#tyler joseph x reader angst
j-jinxee · 7 months
[ ⟡​ ] — RUNAWAY,,
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Criminal! Tyler Joseph x Reader
✦ [warnings — Small wounds, guns, police, smn gets tased, kissing]
A/N – aight guys so I'm too impatient to write an actual story and like, make a proper beginning yk? So let's just pretend I wrote an actual start and move on, sick.
You began to pull into a roadside motel. After a full day of driving with this stranger, all you wanted was to get out of this car. You knew Tyler wouldn't actually hurt you, he just needed to act as if he would to stall the police. You'd met Tyler that morning, at your usual coffee shop. He'd been politely asking people for money, simply to get a cab and get as far away from here as he possibly could. When he asked you, you decided to engage in conversation, his demeanour intrigued you. Although, you couldn't recall the conversation due to all the intense events that happened afterwards. Which lead you to end up here, in the middle of nowhere in some sketchy motel, with a criminal stranger.
Tyler hadn't said much about himself, just that he needed to get far away from here, but he had no money. Saying that he got involved with the "wrong people" and can't get out of it now.
You both made your way out of the car, Tyler walked a little faster than you, probably to minimise the amount of people seeing him. Making his way to the front desk and asking for a room, you strolled around the lobby, looking at this rundown little establishment that you probably never had known about if it wasn't for today. You assumed you'd be ok out here, Tyler wasn't a famous criminal or anything, and even if the police did find you, they'd think he held you hostage, not that you were cooperating with him. You only cooperated because he had a gun, sure you could tell he'd never use it, but it's still intimidating when someone's pointing it at you.
"Hey, cmon.." you heard Tyler call as he started walking towards the steps. You hurried behind him and made your way to the room, being greeted by peeling wallpaper and a TV that didn't work, but atleast the beds looked clean. Already feeling sleepy when you sat down, since your adrenaline had shot up multiple times today, really taking its toll on you, but you couldn't fall asleep just yet. You needed to take your makeup off, brush your teeth, you know the regular night stuff.
Before you could even check if the motel provided toothbrushes, Tyler had already shut and locked the bathroom door. You weren't mad, but he could've said something to be less rude. You assumed he was showering, since that's the only reason to lock the bathroom door, so you just waited for your turn.
After about two minutes, your thoughts were interrupted by faint sounds coming from the bathroom. Small noises of discomfort, every few seconds, what was he doing? You got up and knocked on the door, "you ok in there?" "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Can I come in?" You asked quietly, "sure." You heard the lock click, allowing the door to open. Your eyes were met with the sight of Tyler attempting to get the shards of glass out of the small cuts on his face. They'd been there all day, but this is the first time he'd gotten to a mirror. "Woah! hey hey nonono, don't do it like that. You'll cut your fingers aswell." He was attempting to just pull them out with his hands, which would've been fine if his hands weren't shaking. Thankfully you happened to have tweezers in your pocket, so you asked him to sit down and have you take them out for him.
"Can I... ?" You referred to touching his face to keep your hands steady. He gave you a slight nod, making you proceed with the small operation. There were three small slits on his left cheek, two on the bridge of his nose, and one on his right eyebrow. You thought it'd be best to not ask how he got these, he seemed like he wanted to act as if it didn't happen. He avoided eye contact the whole time, looking anywhere but your face, making it hard for you to concentrate. While delicately picking out the glass from his skin, you absent mindedly studied his features. His messy brown hair that framed his face perfectly, his dark eyes that may not have looked at you, but you could still tell were mesmerising, and his scars, even though they hurt, they weirdly suited him.
"All done!" You said smiling, you'd usually disinfect them too but, you didn't exactly have the right equipment to do so in this tiny motel room. So you substituted with cutips and water, sure it wouldn't keep bacteria out, but it'll atleast get the dry blood off. "Stay there" you told him, going to grab some cutips from the bathroom. Coming back with a few damp ones, you gently held his face up and wiped off the blood. His eyes finally looked up to meet yours, you felt inclined to hold eye contact, but you were half way through a job.
"Ok, done for real now" You smiled, though his first reaction was to reach up and touch his wounds. "Don't do that! You'll make them worse." He seemed to listen, even if it was a bad habit he had. "Thankyou" he looked up at you, "you've been the first to treat me like a human in a while." You saddened hearing his statement, "Tyler..." you began, "you don't have to tell me but, what exactly got you here?" Saying you were eager to know was an understatement, but you weren't gonna push his boundaries, even if he dragged you into something you never wanted to be a part of.
He started with a sigh, then quietly explained the events that lead to this. Telling you how he desperately needed to help out his parents, leading him to work for the wrong people, and getting wrapped up with their shit in the process. They forced him to do things that'd land him in prison for life, but he'd made a mistake, now the police were after him aswell as those shady pricks. His voices started to shake, causing you to look at him properly, his eyes were watering as tears began to fall, landing on the dirty carpet beneath him. Saying he just wanted out of all this, "I've put you in danger now too I- I just, fuck. I can't do this anymore" he stood up and started talking with his hands more, gesturing to himself and you. Saying he's just sick of hurting people when his soul intention was to help. You realised you'd probably get kicked out if he got any louder, so you had to stop him gently.
"Tyler, Tyler hey" you placed your hands on his forearms, stopping his frantic gestures. He stopped and looked you right in the eyes, you could see how broken and tired he felt. "This isn't your fault. You had no way of knowing, I can tell you meant well, ok?" You spoke softly, attempting to calm him down with your words. "Anyone would've made the same mistake, it's just hard for others to see when they're not in the same position as you." You reached up to wipe the tears off his face, "I can tell you're a good person, that's why I haven't tried to run. I haven't felt threatened by you at all." You could see his eyes gain a tiny bit of light, "I will stay, and help you get out, ok?"
His dark eyes stared right back into yours. After a few seconds of comfortable silence, they darted to different points of your face, going from your eyes to your lips, analysing them quite obviously. They landed back on your eyes once more, his lips separated, "can I kiss you?" You felt an involuntary smile creep onto your lips, "sure" he leant in and closed the gap between you both, your hands still on his face and jawline. You felt him smile aswell, both of you were comforted by the complete stranger touching your lips right now, why?
This was the last place you expected to be today, feeling this wanted criminal so intently while he was pressed up against you. You both pulled away for air, but not before opening your eyes to gaze into eachothers souls. His eyes regained some light as he saw further and further into your beautiful iris'. You didn't even know this boys last name, but right now, the only thing you wanted was to be around him, he gave you a new sense of life.
Just for all of that to be interrupted by a familiar sound of the door being kicked down. You both jumped and let go of eachother, facing towards the now busted open door as police rapidly came into the room. You looked at Tyler in a panic, forgetting they were only after him, just for him to get tased immediately. He fell onto the bed and started screaming in pain, "Stop! Stop it! He didn't hurt me!" You immediately stated to the police. He was cuffed and dragged out of the room in an instant, you were pretty sure he was also knocked unconscious. An officer came over to you, "Let's get you outta here, we'll get started on pressing charges don't worry." "No! I don't want to press charges!" You stated desperately, hoping to explain everything that's actually happened before Tyler gets taken away in their car. They didn't stop though, hauling him off aggressively and shoving him into the car, he wasn't exactly innocent, but if they could just listen to him explain the full story- I'm sure they could understand.
The sirens echoed through your head as you started to dissociate, you had no idea what would happen now. ----------------------------------------------------
This is so random pls but I love Criminal Tyler who's actually innocent hehe <33 anyway I should write for Josh now aye.
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twenty-one-fics · 6 months
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Cobwebs and flies
Tyler Joseph x reader // requested
(No warnings)
Sundays are your favorite days, for multiple reasons. However, mostly because you don’t have to work and you never make plans on Sundays so you have a wide open 24 hours to do whatever you want with. Whether that be baking, gardening, drawing, or reading, or perhaps all of the above.
Today you started your morning with a lovely hot mug of coffee made your favorite way. You smiled to yourself as you carried your ceramic baby blue cup of goodness to the living room where you planned to watch YouTube and rot until it was time for bed.
With a sigh you grabbed your remote and took a sip of coffee as you settled in on the plush, inviting couch. It was a beautiful suede wrap around that your parents got you for Christmas that year. You scrolled through suggested videos on YouTube until you found something of interest. ‘A day in the life of a medieval peasant’ you hummed to yourself with amusement and pressed play.
Knock knock knock
Your eyes shot to your door. Who the heck is that? You’re certain you made no plans today. You never did, it was a personal rule. you set down your coffee and reluctantly made your way to the door. It couldn’t be your parents they’re out of town until next week. None of your friends would even be awake yet , let alone standing at your front door. Your heart rate began to quicken at the prospect of something being wrong or someone you loved in trouble.
You gripped the door knob , sent up a quick prayer and pulled the door open. your jaw dropped. A mix of emotions pooled In your chest and you felt a lump form in your throat.
Your voice was nothing More than a light whisper , you weren’t even sure what you said had been audible.
Tyler smiled shyly with a small wave of his hand. His grin grew wider as a yell escaped your lips
You ran out the door and flew in to his arms, your tense shoulders relaxed at the warmth of his body flush with yours. His chest rising and falling with his quickened breaths. His fingers digging in to your sides like he was afraid if he let go you might float away. You felt like you might.
“What are you doing here?? I thought you guys were on tour”
You smiled into his neck , inhaling his familiar scent. You haven’t seen him in almost a year and you missed him everyday. Tyler was one of your oldest and best friends, he was your partner in crime all through highschool. He was there for everything , your first boyfriend , your first failed test, your first soccer tournament, your first job , first highschool dance … everything. the memories flooded back to you as you looked into his chocolate brown eyes. They shimmered with…. What was that? Happiness? Adoration? Perhaps just relief , sometimes it’s just nice to see an old friend.
You pulled away from the hug first , holding Tyler at an arms length, his gleaming teeth bared as he smiled down at you , eyes searching every inch of your face.
“We are still on tour but we have a week or so in between shows and we’re in town and … I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see you… so surprise!”
He laughed as he did jazz hands
You just stood there smiling at him , you were in awe. Your Ty guy was home and took time out of his ,what you could only imagine is an insanely busy schedule, to come see you.
“Oh my gosh this is my favorite day , come on come in I’ll get you something to drink”
You all but squealed with excitement as you gestured for him to follow you inside , and he did so with a small chuckle. He was happy to see you and it was written all over his wonderful face.
“Do you have any-“
Tyler began to ask as you led him to the kitchen
“Red Bull?”
You finished with a smile , he returned the gesture with a nod
“Yes redbull”
He smiled coyly leaning against the marbled white and gray counter top , his head cocked slightly to one side as he took in his surroundings. He’d been here many times before of course , but you’d made a few small changes to the place since he’d seen it last.
“No I don’t , that stuff is literally poison for your body”
You replied with a grimace
“Still on your health kick?”
He asked , now stepping towards you as you stood in front of your refrigerator.
“Itsssss not a health kick Ty , just called taking care of yourself”
You giggled, he always picked at you about your constant strive to live a healthy lifestyle, but you knew he didn’t mean any of it , he actually admired the care and attention you put in to taking care of your body and your self.
“Always such an inspiration aren’t you?”
He chimed reaching in the fridge and grabbing a cold pressed juice
“I’ll bet you made this yourself”
He added holding up the bottle of red liquid.
You scrunched your nose at him
“So what if I did”
You retorted grabbing a water for yourself and closing the refrigerator door.
“It’s beet juice by the way , you’ve been warned”
Tyler chuckled
“I knew it”
You rolled your eyes and nudged his ribs with your elbow gently.
“Come on let’s go outside and enjoy the nice morning “
You perked up at the prospect of a cozy morning on the porch with your dearest friend. You had so many questions and wanted to know absolutely everything about all the wonderful places he’s been in the last year. You grabbed his hand without even thinking about it. You felt his fingers twitch like he was going to pull away but then he gripped your hand tightly and allowed you to pull him outside.
You both sat on a chair and just took a second to look at eachother
“You look so good Ty!”
You smiled letting your eyes fall down his figure and back up , his face reddened slightly and he waved off your comment with a small laugh that barely bubbled over his mauve lips.
“So do you (y/n). You really do”
He replied looking In to your eyes, his tongue flicked over his lips and your eyes flew to his mouth and then away again. You felt your cheeks heat and shifted your position to play off the fact that you were flustered.
“I wish you would have given me a twenty minute warning or something, I just woke up, I look like hell”
You gestures to your outfit: grey sweats and a white t shirt from highschool that had a few holes in it and splashes of paint here and there. Your hair was in a high bun and it was far too early for makeup.
“You look beautiful, wouldn’t have you any other way than you are right now. This is my favorite version of you”
He chimed, his voice was quiet but his eyes never left yours as the words left his mouth. For a moment you were speechless , for some reason this felt different. Tyler had complimented you before , tons of times but it felt heavier this time , like there was more behind it.
was it due to the fact that you hadn’t seen him in so long ? You know what they say , absence makes the heart grow fonder.
“Tell me everything”
You demanded with an excited smile as you leaned back in your chair. Tyler beamed at you and shook his head.
“But I want to hear about you (y/n) how are you? What have you been doing? How’s Max?”
Tyler’s fired off questions, leaning toward you his elbows rested
on the tops of his thighs. For the first time since he’d been here , your smile fell.
How does he not know? Had you really not spoken to him about it?
“What’s wrong?”
Tyler asked , immediately picking up on the change in your demeanor.
You blinked and shook your head slightly
“Oh nothing , max and I aren’t together anymore”
You let out a sigh , like the words were heavy on your heart and saying this out loud to Tyler lifted their weight off of your shoulders.
His face fell with concern
“What happened?”
He questioned , syrupy sympathy dripping from his words.
You waved a hand in the air as if to play down the statement that was about to leave your lips
“I found him with another girl.. it was stupid..”
Your voice broke on the last word and you cursed yourself for getting emotional. This wasn’t what you wanted , you didn’t want this to still hurt you, it had been a few months now and for the most part you’ve been okay. You’ve learned how to be alone again, but saying this to Tyler, finally talking with him about it , made your heart ache and realize how much you’ve truly missed him.
You didn’t look at Tyler , you couldn’t bring yourself to do it because you felt so stupid. Tyler had had his reservations about Max when the two of you first got together, but of course you brushed his concerns off. You didn’t want to go in to your relationship with Max on negative thinking.
But Tyler’s intuition was right and you felt so so stupid.
Tyler didn’t say anything just looked at you, he didn’t know what he could say and he wasn’t the type of person to say ‘I told you so’
“I feel so stupid”
Was all you managed to get out. Your voice was hoarse and you were trying with all your might not to cry.
“Hey… no”
Tyler said standing and moving to you, he crouched in front of you and grabbed your hands , resting them in your lap.
“You’re not stupid. He’s stupid. This isn’t your fault (y/n) none of this is your fault”
He stroked your hand with his thumb , it was consistent and gentle. Tears raced down your hot cheeks, you hadn’t cried about this in a while , but Tyler always made you more emotional, he just had that affect on you. He made you feel things so intensely when he was around.
“How come my relationships never go right? Is something wrong with me?”
The question was rhetorical but Tyler held your hands tighter , he had a broken despondent look in his eyes as he gazed at you.
“Of course not, you’re perfect… I’m so sorry he did this to you (y/n) I’m so sorry, you’re the last person on this planet that deserves that. You’re such a warm and compassionate person, you’re living sunshine and the kindest, most selfless person I know , and you’re painfully beautiful. Inside and out you are absolutely beautiful”
He soothed , his voice was low and Earnest. His hands moved up to your arms as he stood and pulled you up to him wrapping you in another time stopping hug.
You let yourself cry, you let yourself be an absolute mess on Tyler’s shoulder because this is exactly what you needed to finally let go of the pain that max instilled on you.
Tyler was what you needed.
His hand moved up and down your spine with purpose , his touch was gentle and warm. You shook lightly as you sniffled wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
“Oh … I’m a mess”
You sighed , before letting out a pathetic self deprecating chuckle.
Tyler didn’t let you go , his lips brushed your ear as he spoke sending a jolt of hot awareness down your spine
“You are too good for him (y/n)”
He looked down at you as you swiped more tears from your eyes, trying to clean yourself up and stop all this nonsense crying. Max was done and over with , this had happened months ago and you didn’t even have feelings for him anymore. The tears were more or less therapeutic, especially here with Tyler. You needed this, this was the nail in the coffin of yours and Max’s relationship.
You lifted your head , giving Tyler a watery smile
“I needed that”
You admitted as his hand caressed your back.
“I think I did too, It’s been too long since I’ve seen you, I don’t want to wait that long ever again.”
Tyler stated as he eyed you carefully. His eyes narrowed and his brows creased slightly. You knew him long enough to know that was his thinking face.
“What are you thinking about?”
You asked poking his chest. neither of you had made a move to step away from each other. You just stood there in his arms , letting him soothe you.
“I’m here for a week, and then we’re leaving for Europe..”
Tyler began, watching you as each word left his lips. You nodded your understanding, waiting for him to continue. A slow smile curled his lips , brightening his eyes before he spoke again
“Come with us”
A/N: hello! I hope everyone enjoyed this short one shot, I’m actually considering doing a part two but I haven’t decided yet! Please let me know if you liked it or not I love any feedback anyone has. The person who requested this was anonymous but whoever you are thank you for the great prompt.
If you would like to send in a request for me to write a fic for you please send it to my ask box
Thank you again for reading!
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when-worlds-end · 3 days
Oops... I fell onto my keyboard...
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Your eyes remain glued to the cracked ground as you walk away from him, the sound of his beat-up vans hitting the concrete sidewalk rattling along the inside of your skull as he follows you.
One step. Two steps. Four steps. Eight steps. His pace continues to match perfectly in time with yours until you can't take it anymore, furiously whipping around to face the person who just can't seem to cut their losses.
"Stop following me."
"Not until you tell me why they call you that," he breathes out, his words tumbling over themselves in a panic as he tries desperately to pivot the conversation in a direction where you don't demand that he leaves.
"Why won't you just accept that that's what everyone calls me?" Your question comes out softer than you expected, your voice sounding hollow as the layers of defeat pile up in your throat as if to choke you.
"Because I... I just... can't." The words halt you in your tracks but he keeps going, as if he can't stop, "it's cruel, what they call you. They all know it, they're just too cowardly to say anything about it. I'm not. I have not and I will not call you that. Different doesn't mean bad. Different doesn't mean monster. Different doesn't mean freak."
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soupiiiie · 18 days
Living with Tyler Joseph
Word count: 1388
Genre: angsty-ish, some fluff
You knew who he was but desperately needed a place to live so when you saw his application for roommates, you pushed aside your fangirling and applied
You agreed to meet him in person so he could see what you were like for real and he really liked your personality
He let you move in the following week, agreeing to split the costs evenly
You had a TON of tøp merch and posters and had to hide them in a box so he wouldn't ever see them
You even had a tattoo of the bands symbol on your body but always covered it up
Tyler and you became really really close, that's when you started to develop feelings for him
He was always so nice and kind, you had tried going on dates with guys and whenever it ended up badly, he would immediately come to get you if he needed, and give you a ‘better date’ as he called it
He never really showed interest in you as a girlfriend but you were falling faster and faster with every day
One night, after a particularly bad date, he picked you up from the persons house and took you home, making you put on the matching pjs you got for Christmas from Josh and out on your favorite movie
“I don’t know why you keep going out with these, pardon my language, douchebags all the time. They never end up treating you right and you deserve to be treated like a princess.” He gave you a big hug and rocked back and forth.
He cared about you so much more than you knew. If it were his choice, he’d make sure you never looked at another guy ever again, only him. He wanted you to be his, but did not want to push you into the spotlight of being his girlfriend to the public
Tyler was under the assumption that you didn't know about his band / how famous he was
You sniffled and sighed “Ty… I think you should know something..” you started, nervous to tell him the secret you kept, “I know… about your band… I'm a fan actually.” you were so scared. Scared that he’d be mad, scared he’d tell you to pack your stuff and move out, scared that you would never see him again.
He silently stared at you, contemplating what to do next. He was angry that you never told him, he would have been okay with it. He didn't know if you’d put personal stuff on social media, or used him to gain clout amongst your peers. He didn't know how to feel.
He stood up and left. Left the apartment and drove to Josh’s place. He didn't want to talk to you right now after he had spent 6 months living with you. He knew it was stupid to be mad at you for being a fan, but he wished that for once, someone would want to be close to him just because. Not for his status, not for his fame or talents, just for being him. He felt used in a way
He explained everything to Josh, how he felt, what he wanted with you, what you were hiding. Everything. Josh told him to take some time to think and figure out what to do. So that's what he did.
You sat for what felt like forever on that couch, waiting for Tyler to come back. When you looked at the time, it was almost 3 in the morning so you decided he wasn’t coming home tonight and went to bed. Crying yourself to sleep.
When Tyler woke up, he had a terrible headache. He thought too much last night, it was almost 3 am when he finally fell asleep on Josh’s couch. He had come to a conclusion though. He was going to talk to you and hear your side. 
His feelings were still there, they wouldn’t go away that easily, but he was hesitant. Scared that you were only his friend and roommate because of who he was.
You woke up to the front door closing and footsteps approaching your room. There was a light knock on the door and you opened your eyes to see Tyler standing in the doorway, still in his matching pjs. 
“...Hi,” you whispered shakily, “I didn’t think you were ever coming back.” Your whole body was shaking. You didn’t know what he was going to say.
“I went to Josh’s to think… I need to ask you something first though.” You nodded, encouraging him to continue, “Did you accept the application because of who I am?” his hands were shaky as he held onto the foot of your bed frame.
You shook your head quickly, “No, I really needed to move out of my parents house, you know why, and you were the only person who accepted to meet me. I wanted to tell you but was scared that it would ruin my chance of having a place. I didn’t want to scare you away… I’m so sorry Tyler, I never meant to keep it from you, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t kick me out before I told you. I know its a shitty thing to do but… I was scared.” Tears started forming in your eyes as you looked up at him. It was true, you were going to tell him, you just didn’t know when.
He looked away and took a breath, letting what you said sink in, “I wouldn’t have kicked you out if you told me. I’m just hurt that you would hide such a big detail from me. I-I need you to promise me that you didn’t use me, or post anything personal about me on social media. I don’t want to just be your famous roommate. I want to be your friend.” He was scared of your answer.
“I promise Ty, I never told a soul that I live with you, not even my sister. I didn’t want to put your privacy in jeopardy.” It was true, you never told anyone, you respected him and his home that he so graciously opened to you.
Tyler let out a sigh of relief and glanced up at you, finally meeting your gaze.
You stared back at him and thought you might as well tell him everything. “I um.. I have a box of all of my twenty one pilots stuff hidden in my closet. I had to make sure you never saw it, or this,” You lifted the hem of your shirt to show the band symbol tattooed on your ribs with lyrics from one of their songs under it, “Your music helped me a lot through rough times and when I turned 18 I got this.” you lowered your shirt and waited for him to respond.
He smiled gently, “I’m glad we helped… Thank you for telling me. Thank you for not being  a crazy stalker.” he chuckled to himself.
“My pleasure,” you giggled lightly. 
He swooned at the sound of it deciding that it’s now or never that he told you, “well… since we’re confessing things, I um, I like you. More than a roommate, more than a friend. I think I’m in love with you.”
Your eyes widened, you had been waiting to hear those words since the first time he saved you from a terrible date. You crawled toward the end of your bed and sat up so you were eye to eye with him. No words were said, you just leaned in and kissed him. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you by your waist, kissing you back. When you pulled away, you smiled, “I think I’m in love with you too Ty.”
He smiled back and pulled you into a hug, “how about we order some food and finish that movie?” You nodded, “No more bad dates for you.”
You smiled and you both walked to the living room to watch your movie, you couldn't have been happier. He was finally yours, you were finally his. 
The smiles never left neither of your faces for the rest of the night. 
Bonus: - Later that night, Josh had texted Tyler how it went and he told him how you confessed to one another his only response was “FINALLY!”
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For you - Tyler Joseph x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Warnings: angst and cliffhanger ending, tyler crying :(
Word Count: 1710
Summary: A few weeks after graduating high school you break the news to your best friend Tyler that you're leaving Columbus.
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Summer 2006
Tyler and I had been friends since we were six, and nothing ever changed between us. It had been two weeks since we’d graduated high school, and we’d decided to go on a road trip. While most of our friends had already chosen which colleges they wanted to attend, neither Tyler nor I had made a final decision yet—except I’d just made mine that morning.
We’d parked our car at the entrance to a forest about an hour from Columbus and walked into the greenery. It was a warm day, so I was wearing a t-shirt I’d gotten on a Disney World trip with Tyler and my family, and he was wearing a black muscle shirt that showed off the tattoos he’d gotten the day we graduated, the ink still vibrant.
“I still can’t believe you got those,” I laughed, closing the car door.
“I still can’t believe my mom didn’t kill me the second she saw them,” he quipped, leading the way to the trail. “Have you thought much about what you’re going to do now that we’re done with school?”
I knew he was going to ask that question. I’d deliberately chosen not to tell him when I saw him that morning. When he realized I wasn’t answering, he turned around and looked at me, giving me a look that screamed, “I can read your mind.” His hair was short, initially buzzed to keep it out of his face for basketball, but it had grown out since. I looked into his eyes, which compelled me to tell him everything; the look on his face begged, “Please.”
“Come on, Ty. We don’t need to talk about that right now,” I muttered and continued to walk on until he grabbed my hand.
“Don’t hide things from me, Y/N. We don’t do that,” he said. I pulled my hand out of his grip and let out a loud sigh. He had a point. I’d never kept a secret from Tyler, and when I did have one, he was the first person I told. We were always vulnerable with each other, too. Whenever he was struggling, he’d come and talk to me. He’d even share his music with me despite feeling embarrassed about it because he was ‘supposed to be a jock.’
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
He laughed at that. “How on earth would you hurt me? It’s not like you’re leaving, right?” I didn’t say anything. I stood there staring at him with a saddened look on my face, which seemed to be contagious. “It’s not like you’re leaving, right?” he repeated.
“Tyler…” I reached out to him, but he moved away. My worst fear had come true. He hated me.
“You promised me… you said you’d always be here for me, Y/N. You know I need you!” His eyes quickly turned glossy with tears welling up. I had promised that. But I also knew that I couldn’t always be there for him.
“I only got into one school, Ty! What else am I supposed to do? You know I want to do film,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair.
“You’re supposed to stay in Columbus with me!” he shouted back, two tears running down his face.
“It’s gonna to be okay, Tyler,” I moved closer to him, and the tears started pouring down his face, prompting me to bring him into a tight embrace. He started sobbing, bringing the reality of how much I meant to him to the front of my mind. I really hadn’t thought we were that close. He pulled away slightly from me and looked desperately into my eyes, his hands coming up and cupping my face in the most intimate way he’d ever treated me.
“I need you, Y/N. Don’t leave me alone.” I leant my forehead against his, my right hand cupping the back of his head.
“I’m sorry, Ty,” I whispered, closing my eyes. This was the moment he decided to press his lips to mine in a quick kiss, the saltiness of his tears bringing a depression to an otherwise desperate attempt to make me his. His lips were softer than I had expected them to be. I’d known Tyler through both of his high school girlfriends, and he’d never treated any of them like this before. I pulled away from the kiss, my eyes searching for some kind of explanation.
“Stay with me. I love you,” he pleaded.
“You know I can’t,” I responded, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you too.”
We spent the rest of the day walking through the forest and talking about the future. I’d decided to move to California and attend UCLA’s Film School on an arts scholarship. He still didn’t know what to do now that school was over; basketball was his life in school, but he didn’t want to keep doing it forever. We’d ultimately decided to make the most of the summer and make memories while we could, which resulted in a summer romance between us—the very thing I least expected when I’d woken up that morning.
The day I left for California was hard on Tyler, but I’d made sure to prepare him.
“Are you sure you have to go?” he asked, sitting on my bed while I packed my bags.
“You already know the answer to that. But you know we’ll text every day,” I looked up at him. We’d agreed to end the relationship when I left; four years on the other side of the country would make a serious relationship between us impossible, and we didn’t want to break up on bad terms. “Hey, don’t you have that music thing next week?” Tyler had met some people over the summer who were in local bands and had started attending gigs on the weekends.
“Yeah, but I’ll be too depressed missing you to write anything at the damn workshop,” he’d now rolled over onto his back and was looking at me upside down off the edge of the bed. We both knew that every second we had would be our last, and it was bringing the feeling in the room down.
“I’m proud of you, Ty. You know that, right?” He rolled back onto his stomach and jumped up in front of me.
“Yeah, I know, babe,” he used the one nickname I’d earned over the summer. He was the only one to ever call me that, and I loved him for it.
“I mean it. You’re going places.” I smiled up at him before pulling him in for a final hug. He pressed a kiss to my right temple before whispering, “I’m gonna miss you so much.”
“I love you,” I whispered back before pulling away to grab my suitcase and getting into my car. “Text me every day, Ty, and never ever stop dreaming.”
Summer 2012
I hadn’t spoken to Tyler in three years. He stopped texting me as we both got busier with school and work. The last I’d heard from him, he had formed a band with two of his community college friends, but in a call from my mom, she had told me it wasn’t working out. Other than the occasional call with my mom, I had no idea what was going on back home. For the last few years, I’d worked in the film industry as both a writer and director for short films, but no big projects had come out of it. I was sitting in my apartment eating breakfast on my first Saturday off in a month, ironically scrolling through my emails. Everything was from producers, except for one email from an address I was unfamiliar with: “Reel Bear Media.” I laughed at the film pun before opening the email addressed to “Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Dear Y/N Y/L/N,
My name is Mark. You don’t know me, but I’ve heard a lot about you from one of my clients. I’m well aware that you’re currently based in Los Angeles, California, but I have a work opportunity I’d like to offer you. I currently work as a content producer for an Ohio band with a small but rapidly growing fan base. I’d like to offer you the job (at the request of the front man) as a touring videographer for the band ‘Twenty One Pilots.’ I’ve attached my contact information and some of my photos if you’re interested.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Mark Eshleman”
I scrolled down to look at the attached photo file to come face to face with the boy—now man—I hadn’t seen in around six years.
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He’d finally done it. Tyler had finally had the opportunity to make his music. He’d met someone–who I was sure he got along well with–who could truly help him succeed. I pulled out my phone and dialled the saved number I had for Tyler, praying that he hadn’t changed his it. It rang once, twice, I looked at the clock to make sure the time zones were right, three times. 
“Tyler?” I crossed my fingers, hoping it was him. 
“Hi Y/N. It’s been a long time hasn’t it?” the sound of his voice had changed, deeper than the last time I’d heard it. I could hear the sound of his smirk, confidence sounded good on him. 
“I got the email from Mark. I can’t believe you remembered I did film, let alone even thought of me,” I spoke, the tone of surprise very clearly sounding through the phone. I could hear his laugh come through the speaker. 
“Of course I thought of you. There’s very little I wouldn’t do for you baby,” I grinned hearing the nickname for the first time since I left, “I take it you’re coming then?” I nodded, knowing he can’t see me at all but knew exactly what I’m doing. “Flights are booked then. Be at LAX at 12pm and Josh and I will be at the airport in Columbus as soon as you land.” I couldn’t believe he had the power to book plane tickets that quickly and pick exactly who he wanted as part of his project. 
“I'm so excited to see you! I just know Josh is gonna love you,” he spoke.
“Sorry, who’s Josh?”
A/N: I really really loved writing this one. It went from something I wasn't too sure about into something super cute ngl. I'll probably write a part two if people want it so make sure to either request it in the question box or comment below if you're keen. Also, please don't repost my writing onto other platforms because I do work hard to come up with these stories!
Thanks for reading <3
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I have seen for the first time a Wednesday x Dark Souls fic and lemme tell you.... It was perfect! Istg im obsessed with Angst and Hurt/Comfort lately so here we go! Instead of Dark Souls, we do Elden Ring
Elden Ring x Wednesday
Instead of Goodie healing Wednesday, Tarnished!Reader bursts in and makes Wednesday drink their last flask of Crimson Tears, healing her back to full health. Reader knowing that they can just restore themselves back at the Site of Grace that they recently discovered at their favorite clearing in the woods(No one knows this fact as Reader doesnt ever reveal he is a tarnished), Protects Wednesday from the arrow that Joseph Crackstone directed back to Xavier and fights him with the Carian Greatsword until Reader is at the brink of death. Wednesday and Bianca kills Crackstone but Laurel Gates shows up with a gun and with Eugene being a bit late, Laurel pulls the trigger shooting at Wednesday but Reader flings themselves at the line of fire with the last of their strength, gets shot instead of Wednesday and falls to their knees and starts to fade away. Reader looks at Wednesday and smiles at her, says "I love you" and fades away. You can go off on from here but! Dont let reader revive until 4 days from then for Angst.
Wednesday x Tarnished!Reader
Footfalls echo throughout the woods as you dash through towards Crackstone Crypt. A dreading sense leads you there. You curse because you haven't had the chance to refill your supplies, but in turn, hoped that you didn't need them. You still felt fine. The coming battle shouldn't be too worrisome, right?
As soon as you crash through the crypt, your eyes fall upon your lover, Wednesday, laying on the ground and bleeding from a stab wound. Immediately, you're by her side.
"Hold on. I got you."
As you cradle Wednesday against your body, you reach for one of your flasks. It was that moment that you realized that it was the last of your Crimson Tears. You weighed your options, but only for a second. You popped the cork and steadied your love.
"Here. Drink. This'll set you right."
You juggle the flask a bit to reach down and pull the knife out of her torso. Immediately tossing the blade aside, you hug an arm around to stem the wound as you help Wednesday drink the last of your tonic.
"Ugh, that stuff is vile," you hear her say. A soft laugh escapes your lips.
"Yeah, but it works. Look."
Wednesday could already feel her stab wound mending. She raises her cut hand to take a look and watches it stitch itself together. Still a bit sore, she stands with your help before making her way out.
"Crackstone's on his way to the academy," she states. "We have to stop him."
"At your lead then."
You and Wednesday find your way onto the Academy grounds. Enid was facing Tyler and you both trusted her to deal with him accordingly. And seeing your other friends helping to evacuate the students made you feel better about the possible outcome of the coming battle.
The quad was in flames when you stepped foot in it. Crackstone was standing in the middle, reveling in his destruction. Before he could ready another attack, Wednesday interrupts.
"Howdy pilgrim."
Said pilgrim spins around, baffled at the fact that his nemesis was still breathing. She stood before him, blade in hand. The same blade her parents used against Garrett Gates. And behind her stood yourself with hands crackling with magic energy.
"No matter," Crackstone states. "I will kill you as many times as I must to achieve my goal."
He sends a beam of energy at the two of you. You swiftly grab Wednesday and barely evade the attack. When your enemy readies another attack, Xavier arrives with his bow drawn.
"Stay away from them!"
He looses his arrow, only to have it slow to a stop right in front of Crackstone.
"Hm. A novel attempt." Slowly, the arrow rotates and aims back at the outcasts. Multiple begin to appear as they aim at all three of you. "But you cannot match my power!"
The torrent of arrows fly towards you. While Wednesday and Xavier brace for the impact, you jump ahead and summon the magic to your hands. With a strong pulse, you scatter the arrows.
"Let me wear him down. Get those outcast stragglers outta here!'
As you speak, a large blade begins to form in your hand. Soon a glowing greatsword, nearly twice your size, forms and you sink into a guard stance. Seeing the feat of magic, Crackstone grins and readies himself.
"Come. See if you can best me."
The battle is quick and fierce. You match Crackstone blow for blow, but each strike saps the energy out of your body. In your peripheral, you can see Wednesday trying to jump into the bout. Xavier was gone, presumably taking care of the evacuation. You were constantly moving, either dodging his strikes, attacking, or blocking. The mana in your body was draining quickly. Soon your life energy would take its place. You had to end this soon.
Soon didn't come quick enough.
One final clash made your blade dissipate. As much as you tried, the Carian Greatsword couldn't take form. Exhaustion pulled you to your knees and each breath made you heavier. You could only hope you made Crackstone feel as you did.
The pilgrim was indeed weary. He leans on his staff as he glares at you. That gaze shoots to Wednesday when she steps in front of you with her sword drawn.
"You believe you can stop me?" He spat out. "I've more power than you can fathom, Addams!"
He draws to his full height to ready another attack only to have a blade spring from his chest. When it pulls away, Crackstone whirls around to reveal Bianca with her saber in hand.
"Damned if I let you do anything without a fight." The siren shifts into a stance. "You fight one outcast, you fight them all."
Wednesday follows suit and sinks into her own stance before launching into an attack. With two against one, Crackstone stood no chance. His exhaustion from his bout with you slowed his movements considerably. In a last ditch effort, the man sends out a pulse of magic to try and push his opponents away. It succeeds, but only by a few feet.
Flanking the man, Bianca and Wednesday use their position to soar forward and thrust their blades into his chest, piercing his heart from two angles. Crackstone stares in disbelief for a moment before exploding, taking his magic and its effects with him.
You let out a heavy sigh and sink further into your knees. A moment of silence fills the quad before a click of a gun cocking can be heard. You all forgot about Laurel Gates
The woman, once known as Marilyn Thornhill, strides close with her gun pointed at Wednesday. The goth just eyes the weapon.
"You brought a gun to a swordfight." She states. "That's probably the smartest thing you've done today." Laurel just gives a sinister smile.
"I may not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday."
A loud bang sounds as the woman squeezes the trigger. It echoes throughout the quad before falling into a deafening silence. The next sound to come is the thud of your knees as they crash to the ground.
You had taken the bullet for Wednesday. Whatever strength you had left, you summoned to protect the one you love.
"Y/N..." Wednesday's soft whisper barely reaches your ear. The disbelief in her voice was tangible.
The next few seconds became a whirlwind. Eugene arrived with his bees in tow and subdued Laurel. Bianca ran off to get help, only to find the police finally arriving. And Wednesday dropped to your side, grasping at your body.
Her hands find your face and your dazed eyes look up to see tears welling in her own. You offer a smile, trying to soothe the pain she felt.
"Don't leave me, Y/N. I don't intend on living without you." Your smile widens as your body slowly begins to fade with the wind. Wednesday's hands cling tighter onto you. You raise your hand to caress her cheek.
"I love you, Wednesday. With all that I am."
Your body disappears as the lightest touch grazes the goth's cheek and you vanish from this realm and from Wednesday's arms.
Laurel and Crackstone have been defeated. Nevermore Academy has been saved. Yet, the air in the school was more somber, despite the bustle of students packing their things. Most were mourning the loss of their principal, Weems. Wednesday, on the other hand, mourns the loss of her dark heart.
She was already packed, having been ready to leave after her expulsion. So while everyone scrambles to leave by the allotted time, Wednesday seeks out solitude in the woods.
It's been a few days since the final battle. The students outside of the Nightshades and Enid had no real idea of the danger they were in. And no real idea of the loss they had. While everyone knew Weems, no one really knew you. Only Wednesday.
She refused to cry. Or rather, she just couldn't cry. Her body feels numb as she wanders the woods, weaving through the trees aimlessly. This weakness was why Wednesday avoided emotions in the first place. Now everything was bland. Dull. Boring. Nothing could excite her and it made the void in her chest ache.
But something catches her eye. A bright light in the distance. As she nears it, it's shown to be a large mass of energy coalescing into an orb. How she never noticed the clearing before baffled the goth. Wednesday watches as the orb pulses softly and fights the urge to reach out.
The energy lets out one more pulse before it begins to take the form of a human. Wednesday watches in fascination, having never seen something like this before. Her curiosity momentarily eclipses her grief. When the figure's feet touch the ground, the energy bursts out, forcing the goth to shield her eyes. When she looks again, she can't believe the sight.
You stand amongst the dissipating energy without a single wound on you. You stretch a bit to acclimate to your body again before finally noticing Wednesday.
"Oh. You're a sight for sore eyes." You grin. The situation was relatively normal for you so it didn't faze you.
"You're alive? How?" The goth reaches out and touches your hand. The touch moves to your arms and continues until her hands reach your face.
"It's a long story... I can tell it after you catch me up on what's going on."
"Not before I kill you again for dying like you did." You can feel nails digging into your cheeks.
"Owowowow I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
It's a while before Wednesday returns to campus with you in tow to everyone's surprise.
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derelictlovefool · 1 month
Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | Motor Crush | The Arcana
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝​🇼​​🇴​​🇳​❜​🇹​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
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Summary: Going on tour with Tyler is a true test of your relationship.  Pairing: Tyler x Reader Word Count:  Warnings: Angst.  Song Inspo: Happier -- Marshmello ft Bastille
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It started in London. For the first time ever, Y/N had decided to stay in their hotel room instead of going to the show. When Tyler asked her what was wrong, she promised him that everything was fine. 
“I just need a night off, you know?”
He took her hand. “But I need you.”
Withdrawing her hand, Y/N let out a deep breath. “You don’t need me, Tyler. You say that, but then you get on that stage, and the fans are enough. They’re more than enough.”
“What do you think it is that gets me on that stage?” he countered. 
“You were getting on stages long before I came around.” She dropped onto the bed, picking up the remote to turn on the television and find something to watch. Tears were brimming in her eyes, but she wouldn’t look at him. 
Tyler left then, to meet up with Josh and head to the venue. He pondered Y/N’s behavior the whole time, trying to figure out where all of this was coming from. Her attitude had changed so suddenly, it seemed, and he didn’t know how to handle it. 
“Maybe you need to just ride with it. She’s probably homesick or something,” Josh suggested. 
That was something Tyler could understand. Playing shows worldwide was an amazing experience, but being back in Columbus — that was where he was safe. Where he was grounded. 
After the show was over and he could go back to the hotel room, he quietly entered, afraid to wake Y/N if she had been sleeping. As it was, she was still awake, curled around a pillow, watching TV. A room service tray was set on his side of the bed. Tyler moved it to the small table in the room, and sat beside her on the bed. He brushed her hair back with his fingers and sighed. 
“I’m sorry that I put that burden on you.”
Y/N swallowed hard and sat up. “You’re not a burden, Ty. I love you, with my whole heart. I’m in a funk, I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
“Are you homesick?” Maybe Josh was right. 
“Maybe,” she sighed, falling back against the pillows. 
Tyler nodded and made a hard decision. “Okay. Then let me send you home. I’ll see you there in a couple weeks, and we can be home together again before the South American leg starts.”
Y/N blinked, pushing tears down her cheeks. “Like you think we need a break?”
“No, not at all, I swear,” Tyler promised. “But maybe you need a break from the tour. Not from me, and I don’t need one from you. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“I know.” He kissed her sweetly, then reached up to wipe her tears away. “This is the first time you’ve been on tour with me, and I know it’s overwhelming. It’s okay to need a break.”
Y/N sniffled and wiped her tears. “Okay. If you promise you and me are okay, then I’ll take the break and go home.”
“Okay,” Tyler agreed, giving her a small smile. “For now, how about I take a shower, then you’ve got my attention for the rest of the night?”
She sniffled again and nodded. “Do you want me to order you some room service? I didn’t mean to eat without you …”
“Food would be good, and don’t worry about it. Maybe you can get a snack.”
Y/N was already on the phone with room service by the time Tyler turned on the shower. As he stripped down and stepped into the hot water, he found himself already feeling better about their interaction earlier that evening. 
Saying goodbye to her at the Brussels airport was difficult; more difficult than Tyler had expected. Not even a week would pass before they would see each other again, and they both had agreed it wasn’t a break from each other. Still, Tyler feared what would be waiting for him when he returned home after the next few shows. 
“You’ll call everyday? And text me in between?” Y/N made him promise. 
Tyler hooked his pinky with hers. “I promise. Even with the time change. And if you don’t answer, it’s okay.”
“I’ll answer,” she promised before she kissed him. 
“You have everything? Ticket, passport, phone?”
She triple-checked. “I’ve got everything. I’ll call you when I land back in Columbus.”
Tyler kissed her again, harder this time. “I love you, so much.”
“I love you more,” she said, hugging him tight. “See you at home.”
“See you at home,” he returned. 
The next time Tyler talked to her, her voice was noticeably lighter. The tinge of sadness wasn’t there anymore, and she laughed at a joke he made. 
She laughed. 
Tyler hadn’t realized it until then, but months had passed since he had last heard her truly laugh. A chuckle here and there, maybe a small laugh as a courtesy, but not that genuine, from-the-heart laugh that he so loved hearing. And when was the last time she had smiled? The real kind of smile, the kind where her dimples showed. There had been smirks, polite smiles, even smiles that showed her teeth, but didn’t reach her eyes. 
These thoughts plagued Tyler over the next few days. Maybe the problem had been only the tour, but Y/N was so much happier away from the tour. He didn’t take it personally, but he knew exactly what he needed to do. 
When she came to pick him up at the airport, Tyler hugged her tight. He breathed in her smell, kissed her, and fell in love all over again. For just a moment, he considered changing his mind. He considered toughing it out, figuring a way to make tour life easier for her. 
But only for a moment. 
He asked her to stop at the park near his parents’ house after they left the airport. It was a nice day out, though a little chilly, so Y/N didn’t seem to think much of his request. She pulled into a spot and went round to the front of the car, holding her hand out to him, waiting anxiously for him to lace his fingers through hers. 
“I missed you,” she told him, leaning against his shoulder when they found a bench near the playground. “How were the last few shows?”
“They were good. I missed you.” He looked down at her; even her skin seemed brighter. Her hair seemed shinier, more full. “How was it being home?”
Y/N filled her lungs, and a smile tugged at her mouth. “It was great. Just the break I needed. I think South America is going to be easier, you know? I don’t know why, but I think I’m ready for it.”
Tyler sighed and nudged her a little with his elbow so that she would sit up and he could look her in the eye. “I don’t know, Y/N. Think about how miserable you were before you came home. And it wasn’t just that night, was it? That was only things coming to a head. Everything you love is here. You’ve got strong roots in your home.”
“So do you,” she frowned, already suspicious of what he was saying. “And I love you. I want to be where you are.”
“I know that you love me. That’s probably one of the few things I’ve never doubted in my life. But I’m not sure you’re ready for a life with me, Y/N. Touring, traveling — that’s my life. It’s not going to change, not for a long time. We’re either looking at you being miserable for a year or more every few years, or spending a year apart every few years. Either way, I don’t think you would be happy. And I want you to be happy, Y/N. That’s all I’ve ever wanted, where you’re concerned.”
Her chin quivered and her eyes glazed over. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I think we both know, and have known for a while, that we love each other and we’re happy when we’re together, but if we stay together, one or both of us isn’t going to be happy.” Tyler swallowed down the lump in his own throat. “I’m saying that I think, in order for you to be happy, I need to walk away from this.”
Some strange sound between a squeak and a sob escaped her throat, and she leaned into him. She didn’t protest, which told Tyler he had made the right choice. He let some tears fall, too, while he held her there on that park bench. 
“Did you ask me to come here so you could be close to your parents’ and walk home after?” she asked once the crying was under control, for the time being. 
Tyler shrugged. “I didn’t want to ask you to take me home, but I didn’t want the bad memory for either of us at our place. I want you to just have happy memories there. I’ll crash with my parents or Josh till I can find a place.”
Y/N nodded and stood. “Okay. Will you — I don’t want to be selfish, but will you let me leave first? I’m not saying you’re wrong, and maybe we’ll figure this out at another time. But I don’t think I can watch you leave me.”
“Fair enough,” Tyler whispered, stealing one more chaste kiss before following her to the car to get his bags. He shut the trunk and turned to her. “I really do love you, Y/N.”
“I know,” she said, starting to cry again. “Me too. I love you, too.”
Tyler held out his arm to her, and she fell against his chest for the last time. He hugged her tight, kissed her forehead, then stood out of the way so she could back out of the parking stall and head towards home. 
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ohprettyweeper · 3 years
After You’re Gone
Moved from my previous fic blog.
Summary: Moving on is never as easy as they say it is. Pairing: Tyler x Reader Word Count: 1240 Warnings: Angst. The sad kind. I’ll put other ones in the tags because I don’t wanna spoil the fic. Song Inspo: You Were Meant for Me - Jewel; I was singing this song in the shower and boom fic idea. Doesn’t go exactly with the song – anyway. Enjoy the sadness. 
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At six o’ clock on the dot, your alarm buzzed on the nightstand. You slapped it off, but didn’t bother with the snooze button. You had been awake off and on for the last few hours trying to get comfortable anyway, and the doctor had recommended a regular routine to get you out of the depths to which you had sunk over the last few months. That meant getting up at the same time, having the same thing for breakfast, taking the same route to and from work — all of it. Your routine would change soon enough, but while you had control over your agenda, you would manage as best you could.
The dishes from your usual pancakes and eggs rinsed off easily enough. From there it was on to brushing your teeth, wiping down the mirror and the sink, then making the short walk to work. The weather was dreary but warm, so you didn’t mind. With your keys safely in your purse and the door to your new place locked behind you, you took the steps one at a time and took a left on the sidewalk.
“Hey, Y/N. How’s it today?” your mother asked when you called her.
“Same as every day since Tyler’s been gone,” you replied flatly, nodding a thank-you to the lady at the coffee cart. “You sound out of breath, what are you doing?”
“Taking a walk. Figure I should get out more. You should too, you know. I know you went out with your brother the other day. It’s not the end, sweetheart. It’s an ending, and a new beginning.”
You licked your lips; she was going to go on one of her positive lifestyle rants soon and you weren’t in the mood. “Hey, work’s calling on the other line. I’ll check in with you tonight.”
She didn’t like it, you could tell her tone when she said goodbye. You shook your head and stuffed your phone in your bag. It had been three months, and that wasn’t really that long. Not after something like you and Tyler had came to an end the way it did.
A few blocks from the office, rain started to pour from the cloudy sky.
“Perfect,” you muttered out loud. With a groan of frustration, you pulled your hood up over your head and dropped the coffee into the nearest bin. You shouldn’t be drinking it anyway, and it would only spill during your jog to work.
“You’re soaking!” Ashley exclaimed as soon as you arrived at your cubicle. She helped you out of your jacket, though you assured her you were fine. “You should have hailed a cab.”
“It was a few blocks. What’s the point?” you shrugged. “Is the new issue out?”
Ashley nodded. “They’re already loving your article, Y/N.”
You swallowed hard. “Good. That’s good. It’s good for the magazine.”
“Editor picked some great photos from the ones you picked out. You should check it out, when you get home.”
The newest issue of Rolling Stone slapped onto your desk. You quickly shoved it into your bag; you didn’t want to see it. Didn’t want to see his picture and read the words you had written about him and Josh and being part of their lives. That wasn’t reality anymore.
“Are you getting out at all?” Ashley asked quietly.
“Saw a movie the other night, with my brother. It was a comedy, but it just wasn’t — nothing’s funny right now. I’m sure it will be at some point but right now, it’s just not. I’m too sad. Almost made me miss him more. We laughed together all the time.” A smile snuck to your lips as you thought back to all the jokes and pranks and laughs for stupid reasons you had shared with Tyler. As stealthy as the memories were, the smile wasn’t strong enough to exercise facial muscles you had only forced your body to use since he had been gone.
Ashley went back to her work then, for which you were honestly grateful. Nothing anyone could say was enough or helpful anymore. You just had to work through this on your own.
You stayed through the whole work day, forcing those fake smiles and making small talk with co-workers who didn’t know you as well as Ashley and would still try to give you small tidbits of quasi-wisdom. It all sounded like bullshit that should be embroidered on a pillow or printed on t-shirts; you hated every bit of it. It wasn’t in you, however, to be rude, so you simply thanked them for their kindness and moved on.
After a light supper, you decided you would just spend the rest of the evening in bed. You brushed your teeth, put the toothpaste and toothbrush away, then decided to leave the bathroom light on, cracking the door slightly so that light still illuminated the bedroom. That with the television on in the background should help you sleep.
Since getting through the day took most of your energy and you needed a good release anyway, you pulled the new Rolling Stone issue from your bag. You settled under the comforter and against the pillows, pulling an extra one behind your back for more support.
Inside: Y/N Joseph Pays Tribute to Twenty One Pilots
You already knew the page number, so you flipped there quickly. There it was, your article recounting how you had met Tyler and Josh at a party for the magazine, quickly connected with Tyler and been married just under two years later, all the while forming a friendship with Josh that was just as strong as the one he had with Tyler. Just ahead of your article, in italics, was a foreword from the magazine. As if anyone needed a reminder or explanation for the event that had prompted your article.
In January of 2019, Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun were returning from the European leg of their tour when the plane carrying the two-man band and crew crashed in the mid-Atlantic. There were no survivors.
Instead of wiping your tears — because what was the point — you let them fall freely as you read over the final version of your article. In the interest of your own mental health and progress through the first stages of the grieving process, you had allowed your editor and Ashley to handle the final layout. They only needed a few pictures, but you couldn’t narrow it down, so they did — and they had chosen perfectly.
After you finished reading the article, you dropped the magazine on what should have been Tyler’s side of the bed. You let your head fall back so that you were staring at the ceiling, and rubbed your belly. In a couple more months, the bittersweet arrival of your first and only child with Tyler would no doubt bring you equal amounts of happiness and sadness, experiencing it all without him. Remembering that you would always have this child to remind you of the love you and Tyler had shared in those few, short years, was the one thing that kept you going anymore.
With that thought in mind, you closed your eyes and silently thanked your husband for leaving you with a small piece of him to get you through the darkest days on you would spend alone, then closed your eyes and attempted a much needed sleep.
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blurry-fics · 4 years
Tell Me We’re Okay
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Warnings: Angst, profanity
Word Count: 1958
Request: please please please do a Level Of Concern type chapter!
Author’s Note: I tried to balance scenes from the lyrics and scenes from the music video so that I could capture all of Level of Concern! Also, requests will be opening on Friday, so start thinking of ideas :) I hope you enjoy this one! (picture credit)
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Your foot tapped nervously against the tile floors. You already had one hand tightly gripped around the straps of your backpack, ready to pull it up over your shoulder as soon as you got the ok to leave. Class was supposed to end nearly five minutes ago, but your professor was still droning on. At this rate, you were going to miss your normal bus home and end up waiting fifteen minutes in the rain for the next one.
“Sir? Class is over,” someone hesitantly said, their hand barely raised over their head.
Thank you, random classmate.
“Is it? Oh, look at the time! We’ll finish this next week. Thank you.”
You shot out of your seat, pulling your backpack over your shoulder as you weaved through the other students who were still packing up their things. If you were fast, you could probably still make it the two blocks down to the bus stop in time.
To your surprise, Tyler was standing just outside the classroom, his back pressed to the plain white wall. He looked up when he heard the door open, a smile instantly lighting up his face. In one fluid motion, he picked up his backpack from where it was sitting on the ground and fell into step with you.
“I was wondering where you were,” he said, a smile still plastered on his face. “I got here like twenty minutes ago.”
“Sorry, class ran late,” you said, as if it were your fault. “Did you need something?”
“Um, I did actually. That’s why I waited out here to talk to you.”
You didn’t have time for his lengthy explanations. “Can you make it quick, Ty? I really need to make sure I don’t miss the bus.”
“Yeah, ok. So, basically, my music professor wants us to film a video for a piece that we wrote earlier in the semester. I’ve been brainstorming all week and I haven’t come up with any video ideas that I like and I’m starting to get really stressed out because we only have a few days left. Plus, there’s this girl in my class - Julie - who already did hers and it’s really good. I don’t know if I can live up to that. I even called Mark to help but he’s out of town this week so he can’t.”
You pulled your hood up before pushing open the metal door that separated the stairwell from the outside world. The sound of rain splashing against the pavement instantly filled your ears, making it more difficult to hear Tyler. He was still rambling on about his project.
“What I’m trying to get at is that I was wondering if you had any ideas?”
“Ty, listen,” you stopped walking for just a moment, “I would love to help, but I don’t have time to sit here and help you brainstorm. I need to catch my bus so I don’t end up stuck in the pouring rain for twenty minutes. I’ll call you later, alright?”
Tyler’s face fell, but he nodded slowly. “Cool. See you later.”
You gave him a quick kiss and turned just in time to see the bus come over the hill up ahead. With rain splashing over your feet, you jogged the final blocks to the bus stop and boarded just before the doors closed.
*     *    *
“Again?” you muttered as the familiar beginning of Tyler’s voicemail played. You had called him numerous times over the past couple of hours, but each attempt was sent straight to voicemail. If you were being honest, it was starting to get a bit worrying.
You set your phone down, deciding to wait another fifteen minutes before you attempted to call him again. It wasn’t like him to not pick up your calls, but maybe he was wrapped up in his music project and didn’t hear his phone ringing. This wouldn’t be the first time it happened, you had lost count of how many times Tyler had missed your calls when he was doing homework or writing music.
Your phone buzzed a few minutes later. Eager to see if it was finally a response from Tyler, you ignored the paragraph you were reading to check your messages. As expected, there was a new message from Tyler, but it wasn’t as friendly as you had hoped.
Tyler: Please stop calling, I’m trying to get this project done.
Y/N: Did you need help?
You tapped your fingers against the edge of your phone, waiting for the little bubbles to pop up and let you know that Tyler was typing. It wasn’t until just after you had given up on waiting and gone back to reading that a text message from him finally came through.
Tyler: I thought you “didn’t have time to sit and help me brainstorm”
“Shit,” you muttered, reading over the text message a few more times as you tried to think of a good response.
Y/N: I was just worried about missing my bus, but I’m more than happy to help you now
An uncomfortable pit settled in your stomach as you waited for Tyler’s answer. It wasn’t like you two to get into fights, and you hated to think that Tyler might be mad at you for a little while. Could you really not have sacrificed fifteen minutes to help him out?
Tyler: You don’t have to
But you wanted to. Without a moment’s hesitation, you stuck a post-it note in your textbook and closed it with a thud. Your shoes were still sitting by your bed from when you had gotten home, so you quickly slipped them on and grabbed the rest of the things that you were going to need.
You weren’t going to let Tyler deal with this alone.
*     *     *
“You’re not my pizza,” was the first thing out of Tyler’s mouth when he opened the door.
“Sorry to disappoint,” you said.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to help,” you smiled. “And I brought snacks.”
On the way to Tyler’s house, you had made a quick stop to the grocery store to pick up some of his favorite things: Red Bull, you weren’t sure how long this video shoot was going to take, his favorite candy, and a couple bags of chips. Along with keeping you two fueled, you also hoped it would let your apology go over a little bit smoother.
“I’m really sorry for how I acted earlier today. It was wrong and I should have stayed and helped you out, even if it meant taking a later bus.”
Tyler crossed his arms, “I was explaining how much of a toll this project is taking on me and it’s like you weren’t even listening to me.”
“No, I know. I should have been a better listener and I’m sorry for that. That’s why I’m here now, to make up for it.”
Tyler pursed his lips and held a hand out, motioning for the plastic grocery store bag that you were carrying. You passed it to him, half expecting him to take it and shut the door in your face. He opened it up and looked through it, examining the contents.
“Apology accepted, you can stay,” he said, looking up at you with a smile.
“So we’re alright?”
“Yeah, we’re ok. Come here.”
Tyler held out an arm and you happily buried your face in his shoulder. The button down that he was wearing was a bit scratchy against your cheek, but you were just happy that he wasn’t mad at you.
“I love you,” you mumbled.
“I love you too.”
“So, how should we start brainstorming?”
“Well, I actually have an idea. Here, let me show you.”
Tyler grabbed your hand and led you towards the basement. Your jaw dropped as soon as you reached the bottom of the stairs. There was stuff all over the place: outfits thrown over the back of the couch, multicolored lights, flashlights of various sizes. The only clear space was right in front of Tyler’s desk, which just so happened to be where the camera was set up.
“What is your idea?” you asked, beginning to slowly tiptoe through the piles of stuff towards his room.
“Since it’s about quarantine and bunkers and all that, I thought it would be cool to make a music video that’s also sort of a home video. It’s actually really nice that you showed up because I needed a second person for the other camera.”
“What about your family?” you asked, suddenly realizing how silent the house was.
“They went out to dinner so I could have a quiet workspace, but that was before I realized I needed a cameraman.”
“That was nice of them.”
“Yeah, it’s a lot easier to film without someone constantly yelling.”
“Zack?” you laughed.
Tyler set the bag of stuff you had brought down on his desk and collapsed on his bed. You sat down next to him and slowly laid back next to him.
“So, where do we start?”
*      *     *
You quickly lost track of time as you and Tyler worked on the video. It was surprisingly fun helping him out, doing things like costume changes, helping him with his instruments, or finding the perfect angle for a shot. There were a few hiccups with Tyler not being totally happy with something, but you always managed to calm him down and get it fixed. As it turns out, the two of you made a pretty good team.
“Alright, I just need to add the credits and then it’s ready,” Tyler smiled.
“It only took us…” you picked up your phone and checked the time. It was almost one in the morning. “...seven hours.”
“Hopefully the outcome will be worth it.”
“It will,” you smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I told a friend in my class the other day that I haven’t been this nervous about something since I asked you on a date,” he laughed.
“This project means a lot to you, it makes sense to be nervous.”
“I know.”
You smiled as Tyler typed your name into the credits under the title “Assistant Creative Director.”
“That’s a nice title,” you laughed.
“Maybe one day it will be on a music video for millions of people to see,” Tyler said, leaning his head against yours. “Alright, are we ready to watch?”
Tyler passed you one half of his earbuds and stuck the end into his computer, which was whirring loudly from trying to run the editing software. You gave him a thumbs up and he hit play.
There was a smile on your face for the entire video. You loved everything about it, from the music that Tyler had worked so hard to produce to the dance moves that he had whipped out for the camera. You were glad that he had a tripod for those shots, you weren’t sure that you would have been able to keep the camera steady enough while you were laughing at how cute he was. There were even a few shots that you had made it into.
When the video finally ended, you turned to Tyler with an excited smile on your face.
“Ty, this is amazing. You nailed the assignment.”
“You think so?” he asked, his eyebrows raising ever so slightly.
You nodded, “I really do. I loved every second of that.”
“Thank you so much. For your support and your help, it really helped keep me calm,” he smiled.
“Of course, I’m always going to be here for you.”
Tyler grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss. You smiled and leaned closer to him, finally letting the exhaustion from helping him set in. On his computer, the music slowly faded out.
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bimbandboozled · 8 years
The Forest Fic
Josh: [internally screaming]
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beanfic · 4 years
Simple Mistake - Ch.1
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Pairing: Tyler Joseph x reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: drinking, throwing up, too much alcohol, josh dancing, and mmm i think that is it? 
Author’s note: here it is!! the first chapter (of 5!) i really hope you guys enjoy and feedback is appreciated! also Y/F/N means ‘your friend’s name’ (and is gender neutral)
Chapter 2
“You look nice!” Your mom smiled at you as you slowly stumbled down the stairs. “Going somewhere?”
“Just to the bars with some friends,” you mumbled. You’ve been 21 for a while now, but it still was an odd concept that you could go drink and come back home with your parents and they would be alright with it. 
“You’re not driving are you?” 
“No, Tyler ordered us an uber. I believe it’s picking him up first, then Josh, and then a few others before swinging by here.” 
“Be safe!” Your mom shuffled over to you and placed a soft kiss on your temple. 
“I will, Mom.” You waved to her as you headed outside to sit on your porch. It was around 8 pm and the sun was starting to set. That was your favorite part about it being May, are the late sunsets. You looked out towards the sky which was painted with deep red and orange strokes. 
It was silent outside. Tranquil. Your heart was fluttering as you received a text in the group message. 
Josh: almost to your place, Y/N
Tyler: be ready
You smiled to yourself as you quickly typed out a response.
Y/N: waiting outside. The sunset is pretty.
Josh: almost as pretty as Tyler
Tyler: awe, thanks dude
You locked your phone and took a deep breath as you gazed back up at the sky. There were two birds flying through the distance, and you wondered if they were in love. Birds could fall in love, right? 
Sometimes you wondered if you would ever have someone to fly around with, metaphorically of course. You’ve tried the dating apps, you’ve tried having your friends act like wingmen, and you have even tried meeting someone at the bars but it wasn’t your thing. You couldn’t find yourself having those feelings, the ones you felt for a certain someone. 
A certain someone that you knew did not share those same feelings as you. 
A certain someone that you had fallen for about two years ago. A certain someone who has had a girlfriend for the past eight months. A certain someone that you had to act like you were just best friends with. 
That certain someone just happened to be Tyler Joseph. 
“Y/N!” your name was shouted from a distance. As you turned your head to gaze down the street, you spotted the Uber coming out and could see Josh sticking his head out the window.
“Hey guys,” you hopped into the back seat putting yourself next to Tyler who was sitting in the middle. 
“Josh decided to take two shots back at the apartment before heading out, so he has been quite something tonight,” your friend giggled from the front seat. 
“Of course he did,” you shook your head and you buckled yourself in. Your hand softly grazed against Tyler’s as you were trying to snap the buckle.
“Sorry,” you both mumbled in unison. Your cheeks felt hot so you decided to open the window.
“The sunset is really something, huh?” the uber driver broke the silence in the car. 
“I would call it gorge babyyy,” Josh put an emphasis on the last syllable. 
“Where is Jen?” you turned to Tyler who was busy playing a game on his phone.
“She had to study for a test coming up.”
“Ah,” you bit your bottom lip trying to hide the smirk that was making its way to your face. It wasn’t that you disliked Jen, she just wasn’t your favorite person to be around. You weren’t sure if it was because you hated how optimistic she was all the time, or if it was because she was dating Tyler.
Your feelings for Tyler were only known by one other person, Y/F/N, who sat in the front seat and made eye contact with you in the rearview as they eavesdropped on the conversation. They always had pushed you to be honest with Tyler, especially since if you had been honest with him a year ago, then he would have never started dating Jen in the first place.
The issue was that you were certain Tyler did not share those same feelings that you did, despite the fact that Y/F/N and Josh has mentioned once or twice that Tyler did like you. 
Josh was busy explaining a story about how he sold three guitars at once during his last shift as the car pulled up to your favorite bar. It was usually filled with younger people, so you didn’t have to worry about older creeps. 
“Josh, no one cares about your story!” Tyler teased him as everyone piled out of the car. You quickly stood next to Y/F/N as you grabbed your ID out of your wallet, following the boys into the bar. 
“Who wants to start with shots?” the bartender greeted you all with a smile. 
“I’m down!” you raised your hand and Tyler nodded, handing the bartender his card.
“Drinks are all on me tonight, so start the tab!” he shouted over the loud music. You looked over at him with wide eyes.
“Tyler! It’s going to be so expensive!”
“Don’t worry,” he flashed a smile your way. 
“I love this song!” Josh shouted. Feels Like the First Time by Foreigner came pumping out of the speakers. The bartender handed each of you a shot glass filled with a ruby red liquid. 
“On 3!” Y/F/N held up their hands and slowly counted down and in unison, you all tilted your heads back as the liquid burned down your throat.
“Jesus,” you mumbled. Shots were not your forte. 
“What are you going to get to drink?” Tyler turned to you and you shrugged. 
“Probably a mai tai.”
“Yummy,” Tyler licked his lips and you swear you couldn’t peel your eyes away from them. 
“Going with a beer.”
“That’s not very original, Joseph,” you teased.
“I don’t plan on getting wasted, especially when I know I will end up having to take care of mister smooth over here.” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder to Josh who was already making small talk with a group of girls. 
You chuckled, “He can be a handful.”
“Y/N! Come dance with me!” Y/F/N rushed over and grabbed your hand, pulling you swiftly towards the direction of the dance floor. You looked back at Tyler who seemed to be smirking as you were being dragged away. 
Single Ladies by Beyonce boomed over the speakers, and you followed Y/F/N’s footsteps as they flowed with the music. You kept on taking sips of your drink, knowing that only alcohol would be able to make you feel comfortable dancing. 
The lights were dim and there was a disco ball overhead that punctuated the dark club with streaks of chaotic light. You were having a good time. The more you moved, the more the shot you had taken earlier mixed with your bloodstream. 
The song was finishing up, and you excused yourself to get a refill on your drink. Y/F/N followed. 
“Where are the boys?” you asked, scanning the crowded bar.
“Josh is back there on the dance floor so we should go back and join him!” 
“I’m not drunk enough to dance with the Josh Dun,” you cackled. You spotted him twerking in the middle of a circle. 
“He’s wild,” Y/F/N sipped on their new drink. You grabbed yours from the bartender and took a long gulp, trying to ignore the burn. You never understood how people enjoyed that feeling.
“I still don’t see Tyler.” You frowned. 
“Oh, there he is! He’s on his phone!” You finally spotted him, sitting at the end of the bar with a beer in his left hand and the phone in his right. 
“Party pooper,” you huffed. You took another gulp of your drink and waltzed over to him. 
“I’m going to the dance floor with Josh!” Y/F/N called out and you shot them a thumbs up. 
“What do you think you’re doing, Joseph?” you leaned against the bar and he looked up at you. 
“We’re supposed to be having a good time and you look like mister frowny pants over here! Moping over your phone.”
“It’s just Jen is being difficult, I guess apparently when she said it’s fine that I came out tonight she didn’t mean it.”
“That seems toxic,” the words slipped out of your mouth without you realizing what you had said. “Sorry, that was mean.”
Tyler chuckled and took a swig from his beer, “Nah, you have a point. I shouldn’t worry about her and have a good time with my friends who care about me.”
“We do care about you!” you agreed. “Want to go dance? Josh is being a maniac as usual.”
“I need another shot, I think.” He motioned for the bartender.
“I’ll join you.” The last thing you needed right now was another shot, but you thought you would be able to let loose more. 
“On 3?” Tyler hands you the glass, this time filled with a clear liquid. 
“On 3,” you agreed. You both swished the liquid down, and you couldn’t help but cough. 
“I’m ready now,” Tyler spoke, chasing the shot with the rest of his beer. You two squeezed your way through the sweaty crowd until you caught a glimpse of Josh and Y/F/N.
“Tyler! Y/N!” Josh threw his hands up in the air and literally skipped over to you.
“How you feeling?” you asked him.
“Dude, spectacular!” he patted Tyler on the back and went back to the dance floor.
“Yes, this song!” you squealed as Livin’ On A Prayer came on. None of your friends had planned on getting this smashed, but you didn’t seem to care too much. You let yourself go and just flowed with the music. Your hips would sway to the beat and you closed your eyes as everyone sang the chorus together.
When you opened your eyes you were met with Tyler’s staring back at you. He came over to you and grabbed your hands and continued to playfully dance with you as if you were little kids dancing at a wiggles concert. 
“We’re halfway there!” you both shouted. “Living on a prayer!” You were laughing more than singing, as Tyler dramatically pretended he had an invisible microphone. 
The room was now spinning and it was difficult for you to keep your balance as you kept on stumbling over your two feet.
“Grab my shoulders!” Tyler shouted over the music and you did as he said as the music picked up. 
“I love this song!” you slurred. Your hand somehow got intertwined with Tyler’s and he was twirling you in a circle.
“Me too,” he giggled. 
“You’re giggly when you’re drunk,” you placed your hands back on Tyler’s shoulders so you wouldn’t fall over.
“You’re silly when you’re drunk,” he teased back. You stuck your tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes. 
“I like this shirt,” you mumbled. You didn’t even notice, but Tyler’s hands were now on your waist. Probably just trying to keep you up straight. 
“I like your shirt too,” he spoke softly. His vision became just as blurry as yours. 
“I like you,” you whispered with a smirk. You looked up at Tyler, expecting him to move away from you, but instead, you watched his brown eyes move from your eyes to gaze down at your lips. 
“Is that so?” his head moved closer towards you until your noses were practically touching. The heavy scent of alcohol burned your nostrils. Your heart was racing and felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. The alcohol was making it difficult for you to figure out what was reality. 
“Mhm.” You bit your bottom lip innocently. Tyler’s lips were so close to yours that you could feel his hot breath on yours. He smelled like beer.
“Kiss me,” he reached his hand up so it was cupping your cheek and guided your lips to his. They softly collided and you melted away in his arms. You had dreamt of this moment for the past two years. 
The background music dissolved in with the sounds of voices singing and the only thing you actually could hear was the sound of your own heart beating uncontrollably as you stood there, kissing your best friend. 
Tyler abruptly pulled his face away from his and you met with a look of shock. His eyes were wide and all you could hear was him mumble “shit” before slipping away from you, leaving you standing alone in the middle of the crowd.
What just happened?
♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
tag list: @nonsenseverses​ (if anyone else would like to be added, just let me know!
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Tear In My Heart | Series Masterlist
Warnings: Fluff of the highest extremity
Word Count: 1625
Authors’ Note: I can’t believe that this is the last chapter for this series! It’s been such a great run and we love you all so much for showing your support! Hope you love it as much as we did! :) (picture credit)
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Epilogue - June 2019 - End of the Bandito Tour
Jenna: Let's be cute today! Put on your cutest sundress and I'm going to be there in thirty to pick you up for a girl's day. We're getting our nails done!
That was the text that you had received less than ten minutes ago as you tore through your clothes in the closet that you shared with Josh. Finding the yellow sundress that you had instantly thought of, you quickly changed into it and slipped on some wedges that went perfectly with the color scheme you were going for. You did your makeup in record time, still making sure that it was perfect before moving to your hair, pulling it halfway up and into a cute messy bun. Spraying some perfume on to finalize your look, you heard the doorbell ring - instantly knowing that it was Jenna. Jim, who had been laying on the bed as you got ready, lifted his head up curiously as he heard it and instantly ran down the hall.
You made your way behind him and grabbed your cellphone and purse, hurrying over to the front door. Opening the door to reveal a smiley Jenna, you giggled a bit at her and then pulled her in for a big hug.
"Hey, you! I'm just going to leave Josh a note that I'll be leaving to go out with you. Just give me a second. I'll meet you out there."
"Okay, hurry up! We have stuff to do!"
Hurrying back over to your post-it notes, as Jenna reclosed the door to head back to her car, you grabbed a pen and quickly jotted down your location and that you'd be back later. Adding a little heart at the end, you said goodbye to Jim with a pat on his head and exited your home, locking it behind you. You got into her car and the both of you were off to the nail salon.
*     *     *
"You know that I never have my nails longer. They don't make things easy at work."
"I know, but it would be nice to see something different on you. Just to try! If you don't like it after 24 hours, then we can come back and get them fixed."
After thinking on it, you finally decided to give in and try for a bit of a longer nail. You may have budged on the subject, but you weren't going to completely move. After getting your nails done and feeling pampered, you both decided on having lunch at the nearest thai food restaurant. It had been forever since you had eaten it, so it was a never ending craving. You both got to talk about many things, including how life had been, how things were going in both relationships... everything under the sun. When she looked at her watch with a sigh, she looked up to you again and started gathering her trash.
"It's getting a bit late and I promised Ty that I would be back home to cook some dinner. You ready?"
"Yeah, let's go!"
*     *     *
The drive back home was filled with more discussion and light music playing in the background. No matter how much time the both of you spent together, there was never a shortage of things to talk about, and that's one of the many reasons why you loved Jenna. Finally pulling back into your driveway, you smiled to your best friend and leaned over to give her a hug.
"I'll talk to you soon, okay? Thank you so much for today. It was fun!" you exclaimed as you got out of the car to head inside.
With a smirk, she nodded and waved, "You're welcome!"
You watched as Jenna pulled out of the driveway and disappeared around the bend at the end of the street. Once she was out of sight, you grabbed your keys from the depths of the purse and made your way up the path that led to the house. Josh had been pretty quiet in terms of communication today, and you were silently hoping that he was home already so you two could spend the rest of the afternoon together.
Music was the first thing that you heard when you opened the door. You recognized it instantly; it was the song that you and Josh had first danced to at Tyler and Jenna’s wedding, also known as the night that you had fully realized how you felt about Josh. After you had confessed that to him shortly after you started dating, you two had deemed the song that played that night “your song”.
“Hello?” you called as you set your things by the door and kicked off your shoes. “Josh?”
“I’m in here!”
You were relieved to hear his voice. After taking a second to look over your appearance in the mirror and deeming it passable, you followed the sound of the music into the living room. Your heart stopped as soon as you rounded the corner.
Fairy lights were strung all around the room, blinking softly against the walls and furniture, with pictures of you and Josh from the moment you had met to only a few short weeks ago clipped along them. Rose petals were laid out on the ground, creating a path from where you were standing to the middle of the room. There were even a couple of your favorite candles around, adding to the romantic atmosphere. And in the middle of it all was your boys - Josh and Jim - wearing matching black bow ties.
“What’s going on?” you asked, never letting your eyes leave Josh as you grew closer to him. “I didn’t forget an anniversary, did I? Isn’t it in two months?”
“You didn’t forget anything,” Josh smiled. “But you are going to remember something.”
Before you had a chance to ask what he meant, Josh dropped to one knee and pulled out a little black box. Your eyes were brimmed with tears in an instant, hardly able to believe what they were seeing in front of them. Josh was absolutely beaming as he turned the box over in his hands a few times.
“I thought for a long time about how and when and where I wanted to do this, but the one thing I never had to question was why. Y/N, I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that I was going to fall in love with you and from then on there was no going back. I have fallen in love with every last thing about you, even the parts that you think don’t deserve to be loved. There is nobody else in the world that I would rather spend the rest of my life with. So, Y/N Y/L/N,” he opened the little box and held it out towards you, “will you marry me?”
“Yes,” you barely managed to choke out through the tears. “Of course, Josh.”
Josh’s smile grew even wider, if that was even possible, as he pulled the ring out of the box. You held out your hand and he carefully slipped the ring onto your finger. It was shining in the dim light from the fairy lights. Jim, upon noticing the excitement, was eagerly thumping his tail against the floor.
“I didn’t want to get anything too big so that you could still wear it while you’re working,” Josh explained as he stood back up. “I hope you like it.”
“It’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.”
You finally managed to get your hands on Josh and pulled him into a kiss. His arms wound around your waist, pulling you into the embrace that had provided you with comfort for so many years. He was the first to pull away, but he kept his forehead pressed against yours.
“You look beautiful today, by the way,” he grinned as he wiped away some of your tears with his thumb.
“Thank you.” A familiar heat rose to your cheeks, despite the fact it was a compliment you had heard countless times before. “I love you so much, Josh. This was everything I ever could have dreamed of.”
“I just wanted to make this moment special. I love you to the stars and back and wanted to show you that.”
“You definitely did.”
You kissed him again, but it was interrupted by an all too familiar voice.
“So, it finally happened, huh?”
You spun around in Josh’s arms, still keeping your hands on his shoulders. Tyler was standing just inside the living room with his arms crossed, that same stupid smirk that you had seen so many times before plastered on his face.
“No, Tyler,” you held a finger out towards him, “you do not get to come ruin this moment. You’ve done plenty of that already.”
Josh and Tyler both began to laugh, making you turn back to look at Josh in surprise.
“Y/N, it’s ok. He helped me set all of this up, he’s supposed to be here.”
“You’re sure?”
He smiled, “I’m sure.”
“I’m not the only one who’s here, either.”
Tyler wandered around the corner towards the entryway. He returned shortly after with Jenna, who was trying - and failing - to hide her obvious excitement.
“What’s going on?” you asked.
“Well, I knew that this was going to be a big moment for us,” Josh explained. “And I figured what better way to celebrate it than with our family?”
That was enough to send a fresh wave of tears down your cheeks. You were still in disbelief that you had ended up surrounded by so many wonderful people who cared for you so deeply. People that you now knew would be by your side for the rest of your life.
It was better than you ever could have dreamed of.
*     *     *     *     *
The end?
@topownsmyheart​ @faceofcontvsions​ @ohprettyweeper​ @tylersheavydirtysoul​ @svintsandghosts @wearebxnditos​ @breadbinishigh​ @patdsinner33​ @leam-2001
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when-worlds-end · 7 days
PARDON MY DELAY Written by Nessrin
Conception ~ September 4th, 2024 4:55AM Published ~ · · · Finished ~ · · ·
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CLANCY She's red, but I want to paint her yellow.
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THE TORCHBEARER You're delaying the inevitable.
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NAVI Heavy is the sunset that holds the sun.
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0:00 Navigating | Twenty One Pilots | "Pardon my delay, I'm navigating..." 3:44 Overcompensate | Twenty One Pilots | "Don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate..." 7:42 Vignette | Twenty One Pilots | "Clinging to promises..." 11:05 Oldies Station | Twenty One Pilots | "Make an oath, then make mistakes..." 14:54 My Blood | Twenty One Pilots | "Stay with me, no, you don't need to run..." 18:45 Chlorine | Twenty One Pilots | "When I leave don't save my seat..." 24:10 Jumpsuit | Twenty One Pilots | "Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me..."
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AUTHOR'S NOTES Due to the lore of Trench and Dema being kept secret, I am operating under the belief that after the original Clancy commits vialism, Tyler takes on the mantle of Clancy to continue his legacy.
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DISCLAIMER I do not own any rights to Twenty One Pilots, their lyrics are not mine, their composition is not mine, their timeline is not mine, nor do I know them personally. Everything that happens in this story is a work of pure fiction and written explicitly for entertainment. If the members or their families ever state that they do not want fanfiction written about them/their loved ones, in whatever capacity that may relate to my story, I will take it down and respect all boundaries set.
I only own the storyline and any characters I personally created (EX : Navi)
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i was watching an interview from with Tyler, and i noticed that when he was talking about how in Trench he made sure to not define or label the place that he, and the listener, is trying to get to, or reach. 
i think this really gives you a window into the fact that he’s been through a lot, but more importantly it hasn’t made him cold. he’s learned so much from his own pain that he knows now that you can’t try to put a label on the place your trying to reach. Everybody has different experiences, and a win for one person might be staying clean for a week, and a win for someone else might be staying clean for a year. He knows that nobody conforms to one single mold. And thats what makes us, and keeps us, human. 
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hellooo again!! i loved what you did with the dun!reader x tyler fic, it was exactly what i had imagined thank you!!:3 i’ll definitely be a regular here, you’re writing is TEWWW good not to be one 😁 id also love to be 🦝 anon if that works??
anyways id love to see an angsty fic, where reader & tyler are at an party or some sort of event and reader is spending a lot of time talking to her old childhood friend. and while tyler knows the reader would never hurt him, and that there was nothing going between reader and this guy. blurryface gets the best of him. so when they leave the party early because tyler has a “headache” and when the car ride home is nothing but silent, reader speaks up about it. and blurryface tries to argue with reader, paint her out to be this villain. but reader knows how to help tyler, she knows exactly how to save him from himself. i even if blurryface’s words hurt at first.
i hope i explained that correctly ☝️ but yeah just a angsty argument moment & once reader realizes she just has to save tyler from blurryface, she just reassures him until he’s safe.
again thank you so much for writing my request!!:) i have sooo many random ideas that id love to share with you, i truly enjoy your work soo much <3
- 🦝
Jealous - Tyler Joseph x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph × Reader
Warnings: Blurryface, strong language (I did use swears lol), and Tyler being jealous - angst
Word Count: 2734
A/N: Hello 🦝! I'm glad you enjoyed the Dun!reader fic and thanks for coming back and requesting :) This was super fun to write bc I have an event with my guy best friend this weekend and lots of people that are going to be there haven't met him so I was able to take inspiration – hopefully it doesn't end up like this! Hope you enjoy!
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We’d been planning this festival for months, 17 youth bands from Columbus, Ohio were set to play in a medium sized local venue over Saturday and I couldn’t have been more excited. Tyler had promised to  come as a guest and watch the bands. I’d asked him to have a chat with a few of the kids who I knew were fans and genuinely interested in taking their music further and into a professional sphere. 
“How’s this?” Tyler stepped out of our closet wearing a black hoodie, black jeans, and a baseball cap, doing a little spin. 
“Perfect,” I smiled, finishing my makeup in the mirror with my favorite music blasting from the speaker Tyler had installed in the ensuite bathroom for us. He fell back onto our bed, spreading out into a starfish position and staring up at the ceiling. “You look tired,” I laughed, looking at him through the mirror. 
“I am,” he responded, pulling down one of his pillows from the top of the bed. I grabbed my bag and slipped in my phone, keys, lip balm, and a comb. 
“Well you’re gonna need to wake up if you’re going to be speaking to these kids,” I said. Tyler sat up, letting out a loud groan that echoed through the bedroom. He opened his arms out to me, welcoming my presence between his knees. Resting his head against my chest, he pulled me in close enough that he was practically breathing me in. “I’m excited,” I smiled, knowing my hard work was finally paying off and that all of the kids I’d gotten to know over the last few months were getting the opportunity to showcase their art in front of people who truly understood them. 
“I’m excited for you,” he mumbled, his voice muffled through my shirt. His body heat felt comforting and the last thing I wanted was to step away. It was going to be a stressful day and any minute away from him would just make me more stressed, he was my own personal stress reliever. “We should get going,” I pulled away from his embrace and helped him onto his feet. Normally Tyler drove us places because I took control of the aux to play our shared playlist. We got into the car and almost immediately music started to flow around the car, the two of us singing as loud as we could and shimmying back and forth with the bass. The venue was about half an hour from our house and I’d gotten a couple text messages from the crew to let me know they were loading things in including camera equipment and the shared drum kit each band was going to use. We turned the corner and drove in through the back entrance, parking just to the side of the loading bay. Everywhere I looked there were people running back and forth carrying equipment and talking to the bands. It felt like just yesterday that Tyler and I were setting up for twenty one pilots’ shows together while Mark filmed everything. I missed it, I missed having a camera shoved in my face by one of my best friends–it was fun. Tyler jumped out of the car and ran over to my side, offering a hand for me and not letting go once I was down. We walked into the venue, music playing over the radio to keep everyone entertained during the long waiting hours. That was when I saw him–Luke. I stopped right there in the middle of the walkway, my breath caught in my throat. 
“Y/N?” he paused, his eyes meeting mine for the first time since high school. My heart was beating in my ribcage, the feeling vibrating throughout my body and straight into my hand, which Tyler gripped tightly. His brows furrowed as he looked at me with concern. 
“Luke?” Tyler tilted his head slightly. I let go of his hand and ran straight into Luke’s arms. “Oh my god, what are you doing here?” I gasped. 
“I thought I’d fly in and surprise you! I’ve been helping a bit behind the scenes with promotional stuff,” he looked down at me with a grin. 
“How long has it been?” Tears of joy started to well in my eyes. Luke was my best friend in elementary school, middle school, and even high school–our friendship lasting longer than 10 years. 
“Eight years Tink,” he said, ruffling my hair. ‘Tinkerbell,’ the nickname I’d adopted in middle school. I remember it like it was yesterday, the summer when our families went to Disney World together. Luke and I grew up on Disney movies and when we finally saved enough money to go to the parks we were so excited. Like the amazing friend I was, I forced Luke to stand in an hour-long line with me to meet Tinkerbell only to get heat stroke and have to step out of line. I cried and cried about how bad I felt about wasting his time but the whole time he sat by my side waiting for me to feel better before dragging me off to Walt Disney’s Haunted Mansion and forever cementing my name as ‘Tinkerbell’. 
“Sorry, Tink?” Tyler interrupted. I stepped back from Luke who chuckled. 
“Short for Tinkerbell. It’s a long story. You must be Tyler, I’ve heard so much about you,” Luke beamed, reaching a hand out to Tyler who shook it firmly. 
“Interesting, because I haven’t heard anything about you,” he mimicked sarcastically. Luke’s face dropped looking at me with confusion. He’d never come up in conversation, Luke moved out of state after high school, going to New York for business school. 
“We were friends at school,” Luke explained before looking back at me. “The kids are already here if you want to come say hi, they’re all super excited to meet Tyler.” I nodded, following him as he walked ahead. Tyler reached down and grabbed my hand strongly. Something was off, he was standing taller and felt more serious than he normally was. 
“Are you okay?” I whispered into his ear–he had to lean down to properly hear me. 
“Yep. Fine. Absolutely fine.”
“Tyler if you feel sick or something you can go home, I can stay here with Luke,” I began, rubbing the pad of my thumb against the back of his hand. 
“I said I’m fine,” he insisted. As we entered the backstage area where all the kids were he turned on a smile and went to greet everyone. The room instantly filled with cheers and squeals as he was quickly swarmed and disappeared from sight, leaving Luke and I alone. 
“Do you need any help with setting stuff up?” I asked, turning away from Tyler and trying to make myself useful. 
“Actually yeah, you could help me put together the gift baskets for the bands,” he nodded, leading me further down the hall into a dressing room full of brightly coloured baskets, bags of candy, drum sticks, guitar picks, and more gifty things. I jumped over the covered floor to a small square of carpet which was clear enough for me to stand. “So, what’s up with this Tyler guy? You told me he was chill but he was anything but that,” Luke spoke, kneeling down and grabbing a basket. He was right, Tyler was generally relaxed with the exception of a few work things with the band when he really locked in. 
“I don’t know Lou,” I ran a hand through my hair, “he normally is.” 
He shrugged and let out a sigh. “Maybe he’s jealous of my amazingness,” he bragged, fitting a pack of guitar strings next to the box of chocolates in his basket.  
“As if,” I scoffed, throwing the ring of ribbon to him. “I’m dating the frontman of one of the biggest bands on the planet and you’re… you,” I laughed as Luke placed a hand on his chest in mock offense. As Luke and I continued to fit each gift into the baskets we began to talk about the past. We reminisced on the make believe games we used to play, the popular girls in middle school who thought they were ‘all that’–who apparently these days were working at gas stations and malls–and that one time our math teacher talked about his couples therapy in class. I could barely breathe as Luke mimicked the teacher’s voice, clenching my stomach and gasping for air. 
“Oh my god, remember when he got on his knees in front of Kate and started praying for her to pass the exam?” I laughed as Luke gasped, continuing his perspective of the story. I could hear the thumping and humming of the bands playing as they started to roll out on stage–I couldn’t have been more proud. 
“What about Dylan, do you remember him?” Luke asked. We’d moved closer together as the empty baskets became perfectly full and were placed on the table I’d decided needed to be covered in pink paper.
“Shit that breakup was the worst. I was the a fucking mess,” I scoffed. Dylan was my high school boyfriend and for most of our relationship I was deeply in love with him–except for the day I caught him making out with Kathy from biology. It took me months to get over it, months of watching Disney movies and scoffing ice cream on Luke’s couch. It was so bad that our parents actually let us stay at each other’s houses. 
“I know, I was there,” Luke laughed, cutting the end of the ribbon he was tying. “I’m glad you’ve found your person though, he’s lucky to have you Tink.” Finishing another basket, I placed it on the table, finally able to move around the room as we’d finished about half of the job already. Just as I was about to go back to my spot I saw Tyler standing in the doorway. 
“Hey,” I smiled, opening my arms to him as he weaved his way around the baskets towards me. “How were the kids?” I looked up at him noticing he was picking at his hands–an anxious habit he’d formed. 
“Good,” he responded. 
“Are you okay man?” Luke asked, looking up from the bow he was tying. Tyler’s fists clenched. 
“I’ve got a headache, you know?” he gestured to his head. “I think we should head home Y/N.” I didn’t want to go home, I wanted to watch my hard work pay off and hear the music. 
“Oh I can give her a ride home after is she wan–”
“No. I–I–no,” Tyler interrupted. I stood up and interlocked my arm with his but he shrugged me off. I mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ at Luke who flashed me a sympathetic look. I hated having to leave him, I’d missed his company more than I thought I had–all of the memories flooding back in a manner of hours. 
“Okay,” I nodded, placing the basket I had just finished on the table and smiling sheepishly at Luke. Tyler walked stiffly to the door and out to the car without a word. 
“See ya Tink,” Luke waved, “I’ll text you.” 
I ran out after Tyler towards the car seeing him already sitting in the driver’s seat with the engine running. His posture was perfectly straight and expression blank. I climbed into my seat and turned to him, placing a hand on his thigh. 
“Are you okay to drive?” I asked, genuinely concerned about what was happening to him. Either he was telling the truth and had a headache or something much worse was about to happen. 
“It’s fine,” he snapped, driving out of the lot. I reached for the aux cable to plug my phone in, hoping some music would help him feel better–it usually did. “Don’t. Please,” he spoke, his hands gripping hard onto the wheel. I nodded and sat in silence the rest of the way home, staring out the window. As each building passed us I felt worse and worse, an ever expanding pit of anxiety forming in my throat. Tyler didn’t say a word but as we got closer and closer to home he would occasionally let out a groan or wince of pain. We wheeled into the driveway and came to a stop, Tyler jumping out of the car and running into the house. Immediately I chased after him, catching the front door as he attempted to slam it. 
“Tyler!” I shouted, causing him to stop and look at me. His eyes were red–bright red. Fuck. 
“I don’t want to talk to you,” he snapped, raising his arms to cover his head. He was trying to hide Blurryface from me. 
“Blurry come on. Talk to me,” I said. 
“I don’t need to hear you talk about him. I don’t want to hear you talk about him. You ditched me the whole day to hang out with him,” he started a path of no return, we were going to have that conversation.
“Tyl–We–He’s…We’re not…” I tried to explain it but couldn’t get my words out.
“Save it Y/N. I saw the way he looked at you, the way you hugged him. God you’re such a slut,” he seethed. My jaw dropped. The same words high school bullies spat at me were coming from the mouth of the person I love the most–the person who I’d decided to spend my life with. 
“You’re awful,” I sniffled. 
“And you’re not?” he continued to push, his eyes glowing brighter than before. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to unleash hell on him but it wasn’t Tyler speaking and I knew anything I did to Blurryface would just hurt Tyler more than he already was hurting. 
“He’s gay,” I blurted. “He’s gay, there is nothing going on between us and there never has.” I wiped the tears falling from my face. It wasn’t my thing to tell him, Luke was out and everyone who knew him knew he was gay–in fact even those who didn’t know him could seem to tell. Almost instantly Tyler’s eyes turned from the flaring fiery red to a bloodshot brown, his shoulders falling. 
“What?” I could tell he felt awful, the buildup of guilt obvious on his face. 
“I said, he’s gay, and there isn’t and never has been anything going on between us. He’s my friend Tyler.” He held his hand in front of his mouth, shaking violently. 
“Oh my god. I’m awful, I–I called you a–” he started to bawl and I pulled him in close. 
“It wasn’t you Ty. It’s okay, it’s okay,” I hummed, rubbing my hand up and down his back and tears streamed down his face. Tyler buried his face into my shoulder, his body trembling with every sob.
 “I didn’t mean it. I swear, I didn’t mean it,” he choked out, his voice cracking.
“I know, baby. I know,” I whispered softly, keeping my arms wrapped tightly around him. My heart ached seeing him like this, so consumed by Blurryface’s anger and his own self-hatred.
“I can’t believe I let him do that… I can’t believe I said that to you. I’m so sorry,” he kept repeating, guilt lacing every word. I pulled back just enough to see his face, placing my hands gently on either side of his cheeks. 
“Tyler, listen to me. That wasn’t you. I know you, and you would never say those things. I’m not angry at you. I just want to help you through this.” His eyes, still red and puffy, searched mine, like he was desperately trying to believe my words but couldn’t let go of his shame. 
“But I hurt you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. I shook my head gently. 
“I’m okay. I’m here, aren’t I? I love you, Tyler. Nothing he says, nothing Blurryface does, can change that.” He let out another shaky breath, his forehead resting against mine. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Don’t say that. You deserve all the love in the world, and I’m going to keep reminding you of that until you believe it,” I said, my voice firm but gentle. For a moment, we stayed there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the weight of everything starting to lift, even if just a little. Tyler’s breathing slowly steadied, his tears drying as he leaned into my touch.
“We’ll get through this, Ty. Together.”
He nodded, his voice still raw. “Together.”
Requests open!
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