#ugh i wish i had a better phone w a better phone camera </3
bunnihearted · 4 months
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sword-of-summer · 3 years
All of them answer every question fuck you
ahahaha no i respectfully deny your "fuck you" and i accept the ask and so-
i am 5'10", and i don't wish to be taller or shorter- i am the perfect height for hugs and messy hair, and yep, i like it here-
dream pet would be a mix of golden retriver and a husky called Holly and a chonky cat called Loki- yes ofcourse my future kids have names everyone should name their future pets-
ripped jeans/black pants with a Darth Vader tshirt or a Ethnic Fusion Kurta with black sneakers/artificial leather slip-ons, and if it's cold, a black jacket open obviously- and a black wristwatch i love my black wristwatch.
favourite video game was Clash of Clans and going even back, GTA Vice City and, the og- MARIIOOOO
three things/people are Oreos, Nutella and Pizza. The Holy Trinity-
"Beware me my fingers are smeared with chicken popcorn grease"
you didn't mention an opinion, @chunkybirb, so imma give my opinion on Vanilla ice cream and Nutella- ANYONE WHO HADN'T COMBINED THESE TWO COMBINE THESE TWO THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME
im either phlegmatic or melancholic bruh idk maybe ik or maybe not
im v v v v ticklish
not an allergy, but an intense hatred for ketchup- i vomit if it gets too close to me fuck you ketchup
im heterosexual
any between tea and coffee but full milk coffee (ik, kill me), never had cocoa- but i love a chocolate or nutella milkshake
both. both is good. (cat and dog)
i would be an elf cause hell yeah, knowledge and wisdom
favourite youtuber is Samay Raina, a stand up comedian turned youtuber who is just awesome-
as i mentioned in 1., i am 5'10"
i would not change my name cause it's the coolest fucking name ever, i am Tanay, and Tanay in Hindi means Son, and my parents literally named their son Son, and hell yeah i like it
i forgot how much i weigh- last i checked it was 75 kilos, but ive gained weight since 2019 so yep, gotta walk in the mornings
yes i believe in metaphysicality cause one- it seems cool- second- me and @theclassyghost discussed a metaphysical life theory that i really really like and metaphysicality gives preservation of knowledge so i believe in spirits
im not that religious, no
pet peeves no well nah not really
nocturnal def nocturnal i sleep at 4.50 anyway hehehehe
fav constellation is Cassiopeia
fav star is Sirius tho
what the fuck are ball jointed dolls
i do have a fear of losing people that's just anxiety i guess
yep, global warming is real
never thought that much about reincarnation tbh but maybe, i do
fav movie is Spider Man : Into The SpiderVerse and Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Revenge of The Sith and yes, for my indian gang, 3 Idiots and Gully Boy
yep i get scared v v v easily
i have had no pets but i plan to once i grow up
@chunkybirb 's blog is fucking cool awesome and *chef's kiss* a masterpiece
blue calms me. i love blue.
live in Norway cause pretty lights, snow, and less people than this overpopulated country i am in
born in Mumbai, India
v v v dark brown like it's almost black but no it's dark brown
horoscopes and zodiacs, i do read them, never believed that much tbh-
i really wanna visit my brother i haven't met him in a long time i really wanna play cricket w him just like old times
my sister- she's annoying but well i care for her
tattoos idk bruh im okay idk may get one or may not get one
nope, smoking is ewwww *vomits*
ah my crush- she's cool [ if she exists
when the chalk doesn't write on the board but goes iiiiiieeee I HATE THAT
a sound i love is rain pitter pattering i just hhhhhh sends me into happiness
nope fatass here
nope fatass here
favourite actors have to be eddie redmayne, oscar issac and pedro pascal- and margot robbie and winona ryder in the actresses section also yes, elliot page
bruh already answered in 30.
im okayish!! spotify and tumblr, cool combo-
my hair are okay being black for me
yesterday, monday, from 6.40 to 6.50
uhhh naah not that i know of
well in Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase books, the sword of Frey aka Sumarbrander TALKS and demands to be called Jack, so here i am
bakwaas, music and comfy
yep, i believe in evolution
unfollow on hate and when they dm me sending nsfw pics ugh why are people like that
follow, well, i like people and they seem cool, so i follow them
fav kind of person is the one who'll sit with me for hours not even talking and just vibing to music
fav animals are beavers, doggos and cats
three fav blogs are @chunkybirb, @theclassyghost, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @aredhel-of-gondolin, @sue-me-imbadass, @alleenkaas, @my-ackerman, @brrrrrrrrrrzone
fav emoticon has to be ☹ this me seeing my stupidity outrank others
fav meme has to be Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation
Libraaa let's go
no dog, i have
black darth vader tshirt, black pants, black sneakers and black wrist watch
i have no selfies my phone has no cameras i live in eternal darkness
what the fuck are platform shoes
i, uhhh, i remember weird things like what i drew in class in 3rd while i was supposed to be doing english
lazy ass here, no front flips possible
i like birds they fly
nope i don't Iike swimming i like blankets
wrapped up in blankets reading books sounds better than both
hyperspace travel
nope none
reading writing eating sleeping
my friend
tumblr seems cool
i have around 60-70 idk
yes i can run but why
yes they do but what's the fun in that
nope I'd fall over
sapphire let's go
koala bear or panda
sunflower or the one on a lemon tree
ketchup store
one cup of coffee is enough, tysm
read minds that sounds cool cool yeaaahh
nope never wore it a black clothes guy here BatMan
winter winter all year long
i don't know and i don't wanna try
i don't know and i don't wanna know
everyone cause they are better than me
bookstores cause bookstores any bookstores
sneakers, black onez
apparently some gas bitches mixed up to form a planet
non vegetarian but i partake meat just twice or thrice in two weeks
i don't know they don't seem like liking
bugs ew
spiders ew
about the fact that i come off as arrogant and overconfident while in reality it's just that my communication skills suck
i can draw averagely whenever im in a mood
this thing im answering but i like answering it
uhhhhhhh brain freeze- idk bruh questions are good they give knowledge
yep, while sleeping
ahh yes calming, they are
cloudy days cause fucking cool vibes
hehehe wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy
CumuloNimbus i really like it's name yknow nimBUS
dark blue, dark blue always or black
naaaah no freckles
fav thing is when they laugh and it's just happy and we're both laughing like shitheads but who cares we're rebelling against depressing life and we laugh
both. both is good [ fruits and vegetables
sleep but i have to answer 170 questions cause @chunkybirb
sky sky sky it's my blog's header duh uh sKy
sweet and sour candy. SWEET AND SOUR CANDY.
dim lights it makes me feel cool
ahhh so here we go- Mooncalfs, Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, Sphinxes, Dragons that seem to be Space Nebulae, and more and more and more
i really feel like a boomer sometimes
i love everything about this site/app it makes me feel happy cause i like the people and the posts
uhhhhh i think too much about everything cause i just do. i like thinking
"He's dead, guys. For the sake of The Force, please watch Star Wars now he wanted to discuss it with you" actually no i would just say "A big shoutout to Garlic Bread he loved Garlic Bread"
myself cause i should be sleeping but sleep is for the weak and i am the weak and the strong i am a paradox-
that i obsess too much on things and try involving people it never works out
nope. had braces for 4 years, that beat out teeth showing smiles
i prefer computer-tv ahahahahaha
never tried them, so IDK
naaaaah not motion sickness- never travelled by sea so idk seasickness
lobed ears
yep i believe that deeds do count in life and beyond
idk bruh i don't believe in physical attraction too much- bodies are fake- mentally/metaphysically tho, im a 7
ahhhhh many many Stupid Genius, Tani, Tanu, Tanya
i still do-
i really want to talk to a therapist. converse. and discover.
im both, i am both.
10:1 is the ratio- giving 10, receiving 1
uhhh nothing just when i am right and people use the old "disrespect" argument
3, Hindi, Marathi, English
uhh no i am not
my hair i love them everyone says things about my hair but i love them
knowledge vibes i give, someone tells me- and that's all i ever wanted
anyone i know tbh, my mutuals, my friends, my discord friends
ahhh no i wouldn't but i wish i was born 20 years earlier
bleh bloo, neither like nor dislike
i don't know if i have one
i don't know, haven't had physical contact in a long long long time in a galaxy far far away
the above point stands but i would like to ig
anything i write, 3 hours later, i instantly hate just idk why
anything i write
that i am normal no i am not and i am not okay hahahahaha
65-70 ish people
somewhere around-
many many many don't ask please but okay if you do ask
uhhhhh idr exactly but i won't tell in public duh uh
mediummm hairrrr
last year lockdown i became harry potter
i don't know buddy i seriously don't know
yep i do cause knowledge i like knowledge
naaah never tried
no i definitely cannot stand on my hands or my head for more than 30 seconds
yep, im pretty sure i answered most of them correctly-
og link-
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black-mesa-hive-au · 4 years
Entry 4
CW: blood, panic attacks
(the recording suddenly starts, showing Calhoun's dorm room and another clone with slicked back hair at the doorway)
Gilbert: Afternoon.
Calhoun: uh-
Gilbert: Do we still have buds in the fridge?
Calhoun: y...yea?
Gilbert: mmmh. (he places his helmet on the hook by the door.) Man, I'm tired. Ughhhhh hungry too. Really takes a lot outta you standing practically all day.
Gilbert: (he slides his shoes off and places them by the door.) Do we still have pizza from yesterday?
Calhoun:....you mean...pizza from last week?
Gilbert: Really? I swear we had pizza yesterday. Don't tell me you ate it all again and you're lying to me. 
Gilbert: Are you even listening?
Calhoun: uh-
Gilbert: Ugh. Fine just don't listen to me.
Calhoun: I- Uh...
Gilbert: You're looking at me weirdly. Like I'm a ghost or something.
Calhoun: W-well! I'm looking at one right now! What the hell happened to you where did you go? You dont just expect to walk back in here and me be fine with it!
Gilbert: I just got back from my shift what are you talking about?
Calhoun: You and Michael have been gone a week! 
Gilbert: Look. I don't know who Micheal is or how you think I've been gone a week but I'd suggest you stop that talk before it really gets to your head. You watch those sci fi flicks too much.
Calhoun: But you-
Gilbert: But I what??? Are you sure you're feelin alright Calhoun?
Calhoun: I'm feeling fine! Just, I thought you were dead and-and...or like you were taken away or something!
Gilbert: Dead? You saw me this morning! We live together! I get off my shift at the exact same time every day. I'm here and I'm breathing.
Calhoun: I just- (he sighs) Fine, let's just go with your story. You just came back from your shift. Okay. So how was your day?
Gilbert: It was fine.
Calhoun: anything interesting?
Gilbert: Oh just a few bits of electric work and helping scientists open their offices again. The usual. (he grabs a beer from the fridge) How about you?
Calhoun: Well, I just did some errands for Dr. Freeman and guarded a bit. It was a pretty slow day, really.
Gilbert: (slowly pulls the beer tab) mm. Average. Wish there was something more to do, ya know.
Calhoun: (takes his helmet off, laying it in his lap causing the camera angle to change) Yea.
Gilbert: Heh, we're gonna be workin all our lives.
Calhoun: Well, if we don't we're a goner practically. (he laughs nervously)
Gilbert: Tell me about it. Look, I know I go on about it a lot but, do you ever think of running?
Calhoun: Like, running away?
Gilbert: Yea.
Calhoun: Of course.
Gilbert:I know you don't want to think about it but- I don't have long. I'm on my decommission year. They could take me any minute. Think about running all the time. Just. Run away somewhere. I don’t know where or with who. Or- or what will happen to me. I don't know if I can leave if I ever get the chance. Like physically- I don't know what would happen to a clone when taken from their natural environment.
Calhoun: I mean, our DNA is human so I'd assume so.
Gilbert: That could be a lie. All of us could be a lie.
Calhoun: Gilbert buddy, you're getting deeper than usual-
Gilbert: We could be like...not human. (he freezes for a second, unblinking)
Calhoun: Gilbert? are you okay?
Gilbert: (he snaps out of it) Like, the thought of staying cooped up here doing the same thing over and over and over is exhausting. The scientists have had lives, they'll make lives and celebrate them. We're made like fish tank ornaments that help with things anyone could do with their own two hands. (he starts to pace) Black Mesa could hire anyone! They didn't need to make us but they just wanted to show off to aperture! How full of it do you have to be to make life like a party trick!? Build something just to throw it away after 3 years of use. We're not batteries. We're flesh and blood like everyone else! All of these things black mesa does for small achievements and pats on the back. Its sickening. I don't want to work here anymore. I've got shocked by those damn wires enough times that I'd probably be dead by now. We're technically not citizens of New Mexico. We're not citizens of anything so how could we stand up for ourselves and sue? (his breathing starts to become more frantic as he speeds up) The scientists would loose their jobs if they did and they're all too cowardly to try. To them we're just robots or something, so why would they care in the first place. We're useful to them. (he crushes his beer, the can contorting and shooting beer everywhere and continues to talk, this time even faster) We're made to be tools to them and not friends. Just objects that are alive. Th-that’s all we are and will be all we are. Just recycled over and over and over and over and over-
Calhoun: G-gilbert?
Gilbert: over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over-
Gilbert: over and over and over aND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER (he begins to grab the sides of his head, screaming and falling to his knees.) OVER AND OVER AND OVER
Calhoun: BREATHE MAN, BREATHE. JUST- (stands up, placing the helmet on the chair)
Gilbert: OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER ANNNNNDDDDDDD OVVVVEREEERRRRRRRRR!!!! (he screeches loudly as his nose begins to bleed)
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Calhoun: GILBERT! GILBERT!! 3-3006!!! PLEASE I'M GETTING HELP- (he rushes to the phone on the wall, dialing quickly as Gilbert continues to screech)
Gilbert: (Starts to tug on his hair) OVVVVERRRR ANDD OVERRRRR AND OVERERRRRRR
Calhoun: (on the phone) HELLO? HELLO OTIS???
Gilbert: AAND OVERRRR AND OVERRR AND OV- (he stops, eyes bloodshot and blood still dripping from his nose. He freezes, pupils dilating as he frantically looks around at the ground. He takes a breath and falls to the floor with a thud.)
(The apartment is silent except for Calhoun's heavy breathing)
Calhoun: (drops the phone and looks back) GILBERT? Holy- oh my lord…(runs over to Gilbert, panicking and turning him over, checking his heartbeat.) no no no NO NO NO NO MAN DON'T DO THIS TO ME NOW.
(the sound of the keypad on the other side of the door chimes. Someone barges through the door, looking around frantically for the source of the screaming.)
Sisk: Calhoun? What was that scream-
Calhoun: (looks back to Sisk, showing off Gilbert's lifeless body) G-gg...
Sisk: Holy S--t. W-what the hell happened!? Did he just? Did you? 
Calhoun: No! No! I didn't do anything! He just got to talking a...about like all that existential stuff and just….kinda broke! He just died!!! in front of me!
Sisk: Jesus Christ. I didn't even know he was alive? And then he just...died? Right in front of you?
Calhoun: (nods, sniffling) 
Sisk: You- you don't just do that. Right? Right??? You don't just die that. 
Calhoun: I- I don’t know. He was gone for a week and just came back and immediately got to talking about all this. I...I have to call someone. (he stands up)
Sisk: What are you going to do about the body? The administration isn't going to be kind about a body laying around in your dorm! And where was he all this time?
Calhoun: I have to call (he makes his way back to the phone hanging on the wire) Someone….
Sisk: Who are you going to call??!! We need to do something about him!!! Please Calhoun come to your senses!
Calhoun: (dialing) Hello? Doctor Kleiner?
Dr. Kliener: Hello?? 2295???
Sisk: (Runs up and grabs the phone)
Calhoun: What the hell???
Sisk: You can't call a scientist!!! They'll think you killed him or something! Then you'll be dead for sure! 
Calhoun: No Sisk, you don't get it! I have to call him. This is important!
Sisk: So is Gilbert's dead body!
Calhoun: Look, I trust him to help! I don't have time for this!! Don't make me play rank on you. 
Sisk: Bu-
Calhoun: PLEASE. 
Sisk: (he blinks for a second, and backs off reluctantly, looking Calhoun straight in the eye) You are making a horrible mistake. A horrible mistake.
Calhoun: Like you have any better idea!!??
Dr. Kleiner: I guess I'll just wait then….
Sisk: You know what? I'm not arguing with you anymore. It's like arguing with a child!
Calhoun: You're arguing with yourself.
Sisk: And so are you. Except this side of you still gives a damn.
Calhoun: (He takes a deep, shaken breath) You don't get it. you don't get it. There is more going on than you know of.
Sisk: Oh. Is that what is making you so stubborn? Some conspiracy again? You know I'm getting a little tired of this. You're always running away from the facts and siding with some random BS that suits you more.
Calhoun: I have facts. I have PLENTY. LOOK. GILBERT AND MICHEAL WERE GONE A WEEK AND NOW GILBERT IS BACK AND DEAD ON MY DORM FLOOR. THERE'S A FACT. GILBERT IS A 3RD GENERATION CLONE, MAN! THEY DON'T JUST DIE LIKE THAT- THE ADMINISTRATION TAKES THEM AWAY! YOU KNOW THIS. (he takes a deep breath) you should know this. Please just listen ,Sisk, I respect you. You're a fine officer and I love you like a brother I don't want to have to keep arguing with you.
Calhoun: Goddammit man, just please-
Sisk: (he sighs) Fine….just call the scientist. I'll see you tomorrow morning then. 
Sisk: (makes his way to the door, hesitantly stepping over Gilbert) He was my friend too you know. Most I'd like is a funeral. (he walks out, the door sliding shut behind him)
Dr. Kleiner: y-you still there? Calhoun?
Calhoun: Y...yea doc I'm here.
Dr. Kleiner: 3009 is….back?
Calhoun: Dead. He's back and he's dead. 
Dr. Kleiner: I'm very sorry about that ,Mr. Calhoun. 
Calhoun: I'm (he nervously laughs) Sorry you had to hear all of that. 
Dr. Kleiner: Its fine, it's fine. Me and Dr. Vance have arguments all the time. Its part of being, well, human. 
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Calhoun:.....(stands there)
Dr. Kleiner: Calhoun?
Calhoun: (hangs up and places the phone back. He walks over to the helmet to turn the camera off as tears stream down his face.)
-end of recording- 
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dumbkiri · 5 years
Buried Secrets Two
Parts: [ 1, Here, 3 ]
Summary: [Name], knowing she and John are in danger, runs to the babysitter’s house to get John back to safety. She also gives the nice babysitter money to go out of the country. Then [Name] is in a stolen car wondering where and who to go for help. She reluctantly goes to the Titans. Although plans don’t go as planned. Dick tells the truth to the Titans and they figure out a plan to stop Deathstroke once and for all. Deathstroke has unfortunate news for [Name]. 
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Female! Reader
Genre: Slight Angst
Word Count: 3k
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“Wait, Ms. [L.Name], why are you suddenly leaving? Also you’re bleeding,” Samantha, John’s babysitter, had ran behind [Name]. The young teen was not understanding why she was given two grand for only taking care of John for a night. 
[Name] held John closer to her body and noticed that he was going to cry soon. She set John down in a carrier then grabbed Samantha by her shoulders, “Look, sweetie, use the money to finally go to South Korea. Didn’t you say you always wanted to go there?”
“Y-yeah, but I can’t leave without notifying my parents. I’m just a sophomore in high school,” Samantha gave [Name] a weird look. 
[Name] cursed under her breath and grabbed four grand from a duffel bag, “Here use this to bring your parents with you. Just get out of town, no, the country.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Samantha didn’t know when to stop asking questions and it was annoying the older female to no end. [Name] zipped up the duffel bag and grabbed the handle of John’s carrier. She walked over to the front door and zoomed over to her car that she stole. She opened the backseat car door and strapped John into a car seat. 
John began crying now and [Name] closed the door after she stuffed her bags next to John. “Listen carefully, Samantha. Bad people are after me and they might use you to find me which is why you need to leave. Because they’ll only bring harm to you and your family for no reason.”
Samantha’s blue eyes widened, “Bad people like murderers?”
“Worst. Now call your parents and I’ll tell them what to do.”
[Name] looked at her phone and typed the address to the Titan’s Tower. Her fingers froze and she let her thumb hover over the start button. Deathstroke said that Dick brought the Titans back together. But she couldn’t bring herself to believe him. Deathstroke isn’t known to be a liar, manipulative, yes. If Dick really did bring the Titans back even their old friends, why didn’t he contact her?
“Ma...ma,” John whined in the back seat, his little feet kicking the air, 
[Name] should feel grateful that Dick didn’t call her. It would be awkward to see him. It would be awkward to see them all and John, what would they think? Did Dick tell them about John? Her [e.color] eyes looked at the rearview mirror. She watched as John babbled in his spot. Drool dripping down his chin. 
She worried for her son. [Name] promised herself she wouldn’t go back to being a hero. That was in the past and it was going to stay there because she didn’t want her son getting hurt or worse. He was too young to die. He’s just a baby. 
“Starting route to Titan’s Tower,” 
This was her only chance to keep him safe. They were her family once and John could be a part of it. 
“Dick, come on, man, wake up” 
“What happened to the three of them?”
“Do you think they all just passed out here like idiots cause I do.”
“Hank, no.”
Dick groaned and opened his eyes to see Rachel and Gar waking up as well. His brown eyes observing the two teens that laid on each other. 
“Ugh, what happened?” Gar asked rubbing his head with his eyes adjusting to the bright light from Jason’s phone. 
“They seem fine. Maybe they had a sleepover without us” Jason said and Hank chuckled at his remark. Jason turned his phone light off and backed away to give the trio space.
 Rachel removed herself off of Gar’s body with a slight blush apparent. She sat on her knees and rubbed her hands on her thighs. [Name] was on her way. “Did you guys see what I saw?” Rachel asked the two males who were affected by her power. 
Gar nodded his head, “Yeah it was strange. It was like I was next to her when she was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light. It was so weird, I couldn’t do anything for her.” 
“Shit,” Dick cursed under his breath and jumped to his feet. He needed to go to the computer. He needed to see how far she was away from the tower. Dick ran out of the kitchen with everyone following him with questioning gazes. 
Donna was the first to reach him, “Whoa, Dick, slow down. Wanna tell us what’s going on?” The Wonder Girl looking at her friends for some help to get Dick to spill. They stayed quiet and watched him type on the keyboard. His fingers going at a crazy rate. 
“Searching for [Name] [L.Name]...” 
Hank stepped up to Dick with his hand placed on his head, “Hold up, why are you looking for [Name]? Is everything okay with her?”
“No,” Rachel spoke up, “My power, it allowed me to see that she was in danger. She was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light all by herself.”
“She blew her own home up, it was crazy and she has telekinesis!” Gar exclaimed pulling at his hair. He never saw such a powerful person with a cool ability. Dick tapped his foot impatiently waiting for the computer to give him results and it was painfully slow. His family was in danger. Can he call them his family? He hasn’t seen them in three years. Every time he wanted to contact [Name], he got cold feet. 
“Dick, you got to tell us what is going on,” Dawn set her hand onto his shoulder. He looked behind him and they were all staring at him. Their eyes boring into him to tell them the truth. He took a deep breath in and pushed away from the computer. 
“I haven’t been honest with you guys,” Dick crossed his arms over his chest, “the only ones that know this secret is Bruce and Alfred. Even if I told you a long time ago what had happened between [Name] and I, I don’t think it’s your business in the first place.”
Hank glared at him, “Now it is.”
“Yes,” Dick nodded his head, “Because they’re in danger.”
Dawn tilted her head in confusion and Donna spoke up, “They’re? Someone else is with [Name]?” The two women had no idea what was going on and neither did the rest. Dick was being hesitant and he took a long time to explain what was going on. He bit his lip and chewed on it. Rachel and Gar looked at each other wondering if they should help Dick with telling the truth. 
“It’s not easy to say this,” Dick admitted with his head low in defeat. He had to tell them anyways because [Name] was going to show up to Titan’s Tower eventually. “[Name] and I...we have a son. He’s two years old and-”
“No fucking way,” An unexpected voice cut through and it was Rose Wilson, Deathstroke’s daughter. “You had a secret child and you didn’t bother to tell your teammates. What other secrets are you keeping?”
“None,” Dick said with a sharp tone. 
Dawn removed her hand off of Dick’s shoulder, “Why didn’t you tell us? We’re your friends.”
“It’s because it was none of our business,” Hank bellowed, “obviously we weren't good enough friends for him to confide in us.” Dawn looked over her shoulder at Hank. Their eyes connected. 
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. 
It was the front entrance. Someone was there and it was definitely [Name]. It had to be. Although when the camera footage popped up on the computer screen, no one was visible. Suddenly, they all heard the elevator dinging. Dick was the first one to investigate. They all waited in the main room to see the elevator doors opening. 
What they saw made their hearts churn especially Dick’s. His eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. In the middle of the elevator was a bassinet with a crying baby in it and a woman bloodied and beaten holding tightly onto the bassinet. Dick reacted quicker than the others and immediately ran inside the elevator. His hands flying to the woman’s face. 
Her nose was bleeding and her eyes were barely open. It was like she was trying to stay awake, but her body was forcing herself to sleep. Her breaths were shallow and her hands gripped tightly around the bassinet. She opened her mouth, blood coating her teeth, “Take care of him, okay?” Her head felt lighter in his hands and he understood. 
“[Name],” Dick called softly tears brimming, “you’re not here, are you?” 
She gave him a smile and her body disappeared right in front of him in red waves. The old titans rushed into the elevator and looked down at Dick kneeling in a fetal position. Then he looked up from the spot where [Name] had once laid in. Letting his anger out, Dick punched the elevator wall in front of him, “Goddammit!” 
“W-wait, I don’t understand,“ Gar spoke up trying to see in the elevator, “[Name] was just here. What happened to her body?” The green haired thought of the worst. He thought she had died. Donna looked at the teens and pushed them away from the elevator telling them that the adults would handle this. 
Dawn knelt down beside Dick, “Come on, Dick. We’re going to find her, but right now your son needs you.” Dick wiped his tears away and picked up the bassinet with shaky hands. Hank stopped Dick from exiting the elevator, “I can hold him...if you want.” 
Dick shook his head, “Thank you, but I got him.” For the first time in a long time, Dick was with his son again. Yet he wished the circumstances were better.
“Alright an hour later, John is finally sleeping,” Dawn and Donna walked back into the main room where everybody sat in or around the kitchen. Dick gave them a grateful nod and focused his attention back on the wall. 
“So is anyone going to explain what happened to [Name],” Gar asked very curious why the woman disappeared in the elevator. 
Jason tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth, “It’s because of her ability.” 
The old titans gave him questioning glares. 
“What? Bruce had me study potential allies and [Name] was one of them. According to what she knows, she has the ability to warp reality and teleport. Well that’s not all she can do, but it’s what she used in this situation. My guess is she used teleportation and put little John in the elevator before Deathstroke could get to him.”
“So her body was just her warping reality?” Rachel asked. 
Rose shrugged her shoulders, “If she could teleport, why didn’t she do the same for herself?”
“Because she hasn’t used her powers in a long time ever since John was born. She didn’t want to risk him getting injured.” Dick answered. His brown eyes were directed to the floor in thought. [Name] was in danger and in the hands of Deathstroke. His second worst enemy. 
Rachel slid off the kitchen counter, "Well, aren't we going to save her? Isn't that what the Titans do?" 
Dick looked at Rachel and shook his head. He wasn't going to allow his new recruits, his friends, get involved with Deathstroke. He won't allow another young soul die at his hands. "No, you guys will stay here and keep watch on John." 
"Great," Jason groaned, "you're putting us on babysitting duty while you guys fight a known villain. He's your son, how about you spend time with him for once?"
Dick growled, "Don't go there." 
"Or what?" Jason challenged stepping up to Dick. The teen with black hair was beginning to push Dick's buttons. And they weren't supposed to be bothered with. "I say you sit this one out, Dick. Let us handle the bad guys for once." 
"No," Dick said firmly. He was standing his ground. The presence of the new Robin didn't scare him nor did he tremble. "Deathstroke is mine. Now stand down or I'll put you on probationary timeout." 
Jason scoffed and turned his back on Dick muttering a few curses. The old Titans walked up to Dick and they formed a tiny circle ready to discuss their plans on how to get [Name] back to safety. 
“A caring mother, you are,” Deathstroke talked to [Name], sitting directly across from her. Their knees almost touching each other. “I could have promised not to lay a finger on your son, but you made things more difficult for you.” 
[Name] swallowed down the blood from her mouth. The taste of iron bothering her taste buds. “I won’t allow my son to get hurt because you have a personal vendetta for his father.”
“You speak as if Grayson holds no meaning to your heart, is it true you two had a falling out?” Deathstroke asked with a tilt of his head. 
“You can say that,” [Name] responded looking away from him. She wasn’t going to speak about her relationship problems with a psycho like Deathstroke. Her business was her business. This wasn’t a therapy session among a hero and villain. 
“Huh, always thought you two were good for each other.”
“Ah, good one. An attempt of sarcasm by the one and only Deathstroke.” [Name] replied to his remark. Her right eye closed upon feeling the warm liquid that was blood drip down it. She forgot that she was hurting while chained to the chair in special handcuffs. Deathstroke’s presence didn’t allow her to relax. He forced her to be on the edge. 
“Why don’t you use your powers, [Name]?” Deathstroke looked at her crossing his arms over his chest. She got him thinking. She needed him to think of the consequences he’ll reap. 
The blood dripped onto her clothing in a slow rhythm. “I don’t know maybe because you got a hold of Cadmus’ tech. Did you steal them or actually request for them, I’m really curious.” She wiped her chin with her shoulder and sighed. [Name] didn’t like waiting and she hoped the Titans could find her. But it was nearly impossible especially if Deathstroke is good at covering steps and going off grid. It was his specialty. 
“I made a bargain with them,” Deathstroke began ominously, “I give them you in exchange for the Titans.”
[Name] was puzzled. “Cadmus doesn’t have the Titans, you only put yourself in a situation which can’t happen because-”
“I hand you over to them now and they could experiment on you. Then they’ll send out their people and get the Titans for me. It’s an easy trade off.”
“I thought you wanted Dick for yourself. Why not get revenge by you doing what you do best. You’re a killer, Deathstroke. Blinded by your rage toward Dick and vice versa, you two killed an innocent boy. A boy I was beginning to love in my own way. A boy Dick took advantage of. A boy who was your dearest son. Why continue this vengeance and for what reason?”
“You are to blame for my son’s death. You allowed Grayson to let Jericho into the Titan life knowing who his father was. Who I was.” [Name] could feel the anger radiating off of his body with each sentence. “Yet you and the Titans didn’t stop Dick from coercing Jericho. You killed him.”
[Name] shook her head, “No, I left the Titans before Jericho died. I only heard about his passing from Dawn, Dick didn’t tell me the truth until I came back and threatened to search his memories.” She paused and softened her glare, “Slade, I’m really sorry about Jericho. He was a wonderful boy and he could have made a great man.”
Deathstroke uncrossed his arms and leaned closely to [Name]. He placed his right knee in between her legs and let his right hand hold the chair. His left hand wiped the blood away from her eye so she could look up at him with both of her [e.color] eyes. “You will be when I make you feel the pain my wife and I went through.”
[Name] knew exactly what he meant. His words struck her heart and her blood ran cold. "No, please, he's just a baby," Her voice was soft and fragile. Her eyes pooling with unshed tears of sadness. 
Deathstroke gripped her chin tightly with his fingers. 
"I'm begging you, Slade," [Name] was crying now. Her eyes closed as she cried for what Deathstroke was planning. She opened them up and begged again, "Please, don't go after my boy. He's innocent and he would never hurt anyone. Slade, please." 
He removed himself from her and began walking away from her in silence. 
[Name] struggled in her bonds. Her feet pushing against the floor and her chair tilted sideways. The weight of her body made herself and the chair fall on their left side. Her body ached, but that didn't stop her from calling out to him, "Leave him alone! Please!"
Dr. Light popped into the room and watched as the mother cried out to Deathstroke. Feeling a little remorse for her, he questioned the man who wiped his sword with a white rag. "You aren't really going after the baby, are you?" 
"Does it matter to you?" Deathstroke placed his sword back into its sheath. He turned his body to Dr. Light waiting patiently for an answer. 
Dr. Light nodded his head, "You said that she and the baby would only be bait for the Titans. All I want is the Titans, not for us to kill some kid." 
"And all I want is revenge." Deathstroke finished and walked out of the room. 
"Don't do this!" Dr. Light cringed at the hoarse yells coming out of [Name]'s mouth and he turned his attention back on the woman. She was lying helplessly on the floor with tears sliding down her face. 
He wasn't supposed to do this.
“Alright, calm down, will ya?” Dr. Light ran over to [Name] and lifted her chair upright. She sniffled and brought her red eyes onto the villain. “Don’t look at me like that. I cross lines, sure. But killing a kid, that’s not for me...yet.” 
That didn’t make [Name] feel any better. 
“I mean a kid that hasn’t done any wrong to me. Fuck the Titans though, am I right?” Dr. Light chuckled and looked at the special handcuffs on her hands. He didn’t know how to take these off. “This is gonna sound awkward, lady. But I can’t take these handcuffs off you, only that bastard can.” 
“That’s fine,” [Name] finally spoke up and her eyes were a bright red along with her hands, “all I need is you.” 
349 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
last time you bought something at the store with your own money? Does ordering online from Bath & Body Works count? I recently purchased a few things.
what time did you wake up today? It’s 5:21AM and I’m still up.
what are you planning on doing today? Another day in bed doing the same few things I can do.
are you watching tv? It’s on in the background, but I’m currently listening to an ASMR video with my earphones.
who is your favorite singer for this year? Does my favorite singer have to change on a yearly basis? <<< Yeah, this is worded weird.
is it dark outside? Yes.
do you go to wal-mart any with your family? We do our grocery shopping there and I used to always tag along with my mom before the pandemic hit.
what color are the doorknobs in your house? Gold.
do you use matches to get the candles lit up on the birthday cake? No, a long lighter. <<<
how many people live in the house with you? I live with my parents and brother. is it your family [like mom, dad, brother, etc.] or is it your own family? ^^^
are you a country person? I’ve never lived out in the country.
what was the last tv show you watched? The New Adventures of Old Christine. 
what time did you go to bed last night? Yesterday I think I fell asleep around 5AM-ish.
do you wash your hands after going to the bathroom? A l w a y s. 
who are you talking to? No one.
are you sick? Yes.
is anything bothering you at the moment? A lot of things.
what’s on your mind? My current shit I have going on.
do you have sunglasses? No, I don’t wear sunglasses.
what language do you speak the most? I’m only fluent in English.
what are you on right now other then bzoink? I’m not on bzoink, but I am on Tumblr and YouTube.
are you eating or drinking anything right now? I have a Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink.
what do you hear when you stop typing? The ASMR video I’m listening to and my fans.
what is your favorite type of cookie? Sugar and shortbread.
do you cook your food? Only ramen or something I can easily make in the microwave. 
do you go to school? I’ve been done with school since 2015.
do you like coke or pepsi? Coke.
miley cyrus or demi lovato? I like some songs from both.
cake or cookies? Cake.
tv or internet? Internet.
myspace or facebook? Well, Facebook.
sunny or rainy? Rainy.
when its raining, do you like not too bad, or really bad better? I love rainy days.
what does your name start with? S.
does anyone call you a nickname? Yeah, my family calls me “Sis.”
do you go by the nickname more? With my family, yeah. Otherwise, people just call me Stephanie or Steph.
do you like football? what about basketball? soccer? baseball? volleyball? Nope. Not a sports fan at all.
do you go swimming every week? Uh, no. I haven’t gone swimming in several years.
where did you go on vacation last? Disneyland last year before the pandemic hit and everything shutdown.
do you drink water like you're supposed to? No. :/ I only get like 3 glasses in at most it seems. I drink other stuff, but still.
do you go to football games at all? I went to a couple in high school, but that’s it. I didn’t care about the game, I just went to hang out.
do you pop/crack your fingers? Yes.
are you a strong person? No, neither physically or emotionally.
are you weak? Yes, both physically and emotionally.
what do you see when you look to the right all the way? A wall.
do you hang out with the nerds, average, or popular people? I hang out with my family, who are awesome and everyone loves. I’m the nerd.
what are your favorite colors? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, yellow. 
does everything you eat come out of the refrigerator? Not everything, no.
do you like to eat at outback? Nah.
have you ever been to the beach? Countless times. I love the beach. I wish I could go soon.
do you sweat easily? Ugh, yes.
how are you feeling at the moment? Blah.
do you watch ICarly? No.
do you have a garden? Nope.
do you like dogs? what about cats? snakes? hamsters? any other pets you like? I love doggos. Cats are beautiful and interesting, but I’ve never been a cat person, personally. NOOOOO to the snakes. Nope, nope, nope. I had two hamsters when I was a kid. I also had a lot of fish.
do you like to sing in front of big crowds? what about in front of your family? friends? Nooo, definitely not. I can’t sing. My family hears me sing along to songs, but that’s it.
do you live in a house, apartment, or a trailer? or nothing? A house.
do you have a gmail? I do.
what color is your pants/shorts/skirt? Black leggings.
are you way to pale, pale, average, dark, or tan? I’m pretty pale.
without going back, what question are we on? I’m not going to count.
do you have any coke bottle tops? No. do you have a digital camera that you can record with too? No.
do you have a cell phone, that can take pictures? Yeah.
when you need to think of happy thoughts, do you think about spongebob? No. I think of the beach.
have you ever had a bug go in your mouth? Gahhhhh.
did you like my survey? It was fine.
how old are you? 31.
what's your favorite ice-cream flavor? Strawberry, mint chocolate chip, cookie dough, birthday cake.
do you like paintings that are really good and look real? I mean, sure.
are you texting anyone? Nope.
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leahxx129 · 4 years
Fun Fact (Steve Rogers X Reader)
Okay, this one’s for the lovely @waiting4inspiration​ ‘s #staysafestayhomechallenge, my prompt can be found in bold. This is my second fic ever posted on here, but I hope you enjoy it. :) 
Summary: Fun fact: when you’re dying, your life does flash before your eyes. Well, not all of it of course, just the snippets that actually made it worth living. For you this means four memories that portray different stages of your relationship with Steve Rogers.
Warnings: angst, a little bit of smut, character death
Word count: 3.567
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When you arrived in the middle of the battle that was raging on in Wakanda, Natasha, Okoye and Wanda were struggling to fight Proxima Midnight. You hit her with a ball of blue fire to aid your friends, and she stumbled back hard.
“How dare you?!” she screamed.
Your only response was another ball, but this time it was a bigger one. It caught her with such force and velocity that she flew against a Thresher and got shredded to pieces.
“Steve’s in the forest with Thanos!” Natasha shouted knowingly.
You ran into the woods as fast as possible and the scene playing out in front your eyes was gut-wrenching. Steve had the upper hand, but he was undeniably struggling, and it was a matter of seconds before he’d lose his advance. A blue blast coming from you sent Thanos crashing into a nearby tree.
“Y/N!” Steve uttered your name, but you couldn’t be bothered.
You appeared in front of Thanos in just a fraction of time and disabled him with the fire. You could hear voices all around you, coming from various people – Thanos bellowing, Steve demanding you to stop, Bucky telling him to flee – but you ignored all of them and closed your eyes, feeling the blue fire rise.
Fun fact: when you’re dying, your life does flash before your eyes. Well, not all of it of course, just the snippets that actually made it worth living. For you this meant four memories.
You clearly envisioned the day you met Earth’s most exclusive redheaded spy alongside with the man who awakened feelings in you that you yourself didn’t even know you were capable of experiencing.
It was a humid hot day in July, your short-sleeved yellow uniform and red apron stuck to your body in all the wrong places, making you feel uncomfortable. You took in a sharp breath as your bandaged palms came in contact with the plates you were supposed to deliver to table 3 and put them down in an instant.
“Hey Mike! I am so sorry, but I just don’t think I can wait tables today… how ‘bout I take up all the orders and you bring them out?” you called out to your co-worker.
“What’s in it for me?” he furrowed his brows.
“I’ll buy you coffee.”
“So, it’s a date, right?” a grin formed on his freckled, yet handsome face.
“No, Mike. It’s coffee.”
“So, it’s a coffee date?”
“Nope, only coffee, Mike. No date. I’ll buy you one in the morning and just give it to you when I arrive.”
There was a moment of silence and his grin turned into a small smile.
“You know you’re lucky you’re hot and I’d do anything for you, free coffee or not.” he said picking up the plates and disappeared.
The diner was packed, a loud buzz filled the place as everybody was talking simultaneously. Having spotted a raised hand, you hurried over to get the order. Sure, your palms hurt holding a notepad and a pen, too, but remotely not as much as when you picked up those full plates.
“Welcome to Pop’s Diner, what can I get you?” you recited without even as much as sparing a glance at the consumers.
“A conversation would be nice.”
Your eyes immediately shot to the speaking man and his companion and widened in shock.
“Oh my God! You… you’re…” you felt the heat rise in your cheeks as you tried putting together a coherent sentence and failed.
“It’s okay, don’t be nervous.” the read headed woman smiled kindly. “I’m Agent Natasha Romanoff and this is Captain Steve Rogers. We’re here on behalf of Nick Fury.” she continued on, making you gasp loudly.
“We’d just like to talk, that’s all. Would you mind sitting down for a second?” Rogers chipped in.
You opened your mouth to protest since you were working after all, but promptly decided against it and sat down across them. When Captain America asks you to sit down, you sit down.
“May I… May I inquire what this conversation is in relation to?” you cleared your throat.
“Your palms.” Rogers stated calmly. He flashed you a smile what you assumed was supposed to be reassuring, but all he managed to do was make you even more flustered.  
“My palms…? Wha- what about them?”
“It seems like you had burned them pretty badly.”
“Uhm, yeah. I was cooking and I didn’t realize how hot the pot was until it was too late.”
“Yeah, really.”
Agent Romanoff took out her phone and placed it in front of you on the table. A security camera footage started to play and after a few second there you were, making your way through the diner’s parking lot a day ago. When you got to your car, a man pressed you hard against its side. A short grapple ensued and two minutes in an intense light emerged from your palms, making the stranger fall to the concrete. He was weltering on the ground, touching his own face and you just stood there. Satisfied. After a while you got in your car and drove off. The video stopped.
“Wanna re-think that answer?” she asked.
You didn’t even realize that a couple of tears escaped until they made their way down your face. You wiped them away furiously with the back of your hand. You winced when she called you by your name since you didn’t remember introducing yourself, but you shouldn’t have been surprised – you were convinced that by then S.H.I.E.L.D probably even knew what your favorite color was.
“Look, we have no idea what we witnessed on that tape and that’s one thing we’d like to know-”
“Well then that makes three of us…” you cut in bitterly. “ ’Cause I don’t even know what that was… Just to be clear, I did not want to melt that man’s face off even though he attacked me. I just felt threatened, and when I get angry or feel like I’m in danger, this incredibly cold sensation swipes trough me and just... wants to surface. By the time it reaches my palms it’s so cold, it burns… It burns right through my skin and looks like blue fire.”
Agent Romanoff and Captain Rogers exchanged a quick glance and the latter started off to Pop’s office.
“Where’s he going?” you asked in panic.
“He’s handing your boss your resignation.”
“Relax, душенька. I think you’re gonna like your new job better than this. But first, you’ve got a lot to learn.” she smirked in response.
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The second scene playing before your eyes was about the night you and Steve kissed for the very first time.
You won the battle of New York. At a painstakingly high price paid in body-count, but you’ve won it, nevertheless. The city slowly started to revive again and tried getting back to the old routine, but deep down everybody knew that would never happen. The harsh reality that Earth wasn’t the only populated planet and that humans were not the only superior beings in the universe settled in every heart and mind and there was no way of changing that.
Stark of course felt like the victory was something to celebrate so he threw a rather extravagant party in the Stark Tower. You tried to enjoy it, you really did, but you didn’t succeed in doing so. The music struck as too loud and all the drunk people soon became annoying instead of entertaining. Consequently, you grabbed your half-empty glass of whiskey and headed up to the roof top to get a breath of fresh air. The cold gusts of wind felt wonderful against your skin.
“You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that, Rogers. I almost threw a blue fire ball in your face.” you said without turning back. He chuckled softly and strolled to your side.
“Sorry, I just had to get away from the crowd. Plus, Stark’s hammered and he insisted on teaching me how to dance. I don’t think I’m ready for that tonight. Or ever will be.”
You didn’t notice how captivated he was when a genuine laughter ripped out of you.
“And here I was, thinking you deliberately followed me up here to finally get me alone.” you looked him in the eyes, smiling.
“You wish, doll.” his expression mirrored yours.
Your heart began racing as his face started to inch closer to yours. Your lips almost touched when a loud noise made you jump apart – courtesy of a very drunk Tony Stark trying to open the exit door with an equally drunk bimbo on his side.
“Whoops…” he said, then went on “… what was I saying? Oh, yes, sweetie, you can totally see Asgard from here. You just have to squint a little, then concentrate real hard and-”
Steve cleared his throat to make your presence known before Tony did something neither of you wanted to see.
“Rogers! Y/N! What are you two doing here? Oh, wait- did he… did he confess to you already?” he asked, looking straight in your eyes.
“Confess what?”
“Stark. Please stop talking. Now.” Steve’s voice was laced with nervousness, but Tony being Tony, did not stop talking.
“That he’s got a thing for you, Darling.” he informed you, then turned to Steve “Ugh, for God’s sake, Rogers, just kiss her already! Because if you won’t, I will!”
“Hey!” the bimbo screamed, clearly offended and went back to the building. A second later when Tony realized what happened he rushed after her shouting he didn’t mean it; he was just trying to motivate a friend. Or maybe he meant it a little, but just a little. Then all the noise died out.
“Soooo… you have a thing for me?” you spoke up after what seemed like an eternity of silence.
“Yes. I do. Although I planned on presenting it to you a bit differently.” he admitted.
“I see. Since it’s confession time, can I tell you something, too?”
“Sure thing, doll.”
You closed the distance between the two of you and stood on your tiptoes.
“I’ve got a thing for you as well, Steve…” you whispered in his ear.
He cupped your face and crashed his lips against yours in response. He did not like booze at all, but if anyone asked what his favorite was, he said whisky, because that’s what he tasted on your tongue that night.
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Another clip of your life you were seeing was about the first time Steve made love to you.
You entered your room after a mission gone a bit sideways, exhausted to an extent that’s impossible to describe and with bruises and cuts covering the majority of your body. Steve stormed in just seconds after and slammed the door shut so hard it almost broke off its hinges. His beautiful face was hardened by anger and those blue eyes that often reminded you of the peaceful sea promised storm.
“What the hell was that?!” he demanded in a raised tone.
You sat down in front of your boudoir table and started peeling of your shredded suite very carefully.
“Answer me!” he shouted when he realized you had no intention of getting into an argument with him.
“Well, Cap, we went on a mission that in the end required some prompt, unplanned decisions on our side and I made them. Mission turned out successful. End of story. Is oral summary sufficient or would you like me to hand it in in written format?”
“Don’t “Cap” me, doll. And the attitude won’t bring you any closer to the end of this conversation…” he warned a little bit calmer, but still with a shaking voice.
“I’m sorry, Steve, I just don’t see what your problem is.”
You finished getting out of the top part and stood up to get done with the bottom, visibly struggling. With a couple of quick steps Steve appeared in front of you and tore it apart. You wore nothing but your underwear.
He then grabbed your chin and forced you to look him in the eyes.
“My problem is every single bruise on your body that’s not supposed to be there. Every single cut. Every single wound. Just because you learned how to use the blue fire without getting burnt it doesn’t mean you should use it excessively. I saw the effect it had on you today, don’t think I didn’t. For a split second it appeared as if it was consuming you from the inside…”
“Steve, if I hadn’t overdriven myself a little today, some of our greatest agents would’ve died. And I could not take that risk.” you said with gritted teeth. Tears started to sting your eyes, but you held them back.
“Well, I could! You know what risk I cannot take?! Losing you, doll.”
“I’m sorry…” you said in a small voice without a beat. Apologizing was not your genre, but the realization of how much Steve cared for you just dawned upon you. A mix of emotions took over you – you felt immensely loved, but at the same time, you were scared. “I gotta go take a shower. Will be back in no time.”
You slipped out of his grasp and let the tears flow as you closed the bathroom door behind you. Having stripped your underwear, you stepped into the shower and started cleansing yourself. You hoped the hot water would wash away the shame and guilt you felt, not just the dried blood and dirt. You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you jumped a little when Steve opened the shower cabin door.
“Oh my God, you scared me!” but he didn’t say a word.
He pushed you against the cold shower wall and kissed you violently, while his hands explored every curve of your body. It took all your willpower to break the kiss.
“Steve, do you really want our first time to be shower sex?” you asked panting.
“It doesn’t matter where we are, doll. I love you and I want you.” he growled, kissing down your neck.
Every fiber in your body ached in protest, but you ignored them. You ran your nails down his back as he put his hands under your thighs and gently lifted you up. A moan escaped you mouth when he entered you and slowly started moving. Steve swore it was the most beautiful sound in the whole goddamn universe. It was not long before the tension started building up in your body and having noticed this, he picked up the pace. You’d never moaned anyone’s name during orgasm before, but Steve was the only exception. He reached his bliss second later.
“On second thought, shower sex was just great for a first time.” you said, and he chuckled. “Where did you, uh, where did you hear about it?”
“Uhm, do you remember the mission like eight months ago when Stark and I got stuck on a desert island for six days?”
“Well, turns out, Stark opens up quite easily about his sensual experiences…”
“Noo. No way!” you laughed as you stepped out of the shower and started drying your hair with a towel.
“Yes way.” Steve followed you and took over the towel to dry your hair. “I also heard about other stuff, but those require a bed.” he smirked suggestively.
“In that case it’s a good thing I happen to own one.” you kissed his lips and wished that day would never end.
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The last memory could not have been any clearer and it was breaking your heart all over again.
It was no question who’s side you were on when the civil war between Tony and Steve broke out… You got used to the life being on the run with Steve, Natasha and Sam in no time, although you still missed the others as well. They were the closest thing to a family you’ve ever had, and the rupture pained you badly at times. When Steve decided to collect the rest to unite in the fight against the greatest threat that ever endangered the universe, you were glad. You never knew how this beginning would mean the end of your relationship.
The first avengers Steve decided to recruit were Wanda and Vision in Europe, and frankly, you got there just in time. There’s a chance that a couple of minutes later there would’ve been no one to recruit… Your heart skipped a beat when you realized who you were up against, but you couldn’t allow yourself to ponder – lives were on the line. You helped Natasha stab Glaive and when Proxima Midnight grabbed your shoulder and turned you in her direction to deliver a punch, her fist froze mid-air.
“Y/N?” she asked uncertainly, but you didn’t answer. Sam flew in and kicked her to Glaive’s side. “Your father will hear about this, I promise.” she threatened before vanishing in blue light.
Everybody was panting, the fight exhausted all of you. Other than that, no sound could be heard.
“What was she talking about, doll?” Steve spoke up finally, asking the question everyone was dying to hear the answer to.
You all boarded the Quinjet, but you and Steve went to a separate cabin to discuss matters first.
He didn’t shout. He didn’t hit you or try to kill you on spot, though you were absolutely certain you would’ve deserved it. He just sat there. Quietly. He didn’t utter a word while you were telling him that you, in fact, were not human. You were a member of a species called ‘Inhuman’, which was the result of mixing Kree genes with human ones, and this is the reason why you possess the blue fire. He didn’t say a thing while you were telling him that as a child, Thanos snatched you and brought you up as his own daughter alongside two other girls, Nebula and Gamora, and turned the three of you into the most feared assassins in the entire galaxy. His mouth stayed shut while you were telling him that coming to Earth was a mission ordered by Thanos to gain intel on what was going on here and you were deemed fit for it as you looked like humans.
“But I stopped delivering information years ago, Steve! Do you know why? Because I fell in love with you! And because I realized the error of my father’s ways! He lied to me throughout my entire life and manipulated me into believing his false ideology! Steve? Please, say something, Steve…”
You were not sure if the word echoed in the room or was it just your own mind.
“I said, leave.” he stood up. There was no sign of fury on his face. Only disappointment. You didn’t move, so he continued.
“You were the very first woman I loved after Peggie, which I thought would be impossible for a long-long time… I loved you, Y/N. You saved me in more than one way, and after the war I wanted to settle down with you. Start a family. But you know this damn well, for fuck’s sake… And now it turns out I never even knew you…”
“But Steve, you knew me, in fact, you know me!” you interrupted with a cracking voice.
“No, doll, I didn’t. And I don’t.”
You ran up to him and cupped his face, but he refused to look at you. Your palms were wet from the tears he shed. He peeled your hands off him slowly.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, I could never do that. But I want you to leave. I don’t care who’s side you’ll fight on in this war or if you decide to sit it out, just whatever you do, stay away from me. God, I can’t even look at you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t stop the sobs surfacing from your chest.
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The flashback scenes stopped, and the blue fire was burning more than ever inside of you. Steve had been right all those years ago… if you overdrove yourself, it would consume you from the inside and everything else in your immediate proximity, too. But if this was the only way of defeating your father and saving the universe, so be it. Suddenly, numbness took the place of pain and you subjected to it.
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A high number of people showed up to your funeral organized at Tony’s lake house. Everybody placed a white rose on top of your empty casket and expressed their condolences to Steve, but he wasn’t paying attention at all. He tried to, really hard, but he just couldn’t. Tony was the last person to go there and place his rose.
“You know Rogers, I’ve never been one to sugarcoat things and I’m not gonna lie this time, either.” he said, his words making Steve look him in the eyes. “From what I hear… If you had kept your mouth shut, she’d still be here… At least there’s a high chance for that. But there’s also a high chance that half of the fucking universe wouldn’t. Respect her choice... That’s what I’m trying to do.”
Respect your choice... These three words became Steve’s mantra – the first thing that came to his mind in the morning, and the last at night. They were the glue that kept the pieces of his heart together just enough to function as a human being.
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imaginesandideas · 5 years
Hii so I saw you were taking requests so I thought of requesting something it crossed my mind the other day, can you please do a Ben x Reader where the Reader is also a actress/singer and they date but Ben was away because of work so they haven't seen each other in like 2 months, so when the reader starts to get very close to her best friend/co-star he starts to get insecure because of what gwil or joe once told him about "The ones who doesn't make themself present aren't needed" ? Thank you!
I’m so so so so so sorry for coming with this only now, but I hope it’s worth the wait! ❣️🙌
I changed the request a bit, but the main idea remains.
Missing you
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you two meet during some audition
it went bad, oh so bad
you were still relatively new to this business, so your stress wasn’t helpful either
you were paired for a improvised scene and the thought itself had you biting your bottom lip in attempt to calm your nerves
the man was breathtaking to look at, not to mention that he seemed just as stressed as you
that is, until he looked at you
his attitude mellowed and soon you two chatted loosely, forgetting about your audition completely
by the time you were supposed to start your line, you were totally messed up by Ben’s 3rd or 4th petty joke
“Hey, hey. You know how can you tell when a plane is full of actors?”
you try to stifle another wave of giggles as your mind already imagines the answer
“Uhm, no?”
“When the engine stops but the whining continues.”
Ben can’t help but laugh as you snort, hiding behind the script in your hands
it’s at that moment that he knows that no matter how much you two are about to ruin this audition, he has to get your number
and then ask on a date
and several other dates
and then ask you to move in with him after few more months as you lay tangled in duvets one day
many auditions later, you’ve gotten used to having to race constantly between sets
many times you ended up going straight from the airport to Ben’s set, just to see him before you’d have to return for additional shots
he’d do the same thing for you
if one of you doesn’t not have any upcoming projects, you’d join the other on set
you two would spend every spare moment talking plans, practicing lines, cuddling, making out
making up for all of the lost time
sometimes you’d join Ben on occasional hangouts with his co-stars, some of them quickly becoming your friends too
when you met Joe you two clicked momentarily
it was easy since you shared similar sense of humour
Ben loves watching your interactions and reading the inside jokes you’d exchange every minute
after all you and Joe are his favourite people on the whole world
“Alright, maybe I’ll just leave you guys since I’m clearly not needed here?”
“Oh Benny. Jealous cause I get along with your girl better than you do?”
“Yeah but guess who’s taking her home smartass.”
“I can be very convincing, right _____?”
“Oh I don’t know Ben, America seems nice...“
“That’s it, we’re going home!”
over time it became harder for you to see each other for longer than just a few weeks
there were times where you’d barely exchange few hurried kisses before you had to be off to some party, despite just coming back from long weeks of shooting
he wasn’t mad, not a bit
all of all the people you knew, both your family and friends, he’s the only one who actually understands the scenario your life revolves around
it’s only on lazy days, when he’s not making a film, or when he’s finally alone in his trailer when it dawns to him how much he misses you
he misses how your eyes lit up when you’re telling him about your day
or how you laugh when he’s telling you about his own
so when one time he’s back home from filming much sooner than you, he’s missing you more than ever
daily calling and FaceTiming don’t help much, because you haven’t been around each other for two months now
“Baby I miss you so fucking much.”
“Ben, baby... You know I’d be there in a heartbeat if I could.” you can hear him exhale on the other end. Rubbing his thigh, he continues.
“Y’know... I could always fly myself up there.”
“I’d be useful! I could rub your shoulders? I bet you’re bloody tense after all those reshoots.” you sigh into the phone, because he has a point, again “And then, I could edge you off some more...”
“Christ, Ben! Don’t get me all flustered when I need to be back in front of the camera in 3 minutes.” you hear him chuckle and smile creeps on your own face too.
“Love you.”
“And I love you too blondie.”
over weeks you stopped calling as often, only texted him from time to time
but he knows it’s not your wish but the circumstances obligating you to set your work first
luckily Joe had a visit planned out, so you know Ben is in good hands
you realise how good ones, after you check your notifications the next day, and find loads of sweet declarations of love
but like, in every app you two have accounts on
and they’re all full of misspellings, but your heart immediately melts
you also get some videos
but it’s mainly Joe recording as Ben is doing a semi-coherent monologue about how much he misses you, or generally Joe and Ben singing some serenades
most likely Love Of My Life or Somebody To Love
you’re having fun with your co-stars too, often ending the day with a drink or two at a nearby bar
you realize something’s off because Ben’s messages are more distant
even when you talk on FaceTime he seems more tense
you’re just hoping it’ll change once you’re back home in his arms
but when you see him, he seems upset by something you can’t quite put into words
of course he’s all smiles when he holds you at the airport, covering your entire face with loving kisses and holding you so tight against him as if you could disappear any second
he says it’s the stress, but deep down you know it’s more complicated than that
you don’t continue the conversation and wrap the day up with Italian takeaway on the couch as you show him pictures from the set and sightseeings
mouth filled with pasta, you explain every photo, especially if there’s a fun story behind it
but he’s not remarkably invested in the slideshow
his eyes almost always dart to you and how corners of your lips ride up at the hilarity of clips
it’s the next morning that he finally lets it all out
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking pathetic.”
He nearly breathes it and it takes your sleepy head a moment to catch what he meant. You frown and turn around to face him. The warmth of your bodies tangled in sheets makes it incredibly hard to start such conversations so early.
“What do you mean Ben? I never said-“
“_____ I know, it’s just... you’re out there, having fun, making friends. And I’m not there. And I feel left out, which is fucking silly because you could say the same thing when I’m gone but-“
You place a finger on his plump, trembling lips.
“Are you seriously jealous?”
He lets out a sigh, eyes locked with yours, though he’s desperately trying to avoid you seeing through him. But it’s too late and you’re already placing a hand on his cheek, thumb caressing his cheekbone. “Ben I love you. Why would you feel like there’s a reason for you to be jealous?”
His gaze lingers lower, to your neck and he’s trying to own up to the thoughts he’s been having. His fingers are gentle, unsure even, as if the bond you’ve built has suddenly became fragile like glass.
„I saw the pictures with that guy you’ve posted while Joe was still here, and I thought that you don’t need me. Cause I’m always away, and when I’m not there’s always something else going on anyway, and ugh... ‘The ones who doesn't make themself present aren't needed’ and all that shit.”
“Who told you that?” he’s rubbing his neck now, a nervous habit of his.
“Uhm, J-Joe?”
“Oh come on! He’s such a dumbass for making you think like this! Oh my god, I’m gonna call him right now!”
At an instant you’re pulling off the sheets to reach for the phone on your nightstand, but he’s quick to catch you by your waist to draw you closer to him.
“Oh fuck Joe, it’s not about him. I just...” he sighs again.
“He’s making you think that I’d dump you for people I barely met.” You look into his baby-blues again, sure to drown in their depth any second. He’s clearly apologetic but you can still see the glimpse of insecurity in his gaze. You place a gentle kiss on his lips. “That’s just fucking stupid. I love you like crazy Ben, and there’s no other person I’d rather spend my time with.”
You let your fingers trace over his exposed collarbone and up to his jaw. “Sometimes I hang out with others of course, but that won’t change anything between us. Cause we’re stuck together. I want to be stuck with you till my bones grow old.” you exclaim sweetly enough to make his whole expression soften. You leave a trail of kisses on his cheeks, jawline, one on the nose and forehead.
“Marry me.” you abruptly stop.
“Marry me _____. Not now, not tomorrow, but let me love you forever” a kiss “and ever” another one “and ever.” You breathe out and return the kiss, only intensifying it, almost losing yourself in his warmth.
You pull away, vision a but blurry and lips pink and swollen. His entire face is glowing, redness taking over his features. You can feel how his heart sped up, just in time with yours.
“Only if I can return the favour.” you cuddle into his side and he wraps you in his arms and kisses the top of your head.
“Any day doll, any day.”
“But I’m gonna kick Joe’s american ass anyway!”
“No doubt about that.”
Ooof, that went further than I planned , but I regret nothing
Comments, ideas and words of notice are always appreciated 💜
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hollyhomburg · 6 years
BTS on Their Honeymoon
A/n: The honeymoon is where the sex happens right? 
W/C: 3.1k 
Tags: Pregnancy kink, non-explicit sex, smut, mentions of unplanned pregnancy
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Takes you to a private island for your honeymoon.
Imagine Seokjin in a rolled up button down shirt with the first few buttons popped and a pair of sunglasses. 
Seokjin spares no expense - renting out this upscale bungalow, a fully stocked fridge with booze, that has it’s own boat in case you want to go back into town. 
You walk into a bed covered with rose petals and a bottle of champagne waiting for the two of you, Seokjin kisses every inch of you and makes you serenade the crashing waves with choked moans of his name all night. 
You spend the first day walking along the beaches wading in and out of the crystal blue waters. 
You both go scuba diving to see the reefs and the colorful fish and end up getting a picture taken underwater with a sea turtle that becomes your favorite photo taken on the trip. 
At night Seokjin takes you out to sit and watch the cruise ships coming into shore and even drags you into the water. 
you leave your clothes in the sand, and press your bodies together,  skin to skin in the warm tropical water, making love in the warm water with your legs slung around his waist. 
During the daytime, it’s your turn to push him down into the sand- on the secluded beach with no one around.
you shuck off his beach bottoms, and sit astride him with your hands on his shoulders, he runs his hands up and down your back, unable to feel enough of your body. 
you slowly ride him- most of the time he’d mind the speed but not now, not when he can look into your eyes and see the love in them.
saltwater rolling off your hot bodies to pool in the sand as you make him groan and close his eyes in bliss, making him mutter your name like a prayer. 
Seokjin literally can't get enough of your body for the entirety of the honeymoon, by the end of the 5th day spent rolling around in the sheets, you even say, “I don’t know how you still have the cum for this,”
And Jin just laughs and kisses your shoulder, “I always have more for you.” and it’s gross and a little cringey- but in the end that’s your husband. 
He does relent, taking you to pet some of the dolphins and manta rays and even to a large island for a dinner of crab and lobster. 
“Anything my wife desires,” he tells the waiter.
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The two of you spend a full 2 weeks in a secluded cottage in the mountains. 
It’s a cute cozy place full of duvets, fur rugs, and automatic fireplaces that throw heat like no body’s job and keep off the winter chill.
The two of you spend the first few days hold up in each other’s arms, enjoying the quiet away from the city. 
You don’t need anyone else in your little warm bubble on the side of the mountain; you guys don’t turn on your phones or computers- you just drink each other in. 
But your relationship with Yoongi had always been 50% unconditional all-consuming love and 50% endless passion. 
So For Yoongi, the honeymoon would 100% be about making love to you as many times as he could and in many varied and kinky ways that would make you so vocal he feared you would trigger an avalanche 
Yoongi makes love to you in front of the fireplace on the soft fur rug, the kisses he presses to your lips and to your skin burning like he was lighting a flame in you from the inside out.  
Thrusting into you as such a speed that you surely have bruises after. Growling lowly as he came that you where his- you’d be his forever. 
Ties each of your limbs to the corners of the four poster bed, and makes you cum so hard that you can barely walk the next day- not that he minds- he just ends up carrying you everywhere. Even to the hot tub out back which does a good job of relaxing your muscles 
he cants stop drinking in the way the jets of water are coaxing moans out of you, your lips parted as your cheeks pink up from the cold outside in contrast to the warm water 
Which of course results in him pulling you into his lap to make you moan for him, you hadn’t even bothered to bring a bathing suit so he took advantage of the fact that you were already nude. 
He fucks you Up against the cold window in the middle of the night so that anyone out in the woods would be able to see your naked forms. 
Before you go back- Yoongi treats you to a couples spa day in the city you fly out of.
Pampering the fuck out of you with a full body massage, facial, full body aloe Vera treatment, a fresh manicure and pedicure, and a deep conditioning treatment for your hair. 
You make him get the facial with you and he relents after you catch him falling asleep after the steam that yeah it wasn’t so bad- and he’ll probably end up getting them more often with you when you go back to Korea.
And you’re fucking glad that he warns the female masseuse that you have a lot of… ugh, love marks in unfortunate places.
Your honeymoon ends up being just what you need and you return to your lives sated…. for now. 
Though being married to Yoongi, you know it’s only a matter of time.
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You decide to have a little more of an adventurous honeymoon- you don’t have a set return date in mind when you set out on you a road trip across the continental us and parts of Canada.
With a start in Portland where you get to see some of your favorite artists play together at a festival. 
You hop from city to city exploring urban exhibits, museums, and staying in a new hotel every night (which might be good, seeing as you too tend to make the beds very messy)
You get to hug the massive trees in the redwood forest and see the coast of California.  
Hoseok and you drive into the middle of the desert, and he makes love to you under the Milky Way galaxy with only the stars as your witness among the cactuses. 
He touches your face and marvels at how lucky he got that you became his. 
borrows Jungkooks camera and takes a ton of pictures
You go to the Grand Canyon and go spelunking in the caves of the Colorado River, marveling over the stalactites and stalagmites. And laughing when a bat startles Hobi. 
You guys go dinosaur bone hunting before you head down to New Orleans and dance the night away in a real New Orleans jazz club, and Hoseok tells you he could stay in New Orleans forever just for the music if it wasn’t so humid and smelly. 
You whale watch in the Gulf of Mexico while you take a luxury ferry boat down to Miami and then a car to Disney world
You almost die of laughter when Hoseok rides the tower of terror.  The two of you take dorky photos wearing Mickey ears and wear buttons that say- just married. 
The two of you watch the fireworks in magic kingdom and he presses his lips to yours and tells you that every wish he’s ever made was for you. And it’s cheesy but it still makes you cry and you know you’ll remember it forever. 
There are marvelous misadventures as well such as the condom breaking when you’re 3 days into your first backpacking trip- way too many days away from the morning after pill. 
And you’re realizing that they’res no use for you to hike out and try to take it while you're witnessing the sunrise over the mountains that color the  field of wildflowers light yellow  when Hoseok takes your hand and presses the back of it to his mouth and says, 
“Even if the worst happens I know well both meet it together.” Because really- even though you got married young, Hoseok is 100% devoted to you and wouldn’t mind having kids with you now. Though it would be nice to wait a few years at least. 
So when you take the test the day before you fly back to Korea, and find that yes- you defiantly made a baby with Jung Hoseok, he can’t find it in himself to be anything other than incandescently happy.
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The two of you spend three weeks in Italy, spending the first week in Venice where he rents out an entire canal side apartment with a rooftop garden and stargazing sight and back patio. 
Your honeymoon is slow and leisurely, time spent lingering over meals and in bed in the mornings. 
He takes you on a gondola ride the first day. 
You do all of the touristy things- visit museums together, walk the streets in the afternoons when the light is all golden and the streets are hazy 
You attempt to try every flavor of gelato and quickly get preoccupied with the different types of chocolate, which Namjoon thinks is adorable. 
You both could spend a lifetime wandering the city streets arm and arm and never get bored, finding the back alley hole in the wall places that have the best food. 
He takes you to a different famous restaurant each evening and to a wine and painting class underneath the hot Mediterranean sun, 
And at night Namjoon will lean in close to you and asks you how misses Kim is enjoying her honeymoon, her food, or her wine, 
and sometimes you’ll coyly look away, and he’ll kiss you his lips tasting like gelato or pinot noir as he asks “how about now?” and then another kiss “now?”
And he’ll drag you home to make love to you with you bent over the railing of the rooftop garden, 
“You gotta be quiet honey- you don’t want anyone to hear us up here do you?” 
The next week you spend in Rome where the two of you go to see the Vatican- and almost get kicked out for being too handsy, 
You get a private wine tour and the hosts let you loose in the wine fields, you guys are a little tipsy and a little too enamored by the smell of the white grapes and fertile Italian dust, 
So you hardly protest when Namjoon hoists you up- and in a show of strength that he’s proud of slings your legs over his shoulders with your back pressed against an olive tree, and eats you out like you’re a damn full course meal, 
By the time you wander back, your legs are jelly and he won't wipe the smirk off his face. “Did your wife get sunstroke, Mr. Kim?” the hostess asks, inquiring after your dazed expression  
“Maybe- we better turn in, don’t worry, I’ll take care of Mrs. Kim”  
And take care of you he did. 
Your honeymoon was more a relaxing adventure than anything else and you come back to your lives, ready to start on projects that you’d both abandoned before.
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Jimin really wants to be a literal fairy tale prince for you- so the two of you spend nearly a month in France, even renting an actual chateau for part of it- though you do tour a fair few as well. 
You guys take a tour of champagne France, and Jimin gets progressively more and more complementary the more he drinks the bubbly liquor mixed with peaches or lemon. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you where an actual princess- we should check your family tree.” 
“This prime rib tastes good but I’d rather eat something else if you know what I mean.” 
“is it just me or am I the luckiest man in the world?” 
And the two of you get so wasted that the owner has to drive you home giggly. 
But once you’re back in the castle, the walls of yellow wood and gold leaf are warm and inviting. Jimin hugs you from behind, hooking his hands into the tops of your jeans by his thumbs and kissing your cheek, his lips sliding down the side of your face to suck on your neck. 
“Will let you make you mine in every way Jagi? Now that we’re married?”
Needless to say, you guys defiled every single inch of the chateau, you had sex in what used to be a dukes bedroom, on the wide dining room even against what you found out was a very very old painting. 
Even when he takes you to Paris he continues to act possessive of you- kissing you on the neck in public- something he’d never done before, pinching your ass in your short skirt.  
He even drags you into a back alley at one point in time, you’ve always loved how adventurous he was with your sex life, and married life has not changed that one bit- if anything it’s only made it hotter. 
He takes you shopping in Paris’s garment district loving the fancy French lingerie so much that he nearly buys have the store. 
He takes treating you as a princess really seriously, by making sure room service is ready when you wake up, and Makes sure every hotel puts roses on each bed. 
you put a love lock on the love bridge togeather. 
You go to the top of the Eiffel tower and see Paris at night time, walking through the streets all giggly and drunk after dinner, 
He takes you to the Paris opera house and even takes you on a special behind the scenes tour. 
Your honeymoon was just about spending time together- about you having him all to yourself, and as your prince and husband; Jimin was delighted to oblige you
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The two of you decide to take a mini trip around California for two weeks, going to see the redwood forest but also content to spend most of your time in San Francisco and la. 
After a day of traveling after your wedding you and Taehyung hole up in this nice but generic hotel when you’ve got week long reservations at a Sonoma vineyard. 
And Tae pulls you close to him while he sits on the edge of the bed, intent on just holding you while he falls asleep- tired from a day of traveling- but he’s woken from dozing when you softly whisper that you have a little surprise for him. 
“I talked to the doctor a few weeks ago… she took me off my birth control…” 
And he sort of looks up at you with this dumbfounded look, suddenly more awake then he’s been and years, and you’re trying to conceal your small but shining smile.
Tae’s been bugging you about kids since forever, but you’d always said you weren’t ready. He touches your face softly and reverently, you can see that you’ve almost reduced him to tears. 
Fingers skim across your stomach as he looks up at you with eyes full of wonder and says with his famous boxy smile “let's make a baby.”
Taehyung makes love to you and fucks you every single way over the course of your honeymoon.
Groaning like a porn star every single time he cums inside of you. You even laugh and tease him over his new kink because you swear he’s never cum that hard before. 
“I didn’t even know I liked it to be honest!” he says, blushing harder than he has in years. But your teasing is all in good fun. Teahyung shows you that Making a baby can be very very kinky and very very fun.  
“Beg for it, Darling,”
You spend a few nights in a little Sonoma vineyard trying all the best wines. And spending half the day in and out of bed- Taehyung hasn’t become any less insatiable. 
He doesn’t stop even after you remind him that it will probably take your body a little while to adjust to the absence of hormones.
In the end, he try’s so hard to get you pregnant that he forgets about having fun on the honeymoon all together, though in his mind it was still an amazing time. 
at night he brushes his hands over your (still flat) stomach pouting and saying, “I just want to start a family with you already”
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Your Engagement might have been a little bit rushed, seeing as Jeon Jungkook had accidentally knocked you up the one time you didn’t use a condom. 
But he knows that he could never love anyone else the way he loves you, you and your little baby bump. 
He spends your entire plane flight talking about how cute your bump looked in your dress, you’re only 4 months along- really just starting to show in any significant way.
Jungkook had popped the question to you the second you’d told him. 
Sure you were young, but he knows that he wants this with you. He wouldn’t want it any other way. 
The first few days of your honeymoon are unexpectedly chaste, the two of you decide to go to Japan together, mostly because of how close it is (Jungkook didn’t want to put you under the stress of a long flight) 
You guys have managed to time it perfectly to see the rolling hills of flowers that sit below mount Fuji 
You spend the days with him, walking among the flower paths, taking the sky tram to the base on the mountain, and visiting some of the temples. 
But a few days in- you can sense he’s getting restless, 
His hands linger on you when you go to the local hot springs, his hands grabbing at every inch of you under the hot water, but he never makes the moves you want him too. 
His hand hovers on your knee while you’re out at dinner trailing close enough to the middle of your thigh that it makes you squirm. 
You eventually ask him what’s wrong and he backs you slowly up against the door of your hotel room, his forehead rested against yours as he presses a hungry kiss against you, his stomach brushing your pump as your back hits the door softly. 
“I want to make love to you for the first time as your husband, do you think its ok? You know for the baby?” his eyes flicker down to your stomach, he looks so unsure
“Of course! I’m surprised you didn’t ask sooner- I thought that- that you didn’t…like me like this.” Your insecurities feel silly now that you say them out loud to him, his eyes go wide as he almost jumps to say “God no honey you’re absolutely gorgeous- I’d say even more now!”
His hands brush over your swollen breasts as he lies you down on the hotel bed, 
“you’re so beautiful like this, of course, I want to-“ he breaks off in a groan. Nipping at the skin exposed by the deep v of your dress “I’m so lucky.” He pants out. 
Let's just say your daughter, who was born 5 months later- was the first of many children you had. 
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beautifulbroppy · 7 years
Our first kiss (part 1)
This is based on MY first kiss. Every part of the story is true. The only thing that is different is that Poppy plays me and Branch plays my now boyfriend. Hope you all enjoy!!
Poppy silently pouted as she walked through the hosts pod. There were three families. The rivers , the daisies, her father, and herself. There was no one here her age. She was alone, surrounded by people she barely knew! Her father knew them well, they were close friends to him, but she never met them before!
If she seemed to be rude, that was not her intention At All! She didn't mean to be... she was just a little disappointed and... well... bored!
As she watched the adults talk her phone began to buzz in her pocket. She shot right up from her seat "Excuse me. I have to take this!" She said and hurried out of the room, None of them noticing she left. Once she was alone she looked at the caller ID. DJ Suki.
Poppy quickly tapped the green answer button. Suki came on the screen "Hey Poppy!" Suki yelled over the music. "Hey Sooks!" Poppy said waving. Behind Suki was a sudden blast of glitter. There was dancing everywhere, colors ripping through the sky, and glittery bombs being thrown into the air. That looks like fun. Poppy thought to herself. Feeling a tiny bit of envy grow in her, she shook her head. Trying to get the thought out of her mind.
"So what's up?" Poppy asked with a huge smile on her face. Suddenly her smile dropped into a frown "Wait?! Who's doing the music if your here? Talking To Me? Right NOW?!" Suki waved her hand and shrugged "Ah, I let fuzzburt take over for a moment. He actually does a pretty good job!" She paused for a moment, as if she was trying to think really hard. "OH! Right! I... uh... Just wanted to see how things were... going at Your party..."
"Oh!" Poppy said. She rubbed the back of her neck. "It... Could be better... We-" Suki interrupted, saying loudly "Oh Look! There Is BRANCH!" Suki adjusted the camera so Branch could be seen in the background.
Poppy swallowed the lump in her throat. Branch?! I didn't know he was going to be there! She felt her face warm up, Suki ran up to Branch "Hey Branch! Look! POPPY is on the phone!" Branch looked, his cheeks turning a darker purple. "Why don't you talk to her a bit?" Suki said handing him the phone.
Branch started to stutter "W-wait! B-but I-"
"Thistle! How many time do I have to tell you NOT to skitterboard on the snack table!" Suki said walking away. Before she was out of sight she turned around to Branch and winked, giving him a thumbs up.
He glared at the orange haired troll as she walked away. Why Suki? Why? He turned to the pink troll who was on the other side of the screen. He was glad Poppy couldn't  see the gestures Suki had given him.
There were a few awkward moments exchanged between the two. "So... how's the party where your at?" He said, trying to start a conversation "Ugh! So Boring!" She said. Then she slapped her hand over her mouth.
That might have been a little loud. She thought, color coming to her cheeks.
"I mean...Uh... It could be better." She said. She lowered her voice to a whisper, "I thought all trolls were party animals! These guys don't want to do anything!"
Branch chuckled "sounds like my kind of party when I was... well... you know." Suddenly the crowd of trolls started to yell out of excitement. "One minute till midnight! Already?" Branch said as he tried pushed himself closer to the front of the crowd.
He made it to the front. 15 seconds left. Poppy sighed  "I wish I was there with you." Branch heart thumped inside his chest. He'd been thinking the same thing all night. "Me, too."
Poppy began to count with the crowd on the other side of the screen.
Branch joined in looking at Poppy the whole time.
Poppy and Branch cheered with the crowd! Confetti covered the head of all the trolls. Poppy watched as Branch laughed at the surprise that rained upon him. "Hey Branch?"
"Thank you."
"...Your welcome."
April 30th
A few months later
Getting ready for Suki's party.
Poppy walked beside Suki, holding a big box of decorations, talking away. "This is going to be the best birthday party Yet!"  Suki laughed "That's what you said about the last one!" Poppy rolled her eyes "Well duh! Every party is the best one yet!"
Suki rolled her eyes "I bet you would say something different if you were at the New Years Eve Party." Suki caught her mistake and slapped her hand over her mouth.
Poppy stopped dead in her tracks, "What?" She snapped her head toward her best friend "What are you talking about?" Suki shook her head, hand still covering her mouth. "Suki..." Poppy placed the box beside her. "What. Are. You. Talking. About."
Suki slowly uncovered her mouth "Uh... Branch... May have, may not have... wanted to kiss you at midnight..."
Poppy was glad she had already placed the box down. She would have dropped for sure if she had not. "What?!"
Poppy began to pace. "I knew I should have gone to that party! Branch wanted to kiss me! Me! I can't believe I did not go!" Poppy turned toward Suki, grabbing her shoulders. "Are you sure?" Suki nodded "Of course, girl! He told me himself!" Poppy stomach began to squeeze inside her. "Oh my Gosh!" She said, placing her hand on her forehead.
Suki watched as her best friend had a mental breakdown. "Girl!" Suki said grabbing Poppy's shoulders "Pull your self together!" Poppy stared at the ground "Suki... I need you to tell Branch he should kiss me. At the party. Today."
Ha Ha!!!! Cliff hanger!!!! Sorry guys!!! This story was getting a bit long... and it's going to be a bit longer! Hey I told you it was based off my first! A lot of interesting things happened that night! And because were humans and not actors, things get weird in the real world😂
Hope you guys enjoy!
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liliumwallichianum · 4 years
finna ask myself these cause nobody else will
*SO I started writing these a long time ago and never finished them so I’m gonna just add all my answers (06/04/2017) in bold enjoy neethz
***EDIT AGAIN this is so wild... 3 years later.... I was so depressed, hated my relationship clearly, and hated myself? Writing on 4/10/2020 and starting at #49 first pass so I can actually finish and publish lol.
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
typical @richiericherson; good morning lol 
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
4months datin; wow! 6 months dating :) 
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
is this a joke? we’re both into them it’s coo; same answer as previous :) 
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
yee; same
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
sober; same
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
oh yeah HAHAHA; have i though? 
7. What does your last received text say?
“yes”; have fun studying
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
a million and one; and a million more
9. Where was your last kiss at?
in ma bifs bed; my bed this time surprise surprise
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
today morning her bitchass lives w me ; 40 min ago... still live w her bitchass
11. What do you drink in the morning?
water, a smoothie; coffee. ugh the deprogression 
12. Where did you sleep last night?
my bifs; my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
hardest; shouldnt be but they are
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
yeah probably work a little harder at the end of last semester; idk a lot i feel but i cant look back specifically and pick things out. i would change almost everything if i could
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
no that would be perfect; yeah we’d just hella yell at each other
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
both but sunny; both but rainy :/ 
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
my sister; same
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
pajama shorts; joggers
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
probably; yeah 
20. Does anyone like you?
yee i hope so ; yeah
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
ummm lemme check.. yup 2 people!; still 2 hahah
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
no hahaha; sometimes lol
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
not really there’s all love here; that dunt from hs lol
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
yeah just let sarah give me one; can’t believe it’s been 2 months
25. In the past week have you cried?
yeah im weirdly pmsing or im depressed cant tell which; LMFAOOOOOOOO IM SO PREDICTABLE. literally sitting here crying... still dont know if it’s pms or depression 
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
golden :) great dane
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
out out out; out
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
no i wish; still wish but tbh i probably have
29. Do you think you’re old?
30. Do you like text messaging?
not at all; grown to like or tolerate ig
31. What type of day are you having?
stressful cause orgo quiz soon and i know nothing; a normal day. 
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
already have it pierced!; sameee
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
cold i think; cold ? ugh idk 
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
yes my bf; my dad.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
idk about this one tbh.... probably relationship; relationship 
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
both; i try honestly i try
37. What song are you listening to?
none; redemption
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
mostly no... lol i say sorry to ease the situation; nah 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
not even close lol 40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
i was lonely.. peer pressure...  41. When did you last receive a text message?
like just now 42. What is wrong with you right now?
idk i want it to stop though. i want overall sadness to stop . 
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
p well she’s one of my bffs at wayne 44. Does anyone disgust you?
yea fam almost everyone lol 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
no considering i have a bf 46. Are you in a good mood right now?
i wish  47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
simran  48. What color shirt are you wearing?
black. did u even think differently ?  49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
Probably something bout swap 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? Tryin to give up on swap, giving up on Frank
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
Swap? Def DONT want him back but can’t let him go 53. Do you like rain?
Yes 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
No unless they’re crazy on it aka swap 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
Probably 56. Do you like to cuddle?
So much..... with Y only 57. Are you shy?
Nah 58. Do you get along with girls?
Yes! I think 59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
No... well kinda? I guess I’ve dated Alex 60. What do you carry with you at all times?
Chapstick, my animal print scrunchie 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
Yeah 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
Yes 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
Unfortunately 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
Yas 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
Yeah, all the boys I’m talking to supporting me lol
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
23/22, 28, 24?
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
Pay 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
Leopard 69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
Hell no 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
Weezy f baby 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
Android ugh miss mine 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
Wowwwwwww probably the last year 73. Do you like diet soda?    Nah 74. What color are the walls in your room?    Blue w stars 75. Are you 16 or older?    Yes 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    I used to 77. Do you have a job?    Yes being a Med Student   78. What are your initials?    NUS 79. Did you ever have braces?    Nope 80. Are you from the south?    Yup south INDIA
81. What does your last status on facebook say?   Supporting Michelle and sharing her article   82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    No lmfao Meiyan 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?     Probs mom
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    No 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    Ugh idek something w swap? 86. Do you smoke?    Yes 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    Flip 88. Is your phone touch screen?    Yes 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?   Wavey  90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    Hell yeah 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    Lake 92. Have you ever made out in a car?    Yes 93. …Had sex in a car?    Yesssss best sex ever ugh 94. Are you single or in a relationship?    Single 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    Sleeping 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    July 4? 97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    No 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    Yes 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    Yes 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    Yes 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    Yes 102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    Bro no 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    Yes kinda 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? Yeah if I was going to faster horses lmaoo    
0 notes
tessaractwasp · 5 years
1-140 question meme
wait you want me to do all of them?? Ok I guess (that actually makes me kinda happy lol)
3 Fears losing people, never getting away from home, and that everyone hates me
3 things I love music, reading, writing
2 turns on intelligence, muscular, socialism
2 turns off misogyny, speech impediments, capitalism
My best friend @queercedricdiggory​   
Sexual orientation not sure tbh. Maybe pan? Maybe lesbian? Who can say. Not me.
How tall am I 5′ 2 3/4″
What do I miss right now my friend Shannon who doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore
Favourite color purple
Do I have a crush yes
Favourite place nature. there’s a brook in the woods at the bottom of the hill I live on. its magical.
What am I listening to right now my spotify playlist “A Very Specific Mood Brought To You By Probably Non-Lesbian Lesbian Icons” currently Mitski’s “A Horse Named Cold Air”
Shoe size 6.5 usually
Eye color cockroach brown
Hair color brown/black (ft hidden rainbow)
Meaning behind my URL oh god I was like 15 when I made it so tesseract from the first avengers but tessaract bc my name is tessa, and wasp bc she was my favorite marvel character. 
Favourite song favorite song????? uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh right now probably Mitski’s “Pink in the Night”
Favourite band pdofjsodifjolikdsjf uhm IDK my top artists rn are Mitski, Hozier and Florence + The Machine
How I feel right now frustrated.
Someone I love @azirahell​
My current relationship status single and READY to flaMINGLE
My relationship with my parents hahahahahahahah better than most I guess. But strained af atm
Favourite season SPRING
Tattoos and piercing i have navel and ear piercings
Tattoos and piercing i want WAY more ear piercings, I wanna get that custom “constellation piercing” thing but $$$$ also tattoos for each of my immediate family members (so far a turtle and elephant on opposite ankles, a power symbol on the back of my neck probably, an origami rose on one tricep, a wolf silhouette on the other)
The reasons I joined Tumblr fandom probably? and peer pressure. thx nadia
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? only when Im actively texting someone when we go to bed
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? I dont know have you? (Im kidding, I think I have tho)
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? depends on where Im going. Anywhere from 5 mins to like 1.5 hrs lmao. But on average, probably 20 mins
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? I haven’t shaved my legs in the past three years
Where am I right now? My living room
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUD
Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yes
Am I excited for anything? not really atm
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? if by sex you mean gender then yes
How often do I wear a fake smile? lmao all the fuckin time
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? wow uuhhhhhhh I dont know! maybe Lana Parrilla lmao idk honestly!
What do I think about most? how much i suck lmfao
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? I guess behind, but I dont mind being in front
What was the last lie I told? oh god Im taking care of my little siblings i have no idea
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? depends on the person but usually video chatting
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? no, yes
Do I believe in magic? not really
Do I believe in luck? depends on the day
What’s the weather like right now? warm. It’s almost 80, but its getting dark out so it feels nice.
What was the last book I’ve read? rn Im in the middle of Scythe by Neal Shusterman (bc hes putting my name in the third book in the series!!)
Do I have any nicknames? Tess, T, T-Cake, Tessticle
Do I spend money or save it? SPEND lmao
Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no
Favourite animal? hmmm I guess dog
What was I doing last night at 12 AM? lying on the couch on tumblr
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? oh boy idk
What is my favorite word? people have favorite words?
My top 5 blogs on tumblr bruh idk I dont pay attention to anything
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? be fucking decent already
Do I have any relatives in jail? not at the moment that Im aware of
What is my current desktop picture? Thranduil Tauriel and Legolas lol
Had sex? depends on ur definition
Bought condoms? GLOW IN THE DARK
Gotten pregnant? nope
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no
Had job? yes
Smoked weed? yes
Smoked cigarettes? no
Drank alcohol? yes
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no
Been overweight? technically I think? But not really
Been underweight? yes
Gotten my heart broken? yes
Been to prom? yes
Been in airplane? well yea but I was 4 so I dont remember it so I dont count it
Learned another language? bruh i tried
Wore make up? yes
Dyed my hair? yes
Had a surgery? yes
Met someone famous? yes
Stalked someone on a social network? who hasnt??
Been fishing? yeah but I dont really remember it
Been rejected by a crush? yes
What do I want for birthday? Idk dude thats so far away
Do I like my handwriting? sometimes
Where do I want to live when older? i have no idea
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? never snuck out but yeah Ive been caught doing “anything bad”
What I’m really bad at everything lmao. Sports I guess
What my greatest achievments are my writing probably
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me one time when I was like 14 my mom and I were arguing and she told me it wouldnt be long before I was selling myself on the streets of new york
What I’d do if I won in a lottery ugh pay off my debt and buy a few of the things i want the most
What do I like about myself hairrr
My closest Tumblr friend like tumblr-only? probably leakedinlondon bc shes the only person ive ever talked to on tumblr lmao
Any question you’d like? what
Are you outgoing or shy? yes
What kind of people are you attracted to? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ femme wlw mostly i guess???
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? no but i wish
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? no
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? my friend Kate who lives in AZ now :(
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Yeah I just did, nothing yet”
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Mitski, “Nobody” Florence + The Machine, “Grace” Hozier, “Wasteland, Baby” Mitski, “Pink in the Night” Mitski, “Strawberry Blond” in no particular order
Do you like it when people play with your hair? YESS
Do you think there is life on other planets? yes
Do you like bubble baths? yes but has tiny tub :(
Do you like your neighbors? i dont really know most of them but the ones I do, yeah for the most part
Where would you like to travel? All over the place, but Cuba more than anything
Favorite part of your daily routine? cuddling w my doogggggg
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? muffin toppp
What do you do when you wake up? try to go back to sleep
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? yes
Do you ever want to get married? idk maybe
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? lmao yea????
Would you rather live without TV or music? TV
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yea
What are your favorite stores to shop in? theres this little like toy store but it has so many funny or adult things that I love. Its called Play
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? not everyone
Do you smile at strangers? usually
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? only in my dreams (like literally, I dont want ppl to know what I did in my dreams)
Ever wished you were someone else? always
Favourite makeup brand? dont have one
Last thing you ate? chicken and pasta
Ever won a competition? For what? yeah, a writing competition
Ever been in love? i dont know
Facebook or Twitter? facebook
Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? no
What colour are your towels? purple
Favourite ice cream flavour? cookies and cream
First person you talked to today? my lil brother Ben
Last person you talked to today? talking to both my lil sibs rn
Name a person you hate? fucking CHRIS
Name a person you love? Rebecca <3 ( @parkour-margaret)
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? chris always
Do you tan a lot? BURNN
Have any pets? FOUR
Do you type fast? relatively yeah
Do you regret anything from your past? OH yeah
Ever broken someone’s heart? idk
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? YUP
Is cheating ever okay? it really depends on the situation but 98% of the time no
Do you believe in true love? yeah.  but not just one. everyone can have more than one
What your zodiac sign? aries
Do you believe in ghosts? this question was already asked? no
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “‘Never mind, do not weep,’ answered the frog, ‘I can help you, but”
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ellyrad · 8 years
idc i was bored so 🤷🏽‍♀️
ASK ME THINGS 1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? -linda… i’m pretty sure we’ll both be like , “biiitch wtf did you do” 😂 2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? -aha…. i just started this don’t make me cry already 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? -i mean…. if it’s like the hardcore ones i’ll be shook. but if it’s just weed then we smokin each other out 🤷🏽‍♀️ 4. Is your last name longer than six letters? -yee 5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? -sober 6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? -it is what it is 7. What does your last received text say? -“we’re texting now” 8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? -bitch…too many 9. Where was your last kiss at? -my sister’s room 😭😭 10. When is the last time you saw your sister? -fuuuck, like… a week ago. i get sad thinking about it bc i know she’s happily cuffed with somebody but… the only time where i need her the most and she’s always busy :/ but at least she’s happy yfm 11. What do you drink in the morning? -water 12. Where did you sleep last night? -my bed 13. Do you think relationships are hard? -honestly … yeah but you just gotta work through that shit together 14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? -bitch yes, let me get my mans back 15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? -he hates me and prob texting his new boo 16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? -sunny bc it helps w my depression tbh 17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? -carly RAE jepsen but like … 18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? -pajama 19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? -idk, i don’t think i’m ready for anything new rn, esp since i’m still going through alot and idk when i’ll ever be over it. but hopefully i’ll wanna be HAPPY not with anyone; but with friends, family and myself 20. Does anyone like you? -i bet but idc 21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? -STOP 22. Is the last person you kissed gay? -hahaha i hope so 23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? -nahhhh not really 24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? -next one is prob gonna be three tally marks or eeyore lol 25. In the past week have you cried? -idk, i wasn’t counting **hurtbae** 26. What breed was the last dog you saw? -shiba??? 27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? -in the shower.. 28. Have you ever kissed a football player? -BITCH .. yeah 29. Do you think you’re old? -nooo 30. Do you like text messaging? -yes 31. What type of day are you having? -kill me 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? -i have, but nah too much maintenance 33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? -warm bc it makes me happy 34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? - yes but ugh 35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? -relationship, i’m too emotional 36. Are you a simple or complicated person? -both it depends 37. What song are you listening to? -my stomach growling 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? -yes. 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? -hmmm yasmine? but not everything currently 40. What made you start liking the person you like now? -bc he was very nice and always made an effort 41. When did you last receive a text message? -7 min ago 42. What is wrong with you right now? -a l o t of things 43. How well do you know the last female you texted? -like…83% well? 44. Does anyone disgust you? -mmm nah 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? -noooooo no thank you nooo 46. Are you in a good mood right now? -i don’t know what that means 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? -yasmine 48. What color shirt are you wearing? -his obey jacket…. ugh 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? -this fucking …girl who’s just being dumb and going on a trip with her ex. like im so heated thinking about it 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? -i should 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? -i can’t 52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? -mood 53. Do you like rain? -i hate it i hate it, and i used to love it. fuck 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? -no 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? -ya 56. Do you like to cuddle? -yess 57. Are you shy? -depending who i meet 58. Do you get along with girls? -ehh, if they look chill 59. Have you dated the person you texted last? -uh strictly dickly 60. What do you carry with you at all times? -keys forsure 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? -not by myself!! 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? -yes 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? -yes :((( 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? -biTCHHHH I would cry 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? -cute???? NO 66. How old are the last three people you kissed? -HAHAHHA, uh, 24, 20, and 19 67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? -do them myself but if i’m extra lazy and i got the money then i’ll get them done 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? -leopard 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? -the marine sticker 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? -lil wayne 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? -iphone 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? -shiiiit idk tbh 73. Do you like diet soda? -no 74. What color are the walls in your room? -white 75. Are you 16 or older? -yee 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? -no 77. Do you have a job? -ye 78. What are your initials? -DRLA 79. Did you ever have braces? -i get them off november ahhh 80. Are you from the south? -noo 81. What does your last status on facebook say? -single, but i never change it anyway 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? -nahhh but i wish we were friends tho 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? -mom 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? -cheer and idk how i was even good at it 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? -get out :(( 86. Do you smoke? -id like to do it more often bc i know i need to 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? -ff 88. Is your phone touch screen? -ye 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? -wavy 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? -ya 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? -i can’t even swim lmaooo 92. Have you ever made out in a car? -girlllll 93. …Had sex in a car? -GIRLLLLLLLLL is lit 94. Are you single or in a relationship? -depressed 95. What were you doing last night at midnight? -crying hahahaha 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? -AHHHH fourth of july :(( 97. Do you like the camera on your phone? -it’s okay, but the iphone 7’s portrait is hella nice 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? -its dumb i hate it, never again 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? -i’d like to 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? -no 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? -nahhh 102. Name your favorite Kesha song: - 103. Do you have any tan lines right now? -i don’t even go out in the sun 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? -lmao bye
0 notes
raechelrae · 8 years
jesus ok if u insist
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
well that would be the group chat i have w/ @bolkonskys-crazy and @beebop85 so i would be v confused and i’m sure they would be too
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
never been kissed :(
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
depends. weed in moderation is fine, but i’d be worried if he did hard drugs or smoked cigarettes or stuff like that
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
yup, 7 to be exact
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
see question #2
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
ALL THE TIME i’m really not good at all with flirting
7. What does your last received text say?
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
see question #2
9. Where was your last kiss at?
see question #2
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
don’t have one, but i do have a brother
11. What do you drink in the morning?
coffee in any form
12. Where did you sleep last night?
my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
extremely!!! people are so difficult!!!
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
i would probably try to get myself to finish all my college applications sooner bc i put it all to the last minute and it was a hot ass mess
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
see question #2
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
sunny, my hair gets real frizzy when it rains
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
my friend Kirsten from school
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
pajama pants
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
i think dating might get a bit easier once i’m in college so i’d like to think so
20. Does anyone like you?
not that i know of??? but i hope so
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
see question #2
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
see question #2
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
two people come to mind, the guy that sits in front of me in statistics and this sophomore i see at school sometimes. THEY NEVER STOP TALKING and it drives me up a fucking wall 
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
yeah definitely!!! i want it to be something theatre-related(since i plan on becoming an actor) but i haven’t decided exactly what yet
25. In the past week have you cried?
oh so often, the most recent was yesterday during my therapist appointment
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
my rottweiler Ruby!!! i lover her!!!
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
the towel rack is like, on the opposite side of the room so i have to get out of the shower to dry off
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
see question #2
29. Do you think you’re old?
i’m only 17 so no
30. Do you like text messaging?
yes i love it i would die without it
31. What type of day are you having?
a pretty mellow day, school was canceled bc of snow so i’ve just been drinking cocoa and watchin netflix all day
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
nah, facial piercings aren’t really my thing
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
ugh so many i can’t name one. boys suck but they can be pretty cool too
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
relationship, i’m a very all-or-nothing person
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
very very very complicated
37. What song are you listening to?
“Tears Dry On Their Own” by Amy Winehouse
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
definitely. i’m v stubborn so i don’t say sorry if i don’t think i’m actually to blame39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
ha my therapist??? i’m pretty reserved so i don’t share a whole lot of my personal life to m friends40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
jesus idk he’s just… cool??? idk 
41. When did you last receive a text message?
8:47pm42. What is wrong with you right now?
so many things man SHIT I FORGOT TO TAKE MY ADHD MEDS welp there’s one thing that’s wrong with me rn43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
pretty well, I’ve known her for a few years bc of school and we’ve gotten closer reccently bc of shared interests44. Does anyone disgust you? 
no one in my personal life, but Trump is a pretty disgusting human being45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
hell yeah as long as i’m interested in them
46. Are you in a good mood right now?
yeah i feel pretty calm and chill rn47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my dad48. What color shirt are you wearing?
black49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
not that i can think of50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
not at the moment
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
nah i don’t hate him but i just wish we could’ve communicated better
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
yup unrequited love is a bitch, my friends53. Do you like rain?
no fuck rain54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
nah it’s cool as long as it’s in moderation55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
yup i’ve literally never expressed my feelings for someone i had a crush on it’s always been the other way around
56. Do you like to cuddle?
not really, i kind of have personal space issues57. Are you shy?
at first, but i’m quite social once u get to know me58. Do you get along with girls?
yeah fam!!! girls are great!!!59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
nope60. What do you carry with you at all times?
my wallet and my cell phone
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
hell yeah!!! i like money!!!62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
yeah definitely
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
nope64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
if we were in a relationship??? but since we’re not i would say no65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
my cat slept next to me on my bed last night that was pretty cute 
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
see question #2
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?
i always do my nails myself    68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
leopard69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
nope70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?
country music makes me want to kms myself so Lil Wayne
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
IPHONE72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? 
???it’s been years   73. Do you like diet soda?    
yes!!! i prefer to it regular actually74. What color are the walls in your room?   
like a pale, yellow-green 75. Are you 16 or older?
yup, i’m 17
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
no77. Do you have a job?   
not currently, but i’m working on getting one at my uncle’s restaurant    78. What are your initials?    
roj79. Did you ever have braces?
yup for like, over 2 years    80. Are you from the south?
nope, i’m from connecticut
81. What does your last status on facebook say?
“If you were writing an autobiography, what would you title the chapter where our lives intersected?”    82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? 
see question #2   83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
i’m pretty equally close to both of them84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
nope85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?
Rogue One
86. Do you smoke?    
nope87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
heels88. Is your phone touch screen?    
yup89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
it’s naturally curly90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
lake92. Have you ever made out in a car?  
see question #2  93. …Had sex in a car?    
see question #294. Are you single or in a relationship?  
single  95. What were you doing last night at midnight?
sleeping lol
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    
at the big summer festival my town does every year
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
yeah it’s pretty good98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    
see question #299. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
nope i don’t drink100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?
pretty much everyone i went to middle school with lol
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
no102. Name your favorite Kesha song:   
“Take It Off” 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    
no it’s winter104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
ur fucking welcome anon that took me 30 whole minutes
Ask me things!
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