#types of people meme
vanwizard · 2 years
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okay i will admit i enjoyed these three in the like. one scene they were actually all on screen together.
sofia voice shut up and get the fuck out goncharov, i’m gonna fuck your wife now.
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aregebidan · 2 years
i love you goncharov mythos, i love you innate human urge to make things up, i love you tumblr blorbos created By tumblr, i love you meta insight into current internet attitudes toward character archetypes that's inherent to this process of creation, i love you opportunity of witnessing yet another major event for very online people, and most of all i love you katya
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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no one tell him about it
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Owen's type just being batshit crazy people [Izzy and p!Noah] is so funny to me cause you just have Owen, golden hearted, sweet Owen, and two people that probably fist fight each other for fun
Owen's really out here like,
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"Me and the two bad bitches I pulled by being a nice person."
And the bitches in question are the most objectively insane people he knows.
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I'm just making shit up at this point
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jjdizz · 7 days
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Posting this here as well
Food for thought
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sugarpasteltmnt · 1 month
this is how I feel posting “””writing tips/advice””” btw
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pinkcores · 7 months
types of people : self-care things 💅💕
spa days: lighting your favorite scented candle, trying out that new lotion, soft skin with a slight glow to it, sinking into the bath with your favorite song on blast, trying not to laugh so you don't mess up the face mask, feeling like a million bucks, soft hair and even softer smiles at yourself
baking: flour smeared across your cheeks, stealing another taste of the batter, taking silly videos while you wait, pretending you didn't make a funny shaped treat on purpose, staring into the oven in hopes your intense gaze will make it bake faster, all the sprinkles, "forgetting" to do the dishes
binging shows: just one more episode, not skipping the opening sequence to hum along to the song, cozying up under a blanket in pjs, picking off food crumbs from your clothes, stretching and flopping back after you're done, accidentally spoiling an episode for yourself, "are you still watching?"
learning something new: setting up pretty notes with colors, doodling because you're procrastinating, adding this to the list of projects, working along with lofi girl, a cat sitting in your lap as you write and read, feeling proud the one moment you can use your new knowledge, sticking to schedule
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womenaremypriority · 1 month
I can understand transmasc people who seem to mostly have an issue with simply being called women, tbh. I can perfectly understand why it would mostly be a linguistic issue for some. From a young age, I was jealous of men and aware they were considered less cool than women. This is even worse now because of the internet- I’ll show you one example.
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Why is it gendered? Why are men the people who would understand this? This type of joke has always been on the internet, and it’s probably taken on a different form in the past ~5 years or so, but the assumption that the listener/reader is male and that men are the cool, fun sex are a constant. There are small pockets more oriented towards women but most isn’t. It’s always, always bothered me, and I can absolutely see some women just having better connotations with the word ‘man’ than ‘woman’.
Even though a part of you understands it’s misogyny, and it’s not a reflection of actual women, you eventually start to feel like it’s you that’s the problem. I truly feel like if I had kept going down the same route, I would have eventually identified as a trans man, and not nonbinary like I had a first. My brain started to interpret the anguish at seeing things like this and wanting to belong with men as proof I’ve always been one. Even if you have women you care about and don’t consciously think all women fit a certain mold, it still doesn’t feel right. This is made even worse by the trans community acting like ‘cis women’ is a boring thing to be. It sucks. I’m not going to deny that for some individuals sex dysphoria is very real, and not every one shares this experience, but this has existed in my life for a long time, and it felt very real to me at the time. So I do think for plenty of women, it’s not our female body, it’s not feminine clothing, it’s simply being referred to as a women.
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I like to think that outside of the archives Elias was known only as the silly, overenthusiastic, eccentric boss who enjoys paperwork way too much. Realistically he was equally feared by everyone but it makes the idea of Tim trying to expose the whole plot a lot funnier.
"Elias is evil and hes masterminding a terrible plan and if we don't stop him we'll all end up dead!"
"Elias....? Like, Elias Bouchard? The guy who religiously does his paperwork on the same day every week... The guy who once sat me down to ask if that weird plant in the hall was freaking me out?"
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cheddar-baby · 6 months
Forever thinking about the art piece in Don Hertzfeldt's short film World of Tomorrow where a clone of a child is put into a tube in a gallery and you watch him age in real time until he eventually dies at the age of 72 then the exhibit is quietly removed without any notice.
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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sukei-dot-exe · 1 month
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burning-clutch · 1 year
Monkey stack :p Really proud with how the lantern turned out
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Do you think when Agrippa and Livia first met they looked at each other, looked at Octavian, and realized their man had a Type
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