#uh serious fanart soon maybe !
xiewho · 3 months
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do you feel a 5 is a high enough roll for your character to be able to grab a pull up bar mid air?
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sourkitsch · 1 year
Looking at fanart like. He does not fucking look like that
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sadlysober · 3 years
Dream x gn!reader Summary: Tommy’s curious to know more about Dream’s personal life and ends up ‘meeting’ his s/o. Warnings: none i think.. lmk if you find any! Just fluff-ish tbh. A/N: hi i uh usually dont write so feedback is more than welcome, feel free to correct me if i made any mistakes! If cc’s are uncomfortable i’ll delete it, but that goes without saying :)
Being a content creator has it’s perks. Such as being able to meet new people, meeting people you admire and enjoyed watching way before you became a streamer yourself. Or the fact that you can just hang out with your friends and the chat and even make some money off of it. You often get invited to hang out with people on Among Us, Rust, Minecraft, you name it. One of the biggest benefits of being a content creator was being a part of the Dream SMP. You were a reacurring character and the chat loved you. Your persona would often show up in fanart, alongside Sapnap’s, George’s, Ranboo’s and the other members. There would often be speculations on you dating one of the guys on the SMP. Funny enough, they never expected it to be Dream.
You had been dating for a month before making it official and are currently nearing the 3 month mark. The two of you decided to keep it quiet for the time being and had only told Sapnap and George.
After a long and fun weekend at his home in Florida, you decided to hang out on his bed, watching some tiktoks or whatnot. Your boyfriend was sitting behind his setup, getting the game started. It wasn’t long until his laughter filled the room. Every couple of minutes he would look over his shoulder to check up on you.
Curiousity got the best of you. What was he laughing about? You opened Twitch, and ofcourse, Clay wasn’t streaming. But Tommy was. You watched as Clay’s character hit Tommy’s, accidentally killing the boy.
“Call child services! Dream has killed a child!” Quackity yelled over VC. Tommy walked back to get his stuff.
“Dream, I am not liking this attitude of yours.” You heard your boyfriend chuckle as he was walking around the map. You looked over at his monitor as Tommy’s character walked into his screen. “Dream, can I ask you something?”
“Tommy, if you want to know where babies-”
“SHUT UP BIG Q I KNOW WHERE BABIES COME FROM.” His high pitched laugh and yelling making you tune your volume down.
“Go ahead Tommy, what do you want to ask?” Clay asked calmy.
“Why I was wondering, I have met Mother Dream and Drista, do you have any more family I can talk to? Can I meet Father Dream?” Tommy was trying really hard to look as serious as possible asking Dream.
“My family isn’t here right now.” Dream stated, looking at you with a sneaky grin on his face.
“Oh, alright then, do you- do you like being alone Dream?” You can’t help but chuckle at Tommy always ending his scenteces with ‘Dream’, making it sound so personal and serious.
“I don’t mind being alone, but I’m actually not alone right now, Tommy.” Your eyes focus on the man sitting behind his setup, Tommy jumping around on the monitor behind him. “Baby, would you like to talk to Tommy?” Clay asked, looking at you.
“Dream, who did you call baby? Is there a uhh Drartner ... no uh a dreammate?” Tommy stared into his camera and his chat was going wild.
Dream laughs as he signs for you to come over. He mutes himself from the VC. “Are you sure about this?” You ask him, walking over to where he’s sitting. “I am, are you?” You nodded. He moves the chair back a bit and motions for you to sit down on his lap.
“Alright Tommy, here’s my uhh, Dreammate, be nice to them.” You had put your phone down to still be able to see Tommy’s stream. He looked so impatient, yelling to his chat. 
“Wait, WAIT- guys wait.” He quickly typed into the game chat for the other players online to join your VC for some ‘action’.
Clay mutes himself again. “So Tommy is ordering some of the guys to join the VC, it’s just Tubbo, Ranboo, Callahan and Quackity, so no worries.” He hands you the headphones and you adjust them, being able to hear Tommy loud and clear.
“Alright Tommy, what’s up?” Ranboo asked, walking up to the two of you.
“DREAM, Dream can they hear me? Ranboo, Dream is introducing us to his Dreammate.” You type into the game chat that you can hear him.
“What’s a Dreammate?” Tubbo asks, joining your little group.
“Well, appearantly Dream has been keeping a secret from us-” You softly giggle.
“What’s he saying?” Your boyfriend asks, wrapping his arms around your waste.
“Hello? Hello? Are you there, Dream’s Dreammate?” Tommy’s character hits Clay’s, so you take the mouse and hit his back.
“Well hello there, Tommy.” You see the boy’s expression change from confusion to a somewhat dissapointed face.
“Oh hello, Y/N, it’s been a while” He continues hitting you and you run away from him “I actually thought Dream was gonna introduce me to his Dreammate. You got me there, real funny.” Clay put in the earbuds connected to your phone so he could listen to what Tommy was saying. “Who would want to date Dream anyways- oh, well chat, alright alright so you ALL want to -” The boy sighs, being way too hyper for the conversation.
“Tommy, I-I am dating Dream.”
“No, the prank wasn’t funny, Y/N. Dream has failed you, I expected better from him.” The bitterness in his voice is truly impressive.
“Stop killing me Tommy!” It’s your turn to thaunt him, getting out your sword and running after him.
“I think they’re serious Tommy, congrats you two!” Ranboo says, helping you kill Tommy.
“Does that mean you’ll be coming back to the SMP, Y/N? We never finished that thing we were working on.“ Tubbo asks ever so sweetly. “Thanks Ranboo and yes ofcourse Tubbo, I’ll be joining soon.”
<Callahan> poor fundy
Dream’s famous kettle laugh echoed through the room when he read the messege. “Dream, can you hear me, Dream?” Tommy asks, being able to hear Clay laugh on VC.
“Yes Tommy I can hear you.” He says, burrying his face in your neck.
“I- I have a question.” It fell silent for a bit. “WHY” Tears start rolling over your cheeks from laughter.
Once Dream catches his breath he finally comments. “Tommy you love women right?” You face your boyfriend, who is trying to keep a straight face.
Tommy looks straight in the camera. “What a dumb question, all I talk about is my love for women. Do you ever listen to me, Dream? It’s almost like you’re my boyfriend.” He made a disgusted face before cracking up again.
“Oh god” You whisper as you shake your head. Clay presses a kiss on your neck. “Well Tommy, I feel the same way about Y/N.” An ‘aw’ left your mouth before Tommy made a barfing sound.
“So are you gonna marry them?” Tommy truly does feel like an annoying brother sometimes. Your eyes scan the chat while Clay does the talking. A couple of shipnames and questions pop up between all the emotes.
“I don’t know yet, Tommy. Maybe someday.” He said, hugging you a little thighter. You softly press a kiss on his forehead.
“Alright, cringe. I have no further questions.” Tommy states. “I’m gonna go back to building my tower. Goodbye.”
“Bye Tommy.” Clay said as he left the game. “Nice talking to you!” You added, taking the headphones off. “That wasn’t half as bad huh?”
Ah, yet again the Dream SMP is trending.
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xiu21chen99 · 4 years
hxh headcanon/imagine.
again... still about hisoillu but about their engagement instead of illu's influenced fashion choice.
also this is more of... idk it gave reason why they chose to marry instead of uh other ways i guess??
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i've seen so many fanarts where illu would break the news to the zoldycks or how killu would react to having hisoka as his brother in law- like srsly it's meme worthy at this point- and lotsa ones that showed how hisoka proposed as a joke or smtg but... I've been overthinking abt it these past few days sO i present to you how i think "the big question aka the proposal" happened... (manga spoilers??)
it's after hisoka resurrected himself obviously, and def after he killed kortopi and shalnark (so he knew there was gonna be empty slots in the spiders' lineup)
i imagine illu went back to the zoldyck estate after the whole fiasco and only heard of hisoka's "death" from rumors while he was on a mission
and then when he was idk maybe contemplating on whether or not he should visit the body(?) to pay respects or something, he gets a text message from the devil himself
their text went like this probably:
hisoka: hey~ where are you right now?♠️ (and no u can't tell me hisoka doesn't text w card suits u just can't-)
illumi: who are you and how did you get the phone you are currently using?
hisoka: ooh~ illu~ i feel betrayed, did you delete my number?♣️
illumi: hisoka is dead
hisoka: *image attached*
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illumi: oh
illumi: hello hisoka, how are you still alive?
hisoka: you sound disappointed~♦️
illumi: i kind of am...
hisoka: rude, just tell me where you are♥️
...and that's how they met up?? ngl i think illu has a know-it-all syndrome where he just has to,,, k n o w everything
he's curious so he agrees to the meetup ofc
he's also surprised when he sees hisoka is in good shape when they meet (idk at a bar in an unknown city?)
they drink whiskey on the rocks because... you know...
hisoka explains how he survived and his next plan of action (which is terminate the spiders)
illumi makes a mental note of nen after death bc he's heard and seen it all before but... not to this extent,
this is gonna be,,, bland but i think this is the logic behind why hisoka chose to get married/engaged instead of just paying up front (reference to the ten dons' commission to get chrollo killed and chrollo's commission to get the ten dons killed)--
anyways here's how their conversation goes:
i: "why did you want to talk in person?"
h: "oh y'know, for old times sake."
i: "...right"
hisoka laughs, "okay so maybe i want to ask you for a favor..?"
confused, illumi asks, "why could you not have just texted if you wanted me to kill someone for you?"
h: "no, no- wait, actually, you're not too far off."
i: ~mOrE cOnfUsiOn~ "huh?"
h: "how do contracts for assassination work in your... family business?"
i: "half the promised pay before, the remaining half afterwards. should the target be eliminated by a third party, the assigned zoldyck still gets the pay and should the employer die, then the contract is terminated and the zoldyck will report back immediately."
h: "and has anyone made a contract to have themselves terminated?"
i: "i beg your pardon?"
h: "what complications will arise should your employer's target be... themselves?"
i: "i believe... i have never encountered such circumstance before. the people who hire us are those who have enough money and resource to have their enemies killed quickly. no one's tried to test the zoldyck assassination prowess."
h: "so... how will that work?"
i: "are you implying this is the reason why you have contacted me today?"
h: "yes~ ♥️" (how he said a heart emoji out loud is up to you, reader)
i: "it will be a pointless paradox. logically, the zoldyck will only get the employment bill. and i, myself, do not find pleasure in going for the kill like you lest i get my reward, so you will not get a contract out of me, hisoka."
h: "is there no leeway?"
i: "a zoldyck stands up to their word. so no."
h: "even for a friend?~ ♦️"
i: "we are not friends, hisoka-"
hisoka raises his glass of whiskey along with his eyebrow.
i: "oh..."
h: "didn't you tell dear killua that a zoldyck didn't need friends?"
i: "you... are an associate, someone reliable in the killing world. it's different."
h: "hypocrite"
i: "i ask you for favors and you make me return them. it is not like we spend our time together leisurely like killu with that island boy..."
hisoka clinks their matching glasses of whiskey even though his is already empty, a shit-eating grin on his lips.
i: "you suggested we meet here."
h: "this isn't the first time we went out to drink, right illu?"
i: "regardless!! i will not kill you just for half the money. i do not like wasting efforts on fruitless missions."
h: "as i said, is there no exception, to make sure you get my money if you were to succeed in killing me?"
i: "are you doubting my skill, hisoka?"
h: "that's not the point right now~ ♠️"
i: "wait, why do you want me to get all of your money?"
h: "haven't we just gotten over this subject? because you're my friend, of course."
i: "i... we are not friends, hisoka."
hisoka claps, "that's it! illumi!! ♣️"
i: "eh?"
h: "marry me! that way in our prenup I'll make sure you get all of my money, and even without a prenup you'll still get it since you'll be my only relative! that solves it!"
i: "hisoka, are you sure death did not took a toll on your brain? you did say you used Bungee Gum only on your heart and lungs..."
h: "i'm being serious, illumi!! and doesn't this solve your earlier conflict? we don't have to be friends, we'll be husbands!"
i: "do not use that tactic with me, you manipulative bastard. stop joking."
h: "this is purely beneficial for you, honestly i don't get why you just won't accept it."
i: "then humor me this first, why now?"
h: "dear illu, i've been to literal hell and back. i think it's time to leave my mark in case i fail to escape death again."
i: "was it that bad?"
h: "you'll love it there, illu~ ♥️"
h: "on a more serious note, though, i do plan to marry you. out of everyone i've encountered, you're the most eligible candidate. you're powerful, fully capable and extremely pretty to boot! you're the ideal husband!"
(blushing obviously, illumi downs the remaining whiskey in his glass) i: "death has changed you, hisoka."
h: "so?"
i: "fine."
h: "excellent!"
and in one fell swoop, illumi has a pin against the curve of hisoka's jugular, wrist held tightly by hisoka- a card matching against his own neck.
"not yet, dear husband." hisoka whispered into his ear, "we have to manage the papers first. and i've a request before you do."
they let each other go at the same time, not even breathing an unnecessary breath in the other's personal space (well, they're nearly pressed thigh to thigh anyways, what's the point of personal space anymore-)
"a condition rather than a request, really."
"what?" hisoka orders them refills, and downs his when it arrives.
"join the ryodan first."
glass already pressed on thin lips, illumi's confused hum resonates softly into the concave utensil. "why?"
"so things can get more interesting. i assume you know of the dark continent expedition that's soon to take place?"
"father has advised i take part on it, since kalluto told me the ryodan plans to rob some cliches who'll join the expedition- to look after him. you want me to join them?"
"yes, and i plan to board as well, don't fret."
illumi's eyes turn to slits, "how should i know you would be there? i can't take your word when you might just disappear when we've all boarded."
hisoka grins, wide then wider, "you should know by now illu, i plan to avenge my wounded pride. that damned chrollo didn't even fight me properly."
tilting his head, illumi stared at the man beside him, "is that not contradictory? i thought you did not mind your opponent using whatever means necessary to win?"
"magicians use tricks and misdirection to awe the audience," hisoka says almost thoughtlessly, "chrollo's a narcissistic hypnotist who used the audience as a damned shield because he knew he couldn't handle me face-to-face."
he groans, tinged in regret. "i shouldn't have picked heaven's arena, if i'd chosen a more discreet location then maybe the damage won't be this bad."
"damage?" illumi rests his chin on his palm, facing his husband.
hisoka swipes a hand over his face, and the glamour comes off. the picture he sent illumi now present in front of him. he was missing a nose, his left hand didn't have any finger left and dried blood chipped on his white skin. "oh."
with another swipe, everything's made correct again. hisoka was grinning again. he downs the remaining alcohol and leaves jenny bills under the emptied glass.
"come, lovely husband. we're to elope and legalize our union!"
illumi follows suit after downing his own glass, "i think there might be another loop hole, if you were to join the family. zoldycks do not kill family."
"so if i were to wed you, here and now, you'd think me more of a family than alluka?"
"alluka is not family."
"are those your words, illumi? or silva's?"
"wow, you're really just as fucked up as i am."
"where do you plan to take me? i've just said i cannot kill family."
hisoka chuckles, "then you're the one to take my name, of course."
"who the hell still uses that word?"
"i am and will always be a zoldyck-"
"exactly. it's just legal papers, if you kill me then you'll just be a widow and even get your name back! see how everything'll work out in the end?"
"are you doubting your skill of assassination, my dearest husband?"
"... i better get the most expensive ring in this damned city."
"that's the spirit! now let's go get married!"
"wait, hisoka. what is your last name?"
later that night, when they leave a chapel, something gold glimmers on hisoka's bungee gum/texture surprise ring finger. a matching one around illumi's finger.
unlike hisoka, though, illumi had an extra red glimmer right under that gold, in the dead center of a silver band of intricately designed pattern. hisoka had foregone the traditional diamond in favor of a 16 carat ruby engagement ring, such a curious choice but illumi accepted it all the same...
(much later on, hisoka took both rings as collateral and reminded illumi that he would get them back even if he died bc it was in their damn prenup- and bc it was technically bought under illumis name and that's how hisoka assured illu that he'd be on that black whale,,, bc he had the rings and planned to give them back to him there)
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"I thought a red gemstone was better suited for the rather bloody and murderous ending that our relationship will inevitably come to, wouldn't you agree?"
-Hisoka Morow whenever someone mentions his preference of proposal ring...
"I disagree with most of his ideals, our relationship has always had a fragile foundation, and I knew from the start that we'd eventually end up killing each other."
-Illumi Morow, nee Zoldyck when asked about his thoughts on his husband...
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
Pairing: Ice Hockey! Din Djarin x Reader.
Summary: Yourself and Din adopt a little one, who Din teaches to skate. Ice Hockey AU.
Wordcount: 1.9k
Warnings: Slight mentions of injuries. Soft Din. Swearing mentions.
A/N: This is based of @shanediomorrissey Hockey Din AU fanart, which is absolutely amazing and you should totally check out their work.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @scribbledghost
Your husband had been part of the Ice Hockey World since he was very young. That was one of the first things, his adopted father taught him. Now he was on a professional team, in the Intergalactic Hockey League (IHL). His team.
The Mythasours.
One of the best teams in the entire IHL. Home to the late Jango Fett, who's career ended far too soon in a deadly incident. After the incident, the Fett memorial was created and gifted to the Most Valuable Player.
You felt Din move in the double bed, his arms detaching from your waist where they had been for the majority of the night. It must've been 05:35am. Run time. His routine was pretty much the same every day. Run. Shower. Get breakfast ready for you both. Gym and then the training session at the rink.
You groaned as you felt his warmth leave you, and you wrapped the blanket up around around your head.
"Hey Cyar’ika, it's gonna be a good day at the rink today. Wanna come?" He asked as he got his running clothes on,
"What's happening at the rink?" You groaned peaking an eye open. You smiled slightly as you saw the V cut at the bottom of his abs.
"There's uh a charity thing going on today. We're teaching kids from the orphanage, how to skate and play. I just thought you'd like to come with, you're usually really good with kids." Din explained giving you a small kiss to your head,
"Yeah, I'll come with. I like watching you teach little ones." You replied smiling tiredly. You laid in bed for five more minutes, before getting out and showering then changing into warm clothes. No matter what time of year it is. The rink is always cold.
For a change today, you made breakfast and let Din take his time in the shower and getting ready. After breakfast, you packed a few snacks into your bag.
You always took a book with you when the boys where in the gym, although you did sneak glances at Din every now and then.
Before the kids from the orphanage came into the rink, The Mythasours and their opposing team The Twin Sun's skated onto the ice.
As you and the other sat down, you over heard a girl 'bragging' about being Din Djarins girl to her friends? Oh you could not have this.
"Excuse me, I think you should reconsider before you brag about something you're not." You stated standing up,
"And who might you might you be?" She asked in a sneering way.
"I just so happen to be his other half." You replied calmly,
"Oh yeah? Then prove it. Otherwise your just another bitch who wants attention from my hubby." She tried to continue to pretend.
"I'm Y/n Djarin. I'm married to Din Djarin, the Captain of the Mythasours and our anniversary date is March 7th. Now why don't you go before I have to call security." You stated slightly seething, and standing straight to gain height advantage.
At this she backed off and went to the other side of the rink, whilst her friends abandoned her. Din witnessed this whole confrontation, and you went over to him as he called you over.
"What was that about baby?" Din asked holding your hand gently,
"Just another fan who thinks they can get what they want. Don't worry about it din." You replied giving his cheek a sweet kiss.
"Hey look the kids have arrived." You continued smiling. Din turned and smiled as all the kids filed in. He noticed out of all the kids with black, brunette, ginger and blonde hair. There was a kid with white hair, who was slightly smaller than the rest and seemed to shy away from the rest.
As the kids oogled at the professional hockey players, each player got to know the kids individually. Din decided to speak to the little white haired kid that had caught his eye.
"Mr Djarin." Peli Motto stated smiling at him. "It's so nice to see you again." She continued,
"Please Peli, there isn't much for formalities on the ice. Please call me Din." Din replied smiling awkwardly.
"Very well Din. I see you spotted our youngest here today." Peli said as the little white haired kid looked around scared,
"Yeah, what's the little guys name?" Din asked curious.
"Grogu. He is a selective mute we think. He hasn't talked since we got him at the orphanage." Peli explained with a sad look,
"Just sad that a cute one like that can be left with no parents." Peli continued.
"Do you mind if I.. like if I go over to him?" Din asked,
"Of course I don't mind. It's what we came here for." She smiled. Din smiled and skated over to Grogu, he wasn't really standing with anyone else. As he got to Grogu, Din kneeled down and smiled.
"Hi Grogu, my name is Din. How are you today?" Din asked,
All he got from the considerably small kid was a shrug and a nervous glance. But it was better than nothing.
"Do you wanna learn how to skate?" Din asked, at that Grogus eyes lit up like seeing a festival for the first time. Grogu nodded and smiled, causing Din to smile. You watched as Din helped the child, putting the skates on and trying them properly.
Grogu was a little hesitant at first to go on the ice, but Din was there to help him.
"It's okay buddy. I'm gonna help keep you steady." Din said quietly to Grogu. Grogu looked up at him, his big green eyes finally losing some of the fear he had earlier. Din smiled and held Grogus hands, as Din skated backwards.
"You're doing so good buddy. Do you wanna be a professional one day?" Din praised,
Grogu nodded and continued to concentrate on keeping balanced. Din smiled brightly and looked at you for a brief moment, and you were smiling right back at him. After a while the kids had their break, and watched the professionals skate around for a bit.
"I see you got a new best friend baby." You stated giving Din a kiss,
"Yeah, his name is Grogu and he's a mute. But he is so kriffing adorable." Din replied smiling ear to ear.
"He's adorable, you two look so cute together." You said quietly, earning a blush from Din.
After hours, it was finally time to go back to the orphanage. For Din, letting Grogu go back felt wrong. Grogu reminded him of himself when he was about that age, before his adoptive father found him.
When the two of you got home. You could feel something slightly off with Din.
"What's wrong baby?" You asked wrapping your arms around him,
"I just feel kinda bad for leaving Grogu at the orphanage." Din said quietly burying his head into the crook of your neck.
"Well baby, we could always maybe adopt him. If you wanted. Cause seeing you and him earlier. I honestly couldn't of thought anything better." You suggested nervously,
Din whipped round with one of the biggest smiles on his face.
"Really?" He asked, trying to gauge if you were serious or not,
"Yeah. I mean, you'd make a great dad. Watching you with Grogu was amazing. Maybe we could speak to Peli." You replied. Din continued to smile and hugged you tightly.
The next day, you and Din went to the orphanage. You could tell he was nervous but that was a good thing. After some discussions with Peli, Din went by himself to Grogus room.
"Hey buddy." Din smiled kneeling down,
Grogu turned around and smiled brightly. His white hair tousled slightly.
"What do you think about coming home with me and Y/n?" Din asked,
Grogus face went into an expression of disbelief. He nodded and launched his tiny body into Dins. Din laughed as he hugged Grogu back, and helped pack the few belongings Grogu had. The two boys came out into the main area, Grogus small hand in Dins. And the two of them smiling brightly.
Time skip:
Grogu had been your adopted son for many months now. His skating ability increasing significantly, and starting to become one of the best on the kids Death Watch team.
9 times out of 10, Grogu watched Dins games.
This one game though was very different. The Twin Sun's had a new player. And even Cobb Vanth and Boba Fett had their queries about this player.
The game was heading towards a victory for the Mythasours. And this didn't settle right for the new comer. He saw his opportunity as Din skated forward with the puck, and the new comer shoved Din into the boards.
Din grunted falling to the floor hard, hitting his head against the ice. The game was called to a stop and IG-11 the medic, came onto the ice.
Boba went up to the new comer and got right in his face.
"What the fuck do you think you were doing newbie?" Boba growled,
"I was stopping him. Just cause he is the mighty 'Din djarin' doesn't mean he has my respect." The new comer explained. Boba was about to punch him, until Cobb stopped him.
"It's not worth it Boba." Cobb whispered.
Din was helped out, and Grogu was extremely upset trying to follow.
"I know buddy, I know. We'll go see your buir in a moment I promise. He's gonna be fine buddy." You croaked out trying not be scared for Grogu.
The two of you followed the ambulance to the hospital. And waited in the waiting room for almost an hour. You sat with Grogu and tried to distract him for a while.
Finally the doctor came out, and you stood up with Grogu in your arms.
"Is he alright?" You asked quickly,
"He only has a mild concussion and some slight bruising on his side. We'll have to keep him observation for the next few hours, you're able to go see him if you would like." The doctor spoke, showing the way to Din's room.
Din opened his eyes slightly, and smiled as he saw the two of you.
"Hey baby, how you feeling?" You asked quietly,
"My head hurts. A lot." Din replied. He smiled at Grogu and watched Grogus hands as his signed.
'Are you okay papa?' Grogu signed,
"I will be buddy I promise. Its just a part of hockey." Din replied ruffling Grogus white hair.
After a few hours Din was able to go home, and get sleep. For the next few weeks, Din rested making sure to listen to the doctors.
He eventually went back to the rink, slowly getting back into the swing of things. Din attended a lot of Grogus training sessions, sitting on the sidelines giving him tips. He did stay for the Mythasours practice and watched.
When Din finally returned playing, everyone including Boba and Cobb.
"Din! My Vod how are you feeling?" Boba exclaimed smiling and hugging Din,
"A lot better than I was, that's for damn sure. What happened to the kid who gave me a concussion?" Din asked.
"Got kicked out. Turns out he's done this in a bunch of other teams just never been reported properly." Boba returned.
Din's first game back was amazing. Everyone, even the Twin Sun's fans showed their excitement of the Mythasours captain making his return.
The game went to the Mythasours.
At the end of the game, Din done a speech giving his thanks for the support.
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murdereraisuha · 3 years
Vargas Camp part 2 (2/2)
The 2nd part of my reaction to the 2nd part of the story! Also tries to summarize the events of the story, but please take it with a grain of salt since I’m not fluent in Japanese. Previous part is here.
Alright, so we ended off with Ruggie having a plan for someone to run to get the headmaster, trying to convince the others of it, then Floyd proposing that they should defeat the shadow. He reasons that the shadow is too fast for anyone to try and escape it, so the only other option is to face it.
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what the hell is this pose that I paused on fhgsgsldfs. Anyway, Sebek has a plan for attacking the shadow: if they lure it to the swamp, then maybe its legs will get slowed down or trapped by the mud. Floyd likes the plan, but Ruggie questions how they’ll get to the swamp. They can’t use anything like Jack’s unique magic since they don’t have their pens... wait! Ruggie realizes that they have the magic stones that they mined. By combining all the stones they have, they could cast a unique magic once without too much blot.
So, Ruggie makes a plan. He and Jack in wolf form will lead the shadow to the swamp in a roundabout way while Floyd and Sebek go on ahead to the swamp so they can launch a surprise attack. They huddle up to discuss further so we don’t get to hear cause they gotta build ~ suspense ~ I guess.
They’re all set now! Except for Floyd. He thinks the plan is lame. He wants something in return for cooperating (sasuga octavinelle). Ruggie offers to grant him one request... as long as it can be completed within 30 minutes. Floyd’s satisfied though, which is good cause something’s rustling in the bushes.
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Oh shit What is that dmeon looking guy. he growl.
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alright alright back to the story. The shadow goes to chase Jack & Ruggie, leaving the other 2 guys alone. Jack runs through the forest to the swamp, where he turns back to normal. The shadow approaches them, but on Ruggie’s signal Sebek and eel form Floyd burst out to grab the monster and sink it into the swamp. However, with some really weird sound effects, the monster braces itself to remain in place with enough force to gouge the ground.
Ruggie suddenly uses “Laugh with Me” on the monster! He makes it walk forward into the swamp and it sinks.
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aw yeah payback time
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hold on are you fucking serious THAT’S VARGAS! WAS THIS SHIT ALL A TEST? BRO RUGGIE HAD TO USE HIS UNIQUE MAGIC WITHOUT A PEN HE’S PROBABLY GOTTEN BLOT AND SHIT WHAT THE FUCK bro you seriously putting your students in danger like this for whatever the hell this is???? BRO the sound effects are super annoying too it’s almost as uncomfortable as the pokemon musharna’s cry
The guys can’t beat the Vargas monster and they’re tired from using magic. However, the sun comes up and they can now see that it’s Vargas.
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fuck everything I did yesterday for april fools sir I hate you now.
They all go back to the campsite for Vargas to explain. Everyone is back there and safe. Jamil and Riddle explain that after they were snatched, they found themselves tied up by the ghosts in the middle of the forest. Vargas now explains that this was the final task for Vargas Camp. The people who went missing earlier were given “instructive guidance” (教育的指導) somewhere else in the forest because of trying to skip out and were supervised by the ghosts. Anyway, for the task, they cleared it good. Everyone claps and throws confetti for the final 4. There’s still lots of time left though? 
Hold on hold on Deuce was definitely not trying to skip out though. Did he get kidnapped by someone else? Anyway, with the tasks done, Vargas instructs them to clean up. Awww Silver just smiling at Sebek without saying anything is cute. People tell the final 4 to go rest while they do the cleaning. The final 4 meet up and Floyd questions Ruggie about his having to use his unique magic.
Jack and Sebek get worried about him getting blot, but it’s soon revealed that Ruggie had more magic stones hidden away that he didn’t tell them about because he wanted to sell them. Blah blah blah anyway Ace and Leona return. Leona gets his dropped necklace back from Ruggie, Floyd threatens to squeeze Ace for skipping out. Finally, everyone notices that Deuce still isn’t back and he wasn’t with Ace & Leona.
They consider telling Vargas, but Floyd thinks that they can find a lost kid on their own. The group mostly agrees, but Ruggie and Leona don’t want to go. However, Jack convinces Ruggie to go cause he might be able to pick up more magic stones in the mines to sell, then Leona goes too since he doesn’t want to deal with tents and clean up. 
So it’s the final four, Grim & MC, and Ace & Leona all in the mines now. They find a cauldron in the middle of their path... and they find Deuce! In the cauldron? He tells them to be quiet, but Sebek starts shouting at him. Something’s coming at them...
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HELL YEAH MORE FOOD FOR THE FAN THEORISTS! It’s a different color that the prologue one!
Uh what is Leona asking Ruggie to do? Why is he doing bunny hops with his hands behind his head? Oh it’s to reveal the magic stones in his pockets hfldlhfdfhds how many of those things did he squirrel away!? Alright time to fight.
Blah blah blah people launching cool attacks against it. Wow they make you fight it twice ingame. Alright it dead now. Deuce is also super exhausted.
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Anyway, some more nonsense about Ruggie selling magic stones happens. Floyd cashes in his 1 request to make Ruggie go back to camp immediately instead of try to get more magic stones. The group returns to camp where Vargas has already met back up with Crowley. They inform the teachers about having to search for Deuce and the monster, but Vargas thinks it’s a lie, an excuse for being late. Anyway, they all meet back up with their clubs and there’s the end.
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“I wanna do it again... Maybe I’ll go with Jade on his next trip to the mountains.”  🥺 FLOYYYYYYDDDDDDDDD HHnHGngghf that’s so cute if I don’t see fanart of this soon I am going to eat an entire calculator. okay okay ending this post now before I freak out more hhhhhhhhhhh
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unnamed-atlas · 3 years
post the explanation itll be funny -🌱
Okay so this is probably going to be really long but like essentially what is happening in the dreams (there's been a series of them) is mojang creates this new version of minecraft that's basically like a simulation of Minecraft but in real life. Kinda like VR except like, you are actually in there. They sponsor what is essentially the next season of hermitcraft to take place in this simulation except like also mojang is inviting other people. I do not know what the criteria for this is or who all they invite but I know I'm there for some reason 👁👄👁 on the day of the series launch I obviously have no idea what I am doing and get invited to go along with Wels and Beef, which I agree to. This is somehow the worst decision I have ever made in a dream despite it seeming perfectly reasonable.
You see, it turns out Wels was a part of the early test players for an early version of this simulation, which was, at the time, compatible with normal servers, meaning that his season seven, unbeknownst to his audience, was filmed in this simulation. And at some point during this testing, he fucked up majorly by way of actually cloning himself for what was supposed to be a bit with Beef's cloning machine. No one quite knows what Hels is but he behaves like some sort of sentient AI, one that is not particularly happy to have been brought into existence at that. Obviously this would be bad pr for Mojang, Wels, and maybe hermitcraft as a whole, considering the questionable at best ethics of the whole thing, and so Wels, Mojang, and X basically come to an agreement to keep the whole thing quiet, play it off as some lore Wels made for his series. This is overall a good move for their publicity, considering the fan base loves Hels and they managed to stay out of trouble, but it is certainly not a move Hels is a fan of, and he is further not a fan of the fact that at the end of season seven he is abandoned in the season seven server 💀
So uh, to say the least, he fucks around and finds his way into the new server, pissed, and with an unknown amount of access to Mojang's servers. This is bad news, obviously, and it is worse news that no one knows he did that. He is in there undetected and quickly going to follow after Wels. At which point he realizes a) there are new people around b) I am one of them and I am just an entire teenager and c) I am following Wels around. So, uh, he decides okay time to start causing problems on purpose.
We go into a cave. Hels follows. We split off into seperate caverns at some point and this is an overall bad decision for me considering I quickly find myself in a dead end cave with mr evil ai clone helsknight, who is considerably scarier when he looks like a real person rather than a little pixel minecraft man. I do not remember what he said but I know he decided to be an intimidating asshole and then disappear back into the cave. So I'm like 👁👄👁' and Wels walks in a second later like hey did you run into someone I thought I heard voices and I lie bc like WTF and I make up an excuse to leave the cave and instantly get as far away as possible from that fucking cave.
Fun fact about this series though, the whole thing is being live streamed, basically 24/7, like you can turn your camera off whenever you want cause like. Privacy. Obviously. but essentially you're streaming almost the entire time you're in there. Fancy cameras and shit. And like you still have access to twt and shit while you're in the simulation cause like why not gotta interact with the fan base and all. So obviously Wels fans are like 👁👁 Hels Content. Lore 👁👁. They're loving it. So obviously Wels starts to notice the sudden influx of Hels fanart with the new kid who disappeared halfway through the first day and eventually he sees the fucking clip and is like Oh Shit. That's really fucking bad and it gets worse when I have to start answering questions about that interaction and I'm like yeah, no, that was not planned in advance. My permission was never asked to be a part of that interaction 👁👄👁. So now there are some questions and Wels and X and Mojang are all like how the fuck do we make sure this doesn't become a problem. And essentially things just get worse from there <3
I talk to Wels thinking that that was some kind of prank after the fandoms reaction and he was like fully prepared to have to come clean about Hels being real so as soon as I say that he's like Yep! Definitely A Prank. Sorry about that! Will not do it again! But obviously that does not stop Hels from continuing to be an asshole. There are some arguments. Wels comes clean thinking everyone's cameras are off. They are not. The fandom is split between people who are like so hyped for this meta helsnknight lore and people who are like uh I'm not sure if this is lore anymore guys 👁👄👁. I try to leave the server. Hels locks everyone in the fucking server. Hels cuts off communication between the people in the server and the outside world other than the streams. Mojang is trying to play it off as role-play shit on twt while they desperately try to figure out WTF is happening and how to fix it. The fandom is growing increasingly concerned and there's discourse about if making fan content of what's happening in the server is ethical considering the ambiguity of the realism of the situation. Hels is trying to egg me into helping him destroy the server with everyone in it bc we're both mad at Wels and he's gonna fuck shit up either way so I might as well help him and get out at the end instead of going down with the ship. I am not yet convinced but I am getting fucking tired of all this shit <3
And yeah that's about where it's at. Uh. I probably would not do any serious writing or anything based off these dreams since the concept kind of blurs the line between CCs and their roleplay characters and also uh I feel like mojang might not appreciate the slander there but like it's been a fun series of dreams and I also just enjoy the concept of Hels going from being like a silly asshole to a serious threat and the kinda metaness of it all so-
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skullrock · 4 years
the partners, chapter nine - Steve x Reader
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chapter nine - hand in glove 
series summary: you and Steve are police apprentices at Hawkins Police Station in the fall of 1986. you get along famously, but there’s something Steve is hiding, and there is an unknown evil lurking in Hawkins. [friends to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff]
chapter summary: You and Steve attempt to escape the base, which goes a bit easier - and a bit worse - than imagined. 
warnings: swearing, violence, mentions of blood, punching, etc
word count: 4.1k
a/n: here’s the Spotify playlist that goes with the series, and you can catch up here. we have FANART NOW folks and I have literally not stopped crying over it!! pls go give Andy some love <3 please lmk your thoughts on this chapter! we are almost done bois! love u! also - phrases in italics = memories! 
As if would turn out, sneaking around a secret Russian base with a concussion was not very easy.
You were taken out almost immediately just by the lights out in the Interrogation Hub. Steve kept watch as you bent over and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to find an angle that didn’t make your ribs ache. His hand stayed on your back the entire time, rubbing it in attempt to comfort you.
“I know it’s not fun,” he says.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” you whisper, but Steve gently guides you to start walking. He knows if you don’t keep going, you’re not going to make it. And he’d like to take you on a date after all of this.
“We gotta find … walkie… first,” you remind, and Steve nods.
“I have the plan, just relax.”
“Sometimes I forget you’re not totally helpless.”
“You’re on thin ice, Y/N.”
The halls are as deserted as they were when you arrived, much to your relief. It was easy to keep walking, but not easy to know where you were going. It felt like you and Steve were walking in constant circles, and Steve’s anxiety rose each time they walked into another stark white hallway. The sound of voices down the hall forced you both to take refuge in a random room, Steve’s fists raised to fight in case anyone was inside. But it was bare – and full of everything you needed.
On the far wall was a control board, which was in front of a huge wall of screens. You could look and see all of the security cameras on them. This would be helpful if it weren’t for the fact that there were easily 75 screens, and each room looked exactly the same. In the middle of the room was a long table, and there sat your knife, walkie, and gun.
“This seems too easy,” Steve mumbles, fists lowering.
“Maybe the author is taking it easy on us,” you mutter, leaning heavily into him. Your head spins and hurts, your chest aches when you breathe. You don’t remember ever being so miserable, and you want nothing more than to break down and cry. And sleep. Thankfully, the adrenaline keeps your ass in gear, spurring you to keep going.
“God, you’re really concussed,” Steve says. He leads you slowly to a chair at the table and you slowly sit, reveling in the feeling of being grounded. Steve picks up the walkie and hesitantly turns it on.
“Uh, this is –“
He doesn’t even finish before a cacophony of voices scream from the box, making you groan loudly. Steve hisses and turns the volume down before growling, “One at a time! Over!”
“We thought you guys died,” you hear Mike say. “We thought you guys were dead! Over!”
“Steve, are you okay?” Robin asks. “Where’s Y/N?”
You reach up and pry the walkie from Steve’s hands. “This is Juliet. Have you called Owens?”
“Yeah, like, two hours ago,” you hear Lucas say. “Joyce is losing her shit.”
“Guys, please don’t forget to say over,” you hear Mike groan somewhere in the background.
“Is he on his way?” You ask. “We could really use the help.”
“Mom went to meet them at the station, we had to fill her in,” Will says.
“We’re here with her,” Dustin says. “He should be here any minute!”
Steve snatches the walkie from you. “We don’t have time to waste. We don’t know how to get out of here, and Y/N isn’t doing so hot.”
“It’s Juliet,” you say weakly. Steve pinches the bridge of his nose and looks at you like you’re an idiot – but there’s still some love in his eyes, too.
“Look, if Mike wasn’t so fucking sure that we should use code names, then I wouldn’t –“
“We don’t know how to get out,” Steve continues into the radio. “We’re in those tunnels that the Demodogs were travelling through.”
“The ones from last season?!” Max asks.
“Yes, those –“
A song of voices rings out again, this time sounding confused and shocked. You slip away as Steve attempts to explain everything quickly. You head over to the opposite side of the room, away from the screens, and find a series of desks. The desks have things like pencils and protractors on them, and you squint. One desk has what looks like a blueprint on it. Stepping forward, you grab the paper, revealing another set of plans underneath. They’re maps.
“Found something,” you say weakly, and Steve strides over. You hand him one of the more legible plans – architecture and design is not your forte, nor is it his. It’s staggering, the number of tunnels, the number of hubs, all running underneath Hawkins. There were miles and miles of them, and your stomach dropped. These tunnels had been fully functioning as a Russian base for more than a year, and the people put in office to protect you allowed it.
But another realization hits you after that, sending your stomach to your toes: If you’re not close to the exit, you won’t make it.
The rooms are written out in Russian, but you can get a sense of where you are, and you can tell where you had come from. The interrogation hub was clearly marked out, as it had about a dozen rooms within it. You had only gone maybe three hubs and hallways from it, and Steve points out a closet marked with a camera – that’s probably where you were. The exit is on the very far end of the tunnels, where the bar is on the other side of town. You were about ten hubs away from it.
“Closer than we thought,” Steve mumbles, and you scrunch your nose.
“Ten hubs is going to take like, forty five minutes to clear. And we are….” You gesture to yourself and then to him.
“Yeah, it’ll suck, but we can do it,” he says. “I’ve been through worse.”
“You get so mouthy when you’re concussed, you know that?”
“I get mouthy when I am about to die, Steve, thanks.”
Steve rolls his eyes and lifts the walkie-talkie back to his mouth. “We’ve got a map. We’re kind of close to the exit through the bar. We’re going to go for it and keep you updated. Over.”
You grab the walkie from him weakly. “Make sure they know we’re down here, yeah? Don’t want to get mowed down by bullets.”
“Got it. Standing by,” Dustin says.
“Going off walkie, talk soon, over.”
Steve takes the walkie back, which is good, because every word that comes out of your mouth makes your head spin and stomach lurch. You grab the gun and knife.
“Woah, hey,” he says, gently grabbing your wrist. “Don’t think you can shoot that in your state.”
“My gun,” you whisper. “Keeping it.”
Steve knows realistically he probably couldn’t shoot a gun right now. He’s keeping cool and positive on the outside, but he’s screaming bloody murder on the inside. He’s terrified to lose you. He knows you’re not doing well; he can see the miserable look behind your eyes, how you wince with each step, how labored your breathing is from the pain. He has no idea how you’re going to make it, other than through sheer willpower - which he knows you possess. Steve also feels like his heart is ricocheting through his body. Every look at you reminds him of things he should have said or did. Every look reminds him of how much he loves you, how much he fucked up.
Yeah, he probably couldn’t shoot a gun right now. Neither could you. But someone should have one. He makes a mental note of where it is on you, tucked into your waistband and sitting on your waist, in case he needs to use it on your behalf.
You carefully put the knife into your garter again and give a thumbs up. Steve’s hand grips the map and he clips the walkie to his uniform before sighing heavily and leading you into the hallway.
You’re met immediately by five people in uniforms similar to Steve’s. You both freeze, eyes wide. Steve’s about to grab your gun but the men simply nod and continue. Steve breathes out a sigh of relief and he takes your hands behind your back to create the impression that he’s taking you somewhere.
“They’re morons,” Steve says to you. “Idiots.”
You make it through two hubs carefully and without incident, but each step is starting to feel like a death march for you. You try to act strong so that Steve doesn’t freak, but you’re almost positive you’re about to collapse.
You enter the third hub. Steve lifts the walkie. “This is – us – we are heading into the third hub right n-“
He’s cut off by the lights turning red and an alarm blaring. You begin to drop to the floor at the noise but Steve grabs you around the waist, holding you steady. “Shit.”
“What’s going on?” Robin asks through the radio.
“Is Owen’s here?” Steve asks. “Or –“
“They know we’re missing,” you answer for him. “They’re looking for us.”
Steve throws his head back, and if he had a free hand, he would run it aggressively through his hair. He straightens you with his arm still around your waist and lifts the walkie back up. “We’ve got company!”
“He should be here any minute!” Robin stresses, and you can hear the panic in her voice. “Hide, or –“
“Yeah, got it, Rob,” he says harshly into the radio. “Stand by.”
Steve clips the radio to himself and uses both hands to steady you, still gripping the map. He turns you to look at him. You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen him look so serious.
“I know you don’t think you have it in you, but you do, okay?” he says sternly. “We have to get out of here. I’ll help you, just –“
“I can’t,” you whisper, emotions rolling through you heavily. Your eyes well up with tears. “Please, just go –“
“No,” he says, gripping onto your shoulders. “I’m not leaving here without you, understand? You’re coming with me. You’re my partner, remember? We don’t leave each other behind.”
You groan and squeeze your eyes shut to stop the tears. “If we live through this, I’m going to kill you.”
He quirks a smile and quickly says, “I think you mean kiss,” before guiding you towards the next hallway.
The bad news – the hallway is stocked full of Russians in uniforms who are looking for you both.
The good news – there are so many of them that they cannot tell that you and Steve are, in fact, you and Steve.
The next bad news – you and Steve are split up almost immediately.
One guard shouts at Steve and grabs you from him – he must assume you’re another prisoner. The guard escorts you roughly down the hallway and you look back at Steve, eyes wide, matching his. He tries to shout after the man who has you, but the other shouting and chaos in the hallway drowns him out. You were expecting to get shot and killed, but this is somehow way worse.
Steve tries to push through the crowd, but he is physically unable; it’s a small hallway, after all. The panic rises in him and he tries to calm himself down, tries to watch where you’re being taken, but it’s so god damn dim and red and he can’t differentiate between anyone. Suddenly, he’s being pushed with the rest in the direction you both just came from, as you head the other way.
Luckily for you, you still have the gun. And although you are tripping over yourself, even though the feeling of the guard’s fingers digging into your bruised skin hurts, you can still remember how to use it. The guard takes you into an empty hallway and heads for one of the rooms off of it, letting go of you briefly to unlock it with his card. You move quickly, grabbing the gun from your waistband and lifting it.
This one puts up a fight, much unlike the young man you encountered before. A scuttle ensues as he grabs your forearms, attempting to throw you to the ground. You plant your feet though, and the sheer adrenaline helps you rip your arm from his grip and slam the pistol down onto his head. He drops and you lean against the wall, catching your breath.
If you didn’t feel like you were going to die before, you definitely feel it now.  
You give yourself a moment to catch your breath and push off of the wall. You can slightly remember the path you had taken to get here, and you attempt to retrace your steps. You know there’s no point in trying to find Steve. Not only can he hold himself – probably – but there’s no way in hell you could take care of yourself andfind him. You walk aimlessly, using the wall for support, stopping every so often to steady yourself. You’re thankful for the dim red lights, even if they flash. It’s better than the stark white you were working with.
You’re also thankful that the guards are somewhere else, because the empty hallways help you navigate quicker than you would otherwise.
Stepping gingerly, you continue your path, simply hoping something familiar comes up or, by some miracle, Steve finds you. Your heart hurts that you didn’t get to tell him one last time that you love him. Fear grips you – what if he dies without knowing? But he probably does know, and he’s probably very smug about it, and the thought of that dumb, smug smile helps you continue to put one foot in front of the other.
You enter a new hallway. Stopping momentarily to catch your breath and rest, you lean against the wall. Your eyes close and you want nothing more than to just sleep. Just a quick nap. Just a –
Someone grabs you roughly and throws you to the floor before you can finish your thought. Your head slams against the tile and you see stars, nothing but stars against a black background. Your ears ring and you weakly reach up to protect yourself, but you’re lifted and slammed against the wall.
“Steve?” you slur stupidly, remembering what happened the last time you both found each other.
The laugh that answers confirms that this is not Steve – it’s Edwards.
“Got split up?” he asks, and he throws you against the wall again, making you cry out.
“A bit,” you reply weakly. You try to knee him, but your leg only lifts about two inches before it falls back down.
Edwards grabs your jaw and jerks it so that you look at him – or, well, face him. You couldn’t open your eyes from the pain.
“You kids have been a pain in my ass since you first started,” he says, and a punch to the stomach sends you careening backwards. You black out for just a moment and he throws you to the floor.
You’re pretty okay with your fate at this point. It hurts, you don’t have Steve, Steve could be dead – this is okay, you think. You’re at peace with it. You just hope it comes quick. You curl into the fetal position, wincing at the pain in your stomach and ribs, and wait for the fatal blow or bullet to come.
“Only wish your boyfriend could be here to watch,” he says, and you hear the gun cock.
He’s not my boyfriend, you think. Not yet.
“Any last words?”
Typical, you think. You open your mouth to respond, but someone responds for you.
“Go to hell.”
Steve’s fist makes contact with Edwards’ nose, a sickening crunch ringing through the air. In shock, Edwards drops his gun, before swinging at Steve. Steve dodges it and throws another fist, which collides with Edwards’ jaw. Edwards manages to grab Steve and throw him down, but Steve pulls him down, too. They struggle with each other, fists being thrown every which way, and you hear the contact from your position on the floor. You are impressed with Steve’s good timing, impressed with his sick-ass comeback, impressed with his punches.
But here’s the thing – you know Steve’s track record. You also know now that Edwards is a sick fucking sociopath with a few tricks up his sleeve. You need to help Steve or you’re both dead.
You pick yourself up off the floor with all the energy you have left and grab the pistol from your waistband.
“It’s simple, really,” Edwards said. “First, make sure safety is off.”
You click the safety off.
“Make sure your feet are planted firmly. Good position is key.”
You plant your feet, one slightly in front of the other.
“Have good posture. Keep your shoulders back and chin up. Don’t take your eyes off of the target.”
You roll your shoulders back and straighten as best as you can, despite the protests from your ribcage. You force your eyes open wide, focusing on Edwards, who is still scuttling with Steve. He’s a moving target, and you’re not sure if you’re going to hit Steve or him, but you still line the gun up with Edwards’ figure.
“Be ready for the recoil – it’ll hurt if you’re not prepped,” Edwards said, making sure to straighten your arms as you focused on the target. “Keep your arms straight as an arrow.”
You straighten your arms, gun held out in front of you, trained on Edwards’ figure. Steve shoves Edwards off of him and he flies backwards, giving you a bit of separation. You train the gun and your eyes on him.
“Take a deep breath,” Edwards had instructed. “And then shoot.”
You take a deep breath. Edwards flies back towards Steve and you force yourself to keep your eyes open as you shoot.
The shot rings through the air.
At first, Steve thinks he’s the one who’s been hit, and he gasps, eyes squeezed shut. He waits for the pain, but it never comes. He slowly opens his eyes to find Edwards on the floor, shot in the shoulder. He’s alive – and fine – but stunned into silence. Steve’s brows furrow, confusion surging through him, until he hears the gun hit the tile, you dropping right after it.
Steve runs for you, holding you tightly against his chest. You just saved his life, twice in one night. The appreciation, the adoration, the horror, the love all travels through his veins at once, and tears run down his face without Steve even realizing.
You are simply spent – there’s no way you’re going to keep going after this.
“You okay?” you whisper.
Steve is, miraculously, fine. None of Edwards’ punches landed, and he got Edwards pretty good, too. He laughs softly in disbelief. “Never been better,” he says dryly. “You?”
Your eyes meet his and the look in them tells him what you need to say. You can’t keep going. You have to stay back. You have to wait for Owens.
But Steve knows that can’t happen. If you’re left alone, you’ll fall asleep, and honestly, who knows what will happen after that? It’s not an option to leave you behind – it never was.
Steve quickly scrambles to get the map out of his pocket. He unfolds it and points. “Look, we’re so close, Y/N, so close. The exit is right there – we can make it, come on!”
He attempts to lift you, but you cry out, so he slowly lowers you back down. Edwards groans from behind you and Steve turns to him, snapping, “I’ll shoot you if you so much as twitch.”
Steve looks back to you, his eyes searching yours. You think he looks so handsome down here in the red lighting. Your hand reaches to his face and you cup it again. “Go ahead.”
“No.” Steve licks his lips and gently grabs your shoulders. “You didn’t owe me a damn thing, and you came for me, and you stayed for me. I will never be able to return that favor, but I can try, right now. I’m not leaving you. You’re not dying down here.”
“Steve,” you mumble.
“Y/N, you have to get up,” he pleads, voice cracking. “I only got to love you for a few hours, and I – I want to spend the rest of my life doing that. But I can’t do that when you’re dead, okay? Or – I guess I could, it would just be really sad –“
“Steve,” you repeat.
“I’m going to take you on the best dates,” he continues. “I’m going to take you everywhere you have ever wanted to go. I will take you to see the National Parks, I’ll take you to that stupid candy themed amusement park in Oklahoma. You always wanted to go to it, right? I’ll take you to the Empire State Building, I’ll take you to Hollywood, I don’t care. I’ll cook for you, I’ll bake you danishes every single day for the rest of your life –“
“I don’t like danishes.”
He laughs sadly and cups your face. “I know, I know, but you haven’t tried one of mine yet, remember? I’ll cookfor you, I’ll take you on picnics, just – please, please, get up. Please let me love you for the time we have left.”
As one of your coworkers had said before, Only love makes you that crazy – and that damn stupid. This apparently applies to near-death experiences as well, because you are able to pull yourself to your feet. The thought of loving you was enough to get you through the last few hubs and hallways. Steve made sure to kick Edwards on the way out, threatening him once more. He won’t die down there – he’ll die after rotting in prison, and that’s a better fate.
Steve carries most of your weight, one of your arms draped over his broad shoulders as he uses his free hand to hold the map. Every time you’d slow down or falter, Steve would promise you something else to keep you moving.
“They’re making a sequel to Back to the Future, and I’ll take you to every viewing.”
“I’ll buy a polaroid and take nice pictures of you every single day.” He pauses. “Well, try to, I don’t know much about photography.”
“I’ll buy you the coffee and pastries every Monday.”
Each promise sends a bit more energy through you. It’s not so much that you want these things to happen to badly that it keeps you going. It’s that Steve gives such a shit that he’d do these things with you. It’s that Steve loves you, and you love him, and he was right – a couple hours of love isn’t enough for you. You want more. You want the cuddles, the kisses, the fights, the sleepovers. You want it all – and that’s what keeps you going.
Steve’s talking into the walkie at certain intervals, keeping the gang updated on what’s going on. You block these intermissions out, instead focusing on how your shoes look on the tile. Before you know it, you’re pushed into an elevator, the same one you rode when you came for Steve. Your vision starts to falter now, and you hear Steve talking, but you can’t make it out.
“Almost there, we’re almost there,” he comforts. “Just a few more minutes.”
The bar is, at this point, deserted and closed down. Steve’s thankful of the absence of bodies as he exits the elevator, you gripping onto him for your life.
“Dustin, Rob, we’re out,” he breathes into the radio. “We’re –“
You decide to clock out right here. You made it – that’s all you could do. You made it out from the underground, and now you’re officially done. You give in to the comfort of unconsciousness and fall to the ground, Steve unable to catch you from how fast you moved.
Dates be damned. You’re out.
Steve drops beside you, his fingers immediately going to your wrist to check your pulse. It’s weak and slow, and he starts to lightly pat your face. “Y/N, come on, don’t do this, wake up!”
When you don’t stir, Steve goes into freak-out mode. He grabs the radio and begs for Robin, Mike, anyone to call an ambulance. His fingers don’t leave your wrist and he doesn’t leave your side for even a second. In only a few minutes, Owens and his troops appear, pushing past Steve and you on the ground and heading straight to the elevators. Joyce is with Owens, and she runs to Steve, kneeling and immediately wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
“Are you okay?” she asks, her mother reflexes kicking in. “Are – are you hurt?”
“She needs an ambulance,” Steve cries, wiping his nose with his sleeve. “Please, she needs to get to a hospital, I don’t know how much time –“
Robin and Dustin appear now, stress and worry gripping their features. They both lunge for Steve, who is now caught in a group-hug, while he holds your hand tightly. Two men with a stretcher appear next, lifting you off the ground, and Steve hugs everyone back for a split moment before running off to join you in the ambulance. He knows he shouldn’t, he knows there are questions he needs to answer, but his first priority is you, his partner, and he’s not leaving your side.
The medics ask him questions about his own state, and he gives one-word answers and shrugs. He’s fine, physically, but he’s pretty sure he will take up Owen’s standing offer for therapy after all of this. Steve doesn’t leave your side even as you arrive at the hospital, running alongside your stretcher.
A woman appears beside him, holding a clipboard. “Relation to the patient?”
Steve’s brows furrow and he quickly answers, “Relation? I – she’s my partner.”
You wake up momentarily just to hear that, and you let out an “aww” before slipping back under. Steve is stopped in front of two double doors, left with the promise that he could see you once they check your vitals and make sure you’re stabilized. He slides down the wall and sits on the cool linoleum floor, still in his authentic Russian uniform. The silence in the hall is deafening and startling for him.
He wishes he could hear your voice.
taglist: @harrington-ofhawkins @wolfish-willow @gothackedalready @m-blasterrr @sourapplebaby @harringtown @sassisaluxury @comedy-witch @peanutem @mochminnie @willowrose99 @whimsicalwoodlands @anerroroccurrrrred​ @marvels-gurl @willowrose99 @andyl394​ @ssanjuniperoo @davnwillcome @darth-el​
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yamayamawrites · 4 years
Switched - Part 3
A/N: Hi everyone! Thanks so much for reading parts 1 and 2 of my fic! Once again, this fic was inspired by @amit-crabcrab​ and their wonderful fanart! You can read part 1 here and part 2 here, or you can read the entire thing on my AO3 page here! Here’s the third and final part!
Summary: Kageyama and Tsukkishima switch bodies. The result? Not good.
It had been nearly a week since the group’s double date to the festival, and Yamaguchi pestered Kageyama every single night to come over. So far, Kageyama had been able to avoid it, each time upsetting Yamaguchi just a little more, but he felt guilt weighing heavier and heavier on him. He gave in that Thursday.
“Really?” Yamaguchi beamed up at Kageyama as they walked to Yamaguchi’s after practice; he seemed like he wasn’t expecting Kageyama to agree. “Great! My mom has been gone on business all week, so it’s just been me.”
“You should have said that sooner,” Kageyama replied with a hint of guilt. Every time his parents worked late Hinata came over to keep him company.
“Yeah, but you said you had homework,” Yamaguchi said sheepishly.
“That’s not as important as you.”
The things Kageyama naturally said to Hinata when they were alone seemed more or less foreign to Yamaguchi, like Tsukki never said these types of things to him. It made Kageyama wonder if he should meddle, if he should tell Tsukki to say more sappy things. He shook the thought away just as soon as he thought it; he shouldn’t stick his nose into it. It wasn’t his relationship, he was just…borrowing it. Yeah, that seemed about right. Borrowing.
They walked in silence the rest of the way, and Kageyama found that he missed Yamaguchi’s rambling; it almost reminded him of the steady stream of conversation Hinata always had going on their walks. A few times he glanced over to make sure Yamaguchi was okay, but the smile on his face told Kageyama he'd at least done something right.
When they finally got to Yamaguchi’s house, Kageyama felt the weight of the situation settle in. He didn’t know how Yamaguchi and Tsukki acted when they were alone alone. Walking home together and spending the night together were two very different things, and one of them likely involved sleeping in the same bed. Kageyama’s face flushed; he and Hinata had only slept together once, and it was purely by accident (Hinata had rolled onto Kageyama’s futon during a training camp).
“Tsukki, can I ask you something?” Yamaguchi murmured as he let the two of them into the house.
“Of course,” Kageyama replied in a soft voice. He forgot for a moment to turn on the bored infliction in his voice.
“What’s going on with you?”
The question shocked Kageyama. He thought, based on how Yamaguchi was responding to him, that he hadn’t caught on. And yet, here they stood, Yamaguchi hanging his head as if embarrassed for even asking. Kageyama felt the urge to look anywhere but Yamaguchi, so he settled for looking around the small home.
There were potted plants on practically every surface, and the style of the home felt more western than he was used to. There was a small television near the corner, and Kageyama spotted a pet food bowl on the ground near his foot. “Nothing,” he said finally, realizing he hadn’t responded to the boy in front of him.
“Bullshit,” Yamaguchi scoffed. “You’ve been…um,” he wrung his hands. “I’m not trying to accuse you of anything. You just…”
“What is it?”
“Are you like…into Hinata?” Yamaguchi’s face glowed bright red. He realized what he’d said and immediately sputtered, shaking his head and stepping back until he bumped against the couch. “I-I didn’t mean it like that, I swear!”
Kageyama hung his head shamefully. He had been trying so hard not to harm their relationship, and he felt backed into a corner. He didn’t want to hurt Yamaguchi further; he remembered the feeling of jealousy when Hinata first went to spend the weekend with Kenma, and how he’d been so upset he didn’t even want to speak to the boy, but he knew how much it hurt both of them and he couldn’t subject Yamaguchi—dare he say, his friend—to the same feeling.
“Can you give me a minute to call someone?” he asked feebly, and he could see even from where he stood that tears were sprouting in Yamaguchi’s eyes. Still, the boy nodded his head, and stared at his toes.
Kageyama called Tsukkageyama, who picked up with a grumble after several rings. “Hey, I’m with Hinata,” he griped.
“I have to tell him,” Kageyama said sternly.
“You don’t,” Tsukkageyama responded hastily, suddenly a bit more panicked. “Seriously—”
“I don’t want to hurt your relationship even more,” Kageyama scowled. He could see Yamaguchi’s shoulders shaking under the weight of silent sobs.
“Is—is that really the only option?” Tsukkageyama asked feebly, finally, after what felt like ages.
“I think so.”
“Hinata and I are on the way.”
“Wait, you—”
Tsukkageyama had already hung up, and Kageyama returned his full attention to Yamaguchi, who stared up at him now with bleary eyes.
“You could have just told me,” Yamaguchi said in a biting tone. “Who the hell did you call, anyway?”
Kageyama hesitated. “I called Tsukkishima,” he said finally.
Yamaguchi blinked. “Uh, what?”
“Listen, it’s kind of a lot, and he and Hinata are on the way here…”
“You invited Hinata over here?! Are you stupid?”
“Yes, but not because of that.” Kageyama took in a sharp breath. “I don’t know how we can prove this to you without him here.”
“Prove what?! Tsukki, what’s going on?”
“I’m not Tsukki,” Kageyama mumbled. “I’m…Kageyama. I ended up in Tsukkishima’s body somehow.”
“This is a whole fucking joke,” Yamaguchi spat. “Is that really your excuse for ogling Hinata the past few days? You know, for such a smartass, you really are a moron!” He took a few steps closer to Kageyama now, and Kageyama backed up until his back hit the front door. “Get out, Tsukki. Go home.”
“But, Yama—”
Kageyama sighed, feeling his face heating up with anger and desperately trying to remember that he felt the same way once, and that he got through it, and his and Hinata’s relationship was strong. He felt a clenching at his heart that he could have caused this kind of anger. Still, he wordlessly turned and walked out the door, shut it quietly, and plopped down on the porch.
It took nearly a half hour before Kageyama saw Hinata’s bright orange hair bounding down the road, jumping every so often. Soon after he heard that shrill, exciting voice rambling in the same way that he missed so much, and his heart clenched even further. He stood up as Tsukkageyama and Hinata walked up the drive. “I still don’t know why we’re here,” Hinata huffed as he bounded up the walkway.
“I didn’t tell him yet,” Tsukkageyama mumbled to Kageyama as he walked up to the door and knocked.
To Kageyama’s surprise, Yamaguchi opened the door less than a minute later. His eyes were red and puffy, and Kageyama watched Tsukkageyama’s facial expression change the same way his did when Hinata cried like that. Yamaguchi stepped aside wordlessly, letting the other three into the house.
“Sit down, Yamaguchi,” Tsukkageyama muttered. Yamaguchi looked ready to argue but then decided against it, instead padding across the room and slumping into the couch. He looked defeated, and while it wasn’t Hinata that looked like that, Kageyama still felt guilty and a little heartbroken.
“You too, Hinata,” Kageyama said to Hinata, resisting the urge to reach out and ruffle the boy’s hair. Hinata looked between Kageyama and Tsukkageyama, then at Yamaguchi, and increasingly perplexed look donning his face. Finally he huffed and jumped across the room, landing on the couch next to Yamaguchi.
Tsukkageyama and Kageyama stood side by side in front of the couch. Kageyama played with the hem of his shirt, which had at some point come untucked – maybe during their walk here. Hinata and Yamaguchi watched the two, utterly confused. Finally, Yamaguchi spoke. “Were you actually into Kageyama, Tsukki? Because—”
“Revolting,” Tsukkageyama droned, and Kageyama laughed.
“We switched bodies,” Kageyama stated bluntly.
“Of course,” Hinata whispered, as if it made the most sense in the world.
“Bullshit,” Yamaguchi scowled again. “You can’t actually be serious.”
“Yamaguchi,” Tsukkageyama cleared his throat, “you have sixteen strawberry plants in this house and I could point out each one of them. You really like vanilla milkshakes, but only during the summer. You set all your plants outside for half-hour intervals when it rains because you don’t want them to drown.”
Yamaguchi blushed. “How do you…”
“Kageyama and I switched bodies last week,” Tsukkageyama said. “He wasn’t lying to you. I assume he told you and you put him out on the porch. Speaking of which, where’s the cat?”
“Cat?” Kageyama asked dumbly, then remembered the food bowl sitting near the entrance.
“We—Tsukki and I—got a cat together,” Yamaguchi spoke softly. He kept his head hung to avoid looking at the others in the room. “He wandered up to my window one day and chewed on some of my cucumber plants.”
“So we named him ‘Pickle’,” Tsukkageyama finished.
“Oi, Kageyama, that’s so cute! I want a kitten too!” Hinata cried, and Kageyama finally felt permission to fully look at him – that bright ball of energy, staring right up at him, even though he was in Tsukki’s body. “Also, this is weird. Say some things you know about me!”
“It’s not a game, dumbass!” Kageyama barked.
“That’s totally you, Ka-ge-ya-ma!”
Yamaguchi’s face slowly changed from a look of realization to a look of utter horror. “You mean…every goodnight kiss has been—”
“Sorry,” Kageyama mumbled idiotically, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Wow, Tsukkishima didn’t even call me Shrimpy once!” Hinata cried, pointing an accusatory finger at Tsukkageyama. “Are you sure you guys switched bodies?”
“Is that why you didn’t want to spend the night?” Yamaguchi asked finally. Kageyama nodded curtly and hung his head.
“I didn’t want to hurt your relationship with Tsukkishima.”
“Wait, does that mean…” Hinata tapped his chin in thought and looked back and forth between Yamaguchi and Tsukkageyama. Finally he slapped his fist into his palm in realization. “Oh! You’re dating!”
Yamaguchi flushed and Tsukkageyama scoffed. “Currently I’m stuck dating you,” Tsukkageyama corrected.
“So Kageyama and Hinata are together?” Yamaguchi had directed this question at Kageyama, but then shifted his focus to Tsukkageyama, trying to wrap his head around the situation. Tsukkageyama nodded, and Yamaguchi sighed and reached into his pocket. He handed a few spare coins over to Tsukkageyama.
“You bet on whether or not we were dating?!” Kageyama shouted, his face bright red. Hinata was laughing so hard that he’d doubled over himself on the couch, wheezing for air.
“Now we don’t have to worry about telling people, Kageyama!” Hinata cried when he finally caught his breath.
The group continued to bicker about the situation until a realization dawned between the four of them. Kageyama and Tsukkageyama could no longer play like everything was normal. How would their relationships be affected?
Yamaguchi was the first to offer even the slightest hint of a solution. “Well, we all know now, so maybe it’ll be easier to solve the problem!”
“In the meantime, I don’t want grumpy Tsukkishima kissing me,” Hinata moped.
“Hinata’s right,” Tsukkageyama added. “I think it’s best to put our relationships on hold for the time being.”
“Then we really do need to fix this quickly,” Kageyama replied without thought; he’d meant to just think that statement, but judging by Hinata’s bleary eyes staring up at him he’d said that out loud.
“Kageyama misses me!” Hinata cried, grinning that wide smile that Kageyama missed most of all.
Despite it being a school night, the group of them stayed up and brainstormed; Kageyama and Tsukkishima shared their endeavors with Suga and his suggestions. Hinata definitely wanted to try the smacking-heads-together thing, but the scowls real Kageyama and fake Kageyama sent him were enough for him to nearly pee himself.
“Hold on, hold on,” Yamaguchi wheezed after finishing laughing at the ridiculous look of panic on Hinata’s face, “that time that you punched Kageyama in the face. What was that all about?”
“He said I pissed the bed,” Tsukkageyama replied defensively.
Yamaguchi rolled back, laughing and clutching his heels as he did so. Kageyama saw a hint of a smile on Tsukkageyama’s face and could tell that he missed Yamaguchi just as much as Kageyama missed Hinata. They all joked with each other, finally feeling a small sense of normalcy, until Yamaguchi suddenly sat upright.
“Tsukki, the shrines!”
“We already discussed that,” Tsukkageyama droned.
“No, no, think about it! You wished for—”
“It wasn’t that, Yamaguchi,” Tsukkageyama insisted. Hinata and Kageyama looked at him quizzically.
“Even if it wasn’t, maybe that would still work,” Hinata tapped his chin in thought. “Let’s go tomorrow before school.”
“Why don’t we just go now?” Kageyama replied. “It’s nearly three-thirty.”
“What?!” the other three exclaimed, and Kageyama simply held his phone up to show them the time.
“No wonder I’m so tired,” Hinata whined.
“I’m sick of this,” Tsukkageyama said finally, “so if that’s the solution, then let’s go.”
The roads were nearly empty as the group walked to the shrine, which was to be expected, considering it wasn’t even four in the morning. Hinata clung to Kageyama’s side, whining every so often about how it felt so weird and unnatural to be holding onto Tsukkishima like that, and Kageyama said he was welcome to let go, but he never did.
They stood at the bottom of the stairs to the shrine, eyeing them warily, until finally Hinata made the first leap and suddenly it was a race to the top. They huffed and bent over themselves when they finally made it to the top of the stairs, Kageyama laughing because he missed his meaningless races with the boy. Tsukkageyama and Yamaguchi were laughing, too, despite never indulging in such meaningless activities as racing up flights of stairs.
Finally the group approached the shrine, and Kageyama and Tsukkageyama prepared their wishes. For extra measures, both Yamaguchi and Hinata prepared to wish for them to have their own bodies back, too; Hinata claimed that the more someone wished for something, the faster it would come true. Nobody had the strength to argue with him.
They made their wishes and uneventfully returned to Yamaguchi’s home. Kageyama huffed; he didn’t feel any different. Tsukkageyama scoffed at him. “We woke up in different bodies,” he explained, “so I’m guessing we won’t revert back until we wake up again. If this even works.”
By the time they all managed to get to sleep, it was almost five in the morning, and the group managed to sleep through every single cell phone alarm that was set for school the next day. Kageyama shot up from his place on the floor just by the couch around nine in the morning, head swimming as he did so. He half-expected a pair of glasses to block him from reaching up and rubbing his eyes, but there was nothing; he idly wondered if his thick and curly hair had mellowed out when he raked his fingers through it.
It wasn’t until Tsukkishima sat up from across the room that Kageyama realized he was Kageyama again, and he made a noise similar to what Hinata would make after spiking a good toss. This startled the other two awake, who were leaning on each other on the couch, and if it weren’t for Kageyama’s excitement he probably would have stopped to ogle at Hinata’s precious sleeping face. Tsukkishima’s eyes lit up from across the room and he smiled, a genuine smile, as Hinata and Yamaguchi looked between the two.
“Hinata,” Kageyama breathed, and a sleepy grin fell upon Hinata’s lips.
“That you, Kags?” he asked groggily, and Kageyama nodded quickly.
They celebrated Kageyama’s and Tsukkishima’s body-switch for less than five minutes, however, as it dawned on the first-years that they’d slept completely through morning practice and the first few hours of the school day. Suddenly they were all scrambling, freaking out about what the team would think, when Kageyama and Tsukkishima received a text from Suga.
SUGA: ‘I hope this means you figured it out. See you later – lap drills for everyone! ;p’
“No, no, no! Gross!” Hinata whined, stirring in Kageyama’s lap.
“You heard me, Hinata! Fuck, marry, kill, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Asahi!” Yamaguchi giggled, watching Hinata’s face turn bright red. Tsukkishima adjusted his glasses, attempting to hide the sly smirk on his face.
“Pass,” Hinata mumbled feebly, slumping back in Kageyama’s arms, defeated.
The group sat on Yamaguchi’s living room floor, a few bags of snacks between them as they played Cards Against Humanity (at least, that was how it had started until Hinata whined that there weren’t enough cards about volleyball).
“Fuck Noya, marry Tanaka, kill Asahi,” Kageyama replied simply. Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi exchanged looks, then laughed.
The four had grown a lot closer since the body switch incident. Now it was a thing of the past, something they laughed about when Kageyama made fun of Tsukkishima for being so blind or Tsukki poked fun at the numerous volleyball posters Kageyama had in his room. They had sleepovers like this one regularly, now, and though Kageyama still didn’t particularly like Tsukkishima, he didn’t not enjoy his company. Plus, he quite enjoyed leaving Yamaguchi’s house with fresh fruits and vegetables he grew himself.
A few times they’d all gathered at Kageyama’s to play with his gaming systems; they all took turns poking fun at the horrible selection of games Kageyama had. If the game didn’t have ‘extreme’ or ‘sports’ in the title, Kageyama wasn’t interested. They even went to Tsukki’s once, which stunned Tsukki’s mother (“I didn’t know you had so many friends, Tsukkishima!”). Sometimes they played two-on-two volleyball at the park, but most of all they enjoyed each other’s company outside of the club.
They also felt much more open with each other since the incident. Kageyama and Hinata didn’t hide their relationship from Yamaguchi and Tsukki, and vice versa; they felt comfortable enough with each other to share futons and exchange kisses in the others’ presences. They went on more double-dates, and though Tsukki and Kageyama would never admit it to their boyfriends, they still accompanied each other on shopping trips to get gifts for their respective boyfriends.
Yamaguchi began to teach Hinata to garden. He supplied Hinata with an old flower pot and a packet of seeds he hadn’t used, and often times when the group got together to hang out Hinata would bring his plant (which he named ‘Tobi’) with him for Yamaguchi to inspect. During their current sleepover, Tobi sat on the coffee table, which had been pushed aside to make room for the group to sit down.
“Your turn, Kageyama!” Hinata beamed up at his boyfriend, his cheeks still a little red from the embarrassment of considering having sex with any of the other volleyball team members.
“Okay. Tsukkishima, fuck, marry, kill: Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi.”
“Is it an option to kill all three?” Tsukki asked bluntly. Yamaguchi snickered behind his hand.
“Nope!” Hinata replied for Kageyama, rocking back and forth in a way that Kageyama would never admit was driving him crazy.
“Hm.” Tsukki took his time answering. “Kill Bokuto, for sure. Um, fuck Akaashi and marry Kuroo.”
“Interesting choice,” Yamaguchi tapped his chin, laughing. Tsukki just shrugged.
“It doesn’t mean anything, really.”
“That’s why it’s fun!” Hinata chirped. If he didn’t stop moving, Kageyama might have to excuse himself to go take care of a relatively large issue.
Later that evening, as Hinata and Kageyama prepared the futon in the living room, Hinata stopped and nearly dropped his end of the bed. “Oi,” Kageyama grunted at the sudden increase in weight. “Can you, I don’t know, help?” he teased.
“Sorry,” Hinata picked his end of the futon back up and helped place it.
“What’s on your mind?” Kageyama pressed.
“I was just thinking about when we went to that festival. Or—I went with Tsukkishima?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“You—he—brought me a cute stuffed animal. Um…how did he know?” Hinata asked quizzically, and Kageyama smiled slightly, looking away so Hinata wouldn’t tease him about it.
“Oh, I told him what to get.”
They changed into their pajamas in silence, and Hinata broke that silence once more after pulling his sleep shirt over his head. “That’s really sweet, you know.”
“What is?” Kageyama asked, getting ready to lay down.
“How you always get me stuff,” Hinata replied. “I have a whole mini collection of stuffed animals now thanks to you, and you never even tell me what you like!”
Kageyama rolled his eyes. “I don’t need you to get me anything,” he shrugged.
“But I want to get you something!”
Kageyama sighed and looked away. He never really thought about what he’d want from Hinata; he already got so much love and compassion from the boy that he felt wrong asking for anything else. “I don’t want anything,” he said again, “just you.”
It felt like a simple statement in his head. He wasn’t even trying to make Hinata blush, yet here he was, face red and buried in Kageyama’s chest as he whined about how cute that was. It made Kageyama blush, too, as he ran his fingers through Hinata’s messy hair – something he never took for granted, now that he knew a time when he wasn’t able to do it as he pleased.
“Bath is available,” Yamaguchi called down the hall as he and Tsukki stepped out of the bathroom. Kageyama wouldn’t press it, but he swore he could see a hickey or two on Yamaguchi’s neck.
“But I already put my PJ’s on!” Hinata whined. Kageyama rolled his eyes at him, not willing to pass up the opportunity for a bath, and grabbed the boy by his wrist and pulled him down the hall.
Most nights went like this lately. The first-years spent more and more time together, getting to better understand each other and enjoy their company more. Though Kageyama wholly enjoyed Hinata’s presence in his life, it felt nice to have a small group of friends that he could rely on when Hinata wasn’t there. He was sure Hinata felt the same by the way he and Yamaguchi had bonded over that plant. The cat, Pickle, also became a good friend to them; for some reason it attached itself to Kageyama whenever he and Hinata came over.
Kageyama really wanted to ask Tsukki what he’d wished for at the shrine, way back when. They still didn’t know whether or not it truly started it all, but none of them had time to question the supernatural nature of it all. That day, Kageyama had wished to be taller and a bit better at blocking; did that equate to Tsukkishima?
Tsukki thought about it a lot, as well, though he didn’t mention it to anyone. He remembered wishing he had Kageyama’s confidence and genius setting abilities, but he’d never once admit that he was jealous. In their budding friendship, Kageyama had even taken the time to help Tsukki with overhand receives, but he was still too ashamed to admit it.
Either way, Tsukki supposed it worked out just fine, so there was no harm. He would take that secret to his grave.
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thedailyotaku · 4 years
on the way home. (Azami X Kumon oneshot)
Summer is almost over and autumn will come soon. There goes the school bell, ringing that it's time to go home. I stood up and picked up my bag and head over to Azami's room to pick him up.
It's been a year since he entered my school, Tsukushi High, and we always head home together. To be honest I was happy that Azami came to my school so I can have a new friend to hang out after school. Sometimes we hang out at my favorite batting place, to the mall to check out new makeup for him and I ending up as his model to test the products. But I don't mind at all, as long he's enjoying himself.
There are times we come home late from spending too much time on our hangouts haha. I smiled as I approach Azami's room and happily greet him,
"AZAMIIII, school's out c'mon let's hang out!" I cheerfully called out as he turned to me frowning as he pick up his things.
"Alright alright no need to shout," he said and head out and I tag along.
"Azami, is there any particular place you wanna hang out today? It's gettin pretty chilly since autumn is comin' up."
"Nah I wanna head home early today, how 'bout you?" he shrugged and yawns.
"Me? Well I wanna go for a little detour but since you said you're going straight home, guess I'll go home as well."
"Well we have time thou, where is that detour you're sayin'?"
"Hehe wanna find out? Follow me." I said teasingly and dash ahead.
"Hey no fair! Get back here!" Azami yelled and dash off as well chasin' me. I laughed and ran like a mad man as I head to the place where I found a new spot for hangin' out.
It's only a few blocks away from school and no one has ever set foot on it so I wanted to show Azami this new spot to hang out. It's an empty field with a perfect spot to watch the sunset.
Finally we arrived at the empty field and I lay down on the ground, catching my breath and I saw Azami's face starin at me from above.
"You're such a dumbass, dashing off like that what if you suddenly faint from exhaustion? You know your health is not that well. You're gonna be heavy as I carry you home." He sighed and lay down as well beside me.
"Well when that happens you're still gonna carry me home right?"
"How about no?"
"EH. You're so mean Azami!" I sat up and glared at him.
"I'm kidding, you're so easy to tease haha." He laughed and sat as well. There it is again, that throbbing feeling in my chest whenever Azami smile or laughs. I wonder if I'm getting sick or something. I just laughed it off and stare at the setting sunset.
"This is a pretty cool spot to relax. When did you find this?"
"Oh. When I was runnin' late last time I passed by here and it was close to the station and no one really comes here so yeah another free space to relax and practice swings! Hehe." I laughed and Azami just looked at me, smiling.
"Well thanks for the new hang out place, maybe if we're gonna skip school let's go here since it's not that far."
"Ah! Skipping school is a no no Azami!"
"Heh, but you go along with me whenever you feel like skipping your class."
"W-Well that's only a one time event! Besides I promised Mom that I'll do well at school so I can stay at the dorms with niichan."
"Haha you really love your family Kumon, I kinda envy you." he said and stares at the sunset.
"Why though? You have Sakyo-san, the Ginsekai and Mankai as your family, also me! You're like a brother to me too, Azami." I said but I know my feelings are not merely a brotherly love. It's something else.
"Well I know that, it's just I don't know how to react back," he muttered.
"But yeah even I can't tell it in words, I can just simply show it with my actions."
"Yeah exactly! You're a good guy Azami that's why I like you so much hehe."
"Huh like?"
"Uh I mean I like you as friend! Ha ha ha..."
"You're such a weirdo sometimes Kumon, but I like that part of you. It's like your charm that people come to like you."
"Really? I'm kinda shy to hear that." I laughed and scratch my head that Azami is complimenting me.
"I'm serious, you're approachable, kind and full of energy. And I think that's really cool."
"Well you're more cooler Azami! Even though you're young, you're dependent, can fight and manly!"
"Pfft. Stop the flattering,"
"Eh~ but I'm serious, I really like those characteristics of yours Azami."
"Well it's look like we admire each other's good sides," We laughed it off and stare again at the setting sunset. Then he turns to me and chuckles,
"What's so funny?" I asked confused that he's suddenly laughing.
"Can I say something weird?"
"Well in most situations, normal couples mostly hang out here in an empty field like this to make out, but here we are, two guys chillin as we watch the sunset."
"There's nothing wrong with that though, it's just we're chillin. Couples are not the only ones can hang out in places like these haha."
"Yeah right." He said and lay down again on the grass closing his eyes.
"Hey Azami, I gotta say you're pretty good looking, and I bet you're popular with the girls at school. Is there a type you like?"
"Nah. Girls at school are annoying and noisy. But Kantoku is an exception."
"Do you like Kantoku then?"
"Yeah I like her, but not in an romantic way. I respect her as our Director and nothing else."
"Hmm I see,"
"Looks like you have more something to say, you can ask me anything if you want,"
"Yeah yeah, since we're chillin' out here and all."
"Then," I paused and took a deep breath and turned to him, completely serious about what to ask.
"Hey Azami, what would you do if a guy confesses to you?" I said and he looked at me shocked and I turned away at him scratching my head. Great, you're the best Kumon, why in the world did you ask that thing? Especially to Azami. As I roast myself when Azami muttered,
"Well, I would feel weird but yeah I'll respect the guy's gut for confessing. And I-I don't know if I would like a guy..." he muttered and started to blush. I don't know if he's blushing or it's just the sunset. But I pressed my thoughts and ask him again,
"Then what would you do if I confessed to you?"
"You confessing to me?"
"Yeah." I said firmly starin into his eyes. I don't know what got into me and why am I sayin' these things.
"Well I'm flattered, that you like me. Ah I mean, why would you confess to me anyway? Are you teasing me again Kumon?"
"Why would I joke at a time like this, I'm serious, I Iike you Azami."
"Huh, what does that mean." he muttered and starts to cover his face. I chuckled and stop him from covering his face as I lean in to him. We're so close that I can feel his breath and can hear his heart beating.
"Well if you don't like it, let's just forget this happened and stay as friends. I don't want our friendship to get awkward and all haha." I smiled bitterly and starts to stand up when Azami stopped me and clutches my sleeve.
"Wait. You didn't heard my answer yet dumbass," he said and I sat down, focused about what he's going to say.
"I, I like you too Kumon. I know it's weird that we're both guys but I really admire the things you have which I don't. And yeah, ugh. You know what I mean," he said and blushes looking down at the ground.
"Haha you're so cute Azami blushing like that, oh then that means we're going out now?"
"Whatever you call it," he muttered and I hugged him so tight, I'm so happy right now coz we feel the same way. I feel I hit a homerun right now.
I smiled and stare into Azami's eyes and about to lean in for a kiss when he stop me.
"Hey just because we're going out doesn't mean we can do those things,"
"Those things?"
"Aw c'mon you know what I mean Kumon,"
"And what is that?" I asked teasingly as I lean in so close that I can just peck his lips.
"Like kissing and stuff... Wait how do guys kiss?"
"Pfft hahaha, you really gonna ask that? I'll show you," I chuckled, leaning in and pecked his lips.
"How do you know these stuffs? You don't look like the type to do these things like kissing, dumbass."
"Well I learn a one or two from Muku's shoujo mangas and there's nothing different except we're both guys haha."
"Whatever let's go home, Shitty Sakyo might yell at me again if we come home late again," he said standing up and starts to walk.
"Ahh Azami! Wait for me! You're so cruel." I pout and followed him.
I held his hand and he held back. We head home with smiles as we gaze into the starry sky as we head home.
✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
Thanks for reading! It's been quite a long time since I wrote a fanfic again and it's my first time writing shounen ai genre and fluff. Apologies if there are errors, typos, wrong grammars coz I wrote this in one sitting and just focused to finish it. Hope you liked it! Until then ^^
Credits to the Azami x Kumon fanart,
ついったlog | 石榴 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80636008
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6 notes · View notes
honeymoonjin · 5 years
curious - taehyung x reader x yoongi smut
A/N: 4.4k. This has been extended for the full version as of 19/04, rather than me posting the second part separately. Taehyung confides in you and your boyfriend Yoongi that he might be bi, and the two of you offer to let him experiment with you to find out. Warnings for explicit sexual content: mxm oral, female receiving oral, exhibitionism/voyeurism, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dirty talk, mxm sex, threesome.
Recently, date night in with Yoongi had become overrun by one of Yoongi’s bandmates and best friends, Taehyung. You weren’t sure if he just didn’t get the memo, or if he didn’t care, but week after week, the second you thought you were going to finally get some alone time with Yoongi, Taehyung had to show up. The worst part was, you could never get mad at him either.
On this particular evening, the three of you had been drinking a fair amount, trying to loosen Tae’s lips on whatever issue had been bothering him in the past week or so.
“No matter what it is, we won’t judge you, I promise.” You reach over and clasp his hand in yours, and he stares down at it sullenly.
“I just don’t want you guys to find it gross.”
“Honestly, Tae,” Yoongi groans from the other side of Tae, leaning back on the couch with one arm resting on the back, fingers brushing against the back of Tae’s neck when he moved. “One time I walked in on Namjoon jacking it to some army fanart of himself jacking it. I can’t imagine whatever you have is weirder than that.”
Taehyung takes a deep breath, avoiding eye contact with either of you. “I think…I might be attracted to men. As well as women, I mean.” He shifts uncomfortably. “If you think-”
“Taehyung,” you interrupt firmly, “there’s nothing wrong with that. Have you not been paying attention to the lyrics of your own group? All of us are fine with that.” You squeeze his hand. “But I’m so happy you felt like you could tell us.”
“It only took an entire bottle of our good wine,” Yoongi grumbles, downing the last of his glass. “Anyway, is that it?”
“Well, no,” Taehyung starts, voice still quieter than usual, “I’m not totally sure. I haven’t really done much stuff with either gender before, so I don’t know for certain. It’s all so confusing.”
Maybe if you weren’t already on the deep end of tipsy you wouldn’t have suggested it, but you are, and as you glance past Tae to your boyfriend, you can see in his eyes he’s having the same idea. “The only way to know is to try, Tae-tae.”
“That’s the problem!” he protests, “I don’t…oh. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
You hum happily and lean onto him so that your faces are centimeters apart. “If you want to experiment, we’d love to have you.”
Yoongi lowers his arm so that instead of the tips of his fingers touching Tae, his whole hand is wrapped around the back of his neck, pointer and middle finger slipping up to scratch lightly along his scalp. “Let hyung take care of you, Tae. We’ll just play around for a little bit, no strings attached, and then you can decide afterwards if you’re bisexual or not. Does that sound good?”
Tae’s eyes flutter shut and his head tips back at Yoongi’s gentle but insistent touches. “I’d really like that, but only if you’re sure.”
“Oh, Y/n is definitely sure,” Yoongi confirms, “aren’t you, baby girl? I’m not small by any means but I’ve told her you’re bigger.”
Taehyung whips his head around to Yoongi. “You…you what?”
“Come on, Tae. All the members tell their girlfriends about the sexual exploits of the others. It’s basically tradition at this point.”
“You do?”
“It’s okay, Tae-tae,” you coo, “I won’t tell anybody. It just seems a shame to let your natural talents go to waste. When was the last time you got your dick sucked, huh?”
“Uh, never.”
Your mouth falls open. “Wait, are you serious? Well, that ends tonight. Which one of us do you want to suck your cock, baby?”
He flushes and lets out a little whimper, mumbling something.
Yoongi grins, catlike. “Speak up, Taehyung.”
“I want hyung to do it.”
You bite your lip, trying to subdue the excitement you feel at seeing your boyfriend kneel between the legs of another man, of one of your best friends. By now, there’s a growing dark patch on his otherwise grey sweatpants, and you can tell by the slight stretch of the fabric that he must be painfully hard.
Taehyung sighs and tips his head back when Yoongi pulls the waistband down enough to let his dick spring out, the cool air lighting up the sensitive nerves. Yoongi swallows hard, pupils blown wide and the look of lust on his face has you shifting against the couch, wanting some friction.
Unfortunately for you, the erotic sight of your boyfriend leaning in and licking a broad stripe up the side of Taehyung’s cock is never repeated. Taehyung swears, and his hand flies down to push Yoongi away by the forehead.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi huffs, but you hear the hint of concern behind his gruff tone.
“I-It’s too much, I don’t want to come like this,” he replies shakily, “I don’t want this to be over just yet.”
You smile teasingly. “What do you want to do then, Taehyung? We could all sit in a circle and sing kumbaya until you think you can last longer than ten seconds.”
His eyes are half-lidded as he stares at you and the tan of his cheeks is slightly pinkened. “I,” he swallows and wets his lips nervously, “I want to watch you guys.”
A spike of arousal shoots through you as you suck in a breath. “What do you want to watch us do, Tae-tae?”
He breaks your gaze and turns to Yoongi. “Can you make her cum, hyung?”
Yoongi looks up at Taehyung from between his legs. He blows cool air over the head of Taehyung’s cock, grinning catlike at the way Taehyung hisses and jerks his hips. “Make her cum how?”
“With your mouth,” he pants, “and your fingers.”
Yoongi doesn’t respond verbally but instead stands up and walks out of the living room and into the dining area. You frown until you hear the scraping of chair legs and you see Yoongi return, only to place a single chair in the middle of the room.
“Come sit, baby girl,” he says in a low tone.
Your heart races, but you stand up, undressing on your way there until you sit in the chair completely naked. The open air feels nice against the heat of your pussy, but you’ll go crazy if you don’t get some friction soon.
Luckily, Yoongi is in a giving mood tonight. He glances over his shoulder at Taehyung. “How many?”
You tip your head back at the question, and Taehyung lets out a breathy chuckle. “How many can she take?”
Yoongi hums in consideration and runs a single finger up the inside of your naked thigh. “She’ll take everything I give her like a good little slut, won’t you, baby?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out dumbly, knowing that he can probably smell your arousal from down there if he can’t already see it. Yoongi always knew exactly how to get you excited fast.
Taehyung groans and Yoongi laughs at the sound. “Of course, she will need to be able to fuck us once I’m done, so maybe we’ll cap it at two for now, hm?”
Without further confirmation from Taehyung, though it does come in the form of another desperate groan, Yoongi readjusts his position so his face is inches away from your heat. You automatically let your legs tip open wider for him, and he rewards you with a gentle smile, teeth resting on his bottom lip.
Slipping one hand under each knee, he leans down and flicks the lightest kitten lick against your clit. You exhale shakily. “Yoongi, please, hurry up.”
He hums but otherwise ignores you, slowly pulling your legs wider apart for him and tugging in one solid motion so that your butt slips out from under you. You squeak in surprise and latch onto his shoulders, now with your tailbone resting right on the edge of the chair.
He lets go of your legs after lifting one up over his shoulder and letting the other hang limp and reaches between your legs to spread your lips.
You whine as he shifts to the side and turns around slightly, pulling your leg with him further. “Come here, Tae,” he commands, “come see.”
Taehyung swears and goes to tuck his erection back into his pants but Yoongi shakes his head. Reluctantly, the younger boy comes to kneel beside Yoongi, cock still dribbling precum hopelessly, bobbing in the air when he moves. You don’t envy him; at least you’re getting some relief.
“Doesn’t she look so pretty, Tae? All spread out and ready for us?”
You groan at the use of the word ‘us’ and feel yourself grow even wetter. Taehyung glances up at you and smiles shyly. “She’s beautiful.”
You flush but the sweet moment is interrupted by a small growl from Yoongi. “Watch and learn, buddy.” Without a moment’s hesitation, he plunges a single finger into you, palm down.
Yoongi grins at your pleased whine, and begins fucking you slowly, corkscrewing his finger as he goes for more friction. It feels so good after being turned on for so long, but it’s not enough, and you shift your hips up, eager for more. “Look at her,” Yoongi whispers sultrily, “we’ve barely even started and she’s desperate to cum. Don’t worry, baby, you’ll get enough orgasms tonight to last you the week if you’re lucky.”
He pulls out his drenched finger and pushes it back in with another, not thrusting, just curling up and pulling out some of your copious amount of wetness and offers the shiny digits to Taehyung. “Have some, baby boy. We need to get your appetite up.”
Taehyung stares at Yoongi unsurely as he leans forward and gently laps up your cum off of Yoongi’s fingers. Once most of it is gone, he pushes his tongue so that the two fingers split apart and licks up through the middle to collect all that’s left, breaking the strings that stretch between Yoongi’s digits.
The sight is unbelievably erotic, and it’s all you can do to keep your eyes open to enjoy it when the bliss you feel as well as the sleepy buzz from the alcohol wants you to shut them. You bite your lip and whine again, wanting the attention back on you, and Yoongi obeys, this time landing his mouth on you.
In teasing but calculated strokes, he stimulates your clit, flicking over it and under and around the sensitive hood. Instead of giving you more penetration, he has to use one arm across your hips to keep you still, and the other hand to keep you spread and open for him.
“So good, Yoongi,” you breathe heavily amongst pleasure-filled pants, digging your heel into Yoongi’s back, and you’re too blissed out to notice Taehyung approaching you quietly and reaching a hand out to touch your chest.
At the exact moment that he grabs hold of your left breast, thumb and forefinger skimming over the top to roll your stiff peak between them, Yoongi stops licking you and sucks your clit into his mouth, dragging the flat top of his tongue against it firmly.
You cry out and jerk in the chair, catapulted into a powerful orgasm. Taehyung gasps and hastily takes his hand off of you, worried that he’s done something wrong, and you whine at the absence of pleasure on your chest as your clit is played with all throughout your orgasm.
Yoongi plays rough but he’s not cruel, or at least he isn’t this early in the night, so once the pleasure gives way to stinging oversensitivity and you push at his head, he backs off with a glossy, wet face and smug eyes.
You pant, going boneless, feeling the walls of your pussy clench periodically as aftershocks run through you.
“I didn’t hurt her, did I, hyung?” Taehyung asks innocently.
Yoongi chuckles. “No, you didn’t, she liked it. And as a matter of fact, even if it did hurt, she still would’ve liked it. Dirty slut.”
Taehyung’s eying up your heaving breasts as you come down fully. “I thought you said two, Yoongi.”
Yoongi smirks. “You’re right, I did say that. You ready to go again, baby girl?”
You hum your confirmation, expecting him to start small like last time, but your eyes fly open and your hips jerk in his grip when the hand by your pussy suddenly gets into action as he fucks you with two slightly-curled fingers at a brutal pace.
Every stroke drags against your g-spot, and your toes curl when Yoongi pairs the merciless thrusts with hard sucks at your clit like it’s candy.
“Ah-a-ah, Yoongi!” you cry out desperately under the overwhelming assault. It’s like all your nerves are on fire, and you don’t know that you can take much more. You whimper when you feel Yoongi pull his mouth away from you for a second to command Tae in a gruff voice to play with your tits.
Taehyung jumps forward eagerly and cups your breasts firmly, playing roughly with your peaked nipples. The added stimulation launches you into a second orgasm which has you swearing and crying out far louder than the first one. Taehyung keeps his fingers rolling your nipples until it becomes too much, and you cringe away.
Once both Yoongi and Tae sit back and you feel like you can breathe again, you let your leg fall off Yoongi’s shoulder and tuck them together, too sensitive for anything else.
“What do you want now, baby?” Yoongi mumbles, voice muffled. You look down at them in confusion only to see your boyfriend nibbling at Taehyung’s neck, the younger member’s eyes squeezed shut in bliss, baring his throat to his hyung. “Are you ready to join in now?”
Taehyung swallows hard but nods eagerly. “Yeah, hyung.”
“Mm, good.” Yoongi pulls back and admires the blossoming hickeys he’s sucked into Tae’s golden skin. “You sure you don’t want me to suck you off?”
Taehyung looks like he’s turning down free money as he shakes his head miserably. “I know I won’t last. God, I feel ready to burst even now and I’ve done nothing but watch you two.”
You adjust yourself in the seat with shaky legs. “Tell me, Tae: do you reckon you’re a top or a bottom?”
He coughs. “A what? I- I told you guys I haven’t done this kind of thing before.”
“Surely you know, though,” you reason, “there’s a pretty big difference between fucking someone and getting fucked in the ass.” You grin cheekily. “Yoongi would know.”
The man himself turns around to glare at you. “That was one time. Behave, little girl, or you won’t have the strength left to get off that chair.”
You gulp but stay silent. Your clit still hasn’t stopped twitching from that last orgasm, and you think pissing your boyfriend off maybe isn’t the best idea right now.
Taehyung shrugs. “I don’t know, I just… I’d rather one of you tells me what to do here. This is my first rodeo, after all.”
“Bottom, then.” Yoongi sits up on his knees and stretches languidly, pulling his shirt off to reveal the unblemished planes of his lean but soft stomach and wiry shoulders. “We’ll need to prep you first, baby boy. Will you be good for us?”
Taehyung nods, and the use of the plural ‘we’ makes you feel more in control and less on the chopping block than you did before. You manage to stand up off of the chair, wincing at the large puddle on the outer edge that drips onto the carpet. “Let’s take this to the bedroom, Yoongi. The last thing I need is jizz stains on our good cushions.”
Yoongi raises an amused brow at your commanding tone, but follows, letting the loose elastic waist of his old sweatpants hang low on his hips as he strolls down the hall, leaving Taehyung to help escort you and your weak legs down like a gentleman.
Yoongi’s already into the lube when you arrive and collapse onto the bed, and you shuffle up against the pillows, watching happily as your boyfriend positions Tae in front of you, face to the sheets and ass up, still fully clothed.
“This is your last chance, Tae,” Yoongi warns, “are you sure you want to do this? No hard feelings.”
Taehyung props himself up on his elbows. “I want this, hyung. This…feels right.”
“Then strip for me, baby.”
You watch Taehyung’s whole body shivers at Yoongi’s dark tone, but he tugs off his shirt and wriggles out of his pants and underwear, until he’s lying flat on the bed, dick trapped between his stomach and the bedsheets.
“Ass up, Taehyung. I want you to stay that way until I say you can move, got it?”
“Yes, hyung.” Tae follows his command and sighs into the mattress when Yoongi runs a warm and still slightly sticky palm over one cheek, giving it a playful smack.
Normally, you would be touching yourself at this point, jealous of the action you were missing out on, but you were so tired that the only thing even keeping you awake was how erotic the sight in front of you was. Over the next few minutes, Yoongi began stretching Taehyung open for him, praising him for how well he was taking Yoongi’s fingers. One became two, two became three, and soon enough, Yoongi was rifling around in your bedside cupboard for two condom packets.
“Here’s the plan,” he states upon his return, giving his cock a few lazy tugs before rolling a condom on, “you think you might like men, so I’ll fuck you. But you also think you probably like women, so you’ll fuck Y/n. Put this on.”
Tae lets out a quiet groan and fumbles for the foil square Yoongi threw on the bed, struggling to put it on his dick from his all-fours position, but obediently staying there nonetheless. Eventually both men are ready, and you shuffle yourself down a little further until you are slotted underneath Taehyung.
“Hey,” you greet teasingly.
With the ceiling lamp illuminating his mop of hair, Taehyung looks like a dream as he beams down at you in nervous excitement, muttering a breathy, “hey” back.
“You get used to Y/n’s pussy and then you can take me, okay, Tae?”
Taehyung nods shyly at Yoongi’s command, and reacheds down to place his cock at your entrance, endearingly shoving it between your legs blindly a few times before managing to slip in. Your body was so wet and relaxed from your two orgasms that the moment he finds the right spot, he sinks in a good few inches. He lets out a startled gasp and swears, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Does it feel good?” Yoongi asks from behind him.
You let out a quiet laugh, relishing in the feeling of his blunt head inside you. “Don’t speak too soon, Yoongi. He hasn’t even got halfway yet.”
“A-ah!” Taehyung lets out a deep cry as Yoongi scoffs and pushes down harshly on Taehyung’s hips, forcing him to plunge fully inside you without warning. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh god,” Tae chants, shaking over you.
You can’t help but laugh at his cute inexperience, but it’s with a furrowed brow because Yoongi is right; Taehyung is definitely bigger than him. It’s a stretch you’ve never felt before, and even just the mere act of light laughter causes shocks up your spine as the slightest shift of your pelvis makes his cock hit parts of your vagina that you didn’t even know a dick could reach.
Taehyung wiggles his hips a little to get used to the feeling of being inside someone, and you let out a low, long moan, making Yoongi chuckle at the sound. “Oh, I think Tae-tae’s not the only one having fun tonight, hm? Does my little slut like having another man’s cock inside her?”
“Mm, it’s good, baby. You’re missing out on feeling him stretch you open. It’s fucking delightful.”
Taehyung blushes at the praise but Yoongi just tuts. “I don’t think I’m missing out at all, not when I get to enjoy his perfect ass. You ready for me, Tae?”
“Oh, please,” Taehyung sighs, shuddering as he feels the pressure of Yoongi pushing into him.
It takes a while since Taehyung is so tight, but eventually the three of you are completely flattened together, your hips reaching around all the way to Yoongi, enjoying the way lifting your hips at that angle makes Taehyung slide even deeper.
“Fuck,” you breathe, “if one of you doesn’t start to fuck me, I’m going to go crazy.”
“See, Taehyung? My dirty girl is insatiable. Should we give her what she wants?”
Taehyung nods feverishly, whimpering ever so softly as Yoongi begins to rut into him shallowly. Once he gets a hang of the rhythm, he begins fucking into you every time Yoongi pulls away, forming a cycle of alternating thrusts, back into Yoongi and forward into you, over and over.
You tip your head back and allow yourself to be lazy, simply taking whatever Taehyung gives you. The friction has you worked up yet again, although you’re not really expecting to come again.
Behind Taehyung, you can see the look of pure focus on Yoongi’s face as he builds up his strength until the only noises in the room are the slapping of skin and the sounds of pleasure emanating from the three of you.
You’re struck by the thought of how harmonious the three of you sound; Taehyung’s much deeper voice balancing out Yoongi’s and your higher ones.
“How does it feel, Tae-tae?” Yoongi grunts between thrusts.
“Ah, so good, hyung, it feels so fucking good. O-oh god, I’m close already.” Taehyung keeps slamming his cock into you on the offbeat of Yoongi’s thrusts, and his moans begin to come a little more unevenly. “Mmm, fuck, I can’t- Ah, I’m gonna- fuck!” Taehyung’s cries become a growl as Yoongi freezes and reaches a hand around to grip Taehyungs cock tightly at the base, stopping his impending orgasm.
“Not yet,” he gruffly commands, “you don’t get to cum until I say so, pretty boy.”
“Please,” Taehyung whispers, but doesn’t protest, hanging his head in frustration.
Yoongi releases his grip, slapping him sharply on his right ass cheek. “Did I say you could fucking stop?”
Taehyung sighs out unsteadily and starts picking his rhythm back up. “Hyung, I can’t hold it back, she’s so tight and you’re so big.”
“Compliments won’t get you to cum faster, Taehyung,” Yoongi scolds, slamming into the younger boy with all his energy, sweat beginning to bead on his chest. “I want you to beg for it.”
You bite your lip and moan. Taehyung feels so good inside you, and his slight curve means he’s dragging against the bottom of your clit with every stroke, but it’s the dirty words from your boyfriend that have you beginning to approach the edge. You reach a hand up to begin lazily rolling your nipples between your fingers, eyes lolling shut in raw pleasure.
“Please, hyung,” Tae moans, “it’s too much, please let me cum. I need it so bad. I’ve been a good boy, Yoongi.”
Yoongi chuckles darkly. “And good boys get to cum, do they?”
“Ye-es,” he whines wantonly.
“Cum for us, Taehyung. Now.”
Your hand is roughly squished, and the breath is knocked out of you when Taehyung suddenly collapses onto you fully, his hips wildly jerking as he screams out his orgasm. His feral desperation, paired with Yoongi’s beautiful cries as he finds his own release prove too much for you, and you’re thrown without warning into a third orgasm.
It’s much weaker than the other two, but it comes out of nowhere and hits you like a train, leaving you shuddering under Taehyung’s heated torso.
Once all three of you calm down, the two men pull out one at a time and both stumble over to the trash can like it’s an office water cooler, taking off their used condoms and disposing of them properly.
In a half-asleep daze, you hear Yoongi tell Taehyung to go back on the bed, and you feel the bed dip under his weight as he lies on his side facing you. Yoongi joins the two of you, lifting your dead limbs up one by one to maneuver you under the sweaty sheets, then following suit.
For about ten minutes, your pants all mingle together in the otherwise silent room, but eventually Taehyung speaks up. “…thank you,” he whispers with a croaky voice, “I really appreciate this, you guys.”
You hum in content. “You’re welcome, Tae-tae.”
“So, what’s your consensus?” Yoongi ventures.
Taehyung’s shyness seems to have vanished after his orgasm. “I sure liked getting fucked more than I thought I would.”
Yoongi lets out a hearty laugh. “Glad I could be of service, then.”
“Thank you, hyung. Thank you, noona.”
You close your eyes and snuggle into the sheets. “Night, Tae.”
“Oh. Am I not… You don’t want me to go?”
Yoongi shuffles on the bed, presumably sitting up to face Taehyung. “If you don’t get under the sheets and spend the night, I’ll have to make you stay myself.” There’s no bite behind his threat but Taehyung laughs weakly and does as he says anyway.
You enjoy the sound of their breathing evening out for a few moments, but then poke Yoongi’s cheek. “Do you reckon any of the other guys might want a sexual education while we’re at it?”
You let out a squeak when he turns quickly and nips your finger. “Watch it, Y/n. Your pussy isn’t a public service.”
Taehyung sighs blissfully. “It fucking should be.”
Yoongi grumbles. “Goodnight, everyone. Taehyung, I hope you enjoyed this one-time offer. Sleep well.”
You have to laugh at his tough demeanor. “Don’t worry, baby. I’d take your dick over Tae’s any day.”
“Good, because the buffet is closed.”
“…but maybe it can open again for special occasions?”
“That’s fair. Night, Yoongi.”
“Goodnight, baby girl.”
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I think I wanna marry you ( 2019! Slaxl)
A/N:  this fic is for @boraxisme to thank her for the amazing Slaxl fanart she did for me. I hope you like it !
“Thanks to everybody, you rock Austin!” Axl said with his beautiful smile.
Slash thought he was so lucky to love, and be loved, by that man. He was so damn lucky to have a second chance with him after all those years of fighting, of hating each other, and of pain; he believed that he broke his angel, and himself too in the process, but he was so glad to be able to see that wonderful smile again.
They perhaps be different from their past selves, they have changed their attitudes and their lifestyles, they have lost each other and almost died, but two things were still the same to this day : the fact that they are in love and the beauty of Axl’s smile.
Maybe it was in that moment that Slash thought : “Shit ! I want to marry this man”.
After Axl and he came back to the hotel, while he was cuddling with the love of his life, he couldn’t stop thinking about how bad he wanted that man to be his husband.
“You’re thinking really loud, babe. There’s something wrong?” the singer asked a bit concerned; he would always show his most true self when he was alone with Saul, but that took many years.
“Nah, I’m thinking about happy things” the guitarist replied, smiling.
“So what exactly about me?” he said, with a smirk.
“Well I was thinking about my cats, actually.”
“You fucker ! No sucking dick for you, today !” the redhead replied, playfully angry.
“Wow Rose, very mature of you! How old are we, fifteen?”
“Hey ! I’m at least sixteen!”
Slash loved how it didn’t matter their age, they would always behave like children, sometimes.
“God Axl, I love you so much. I’m so glad that we found each other again” the younger man said, his eyes full of love.
“Is there something wrong? You seem like someone in a shitty drama movie, when they’re dying but they didn’t want to tell their partner” Axl said raising an eyebrow.
“Damn babe, I just told that I love you!”
“ I love you too Slasher, but we usually are not this sappy! So now let’s cuddle, idiot.”
Slash put his arms around Axl while the older man nuzzled into his neck.
“Thanks for coming back” Axl whispered into his ear.
Yep- Saul thought- I want to marry this man as soon as possible!
-- -
Planning a proposal was easy, right? He had already been married twice, so no big deal? Wrong ! So what would you do in this situation? Ask help to your best friend who has been successfully married for twenty years.
“Duff, man, I need your help” Slash whispered, one day in the backstage.
“Did you do something illegal?” the blond bassist replied.
“No, dickhead! I want to propose to Axl but I don’t know how, with the tour and anything.”
“ Well, even tho he doesn’t want to admit, he enjoys romantic stud, deep down, so you could prose in style, once the tour is over.”
“But it’ll be in three months! It’s too much man, I want to marry him now!” Saul protested.
“What are you, a baby? It's not like you can propose on stage, in the middle of a show! He would kill you!" Duff replied.
Slash eyes immediately lighted up, Duff looked at him with a serious expression.
"Saul promise me you won't do that."
"Pinky promise." he said with a smirk. He was totally going to do that.
-- -
Eventually Duff had to give up on changing Slash’s mind and the two of them started to choose the best city to do it.
“ I think San Francisco will be okay. Do you already know what will you do?”
Slash looked at his best friend shrugging his shoulders.
“Did you know that it’s in a moth, right?”
“Well, I thought about giving the speech after the last song of the show, and kneeling but there’s something missing !” Slash said, then his face lightened up.
“I’m scared, you always do that dace when you’ve got a totally dangerous idea” the bassist said, a bit concerned.
“Nah, trust me this time. I just need to learn to play a song on the piano.”
The San Francisco show came way faster than Saul expected; maybe for the first time in his life, he felt anxious : all the other members, beside Axl of course, knew about the proposal and helped him to set everything up. He learned to play their song on the piano and recorded it, so that it could be played in the background, while he was doing the speech that he wrote.
It’s been an hell hiding it from Axl, because the redhead was one noise bastard sometimes.
“It’s better for you that you’re not cheating on me with Duff, or I’ll kill you!” he would joke anytime he’d find his lover and their best friend whispering quietly.
Now it was show time and Slash felt his heart beating so hard, that he thought he would died. It was so unusual for him to be scared and worried about something. What if Axl said no? What if he gets angry and they argue? What if…
Lost in his thoughts he almost didn’t catch Axl thanking the fans. Melissa passed at him a microphone and as soon as the singer finished speaking, he give a nod to the sound guys.
The first notes of November Rain blasted in the area.
“I’m sorry to take your times guys, but I have something to tell. I’ve known this person for many years but I’ve never stopped to love him, like the first day we met. Losing him for all that time, was one of the most painful thing that I’ve ever experienced. I thought that my heart would break and never be the same again, but I’ve got him now again.” he said smiling and Axl looked utterly confused.
“W. Axl Rose, you’re one of the strongest, sweetest, deepest and most intelligent person that I know, and I wish to wake up every day next to you, to see your wonderful smile. You always said that I saved you, but in reality you saved me.”Slash stopped, as some tears threatened to fall, while he kneeled and grabbed the ring. The singer looked at him shocked, then he started to cry.
“So Axl- motherfucking- Rose would you marry me, and spend all the night hearing me snoring?” the guitarist said with a laugh, while his eyes were tearing up.
The crowd started to chant : “Yes Yes Yes” while Axl energetically nodded and then crushed his lips on Slash’s one.
“Just to show how much I love you, I even learned to play November Rain on the piano !” he said into the mic, grinning and all the audience laughed.
As soon as they went backstage, Axl first punched playfully Slash’s shoulder and then hugged him tightly.
“ I should kill you, but I love you too much to care.” he said with a gorgeous smile, his gorgeous smile.
“November Rain, uh? That’s your song?” Duff said while congratulating with them.
“Yeah, that fucker wrote that song thinking about me but then he married her in the video!”
“For the love of God, that was long time ago, can’t you just let go?” the singer said exasperated.
“God, you two already argue like a old married couple” the bassist said and the other two burst into laughter.
After everybody finished to congratulating with them, Axl grabbed Slash’s hand.
“ I think it’s time we go back to the hotel, Mr.Rose” the singer said kissing him on the cheek.
“I think you’re right, Mr.Hudson” the guitarist replied, giving him a peck on the forehead.
Damn- Slash thought- I can’t wait for the wedding to come.
Taglist : @malibubarbievince @slashscowboyboots @themissloveeverything @youthgonewild @rock-em-sock-em-rock-n-roll
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
Agree so much with your post about the teams and fan engagement ! And love the way you articulated all of that. Although now I definitely am interested in knowing what your notes about the specificity of each team/artist cause I feel like they'd be fascinating to read. Hope you'll post them some day, and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us ! 😊
Awwww, that’s very kind! It’s definitely head canon city, I litcherally have ZERO clue what goes on behind the scenes (and I can’t stress this enough, none of us do), so this’ll look hilariously dated when we find out that blah woof was true all along, lmao (me @ myself, thinking of some random Grimshaw interviews from last fall, oh, bless). Let’s dig in!!
For those of you who just stumbled upon this post, it’s related to the one I made last night about how I think the management teams of all these men (mid-20s means = you’re a man, not a boy) are not, in fact, sabotaging them. They negotiate a lot of tricky interconnected arrangements that none of us are privy, to, plus they’re at least trying to achieve the goals their clients are going for. And they’re doing it—the trick is these goals are highly individual and not 100% sensical (at least given our own view from the afternoon, Arctic Monkeys ref, holllllllah!!!).
In addition, these goals constantly shift, as does the music industry itself—I drive my own self loony when I lurk on blogs that are seemingly broadcasting from 2012, confused by why xx’s team is so “terrible” because they aren’t throwing good money after bad to get on a radio playlist, or why they haven’t announced yy “properly,” as if they’re being paid to worry about this level of shit (which fires me up on about five levels, deep breaths in, deep breaths out). I’m much nosier about the signals we’re getting when we hear them talk in their beautifully media-trained way about their musical interests, when we get some of that sweet, sweet fan service with a Gallagher or a Capaldi, when we get that heads up about who’s attending what concert, stuff like that. These signals don’t necessarily indicate future collaborations, but they DO indicate what kind of image these guys want to have, the kind of music they want the public to associate them with.
Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself…their personalities and goals at the moment are all so vastly different, and I truly do love seeing how their teams are workin’ it accordingly. Again, please @ god, don’t @ me…opinions, massively unpopular opinions, dead ahead!
* Zayn. My read on Zayn is that he enjoys the creative process, loves writing and singing, digs collabing with people, but he doesn’t seem to give two shits about the biz side (and why should he? that’s called living the dream at this particular point in his career). His website recently added “tour,” which EYEBALL EYEBALL, but he doesn’t seem to be all that interested in putting himself back out on stage or into radio/print/etc. anytime soon, and again, why should he? His numbers are HUGE without pushing himself through the anxiety-provoking churn he endured for four years, so there’s no real drive for him to do any promo if he doesn’t want to (see: the netflix-like binge dump of Icarus Falls, which could be “sabotage,” or it could just be, “fineeeeeeee, here’s some stuff for you, enjoy”). What other artist gifts his fans with gorgeous covers of such a wide variety of songs that indicate he’s more interested in sharing them than selling them. Accordingly, his fan interactions seem fairly pure and not all that promo-y: he has a keen interest in fanart, he’s done some fan pop-ups/listening parties that are pretty low-key and *seemingly* fan-focused, and recently (with zero anything to really promote), he’s been posing for cute pics and chatting with randos on the streets of NYC. I recently read that his mgmt team is no longer with him, but that sort of folds into my feeling that he’s not pursuing anything biz-wise, hence no need to jump through those particular hoops (I think he’s also struggled with a lot of demons, so yeah, why add one more). Could he be adrift? Maybe, but the next guy is the posterman for lack of focus….
* Liam. Honestly, I worry about Liam most of all. His post-1D career seems very much adrift, and I like to joke that he’s giving me that tell-all about the D one sentence at a time, but goddamn, are people listening? The struggles with alcohol, the lack of focus on every level, the reliance on his dad’s career advice (which more clearly reflects his dad’s financial class, background, and history than it does Liam’s), and the overall confusion about look, sound, and direction also flow back directly into his team. I get the feeling that they aren’t sure what to do because LIAM isn’t sure what to do or what he wants, so they follow in his wake. He’s agreeable to a fault, so seeing him at a meet-and-greet at an HMV in Birmingham last week felt like a step back into 2010 for no real reason, just like hearing that he was more or less coerced into full nude photoshoots for an underwear ad (the decisions to say yes to both of those—who’s steering this ship? If it’s Liam, he needs to tell the team his overall goal, so they can plot a course he and his fans can follow; if it’s the team, ditto). Like Niall, Liam’s actually pretty good at the SM game: lots of selfies, snapchat filters, outfits, gym service, twitter interactions. But generally speaking, his promo is confusing, and that’s probably because there isn’t much *to* promote at this point, other than a mix of collabs, clothing endorsements, spon con, horse farms, and an album that’s always on the horizon. This might be tied to the general post-1D jolt they all went through, like a plane coming off autopilot and into the hands of someone who’s just learning how to fly it. Zayn debuted at number one, so his bump wasn’t as harsh, but the others are slowly, steadily finding their footing after taking some time to find themselves and their sound, releasing songs/albums, performing (or in Louis’s case, going through unspeakable tragedy). Liam’s still adrift…and somewhat admittedly, which is kind of telling in its own way. Just know that my nervousness on his behalf ratchets up every time he feels the urge to assure us all that he’s happy.
* Niall. Truly the one following the original 1D template, right down to working with most of the same people but with more of the overall control in his hands instead of a faceless management squad. Of any of them, he seems the most ambitious, the most scientific about the sound he’s after and how he’s gonna get there. His promo is a mix of new and traditional—radio shows, talk shows, podcasts, special events, twitter interactions with fans, twitter interactions with entertaining celebrities—and it’s all hustle hustle hustle, build build build, as if he were a new ingenue instead of coming up hard on solo album number two. He’s explicit in his goals, which is refreshing, but it means he walks a weird line with fans: on one hand, he’s done with their bullshit, get ready to get rekt if you start commenting on his boring food seasoning or home décor. But on the other hand, he fully recognizes how much he needs them, which is why we get so many peeks into his “normal” life (yet zero percent of his actual personal life). It’s also probably why the blatant tweets of the last two days seem so jarring to me (I might be alone on this one, but I’m not a fan of directives in general, and asking me to call radio stations on behalf of a rich white man to become even richer just rubs me the wrong way, same with asking me to stream stuff to get you to number one…you’ve been there, buddy, how about you calm down and build some character at number 51). And speaking of calming down, it does fascinate me that both Niall and Louis namecheck Taylor Swift as someone who gets the whole fandom push/pull thing right, so watching them try to reverse-engineer her secrets is fun. Louis nails it (that hotspot treasure hunt: chef’s kiss), but Niall’s heavy-handed easter egg dump in NTMY, she would never!! I think Niall’s team needs to watch “Calm Down” about five more times before they try that again.
* Louis. I think Louis honestly has an AMAZING team in place, and they’re all clearly on his side, which makes for a refreshing change. Like Niall, he has publicly praised Taylor Swift for how she engages with her fans, but I think he’s missing a key point: she doesn’t let her fans dictate strategy, and I HOPE that’s the case for Louis, too. His old team *was* shit, so yeah, encouraging people to do fan projects to get the word out was a good idea, but turning that spigot off to let a good (paid) team step in and take over has been, uh, challenging. He’s dealt with more than his fair share of personal tragedy, but every time he gets some momentum going, it feels like something bts pushes him back off track, and he tends to keep it private, which only makes his hardest-core fans scream “sabotage.” Rightly so, he’s focusing on his personal life, and rightly so, his team is giving him the space to do that, even when it costs cash money and throws a lot of shit seriously for a loop. It makes my heart soar to see the potential of what his team can do/is doing, how much space he’s being allowed to process what he needs to process. Weirdly, that’s an unpopular opinion, and a lot of people want to indulge in an angst wank fest where Louis’s the victim of a terrible team that won’t DO anything (nevermind the fact that he’s probably ASKED them not to do anything), so they undertake a tremendous amount of performative unpaid labor that ends up being counterproductive on just about every front. Even worse, most of them can’t seem to process the fact that losing your mum is a blow, losing your SISTER is a blow, juggling other siblings or close friends handling some serious demons of their own in the aftermath of all of *that* is a blow, let alone handling your own personal coping mechanisms, nope, they want Louis to release release release, perform perform perform, c’mon, what’s holding him back, he *said* he wanted to release an album this year, there’s “no reason” for a delay, gotta be his shitty team, free him. It drives me ‘round the bend because it’s the same talk from late last year, you know, when we later found out that at least one family member was losing a fight with drug addiction. Louis’s fan engagement/promo is therefore hella fraught: he has to balance LouisTM on twitter (Mr. Donny, he’s hard, mate), his werk IG posts, and his constant edging because nobody can remember or trust that he’s got this, that multiple things are in play. But he also knows his fanbase, knows that it’s resistant to any kind of change, so I hope he pushes through and stays true to what he wants to do. I was really encouraged with his last promo round because he seems to have narrowed in on a something solid, he’s got a plan, and it’s not, “hey mr dj, put my record on,” it’s getting his fans to trust that he and his team know what the fuck they’re doing, and spoiler alert, it ain’t radio, but go ahead and keep pissing off djs by sending angry tweets their way. (Related: why is it so bad to avoid the radio when all of us admit that radio music is garbage? Is it because it’s more about you than him? Much to think about.)
* Harry. My very favorite head canon is that Harry is Jeff’s nightmare client: what was perfection at first because the Azoffs are old-school promo all the way (no SM, baby, gimme that sweet, sweet paper), and that dovetailed nicely with post-1D Harry, but it quickly veered into mulish teeth pulling. Low profile can quickly spin into no profile, and that really doesn’t work too well when you’re trying to sell sell sell, even if your brand is Harry StylesTM. HS1 and Dunkirk in their own separate ways worked VERY hard to push past the still-persistent way the general public views Harry as boybander Harry Styles, or more accurately, former boybander Harry Styles who dated Taylor Swift (if you venture out and ask someone who’s not a fan), but what I love about Harry is that much like Zayn, he doesn’t seem to be too bothered by all that. Sure, he’s ambitious, he wants to challenge himself and do things, but he’s no Niall Horan. He’s put in his time! If he gets a number one, then cool, but he’s not gonna chase it. And this is where Harry’s team really reflects his goals and energy: sure, they want him to do some promo (that “Do” tweet, the entire bit about the fan in Australia and Harry Lambert’s follow, goddddd, I loved it, petty Harry, resigned Jeff), but they clearly aren’t forcing him. He drops a song that makes a HUGE splash, and the follow-up is…liking some tweets and going to a John Mayer concert (not a John Mayer fan, so that wouldn’t be my first choice, but I respond to the zero fucks given about the whole thing). The music industry has changed a LOT in just two years, so it’s kind of cool to see team Harry pivoting a bit, seeing more SM interaction, the kindness generator, etc., but that said, the team takes their cues from him, and he clearly doesn’t want to do a whole promo circuit beyond persons a, b, and c, and magazine R, F, and A. Does it make sense to have Rob Sheffield write a profile about Stevie Nicks-blessed shroom-eater Harry Styles when his new song sounds like the Zarry combo of my dreams? NOPE, but that’s okay, Harry wanted to talk to Rob, so that’s what happened. The new song is more streaming friendly, and thank CHRIST, a lot less crusty white dude stuck in the ‘70s, so I can only hope that the rest of the album is thus, but we shall see! We’ll also see if Harry’s fan engagement shifts any further into the active zone…so far, it’s been “I’m gonna follow some larries, like these fun generator posts, check out a few dads” and staged photo ops with the same familiar faces, but I think he’s dealing with his own major bts issues as well (album delayed at least twice; that entire stalking situation). I still contend the album’s coming in the next few weeks, so it’ll be interesting to see if/how any additional promo rolls out in this new world order post-gryles landscape, how many interviews he’ll do, but I like that there’s a strategy that seems less stodgy…kudos to the new SM team, at least!!
Oh man, that got really long! Hope you enjoyed, and YES, opinions opinions opinions, and they’ll be stupid in about three weeks’ time, thanks for coming to my already dated buzzfeed article
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avenger-hawk · 5 years
i just read one of your asks about your future fics. have you considered writing about sasukes interactions with karin?? not sasukarin (but sasukarin is still a good ship!!) but i really like your karin meta and would love to see her in your fics, even if she isnt part of a ship!!
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wow Anon I just realized in the last nice ask I received about my writing I forgot to mention a suisasu oneshot I started writing as a drabble here…I haven’t thought about writing something centered on Sasuke and Karin, usually I wrote about Team Taka as a team, as in my Team Taka headcanons here, here and in bits of In Power (ff.net/ ao3) and What He Wanted (ff.net/ ao3).
I know what you mean when you love a character like Karin and you want to see her more, even in a not shippy context. And I totally agree that SasuKarin really IS a good ship, the only worthy Sasuke ship with a girl, tbh. (I think Sasuino would be ok too but I’m not interested in it all all as I find it boring, and I prefer Saiino anyway).
(needless to say: SS shippers, don’t read, this is not for you. And since it’s properly tagged as anti, don’t bitch)
It’s only a matter of personal taste, I’m usually more interested in rarer pairings, and because when I think of Team Taka ships I’m more intrigued by suisasu and juusasu that in my opinion have room for both ‘healthy’ dynamics and darker ones. But if I weren’t so slow and full of future writing projects as you read, I’d totally like to write them. In fact, I’m gonna leave some random headcanons here cause I’m sorry I’m not able to write all the things I have in mind and you guys mention, AND because I’m so late replying to this ask that I feel guilty xD
My favourite things to read and write isn’t romance but dark stuff and hurt/comfort, so I would love some hurt/comfort between them, and there is a lot of possibility for this, just thinking about canon. I actually see SK hurt/comfort as canon behind the screen so you may have an idea already, both for shippy and non-shippy stuff.
For example, there’s nothing about Sasuke’s years at Otogakure but we know he was always with Orochimaru, not only training or taking poisons/drugs to get stronger, but also visiting other hideouts and assisting to his horrible experiments as well as seeing/meeting Suigetsu and Karin, mostly, as she was not a prisoner but a subordinate, kinda like Kabuto. She saw more about Sasuke than the others in Team Taka, and this may mean a lot of things. For example like in this fanart, inspired by that Karin-centric filler episode (I think 331) where she witnesses Orochimaru taking Sasuke in a dark room which seems quite creepy and may be interpreted as…eh, you get it. And there’s also Kabuto telling her that Sasuke sought Orochimaru, that he came her by his own choice…that, in this dark context, that he is ok with things being done to him (it’s the price for power). 
So it’s interesting to imagine Karin being more and more intrigued by this person, who saved her in the past, when they were genin, and who now came to her creepy leader that she knows very well, and ‘lets’ him do all sorts of things to him. Some random headcanons coming, more or less connected
-(tw: pain) Otogakure: she’s doing some work and she overhears someone moaning in pain, and she sees Sasuke shirtless, strapped to a table/bed and kind of squirming, as he’s been injected poison for his training and he’s clearly suffering.
(She takes his hand and tries to comfort him. She thinks he was in too much pain to remember but some time later he tells her ‘thank you. For being beside me that day’)
-(tw: r*pe) Orochimaru leaves the creepy room and tells her to heal Sasuke. When she enters she sees him battered bruised and bloodied everywhere, looking in pain and lost, defeated, and it’s easy to understand what happened, and that it’s neither a first nor a last time, but when he sees her he puts up a tough face, cause he doesn’t know her and he doesn’t know if he can trust her as maybe she’s like Kabuto. He can’t imagine that she (like in my Team Taka headcanons part 2) was r*ped too by Orochimaru, that most of his ‘most interesting subjects’ have been at least once. He’s the most special which means Oro always comes to him ‘to toughen him up’ and ‘train’ him or ‘just’ to be repayed for making him stronger, and he’s constantly manipulated by him (that he’s not as strong as Itachi, that he needs him to be stronger and defeat his brother, and so on) and she knows this. She, too, is wary of him cause he might be so manipulated that he supports him and if she says something wrong he might tell Oro who might punish her and she is ok with him now, he leaves her be without molesting her, so she wants to keep the peace. So she’s discreet and heals him, not in the impersonal way Kabuto does though. Sasuke appreciates silently.
-(tw: random violence and blood) Inspired by this amazing fanart by @lisimba-art. Sasuke is trained to use his curse mark, but it’s hard to completely control his powers in that form, with those weird wings and everything. So it’s exhausting for his body but also for his mind, he can’t even think straight at some point, and he can’t control his emotions either, even though he tries hard cause he can’t be weak. Orochimaru makes him fight against other ‘test subjects’ with the curse mark or with other powers he developed on them, and Sasuke kills them…he hates killing, as there is only one person he wants to kill. He feels his body move and he can’t avoid it, he feels his nails slashing another human and can’t avoid it, it’s horrible, it’s like being trapped in a nightmare. 
Karin stumbles on the fighting ground and sees him. They know each other by then, she is worried about him, many in Oto bet on how long he will last, if he will last, when Orochimaru will ‘devour’ him, if the curse mark will ‘devour’ him first. When she sees him Orochimaru, who was observing him with Kabuto, left already. Sasuke is standing alone, a few corpses around him. She approaches him, talking slowly and calmly, to check his wounds. Nothing too serious, the most worrying thing is his mental/emotional state, cause he looks around without actually seeing things, he seems lost, troubled. 
It takes a few minutes for him to see the one who’s speaking to him, and when he does he’s not in his usual state anyway, Karin can tell not just from his chakra but from his body language. He’s standing so, so close to her, his shoulders are hunched and his eyes are empty, or somewhere else still. Or maybe they want to be somewhere else, she can’t tell. She should feel the heat radiating from his toned body -she dreamt of a moment like this- but the tanned version of what is normally pale is so cold..maybe he got so close because she’s warm instead.   
“Sasuke…bite me, you’ll get some chakra back and you won’t feel cold anymore,“ she tells him, but he just hovers over her, silent as a hawk watching its prey, but unlike it, just staring at her. 
“I killed all of them” Sasuke’s voice is low and raspy, but he’s back, she’s glad but also sad because he’s clearly upset by what happened and she knows why. Everyone does. 
- (tw: mentions of blood/violence/r*pe) This works both for Otogakure and for Hebi/Taka travelling. Night time, Karin hears some low pained sounds and she realizes it’s Sasuke having a nightmare, about either the above mentioned moment where he was forced to kill random people, or about some abuse Orochimaru inflicted on him, either directly or through someone else like Kabuto. He suddenly wakes up and realizes Karin was there. She tries comforting him by saying that she knows what he felt back then cause she was done similar things, and also Suigetsu and Kabuto and others, even though she doesn’t minimize his experience (as Oro’s favourite he took more than others of whom he soon got tired). It’s a hurt/comfort moment where they share intimate traumatic experiences and bond.
Bonus dark points if the experience Sasuke had a nightmare of, involved the aforementioned indirect abuse inflicted by Orochimaru but indirectly, through his current comrades Suigetsu and Juugo, ofc hypnotized/drugged/in some trance. Karin connects with the way he sometimes looks at them when he’s more tired and vulnerable, almost imperceptibly but she can see chakra shifts. They talk, he doesn’t say anything but the things he said in his sleep were obvious so she tries to make him admit and he does, as he’s honest. He doesn’t blame them, he knows they were under Orochimaru’s power just like he was during his curse mark mode when he wasn’t able to control it.
He thinks that Suigetsu and Juugo don’t even remember that experience but they do, exactly like he does with his killing random people in curse mode form. 
More bonus dark points if Karin assisted to the traumatic thing cause she was Oro’s assistant too, sort of.
Related to my Akatsuki AU that is mostly in my mind for now (how unexpected lol) and it’s Itachi/Sasuke centric but there’s also a lot of Sasuke interactions (like, with Deidara a lot, I just like the idea) and lots of Team Taka that exists in this context first as Orochimaru’s subordinates along with Kabuto, then as Sasuke’s comrades, cause while Itachi is a full fledged Akatsuki, like Orochimaru (he never left Akatsuki in my AU), Sasuke is not, and like Orochimaru has subordinates affiliates to the Akatsuki, Itachi has Sasuke. Unlike Akatsuki wearing cloaks with red clouds, Akatsuki ‘lesser’ members wear black cloaks like Sasuke and Team Taka wore in canon. They are given missions too, they’re younger and less experienced that the others and their interactions and dynamics are similar to canon ones.
Uh Anon why did you make me think of more interesting scenarios tho, I had too many already lol
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cultureisdarkbeer · 5 years
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Thanks you @ms31x129 for the beautiful fanart
Click Here for Rooted in Friendship Homepage
Excerpt: Chapter 24 - Whiter Shade of Pale - Episode - Rush
Summary: Smut/Angst/Fluff - First time on a case after deciding to move forward with their romantic relationship
[Jan 4, 2000]
The number one illuminated.  Scully tapped her foot impatiently, butterflies swarming in her stomach.  Their first case since their intense encounter on New Year’s Day.  She wasn’t sure how they would react to each other now in a work setting.  She was concerned about her ability to keep her professional composure and she was late for work. After almost 48 hours of hardly leaving his bedroom, she had collapsed when she finally arrived back at her apartment and slept through the alarm.  Not to mention it seemed to take forever this morning to pick out something to wear.  Then the taxi ride was almost a crawl as she read through the police report Mulder had faxed her from St. Jude Hospital in Pittsfield.  She wasn’t exactly sure why she was on edge, but she wanted to get the initial meeting over with.  Hopefully, he was alone. The elevator doors opened.  She smiled to herself. Here we go.
He couldn’t wait to see her and couldn’t wait to dive into this case.  Impatiently he began to dial his phone when he felt a tap on his left shoulder and turned around.  His smile grew wide.  She looked stunning, radiant. Her lips appeared darker, eyes brighter, hair shining as it bounced against the top of her jawline.  His eyes followed her neckline and he noticed it.  She was wearing a white button down shirt that was hugging her body and displayed enough cleavage to get his attention.  Down boy, he thought to himself as he blinked twice and flipped the track in his head to side B where a dead body was lying with his eyeglasses falling out of the back of his head.
“Uh…(chuckles).  There you are.  Heavy traffic?”
“Slow going.  Let’s just say I had ample time to read the police report that you faxed me.”
“Thoughtfully provided by the local authorities, even though it doesn’t begin to tell the whole story.”
When she bent over to examine the back of the deceased Deputy Foster’s head, Mulder couldn’t help but wonder where he registered on the perversion scale for checking out her ass.  Yeah, this would be a long day.
They walked down the corridor of the Pittsfield Sheriff’s station where Jesse, the suspect’s friend flirtatiously bumped Mulder to get his attention.  Scully was accustomed to women using Mulder as eye candy, but she’d be damned if he was going to look back.  She pinched his elbow hard to remind him that the tag on his collar said property of Dana Katherine Scully. He laughed nervously, “What?” as he felt the sting of her whip. They walked into the interrogation room and Mulder regretted sitting down as he was now at perfect eye level to notice Scully’s button screaming at him to free its restraints with his teeth.  He dug his nails into his leg to keep himself from moving his head.
A serious Scully was carrying the investigation, “..you say that Deputy Foster stopped you, but you don’t say why”
Mulder refocused. “Come ‘on, you were out cruisin’….
As they stepped back out into the hallway and began discussing the case, Scully felt her body leaning into his.  That warm inviting tension that obliterated their personal space.  His lips were pursed as he clamored on about spiritual entities and poltergeists.   It reminded her of last week as she whispered those same sweet nothings into his ear.  She decided to test the waters. Today she wanted to be in the power position.
“Mulder…rather than spirits…” She tugged at the bottom of his tie, stroking it phallically, staring at it almost seductively.  “Can we at least start with Tony’s friends?” And here came a little Marilyn Monroe, “Please? Just…for me?” Her eyes followed it up towards the knot envisioning him naked with just the tie on. . . . “I think there’s one person in particular I’d like to talk to”
Mulder’s pants became tighter as his legs turned to jelly.  I am totally fucked he thought to himself.  I will never be able to say no to this woman again.  She can have anything she wants, do whatever she wants.  Did she really just manipulate me with her feminine wiles?  Why yes she did and yes I wish she would do it again.  With the only movement he was capable of he whipped his head to the side and smirked following behind her.  She'd had her way with him and it felt so good.
As they left the Sheriff’s station, Scully remarked, “I guess we’re done for the day”
“Yeah, there’s not much we can do until we get the results from the lab and I want to see what Chuck’s opinion is before I reach any conclusions.  My car's parked across the street.  I could drive you back to headquarters or I could just drop you off at your apartment and pick you back up in the morning?” He tried to sound casual, but felt like he was failing miserably.
“That’s fine.  I can leave my car there overnight.” She said matter-of-factly.  This made him so happy he wanted to do a dance.  The thought of spending a night without her wrapped in his arms now seemed unfathomable.  How was he going to make it the first time they had to be away on a case?
They began their trek back to D.C. and Mulder was the first to speak, “That’s a very nice shirt you’re wearing Scully.”
“Oh, you like it?”
“Yeah, but it may be missing a few buttons.”
“I see. Mulder?”
“Maybe we can drive a little faster?” A full day of not being able to be physically connected to him was taking its toll on her.  She knew she wasn’t going to make it back to her apartment.
“Scully, your hand on my thigh is making it very hard for me to drive at all.”  His knuckles were turning a whiter shade of pale on the steering wheel.
The traffic had them at almost a standstill and her hand was slowly reaching the top of his thigh.
“Scu….Scully, please, I’m going to drive off the road.” He felt as though he may burst through his pants.  His will to drive had dissipated.  He was not sure she understood the full extent of the impact she had on him.
“Maybe, maybe not.” She was still being coy.
“Did you just unbutton my pants?” Mulder glanced down for effect. “Yes, yes you did. You unbuttoned my pants.  Ok…. Well… and there goes the zipper.”
Mulder closed his eyes as her lips made contact, then jolted them open recalling that he was the one driving.
“Scully, I’m serious. We can’t do this. What about being on a case? What about reckless driving? What about … ?”
Holy shit you’re stroking my balls.  What kind of calisthenics are you doing with your tongue?  Driving had now become an afterthought and he was swerving all over the road. A truck in the oncoming lane blared his horn and veered to avoid them.  He got off the highway and pulled down a dead end road.  He shifted the car in park, reclined the seat back and freed himself in one clean motion.
“Scully, is this because I strayed from the paranormal?  Is it because you want your name on the door? Because if it is, I could get you your name on the door. If this is about my desk again, the desk is yours…they never asked me when I got the office back…I mean our office back.”
“Shut up.”
He closed his eyes and heard a familiar snap like, like…latex…latex gloves.  Why would she be putting on gloves?
She took him again and sucked with increasing pressure while her tongue continued the rumba.  He felt the vibration of her moans coursing through him and thought this may not be a completely selfless act after all.  Her left hand began creating figure eights while her right thumb was making light circles over his perineum.  That’s when he felt it.  The finger of her right hand was massaging his prostate….From. The. Inside.
If he was so inclined to protest, the results would have been in vain for his vocal cords had ceased the ability to vibrate.  The heavens had opened their gates, gave him a high five and were now returning him back down to earth.
He wasn’t sure if his lungs were taking in air and it no longer seemed of concern, but he did wonder when his hearing and sight might return.  He reached out for her hand and she held it tight.  His first words were all that his brain could compute.
“You’re a medical doctor.”
That produced a giggle.  “Yes Mulder, yes I am. Are you okay?”
“I will be eventually. For now, though, I think you’re going to have to drive us home. And Scully… I’m a very very lucky man.”
Mulder awoke to the sounds of Scully singing off key to an incomprehensible song.  It took him a couple minutes to realize they were still in the car.   “How long was I out?”
“Oh about 3 and a half hours.  We’ll be home soon.”
Mulder stared out the window at the darkening sky, “I’m thinking that blur on the VCR tape might be the spirit of a former student. Maybe a ghost coming back for some sort of revenge.”
“Or maybe… it was just a glitch on the tape.” Added Scully pulling the car into a spot before heading inside her apartment.
If you enjoyed this, please reblog. Thanks! 
@monikafilefan @kyouryokusenshi
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bazzledazzled · 6 years
Have you seen that fanart of beauxbatons!Lance and Durmstrang!Keith? You could write about them meeting during the Triwizard Tournament... Maybe even attending the Yule Ball?
anon u have answered my prayers all i have been reading is harry potter fanfic I AM READY AND I LOVE THIS IDEA AND I CAN’T BELIEVE I HAVENT THOUGHT OF IT YET????? Anyways here we go this is gonna be great. 
Also lance with glasses fite me 
also i feel like i should have a warning about this but there’s langst which means basically boggart lance is telling lance that he’s terrible and ye (like the squip!)
This turned out way longer than expected so here’s a 10k word fic!
I am going to kill this boy, Keith thought to himself as his eyes narrowed at the Beauxbatons boy. The names had just been drawn for the Triwizard Tournament, and Keith was a whirlwind of emotions. 
For one, there was the fact that of all the people from Durmstrang including his adopted brother, Shiro, he was the idiot chosen to compete. He was the one chosen to be put in the spotlight when he barely even wanted to be at the stupid Tournament, even as a spectator. And now everyone was giving him attention, including a painfully cute brown haired boy with glasses and the most dazzling smile that would make anyone swoon. 
Except the brown haired boy wasn’t making Keith swoon at this very moment, because the brown haired boy decided to be annoying and actually talk to Keith, even though they were competing against each other. 
“So….. you nervous?” The boy asks, casually seating himself beside Keith. They were supposed to attend a meeting after the drawing to discuss rules and stuff for this years tournament. The brown haired boy named something stupid that started with an “L” was from Beauxbatons, the Hogwarts girl named something that Keith couldn’t remember who was wearing a Slytherin tie, and Keith, representing his own school, Durmstrang. 
“No,” Keith says, brushing the other boy off, ending his sentence with a definitive end to tell the boy to go away. The boy did not go away. 
“I’m nervous. I mean, I guess I’m not super nervous because I’ve seen this happen before and I’m pretty sure I could handle the different challenges, but it’s exciting, isn’t it?” There’s an excited smile on his face, one that could’ve been contagious if Keith wasn’t so angry at him for interrupting his brooding session. 
“I guess.”
“You guess? Wow you Durmstrangs are lame, am I right Ravenclaw?” The Ravenclaw girl seems caught off-guard as she looks up, eyes wide before nodding in agreement, definitely not knowing what he just said. 
“Are not!” Keith says, not sure why he’s getting defensive. He himself has said that Durmstrang is lame, but it hurt coming from someone else’s mouth. Especially from a Beauxbaton who had horrible taste. 
“Mmkay,” the boy says with a sly smile. Keith wanted to punch him. 
“You Beauxbatons are to pretentious,” Keith says with an eyeroll. The boy raises an eyebrow. “And the Durmstrangs aren’t?” Keith looks at him with an “are you being serious?” expression. 
“What! You were all flashy and stuff when you came in.”
“And you weren’t?!” Keith says, still confused as to where the boy was going with this. 
“Yeah but we did it in a cool way.”
“So did we!”
“Nuh uh!” 
“Yeah huh!” The Sytherin girl bangs her book on the table, causing both of the boys shut up.
“I am trying to read,” she says, exasperated. He wrinkles his nose.
“Since when do people read?”
“Since forever??” The brown haired boy rolls his eyes. 
“That’s lame.”
“Beauxbatons is lame,” the girl shoots back. The boy looks offended. 
“HAH! See?”
“You two are getting taken down.” The girl just rolls her eyes, turning back to her book. Keith tries to come up with a witty reply, but not before the headmasters of the three schools come in. 
“Congradulations! You three are the champions for this years Triwizard Tournament! Lance Mcclain will be competing for the Beauxbatons,” –Lance gives a charming smile– “Katie Holt will be representing Hogwarts–” “It’s Pidge,” the Slytherin girl pitches in, not looking up from her book. “And from our very own Durmstrang, Keith Kogane!” There was the sound of crickets. The headmaster of Durmstrang takes a deep breath. 
“Your first trial will be held next week, which should give you plenty of time to prepare.” The headmasters go on about rules and make sure they know that the games are dangerous and that they accept the conciquences, and basically reading over the terms and conditions everyone usually skips over to get to the good stuff. The Beauxbatons boy– Lance– couldn’t seem to sit still as he went from tapping his foot, to tapping his fingers, to fidgeting with his hair. It started to irritate Keith to the point where he wasn’t paying attention, just glaring at Lance. 
“Any questions?” There were none. 
“Great! We’ll see you next week for the tournament.” They leave the room, leaving the three of them to assume that they were dismissed. Pidge didn’t even skip a beat, definitely seeming to get some time to herself before she was pushed into various interviews with flashing cameras and annoying fans. Keith was about to do the same, but not before Lance grabbed his elbow. Keith turned in both surprise and annoyance. Lance was lucky he had such a pretty face, or else Keith might’ve broken his nose. 
“May the best man win,” he said with a smirk, holding his hand out. Keith hesitated before shaking it. 
“Good luck losing.” Keith walked out of the room, the tiniest of smiles on his lips. 
The first challenge was… moderate. At least for Keith. 
Lance on the other hand… struggled. 
The task was simple. They were to walk into the arena where a boggart was waiting for them. The boggart would morph into their greatest fear and they would yell “ridiculous!” and it would be gone.
Except it didn’t end there. Because as soon as you got rid of one boggart, two more would take it’s place. And you would keep doing that again and again, until you were surrounded by hundreds of boggarts, all portraying your biggest fear, which is something that Lance never wanted to become public. 
Lance stepped into the arena, heading for the closet, his head held high. He opened the door boggart walked out of that closet, taking the form of Lance, except it was some form of a twisted Lance, with glowing yellow eyes and fangs. 
It wasn’t scary or frightening in the way a spider was. It wasn’t stupid like Pidge’s where the boggart turned into one of her teachers saying she was failing every class except lunch. But Lance knew, as soon as the creature opened its mouth, the monster was supposed to represent his insecurities. 
You’re a coward. You don’t even belong here. Filthy mud-blood. 
Lance gulped, the spell on the tip of his tongue. It wouldn’t come out. 
Your parents would disown you if they knew who you really were. All your friends are faking it. They don’t care about you. No one does. You can’t even care about yourself.
Lance squeezes his eyes shut, hearing the words echo and bounce around inside his head. They were always there, at the back of his mind whenever he talked to a friend or he didn’t tell his family that he was actually a wizard instead of just going to some fancy private school he got a scholarship for. Or when he found himself daydreaming about a black haired boy, knowing that he was out of his league and the boy was probably straight anyways. 
You’re selfish. Everyone hates you. The world would be better off without you. 
Lance takes a deep breath. He can feel the tears welling inside him, and he knows everyone is watching. This is supposed to be a test of strength, a chance to prove that he isn’t some shitty wizard who everyone thought cheated the system to get into the Triwizard Tournament even though he didn’t. But standing there, facing the bogart, he started to wonder if the whole thing was a mistake. 
“Ridiculous!” He cries, summoning all his energy, every single pent up emotion inside him as he looked the bogart in the eyes, telling himself one thing over and over. I am enough. 
There was something different about the way his wand cast the spell than when he cast it before. For a moment he thought it was because he did something wrong and the spell was backfireing as a blue light started to glow from the wand. As it got brighter, to the point where it was blinding, Lance started to worry he might blow himself and the rest of the spectators up. Some Triwizard Tournament that would be. He could already see the headlines of the boy who ruined everything. 
And then.. something amazing happened. It was almost as if he cast a patronus charm, which didn’t make sense. The light danced in the air with no distinct shape. It saw the bogart, darting for it and causing it to disappear. Like before when Pidge did it, two more took its place, but before Lance could even raise his wand to get rid of them, the light darted through them, and they were gone just like the first. There were gasps from the crowd and Lance gaped in amazement as the spell took out bogarts faster than his eye could catch. It only faded when the biggest one of all appeared, towering over Lance in all its glory. Lance gulped, facing it, trying to tap into the same energy from earlier. 
As the bogart took form, Lance realized instead of being a large version of himself, similar to the ones before, it was shrinking, taking the form of a large mass of people, all of which he recognized. All of them were shouting insults as they surrounded him.
His family was there, his sisters and brothers and niece and nephew. His mom and dad too, both barely looking at him, telling him he was a disgrace to his family. He turned away, only to bump into his friends, shouting insults at him. Allura told him that he was a thorn in her side for years, and how she wanted to get rid of him, but he kept coming back. Hunk told him he never did everything right and that he would never be taken seriously as long as he had Lance for a friend. Tears pooled in Lance’s eyes as he turned away from them, wrapping his arms around himself. 
There were teachers there too. The told him he was failing, said that he was barely even a wizard considering how bad he was at magic. They said he was probably more of a muggle and never had a spot in Beauxbatons to begin with. Classmates taunted him, calling him crude names, chanting “mud-blood” as they grinned viciously. Lance curled in on himself, not sure what to do. 
“What’s taking him so long?” Pidge says inside the tent, fiddling with some muggle device. Keith leaned against the wall, practicing spells and ignoring her.
“You’re just mad because you failed.” Pidge shoots him a glare, but Keith doesn’t give her the satisfaction of even looking at her. 
“I did better than he is if he’s taking this long.” Suddenly shouts Keith assumed to be the crowd at first, grew louder and more vicious. It startled the two champions and they shared a look. 
“That doesn’t sound good….” They rush out of the tent, looking around, trying to figure out what is going around. 
The arena was filled with people. All of them were shouting angrily, at a specific person who Keith could only guess was Lance. The crowd was completely quiet, some of them turning away from the scene, feeling bad for the boy at the center of the chaos. The judges were talking amongst themselves, not yet sure if they should call it. Keith takes a look at Pidge and Pidge looks at him before he darts into the arena. He hears Pidge call his name, but he doesn’t listen. 
Inside the arena is madness. People were yelling and screaming and throwing things. They were trying to push their way through the crowd to get to the center, all of their words negative. None of the words were directed at him, but Keith could feel his self-esteem lowering, making him feel weak inside. He couldn’t imagine what it was like for Lance. He pulls out his wand, casting spells to get people out of his way. He needs to get to the center. From there, he doesn’t know what he’ll do. He doesn’t even know what Lance is facing since he was supposed to go last. 
He makes it to the center and sees Lance. The poor Beauxbatons boy is on the ground, curled up into a ball as tears stream down his face. A boiling hot anger suddenly fills Keith, one that he’s experienced many times before. He didn’t care if they all signed up for this, nobody should be put through this much emotional trauma. 
“Lance!” Keith calls as people try to shove him back. Lance doesn’t move. 
“LANCE!” Keith calls again. Lance grits his teeth. 
“LANCE!” Keith emerges from the crowd, looking down at Lance, who looks up at him, hatred shinning through his expression. 
“I just met you how can you already hate me?” Keith frowns, bending down to Lance. 
“C’mon. Your trial’s over.” Lance looks up at him, his chin wobbling. Keith immediately feels a sort of protectiveness for this boy. He was battling too many monsters, many of which Keith found himself battling as well. 
“Shove off, Kogane.” Keith huffs, grabbing Lance’s arm roughly and pulling him up. Lance pulls away, his shoulders hunched.
Someone jumps out at them, their expression vicious as they spit out words, calling Lance things like “mud-blood” and other even worse variations. Without thinking, Keith throws himself in front of Lance as if he could protect Lance from the person’s hurtful words.
Then something interesting happens. The crowd merges together in one large form, the image flickering and stretching. Keith furrows his brow in confusion 
It starts to take form, glimmering black hair styled like Keith’s and bright, glowing yellow eyes with purple irises. The creatures fingers elongated into talons coated in blood and even around it’s mouth Keith could see traces of it. There was a wicked grin on its face and its clothes were in tatters. Keith recognized it immediately. He recalled a Defense Against the Dark Arts class from years before when they first learned about Bogarts. He was faced with this same monster, his greatest fear.
He was scared he would turn into this monster. 
He grabs his wand, ignoring the fears rooted deep in his stomach as he shouted “RIDICULOUS!” 
The air was still. The bogart was gone. Behind him, Keith heard Lance sniffle. Everyone was looking at him with disbelief, including the Beauxbatons boy. 
“Why would he do that!?” Lance says exasperatedly as he talks to his friend, Hunk. Hunk was from Hogwarts and an old friend of Lance’s. Their families were close and Hunk was surprised learn that Lance too was a wizard. They usually didn’t talk much over the school year considering they went to different schools, but they hung out almost all the time over the summer, telling school secrets about Hogwarts and Beauxbatons that they thought the other might find funny. 
Hunk shrugs, obviously tired of this conversation. This is the third time Lance has talked about it since the competition. “Why don’t you ask him.” Lance gave him a repulsed look. 
“I can’t ask mullet why he saved me.”
“Awww you have nicknames for each other.”
“No we don’t! We barely even know each other.”
“Just because you don’t know him doesn’t mean you don’t like him.” 
“Wh-what?” Lance says, his cheeks reddening. Hunk laughs. 
“Look Keith probably saved you because he felt bad for you. I would’ve done the same.” Lance crosses his arms and sticks out his lip.
“I didn’t need saving.” Hunk sighs, knowing that Lance was probably embarrassed that he wasn’t able to handle a simple bogart.
“Did you prepare for the next task.” Lance groans. 
“Do you know what it’s going to be.”
“I don’t know! They gave us a vague clue.” 
“Clues are supposed to be vague.” Lance huffs, hitting his head on the table.
“What is it? Maybe I can help.”
“They said something about looking through the history of Triwizard Tournaments.” Hunk furrowed his brow.
“Why?” Lance shrugs. 
“If I had to guess, they ran out of ideas and they’re stealing one from a previous one.”
“Did they say anything else?”
“They said it would jump out from history, that there was something about the tournament that was different than the others.” A lightbulb goes off in Hunk’s head. 
“We should head to the library.”
Keith just wanted to have a quiet study session for the tests he had to take, was that too much to ask? It didn’t seem like much and, for the most part, people kept to themselves in the library because that’s what people do at libraries. 
Lance Mcclain seems to have not gotten the hint.
“What are you doing here Kogane?” Lance says, looking at Keith with narrowed eyes. Keith looks up at him, a bored expression on his face. 
“Some of us actually go to school her,” Keith says, turning back to his textbooks. Lance huffs, siting beside Keith. 
“Do you want something or are you just here to make sure I fail potions?” Lance glares at him, getting more annoyed when he sees that Keith just ignores him. Lance puts his hand over Keith’s textbook, forcing him to look into the Beauxbaton boy’s blue eyes. He’s aware of how close they are and how cute Lance is… for a Beauxbaton. Too bad Lance hates him, Keith might have even dated him. 
“What do you want, Mcclain?” Lance’s jaw is set. He looks like a boy on a mission. 
“Why did you help me?” Keith bites his lip, trying to actually figure out why he did it. He shrugs.
“I felt bad for you,” he says, grabbing his textbook and scooting away from Lance. Lance grabs his arm. 
“I didn’t need saving,” Lance says, pratically choking on emotion. Keith puts his books down, turning back to Lance, concern in his eyes. Lance’s face flushed with embarrassment as he let go of Keith’s arm. 
“I just… I’m not stupid, alright?” 
“I didn’t say that you were?” Keith furrows his brow in confusion. 
“The cup picked me for a reason this isn’t some mistake.” Lance clenches his fists, barely even looking at Keith. 
“Are you… okay?” 
“No.” Lance slumps against him, crossing his arms. It catches Keith off-guard, considering he’s not the most affectionate person, but a look into Lance’s eyes tells Keith that he needs something to ground him. 
“Um….” Keith doesn’t know what he should do. In his head he’s going into a gay panic. 
“I’ll show them,” Lance says determinedly to himself. Keith doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. “I’m going to place first in the next challenge. I’m going to win.” 
“Hey Lance!” A voice calls. There’s a chorus of “shhh”s directed at a boy in a yellow Hufflepuff tie, he apologizes, running towards Keith and Lance. Lance jumps away from Keith, perking up slightly. Hunk takes the seat next to Lance, making Keith even more annoyed. Really he just wanted to study, not have a party with his rival and said rival’s friend. 
“What’s up?” The Hufflepuff flips through a book that seems to be full of old records. Keith can’t help but be slightly interested. He leans over Lance’s shoulder. Lance turns to him, a smirk on his face. 
“You trying to cheat, mullet?” Keith turns bright red. He moves away from Lance. 
“I wasn’t– I was just–” Lance looks thoughtful. 
“Tell you what…” Both Keith and the Hufflepuff boy raise an eyebrow. 
“I’ll help you in the next challenge.” Keith’s eyebrows seem to raise even more.
“I mean, it’s the least I can do after… the incident that shall not be named.” 
“Okay??” Lance nods, satisfied, and turns back to Hunk. 
“Go on.”
“Do you remember Harry Potter’s Triwizard Tournament?”
The weeks leading up to the second trial were… interesting to say the least. Lance was dead set on repaying Keith after the first trial, which meant that he followed him. Everywhere. 
Keith wanted to complain but… he began to enjoy Lance’s company. Because they were visiting, students from Beauxbatons and Hogwarts weren’t required to go to classes like the rest of the Durmstrang students, but they were highly encouraged to go to these classes and experience new “cultures.” 
Lance claimed that he didn’t have a choice, but Keith knew that he secretly loved accompanying Keith to his classes, helping him figure out potions and listening to Keith laugh as Lance messed up a charm. But Lance was determined to do his hardest in everything, as if he had to prove something. Sometimes he failed, sometimes he embarrassed himself miserably, but he still kept trying, and Keith found it almost admirable. 
Despite being sort of kind of friends now, they still held onto some rivalish qualities, probably because everyone kept fitting them into those roles. They were going head to head in the Triwizard Tournament still, and Keith and Lance weren’t shy to go into a not so friendly competition during Transfiguration, much to their teacher’s annoyance. 
That’s probably why the media was always buzzing about them. 
There were tons of articles, some of them ridiculously sappy about how it’s beautiful to see their friendship blossom even though they’re from different schools. There were debates about Keith saving Lance, some people even saying that Keith should be disqualified. Some say Lance should be disqualified because he accepted Keith’s help. Some people, deep on the internet, suggested that Keith and Lance’s friendship is something more. Maybe it always has. 
Except Keith and Lance were too busy for the internet, between planning how to get through the second challenge, brewing potions to help them breathe underwater, and Lance pretty much tutoring Keith in potions, there was no room in between classes to casually surf the internet. Maybe if they saw these speculations, it would’ve drawn them apart with repulsion, feeling uncomfortable with this development. Or maybe it would’ve made them realize what they really wanted. 
“Scared mullet?” Lance says with a smirk, looking over at Keith as they stood over by the Lake, getting ready for the competition. Keith scowled. 
“Stop calling me that.” Lance sticks his face in front of Keith’s, a mischivious grin on his face. The slightest blush crosses Keith’s face. 
“Because my name is Keith,” Keith says, crossing his arms. Lance’s playful energy was contagious and that’s probably what Keith liked the most about him. 
“You’re the one who chose to have bad hair!” Lance says defensively. Keith gasps, touching his hair. 
“You take that back!” 
“Seriously who cuts their hair like that!” Lance says. Keith pouts. 
“You’re jealous.” Lance rolls his eyes. 
“It wouldn’t be so bad if you just…” Lance digs through his pockets, looking for something. He frowns. 
“Hold on.” He runs over to someone Keith supposes must be a friend who’s standing a few feet away in Beauxbaton robes holding a flag with Lance’s face on it.
“Yo Allura you got a hairtie?” Lance calls. The girl– Allura– furrows her brow. 
“Yeah why?”
“My buddy Keith needs it,” Lance says, pointing over at Keith. Keith’s face goes red as he buries his head in his hands, wondering why he still let Lance do these things to him. 
Lance runs back over, hairtie in hand. 
“Turn around,” he orders. Keith huffs, doing as told, his face still red. Lance runs Keith’s hair through his hands, untangling any knots. He gathers his hair, pulling it up and tying the elastic around it. He turns Keith around, smiling and brushing his bangs out of his eyes and behind his ears. Lance smiles. 
“You have eyes,” Lance says dorkily. Keith starts to snort, erupting into giggles and leaning on Lance slightly, the purest of expressions on his face. The smallest of blushes passes across Lance’s face and a thought flitters through his head. 
Oh god help me. 
Pidge, Keith, and Lance stood side by side, looking over the lake, their stomachs filled with anxiety. They all knew that they would have to find something at the bottom of the lake, thanks to them all being friends with Hunk, who was having a hard time choosing one person to root for, but they had no idea what they were actually looking for. The books from the library full of records had certain words blacked out, giving the competitors a vague idea of what the actual challenge would be. 
Then, there was a loud whistle, and the second trial began.
Pidge shoved some sort of plant in her mouth, jumping in without hesitation. Lance chugged a bottle of a blue liquid that looked like water, sputtering at the taste before jumping in. Keith, since him and Lance worked on the potion together, not only for Keith’s potions project but also for this competition, did the same. 
Being submerged in water was an… odd feeling. For a long moment, Keith floated, the potion taking a little longer to take effect, unlike Lance who was already halfway to the bottom. 
Then he felt something pull at his feet. He looked down, gasping in shock, fumbling for his wand to cast a stupefy on whatever it was. 
But there was nothing there. It was the potion, starting to take effect. Keith remembered what Lance told him, how it not only allowed you to breath underwater, but it made your body mass heavier, allowing you to sink all the way to the bottom of the ocean at a rather quick pace. It was a complex spell, one that Keith had struggled with greatly, but he got an A on the assignment and it didn’t seem to have any after effects. 
When Keith got to the bottom, he saw what the “treasure” was. There was three people floating in the water, tied there with seaweed. Mermaids flocked around them.
The first person looked a lot like Pidge. In fact, it was eerie how close they resembled each other. Keith knew for a fact that it had to have been Pidge’s brother or something. 
The second person was a girl. She had hair cut to about her shoulders and glasses that sat askew on her face. Her features vaguely resembled Lance, which obviously could only mean that it was Lance’s sister. Keith recalled Lance talking about her and the rest of his siblings. 
The third was someone Keith knew. He didn’t have to guess to know that this was his treasure. 
He would recognize his brother anywhere.
His feet touched the ground and he ran to Shiro, his jaw set. It was an odd, running in water. What was weirder was, even though Keith could see the fish swimming around him, it didn’t feel like he was running anywhere underwater. It almost felt like he was on dry land. 
The mermaids didn’t stop him as he passed them. Lance was already there, tearing at the seaweed for his sister. He turned to Keith, flashing one of his dorky smiles. Keith rolled his eyes, smiling slightly as he used his wand to to cut the rope. He grabs Shiro, turning back to Lance. Above them they saw Pidge, looking angry at the fact that they beat her here. Lance pulled out a second potion from his pocket, this one more sludgy and red. Keith did the same. They looked at each other before, emptying the bottle. 
Pidge got to the bottom, letting her brother free. That’s when the potion started to take effect as Keith and Lance started to rise back to the surface. As they rose, Keith started to notice the effects of the other potion start to wear off. He found it more difficult to breathe and he saw Lance seem to have the same problem. But it didn’t matter. He could see the sun above him, feeling the warmth. Lance was a good deal ahead of him, but he didn’t think anything of it.
Until he realized he wasn’t moving at all. Lance kept going up and up and up, but he stayed right there. He started to gasp for air, trying franticly to swim back up to the surface. But it wasn’t working. He felt himself inhale water and his eyes widened with panic. He tried to call out for Lance, but Lance didn’t seem to hear. Pidge swam by him and he felt the truth sink in on him. 
He messed up the potion. He was going to die down here.
Lance felt like he was on top of the world. After the first challenge, he was sure the goblet made a mistake. The first challenge was supposed to be the easiest, and he couldn’t even face a bogart. 
But this? This was almost too easy. He always loved potions so as soon as he heard about the challenge he knew exactly what potion he needed to make. He didn’t need the weeks to prepare it. He could’ve done it that day and had it done by dinner. But he knew that Keith struggled with potions and decided to take things slow, taking his time to explain to Keith why things worked a certain way and how to be careful with the measurements. Still, Keith struggled. The poor boy always looked so defeated when the potion blew up in his face, saying that Lance should stop trying to help him it wasn’t going to work. 
But Lance didn’t give up. He wasn’t going to give up. 
He can see the surface, he’s almost close enough to touch the surface and feel the cool air. He grins, looking down to share a smile with Keith, who was no doubt behind him. 
Except Keith wasn’t behind him. Lance started to panic, looking around wildly. He saw Pidge come up behind him, her brow drawn. But Keith wasn’t there. 
Lance pulled out his wand, casting the spell to momentarily stop the effects of the potion, just for a little bit. The world stilled and he looked down for the black haired boy in a red coat. Far bellow he spotted him. He thought about how much time he had before the spell wore off and he would be forced to float back to the top. He could cast the spell again and again, but he could feel it already starting to wear him down. He took a deep breath, hoping beyond hope that those stupid swim lessons would be useful. He let go of Veronica, letting her float to the top. God she would be so angry when she woke up. Lance still has forgotten to mention the whole wizard thing to her.
He started to swim towards Keith, kicking his legs as hard as he could. He swam past Pidge, who looked at him with confusion, but didn’t stop. She was here to win, Lance knew this. He was too, but he couldn’t leave Keith down there. What if something bad happened. 
After what felt like hours but only was probably twenty minutes, Lance reached Keith. He was franticly kicking his legs, but Lance could tell he was losing energy. He had a death grip on his “treasure” and tears seemed to be pooling at his eyes. He was blue and looked on the verge of passing Lance cursed, pulling his wand back out and swimming up to Keith, grabbing his hands. Bubbles escaped from Keith’s mouth as he looked at him with surprise. Lance takes a deep breath, trying to stay calm even through Keith’s panic. He had to, or else something terrible might happened.
He remembered the charm, saying it in his head and pointing the wand up between them. A bubble swelled up between them, spreading wider and wider until it encompassed both of their heads, the bubble full of fresh air. Keith gasped, drinking up the air, his skin turning back to its normal color. 
“You good?” Lance says, touching Keith’s shoulder. Keith gulps and nods, not able to form words. Lance smiled warmly, releasing the hold of the previous spell, causing them to rise up. Thankfully, whatever was causing Keith to stay stationary seemed to disappear as Lance’s potion took over him. 
They surface both of them gasping as they swim to shore. Lance sees Pidge wrapped in a towel, standing next to her brother and shivering. He also saw Veronica, standing next to them, looking bewildered, but also relieved to see Lance. 
Lance helps Keith stand. Keith seems to be a little weak from almost drowning. Behind them, the guy that Keith was saving, called out. 
“Keith!” He runs up to him, hugging him tight. Lance smiles, walking over to his sister. She proceeded to look at him, soaking wet in his blue swim trunks. And then, miraculously, she starts to laugh. 
“What?” Lance says, blushing. 
“All this time I knew you were hiding a secret from us and all along its because you were going to some elite school because your a nerd.” Lance stumbles over his words, but Veronica just smiles, enveloping him in a hug. Lance smiles, glad to see his sister. 
He looks back at Keith, who’s staring at him, his expression a mix of awe and confusion. Lance just laughs. 
After the tournament, the three champions are ushered into a room, still dripping wet for interviews. It was obvious that they were excited to get the latest scoop, considering everyone saw Veronica surface without Lance and Lance later surface with Keith and Shiro. Everyone knew that it would add to the tale of Keith Kogane and Lance Mcclain, Friends or Lovers?
Before they started prepping them for interviews, the three discussed the events of the tournament quietly amongst themselves. 
“That task wasn’t that hard…” Pidge says, obviously taking pride in the fact that she came in first place. Lance pursed his lips, nodding in agreement but also looking at Keith out of the corner of his eye, who had his blanket wrapped around him tightly. Keith didn’t say a word, frowning. 
“Congrats on getting first, Pidge?” Lance says with a warm smile. 
“Here’s what I don’t understand,” Pidge finally bursts. Keith and Lance incline their heads towards her. 
“Lance… I saw you ahead of me. You could’ve won this and got in first place instead of making us all tied. So why didn’t you win?” Lance bites his lip. Keith looks at him too, a curious expression on his face. 
“Well I… I saw that Keith was struggling…” Keith looks away blushing. He swore he saw Pidge smirk. 
“So you decided to sacrifice your win to save the damsel in distress?” 
“Well… yeah.” Pidge just smiles, looking like she knows something. 
“I see.” They call for Lance for his interview. He grins and walks into the room, obviously enjoying the attention. Pidge turns to Keith. 
“You like him.” Keith turns bright red, mumbling incoherent nothings. 
“That’s ridiculous,” he says finally. Pidge raises an eyebrow. 
“He’s from Beauxbatons.” Pidge’s eyebrow arches further.
“We’re rivals.” Pidge bursts out laughing.
“WHAT!” Keith says defensively. She snorts. 
“Some rivals you are.” Keith plays with the sleeves of his jacket.
“I mean I guess we’re friends, but we’re competing against each other. Plus, Lance couldn’t like me back.”
“So you admit you like him.” Keith squeaks, his face as red as a tomato. 
“What? No I-I was– I meant– I–” Pidge puts her hand over his mouth. He gives her a panicked expression. 
“Look. I know Lance.”
“You do?”
“Yes he’s Hunk’s friend god have you been paying attention?”
“Oh yes that answered all my questions. Thank you,” Keith says sarcastically. Pidge laughs.
“Oh I like you.”
“What’s your point, Pidge?”
“I know Lance. I also know that he flirts with literally any girl he sees comma but the ones he really likes he gets all flustered and does a weird thing with his hands.”
“ I don’t understand what this has to do with anythi–”
“When he likes someone he tries to spend every waking hour with them and will do anything for them.”
“So?”. Pidge huffs.
“So I’m saying that he’s the same with you!” Keith scoffs.
“No he’s not. He’s just being Lance.” Pidge groans. 
“Wow you’re about as thick as he is.”
“HEY! Lance is really smart, I’ll have you know,” Keith says defensively, maybe a small part of his tone is dreamy. Pidge rubs her brow. 
“I’m too ace for this.” Lance walks back out into the waiting room, a nervous smile on his face. Keith feels his heartbeat quicken and he scratches his neck in an attempt to hide his blush. He didn’t know if it worked as Lance walked up to him.
“How did it go?” Keith asks. Lance purses his lips, fidgeting with his hand a little. Pidge gives Keith a look.
“It went good! They asked some personal stuff about… nevermind.” Maybe it was wishful thinking, but Keith swore he saw Lance blush the slightest bit. But the moment was gone. 
“Kogane!” The lady called. Keith takes a deep breath, walking into the room.
The room is just a normal classroom, set up for an interview. Two chairs sit across from each other, one occupied by a lady with curly hair and glasses. Keith gulped, sitting down across from her. 
“Hello Mr. Kogane,” she says, smiling warmly. 
“H-hi,” Keith says, pulling at the sleeves of his jacket. 
“So. This challenge was a lot harder for you, wasn’t it.” Keith gulped and nodded.
“Do you care to explain what happened?” Keith dug his nails into his palm. 
“I don’t know. I made my potion wrong and I couldn’t get to the surface so Lance saved me.” She raised an eyebrow. 
“Do you know why he did that? Rumor has it he would’ve won if he hadn’t gone back for you.” Keith curled and uncurled his fists. 
“I don’t know. It was probably payback for the first challenge.” She hummed. 
“That’s not how Lance tells it.”
“How does Lance tell it?” Keith growls. The reporter flips to a new piece of paper. 
“Next question. How did you feel when you saw Lance come back for you.” Keith didn’t know what this had to do anything. 
“I don’t know. I was happy that I could breathe.”
“In the metaphorical sense?” Keith raised an eyebrow. 
“No? He spelled a bubble around us so we could breath.” She raised an eyebrow. 
“Did you say anything to him in this… bubble?”
“I couldn’t breathe?” Keith doesn’t know where she’s going with this. 
“Next question. How do you feel about Lance Mcclain? Do you think your relationship has evolved?”
“Well… yeah.” The lady leans forward slightly. Keith coughs, his cheeks reddening. “Well I mean–” Keith coughs. “We’re closer friends now and stuff. And he’s really smart and helps me with my potions…”
“Is she trying to make a move on him?” Lance says, face pressed up against the glass of the classroom door. Pidge groans, playing Zelda on a DS.
“She’s not, Lance. And if she was then that would be creepy and wrong.” Lance frowns. 
“She’s too close.” Pidge huffs, stepping on the tips of her toes to look in with Lance. She rolls her eyes. 
“They’re literally a meter away from each other.” Lance huffs. 
“He’s blushing.” Pidge groans, slinking against the floor. 
“Keith’s always blushing.”
“Yeah but…” 
“I mean….”
“What if…”
“LANCE!” Lance turns to the Pidge. She pushes up her round glasses. 
“Keith is fine he’s just nervous.” Lance sighs, sinking to the ground. 
“I know I just….”
“What?” Pidge sits next to him. Lance frowns, seeming conflicted. 
“I just know how shaken up I was after the first challenge and how answering their questions made it worse and… you didn’t see him down there, Pidge.” Pidge sighs. 
“Keith will be fine. If he’s not I’m sure he’ll deck her.” Lance laughs a little. 
“Yeah.” Lance looks down into his lap, his features soft. 
“Hunk was right, you got it bad.” 
“What?!” Lance says, jumping. “I swear if Hunk told you–” Pidge rolled her eyes. 
“It’s obvious Lance. He didn’t need to tell me anything.” Lance threads his fingers through his hair, sighing. 
“It is?”
“The only person that doesn’t seem to know is Keith.” Lance huffs, resting his chin on his hand. 
“What should I do, Pidge?” Pidge coughs. 
“Are you seriously asking me for relationship advice?” Lance glares. 
“Just ask him to the Yule Ball or something. That’s coming up soon.” Lance chews his lip. 
“Maybe….” The door behind them opens, causing both of them to yelp, scrambling up. Keith frowned at them. 
“Why were you sitting by the door?”
“It was Lance’s idea,” Pidge says with a shrug, heading into the room, closing the door tightly behind her. Lance starts to fidget with his jacket and Keith scratches his neck. 
“So….” Keith says, coughing. Lance bites the inside of his cheek. 
“Want to go find something to eat?” Keith grins. 
“Who’s Keith talking to?” Lance says, leaning into Hunk, a frown on his face. Hunk follows his line of sight. 
“Acxa. Why?” Lance raises an eyebrow.
“Who’s she?”
“A Gryffindor girl. She’s friends with Allura’s ex. But don’t worry, she’s cool.” Lance chews his lip, glimpsing back at them. He knew what flirting looked like. 
“Do you think she’ll ask him to the Yule Ball?” Hunk shrugs, taking a bite of his food. 
“Pidge has heard rumors about it. They might be true.” Lance looks back at them. Keith has a frustratingly cute expression on his face as his brows draw with confusion, tilting his head curiously. Sometimes Lance swore he was like a puppy mixed with a cat and it made Lance’s stomach flip. He sighs, resting his chin on his hand.  
“Wow. Pidge was right.” Lance squeaks, jumping and turning away from Keith.
“Right about what?” Lance says nervously. 
“That that Durmstrang boy is going to be the death of you.”
“N-no he’s not!”
“Lance you’re looking at him again.” Lance sighs dreamily. 
“He’s so pretty.” Hunk rolls his eyes. 
“Tell me again why you haven’t asked him to the Yule Ball yet?” Lance huffs. 
“Because Hunk.” Hunk raises an eyebrow.
“”Because… I don’t know. It would be weird, wouldn’t it?”
“But it’s Keith, Hunk.” Hunk just  laughs, shaking his head. Above them they hear a chirping sound. Everyone in the room cranes their heads up at the noise as dozens of birds flood the room, all of them with letters tied around their ankles. They swooped down, landing at tables where students recognized a family owl and took the letter, reading it to themselves with smiles and frowns. Another round of owls came in, dropping in the daily newspapers. Lance picks one up, casually flipping to the article on the Triwizard Tournament. 
There’s a picture of the three of them, all drenched from head to toe. Pidge was grinning wildly, her eyes dancing with excitement. Meanwhile, Keith was shivering, wrapping himself tighter in blankets. Lance was beside him, looking slightly concerned for his friend as he offered Keith his blanket. Lance skipped over the picture to the article.
“Yesterday the three Champions of this year’s Triwizard Tournament completed their second challenge. Katie “Pidge” Holt from the Slytherin house at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came in first place, saving her brother, Matt from the bottom of the lake. Next to come up was a bewildered muggle by the name of Veronica who is our second champion’s sister. However, Lance could not be seen, causing anxiety to build up within the stands of the arena, wondering what could possibly have happened to the Beauxbatons boy. There was still no sign of the Durmstrang boy or his treasure. 
“Just as the officiators began to organize a team to look for the two boys, they shot out of the water, arm and arm, both of them holding tightly onto Takashi Shirogane, Keith Kogane’s adopted brother. The audience cheered, rising up in the stands as Keith and Lance tied for second place, causing a three way tie between the three champions. They were all–” Hunk kept poking Lance’s shoulder and it was really starting to dampen his reading ability. He huffs, getting slightly annoyed, and turns to Hunk. 
“What?!” Hunk chews his lip. 
“Uh dude…” Hunk points to a picture later on in the article. It was of before the match where Lance was helping Keith with his hair. They were facing each other, both of them blushing, looking soulfully into each other’s eyes. Lance gulps as he reads the headline. 
“Rivals… or Star-Crossed Lovers?” Lance looks over at Hunk, a nervous expression on his face. He quickly turns back to the article, pratically inhaling the words on the page with a frantic energy. 
“One cannot deny that since the first trial in the tournament there has been a spark between the two boys of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. As some may recall, Keith Kogane came to Lance Mcclain’s aid when he couldn’t muster the courage to face his greatest fear. Since then, the two boys have been almost inseparable. Sources say that it was because Mcclain felt indebted to Kogane after he saved him and was bent on helping the Durmstrang in any way he could. 
“But one cannot deny the energy these boys give off. Hidden deep within there is a passion that most anyone can see, and it has only been strengthened since the second trial. The two boys have become a popular… so to say… ship amongst fanatics of the Triwizard Tournament. And they no doubt are gobbling up this exclusive interview with Lance Mcclain:” 
“Whatcha reading?” Keith says from over Lance’s shoulder, scaring Lance senseless. Without hesitation, Lance takes the article and shoves it in his glass of milk, looking up at Keith. 
“Just enjoying my breakfast!” He says, laughing nervously. Keith squints at him, sitting down beside him. He reaches for the pitches of orange juice, his hand brushing Lance’s in the process. Lance goes bright red. 
“Okay but seriously, what were you reading?” Keith says, staring at him from over his orange juice. 
“Nothing.” Keith frowns. Lance can feel everyone looking at him now. They no doubt read the article, read about all the embarising ways Lance gushed about Keith during his interview in ways he didn’t mean to. If he could do anything to change that moment, he would in a heartbeat. 
“What did Acxa talk to you about?” Hunk asks, bless him. Keith shrugs, stabbing his egg and frowning. 
“She asked me to go to the Yule Ball with her.” Oh no oh no my life is over I failed bury me now–
“What did you say?” Hunk says, looking at Lance nervously. He could tell that Lance seemed on the verge of a breakdown. He made a mental note of the best escape route for his friend. 
Keith continues to frown, stabbing his eggs, looking at Lance through his lashes. 
“I said no,” Keith mumbles. Lance gasps, standing up. 
“You what?” Keith seems to shrink in on himself a little, thrown off by Lance’s outbreak. Lance immediately feels horrible as he sits back down. 
“Sorry, sorry I… what do you mean you said no?” He says in a much gentler voice, leaning slightly towards Keith. Keith shrugs, holding his gaze. 
“I just… said no?”
“But she’s so your type!” Keith almost snorts. In fact he does… a little. 
“I just…” Keith pushes his bangs out of his eyes, not meeting Lance’s gaze. 
“I was just hoping someone else would ask me,” He says, a bright blush spreading across his cheeks. Lance gapes at him. 
“Who is it?” he says, a little too quickly. Keith chews his lip. 
“C’mon you can tell me.” Lance says, smiling and bumping his shoulder with Lance’s. Keith blushes, smiling a little. 
“You’re going to have to wait, loverboy.” Lance’s heart pounds in his chest and in that moment, he wants to do nothing more than kiss Keith and tell him how he feels. But, the mullet boy’s heart is taken by another. 
“You coming with me to Charms?” Keith says, gathering his stuff to get going. Lance smirks. 
“How else can I beat you into a pulp with my fancy spellwork.” Keith laughs a snorty kind of laughter that makes Lance’s heart flutter. 
It was a day before the Yule Ball and Lance still hasn’t asked Keith to go with him. 
At this point Lance wasn’t sure why he was worried. Everyone Keith hung out with seemed to have a date, so it wasn’t like one of them could be Keith’s-mysterious-crush-that-he-was-hoping-would-ask-him. But Lance still couldn’t help but feel a lump in his throat every time he tried to ask Keith to go with him. 
In the end, he said it the night before the actual dance and made a complete and entire fool of himself. 
They were up in Keith’s dorm, lying next to each other on his bed with books propped open, their eyelids drooping.
“Why did your professor assign you a test on the day of the dance anyway?” Lance says with a yawn. Keith sighs, face planting into a textbook. 
“Because my potions teacher enjoys watching me suffer.” Lance sighs, pulling the textbook away from Keith, who pulled his head up in surprise, turning to Lance. Only when Lance put away the textbooks did Lance realize their noses were almost touching. 
“What are you doing?” Keith says, looking confused. Lance huffs. 
“You’re way too tired for this and we have the Yule Ball tomorrow you need to get some sleep.” Keith groans, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. Lance does the same. 
“Do you have a date to the ball yet?” he asks curiously. Lance feels his heart pound in his chest, wondering if this was the moment. He takes a deep breath, telling himself to chill out. He leans back, relaxed. 
“No. All the girls are too shy to ask this guy,” he says cheesily, pointing finger guns at Keith. It was a lie, a bunch of girls asked him, but he said he had his heart set on someone else. And he did, if he would just work up the courage to ask the boy in front of him. He just needed to say those eight words. Will you go to the dance with me? 
“What about you? That lucky lady ask you yet?” Keith frowns, playing with a loose string on the bed. 
“No.” Lance tapped his fingers against his leg. 
“Great. So neither of us have dates.”
“I guess…” Lance laughs. 
“God that’s going to be so embarrassing.” Keith furrows his brow, confused.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean we’re the champions and we don’t have dates.” Keith doesn’t look at him as he continues to mess with the blanket. 
“So?” Lance chews his bottom lip, his face heating. God, how is he supposed to say this? Its a good think Keith is distracted. 
“So I mean… It will be kind of embarrassing… won’t it? Being the center of attention without a date?” Keith shrugs. Lance knows that Keith probably doesn’t care, but he needs an excuse, something to hide under if Keith lashes out at him. 
“What are you saying, Lance?” Keith says, looking tired. Man, he should really go to sleep. Lance threads and unthreads his fingers together. 
“Well you know… maybe we can both go together? Since we don’t have dates…” Keith was suddenly wide awake now. His eyes fly open as he turns to Lance, who’s trying to hide his blush. Did he just…. was he playing a trick on him? Keith drew his brows together. Lance started to panic. 
“Is this some sort of joke?” Keith murmured, not looking into Lance’s eyes. Lance scrambled up, his heart pounding. 
“Sorry I’m sorry Keith I….” he starts to grab his bags, running his fingers through his hair, getting that look in his eye. It was the same look he had in the arena when facing the bogart. Keith wanted to reach out but he was too frozen. His heart was pounding, Lance’s words ringing in his ears. 
“I shouldn’t have…” Lance was rambling like he did when he was upset. It was funny how much they’ve gotten to know each other within the span of this competition and Keith wanted nothing more than to go to that dance with Lance Mcclain. 
But by the time he finally opened his mouth to tell him yes, yes I want to go to the dance with you, Lance was rushing out the door, rubbing tears from his eyes. Keith stood up to chase after him, opening the door and running down the stairs into his common room. He emerged into the hall, but by that point, Lance was gone and all of Keith’s opportunities went down the drain. 
“HaveyouseenLance?” Keith said the next morning to Hunk and Pidge, completely ignoring the other three girls sitting at the table. They seemed startled by his appearance, but Keith didn’t care. He didn’t sleep at all the night before and every time he laid down he tossed and turned. Eventually he snuck out to try and find Lance, but he ended up getting caught and sent back to his dorm. 
“Wow Keith so polite of you to say hi to our friends Allura, Shay, and Romelle,” Pidge says sarcastically. Keith glares.
“Where’s Lance?” Hunk raises an eyebrow. 
“He’s not with you?”
“Why would he be with me!” Keith runs his hands through his hair, sitting down. 
“You guys were studying together last night where did he go after that?” Keith whimpers. 
“I don’t know. He stormed off and–”
“Wait. He stormed off?” one of the girls, Allura, pitches in. Keith nods worriedly. 
“Dude what did you do?” Pidge says. Keith buries his head in his arms. 
“He asked me to the Yule Ball.” Everyone at the table gasps. 
“Keith I swear if you said no–”
“I didn’t say anything but he started freaking out and I just…” Everyone is leaning close to him. 
“Did you tell him?” Pidge asks. Keith shakes his head. 
“I thought it was a joke! I didn’t think he would actually ask me!” Pidge shakes her head sadly. 
“Do you ever read the Daily Prophet?” Romelle says. Keith looks up at her, an angry look on his face. Pidge shoves a paper in his face. He looks down at the article. 
There’s a big picture of him and Lance, standing close together just before the second challenge. The headline read, “Rivals… or Star-Crossed Lovers?” Keith raised an eyebrow. 
“What’s this?” 
“Lance’s interview. You haven’t seen it?” Keith shakes his head, starting to read intently. 
“R: So Mcclain, would you care to explain to us what happened in this round of competition?
L: Well, this part of the competition was always meant to help repay Kogane for helping me in… the first challenge. I felt bad and I wanted to help him as much as I could so we worked together to create our potions to help us. We started swimming up together, but I noticed that Keith was no longer next to me. 
R: So you gave up a win to help him?
L: Yes.
R: Why? 
L: I… well I don’t know. It only seemed fair considering he lost a significant amount of points for helping me. 
R: You still could’ve swam for the surface and got him help. You didn’t have to be his knight in shinning armor. So why did you save him yourself?
L: I didn’t think of that….
R: No, you didn’t. 
R: Would you have done it differently?
L: No. I would’ve risked everything to save him– I mean, I don’t want to see a fellow competitor get hurt. He would’ve drowned. 
R: I see… and what are your opinions of Keith? You two have gotten extremely close during this competition.
L: We have. Keith has been amazing, the kind of friend I never knew I needed. He’s a bit temperamental, but once you get through his shell he has so many admirable traits and he’s so handsome….
R: Would you ever see Kogane as more than a friend?
L: Ye–NO! NO not at all that’s not what this is. We’re just friends, sometimes rivals. We would never– he would never– we don’t like each other in that way
R: Maybe he doesn’t, but how about you, Mcclain?
L: *no comment*”
“This isn’t real this had to have been forged. Lance would never say this.” 
“He saw the article and tried to burn every copy of the Daily Prophet so you wouldn’t see it.” Keith frowns. 
“Because it makes him look bad.” Pidge rolls her eyes. 
“You need to go talk to Lance.”
“I don’t know where he is.” Pidge huffs. 
Keith knocked tentatively on the door Pidge said was Lance’s. They had a little house set up with rooms for each of the students and Keith was sure he was going to get lost, but Pidge managed to find their way. 
“Yes?” A voice called, cracking towards the end of the word. Keith felt his heart splinter. He was aware of some people around him whispering about his appearance saying things like “the Durmstrang boy” and “Lance” and “Klance.” He ignored them. 
“It’s Keith,” Keith says. Keith hears sniffles from inside. 
“Can I come in?” There’s no answer. Keith takes a deep breath, opening the door. 
The room was actually really neat. So neat that it made Keith felt bad about the times he brought Lance into his dorm which was utter chaos. But everything seemed to have a place, down to the pencils on the desk. 
“Wow your room is so neat…” Lance rubs his eyes. They’re red and puffy. 
“I organize when I’m upset…” Keith walks over to Lance’s bed, sitting next to him. Lance pulls his knees to his chest. Keith bites his lip, trying to figure out what to say. 
“You look tired,” Lance says, frowning. Keith yawns. 
“Maybe I didn’t sleep.” Lance looks appalled. 
“Keith! You need to take care of yourself! You have a test today that’s it your skipping first and second block.” Keith smiled a little. 
“What about you, Lance?” he says softly. Lance seems a bit surprised. 
“What about me?” Keith frowns. 
“Look Lance about last night–” Lance presses a finger to Keith’s lips. Keith looks at him with surprise. 
“Keith look. I shouldn’t have asked it just made things awkward I’m sorry.”
“Lance listen to me–” 
“Keith you don’t need to apologize. I understand you don’t feel the same way.” Keith grabs Lance’s hands, twining his fingers through Lance’s, his face red. 
“Look I… I’m glad you asked.” Lance searches Keith’s face, looking confused. Keith shies away from him, seeming super flustered, 
“Keith what–” Keith looks up at him.
“I said no to Acxa because I was waiting for you to ask me.” Lance gapes at him. 
“No.. Keith just… Please don’t do this to make me feel better that’s so much worse–”
“Lance I’m not–”
“Keith really its okay if you don’t like me–” Keith has never been good with words. He knew that there was no way to tell Lance the way he felt. So he fists his hands in Lance’s shirt, pulling him close. He hesitates for a moment, their lips centimeters apart. Then, Keith kisses him. 
Lance pulls away, a surprised look on his face. Keith looks at him with those eyes, those purple eyes with unreadable emotions that Lance finally understands. He kisses Keith again, his heart pounding, not sure if this was real and not caring. 
When they break they look at each other for a long moment… then burst out into giggles, laying down on the bed, Keith’s legs hanging off the end and Lance’s propped against the wall. Lance looks back at Keith and Keith looks back at Lance, both of them smiling. 
“So…” Keith says, grinning dorkily. Lance loved that grin. “Wanna go to the Yule Ball with me?”
Allura helped Lance get ready for the dance because, well, he was a bi disaster. 
“Do you think he’ll like it?” Lance says, frowning down at his suit. Allura rolls her eyes. 
“You know blue looks good on you Lance. It matches your eyes.” Lance huffs. 
“I know I just… I want to make a good impression. This is our first… I guess date?” Allura just smiles.
“That boy is over the moon for you. I’m sure you could wear a trash bag and he would think your the hottest guy in the room.”
“Do I look good, Lura?” Lance says for the last time with a sigh. She smiles.
“Yes Lance, you look great.”
“Shiro where’s my tieeeeee.” Keith groans, running his hands through his hair. His outfit was almost complete, he just needed find his freaking tie. 
Shiro decided that it would be a good idea to help Keith get ready for the Yule Ball for unknown reasons. He kept going on and on about how him and his boyfriend, Adam, met at a school event similar to this one. He was such a romantic it made Keith gag, although he wasn’t any better. He kept stressing, trying to make everything perfect. 
“Keith. You’re wearing your tie,” Shiro says with a bored expression. Keith looks down. 
“You okay?”  Keith bites his lip.
“What if he decides he doesn’t like me?” 
“He’s not going to do that Keith.”
“What if he backs out? What if I get stood up?”
“Keith calm down.”
“What if–” Shiro grabs his shoulders. 
“Lance fell in love with you, he wants to go to this dance with you.” Keith huffs. 
“Alright…” Shrio smiles. 
“Just be yourself. He loves that.” Keith sighs and nods. 
“Do I look okay?” 
“You look perfect. 
As instructed, Lance, Keith, and Pidge arrived early to go over the procedures for how they were to handle the Yule Ball. They arrived at their given time, much to to the headmasters surprise. He frowned when he saw them. 
“No one got dates?” Lance coughs. 
“Uh we’re together….” He takes Keith’s hand. The headmaster smiles a bit. 
“My brother said he’ll dance with me.” 
“Okay then. I trust you all know how this works?” Pidge nods, Keith and Lance shake their heads. He takes a deep breath. 
“It is tradition that the Champions walk out once everyone has settled and do the first dance.” Keith stiffens. 
“Something wrong?” Lance whispers, his brows drawn in concern. 
“I can’t dance,” Keith says nervously. Lance laughs. 
“No one can.” Keith pouts. They go over a few more things. People start to trickle in, mingling amongst themselves. 
“You know… you look amazing tonight,” Lance says, playing with Keith’s ponytail as they wait for their cue. Keith blushes brightly. 
“S-so do you!” he says defensively. Lance laughs. 
“Thank you.” Keith wraps his arm around Lance, snuggling close to him. Lance felt his heart thud in his chest. 
“I bet I can dance better than you,” Keith mumbles. Lance snorts. 
“You’re on Kogane.” 
Lance felt like he was flying. Everything about the night was perfect, and it didn’t matter that he was about to face the third trial soon. All that matters was he was sitting here, in the warm and inviting dorm of Keith Kogane, explaining what a cell phone was and how Keith needed to get one immediately. Keith seemed confused. 
“Where do the messages go?” Lance laughs. 
“They come to me, silly.” Keith gets that adorable, quizzical expression on his face. 
“But how do they get there?”
“You’re questioning actual muggle technology proven with science but not the entirety of magic.” Keith shrugs. 
“I’ve always lived around magic. I guess I never thought about it.” Lance sighs, leaning against Keith. 
“Thank you.” 
“For what?” 
“For just… being the most amazing person I ever met.” Keith turns to Lance, a flustered smile on his face. 
“It’s only fair. You’re the most extraordinary person I ever met.” Lance blushes, burying his face in Keith’s shoulder. 
“Keiiithhhhh who taught you how to flirt?” Keith laughs. 
“If I recall, you did. When trying to help me get the guy I was holding out on to take me to the dance. Which was you.”
“I do recall that…”
“Remember that time I made you blush so hard you had to physically walk out of the room?”
“IN MY DEFENSE– I was not prepared for you to be that good.” Keith laughs softly. 
“I just can’t believe you didn’t figure out that I liked you.” Lance huffs.
“To be fair, you didn’t figure it out either even when it was all in a nice interview tied with a bow.”
“You got me there.” 
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