#u and breakdown and optimus
rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hi, I hope you're having a great day/night. If you're comfortable with writing polyamory, can I request yandere poly Knock Out and Breakdown?
TFP Yandere Knockout and Breakdown
You met Breakdown on pure accident- he had transformed in the woods to stretch his legs, not noticing you. 
As soon as he noticed you, he let out a curse. He was shocked though when you looked at him with awe instead of fear. He went up and nudged you with a finger. “Uh, are you defective?” 
“Woah!” He jumped back in shock. “You can speak English? Where are you from? You’re so pretty!” Breakdown couldn’t fight the blue blush that rose to his face. He’d been called plenty of things in his life- but never pretty. Even his conjunx always used the word ‘handsome’. It felt nice to be called pretty.
“U-uh. I’m from the planet Cybertron?” 
“Wow! You’re amazing! So what brings you out here to my humble abode?” You gestured to the cabin behind you.
“Oh. Uh, I was tracking energon, not exactly going to your, uh, ‘abode’.” He wasn’t sure why he was so open with you. There was just something about you that was so easy to talk to. 
You tilted your head in confusion, to which he explained what energon was. You ended up going on the energon search with him. You, being a big science nerd, managed to upgrade his sensor. This allowed him to find a few deposits of energon within a much bigger area. He was shocked that you could do this with only a few materials. 
“I actually do remote work here for a science company. I don’t like to be around people that much.” you explained. Breakdown called the Vehicons to get the energon after driving you back to your home. He didn’t want you to get caught up in the war at all.
When Breakdown got back to the Nemesis, Knockout greeted him with a hug. “So, find anything?” 
“Yeah, some energon… and a human.” 
Knockout looked up at his conjunx with confusion. “A human? What happened?” 
“They were living where I went. They were… kind. Didn’t run away like the rest of em’.” 
Knockout noticed how his husband seemed conflicted. “Hm, maybe I should go meet them too.” 
Both of them bridged a small distance away and drove up to your house. Breakdown tapped a finger against your door much louder than he had meant to. 
“Look Mr. Bear, it was a one ti- Oh! Hello again Breakdown!” You smiled up at him. Your eyes flickered over to his cherry red companion. “Hello to you as well! Wow, you’re beautiful too!”
“Well, you were right about the human, Breakdown! They are smart,” the cherry red mech puffed out his chest. “I’m Knockout. What would your name be?”
“I’m (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!” 
Knockout and Breakdown often went to visit you when they had time. Your curious and gentle personality appealed greatly to them. One day, the Autobots found out and brought you to the base. You went willingly, not knowing anything about the war. There, they told you about the war.
“No, that can’t be! They are the sweetest people I’ve ever met!” You tried to defend them.
Ratchet just scoffed at you and pulled up their files. You looked in horror at everything they had done. You demanded to go home so that you could think, and Optimus went with you to protect you in the event they showed up again.
They both arrived the next week to see you talking with the Prime (who you had grown close to in a short period of time). “Do you think they were just using me?” You sniffed.
Optimus paused for a moment before speaking. “I’m not sure.” 
Breakdown, in a rage, slammed his hammer into his back. He grunted in pain as he was thrown into trees, his body destroying them as he hit. “OPTIMUS!” You cried out.
Knockout tried to grab for you, but you dodged out of his way. “Come here, doll. We aren’t going to hurt you.” 
“Like you didn’t hurt all of those other Cybertronians in your stupid war?!” You demanded. He looked hurt and shocked for a moment before turning to Optimus. “What have you been telling them?”
“The truth.” The Prime tried to stand but was beaten down before Breakdown. Hit after hit Breakdown landed on him.
“STOP!” You yelled out. Breakdown stopped his hits but kept his hammer hovering over Optimus.
Knockout and Breakdown eyed you when Knockout got an idea. “I’ll make you a deal, doll. You come with us and we’ll let him live.”
“No, ru-” 
“Shut up!” Breakdown slammed his hammer into his face and turned to you again. “This hammer’s getting heavy, better choose quick.”
You looked at Optimus who was leaking energon, then back to Breakdown and Knockout. Both of them had a dark look on their faceplates. You looked at the ground before nodding. 
“Okay. But you can’t hurt him anymore.”
Breakdown backed away from the Prime who transformed his arm into a gun immediately. “You won’t be taking them today.”
“Optimus! Stop.” He looked at you in confusion. “You won’t last in a fight. You’re bleeding and it’s two against one- please, just.-just go. Please. You can save me later- I don’t think they’ll hurt m-”
Before you can say another word, Knockout throws you into the air and transforms. He quickly drove away, Breakdown following. 
“W-why are you doing this? Where are you taking me?”
“The Autobots weren’t supposed to find out about you. We have to protect you from their lies.”
“Lies? I saw videos of what you did!”
Knockout scoffed. “You think they’re any better? Do you have any clue how many they’ve killed? Why the war started in the first place?” You were at a loss for words. “No, you don’t. But you’ll learn, eventually.” 
“Where are we even going?” 
“To your new home. After all, we can’t let the Autobots get to you again, can we?” 
You brought your legs up to your chest as you feared whatever was to come.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 11 months
As it is obvious from my blog, I adore TFP. It is the first Transformers show I've watched (I remember watching tf content before, yet i can't remember which it was). Yet as always, I have some criticism even to my most beloved things and now I want to talk about one of these. And the name to him is Dreadwing.
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Dreadwing is particularly interesting cuz he seems like one sane person in the whole Nemesis, who is undeniably loyal to the cause. Something that even Megatron isn't anymore. Dreadwing is a great example of what the decepticon should be. Fierce, strong, yet smart, noble, loyal and respectful to his own team. And this is an interesting since we've never seen this before, cuz everyone else on Nemesis strayed from this path and just using this cause as a way of manipulation. And still Dreadwing was most loyal to Megatron, with the only thing standing between him and total obedience is his love for his late brother (Skyquake, hun, sorry, but I literally forgot abt you the moment you died).
And this is a great start, but all this potential was, at least for me, wasted.
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Firstly. His position which he came in the show. He was presented to us as a) a threat; b) Wheeljack's enemy/rival. And that's when my first problem starts here. Let's look at the statistics.
Optimus prime — Megatron
Ratchet — KO (or Shockwave)
Bumblebee — KO
Bulkhead — Breakdown
Arcee — Arachnid
Smokescreen — KO (why does he have a beef with every child in the group?)
Ultra Magnus — Predaking
And then Wheeljack is like — ?????
And yeah, I am upset abt lack of Wheeljack in TFP, but it's relevant to my Dreadwing rant, since all the others I've mentioned has met at least once/twice and had some resolution to their rivalry (even though not the good one), but cowboy loose cannon and a flying samurai never even mention each other after their episode. It is cuz Wheeljack really likes to disappear from the plot for Primus knows how long, while this Seeker stays through all the season 2 until my greatest disappointment came.
Secondly, Dreadwing's death is the dumbest scrap I've seen and looks like a very rude way to get rid of character. I still have no idea of why Megan chose Starscream over someone who's loyal to you to the point of disobeying to save ur tailpipe! And don't start the 'but DW disobeyed him', WING BOY WAS PROMOTED FOR IT.
Furthermore, from the moment I saw him even if I thought DW was to die, I considered it would happen in a battle with Wheeljack. It would be so interesting to see a death match between two guys, madly loyal to their friends/family/team. But nahh, Jackie never tries to go after winged edgelord ever again and never even ask if he's up to rematch.
(Also, funny how Dreadwing is so mad at SS for bringing Skyquake back to life as a zombie, but not at Bee and OP for literally killing him..... Priorities, huh.. Just another scrap u to Starscream for no reason.)
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mmprviolet · 10 months
Why I love Earthspark
Spoilers ahead
Female characters treated like people and not weird or afterthoughts
The child characters act like children and not mini adults to please boomers
The Decepticons have more than just Card Carrying Evil
Starscream's abuse is finally taken seriously for once and without woobifying him
Megatron is Scottish
The terrans are cool
NB rep for both terran and human
The main human family are Black American and Filipino
Seriously when was the last tine we saw an interracial pair where both parties are nonwhite?
Dot is a badass, we learn about her as a person, disabled but treated with agency
Alex is also a badass and a bumblebee fanboy, yet we also learn a bit about him
Dot and Alex 🤝 Tom and Maddie = healthy relationships in classic kid properties
Elita is also a badass she's also closer to her personality than the weird trope of making her a villain or fridging her
Bumblebee is a struggling young adult and not a infantilized annoying caricature
Actually his arc seems to be one giant rebuttal against the trend of making him Kid Appeal by having him struggle with being a mentor and dealing with kids
Breakdown is Sonic the Hedgehog
The main human villain is a legitimate threat without being a villain sue or boring
The other main villain is literally named Karen (and also a legit threat)
Optimus Prime is back to being funny and not a overly serious messiah, angry old man, Nerd or cop
Soundwave's revenge bod
Skywarp and Nova Storm are girls and can put up a fight they also have more relevancy than u can say with TFA Blackarachnia
Scratch that Skywarp in animated media again and gets to use her powers
Dot and Mo have natural hair and even wear bonnets
If you look past Mo's rather uncanny design she's actually really cute and lovable
Robby is cool too
Thrash and Twitch hmmm love seeing two characters of both worlds embracing all their heritage
TWITCH'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT especially her dynamic with Megatron
He calls her little bird
Nigthshade. Just Nightshade. Cool altmode cool personality, doesn't sugarcoat their identity (it's not 5000% perfect but still very great to see)
Really good message about respecting history while also thinking for yourself and new generation not making those same mistakes
the old generation gets to learn and grow too, the only ones who don't refuses to
Bringing in characters like Tarantulas, Hardtop, basically characters we haven't seen much of
Love how the experiences characters go thru aren't easily wiped away a la Grimlock and Hashtag both experiencing PTSD from the harm inflicted on them and allowed to feel those emotions
Steve Blum is Starscream again but still sounds fresh and not rip Prime beat for best
The cultural details while not 5000% perfect are pretty great like league above past shows
Like you can tell more than one writer of color is in the room
More nonwhite VAs instead of the usual 3-4 max
Angered the ultra conservatives
Thrash is Hunter and Kid Andrias
Jawbreaker is funny as hell I also liked his abilities and dynamic with grimlock.
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therodpod · 1 year
it is time for my ranking of Optimus Prime’s parenting skills… which are only semi-serious (at best) and mostly consists of inside jokes. Enjoy.
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1. Starting off strong, G1!Optimus: 7.9/10.
Okay listen, technically speaking he was everyone’s dad BUT he looked like he was about to strangle anyone that wasn’t Bumblebee on more than one occasion, and plus he died :/ which totally wasn’t cool, bc it made my bbg hate himself♥️. and there’s also just like. his treatment of the Dinobots… so. Yikes, king. Points were doxxed xoxo.
2. My personal favorite—Cyberverse!Optimus: 8/10.
I’d give him ten out of ten for being an absolute MILF but he also let’s all three sons be absolute demons and never seems to know where they are, AND gives the impression that he’s locking himself in the pantry and eating a snack just to escape them for a few minutes (https://youtu.be/CHWMIAaUj1M), so sorry babe. being a divorced single mother is never easy, but you look fantastic doing it ((btw he’s PTA parents with Grimlock, but unlike him, he never knows what’s going on)).
3. Honorable mention bc I technically haven’t finished it. Armada!Optimus: 7.9/1
He gives me army dad awkwardly trying to raise a military brat and that’s why it’s so low, bc while he isn’t a terrible parent TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, he’s still in the army and is raising his son in it. like maybe the kid wanted to make art, man. SMH.
4. IDW!Optimus, my beloathed♥️. 5/10.
Bumblebee is the golden child who has never done anything wrong in his entire life in Optimus’ optics, while Rodimus is the estranged son who he only sees on the holidays MAYBE and whom he hates. In fact, I’m doubtful he even likes seeing him that much.
5. #Boymom Prime!Optimus: 9/10
another one who gets points redacted bc did you see him with Smokescreen? that man is a boymom. He believes boys will be boys and posts on cyberbook “I didn’t know love until I looked into my sons’ eyes; ‘til are one; my little rascals are starting cube-ball soon and it’s so tiring driving them everywhere but I wouldn’t have it any other way!! #BoyMom.”
6. Netflix!Optimus: 0/10.
not a parent, boo.
7. Twenty-Three-Old-College-Dropout Animated!Optimus. 2/10.
I give him two points bc he’s more like their older brother, but he also hasn’t straight up killed them so that gives him /some/ bonuses. Bee’s like fourteen, and Bulkhead’s like fifteen, and he’s barely twenty-three living with Prowl who is a HIGH-SCHOOL dropout at twenty-five and is a hippie who smokes a blunt in their garage—and Ratchet is in his mid-seventies and never leaves his room, so you can see why he deserves the two points for not snapping.
8. Earthspark Optimus, ‘the cool dad’: 8.9/10.
He’s delightful and awkward and tries his best, but he’s also obviously overworked and doesn’t always have time to be there emotionally for Bumblebee; he also hates his son’s ex and I’m sure threw a party when him and Breakdown broke up, despite being divorced himself (Elita-1) and having an /interesting/ past himself (Megatron). hope that helps. Still better than IDW.
9. Half-joking, Japanese!Optimus. 10/10.
Idk what’s going on there, but he looks delightful.
10. Optimus Micheal Prime, Bayverse: 1/10.
just the worst parenting my man, somehow even worse than IDW!OP bc atleast he /liked/ Bumblebee. he started really good during the first movie, and then it must q u ick ly derailed. somebody send CPS on his ass.
11. Beeverse!Optimus: 10/10.
watching him go John Wick on the decepticons so Bee could escape? delightful. the fact that he sent him on the “‘safest’” planet in the galaxy? hilarious. the ‘very well’? my favorite op line in all the continuities. also one of his best designs ONG.
12. The man, the myth, the legend - Optimus Primal. 7.9/10.
mostly going off that one gag where they were too scared to tell him they did something wrong, I have built my personal headcanon. I feel like Primal has made Cheetor cry when he helped him with his math homework, and will even beat Rattrap’s grown ass if you catch him in the wrong mood. (he’s literally just this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKX4t93/) ((and it’s definitely cheetor and rattrap)).
13. Finally, the end––RID2002 Optimus Prime: 6/10.
he never knew what was going on, SMHHHH. Wedge fraternizing with Sky-Byte? who knows! he certainly doesn’t. Side-Burn potentially becoming his future-in-law and Just Being Like ThatTM in general? well he never talks to Ultra Magnus anyway, and boys will be boys, amiright? but don’t be fooled, though, I love Car Robots and I would die for all of them. thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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rungneedstherapy · 1 year
⚠️earthspark spoilers⚠️
Ok I watched the second part of tfe, I have so many thoughts, so many emotions.
(not in order)
But especially: G.H.O.S.T has an effing pistol or whatever it is that erase people's memory and they used it on someone!?! Who's someone?? Is it you Optimus?? Is this why u seem so fricking clueless to G.H.O.S.T. actions?? Is this why it looks like you go around with a bandana on your eyes??
Nightshade meeting another non-binary person and learning about the term>>>. THE PINS
Jawbreaker episode, him being autistic coded, and the allegory. Him scared of being broken (Feel you Jawbreaker)
Hashtag wanting to be a director and then making a documentary, and then again her directing the play for Dot.
TARANTULAS. I didn't knew much about him, but I like this version a lot. Hope he's safe.
All the references to IDW comics
Decepticons having to wrestle to obtain Energon and just being an entertainment for humans (just like what happened on Cybertron before the war, minus the humans being other Cybertronians)
Shockwave saying "I know you'll betray them like you betrayed me"
The whole flashback scene
"Yess! I have it :D-Aaaaaugh"
"Decepticon bear witness to the fall of Megatron" it's the new "Megatron has fallen..."
Tarantulas and Nightshade friendship
"I didn't choose war, I choose to survive"
Browl dead body, it reminded me of tf prime's Breakdown
Breakdown rescuing Bee. Breakdown sacrificing for Bee.
The fact that Bee wouldn't have uncover himself (or how u say it, English is not my first language and all) to help Breakdown escape from G.H.O.S.T.
Xenophobia and racism being aknowledged and not ignored.
Mandroid needs energon to survive now? Interesting
G.H.O.S.T. using their prisoners as test subjects (they woke up one morning and thought it was a nice and completely no inhumane thing to do)
THE PARASITED BEAR, why the Malto family didn't question it?? Like, you find strange worms, then an effing bear with purple eyes and tentacles with their own eyes attacks you and you don't get suspicious?? And that thing fell into water?? Like am I the only scared about that thing contaminating something else?? Hello??
Ok I think it's all
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Tfp post apocalyptic au
Greetings.... I am Vospo, descendant of Optimus Prime. The year is 2044 on Earth, and the war isn't getting any better. Some of us have died.... and many retired... except bumblebee we love bumblebee-... and one of us left for the decepticons....... leaving the next generation of us to fight. I have stepped up to lead the autobots. There is a new ruler as well, Rokket, descendant of megatron himself. (Transformers reproduce when their sparks CNA copies and makes another spark in my au). Our identities are no longer a secret to this planet, human work alongside us in this war, especially a few who have helped in the past.
the current year is 2044. The autobots are now led by Optimus primes 31 year old son, Vospo, and the decepticons are led by Megatrons only 16 year old son, Rokket. Optimus and Megatron died fighting each other, but the war continued from their descendants. All of the decepticons, except for Megatron are still there, now led by Rokket, they gained a primes named Salias who betrayed the autobots against their will, and a human infused with dark Energien named Owen.. Most of the autobots retired after Optimus primes death, leaving the leader spot for Vospo, he’s married to another male bot named Ex-Rae, who was created by shockwave. There’s Metalock, who was a wrecker, she’s…. Not the brightest. Bumblebee is still in the squad, and there’s Rowan, who was a human/cybertronian cyborg made by ratchet. Arcee, ratchet, smokescreen, ultra Magnus and bulkhead retired, Wheeljack went missing, and Optimus died. The human kids, now 33, 30, and 28, still work with the autobots. The decepticons there are, Rokket, Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave, Airachnid, knockout, breakdown, salias, and Owen. Soundwave is rokkets second in command which makes Starscream jealous. The autobots are, Vospo, Ex-Rae, Bumblebee, Rowan, Metalock, and the humans, jack, Miko, and raf.
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Autobots. Decepticons.
!ENDING! Don’t read If you dont
Rokket manages to kill Vospo, then kills the rest of the autobots, including the ones that left. Eventually unicorn ended up possessing him, and started slowly killing the population on earth. Rokket was sick of being a vessel to unicron and found out what he was doing was wrong, so he secretly planned to kill himself to avoid unicron wiping out earth, but since there are still more decepticons that unicron could still possess, he regains control and kills every other cybertronian he can find, then holds his cannon to his head. I have the last bit of dialogue written: 
Unicron: What are you doing?! You’ll kill us both!!!!! 
Rokket: I know. 
Then he kills both himself, and unicron. 
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th3e-m4ng0 · 1 year
hello! I came across your art recently, which is lovely btw <3 I read the megop fanfic you drew for! I enjoyed reading it and it has lots of chapters. It was rlly angsty but also cute. I was wondering, if ur comfortable with it, recommending other things you liked to read? or what’s your favourite fic so far?
here's some fics i've (re)read recently that i've really liked (in no particular order).. they're almost all megop jhgjdgdhdh:
The Parent Trap by astolat -- [megop]. this one i REALLY enjoy, centered in the tfp universe, the autobots discover megatron had a sparkling and optimus has a mental breakdown bc of it. the kid is also very chaotic. it has just the right amount of angst, the icing on top of it
My Love is a Fever by spaceliquid -- [megop]. this one is set on the idw universe, it made me giggle a lot while reading it, it's a crack fic. optimus got himself locked up by aliens, and to get him out, megatron tries a very.. interesting plan !!
Like a Box of Chocolates by auri_mynonys -- [megop]. tfp !! if u like lots of fluff and married old men being goofs (while also unconsciously terrifying a poor bot just doing her job) then this one is for u !! the ending made me smile :)
Pay Unto Evil by lord_squiggletits (megatrons_mouth_laser) -- [megop]. idw1 and shattered glass !!! oh this one is DARK. it gets dark and it WILL make u cry and rip everything apart. fluffy and also not fluffy at all at the same time. has lots of violence and angst, i really liked it !!! :3
Accidental War Criminal Acquisition by Spoon888 -- no megop for once, set in g1. crack fic and cranky kid ahead, this one is still on-going but is very fun and fluffy !! does get dark at times !!! but it's okay because dadimus prime and dadtchet are there to save the day
Lunch Date by Chuzillla -- [megop]. EARTHSPARK YIPPIEE. this one is the cafe au we needed, crack fic and very silly !!! these old men go on a "date". megatron is confused and optimus is just happy he got to take advantage of this very convenient sale :3
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bots-and-cons · 2 years
If your request if open now, can u do a TFP x Scarlet Witch please ?
I did it with some of the cons and some bots, the reader being on the con’s side, and while writing this I realized I don't really know much about Wanda’s powers. I still haven’t even watched WandaVision and it’s been a while since I’ve watched any of the other movies she’s in, but I used what I remembered. This is like a reader with Scarlet Witch’s powers but a bit of a meaner version I guess, also this didn’t turn out very good due to my lack of knowledge but eh
•You’re quite a force to be reckoned with, especially when you get angry or upset
•It’s a bit harder to get into the autobot’s heads since they are robots and all, but you manage it anyway
•Megatron really likes your powers, you know the whole “being able to inflict a lot of fear” thing is definitely to his tastes 
•Knockout finds your powers to be pretty creepy/scary, some mix of the two and he has gotten a taste of them when he first met you, since you saw him and the other cons as a threat
•You messed with Breakdown’s head too, before Dreadwing captured you and knocked you out
•For some reason Soundwave is the hardest to manipulate, or to get into his head, not that you really even want to, now that you’re with the cons
•Megatron always enjoys watching you throw autobots into the sky and drop them down, it’s just amusing to him
•Arcee is super susceptible to people messing with her head like that she gets really messed up about the whole “showing her her worst fears” thing and he’s messed up about it for a long time
•Bee is kinda the same,  but he isn’t quite as affected as Arcee, and recovers from it much quicker
•Optimus isn’t really affected much, since he’s so traumatized already and has pretty much lived through a lot of what you could even show him
•You don’t really use your powers to fight much, you’re more like messing with the autobots, because you don’t want to kill any of them
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signanothername · 11 months
Do you have a favorite Transformer? And another random favorite? Uh no particular reason I'm asking-
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Hcchchvhvh ok that’s so damn hard cause they’re all so damn cool
But imma try to list the ones that have a special place in my heart (warning: they’re so many chchhc)
These are in no particular order, just dumbing my blorbos, imma divide them by iteration (tho there could be the same character from different shows/comics)
But before that imma save you the trouble and shorten the big list to these characters:
Knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave, Starscream, Megatron, Ratchet, Rung, Thrash, Misfire
Now if you want me to choose one and only one character? I would say
✨Ratchet my beloved✨
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Anyway, if u wanna read the longer more specific list it’s under read more :D
Knockout and Breakdown, Starscream, Soundwave, Megatron, Arcee, wheeljack, Dreadwing, Predaking, Optimus, Shockwave, Bumblebee
The T twins (Thrash and Twitch), Megatron, Nightshade, Tarantulas, Bumblebee, Soundwave
Starscream, Prowl
Rung, Megatron, Brainstorm, Cyclonus and Tailgate, Whirl, Ultra Magnus (Minimus Ambus), Rodimus, Skids, First Aid, Fortress Maximus, Pharma, literally all the Scavengers, Sunder, Overlord
Prowl, Bulkhead, Blurr, Blitzwing, Jazz
And last but not least, Ratchet (literally every Ratchet in any iteration ever he always manages to steal my heart)
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melishade · 2 years
Hello! :D
I wanted to suggest a chapter for your AOP oneshots (Attack On Prime) fanfiction!
(You don't need to do this), but maybe Hanji presses Optimus about the war and he reluctantly agrees to tell her and some others.
Maybe during his explanation of how it started, what happened, and the losses they had, he started to break down. Reliving all the horrible memories of when he or others were so close to death was not fun.
Hanji cannot believe it. Optimus Prime, falling apart and shattering right in front of them.
(Then, you can choose what happens next. If you decide to give it a go!)
I completely understand if you don't want to do this, but I would greatly appreciate it. :) luv u and ur fanfics!! Keep up the great work <3.
This is probably going to be a pretty long explanation because I want to get my thoughts out on this. But technically, I already did this.
The Attack on Prime Oneshots that I have on my Ao3 account are stories that I cannot fit in the main story, but they are still canon in the main story. The chapter 'Relief' happens between that gap period between the Wall Rose attack and the Coup, and centers around Levi washing Optimus' alt mode with the Prime's assistance. But by the end of it, Optimus is having a breakdown in front of Levi and Levi has to be the one to comfort him.
Despite TFP Optimus being quite closed off and reserved, it's clear that he does care. Optimus really decides to go and kill Megatron in season 1 because Rafael was on death's door. The Prime lost his shit when Bumblebee was gunned down right before his eyes. TFP Optimus can succumb to his anger, but a breakdown would be much more difficult to pull off. He has to really be pushed to it.
The only reason Optimus was even able to breakdown in this moment was because of recent events:
-The titans that he was fighting against for the past months were not monsters, but humans forced to become these monsters. -The Colossal and Armored Titan were not only children, but friends of the 104th regiment. And finally -Megatron, his rival and sworn enemy, is now on this planet and he has absolutely no idea where he stands with him. They never even got the chance to talk before Megatron left and Optimus returned to the core. And the two of them just have SO MUCH UNRESOLVED SHIT!
Optimus doesn't have his team, Cybertron or Earth, his support. They only have the resources available in the walls, and it's really garbage compared to Earth. And he has to fight against human children, people he swore to protect. All of this is causing Optimus to act out, and Levi has to get to the bottom of it because it's not just about him. It's about humanity and the Survey Corps' survival. And I'd like to think that Optimus wouldn't share information about his life unless he had to, and he didn't have to share anything about Megatron prior to his arrival simply because he wasn't there. He had no need to; it wasn't important to the survival of the walls. But now he's here, and Optimus has to talk.
And when Optimus breaks, when he shatters, it gives Levi so much more perspective about Optimus. Because the way that Optimus was presenting himself prior to this was someone who was calm and collected, but he was also someone who cared. But there was also this assumption that nothing could break him. He was providing so much support for others, being a guide for others to lean on, especially Eren. Optimus was much more effective in keeping Eren under control because Optimus was treating him like a teen who simply needs guidance.
Now Levi sees that Optimus is just as fucked up as the rest of them, if not more, because Optimus is finally talking about the guilt, the shame, the trauma. It's grief. It's pain. It hurts. And Levi is not fucking prepared to handle it at all.
So knowing this, and to your question, Levi would have to pull Hanji aside and straight up order her to not ask Optimus about the war. Because he knows how curious Hanji is, and when her curiosity and interests are peaked, sometimes she won't pick up on emotions or social-based cues.
"Don't ask him for fucking shit," Levi tells her, "And if you do, and he says no, drop it."
"Drop. it." Levi enunciates.
Levi also has to give this run down to the rest of the Survey Corps to not ask about war stories.
(Fun fact, I actually wrote this one shot back in 2014. I remember because I wrote this in a notebook that I still have when I went to Ethiopia for the second time. I was taking it with me everywhere.)
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Transformers G1 if U havent done it and TFP if U have :)
oooo gonna do tfp because I only really know G1 through compilations and memes. I haven't finished yet, so I'm going to cut the "what I wish had/hadn't happened" ones
(from this ask game!) (still open!)
favorite character: Knockout <3 though Soundwave is a very close second if not tied
least favorite character: I hate almost every iteration of Arcee and this one is no exception
brOTP: Miko and Bulkhead my beloved chaos friends,,,,
OTP: Knockout/Breakdown screaming into my pillow
OT3: none?? yeah none tbh I don't do a lot of shipping with tfp characters
NOTP: I have never understood the appeal of Megatron/Optimus outside of its memeability
favorite storyline: Knockout revenge ehehehe tear the bitch (silas) apart
least favorite storyline: Breakdown death what the FUCK
thank you!!
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daddy-issues-99 · 2 years
Songs I associate with TFP Characters
“Centuries”-Fall out Boy
“Warriors”-Imagine dragons 
“Cults”-Gilded Lily
“you can be the boss”-Lana Del Ray
“Guys My Age”-Hey Violet 
"In My Mind"-Lyn Lapid
“Till It Happens To You”-Lady Gaga 
Bumble Bee:
“Teenagers”-My Chemical Romance
“American Idiot”-Green day 
“Super Freaky Girl”-Nicki Minaj 
“Lolly”-Maejor & Juicy J 
"Shut Up And Drive"-Rihanna
“Cherry Bomb”-The Runaways
"She Keeps Me Up"-Nickelback
“18″ Anarbor
"Dear Maria, Count Me In"-All Time Low
“Royalty”-Conor Maynard
Ultra Magnus:
“Hall of Fame”-The Script 
“Daniel In The Den”-BASTILLE 
“Feeling Good”-Michael Buble 
“Arabian Knights”-Will Smith 
“Queen”-Loren Gray 
“Hiding In The Blue”-TheFatRat 
"Blow My Brains Out"-Tikkle Me
“Carnival Of Carnage”-CALYPSO
“They Call Me A God”-NEFFEX
”bad guy”-Billie Eilish
“Hit and Run”-LOLO
“UNHOLY”-Sam Smith
”Sucker for Pain”-Lil Wayne
“Dance to Forget”-TryHardNinja
"I'll Be Good"-Jaymes Young
“Dangerous Women”-Ariana Grande 
“The Man”-Taylor Swift
“BOYTOY”-Halle Abadi 
"Rockstar"-Post Malone
“Need To Know”-Doja Cat 
“Lights Down Low”-Bei Maejor
“Such A Whore”-jvla
“Misfit Toys”-Pusha T & Mako 
“Replay”-Lady Gaga
“King For A day”-Pierce The Veil 
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sunskyjunkies · 2 years
Askfm app hack
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We break down the details as to why this game series was canceled by Disney. "I want to again thank you for making Disney Infinity a part of your lives-and for adding to the Disney legacy by being a part of this community," said Blackburn. What happened to Disney Infinity 4.0 We break down the details as to why this game series was canceled by Disney. And though Disney is bailing on consoles for now, the company still has a presence in mobile gaming. That other popular toys-to-life series, Skylanders, remains in production and a huge hit for Activision. The game's Twitter account was last active just yesterday, and, well.
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The rest of those updates, though? Not so much. But the company does plan to release previously announced character sets from Alice Through The Looking Glass later this month and Finding Dory in June. Well, it seems that's no longer the plan. Disney Infinity 3.0 is an action-adventure sandbox video game published by Disney Interactive Studios (the last game to be published by the company before their closure) for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Apple TV, and is the third and final installment in the toys-to-life Disney Infinity series.It was developed by Avalanche Software, with. Only a month ago, Disney had pledged to make the 3.0 title its "biggest game ever" through upcoming downloadable content - a way to make up for the lack of a completely new version 4.0. Platform(s) PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Xbox One Xbox Series SX Nintendo Switch Microsoft Windows. In a blog post, SVP John Blackburn expanded on the decision, saying "Our goal for Disney Infinity was to bring the best of Disney storytelling to life in homes around the world, and with your support we accomplished that." Moving forward, Disney will transition its console strategy to exclusively focus on licensing - not direct publishing.ĭisney Infinity has seen major new releases each year, introducing popular characters from Disney / Pixar films, the Marvel universe, and most recently integrating Star Wars characters in Disney Infinity 3.0. Disney Infinity 4.0: Fox View source History Talk (0) Disney Infinity 4.0: Fox. Back in March, Disney signaled it would slow development of the "toys-to-life" game which first launched in 2013, but gave no indication it planned to walk away from the series entirely. Starter Pack of Disney Infinity 4.0 Edition - Disney Infinity 4.0 Edition Video Game - Disney Infinity 4.0 Base - Mickey Mouse 4.0 Premium Figure - Bugs Bunny - Optimus Prime - Disney Infinity 4.0 Starter Pack Web Code Card ©Disney/WBEI. Doing so has resulted in a $147 million charge in the Walt Disney Company's Q2 2016 earnings. The company has just announced that it's pulling the plug on the Infinity line and is exiting the self-publishing console games business altogether. Toy Box is a mainstay feature for the Infinity series, letting you mix and match. So much for Disney being " completely behind" its Disney Infinity game series. Best of all, 4.0 was set to include story content in the Toy Box mode. Check out this pre-Alpha Disney Infinity 4.0 footage containing what wouldve been Detailed breakdown and brand new pre-alpha footage Hit that LIKE button.
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knight-says-rollout · 2 years
Cavetown character song assignment check
A song for each of my favs - will give elaboration on any of these
Starscream - we’re alive
Soundwave - irrational (my favorite song assignment on this list)
this one also works for Chase from tfrb
Bumblebee - 888
Skyfire - it’s U
Bulkhead - smoke signals (this is specifically @ wheeljack)
Smokescreen - everything is temporary [sticks and stones]
Breakdown - banana bread
Knockout - pigeon (please give him a hug and resurrect his conjunx)
Optimus - taking care of things
Ratchet - talk to me ( @ optimus, especially the first line)
Skywarp - meteor shower
Thundercracker - sliipping lately
Jazz - night knuckles
Red Alert - trying (inferno. ‘nough said.)
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emperor-kumquat · 3 years
i was scrolling through the official transformers instagram cause i got bored and came across a valentine's day post that included tfp knockout and breakdown! does this confirm they were a couple in the show, or do you think i'm reaching? (tumblr wont let me send the link but if u go to their account and scroll a bit you'll find it on feb 14. first image is toys of optimus and elita)
I have heard about this post for a long time, but for some reason, I'm struggling to find it and see for myself. If someone could send me the link, that would be awesome!
I'm not sure if the post would 100% confirm anything in the show. I don't think it's a clear claim (but still show me), and honestly, TFP itself didn't write the two being as close as we'd like. They didn't show them very emotionally attached to each other and they barely showed Knockout distraught about Breakdown's death vs like when Arcee lost Cliffjumper...
I would like the confirmation of KOBD but I'd still be frustrated if they confirmed it after the show's run and didn't make any effort during the run to portray a non straight couple. Sure TFP isn't a romantic show so I'm not expecting IDW cuddling, but Knockout was so passive about losing Breakdown and they didn't show Knockout's reaction fresh after his disappearance either. They didn't have the intention at the time to make them a couple, or surely they would have given Knockout more screen time and emotion... so it's not so satisfying to me. I'll keep them as a couple in my mind, but I have to work and make my own excuses to justify Knockout's passiveness (emotional offscreen, some denial, and then trying to hide the true extent of his suffering from other Decepticons)
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xstarvibezx · 3 years
Star'Scream creature AUS!
It's gonna be a long post, so buckle in and feel free to check under the cut!~
☆Werewolf Star'Scream☆
A gray fluffy werewolf that is a bit smaller than his usual height, but compare him to Megatron. He's already shorter then him but as a werewolf, he's quite shorter than him now and his own usual height.
His wings are like small little fluffy spikes along his back. His scars that he received from Megatron are visible in his werewolf form.
Star'Scream has a complete different personality in his wolf form, he is much easily annoyed and tempered. He is very hostile but whenever he's around Megatron, he is a total coward and immediately submits to submission for Megatron.
In his normal form, he kinda acts like a dog more then a cat in this au. So, when you throw a stick, he chases after it. Which makes everybody suspecting that he acts like dog and not actually turn into a werewolf.
Which speaking of, nobody and not even Knockout himself knows about the whole werewolf situation of his.
He's a small gray fluffy werewolf with lighter gray underfur and muzzle, he has dark dusty brown all four legs and white toes. He also has the same brown on his tail.
What ship will happen in this AU? Starop of course!
Optimus and the other autobots have encountered Star'Scream in his werewolf form, but he always ends up growling and snarling at them.
Though there had been times where Optimus just encounters him on his own, and Star'Scream, he barely recognizes him in sight but recognizes him in scent. The reaction is completely different, Star'Scream will brush himself against the prime(like a dog that wants love). Or Star'Scream will just nuzzle him and leave before the sun rises.
Optimus is taken back by what just happened.
Due to his wolf form, he kinda takes some things a bit too literally or he just take Megatron's or anyone else's commands/orders a bit too literally.
Megatron knows that Star'Scream immediately starts submitting to him whenever he's around, but instead of taking the pleasure of it, it just makes him confused. Like, WHAT?
Star'Scream loves to snuggle sometimes in his wolf form, like he just plops down on whatever or whoever he likes and just- either falls asleep or snuggles.
If he fell asleep, he would quickly snap himself back awake, cause he doesn't want to get caught in the morning.
He loves scaring humans.
Star'Scream doesn't admit that he doesn't act like a dog, cause he already knows, though he doesn't have a lot of information about werewolves so he likes to research about them.
He absolutely adores being petted if he lets anyone pet him, he wants all of the attention since he is touch starved.
☆Some Quotes☆
"What? I don't act like a dog!"
"Star'Scream? Are you-. . .why are you researching about werewolves and-. . .a - are you scratching your n - neck?" "Oh! Knockout! I am researching about werewolves cause I am curious that's all. As for my neck? It just has a itch! Why?" "L - Like a dog?" "No!"
"Hey Star'Scream? What do you think about Megatron?" "A asshole that I can gladly chew like a bone." "Uhh. . .Star'Scream? You do realize you just keep submitting to him, right?" "I will find a way!" "Let him be Breakdown, I'm sure he will find a way. Quite literally." "Uhh. . .alright then?"
"That stupid dog beast bit me! I command you to go after it, Star'Scream!" "U - Um, what - whst dog beast, m - master?" "It was gray and brown, now go after it!" "A - Alright!" *Shit!*
"I'm hungry." "What are you hungry for then Star'Scream?" "Bones? Oh wait! Maybe dog food? Actually no, maybe some meat? Oh yes, meat sounds good!" "Uhhh. . .let's just get you cinnamon rolls." "Aw come on! Meat is normal! How is MEAT unnatural?!"
☆Vampire Star'Scream☆
Star'Scream just looks the same but with sharp fangs. Like he looks the same in the tfp show but just with vampire fangs!
Oh and he can turn into a vampire bat that is all black with gray ears and muzzle. He definitely has red eyes as a bat!
But remember, he already has red eyes in general and nobody won't be able to tell the difference. Which might be a big advantage for him!
That is, until he has to go out on daylight missions and that isn't good for him, so he would try and lie his way out of it. Cause he certainly can't get a hoodie from his room cause it would look suspicious.
If he managed to lie his way out of it, he would be put on cleaning duty. Not his favorite job but at least he doesn't have to be burned to crisp outside.
If he doesn't manage to lie his way out, and he has to go. He has no choice but to grab a hoodie and go out with it, he would zip it up and such, y'know, to try to cover all the parts that might burn in daylight.
Especially his wings.
Whenever he's hungry, he calls it the 'blood rage'. Despite not having blood.
Star'Scream is shipped with Megatron in this AU!
Anyway, whenever he's hungry and clearly wants his food. He usually bites and sucks blood from random vehicons cause he knows that they can always make more.
When he's around Megatron, he usually hisses. Cause it's rivals or enemies to lovers. Also, he has tempted to suck Megatron's 'blood' but always stops himself.
He loves flying around as a bat, and scaring others with it. He even scared Megatron a few times!
Will they ever know about him being a vampire and a bat? Someday!
Star'Scream has researched what vampires can do, so he likes shape-shifting to prank others or make trouble. When he's in trouble, he teleports to get away from Megatron faster. It's definitely a huge advantage!
He loves landing on Knockout and ruining his finish with his little bat paws. It amuses him!
☆Some Quotes☆
"Ew! Ew! Eww! Get it off! Get it off!" "Hold still!" Star'Scream just laughs afterwards.
"You need to go to the dentist." "What?" "You have sharp long fangs that need to trim or something!" "No! I like them, it makes me look cool!"
"Star'Scream!! There's a bat in the kitchen somewhere I think!" "And what would you want me to do about it?" "Kill it or something before it ruins my precious paint again!" "Seriously?"
"Star'Scream, do you ever sleep?" "No." "And why is that?" "Shut up Megatron, before I snap your neck in half." ". . ." ". . ." "DAMN-"
"Violence isn't the answer." "You're right." "Rea-" "Violence is the question!" "Damn this seeker- dammit Star'Scream-"
☆Ghost Star'Scream☆
Before anyone tries to vote me out or come at me, what if Megatron finally kills Star'Scream at last and Star'Scream just becomes a ghost after his death?
He likes to haunt Megatron and probably freak him out, cause in this AU, Megatron doesn't believe in ghosts and he just sees Star'Scream as a ghost and is just like; WTF?!?
He also gets to see Megatron promoting Sound'Wave to take his place as second command. It pissed Star'Scream off, and made him haunt Sound'Wave as well.
Sound'Wave is disturbed.
Knockout misses Star'Scream and clearly blames whoever killed him, so Star'Scream gladly told Knockout who killed him, and Knockout decides to continue Star'Scream's goal.
Star'Scream prays for him and tells him it's best not to do it now, Knockout reluctantly agrees.
Anyways though, in this AU, Star'Scream is shipped with Knockout. Cause I said so.
Star'Scream notices that the autobots had noticed he was no longer present with the decepticons or as a rogue so he pays them a visit.
Arcee is shocked. All of them are.
Star'Scream loves pranking others for fun, and pranking Megatron and Sound'Wave especially. He also loves haunting them.
He's a vengeful ghost :)
He loves to follow them, and freak them out. He can also make himself viable or invisible, and he likes to freak them out whenever he's invisible.
Star'Scream enjoys their reactions. He also met some other ghosts that had been killed, such as Thunder'Cracker, Sky'Warp, Skyquake and Cliff'Jumper.
Cliff'Jumper was surprised to see Star'Scream, as a flipping ghost.
He and the two other seekers; Sky'Warp and Thunder'Cracker, all of them work together to hunt Megatron but Sky'Warp and Thunder'Cracker don't exactly help him with haunting Sound'Wave since they just don't understand his rivalry with them.
Star'Scream sorta drove Megatron mad and made him paranoid. Sky'Warp and Thunder'Cracker felt a little bad but Star'Scream was proud. :)
Cause Star'Scream deserves to have his revenge and certainly has the advantage cause he's already dead and all.
☆Some Quotes☆
"Don't see the point in wanting to kill me again? Oh right, you can't kill me remember? I'm already dead." "Shut up! Shut up!" "Aww~ what's wrong Megs? Afraid of me now?" "No! Now leave me alone!"
"You good Knocks?" "No. I want to avenge you." "Avenge me?" "Yeah, you didn't deserve to die by the likes of him!"
"Star'Scream! You - You're a ghost?!" "Oh yes. I am very much dead, and you should see the look on your face right now!" "Go get him Star!"
"You know Sound'Wave? I love haunting your leader, but what about you? Do I like haunting you? Of course I do! You have my role that was rightfully mine! And you'll pay for that!" "Lord Megatron: killed Star'Scream. Star'Scream: requires revenge?" "Oh yes, Sound'Wave. Megatron will be dead soon, and you as well!"
"Erm, Star'Scream? Is Megatron okay?" "Nah. He's paranoid and slowly going mad." "Don't you feel bad?" "Nah."
☆Siren Star'Scream☆
Okay, Star'Scream, whenever he turns into his siren form in the water, he looks so mysterious and clearly looks like he's going to a formal gala or something. His fish tail is dark red cause I say so.
Throughout his life, he never believed he was a siren or any sirens for that matter. Though he got curious and looked it up, only to find out sirens are dangerous creatures, that lured people with their enchanting music and singing voices.
Star'Scream soon accidentally fell into water, transforming into a siren. He was quite concerned and kinda amazed but scared that he was one of the creatures that can manipulate feelings of love.
So, he wondered, can he lure Megatron over to his Demise? Well, that backfired cause Megatron came to the water.
Star'Scream likes to test out his siren powers, and his voice that lures anyone in, is very enchanting. It's completely different then his usual screechy voice.
He is shipped with Sound'Wave in this AU.
He likes to hang out on the beach whenever he's not luring anyone to their deaths. Sound'Wave and the others kinda thinks that's a bit new of him. Like, when did Star'Scream like hanging out on the beach?
Star'Scream also loves drawing on the beach.
He casually uses the whole siren thing as his advantage. Like, he can escape Megatron IF their near any water sources easily. The others can tell he's a lot better at swimming!
Star'Scream definitely can control his transformation, so he can go to a swimming pool party or whatever and not worry about getting in the water and ☆POOF☆ he's a siren.
He likes to collect strange stuff from under water whenever he's a siren, and maybe while he's collecting stuff, he can lure some ppl or bots to their demise.
☆Some Quotes☆
"Scared of the water Knockout?" "I don't want the water to ruin my precious paint!" "Yep, you're scared of the water."
"Star'Scream? Why are you searching up sirens? You know they are not real right?" "I know." "Then get to work!" "Hey! You ask Megatron!"
"What now Sound'Wave?" "Sound'Wave: requires to see drawing." "My drawing that I finished on the beach?" "Yes."
"Sounds like I can kill someone later." "Later?" "Oh yes, I am gonna kill her later." "H - How?" "Trust me, you don't wanna know." "O - Okay?"
"Shut up Sound'Wave and Megatron!" "Why do you look like you ate someone? Are you a cannibal?" "No! What if I told you I can manipulate feelings love, huh?!" "Impossible." "Sound'Wave; curious."
☆Dragon Star'Scream☆
Star'Scream as a dragon? Yes. He's all gray with red and other different shades of gray. He jet black spikes on his back and tail. He also has black horns on his head and sharp teeth.
He is a great flier and loves flying around in the sky. He loves to show off flying tricks he learned from his time in the air force and Knockout gets jealous that he can't be up in the sky, flying with Star'Scream.
Star'Scream X Knockout in this AU!
Star'Scream eats a whole lot more then the other decepticons, due to that he is a dragon and much bigger then them.
Megatron is a bit worried that Star'Scream might actually try and eat him.
Star'Scream has eaten a few bots before and some of the decepticons such as Megatron, Knockout, and Sound'Wave. They try not to make him mad or anything with anger since they don't wish to be eaten by him.
Like seriously, who wants to be eaten by a dragon? Well, certainly not Megatron or any of the bots and cons!
Star'Scream can tell that many bots/cons are afraid of him but they all refuse to show it, it makes him amused.
He likes picking up Knockout and carry him around whenever he goes out for a flight, he loves Knockout's reactions whenever he does a flip or something.
Star'Scream also likes to plop on Megatron and just sleep on him. I mean, he's too big for him to be punished, so, he'll be fine!
But let's hope Megatron doesn't suffocate to death when being laid on by Star'Scream.
He eats so much, like, seventeen meat everyday and ten fish everyday. He mostly eats meat though!
He likes to invite anyone who wants to sleep or just hang out on him. It annoys him that humans go on him though, cause he hates humans.
☆Some Quotes☆
"What's wrong Megatron? Also where are you?" "O - Oh god. . .! S - Star'Scream! U - Under. . .y - you!" "What? Under what now?"
"Don't eat anyone besides meat and fish! Understand?" "And if I don't listen to you, hm?" "J - Just don't eat anyone."
"Star'Scream!! You messed up my paint! Why must you do such a thing?!" "Uh, want me to help or. . .?" "No. You already freaked me out on your flight and went through clouds that messed up my finish!"
"Want to sleep on me anyone? I'm like a big pillow." "Pillow? Not really. But sleeping on you? Yeah, that's nice. I will." "I will too." "You? You will sleep on me Megatron?" "Shut up but yes." "Alright, come on then!"
"I'm bored. Anyone want me to get anything?" "Mind getting a prisoner?" "Oh sure and I can eat them while on my way!" "Nevermind." "Hey Star'Scream! Can you get us some more medical supplies?" "Yeah sure!"
☆Demon Star'Scream☆
Star'Scream as a demon? Yes! He has the usual red horns on his head and a usual devil tail.
He likes to make deals, stealing others souls. He finds it amusing!
He hates it when Megatron refuses some of the deals, which are something like that Megatron wants. Like, seriously? Who doesn't want something that can kill Optimus and the other autobots?
Star'Scream uses what others really want, such as Megatron really want to kill Optimus and the other autobots.
He does however, go back on deals that he makes with anyone.
Star'Scream X Megatron in this AU!
He doesn't really care what others think of him, he just doesn't. He's a immortal cause of being a demon and all. Though he can kill angels, and angels can kill demons. So, he is careful whenever he visits hell.
He likes being second in command but he prefers to be the leader but if he had to admit, Megatron does look a bit cute. Star'Scream just ignores it, and attempts to kill him anyway.
Star'Scream loves to prank others by using his devilish powers. It amuses him when Megatron yells at him.
He's a masochist in this AU.
Star'Scream gets teased for being similar to Bill Cipher, it just makes him confused. Though it's mostly by Miko.
☆Some Quotes☆
"You're like Bill the dorito!" "Who?" "Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls!" "Don't know him."
"Star'Scream!" "Yes Megatron?" "Have you been making deals again? I went to your room and I saw that you have a jar of souls on your dresser." "Yep! I've been meaning to eat them but I hadn't have the time! Y'know?" "I- Okay. . .?"
"So uh, you're a demon?" "Yep." "Who's the angel then?" "Depends on who it is that wants me dead." "Like Cliff'Jumper?" "Yep." "I see. . ."
"Come on Megatron! Wouldn't you want this deal?" "No. I will Prime myself!" "That's what I'm saying. If you make this deal with me, I can help you kill Prime by yourself! You will barely even remember me being there!" "What do you mean by 'remember'? Are you seriously gonna mind control me?" "Mind control? Whatever do you mean Megatron?"
"Oh man! That looks so delicious! Who wouldn't want a fresh box of donuts and cookies?!" "I rather eat souls." "What the actual frag Star'Scream?" "What?"
I'm so proud of this post! And it's definitely not the last! It's only part one!~
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