#ummm but basically yeah not exactly what i expected
toyherb · 1 year
hm. maybe it's my meds but being high doesn't really hold up to the hype
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polyphonical · 6 months
Dragon's Head - True Intentions and Stances - Chapter 3
[ View on site for better experience♪ ]
Location: Meeting Room
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Kuro: I more or less get why ya called us out now, but… Can we really do somethin’ like wipin’ out the whole problem?
Hm? What’s wrong, Lil’ miss?
Huh, so you came up with a plan. That musta been a disaster for you too, Lil’ miss. Sorry that ya had to get caught up in this mess.
Eichi: Yes. You truly saved us here, Anzu-chan. I only asked you to think of one yesterday, so I wasn’t expecting you to have an entire proposal written out already.
Tetora: The proposal is calledーー “The Starpro Rhylink Friendship Strategy” ……? It’s a pretty fun sounding title, considering the circumstances ssu.
Tomoya: It says “I didn’t put much thought into the title” underneath it.
Eichi: Well, I don’t exactly care for the name of the plan as long as the contents are good. So? What does the plan say?
Tetora: Hmhm. So, you’re aimin’ for the world record by participatin’ in an endurance challenge using giant dominoes……?
Eichi: I see. So, you want to show teamwork by helping each other out while holding up dominoes.
Dominoes huh…. This is probably our best suggestion.
Tetora: Eh? Why’s that ssu?
Eichi: This isn’t a regular scheduled event, so we want to try to avoid a big budget. Also, things such as days and effort need to be limited as well.
From that point of view, I think the dominoes are our best angle at clearing things up while keeping the project affordable.
Tetora: If it’s about showin’ that Starpro and Rhylink are on good terms with each other, will everyone here be in charge of this stuff ssu?
Eichi: Well, possibly yes. I haven’t made any final decisions about the members yet, though.
Tetora: Uumyu. If we are, I’m not great at this kinda thing y’know?
It’s a problem for me if I can’t move much or haveta limit myself.
Kuro: I’m the same way. I’m no good at stuff like that.
Tetora: Eh? Really Taishou? I thought you’d be better at stuff like settin’ up dominoes though, since you sew and are pretty crafty and stuff.
Kuro: I don’t mind workin’ with my hands. It’s more of an issue of my body not bein’ suited to work with a limited amount of space.
I’d be afraid to even breathe while tryna avoid knockin’ over dominoes.
Eichi: I see. I don’t really have time to care about your preferences, though.
It’s important to have mishaps happen as well. If nothing like that happens, I’d just write a scenario into the script.
Tetora: Uu~… I know there’s no helpin’ it, but I don’t like that sorta thing. It doesn’t feel like it’s authentic ssu.
Eichi: If you don't think these things are a part of being an idol, you’ll never get used it. I don’t think you can call me evil for thinking this way, either. We’re just performing a script at the end of the day.
Tetora: That’s one way of puttin’ it~
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Tomoya: Performing a script……
Eichi: Hm? What are you thinking, Mashiro-kun?
Tomoya: Ah. Ummm…… I don’t want to rain on your parade or anything since you seem settled on this idea though……
Eichi: Don’t worry about that. If you feel like you want to comment on something, I’d like you to say it.
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Tomoya: Then……
Maybe it’s just because I’m a normal person, but I generally tend to believe things I see. That’s only if I don’t have any bias already, though.
Um. Basically. If I believed that Starpro and Rhylink didn’t get along with each other from the start, and then I suddenly got shown stuff about them being friendly with each other…
Wouldn’t that look super scripted? I don’t know the right way to say this, but…
Ah. Yeah, Anzu-san, that’s what I’m trying to say! Preconceived notions are getting in the way.
Eichi: So, what you’re saying is, it’s hard for people to believe the new depiction if they already believed something different to begin with.
Kuro: That’s true. I think there’s a good chance that some people would believe it, but there’d be a good portion of people who don’t. That might cause issues later.
Tetora: It’s like how us in Ryuuseitai were beaten by Crazy:B in the Idol Royale~
Most people tend to believe bad news more…… What was it called, that feeling?
Eichi: That is also a preconceived notion. Most people believe that bad news should stay hidden.
That’s why whenever you’re quick to say, “that’s wrong”, it makes you look more suspicious in the end.
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Kuro: Like a conflict bond......
(I’ve been feelin’ like I knew a situation like this for a while now…) 
―― Aah, that’s right. I remember now.
It’s not the exact same, but it’s kinda similar……
Tetora: What’re you thinkin’, Taishou?
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Kuro: ……
So… Well, delinquents usually belong to some group or are in charge of some kinda territory.
Obviously, this leads to conflicts. And the solution to those is usually…
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Eichi: A fight?
Kuro: …… Yeah. But there’s this weird thing that happens. When ya get into a fist fight, ya start to recognize each other’s strength. It usually results in some kinda sense of respect for one another.
Sometimes, a weird bond gets developed after the fight’s over.
I just thought the situation was kinda similar to that. ‘s all.
Eichi: Hm……
Yes? You just thought of another idea, Anzu-chan? What a coincidence. So did I.
Kiryuu-kun’s story gave me a strange idea. If preconceived notions would get in the way, then we’ll just change it so that they don’t.
Tomoya: Eh? You can do something like that?
Eichi: Yes, it’s quite easy. So, we’ll go along with the idea that Starpro and Rhylink are on bad terms.
Tomoya: Ehhh!? Isn’t that against the whole point we were trying to make?
Eichi: Fufu. Earlier, you mentioned that people are susceptible to preconceived notions. But I believe they are even more susceptible to something else.
Tomoya: Huh?
Eichi: That is, drama, of course.
Tomoya: D-Drama…?
Tetora: Hmm? Anego, you’re changin’ the proposal ssu?
The title went from “The Starpro Rhylink Friendship Strategy” to “The Starpro Rhylink Reconciliation Strategy” ……?
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@mostpowerfrog I MEAN. aside from my last post being insanely wrong, i was like also kind of right but i must admit i didnt expect it to be this cute <;3 good work on this thing !! and by this thing im talking about vampire x hunter if it wasnt clear ;;
let me ummm dump about the whole thing here real quick. so overall, its great !! and like it feels like it hit me way harder cuz of how long the wait was between the updates so i was just like getting residual hype in the background from wanting it to be complete and then when i saw u actually post about it was all like: It's feasting time. and like it was so worth !! the story doesnt need to be super complex to suck me in but it still had like really interesting elements to it that like make more sense now considering the direction u went
like, for some reason i expected it to be more wrapped up even tho i kno thats not really your style so i didnt even consider it going this direction BUT that also means my first post may be more true further into the story like arcen questioning his whole motivation for this and the whole bannon clan and also more stuff about vance and and. ugh this is also one of your strengths where combined with the exposition and worldbuilding and characters and the small bit of story we get to see it really makes it seem like theres a whole world with a grand long story to tell if we were to ever explore it which is SO COOL but at the same time kills me a lil bit knowing ill never have like 300 chapters of your comics ...
that leads me to ask, do you have a lot of ideas for your comics that dont make it in or do you just have this small story you wanted to tell and then had to come up with all the stuff around it to have an excuse to make it? like, "ok, cool design just dropped. i wanna have him fight some other guy cuz its cool." and then coming up with a motivation for the mc and the whole story? or is it more like you already had some plans for characters and a story like this and then just had to execute it?
but umm yeah i def like this more than tenfold rings EVEN THOUGH tenfold rings has the same strengths and it was still great but this feels like you took that in stride and then made a more polished pilot for a potential longer story, aswell as having like way more of a settled(?) artstyle... ?? ok at this point im just saying words but i mean its even more flowy and the pacing is suited exactly to my taste and the paneling is really cool and the art is kind of like janky on purpose? like working with a pen with no line weight change or tapering and then allowing some parts to look super off-model to exaggerate the characters better while still having a lot of cool perspective shots and composition, n then also not trying to make aspects look too polished like some lines in the background will be going to the middle of nowhere but the overall composition and look from afar is so strong it doesnt even matter (it kind of makes it sound like an insult but this is great i tell u bc i spend way too much time focusing on polishing some random thing no one will care about) so basically you kno where to put your strengths and what people will actually pay attention to so you dont have to spend too much work
the action for me is also way more readable i remember being a little lost in some panels of tenfold and it wasnt exactly focused on action so it didnt matter too much but everything in vxh is readable and that makes the action scenes feel like ... awesomesauce swagaliciousness !! ive gotta say i aspire to learn your ways because therses so many cool small things i keep noticing on rereads that you did with the art and i especially love the paneling and use of contrast IT JUST LOOKS SO GOOD !!
im sorry though that you had to fight thru artblock n burnout to just get it out, def fine with you doing whatever for your next projects as long as it makes you feel more comfortable with creating the stuff and without burning yourself out n all that :v whether its more pilot comics or some longer form thing or some other medium idc!! u can probably tell im insanely rabid about your art so ill literally take whatever you make. and this is like supremely strange to me because im never obsessed with anyone elses art so i guess you somehow managed to scratch that itch no one else could thus far :O
so overall thoughts: vampire x hunter SUPREMELY goated and you should feel good about it forever. and good luck with every endeavor you ever pursue in the future forever +maximum
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 29 (SPOILERS)
"I had never been so happy to see a killing field." Ummm, a killing field? Have we found the missing persons and are they now corpses? "we had found the myrmekes' dumping site" Oh ok good. UNLESS THE BONES OF THE DEAD CAMPERS ARE IN THERE. No, right? Tell me no.
"I was looking at a set of living doors." That sound like it'd make for an epic movie set. But, uh, what would opening these doors imply if they're living?
"I think this is more of an antechamber" ANTECHAMBER (n.): a small room leading to a main one
"Each stake was about the height of a crucifix" Startin' off positive, I see. "something that looked like a human head . . . They were human heads." Yep. Figures. But six of them? Who's the other demigod? New character? Oh, it's Paulie the palikos. But hey, we found 'em! Wait, are they gonna get set on fire?
Peachesssssss is here!
"Germani." ...Germans? Probably different from the ones we know. Do they count as monsters or mortals?
"Nero had always had expensive, impractical tastes." Hey, people keep saying that about me! I don't like having things in common with this neckbeard Nero.
"a bolt of white-hot power" Wait a minute, if we assume the Triumvirate have already achieved god or semi-god status, then do they have powers, too? Uh oh.
"my right hand, Vincius, and my left hand, Garius." I'm glad we got their names. That's very nice. I wonder if they mean anything. Anyway, I guess this answers who the three people in the Woods were. "their Batavi names, which I can't pronounce." Nero, you've had two millennia. Didn't you practice? I guess I shouldn't expect that basic courtesy of you. "like those street thugs you sent to attack me." Oh, so Cade and Mikey are the same kind of people. I wonder what their Romanized Batavi names and real names are.
"souls escaped from Erebos all the time." Oh, so they are mortal. And escaped souls. Nico and Hades are not gonna be happy to hear this.
"Without hesitation, Vince planted the butt of his spear against the ground." Vince, don't do it! You can find a better employer than Nero, I'm sure!
"And, of course, we are all descended from you, Lord Apollo." That's gotta sting.
"Considering she was facing the man who killed her father, she sounded remarkably calm." Oh, yeah. The Beast killed Meg's father, yet she's almost definitely working for him. That means he either has something she wants/needs or is holding something against her like maybe her stepdad's life or something else I can't think of off the top of my head.
"We have divided up the new empire... by which I mean North America." First of all: they're not thinking big enough. The last two big threats wanted to take over the world. These guys are going after barely a single continent. Second of all: they'd better not just split it by Canada/United States/Mexico. They can be more creative than that.
"'We would rather die,' I said. 'Wouldn't we, Meg?'" Okay, Apollo. You've got the conviction to oppose Nero even to the death, but don't assume Meg the twelve-year-old child is as eager to go rushing in to her death as you. "Then I realized she was crying." Exactly.
"Meg brought you here, just as I asked her to. Well done, my sweet." Yep. Knew it.
"The Beast killed my father. This is Nero. He's--he's my stepfather." Many questions. Is she disassociating Nero and the Beast because she doesn't want to think of them as the same person (especially if Nero has acted nice to her)? 'Cause it sounds like the Beast and Nero should be the same person. Also, how the heck did Nero come to be her stepfather. Did he just take her in off the streets? I really hope Meg's biological dad wasn't insane enough to marry Nero. Especially since Nero killed him. Well, maybe he manipulated her dad. Still seems unlikely that he'd do that just to get his hands on one demigod kid. He probably just killed the dad and adopted Meg and she had no choice in it -- the much easier method of obtaining an unwilling child soldier. Or child gladiator. Wait, did we ever get confirmation on that?
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adaginy · 2 years
[Part 1][Part 2][Part 3] [Part 4]
Part 5 "Hey Mom. You have time for a chat? I have some news. ... Cool, not in the quiet car, are you? ... Then change cars, it's rude to take a call in the quiet car, jeez. ... ... Okay. Long story short, a week ago I had to babysit some coworkers at an event for their species. A mating thing, like how sea turtles all come lay eggs at once? ... I don't know, I think the full moon maybe, that's not the point. ... No, Mom, just -- look, a kid gave me a flower. Yes, there were kids there. No, they weren't-- MOM.😑 The kids are supposed to be there, because their parents leave them behind when they're going to get pregnant again, and older aliens take them. ... Ummm, yeah, actually, basically exactly like the Schmidt kids when their mother remarried, yes. So this kid gives me a flower and I take it because that's what you do when kids hand you stuff. And it turns out that's how its species says 'are you my new mommy' and how an adult says yes, so now I've adopted this alien kid. ... Uh-huh.. yep, I'm on new-child leave right now. Yep. Yes! Congratulations!" [Excited shrieking, audible even on this side] "That's the other reason I made you move out of the quiet car. 🤣 ... Yeah, we've made it a TAOL unit for their -- traditional and/or legal unit, a legal space family? It's a TAOL unit for their species and we're looking at what it would mean if we made it a human TAOL unit, too. ... 'Kiddo,' it's an actual Peprine name. ... Peprine. I don't know if they're common on Earth, I haven't been home in -- ... Like a rabbit sortof? That old movie you like with the rabbit cop? But the eyes are like, um, a little like a praying mantis I guess. ... Neither, it-- 🙄 No, not because of me, they just do pronouns differently. It's 'it' until it gets older, then he, then she. It's in class right now. ... There's like ten thousand adults on this ship, Mom, yes, there's enough kids for classes. ... Did you get the dock I ordered for you? It has a switch that'll transmit across calls. ... Well open the box when you get home then, and I'll call you when it's out of class, and you can talk to it. It's a bit shy, though. ... ... Well, yeah, a little afraid of me, but there's another Peprine kid on the ship, and the Peprine adults, and it doesn't talk to them much either. ... I don't know how old exactly. Size of a human 4-year old, but apparently it's going to grow fast. When it's signed up for classes, sometimes it's in a group with 7-year olds, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12-year-olds. ... Coconut, I know it likes coconut. I bet it would like peanut butter, too. Don't send cookies, they can't eat meat, I have to talk to someone about whether they can eat milk and eggs. Or lab-grown stuff. ... Lemme ask. Hey, SOSCU? Can you tell me when the ship's next mail stop is, please? And the next Earth swing? (SOSCU: Ship's Operational and Social Computer Unit. There are sentient AIs, this is not one. Allegedly. Only the humans say 'please'.) ... Mail is the 14th at Zed-μ-5, but the next Earth swing isn't until October. Oh, um, don't send fiddly toys. It doesn't have all its fingers. Just two on one hand. Puzzles yes, model kits no. ... I don't know why, I think born that way. ... Of course I've told it we can get prosthetics. I think it just has Big Feelings about it to work through. ... Ehh. Not to be, you know, speciesist, but by human standards Peprin are kinda fucked up regarding sick kids. So it might just need to, I don't know, come to terms with it being an option. I'll look some stuff up for it, ask medical if they know someone with a falsie who'd be willing to show it off. Don't bring it up when you talk, please. ... No? Oh. Yeah, I could show it my glasses, I didn't even think about that. "
[loud yappy dogs]
"Ow, I guess you're home. Tell Linus and Lucy and Schroeder that I said hi, give them pats for me. Get the shrieking out of your system, look up Peprine so you know what to expect for looks, open up the dock and get it set up and I'll call you in a few hours, okay? ... Love you too, Mommy. Talk to you again soon."
[Part 6]
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caralara · 2 years
What’s your most favorite Louis moment that remembering it fills your heart with love and light?
Oh my god anon… ummm, I don’t know if you were thinking general but I’m gonna go with my personal highlights with Louis.
I think number one was in Donny, @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk and I were in an insanely good mood, and because we’re both very active dancers, we had quite some space around us after the first couple songs, and even though we were maybe sixth row, we had stellar view bc the literal gym the show was held was so tiny.
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So, here we stood, feeling ourselves and going nuts for Louis, celebrating Michael’s solos and very obnoxiously made a show of us knowing all the words to 7 and Beautiful War lol, which Louis very much appreciated (he’d pointed me & my energy for his music out before at other gigs, so he might have recognised the lunatics going absolutely batshit crazy) but then - he sang Change. And like. I was mostly at the gigs of the first half of the tour, so I’ve only ever heard it once or twice live before and just hadn’t come around to properly learning the lyrics. So we had just gone absolutely crazy, making a show of it, too, and then we kind of… awkwardly hummed along to change. Like, don’t get me wrong, we were enthusiastic about it, but we literally simply didn’t know the words apart from the chorus lmao so we went from jumping scream-singing to awkwardly swaying and desperately trying to get out from under Louis’ gaze because - of course he was watching us. And he kept singing and we kept awkwardly swaying and mumbling the words looking all about this gym to the point that Louis was so amused he laughed about us, even drew michael’s attention to us to cheekily make fun of us. But it was just so pure. And we really did bring it onto ourselves. After that, we went crazy again and Michael actually threw his pick specifically to me after his solo as a thank you, in the middle of the gig - so I think we’re good. I really will never forget that, it was such camaraderie, loving teasing and it was just so much fun.
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I think second favourite was Denver, because I had Center barricade and the whole show was completely different than expected but because it was the one show Louis was pissed off, it just was - let me explain. I was absolutely delighted to be Center barricade, but the moment Louis stepped onto stage, I knew something was wrong. And he was really upset (was it the teeny fans singing 1D songs in front of his tour bus while he was trying to sleep? Was it smth BTS? Idk) but to make matters worse within the first minute someone threw the infamous chicken nugget which hit him in the head. So he was proper pissed off, spent the first third of the show singing basically with his eyes closed. And I just - I didn’t know what to do? He was so close? And I wanted to comfort so badly, know what’s wrong, tell him everything will be alright. Slowly, he opened his eyes more and more and sought out contact with us fans at barricade, and it felt like he found what he was looking for, drawing from us and our support and opening up and relaxing. It was beautiful. I had the most emotional intense connection to him that show. Funny how the universe forces me to enjoy these moments, I basically have the barricade curse of my phone alerting to full storage as soon as I’ve taken two videos at barricade lol. But yeah. Will cherish that show forever although it scared the crap out of me.
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Third is probably him leaning over me in London and screaming Little Black Dress at each other and that fucking smirk. Yes.
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Casually walking over about to change my fucking understanding of the world
Or when he came out after the show in Dallas and we briefly talked, with not too many people around, bc they all thought he’d come out a different exit. Was amazing. He’s exactly my height but all I could think was that he’s got a whole lot less body than me lmao but that he’s also got an authority that makes him feel incredibly large.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Badhaai Do Live Blogging
Queer brown people who get into a lavender marriage! A Bollywood movie about gay people, I'm so excited. Also I've been told it's a happy ending, so here we goooo
Aug 20
Genuine delight at the family gathering full of legit everyone + the marriage discussion and how the son gets so much more choice + although I don't speak Hindi, I understand tiny bits because of its similarity to Bengali
lmfaoooo my guy had really chosen a random girl he'd agree to marry, never expecting the family to agree to let him but whelp, now they have
lmfao and the girl avoids marriage by the 'my last fiance mysteriously passed away, you wanna take that chance?'
For shows in Korean or Hindi, I'm forever reminded that the subs don't fully express what's being said because I can understand enough to pick up that something different/more is being said but it's sad that I can't tell what exactly is the meaning
Anyway, forever glad I don't have a brother because in both families, we just saw a sister/female cousin be resentful of how the sons get special treatment
omg father-daughter good relationship :0 hope it remains that way pleaseee
O.O she's got a creepy stalker mans ?!
lmfao not her complaining about the stalker to the cops but Mr cop guy basically now stalking her T.T it's only lmfao because i know he's the main gay lead, otherwise i wouldn't be a lot more
omggg a dance number!!!!! let's goooo
ngl drunk ppl scary as hell even though it seems to turn out fine and jokey
Aww Sumi tagging along with Shardul and Kabir is cute and them having like kind of a 3 person honeymoon is adorable but I don't like Kabir so hm
ngl the guys' happiness + Sumi's longing made me sad though like I didn't tear up but could've
naurrr I'm dead not her overhearing them arguing about sex I'd T.T cry fr
kasdjf ahhh Sumi's meet cute with her future gf is when she goes to give her dad's stool sample
lmfao she's like when people have crushes on baristas and so go to get coffee everyday but she's out here doing some health tests
aww the future gf's family don't talk to her anymore T.T
lol the problems of living together as roommates arising now
ahhhhhh a queer party :0000 bro I'm boutta cry fr
oh yeah gf's name is Rimjhim. Also are we to understand that she's not Hindu? because of her not understanding/complying with the title + namaste thing?
aww Sumi bonding with her ex-gf's child
the passport thing and inability to go abroad always hits like damn the weight of a specific country's passport...
dang a sumi and rimjhim fight :(
ummm Shardul straight up slapping his boyfriend?!?! ummm O.O the fuck this is different from the KinnPorsche which made me be like oh? 0.0 ;) because this is like oh?! O.O D: anxiety like I'm here for the comedy + some angst and heartbreak, not... hitting your partner
arghhhhh okay let's see how they handle it ig like he apologized and I'm guessing Kabir's gone for good now.
damn the pressure of having kids starts now ig
omgggg sleeping on floors altogether is making me miss being young and sleeping at my grandma's so much! sharing rooms with cousins when a few of us came or when all of us were sleeping on floors of every room during my uncle's wedding
lmfao "noo don't tell anyone that's Sumi can't have a child hehe" to Mr blabbermouth
the calling Naaznin is killing me fr lmfaoooo
bro I'm so nervous but also I'm laughing cuz it's hilarious
lmfaooo Mummy's written method of what to say as a mother-in-law (nightmare fuel for desi women)
yooo this lawyer mans. so cool i want to be you
ahhhh double dates ahhhhhh ^.^
yo Guru funny as hell and also loves playing with fire
fuckkkkk Mummy saw Sumi and Rimjhim in bed
bro I'm boutta come and beat Sumi's bro's ass
omg the "lower your eyes!" thing when getting yelled at by mom. childhood memories
Sumi's father stand up for her pleaseeeeeee
omg :0 Shardul finally standing up for Sumi (my guy has been perfect desi son so far, no protest while his family hounds his wife lmfao so at least he's standing up for her now)
Shardul coming out omg (me trying not to be resentful that he gets to come out to his family with his own mouth rather than get walked in on by his mother-in-law)
Mummy T.T
I was wonderingggg when the pride parade will come in
omg another under the pride flag moment line in Not Me
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something about this scene...
omggggg CRYING SCREAMING PULLING MY HAIR OUT at shardul, sumi, rimjhim, guru all being present at this puja for the child along with shardul's family + sumi's father
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I love watching East or South East Asian media because it has similarities to my South Asian culture and I enjoy seeing these similarities that I wouldn't see in Western shows. However, seeing an actual South Asian movie where the culture is so similar to mine (different religions, so not quite the same) is so good! Family everywhere and all of them nosy! Familial pressure from all sides! The CNGs that they rode! The hustle and bustle of the city and of life! Hindi's similar to Bengali! Unfamiliar with the ultimate acceptance from many family members though lol but I can live vicariously through them I guess.
Sumi and Rimjhim (love her name) are so freaking beautiful. They were so beautiful.
I didn't like Shardul (lmfao patriarchal cop mans) but I guess... this movie wasn't necessarily about liking him. He deserves rights and for his queerness to be accepted even if I don't like him. I wish we got some more of the lawyer mans and Shardul, he was the most interesting character for sure.
Happy ending, funny moments, tinged with some sadness and struggles. I enjoyed it.
Rating: 7.5/10 hmm
Pride March - freaking loved it when I watched it and is definitely a reason why this went up my list and was one of my Highest priority ones
Twitter edit of Sumi/Rimjhim (cr: jinsolgbt)
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
I'm back way sooner than I'd expected, sorry for spamming you with another request! Hcs (separate) again please? Bokuto, Miya twins and Kuroo were teaching their s/o how to play volleyball but midway through the lesson s/o accidentally got distracted by their glorious thighs and asses lmao. After a while the guys realized what's happening when they noticed s/o's stare on them. Thank you very much!
distractions [lil bit pg-13, bokuto kōtarō, miya atsumu, miya osamu, kuroo tetsurō]
tings // sfw but a lil naughty, fluff, canonverse, everyone's at least 18 here :)
hello again & it’s totally cool !! keep spamming lolol i enjoy the interaction !! also omg i love the idea because i myself have thiccy thighs :) i feel like this got a little repetitive because i kinda ran out of ideas but anyway,,,
also whoops this took me foreverrrrr but i hope u find it anon !!
bokuto kōtarō
you guys have a long weekend and after the first day you and this insanely hyperactive boy run out of ideas of what to do
so you suggest that he teach you to play volleyball and obvi he's super excited
kō actually sneaks you guys into the gym since he's got a key (n like, if you did happen to get caught, who could stay mad at him?)
it's kind of late at night when you guys go since either way, he wants to do his best not to get you in trouble lol
you do actually want to learn and stay (mostly) focused for the first bit, until kō decides he wants a water break
so you sit on the bleachers and wait for him while he goes and grabs a water bottle out of the club room
but when he sits down next to you,,,,
that squish thing that thick thighs do when ppl with them sit down
his do that
you kinda don't even realize you're staring until you hear a little laugh and a "what?" and look up to see him leaning back on the row of seats behind him
and you respond by just smiling and reaching out to squish his thigh
he doesn't really process what's going on at first, like he just kinda looks at you blankly for a few seconds
and then he reaches out and squishes your thigh back and ummm long story short baby boy gets a little grabby and you end up making out on the bleachers lol and maybe riding his thigh
miya atsumu
tsum tsum's been pretty busy lately and hasn't gotten to see you a ton the past couple weeks, so he decides to skip practice and surprise you one day
he did not expect you to go off on him for it lmao
but once you stop to take a breath, he points out that there's no point in going all the way back to the gym now; he's already missed like half of it and it's easier to come up with an excuse for missing a day than it is for showing up like an hour late
so you're like, "fine, i guess," and then you have the wonderful idea that if he's not gonna show up to practice, maybe he could at least get some in by teaching you
"are you kidding lmao, you suck, how is that gonna be practice?" "stfu tsumu"
so he's agrees and decides to demonstrate some basic stuff first, just so you can get an idea of how much you suck compared to him what it should look like
you're seated on the ground watching him when you notice how his thighs flex when he jumps and how tight that ass is
you don't even realize you're staring until he goes, "okay, now you try," and you go, "try what," your eyes still fixed on his legs
it takes him a second to realize what exactly you were looking at and he thinks it's the funniest fucking thing lmao, and he turns around and like, smacks his ass or attempts to throw it back or something until you're laughing so hard your stomach cramps
you don't end up playing volleyball because 1) by the time you manage to stop laughing you're literally sore and 2) tumu's missed you the past week and now he just wants to hear you laugh more 💕
miya osamu
you can hear the boys practicing out back when you get to the miya's to hang out with samu, and out of curiosity you head over to watch since you rarely get to watch them practice at school and the vibes during actual games just aren't the same
samu sees you and is about to head inside to get showered and changed so you guys can hang out
you surprise both of them by asking if you can join instead
(atsumu complains that it's unfair that it's him versus the two of you and you have to shut him up by pointing out that you're probably gonna end up dragging osamu down because you've never played before)
it's not going too badly until samu suggests that you have a try at serving
which means that he's standing several feet in front of you
which means that you have a very clear view of his ass
he's also wearing grey gym shorts, which does not help (or does help a lot, depending on how you look at it)
atsumu notices you staring first, since osamu has his back to you
you go "fuck this" and run up and smack samu's ass LMAO
he turns around and just stares at you for a good few minutes and then drags you inside
atsumu's probably all like 😏😏😏
but for good reason
ah ha ha haaa
kuroo tetsurō
you wander into the gym in the last fifteen minutes of practice—you and tetsu had planned to meet outside but you'd gotten there early and didn't have much else to do
he looks over when he hears the door open and gives you a quick wave before turning his attention back to practicing, and you find yourself a seat on the bleachers
a few moments later he excuses himself for a water break and walks over to you, smiling like he's about to do something you're not going to enjoy
"what?" "what?" "why are you looking at me like that?" and he doesn't answer; he just finishes his water and drags you onto the court
"tetsu, what the fuck are you doing?"
"come practice :)))"
"i don't even play—" and then he shoves a ball into your hands. where'd it come from? who knows.
"shouldn't you be the one practicing? don't you, like, have a game this weekend?"
he assures you it's fine, there're only like ten minutes left of practice anyway, and shoves you into the rotation
and you don't really do much, at least until you narrowly miss getting smacked in the head with the ball because you're too busy staring at him, watching the way he moves, gym shorts clinging to his sweaty skin, and thinking about sitting on his lap on the train back to your place after this
"woah, woah, pay attention!" he laughs and you look up to meet his eyes, smiling absently. "whatcha looking at?" "nothing :))"
he really has to fight the urge to pull you into the locker room with him after practice lmao
and you do get to sit on his lap on the way home hehe
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witchyweasley · 4 years
Love Potion - Ron Weasley
Pairing: Ron Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: You can’t really have sex in the burrow, but there are other options. This is a bit of an AU. Instead of knowingly prepping for war, the only pressing matter is Bill & Fleur’s wedding.
Word Count: 1.9k 
Warnings: smut, 18+ themes, thigh riding
Spending school breaks at the burrow is always nice. All of the Weasley’s are very welcoming, especially now that Ron and I are officially dating now. I was hoping to get more free time with him during this break, given that Fred & George had moved out, but there were more people than normal at the burrow. Ron had failed to mention that it was time for Bill and Fleur’s wedding, so now all of the Weasley’s were back under the same roof again.
“Well, so much for any alone time,” I sighed, leaning my head on Ron’s shoulder. We watched as Fred and George kept trying to get Percy to try one of their products.
“Well actually, I’ve got an idea,” Ron said.
“Oh yeah? What’s your idea?” I asked.
“Well Harry and I were talking. What if, once everyone else has gone to bed, you and Harry trade rooms?” Ron suggested, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Do you think we could get away with that? I thought you guys were worried that your mom would catch us?” I said thinking it over. As I said this, Fred had somehow convinced Percy to try the small potion. Percy’s hair turned bright green and then turned into moss. Molly was soon  chasing after Fred, telling him to get the antidote potion if he wanted to attend the wedding in a couple days.
“I think she’s got her hands tied with everyone being home. I feel like we are the least of her worries,” Ron laughed.
“Fair point, what about Hermione though? She’s also rooming in Ginny’s room right now,” I pointed out.
“She’s going to sleep in Charlie’s room. He won’t be here until tomorrow evening so she will chill there tonight,” Ron answered.
“How long have you and Harry been planning this?” I asked, a bit shocked at how much he had thought into this.
“We planned it last night. I’m not exactly thrilled with him staying in Ginny’s room, but it means that we can at least spend one night together,” He said, squeezing my hip.
After dinner, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and I went on a walk around the yard, trying to get away from the chaos. We decided to settle the plans whilst away from everyone, the only somewhat alone time we’ve had so far.
“So, what time are we all moving rooms?” Hermione asked.
“Well, mum and dad usually go to bed around 10pm, so probably 10:30, to make sure that they’re both asleep,” Ginny answered.
“Are we all moving at the same time, or do we need a plan?” Harry asked.
“What do you mean?” Ron asked.
“Do you want to move one at a time? Act like you’re going to the bathroom, and then just go to the other room? And then that person go get water and switch rooms? Or do you just want to be ballsy and move all at once?” I asked.
“That plan sounds good. I think Percy still thinks he’s head boy, so if everyone moves at once he will sense trouble and snitch,” Ginny said.
“Works for me,” Harry said, wrapping his arm around Ginny.
“Harry, can I talk to you for a second?” Ron said, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.
“What’s that about?” Hermione asked.
“Who knows, honestly,” I shrugged.
“He’s probably getting onto Harry for holding me, he acts like I’m a child,” Ginny whined.
“I’m sorry, I try to talk some sense into him, but he can be a bit dense at times,” I laughed. Soon Harry and Ron caught back up with the group and we all decided to go back inside, getting ready to execute our plan.
At 10:30, I went down to the kitchen, grabbing myself a glass of water. As I was pouring the glass, I heard someone coming downstairs. I looked over to make sure it wasn’t Harry going against the plan.
“Oh, hi George. How are you?” I asked, silently relieved it was him and not Harry or Percy.
“I’m doing alright, how have you been?” He asked, grabbing a snack from the cupboard.
“I’ve been pretty alright, despite Ron completely forgetting to mention that Bill’s wedding was this week,” I answered.
“Yeah, that sounds about right. Speaking of which, you two are officially a thing now, right?” He questioned.
“Yep, as of a few months ago, we are officially a thing,” I said.
“So I have a question. Fred and I have been looking for couples to try a new product we were looking to release. Are you down to try it?” George asked, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“What is it?” I asked, a bit skeptical. Though, I trust George far more than Fred in regards to trying products.
“It’s just a potion. We don’t like to tell testers what it’s supposed to do though, because we don’t want a placebo effect to happen,” George explained.
“Why not have Ginny try it? She and Harry have been dating longer?” I suggested.
“Fred and I are a little uncomfortable with the idea of giving her this to be honest. Yes, she’s an adult and she and Harry are very cute together, but she’s still our little sister,” George explained, cringing at the idea of giving his sister the potion.
“Fine, I’ll try it,” I sighed, giving in.
“Lovely, so are you going up to Ron’s room right now?” George smirked.
“What? No…why would you think that…” I was never a good liar.
“Expendable ears work wonders,” George winked. Sliding a small pink vial towards me.
“You’re lucky I like you George, had Fred asked me it would be a no,” I sighed before taking the potion like a shot. It tasted like strawberry roses, making it one of the more pleasurable potions to take.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about Fred. I told him not to prank you in our 6th year but he doesn’t always listen to me,” George said as he finished up his snack, “Now, go sneak up to Ron’s room, I’ll ask you about the potion in a few days.”
George walked upstairs and I followed suit, heading into Ron’s room instead of Ginny’s.
“There you are! I was worried you had forgotten,” Harry said as I came in.
“I’m sorry, George was in the kitchen so I had to talk to him,” I said as I sat down on Ron’s bed. Harry headed over to Ginny’s room, leaving Ron and I alone.
Ron wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down next to him. He pressed a kiss to my temple before nuzzling into me.
“You know Ron, when I said we should have some alone time, I wasn’t expecting to cuddle,” I laughed.
“I wasn’t either, but I kind of made a promise to Harry,” He said slowly.
“What did you promise?” I asked.
“Ummm, basically I promised that we wouldn’t have sex because I asked him to not do anything with Ginny tonight,” He said, bracing himself.
“Ronald Weasley! Why would you do that!?” I said, smacking his chest.
“She’s my little sister!” He argued.
“Who’s been in a relationship with Harry for about 6 months now. Not to mention, she’s of age,” I pointed out.
“It just makes me feel weird,” He said. “Plus, I like cuddling you.”
“I like cuddling you too, but I also like having sex with you,” I sighed, tracing my finger along his chest.
“I’m sorry darling, I wasn’t thinking,” He sighed, tracing small circles on my hip.
Soon, my skin was far more sensitive than usual. The small circles on my hips felt like heaven, and I could feel myself getting turned on by the action. I shifted around, trying to relieve some tension. I settled down with one leg wrapped around Ron, my core pressed up against his leg. His arm moved down to trace circles on my thigh, driving me crazy.
“Are you alight?” He asked as I took in a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m just...honestly I’m just incredibly turned on right now,” I admitted.
“Oh? You’re that turned on by my touch, I was trying to keep this innocent,” He said, a bit confused as to how turned on I am.
“Fuck, I think this is George’s fault,” I sighed.
“Not making me feel any better here babe,” Ron said, grabbing my thigh. I grinded against him slowly, trying to relieve some of the tension his touch has caused.
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. He asked me to test a product and I agreed to it. He didn’t tell me what it was, but he said they were looking for couples to try it out,” I said, my breathing getting deeper as Ron continuously massaged my thigh.
“So it’s a type of love potion?” He asked, watching as I grinded against him subtly.
“I guess so. Fuck, why’d you have to make that promise to Harry,” I whined.
“Well, there is something we could do…”Ron started.
“What? What is it?” I asked, desperate for some release.
“Well, you could get off on my thigh. You’re sort of trying to right now anyways,” he said.
“So you want me to ride your thigh?” I questioned, a bit too excited about the idea.
“Yeah, I think it would actually be really hot. And I technically wouldn’t be breaking my promise to Harry,” Ron said, his hand now running up and down my thigh.
“Mmm, I think it’s a great idea,” I said, pressing a slow kiss on his lips.
“Do you want these on or off?” He asked as I kissed down his neck, pulling on the waistband of my pants.
“Off, and I want yours off too,” I said, standing up to slide them down. Ron shimmied out of his and sat down on the edge of the bed. He grabbed my hips and pulled me on top of him, kissing me deeply as I straddled one of his thighs.
Small moans left my mouth as I lightly ground my covered pussy against his thigh. Ron kissed me deeply, using his mouth and tongue to try to muffle my moans.
“You’ve gotta be quiet baby,” he said quietly. I nodded, holding back the moans as my hips grounded down on his thigh. His hands grabbed my hips tightly, and slowly started guiding my hips on his thighs. I bit my lip and threw my head back, breathing heavily as I try to not make any noise to wake up anyone.
“You’re so beautiful,” Ron groaned out softly, watching my hips move against him. I buried my head into his neck, sucking on his skin so I could muffle the moans escaping from my mouth.
“Fuck, Ron,” I moaned out quietly as he started bouncing his leg a bit. His hands continued guiding my hips, going faster and faster.
“Are you going to cum, baby? Are you going to cum on my thigh?” He whispered in my ear. I nodded and grinded my hips harder on him, chasing my high.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” he whispered, knowing it would push me over. My legs shook and I bit harshly at his neck to suppress my loud moan as I came over his thigh.
“That was...fuck that was hot,” he breathed out.
“Yeah, um, I really enjoyed that,” I sighed out, laying down on the bed. Ron wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.
“For once I’m glad you tested out one of the twins products,” he laughed.
“And for once I wish you didn’t have such good morals, because I’m still incredibly horny.”
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alisonsfics · 4 years
What Happens in Vegas
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Reader
Summary: After finishing a case in Las Vegas, Derek and Y/N drunkenly end up in bed together. Y/N wakes up and doesn’t remember anything from the night before. Derek decides to tease her and not let her know what happened.
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Entire plot revolves around the idea of a one-night stand, no actual smut
Your eyes slowly fluttered open. The light in the room felt blinding to you. You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the light. You had a pounding headache, you remembered that the team went out drinking last night.
The team had just had a big win and the case ended almost perfectly. The case was in Las Vegas, and because of a storm, the team was supposed to leave a day later than expected. So the team may have decided to have a little fun.
You glanced over at the bedside table and saw a book and a watch that definitely weren’t yours. You were confused, you tried to think back to last night. Maybe Reid had given you a book that he recommended. But you still couldn’t explain the watch.
The watch almost looked like a watch you had seen Morgan wear once. Then you saw a suitcase in the corner of the room that also wasn't yours. You had a eerie feeling in the pit of your stomach.
You looked over to your side and you saw the one and only Derek Morgan. He was fast asleep, right next to you. You felt your heart start to race. Did you and Morgan have sex last night?
Morgan didn’t have a shirt on and you could tell you only had on a tank top and underwear. Your mind started to race. Was it possible that alcohol and Vegas was the perfect combination to finally get you and Morgan together?
You had two feelings right now.
The first one was a feeling of disappointment. You had had a crush on Derek for as long as you could remember. It made you upset that you two could have finally gotten together and you didn’t even remember it.
The other feeling was a feeling of panic. You were thinking through every way this could affect your work relationship if you two had really slept together.
You were so busy trying to remember last night and what happened, that you didn’t even notice Morgan started to wake up next to you. “Hey there babygirl” Morgan said, smiling at you.
You were brought back out of your thoughts by this. “Hey” you said, hesitantly. You dragged out the word because you didn’t know what else to say. “So how do you feel?” Morgan asked you. You didn’t know how you were supposed to answer.
“Well my head is pounding, so I have that going for me” you said, honestly. You figured if you just ignored the possibility that something happened last night that it might magically go away.
“I’ll get you some water” Derek said, rolling out of bed. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. He walked back over to you and handed you the bottle. You sat up in the bed and smiled as you took the bottle.
“Thank you” you said, trying to get rid of the awkward feeling you had. You took a few sips of the water and then swung your legs over the side of the bed. “Oh here, you can borrow these” Morgan said, handing you a pair of sweatpants. He was consciously making sure he wasn’t looking any lower than your eyes. You looked down and realized you only had underwear on.
You could feel your cheeks heat up as you grabbed the sweatpants and quickly pulled them on. You had to roll the waistband a few times so they fit, but it worked.
“I- ummm...thank you” you said, feeling extremely awkward. You didn’t know whether or not you should bring up the elephant in the room.
You and Morgan both started to talk at the same time. “Sorry, you go first” Morgan told you, smiling at you. “Did we-? You know?” You asked, dodging the question. Morgan looked confused for a second and then chucked to himself. “You don’t remember anything from last night, do you?” He asked you, clearly amused.
“Come on Derek, no teasing please? Can you just tell me what happened?” You asked, practically begging him. “I’m afraid it’s going to take a bit more work than that” Morgan teased. “Please? I don’t know how to act around you without knowing” you told him, honestly. “Then just act the way you normally do. I don’t want you to change based on whether or not anything happened last night” Morgan told you.
Then Morgan checked his watch and said “We gotta go, or we’re gonna miss the jet”. You grabbed your dress from last night and made sure you looked presentable. You quickly ran down the hallway back to your hotel room to get dressed. You were praying to every higher power that you wouldn’t run into anyone else from the team.
And just as the thought crossed your mind you heard a hotel room door open. You were met face to face with Emily. “Hey, I’m going to the café down the street for some breakfast, you want to come with me?” Emily offered.
“Oh sure, I’m going to get changed though. Can you give me five minutes?” You asked, hoping she still wouldn’t notice. Then, she looked down at what you were wearing. “But you’re wearing that and you...wait isn’t that Morgan’s room that you were coming from?” Emily asked, finally understanding.
“No? I was just umm walking?” You guessed, not knowing how to explain it. “Uh huh, yeah I’m sure you were” Emily said, sarcastically. “Listen, I don’t know what happened last night. So, please don’t tell anyone til I know exactly what happened” you asked her. “Of course, but only if you promise to tell me all the details once you figure it out” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at you. “Okay, deal” you said, agreeing.
You felt your cheeks heat up, and then you walked into your hotel room. You quickly changed into your normal clothes and brushed your hair. You got everything back in your go-bag and walked out of your room.
You walked down to the lobby and Emily, JJ, and Hotch were all sitting there already. “Y/N, good news! JJ got breakfast” Emily told you, smiling. “Oh yay, that’s great! Thanks JJ” you said, sitting down next to Hotch. “Here you go, this one’s yours” JJ said, handing you the cup of coffee with your name on it.
Then Morgan walked into the lobby and sat down next to Emily. You instantly froze, and you could feel your cheeks start to heat up again. “Are you okay?” Hotch asked you, quietly. You didn’t realize you had been so easy to read. “Oh, yeah I’m fine” you assured him.
Then, Reid and Rossi came into the lobby at the same time. “Oh Reid, you’re here” you exclaimed as you stood up. “Of course I’m here” he said, confused. You walked over to him. “I need to ask you something” you said, quietly. “Oh okay” he said, smiling. He lead you over away from the rest of the team. “So when the team was hanging out last night, were you there the whole time?” You asked him.
“Yeah I was, why?” He asked you. “And you remember everything from last night, right?” You asked, knowing it was probably a dumb question. “I always remember everything” he told you, chuckling to himself. “Did anything important happen last night?” You asked him, beating around the bush. “Different how?” He asked, clearly confused by what you wanted to know. “Like Morgan and I?” You said, carefully. “Umm, I mean you two were acting a little closer than normal. You were kind of sitting in his lap all night. Is that what you mean?” Spencer asked, trying his best.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean” you said, putting your head in your hands. “Y/N, are you okay?” He asked you, concerned. “Well?” You said, not knowing how to respond. “Y/N, Spencer! It’s time to go” Hotch said, gesturing you two back over to the group.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked you, concerned. “Yeah I’m fine, let’s go” you said, starting to follow the rest of the team. You both followed the team to the parking lot where the SUV’s were. Since Spencer and you were the last two out, there was one seat in one SUV and one seat in the other SUV.
You saw Morgan in one of the cars. You lightly grabbed Spencer’s arm. “Spence, can you do me the biggest favor and go in the car that Derek is driving? Please, I’ll explain later” you begged him. “Umm sure” he said, walking over to the SUV. You breathed a sigh of relief and got in the SUV that JJ and Emily in it. The SUVs were basically boys and girls separated.
Emily started to drive and JJ looked at you. “So what’s up with you and Derek?” JJ asked you, and you saw Emily smirking. “Emily! I told you not to tell anyone” you exclaimed. You folded your arms and huffed “I didn’t say anything specific. JJ asked me if something was going on between the two of you, because as soon as Morgan came into the lobby, you totally tensed up” Emily explained.
“So?” JJ asked you, still curious. “I woke up in bed with Morgan, okay?” You said, finally telling them. “What?” They both exclaimed loudly. “I don’t know what happened” you told them, honestly. “You slept with Derek! That’s what happened” Emily said, really shocked. “I don’t even know if we did, I don’t remember anything from last night. And once Derek realized I didn’t remember, he started to tease me and said he wouldn’t tell me what happened” you explained.
“Well I took some pictures last night, if you want to look at those” JJ suggested. “Yeah maybe, I’m going to try and see if I can get Derek to tell me” you told them.
Then, you guys pulled up to the airport and got out to get on the jet. The girls got there first and got into the jet. You sat down on the couch on the jet. JJ and Emily both went to go sit somewhere else.
You saw the other SUV pull up, out the window. The guys got out and then walked onto the jet. Morgan walked on first and winked at you as he walked by you. You looked over at Emily and JJ, just trying to avoid eye contact with Morgan. Emily and JJ were both smirking at you, so you just rolled your eyes.
Then, Spencer walked into the jet. You reached out and placed your hand on his forearm. He looked over at you. You patted the seat next to you. “Oh okay” he said, smiling and sitting down next to you.
After the jet took off, you turned to Spencer. “Can you tell me everything you remember from last night about me and Derek?” You asked Spencer, quietly. “Well, you both started off by dancing together. Then, you started drinking more. You ended up sitting in his lap, and he kept whispering things in your ear. You both seemed like you were having a good time. Then at the end of the night, you two were the last ones to leave. But then, Derek whispered something to you and then you were practically dragging him back to his room or your room, I don’t know” Spencer informed you.
You started to remember bits and pieces of last night. Some of the stuff Spencer was saying felt familiar and you could vaguely remember it.
“Thank you Spence. I really appreciate it” you thanked him. “Is something going on between you and Morgan?” He asked you. “I don’t even know” you told him, honestly.
He gave you a sympathetic smile. He knew that obviously something was on your mind, but couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
You guys landed back in Quantico and you all got off the jet and walked back into the bullpen. You set your bag down on your desk and sighed. You had been wracking your brain all day trying to remember what happened last night. But you still kept coming up with nothing. You were mentally exhausted.
You needed to rant to someone and you knew just the person. You walked over to Penelope’s office. You stuck your head in the doorframe and saw Penelope sitting at her desk, typing away. You lightly knocked on the open door.
Penelope turned around and saw you standing in the doorway. “Oh my love, you’re back. Come in come in” she said, pulling a chair over next to her. You smiled at her and walked into her office. She patted the chair next to her and you gladly sat down.
“Can I just ramble to you? It’s been a confusing day, to say the least” you told her, exhausted. “I’m all ears” she said, encouraging you. “I may have slept with Derek” you said, blatantly.
Penelope's eyes got really wide and her jaw dropped. “Derek? Like our Derek? Like Derek Morgan? The one and only Chocolate Thunder?” Penelope asked. You just nodded.
“You buried the lead on this whole story. Why do you look so upset then? You are living every girls dream. Also, what do you mean you might have?” She asked you.
“Well the team decided to hang out at a casino, right? Because when in Vegas. And apparently I got really hammered and I don’t remember much of anything from that night. But I woke up in bed with Derek, and he won’t tell me what happened” you confessed to her. “Girl, just go talk to him” she told you.
“But once I know, what do I do? What if this ruins our relationship forever?” You asked, beginning to worry. “Or what if this is the start of a new kind of relationship?” She asked you, smirking.
“Come on Penelope, be serious for five minutes” you told her. “Oh I’m serious” she said, standing up. She marched you back to the doorway. “Go to talk to your loverboy” she said, closing the door to her office so you couldn’t come in.
You saw Morgan over at his own desk, filling out some paperwork. You decided that it had been long enough and you wanted answers and you were going to get them.
You stood up and walked over to Morgan's desk. He looked up at you. “Hey babygirl” he said, smirking. You didn’t respond. You grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his chair. He looked shocked, to say the least. You started walking, dragging him behind you. “Babygirl, what is going on?” He asked you. You kept walking, and pulling him with you. You made it to the conference room and you dragged him inside and then shut the door behind him.
“Y/N, what’s the matter?” He asked, now more concerned than worried. “Tell me what happened” you said, firmly. “What happened when?” He asked you, still not understanding. “Last night! Tell me what happened! I’ve been wracking my brain all day and I can’t figure it out. I asked Reid about everything he remembered and I looked at pictures. And I just can’t, I cant remember at all. And I am done trying to figure this out, so just tell me” you told him, rambling in frustration.
“Hey hey, slow down. You’re getting yourself all worked up. Just take a breath” he told you, putting his hand on your shoulder. “I’ll relax once you tell me what happened” you told him. “Well first of all, if you had hooked up with Derek Morgan, you would definitely remember it” he flirted, smirking at you.
You rolled your eyes and lightly hit his arm, trying to make him stop joking around. “Derek, come on” you said. “Alright alright, nothing happened last night. You got pretty drunk and I wanted to make sure you got to your room okay. But we got upstairs and you insisted that you come to my room so we could watch movies. Then I helped you get ready for bed and we went to sleep” he told you, and you could tell it was the truth.
“Really? Nothing happened?” You asked him, shocked. “You sound disappointed” he said, smirking at you. “No, you just kept teasing me about it, so I figured something happened” you confessed. “We’re friends, it’s fun to mess with you from time to time. But, I want you to know that I would never take advantage of you. Especially when you’ve been drinking. I want you to know that I respect you, I really do” he told you.
You felt your heart swell. Derek was such a kind and caring guy. You had had butterflies all day thinking about the possibility that you and Morgan’s relationship was maybe more than friends. But, right now, you felt completely head over heels.
“Derek, can I kiss you?” You asked him, a cheesy grin on your face. “I was hoping you would, babygirl” he told you, smiling back.
You stepped towards him and cupped his face. He wrapped his arms around your waist and closed the gap between you two. You both made eye contact, and then you both slowly leaned in until your lips finally touched. It was pure bliss. His lips tasted like spearmint, and his grasp around your waist made you feel safe and all fuzzy inside.
taglist: @reniescarlett @thelovelyrose
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character!!
Requests OPEN
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Thin Divide: Among Us
Eight people, two imposters. Snuff them out or complete the required tasks. Good luck!
Nora:I call it now, it’s definitely Jaune.
Jaune:You see that make you look suspicious Nora, but that’s so in character of you that I’m pretty sure you’re just a crew mate.
Nora:Maybe that’s the plan? Hehehe.
Weiss:Are you blaming Jaune or incriminating yourself?
Ren:Don’t even. Just don’t, she’s gonna do this the entire game.
Ruby:Alrighty! Let’s do this guys. We have our tasks, just keep an eye out for anything suspicious....
Nora:I’ll be watching Jaune like a hawk! I’ll catch him in the act!
Jaune:This is going to be a long game....
Pyrrha:Or a really short one.
Several minutes pass. Everything seems fine and people are on task. Yet things are a little tense. No one is talking. They’re all learning the rules and being cautious. Nora casually follows Jaune to do wiring and go just about everywhere. She can feel it in her gut. “I’m onto you.” She thinks as he suddenly sprints around a corner out of sight. Suddenly, lights shut off. Things suddenly feel like a bad idea.
Nora:What the!? That’s cheap. Maybe stalking someone alone was a bad idea. Oh! I’ll get Ren t-
Emergency Meeting!
📢Yang: Oh, so that’s what that button- oh geez, Nora’s dead!
Ren:Wait, what!?
Everyone looks at the character icons to see Nora’s crossed out. Ren goes pale.
Ren:Nora! Who’s responsible for this!? Where was the body found!?
Blake:Nowhere, Yang pressed the button. However....*looks at Jaune* I did see her following you.
Jaune:You know why! I didn’t do it! Ren I did not do it.
Ren:I’ll vote you out right now. Jaune I swear-
Jaune:I just finished doing wires! I’ve been focusing on task and nothing else. Yeah I saw her spy on me, then lights went out. Now we’re here.
Blake:I’m just saying you had all the opportunities to do it. The fact that you’re so offended isn’t helping.
Jaune:We have no proof and you’re suspecting me!
Weiss:You were the one with her.
Pyrrha let’s not jump to conclusions. Someone could be framing him.
Ruby:Where was everyone? I was doing trash.
Blake and Yang:Med bay.
Weiss:This map is confusing. Communications, maybe?
Jaune:No, I was there. Unless there’s another one.
Ren:A room with a tree.
Yang:It’s totally Jaune. He’s alone and already knows the map.
Ruby:I know the map. Weiss is just bad. You’re bad if you don’t know the map!
Yang:I know it.
Times up. No one voted. Two imposters remain.
Jaune walked back two wards communications. The group had gotten pretty familiar with all the cool things possible. Cameras, vents, everything. This time two people followed Jaune. Yang and Blake. He started sweating.
Yang:Why are universe lady killer? Running out of luck?
Jaune:It’s possible. You two could possibly kill me then cover it up. Do your tasks!
Yang:We were together all the time last round. We’re in the clear.
Blake:It’s you that’s in the hot seat.
Ren:*getting oxygen* Who do you think did it?
Ruby:I don’t wanna point fingers, but Yang would totally thrive in this game. But Weiss is possible too. Stay focused. Killing Nora was to make you stirred up. Keep a cool-
Reactor Meltdown
Ren:That’s not good.
Ruby:You go left, I’ll go right! Be safe!
Jaune:I’m going to stop the-
Blake:It’s taking you awhile on that panel Jaune. Don’t tell me you’re stalling?
Jaune:No, I’m just bad! Let me go the reactor or we lose!
Yang:Ooorrr I go. If Blake dies then you’re dead! If you don’t finish that panel-
Jaune:You have 30 seconds!
Yang goes sprinting out of the room. Blake goes to do her task across the room. She’s definitely sure it’s Jaune. This plan is full proof. Yeah if she dies then that would suck but-
Jaune:Ummm why hasn’t anyone stopped the reactor yet?
The counter was already at ten. What was taking Yang so long!? Both ran to the door in a panic to reach the reactor but then-
Everyone spawned back at the button. Well not everyone. Yang’s named was crossed out, and Ruby had teary eyes with a finger pointed at Weiss.
📢Weiss:Ruby it’s not what you think! I-
Ruby:Oh I saw! I saw perfectly! Right on the bridge leading to the reactor panel on the right. You were right over her corpse!
Weiss:I know it looks bad, but I found her like this! I run because I saw 1 out of 2 on the panels-
Ren:Me. I was on the other panel. Ruby was with getting oxygen and chose to get the other one.
Ruby:Yeah I wasn’t expecting to walk in on a crime scene.
Weiss:Wait! I was all the way at the bottom of the map. You should’ve gotten there before me.
Blake:Oh now you can read a map!?
Weiss:It takes time! It has to be Ruby.
Pyrrha:I was in electrical by the way. I know nobody was with me but I promise I’m innocent.
RWBR:We know Pyrrha.
Jaune:I don’t think it’s you but the fact you’ve been alone twice now.
Blake:Oh no, you’re definitely still an imposter Jaune.
Ruby:NONE OF THAT MATTERS! I want Weiss out right now!
The reaper puts her vote in.
Ruby:Sister killer! You were by yourself too. I know you Weiss, always plotting. I came across a locked door while heading there that slowed me down. Nobody can confirm where you were, and you could’ve easily vented to get where you needed to be. You’re just mad I caught you so you self reported.
Weiss:That’s- I....don’t be a dolt. You all can’t be serious, right?
Pyrrha hugs a crying Ruby while the others have their heart ache at the sight. They all look at Weiss suspiciously, taking the risk to vote. It was unanimous. Weiss was immediately escorted to the air lock, struggling the whole way.
Weiss:You’re being tricked! I’m innocent!!
Ruby:Tell it to the souls you’ve taken.
She was shot into space. All of them watching her drift away. Ruby rubbed her eyes, then gasped.
Weiss was not an imposter. 2 imposters remain.
Ruby slowly backed away towards Ren. Right now, he was the only trustworthy one. Someone’s playing mind games and it’s working two well. Nobody had the chance to get anything done before Jaune presser the emergency button.
Jaune:Okay, we obviously need a minute to reevaluate-
Blake:You’re an imposter!
Jaune:We were in a room together! Why wouldn’t I kill you and vent away. At that point I could’ve made up a story! But no, I just wanna shoot asteroids!
Pyrrha:Fair point, it would’ve been a double kill.
Ruby:All of you look suspicious except for Ren! *votes Jaune*
Pyrrha:Ruby! He only pressed the button to clear the air!
Ren:He did just come up with a good argument.
Blake:I’m voting for Jaune.
Jaune:Well I’m skipping! Pyrrha please skip two before there’s two imposters and two crew mates. This is very bad time to throw caution to the wind.
Pyrrha:I agree. *skips*
Ren:....*skips* If someone dies next round and it isn’t Jaune then it’s definitely Jaune. You’re on thin ice, so are you Pyrrha. You agree with him easily.
Pyrrha:Ren, that’s not suspicious. I do that in real life.
Blake:And he’s using it to his advantage.
Jaune:You’ve been gunning for me since the start basically, even though you were with me. That’s pretty suspicious.
They all went their separate ways except for Ren and Ruby. This was dire. Everyone sounded sketch and friendships were crumbling. Next time for sure, a vote needed to happen. Pyrrha found herself going back near the button whe Jaune came out of a room to the right, alone. Both of them looked at each nervously.
Pyrrha:What are your tasks? I’ve already seen two other people enter that room before?
Jaune:I was checking vitals. We’re all alive and my tasks are done. What are you doing?
Pyrrha:I was gonna call another meeting. Say, are you saying I’ll go in that room right now and we’re fine?
Jaune:There is no body in there. Check for yourself. If I was an imposter then I’d be on cool down. Plus you could report and I’d feel the vaccum of space.
Pyrrha nodded and peeked in. No blood or anything. She went to the vitals to confirm that everyone actually was alive. The imposters must’ve known how risky things are now. It was fine. Tasks were almost done. Jaune was finally looking normal. She breathed a sigh or relief.
Jaune:Don’t tell me you were expecting a body?
Pyrrha:*red* I’m sorry!
Jaune:It happens. Honestly I thought you were about to stab me.
Pyrrha:I don’t like this game. It’s stressful. Doubting my friends isn’t exactly fun.
Jaune:What we need is a trap. A play that leaves Blake and Ruby red handed.
Pyrrha:You think it’s them?
Jaune:It has to be, and I know just the way to check one of them and keep us in the game. Pyrrha, I have a plan....
Ruby and Ren watched the cameras in silence. Blake was at the trash while Pyrrha and Jaune were near the button. Ruby looked at Ren and smiled.
Ruby:It’s Blake and Jaune.
Ren:How can you tell?
Ruby:Unless Blake has a similar task, I did trash already. Shall we question her, or wait for actual proof.
Ren:Tasks are almost done. We might be able t-
Reactor Meltdown
Ren:Shit, Pyrrha can’t press the button now.
Ruby:But this also gives us a chance! Imma about to catch them red handed! Ren, stay on cameras and watch me go to the left. That way you can report my body if get killed, or out them if they self report. Jaune’s not dumb. He has to go right in order to act innocent and cancel the meltdown. Pyrrha would catch on otherwise. Especially if Blake goes right and nothing is fixed or they’re both alive. Meaning...
Ren:Blake has to go left or stay where she is.
Ruby and Ren high-five and get to work. Ruby starts sprinting as fast as she can. Ren checks the right side and sure enough, Jaune has a hand on the panel. Blake comes up from the bottom to where Pyrrha is. It would be dangerous if Blake killed her, but then she would definitely get voted out. The faunus slowly gets closer to the red head when suddenly, the cameras get jacked.
Pyrrha:Go left!
Blake runs to the left to get the other panel. So far so good. Let’s see how right Jaune is. Pyrrha stared at the camera. Strange, she was certain it was on earlier. Now it was off, then flicked back on briefly. Seconds later, the meltdown ended but she didn’t press the button. Not yet. She was told to wait five seconds. In that amount of time, Blake might-
📢Blake:Guys, Ren is-
RJP:You killed him.
Blake:Wh-What? No, I found him on the ground in the camera room!
Ruby:Yeah, where you killed him. I thought you’d go after me. Sloppy mistake, Blake. Now we caught you.
Jaune:I cut off the meltdown, and Ruby had to get the other one. I found it funny how eager you were to get rid of me by vote. You killed Nora to add to the suspicions. You couldn’t kill me directly because of Yang. She wasn’t an imposter but stuck to you like glue.
Pyrrha:So you had your partner kill her because you couldn’t do it without outing yourself. But if Jaune died alone with you after all that blame then you’d be caught! If you payed attention then you would’ve saw the cameras were on this round. You killed Ren without him noticing then checked them yourself.
Jaune:You soon realized you could only self report because the meltdown ended. No way you could get to the panel that fast unless you vented. Now the real question is how committed are you two bluffing, Ruby Rose? If you don’t vote Blake....
Pyrrha:Then you’re definitely the second imposter.
Blake:Ruby don’t believe them! We know Jaune is definitely-
Ruby:*votes Blake* You betrayed my sister and made me accidentally vote for Weiss because I swept up in emotions. Just like how you got Ren to look at Jaune after Nora died. I’m done with you.
The others voted for Blake. The girl could say nothing. She was at a loss for words. The trap was perfect, calculated to a the last detail. Blake took a deep sigh and walked to the airlock, giving Jaune one final look.
Blake:Well played...
The airlock opened and the three watched their friend get launched into space.
Pyrrha:Jaune that idea was amaz-
Blake was not an imposter.
Pyrrha felt her blood go cold. Those were not the words she wanted to see. She didn’t even turn around to look her “friends” and chose to stare out the window. She felt both of them pat her back. 2 imposters still remained. A problem for her, the remaining crew mate. The sight of Ruby holding a gun and Jaune with a knife was visible in the window reflection.
Ruby:Knife or bullet. You deserve the choice.
Pyrrha:Jaune’s stabbed me in back metaphorically already. Might as well do it physically.
Jaune:That’s fair.
Imposters Win
[post game]
Jaune and Ruby:Oh yeah!!!! That’s why we’re leaders!
Weiss:You can’t say that after killing your teammates!
Nora:I demand an explanation!
Jaune:Ren is too smart and figures things out fast. Had to kill you first anyways. You saying I was an imposter was just an unfortunate coincidence. But let’s talk about how you were my only kill.
Pyrrha:Ruby, you killed everyone else!?
Yang:I walked halfway up that bridge thing to the panel and then she comes running down it and kills me. Now I’m watching as ghost as she jumps into a vent and waits for Weiss to find me to put on the most believable performance of her life. You killed me, then cried about it!
Weiss:I was pleading to a murderer! You put blame on Jaune so he could do it to you and throw the trail off!
Ruby:I also told Ren that it was either you or Yang, that way he’d vote the way I wanted. I think Blake was the real crown of the plan.
Jaune:This is why you don’t blame people so fast. You had to go.
Blake:Ren, what happened to you?
Ren:*face palming*So I was watching everyone until the cameras went out, which I now know was Ruby’s doing, because she had the nerve to kill her camera last. She looked right into it as she jumped into a vent back to me.
Ruby:If you were watching then I knew you were still there and alone. I killed him, took a vent back to where I was supposed to be, stopped the meltdown, and pinned the death of Blake. All with the simple lie about me taking out the trash and not killing Ren earlier.
Jaune:And I used Pyrrha’s trust. Thank you.
Pyrrha:Don’t talk to me! You got me to skip a vote and vote Blake off! Ruby, you cried in my arms! How could you use me like that!?
Jaune and Ruby:Because you’re so helpful! Thanks Pyrrha!
WBYNR:Yeah, thanks Pyrrha.
Pyrrha:*red* I’m sorry!!!
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Minific idea: (in relation to the training asks you've been getting) how about Juru asks to compromise the training he gets from his well meaning teammates with training with someone he knows, he knows someone who does karate. maybe Right or Hikari, but Juru's unaware that they're his senpai but Right or Hikari are aware that Juru's the new red sentai.
Hmm... I hope you don't mind but I'm actually gonna go pre-ToQ for this prompt ;)) And no spoilers in the tags either, haha!
"You're enrolling in a dojo?" Shiguru asked, pouting at Juuru. "But, aren't I supposed to teach you...?"
"I know, and I appreciate it, honestly!" Juuru said placatingly. "But I really can't keep up with the pace you're setting! I want to learn some basics first..."
(Not to mention, he really couldn't concentrate on what he was supposed to do when his crush was right there being hot and everything!)
Shiguru sighed, sounding disappointed but conceding nonetheless. "Alright. I understand." He said. "Keep me posted, alright? Don't think you'll get away lightly just because you have classes now."
"Right, right..."
Juuru laid on the floor of the dojo, panting heavily, struggling to catch his bearings. If this was beginner's class... how did Shiguru exactly expect him to keep up with his?
"Alright, take five everyone." The teacher announced, and the class dispersed to the sides while he went over to him. "Atsuta, are you alright?"
"Yeah, let me just..." he said, sitting up and shaking himself. "Sorry Sensei, it won't happen again." He said, picking up his bokken from where it had fallen after he was disarmed.
Sensei chuckled. "It's alright if it does. You're here to learn, after all." He handed Juuru an ion drink. "Here."
"Thanks, sensei." Juuru accepted the drink.
"So, what made you decide to join the dojo, anyway?" Sensei asked him. "No offense, but... you don't really look like the type to be into kendo."
"Ummm..." Juuru said, not knowing how to put it. "Circumstances made it necessary for me to learn how to defend myself... and this place was pretty close to home, haha."
Sensei looked entirely skeptical of his answer, but didn't comment on it. "Well. You're doing a great job, for a complete beginner," he replied. "Or did you get some training before?"
"Ah, I did a little with a friend, but they're a bit... advanced." Juuru admitted.
"Hmm. Well," he patted the boy's head. "Keep up the good work, alright?"
"Yes, Sensei!"
"Dad. About that new student of ours."
"What about him, son?"
"I'm sure of it. Atsuta Juuru... He's that new Red that showed up a few weeks ago."
"Ah, Atsuta-kun, huh... He's the same age as you back then." he noted. "I wonder why he's enrolling in a class though..."
"He's probably one of those guys they call Rookie Reds," the son groaned. "So I'm gonna have to teach this kid how to fight and not get killed doing it."
"Well, if there's anyone who can do it, it's you, my boy." He ruffled his son's head. "Besides, he's your Sentai kouhai, isn't he? Even if he doesn't know it... you can impart some of your wisdom to him."
"I don't know about wisdom..." he said skeptically, "but I'll try my best, I guess."
A few weeks later...
"Great job, Juuru!"
Juuru blushed under Shiguru's praise, opting to look at the sword he had just divested from his teammate. "Thanks, I guess..."
"I guess those classes paid off after all," Shiguru admitted. "Which dojo are you attending, anyway?"
"There's one near my house. It's apparently a really old one, and the owner is like a 16th generation head?" Juuru explained. "The Rippukan school."
"Wait, what." Muryo sputtered, having watched their sparring. "Rippukan. As in... Rippukan Souji? The master of the Peerless Sword? That Rippukan?"
"Oh, you know Sensei, Muryo-san?" Juuru asked.
"Know him? Juuru, he's one of your senpai! He was the Slashing Hero, the Zyuden Sentai's Kyouryu Green!"
Juuru blinked once, then twice, before his eyes bugged out. "EEEEEEEEHHHHHH?!"
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hollowedwing · 3 years
BNHA Hawks x Harpy!gn!Reader
No warnings: Just general fluff(that is if I can make it cute)
heck well, I haven't written fanfic/scenario/hc type stuff in 5 years, lets see how this goEScbdksofjwosofjwnsckdw ok ok
Reader has a Harpy type quirk!
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(This is an OC, they're name is Baofeng, but this is the style of the Harpy quirk, just imagine it as however you'd like, hope that's alright)
There's not really a gender mentioned, so you can imagine it however you see comfortable?
Keigo fell for you like love at first sight! He saw you soaring through the skies one night and decided to investigate
he didn't remember seeing other winged people around ?
You had just moved from northern Japan to start a new life in Musutafu! No specific reason, you're just very adventurous!
Although your arms are basically wings, you have hands still! Your ears are small wings and you have a tail of silky feathers.
Deciding to settle for a job at large, open spaced library, you worked mainly night shifts(7pm-3am) restocking the large shelves. Reading was one of your main hobbies, as you really didn't want to become a hero.
Your dad and peers wondered why you didn't want the hero life, your quirk could definitely be of use! But alas, you settled for minor jobs and not so life threatening work.
So, one night precisely at 3:31 am, you decided to tour the city from the skies after an exhausting workout of book shelving. (did that make sense oop) Flying alone was so peaceful, especially with the gorgeous view of a dimly lit city where most people were sound asleep.
You flew by Hawks who had been lost in thoughts on a rooftop, quietly gliding through the cool breeze. Just a few stray feathers fell past his face as he was snapped out of his trance and quickly looked around.
of course, he had to see what giant thing just flew by him. That was most definitely not your normal bird.
He hurriedly jumped off and dove into the night sky.
"Hey! Hey dove!" He hollered out a random bird nickname while flying faster to catch up with you. You hesitantly glanced around, hovering for a bit to see what exactly called to you. More like a who. What you didn't expect to see was Japan's number 2 pro hero Hawks flying straight at you at an almost alarming speed. Milliseconds before he would collide into you, he came a an abrupt halt just a foot away from you.
"Ummm, hello there, sir..Hawks. Is there anything you needed from me?" You cautiously asked, kind of scared that you had done something wrong.
"No need for sir, just Hawks is fine! And uhh, maybe, a chance to get to know you?" He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as his other hand slid into his pocket giving him a casual stance. You were kind of in awe now. It all seemed so surreal.
"S-sure! I don't see why not?" You stuttered out as you avoided his curious gaze. You both awkwardly made your way to the rooftop of the library. Hawks stared intently at you before starting to speak.
"So uhh...."
"Y/n, my..my name is Y/n." You introduced your name as he looked a little lost on how to start.
"Oh what a pretty name for a pretty/handsome bird!" He chirped happily. "Well, you already know I'm Hawks so! If you don't mind, may I ask about your quirk? Or, or when you got to Musutafu? Or if you even did move here but were here all along? A-" He was just so excited to see a fellow winged person!
"H-hold on!" You waved your hands, flustered at the amount of questions. Hawks looked to you sheepishly and quietly apologized while maintaining a small grin. "It's ok, it's ok! Just, need to collect my thoughts hahaha." He nodded and patiently stared at you, or, more specifically your winged arms.
"Well, for my quirk, its just Harpy. I have,-these things-" You fluttered your wings to show them off, "and a tail, and yes, I do have talons, but I'm able to retract them so I can wear normal shoes lol. My ears, also happen to be wings too.." You trailed off while looking to the side to show him your ears.
He stared in wonder and whispered beautiful when you turned your head. "Oh! Uh- well- Are you new around here dove?"
"Oh, yeah, I just decided to move here about a week ago, no special reason if I'm being honest. Just simply needed a change of scenery..." You shifted nervously being in the presence of the #2 hero. Hawks smiled warmly with a closed eye grin.
"Well, you probably (lol definitely) know already that I'm Hawks, the #2 hero of Japan! I uhh, if it's alright with you, maybe we could exchange phone numbers! Maybe we can meet up for coffee or something?" He blushed and looked away as your eyes slightly widened at this offer.
You really were having a hard time believing this could be true, it all felt like a fantasy or something. Like it was an imagine if sorts. "Pinch me now, how is this happening," you whispered, still slightly dazed. Hawks slowly lifted twi fingers towards your cheek, pinching the squishy skin. You jumped slightly and let out a little yelp. He smirked back at you.
"Did I saw that out loud ?" You voice wavered with embarrassment. He just chuckled at you and extended his phone out to you.
"Here, you can enter your number! And I'll do the same for you!" You fumbled to pull your phone out of your bag and shakily handed it to him while taking his into your own hands.
Is what he decided to put into your phone while you just save your name as "Y/n". You smiled at this and clicked your phone off.
"Well Hawks...it was really nice meeting you! I should get going now, y'know, maybe actually try to get some sleep hahaha. If it's ok, text me when you're avaliable next?" You stared right into his golden eyes, taking in the beauty of it all. He's such a pretty birb.
"Sounds good! Will do! See ya around dove!" He waved with a large grin as you both took off in your separate directions.
As you flew through the cool nightly breeze, you smiled and warm feelings filled your chest as you recounted your conversation with Hawks. Dang, he is just so dreamy and sweet!
slightly self indulgent if I might add
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jaehyunfirstlove · 4 years
Highway to Heaven - Ch. 2
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Your best friend Johnny wants to go on a road trip. The only catch? He wants to bring his roommate, Jeong Jaehyun, someone you just couldn’t stand.
Genre: e2l, fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
Warnings: none for this chapter :)
Ch. 1
A/N: So I only did minor research into the area mentioned (meaning I used my memory lol) so please bear with me :)
You stopped to get gas before it was your turn to drive, and you and Johnny argued again while Jaehyun went inside to buy snacks. He didn’t stop or look your way on his way back to the car, just got inside, put his airpods in and tucked into the snacks. By the time you got inside the car you were livid.
“You think you’re always right and it drives me insane!” you yelled at your best friend as you got into the driver’s seat.
“I don’t think I’m always right! But I know I’m right this time!” he yelled back.
“You can think that way all you want, doesn’t mean everyone has to agree with you!”
“I don’t need you to agree with me, I just want you to keep an open mind!”
“I have an open mind! I just happen to know exactly how guys like this are!” You immediately stopped talking, realizing your mistake, and hazarded a cautious look in the rearview mirror to see if Jaehyun heard you. He was looking out the window, humming along to the music playing in his airpods, seemingly oblivious to your tirade.
Johnny sighed in frustration. “Listen, just hold out for the next few days and I promise I’ll never ask for another favor ever again.”
You opened your mouth to answer but there was nothing else to say. Johnny put his airpods in, rested his head on the headrest, and closed his eyes.
You sighed too, turning on the radio for some background noise to drown out the thoughts in your head. You didn’t mean to be so stubborn, you really did have an open mind and weren’t usually so judgmental with people. But your ex-boyfriend had been a player, someone you had loved and trusted and he had broken your heart. You’d had a difficult time trusting anyone since then, and Johnny had been the only one you could confide in. He’d been there with you as you cried your eyes out over pints of rocky road, answered your drunken rants at four in the morning, forced you to eat real food after bouts of depression robbed you of your appetite. So you were completely incensed that he would want you to make nice with someone who had the same qualities as the man who had broken your heart.
Anger bubbled up again the more you thought about it, but before you could give it a voice you felt someone poking lightly at your elbow. You turned to see Jaehyun handing you a bag of gummy bears.
“I meant to give this to you earlier but you seemed busy,” he said softly, keeping his voice low as Johnny was lightly snoring, “I got it at the gas station. Here, I opened it for you,” he propped the open bag up on the console and then sat back in his seat.
You don’t know what came over you but you suddenly felt tears prick your eyes, and quickly swiped them away with the back of your hand. You saw that it was your favorite brand too, not a common one so he would have had to search for it.
“How did you know?” you whispered, still in shock. This was the last thing you’d expected from him. You figured getting you into bed was the only thing he was interested in, not the brand of candy that you preferred.
“Johnny told me,” he shrugged, and gave you a small smile before going back to his airpods.
You shook your head, determined not to let this sway you. It’s going to have to take more than just gummy bears to get you on my good side, you thought.
You set your jaw and stared at the road ahead.
When it was Jaehyun’s turn to drive you sat in the backseat and tried to sleep, but the two of them were laughing and joking around so much that it was distracting you. You hadn’t ever really noticed their dynamic, but now that you were a captive observer you couldn’t avoid it. Johnny was just as funny and laid back as he was with you, but there was an easy rapport he had with Jaehyun that you’d never seen before. And this was definitely a side of Jaehyun you’d never seen. He was goofy, cracked silly jokes and made even sillier faces. It seemed like they had a ton of inside jokes, because every now and then they would just crack up after a moment of silence. You were blindsided.
“Y/N, I thought you were going to sleep,” Johnny had noticed you, staring wide-eyed at them.
“Sorry, were we being too loud?” Jaehyun said softly. You blinked twice and then rearranged your features.
“No, it’s okay, I wasn’t tired.” You took that moment to look outside the window and noticed something. “Hey, we’re not on the 101 anymore? Where are we going?”
Jaehyun and Johnny exchanged looks before Johnny turned to you, “We’re heading to a bus station, Jaehyun’s going home.”
“What?” you asked in shock, “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” Jaehyun answered lightly, “I just figured it was a mistake for me to come along, there’s uh, stuff I need to get done.” He cleared his throat at the obvious lie, hoping you wouldn’t notice.
“Oh,” was all you could say. Your emotions churned in your gut, almost making you feel nauseous. While you’d love for it just to be you and Johnny, like old times, you couldn’t deny that something about Jaehyun was pulling at you. Neither of them spoke after that, and the silence in the car was deafening. You knew exactly why he was leaving.
“What kind of stuff?” you challenged.
“What kind of stuff do you have to do?” you stared at the back of his head, hoping he felt your eyes boring into his skull.
“Uh, just some, uh, things for work.” He answered, rubbing the back of his neck - a telltale sign of someone not telling the truth.
“Mm,” you hummed. You turned to your best friend, who’d been quiet throughout this entire exchange, “Johnny? Do you have something to add?”
“Nope, nada, nothing.” He made the motion of zipping his lips, and you knew exactly why. In all the years you’d known Johnny, he was incapable of lying. He would stutter, his face would turn red, and he would eventually blurt out the truth in frustration.
Taking a glance at his roommate, Jaehyun laughed nervously. “No really, Y/N, it’s important stuff I need to take care of, I didn’t tell Johnny about it till now. My fault.”
Johnny’s face indeed turned red, “Y-yup! He told me just, uh, just now! N-no idea, he, uh, had this… stuff, he had to d-do for uh, ummm, w-work… ah screw it!” He pulled his hair in frustration. Jaehyun looked over at him, an anxious look on his face. You waited in the backseat.
“He said he heard us arguing and he knew it was about him and he can see that you’re clearly not happy with him coming along! Okay??!! Are you happy?” Johnny blurted it all out in one breath. Your jaw dropped open. Jaehyun’s face turned beet red, all the way to his ears.
“You- you heard us?” you said quietly.
“No! No I didn’t really hear anything, don’t worry!” he tried to smooth everything over, but you knew from the look on his face that he had, “I just don’t want to be the third wheel, this is your trip with Johnny, I shouldn’t have come along in the first place.”
“Dude, I basically forced you to come.” Johnny said in a deadpan voice.
Jaehyun smiled weakly at Johnny, “Thanks man, I know you meant well. I’ll be okay.”
The last part he said with a vulnerability in his tone that made your chest ache. You looked over at his face but it was stoic, only his eyes held something faraway. Despite your misgivings about him, you thought you shouldn’t rob him of time he could spend with friends. You definitely needed it after your breakup, so it would be terrible to keep it from him as well.
“I don’t agree with this plan,” you suddenly said, making both of them turn to you in surprise, “The bus station will take us too far out of the way, adding more driving time to the trip and therefore making it more exhausting for everyone involved-”
“Actually I calculated it and it’s just an extra twenty min-” Jaehyun began.
“-and,” you continued, completely ignoring him, “I totally don’t believe you about this so-called ‘stuff’ you have to do anyway so don’t even bother.”
Johnny snickered, punching Jaehyun lightly in the shoulder, “Told you she wouldn’t believe you!”
The little detour put you off schedule so by the time you pulled up to the roadside motel it was late, and the last room left had only one bed. You sighed in exasperation, wanting to blame the two of them for their stupid little charade that put you all in this position.
“Theoretically, it’s a king-size bed so we could all fit…” Johnny started, and you shot him a look that could kill. He only shrugged. “I’m just saying, I’m not precious about these things. I’ll sleep anywhere with anyone. You two figure it out then.” He grabbed his suitcase and started to unpack.
You looked at the bed longingly, you had meant to sleep in the car but never got to, and you were exhausted.
“You and Johnny take the bed,” Jaehyun offered, seeing the look on your face, “I always sleep better on the floor anyway.” Before you could protest he took the extra blankets and pillow from the closet and laid them out on the floor, making a cozy little nest for him to sleep in.
“Is it okay if I wash up first?” he asked, and both you and Johnny nodded. When the bathroom door closed behind him Johnny smiled widely at you.
“See? See what I mean? Isn’t he nice?” he needled you, elbowing you in the side for good measure.
“There’s more to being nice than just giving up a bed for one night,” you huffed. Johnny made like he was going to scream.
“You’re something else, Y/N,” he shook his head, “but I know you, you’re starting to warm up to him!” he teased, acting like a middle-schooler making googly eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you rolled your eyes at Johnny’s antics. You should’ve been used to his behavior by now, but his teasing was starting to get to you.
“You wouldn’t let him go home! I thought for sure you’d be happy that he wanted to leave! I thought you’d say ‘oh, you want to go home? Well go ahead then! Boo hoo you broke up with your girlfriend! Sucks to be you!’ but you didn’t!” Johnny started laughing then, clutching his stomach and falling dramatically to the floor. You wanted to punch him, and if there hadn’t been a third party to witness it you would have certainly done damage.
“No one deserves to be alone in his position,” you said in your defense, “No matter what I think of him, breakups suck and I wouldn’t want even my worst enemy to suffer like that alone.”
Johnny stopped laughing, wiping away the tears that had formed at the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard. He put an arm around you and smiled.
“Thanks, Y/N. That’s all I wanted, was for you to see him as a human being with feelings, not just some preconceived notion of what he was like.”
“I guess he’s not so bad,” you weren’t completely convinced, but at least now you were willing to give him a chance, “besides, the two of you seem really close so I wouldn’t want you to miss out either.”
“Aww, I love you too!” he pretended to sob and pulled you in for a hug. You sighed, laughing at Johnny’s penchant for the dramatic.
“You guys are so cute,” Jaehyun had come out of the bathroom, changed into a simple black tee and plaid pajama pants. His hair was slightly damp, his bangs falling slightly into his eyes, his face fresh and his skin dewy. You’d never seen him in that light and you couldn’t help but stare. He smiled shyly when you noticed him, and quickly went over to his blanket nest.
“Hey, if it’s okay, can you spare an extra pillow? I need something to hug to help me fall asleep.” He seemed hesitant to ask, but it seemed that he was feeling more comfortable with you.
“Oh, sure,” you looked over and indeed there were three pillows on the bed. You grabbed one and threw it to him. He caught it handily and flashed you that dimpled smile, and you actually felt your face flush. You turned away quickly so he wouldn’t see, but Johnny had caught the entire scene and giggled at you. You mouthed for him to shut up, throwing a pillow at him too, but he dodged it easily, laughing the whole time. When you picked up another pillow to throw at him he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him.
“Coward!” you yelled, and you could hear him giggling behind the door. Jaehyun was sitting on the floor watching the two of you, laughing softly. You couldn’t help but smile at how happy he looked, it definitely made you feel good that you could lift his spirits like that.
“You and Johnny are so fun together,” he mused.
“We’ve known each other for a long time,” you answered, sitting on the bed to face him.
“He told me you grew up together?”
“Yeah, we were neighbors for a long time. We went to the same schools, our families hung out together, that kind of thing.” This was certainly the longest conversation you’d had with him, but you found that you didn’t mind it.
“Mm. That’s awesome. I wish I had a friend like that. I moved around a lot as a kid, so I don’t have any lifelong friends. You guys are lucky.”
“Oh. Well you and Johnny seem close? I know you haven’t been roommates for long.” you offered.
He nodded, “Johnny’s one of those people that you like right away, you know? He’s just really chill and really nice, like really nice.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” you agreed.
“It makes sense that you two would be friends. Nice people attract nice people.”
Wait, was that a line?
“Well, good night,” he said, pulling his blanket up and turning over. He pulled the extra pillow towards him and hugged it tightly, and soon enough he was snoring softly.
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mlbpotter · 3 years
Sole Crusher and why I hated it.
Ahh, one of the most prodigious episode for Zoe-fans.
You see, we see Zoe in a car touring Paris as she came from New York. She entered a bakery to get something for her family (A.K.A Audrey) Marinette entered, and slipped on the floor, but Zoe being who she is, clever perfectionist, nimble, quick blah blah blah, whatever the directors want to show us, caught Marinette in a blink of an eye.
In irl, I think if somebody did slip, in front of me, I’d be too shocked to react in seconds. I’d be gaping, mouth open, too shocked to catch anyone.
Ahh, well, Marinette then talked to her a little, learnt how she only had one friend, made some of us feel pity for her (eh, Thomas). So, NOW THE NEXT PART REALLY GETS ME! Marinette didn’t know who this unknown Zoe girl was (could be a thief, murderer, kidnapper idk) yet she gave away her phone number, free pastries, and invited her to HER FRIEND’S CONCERT! OMG you dumass, you don’t just give away these things to unknown people!
Well, still, moving on, zoe went back to the car, and to the bourgeois hotel. She gave away the pastries to the driver saying her family preferred sour from sweet, meaning they were not exactly caring. Just showing what a bad mother Audrey is, Zoe, like Chloe tried to act all snobbish and mean to get her mother’s attention.
To keep it short, Zoe met Chloe and they had a very meaningful conversation. But the thing that bugged me the most was that what Chloe said. 'Your father exists only to do whatever you want, whenever you want.'
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Huh? Forgot this, in origins pt.2? This shows that chloe actually loves her father.
Also, Chloe was shown locking Sabrina in a locker, and forcing her to do her homework.
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So how do u explain this?☝️
Chloe cares about Sabrina. Thomas really ruined Chloe's character her smh, in sole crusher.
Anyways, Chloe took Zoe to the school in a limousine, with Sabrina running behind them!
BrUh, thomas? R u serious? This is a kids show, no? You are supposed to show how to be considerate, not treating ur friend as slaves!
After some more uneccessary chloe-being-cruel moment, Chloe introduces everyone to Zoe.
She says, that Zoe needs a guy to pamper, who is preferably rich....wow, Thomas you already destroyed Adrien's friendship with Chloe, what more do u want?
When Zoe pretended to hate Marinette's macaroons, Sabrina started idiolizing her immediately. SABRINA ALSO NEEDS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!
Obviously, Chloe 'tried' to teach Zoe some mean habits, and Marinette was confused about the way she acted so differently at school.
Being Marinette, she texted Zoe about the the confusion, and obviously blamed Chloe. When Chloe found out that her sister was texting her arch-enemy Marinette, she became furious.
Zoe lied and said that she was planning to humiliate Marinette. One of the worst things about Zoe is that she tries to change her nature just to meet up the needs for others. Chloe only does that to impress her mother.
Zoe went up the blacony, and was met by Andre, Chloe's father, who tried to console her, by telling her his own dream. Ok, listen up, how come Andre is only nice to his step-daughter, in a fatherly way??? And treats Chloe like a spoilt queen?? What kind of a father u r, even though u know that's wrong? Ugh
Anyways, the part where Andre wanted to be a film director was pretty cool. Again, we get some background history about the character. And yes, he listened to Audrey, about being rich, not a film director, blah blah blah, showing again how bad of a wife Audrey is.
Then, we discovered that Zoe wanted to be an actress for no good reason, and yest, admittedly she is pretty good a hiding her emotions and 'acting'.
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This is how Andre tried to cheer up Zoe, but obviously made the situation worse, as she only thought about the way Chloe, treated her, and not her mother. So yeah, She only has a grudge against Chloe, again showing how horrible and cruel Chloe could be, right?
Just because Chloe said, 'You either step on other people, or I step on you!' This is so out-of-character for, Chloe. She would never say that, I reckon this much.
And there we go, Zoe reluctantly wears the diamond shoes, and becomes akumatized by shadow moth.
So, her power was touching other people with her shoes, and she became bigger.
Sole crusher, found Chloe in her room taking selfies of herself, to shoe how vain she was and how much she admired herself. Ummm..when did Chloe have an obsession with taking her photos? Except maybe in the episode where Marc was akumatized.
Chloe caught a glimpse of Sole Crusher, on her mobile's photo.
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She said, 'How come you are using my image without my authorization?' Old Chloe loved to be idolized, so out-of-character.
So, when Chole discovered that it was Zoe, she began running like she was in a marathon, which was again out of character, as she wouldn't run, it'd be too much of work for her.
I think the running was just to show how bad of a character Chloe was, as she pushed Marinette's parents and Marinette herself towards Zoe, to show how cruel, evil and selfish she really is.
Another thing, I think that the kwamis shouldn't be allowed outside the box very long, as someone might catch them, like Chloe almost did.
So, the reason Sole crusher didn't step on Marinette, was because Marinette is the main character of the show, and she just can't be in a dangerous situation (Thomas logic). It'd made a great plot if Marinette was crushed by sole crusher. It would keep the viewers on their toes.
Eh, well, To make look Chloe worse, they made her run further, and order Zoe to literally step on the 'losers'. AKA rest of Marinette's classmates. (Do students really meet each other like this irl?)
So Marinette discovered that Zoe was Sole crusher, and gave some advice.
Marinette: That's not true, you don't need to crush on anyone. The 'winner' and 'loser' thing doesn't exist. It's just people, each one with your differences and unique features. (after Chat Noir interrupted) Zoe, no one will judge you here. You can be yourself! You can trip, you can fall, there's always going to be someone to help you stand up. I will always support you!
Shadow moth manipulated Zoe again, So Chat Noir tripped sole crusher giving Marinette the chance to run away and transform in a place that no one can see (totally). Since Tikki followed Marinette, and Kaalki alerted Adrien about the akuma, they both were able to transform.
Since I am no good at writing battle scenes, I'll tell the main points. Ladybug used her lucky charm, and got a shoe horn. So basically, Chat Noir and ladybug both destroyed the heels of Zoe's shoes, but the akuma didn't come out. Chloe insulted sole crusher, and got crushed.
Chloe : Look at how you're treating ur very expensive shoes! Go back to wearing you hideous and plain sneakers.
So ladybug figured out that the Akuma must be in those sneakers Chloe mentioned.
So the team tried to find out those sneakers in Chloe's house. Ladybug saw Sabrina in the closet, yet asked her about the sneakers, and ignored her. Wow, shoe some empathy ladybug, or even Chat Noir!
They saw Andre, and he told them where the Akuma went. So basically Andre showed them the box, and was so scared of Audrey, that her had hid those directories a secret from her. Since that box was not opening, ladybug used her shoehorn to open that box thingy. Long story short, ladybug repaired everything, and gave Zoe the lucky charm, and left.
Skip to the noon, where Zoe went to the concert she was invited in, and Chloe still believed Zoe's lame story about humiliating Marinette, and was super pissed off when Zoe ate the macaroons.
So yeah, Zoe apologized about her akumatizatidon, and told her 'tragic' backstory. She didn't want to disappoint her family's expectation, so she pretended to be mean.
In her boarding school, she was being bullied, and pretended to be someone she was not.
And since er...the miraculous fandom characters are so 'different' and tried to be nice to her, which was pretty cool of them....
Chloe demanded that Zoe leave for New York, but Andre was pretty cool about it, and made a lame yet nice excuse for her, to be enrolled in anther boarding school. So she had a different room. Obviously, the creators showed how err..awesome Zoe is as she said to Andre, 'Promise me that you are not going to give up on your dreams for too long.' But Andre's dream was very irrelevant, as nothing of that sort was mentioned after that.
Zoe's new found friends helped her become a better person, and there were some ending pics of her.
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Zoe's message to Marinette was pretty cheesy ngl. But if only Zoe was introduced as a character who didn't out smart her sister, I would honestly love her so much!
(If my dumb shit post doesn't get famous, I will quit. I literally worked so hard for this post, and also had to rewrite it multiple times)
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Anime! Fictional! BTS x Real World! Reader- Welcome To My World~ Episode 2
Read the other chapters- Episode 1
On the previous Episode of “Welcome To My World’
“Get out of here you little-.” you chased the dog out of your room, slamming your door as it scurried off.~...
“I think it’s cute to be honest. Y/N here actually has a hobby besides stalking celebrities online.”~...
“...You just do.” you nudged her shoulder. “You just go for it and hope. Go for it.”~...
“Starting new game....now”~...
Everything was dark. You couldn’t even open your eyes. You were aware of your surrounding all while being frightened at the same time. Did you collapse? Were the graphics too strong for you to handle?
“Shh, I think she’s still sleeping!”
“She’s been asleep for hours! Should we call someone?”
“No! She looks like she’s about to wake up.”
You let out a loud groan, feeling your head pounding with pain. 
“Honey! Is everything okay?”
There was a gentle hand on your forehead which eased all pain you felt. “Hm?” 
“You passed out. We told you not to go out when you were sick! You’re lucky we caught you before you made it out the door.”
You suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of Deja-Vu, where have you heard this before?
You finally found it in yourself to open your eyes. Three men were standing over you. All looking very familiar. The first guy breathed a sigh of relief before wiping his eyes. “Love, You scared me!”
“She scared all of us!” The next in line snapped. “Y/N you can’t do that!” he glared down at you.
“...” Your eyes scanned over the three. “W-wha- HOLY SHIT!” You let out a loud scream. You began thrashing your body, falling off the couch in the process. Despite your head still hurting, you scrambled to your feet.
“Hey! Easy!!” a guy with pale blonde hair ushered up to you.
Kim Namjoon: Wealthy Playboy With A Dark Secret.
“Huh...” the words appeared in front of you like magic, yet it appeared that only you were able to see them. They slowly faded out at the next guy spoke.
“Be easy on her!”
Kim Taehyung: Singer With A Heart Of Gold
“I say we knock some sense into her so it doesn’t happen again.”
Min Yoongi: Rapper With A Hot Temper
“Woah.” you whispered. Wait, were you in the game?! This was exactly like the intro to the first BTS Universe game. 
~Try To Get Their Attention OR ~Remain Quiet.
You stared at the floating words in front of you. Try to get their attention or remain quiet. You focused on the three who were all arguing over you. Where was your mom? Mr. Chai? Nari?! You finally made your choice.
“Um...excuse me?” your voice captured their attention. “C-could someone tell me what’s happening?” 
“What happened is that instead of going to bed, you tried to go in to work against our wishes.” Namjoon crossed his arms. “Any questions?”
“Um...yes?” you dared to say. “Where am I?”
“At the penthouse. We bought you back last night.” Taehyung smiled. “You seem to be feeling better though!” 
“Y-yeah...Um I gotta use the bathroom” you replied....Where the fuck would that be? You allowed yourself to walk away down a long hall. “Bathroom....Bathroom. Aha!”
You stared at yourself in he bathroom mirror. You looked like a 3-D rendered version of yourself. “This is real?” you shuddered. “Um...What the hell am I supposed to do now?”
~Wash Your Face OR ~Check Your phone
“My phone?” you began digging around through your pockets until you felt your phone. You stared at the screen and the words ‘BTS WORLD’ flashed across the screen.
“Stats, closet, gacha?” you raised an eyebrow. Curious, you pressed it which pulled up one of those cool Gachapon Machines.
Spend gold stars, or diamonds?...
“How many diamonds do I have?”
You have...90,000 Stars and 9000 diamonds!
You were about to click something else when a knock came at the door.
“H-hello?” you called. 
“Open up!” a gruff voice answers. 
As if not being able to control yourself, you opened the car door.
Jung Hoseok : King of The Crime Underworld
“How long were you gonna take in there?” he seethed. 
“Oh! I’m sorry.” you didn’t know what else to say.
“Sure you are.” he huffed. “..Why do you look like that?” he glared at you. 
“I just woke up.” you guessed. “I’m s-sorry.”
“Ugh, stop apologizing.” he rolled his eyes. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Breakfast?..Ummm pancakes?”
“Hm...Hey...you look different.” he mused. 
Well you definitely didn’t look like the regular typical visual novel MC...
“I like it.” he smirked. “Keep this look.”
“Oh..Um...okay.” you laughed nervously. You didn’t expect that. ‘Um...I’ll be done in a bit.”
“Hm, very well. Be downstairs in ten minutes.” he said before walking off. 
You awkwardly sat between Hoseok and Namjoon, great...You absentmindedly played with your food, still trying to grasp the edges of what the hell was going on. How did you get trapped in a game! 
“Hm, cat got your tongue?”
You looked up to whoever spoke.
Kim Seokjin: Cold Blooded Lawyer
~Answer Kindly OR Answer Rudely
“Better Play It Safe...” You thought. “Um...No, my head just hurts.” you lied. “It’s nothing.”
“Oh no! Do you need me to take a look at it?”
“You’re always looking for an excuse to get her alone!”
Park Jimin: World Renowned Designer 
Jeon Jungkook: The Charming Doctor
You stared at everyone in front of you. This was real. You all sat at a dining table. You looked around at everyone who were eating and speaking amongst themselves.
“No, I’ll be fine.” you shook your head. “I think I just need to rest today.” you gritted. And find out how the hell you were gonna get home. You were sure your parents were worried sick about you.
“If you want I can give you a checkup.” Jungkook winked. “Come to my room if you’re interested.”
“Please, you’re the last person Y/N would go to for a checkup.” Namjoon scoffed. It was then you felt a strange touch on your leg. “Leave your perverse thoughts to yourself.” Namjoon leaned close and whispered in your ear. “Unless you want me to give you a checkup.
You felt your cheeks heat up as you slowly rose from your spot at the table. “N-no. Really, I’m just gonna go to bed” you scurried off. “See you guys!”
“Am I really in the game?” you asked as you stared at your surrounded. BTS: Universe was the very first game you’ve ever played, so you didn’t even know if you remembered the events of the game all the way. 
You finally found your room and barricaded yourself inside, letting out a loud scream. 
‘WHAT THE- HOW THE-....The disc.” you began rambling. “How am I gonna-” you slapped a hand over your forehead. Usually when you played games like these, you played...dirty.
You chose all the lewd choices, did everything humanely possible with each character, and were basically an entirely different person when it game to playing the games. What were you gonna do now?
“I got to get out of here.” you leaned against the door and sat down. 
End of Episode 2...
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