#undead whumpee
urlocalwhumper · 7 months
necromancer whumper puppeting a now undead whumpee's body and forcing them to fight their friends.
whumpee is still fully conscious, fully aware of everything their body is doing, but powerless to stop it.
and there's so much pain, their body is still torn apart from the injuries that killed them, only kept moving by whumper's magic.
every movement is agony, blood dribbles from their lips and stains the ground where they step. they just want it all to stop. dying was painful and scary, but this is so much worse.
and then there's whumpee's friends, forced to face off against their friend's mangled corpse, with whumpee clearly still in there. it would've been different if they were only fighting a shell, something that looked like whumpee but wasn't really them, but whumper elected to resurrect whumpee's mind along with their body, if only to torment everyone involved just a little more.
and when whumper finally releases their control, either to flee or because they've been defeated, whumpee's eyes roll back and they slump lifelessly to the ground. a puppet with its strings cut.
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nobrainonlyfish · 11 days
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Poor boy though death would be enough to escape me. Thought being infected would be enough to keep me away from him.
He doesn't understan, but that's alright!
For as long as I love him, he can't leave me. I won't let him.
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whitehairandblood · 1 year
Thinking about a scenario where whumpee is killed by whumper/caretaker on accident. They never planned for this to happen, so they revive whumpee with magic or something, but whumpee can't remember that they died.
They can't explain the uneasy feeling they get around them afterwards. If it's whumper, then that's easily explained away, just added to the pile of other negative feelings associated with them. But caretaker?
They've been nothing but helpful so far. They're supportive, they want whumpee to heal. So why does whumpee want to avoid them? Why do the hairs on the back of their neck rise whenever caretaker enters the room? And why does caretaker look at them with so much sorrow in their eyes?
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Whump Prompt #1176
Anon asked: 
Prompts for characters who are already dead/undead? Maybe bad injuries getting worse because as long as they're still moving, they might not even feel what's wrong?
Skin falling off in clumps from the additional injuries causing the blood to stop flowing to the areas altogether.
^ Same could go for limbs/extremities. 
The more they move, the less the pain gets - sleeping is agony, and they’re forever exhausted. Maybe they have to take sleeping medicine to get some actual rest, even if it leaves them disorientated.
Can their injuries heal? Maybe. But it takes a specific spell/potion/medicine to do so - maybe it takes days to reach the person able to produce these. 
^ Throughout the journey they become weaker and weaker, maybe their friends have to drag them through the doors to the healer. 
They may be undead, but maybe this wound is fatal if left untreated, and they must deal with the idea that they may die for a second time... and remain dead. 
As their injury progresses maybe they begin to experience rigor mortis - where their bodies begin to stiffen, making it harder to move/defend themselves. 
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hyper-real-hedgehog · 5 months
Great thing about vampire whump: you get to have the 'is it dissection or vivisection if theyre undead' question
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montammil · 1 year
Whumpee is brought back to life by Whumper, maybe Whumper is a mad scientist who brought them back for fun or research, or maybe Whumpee died and Whumper just couldn’t handle the idea of their precious Whumpee being dead (especially if they were the one who killed them in the first place).
Then they meet Death, or in other words, Caretaker. At first, Caretaker is ready to kill Whumpee for real, because they don’t believe anyone should have the right to escape death, but then they find not only is Whumpee incredibly abused, but also Whumper is the one who brought them back.
...so they take pity on them and grow rather protective of Whumpee, and decide to not only spare them, but become their friend and protector.
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spiralofwhump · 2 years
What if there was a Whumpee who has been revived but something went seriously wrong and now there are side effects? Whumpee is basically a walking corpse, they may be able to walk and talk but their body believes its dead. Their skin is deathly pale and cold, their eyes are dull and lifeless. The heart that once pumped blood through their veins is still and mute. What if their body can't heal properly now? If they get a scratch or papercut, it remains. For bigger injuries they need to be sewn shut because their body can't heal itself anymore, it's like their body is frozen in time almost. Imagine if they can't die again, they can get stabbed in the heart with a knife but it does nothing. Their heart doesn't beat, they don't breathe, a knife to the heart is nothing to them...that is if they don't feel pain. If their nerves still function..oh boy
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hurtthemgently · 2 years
I don’t usually write stuff with broken bones, but the thought of keeping Clove awake to prevent him from healing was too good to pass up.
Cw:intimate whumper, aftermath of torture, more torture, undead whumpee, lots of broken bones, dub con drugging, short term sleep deprivation
Clove lay still on the floor, not wanting to jostle the cracked rib and the bruises all along his torso. Darkness encroached his vision, the promise of sleep that would heal him. He let it come, even knowing that he’d be hurt all over again once he’d been healed.
Tris wiped blood from the assassins face, a small trickle after being hit many times. Clove gasped as the prince gripped his broken jaw.
He usually disliked getting blood everywhere, but thought it’d be fun to use something besides the ring to hurt his favorite prisoner. So he’d gotten a large hammer. It was fun to hear all the new cries and pleas this new tool elicited. At least until the begging got annoying. That’s when he broke Cloves jaw.
Clove shifted uncomfortably at having his head lifted and blinked up at his captor, bleary and exhausted. Tristan dropped his hold and he sank back to the floor.
An idea- he looked at Clove, laying still on his side, and thought of something he wanted to try. The pelvis is a very hard bone to break. But with the right angle, between the floor and the hammer..
Clove screamed at the heavy blow to his hip, gasping more as he aggravated his other injuries. Through tears he saw Tris lower to take a look at the damage. Blood seeped through the fabric at his waist, but the bone was still intact. The assassin tried to crawl across the floor, but was helpless when hands grabbed his waist and turned him back to his side.
Another blow, harder this time, and Clove screamed louder than before, his voice nearly giving out. But the pain in his throat was nothing compared to the rough crack that came with the third blow
White spots covered his vision, and that wonderful darkness crept closer, so so close. He could almost touch it. Just as he reached to let it envelop him, the darkness was shredded apart by icy razors. The cold did nothing to quell the white hot pain in his back, only added to it.
His head swam, and in this moment the pain was all he was. Not a person, not himself, just hurt and pain and dizziness and white spots.
It lasted an eternity, though if he had to guess, it was only a few minutes before his senses came back, one by one.
Tris barely nudged the assassins back with his foot, a small tap right where the break was, the crumple visible even through his clothes. The response he got was a sputtering cry, coming from a voice that had been throughly broken.
He wondered how long Clove could stay awake like this.
Lifting him off the floor, he again marveled at how light he was. He’d seen Clove climb up walls and lift heavy barrels, so he wasn’t weak. Just very light.
He gasped and sputtered with every movement, before laying still when Tris dumped him onto the bed. The assassins eyelashes fluttered prettily, and Tris couldn’t help but trace a finger along his delicate lips. He was still beautiful even with a broken jaw and bloody nose. He might even say that the injuries enhanced his beauty.
The cold shot it’s way through Clove’s insides like lightning, and he stifled a cry. Laying flat on his back was already painfully stretching at his hip, and his jaw throbbed from being gripped and jostled. It hurt so much. His vision pulsated with white dots and circles, barely letting through a view of the bed’s awning.
Tris wiped at tears, flowing from the assassins eyes to the pillow under his head.
He decided to have some fun with keeping his toy awake. He always kept a bottle of rose water on the dresser. Laura had told him that anything with roses would put most undead to sleep.
He held a cloth with a few drops over the assassins nose and mouth, and his eyes stopped fluttering. Next he twisted the ring on his finger, pulling another cry from the assassin.
As long as he willed for the magic to keep him awake, the assassin would stay awake. At least, that’s what he’d been told. He was about to put that to the test.
The pain and the cold mixed with exhaustion, darkness, and the floral smell of roses. The shots of agony through his back, the freezing electric feeling in his heart, and waves of a beautiful nothing. Every time the flowers brought the darkness closer, the cold cut through it. It all swirled together, all covered in white splotches.
He just wanted it to be over. He’d do anything just to make it stop. Through the spots, he saw the prince, sitting over him. He wanted to beg, but could only gasp. He tried to plead with his eyes, Tristan liked it when the fear and pain showed in his eyes. He normally hated that, but in this moment it was a possible salvation.
After the prince had his fun, he decided that this had gone on long enough. The moment he let go of the magic, Clove relaxed into the sheets, finally drifting off to sleep.
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hneycorpse · 2 years
Listen, all I'm saying is... Undead whumpees with autopsy scars.
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thyeternalhunger · 10 days
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Cheek grabbing meme
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jazztag · 5 months
A Cure for Solitude III
The next day, the Tall Man doesn’t come. Instead, what comes is much, much worse.
Suddenly, his entrails appear to be on fire, and an increasing hunger eats his brain mercilessly, infecting his thoughts with the only desire to consume. His nose gets extremely sensible to all of his surroundings, and as if possessed, his body starts taking him out of the room of mirrors and into the big hall of the shopping center.
He finds himself entering what appears to be a supermarket. And for the first time, he isn’t alone anymore.
Walking by the corridors, he finds more creatures that, like him, seem to move towards smell. A rotten and absolutely tasty smell that covers the walls and makes them all congregate around the refrigerated sector of the store.
Alongside other undead people, he stumbles to get one of the packages containing raw meat, and after successfully getting his way onto one with raw seasoned chicken wings, gets thrown to the floor and stepped on by the rest of the orde. He embraces his little treat as if the most valuable thing ever and starts retreating towards the opposite wall, sitting by the dairies to regain his breath.
Now, still deadly hungry but less preoccupied by it, lets himself watch with morbid curiosity the spectacle in front of him: all the others fighting each other for the available meat. There’s a group of creatures that have started a fight over one piece of steak. There’s one who is chewing at another’s leg, and someone is on the floor, lacking one hand, and starting to eat their other one. So much chaos, so many animalistic growls and screams.
Still seated on the floor, he wonders if that’s how the Tall Man sees him.
Suddenly, there’s a big noise. And before he can even comprehend where it’s coming from, he starts hearing shots and gets on his stomach without missing a beat. There’s some commotion and shouting, and the rest of the creatures start running in different directions. There’s a vehicle right at the doors of the store, and it appears to have people, like actual, living people, coming down towards the orde. They are screaming “bloody zombies” and “kill them all” and each of them has a firearm.
He panics. One thing’s for sure: the Tall Man doesn’t carry any weapons, at least as far as he knows. Now, the image of people with guns fighting against animalistic human creatures terrifies him, and before he can comprehend anything more, he’s fleeing from the scene on all fours, not letting go of his chicken wings, tho. The actual people have started to lose against the zombie orde, and before he exits the store, he sees from the corner of his eye the way two zombies bite at one of the living people. Said person starts trembling on the floor, and in a minute or so, their eyes look soulless and their mouth opens hungry, for more meat. The former living person has transformed into another creature.
He turns away and disappears down the corridor, back to the furniture store, where he feels safer.
Maybe it’s the fact his brain ain’t braining anymore, or maybe he’s just very hungry, but by the time he walks past the room of mirrors and stops, he forgets about all the chaos outside and starts digging his decaying nails into the plastic container, trying to pray it open. His hands are trembling nonstop, clueless as to how to open the damn thing. He feels the hunger inside him again, and the panic settles. His movements get more and more erratic, and frustrated, the creature starts sobbing. The hunger hurts. It really hurts.
"Hey", he hears suddenly, and freezes instantly, recognizing the voice. His eyes try to focus in the dark, and he sees the Tall Man’s figure some meters away. He stumbles and leaves the food behind. Starts backing slowly, kneeling on the floor and lowering his head like a cornered dog. He is still remembering those living people with firearms, the chaos. And he wants nothing to do with it.
The Tall Man starts to walk towards him. And he panics again. Maybe the Man is one of the other living person’s group, and is about to shoot him on the head. Or worst, he wants to stuck another ouchie syringe on his arm. He is about to get up on both legs and start running as fast as he can when the Tall Man stops and crouches. The Man grabs at his food and examines it. The creature gets defensive over the chicken wings. The hunger hurts as hell, and he doesn’t want the Tall Man to steal those from him. So he emits a growl and something resembling the word “away”.
The Tall Man looks momentarily at him, unimpressed, and then with fairly easyness rips open the plastic envelope. He even looks smug doing so, and the creature rolls his eyes. Weirdly enough, the Tall Man doesn’t eat his food, he just stands there, as if inviting him to come get the food.
Maybe the Man doesn’t like chicken wings.
The hunger hits again in a wave of pain inside his intestines, and the creature bends over, grabbing at his stomach and yelps. The Tall Man observes in silence his pained movements, and decides to throw one piece of raw meat in the creature’s direction. The zombie lurks forward to the food upon smelling the decaying meat, and practically devours it in a couple of seconds. He then looks at the Tall Man, and at the rest of the food. And if asking shyly for permission, he motions towards the rest of the meat. The Man seems to understand, and backs away a bit.
The creature hesitantly moves forward, but when he has the rest of the food at arms length, it only takes him a couple of minutes to finish the rest of it. And when he is finally full and the hunger goes away and he is finally content, he realizes horrorized the Tall Man is onto him with another syringe in hand. Feeling extremely betrayed, he yelps and screeches like mad.
The Man immobilizes the creature with no effort, as he always does, like if dealing with a small and harmless small animal. And the zombie feels again his arm starting to burn from where the syringe and the unfamiliar contents hit. The Tall Man holds him down with incredible force, and the creature, while struggling, remembers (or maybe it’s an instinct) the way the other zombies bit at the living person, converting the human into one of them. And he closes his eyes and decides to bite his hand as well.
The Tall Man and the creature stop struggling against each other for a hot minute. The Tall Man looks at the creature in the eye, and then, weirdly enough, smiles. Before anything else is said, the Tall Man shows him the other hand, which has clean bandages around it from when the creature bit him, last time.
He doesn’t turn into one like me if bitten, thinks the creature. Weirded out, he starts backing away from the Tall Man, and the human lets him.
“You can’t turn me into one; no one can”, tells him the Tall Man. The creature scoffs, looking defeated.
“N-no… -t f-fair”, replies him. But he is more preoccupied with his arm right then, which has started burning as usual. The creature grabs at his limb and starts sobbing quietly. It’s getting bad again.
The Tall Man looks at him weird, like he does everytime the creature manages to speak an intelligible word. “I’ll be back for another sample tomorrow”, finally says, and steps up, towering over the creature with those blue, ice blue eyes.
God he is tall, thinks the creature, watching him disappear again into the corridors. Then he starts to shake, and embraces himself for the worst. Again.
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Hello there!
I haven‘t heard of my favourite vampire for a long time. Let‘s see some Erich ultimately giving into his new nature. Pls 🥺👉👈
"Erich was slowly but surely starting to enjoy himself, feeling his humanity slipping away from him."
Dresden, East Germany, 1947
With every passing day, Erich Eeten was slowly - but surely - starting to... enjoy it.
The feeling of skin torn apart by his teeth, the rush of hot blood on his tongue and down his throat, warm skin that went cold as he drank and took another life, and another, and another... It had gone from a horror to an ecstasy, each time the idea that he was doing harm seemed further and further from his mind.
It felt like his humanity was slipping away from him.
More and more often, he found he did not care. He lived, after all, in the ruins of the greatest inhumanity he could ever have imagined.
Tonight, he walked with his hands buried in the pockets of a great overcoat, a cap pulled down low to shield the vaguely feline, inhuman pupils of his gleaming eyes. The ruins of the bombed-out city felt like observers all their own, piles of brick and rubble that seemed to sway towards him and then away.
The darkness slid around him like liquid, and the person he was following did not see him at all.
Why he had even wanted to return to Germany, he wasn't sure. To see his homeland desecrated and wrecked, the land of his father broken by the bombs that it had carelessly egged on again and again... Then split in two.
In the First War, they had taught he and the other soldiers, too young to know better, that there was glory in fighting for your country. Thousands had wandered home with shellshock and nightmares to show for their grand ideals and the ambitions of old rich men who sent the young and poor to die in the fields of France.
If he were going to weep for what Germany lost, he would have done so in 1918.
Here - now - all he could feel was the hunger that was never quite satisfied.
He sidestepped a fallen stone as he moved past the ruins of a grand church. Two walls were all that stood now, the curve on one side and straight lines on the other. A statue of Martin Luther still held court, looming with solemn dignity over the death of worship.
Someone had laid flowers beneath Luther's stone feet. They had gone gray, brown, and dried.
The man Erich followed had paused to light a cigarette, his matches a bright flicker of flame in the ever-present darkness.
Erich felt the ache in his fangs that longed to be buried in soft living skin. He swallowed, shifting slightly to the side. He let the shadows hide him.
It mattered so much less, now, if he knew someone had done harm or not.
Only the old rich men ever truly won the wars. The young and poor only went home to wait until they were forced to fight another.
And was it any worse to take life from a need to survive, than it was to order men like chess pieces to fall and be lost for nothing but vanity and ambition?
At least Erich kills clean.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 3 months
Things that Whumper Can Do to an Undead/Immortal Whumpee
Induce a heart attack, as many times as they please
Induce a stroke
Induce a seizure
Electrocute them
(Depending on the rules of the immortality) Remove, electrocute, or cut into the brain, creating effects similar to an extremely bad drug trip
Drain their entire body of blood
Waterboarding (also potentially in blood)
Encase them completely in concrete, immobilized and unable to breathe
Embed a sharp object inside them, which stabs them continuously from the inside out
Embed a sharp object inside them, which stabs them continuously from the inside out, but sexually
Play the long game with their connections, getting them attached to someone for whole years or decades before forcing them to kill that person
Play the long game with their hope, giving them some form of freedom for whole years or decades only to rip it away again
Play with their memories by falsifying historical documents and gaslighting them that they're starting to forget details from early on their long immortal life
Indefinite starvation
Indefinite sleep deprivation
Indefinite solitary confinement
Cut off limbs (they'll grow back)
Blind them
Cut out their tongue
Cut off that one special limb
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The Grand A-Z List of Whump 3/3
This list contains 194 items listed R to Z
As always, I heavily encourage people to research topics thoroughly when writing. Whump is generally a 'dead dove' sort of topic, however it is important to avoid stereotypes/misinformation. This lists intention is to not glorify/romanticise sensitive topics in any way.
This is a comprehensive list of injuries, Illnesses and tropes - including those from the Whumptober 2023 trope vote!
All submissions are listed in italics, and those who wanted to be tagged will be included at the end. If you have any more submissions: please send them via DM/my ask box.
[A-H] [I-Q] [NSFW List]
List below the cut:
Radiation Poisoning/Exposure
Radio Silence
Ransom Note/Video
Reducing breaks or dislocations (bonus: out in the field with no painkillers available)
Reluctant Caretaker
Reluctant Whumpee
Reminded of trauma
Reopened Wound
Repressed Emotions
Repressed trauma resurfacing
Rescued by the enemy
Rescues gone wrong
Respiratory Distress
Ringing Ears
Ritual sacrifice
Role Reversal
Rope Burns
Running fingers through hair (maliciously or comfortingly)
Running Out of Air
Ruptured eardrum
Sadistic Choice
Sartorial constraints
Scraped Knees
Scratched corneas
Second impact syndrome
Seeing double
Self esteem issues
Self induced injury to escape
Self sacrifice
Self-inflicted injury (to escape)
Sensory Deprivation/Overload
Sentimental Items
Setbacks in recovery
Severed Artery
Shaking Hands
Shock collar
Shot (gun, arrow, dart, etc...)
Shrapnel (blast/wounds)
Sick/injured at a party
Skull fracture
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Paralysis
Sleeping in the cold
Smashing their head into a wall
Smoke Inhalation
Snake Bites
So sick they can barely even stand or stay awake
Significant other taking care of wounds
So weak they have to hold on to something or someone to walk
Solitary Confinement
Special object being ruined/torn apart
Spinal Cord Injury
Split lip
Stab Wounds
Stabbed (sword, spear, knife, TRIDENT!, etc...)
Stabbed through the back by the only person the whumpee trusted
Stage fright
Status epilepticus
Stings (insect, creature, plants)
Stoic/Defiant Whumpee
Stoic/Rude/Harsh Reluctant Caregiver!Mentor & Ball of Sunshine Hurt!Mentee (platonic)
Stomach ache
Stomach Ulcers (a cause for vomiting up blood)
Stomach virus
Straight Jacket
Strangulation resulting in bruised or swollen vocal chords and loss of voice + the process of regaining your voice and everything that comes with that trauma.
Stress (this could induce headaches/general illness)
Stress Position
Sucking chest wound
Super glued to toilet
Surgery gone wrong
Survivor's Guilt
Swollen Lymph Nodes
Taking the bullet
TBI (traumatic brain injury)
Team as a family
Team has a certain amount of time to get to their Whumpee before they’re killed
Team teaming up to take care of sick teammate
Temporary Loss of Sense(s)
The Final Straw
Thrown from an explosion
Time Loop
Tiny whump
Tooth knocked out
Torn Ligaments - Achilles, Meniscus etc.
Torn Muscles
Touch Aversion/Touch Starved
Tranquilizer Dart
Trapped (whether this is after an explosion, car accident, natural disaster…)
Trapped Limbs
Trapped underwater
Trauma reveal
Trust Issues
Truth spell/serum
Twisted ankle
Undead (vampires and ghosts and zombies, oh my!)
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Upper respiratory infection
Used as bait
Usually big, strong and boisterous whumpee becomes quiet and weaker as the whumper conditions them.
UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
Vampire whump
Vampires Thrall
Vehicular Accident
Very badly hurt and on life support - with slow recovery
Vocal chord paralysis
Vomiting/Vomiting blood
West Nile virus
Whip scars
Whumpee being psychologically tortured via fake escape scenarios so when they are actually getting rescued they don't believe it. bonus point if they still don't think anything is real.
Whumpee dreams of a loved one happily inviting them “home” (They're actually dying IRL)
Whumpee getting the upper hand over whumper.
Whumpee stabbing whumper or beating their head into the ground over and over while sobbing, even when they’re clearly dead because they NEED to take their emotions out.
Whumpee turned Whumper
Whumpee watches caretaker take a bullet/hit/poison for them.
Whumper turned Caretaker
Whumper turned whumpee
Whumper with a crush
Wing whump
Wisdom Tooth Removal
Withholding Medical Treatment
Witnessing. (Whumpee sees someone die in a brutal way. Whumpee sees someone get possessed/turned into a zombie/some other horrifying thing and they just stare horrified.)
Working for the enemy
Working through injury/illness
Working to Exhaustion
Wrists rubbed raw
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Wrongfully Accused/Arrested
Wrongfully fired
Xeroderma. (Extreme sun sensitivity)
XMRV is a newly identified human retrovirus that is similar to a group of mouse retroviruses (called murine leukaemia viruses, or MLVs)
Yellow Fever
Zombie virus, etc.
Zoonotic Hookworm
Zoonotic illness (It’s a disease carried or transmitted by animals to humans like tularemia or psittacosis)
Zosler (Shingles)
Zygomycosis (Fungal infection)
TAG LIST: Thank you very much to the following people for submitting ideas! (I apologise if some tags did not work, I'm not sure why tumblrs not letting me tag you!)
@I-eat-worlds | @greygullhaven | @letsgowhump | @cyberwhumper @firapolemos05 | @originaldeerhottub | @whumpilicious | @drawing-dinos82 | @carenrose | @stellarinuscronicles | @gottheseasonalblues | @marvelflame2010 | @sowhumpful | @avamcu | @courtneygacha | @lordofthewhumps | @autismmydearwatson | @kuddelmuddell | @the-most-handsome-ginger | @whirls-and-swirls | @painsandconfusion
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kabie-whump · 2 months
WoW Birthday Whump Day 2
Prompt: Starvation / Thirst / "Please..."
Additional content: vampire whumpee, blood, passing out, Carewhumpee, character death mentions (undead), CPR mention, self harm (sort of)
Caretaker knocks on Whumpee’s door. They take a short step back while they wait, picking anxiously at their nails. It’s been a week since anyone heard from Whumpee. Caretaker wasn’t too worried at first - Whumpee’s always been a bit of an introvert. But then Whumpee’s mom called Caretaker in tears saying Whumpee had missed their weekly video chat and that is just not normal.
Caretaker waits for a few minutes before knocking again. Then another few minutes. They try calling Whumpee again. Nothing.
Caretaker pockets their phone and raises their hand to pound on the door. Their phone buzzes. It’s a text from Whumpee.
<go away>
Caretaker tries to call them again and it goes straight to voicemail. Growling, they respond in text instead.
<Let me in. I know something’s up. Your mom called me.>
They watch the typing bubble appear, and then disappear, and then appear again.
<please leave>
<Whumpee I will break your door down if you don’t come open it right now.>
<. . . fine.>
There’s soft footsteps. Caretaker takes a step back, prepared for Whumpee to open the door. Then, a crash from inside.
No answer.
Caretaker rams their shoulder into the door. It only takes two tries for it to slam open, and Caretaker makes a mental note to get stronger screws for the frame because that’s just not safe.
They find Whumpee lying on the ground in the hallway, water and broken glass scattered around them from a vase they’d knocked over on their descent.
Caretaker rushes to their side with a gasp, not caring about the glass. “Whumpee, oh my god!” They take their friend’s face into their shaking hands, pressing two fingers to their throat to check their pulse.
There’s nothing. No pulse.
“No no no no no,” Caretaker sobs. They roll Whumpee onto their back, then get out their phone to call 911 before they start CPR.
A cold hand snatches Caretaker’s wrist, knocking their phone to the ground. Caretaker yelps.
“Don’t.” It’s fragile but it’s definitely Whumpee’s voice. Caretaker’s gaze slowly moves up Whumpee’s body to find their face. Oh god, why are they so pale? They look like a corpse. But their eyes are open and they’re staring straight at Caretaker.
The hand gripping Caretaker’s wrist loosens and then thumps on the floor.
“Holy shit,” Caretaker gasps. “What- You don’t have a pulse!”
“I know,” Whumpee rasps. “Just. Please… Don’t call anyone.”
“You need an ambulance!”
“No. It won’t…” Whumpee trails off, panting weakly. “Won’t help.”
Caretaker scoops them up gently. Their skin is so cold. Holy shit they feel dead.
Whumpee’s head lolls to the side as Caretaker lays them down on the couch. Their throat is caked in dried blood. There’s a clear bite wound in the middle of it.
“Your neck…” Caretaker's eyes go wide. They’ve read enough shitty romance novels to recognize this scenario. But it’s not possible. People don’t become vampires in real life. And this isn’t nearly as sexy. “Oh my god. Whumpee what the fuck?!”
“I… please…” Whumpee sounds absolutely desperate.
“What do you need?” Caretaker is starting to have a suspicion, but they really really want to be wrong.
“I don’t know… Please, help me.”
“Oh my god. Shit. Okay.” Caretaker wanders back over to the mess Whumpee had made when they fell and retrieves a shard of glass. They kneel next to the couch and stare down at the glass, feeling deranged for what they’re about to do. As carefully as they can with their shaking hands, Caretaker draws the edge of the glass along their wrist.
Blood blooms from the shallow cut and Whumpee’s nostrils flare. They tilt their head towards Caretaker. “Please…”
Caretaker feels dizzy already, but they bring the cut to Whumpee’s lips.
Whumpee’s hands latch onto Caretaker’s arm with a strength they didn’t look capable of. Their mouth opens against the cut as Whumpee drinks eagerly.
“Holy fuck,” Caretaker whimpers, grabbing the couch cushion with their unoccupied hand. “This is happening.”
Sharp teeth nudge at the edge of the cut, then sink deeper, tearing it open wider. Caretaker groans, fighting back the urge to pull their wrist away. It hurts, but Whumpee is getting visibly better by the second. Caretaker watches with awe as color returns to Whumpee’s skin and the wound on their throat starts to knit itself shut.
“This is nothing like Twilight,” Caretaker whispers.
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Genshin Impact ✨
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Injury fluff with Yelan and Sara
Family fluff with Miko: Rules for the little ones
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"Ningguang's Dog" - Ningguang x Male!Reader
So about the parenting Headcanons... - Miko, Sara & Ei
Parenting headcanons: Ei & Miko and their views on dating
A unique encounter - Jean, Ningguang & Ei x Bioweapon!Reader
Gym imagines with Shinobu!
Coming home to Lumine!
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Hu Tao x Doctor!Reader
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Voicelines About You - Inazuma Girls
🎉Celebrating Hu Tao's Birthday!
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A Miner's Fate - Kujou Sara x Male!Reader
Comfort After A Nightmare - Lumine x Male!Reader
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Addicted - Nymphomaniac!Ei x Male!Reader
Facesitting headcanons with Inazuma girls!
NSFW Alphabet - A - Beidou, Shenhe and Ningguang
Ayaka & Kokomi x Sub!Male!Reader
Pegging Headcanons w/ Shenhe, Ningguang & Keqing!
Keqing, Yoimiya & Ganyu x Sub!Male!Reader
Asking the hardcore girls for more!
A Fair Deal - Yelan x Kuki Shinobu x Male!Reader
Helping Miko with her heat! And Ganyu too!
Overstim with Kokomi and Ganyu
Hers - Dom!Ei x Sub!Miko x Dom!Male!Reader
Patronage For The Worthy - Nilou x Incubus!Male!Reader
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Dom!Male!Reader x Sub!Candace & Sub!Dehya & Sub!Nilou
Break Time - Jean x Male!Reader
A Little Jealous - Dom!Yelan x Male!Reader
Love and Betrayal: Yelan and Kujou Sara x Fatui!Reader + Injury hurt/comfort + Aftermath (Bad Ending)
Scaramouche, Kaedahara Kazuha and Childe forced to kill Reader
Breaking up with them: Jean & Keqing | Yelan & Shenhe | Ei & Yae Miko
Dottore segment!Reader x Lumine
Death - Platonic!Childe x GN!Reader
(Necro AU) Unfaithful - Undead!Reader x Ei & Ganyu
At The Dead Of Night - Ganyu x Male!Reader
Dark Days - Keqing & Ganyu x Male!Reader
The Fox and the Hare: Evil!Miko x Male!Reader
The Magic Whistle: Gorou whump drabble
Necro AU masterlist
Combat tierlist: How well the Genshin characters do in serious fights
A bucket of random ideas
The Shrine Incident - Genshin Imagines
Poll - Reader types! (7.06.2023 - 14.06.2023)
Poll - contentloadingandstuff's content! (7.06.2023 - 14.06.2023)
Diss track on Undead from Warlords Battlecry 3 (cringe warning)
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Whump 💀
Dental whump ideas!
Non-human whumpee ideas!
Food whump ideas!
Whump alphabet!
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Thank you all!
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