony too much. 
“Need some help, sweet Angel?” You ask after a minute of watching her work. 
“Pwease mama.” She looks over her shoulder at you and smiles.
You walk into the room and sit on the floor across from her. 
“What are you doing?”
Lottie holds up Henry’s orange teddy bear and her pink one in one hand while holding tape in the other.
“Are you trying to have them hold paws?”
“Like the sea otters?” 
“Yeah, bubba is my ottuh. Dada is mama’s ottuh.” She looks up at you with those big curious eyes of hers and sweet smile.
“He definitely is my otter.”
“Dada holds mama’s hand?” 
You smile because you know she’s referring to what she learned about sea otters at the aquarium and how otters will hold paws while sleeping to not float away from each other.  
“Yeah, your daddy is my otter and so are you and bubba.” 
Lottie scrunches her nose, an action that reminds you so much of Bucky, when she smiles before looking down at the bears in her hand.
“Give me those. I think I know what to do for them.” You tell Lottie and she happily hands them over.
Looking through the little basket of stickers, glues and tapes you find what you’re looking for. Working for a few minutes you hand the bears back to her. Lottie looks at the bears confused.
“Here you do this.” You grab the paw of each bear and let the magnets you had manipulated into each paw stick together. 
Lottie gasps and smiles while she pulls the paws apart and then puts them together.
“Mama so smart.” 
“Well thank you my sweet angel.” 
“Can show bubba now?” she asks as she gets up. 
“Don’t you think we should clean this mess up first?” You ask.
Lottie looks at her art supplies and you can see the gears turning in her head.
“Nah, is kay.” 
You huff a laugh and get up to follow her, a little mess never hurt anyone and Lottie was usually good with little clean ups when told to do so. 
“Hello my otter.” You murmur to Bucky as you sit down next to him. 
Sam and Steve were hanging out in the common room along with Bucky and Henry. Lottie immediately heads towards Henry to show him how their bears can now hold paws. Meanwhile you took the empty seat next to Bucky and he pulled you into his side. 
“Otter?” He gives you a questioning look. 
“Yeah, Lottie asked me if you were my otter because you hold my hand.” 
Bucky smiled sweetly before it turned into a devilish smirk. “I can hold other things too, Sugar.” 
“James!” You laugh. 
“What? It’s true. I’m pretty sure I held some other things last night actually.” He whispers in your ear before his hand squeezes your thigh. 
“Little ears.” Steve says horrified, his hands covering Lottie’s ears while Sam covered Henry’s. 
“I don’t even know what he said but you’re nasty.” 
You and Bucky laugh at Sam and Steve’s disgusted face and the kids' confused expression. They finally dropped their hands away from the kids’ ears which earned a glare from Lottie to Steve.
“Mama can habe juice?” Lottie turns her attention to you.
“Of course. Does anyone else want anything?” 
After no one could decide what they wanted you just offer to bring back random snacks. Sam suggests putting on a movie and the others agree. On the way to the shared kitchen you bump into Clint, Wanda, Vision and Nat and let them know about the impromptu movie session in the living room. Vision offers to help with bringing back snacks so Clint, Nat and Wanda join the others. As everyone settles down Lottie makes her way toward Bucky. She smiles up at him after sitting in the seat that was occupied by you a few minutes ago. As everyone suggests a movie, Lottie asks something that gets everyone’s attention.
“Dada?” Lottie gets his attention. 
“Yeah doll?”
“When you ask mama to ma-wee you?” She asks seriously. 
Everyone is looking at Bucky and he’s just staring at his daughter who is waiting for an answer. 
“Yeah Buck nasty, when are you going to put a ring on it?” Sam teases. 
Bucky looks around at his friends, no, his family and smiles. 
Ch. 34
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razorblade180 · 3 months
Aether:*reading map* (That’s another area explored thoroughly. Okay, time to report back to the guild and-)
???:Ummm hello….
He turns around to see Furina awkwardly waving behind him.
Aether:Oh hey! Taking a walk on the beach? I finally got the hang of what shellfish to grab and not last week, so no need to remind me this time.
Furina:Huh, color me impressed. Although it’s only natural you’d learn a fair share of laws by now.
Aether:What can I say? I like my freedom. Need anything?
Furina:Actually…I found it; you I mean.
Aether:You okay? You’re acting a little odd.
Furina:Ah! Rude! So what if I’m a little out of sorts. It’s hard not to be with how active you’ve been.
Aether:That’s what has you worried? I’m resting well. There’s a concerning amount of ancient sea ruin traps but-
Furina:Not exactly what I meant. Finding so many treasures, tying up loose ends, restoring the fountain; you’re….gonna leave soon, aren’t you?
Aether:I….sigh Yeah, I will.
Furina:Well I can’t say that’s a shock. You are an adventure after all. It’s only natural. Honestly I’m a little jealous Charlotte is vastly calmer about this.
Aether:To be fair, I somehow run into Charlotte more outside of Fontaine than inside.
Furina:Heh, that’s fair. Listen…*blushes* I get your busy and I don’t mean to come off as greedy-
Furina:Hush! I’m being serious here! It’s super annoying and frustrating but…I really feel comfortable with you. Safe. I’ll even admit I find myself missing you after we hangout, which makes it incredibly hard to focus on scripts by the way! That being said, I don’t hate it all. So please, *holds his hands gently* would it be too much if you set aside more time for me?
What is it about pouty royalty that made incredibly difficult to refuse. It was so much worse with Furina because normally she’s taking jabs and standing proudly. Aether couldn’t help but blush at such an honest request. He interlocked their fingers together. It was Inazuma all over again. Only difference is he was perfectly okay teasing this celebrity a little.
Aether:Is this a confession of love?
Aether:It kinda feels like you told me you love me, but with extra lines.
Furina:And…if I did?
Aether:*bright red*……I’d say it back.
Furina:!?!? Ah, I see. *looks down* Then I guess there’s something you should be telling me.
Well this quickly went into the deep end. Aether should’ve known better by now. Furina always doubles down at the most shocking times like she’s not even trying. The young lady looks up briefly to see the man flustered beyond belief. It honestly made her a little happy. Not one to ruin the moment, she held back on snarky comments and simply closed her eyes. Furina waited less than a second before feeling the familiar worth of gentle lips press against hers. She leaned into it happily before separating to speak.
Furina:I think that’s better than words. For both our sakes haha.
Aether:I working up to it. You caught me off guard is all! Anyways, I have one more commission; after that I’m free all day so…*looks away* I’m all yours.
Furina:Is that so? Then allow me to accompany you! I’m taking every second I can get!
Aether:And paparazzi?
Furina:Let them run their silly little stories. I’m taking you where I please, when I want to from here on out!
Aether:Wow, you really are a little greedy.
Furina:Perhaps~ but I think you like that about me.
Aether:I love that about you.
Furina:Hey! You can’t just- that’s so… *crimson* I want another kiss!
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folkloresthings · 1 year
Pride and prejudice - seb with cruel summer 🫣 bridge suits him SO MUCH it should be illegal
can i just say ty to all of the anons sending seb requests you’re the backbone of our society. can’t wait to write them all!
CRUEL SUMMER. ❨ sebastian vettel x reader ❩
✩⡱ warnings: allusion to sex but no actual smut. age gap if you squint.
maybe it was the heat, you thought to yourself, making you feel like this. stuck on a yacht in the french riviera, you tried to distract yourself with your friends. but he was there, and he was so handsome and older and wiser. but sebastian vettel was trouble.
still, every evening after dinner, you found yourself disappearing below deck to him, letting him kiss you until you ran out of breath. he was a good kisser, too good, and knew just which buttons to press to make you give in.
“seb, we can’t,” you whisper, shaking. “everyone’s just upstairs, they’ll hear.”
you played this game every night, receiving some kind of smart quip from sebastian as he sank to his knees in front of you. and every time, he’d look up and grin devilishly as he disappeared between your thighs.
as soon as you arrived back on deck, it was like nothing had happened. you made your excuses and went back to your friends, and sebastian would only steal glances and brushing touches in passing.
one night, you’d all headed on land to a club that lewis recommend. sebastian hadn’t stopped staring at you in a dress that left little to the imagination (not that he needed much of an imagination). at the club, he may as well have been a stranger. you watched from the bar as he danced with a beautiful girl, being too drunk to notice how her hands were wandering over him.
in the taxi, you’d cried into isa’s arms, not giving her or charlotte a reason why. they knew, of course they knew. they’d be fools not to notice how you looked at sebastian. when the boys’ taxi pulled in behind you, you dried your eyes and looked away when carlos asked if you were okay.
“i’m fine,” you assured, avoiding sebastian’s stare and letting charlotte hold your hand as you hurried back to the boat.
he found you on the deck later that night, when everyone else was fast asleep. your legs were pulled up to your chest, chin resting on your knees, looking out to the dark waves on the horizon. he said nothing, sitting quietly beside you.
“i’m sorry,” sebastian admits after a moment of listening to your soft sniffles. you don’t dare look over to him, knowing how you’ll give in when you do. “please, talk to me.”
“i love you,” you’re saying it before you have the sense to stop yourself. you look at him then, because it’s out there, there’s no stopping it. “is that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?”
sebastian shakes his head, the ghost of a sad smile pulling at his lips. “no,” he whispers, reaching out to touch your cheek.
you sigh, leaning into his warm hand. he doesn’t return the words, and you know what it means. he loves you, he does, but he’s afraid. so are you, but you’re trying.
“i… i don’t want to keep secrets,” you tell him, voice quiet and taken away by the cool night air. “even if it means i get to keep you.”
sebastian winces, feeling you slip away from him. he doesn’t want to lose you, but the prospect of giving this relationship, everything that he has, up for the world to ogle at — he can’t face it. to have you is to lose you, he can’t seem to win.
summer was cruel like that. it gave you heaven only to take it away when the leaves turned. or maybe, it was just love that was cruel. and you, it’s sweet victim.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Hiya! It's Botnon again! Ty for answering my question, I'm quite relieved now. I was kinda worried for a bit there. And ty for the nickname, it's very fun, I feel like a robot now XD Since you can't write my Bottles request, could I have one with Duke Crocker using the "Mark me. Mark me so everyone knows who I belong to." smut prompt line pls? :3
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My dear robot I hope you enjoy!
Companion piece to Everything
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Duke has a hickey. It’s a pretty blemish that blossoms across the curve of his throat, just above his collarbone. His fingers trace over it as he stands in front of the mirror in the bathroom, his white shirt hanging open.
“You like it.” You accuse playfully as you pick up the gold lipstick you’d set on the shelf underneath and uncap it.
Duke’s gaze fixates on the colour, it’s called Love Liberty by Charlotte Tilbury. He knows that because he’s spent the entire night with it smeared across his chest, his thighs and his cock. He’d washed it off begrudgingly in the shower this morning but this little love mark still remains.
“I do.” He admits as he watches you apply the lipstick to your mouth.
“Will she be there tonight?” You ask, pursing your lips into a pout.
“Yea.” He says as he begins to button up his shirt. “It’s her event.”
You crinkle your nose just a little in distaste and he sighs as he tilts his head towards you.
“It didn’t mean anything.” He reminds you, studying the profile of your face. “It just got a little bit out of hand.”
He can tell you’re still mad about the kiss. It was meant to be a little flirting, a way of riling you up. He hadn’t expected Vivica to kiss him, he had however expected you to respond the way you did. He’d spent the entire night cuffed to the bed while you edged the life out of him as a punishment.
He stops short of fastening the last three buttons, one more and the collar hides the mark you’ve left upon his skin.
“You turn up like that and everyone will know what we got up to last night.” You say as you tuck the lipstick into your purse and use your fingertip to wipe the tiny smear from your lower lip.
“I know.” He says, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror. “I want them to know exactly who I belong to.”
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ay0nha · 2 years
Sugar For the Trail | Tommy Miller
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(obsessed with this gif, I couldn’t help but use it again)
SUMMARY: Each experience was different; they ranged and fluctuated, but it was a business, one you were good at creating a show for. You fulfilled fantasies; it required creativity and asked for the patience of a saint. However, this felt different. 
PAIRING: cowboy!Tommy Miller x brothel worker!f!reader (western au)
WARNINGS: SMUT (18+), little plot alotta porn, mentions of guns, etc.
A/N: Thank YOU so much for this request. My god, was this what my brain needed. I wrote this SO fast so mind the errors and if it seems rushed. Now, let’s all all remember SEX WORK IS WORK. As always, MANY thanks to @from-the-clouds​ YOU are the best. Enjoy!
No kissing.
No marking.
No refunds.
The sign had painted lettering tainted by the dust the men carried in. Its movement screeched with every spurred boot that stepped past the swinging doors. The rules lived in the same grey area of the world occupied. If there was no one to enforce them, respect was rarely given.
You watched the oils separate in the tepid water of your bath, floating away in bubbled clusters. The small ritual of the water helped your shift. It was a moment of peace before the unpredictability of the night. The bar was open even when it wasn’t; the men shouted and gambled, but it felt quieter than normal, still.
You could make out the slow yet agonizing clock ticks; you could feel your allotted time disappearing. The metronome rhythm drove you crazy. The sound followed you even as you sunk deep under the water. Yet, the water rippled, announcing someone’s presence as it carried the vibrations of their interruption.  
Reemerging confirmed that privacy was unknown in the establishment, especially as your closest confidant threw you a scoff. “Drowning yourself already?”
You pushed yourself out of the wooden basin. “Don’t be bleak, Charlotte.”
“There’s new company tonight.” She wrapped a towel around you tightly, wiping at the water droplets that met at your chin. “Some of the girls think he’s wanted, an outlaw.” The newer girls always gossiped while the more seasoned spun exaggerated tales. “Doc said he’s a sharpshooter that can spot bounty from a mile away.”
“He can’t be both.”
“Doesn’t matter; he’s the best there is. I can feel it.”  
“Every man claims to be the best.” Your eyes rolled, tying a delicate robe around your waist. His status hadn’t mattered to you, knowing he’d be a forgotten whisper by the morning. “Who’s he with tonight?”
“Doc wants you to meet him…” Charlotte hid her envy as she pinched your cheeks. She always commented you needed more color.  “...Says you’re the only one who won’t fall in love.”
He hovered close to the door after firmly shutting it behind him. The dark-brimmed hat covered his face, but you noted the curls underneath. He moved slowly as if fatigue would take him at any moment. Like every client, he counted the pay and moved to get comfortable.
“Mind if I?” His drawl deepened when his eyes met yours, gesturing to his hat. The candlelight flickered over his features, allowing you to take in his appearance. They were right, he was handsome.
“Please,” You encouraged him. It wasn’t until he went for his jacket that you helped pull it from his broad shoulders.  “Will I get a name?”
“Charmed.” You blew out a handful of candles near you, leaving the lit ones as a trail to the bed before sitting on it. “You coming from far, Tommy?”
He hummed. The healing marks below his eye were the only thing he carried for the past few weeks.  “I have further to go.”
“Well, I’m glad you stopped for the night.”
Tommy could tell the polite exchange was rehearsed. It was supposed to gauge him and ease him into flirtations. You wondered what got him here of all places, but that question was put aside as you watched him move to his gun belt and holster.
“You sure you want to do that?”
His lip twitched, revealing a cheeky side that had been so far suppressed. “You planning on shootin’ me?”
“Some of the men down there say you play dirty.” You repeated their complaints. Tommy stalked towards you, spreading your legs open with his own. You reached for his waist, feeling for his muscles, but instead, you felt a familiar outline. He had tucked the cards there when the game started to reflect his loss. “They’ll kill you if they find those.”
“You gonna tell on me?” Something settled deep within your stomach when you felt his breath fanning your lips. You chased his lips slightly, just for him to tease you, as he pulled back,  “Hmm?”
On the busier nights, you wore elaborate things and trailed your fingers along the nape of the necks of the men downstairs, whispering filthy promises to get them to leave their company. Tonight was slow. There was always commotion, but now everyone's voices were hushed to hear about the cowboy dressed in black. The very one that tantalizingly pulled at your robe.  
Tommy traced the curves of your body with his hand, going over the dip and rise of your waist and hip. It was a delicate dance to see how your skin reacted. The lace you wore was bought with borrowed money. You prayed Tommy wasn’t the type to pull until it ripped. But you didn’t care as his fingertips grazed everywhere, bringing each nerve ending to life.
His eyes locked with yours as he sank to his knees before you. The fabric was pulled slowly, falling to your ankles just to end in his back pocket. Settling himself between your legs, Tommy splayed his hands wide on the insides of your thighs, pushing them out and exposing you in the most vulnerable way possible to him. His lips trailed closer to your core, touch warm when he went to devour.
“What are you doing?” The sensation was easy to get distracted by, but your eyes snapped open. Between your legs, he felt welcomed; your words betrayed you.  “We don’t offer those services here.”
“What am I supposed to do if I can’t kiss you?”
Tommy’s pupils were blown, and his voice desperately held back lust. There were always considerate men to help balance the opposite. It was always the young ones, the innocent ones. On the off-chance, the widower just wanted to be held. But there had never been this. Your thoughts lagged, inhibiting your words. Tender touches were unheard of without conditions attached.
“I’ll pay double.”
Another grey area, one you’d never participated in. Yet, you desired the touch. The establishment was ruthless with their pay, entirely arbitrary and stolen half the time. The rates were based on looks and desirability. The rules were designed to be broken, but rarely in your favor like this.
“Okay.” Your nod was eager.
Staring at you, Tommy lowered his head and licked along your slit. His mouth was everywhere, his tongue dipping and gliding as he consumed you. At your bud, he gave you the softest kiss. A few more kisses and you were mewling. Your back arched, and he knew he wanted to hear more of those pretty little sounds from you.
“That’s it.” Tommy praised you. His tongue worked you so well, with an ease that came only from a great extent of knowledge. “Keep makin’ those noises for me.”
He needed this. His journey required him to exert so much of himself, but he could never be selfish like this. Your body, your warmth, held a kindness he could never have for longer than a night. He made a sound of satisfaction as he glided his tongue over you, his hand releasing your thigh to stretch you further.
Tommy freed a hand, giving attention to where his tongue had left bare—first one, then two. Moaning quietly, your hands sunk into his curls and gripped at the root, earning a groan from him that vibrated through you.
“Oh, god–” Your moan was genuine as you couldn’t keep it in. You graced him with what he wanted. You sighed his name in the same pattern he set for you. “—Tommy.”
The sound of his name slipping out of your mouth like that, all salacious and full of yearning, made his cock harden and his pride sore.
“Tell me what you need.”
“Don’t stop.”
The feeling of his touch soothed you. How long he spent working you over, you had no idea.  Your peak was already approaching before you could consider faking anything. Each experience was different; they ranged and fluctuated, but it was a business, one you were good at creating a show for. You fulfilled fantasies; it required creativity and asked for the patience of a saint. However, this felt different.
Your chest raised towards the bed’s canopy, and you pushed your hips further into his face. With a purposeful suck on your clit, your body tensed and snapped. Tommy’s hand dug into your thigh as he continued pumping his fingers and inhaling your clit to prolong your orgasm.
You felt the harsh rise and fall of your chest, thinking the reason Tommy pulled such an authentic reaction from you was from the long work days. You deserved this, you thought. He relaxed your body in a way that nothing but a completely fresh start would.
Tommy stood, his lips shining with you in the candlelight as he finally undressed. You eyed him hungrily in your dazed state, watching his shirt flutter to the floor, followed by his bottoms. Your faltering breaths filled the otherwise quiet room. Settling between your legs once more, he hovered above you. You could only hold his dark gaze briefly before your eyes drift downwards.
You needed to feel him just as much as he needed your touch. You followed the dark trail of his navel to feel his heavy cock in your palm, giving an experimental stroke from base to tip. You repeated the action, trailing your thumb along the vein you felt on the underside.
Tommy’s forehead dropped onto yours, his breathing deep. A flick of your eyes upwards showed you that his were closed, his jaw clenched tight. The sight sent tingles through you. With a tightened grip, you stroked him again, thumbing at his leaking head.
Panting, Tommy’s words blended together, “W-won’t last if you do that, sweetheart.”
The statement exhilarated you. Many men had a quick release; it was the only thing their drunken desires could allow them. Yet, the cowboy in your arms wanted nothing more but to stretch his time with you, every touch entirely at your disposal.  
Tommy let you pump him a few more times before he twisted you in his arms, encouraging your ass to perk in the air and legs spread beneath him. Grasping himself in one hand, he slowly pushed into you.
Gradually, he pulled his length out of you before pushing it back in at the same pace. You felt so full. It felt so good.
“Say that again.” Tommy all but growled, reacting to something you hadn’t realized left your mouth.
“You feel so g-good.”  Your teeth snagged your bottom lip as he moved in and out of you. You’re warm and tight—so tight, around him, and it has him on the brink of madness.
You gasped at the sensation as Tommy set a measured pace, slowly dragging his hard length out of you before slowly pushing it back in, ensuring you felt everything. The slow pull out, the perfect roll of his hips back in— the fullness was divine. He was ingraining every inch, every moment of this—him, into your memory.
You turned your head, so your lips are against his ear. “Tommy, I need you–” You purred again at the shell of his ear. “Faster.”
“Your eyes,” Tommy commanded in a tone so low you felt the rumble of it against you. ”Let me see your eyes.”
Something was clawing at your stomach, and you couldn’t deny the request. You tilted your head back to meet his gaze. With him behind you, the look on your face made him even harder as he put a little more power behind his next thrust, watching as it makes you moan again.
“Oh fuck.” You gasped, feeling the coil within you tightening again. He gave another deep thrust, the force pushing you slightly up the bed.  
“Takin’ me so well…” He soothed, sneaking a hand down to your clit. The cool touch caused you to thrust back, and Tommy groaned, pushing back deeply, his speed increasing. “I’m going to be dreamin’ ‘bout you for days.”
Every roll of his hips made you dizzier, pushing you higher every time the head of his cock dragged inside you against that one spot, and all you can do is moan through bitten lips. You weren’t usually this soft-spoken, but you were terrified of what you would confess.
Tommy was savoring the feeling of your cunt clenching around him as he fucked you, the saltiness on your neck as he sucked on your skin, and the bouncy flesh of your ass as his fingertips dug into you. You whimpered, the sensations building within you. You’re so close; you’re right there.
Combined with his circling finger and deep thrusts, you fall apart, breathing out Tommy’s name as stars erupted behind your eyes; a pleasure so intense your eyes rolled back, making your whole body tighten and relax repeatedly as you whine for Tommy as you swam in ecstasy.
“You're beautiful." He knew the position he had put you in already tested your generosity. But Tommy was fearless with his admission.
You could feel him twitch in you; all you wanted was for Tommy to fill you so completely that you’d feel him for days. But, pulling out of your pulsing heat, Tommy spilled over your back with a wrecked moan.
Tommy dropped onto you, his arm bending to take most of his weight so he doesn’t crush you entirely. His forehead fell between your shoulder blades, your heaving breaths matching as you return to yourselves, unprepared to face the shared mistake.
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elettralightwood · 2 years
happy valentine's day 🌈🤍
This day is not only for romantic couples, it's for families, for friends and for self love also. I just wanted to celebrate with the couples that fucked up my standards in romantic love cause how can someone ever get to their level?
"So I'm your first ever Shadowhunter, huh?" Alec said when they separated at last.
"You're my first so many things, Alec Lightwood."
- Alec & Magnus
"Every time I think I'm missing a piece of me, you give it back."
- Jace & Clary
"Simon, don’t you think I’m scared of that too? You’re not the only one on that ledge. If we jump, we jump together. We fall together."
- Izzy & Simon
"I could not have loved Will so much if I had not loved you as well. And I could not love you as I do if I had not loved Will as I did."
- Tessa & Will & Jem
"You may hide here with me, if you wish."
- Gabriel & Cecily
"I see it," Gideon said in a low voice. "I am not blind, and we are a people of many scars. I see it, but it is not ugly. It is just another beautiful part of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."
- Gideon & Sophie
Kissed her in such a way that she no longer felt plain, or conscious of her hair or the ink spot on her dress or anything but Henry, whom she had always loved. Tears welled up and spilled down her cheeks, and when he drew away, he touched her wet face wonderingly.
"Really," he said. "You love me, too, Lottie?"
- Henry & Charlotte
"As long as you exist and I exist, I will love you."
- Julian & Emma
"We will never leave you,” said Mark.
“We will stay as close to you as the tide to the shore,” said Kieran. “Neither of us wishes for anything else.” He reached out a hand. “Please believe us, Lady of Roses."
- Cristina & Mark & Kieran
"Every single minute I've spent with you has been my real life. And even on Wrangel Island, a better life than I ever had without you."
- Helen & Aline
"Tell me," Kit said. "Tell me what you need."
"Put your arms around me," said Ty. His hands were pale blue blurs in the air, as if Kit were looking at a time-lapsed photo. "Hold on to me."
- Kit & Ty
"It is as I knew," he said. "When I saw you upon the stairs of the Institute, and I saw the fire in your eyes, I knew you were the bravest woman ever to set foot on this earth. I regret only that such a fearless soul was ever hurt by the ignorance and fear of others."
- Gwyn & Diana
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quinloki · 1 year
Birthday Request Event
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader: AFAB GN Character: Charlotte Katakuri Kink: #1 - Merinthophilia Prompt: Birthday Captain's Choice Gift Giver: @mewiyev
Summary: It's taken years to build up trust with Katakuri, but now you can give your beloved the TLC he desires. With about 500ft of main sail rigging rope.
Content Notes: submissive Katakuri, bondage, soft dom reader, drool, non-penetrative sex, size difference, 18+ only
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
( I was very much inspired by this art by Mew - no less - but you're gonna need to prove you're old enough to see it https://twitter.com/nsfmxw/status/1668804754825158660 ♥ )
The ropes used to bind Katakuri were better suited to main sail rigging than what you’d generally use for bondage, but given the size difference, they worked well. Your impressively sized partner had tied himself up to a certain extent, and acquiesced when you ordered him around for the rest.
Now he was on display for you, ropes crossing his broad chest in a lattice harness pattern, arms bound behind his back. The black rope was beautiful against his skin, letting his tattoos peek from behind the dark color. Blood rushed through his cheeks and chest, as he sat on his heels, knees spread wide.
It had taken more than a couple years for the two of you to reach this level of intimacy. He was hesitant to be anything other than the Perfect Charlotte, even after you had been together for some time. Candid conversation from you had helped wear down the walls, and eventually you had been providing him with an outlet he didn’t know he needed.
The ropes couldn’t hope to hold him if he truly desired to be free, but the restriction they provided was enough. Enough to make his breath come out hot and rough while the custom bit kept his mouth forced open.
The gag had been the real show of trust from him, and you knew it. Not only did it stop him from hiding his mouth, but it kept him from trying to keep his image up despite the ropes.
It’s hard to look stoic and in control when you’re drooling down your own chin and onto your chest.
You knew how much the setup affected him. His massive cock had been hard and twitching for the past twenty minutes as you’d added the last few feet of rope, pulling him into his current position. The soft grunts that passed the bit prompted you to kiss him as you finished tying him up, and the soft acknowledgements of the sounds made him twitch and flinch.
Standing in front of him, catching his gaze with your own, you begin to strip. Your movements are fluid, but slow and pointed. You’re teasing him as you slowly discard each item, using a single finger to pull your socks off, and then turning around to play coy as you removed your pants. The approving grunt makes you smile as you walk over to him.
Usually you’d talk to him, touching his body, teasing the lines of his tattoos with your fingers and mouth. Reveling in every twitch and grunt, but tonight you had something else in mind.
Pouring oil onto his cock you begin to coat the twitching member. You’re rougher than usual, pressing your body against him and pumping him against yourself with your hands.
His whole body shivers from the initial pleasure and you can hear the thick ropes groaning against his strength. His voice tumbles from his mouth like wet gravel, full of heat and desire that rumbles in his chest as much as it fills the room. Precum bubbles up from his tip, almost enough to make you wonder if he didn’t just nearly orgasm.
“Kata, my love, don’t cum yet.” You chide gently, even though you don’t ease up on your actions, causing more of the thick liquid to pool and dribble.
“Don’t cum until I give you permission my sweet,” You lean down and lick his tip and hear a garbled swear nearly shatter in his throat. ���Kind,” you suck the tip and squeeze his shaft and hear his skin squeak against the tile floor as he jerks. “Gentle, Ka~ta~kuuuu~ri.”
You punctuated each syllable of his name by swirling your tongue around his tip.
He curls forward at the action, hunched over and looking at you with pleading eyes. Your name falls from his lips in broken pieces, followed by a shivering plea.
“Awww, struggling already, my love?” You tease, stepping forward enough to smear the drool on his chin across his jaw before licking along his bottom lip. “My handsome Kata is so beautiful like this. In all the ways no one else ever gets to see.” You purr.
Grabbing onto the rope harness to steady yourself you straddle his lap, rubbing your ass against the base of his cock. The position puts you almost at face level with Katakuri, even as he straightens up a little to help balance you. You put your weight on his thighs, keeping yourself balanced with the rope harness he’s wearing, and begin to grind your hips along his length.
“What a – mmm – good boy you are.” You purr, running your fingers through his short hair before you caress the side of his cheek. You move your hips in longer strokes, squeezing your thighs together and enjoying the shivers of pleasure as his twitchy, veiny, hot shaft teases your clit and folds so sweetly.
“You won’t cum, hngh…” Your fingers tighten on the harness, pressing yourself into the ropes crossing his abs as you push your hips out to his leaking tip. “Not without me, right?”
He shakes his head, his breath almost coming out in growls as his hips shift to match your movements, pressing himself into your slit more. He’s been on edge since he started lacing himself into the initial harness, and now, almost an hour later he almost needs haki to keep himself under control.
Your voice, your touch, the way you caress him as though he’s delicate, the soft purr in your words as you take control of his body. It sinks into his bones the way the resistance from the ropes sends shivers through his core. He’d pull the world apart at the behest of that gentle purr.
“Ah, Kata!” You cry, the pleasure building in you as you tighten your thighs against his slick cock. The thick veins are perfect as far as you’re concerned. Your arms tremble as you loose your hold on the harness and grab his chest.
“C-Cum!” You demand, your voice filled with pleasure and exertion. “Cum for me, Kata.” You purr the words, lips and teeth teasing one sensitive nipple as your hand stretches to tease the other.
Kata’s rough, panting growls shatter into gravel-laden whimpers as his body bucks into your thighs with less control than he had a moment ago. The ropes groan and dig into his skin as his body tenses rock hard against you. The sounds of his orgasm are enough to push you over your own edge, and you soak his cock in your pleasure as you hear the thick rush of his cum splatter against the cold tile floor.
“Haa… haa -fuck.” You swear, working to catch your breath as you lean into him while he sinks back down onto his heels. You stand on his thighs so you can remove the bit, kissing him along the line of his jaw tenderly.
“Good job.” You say, praising him, as he shifts and kisses you sweetly.
Check out the event - requests are accepted until 7/31/2023 EST
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
ironic // george russell
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summary: george and y/n are finally tying the knot, but trust everything to go wrong that weekend, in all of the right ways. inspired by a selection of verses from ‘ironic’ by alanis morrissette
it’s like rain on your wedding day
pairing: george russell x wife!reader
warnings: dramatic irony, mentions of omens from the universe. I do a little bit of projecting. alex and charles are the reason george is almost late for his wedding. ive only ever had a proper manicure once so its probably unrealistic as hell.
authors note: welcome to the end of the cozy collection 2022 !! i hope you enjoyed it, and im really looking forward to bringing you guys the christmas collection later in november.
reference points: (wedding dress) (george's suit) (the altar)(the song she’ll walk down the aisle to)(engagement ring)(blanket station)(wedding cake)
kings lynn, norfolk.
george russell was on top of the world.
it was a feeling better than winning the formula 2 championship, or getting pole position in hungary, or even when he was signed to mercedes. because in just forty-eight hours, the love of his life would become mrs. russell.
what he was not looking forward to, was when she would leave. keeping with radition, the bride and groom were to spend forty-eight hours apart, sleeping in different beds and not allowed to see each other under any circumstance, until they saw each other again at the outdoor ceremony.
"baby, lily's here." y/n murmured softly against george's lips. "i have to go."
"i don't want you to leave." the mercedes driver responded, chasing the kiss. "i want to stay here with you, for the rest of my life."
y/n giggled, pulling away and gently tapping geroge on the end of his nose with the pads of her finger. "its just two days, and then we have three whole weeks together on the french coast."
"two days is too long."
"but you'll be with charles and alex, having a bros weekend."
"it's a bros weekend every time i go to a race, darling." george persists, trying to get his bride to be to stay with him. "do you have the dress?"
"lily has it, and alex has your suit. i really need to go, georgie."
"okay." the brit relented, giving y/n a tight hug before letting her go. "i miss you already."
"see you soon, husband."
its a black fly in your chardonnay
they were in a pub in norfolk, a secluded table by the back, large bottle of chardonnay in the middle of the table. lily he and charlotte sine sat at the head of the table, left in charge of planning the entire schedule while their boyfriends kept george occupied. a few of y/n's college friends were there as well, but just for the dinner rather than the whole weekend.
"i propose a toast!" charlotte proclaimed, popping the bottle open. "to the future mrs. russell!"
the girls around the table echoed that sentiment, y/n hiding her face in her hands as she laughed. "go ahead and tell the whole pub, won't you."
"so," taylor, one of her roomates in college was the first to ask "are you nervous for the wedding."
"a little. it's a little scary, you know. the whole 'commitment for life' thing. not that i see george and i ever having problems, im just thinking 'but what if we do'?"
"sweetie, if i can deal with charles for as long as i have, you can spend the rest of your life with george." charlotte joked. "i've never seen two people more made for each other."
"can i get an amen?" lily quipped, raising her glass to the ceiling.
"amen!" the table chorused, also raising their glasses.
"to y/n and george!" taylor added, clinking glasses with the bride-to-be.
when y/n brought the glass to her lips, a small shape floating in the chardonnay stopped her. scrunching up her nose, she lowered the glass, eyes zeroing in on the the dark shape in her wine.
"there's a fly in my drink! this is an omen." she panicked, placing the glass back down on the table. "something is going to go wrong at that wedding, i can already tell."
"sweetie, i think you're overthinking this." lily frowned, rubbing her hands up and down y/n's arms. "let's just get you another glass and get shitfaced."
"that sounds like a really good idea."
it's the good advice that you just didn't take
george could be a moody bastard when he wanted to be, and alex and charles were learning that very quickly as they stood at the tee of the golf hole, waiting for charles to hit the small white ball.
"you guys have been apart for six hours. it's not a big deal, george. goddamn, are you whipped." alex remarked, clapping the groom on the shoulder.
"i can't remember the last time we were apart for more than a normal workday. or woken up without her in the bed next to me, inhaling the scent of her shampoo." george whined as charles finally took the shot. "i miss her like hell, give me a break."
"i told you this was a bad idea." alex insisted. "i knew that you couldn't stand to be away from her for this long."
george rolled his eyes. staying apart hadn't been his idea. after enlisting his mother to help with the wedding planning, mrs. russell had insisted on good old british tradition, and he was too much of a mama's boy to say no.
he figured that it was the least he could do, and that it would all be worth it when he got to hold y/n again, or when he saw her walking down the aisle to the song they had picked together, an acoustic cover of ‘mr brightside’, the song that was playing in the pub the night that they had their first kiss.
"even when she's at work, we still text each other. we've grown attached."
"as all couples do." charles agreed. "but she has you wrapped around her finger tighter than that engagement ring, mate."
"if you hadn't told charlotte to confiscate her phone for the weekend, i wouldn't be so miserable right now."
"may i remind you that i also have your phone? no contact, remember? not until the wedding."
"not until the wedding." george mocked in a high-pitched whine as he stepped up to take the shot, balancing the small plastic golf ball on the metal tee. "you're evil, charlie. pure evil."
the mercedes driver swung the golf club, using it like a walking stick to rest his weight on as he watched the golf ball soar across the course.
behind him, still leaning against the cart, alex checked his phone, reading through a message from lily.
"i bet you're going to wish you took dear old dad's advice and decided to move the ceremony indoors."
panic shot through geroge's veins. "what?"
"lily just said that the chance of rain on saturday just shot up from 10% to 25%. if it rains during your outdoor ceremony, it's not gonna look good."
"fuck! does y/n know?"
alex shook his head. "lily hasn't told her."
"she's already worried enough, tell lily not to say anything. besides, there's still only a small chance of rain, right?"
"whatever you say, buddy." charles laughed, clapping george on the shoulder
life has a funny, funny way of sneaking up on you
the salon had an airy, yet energetic feel to it as y/n sat perched in the white leather chair, a table between her and the esthetician as the young woman delicately painted her tan french tips.
"this still feels so unreal." she remarked, one hand still underneath the blue light fan that would dry the clear base coat on her fingernails.
"i guess life has a funny way of sneaking up on you, doesn't it?" charlotte said knowingly, around the same time as an alanis morrissette song began to play in the background.
'ironic', which was ironic since the sine girl had just inadvertently quoted one of the lyrics.
"seriously, guys. i didn't think that this was ever going to happen for me, that i was going to go through life not knowing what romantic love was, what it felt like to love and be loved, so to speak. never on earth did i imagine that i'd meet someone like george. because i didn't think little old me was the kind of girl that would attract someone as incredible and beautiful and sweet as him."
"stop selling yourself short, sweetheart." lily said softly. "the past is in the past, and george is everything you ever wanted."
y/n sighed. "i just feel like tomorrow i could wake up and realize that this has all been some cruel dream, that i'm going to wake up alone and miserable."
lily took her hand out of the blue light machine and reached across to y/n's seat, with the golfer pinching the bride's skin between her fingers. y/n jumped, the esthetician tsking as she used a q-tip coated in acetone to fix the nail design.
"lily muni he, what was that for!?"
"to make sure that you're not dreaming and remind you that this is real, and you're allowed to be happy now."
y/n's face softened, some of the anxiety subsiding as she grounded herself in the moment.
this is real. i've found the one.
"thanks, lily. you truly are the best bridesmaid i could ever ask for."
"hey!" charlotte shouted in mock hurt, a smile on her face. "what about me?"
a traffic jam when you're already late
george russell was woken up by harsh sunlight and yelling. and then hitting, as alex albon ran around the bad, battering the groom's body with a pillow as he encouraged ( well, more like threatened ) the mercedes driver out of bed.
"what the hell is wrong with you guys?" george said groggily, looking over at charles, who had just ripped the drapes open
"we overslept." the monegasque said simply, striding over the the walk in closet. "alex, where did you put the suits?"
george sat up, exhausted and still half asleep. falling asleep the night before had been hard. after just forty-eight hours, y/n's side of the bed had already started to lose her signature scent, the smell of warm vanilla and cinnamon in the bath and body works lotion that she lathered on before bed. they had spent so long together that it had been two years since the driver had slept in a bed alone.
"how did we oversleep? you wankers were supposed to wake me."
alex shrugged. "that couch you have in the den is mighty comfortable."
"so is the guest bedroom." charles agreed, exiting the closet with three garment bags in his arms. "put this on before we go, we can do your flowered pin thingy and your hair in the car."
approximately half an hour later, after a rushed breakfast and some spilled coffee as charles tried to keep everybody organized, the wedding party was on the road.
until they weren't.
"bloody hell, alex!" george shouted from the backseat of the mercedes. "we've been stuck in traffic for forty five minutes! y/n is probably pacing the altar, scared half to death that i've left her there!"
"the gps said there wasn't any traffic!"
"what have i said about trusting that thing! half the time it doesn't even work! google maps said there was traffic, the news said there was traffic! but because the gps system said there wasn't, you thought 'why the fuck not'?"
"stop moving or you'll ruin your hair!" charles scolded the brit, trying to work the hair gel through geroge's amber locks
alex switched gears on the car, reversing slightly and pulling off of the country road onto the grass, tentatively pulling ahead of the traffic while other commuters who were stuck in the fray turned to look at the sports car pulling off the road with anger, shock and a little bit of envy.
charles looked around nervously "alex, mate, what the fuck are you doing?"
"getting georgie boy to his wedding on time." alex grinned. "hold on to your seats, this is going to be unpleasant." he said simply before gunning the engine.
it's like meeting the man of my dreams, and then meeting becoming his beautiful wife
"stop pacing, you're going to ruin your shoes!"
"my shoes are the last thing i care about right now, taylor! where the fuck is george?"
they had been waiting at the venue for almost and hour for george to show up. the guests were sitting in their outdoor chairs, humming nervously with each other as they wrapped themselves in the blankets from the baskets placed at the end of each row. susie wolff was sitting near the front with her husband toto and their son jack, and she turned around to look at y/n sympathetically, the entire wedding wondering where the groom's half of the wedding party was.
"i'm sure he's on his way." charlotte insisted. "he's with alex and charles."
"forgive me if that doesn't instill me with a lot of confidence."
"alex isn't answering his phone." lily frowned. "knowing him, that means the radio in his car is on the fritz again. he probably listened to the gps and got them stuck in traffic."
"why don't i call charles?" charlotte offered
y/n opened her mouth, about to charlotte that it was a wonderful idea, when lewis hamilton's shout carried across the setup. "they're here!"
eyes widening, lily ushered y/n back into the tent where they had spent the morning getting ready, and where the reception for the outdoor wedding would be held, despite her insistence that she wanted to see her husband-to-be, with lily claiming that she would see her groom soon enough, after her father had walked her down the aisle.
soon enough, after some floundering around from the groom's part of the ceremony, as well as the time it took to get the audience to quiet down, the ceremony began, with the acoustic version of mr brightside echoing through the field, none other than lando norris behind the table, cell phone in hand as he tried his hardest to be a dj given the limited supplies that were outside of the tent.
george walked down the aisle first, followed by charles and alex, with the four boys taking their place at the altar. lewis hamilton stood behind the lectern, honored to be asked to speak at his teammates ceremony.
the bridesmaids came out first: charlotte, lily and taylor. george sucked in a breath, nervously smoothing the front of his earthen brown suit as y/n came out of the tent, arm linked through her father's. the audience promptly rose to their feet, and george's eyes were glued to his bride as she walked down the aisle, nervousness evident on her face as her father looked like he was holding back tears.
her mother took the bouquet from her as her parents sat down in the front row, music fading out as y/n stood in front of her bridesmaids, resisting the urge to reach for geroge's hands.
she'd only been to three weddings in her lifetime, she was the first of her friends to get married, so how was she supposed to know what she was supposed to do on her special day, standing in front of the man she loved more than anything.
george broke first, taking his bride's hands in his. her hands were cold, probably from being outside in the cotswold cold. as lewis began to speak, he locked eyes with her, mouthing 'i love you'.
she smiled, blowing him a kiss back.
it's like rain on your wedding day
two hours later, the ceremony was over, and everyone had gone into the tent to thaw out for the reception, space heaters turned on and lando behind the dj booth, while the wedding party plus lewis all stayed outside for wedding photos, trying so many arrangements and configurations that they were all fed up with the photographer by the time it was time to just take portraits of the bride and groom, with the sun dipping behind the clouds.
geroge twirled his bride around, pulling her in close for a sweet kiss, a stupid grin on his face.
"my beautiful mrs. russell." he said dremaily, holding her close as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes, the photographer snapping pictures behind him.
"i love you." she smiled, kissing him softly as the photographer took another shot. "and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you more and more every day."
and that's when the first droplet fell, hitting y/n right in the forehead. she recoiled, george following suit as a droplet broke apart on his skin.
"is that rain?"
"you said it wasn't supposed to rain!"
alex cleared his throat, already stripping out of his suit jacket to hold over lily's head as a shield. "yeah, about that.."
the rain just kept coming down, the happy couple too stunned to really do anything until susie came bounding out of the tent, blazer in hand, eager to get the bride inside before her tulle dress was ruined.
they ran across the field, y/n bunching up the dress in her hands as she stumbled along on her heels, giggling and laughing as george followed, laughing equally as hard and using his own suit jacket to cover his head.
the photographer was behind them, snapping pictures all the way.
it’s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
once they were safely inside the tent, space heaters warming up their insides, a cream coloured hoodie with the date embroidered on the hood and ‘mrs russell’ printed on the back pulled over the upper half of her body to keep y/n warm, it was time to divvy up the wedding cake.
they stood in front of the triple-tiered cake, y/n carefully removing the two ceramic owl toppers that were on the top of the cake, gently setting them down on one of the ikea plates. she kissed george gently, and lando began to play my chemical romance’s ‘bulletproof heart’ in the background as the groom began to look for the knife.
“toto!” he shouted, turning his head to try and find the mercedes team principal. “you were with the caterers when they set up, have you seen the knife?”
the austrian looked up from the table he was sitting at with his son. “is there not a knife up there already?”
“would I be asking if there was?”
susie shook her head, smacking her husband in the shoulder as she got up, rushing over to the rolling cutlery cart behind the table where the cake was set up.
she rooted through the cutlery for a good five minutes before turning back to the shoulder couple. “there aren’t any knives, loves!”
y/n rolled her eyes. “susie, just give me a spoon. nothing else has gone right today, so I’m just gonna say fuck it at this point!”
the tent cheered, and susie smiled as she brought over a large golden spoon. george stood behind his wife, his warm hands over hers as they used the edge of the serving spoon to make the first cut into the soft pastry of the cake, camera flashes going off in front of them as they laughed.
“I love you, mrs. russell.” george said softly, kissing her cheek.
“I love you even more, mr. russell.”
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
An alternate take on "The Princess and the Frog" (2009)
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Given that I've remade several Revival-Era films by now, it was only a matter of time that I remade the film that started it all (unless you're one of those fans who considers "Bolt" the start of the Revival Era). I wasn't the biggest fan of this film for musical and story reasons, so I hope you aren't too offended by my changes.
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The film features more fantasy elements. I recall controversy about how voodoo was portrayed as magic rather than a religion, and to alleviate that, I think we should confirm that it's magic we're dealing with rather than a specific counterpart to a real-world concept. I'd definitely take inspiration from Alphonse Muca imagery. I do like the idea that magic is regarded as mystical and dangerous, explaining why Tiana steers away from it while Naveen is enamored by it.
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2. Naveen's background and culture is more clearly defined. It was CONFIRMED when the film was released that Naveen's race is fictional since Maldonia is a fictional place, however many fans view him as being Indian. I noted in another post that they could've easily made him the prince of an Indian-inspired country (or a fictional Indian state) and educated in Europe, explaining the westernized fashion and interests--even though westernization was common in general around that time. Of course, if we go the "fictional location" route with the setting for the film rather than New Orleans, this isn't as much of an issue--but it'd still be a nice touch if it was an explicitly Indian-inspired fantastical kingdom, perhaps taking inspiration from Indian fantasy films.
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3. Play the duality plotline: Naveen is cursed to be a frog during the night, and a human during the day, albeit forgetful of this. A big criticism people had was that the two leads of color were frogs for most of the film. What if this wasn't the case? Naveen appears to Tiana both as a vain frog and a hedonistic young man. Due to Dr. Facilier's curse, Naveen is unable to remember his froggy curse by day, and thus cannot go about solving it, and the night is filled with shadow monsters who hope to stop him from breaking the spell, with Lawrence and Dr. Facilier manipulating him during the day to make him marry Charlotte. Tiana takes pity on his frog form (not knowing that he's the prince), and unlocks his kindness and selflessness, and as time goes on, human Naveen becomes kinder, and finds himself thinking about Tiana until they share a kiss at Mardi Gras, where he marries her instead of marrying Lottie, like the villains planned. When Facilier tries to get revenge on Naveen, Tiana battles him and breaks his talisman in a similar fashion to the original. (I feel like there's some inspiration you can take from "Howl's Moving Castle" with the plot.) Also when the kiss on Naveen fails to work the first time, Tiana gains the power to speak to animals.
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4. Give Lawrence and Dr. Facilier more backstory. It's mentioned that Lawrence has been taken advantage of all his life, and it'd be more powerful to see his villain arc if we knew how much pain he went through rather than simply seeing him as greedy and selfish from the start. Plus Facilier's magic is QUITE interesting, and something I'd love to know more about. Perhaps tying into the racial subplot, he had a life similar to Tiana and her family, only he couldn't achieve his dream and turned to the shadows. Some may consider this a sympathetic villain story, but I do think that Facilier's backstory in the original would've included some racial themes as well.
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5. Make Ralphie older and give him more relevance. I do like the idea that Ralphie is close in age to Naveen (with Ralphie still being the younger brother), and they have a relationship similar to Dreamworks characters, ie Moses/Ramses, Sinbad/Proteus, and Miguel/Tulio. I also like the idea that while Naveen is selfish but somewhat innocent of the world, Ralphie is selfless but easily stressed and flustered. I picture him being a mix of Aladdin and Hercules. I love the idea that he came to keep tabs on Naveen, and both he and Naveen pursue Charlotte, though Ralphie actually develops feelings for her, and she reciprocates. Plus I do wish he had a different name, but that's just me.
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6. Charlotte's friendship with Tiana is a bit more pronounced. Some people think that her selfless act for Tiana at the end of the movie was too little, too late, as they found her annoying and spoiled. I'd enjoy more moments where we get to see their friendship, ie after Lottie gives Tiana a makeover, she asks her what happened at the party (which Tiana apparently never told her about since Lottie mentions how they're both getting their wishes granted that night).
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7. Embrace the green! I do want Tiana to enjoy wearing green without it being associated with her being a frog. The concept art has really great designs, and it could correlate to her growing to love Naveen--plus it'd make her a good contrast to Lottie, especially if it was Eudora making these dresses.
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8. Alter the soundtrack and side characters slightly. Take "Never Knew I Needed" and make it an actual song for Tiana to sing! I'd also take Luis and make him a human (his story did feel like a racial allegory) while Ray would stay a firefly for his "Evangeline" story. Plus this could also make "When We're Human" a solo for Naveen. And maaaaybe make the "Down in New Orleans" a song for Tiana or an ensemble number. And a part of me wants Lottie to have a song (maybe with Ralphie).
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9. Remove Mama Odie and give Eudora more credit. I say this since Mama Odie didn't really do much to move the plot along (her advice of kissing a princess didn't really matter since Naveen and Tiana get married anyway), and she gave Tiana a good amount of insight that she wasn't able to appreciate until later. Allowing her mother to be a bigger part of her story is BIG for a Disney princess, especially if Tiana is staying human and staying in town.
Lemme know what you think! I hope you enjoyed this reimagining.
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
Charlotte Yandere Alphabet
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Every chance she gets and it can get pretty intense
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
She’s more than willing to maim and possibly kill
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
With so much love, she finally has you all to themselves
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Hmm I’m not sure
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling?How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
All of it, she shows them everything. They are very vulnerable when it comes to them.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Angry, she’s given you everything and you do this?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not a game, she’s delusional and fully believes you love her and want nothing more than to be with them.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When she first takes you. You wake up to a delusional woman who insists you love her.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
She wants to marry you and have kids, whether they be adopted or bio
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
She gets very jealous and yells at you
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
So loving, they always want to be next to you
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
She approaches you after her performance. Will send you letters and messages till she can’t take it anymore and takes you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really, she’s happy and joyful although she has her moments of anger.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Tying you up or locking you away in a room.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Almost everything
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very until they snap. It’s hard to tell when she’s going to snap, she’s unpredictable.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and No, you’re hers for life.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
It runs in the family
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Awful, they don’t want to see you in pain
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not really, she’s manipulative and delusional.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Nothing really
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Only in a fit of rage. She really didn’t mean to and would cry.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
They would do anything, they would kill for you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
About a year, maybe a little less
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Only on accident, she would never do it intentionally
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cssiop · 2 years
THE DOWNS... trent alexander-arnold
love isn't always easy to balance. trent and charlotte seem to have trouble avoiding the downs.
trent alexander-arnold x fem!oc word count: 2k
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DISTANCE WAS NOT THEIR FORTE, nor had it ever been in any way. this was mainly since trent and charlotte transmitted their love to each other not through words, but through gestures. communication was also not their forte, nor had it ever been in any way. it wasn't that they were uncomfortable around each other, no. the two lovers had surely never found anyone who understood them as much as they did in each other.
they were each other's half and therefore the distance made them, only them, but that wasn't enough, not when they knew the feeling of being complete. so, to protect themselves from this lack they both found hard to fill, they forgot each other, themselves, and their other half. only for the time of a few days, of a week, until the distance no longer existed between them, but never more.
unfortunately, a week of forgetting each other caused a lot of damage, such as the absence of words for a long time, even when the distance had disappeared in favour of their two souls reunited. preparing tonight's dinner, silence was king in the atmosphere of the kitchen which weighed heavily on the shoulders of the lovers. it was common for this to happen, as they both had very demanding jobs in the four corners of the world. the footballer was away most of the time for his matches, as was charlotte who travelled a lot all over the world, as a photographer.
their relationship had only had a slim chance of existing because they spent so little time together, but the passion and feelings that drove them were stronger than the distance, even if they didn't know how to handle it well. and if their respective friends hadn't pushed them to give in to their feelings, then surely trent and charlotte wouldn't even be in the same room together right now.
shyness, but above all distance, had held them back for a whole year. from january to december, they hadn't dared to admit anything to each other, never trying anything despite the looks that didn't deceive. but one evening had been enough to change the deal in a burst of courage from the boy who had finally managed to admit his feelings to the young woman.
that evening, words and communication had won over gestures, but solely that evening.
since then, it would be a lie to say that they were in perfect love because no one could be in perfect love when their lives offered this level of inconsistency. the ups and downs were part of their daily lives and the two lovers tried to maintain a balance between them, sometimes failing.
like the evening when communication broke down after charlotte returned from a week-long trip to mexico. trent thought she was beautiful. her long brown hair cascaded over her tanned skin and tying them back in a bun, she revealed her thin neck where trent wanted nothing more than to place a line of kisses.
but the communication was broken, and only the blame won.
"how was your week? you didn't call," said the boy with a sigh. he was only allowed to look at the back of the young woman who instantly tensed up at his words.
"neither did you," she retorted almost immediately, forgetting the first part of his sentence, and the atmosphere changed dramatically to one that was more meaningful. the two young adults could feel the conversation slowly turning into an argument.
the dim light coming from the kitchen hood dimmed the room in an atmosphere that might have seemed peaceful if the shoulders of the woman with her back to trent weren't so tense. leaning against the counter, both hands outstretched on either side of his body and a grey sweatshirt with the hood pulled down over his dreaded hair, he watched his girlfriend busily peeling potatoes. her body language had quickly resolved him not to offer her help, knowing full well that she would have refused, her sickly pride being another of her faults —another of their faults.
his shadow stretched vertically and towered over charlotte's small figure, which was no match for his strong arms. she didn't fancy those arms at the time, where she often found refuge during each moment spent together, and she would have preferred to avoid them in the reflection of the tiles, which reminded her every time she looked up that trent was there, right behind her, those arms in full view.
the latter accused the blow by closing his eyes for a few seconds to get his words across, realising that his voice had sounded more incriminating than he would have liked, but above all that his words were not necessary when he himself had not made the effort to call her. his inner cheek titillated, trent was looking for what to say under his bitten lip, hoping that his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth would find the courage to untie itself in order to transcribe the right words in a soft voice.
the water splashing on the floor and charlotte's faint cry of surprise after she spilt the boiling water from the colander, unfortunately, left him no time and his body was almost automatically propelled forward, laying worried eyes on his girlfriend who held her wrist between her slender fingers. not wasting any more time, trent turned on the tap and ordered with a firm, yet gentle look at charlotte to run her skin under the thin stream of water to limit the damage of her burn.
"are you okay?" he turned his gaze from her wrist to charlotte's elusive eyes, who simply nodded and murmured a weak 'thank you'. "leave it under for a few more minutes, okay? i'm going to clean up," the boy added before getting down to business, wiping up the water on the floor and picking up the colander that had fallen off the counter.
the clear liquid flowed freely over the sore spot charlotte was trying to forget; the water was really boiling and had burned her more than she could have thought. if only her gaze wasn't so fixed on her reddened epidermis, perhaps the girl would have noticed the furtive looks of concern trent frequently gave the woman as he went about putting everything back in order in the kitchen.
raising himself to his full height, he couldn't help but ask the woman once again if everything was all right, to which she replied positively by nodding her head and the small smile she offered him stretched his lips just as much.
without a word, trent's arm went over charlotte's bun to open the cupboard above her in the hope of finding a second peeler that would suit the boy. turning off the tap, charlotte blotted the moisture from her skin with a towel, trying not to be too abrupt in her movements; her boyfriend's arm was still hanging over her. not having found the object of his desires, trent turned back and his fingers spun in the air in a gentle breeze behind the young woman's neck, who repressed any reaction from her body.
with the counter once again welcoming the five fingers of his left hand, trent observed his pinkie, which was only a few millimetres apart from the young woman's. surely watching it too intently, his entire body moved in a strange intimacy towards charlotte's shoulder. with her vision centred in front of her, the young man's actions were obstructed, yet in the face of the few hairs that rose on the back of her neck, the young woman knew he was not far away. no matter how many months she spent by his side, her body would remain unused to his touch.
just like trent's, who only craved his skin against hers. in fact, he was even dying to find refuge in the comfort of her warm lips against his —a whole week had made him forget the pleasant sensation— but he could see perfectly well that this was not yet the way she felt. he knew only too well to respect her private space and avoid awkward gestures when her bubble seemed too thick for him to enter. the first step had to come from her and he was desperately waiting for it.
"on your right," charlotte simply said in a whisper to indicate that she had already taken out the second peeler while he was busy cleaning the floor.
the thought seemed silly, but trent smiled. he was right-handed, she was left-handed, and to know that the woman had thought of and taken care to get out the right tool for him warmed his heart. here was the first step he was hoping for. catching the object in his fingers, the boy thanked her and she smiled back.
peeling potatoes at her side was good because the rather brisk movements they had to make regularly caused their elbows and shoulders to rub together. each touch immediately attracted their gaze, a moment of hesitation passed and then the two lovers returned to their task with the same desire in mind: that it should happen again.
they eventually provoked these touches themselves, unable to resist the craving they had felt during the week. at first just shoulder rubs, the level of contact quickly rose and trent's lips found themselves tracing kissing lines down charlotte's neck that he had longed for. the young woman's laughter echoed in the boy's ear and now devouring her jaw, he soon found himself attacking her lips. they interlocked as perfectly as before and in perfect harmony moved against each other with moans of contentment from both sides. out of breath and with the cooking of the potatoes calling them to order, they finally and reluctantly broke away.
keeping the intimacy they had just shared intact, trent wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's shoulders and deliberately pressed his torso to her back. his forearms rested on her collarbones and as she spun the potatoes in the pan, charlotte nestled part of her chin in them, placing small kisses on the grey fabric of trent's sweatshirt.
he took the opportunity to bring his lips behind her ear to tickle them gently. in a breath lost between kisses, he declared, "i missed this, i missed you. we really have to work on our communication skills because i don't like when we don't talk to each other," charlotte raised her head to the sky to catch a look from the boy's mouth that had turned into a sad pout and giggled.
turning to face him, she stole a chaste kiss in the hope that it would make his twisted mouth disappear and it worked perfectly. especially when she replied, "i missed you too. you're right. i'm really sorry i didn't call you this week."
with her arms wrapped around the back of his neck, charlotte tilted her head to one side as she looked into his eyes and trent apologized in turn for his lack of effort this week. welcoming her warm body into his loving arms as she nestled her face into his neck, trent sighed in relief as the down had finally ended.
thankfully, they never lasted very long with each other.
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crime-soncloud · 13 days
Do your memories differ a lot from your source?
Do you remember a lot, or just a bit?
What's your favourite memory?
Ty for the questions!!!
(quick context for this, i am a mizuki and minori mixed source, but this is similar to the other members of sys i think, I'll mention some key differences)
The memories tend to stay consistent with the source, but often will add to it. So it won't necessarily conflict with canon, but they'll be extra bits added on top of it (so for me, I also remember as Mizuki, trips to phoenix wonderland with Rui, and chatting a bit with Ichika, and being friends with her)
Most of us mainly remember chunks, so I can remember like. Key moments/the general gist of things that happened, such as Nightcord meetings, and Talking to Rui. Actually thinking about it now, I remember a lot more than I thought
However some of us basically have extremely little memory of their sources, such as Charlie and Vincent from Hello Charlotte, or Misaki and Zaika from their songs.
My favourite memory. Hmmm I think it's gotta be the one time I kissed Rui on the rooftop. It just felt. Right. And for once everything was alright with the world. I loved that.
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dreamofmysoul-tsc · 2 years
TSC characters as Taylor Swift songs because I’m rereading City of Bones and feeling nostalgic:
Clary: Fearless
Jace: Don’t Blame Me
Izzy: Style
Alec: couldn’t decide between The Archer (obv) and Delicate
Simon: Nothing New
Magnus: Long Live
Raphael: epiphany
Lily: I Think He Knows
Sebastian: Better Man (this was hard but i went with this song because i always think of Sebastian as what he could've been instead of what he was)
Tessa: Sweet Nothing or Last Kiss
Will: State of Grace
Jem: Forever Winter
Cecily: Hey Stephen
Gabriel: Daylight
Sophie: You Are In Love
Gideon: Untouchable
Henry: Paper Rings
Charlotte: Treacherous
Jessamine: hoax
Emma: So It Goes
Julian: Run
Kit: Innocent
Ty: Come Back…Be Here
Livvy: Bigger Than the Whole Sky
Cristina: Maroon
Mark: Today Was A Fairytale
Kieran: ivy
Helen: long story short
Aline: Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Dru: Out of the Woods
Diana: Wildest Dreams
Ash: You're On Your Own, Kid
Jaime: Midnight Rain
Diego: closure
James: betty
Cordelia: cardigan and champagne problems
Matthew: august or Anti-Hero
Jesse: the lakes
Lucie: Enchanted
Christopher: Everything Has Changed
Thomas: Paris
Alastair: All Too Well (pre-Thomas), Begin Again (post-Thomas)
Ari: Breathe
Anna: The Great War
Grace: The Lucky One
Eugenia: You Need To Calm Down
Tatiana: mad woman
Short Story Characters/Misc.
Robert: Haunted
Michael: Sad Beautiful Tragic
Jocelyn: tolerate it
Luke: Mary's Song
Amatis: This Love
Catarina: it's time to go
Hypatia: Bejeweled
Ragnor: cowboy like me
Maryse: We Were Happy
Valentine: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Celine: illicit affairs
Stephen: Mr. Perfectly Fine
Rosemary: Never Grow Up
*i didn't include the little ones because we don't know much of their personalities yet! but i still adore them 💕
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sc0tters · 5 months
Charlotte and Jake doting over the new Crosby baby while Sid only has eyes for Camille, making sure she’s hydrating and feeding her crackers, tying her hair up again after most of it has fallen out while she was labouring
Charlotte had never seen the twins like this so this was her first time holding a newborn “Jake I want one.” Her words came in a whine as he kissed her temple “you tell me that in two months and we can think about it.” Jake knew her answer would change back to not wanting kids yet and he wanted her to know it was okay.
Sidney was so focused on Camille that he didn’t even notice the comments from behind him “I’m so proud of you.” He confessed as he kissed her head tying all of her hair up into a bun “she did all the work.” Camille joked as this was the easiest of their labours.
But still he squeezed her hand “you’re a boss for delivering her though.” He explained as he held her water up to her to sip from it “you know she might have a kid soon?” Camille hadn’t seen Charlotte let her eyes leave the baby from the moment she had it placed in her arms
The captain scoffed “she has a child and I will kill Jake.” He warned as he shook his head making Camille laugh.
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