#ugh i love usagi so much ;_;
tizeline · 2 months
I just finished binge reading everything under your separated AU tag and I have QUESTIONS!! (that mostly just stem from me being a mikey fan) Be prepared as I will ramble.
So. My #1 burning mikey question is as follows. Why does he decide to, you know, NOT eradicate all of humanity? Does he just do it because all of his family is? Ugh it’s hard to phrase this but I’m wondering if Draxum’s word means so much to him he changes his entire world view, since draxum was the person who made him believe humans are evil, if he changed his mind he must be right? If he is the very last one to change his worldview, how does he react to the person who essentially indoctrinated him into believing humans are evil just going back on his word? Would he just, idk, try to keep going by himself (proper villain arc style!) Or does he get his own little human/outside friend to convince him, like his two other brothers do? What would happen if instead of a human/outside friend to convince him humans are okay, he gets someone like say, leatherhead, who was experimented on by the earth protection force?(Since in 2012, he was experimented on by the Kraang, but I don’t see a way of that happening when they were locked away his entire life) Huzzah for conflict! or better yet, That same leatherhead convinces him humans are okay? Though that those seem out of character…. And of course maybe it would be mondo gecko, who he befriends and then finds out was human just a few months before and still views himself as such…. So many possibilities!!
speaking of other characters, do the Drax trio have any Yōkai friends? Like one Sunita, or maybe even one yoichi usagi, per chance? Though I’m pretty sure they’d be pro-human so… idk how that would work. The question still stands.
Also, seeing as you mentioned Raph starts to hang out with Leo,Donnie and April, how does mikey react to that? Would he feel abandoned or left out? (Who am I kidding of course he would but like. It does t hurt to ask!)
And seeing as he’s alone now and he’s not training all the time (I hope) this feels like a good Segway into asking: does he have as much of a love for art as in canon? What are his and Raphs interests (since we know Leo’s!)
thanks! I love ur work and ur art and ur Au and ur mother for creating you.
P.s. I had another question I wanted to ask but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was rn so you can expect more asks from me in the near future ;)
Hoo boy, long asks mean long answers, strap in folks!
So EXACTLY what causes Mikey to change his mind on everything is something I'm still working out the details of. Draxum definitely plays a part in it, considering how much faith Mikey has in his dad, Draxum of all people changing his mind would be one of the biggest reasons for Mikey to also second guess himself. It's not like he'd instantly change his entire worldview though, after Draxum gives up on the Evil Plan, Mikey, or rather Dr. Positive, tries to motivate him to come up with a new plan for a short while. He gives up after Draxum makes it clear that they're Done™ with that, and Mikey isn't very keen on trying to do the Evil Plan all on his own considering HIS ENTIRE FAMILY decided to just give up on it. That doesn't mean he'll suddenly start liking humans, he still thinks they suck ass, he just isn't actively trying to cause their downfall anymore.
For both Leo and Raph, a big reason why they changed their minds on humanity was because they interacted with humanity and learned how wrong many of their previously held assumptions about them were. It makes sense that that's the catalyst for both of their redemption-arcs, and in that sense it also makes sense for Mikey to unlearn his prejudices against humans by interacting with them. HOWEVER! You bring up an interesting point, for Mikey specifically it would probably be more effective for another yōkai/mutant to give him a new perspective considering he'd be a lot more willing to listen to them rather than a human. I haven't been planning on including Leatherhead or Mondo, but it would be fun idea so I might do so.?That being said, getting to actually know a human later on would still be a good learning-experience for Mikey, I'm kinda tempted to bring in Woody from the IDW comics into the story too, for example.
So then we get to the topic of friends! Despite The Drax Bros growing up in yōkai society, they're still a bit isolated. They can go and hang out in The Hidden City basically whenever they want (as soon as they're old enough to do so), but when it comes to actually getting close to other yōkai and forming proper friendships...? So first of all, Draxum has a Reputation™ amongst yōkai, he's a well known figure and a lot of people are honestly a bit intimidated by him. Most yōkai thinks it's best to just stay out of his way, which includes staying out of the way of his weird kids. Basically, the bros' association with Draxum has a tendency to get in the way of them actually befriending anyone :/ Not just that, but while there are certainly yōkai who don't have the most positive feelings about humans, the Draxum family's stance on humanity is very extreme, which even most "human-critical" yōkai will find off-putting.
All of this is to say that no, they don't have a lot of friends haha. Leo hangs out at Run Of The Mill all the time, and Hueso definitely has a soft spot for him, but at most he's only acquainted with the other employees and regulars there. I'd imagine that includes Sunita, considering her dad works there and as such they've interacted on occasion. But again, Leo's extreme view on humanity makes most people uncomfortable and as such they'll mostly indulge him in civil small-talk to avoid getting on Draxum's bad side. Raph and Mikey...? They might have some casual friendly connections with some yōkai in The Hidden City, especially Mikey can be quite sociable if he can keep himself from ranting about humans for two seconds lmao. But for the most part, honestly, I think The Drax Bros are content staying a bit closed off from others outside their family. The three of them are very close and they know they can trust each other, that last part's important considering their Big Plans aren't exactly.... legal.... and as such they need to remain secretive about everything to others. I feel like they'd mostly start bothering finding new friends after they decide to abandon their Destroy All Humans Plan.
(Sidenote, I really like when Usagi shows up in TMNT stories, but I've never consumed any Usagi media myself. Almost all I know about both Miyamoto and Yuichi I know through TMNT and as such I don't feel confident enough in my knowledge about the Usagis to include either of them in the story. I HAVE been planning on reading the comics, so maybe I'll include him at a later date??)
But OH BOY Mikey's reaction to Leo and Raph starting to hang out with Donnie and April?? :D Both of Mikey's older brothers ditching him to hang out with their new little brother and his annoying human friend??? :D OH BOY YOU HAVE NO IDEA! :D
Listen, look at this from Mikey's perspective: You finally find your Long Lost Brother™ after thirteen years of him being presumed dead, great! Small problem, he's been brainwashed by the evil humans who kidnapped him and now thinks YOU'RE evil for some reason? No matter! He just needs some time to adjust! So you're patient with him, you show him kindness and understanding while gently trying to guide him back to the good side, to his REAL family. You do EVERYTHING right, and how does that bastard repay you?? HE instead turn your brothers against YOU! He ruins your plans of saving the world! Everything was PERFECT before HE showed up and started complicating things, and now your family is BROKEN and everything sucks! And it can all be blamed on Donnie.
...Hate is a very strong feeling, I don't feel like Mikey is really capable of feeling something like that, at the very least not against someone he does still technically considers family. Rather, I think the best way to describe the feeling Mikey is about to start feeling about Donnie would be bitterness. Mikey takes all the negative feelings, all the hurt and confusion about the situation he's ended up in and directs it all at Donnie. Because it all comes back to him, doesn't it? It was only after Donnie got reunited with them that things started going wrong. And from Mikey's point of view, Donnie has basically stolen Mikey's brothers from him. Needless to say, Mikey is dealing with a lot of negative emotions that he doesn't really know how to cope with them aside from taking it out on Donnie.
Donnie, who is so used to being love-bombed by Mikey is VERY flabbergasted over him basically just completely flipping a switch overnight. Mikey will just be glaring at Donnie like he's trying to explode him with his mind and Donnie's just "???who are you and what have you done with Mikey???". He starts acting really hostile towards Leo and Raph as well, it's all very weird!
Back to me not having figured out the details of the entirety of Mikey's character arc, one thing I'm contemplating is how long I wanna drag it out for. For example, I know I want to change up the events of the movie at least a bit in the AU for the sake of novelty. One way of doing that could potentially be for it to focus not on Leo's and Raph's ever growing tension in their relationship, but rather focus on Donnie's and Mikey's relationship? It'd be extra interesting if Mikey hadn't at least completely gotten over his hang-ups about humans when we bring Casey Jr into the situation. CJ looks at Mikey and sees a younger version of the man that was basically an uncle to him, like family, and Mikey looks at CJ and is just like "ew. human." and that'd be a whole dilemma to deal with. But as interesting as that could be, I'm scared that it'd just get tedious if Mikey is stuck in angst-mode for too long. We still have the entirety of season two to get through before we get to the movie, it's gonna be a while is what I'm saying. Then again, character growth takes time, maybe Mikey reconciles with his own family and starts the path to befriending Donnie by the end of season two, but they run into some roadblocks along the way. They ARE very different people, even in canon, I'd imagine it might take some time for them to properly befriend each other.
But next question - Mikey and Raph's interests! Mikey already likes to draw, but he'd definitely start doing it way more after the season 1 finale (oh wow, a healthy coping mechanism, imagine that!) Raph... Raph likes training. Even after it becomes clear that they're not doing their Big World Domination Plan anymore and as such don't really need to train as much, he still does it just because he genuinely enjoys it. He becomes proper friends with Casey the season one finale and she also really likes training, so it becomes a bonding experience for them. Leo and Donnie later on also introduces him to human media like Jupiter Jim and the Lou Jitsu movies and he gets really into it too XD Nerds!!
... Oh man, I think that's everything! Anyway, thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the AU so much :D
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Mamoru: I fucking hate spring. It's just fucking pollen and bugs flying everywhere and the days are gonna be longer, I hate it so much. Usagi, dancing around: I love spring! Mamoru: Ugh. Mamoru: I love spring.
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realmsalot · 2 years
My Usagi Chronicles Headcanons
I may have only seen season 1 but here we go!
Yuichi Usagi has Autism and Combine ADD
He's also gay but that's obvious
Is a midnight snacker
Usagi ate bugs as a child and still remembers which were the best tasting ones. If you ask him he will tell you.
Actually you don't even have to ask a butterfly would land near by and he would tell the nearest person about how surprisingly crunchy butterflies are
The nearest person is usually Gen. Gen knows too much on the tastiness of bugs.
Auntie once told him that it's the law for kids not to curse until they're 18 and he still believes it
Usagi is very good at repairing the Farm Robot, like to the point of being able to build a new one if given the tools.
The only reason he can do this is because of how much he broke the robot.
Other than that Usagi was almost completely helpless with technology when he first moved to the city. There was a learning curve. A steep learning curve.
Spot was a gift from Auntie to help Usagi get over the death of his parents
Spot is actually trained to help Usagi when he is in emotional distress
AT LEAST ONE TIME Usagi was arrested for trying to scrub Miyamoto Usagi's face off a dartboard
Once in awhile Usagi will say something so country his friends will have to ask him what he means.
He thinks it's funny not to explain
Had to listen to Chizu pine after Kitsune and was very confused why Chizu couldn't just tell Kitsune her feelings.
"It's easy to tell people your feelings. Like, okay, look. Chizu, you are like the sister I've never had and I appreciate you very much." "Aww, thank you Usa-" "You also snore so much I'm surprised you were a ninja and you sing off pitch in the shower." "USAGI!" " What, just telling you how feel. "
BONUS LEOSAGI: Understood very suddenly why she couldn't tell Kitsune how she feels and makes Chizu listen to his pinning (She gets back at him)
LEOSAGI: He ended up buying a pun book to try and impress Leo (it worked)
Gen (and to an extent Toshiko)
Gen used to eat dirt before becoming a hypochondriac
This is canon but takes on a lot of odd jobs to the debt
One of those odd jobs was painting Miyamoto Usagi's face on the dartboards (Yuichi Usagi doesn't know)
He is also oddly skilled in a lot of weird things. That's why he keeps getting hired
Gen = Abandonment issues
Toshiko = Commitment issues
Keeps trying to rebuild his bond with Toshiko by trying to do things they used to do as kids
Toshiko appreciates this but wishes her older brother would realize that she's not interested in that stuff anymore
Toshiko was also a bounty hunter just in another town
They are both very confused whenever someone asks if they're twins.
They aren't twins btw
Gen is a trans man
There's free healthcare in Neo Edo. Gen does not know this.
Had to listen to Kitsune pine after Chizu
This girl is a lesbian if I ever saw one
Her parents taught her to use puppets before they died
FUN FACT (it's not a fact): Her twin tessens are from both her parents! They both had one to symbolize their love for each other! Now she's the only one of the family left she wields them both to carry them with her!
That being said she's very protective of them
Before they were dating, Chizu once tried giving her new ones because hers are old and that started a big fight
After they started dating, Kitsune told Chizu why she won't give her fans up. Chizu was very apologetic to say the least
Has a box under her bed that has everything she stole but decided not to sell
Her room is the first place everyone goes to when something turns up missing
Curses the most
Actually figured out how to change the fridge's nickname to something other than "Ugh"
The fridge's nickname is now "Fucking Finally"
Usagi refuses to use the new nickname and just goes to her when he needs to use the fridge
Has woken up several times in the middle of the night because of this
Short Queen 👑
MtF trans lesbian
The Neko Ninja may be bad guys but they're not transphobic
She tried to overcompensate for lying about being a ninja by vowing to never lie again
This fell apart when she developed feelings for Kitsune
Loves her small girlfriend
Was actually the one to confess
(and punched Usagi in the face when he said "I told you so" he deserved it)
Doesn't know a lot of social cues
Her love language is gift giving. Weapons. Her love language is gifting people weapons
Sees Usagi as an annoying little brother
Sings in the shower
Likes to take naps in high places (the rafters are he favorite)
Has a very unintentionally dark sense of humor from growing up in the Neko Ninjas
Kinda wants to know who her birth parents are
Doesn't know her actual birthday due to being stolen from the orphanage
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Hi again!!! 😄 Been wanting to ask you this for a while so I decided to go for it!!
If you had to pick your top five fave/ least fave TMNT characters, who would you pick?? And what do you think about Mutant Mayhem? Are you excited for it??
Thank you!! Have a great day!!
Hm, for my top five favorites, I’m gonna exclude the turtles cause I feel like it’s just a given that they’re at the top of my favorites list. The favorites list is organized as 1 being almost as good as the turtles, and 5 being they’re only there cause I love the others more.
Bebop and Rocksteady, any iteration, I’ll watch an entire episode of just these guys being a lovable duo of stupidity.
Casey Jones, any iteration, something about him, I just love him. He would be #1 but sometimes he’s just too cringe.
Lou Jitsu, what’s there not to love?
Rise and 2003 Splinter, they are how to write a Splinter.
The Trash Wizard, I know he’s a background character that shows up in like maybe 3 episodes of Rise, but he gives me such Cabbage Merchant vibes and I love him. Also this picture:
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Alright and now my least favorites, this is going from 1 is most hated to 5 is barely tolerable.
2012 Usagi, I literally hate this guy. He’s so annoying and I can not understand why people like him so much.
Savnti Romero and Renet. These episodes are so dumb and a waste of time. 2012 Renet is at least more has a more tolerable personality and she and Mikey are such a cute duo, but that’s really the only exception to that rule. I hate time travel plots .
2003 Karai, you had your chance girl then you stabbed my boy in the shoulder and gave him PTSD, you should’ve died in the final battle, you don’t deserve the compassion of the turtles.
2012’s one episode appearance villains, like Really? That was the best you could do? Their just so…ugh, why am I even watching this episode?
Irma, every iteration. Dude, just shut up, no one cares.
Lol, there we go those are my favorite and least favorite TMNT characters :]
Mutant Mayhem. Idk, definitely very excited about it, but I try not to get my hopes up too high. Very very few movies actually live up to my expectations, so I always try to hope it’s gonna be awesome but expect it’s gonna be trash, that way I am happily surprised when it’s actually pretty good.
So far my favorite TMNT movie is Batman Vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, there’s so much that is absolutely incredible about that movie and it’s only rivaled with the Rise movie. I’d like to see if Mutant Mayhem can compete.
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iheartchv · 1 year
Hello again
Can we have something kinky one shot (smut) about usagi? 👉👈
(Pls don't rush yourself and take your time about writingand don't stressed yourself i beg you.Take breaks,eat,drink water,take naps,sleep,you really really deserved because you're a amazing person and writer.Please take care cherry. :) )
Oh my my O//v//O let's see... post for inspiration, and treat for y'all 😊💖💖💖💖
As always, everyone here is 18+ THIS WAS WRITTEN BY AN ADULT FOR ADULTS! minors, dni or view this please. Go else where
Ive got motivation to write right now, so if I don't write, it'll probably be months before I can write again. This will be my last request for a while, so I hope you enjoy it🙃
Gonna go with the '03 Usagi for this c:
Usagi X GN! Reader (they/them/their, etc.)
*a/n: take ( 竹 ) is supposed to be 'bamboo'
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(Lets assume that you and Usagi have managed to have a relationship, and have decided to take a vacation on Second Earth with Usagi.)
In one of the many Inns, you and Usagi are taking advantage of the alone time you both wanted. It was quiet, peaceful, and you longed to be held in the strong arms of this samurai rabbit. This was a nice change of pace to the chaos of life back home. Everyone wondered where you were going on vacation. You just told them that you were going to visit Japan... which technically isn't a lie since Usagis world was Asian inspired.
Usagi ordered some sake for you to try. It... really wasn't bad. But soon enough you found yourself looking at him, eyeing him up and down. Lustful thoughts invaded your mind. This isn't the first time that you've thought of spending the night with him, what it'd be like to have him inside you, what kind of a lover he'd be...
"Y/n, are you alright, my love?"
Usagi had a smirk on his face. Your heart skipped a beat. Did he know? Did he notice the desire in your eyes?
"Y-yeah, I'm fine..."
He just softly chuckled. The way it sounded sent shivers up your spine. He sounded... so sensual, so sexy, so... ugh! You felt loopy, giggly, and wondered if it was actually because of him or that you were just drunk.
"Are you sure about that?" His brow ridge raised. "I can see you looking at me... Is there something on your mind?" That smirk is still plastered on his face.
You blushed, feeling your ears and cheeks grow hot. You were flustered. When he playfully teased you you couldn't help but to be. You just hid your face in the sleeves of the kimono robe you bought from home.
He gently laughed. "Oh, my little take..." He scootched closer to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "You're so adorable." He dropped a kiss on top of your head. It was silent for a moment until he spoke up.
"You know, I'm really glad you decided to spend your vacation with me. Part of me was... hoping you would. I've been craving you, your touch... your soft lips..."
Your heart sped up and hot air filled your lungs. His other hand gently tilted your chin up so you were looking at him. The look of love and admiration his face held was enough to make you melt.
"Usagi....~" you softly whispered as his thumb brushed back and forth over your bottom lip. His touch was warm and soft. Your eyes are half lidded with love drunkenness.
"You're so beautiful like this, my love..."
He took your mouth with his, giving you a soft and slow kiss that took your breath away. You held onto him as if he was the anchor that kept you from drowning in the sea of lover's delights. The makeout session slowly turned into something heated, more hungry, as you both couldn't keep your hands off one another.
"I want to show you... how much I love you, y/n."
His hands rubbed up and down your body, going over your legs that weren't covered by your kimono (one time Usagi thought you were wearing a kimono that was meant for a small child because of how short it was and how much of your legs it showed). As he did that, your own hands explored his body. Your fingers ran through the soft white fur on his face, down his neck, and down his chest.
Both of you now fully disrobed, he pulled you into his lap and in the lotus position. His heavy breathing matched yours. His half lidded eyes gazed back into yours, mouth kissing you so deeply and passionately while keeping you close. Your hips grinded against him, showing him just how eager you were, rubbing your arousal against his own.
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He moaned before softly chuckling. "Be patient, love. I need to make sure your properly prepared to take me." His digits slid between your legs and slowly entered 2 fingers inside your entrance, stretching you. Your sensitive insides tingled with every slow thrust. Your body shook with pleasure, want, and need.
"Good. You're taking my fingers so well."
"Mmmm~ Usagi...~" Every little moan and sounds fell from your lips sounded like music to his ears. Some of them turned into small whimpers or whines. "I need you..."
"I know. I need you just as much, my dear heart. But I don't want to hurt you when we're both finally one..."
After much teasing he made you cum, gripping around his fingers. The lewd noises that left your lips told him how good you felt. He left small kisses along your neck and chest as you rode the waves of ecstasy. "It's alright, I've got you, y/n. I've got you, take." He whispered near your ear, slowly bringing you down from your high. Usagi wanted to make you feel this way all night long... and for the rest of your life.
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lackablazeical · 7 months
Im not sure if anyone has said this before but whenever I hear "Tongues & Teeth" on my playlist I think of Usagi and Leo the whole song.
I almost feel like the song could be the two of them going back and forth with each other over their relationship.
"I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel
It's all that I can give to you, my dear
And when you come in quick to steal a kiss
My teeth will only cut your lips, my dear"
Usagi being mean to Leo in an attempt to get Leo to leave him alone(even though it never works out).
"Abandon all your stupid dreams
About the girl I could have been, my dear
'Cause in the night I know you burn with feelings
I cannot return, my dear"
Leo to Usagi. Usagi wishing that Leo was nice to him or was someone that actually loved him or he could love in return.
"I know that you mean so well
But I am not a vessel for your good intent"
I like to think of "good" in quotations marks. But Usagi pretty much trying to convince Leo their relationship isnt real and his obsession isnt love.
"I will poison all your happy thoughts
I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box"
Lastly, my favorite line of the song, this just screams Leo to me all over the place.
Over all the entire song is good and it reminds me of them every time and so I wanted to share that! The only thing that sticks out to me is the "if you're fine with that" part cause Usagi certainly isnt fine with any of that lol
I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this ask but I need you to know you single handedly made Tounges and Teeth make it onto m6 2023 Spotify wrapped its just SO GOOD AND YOUR EXPLANATIONS ARE PERFECT KISS KISS I LOVE YOU ANON UGH
Everyone listen to this song NOW
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furiousjellifish · 2 years
🐢💙Leosagi💙🐰 (rise)
I'm gonna be honest to you: this ship has been my favourite since pretty much my first immersion in the rise fandom.
It's like the most random and funny thing that I never expected finding scrolling through here; the interactions are perfect and funny, their relationship makes total sense (somehow) and overall I personally haven't seen many fusion between series as reasonable as in this case.
Like: the trope that Usagi works at run the mill and Leo one evening just fells in love with this cute waiter? Love it. 10/10 absolutely. Or even an enemies to lovers kinda thing, it just feels right. Leo finds himself in Usagi's dimension? (Yes "A world of samurais and ninjas" by @annonniiiiieeeee I'm looking at you) Count me in.
But the thing that really makes me wheeze, are Leo's family reactions right after the "WHAT?!?!" moment that they all have at the revelation that Leo is in love/in a relationship. With April and Mikey so happy that their brother founded someone and the other just being like:
Donnie: Who is he? Is he yokai or human? Where does he live?
Leo: After 16 years of being your twin you really expect me to give you my first boyfriend's address?
Raph: Don't worry Leo we just wanna have a talk with him
Splinter: Yea we need to make sure he is good for you
Donnie: And if he's not we're killing him
Or Casey Jones junior butting in like: Oh you finally met Usagi?
Donnie: You know him?
CJJ: Yea, him and Leonardo were legendary warriors back in the future
Mikey: So Leo was together with this Usagi during the apocalypse too?
CJJ: Actually they were married.
Everyone: MARRIED?!?!?!?!?!
Raph: Oh shell no!
Donnie: Yep he is definitely going down now.
Splinter: I will not let anyone take my baby blue away!
April: Hope you enjoyed your moments with Usagi because I don't think he is gonna live longer
Leo: Ugh please don't remind me that...
Mikey: Don't worry Leo I think Dr. Delicate touch is gonna change their opinions
Stay tuned for
[Leosagi 2003]
[shell shocked]
[maybe more ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯]
I'm here to remind that these post are made out of pure boredom and excessive amount of time by the person in hold of the phone
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k-kizkhalifa · 8 days
s3ep1 --
ALRIGHT MY GUYS. IVE NEVER SEEN THIS SEASON IT'S ALL NEW TO ME. So, lets dig in. And i know, you all could give a shit but Im here, doing this. Making it happen.
Oh he's 21 now! Okay, okay. Good sign. LOL at Misaki yelling at Usami as soon as he wakes up. THis isn't going to go well. Oh Takahiro is coming over!
oh goodness it's a whole music change. damn. usagi needs to recharge, misaki! let him! not misaki still thinking of them as "roommates" there is a baby! daw he is sooooo adorable. lol of course akihiro is terrible with children.
oh no takahiro... making real life words at these two. reality. bro is this season is sad imma scream.
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW OPENIGN SCENE. Okay. HERE WE GO. oh is that shinobu and myagi? AWE MY BABY NOWAKI AND HIS MAN. oh who is these dude??? new dude??? is this going to be a problem!??!? ! OH Y'ALLL MISAKI MADE A MOVE IN THE OPENING SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am having hope!
Sumi still making an appearance I see. Misaki getting so irritated over Usami's jealousy. LOL. awe the "photo op"!
damn this the first episode and misaki really having to think about life right now. holy cow. we've just started, chill. well i see misaki is still playing with his feelings. smh.
well look at them bonding! Todo? His name? UHM NOT THE LOOK BACK. NO. NO. NO. NOOOOOOOO.
I feel like Usagi is NOT about to let Misaki go to this autograph thing. And not Misaki making a comment about the guy he could have been friends with. Usagi, CHIL OUT.
who the fuck is this guy??? Mizuki, okay. A friend? TF. another cousin. oh got intense as fk. DAMN ANOTHER ONE OF THESE PPL DRAGGING MISAKI.
well well misaki... are you getting jealous?! concerned???
Misaki: Usagi will hate it and tell him to leave. *Usagi smiles and says he can stay* WAIT DID USAGI SMILE AND GET ALONG WITH THIS GUY. SOMEONE OTHER THAN ME?!
seems like jealousy bro. oh man misaki, darling, it's okay. i (want to but i am unsure) promise that usagi only loves you.
well here we go. lol misaki trying to work info out of usagi, all chill like. i see through you bro. usagi you better figure out your man is anxious or i'll destroy you!
OK I WILL SAY THIS THOUGH. IT IS NOT FAIR THAT USAGI ASK MISAKI, "ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPRISON ME HERE" because just before this dude showed up he was talking about locking misaki up and never letting him leave. ever. alfjalskjdflasjf USAGI PLEASE YOU TOXIC MAN!
Misaki: I think you should just pay attention to me!
oh him and his rush nature. bro you really get yourself into situations sometimes.
lol usagi bro you srsly are so damn toxic. i hate that i love it.
usagi: get so jealous that all you think about is me. okay? great. i love that. i love you. stay. be mine. i am so happy i could die. im gonna kiss you now. forever and ever you stupid boy.
lol at "several days later" BRO THIS KID IS A LOT. i can't even remember his name. smh. bro gonna cause trouble. i thought it was the other new guy but it seems like this guy. im annoyed. and irriated. ugh.
Why do shows like this GET INTO MY HEAD SO MUCH! aljdfalsjdfalsjf im stressssssssssssssed.
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auraboo · 11 months
20 questions writer meme
Tagged by @tehri
Oooh I haven’t talked fic in ages, this is gonna be fun. *cracks knuckles* Thanks for tagging me!
How many works do you have on AO3? 54.
What's your total AO3 word count? 556 587, apparently. Um… That’s a lot more than I thought, hang on I gotta lay down for a sec...
What fandoms do you write for? I’m currently not fic-active in any fandoms, but I used to write for Amnesia The Dark Descent (and occasional other Frictional Games stuff), FFXII, The Hobbit, and I’ve also done some Stardew Valley and Baldur’s Gate 3 stuff (during Early Access, mind, haven’t beaten the full game yet).
What are your top five fics by kudos? The Last Snowfall, And All Paths Will Lead Us Home, Ever After To The End Of His Days, Under Surveillance aaaand Count the Daylight Hours. one of these is not like the others lmao
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! Well, unless it’s a single emoji or something, I usually can’t think of a way to reply that. I just like talking with readers and I feel like at least saying ’thank you’ is just polite.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh man this is unfair, this is kind of my fandom niche and it’s hard to pick one. My archive is a gallery of angst, take a pick.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Depends on how you want to rank happiness, but I’d say The Fair Ones. (shockingly, happy endings aren’t only reserved to my OCs)
Do you get hate on fics? Nah.
Do you write smut? If so, what kinds? Oh boy do I ever. Mainly on my original stuff, though, as with most things (shocking). I’m more into romance than erotica, personally, so my stuff tends to be on the softer, more emotional side. They’re in love, your honour. As for what kind, I’m so vanilla it hurts. :’D I tried writing kinkier stuff in the Amnesia fandom but I’ve concluded it’s just not my thing. Learn to know thyself, writer.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Very rarely, I don’t usually enjoy them. The only ones I’m really into are Amnesia/Haunting Ground and Amnesia/Penumbra – I guess the overlap of different horror elements just works for me. Nothing particularly crazy to report in this regard, just the typical "character A is somehow in character B's world, shenanigans ensue" stuff.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don’t believe so, but I also haven’t gone looking.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah, someone’s still working on translating Count the Daylight Hours into Russian and I remember someone asking for permission to translate some of my ancient Hobbit fics.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
What's your all-time favourite ship? Ships come and go, but I think Kurogane/Fai, Usagi/Seiya and Squall/Rinoa are my most consistent ones that have stood the test of time. (I know, this is completely out of the left field considering I’ve only ever written a thing for one of these ships, but writing and shipping are two separate activities that sometimes overlap)
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Another vampire AU for Amnesia with the working title No Other God. I have so much lore written down and in my head, but unfortunately my interest in fandoms in general evaporated two years ago and it hasn’t shown any signs of coming back to that extent. I'm enjoying my time as a casual fan nowadays, pooping out a random fanart once a year.
What are your writing strengths? I’ve heard many times that I’m good at descriptions and conveying emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue, ugh, especially in any modern setting. I use so much outdated vocab and expressions that I can't use my own speech as a guide since I've gotten regular comments my whole life that I speak weirdly. :'DDD (for context, I was the stereotypical precocious kid who sounded like a grown-up at age seven, okay)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If it serves a purpose and you know the language (or have a beta/someone who speaks it available), why not? Either way, people write and publish fic for free, so I don't think it matters - do what you enjoy, that's what fic is for.
First fandom you wrote for? Probably FF7 or Kingdom Hearts? Never published any, mind, this was stuff I scribbled into notebooks way back when.
Favourite fic you've written? Right now I wanna say The Alchemist’s Apprentice, my feverish contribution to the Daniel/Fiona excellency that maybe five people and a footstool ship. I like niche. Niche is good.
Not tagging anyone this time, do it if you want to!
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maddys-nerd-blog · 3 months
TMNT 40th anniversary ask game: 3, 25, 33
HEY!! 😄😄 Thank you for the ask!!!
Hmmmm, well, I guess I’ll go in order for this one!
I got the impression that 1987 was strictly just for a younger demographic so I was really surprised to watch it on a first viewing as an adult and find that, yeah, it’s written for a younger audience, but the dialogue is pretty damn clever! Some of my favorite episodes were ones where the writing and comedy took the main stage and allowed for the actors to pretty much ad-lib! I found it really fun!
2003… oof. Alright. So. This is strictly my opinion and thoughts so please don’t hate me 😂 I had pretty high expectations for this one cuz from what I heard, THIS was the most amazing version. As a person who did catch some of the original airings as a kid when Fast Forward was around during 2007, I thought it was okay. But then I started watching it from the beginning with an adult perspective a few months ago…
Yeah. I’m sorry, this one ain’t for me.
Now don’t get me wrong! There are a few things I did genuinely love! 03’ Donnie and Leo? The best characters in the show. Splinter grew on me after season three and I think he’s really cool. Usagi? Badass, awesome, he’s great. A TON of these episodes were standouts for great reasons. Season One was fantastic and only got better in the third and fourth seasons! But then Season Five happened and that kinda took a downhill turn for me.
I feel like the storytelling really fell flat on its face during the last three seasons. Plus I DESPISE several of the characters from this version— Bishop. Karai. Renet. Honeycutt. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE ACOLYTES AND THE GODDAMN NINJA TRIBUNAL.
And… ugh. 03’ Mikey is the bane of my existence 😅😂😅😂
It just felt like I had all these high hopes for this one, but after finishing it recently? This version ranks pretty low 😅
2012 on the other hand? Yeah no, THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE!!! I adore that this was a love letter to the entire franchise as a whole, created BY fans, FOR fans, and every episode was a whirlwind of twists and turns that left my jaw on the floor. It’s also the first version of TMNT to get me to weep 😂 Donatello is a cinnamon roll and needs to be protected cuz THIS POOR THING NEEDS THERAPY.
And Rise is LOADS of fun!!! The animation is amazingly fluid and the character designs really work in the show’s favor! The comedy writing is witty and comes out of left field in the best ways! Leo and Donnie are the highlights for me as always ( ALSO THE BEST FORM OF AUTISTIC REPRESENTATION IN MEDIA ) The only issue I truly have with Rise is Splinter BUT I DONT WANNA RAMBLE ANY FURTHER 🤣🤣🤣
My favorite AUs? Ooooof. OOOOOF THATS A BUNCH! But I’ll try to keep it quick cuz we’ll be here for decades 🤣 SO! In order, my favorite ones are:
@tending-the-hearth’s Turtle Angst AU. It’s one thing for a fanfiction of any kind to move me, but it’s a feat when the writer captures the character of the turtles so well that I can perfectly picture these conversations playing out like they’re canon. Plus, another outstanding feat is if a fellow fanfiction writer can convey the emotional pull of their works to the point to where I was crying, but DAMN, that ‘12 Raph and Mutant Mayhem Splinter conversation MADE ME CRY LIKE A BITCH. I cannot recommend this AU enough if you’re a fan of complex stories that really toy with the multiverse aspect of the franchise in a way that feels true and authentic, and if you wanna get your angsty feels, give this a read!!
@hasello’s Cousin AU is SO WHOLESOME AND SO ADORABLE AND SO SWEET I CANT GET ENOUGH. Their artwork??? Their holiday special???? Their character interactions???? UUUUGH ITS SO GOOD!!! I adore it so much!!!
@tmnt-tychou’s Ninja Turtle Brotherhood AU. DUDE, THIS SLAPS. Her turtle designs are awesome as hell and the mystery hook pulls me in!! This latest update had me so excited for what’s coming next cuz… my god, I CANT WAIT!! It’s truly a treat for all turtle fans cuz of the awesome writing!!
@pebr-writes’s works in general. Like… holy SHIT. Go read their Leonardo Whump series. THE WRITING IS SHAKESPEARE.
@figuringitoutasigoalong has been creating Whumptober stories for the TMNT for a while but DAMN!!! Her works have really given me a kick in the emotional teeth!! Her Donnie-centric one shots and her Little Donnie AU is great!! I can’t help it but god the writing is SO GOOD.
@fabuloustrash05’s 2012 Turtles in the 20’s AU. IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR A VINTAGE SETTING AND THE ROARING 20’S WITH THE 2012 CHARACTERS IS AWESOME AND SO SO SO COOL!!!! Plus, the music selections??? I LOVE jazz, so it’s always a treat when authors incorporate the classic artists in there!! Just… go give this a read please!!
@bluepeachstudios’s Ghost in the Shell AU. I would be remiss if I didn’t even MENTION this incredible story. This is up there as a top tier work of fanfiction; it has everything! Drama, whole family interactions, compelling lore and great comedy sprinkled in, the depths of Ghost’s trauma are interwoven with the world of Rise in a way that feels natural and DEAR LORD PLEASE GIVE HIM A HUG!!!
@baskeigh-ball’s AU!!! I’m such a sucker for one of those ‘the turtles get split up after they get mutated’ stories, BUT WHEN YOU THROW THE MUD DOGS IN AS MAIN PLAYERS??? IM HOOKED FROM THE START.
@daedelweiss’s Life Mission AU. Amazing. Just… everything is so good 😊
My favorite thing I made for the TMNT? Well I’d have to go with my Robbie Rist piece and my Kevin Eastman art I did! I’m pretty damn proud of those and how they both turned out. I’m not the best artist but I tried my best and used my abilities to the fullest! 😁
Hope this was a fun read!!! Thank you and have a lovely day!! 😊
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matrixxsystem · 4 months
Terrapin Soup Part 9 (2/7)
"Anyway-! I also have a long and impressive code script running to let me know if anything lethal or dangerous is in the system because obviously we've ingested poison before so it's handy to know if it were to happen again to get it all sorted as fast as possible and-" "Donnie just get to the point I'm begging you-" "Ugh, fine. Buzzkill. My tech altered me that there was what it considered 'dangerous matter' in his system, and when I get a closer inspection I saw it uh.. It was meat." "Meat..?" "Yokai, fully cooked and prepared yokai. He's.. Weather he knows or not, he's eaten another person. And there seems to be multiple traces, different types." "..What..? Check that thing again cause-" "You really think I'd be this concerned about what he had for lunch if I wasn't sure? And the more interesting part, it was some kind of canine that I saw first, then fox, and even panda." "That is not interesting." "Do you think Leo knows?" "Do you think his boyfriend knows?" There was a moment of silence between them, Donnie looked back to the bed where Hyo was still sound asleep, "I dunno.. He couldn't know right? I mean, Leo would freak out- He can't even catch and cook his own fish without gagging there's no way he'd be okay with a cannibal- I mean even if he was somehow he wouldn't bring a people eater to the lair and just leave him with us.. There's no way he knows. I'm really hoping maybe why he got so banged up was like.. Someone gave him the food and once he found out he beat em up, thats.. That's the more realistic train of thought right?" "..When he wakes up you can ask him." "Ask him what?"  That was Leos voice! Both April and Donnie turned to the doorway to see Leo and Usagi, looking very unharmed and upbeat. Usagi let go of Leos hand to go sit at the bedside, not caring much about the conversation they had before him and Leo showed up. "Well uh.. Just how he got hurt, is all... We wanted to know what happened." April nodded, "Yeah, you guys mentioned he takes on a bunch of jobs and fights a lot, he much have a lot of interesting stories!" Leo nodded a little, that made sense. "He doesn't seem like much of a talker but you can try." He went over to April and reached into his pouch, "And as promised, I've picked you up a really cool trinket as thanks!" He pulled out a small rock and placed it in her hands, "It's a fake tooth, knocked out of the guy me and Usagi beat up tonight. I washed it off of course, but its opalized wood! You like witches and rocks and stuff right? Witches love rocks."
Part 9.3 Part 1
TS Master Post
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You’re procrastinating? Smh go do your irl stuff! /lh
So do you have a favourite character from tmnt?
I'm trying dude it's just 😫 the executive dysfunction's not helping and the anxiety is making it worse as a treat
Ooooo this is a fun question I'm gonna answer for each show and maybe some for the movies just because i cant stop talking about my favorite characters when someone asks (the iteration and the favorite are green and bold because i love playing with the options )
For 87 I'd say between turtles it's more Raphael >Michelangelo >Donatello >Leonardo
not that I don't absolutely love leo he's amazing and i love all of them SO much but if i wanna rank them but if i wanna say favorite character no doubt in my mind it's shredder and krang i love them infinitely and they're in my head 247 (psst lemme know if you wanna see a drawing i made of 87 krang later)
For 03 it's probably the hardest one because it's the show i grew up with and i absolutely adore and it's my special interest and ugh it's just so hard to pick a favorite and if i could rank them all as 1 i would have
Probably leo >mikey >raph >donny
Which sounds so wrong because i love donny SO MUCH and all of them and it's so painful to put him last when he's definitely not like he's on my top 10 favorite characters of all time 😭 I'm sorry 03 donny i love you so much and you mean a lot to me (admin having a full on crisis/dramatic)
Time for 12 which is the easiest for me to choose. I'd say leo >raph >donnie >mikey
12 leo is really important to me especially because I also have chronic knee pain and also i absolutely live for tansfem autistic 12leo AUs
RISE TIME so hard so absolutely hard for me to choose but if i really have to I'd go with donnie&leo >mikey >raph
Is that a fair answer? Probably not, do I care ... Well yes but oh well also this is not me saying i dont like rise raph he's absolutely wonderful and i love him so much
If... We're counting all the shows i ... I have to talk about next mutation
I haven't finished it yet and i constantly lose my leftovers braincells 😭 but I'd have to go with Venus >mikey >leo >donny >raph with a very special cameo of bone steel istfg if you haven't seen this show it is NOTHING like what you expect
I would like to give a special shout-out to batman vs. tmnt because i absolutely adore this movie and it definitely has my probably favorite stockman. I also absolutely love the friendship between Mikey and robin
Also another shout-out to Lita because she's an absolute gem and i care about her so much. 03 bishop because he's one of the most well written villains out there. 03 usagi. 87 splinter and Huginn and Muninn they're absolutely wonderful
This is probably much much longer than you expected but I don't think i could just choose one
(also I absolutely love random anon asks because they're always so fun or so chaotic)
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smilehoya · 2 years
Okay so spoilers under the cut for AIB s2 things that I wish they had added / I have a problem with / I liked !
* I honestly liked that Niragi didn’t have a ‘redemption’ arc, not really. He was a little more toned down then how he was at the beach, but also maybe that’s a mixture of he wasn’t killing people every two seconds like he was when they were doing the witch game, and also maybe because we didn’t see him a whole bunch? But yeah, i’m all for letting bad guys be bad guys.
* also I CACKLED at how within two seconds of Niragi and Chishiya seeing each other again, Niragi shoots Chishiya and tHIS MOTHERFUCKER proceeds to then lie on the ground in a ‘pose’ and complain ‘you didn’t even hit me anywhere vital on purpose’ while looking wholly unimpressed and then thru started bickering like an old married couple.
* Chishiya’s game with what’s his face (the 2nd leader from the beach don’t remember his name) was everything I ever wanted, literally. I remember reading that in the manga and being like holy fuck this is intense but amazing and they rly managed to pull it off just the same in the live action.
* on another note, I really wish Akane wasn’t sexualised as much as she was. I know at one point it says she’s a senior in high school, which would make her around 18 in Japan but like … I kept being so fucking aware that she’s soooo much younger than Arisu and Aguni who she kept flirting with and I just - it made me uncomfy. Plus ALL the panty shots????? There were SO many!! If they were gonna do that (which I still wish they wouldn’t but this is an example) why not do it for one of the older woman whose ya’know an actual adult?????
* I really dislike the trope of like … forgetting something that had happened as a plot device, so the ending irritated me. It’s written the same in the manga, so it’s not even that they changed it, I just hate that trope all together because it kinda just feels lack lustre once they’re all back that they don’t even remember each other properly they just have a feeling ‘they’ve met’ and we don’t get like … that big emotional re-union ya know?
* speaking of re-unions though Kuina’s broke me. Her dad finally being supporting of her! I cried.
* also love that Kuina and Chishiya stayed bsf all thru the borderlands, even in the gap between s1 and s2 and all the time in s2 when they were separated the first thing Kuina asks when she sees Arisu again is where Chishiya is and how he’s doing.
* someone correct me if I’m wrong for this one but - in the manga, don’t they explain what happens now that the game has been concluded? Like yeah they explained that people can choose to stay or go, but they left out the part where the people who stay get to take over whatever bosses game they won!!!! So like, those two motherfuckers from the prison game now get to stay and continue being the boss same with a ‘new’ Mira or whatever; isn’t that something that happens? That the games just … keep going with a new group.
* upset also that they left out Chishiya’s relationship with his dad because that explains his personality a LOT for people who may be confused why he acts like he is / why he’s so logical. It’s because his dad didn’t give him the emotional / love when he was a kid so he became cool calm and calculated. I don’t wanna say the guy he was calling ‘Sir’ in the LA was his dad, but I’m pretty sure in the manga is dad is some higher up in the hospital too??????????
* I NEED / NEEDED more of Usagi + Ahn + Kuina being best girlfriends like … ugh, their friendship. I want them to go on cute fashion trips together, get manicures or w/e, braid each others hair and tell each other secrets just ugh gIVE ME GIRL BSF.
That’s it for now but I’m sure I’ll think of more and add to this thanks !!
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bluepeachstudios · 2 years
TMNT 2003 had been my special interest for over 10 years and honestly got me through hell so so many times
I re-watched it a few months ago and wasn't planning on doing it again but well you made me go watch it again last night and now i have to bing watch seven seasons again and gosh I'm so happy and uh idk why I'm telling you this lmao
Also it breaks my heart that leosagi's last canon convo was during the whole leo PTSD stuff
Like he didn't even get to apologize
Ugh that's so frustrating
If i ever become a multi millionaire you can bet I'll found a remake of the 2k3 version so uh ... Let's hope i do become rich ig...
Uh but like also
Your art is amazing i really like how you draw the turtles and poses and uh .... I personally have some struggles with angles in anatomy any tips ? Or like any general recommendations for you artist fans ?
And also i hope anyone who reads this has an awesome day/night
Remember to hydrate<3
*sorry for the random wrong rambling*
Oh man, same! I started watching ninja turtles when the episodes were still coming out, back in '04 I think. I was 9! I got super into it, I got my best friend into it, we played with ninja turtle toys for so long.
My medical issues weren't so bad back then, but they were still a Whole Thing(tm) and I had the DVDs of the first 12 episodes of season 1 and all of Fast Forward once that came out. I watched both a LOT when I was sick, especially Fast Forward. It has gotten me through ROUGH times.
I'm glad you're rewatching it again! I've rewatched it probably three times in the last six months? I'll probably do it again, too hgdkfjg it's so good
Usagi does show up at April and Casey's wedding in the last episode, so I like to imagine that he and Leo had a time off-camera where they met and sparred a little and talked. I like to fill in the blanks. B)
A remake of '03 would be SO cool oh my god fhgfjg I would love that so much!!
ThANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENT AHH!! I struggle with angles in anatomy as well, foreshortening is rough oof. The way I learned to draw things from certain angles is taking stock photos and tracing over them to see how things were drawn. I especially love AdorkaStock (previously SenshiStock), their stuff is GREAT for practicing poses. Looking up youtube videos on gesture drawing can also help loosen up poses. I also really love the Morpho art books, they're super helpful.
A lot of practicing art is just drawing. Even if you feel like it's not good, you should still draw it! As long as you're having fun and enjoying the process. That's the important part. Draw what you want, if you don't like it then don't post it anywhere! Even if you do like it, you don't have to post it. Sometimes it's nice to just draw something that's all yours.
Don't apologize for rambling, as you can see, I tend to do the same thing, and honestly ain't rambling half the fun of having a conversation?? I love hearing from people!
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
( I am sending one more bc I saw a fan thing earlier & ugh. I’ll be sending him to Usagi later but you get this one now. )
“I swear, if you even think - “ his voice trails off, Beerus looking away for a moment. He’s not sure how to phrase it, but maybe Whis already has an idea of what he’s trying to get at. “You’re mine, do you hear me, Whis? Don’t get an sacrificing ideas or I will find a way to haunt your ass.”
| Muse Interaction
Oh, that was stupid on the angel's part was all he could think at the moment. That was such a stupid thing for him to do and worse not even needed in the first place. As if such a puny attack could actually harm his Lord in the first place. If he wished to block that attack from there though Whis could have simply done so. bare-handed or even with his staff. So why was it he just jumped in the way like that?! Their eyes closed tight as he held onto his arm for a moment it wasn't even all the bad he was sure the shock from it was doing most of the damage at the moment. His body just sort of moved all on it's own his Lord had only just woke up he was nowhere near ready to fight. Not past that initial groggy feeling when you first wake up to the universe after all. Was that why he did it? It was for Beerus of course, he lived to server his god always at thier side as he had been and would be till the god's last breath or even his own. Maybe the slight chance of that happening today was what fuel his actions. Mind wasn't in the works his body just moved to take and blunt of that attack when Beerus wasn't looking. But still, that was stupid it might not have even hurt them.
Maybe the cat was a bit too distracted by the angels speaking or still groggy from just waking up not too long ago. Whis would love it to be the first reason personally. Either way, he was the first to notice as he should have just held out his staff to deflect it or well even just let it hit the god it's not like it would be strong enough to leave so much as even a scratch on them. Instead, Whis moved before the rest of him could react eating the beam of energy that hit him. It stung a little but it wasn't too bad. He thought feeling over his arm where he took the hit at. The sleeve was torn and there was an afterburn. Oh, that was stupid he shouldn't have moved he couldn't help it though. the very moment he thought it would hurt Beerus since they hadn't reacted themself. Slightly hissing in pain as he pressed his hand against his arm, needing to make sure that it wasn't any worse. However, before he could do so much as to complain about how rude that was to interup his lord's meal. The angel found the god in his face now. Voice loud and fierce as always as they fixed the angel with a hard glare his way. Whis slightly moved back as they got into his face he was just stunned by the reaction just now.
“I swear, if you even think - “
They started to trail off as they spoke looking away from Whis, but Whis' attention was sit set on the expression they had shown his way just now. The burning glare in thier eyes how they directed thier anger at him over what he just did. Whis knew them well enough to understand they were upset about him getting hurt, and that made his heart flutter in his chest just now. Did..did they get scared about his own well-being just now? The angel may be foolish enough to hope. More foolish to allow himself to grow flattered over the matter Beerus seemed to find his words once more as they continued to speak.
“You’re mine, do you hear me, Whis? Don’t get an sacrificing ideas or I will find a way to haunt your ass.”
There was a warmth creeping into his face over that. He was thiers? of course he was thiers. Whis was their servant, their attendant, and oh! whatever else, his life was in service to this god of destruction. Bound by duty but in his own case in his love for them. That's why he couldn't help how that made his heart pound against his rib case right now. Setting a hand to his face as he turned to blush he couldn't help but feel just the tiniest bit giddy over the matter
Tumblr media
"Oh Lord Beerus you must be careful how you speak you may just make me faint from such a statement." he teased a little but he was being honest as well. Moving to take hold of now of the cat's hands now as he held them in between his own. Letting his own worries cross his face "I know I had no reason to block that just now but the mere thought of any harm you way and taking you away from me?" he began by trying to explain why he did what he did. Beerus may not be as open to expressing thier own mean but Whis? Well he simply didn't care he would be open with his love even if Beerus always rejected it, though Whis knew no better.
"if anyone was able to do anything to take you away from me? I would simply cease to function without you." In part that wasn't wrong after all he would have to wait for a replacement to Beerus if that ever happened. Whis didn't mean it that way even if they replaced the position they could never replace Beerus in his heart. "So the mere thought of you getting hurt now? Well, I can't allow it."
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rei-does-stuff · 7 months
Thoughts on Tuxedo mask?
(Btw, in our translation, his name is "The masked rose" :3)
Okay correction I love ALL VERSIONS OF MAMORU EXCEPT THE 90s VERSION that version of him can die in a hole
BUT EVERYONE ELSE OUGHH He is so nice and cares so much for Usagi and he’s genuinely like sweet and just UGH, sailor moon isn’t a romance manga but it might as well be because of those two!!!!
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