#um. i hope nobodys reading these tags.
naenaex0xx · 2 months
I keep forgetting it's april
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dewwshi · 2 years
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@davekatweek 2022, day 6: meteor!
things run slow during the journey. sometimes the quiet moment picking out a game feels more important than the game night itself.
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julietsbody · 2 months
divine figures — luke castellan + reader : nothing could steer luke off his path to god now, until you came along. 
tags : southern setting au, small town setting, loser!luke, idolization, christian religious references & imagery, religious inconsistencies, church sex, religious guilt, body worship, sex but poetic, cannibalistic imagery…………..
a/n : heavily inspired by the lovely @murdrdocs!! 
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luke castellan was never one to follow a religion, well, not at first he wasn’t. he thought it was all bullshit, to put your all into someone nobody is sure even exists, it’s bullshit. but then his mom began insisting that he went, that he needed to find god, they both did, so he went.   
luke lacked a father figure, so when he stared up at the statue perched at the apse of the church, he found the man he always lacked in his life, no matter how much the statue ignored his gaze, never bothering to look his way. he was quick to read the bible like it was a drug he just couldn’t get enough of, he sat straight with his eyes forward during each sermon, he kept himself pure. 
and he stuck true to that, until you came. 
he never really noticed you at first, but you were always there. 
always looking over your shoulder to his place in the pew, always smiling at him when he accidentally glances your way, always passing by his house on your bike on hot summer days in hopes of seeing him outside, shirtless and working on his mother’s car. 
you hadn’t mustered up the proper courage to speak to him, not until your parents have tugged you over to where he stood with his mother in the nave. your mother and father immediately sparked up conversation with his mother, leaving you to awkwardly look around the church in hopes of finding something worthy of speaking of. nothing, there was nothing. so you just mumbled out a, “hey.” 
he hesitates for a second, “hi.” 
“did you like the sermon?” your southern drawl, along with your sugar coated smile, luke can feel the thumping of his heart against his knit sweater. 
“‘course,” he smiles shyly, “i always do— um.. did you?” 
you nod at him, your ability to hold eye contact so well had him feeling nervous, constantly breaking it to glance around the room, “are you excited for easter?”
luke’s lips curve to a brighter smile, one that proves that he hopes that with jesus’ return, there will be a proper savior for him, his prayers will finally be listened to, maybe for once the statue on the wall will glance his way. 
jesus molded everything about luke, at this point, if he couldn’t believe in his father, jesus was going to take that place— and he did, luke was taught everything by the bible, all he ever relied on was the words of the lord, everything he ever did was a representation of what lied in those scriptures. he never worshipped another god, never said the lord’s name in vain, always remembered sabbath day, as well as honored his mother and… father. 
he didn’t commit adultery, in fact, he never spoke to women, really. his mother kept him sheltered, he was only allowed to speak to the women at church, not any of the women who rode on their bikes past his house, or smiled at him in the library. he just stared at them for a minute and looked away, contemplating how different things would be if he was able to speak to them. 
at the thought of women, luke’s mind races back to you, who is currently blinking at him and thinking he didn’t hear you. “i am excited— for easter, will you be at— the um.. the church that day?” 
another nod, then an awkward silence as you find nothing more to say, and neither does he. the church was a beautiful place, decorated with swirls of gold and dark wood, colorful stained glass windows that painted pictures of jesus, or virgin mary. if luke could move out of his home and live somewhere he genuinely enjoyed, it would be the church. 
there was something so comforting about it, maybe the faint music that played in the background, or the way it smelled of old books and floral perfumes, or the fact that it was just a place where so many people went to put their faith into someone. god was just so important, if luke didn’t know any better, he’d envy him. 
“you should come on sabbath days,” you interject his thoughts, leaning in to his vision. 
he blinks, eyes refocusing on your face, and he awkwardly chuckles, scratching the back of his neck, “i thought they were for relaxation?” 
“and worship,” you correct, and he crystalizes the memory of how each word sounds on your tongue, how it flows out so well, how it makes him swallow. 
“right, right,” he wets his lips nervously, “i’ll just— ask my mom. mama?” 
as soon as he asks his mom, she’s all smiles at him, nodding and even shaking your hand, thanking you for urging him to go to church more. 
“i’ll see you there,” is the last thing you say to luke that day. 
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
luke would be a liar to say he wasn’t riddled with visions of you in the darkest parts of the night, they started from the day you first spoke to him, and never left him since. he hated how much it plagued him, because it tempted him so well. it was like you were eve, offering him, adam, the apple. you reassure him that it’s sweet, that there’s no harm in taking a bite, and luke is parting his lips, ready to taste it, when he finally wakes up. 
the heat of the room is beating down on him, even in the cool of the night. his skin is sticky from sweat, and all he can ever think about is you. it should be a crime, really, how much you had consumed his every waking thought. for once, he wasn’t thinking of the bible verses he would be reading that day, what prayer he would be saying. 
luke didn’t know one thing about women, but the way you spoke to him, the way you smiled at him, the glints in your eyes, it had him wondering how he could make your face twist up in pleasure— fuck. he shouldn’t be thinking like this, it’s unholy, it’s weird, but he’s already in too deep. 
he’s already fed the memory of how pink your lips are, how soft they look, they probably feel the same. is it a sin to wonder how well you kiss? would you be all - consuming? or slow, sweet? luke doesn’t know why he prefers if you’d be hungry, if you’d bite and nip at him like you’re hungry, like he’s the last supper. 
his boxers feel tight on his skin, dick twitching in the confines of them. luke hardly knows this feeling well, he wasn’t one to allow himself to get hard, nor was he one to properly take care of it. but something about the idea of your teeth clashing against his when you kiss him, pushing your tongue into his mouth to taste him properly— it had his fingers pushing underneath the waistband of his underwear. 
when his fingertips graze his cock, he immediately shudders, lashes fluttering. every time luke touched himself, it felt like the first time, only now it felt.. better. better because he was thinking of you. luke had never watched porn, he hardly knows what it is, so the idea of what sex would be like is.. a gray area for him. 
but he works with what his mind is capable of, which is dry humping. the first setting that comes to mind is the church, which leaves a bitter taste on his tongue, but he goes with it. it comes to vividly, you on his lap, wet patch evident on his jeans from where your hips push down, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. when you moan, he does, when you whimper, he does, when you roll your hips, he does. 
everything was in sync, and it was all so sinful. masturbation itself wasn’t a sin, unless you thought of someone, and for the longest time, luke never thought of anyone, but you were a parasite he couldn’t shake, and he honestly wasn’t sure if he wanted to. 
luke wonders how much the priest will judge him when he utters these thoughts, these events in the confessional tomorrow. he has only ever uttered small, pitiful confessions, i didn’t help my mom with dinner, i turned in a book to the library late, i forgot to pray. he’s never had to confess anything larger. 
heat bubbles in luke’s stomach, it’s pleasant, sweet, but it curls, and curls until it’s suffocating, until his wrist is hurting from the fast pumps of his cock, sweat glistening on his skin, cheeks flushed. he can feel a whine scratching up his throat, in the confines of his mind, something is screaming at him, telling him to stop, but it’s too late, he can barely hear it over the blood pumping in his ears. 
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
when luke comes into the church the next day, it’s a saturday, a sabbath day. typically on these days, he would be spending his time lounging around his house, reading some piece of classical literature that he has hidden from his mother, wishing to keep the inked pictures of statues reeking of desire for one another a secret. 
but he was here, and so, he prayed. 
the sun had barely risen over the horizon (courtesy of daylight savings), yet the candles in the church were lit, leaving an orange hue to project around the empty room. 
luke felt gross, corrupt, unholy. 
for once, luke feels as though the statue above is glaring down on him, and he tries his best to not shrink into himself under the piercing gaze. he knows. his mouth is dry with each prayer, fingers sweaty around the rosary, but he wouldn’t allow himself to falter once more. 
as soon as he starts his fifth prayer, he hears the creak of the floorboards that he knows all too well, eyes fluttering open so he can look back to see who was there, hoping they hadn’t heard his last confessions in his prayers. 
you. his mind is tugged to a halt, every prayer he had rehearsed on his way to the church, completely forgotten. it was all just.. you. you seared on his skin, burned him until he was nothing but smoke. your gaze softens on him, a stark contrast to jesus’ pointed glares, “i didn’t think you’d come.” 
his voice is coarse from the nonstop prayers, “of course i would.” 
all he can think about is you underneath him, his own skin bitten and scratched, decorated in mulberry and deep pinks, he’s practically salivating at the idea. he wonders if, behind the confines of the church walls, would anyone hear you? would the priests dare to look for whoever is letting out such unholy noises? 
luke feels frozen the second he comes back to reality, dick hardening underneath the fabric beyond his control, his mind is tearing itself apart before he can even realize you’re speaking to him. 
“— wondering if you’d like to sit next to me tomorrow,” you pose, seemingly unaware of the bulge in luke’s pants that he is desperately trying to naturally cover with his hands. but you knew, you knew the effect you had on him, and he had the same effect on you. 
is it so cruel to only tease him harder? 
luke swallows the remaining saliva in his drying mouth, quickly moving to a stand, rosary bringing more attention to his covered crotch, “sure, yes— um.. i need to— go.” 
before you can even say anything, he is pushing past you, hand moving only to chastly grab your waist for a mere second as he passes, an instinct of trying to keep you stable, but it only makes a heat between your legs grow. 
desires go both ways, and it’s only a matter of time before they snap. 
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
easter was once luke’s most anticipated day of the year, but now it was the day of his nightmares. he barely slept last night, kept himself awake with chores, prayers, and reading the bible until it made him sick. he couldn’t have another dream, he couldn’t let you get to him anymore. he thought it would be easy to avoid you today, but he was cursed with his own mistakes as you sat down next to him in the pew. 
the worst part wasn’t that you sat down next to it, it’s that his mind was riddled with disgusting thoughts as soon as he saw how your dress brushed up your thighs, it was so simple, such a small act, but it just made him think the worst possible things. 
you bent over the pew, the bottom of your dress tugged up to show your panties, his hands are gripping your hips like his life depends on it, crotch pressed to your clothed pussy from behind. 
luke blinks back with his cheeks hot, noticing the bible in your hands. when he speaks, he doesn’t even realize what he’s saying, it’s like he’s possessed, “what verse are you reading?” 
“luke 22:40,” you say it so simply, a smile barely teasing your lips. 
on reaching the place, 
he said to them, “pray that you 
will not fall into temptation.” 
the saliva on luke’s tongue is sour, near poisonous, his lips were stained maroon from the skin of the apple. luke 22:40 was the exact line he had been reciting to himself, luke was his name. the serpent was squeezing him tight, his breath felt swiped away from his lungs. 
luke is quiet for the rest of the evening, even through the sermon, when he should be smiling when everyone else is, clapping when everyone else is— he is just silent, blank - faced. 
you can’t decipher what he’s feeling until everyone has gone off to eat after the sermon, and he’s tugging you back into the pew once it’s vacant, fingers forming a tight grip around your wrist, “why are you doing this?” 
he’s out of breath, and no matter how tough he tries to seem, he sounds pathetic, his voice a near whimper, like he’s pleading with you. 
“doing what?” you blink up at him, doe eyes making his teeth press together. 
“you’re tempting me— this, this isn’t fair, why?” his breath is shaky when he exhales. 
“i’m not doing anything, luke.” 
“you’re making me think— making me imagine things.. sinful things.” 
“what exactly are you thinking?” your voice is softer, and the heat of the sun is seeping into the church. 
“i..” how can he explain himself? every image that he wants to communicate is all too disgusting, a mixture of hunger and desire, it seemed luke wanted you to eat him alive, “you know what i’m thinking.” 
“why don’t you show it to me?” 
formal release from guilt, 
obligation, or punishment. 
an ecclesiastical declaration
of forgiveness of sins.
morals trickle down luke’s back when he kisses you, he knows it’s all wrong, he knows he could just leave it at a kiss, but he didn’t want to be haunted with these visions any longer, maybe if he made them a reality, they would just leave. he could be himself again, the picture - perfect religious boy he was always supposed to be. the kiss is small at first, the hesitant movement of lips, the adjusting to the feeling, but it quickly grows into something hungry. 
luke didn’t know how to properly kiss, so he just followed your lead, and soon enough, he was kissing you like a starving man. from tongues clashing, to his hand mindlessly moving to your hip, body pressing against yours, it was everything he saw in the pictures printed in those books he read. 
when luke falls back into his seat on the pew, you had pulled away from him, admiring how flushed his lips are. when your hand meets his jaw, luke forgets who his god is supposed to be, all he can think about is you, even on the day dedicated to the man he has spent all of his life worshiping. 
“please,” it’s barely even audible, only made out by the slight flick of his tongue from the l. 
“tell me what you want.” 
it felt like luke was sitting in the confessional, admitting all of his nastiest desires when his lips part, finally being able to say his thoughts out loud, “can you— ride me? or.. if you don’t want to— that’s okay.” does luke know what riding is? only from the overheard gossip of other men, but he was told it was something he had to try, when he got married, of course. 
“i want to,” it’s as if you aren’t in a church, as if nobody could just walk in and see how you’re moving onto his lap, moving his hands to your ass, letting his desperate fingers tug your dress up. his purity bracelet brushes against your skin when you move to guide his hands to your ass, watching the nervous look in his eyes when he squeezes the flesh. 
he has no idea what he’s doing, he just wants to please you, to make you feel as good as he made himself feel to the idea of you the other night. maybe, at this point, luke isn’t praying to jesus, maybe he never was, because you were always in the back of his mind. no matter how guilty it made him feel, how many times he had squeezed his tear - ridden eyes shut and wished he was different, wished he wasn’t so easy to fall for temptation. 
god is watching, is what his mind tells him, but your eyes tell him to keep going, watching as he moves his hands to unbuckle his belt, the sound of metal clinging being so improper for the walls ridden with crosses, but it just felt so right. he sucks in a sharp breath when he pulls out his dick, the cool air searing his delicate skin, pupils blown wide when they watch your lips slightly part at the sight. 
 “you’re so big,” is all you can manage out. 
luke’s lips twitch around a small smile, “is that a good thing?” 
“if it fits,” you move through a few twists to properly take your panties off, letting them hang off your ankle when you reposition yourself to have your entrance pressing against the tip of his dick, “then yes.” 
luke’s lips press together as soon as you start sinking down on him, you’re so slow with it it’s almost torturous. the holy water he had dipped his water in and pressed to his skin, was now scorching him with each inch that filled your velvet walls. when you reached the hilt, it was safe to say you felt stuffed, and luke was making more noise than you. 
whimpers, grunts, he tried to hide them all behind the confines of his lips, but they dug their nails into his throat and crawled their way up until it was impossible for him to hold them back. as soon as you began moving, luke was purely fighting for his life against the own noises leaving him to the point of where he had to sit up, pressing his lips to your neck, he was quick to press his lips against the sensitive areas, biting, sucking— he wasn’t even sure if he was doing it properly, but he was just so desperate. 
he wanted you to shatter him like fine porcelain, to snap off his glass parts and crush them underneath your fingers with pure ease, to deconstruct every inch of him that he had taken years to build. no matter how empty he would feel in the end, to put himself in your hands, like a lump of clay in the hands of a goddess, he trusted your instincts. 
“i want you to ruin me,” he mumbles against the flesh of your neck, barely audible. 
“what?” your voice is breathless between moans, walls tightening around his dick with each movement of your hips. 
he whimpers out a simple, “sorry.” 
you didn’t forget his words, though, in fact, you let your fingers run through his dark curls, tangling through them until you tugged him back from your neck, just so you can take his place, now the one pressing your lips to his neck. he felt small underneath you, but he didn’t hate it, he liked the way that your lips felt on his skin, enough for him to lean his head back to provide you more blank canvas. 
you painted him in maroons and mulberries, blooming rose petals on his skin, marking him as your own. no matter how much luke knew he would be praying for forgiveness tonight, in this moment, everything he’s ever stood for has fallen off his broad shoulders. his hair is messy and sticking to his sweaty forehead, skin peppered with bite marks, deep reds, purples, every color in between and beyond.
“‘m gonna—“ luke’s words come out choked, dick pulsing inside of you, “gonna cum—“ 
luke’s orgasm hits him hard enough to have tears pooling into his eyes, maybe it was the guilt, or the everlasting pleasure, he wasn’t entirely sure, how could he even be? all he could think of was you, now. 
“do you still believe in god?” you offer him once you’re off him and he’s putting his belt back on. 
he stares at you for a second, hesitating, then his lips part, “yes.” 
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liasadventuretime · 1 year
˗ˏˋyou jealous ? :) ´ˎ˗ - neteyam x reader pt. 3
notes : so um… hi ! since y’all really enjoyed pt. 2 i decided i might as well write a pt. 3… i have to say that it was kind of hard writing this part because i genuinely didn’t think people would’ve liked it that much and had no idea of what to say anymore ☠️ but anygays … i had a BIG ASS fight with my parents so they took my phone, and they’re probably going to take my mac away too so idk when i’ll upload pt. 4 ( if y’all want one ), so i tried to write a bit more this time, i hope it’s sufficient.
tags : @xoxobabe @marcswife21 @arminsgfloll @rubysworld96 @klarolinefanatic @giftfromthemoon @k4tsukiis @rainehatepage @neteyamsbbgfr @miapanticc @iixyia-deactivated20230123 @famousbagelhandspurse @astablacksword @ghoulfac3 @buttercake2234 @potseluymenya @mashiromochi @avatarslut0 @chanyeolsbeloved @regulus-black-223048 @isabelcor3 @grierpilots @neteyamsmate4life @beyoenisbalfart @severenswife @lady-in-gold @bealone-prm @hafutoru @jyoungmom @soxfix @thatgoodvibescloud @aalyara @abbersreads @neteyamsw @strawberryys-stuff @ilovestargirl @rubysworld96 @meivap @neteyamsullyswife @erenjaegerwifee @cherry-blossom34 @slutforavatar @hey-girl-hey @athenachu @laaalox @ghostjoohoney @tsamiaxo @arminsgfloll
warnings : a bit of angst, insecurity, overthinking neteyam lmao, detailed masturbation, this man is lusting waaaaaayyy too much over you lmao, a lil makeout session with someone 🤭, and i think that’s it lol.
everything was okay now. no really, everything’s okay.
after your talk with neteyam, he left you with more questions than answers once again.
your brain felt like a beehive, never stopping, so you tried to distract yourself with anything.
you trained, you read, you helped around, but not even spending time with ao’nung could help. you don’t think he noticed the way you pretended it was neteyam holding you, kissing you, spoiling you. but you gotta be careful.
you just had one single thought in your mind.
“you know we could argue right now, and no one would hear or see us ?”
“we could do anything right now, and nobody would see us. anything.”
your thoughts were interrupted by someone speaking.
you opened the tent only to see someone’s chest right in front of you, you tilted your head up and you saw him. neteyam.
your heart dropped to your stomach for a second, making you almost gasp. what was he doing here ? his hair was still in the same hairstyle you saw him in at the beach. he looked almost unreal.
face framed by a few braids, jaw locked making him look so nervous for some reason, his high cheekbones sharp as always, and even though you never told him, you wanted to feel his cheekbones so much, all the time. pointy nose with a little bump which you recognised immediately, it was jake’s. that bump was only on his nose, because all the other sons and daughters didn’t have it. he really is his father’s son. eyes still soulless, empty that almost looked dead. they were pointy, but not too much. he has that “sharp” look from neytiri, her stare could send you to heaven and above. his shoulders broad, not too muscly which is something you liked. his arms veiny and biceps always flexed, not even having to force it. his abs well sculpted, he was still wet, droplets of water running down his face and chest, he was probably swimming with lo’ak. or someone else.
you shook your head a bit, to get that thought off your head. it doesn’t matter, it really doesn’t. his v-line almost looks like it got highlighted and sharpened, which was the only thing you hated about the way your people dress.
his everything was for everyone to see. everyone.
you sometimes tend to forget he’s not offlimits, and to say you had nightmares, about someone else getting neteyam before you, was too little.
his voice snapping you out of your trance again, hoping he didn’t catch you quite literally analyzing his whole body, but the proud smile on his face immediately cleared all your doubts.
“your cigarettes.” he said getting in your face making fun of you. he handed you your pack of cigarettes. he didn’t give you the lighter but it didn’t matter, that’s the last thing you cared about right now.
that’s quite weird though. this isn’t the first time you forgot your cigarettes, he usually just keeps them since you smoke them together anyways. you better not think about it too much before you get delusional.
“oh, thank you.” you lightly smiled at him, looking at him in the eyes while taking the packet off your hands. but before you could get them, he pulled your hand to him and placed the pack on the top of your palm, his hand still holding yours. stop, stop, stop.
if you could only know what he was thinking about, he thought to himself.
if you could only know what he did later that night thinking about you.
“i fucking knew it.” he said, walking to his tent, his fists tight, his jaw locked.
he fucking knew you just couldn’t take that further step. he was only a game to you.
you enjoyed teasing him, playing with his mind acting like he was your dirty little toy, cared about only when you’re horny, or ao’nung couldn’t satisfy you enough.
how could he at the end of the day ? ao’nung wasn’t him and will never be.
he knows he’s better, but fuck do your choices fuck his mind up.
he though he could at least get one night with you, one single night. he could be near you, stay with you, inside you. he could see you. but you didn’t want to. hell, you didn’t even want to look at him.
the constant thoughts of you, torturing his mind. he hoped he could at least live one night of pure love, caring and affection, thinking you wanted too, so he could then go on with his life, mate with a person he didn’t love or care about only to satisfy his father, since the only thing he has always wanted was you.
he wanted you to look at him, but you were too busy staring and smiling at ao’nung.
he felt tears glossing his eyes, you could never be with him, because you simply didn’t want to.
as soon as he got into his tent, he immediately threw your shit away, that you forgot on the beach, with your other stuff. yes, he had a chest with a bunch of stuff you always forgot when you were around him. even looking at it, could make his heart wrench, feeling actual pain.
your blanket, you were nine years old and you had forgotten it when you slept that night with his parents, you had a nightmare. he didn’t sleep that night, so that if you had a nightmare again he could be the one to comfort you. not his parents, him.
your emerald braid accessory, you were eleven, he said he liked it, that it suited your face, so you took it off your braid and placed it in his hand, saying “take it, it’ll look better on you anyway”. it would’ve never looked better on anyone, that wasn’t you. so he just decided to keep it.
your spoon, the one that you used to eat your meals with, and that one time you happened to really like the meal his mom cooked for you. you took a spoonful of it, and positioned it in front of neteyam’s mouth. he was confused for a second, not getting if you actually wanted him to eat out of your spoon. you said “open your mouth, it’s really good, i promise”. not like you had to prove anything, he would’ve eaten a spoonful of poison if your hand was the one holding it. he hesitantly opened his mouth and you fed him. you smiled, and went back to eating your meal, with the same spoon you had just fed him with. it was something probably superficial for you, but it really did mean the world to him.
nostalgia was the sharpest blades of all.
if he only knew you thought the same exact thing.
his mask slipped for a second, letting a tear cut though his face, leaving behind a cold scar. he aggressively wiped it away. he hated you, so so so much. he couldn’t bear the sight of you.
he hated you.
he hated your beautiful hair, your sharp sparkly eyes, your soft cheekbones, your so damn kissable nose, your pouty lips that always fucking curl and smile at everyone’s jokes but his, the soft hill of your breast, the curve that separated your ribcage from the lowest part of your waist.
he couldn’t avoid getting hard every single fucking time. thinking about the way of your body moves when you play beach volley with your group, the way you felt on top of him, or well right on top of his dick, every single time you fought. he couldn’t avoid thinking about the way you were on top of him, fitting oh so well on his dick, while he was holding your wrists with one hand, but since you were way too angry, you didn’t even notice that his other free hand was placed on your waist with a brutal grip. to say he almost whimpered seeing stars, because of how well his big hand fitted on your strong curvy waist, was way too little.
there weren’t words to explain how much he wanted you. he could’ve collected every single thing he wrote about you, and still wouldn’t be enough to explain how hard his heart throbbed every time you were with him. well, maybe something else throbbed too.
neteyam couldn’t take it anymore. if he had to rub out every single thought he had about you, he would’ve became infertile a long time ago.
he placed his head on the pillow, trying to get to sleep in a fetal position. he turned and turned, trying to think of something else, but not the even aliyah, who he tried so hard to act like she was better than you, could lock his thought of you out of his mind.
he sighed in frustration, aggressively getting up when he noticed that.
his incredible massive boner, his dick’s timing was just great.
he got up, turned on the shower, making sure there was still some hot water, and took his clothes off.
“oh c’mon, now.” he silently said after taking off his underwear, noticing pre-cum on them. his dick spurted up, hitting him in the stomach. he rolled his eyes, and got in the shower.
the hot water hugged him, feeling like all of his problems were going down the drain.
he watched his dick gently throb, brought his hand to the base and slid it all the way up, circling his the tip, trying to let out of all the built up sexual tensione he had.
he tried to think about anything that wasn’t you. but how could he ?
how could he not think about the way your sex humped on his clothes, feeling your folds hug his shaft so perfectly. how could he not think of the way that you thought he didn’t notice you throb on him ? how could he not think of the way his hand from your waist slid down to your ass, before his dad separated the both of you ? how could he not think of the way that ao’nung’s hand was in your inner thigh, but you were looking at him ?
his pace got faster, making him heavy pant with his eyes closed, your figure tattooed on his eyelids. he came, seeing some of his seed on his hand and what was left of it going down the drain with the water and his problems.
he sighed, staying there, back held by the wall behind him, leaving him thinking. but he was way too tired of thinking. his temples were throbbing with pain, from how hard his headache was. he just finished washing himself, put some clothes on, and just went to sleep.
you woke up the next morning, head basically feeling like someone stomped on it.
you barely could even sleep last night, too many problems flowing in your thoughts.
you sighed, almost whimpering, brutishly throwing your head back on the pillow. why did everything have to be soooo complicated. you definitely had to talk to him, because all of this had to stop. you were tired, sexually frustrated and sleep deprived. this combo could easily make you kill anyone who even tries to disturb your peace.
you hated the way he was trying to hard to act like “he’s protecting his peace”, motherfucker your disturbing everyone else’s. you got up sloppily, waiting for lo’ak to come by your tent like he did every single morning.
but well, weird. time has passed and you didn’t even see lo’ak’s shadow, where could he be ?
you got out of your tent, walking to his parents’ one since the poor lil boo boo had nightmares basically every single night. you almost wanted to feel bad for him, but how the fuck could you ?
at the beginning you thought that after hearing all the crazy stories about the war his dad, the former Toruk Makto, fought, he just was scared and was having nightmares about that.
but after hearing that he had a nightmare about you fucking tsireya, you were done caring about this man. out of all things in the world, THAT ? since you said you could definitely fall in love with a girl, he went on flight or fight mode. saying this guy could literally sweat jealousy, was too little.
“father ? are you here ?” you said while keeping the tone of your voice low and calm, so you didn’t scare anyone off. but the scene in front of you could be the least thing you expected.
neytiri and jake seated in a circle with everyone, and when you say everyone, you meant EVERYONE. in front of jake there was neteyam, who looked like he almost killed someone by the way he had his head down, legs crossed and… was that a slap mark ??
on neteyam’s left, kiri and spider were seated. which is weird, why were they so quiet ? on neteyam’s right there were lo’ak and tuk. even tuk ? you felt a wave of goosebumps traveling their way up your back. this is way much more serious than you thought.
jake looked at you with the harshest expression you have ever seen on his face. “oh great, (y/n) sit down and join us.” you didn’t sit down, still trying to process what he was saying while walking in the tent, getting behind neteyam.
“FUCKING SIT. NOW.” he screamed at you, as you felt a wave of shock wash over you. you immediately sat down, accidentally bumping neteyam’s shoulder. that’s the first time jake has ever yelled at you. never, in his whole life has he ever screamed at you. yes, he sometimes could be mad at you, but has never screamed that way. neytiri looked at you with heartbroken eyes, mouthing ‘i’m so sorry.’. why would she apologise, it’s not like it’s her fault. right ?
jake huffed, keeping the palms of his hands on his crossed legs, almost looking like he was trying to find the words to explain what was on his mind. this man is going to get a heart attack if you and the others don’t stop stressing him. you felt ashamed, of the way you childishly fighted with neteyam over stupid stuff, not even realising your father couldn’t handle it anymore.
the shame, always comes at the worst time.
“this is the last fucking time i’m saying this. why THE FUCK-” he stopped for a second, trying to calm down for a second. tuk was with us, he probably didn’t want to swear or yell in front of her. you saw him take a deep breath and finish his sentence.
“why, THE FUCK, did you treat her like that ? what has she done to you ? it’s not like your skxawng ass has a mate to be loyal to.” he said, finishing his sentence.
your heart dropped, you were almost capable of hearing the echo of its fall. wait.
she ?
who are we talking about ?
interrupting you from your thoughts, jake stood up scaring everyone, and furiously walked to then kneel in front of neteyam. he harshly grabbed his face, making you gasp out loud, almost like he grabbed your face.
what happened ? you were so confused. she ? who is she ? how did he treat her for jake to be this mad ?
neteyam looked at him, his head tilt up with absent eyes, lips pressed together and jaw locked.
“you have absolutely no idea of what you’ve done, do you ?” jake almost whispered, which was probably even scarier than him screaming.
“this sweet sweet girl, who is literally the clan leader’s daughter, came up to you, asking you whatever the fuck she asked you, and what did you do ?” oh. so it’s tsireya’s sister we’re talking about, aliyah.
“’ oh leave me alone, i don’t want anything to do with you’” he said mocking neteyam’s words. he chuckled, and continued.
“your skxawng ass better be grateful if the leader doesn’t tell us to pack our staff and go the fuck away, after the way she ran away crying.” he stood up from his position, stopping the grasp on neteyam’s face, making him leave his head to the side. he lifted up his gaze, only to be met with yours.
you were genuinely so worried, in part because you couldn’t understand what in the actual fuck was happening. what did aliyah want ? why did neteyam make her cry ?
“is it my fault that i don’t want to mate with a person i don’t like ?” he silently said, making everyone turn their heads to him, no one expected him to talk. this is so bad.
jake stopped for a second with his back towards him. he slowly turned around with furrowed eyebrows and a slightly parted mouth. “what the fuck did you just say ?” he said, the vein on his temple was quite literally about to pop.
“I SAID, i don’t want to mate with her ! i don’t want her ! she was throwing herself all over me, like the fucking slag she is, and when i told her no, BECAUSE I HAVE EVERY FUCKING RIGHT TO SAY NO, she started crying.” he stopped for a second, catching his breath while looking at his dad. he couldn’t recognise him, why was he suddenly so pressed and stressed about neteyam finding a mate ? did it have to do with you ?
jake crossed his arms, and with an ironic smirk on his face he said “then who the fuck do you like, huh ? is every other girl so repellent to you ? have you suddenly became picky or what ?”
neteyam was about to let a tear cut through his face but he didn’t even though his eyes still remained glossed with tears. “i like someone else, but they don’t want to have anything to do with me. that’s it. it’s not the end of the world.” neteyam finished, with a slightly cracked but most importantly low voice.
jake stared at him for a couple of seconds. his face was now suddenly calm, while neytiri’s was absolutely devastated.
there was no denying it, neteyam’s a mommas boy. thank god, neytiri never tried to emotionally incest him, indeed she was happy when he talked to her about this someone he liked. that was the first time neytiri saw her sweet son be so wrapped around someone’s finger. she said that he should at least try, not jump to conclusions. but if he did jump to conclusions earlier, he wouldn’t have to feel his heart wrench and blood boil every single time he thought about what happened that night with you at the beach. he should’ve jumped to conclusion, and probably taken a fucking hint. you didn’t want him. that’s it, it’s as simple as it gets. move on, neteyam.
move on.
jake looked at you for a second, like the answer to all his problems was somewhere inside of you. in that exact moment he thought.
“is it better to speak or to die ?”
should he speak ? should he let you know that all of this, was because neteyam couldn’t move past you ? he couldn’t even count on his hands how many other omatikaya women have came up and asked to be neteyam’s mate. and he refused to even look at them. one after the other.
or should he die ? let his son stare at you with dreamy eyes, trying everyday to kill whatever he felt for you ? see him mate with another person he probably didn’t love, or even want to be near to ? should he kill his son ? a body is nothing without its soul. you were half of him, even though you were probably complete on your own. that’s the thing.
you could live without neteyam, neteyam couldn’t live without you.
neteyam stood up, catching everyone’s attention, leaving the tent and distracting jake from his thoughts.
“reunion finished, get out” he said opening the tent’s entrance for everyone.
neteyam had been waiting for you. on the beach, with a new lighter, because he wanted to keep yours. only waiting for you to come here, smile at him, sit next to him and smoke together.
but after an hour, he was worried. had something happened to you ? where did you go after the family reunion ?
he just decided to get up, and look for you. to finally try and not jump to conclusions again.
to finally say those damn three words.
“i see you.”
yes, that was the day, or maybe he could at least try and hint his intentions. letting you know he wanted more than a hookup, and that he finally was fucking ready to treat you like he should have been all this time.
ok no, maybe it’s a little too early for that.
he had no idea that that same day, ao’nung came by your tent.
“hey, how are you ?” ao’nung asked, face poking from the side of your tents entrance. you were surprised he came by your tent. he wasn’t used to do this, but it’s not like you don’t appreciate it.
“hey” you said back. he got in the tent, looking around for a bit. this was probably the first time he came here after you decided to basically move here.
“so, what have you been up you?” you tried to keep a conversation going, you couldn’t bare the silence it was way too awkward.
“i’ve been missing you.” he said, in a serious tone. silence dropped for a second, but it was immediately interrupted by your laughs. thank god.
“and what have you been up to ?” he smiled looking at you while leaning his back on the wall. maybe you could fall in love with him. or maybe you’re just delusional.
“nothing special, if i have be to be honest, but… “ you left your sentence incomplete, walking to him with his gaze glued on you. same smirk on his face.
“… i’ve been missing you too.” you finished your sentence, placing a kiss on his lips.
you were such a little dirty liar. you didn’t miss him one bit.
you place another kiss on his lips, and another one. and another one.
until he placed a hand behind your neck, smashing your lips together, deepening your kiss. his tongue lightly parted your lips, as if he was asking for your consent. you hugged his tongue with yours, tasting him. but ao’nung’s lips couldn’t even come near netayam’s lips. soft, on your skin, jaw and neck. his hand tracing circles on your waist as usual, your arms thrown to circle his neck.
you silently moaned against his lips, catching his attention, making him heavy breathe. your lips still attached to his, you lightly jumped, his big hands covering your ass, making you hug his waist with your legs.
you were so deep already, into all of this story. are situationships supposed to act like this ? was it normal ? are you falling in love ? or are you falling in love with the person you’re pretending is holding you right now ?
are you in love with ao’nung or the guy that could make you fall to your knees with only a kiss ? or make you whimper with a single touch ? or make you doubt everything you know with a simple phrase ? that someone had such a special effect on you, you don’t think there’s any language in this world that is capable of explaining what he did to you. how he makes you feel.
you were so so so tired. of fighting. of pretending. of replacing.
shouldn’t things be easier ?
your thoughts interrupted by ao’nung’s lips kiss and biting on your neck, but neteyam did it so much better. you lifted your face, giving him more space to work on. ao’nung suddenly stopped, face still in the crook of your neck . and you suddenly had this bad bad feeling in your gut.
something bad about to happen to you. you don’t what it is, but you feel it coming.
you waited for ao’nung to say something, hands still on your back to hold you, like you weighted as much as a feather. he could give you anything you wanted, but how could ask him to give you another person ? that unfortunately wasn’t him.
“i know who you pretend i am.” your heart dropped the moment ao’nung spoke those words, with his voice low and cracked. he knew and still came by your tent. the guilt was chocking you.
he knows, and i know he knows. what could you even say ? that it wasn’t true ? that he was worried for nothing ? you couldn’t, because not only you would be lying to him, but you would also be lying to yourself.
as if your night couldn’t get better, someone entered the tent.
but as soon as you felt your heart stinging, you knew damn well you were in so much trouble.
so so so so much trouble. you were absolutely fucked.
you didn’t even have to look at him, to realise that the person who just entered your tent was neteyam. you immediately fell back to your feet, distancing yourself from ao’nung.
who did you even have to be loyal to ?
but maybe, it just was the fact that you couldn’t betray your heart.
you suddenly felt naked, in front of him. his gaze confused, eyes glossed once again with tears.
you just wanted to disappear, you just wanted to die.
he scoffed, crossing his arms and looking at you with a smirk on his face. this was so bad.
ao’nung kept trying to keep track on what was happening, why were you so suddenly acting like this. but he might have realised something, that the two of you have been trying to hide so hard. his eyes flashed, mouth slightly opened. heart completely shattered. he immediately ran out of the tent, purposely bumping his shoulder against neteyams. not even daring to look back. you felt a tear leave your eye. what have you done ?
the silence was suddenly interrupted by neteyams voice, making you tilt your head up.
“congratulations, fucker.”
he stopped for a second. trying to get the words.
“if you only knew how many words i have wasted on you, and how many other words i was willing to waste. even tonight, but you didn’t even come by.”
that’s all he said, before leaving once again, following ao’nung’s traces.
leaving you alone.
alone, again.
final notes : damn um, so how did y’all like it ? i hope u enjoyed it ! if y’all want a part four remember to like the post and if you want to be tagged and you’re not already on the tag list, message me privately or comment it ! for some reason i can’t tag everyone, so i’ll just directly send it ! sorry for the wait, AND PLS LET ME KNOW WHERE YALL ARE FROM BECAUSE IM EUROPEAN AND I POST AT COMPLETELY RANDOM TIMES 😭
sneak peak : so the time has come ! someone noticed a song reference i put in my story ! if y’all didn’t already notice it, in all my posts i put some song references which, if you can tell me from which song or band it is, you get a sneak peak of the next part before everyone else ! the first winner was… @grierpilots !, the reference was from a neighbourhood song, one of my favs which is crybaby ! the reference was : “i always get this anxious feeling, but it goes away when i’m with you breathing.” which neteyam said to you in pt. 2 of the fic ! the quote isn’t exact but it’s always recognisable :)
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theworldofotps · 3 days
The Nights (Drabble)
Pairing: Hook x Reader Word Counter: 780 Description: He's just trying to get over the thought of you.
Loosely based off the song Stick Season _______ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist​ @melissahausen​ @new-zealand-chic​ @writtingrose​ @hotgirlgraps @madhatterbri @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @adamcolesbaybay @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @alyyaana @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456  @mcreignsera @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. Hook Tag list: @wickedval ________ Another night, another cloud of smoke encircled his head as he sat on his fire escape watching the city buzzing by. His phone lit up illuminating his face as he read it hoping but knowing it wouldn’t be a text from you.
‘We’re really worried about you man nobody’s heard from you in a week least let someone know you’re okay.’ Setting the phone back on his lap Tyler took another inhale of the joint holding the smoke until his lungs burned then blew it into the dark night sky. Of course, he was okay well at least physically he was but emotionally he probably wouldn’t be the same ever again. Not after losing the most important person in his world.. “This is going to be amazing mamas I can’t wait for you to come back to New York I have so much for us planned.”
Tyler smiled as he put away the last of the laundry making sure his apartment was clean and suitable enough for you. The line remained quiet with the only sound being the tires on the road before you let a breath out. “Actually, I’ve um changed my mind.” He didn’t know this but at the time you spoke these words you passed his exit and continued driving. “I’m sorry what?” “I know it’s a shitty thing to do on the phone but I’m going up to Canada to visit a friend for a few weeks. I didn’t know how to tell you and honestly wasn’t sure how I was going to.” “Why didn’t you just say anything?’ “Because breaking up over the phone isn’t something I planned to do but I think it’s for the best. We’ve been growing apart with your traveling and my work schedule. I’m tired of not seeing you and of not having a boyfriend close by. I’m sorry this is the last thing I wanted to have happen, but I think it’s for the best.”
Thinking back over that night all these weeks later and if he was honest with himself, he knew something wasn’t right. You had been acting weird ever since the two of you started making plans for a visit, you’d trail off or switch the subject to something else.
He was still dealing with all the feelings that came from having a relationship suddenly end, he felt pain that he never experienced before not even in ring. His chest was heavy and often felt tight, he was angry that you wouldn’t even give him a chance to try and make things better or reassure you it would work out.
But he knew it wasn’t just all on you, he’d been a bit too busy with work and didn’t call you as often as he should have. He never imagined he would be at this end, sure other relationships failed but he always had faith that yours would last. And now just like that you were gone, you who was supposed to be Tyler’s future. The love of his life the person he hoped to marry someday not that he ever got the chance to ask you.
Despite the breakup being over two months ago he still felt like he did the night it happened; felt like a whole opened in his chest. It got worse because he saw your mother recently. She stopped by to pick up some of your things and told him that you were taking it hard despite everything she knew that you loved him. It helped a little but not enough to make him want to rejoin society.
He'd called a couple of times and even sent a few texts to try and see if he could change your mind but you never returned them. Tyler knew it was only a matter of time before he would have to get back to real life. Tony was trying to be understanding and give him time, they wrote him off with an injury, but he knew he needed to get back. Most days he spent smoking trying to numb the longing and loneliness he felt for you, but no matter how much he smoked he still thought about you. At night was the worst when the rest of the world was silent his mind and dreams were plagued with different versions of you. No matter what he tried he just couldn’t escape it all. Tyler knew in time he would get over you, knew that one day in the future you’ll be nothing more than just a thought in his mind. As for now? He would just have to take it a day at a time trying to get over loving you.
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jvnluvr · 10 months
author’s note: sooo, long time no see haha. i haven’t been able to write blue lock stuff lately n i’m sorry about that. hsr has kinda been in my mind lately, especially dan heng/imbibitor lunae for those of you who know. idk if many of my followers even know abt hsr but those who followed the tags, i hope u enjoy. mostly self indulgent btw, it’s very short and i wrote it on a whim at 2am.
ft. dan heng x f!reader
ever since you joined the express, you were able to see a side of dan heng nobody else was really able to crack. he was able to feel atleast somewhat vulnerable with you, and you both cherished your moments together when it came to trailblazing.
of course, you all sleep in separate rooms. but you both have shared with each other that sometimes you get nightmares. the type to where you can’t find yourself falling back asleep once you’ve been through the experience. usually when this happens for you, you tend to catch up on other things in the middle of the night.
but this particular night, you woke up in a cold sweat, a pang of fear hitting your stomach, and it continued to linger. trying to distract yourself was futile, so your body moved on it’s own. you slowly opened your door, walking a mere couple of steps as you found yourself slowly opening dan heng’s door, as knocking would have made too much noise.
he’s awake, to your surprise, casual clothing and in bed, reading a book with a tiny light source near him. however, his head strikes up as he hears his door open, but his tension is relieved when he sees it’s you. you’re rubbing your eyes as you close the door behind you, and you never really planned out what you were going to say to him, as you’ve never done this before.
“um.. ah..” you whisper out in the dimly lit room. “i can leave if you want but— just uh.. ‘had a nightmare and i don’t know why but i got up and here i was—” you let out a breath, exasperated just thinking about your nightmare from before. you look back at him and his eyes urge you to come closer and so you do.
you continue to walk until your sitting in front of him, and you explain properly what happened. he intently listens to you, secretly admiring you in the process though. his fingers slightly graze over yours, like a request, to which you invite him in, intertwining your fingers together as you unexpectedly wrap your arms around him, bringing him in for a hug.
at first, you don’t feel him reciprocate your action, to which you get scared. maybe you did step too far? you try and pull back quickly, but his arms instinctively wrap around your waist, keeping you in his lap as you breathe the same air.
“you can sleep here tonight, i don’t mind.” he whispers in your ear, not only rubbing small circles on your back, but also pressing a very delicate kiss against your cheek. you’re shocked to say the least, but maybe your sleepy mind is completely out of energy to even question why dan heng was acting like this. maybe he knew you wouldn’t ask.
it comes almost naturally to the two of you as he closes the light he was once using to read. he lies you both down, keeping his arms around you as your legs start to tangle together. you feel dizzy with love as you quickly drift off to sleep, feeling safe in his arms. however, dan heng stays awake a little longer, to look at you and quickly say a small “i love you.” before falling asleep beside you.
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matthewkniesys · 1 year
announcement - trevor zegras x famous singer!reader social media au
trevor zegras x famous singer!reader
a/n: if you thought it was the hard launch announcement lol. but this is the reader announcing good riddance deluxe edition...cause yes the readers life is basically gracie's in this au. hope you all like it and requests for this au are always open
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Liked by @/ trevorzegras, fanaccount3, maisiehpeters, and 700 897 others
yourusernameofficial - good riddance deluxe out june 16th🤍
View Top Comments
maisiehpeters - nobody is ready for this
↳ yourusernameofficial - you did cry when you listened to the bonus tracks for the first time
↳ maisiehpeters - babe i still cry after hearing them a million times
y/n#1fan - omg she's feeding us
radvxz - time for my bestie to break the internet :)
↳ yourusernameofficial - you think my music is break the internet worthy?? awwww
↳ radvxz - it's 100 times better than my music
↳ yourusernameofficial - shut the fuck up there is no music on planet earth that is better than your
↳ radvxz - yeah but maybe on mars right?
fanaccount3 - literally ordering the vinyl rn...but side note is that another like from a hockey player?? jamies teammate no less
↳ y/nupdatesss - okay okay i believe you and i am now on team y/n is dating jamie
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Liked by @/ fanaccount3, y/nupdatesss, y/n#1fan and 100 345 others
peoplemagazine - y/n l/n was seen out at dinner with best friend and singer, beatrice laus, better known as beabadoobee last night, amid rumors of an nhl player boyfriend. nothing has been confirmed but fans are speculating that it may be jamie drysdale, defensmen for the anaheim ducks.
Tagged: @/ yourusernameofficial & radvxz & jamie.drysdale
View Top Comments
fanaccount19 - i really hope they're dating...it would be such a cute pair!!
fanaccount3 - my thoughts have reached all the way to people magazine wow
y/n#1fan - i know we're all talking about the rumors but on a side note y/n and bea are slaying
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Liked by @/ maisiehpeters, jamie.drysdale, alexturcotte and 70 856 others
trevorzegras - last week in LA before me and jimbo parted for the summer...miss you bud
Tagged: @/ jamie.drysdale
hockeyfan25 - um trevor i think you forgot to tag 2 people...
nhlwag - the top right picture isn't sneaky dude, we see it
jackhughes - next stop lake house
↳ trevorzegras - summer trevor is unlocked baby
jamie.drysdale -its the way i took every single one of these pictures except for the one of me because trevor can't take a good picture to save his life
↳ trevorzegras - yes well at least im photogenic and look good in the pictures
↳ jamie.drysdale - ever so cocky trev
fanaccount3 - omg that has to be y/n...jamie and y/n are dating can't change my mind
↳ fanaccount6 - idk why is trevor posting her then...maybe we're all wrong and trevor is the guy??
thanks for reading🫶requests for this au are always open!!
taglist: @woodruff-edwards @nicohischierz @makarhughes @cobrakaisb @huggy-hischier94 @boldysswld@cole-mcward48@kashee-h@kjohnson-91 @jackhues @corneliaskates @imma-mirrorball @hvghes
join my taglist
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kairiscorner · 10 months
Another scenario that occurred to me about Spider-Barbie Reader 💖 x Spider-Noir 🖤, is where Noir got tangled in his webs and ended up on his head and when Barbie reader finds him he decides to help him, but not before lifting his mask to give him a Spider-man kiss, the situation can also be reversed where it is reading Barbie who ends up on her head and Noir kissed her.
So use whatever situation you like, darling ^^
Crystal 💞✨
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
guess who got tangled up? (spider noir x barbie reader)
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summary: the spider gets stuck in his own web, and fortunately enough, our heroine in pink arrives to help him out! though, she's here to claim her prize for saving him before any of the saving--and peter's all for it. word count: 397
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"crabapples..." peter cursed under his breath as he squirmed and tried to break free from his own bounds from his webbing. he had fiddled with peter b's webshooter, and now, well, he's stuck in a sticky situation. he grunted as he tried wiggling his way out of it, but to no avail. he was stuck for what seemed to be an hour and a half already, and he was starting to feel a little (actually, extremely) helpless since nobody else was in the room at that time. he would've called for help, but like there'd be anybody to even help him right then and there.
just when all hope seemed lost... a pretty doll, literally and figuratively, came in looking for him. "peter! oh, goody, i finally found y--what happened here?" asked spider barbie as she carefully approached the webbed monochromatic man who was hung upside down. peter struggled to explain to her in a non-pathetic way how he got like this, but all that came out of his mouth was, "...applesauce." "applesauce?" spider barbie repeated as she walked over to him, now face to face with the hung spider.
peter felt a warmness flush his cheeks as he looked at spider barbie, staring right back at him. he gave a shy smirk and nodded, then he shook his head when he realized that answer was not at all related to the situation at hand. "just, um... please help me, love..." he pleaded to the pretty pink spider as she smiled wider and nodded. "oh, of course!" she said as she placed her hands on the back of peter's head, which caused him to gasp a little at the contact. "but first..." she began as she leaned forward and kissed him gently.
she pulled away not long after, leaving a pink lipstick mark on peter's lips. with eyes wide open and a reddened face, peter wanted to get another kiss from her--but as quickly as that kiss began and ended, he was soon freed in an instant from his binds. "that's better! see you, peter, don't get stuck again or i might just... you know." spider barbie said as she bid him goodbye and walked off, with peter staring at her all the while, his blush worsening and smile widening at the prospect of getting another kiss from spider barbie if he got himself tangled up again.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @luvstarrstruck @thee-fantastic-mrfox
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mycupofrum · 6 months
Practice makes perfect
Pairing: James/Sirius
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sirius is not happy when James confesses to him what happened the night before. In fact, he's going to show James exactly how much of a better job he can do than his brother.
A/N: I was inspired by this post by @plecotusauritus and the tags provided by @roalinda and had to get this story out of my system. This is just lighthearted fun and smut.
Note: If you're a fan of Regulus, then this fic is probably not for you. James and Sirius don't talk very nicely about him.
On that Thursday, the ceiling of the Great Hall was covered by a veil of grey clouds. James was unusually quiet at breakfast, but Sirius thought he was just sporting a headache from last night's party since Gryffindor had beaten Slytherin in a Quidditch match. By afternoon his morbid silence started to bother Sirius; James only grunted in response to anything Sirius said to him.
"What's going on, mate?" Sirius finally asked, stopping in the middle of the corridor after their Charms class. Remus and Peter merely gave them a sidelong glance, and Sirius waived them on their way. He needed to get to the bottom of this.
"What do you mean?" James was trying to act nonchalant, but Sirius knew better.
"Come on." He yanked James's arm and dragged him into an empty classroom.
"Sirius, please," James muttered, rolling his eyes. "Why are you making this a thing? I'm just tired and my head hurts."
"Something's bothering you. You're never this grumpy after winning a match." Sirius closed the door behind them.
"Nothing's going on." James averted his gaze, focusing on his own fidgety hands instead.
"Did something happen yesterday?" Sirius had got so drunk he'd passed out on the couch for thirty minutes, which made him slightly embarrassed, but he'd awoken eventually when James poked him and walked with him to the boys' dormitory.
"It's so stupid," James finally muttered.
Sirius remained silent, allowing James to collect his thoughts.
"You fell asleep for a while, so maybe you didn't hear it when the girls, Mary and Marlene, dared me to do something."
"What was it?"
James sighed. "They dared me to kiss the first Slytherin I saw."
Sirius became completely still, barely daring to breathe. James had kissed someone. Someone not Sirius. Then again, why was that so hard to believe? It's not like James would ever want to kiss Sirius.
"Who did you kiss?" He kept his tone light and even forced himself to smirk as his heart rate increased.
"It was late, so I had to walk all the way to the dungeons in the hopes of finding someone. Mary and Marlene came with me to be witnesses. But you know, it was past curfew, so everyone was in their houses already. Eventually we decided to give up and change the dare to a truth instead, and so we turned around. But I needed to use the loo on the way back, so I told the girls to go ahead. And uh, that's when I finally came across a Slytherin. In the boys' bathroom. And, um...then I decided to just, er, go for the dare, after all, which in hindsight was really stupid, because nobody knew I'd changed my mind," James stammered, scratching his neck.
"Who was it, Prongs?" Sirius spoke softly.
James heaved a sigh, shame written in his features. "Regulus."
Read more on AO3.
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the-little-ewok · 1 month
Have you ever thought about posting your fics to Ao3 so they are easier to find and to have it archived? I only found your work through happenstance on tumblr. I am sure I would have found the works years ago on Ao3 if you posted ‘cause I DEVOURED all the Poe/reader fics there 😂
Your writing is absolutely phenomenal! I hope you continue writing!
Firstly thank you so much for this lovely message!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed reading and your thoughts on my writing mean a lot to me!!
I've seen a lot of people put their fics onto Ao3 and I've thought about it but honestly I sort of felt like there's soooo much content on there already it would be lost, and I didn't really have the time to edit things in here then also post it to another site. I mostly wrote things for me so it felt more relevant just to add them here rather than worry about posting them multiple places. I'm kinda okay with it eventually fading from the world. Sometimes things are just made to bring temporary joy and that's kinda beautiful in itself.
Unfortunately the lack of interaction put a stopper on me posting anywhere (and I know the Ao3 people have the same issue there.) It knocked my confidence in feeling like my work wasn't good and that's why nobody commented on it. Which is why I'm always so grateful to get messages like this!
I never stopped writing, and when I have the time I still do, but I don't post anywhere anymore because it's not worth the time to edit to a standard I would feel is worth posting.
But I guess the good news is you found my blog! Here on Tumblr there are many awesome Poe writers who I'm not sure post on Ao3 or not.
If you haven't already check out these people just off the top of my head : @campingwiththecharmings @oscarseyebrow @dailyreverie @writingsoftheloser @nowritingonthewall
There are so many more that's tags slip my mind but you'll no doubt find them in the Poe tag!
Um anyways this turned into a longer ramble comment than I meant but what I mean to say is thank you! Thank you so much for this message, for reading and supporting writers!!
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funshinebf · 3 months
9 people you'd like to know better
tagged by @pso2 !! ty for the tag ^_^
a) three ships:
1) rn def vashwood. theyve given me diseases and disorders aplenty. genuinely thinking about them 24/7. its becoming a problem.
2) komahina. when i first watched a sdr2 playthrough in middle school i was like "wow i like these guys. kinda gay!" and ever since then i get like yearly Waves of thinking about them for a few weeks straight. and then they go back into the depths of my brain for another few months and the cycle starts again. shits insane
3) spideypool. bites them bites them bites them. nobody gets them except for me and my friends and a select few artists/writers
a1: bonus ships:
serirei... save me serirei. its about the two men. running a business. its just business
millymeryl of course. i would kill for them. milly thompson character of all time and oghhh meryl stryfe my beloved
b) first ever ship:
um... okay so. first ship i called a ship and like looked up content for online? john/dave from homestuck. also there is a very clear path from me discovering the ship of them leading to me discovering my transgenderness. thank you johndave for transing my gender sort of 👍
c) last song:
Your Love Is It Real? by doubleVee. grouhghh
d) last movie:
trigun badlands rumble. ive watched it like three times and will probably do so again at some point. and thats even less times than ive rewatched the two trigun serieses
e) currently reading:
idk about books ill be honest i dont read enough books... im sorry everyone ive failed you. BUT ive been rereading the trigun fic "come and see" by avoidingavoidance on ao3. very good fic, long as fuck and STILL GOING. would die for this fic
f) currently watching:
trigun. its always gonna be trigun for the next like year at least. i just sit around rewatching the two trigun serieses all the time. its been like this for like over 6 months straight now. lol
g) currently consuming:
i dontt know 😭 like eating? im not eating anything rn.. i had a slice of pie at my grandma's house earlier though and that shit was good
h) currently craving:
sushi... save me sushi.... save me....
9 people to tag: oh fuck this is the hard part. mods help help hep help. uhhhh @herrscher-of-yuri @kazumahashimoto @sungsuho @transpool @co27 @fecto @gigantomachylesbian @orcelito and anyone else who would want to do this?? (also no one feel pressured 2 do this, hope it was okay i tagged u!! ^_^)
i made an easily copy/paste-able version of this too btw im putting that under a cut lol
9 people you'd like to know better
tagged by:
a) three ships:
a1: bonus ships:
b) first ever ship:
c) last song:
d) last movie:
e) currently reading:
f) currently watching:
g) currently consuming:
h) currently craving:
9 people to tag:
okie bye ily 🫶
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Daredevil & Spider-man Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :) 
Daredevil in the Tower by FuhkinIero - Rated T
Daredevil shows up at Avengers Tower asking for Spider-Man's help in finding Deadpool, and Peter has a lot to explain to the Avengers. Ft. Matt lecturing Tony, Identity reveals, and team red shenanigans 
avocado socks and burnt pancakes by aloneintherain - Rated G
“Oh, my GOD,” Karen said.
Peter blinked at her. Karen blinked at him, mouth hanging open. Matt sighed, and said, “Peter. Mask.”
Said mask was still in the kitchen, where Foggy had wrestled it off of the young vigilante earlier, armed with disinfectant and cotton buds and a vicious need to nurture dumbass super-humans.
Peter sank low on his haunches, until only his huge eyes and fluffy hair could be seen over the top of the couch. “Whoopsie.”
Devil's Food Cake by Biromantic_Nerd - Rated T
One chance encounter that leads to another that, along the way, leads to Foggy choking on his coffee.
Matt sighed. "Yes, Foggy." He replied in an exasperated tone. "This is my teenage child that I've never mentioned having before today."
Foggy shrugged. "Well," He stared at Peter thoughtfully, "You never know with you nowadays."
How (Not) to Meet New People by aloneintherain - Rated T
“Why is there a teenager in our office?”
Foggy stood in the threshold of the office, mouth slightly agape, most likely wondering if he’d walked into the wrong building. The kid waved at him, smile huge under a blooming black eye and spilt lip.
“Foggy,” Matt said, far too calm for someone who was in the presence of a beaten, bloodied, teenage stranger. “This is Peter.”
The Devil and the Unknown by phoenixyfriend - Rated T
The boy doesn’t approach him as Daredevil. Not at first.
“Hello, Mister Murdock, you don’t remember me, nobody, um, remembers me—no, no, that sounds dumb.”
“Hi, Mister Murdock! I’m Peter Parker, and I kind of stopped being a person, a few months ago, and you helped me once and I was hoping you could help me find out if I still have a social security number? No, that’s worse.”
“Hi, I’m Peter Parker. You don’t remember me, but you helped me once, and I know you help people who are in… weird situations. There was a wizard involved. I don’t know if I’m legally a citizen anymore, and… no, that doesn’t… heck.”
i hear, said the blind man by momentofmemory - Rated T
Before Peter can finish his sentence, two things happen.
First, a red and black billy club comes flying from the rooftop and incapacitates the ninja about to turn Peter into a shish kaspider, and Peter thinks holy shit I’m going to meet Daredevil.
Second, the ninja’s sword careens towards the weapons crate and slices clean through one of the power cores, and Peter thinks holy shit I’m going to die.
A Floor Away by Merely_Specters - Rated G
Peter Parker moves in a floor below Matt Murdock. 
piercings versus healing factors by orphan_account - Rated G
“Dude, can you even get a piercing?” Ned asks suddenly, looking between the two of them.
“Sure, why not?" Peter asks, tilting his head in thought. "Pretty sure May had a daith and lip piercing when she was younger. Plus she has a helix now,” Peter offers.
Ned gives him a look and grabs a pin from his backpack before stabbing it, lightly, into Peter’s hand.
Dude what the hell.
After a few minutes, the intention became clear.
“What if I got tetanus or something,” Peter mutters, running a finger over the now healed skin.
“Don’t you have like a super immune system too?”
Definitely not the point but yeah.
“So, still wanna get a piercing?”
Ah. Damnnit.
Peter wants to get a piercing, he decides. The only problem is that his healing factor seems to disagree with him.
Spider Season by Selador - Rated M
Peter Parker is Ben Urich's intern at the Bulletin. He's alright, as far as interns go. Bad coffee, but he fights crime bosses who want Ben dead. That wins a lot of points with Ben, that's for sure. 
A Different Kind of Mask by aloneintherain - Not Rated
“So, you remember the plan, right?” Matt whispered. The sirens in the distance picked up, the sounds of the police officers on foot growing louder.
“You’re blind and I’m just a scared teenager,” Peter said back, nodding. “Got it.”
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kadekuro · 6 months
New to the find us alive fandom and you kinda seem like you know a lot about it so um
Got any fanfic recommendations
all of these are on ao3 because that's where i get my fanfixtion, but i'm sure you could find some others on fanfiction.net or wattpad! that said there's only 39 fics on ao3 as far as i've found (i went to the SCP tag and filtered "find us alive" as a term) gonna throw this under a readmore
ok, so we don't have very long fics in the fandom yet, but a lot of fans have made a lot of one shots, so here's some notable authors and my favorite from each:
Apreedulure - lots of mostly fluffy short fics, plays with some AU ideas like superheroes, or like, canon-parallel AUs where like, two characters are secretly married or something lmao, also i think has the current longest fic in the fandom on ao3?
Painted walls Rating: Gen Ships: Harlanc (implied) Summary: Dr. Lancaster and his team scheme behind Director Alves’ back Flufftober Day 6: Corn Maze
Bandtrees - fucking angsty ass, i do not partake in their writing because i have trouble with the content, but i'll recommend their longest fic if you're into that
Somebody Will Help Bandage It Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Ships: Harlanc Summary: Head dropping limply into a bloody hand, Harley groaned into his palm - the smell of copper didn’t help his racing thoughts, the unfortunate memories it felt these days like the only purpose of his existence was to try to distract himself from. In the bare bones survival objective Site-107 found itself in, nobody was clambering for more speeches about the Body Code, nobody needing tests transcribed or reports read on air - Edmund Harley’s only reason for being, at this point, was to rot in the ground and wonder where his life went wrong. -- Lancaster breaks Harley. Klein and Love try to pick up enough pieces for the both of them.
mabi_lune - 2 hurt/comfort Harlanc fics and the fwuffy one that's my jam
the drive back Rating: Gen Ships: Harlanc (pre-ship) Summary: Before everything, Lancaster drives Harley home after a New Year's party at Site-107.
Reeamathemage - lots of short character introspectives, or just small emotional moments
Taco Tuesday Rating: Gen Ships: RaddLove Summary: They finally get out. Then they have tacos about it.
with these authors pointed out, i'm gonna throw in some other fics i enjoyed!
Our Love is Written in the Stars by Mushymushroomy Rating: Gen Ships: Harlanc Summary: A quiet night in the communications office
If you need to, darling, lean your weight to me by sleepylea Rating: Gen Warnings: Alcohol, Drunkenness Ships: Harlanc Summary: Based on the scene from episode 00 where Lancaster puts a drunk Harley to bed. Harley doesn't remember what he said last night, but waking up with Lancaster’s coat and a bad feeling in his gut, he knows he has to find out. Title from I, Carrion (Icarian) by Hozier
The Observer by TheSaintElectric Rating: Gen Summary: “The feeling of being connected to the cameras grew after moving to England. I felt so in tune with them and how they worked: what areas they covered, how people moved from one camera to another, and where the blind spots were, that they started to feel like part of me. I’d developed a hunger for watching.” Or Statement of Ingrid Raddagher, regarding their career as a surveillance officer
Behind closed doors by greeniebeany Rating: Mature Ships: RaddLove Summary: She drug her hands dramatically down her face, pulling her lower eyelids with them. Love huffed, pushing a loose piece of hair off her forehead with the indigent puff of air. “I can’t just tell you what to say, it doesn't work like that!” Love and Radd spend some time together after hours.
also here's my fic
Redbull, Company, and Sleep by kurobook Rating: Gen Warnings: Alcohol, Drunkenness Ships: Harlanc (pre-ship) Summary: A short what-if from ep 00, on some things from Lancaster's perspective.
Anyways hope you enjoy! And don't be afraid to write something too <3
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party-gilmore · 9 months
absolutely wild learning about my austistic leanings later in life because like
my parents just thought i was “eccentric” and found me rather entertaining, weirdness and all (plus their own probably undiagnosed AuDHD making their benchmark for normal skewed anyway) and my mon specifically was always so “mever change for anyone just be you” from a very young age so i just…
never experienced the concept of masking i guess?
Not as masking, I mean.
i would read accounts from autistic people talking about their experiences and struggles and pressure to conform and masking and the mental effects thereof and i would feel empathy because i “went through similar issues” but i th
i thought i was just being bullied for being Weird. just in general. like kids do. that this was a case of “well this sounds a lot like what i go through, but im not actually autistic so it probably isnt my place to join the conversation.”
it just never clicked that, “um. hi. these are the exact same behaviors you do. and there were moments in your life that almost led you to masking. because thats what it would’ve been. masking. but your dumb ass thought it wouldve just been ‘changing how you act and who you are in order to be bullied less’ which okay TECHNICALLY yes that is an accurate if watered down description of masking too, but.
Then you refused to on principle, because bullying is bad and fuck you and got angry about it to the point of overcompensating and INCREASING your Behaviors (tm) until you completely skipped over one of the key experiences that wouldve helped you identify with other people on the spectrum later in life.”
I just rolled through life like a steamroller of righteous, spiteful confidence that my preferences and actions were nobody’s business but my own and vice versa unless they clearly and directly affected others - so much so that I never actually set any kind of benchmark pattern for the way (NT) people around me act.
So I never had a benchmark for masking.
like im going back through all my memories of friendships that soured because i took everything at face value instead of trying to read deeper into cues. because I would always just say what i wanted people to know, straight up. like if i wanted attention i would ask for it if i wanted them to know i was hurt i would tell them. That made so much sense to me i assumed that was the norm. Because clearly. Thats logical. and obvious. So certainly other people are doing the same.
I got blinsided a LOT by the games my school friends and later some early adult friends played, yeah, but AGAIN (see: steamroller of self confidence) I simply assumed that was THEIR problem, not mine, and just… grieved the friendship and hoped for their sake they’d eventually sort their shit out 🤣
I literally thought they were the ones having difficulty with social contracts and cues and relationships.
Then over the past couple years the more I see accounts from other people in the AuDHD spectrum, like “yeah neurotypicals actually [thing i had been assuming was just an asshole trait for years without questioning it], heres what they really mean and a good script for responding” and “its funny how i [exact behavior i did for years] and no one realized i was austistic till later” im like… 🙃
And the last kicker was the post about food touching with the tag response “sometimes masking your autistic traits ends up more autistic than the unmasked trait” and my gut reactions were, in order:
…why would you bother to mask that, why is the way you eat anyone elses business?
i mean i guess it would ease up the pressure a bit, i got bullied for that too, i can see how maybe you wouldnt want to have to put… up with…
its just… its just been a series of months of me shaking my head and realizing my entire life has been that meme like “Am I having difficulties connecting socially??? No, it is everyone else who is wrong.”
🤣 girl help
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Heyyyyy guys, girls and non binary pals😚
Here's a sneak peek nobody asked for lol 💀
Chapter 10- Sneak peek
“When are you going back , Harry?” Kendall asked him.
“Um.. tomorrow. Our meetings are all over, so we’re taking a break today, and going back early in the morning tomorrow. Why?”
“Well, I was thinking we could have dinner tonight.”
“Uh..Yeah…Sure, lemme ask Y/N if-”
He was cut off by an annoyed Kendall,
“I meant us Harry, just me and you.”
Sensing his hesitation, she said,
“I want to tell you something, Har”
“What is it? You can tell me now” He asked, frowning.
“Fine, I am in love with you!”,
“Ken, what are you talking about?” He asked, perplexed.
“I love you Harry, I realize now that breaking up with you was the worst decision of my life. Tell me you feel the same way.”
Y/N was walking back to the room when she heard this. She stood behind the wall, frozen; they could not see her. Even though she wanted to move on, she desperately hoped that he did not like her.
After a moment of silence, Harry sighed and said,
“I love you too Ken-”
That’s all Y/N needed to hear before she felt a wave of nausea creeping upon her. She ran back towards the bathroom.
Please let us know if you want to be tagged in the next chapters.
G and M 💞
Taglist: @mendesblurb @violetsandfluff @reveriehs @a-strange-familiar @swiftmendeshoran @daphnesutton @f-folkwhore @buckybarnessimpp @lokis-girl03 @drwho06 @thedesibitch
Read the rest of the story here.
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cheriematt · 2 months
girlypop i've had this thought STUCK IN MY HEAD. help me.
so basically y/n is the triplets' best friend since high school. her and nick met first, and then introduced her to his brothers. so she tags along in a lot of car videos and vlogs and the fans LOVE her. (she starts dating matt as well). they petition to have her start a brand like nick and chris. she's been writing songs since she was a little tween, so she decides that's what she's gonna do. She announces at one of the tour shows that she's going to release an album!! (btw im basing this off of taylor's discography) and the fans go WILD. in person, on twitter, every social platform they are going apeshit.
so in a car video they talk about the upcoming album and she reads off the tracklist just to fuck with the fans even more (and matt).
"okay it's called (insert album name here) and the tracklist reads... Cruel Summer, Paper Rings, Lover, The Man, Death by a Thousand Cuts, You Need To Calm Down, ME!, King of My Heart, Call It What You Want, Gorgeous, Out of The Woods, This Love, You Are In Love, "Slut!", Is It Over Now?, and last but not least, Timeless. it's a pretty long album but i've wanted to put a lot of my songs out for a while. I have more in the chamber for later albums as well i'm giving yall some cooldown time."
"OH MY GOSH. ALL OF THESE TITLES GO CRAZY. What is the vibe of your album?? Like what style are you going for?" Nick asks. Matt and Chris are so excited they cant even speak. "Um, all of my songs are pop songs but Timeless is an acoustic song with guitar and all that. The vibe is very lovey dovey, very sweet and like... its 98% love songs for Matt and uh, it's just been a blast writing and recording them all... also, Nick, You Need To Calm Down i wrote for you when you first came out publicly and some people were attacking you on Twitter so I'm really excited for you to hear it." Y/N replies. "Awww, love songs for lover boy?" Chris says, laughing while looking at Matt who's covering his face with his hands so nobody can see how red he is.
i hope u liked it teehee 🤭
(should i do a part 2 where there is a listening party and/or a part 3 where y/n goes on tour??? idk!!)
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