#under all the sass and rude remarks
yeokii · 1 month
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synopsis . a day at the beach was for relaxing and also apparently for meeting your first love?
psh : new kid! sunghoon x fmr O.8K — fluff, crack ❨ warnings ❩ 🫧 teeth rotting fluff I PUKED. 𓍼 note — chat can u tell im tweakinh┆(bookshelf)
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The sun iced your hands as you squinted your eyes under the hot weather. It was perfect. All you could do was sit down and relax and just babysit your sister? Right? It couldn't be that hard to watch over a five year old.
But one small thing you quite forgot was how hyper that little brat could be. Now you were stuck in being the little devil's assistant in help make her numerous sandcastles.
"Y/n! Don't you think that one is a bit crooked?" Your little sister pointed at the sand castle that you just made.
You dramatically sighed at your sister's remarks, "Jeez, wouldn't hurt for a compliment."
"Crooked towers don't get compliments!" Your sister huffed, "Now get to work." She said and continued making more sand castles, filling the mold with the damp sand sitting on the land.
You oughta throw her into the ocean if you could, but you stayed calm and followed the boss's orders.
Just as it started to get calm with no more snarky remarks from your little sister and calm waves crashing the sand near you, you were towered by a tall, slim figure.
Before you could even let out a warning, one of your precious sandcastles were toppled down by the boy's feet. Your sister didn't seem to care as she continued to make more sand figures to compliment her sandy mansion, but that was the one that you were most proud of so you knew you had to give him a piece of your mind.
"Hey! Watch it!" You stood up to face the rude boy, your hands on resting at your hips.
The boy turned around and you realised that it was the new kid in your school. Sunghoon looked youthful and charming as ever, his dark hair was slightly tousled from the breeze.
But the thing that caught your attention the most was the genuine look in his eyes, "I'm really sorry about that." He said, looking at the destroyed sandcastle.
"Oh— no it's fine!" You awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of your head after resizing you just screamed at the cutest boy you met.
"No really," He smiled sincerely. "Let me fix it." He knelt down, ready to fix the structure of the sandcastle.
"You don't have to do that you know," You giggled, kneeling down to his level. "I've seen you around..."
He furrowed his eyebrows and shot his eyes at you.
"Oh no! Not like that." You laughed once again. "I meant at school. New kid, yeah?"
He chuckled with you, nodding his head. "How come I've never seen your pretty face around?"
Oh jeez.
You blushed at his flirty remark, shrugging your shoulders not really knowing what to say.
"Hey! Stop flirting and get back to making the sandcastles. New kid, quick!" The little devil sassed, making your eyes widened.
"Shut up!" You whisper-screamed at her and looked back at Sunghoon with a sheepish smile, "Sorry about her. She gets a bit bossy sometimes."
"No she's right." He laughed, "Sorry miss, I'll get straight onto it." He said, trying to fix the sandcastle as quick as possible which made a snicker escape from you.
Sunghoon looked back up at you, finding your giggles really cute. The way your hair ever so slightly brushed against your face due to the light breeze and the sun slightly reflecting in your eyes, making it twinkle just might've been the cherry onto to make his heart skip a beat.
Gosh, you looked really pretty.
He was in a daze watching you make some sandcastles, craving out the minute details onto it with a slight smile fixed onto your face. He slowly panned it to your little sister staring dead straight at him.
Sunghoon went right back to the sandcastle he was fixing, clearing his throat hoping your little sister would be a little less intimidating.
"There, all done." He smiled, while getting back up.
"Hmm, good job new kid." Your little sister crossed her arms together. "It's better than Y/n's" She giggled, making you glare at her.
"Thank you though," You thanked him once again.
"No it's my fault." He brushed it off, "How about I make it up to you? What about some ice cream?"
You smiled at the request, "Of course, I'd love to."
"Me too." Your sister butted in as she walking closer to Sunghoon making him giggle.
"Sure princess." Sunghoon said, ruffled her hair and looked back at you. His warm brown eyes met yours, and for a moment, everything else faded away.
As you three walked away to head to an ice cream stand, Sunghoon stayed close by your side. He knew he didn't need to say nothing more; the look in his eyes said it all. And as your arm gently brushed against his, you suddenly became aware of how close you were.
And that today might be the day you would never forget, the summer leaving a fresh stain in your mind—the summer where you met your first love.
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tags . @zuyairus @bubblytaetae @yenqa @redm4ri @hanniluvi @haechansbbg @taejaysreads @shinunoga-iie-wa @teddywonss @naespas @isoobie @dimplewonie @jennaissantes @aishigrey
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ctheathy · 1 year
Nine w/ Unintelligent yet emotionally clever!Darling
Nine x Reader
General+Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author’s note: hello, my sweeties~! Right off the bat, I want to insanely apologise for taking so long with any of the requests that just so happen to still be in my inventory, motivation has been appearing and dying out a lot lately and it affects the quality of my writing a lot unfortunately. I promise I shall finish them up eventually though<3<3
Literally thought of this dynamic one night and it cracked me up so much, I just had to make a post about it lmfao.
Nine/Reader [Romantic Tendencies]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Nine being a meanie •
You two would likely have quite the bumpy relationship right off the start of your meeting. We all know Nine is rather quick to rage himself and has his little frustration streak to deal with, which shall unfortunately be dumped on you for the time being when you two are in one another’s presence. The fact that you fail to understand basic logic drives him absolutely mad. Don’t get him wrong, he knows he’s on a higher level of intelligence when it comes to the average mobian, but even common sense didn’t seem to get to you. He’d stick around you on purpose just in favour of sassing you and making sure you don’t walk right into danger.
At first he’d always make it very clear to you that he strongly dislikes your lack of intelligence, much as a muffled groan could be heard fromout his side whenever you managed to let out yet another “...huh?” as a sentence on the complexer side found itself into the conversation; which to him, had been basic common sense. He believes you’re absolutely going to be the death of him. Sarcastic remarks are a must and he’s continuously throwing bold comments left and right. ‘Let natural selection take its course’ as he would always say on an average afternoon. Though something you are aware of however, is that he wouldn’t dare to even think of letting you get hurt in the slightest.
As much due to you still being a sweet and caring soul, he’s automatically still going to grow a soft spot for you through one way or another. It’s going to happen over time, but he just needs to grow accustomed to the fact you don’t understand things as easily. He would still let out a small sigh whenever something very logical isn’t understood by you, but this time he’d instead go out of his way to calmly explain the said misunderstanding for your sake. You have to start somewhere, right? And he wouldn’t want anybody but himself to take that position in your life either, not taking no as an answer for certain.
Though the sassy remarks and commentary shall genuinely die down after the realisation sets in that you’re actually trying when gathering the said information. It may be having trouble with memory cases, lacking knowledge on vocabulary, or something else entirely; but he tries his hardest to see things from your perspective, as he suddenly despises himself for the fact that he’s ridiculed you for it during past events. But as you still lack the average knowledge, it’s very much possible he would get ever more overprotective than he would before. Mainly due to him not trusting you to be able to protect yourself under these circumstances.
I would believe your emotional intelligence would come in the picture as soon as he tells you about his past trauma and current distrust with other beings. In all honesty, he just wanted to vent out his emotions a little. But it didn’t take long for him to realise that instead of giving him a confused stare, you went out of your way to comfort him to immense levels, even noticeably making rude remarks towards those who harassed him in the past. You’d explain your personal thinking on the situation and how he absolutely never deserved any of the torment he faced. Now it had been him who was currently giving you a visibly distraught expression, mainly as it actually caught him off guard by how well thought through your wording seemed to be on the spot. Were you even the same person? And this is what would only be the mere start of him completely opening up to you.
I believe this would be the one change that makes all the difference. You have the capability of understanding him and the things he went through. Instead of misinterpreting it, you almost seem to read him like an open book. Making it close to impossible for him to hide his current emotions to you. This new side of you makes him feel guilty in a way, as you’ve been mistaken as unintelligent and foolish by those around you for God knows how long. You weren’t dumb, you just held higher knowledge over the topics that were never spoken about. And to him, that just makes you extra special and mature in your own way
And those who continue to harass you for your quote on quote ‘dense’ demeanour? Well, let’s just say they’ll be the first to find out the actual damage a nine-tailed fox can provoke torwards those who encourage the more ... Hostile thinking in the back of his head. If anything, I can even see him getting defensive when the smallest and most innocent intended comments get thrown your way. I can literally smell Sonic’s harmless remark from a mile away and Nine’s already ready to kill the boy. He would truly put everything aside to ensure that you’re both safe and satisfied, even if this includes having to throw hands for the sake of your defense.
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 9 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 20
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Chapter 19
"Jaskier!" you exclaim, tears in your eyes as you rush to embrace the man, everyone else looking upon the two of you stunned.
"Little sister," Jaskier exclaims in laughter, "it has been so long. Way too long." "I thought I'd never see you again," you say, trying to keep from crying.
The last time you saw your brother had been under less then ideal circumstances. You left with the hopes that he and the witchers would be spared the wrath of dragon fire.
The king and his family were still stunned by this reunion, but Otto stepped in to interrupt this moment, "Forgive this intrusion, but just who are you exactly?" "Well, I thought I was quite clear on who I was," Jaskier sasses, "I am Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount-" "Yes, you made that clear," Otto rudely cuts in, "it does not answer my question."
"Ah yes," Jaskier nods, "Well then, my lord, you are a lord correct? I'm only assuming by your stuffy demeanor, allow me to elucidate," Otto gave Jaskier the biggest glare from that remark. Daemon made a small smirk at that comment (reluctant as he may be) as Jaskier continued, "As I was saying before being of so rudely interrupted, I am the Viscount de Lettenhove, but for the sake of simplicity I go by my stage name Jaskier. Bard extraordinaire, well renown throughout the Continent, known for many a ballad, and for many a broken heart. And of course brother to this sweet, caring woman right here. Will those credentials be more than enough to suffice my lord?"      
"You're Lady (y/n)'s brother?" Rhaenyra speaks up, approaching, "I don't quite see the resemblance." "He's my half-brother, princess," you explain, "after his mother passed, our father married my mother sometime after." "Ah, so this is the princess," Jaskier says, "the Realm's Delight I am told. Truly a beauty unlike no other I have seen so far in this realm."
Rhaenyra smiled, "You flatter me. It seems to run in the family. That lute of yours looks quite sophisticately crafted." "Ah, do you like it?" Jaskier taps on his instrument, "this was handmade by the elves. It was a gift by their king actually. I've composed many a ballad on this instrument. Would you like to hear one?"
"That will have to wait another time," Viserys steps in, "that is until you answer the question as to why you are here in the first place."
"Ah yes," Jaskier says, tone turning more stern, which took Viserys by surprise, "I have a bone to pick with you. It wasn't enough to knock up my sister you had to steal her away from her family as well?"
Viserys only gave Jaskier a confused look, surprised this man had the audacity to address a king of all people in such a manner.
You roll your eyes a bit before whispering to Jaskier, "wrong royal, big brother," you nod towards Daemon, "that's the man who's bone you have to pick."
Jaskier turned his gaze to the prince, "oh I see, yeah, that makes more sense. In that case, my apologies your Grace," he makes a slight bow to Viserys and then turned to Daemon to confront the man.
"You. It wasn't enough to impregnate my sister with that little dragon of yours, you had to go and steal her and my niece and future heir from their family as well."
Daemon gave Jaskier a threatening look, "you are awfully bold to speak to me in such a way. Either that, or you have some kind of death wish."
"Oh yeah sure, go on, try and intimidate me with that menacing stare of yours, prince," Jaskier challenges, "you're not the first royal/noble to threaten me for things I may, or may not have done to their wives, sisters, and occasionally their mothers...and you're certainly not going to be the last. But I will not back down until I have what I came here for. I did not sit on some rickety ship and nearly get my head lopped off by Skellige pirates in a raid during a storm just to be cowarded into submission by some pretty boy with a pet dragon."
"Then what are you here for, Viscount?" Viserys asks. "Well, not that you may know, your Grace," Jaskier says, "but as it just so happens, my niece, my sister's daughter is third in line to my inheritance, seeing as I have no heirs of my own, not any legitimate ones at least," you smack your forehead at that statement, "my sister is next in line and by extension her daughter, and without them, I have no one else to pass my lands and titles to. By taking them away, you have deprived me of my future and my legacy. And I demand recompense for such grievances."
There was some awkward silence for a brief moment before Viserys speaks, "Well I am sorry for your loss, Viscount, truly. But I had nothing to do with this. I was informed that your sister was abducted against her will. Brought back to the Continent by a horde of mutant sell swords. Were you not aware of this?"
"Mutant sell swords?" Jaskier scoffs, "and vary odd way to describe-" you nudge your brother in the ribs before he could continue, "ow!" he protests.
"My brother was not made aware of this, your Grace," you say, giving Jaskier a certain look with hopes he'll keep his mouth shut for the time being, "and he was also not aware that Aemma was declared true born and is now addressed as Princess."
"Nor is he aware that my daughter is to wed the Prince Aegon when they both come of age," Daemon speaks up.
"...well then," Jaskier says with a calm tone, "We appear to be at an impasse. Tell me, your Grace, how do you plan to resolve this predicament I was placed in thanks to the father of my niece?"
"I hardly see a reason why this needs to be resolved," Otto retorts, "on what grounds should this burden fall on his Grace?"
"Alright then," Jaskier shrugs before stating his case, "if Lady (y/n) was indeed abducted by 'mutant' sell swords, she and her then illegitimate daughter should've been brought back to her family, being me. As Viscount with no heirs of my own, my sister holds the title Heir Apparent for my title, and Princess Aemma next in line. You know, now that I think about it, the real abduction of my sister and her daughter had actually occurred when THIS rogue," he points at Daemon, "swooped in on his giant lizard with wings and brought them here instead of the Pankratz estate where they truly belong."
Daemon gave Jaskier a very dangerous look, like he was already plotting the man's murder just for insulting his dragon. He probably would've if Alicent didn't pick this time to respond, "if this claim is indeed true, it may appear that this man has indeed been robbed of his legacy," she turns to Viserys, "surely a compromise can't be reached, provided time is given to negotiate."
Viserys thinks on it addressing Jaskier, "I suppose we could negotiate for such a compromise. As odd as you may be, you did come all this way in determination to see your sister again, which suggests a strong resolve. Very well, Jaskier is it? You'll be welcomed here as a guest. Accommodations will be provided as befitting your station."
"You truly honor me, your Grace," Jaskier nods, making a light bow, "now would you honor me further and allow me to see my niece, the princess?"
Right on cue, Aemma started walking on her tiny legs from the nurses and towards her mother. You go to pick her up and give her a kiss on the cheek, "Look Aemma," you say to her, "it's Uncle Jaskier, remember him?"
"Oh my goodness," Jaskier sports a wide grin on his face, "how have you grown, girl. You look so much like your mother, minus the hair and eyes that is."
Aemma gave Jaskier a rather confused look and hid her face into your neck. Daemon had a small smirk on his from the interaction, pleased that Aemma wasn't as willing to meet this man like she was with him.
"Aemma, it's alright," you whisper to her, "take a good look, maybe you might recognize him."
The young girl eventually looked up to her uncle again, who gave her another wide grin. She reached out for him. Jaskier took Aemma into his arms.
The other watched the interaction in fascination, except for Daemon, who at this point was coming with several different plots to get rid of the Bard. How said plots would be carried out would not make a difference, as long as they resulted in Jaskier's remains being fed to Caraxes.
You walk over to Viserys and address him, "if it is all the same to you, your Grace, I wish to take a walk with my brother and talk to him as I have not seen him for quite some time."
"...of course, Lady Lark," Viserys nods in understanding. The king then summoned one of the nursemaids to take Aemma back to play with Aegon.
"It is so good to see you again, Julian," you say once you and Jaskier were out in the gardens and further away from the prying eyes of the nobles staying in the Red Keep, and pulling him into a crushing hug, finally letting the tears slip forth, "you have no idea how much I've missed you and....him."
"Well I should hope so, given how you left of so suddenly," Jaskier says with slight sarcasm, "granted it was against your will, but still."
You laugh a little, sniffling some as well, "I've missed your sense of humor too." "And I've missed you as well, little sister," Jaskier nods, now struggling to breathe, "but maybe I'll miss you some more if you stop crushing me with your arms." 
"Sorry," you say stepping back to wipe your tears away, "it's just...you have no idea what I've gone through since I've been brought back to Westeros." "I can only imagine," Jaskier nods, "I don't imagine you've been allowed to even leave this place much if only to have that scoundrel rogue of prince watching your every move like a hawk."
"Well he just came back from fighting in the Stepstones so he hasn't had much time to watch me," you admit, "but that doesn't mean he didn't have soldiers or servants to do that for him. I did try to escape, Jaskier, once or twice, but both times the plans were thwarted. At least Ciri managed to make it out okay."
"Ciri escaped?" Jaskier's eyes widen, "so...she's not here...with you?" "She didn't go back to Ger- to our friend?" your eyes widen back just as shocked.
"No," Jaskier shakes his head, "neither of us have seen Ciri in years, we thought she was with you this whole time."
"I need to know what's been happening on the Continent," you tell him after taking a breather from the information you had received, "what happened to Ger...to him." "Why won't you say Geral-"
You place a hand on Jaskier's mouth before he could finish his question, "because Daemon has forbidden his name to ever be uttered within these walls," you mutter, "and even walls have ears."
When you took your hand away, Jaskier looked up, down, and every other direction. No one was in sight, but the Bard was smart enough to know that spies could be possibly be hiding anywhere in sight, "I see your point," he tells you, "well then, how to do go about this?" "You've been brushing up on your elven?" you ask. "Not as much?" he admits.
"What about your Toussaintian?" you suggest.
"You tell me, Mademoiselle," Jaskier says in said language.
"Excellent," you say back in the same language, briefly looking back and forth before you continue, "a special source came up to me some time yesterday when I was in the godswood. He said a white wolf was spotted in the North, wounded and making his way towards King's Landing. I think it might be the man we're both acquainted with."
"And how do you know this?" Jaskier raises an eyebrow, "who is this source?"
"He said the wolf had gold eyes and sported a silver medallion around his neck," you answer, "and...he sang the song I wrote for the wolf all those years ago? I've never sung it to anyone here before, yet he know the lyrics."
Jaskier seemed shocked, but nodded, "I was hoping the White Wolf would've gotten here before I had," he admits, "looks like he managed to reach Westeros, but in the wrong place."
"What happened Jaskier?" you ask in the Common Tongue before switching back to Toussaintian, "Why...why did it take so long? Why would the White Wolf be gravely injured in the state he is in?"
"It's a long story," Jaskier answers in Common Tongue, "A lot has happened since last you and Aemma were there. There...there was a meeting on Thanedd, you know that place right?" you nod before he continues, "Ger....uh, the Wolf was there and...it went so horribly wrong. He got hurt badly and Yennefer-" "Yennefer?" your eyes widen, "Yennefer was there?" She's alive?!" "Shockingly yes," Jaskier nods, "and apparently she knew where Ciri was seen last." "I thought you assumed Ciri was back here," you point out. "Yes well...you know I don't trust Yennefer all that well," Jaskier points back, "for all I knew she could've been lying."
You shake your head a bit; Jaskier may not care for Yennefer much, which was somewhat understandable given that debacle with the Djinn, but you and her had actually gotten along the few times you've seen her. Sure it did bother you at first that her destiny was tied to Geralt's due to that damned last wish, but you've never held it against her, and that was before you and Geralt had even coupled the first time.
You were actually sadden when you heard the news she had perished at the battle of Sodden. It was a relief now that she had actually survived.
"So what did Yennefer do?" you ask.
"Well," Jaskier begins, "after what happened in Thanedd, after our friend was hurt and recovered somewhat thanks to some Dryads, the sorceress in question had created a portal to take him here. Looks like it didn't quite get him to the exact spot he was hoping. Yennefer did mention that could happen. Magic seems to work differently in this part of the world."
"So he is in the North," you realize, "and he's trying to reach this place. But if his wounds have not recovered...."
You were now beginning to wonder what kind of injuries Geralt could have received on Thanedd that he still had not recovered from them completely; witchers were known to recover from injuries faster then the average human being, and could survive wounds that most would've perished from easily.
If the man you loved really was gravely injured and not recovered, who's to say he would even survive the long trek he would have to make from the North to King's Landing.
You were now fearing for Geralt's life, and you were starting to contemplate the offer Larys Strong had given you the other day.
"You have that look on your face," Jaskier interrupts your thoughts. "What look?" "That, I think I might have an idea, but it might come back to bit us in the arse look," the Bard elaborates. "Wouldn't that imply I have ideas like that all the time?" you huff. "No of course not," Jaskier assures, but the look on his face said otherwise, "but I assume you do have such an idea now."
"...okay fine maybe I do," you relent,  discretely looking over Jaskier's shoulder to spot your idea in question.
You talk in Toussaintian, "a man with a cane and club foot is sitting on the bench in the distance behind you."
Jaskier turned to see, "hey be discrete!" you scold.
"Okay, I got a good peak," he says, "what about him?"
"His name is Larys Strong," you whisper, "the youngest son of Lord Lyonel Strong, who holds a seat on the small council. Larys is the one who told me about our Wolf friend."
Jaskier's eyes widen and he goes to look again, "Hey!" you scold again, "remember what mother said about staring." "She was your mother, not mine," Jaskier scoffs. "The rules still apply."
"Do you think this Lord Strong can help us with our friend's predicament?" Jaskier whispers his question.
"Maybe," you say, "he did offer to help me escape once but...I'm not entirely sure he can be trusted. He's...well I'm not entirely sure how to describe him, but apparently he's good at reading people. If what you've said about our friend is true, we may not have much of a choice."
"Well, maybe I can try talking to him," Jaskier suggests. "No," you shake your head, "you should let me." "(y/n)-" "You don't know these people like I do, Julian," you point out, "I know you're no stranger to scheming nobles yourself, but...these Westorosi lords are a different breed altogether, especially the Hand of the king."
"Yeah, he really didn't seem to like me all that much," Jaskier nods. "Not as much as Daemon dislikes you," you say, "if you didn't notice already he had been trying to burn holes into your head like he was an actual dragon."
Jaskier notice your facial expression was little more somber at the mention of the prince's name. He places a hand on your shoulder, "(y/n), can you be honest with me?" he asks, "Has...has he been hurting you? In any way? Will you please tell me?"
You look Jaskier in the eye, "he...he's kind to Aemma. He hasn't laid a finger on her. He even gifted her with a dragon's egg upon our arrival." "But he has touched you," Jaskier states.
You don't say anything for fear that someone might still be overhearing. Jaskier takes your silence and the look of fear on your face as an answer, "I'll make him pay for what he has done to you," he says with anger in his tone, "even if it costs me my own life, I'll take my lute and whack him upside the head if only to cause a good deal of damage against him."
"Good luck with that," you sarcastically scoff, "I'm sure he's plotting your own death even as we speak."
"Well then," Jaskier states, "he's going to have to try really hard at that. Lesser men have tried and failed rather spectacularly. Worry not for me, dear sister, for there are three things in this life I am good at. My songs, my ability to evade death, and most important, how to get enough people to like me that any plots to do away with me become nigh impossible."
You snort at that last one, "you and your dumb luck, brother."
After talking some more on trivial things, you and Jaskier return to the inside of the keep, where you brother could mingle with enough lords and ladies that they would grow fond of him and wonder where he would go to should he mysteriously disappear.
Chapter 20.5
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the1gayteen · 3 months
Doctor who companions part 2 
Nobody asked but,  
Brain rot is real so here is part two of the 9-1-1 characters as doctor who companions 
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Susan Foreman; Granddaughter to the Doctor and companion to the 1st Doctor 
Ravi my beloved, has to also be Susan, my beloved. Both super smart with vague enough backstories, but we know they involve some form of trauma, only having snib-bits of information. Both are extremely smart and everyone around them seems to feel like they might be holding back. Ravi as a companion I see would quickly become one of the doctors' favorites. Not due to romantic interest but from his personality matching the doctor and everyone's immediate need to take Ravi under their wing, seriously he's the sweetest and I can see why everyone just loves him like a little brother immediately. He is also a companion like Susan that I feel like fans would be screaming at the writers to bring back or have more of. THIS IS ME SCREAMING TO BRING SUSAN BACK AND RAVI MAIN CASTED. 
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Romana I & II; Companion to the 4th Doctor and Timelord 
Tommy is both Romanas and would be as a companion. Starting like Romana I as more pompis and rude. Feeling like hes the best, especially like Romana because they were under the influence of people, they felt like they had to perform and impress for (Tommy being Gerard and Romana being the council of timelords). I could see instead of Tommy ‘regenerating’, him being left then found again (like within 911) and becoming Romana II. More sure of himself, having found the time to grow and become a kinder person. Both would help in any way they can, risking whatever it is to help someone they know in need, still a bit sarcastic and blunt but meant with actual kindness this time around. I also head canon Romana II as a lesbian so this fits to my own headspace.  
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Melanie “Mel” Bush; Companion to the 6th, 7th, 14th, and 15th Doctor 
First off, I believe if you asked Josh his favorite companion it would also be Mel. Both have the upbeat and sweetheart personalities. But they can blindside you with their headstrong snarky remarks. Both are geniuses and headstrong in their respective knowledge boats and remarkable brave, but can and will scream terrified from time to time (both characters have remarkable similarities in how the writers can't choose how they’ll react to stress or fear). Josh also given the doctors costume closet insist on wearing whatever stylish outfits he can to match the era. Josh would be such a fun companion, who while being the relief, can still get the job done and be efficient in helping the doctor. Could see him being such a long-lasting companion.  
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Clara Oswald; Companion to the 11th and 12th Doctor 
Clara to me will always be one of the companions that matched the doctors and being a time traveler the best, and May absolutely matches that same energy. I feel like May would also be wary of the doctor initially. But slowly grow to appreciate and adore his kindness and whimsy, slowly also growing her skills quickly and growing her own confidence in those skills. She would absolutely match the doctor's sass and break away from his orders if she knows that it would be for the best. Don't get me started on the fact that May would also become a solo traveler in a stolen Tardis if given the option, making sure to visit her folks now and again, potentially giving Harry trips across the stars.  
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Luke Smith; Sarah Jane Smiths Child 
This is not at all self-indulgent from the fact that I see Eddie as Sarah Jane Smith I have no idea what you are talking about.... But seriously, we all know that Christopher is extremely intelligent and sweet. I don't think he would be allowed to make it through actual TARDIS travel whether that be the doctor knowing that lifestyle wouldn't suit Chris well or Eddie hard stopping any of that talk. You can make parallels between Christophers disability and how Luke also deals with his being alien. Wanting to do the same things as the other kids, both parents saying they can and are just like the other kids, but both learning and dealing with the fact that they both are in fact different. Both though are wingman's to their respective parents and are usually the ones to figure things out. I see Chris just looking at Eddie as he solves how to stop an invasion like, ‘what, it's obvious?’.  
Thank you for indulging my brain rot once again 
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
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Why she continued to allow that stupid woman to drag her to these social gatherings was beyond Riruka's understanding but nevertheless, when Orihime came calling, she always found herself stuck hanging out with a bunch of idiots. And this guy was no exception, all with his wild hair and tattoos. Although she supposed the man could be considered handsome in an unconventional way, he held no interest to her...or so she liked to tell herself.
The party was dull, the shōten was packed and Riruka was hiding in the kitchen, nursing her drink when the lumbering redhead made his appearance with an attitude to boot. He seemed to be complaining about something under his breath, but all of his muttering only irritated the woman. Hadn't she come in here for some solace from all the shenanigans happening just beyond the doorway? But when the shinigami didn't appear to be leaving anytime soon, she could help but speak up with an unsolicited attitude to match.
❝ Don’t like something? Then why don't you just leave.  ❞
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unprompted asks ||| always accepting
It was noisy. Renji could feel his head throb with all the yelling that was occurring within a too small space. He yelped as Jinta bumped into him from behind, then ran around the table to yell at Ichigo, screaming in his ear about whatever the fuck teenagers screamed about. Desperately wanting to reach over the table and just strangle the shit out of that Jinta brat, but he would refrain.
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If it weren't for the fact that Urahara was allowing him to stay in the Shoten during his time in the Living World, he'd really not voluntarily participate in this so called party. While he did enjoy drinking and being a socialite, this was just not it.
Quickly, he got up from his seat and headed to the kitchen, looking for a glass of water so he could down a painkiller to relieve the dull throb that was starting to build up into something worse.
"Shit, can they get any louder," he grumbled under his breath as he could hear loud banging and thudding from just beyond the kitchen. All he wanted was to just spend the night in some peace and quiet - but no. Perhaps he'd go down into the bunker and train, in the hopes that it would relieve him from this awful headache.
So immersed in his search that he didn't notice the other figure standing in the far corner, perhaps also seeking refuge from the chaos. Until she spoke, and of course she just had to make a rude remark right off the bat.
"Ha??" Renji growled, not nearly in the mood to entertain her sass right now. Typically he was a nice guy, and he'd play along but tonight was just not the night.
"Clearly yer not enjoyin' this any more than I am, so why don't ya take yer own advice, pinky?"
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the boys plan a party (surprisingly, they dont fuck anything up)
“Okay!” Daniele slammed a list down on the table, prompting the occupants to either jump back (Milo), swear loudly (Leander and Alois), glare at him in annoyance (Connally), or swivel their head around like something out of a horror movie (Raine).
“This,” he began, ignoring the reactions of his boyfriends, “is a list of things that we need to do in order to throw Mal the best birthday ever!”
“I don’t know, it’s gonna be hard to top the one we threw her last year,” Raine drawled, stretching across the table to drag the piece of paper over to him.
“Raine, one of the walls was destroyed and Connally had to be taken to the hospital with a broken arm,” Daniele looked at him like he was crazy which, whilst fair, was also kind of hypocritical.
“I know,” he smiled smugly, mischief gleaming in his usually bored eyes.
“Whatever you’re planning,” Alois said slowly, giving the younger man a warning look, “don’t.”
Raine pouted and fluttered his eyelashes innocently for a moment before reading the list.
“Who thought putting Connally in charge of the decorations would be a good idea?” Milo wondered, reading over Raine’s shoulder.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Connally asked, affronted, at the same time Daniele gave them a look that just screamed ‘I did, you idiots’.
“Daniele in charge of cooking? We’d probably be in the hospital for food poisoning if we let that happen,” Raine commented, ignoring both Connally and Daniele with an ease that came from years of practise. That, and he just didn't care.
“We’re gonna need to rewrite the whole list, aren't we?” Alois sighed, resting his head in the palm of his hand.
“Yep,” Raine pulled a black marker from out of his pocket and began editing the list, crossing out bits here and there.
“Why do you have a marker in your pocket?” Milo questioned, staring at the back of his head with a raised eyebrow.
“So I'm always prepared to draw on people’s faces,” the other man answered, voice completely deadpan.
Connally twitched violently, remembering all the times he’d woken up to a moustache drawn on his face.
“Okay!” Raine capped the marker with a flourish and handed the list to Alois who skimmed over it.
“Right, Daniele and I are both on decorations, Connally is on shopping duty, Milo is the cook, Leander gets to remind Lyssa and Kana about it being their cousin’s birthday, and Raine gets to distract Mallory.”
“You did that to get out of doing work, didn't you?” Daniele accused Raine, finger pointed directly in his face.
“I don't know what you mean,” he denied, trying his best to look innocent; it wasn't very convincing.
“I don’t know why you’re here, arguing, when you should be doing your jobs!” Alois yelled at them, slamming the list down on the table with twice the force Daniele used. “Get moving!”
“Um, okay,” Milo set the cookbook down on the table and opened it, flipping through it for a moment before pausing, “what’s Mal’s favourite type of cake again?”
“She doesn't have one,” Daniele called, walking into the kitchen a few minutes later. “And trust me, I would know. Years of going on cake dates with her have yielded no results to that question, save that she burns off calories like a mad thing.”
“Should you even be in here?” the younger man asked, eyebrow raised. “Won’t Alois throw a fit or something?”
“Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, hon,” Daniele dismissed with a wave of his hand. “He’s busy helping Raine to distract Mallory.”
Milo blushed at being called ‘hon’ before shaking his head at the man’s unconcerned demeanour. “You’re a glutton for punishment, you know.”
“Yep~” he winked, smiling widely at the younger man’s reaction.
“Oi!” Alois appeared in the doorway, glaring at them both. “Stop chit chatting and get back to work!”
“Why are you here?” Connally grumbled, staring at Leander out of the corner of his eye. “Shouldn't you be calling Mallory’s cousins or something?”
“I can do that from the store, you know,” Leander pointed out, tapping away at the touchscreen on his phone.
“Oh...yeah,” Connally finished lamely, tossing a bag of sweets into the cart.
“This is why I am the genius,” Leander tucked his phone into his pocket and walked on ahead, turning around with his hands behind his head as he walked backwards, “and you are...whatever it is you are.”
“Gee, thanks,” Connally glared at him. “You’re such a big help.”
“I try,” he smiled back, a thin amused one.
Connally couldn't feel even a hint of guilt for laughing at him when he tripped and fell backwards.
“Uh, Alois?” Mallory asked, frowning even though she knew the man couldn't see.
“Why do you have your hands over my eyes?”
“It’s a surprise,” he answered, steering in the direction of what she thought was the kitchen.
“Couldn't you have just told me to close my eyes or something, then?” she wondered, “surely, there’s no need for...this.”
“But where’s the fun in that? Besides, you wouldn't listen,” he was smiling, she could just tell, as he brought them to a stop. “We’re here, by the way.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” she grumbled, huffing when he didn't remove his hands from her eyes.
“Be patient, Mal,” there was the press of lips against the top of her head and the sound of him opening the door.
“Surprise,” he removed his hands, finally, and watched her blink slightly when that word was echoed by everyone occupying the room.
“Happy birthday, bitch!” Lyssa chirped, adjusting her glasses with a smirk. A smirk Mallory returned.
“Thank you, dumbass,” she returned, eyes scanning the room. Daniele had his arm resting on Milo’s head, Leander was having a glaring contest with Lyssa, and Connally was leaning against the counter. Kana was sat in one of the kitchen chairs, her dumb cat in her lap. Raine was perched on the edge of the table, face amused rather than blank for once.
“You knew,” she accused him, biting down on her lip to suppress the smile that threatened to break out over her face.
“Yep,” he agreed easily, smirking at her.
“And you didn't tell me,” she gasped, pulling a face of mock offence, “how could you?!”
“Quite easily,” he retorted, pushing himself away from the table and walking over to wrap an arm around her.
“I’m impressed that you managed to keep it a secret,” she mused, wrapping an arm around him in return before kissing him quickly on the cheek and pulling away and walking over to Leander.
She poked him on the shoulder and, when he turned around with his mouth open (fully prepared to yell at her, she guessed), kissed him on the cheek.
“I suppose I should say thank you,” she said, ignoring the spluttering man as she moved over to Milo and Daniele.
Milo smiled at her, soft and sweet, and she returned that smile, albeit with a much less soft and sweet one.
Daniele pulled them both into a hug, dropping a kiss onto her forehead as he did so.
“God, can you be anymore sappy?” Lyssa asked, snarky voice in full force.
“Oh, we could be,” Milo chirped. “For your sake though, we won't be.”
“Urg- ow!” Lyssa yelped, glaring at both Leander and Kana, Leander for throwing a pen full force at her head, Kana for pinching her in the side.
Mallory shared an amused look with her youngest cousin, Lyssa was still very much the same as she always was, before pulling herself away from Daniele and Milo to walk over to Connally.
“What part did you play?” she asked, tilting her head back to look at him.
“Personal shopper,” he drawled, dropping his head down to kiss her on the nose; she giggled at him.
“We all chipped in, really,” Alois said from where he was leaning against the doorframe. “Well, except for Lyssa and Kana.”
“Shut it,” the ginger haired woman glared at him.
“Thank you,” Mallory said simply. “I don't really care about birthday parties, and you know that very well, but thank you.”
@srazar @myreidola @writersloth @millie-likes-art @editedandwrittenbyhannah
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Old Friends and Old Flames (1/?)
Pairing: Elijah x Female!Reader / Stefan x Female!Reader (plantoic) / Klaus x Female!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: mild swearing 
Word Count: 2.3k
Part Summary: The Mikaelsons are in Mystic Falls causing trouble for everyone. After not seeing her for decades, Y/N, an old friend of Klaus and Stefan’s, has come to make amends between the two. 
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The Mystic Grill is dead in the late afternoon and whoever was here I compelled to leave. Caroline and Damon join Elena and me after helping Bonnie most of the afternoon. We need to come up with a game plan. Bonnie is home perfecting a spell while we try to buy some time. We figure meeting in public is our safest bet as Elijah won't allow his siblings to draw attention to them. 
Caroline sits down across from me. "Coast is clear." 
“So Klaus has officially gone off the rails,” Damon remarks as he settles at the table. 
“Even if we tell him the truth or give him what he wants, he won’t believe us," Elena concludes. 
I sigh, “we have to figure where we can-“ 
My mind runs blank as a familiar sound begins to echo throughout the restaurant. I haven't heard in decades. 
“Stefan, what is it?” Elena asks worriedly. 
My words disappear in my subconscious as I frankly spin around, scanning the bar. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” 
“What’s up with him?” Caroline asks Damon as if I'm not here. 
“I don’t know." Damon places a hand on my shoulder. "Are you having a heart attack or something?” 
“Did anyone see someone go up to the machine?” I check with everyone in a rush. 
“No.” Elena shakes her head. 
“No, why?” Caroline presses, growing anxious. 
“If you hate Night Ranger so much go change it. We have bigger fish to fry,” 
“It’s not that..." I mumble, glancing about the place. 
“Should we be worried?” Elena questions. 
“She’s here," I finally answer. 
“Who’s she?” Caroline questions, sounding more frustrated
“Oh, shit..." Damon swears under his breath, piecing it together. "You’ve got to be kidding me!” 
“Unless that song is playing randomly but when do you ever hear it?” I sass my brother. “Y/N!” I shout the girl's name, spinning in search of her. 
The sound of heels tapping against the floor comes first. Then, the sight of her appearing from around the corner. Her Y/H/C has changed since I saw her last. Everything else is exactly the same, even the cropped band t-shirt, black jeans, and leather black ankle boots.
She grins, leaning against the wall. “Hi ya, Baby." 
"Baby?" I hear Caroline whisper to Elena. 
I smirk. I knew she was her. “What are you doing here? You hate small-town America,” I recall. 
She giggles and pushes off the wall to join us. “A friend of a friend may have mentioned that you were having some trouble with an Original. Thought I could be of some assistance.” 
“Do they know you’re here?” I ask. 
"Elijah probably felt my presence as soon as I step within 100 miles of him. He’s likely too scared to tell Klaus," she determines. 
“Okay, who are you?” Elena questions behind me. 
Y/N snickers, crossing her arms over her chest. “You must be Elena. You’ve caused quite the muck.” 
Elena grows impatient. “Answer my question." 
“Ooo feisty one," Y/N giggles, looking at me. “Stefan, you’ve never mentioned me? That’s awfully rude.” 
“Y/N is an old friend. I met her through Klaus back in 1983,” I explain and the memories start to flood back as I stare at Y/N. 
“Hence the song,” she adds. “We met to it, kind of our song in a way.” She tosses her head back with a huff. “God I miss the 80s, life was so much more thrilling.” 
“Maybe for you," I laugh. "Not all of us followed Bon Jovi across the country.” 
“Jon was such a good lay," she mumbles, remembering it as her eyes fall shut for a second. 
“Wait, you slept with Jon Bon Jovi?” Caroline questions, not convinced. 
“Y/N went through hair bands like numbers at a deli,” Damon teases. 
Y/N glares at my brother. “Nice Damon." 
They've always had a back-and-forth kind of relationship. They're so similar that they buttheads. 
“Who’s the friend who told you about the dramatics here?” I ask, but I already have a hunch. 
“Kol.” She proves my prediction. 
Elena gasps. “You’re friends with that psychopath?" 
“Y/N’s friends with all of the Mikaelsons," Damon remarks sarcastically cheerful. “Like a family pet.” 
“Then why are we even talking to her!" Caroline fusses. 
Y/N glares at her. “Because I can help save your asses, blondie! You were just saying how you wish Klaus would listen to you guys. Well, he won’t, but he’ll listen to me.” 
“And why’s that?” Elena challenges, not trusting her for a second. 
Y/N smirks. “He trusts me. They all do.” 
“Why should we trust you if you’re so close with them?” Caroline adds with a huff. 
“Because you don’t have much choice now do you?” Y/N counters. Fair point. 
We don't have much choice as Y/N said and the girls may not trust her, but I do. She's may have known the Mikaelsons longer, but Y/N is her own person. She can be a little flighty, but her word is solid and she's always fair, I'll give her that. There was a time when the two of us and Klaus were inseparable. Though I'd like Y/N to favor us and knock Klaus on his ass, I know she won't choose between us. 
Back at the manor, Stefan introduces Y/N to Jeremy, Bonnie, and Alaric. He figures if I'm going to be playing mediator, they should know I'm not a threat. After all, I'm the only one who can get within yards of the Mikaelsons without getting staked... we're hoping. 
“How do you know the Mikaelson’s?” Bonny questions as we've all gathered in the living room. 
I help myself to the bar cart, pouring myself a glass of bourbon with a grin. “I met Klaus at my eighteenth birthday masquerade ball, Florence 1470." 
Caroline's eyes grow wide with a gasp. “That long ago!” 
I laugh. “Yes, I’m ancient, don’t remind me.” 
“I’m sorry, I just... I wouldn’t have guessed," the girl mumbles, staring at me in awe. 
“Is it because I still have a sense of humor?" I joke, glancing at Stefan across the room. "Klaus and I became close friends. My family was wealthy and became patrons of his art. My father commissioned Klaus to paint a mural in our home. Elijah came to visit Klaus for about a month, that’s when everything changed...” I choose to leave it there. 
Elena shifts forward in her seat on the couch. “How so?” 
“Oh do share, Y/N," Damon chuckles from beside his brother. 
“Wait, what happened?” Elena glances between me and Damon. 
He takes the liberty of answering. “She and Elijah became lovers." 
“What!” All four teenagers gasp in unison. 
I roll my eyes. “God Damon when you put it that way it sounds weird.” I bring my drink to my lips for a strong sip. 
“It’s weird to imagine any way you put it," he teases. 
“It was secretively, of course, my father and brothers would’ve never allowed it. I was betrothed to a Medici," I describe. 
Jeremy's eyes narrow with curiosity. “What happened?” 
“In summary, and I mean major summary," I emphasize. "Florence society became suspicious. Klaus threatened Elijah to make me a vampire. When Elijah refused, Klaus turned me himself as revenge. I traveled with them for a few centuries. Elijah and I were together on and off. Skip ahead a couple of centuries, 1969, we're off again and Elijah is somewhere in Europe. I run into Klaus in New York the week after Woodstock." I giggle, recalling that year. "I was really into the lifestyle back then," I describe. "We travel together on and off for ten years after that until he decided to join Elijah in Europe. Finally, in Los Angeles in 1983, Klaus and I set to meet there as I’m traveling on the road with Bon Jovi. He has Stefan with him and the rest is history.” 
“Best friends with Klaus, lovers with Elijah, both brothers are obsessed with you... So you’re basically Katherine,” Caroline concludes. 
The mere mention of that bitch makes my blood boil. I toss my glass into the fire, making it shatter and I speed over to the girl. My hand wraps around her neck warningly. “Never mention that bitch’s name again and never compare me to her!” 
“Sorry!" Caroline swallows hard, utterly terrified. 
A pair of arms wrap around my waist and yank me off of Blondie. “Cool it,” Damon mutters in my ear, backing me away back to the fireplace. 
"You okay?" Noble Stefan checks on the girl. 
She nods sheepishly, glancing in my direction cautiously. 
“What’s your relationship with the Michaelson's now?” Elena questions, eager to learn more. 
“Well, I haven’t seen Klaus since 2004 and Elijah..." I hesitate to answer. I hate talking about him. Reluctantly, I proceed. "Our most recent breakup was 1996. We’ve sort of been dodging each other since then. Rebekah and Kol I speak to the most. Which reminds me, ” I giggle, an idea popping into my head at the mention of the youngest Mikaelson. 
“What?” Damon presses beside me. 
Suddenly, there's a series of knocks at the door, making the house grow quiet. 
“Always right on time," Y/N snickers, apparently knowing exactly who it is. 
“Who the hell is that?” Damon questions irritated. 
When we both look to where Y/N just was next to him, she's gone. We all scan the room and there's no sign of her. I hate it when she does that. Everyone shifts in their seats uncomfortably, afraid of who it may be. Alaric shifts his duffle out from beside the couch, ready to reach inside of it and grab a stake if needed. I give my brother a nod before heading to the door to answer. He points to Jeremy and sends him off to the kitchen. Following a dramatic eye roll, the boy heads off, knowing it's not worth a fight. I wait a minute before opening the door, making sure everyone's ready. When I finally swing it open, I'm surprised to be met with Kol Mikaelson. 
He clasps his hands together. “Ah, just the man I wanted to see,” the Original grins ear to ear. 
“Kol, what do you want?” I ask irritably. 
“You have something- someone -of mine," he corrects. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Oh, she’s here alright. I could smell her all the way down at the grill." He invites himself in. His head is tilt back as he checks the staircases and all around for Y/N. “Vanilla and rich mahogany. The same after hundreds of years...” He mumbles to himself as he steps closer to the living room. 
Elena gives me a worried look and I send her a nod that it'll be okay. 
“Dear Y/N, come out and play!” I call out for her. 
“I’m tired of your family’s games," she voices from the archway of the hall. None of us had even noticed her appearance until she made it known. 
I grin at the sight of her. She looks marvelous. “You used to adore them. They amused you.” 
“Where’s your brother?” She immediately gets down to it. I always liked that about her, right to the point and direct. 
“Which one?” I pretend to not know which one she's referring to. When she sends me a glare, I comply. “He sent me.” 
She strolls over to me. “So he does know I’m here." 
“Are you kidding?" I snicker. "We were all home and you could feel the air shift. Thankfully, Niklaus is a tad distracted at the moment thanks to all of you so he hasn’t noticed yet.” 
If Nik knew Y/N was here we would drop everything for her, tossing all our plans aside. Everything would get all messy thanks to her. 
Her face falters whether she wants it to or not. “He doesn’t wish to see me?” She sounds surprised. 
“It’s not that," I assure her. "Niklaus has him busy.” 
“So what are you? A messenger to inform Elijah that I’m in fact in town?” She smirks. 
“He wants to arrange a meeting with you.” 
“Oh! Shall I pull out my google calendar?" She sasses, pulling out her phone. "What’s his availability?“
I ignore her mocking and complete the task I was given. “The woods behind the manor at 8," I state. 
“What if I don’t want to see him?” She challenges. 
I huff. Why must they always be like this? When Elijah and Y/N are together, they're insufferable. When they're apart, they're insufferable. 
“It’s been over a decade, Y/N,” I remind her. “Besides, this is what? Your fiftieth break-up period over the course of 600 years? You’ll get over it, you always do.” 
“Woods. 8 o’clock," I repeat, leaning in a planting a kiss on her forehead before I speed out the front door. 
Bonny shivers. “He freaks me out.” 
“Are you going to do it?” I ask Y/N. 
She shrugs, her eyes locked on the front door where Kol just disappeared. “Do I have many choices?”
In the minutes following Kol's departure, we all try to form a plan for when Y/N goes to meet with Elijah. Having a solid time, date, and location of his whereabouts can be used to our advantage. In the middle of our discussion, Y/N rises from the armchair and begins toward the door. 
I rise from my seat. “Where are you going?” 
She scoffs, “this is ridiculous. When have I ever listened to anyone’s commands? Even a Mikaelson’s. I’ll be back," she announces, already stepping out the door. 
“Are you sure we can trust her?” Elena worries. “I mean, she’s practically one of them!” 
“That’s exactly why we can trust her,” I correct. “No one knows them better than her and no ones been hurt by them more times than her.” 
Y/N may be as close to being a Mikaelson without being one as anyone will ever be, but there’s a piece of her that keeps her different from them. There’s still that innocent aristocratic girl from Florence in there somewhere. It’s that part of her that keeps her compassionate and levelheaded. 
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guardianofrivendell · 3 years
Guarding Your Heart - chapter 2
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Modern!Fíli AU written by @laurfilijames and @guardianofrivendell
Summary: Bodyguard AU: Lucy gets dragged into her father’s past against her will and is possibly in danger. Fíli gets assigned to her as her bodyguard. He doesn’t want to be there, she doesn’t want him to be there either. But then things get serious and in turns out Lucy is indeed in danger.
Warnings: mention of drinking and abduction, practically naked Fíli (twice... we don’t know how that happened... Really!), one suggestive moment and the expected amount of sass and smirks. 
A/N: Are you ready for chapter 2? Buckle up, because it’s a long one (7k+ words... we’re so sorry - and no, we couldn’t split it up into two chapters because of... reasons). We had a lot of fun writing this chapter, a little too much because we had to cut a few scenes to make it shorter :) Have fun reading and let us know what you think, we love reading the comments and speculations!
Laurfilijames masterlist Guardianofrivendell masterlist
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The morning sun came peeking through the blinds and slowly made its way over to Lucy’s bed, sliding closer and closer with every passing minute until it finally reached her face.
Now most people consider waking up with the sun shining and the birds singing their morning songs as a perfect start of the day. Who wouldn’t want to live their life like a Disney princess right? But not Lucy… 
No, Lucy wasn’t exactly what you would call a morning person. 
The only reason she would be awake around sunrise was because she didn’t go to bed at all and was still up partying. There was no way anyone would get her out of bed a minute earlier than she absolutely had to.
Lucy groaned when she felt the warmth on her face and hid underneath her duvet. It should be considered illegal to wake up before your alarm. 
Wait a minute… The sun was shining, her alarm was set at 7 am. This shouldn’t be possible. What time was it? 
Her arm appeared from underneath the duvet and patted the night table a few times in search of her phone. When she couldn’t find it, she threw back the duvet and looked around the room in a light panic. Now where could she… oh.
Everything from the day before finally caught up to her. 
How her new babysitter took away her phone, and then had the nerve to come and ask for her laptop and tablet too. He even scolded her for slamming her bedroom door, like she was still a child. In her own home!
She stared at her open door. Him and his stupid rules...
She thought back to their argument about it yesterday. How he threatened to unhinge all her doors if she wouldn’t listen, and she in turn might have accused him of being a pervert. Fíli had pulled his hair in frustration before he thundered down the stairs again, mumbling something about impossible rich brats.
Speaking of… It was awfully quiet. He was still here, wasn’t he? 
Lucy crawled out of bed and tiptoed to the open door of her bedroom, sticking her head out into the hallway. Nothing.
Without getting her hopes up too much, she made her way to the edge of the landing and peeked over the railing into the living room.
“I can hear you, you know,” a voice sounded from the couch. “You’re not exactly trying to be subtle.”
Lucy sighed and rolled her eyes. Nope, not gone yet.
Her bare feet dragged her down the stairs and to the living room before she realised she was still in her night clothes: a black tank top and her grey shorts. 
Lucy paused, should she go back upstairs and change? Wasn’t this weird? 
There was a stranger in her house and she was barely dressed. Chad would have a fit if he knew. It might even make Fíli uncomfortable.
But hey, she was in her own house! If she wanted to walk around like this, she could. If he couldn’t handle it, he knew where the door was.
Fíli was lying stretched out on his back on the couch, his head resting on his arms, feet on the arm rest. 
“Comfortable, are we?” Lucy asked, crossing her arms over her chest. 
She noticed he had rolled up his sleeping bag already and stowed it away with his pillow. It didn’t come as a surprise that he had his bed made as soon as he was out of it. Even if technically his bed was her couch. He shifted so he was sitting upright, and looked at his watch.
“Do you always sleep this late?” he wondered. 
“Why, what time is it?”
“It’s well past 10.”
Lucy raised her arms and let them drop at her sides again. “Well I wouldn’t know now, would I? You took away my phone! And that’s my alarm clock.” She mumbled the last bit.
“You have heard of an actual alarm clock before, haven’t you?” he said sarcastically. 
“Yes,” she hissed, her annoyance increasing by the second. “I just don’t have one because I happen to live in the 21st century and I use my phone like every other person!”
She walked into the kitchen and flicked on the kettle, desperate for coffee, and took a clean bowl out of the dishwasher for her breakfast. When she turned around Fíli was standing on the other side of the island, looking very smug as he plopped a travel-sized alarm clock down onto the counter. 
“There. Now you’ll be able to tell the time and wake up before the day is half over.” 
“It’s not like I have anything to get up for…” she mumbled as she worked on brewing her coffee. 
Of course he had something like that on hand. What else did he have stashed away in his bags? Likely everything one would need to survive out in the wilderness for days on end. 
She opened the fridge to get the milk for her cereal and almost dropped her bowl in surprise. Yesterday her fridge was practically empty. Not even enough food in it to keep that bloody mouse alive. Which is why she panicked when she heard she wasn’t allowed to leave the house again. 
But now she was looking at a fully stocked fridge. Everything she could ever need was there: fruits, vegetables, yoghurt, milk, drinks, stuff to make sandwiches, …
“Told you I’d take care of it.”
Lucy turned around to face him. “How did you...?”
Fíli was now leaning against the counter, arms and legs crossed. He shrugged in response to her question. She didn’t need to know everything. 
“Did you leave the house?” she asked him, taking the milk out and closing the fridge with her hip.  
“You got it delivered?” Lucy didn’t hear the bell, but then again, she was asleep or he could’ve got to the door before the delivery guy had the chance to press the button. 
She looked up at him again and tilted her head. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”
Fíli just smiled at her and went back to the living room without saying another word.
Lucy took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Easy now, don’t let him get under your skin! 
She placed the milk back in the fridge and opened a cupboard to get her cereal, and almost gasped aloud. Not believing what she saw, she started opening the other cupboards and was met with the same view. Just like her fridge was now fully stocked, every cupboard was filled to the brim with canned and dry foods.
“You’re welcome by the way!” Fíli shouted from his place on the couch. 
She might have closed the cupboard door a little harsher than necessary after that remark.
After breakfast Lucy went upstairs and changed into her running clothes again. 
Yes, yes, Fíli had said she couldn’t leave the house, but she really needed to get some fresh air. It had only been a day, and she already felt like the walls were closing in on her. Her plan was simple: if she wasn’t allowed to go out by herself, he would have to join her. He could protect her just as well outside.
In the hopes he could keep up with her pace, but that shouldn’t be a problem. Not that she had let her eyes linger on his physique, no really, she didn’t, she was just assuming every bodyguard was in perfect shape. Nothing wrong with that. 
When she entered the living room, said bodyguard was working on his laptop. His eyes met hers and he smirked when he saw her outfit. 
“You’re kidding, right?”
“No, Fíli. I do not kid,” she repeated his words from the day before. “I really want to go for a run.”
He turned his upper body towards her and rested his arm on top of the chair. 
“Tell me. What part of not leaving the house don’t you understand?”
“That’s why you’re coming with me.”
Fíli raised his eyebrows at her and then pretended to consider it. “Let me think… No.”
He turned back towards his laptop. 
“Come on, Fíli, please? I really need to get some fresh air.” He had to understand she was practically going crazy here, she needed to clear her head to wrap her mind around all this. 
“No.” He didn’t even look up at her.
“I need the workout,” she tried again. 
“You can do that inside.”
“But if you would just-”
“Lucy, I said no!” he interrupted, raising his voice. 
She was so caught off guard that she took a step back at his outburst. 
“You’re awfully rude for someone who’s meant to be keeping me safe,” Lucy said, trying to keep her voice even.
“I’m here to keep you alive, not to be your friend.”
He watched as she bit her trembling lip and he almost regretted lashing out at her. 
Every muscle in his body was ready to jump into action if necessary and sure enough, he saw her eyes flicker to the hallway. She was going to make a run for it.
“Luce,” he warned her, letting her know he was onto her. 
But she was fast. Faster than he had anticipated, and she was already in the hallway before he got to his feet.
Fíli cursed heavily. “Lucy, no!”
It had only been two days since he arrived and he found himself using these two words more than he liked.
When he ran into the hallway, he could see her running up the stairs towards her room, and not out the door as he thought she would. 
Fíli ran his hand through his hair, and exhaled loudly. 
“She’s going to be the death of me someday, I swear...”
Lucy slammed the door and pressed her back against it, fighting the upcoming tears. How was she ever going to live through this?
She ignored Fíli’s demand of keeping the door open, needing a moment to collect herself before she lost it in front of him.
Lucy gripped her hands together tightly to stop them from shaking and took a series of deep breaths to try and prevent more tears from falling. 
She didn’t want to admit that he scared her. It was just a question, there was no need for him to shout at her. 
Could she really be in that much danger? 
And even if she was, he could still try and be nice to her. Or at least try to understand her side of things and see it from her point of view. 
Once she was changed into a legging and oversized sweater and felt strong enough to be in the same room as him again, she threw the door open and walked to the kitchen, ignoring Fíli’s stare. 
She needed a drink.
Jars clinked together in the refrigerator door as she whipped it open, reaching for a perfectly chilled bottle of champagne.
Lucy stood on her tiptoes to reach a flute, and slammed the glass down on the counter a little harder than she intended, but it thankfully didn’t break.
With a ‘pop’ the cork was freed from the bottle, leaving whispers of fizzy smoke trailing in the air. Her hands trembled again as she poured it carefully into the glass, not wanting to give away her nerves to Fíli who was now leaning on the doorframe and watching her like a hawk. 
“I don’t know if this is an appropriate time for bubbles,” he said, his voice full of judgement. “It’s not even noon yet.”
Lucy spun to face him and placed the rim of the glass to her lips, staring him down fiercely as she emptied its contents in one go, not stopping despite the burning sensation it created down her throat.  All she could think about was how much she wanted him gone.
“Maybe I’m mourning the death of what used to be my life!” 
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” Fíli smirked, biting the side of his bottom lip. “People are simply trying to keep you alive and the only thing you can worry about is your running schedule.”
Lucy slammed her glass on the counter again and braced both arms against the edge to fake some courage. 
“It’s not just my running schedule! It’s everything! My studies, my future career, my boyfriend! All turned upside down and tossed to the side because of my father, who I haven’t seen or heard of for the past seven years by the way. So forgive me for being a little bitter.” 
She refilled her glass, the first one was not enough to take the edge off the terrible way she was feeling. Lucy could see Fíli shaking his head from side to side in her periphery and she nearly lost it when she heard him chuckle. 
“You’re getting a kick out of this aren’t you? You’re watching my life crumble apart before me and I bet you find it incredibly entertaining!” 
“Oh don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart. I’m equally as offended and inconvenienced by this whole thing as you are.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the ceiling, not liking where this conversation was headed. 
“You can leave at any time!” she snapped, pointing her finger at him. “I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself!”
“Would you like to try?” he challenged her, raising his eyebrow in question. 
“Try what?”
“Looking after yourself. Should we see what happens?” 
“This entire thing is being blown out of proportion! Nothing is going to happen! Nothing ever happens!” 
He took a few steps towards Lucy until his face was only inches away from hers. If he wanted her to cooperate, he needed to be brutally honest with her. She’d probably hate him after this, but she could use the wake up call.
He took the champagne glass out of her hand and placed it back on the counter, not breaking eye contact.
“Really? So the chances of someone breaking into your house in the middle of the night is, what? One in a million?” he started. “Someone gagging you and tying you up, then tossing you in the back of a vehicle and driving you somewhere, anywhere, where no one is able to find you, not even me? Them doing  unspeakable things to your mind, your body, ... You really think that could never happen in your privileged little life? Think again, sweetheart. Your dad messed around with some nasty people and they will not hesitate to use you to get what they want.”
He watched as fear spread across her features, and he knew he’d done his job in scaring her. The furrow of her brows relaxed slightly with every description he made of what would most likely happen to her if he wasn’t there to protect her. 
“God, you’re a prick!” her voice shook slightly and she bumped his shoulder harshly when she stormed out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her bedroom.
He heard the door slam and he exhaled deeply, his patience stretched incredibly thin. She seriously had the brazenness to shut the door, again?
Lucy spent the rest of the day ignoring Fíli, which he honestly didn’t mind at all. 
She was watching some kind of reality show on the tv that night, with Fíli keeping an eye on her from his seat at the table. She was still ignoring him, sitting with her arms crossed and legs pressed together, and he could tell she wasn’t really paying attention to what was happening on the screen. 
His phone buzzed, breaking the torturous silence and he was happy for the distraction. He picked it up to read a text from Kíli saying he had sent over the background check on Chad that he requested the day before. 
Fili placed the book he was reading down on the table and opened the document on his laptop to check what had been found out about the guy.
Chad Van der Beek, 32 years old, works for his father’s insurance company, living in downtown Auckland… Fíli skimmed through everything and didn’t seem to find anything particularly interesting about him.
Fíli: Thanks for the report. 
Kíli: No problem. Nothing out of the ordinary. Seems like your regular trust-fund douche. 
Fíli couldn’t help but chuckle as he read through the gathered info on Chad and quickly agreed with his brother. 
Fíli: You're not wrong there. Where did you get all of this from anyway? I didn’t really need to know where he ate the other night.
Kíli: His Facebook account. 
Fíli: Are you serious Kíli? 
Kíli: Hey! You’d be surprised what you can find out on social media. He has no previous infractions other than the odd parking ticket, so I dug a little deeper. 
Kíli: You’re welcome. 
Kíli: I still think she’s hot, btw. I looked at her profile too. 
Fíli put his phone down beside him and continued going through everything that was discovered about her boyfriend, choosing not to glorify his brother’s comments on Lucy with a response.
Kíli had even managed to send over some older posts of Chad and his buddies partying on a yacht in Ibiza, completely surrounded by half-naked women, none of which were Lucy. This guy was the definition of a loser. She could do better.
His phone buzzed with another message from Kíli and he sighed as he picked it up again, bracing himself for another one of Kíli’s pervy comments about Lucy.
Kíli: How are things going anyway?
Okay, something normal. 
Fíli looked over at Lucy who was sitting in exactly the same position as before with a full pout on, obviously still upset.
Fíli: Fantastic. 
Kíli: I can sense your sarcasm through the phone. I’ve tried convincing Thorin to let me take over, but he keeps denying me.
Fíli shook his head, thankful for Thorin saying no for Lucy’s sake.
Kíli: You should make a move on her… save the poor girl from that idiot. You can’t deny she’s a total babe, Fee. At least make your time there worthwhile… 
Fíli: Trust me, Lucy can handle a guy like Chad. And for the last time, I’m not going to sleep with her! This is exactly why Thorin didn’t put you on this assignment, you’re always thinking with your cock. 
Fíli: Thanks for the info, dickhead. 
Lucy woke up in the early hours of the morning, bathed in sweat and panting as if she had been running like crazy. Which she had, but only in her dream. 
Her eyes darted around her room needing to assure herself she was in her own house, in her own bed. Not in the back of a trunk or tied to a chair in some dusty old warehouse. 
She cursed Fíli for putting those images in her head.
Her bare feet touched the cold floor when she swung her legs out of bed, and she sat like that for a while trying to calm down. A glass of water would be nice, but she didn’t want to wake up Fíli. The travel clock he gave her told her it was a little past 4 am, and he would probably be a very light sleeper.
But her head perked up when she heard a grunt coming from downstairs. And then another one. And another. 
Lucy was curious, that was definitely Fíli she was hearing and it sounded like he was either in pain or he was having a really good time. 
She couldn’t go and check right? She shouldn’t… No, she definitely should not.
And yet her feet carried her to the open landing all on their own, her curiosity getting the better of her. What she saw wasn’t entirely what she expected, but somehow she wasn’t surprised.
This should be the moment where she should have turned around and gone back to sleep, leaving him to it, but she found herself unable to tear her eyes away from the show Fíli was unknowingly giving her.
Fíli was lying on his back in her living room, half naked, sweaty and panting. 
She watched him work his way through his fitness routine. Crunches, sit ups, squats, lunges, planks… he just kept going. And Lucy kept staring. 
The drops of sweat tracing the outlines of his muscles, his dog tags softly chiming every time they touched the floor during his push ups, the sounds he was making, it was all so mesmerizing to her. She swallowed thickly and finally seemed to regain her common sense. She had to stop, this was wrong!
Lucy hurried back to her room and crawled underneath her sheets, ready to fall back asleep and hopefully have more pleasant dreams this time.
But sleep wouldn’t come.
After a few minutes she heard Fíli come up and turn on the shower. It only lasted about 3 minutes, and when he was done she caught herself listening to every sound, trying to follow his movements through her house. 
It kept her mind busy and away from her nightmare amongst other images, but it also prevented her from falling asleep again.
After another hour of tossing and turning, she finally had enough and got out of bed. It was around 6, and past Lucy would be horrified to know she was willingly getting up at this hour. 
A shower would wake her up, and if that didn’t work she could always try to take a nap during the day. It was not like she could do anything else around here.
Heck, why not make it into a well-deserved spa treatment while she was at it? Face mask, exfoliate, hair mask, … God knows she deserved some pampering after all the crap she had to deal with the past two days.
She collected fresh clothes to change into afterwards, and made her way to the bathroom.
When he heard movement upstairs, Fíli got up from his seat at the table. 
It was still very early, there was no way Lucy would be up already. He slowly climbed the stairs, his eyes fixed on the doorway of her bedroom, and he reached the landing at the same time Lucy stepped out of her room.
She froze as soon as she saw him standing there, wearing a black, fitted tee.   
Images of him working out in her living room earlier flashed in front of her eyes and she felt her cheeks flush. Her eyes kept lingering on his chest and upper arms, the way they were flexing earlier and the memory of the engorged veins all over his skin made her heartbeat quicken. She clutched her clothes a little tighter against her chest.
“Good morning,” she stammered, trying to hide her flustered state. 
She made a move to go towards the bathroom, but Fíli blocked her way. 
“You’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” she muttered. There was no way she was telling him about her nightmare.
Fíli watched her closely. She was keeping something from him, but he decided not to push it. At least not yet. She’s probably just missing her boyfriend and he didn’t think he could handle lovesick rambling this early in the morning.
“Oh, so does this mean we’re talking again?” Fíli smirked.  
“If you promise not to be a jerk today.”
He laughed at that. “Only today? I think I can manage that. No promises though.”
And there they went again, easily falling back into their bickering.
“Could you move? I’d like to shower.”
He stepped aside and Lucy disappeared in the bathroom. 
She placed her clothes on the chair next to the vanity and when she was about to take off her top, she noticed Fíli standing in the doorway.
“Can I help you?” she asked bluntly.
“I need to make sure the window is still secure.”
“I really don’t think anyone climbed in through that window and is hiding behind the shower curtain.”
“I’m just doing my job here, Luce,” he said, pulling back the curtain after checking the lock on the bathroom window, twice. 
That was the second time he used that nickname for her and she hated it. “It’s Lucy!” 
Fíli stepped out into the hallway again once he was satisfied there were no threats and positioned himself against the wall beside the door. 
Then Lucy had the nerve to try and close the damn thing, which Fíli prevented by placing his hand on the door to hold it open.
“You’re not serious!” Lucy said in disbelief.
“Doors open, you should know that by now.”
“But I’m having a shower!” She placed her hand on her hip and waved towards him with the other one. “What are you going to do, stand there and watch me change?”
No matter how good looking he might be, this was crossing a line. 
“Of course I’m not going to watch, but you need to keep the damn door open. I’ll be right here on the landing.”
Fíli heard her huff and swear under her breath as he leaned back against the wall. She didn’t know how lucky she was that it was him who was here and not Kíli, who probably would’ve insisted they needed to shower together for “safety reasons”.
Fíli checked his watch for the third time, Lucy had been showering for over 20 minutes already. What the hell was she doing in there?
He peeked his head around the corner, but kept his eyes directed on the ground just in case she would choose to step out at that exact moment. “Are you almost done?” 
“Nope!” she called back, popping the ‘p’ and with a sassy ring in her voice. She was taking her sweet time on purpose. Perhaps he needed to give her a hint to hurry it up.
Fíli stepped in the bathroom and turned on the taps of the sink, hoping it would have the intended result of turning her water ice cold. 
Lucy screamed and flung the curtain open enough for her to poke her head out, but he had already turned the tap back off and disappeared into the hallway, doing his best not to let her hear his laughter.
“Did you just turn on the tap?” she cried at him. 
“Nope!” he yelled back, popping the ‘p’ like she’d done moments before.
“Like hell you didn’t!” 
“If you knew, why bother asking?”
Lucy kept quiet after that and Fíli let his head rest against the wall. 
Kíli was right, this was a low-level assignment.  
He was used to long stake-outs and week-long missions, even in the worst of circumstances, but this was entirely different and she was really testing his patience.  
Maybe he could convince Thorin to let him switch with Kíli every other week after all. 
Fifteen minutes later, Lucy finally finished her shower and Fíli sighed in relief. He had actually been thinking about going to the kitchen and shutting off the water completely… Maybe next time.
After a full week of paying attention to Fili’s habits, Lucy had come up with a plan. 
The alarm clock read 3 am. Officially the earliest she had ever woken up. Except for that flight to Bali. Oh and that trip to Italy, how could she forget that one! 
Correction; this was the earliest Lucy had woken up to don her running gear and pretend she was still sleeping in order to go for a run.
She was more than desperate to leave the condo after being cooped up with the Winter Soldier for more than a week now. She wanted to feel fresh air on her face and to allow her legs to carry out her frustrations by finally going for that mind-clearing run, but she needed to wait until Fíli was in the shower to make her escape.
He was going to be furious with her and it would probably make the next couple of days a living hell. Maybe he would actually lock her in her room this time, but she was willing to risk that for an hour of freedom.
She knew his morning routine by now and Lucy intended to use it to her advantage.
She had set the alarm on the travel clock to go off at 3, and stuffed it under her pillow so as not to alert Fíli. If he would wake up too, her plan was useless.
Thank God Fíli was very regimented, because at 4 o’clock sharp he was up and starting his daily workout. Lucy listened to him grunt as he carried out the ridiculous series of push-ups and sit-ups, and tried not to imagine what he looked like doing them. She knew of course, she witnessed it with her own eyes last week. But that didn’t mean she didn't wonder why on earth anyone could be bothered with such effort.
After an hour of rolling her eyes to herself in her bed, she heard his footsteps on the stairs and him approaching her room. 
With the covers tucked up close to her chin so Fíli wouldn’t see her running clothes, she closed her eyes, ready for her best acting. She tried to breathe as slow and even as she could and even managed to make her fingers twitch a little like she was dreaming. An Oscar-worthy performance, truly.
A minute had passed and she listened to him step away from her doorway and head to the bathroom. 
At least that was something positive about these open doors, she thought, he could hear everything she was doing, but that applied to her as well.
As soon as the shower flicked on, Lucy used the noise to her benefit and bolted out of her room, bounding down the stairs at an impressive rate, knowing by now his showers only lasted about 3 minutes. The door was ahead of her, and the last two steps met her feet in no time at all, her freedom so close she could almost taste it. 
But then the ground suddenly fell out from under her and she landed hard at the bottom of the staircase. 
A dull pain started spreading through her left ankle and she cursed under her breath. Perfect timing Lucy. She groaned and sat up to check on it, but she didn’t have much time left, any second now Fíli would be done with his shower.
She reached a shaking hand to it, prodding it to check its condition. It was tender to touch and Lucy thought she could see a swelling come up, but she was still hellbent on getting out of here. If she could reach the nearby park, there were enough benches to let her ankle rest for a bit if needed.
She moved to stand, immediately crying out from the jolt of pain that shot through her ankle as soon as she put weight on her foot and she collapsed on her knees. She clasped her hand over her mouth, knowing Fíli would have heard her with his razor-sharp hearing. She slammed her fist on the floor out of frustration. She could forget her escape-plan now…
Just as she predicted, a very naked Fíli appeared at the top of the staircase mere seconds later. He did have a towel wrapped around his waist thank God, his hair still dripping wet and drops of water running over his chest. She was certain he jumped straight out of the shower as soon as he heard her scream. The worried but calculated expression on his face turned into a grin the second he saw her lying on the floor. 
It took Lucy a moment to notice the gun he was holding in his hand, the shock of having it pointed at her taking away from that of her fall. 
“Were you seriously pointing a gun at me just now?” 
“Were you seriously trying to leave the house?” he countered.
Fíli put the safety back on his gun and trotted down the stairs, easily stepping over the tripwire he had secured on the second to last step the previous night. 
Lucy’s mouth dropped open in disbelief at his trap, reaching for it and plucking it with her finger. 
“You set this up?” she gawked. 
“Mhm,” he replied, crouching down and reaching for her ankle. 
“Were you trying to kill me?” 
Fíli took her foot in his hands to remove her running shoe and Lucy was surprised with how gentle he was. 
“The exact opposite, actually,” he muttered. 
“You’re insane.”
“And you don’t listen,” he said, his voice strained. “That tripwire has been there from the first day I got here. Every night I put it up as an extra safety measure in general, not to try and trip you if you decide to make a run for it. But you just proved its effectiveness. Don’t go anywhere, I’m going to put some clothes on first.”
Lucy grabbed the shoe he had removed from her now busted ankle and hauled it at him as he ascended the stairs two at a time, unfortunately missing him. 
Despite the pain in her ankle and feeling like she was being kept prisoner in her own home, she kept her threatening tears at bay, refusing to cry in front of that bastard. 
Within a minute Fíli was making his way back down the stairs, this time wearing a pair of grey track pants, his upper body still bare aside from his dog tags.
He scooped Lucy up into his arms like she weighed nothing and turned to carry her up to her room. 
“Put me down! I can walk just fine,” she protested, completely flustered because she was pressed up so close against his bare chest.
He chuckled, “Okay then, suit yourself,” and he released her legs from the crook of his arm but kept his other arm around her waist just in case.
She stood tall, trying to fake her strength, and placed all of her weight on her right foot before very gingerly touching the toes of her left to the ground. That slight pressure alone made her face curl up in a wince. She instinctively grabbed Fíli's shoulder for support when her ankle gave out again, and Fíli in turn tightened his grip around her waist to keep her from falling.
He refrained from making any smart-ass remarks and instead he sighed, collecting her in his arms once again, making his way back up the steps.
“At least now I know you won’t try to run away again,” he commented.
Lucy made a gruff, displeased at the entire situation including being pressed up against his hairy chest again. She couldn’t help but notice how remarkably firm he was though. Guess those early morning workouts were useful after all.
It felt like it took an eternity to reach her bedroom, and when Fíli finally placed her on her bed she was surprised by the gentleness with which he treated her. Little did she know Fíli had genuinely considered tossing her onto it instead.
He instructed her to lay back and lift her leg up for him to check her ankle once more. 
She did as she was told, and he swiftly placed one of her spare pillows under it for support. It took all of her willpower not to kick him with her other foot when he pressed against the sore and swollen part.
“You’re in luck, it’s not broken. Just severely sprained, you’ll need to stay off of it for a couple of days,” he instructed her and Lucy nodded, too stumped to say anything. “I’ll get you some ice. The bruising won’t start for another few days. In the meantime you have to keep it elevated.” He carefully placed another pillow beneath her foot before he went downstairs.
Lucy stared at her ceiling, cursing the fact that she was now completely dependent on the guy who she refused to believe she needed here in the first place. To be fair, he had been incredibly gentle when it came to tending to her foot - which she hadn’t expected at all - but the whole thing still made her feel helpless.
A tear slipped down her cheek and she furiously wiped it away, wishing more than anything to be wrapped up in Chad’s arms right now.
Three days had gone by since her fall and Lucy finally managed to hobble over on one foot to the large window in her bedroom without Fíli’s help. The state of her ankle was preventing her from moving around at any sort of a decent pace, so it took her far longer than she would’ve liked. She was already dreading the way back, but for now she was more than content to admire the view.
She leaned against the window frame and watched the sun setting over the city. After days of staring at nothing but her bedroom walls while being confined to her bed, it was a more than welcomed change of scenery.
She was lost in her thoughts, wondering what she was missing in her classes, what Chad was doing and if that mouse was still in her house somewhere, when Fíli’s stern voice startled her.
“Get away from the window!”
She whipped her head over her shoulder to glare at him, thinking how he could possibly forbid her from looking out her own bloody window. Yet another addition to one of his many rules. At this rate it wouldn’t be long before the only thing she was permitted to do was breathe and go to the bathroom.
“I was just getting a little tired of staring at the wall, that’s all,” she sighed, while she turned back to watch the shadows of the night slowly but surely take over the city. 
“Someone could see you! You really need to stop being so careless,” he warned her as he quickly drew the curtains.  
He watched her begin to make her way over to the bed on one leg for a few seconds before he lifted her into his arms to get her to her destination faster. 
“Thank you,” she said softly. 
“It’s fine, just... keep away from the windows, alright?”
Fíli grabbed his laptop from his bag and settled himself at her makeup table. 
This was their new arrangement ever since she hurt her ankle. Lucy was dependent on Fíli now, and was very quickly getting bored to death, so Fíli worked in her room to keep her company.
He made her breakfast and cooked dinner, and she hated to admit that he was a very decent cook, which surprised her at first. She half expected to eat nothing but toast with beans for a few weeks if he was on cooking duty. 
He really tried to make it as comfortable as possible for her, but she suspected he was glad she was immobile now. It made his job a lot easier.
Lucy watched him type away on his laptop, his phone next to him. You know what…? This wasn’t fair at all!
“Why can you have a laptop and a phone and I can’t? I have work to do too,” she said, a little put off.
Fíli sighed heavily before answering, he needed to choose his words carefully if he didn’t want to sound too much like an asshole. 
“Because mine are on a secure connection with headquarters and I’m only using them to send in my reports and keep up to date with other cases.”
“Can I use your laptop?”
Fíli gave her a sideways glance, “Absolutely not.”
She grumbled and he had to bite his cheek to stop him from laughing. Saying ‘no’ to Lucy was just as bad as denying a child something they really wanted. 
“What are you writing in your reports? How you tried to kill me with your boobytraps?”
“The same thing I write everyday,” he answered before smirking at her, “how annoying you are.”
Lucy ignored his insult. She really wanted to know more about his job. Since he knew everything about her, it was only fair he would share some information as well. 
“So... how did you get into all of this?”
Fíli continued typing and gave her the most vague answer he possibly could. 
“I was in the military before this and it just seemed like the appropriate next step.” 
“I figured as much, those aren’t just an accessory.” 
She nodded at his chest when he gave her a questioning look, causing him to glance down at his dog tags that were resting between his pecs. 
“Hmm,” he hummed, tucking them inside his t-shirt and attempting to focus on his task. 
“No offense, but why did you end up here? I mean… This doesn’t exactly seem like the kind of thing that would be assigned to you,” she stated, hoping to throw him off slightly and get him to talk. 
“No, it isn’t,” he admitted, “my brother messed up and our uncle didn’t want anything else to go awry. So they sent me instead.” 
His fingers stopped moving across the keyboard, and Lucy knew he had revealed more than he wanted to. 
“Oh! You have a brother?” 
She sat up a little straighter, interested to hear more. “What’s he like?” 
Fíli exhaled deeply and continued typing, setting his jaw tightly, mad at himself for letting that information slip. 
“You wouldn’t like him.” But Fíli knew that was a lie, of course she would like Kíli, everyone adored the cheeky bastard. 
“I bet he’s a lot nicer than you.”
“I’m plenty nice.” 
“Ha! That’s rich,” she snorted. “Do you at least get along with him?”
“Yeah, I do. Luce, I’m trying to work here...”
“It’s Lucy. What’s the age difference?” Lucy continued, ignoring his plea to let him work. “Are you older or younger? I bet you’re older. You’ve got that way about you that older siblings seem to have—“
“Shh!” Fíli suddenly interrupted her and held up his hand. 
“I wasn’t finished talking, but don’t mind me!”
“Shhh!” Fíli said again with more concern this time, his brows furrowed, eyes fixed on something in the hallway outside of her room. He slowly stood up and walked towards Lucy, ready to take action if he needed to. 
Lucy however was completely oblivious to what was happening.
“Would you stop shushing me! You’re so ru—.” Fíli cut her off by placing his hand over her mouth to force her to stop. 
“Luce, be quiet for a moment, okay?” 
He gave her a warning look as he removed his hand, and Lucy's eyes widened when she saw him pulling his handgun out of the back of his waistband.
Fíli carefully made his way to the hallway and peeked over the railing on the landing, only to see his suspicions confirmed. He cursed under his breath, hating to admit that Thorin was right after all.  
He made his way back to Lucy, but kept his eyes fixed on the doorway and quietly gave her instructions. “Get on the floor and hide behind the bed.”
Lucy gave him a questioning look, “Why? What is it?” 
“Someone’s here.”
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Guardianofrivendell permanent taglist: @roosliefje @kata1803 @entishramblings @artsywaterlily @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose @marvelschriss @kumqu4t @dark-angel-is-back @the-fandoms-georgie @lathalea @xxbyimm @sokkasdarling @katethewriter @aredhel-of-gondolin @leethology @elvish-sky @moony-artnstuff @kirenia15 @hey-its-nonny @moarfandomtrash @beenovel @cassiabaggins @shethereadinghobbit @justfollowtheroad @laurfilijames @fizzyxcustard​ @anjhope1​
Guarding Your Heart taglist: @enchantzz @the-poldarkian @linasofia @magravenwrites @classyhorseeclipseduck @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse
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Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 3- The Ends Beginning
Summary: You and Geralt travel to Blaviken in search of more coin, though you’re wary of getting into trouble. Unsurprisingly you do in fact, get into trouble.
Warnings: long chapter, ya know gore and such, Geralt just being a babe and reader dealing with the shit she gets into for this man
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You looked up to the dreary sunless sky, not a single speck of blue to give you a hopeful sign that the world is not as unhappy as the swamp you're currently standing in. Your surroundings disgustingly emit the gnarly stench of shit and death, seeping into your nostrils against your will as you stand idly by the waters grimy edge with your silver weapon unsheathed in your right hand.
Roach patiently keeps her distance by the leafless trees as she waits for her master who's currently under the water fighting a very pissed off kikimora. Geralt insisted that he would be the one to get into harms way and lure the ugly fucker out from it's hiding place. You, not wanting to get your clothes wet, agreed to his proclamation.
Although right now, with no visible signs of life from beneath the murky waters, you're wondering if letting him handle it all alone was the best course of action. Soon your worrisome thoughts evade you once Geralt and the screaming kikimora burst forth from the inky pond. He's lifted out of the air with a grunt as the beast plunges him back down into the depths. You shake your head and turn to Roach who takes a single step back.
Rolling your eyes you let out a sigh, "Fine. I'll help him." You exclaim to the mare with a wave of your large dagger, she simple snorts in reply.
As you approach the water you can hear the guttural muffled sounds from the battle beneath the surface. You had not anticipated on getting soaked today and you're not about to now. With a swift jump you launch yourself over the submerged kikimora and with the power only gifted by your vampirian mother, you float above the beast.
Begrudgingly you reach your hand down into a couple inches of murky water, grasping the creature by its slimy neck, once your fingers have clawed into its flesh do you then pull up. The bastard screeching in pain as it breaks the surface, greeted by a quick slice to one of its protruding arms that hastily reaches for your body. You let go and glide back over to the bank as Geralt emerges from the water to curtly stab the monster through its mouth, the beast instantly going limp.
He turns a pale face to you, his eyes an obsidian shade of pure shining black as he breaths heavily from the messy battle fought only moments ago. Sloshing through the swamp water, he makes his way onto the shore to stand next to your smirking face.
"Yeah you really had that under control, I could tell from the way you were slowly getting turned into a drowner." You can't see it but you can practically feel his eye roll.
"And you didn't want to get a little wet." He mutters between heavy breaths while you flick water off of your hand.
You smile, sticking your dagger back into its leather sheath, "The only way I'm getting a little wet is by watching you stand naked in front of me as you sensually clean your sword." He laughs at your sarcastic remark, an odd but pleasant contrast to the dull bubbling of the swamp.
He then walks back into the water to cut a large piece off of the dead kikimora, hopefully it's enough to pay for some new clothes for your smelly Witcher. Once the beast is set and tied do you wait for him to mount Roach before he lets a hand out for you to take. Pulling you up into his lap, he slings his arms around your sides to better hold onto the leather reigns.
The ride to the gloomy village of Blaviken is a short one, but nonetheless enjoyable as you lean yourself into his warm body. Finally do you reach the wooden gates where Roach continues her trek into the town. As Geralt does, you keep your hood up, doing your best to hide behind your disheveled hair. No one bothers to look at you and Geralt when Roach comes to a stop, the two of you getting down, Geralt tying her up before you both head into the closest tavern for something to drink on this dreary morning.
As expected, you can feel the distrustful gazes from the tavern goers as they watch you and Geralt walk up to the bar. Ignoring their wary eyes, you take a seat as the lady bartender asks what you'd like to drink, seemingly uncaring or oblivious to the strangeness of you two. Geralt sets some coin onto the table getting straight down to business, as per usual.
"Point us to the alderman's house." He abruptly asks, she kindly answers him while pointing in the direction of the desired residence before she's cut off by a greasy slightly heavy looking man who shoos her away. He quickly steps behind the bar, glancing warily between the two of you.
"We don't want your kind here, Witcher." He states, only the tiniest bit of fear flashing through his grey eyes, but that's gone quickly as he glares over at you, "Or yours, daughter of demons." Spits the bearded man at you this time. Apparently your kinds reputation precedes you still, no matter, he is of little concern at the moment.
"The alderman, tell me where he is and we'll be on our way." Asks Geralt once again, nothing sinister lacing his words, although you're becoming irritated knowing that a group is forming behind you. And right on cue does a smiling bulldog of a man appear before you, snapping at Geralt about how he doesn't give the orders around here, adding in another insult to perhaps feel more superior. Geralt simply hums in response, turning his head to you in a silent plead for you to behave.
You begrudgingly listen and keep your head down as the bearded man orders you two to leave or face a rope around your necks. Geralt stands up and yet again is taunted and challenged by this snarky little man, who then promptly insults the both of you before calling to his men to stand ready. Oh can nothing ever be easy?
Suddenly a woman's voice speaks out among the crowd like a spark in the darkness, you quickly turn your cloaked head to face this mystery woman. Her short brunette hair is messy as her dark eyes scan over the three of you, curiosity in her calculated gaze. She wears an all red top, two black leather gauntlets embroidered in gold protect her lower forearms, and a single golden broach sits pinned above her left breast. She snaps at the bearded man to stay quiet as her eyes find your shadowed ones.
She gifts a mutual nod of respect before politely apologizing for her men's rudeness as she then askes them to leave, to your surprise, the bulldog-like man listens and they all leave without another word. For the next however long, she kindly buys you both a drink as she wonders of your whereabouts and the agreeable need for Geralt and some new clothes. When suddenly a random girl appears asking about the kikimora, Geralt turns to you and with a nod to Renfri, the both of you are off.
You lead the way to Roach as Geralt silently follows, the girl rambling on about nothing interesting but her own personal troubles and little adventures. Until her eyes light up once they find the bloody leg of the dead kikimora hidden under a bag atop Roach's back. To yours and Geralt's disappointment she claims that her father, the alderman, will have no use for the swamp beast. But as you both turn to leave she announces that instead you should speak to Master Irion, the village wizard, insisting he will pay for ingredients for elixers. With an annoyed roll of your eyes do you turn to follow the girl, Geralt smiling at your irritated face. Now you're going to meet a fucking wizard, just what you wanted.
The alderman's daughter leads you and Geralt down a gravely dirt road as Geralt holds onto Roach's leather reigns, the three of you walking past vendors and fresh produce stalls, "Have you ever killed a succubus? A striga? Werewolf? She-wolf?" Pries the smiling girl as she walks in between you and Geralt.
"That's not a thing." He replies bluntly.
"Okay then...a dhampir?" She questions, glancing at you for a split second.
You kick a small rock that lays in your path before answering, "You're more insightful then you look." She smiles sweetly at you, giving you a knowing glance, so she's aware of what you are, interesting.
"Well, I think all that monster killing makes you two heroes." She cheerfully boasts as her attention falls upon Geralt, "My mother says you're the offspring of foul sorcery, a diabolic creation, a filthy degenerate born of Hell." She exclaims before turning to look at you, "She thinks even less of your kind, told me you're a rarity or maybe the only one, a princess of darkness...heir to the black throne, or maybe it was the blood throne? Can't remember....you two ever been to Hell? I've never even left Blaviken. Because my mothers never left Blaviken and if it's good enough for Libushe, then it's good enough for Marilka. That's my name. Marilka, like milk." She says while turning her curious gaze over to Geralt, then back to you, "What's your guys' names?"
Marilka's face shifts from satisfaction for learning of your Witchers name, back to curiosity in a split second, "Like garroter? Nice...where are you from Geralt?" She wonders.
Marilka nods in understanding as she focuses her attention back to you, "What's your name?"
"Y/N....of Alkatraz." You tell her, giving her the name of your homeland so she won't ask you another question, cause lets be honest this kid doesn't need to know anything else about you. It may give her nightmares.
"I don't know where either of those places are, but I could learn, if you two'd let me." She inquires, hopeful that she may get something out of her questioning.
"No." Replies Geralt to her utter disappointment.
"Because I'm a girl and girls can't become Witchers. Which is probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard." She sasses, earning a smile from both yours and Geralt's dirty faces. "I want more...I have to be more, because I don't know what to do in Blaviken for the rest of my life, except go to the boring old market."
"And kill rats." Replies Geralt with a tiny amused grin as he shares a glance with you.
"And dogs." You add, causing Marilka to laugh as a large smile appears onto her young beaming face.
"Here we are." She announces once the three of you make it to the looming tower of grey stone, the house of the wizard. Geralt gives Marilka the reigns to Roach as you walk closer under the brick archway where giant wooden doors await. Even before Geralt is able to reach for the doors do you touch his arm, a wary expression clear on your face, you can see the way that the doors shimmer with magic. Something unseen to the eyes of men, or even a Witcher for that matter.
"An illusion." You explain, not wanting to go any further but also not wanting to miss out on what alluring mystery lays hidden behind the enchanted doors.
"I can hold your hand." He teases.
"You can kiss my arse."
"I can do that too." Whispers Geralt while you let out a breathy laugh.
Letting go of his arm, you both enter at the same time to a bright vibrant wall of enticing rainbows that dances across your vision as your gaze adjusts to the view. Your scarlet eyes going wide, first in awe of the spirited beauty of the gardens before a shocked laugh escapes your mouth once you see the naked women tending to the trees. Oh.
You turn to find Geralt seemingly quite disinterested and looking rather cleaner then he once was, his white hair much snowier then a moment ago, his black cloak gone from his shoulders, as well as your own. The both of you look upon a great floating tree in the center of the sun kissed courtyard, your ears suddenly pricking to the sound of closely approaching footsteps to your right. You snap your head over to the sight of a richly dressed man holding a wooden staff.
"Greetings. I am Stregobor....Master Stregobor. Sorcerer." Announces the greying bearded man who holds an oaken staff with a white crystal encircled at the top by the bending wood holding it prisoner. Why does he look oddly familiar?
"We have a kikimora for Master Irion." Mutters Geralt bluntly, Stregobor flashing a tiny grin in curiosity for the random presence of yourself and Geralt.
"Yes, well, forgive the confusion. Irion created this tower, but he's been dead 200 years. So, in order to honor him, I've taken his name as my...personal sobriquet." Explains Stregobor, Geralt simply hums in reply as you put a hand on your hip. Wizards and their deceitful tricks.
Scoffing, you glance around your current setting, "He create this illusion, too?" You ask with a raise of your eyebrow, the wizard turns with an unabashed smile to look at his pleasurable surroundings.
"No, his is, uh...this is my own creation. Helps pass time more delightfully." Answers Stregobor with a telling half grin upon his aging face, Geralt watches the irritation grow onto your clean dirt-less face as you shake your head.
Crossing your arms over your chest you eye up the old wizard, "Because you're in hiding, Stregobor." His demeanor immediately changes at your blunt reply, he didn't anticipate you'd figure him out so quickly. Why else would a renowned mage flee to this horseshit of a town and change his name to the long dead wizard?
He ever-so-slightly turns his head to the side, eyeing you distrustfully, "How very clever of you...princess, of night." States the annoyed wizard who hands you a glare, Geralt smirks as he watches this small tension filled interaction between the two of you. In all honesty, you're not surprised that this wizard knows who you are. You've been around for quite some time on this Continent, and anyways, you are the only dhampir known to exist who also happens to be a princess to the true Vampire Queen of the Northern Kingdoms.
With a curt turn of his body does Stregobor retain his once lost, now more welcoming demeanor as he nods for yourself and your Witcher to follow. He leads you two down an open hallway, where naked ladies and fruit filled trees remain on either side minding their business. They aren't real after all.
"Not often do we see the likeness of you two here in Blaviken." Admits the wizard, his fancy robes swishing as he walks.
"Not many of our likeness left." Replies Geralt as you walk down the stone hallway by his side, your eyes still wandering over the strange beauty of this pleasant illusion in contrast to the gloominess of Blaviken.
"Hm. Well Witcher I'd offer you my condolences, but...I seem to remember that Witchers don't feel...anything." You keep your eyes ahead of you, he doesn't know you and Geralt are most definitely a thing, "I'm grateful destiny brought you two to me."
"Marilka brought us to you." Inquires Geralt as he averts his golden eyes from the bareness of the magical women, a grim expression lingering onto your features the longer you stay in this dreadful palace of lies. Suddenly Stregobor walks in front of the both of you, stopping you from walking any further.
"Oh, Marilka. Marilka works for me. Now and then. On matters of great importance." Reveals Stregobor as he glances between you and Geralt, of course the little shit was a simple messenger, you should have known a wizard would want to see the only Witcher and dhampir within a two-hundred mile radius who happen to be in town.
Geralt lets out an annoyed sigh as you lean against a white marble pillar, "A reclusive sorcerer who uses an alias and hires a young girl to procure him a Witcher and one of the only known dhampirs. You don't want our monster. You want us to kill yours." Declares Geralt calmly as the old wizard stands with a satisfied smirk upon his face. Your head tilts as you cross your arms over your chest, giving Stregobor a judgmental look.
"Very clever. Indeed." Muses the wizard with a knowing squint of his blue eyes.
"What kind?" You wonder, intrigued with this new information that could possibly result in much needed coin.
Stregobor goes quiet for a second as his voice goes hushed, "The worst kind." His look turns wary, as you notice the concealed fear that flashes across his face, "The human kind." He moves in closer, like if he speaks too loud this human will hear his treachery and slay him on the spot, "Its name is Renfri." He whispers before abruptly turning and walking down the short stone steps to the gardens. You turn to give Geralt a quizzical look, he simply hums with a small shrug, so instead you decide to follow Stregobor to find the reasoning behind his assumptions about Renfri.
She doesn't appear to look like the worst kind of human. Now you've personally seen the worst kinds of humans in your travels, this all intrigues you so.
"Destiny has many faces, Witcher. Mine for example, is beautiful on the outside, but...hideous on the inside." Explains Stregobor as he holds a perfectly red apple in his right hand while Geralt leans his muscular arm against a stone fountain while you stand next to him. "She has stretched her bloody talons towards me." He claims, not a hint of falseness lacing his words, but you're not convinced of his rambling quite yet.
Fumbling with the leather gauntlets on your forearms do you look up at him, "Wizards are all the same. You talk nonsense while making wise and meaningful faces." You growl, "Don't waste our time." Stregobor ceases the illusion of the red apple in his hand, giving you a humored half smile, knowing he's been seen through for his vagueness.
"Have you ever heard of the....Curse of the Black Sun?" Starts the wizard as his eyes dart between you and Geralt, who's not particularly keen on learning about more mysterious history that this strange old man may have possibly been involved in.
"Yes. Although I'm assuming you'd like to tell it." You sass, the wizard ignores your remark as he turns back to Geralt, explaining further.
"First full eclipse in 1,200 years. It marked the imminent return of Lilit, demon goddess of the night sent to exterminate the human race. According to the wise mage Eltibald, Lilit's path was to be prepared by 60 women wearing gold crowns who'd fill the river valleys with blood." You watch as Geralt hums in response to the wizards superstitious nonsense.
"Doesn't rhyme. All good predictions rhyme." Replies Geralt unimpressed.
"I studied the girls born around the Black Sun, and I found horrendous internal mutations among them. I tried to cure them, locked them in towers for safekeeping, but the girls always died." Your face twists in disgust at the atrocious proclamations Stregobor is freely giving you. No shit they died, who wants to be locked away?
"Internal mutations?" Pries Geralt.
"They were autopsied, of course, to confirm my suspicions. But eliminating these women was the lesser evil. They could have drowned entire kingdoms in blood." He states confidently, sure of his actions, "If you'd been alive during Falks's Rebellion, seen what I saw..."
"Innocent women are dead." Mutters Geralt, anger low in his gravely voice as you stare daggers in Stregobor's direction, what was this mans deal with hurting these poor women, how did he know if these princess' would have actually have done what was supposedly said?
"But not Renfri, the dark eyed one." You add, the wizard looks away knowing he's been caught for his interior motives, "She's after you, can't imagine why." You jab with a smirk as he walks around the fountain.
"Daughter of King Fredefalk of Creyden. I delivered the princess myself in the middle of the afternoon in pitch black." He says while keeping his gaze onto something nearby as he remembers his past dealings.
"Under the Black Sun, so....she's cursed." Muses Geralt as he throws his arms to his sides, not believing in this ridiculous story one bit, Stregobor whips around, an offended look upon his face.
"Do you consider me a fool, Witcher?" He snaps.
"Very much." His blue eyes glare at you with malice as you smile a sweet fangy grin back at him before continuing his explanation, still agitated that he's not getting any help from either of you.
"Do you think I did not conduct research? Renfri was acutely affected. Her stepmother, Aridea, told me she tortured a canary, strangled two puppies, even gouged out her maid's eye with a comb."
"She would have fit right in with my family then." You whisper with a light chuckle, he simply ignores you, a small smile flashing onto Geralt's face.
"I admit what happened next was not ideal, but...with the lives of Adrea's own children on the line, we had to act. So I dispatched someone to follow Renfri into the woods. We found him in the brush, Renfri's antique brooch jammed into his ear. After that, I organized a manhunt to find the princess, but...eh...she was gone." He rambles with a dismissive wave of his hands as he turns away from you both once again, remembering aged memories, "Two years. Until she reappeared, robbing and murdering merchants on the roads of Mahakam. Impaled them on sticks at first, but soon, she picked up sword skills. And now no man can defy her, it's said." Inquires Stregobor with a troubled look in Geralt's direction.
"You're not a man. You're a magician." States Geralt, implying that Stregobor should be able to handle this shit himself, considering he's an actual wizard and all.
"She's resistant to magic." Reveals Stregobor dismally.
Your face turns to a mix of confusion and curiosity, "That's impossible in humans." You add, never had you heard of something like this before.
"Not...mutated ones. She's chased me for years, bent on revenge. And now she attacked me here, just as you two have arrived." Declares the wizard in a hushed voice as he glances from you to Geralt, "Destiny." He whispers dramatically, "Kill her. I'll pay whoever lands the fatal blow, anything."
Geralt lets out a sigh, "We kill monsters."
"The kikimora kills because it's hungry. Renfri kills for pleasure. She is a monster. She is the last of Lilit's women. And she possess the power to destroy us all." Insists Stregobor as he leans in closer to Geralt who does not look pleased.
"If she's the last, this demon goddess cannot return considering you killed them all."
The old wizard gives you a look, "I did what was necessary for the survival of the human race, she is after me. I would rather keep my life and keep her from murdering anyone else just because she can. She has the power to bring forth unspeakable calamity."
"I don't believe anyone has that power." You reply, gifting this nutcase a less then friendly expression as you turn to leave without another word.
"You will sorely regret this." Calls out Stregobor.
"Will we?" Speaks your Witcher before turning and walking over to the small staircase leading away from the gardens. You leave Geralt on the steps, not caring for him and this wizards small exchange of words dealing with choosing between the lesser evils. You walk down the short sunny stone hallway, past more naked women and plant life as you make your way for the enchanted doors.
Enough with this mess.
After the events of earlier, consisting of an info dump of unneeded disturbing knowledge thrust upon you and Geralt by a rightfully paranoid old wizard, you and your silver haired man made sure to find a place in the nearby forest to camp for the night away from the village, and it's watchful residents. He grinds up some type of healing herb as you pet Roach, feeding her a well deserved carrot that you stole from the market.
Suddenly your nose catches the scent of Stregobor's worst fears, you turn in the direction of the approaching woman, a protective hand still on the mane of Roach. Renfri silently nods to you as you glance down to where Geralt is crouched, wordlessly implying for her to leave you alone and to discuss her intentions with the Witcher instead. Renfri accepts your soundless order without a word, turning she walks towards Geralt where she squats down just the same.
While petting Roach, you can't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. Renfri explains in dreadful first hand detail of what Stregobor's men really did to her in the woods before letting her live, those sick bastards. She then explains her reasoning that led her to where she is now, on her bloody war path of revenge and that now she wants you two to kill Stregobor in place of herself. Exclaiming it's the lesser evil, something you've heard too much of today which has you wondering what destiny has in store.
Geralt brushes her off as he stands up and walks over to you and Roach, Renfri following.
"I could have become so many things." She says longingly, a small smile upon her lips, "Queen Calanthe of Cintra, she just won her first battle at Hochebuz. But here I am, trying to convince you I'm not.."
"A monster." You interrupt as her gaze locks onto you.
"How am I to know?" She asks, "When I cut my finger I bleed...That's human right? When I overeat, my stomach aches. When I'm happy, I laugh. When I'm upset, I swear. And when I hate someone for stealing my whole life away from me, I kill him."
Geralt hums in thought as you purse your lips together at her truthful words before walking a couple feet away from them, her dark eyes flicker from you to Geralt, "People call you a monster too."
"A mutant." He corrects.
She smiles knowingly as her gaze settles onto your face, "You're more monster then the two of us. What if they come after you? Attack you? Why not kill them?"
"Because then I am what they say I am." You share a glance with Geralt, "We both are."
"If I tell you, Witcher..." Eyes set over to you, "..fellow princess, that I can neither forgive Stregobor nor renounce my revenge, it that it? I admit I'm a monster?"
"Yes." You add before taking a step closer to Renfri, "Or you can leave Blaviken and finally live. You choose, princess."
Geralt leads Roach up the small hill as you walk past Renfri to follow, she stands there a moment in defeat before turning her head to face your retreating forms, "What if that's not my final choice? What if I want more? What if I deserve it?"
Geralt halts as you pause your movement to face Renfri, "Then what? Kill him and be done with it? You deserve your wrath, but he deserves lasting fear for his own crimes. Maybe that old fuck was right and the daughters born under the Black Sun would bring chaos to this world...however that time is long done with. Lilit isn't coming, and you can choose to be free."
"He deserves death."
"He does, but if you kill him. You will always be hunted for this." You explain truthfully, "Renfri, you could leave this all behind and know he will always fear you for the rest of your days, is that not enough? Must you murder and be prosecuted for it too? Never free, never to travel in peace again? Is that what you want?"
Her scowl begins to slowly turn into a deep frown at your insightful words of wisdom. She knows you're right but cannot stop how her heart and soul feels towards everything she's ever set her mind to in regards to this wizard. She glares at the ground while you turn to travel elsewhere at last, the both of you leaving Renfri by the stream to deal with her own conflicted thoughts.
"Are you talking to Roach again about your monster slaying?" You quip as a smirk dances across your face. He looks up at you from petting Roach to shake his head with an embarrassed smile as he promptly walks over to sit upon a log and continue his grinding of that healing herb from earlier.
He glances up at you as you approach him, "Oh how I've missed your witty mouth." Muses Geralt with a half smile as you take off your cloak and go to sit down next to him.
"I just went to take a piss, calm your thoughts." He chuckles in amusement as your eyes find his hand, watching intently a he focuses his attention onto the boring task, "What hurts now?"
"Nothing. This is for when I actually get injured." You click your tongue in reply, an appealing idea popping into your mind while you silently move your hand, letting your fingers lightly touch his thigh.
Biting your lip you try and watch for a sign, "Why don't you use those strong hands of yours for something less, tedious." He immediately halts his actions, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he slowly turns his head to you. Raising an eyebrow at your more sensual implications.
"If the lady insists." He mutters, setting the bowl onto the leafy forest floor as he leans in closer to you, your lips making heated contact.
Under the cover of darkness, with only the small burning of the dwindling firelight do you make love to your Witcher until the moon sits high into the night sky. He feels amazing and works as a much needed distraction from the tiresome events of the day, you being the same for him.
You wake up with a start as Geralt mumbles Renfri's name, waking himself up in the process from whatever strange dream he must have been having. Suddenly your eyes go wide in realization, Renfri had claimed she would leave Blaviken in the morning, but you think otherwise.
"The market."
You and Geralt walk through the dreary village, no cloaks or thick leather armor adorning either one of your bodies except for your gauntlets and the thicker laced material around your torso. He carries his silver sword in his right hand, holding the blade upwards as to conceal it better from anyone directly in front of him. You walk steadily by his side, your dagger sheathed at your hip, you haven't come here to shed blood. But you know better then to assume otherwise, your suspicions further coming to light when your crimson eyes lock onto the balding bulldog looking man from yesterday in the tavern. One of Renfri's men, he looks ready to fight, with a smirk upon his smug face and a strange weapon clutched in his right hand, more of Renfri's men gathering behind him.
He spits at your feet, "She knew you two'd come." Assures the man, stopping a small distance away from you and Geralt, about five more of her followers spread about behind him.
"Where's Renfri?" Grumbles Geralt calmly, not particularly fond of what may follow.
"She's at the tower with your little friend, Marilka." The bald one sneers, a grim smile still holding onto his lips. A dark haired man in dirty faded green clothing with soot smeared about his lean face steps forward, standing next to the bald one.
"She gave us a message to pass on to you both. You have to choose the lesser evil." Challenges the dark haired man. The lesser evil, hmm.
A slightly fatter man steps forth, "It's an ultimatum." He insists while pulling out his sword from its sheath, "Get it?"
Half of them are giving you nasty smirks as they bare their own weapons, sure of themselves in how things are about to turn out for them, they have no idea just how fucked they truly are. Though you'd rather not begin this insignificant battle considering they're just men who have been blinded and manipulated by a rightfully furious princess. Why can't they just all fuck off to the woods and maybe fall down a hill?
They move in place, all ready to do some damage when another one spits at the ground. "Fuck." Mutters Geralt as he shares a dismal glance with you. No sooner does this happen do your ears prick at the familiar sound of a crossbow trigger being pressed, thus launching an arrow that slices through the air with a distinctive sing.
Time slows and you watch as a sharp arrow follows its masters path straight for Geralt's chest, in an instant he cuts it down from its path with a swift ploy of his sword. The arrow falls to the muddy ground, forgotten as soon as another man charges him, yelling out a battle cry as he ignores you, heading directly for Geralt with a quick swing of his sword. A man with an axe catches your gaze, rage in his grey eyes as he gives you an ugly smile before making a heated dash in your direction.
He swings his axe up in preparation for the death blow he's about to give, in the precious seconds that he takes to keep his arms up, you take this opportunity to unsheathe your dagger and drive it straight through his vulnerable skull. Pulling it out he instantly falls to the ground with a hard thud, blood spurting everywhere; another man throws his sword at you while admitting his own battle cry.
You skillfully duck under his powerful swing, bringing your dagger up to slice open his torso in the process, his screams filling the morning air as his insides fall out of him, you don't look back to watch as he falls, dying in the mud. You race past the crossbowman who's still frantically loading in another bolt, Geralt taking care of the dark haired man in the background.
Four more of Renfri's men charge at you, swords in one hand and shields in the other. A large man screams at you as he throws his heavy sword towards your shoulder, you quickly manifest yourself into a pack of screeching black bats. Flying yourself past the surprised man and his other friends before shifting back into your original form. They turn towards you in frightful bewildered confusion, completely taken aback by your unexpected display of abilities. In this time you quickly jab your dagger through the throat of the last man closest to you. Blood spurts out of his fresh wound as you take a step back, suddenly the other three are thrust backwards by the force of Geralt's magic. One of them quickly recovers and launches himself in your direction, leaving his two other companions to die at the hands of the Witcher.
He smartly keeps his shield in front of him for protection as he swings his sword at you. You turn to your right and jump up onto the wooden wall of someone's house as the man slashes at you, missing his target. You jump down behind him and in one swift motion pull his head back, slitting a deep cut into his throat. He falls to the ground, choking on his own blood as he bleeds out into the dirty streets of the market. In an instant Geralt is at your side when you hear the terrified shrieks of Marilka, who's trapped in the deadly clutches of Renfri, a silver blade pressed against her neck.
You stay where you are as Geralt slowly approaches Renfri, he keeps his sword lowered to the ground as she watches wide eyed and fuming.
"You chose." She whispers, shocked at how fast everything went to shit, her plans now ruined.
"Let the girl go." He pleads, Renfri looks down at Marilka in disgust, blade still closely pressed against her neck.
She scoffs, "I will kill her. I will kill everyone here until Stregobor comes down." She hisses, venom practically dripping off of her tongue.
"Leave Blaviken." Inquires Geralt as he pinches his fingers together, ready to use destructive magic on her, "It's not to late."
"Magic doesn't work on me." Fumes Renfri as Marilka whimpers beneath her arms, "Silver does, though." She adds softly, a look of pure hate upon her dirt smudged features.
"Silver is for monsters."
Renfri suddenly shoves Marilka to the side as she throws her blade upon her left arm, the fight of a lioness coursing through her veins.
"If we cross swords..." States Geralt cautiously as he begins to back up.
"I won't be able to stop." Breaths Renfri while advancing forward towards Geralt.
You watch as she skillfully lays into him, blocking his swings as he does the same with each of her deadly hits. He suddenly gains the upper hand and pins her against a wall, a second later she stabs him in the abdomen with her hidden dagger. He pulls back as she slashes at him once again, rage fueling her motives, they dance in the marketplace. The clashing of silver on silver and their heavy breathing is all that you can hear besides the beating of their hearts as blood pumps through them, adrenaline coursing throughout their systems.
You want to stop her, but this is their fight. Honor among warriors keeps you to the sidelines, this would be unfair of you to join him.
Without warning she slashes Geralt's muscular thigh, sending him to the ground with a grunt from the quick pain, in an instant she's thrusting her dagger towards his throat. But before she has a chance to lay anymore life threatening damage you swiftly block her small blade with your own weapon. Time to intervene apparently. Her face glares at you as she pulls back, your body hastily stepping in front of Geralt as he tries to gather himself, his leg throbbing in pain.
You carefully eye up the princess, "You should have left Blaviken." She smirks at your remark before swinging her sword at you. Quickly dodging her blow you shift to the side as she advances forward, launching more attacks left and right, you're able to block them with your dagger as this weapon's large enough to clash with hers. It doing enough damage on its own, even against her sword.
"No man can kill me." She hisses breathlessly as you clash your silver dagger against her shinning sword, she moves to the side as you skillfully thwart another one of her deadly assaults.
You lightly chuckle at her proclamation, "I am no man." You snap, whipping your body around to block another heated blow, she simply sneers at you, her eyes flashing with hatred.
Another slash of her sword sends you reeling backwards, your dangerous waltzing taking you and her between two houses and into another courtyard. When she brings her sword towards your stomach you quickly grab the hilt right out of her hand, taking her by surprise at your abrupt strength and inhuman reflexes. You point the ruthless silver at her jugular, your eyes two glowing rubies staring into her black stormy irises. She stares you down defiantly, nothing in her cold dark eyes but rage, you almost pity her.
Breathing heavily, you cautiously twist her sword in your hand so that your grip is holding it easier, keeping it close to her skin the whole time. You throw your large dagger to the ground, pulling away her sword from her throat and bringing it down to your side. Her brows furrow but only for a moment before she thrusts her dagger en route for your own windpipe. Dropping your sword, you quickly catch her hands clutched around her weapon with incredible speed as you then turn it around to face her. The blade pushes soundlessly into her flesh as you step closer, your blood spotted sweaty faces inches apart as her eyes go wide in realization.
You blink, pulling the dagger out with a shling sound in its wake, blood seeps out of it in a shiny tide of crimson enough to match the color of your saddened eyes. You hold her in your left arm, sword in your right, she stares up at you with nothing. You suddenly feel dreadful.
"The girl in the woods will be with near you always. She is his destiny." Gasps Renfri quietly as she searches for your eyes as something to hold onto before she's gone from this world. She didn't want this and neither did you, but she chose.
You can't help but feel horrible at what you've just done, none of this shit should have ever happened to her, she could of had a wonderful life with happy days and laughter. Instead she got betrayal and blood from the hands of a wicked wizard and his ill intent. You slowly lower her dying body onto the soft ground as shaky breaths rush from your lips. She's growing paler as a river of blood runs out of her wounds, dripping onto the mud.
Your expression contorts into a conflicted frown, you feel unbelievably terrible. "Rest now." You softly speak a last kindness, a pained expression painted across your face as you watch the light from her eyes dissipate away. When you rise from the ground Geralt stands quietly before you, a soft gaze lingering with your somber one.
"Why does it always end this way?" You wonder, anger rising into your words. Geralt lowers his head, reaching down to pick up your discarded dagger. He hands it to you, blood smeared over the hilt and blade. You walk away from the dead laying in the dry mud, Geralt following you.
"Incredible. Marilka. Marilka? Marilka! Get me a cart." Demands Stregobor as he turns his head away from an approaching Geralt, "We'll take her to the tower for an autopsy."
He holds his sword up to the old wizards neck, "If you touch a single hair on her head, yours will be on the ground next." Growls Geralt, not an ounce of falsehood lacing his words. Stregobor gives him a quizzical look as you step closer to the two of them, irritation glaring back at him through eyes of crimson.
"Have you gone mad? Her mutation, it influences people. That's how she got these men to follow her. We need to take it." Insists the wizard, pausing for a moment to study Geralt's face, he tilts his head knowingly, "She got to you too, didn't she? That's why your beast had to slay her, jealousy perhaps." He concludes, glancing to you for a split second with a punchable smirk upon his aging features.
"Do not...touch her." Hisses Geralt in a low and menacing tone, Stregobor seemingly unaffected by his threats.
"Witcher." He states in the tone of a disappointed father, "You butchered bodies in the streets of Blaviken, with the princess of night at your side, killing at your command." He rules out, a crowd of shocked villagers gathering close by, sending angry looks your way.
"You're a beast." Shouts one man.
"You've both endangered the girl." Cries a woman.
"She'll turn us into night creatures next.."
Stregobor simply half smiles, "You took the law into your own hands." More insults are screamed and yelled at by the growing crowd of displeased rowdy villagers, "You both made a choice. And you'll never know if it was the right one." He whispers, pleased with how things have turned out for him.
Suddenly a rock cracks you in the side of your temple, another one catching Geralt on the side of his head as people from the crowd shout more insults and heated threats. He kneels to the ground, picking up Renfri's brooch as more rocks bounce off of his back. You keep onto your feet, glaring at Stregobor from the hood of your eyes as you tilt your head down, your hands balled into tight fists at your sides while more rocks are being thrown at you. Marilka walks in front of the two of you, a pitifully disappointed look upon her young face.
Her lip trembles, "Get out of Blaviken, the both of you. Don't ever come back." She warns as tears well up in the corners of her hazel eyes, Geralt slowly stands as he turns a downcast look in your direction. You give a small nod in mutual understanding, it's time to go. As you turn on your heel and take a step forward, the people of Blaviken immediately go silent as they watch your every move.
They back away as you and Geralt pass through the dreary streets on your way out of the village, soon they gain their confidence back as they scream and curse, clenching their fists. A couple bold teenagers chucking more stones, aiming to shed blood. Aiming to feel strong.
You and your Witcher keep your heads down, eyes upon the dirt as they scream and harass you both all the way to the gates. You make your way for the woods, dirt and blood marking unkindly upon your dispirited features.
Everything feels so wrong, and your head feels cloudy with troubled thoughts and dismal images. You just wanted to travel to Blaviken to get Geralt some new clothes, this is not how you intended for things to go.
Tagged: @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​@haleypearce (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work)
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lillianofliterature · 4 years
marvel preferences || 1/?
this is the first of many preferences I will start writing over time. if you have any preference requests, send them in via my inbox! i’m not writing full fics for anyone right now but I would love to take requests for preferences! check my masterlist for lists of fandoms/characters. happy reading!
p.s. loki’s will probably always be the longest. he’s my comfort character and precious soul who deserves the MOST.
if gifs not sourced, they were found on google, lmk if they’re yours!
(more below the cut-off)
what made them fall in love with you
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Steve Rogers
Your smile. Steve never thought he could find comfort in another person after he woke up in a brand new world. He had lost everyone he had ever known and everything he had been familiar with all of his life. But there was something in your smile that took him right back to 1942, to rich blackberry pie in his mother’s icebox, to the melodies that would play over the static of his old radio, and the alluring feeling of being at home again. He thrived off of your smile - so much so that he could scarcely go a day without seeing it. 
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Tony Stark 
Your sass. Tony thought Pepper was the only one who could keep up with the quick-witted nonsense that rolled of his tongue until you came onto the scene. You were not only just as sharp as he was and kept pace with his attitudes and references, but totally ruthless in your quips which even left him speechless on occasion. Life was never dull around you and he didn’t feel like he needed to try and sensor his remarks or his frequent rudeness - he knew you could understand the reason or the emotion behind it and often even find his sense of humor in all of it. When he had seen you roll your eyes for the first time mid-conversation, Tony knew he was in too deep - especially when he realized your reaction was aimed at Steve. 
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Clint Barton
Your sense of humor. To anyone who really knew the famed archer, it was basic knowledge to know that Clint had an affinity for a good sense of humor - believing himself to have one of the best. When he had gotten to know you a little better, he was ecstatic to finally have someone to joke around with and not have to worry about poor timing or moody reactions. You were always willing to have a laugh, especially in the midst of a serious or daunting situation. You had your share of dad jokes, cheesy puns, borderline offensive nicknames for everyone on the team, and so many other quips that Clint thrived off of. He found himself eager to be around you whenever he could, ready to bounce his latest joke off of you and just enjoy your company.
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Natasha Romanoff
Your leadership skills. Natasha had saught a sense of security all of her life, especially since she had turned her life around and joined S.H.I.E.L.D.’s forces. When you later joined the team, you were able to bring each Avenger together and help them through their many differences - even Tony and Steve. Even out in the chaos of a mission, you had the ability to wrangle the team and find a way through every unforeseen situation. You had established a strong definition of unity for the team, determined to keep everyone together, and she loved you for that. 
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Bruce Banner
Your intelligence. Bruce loved the fact that he could carry on an intellectual conversation with someone who could keep up with him when he was in his zone. Whether it was science, technology, or just the elaborate store of vocabulary you kept under your belt, he adored every bit of it. You didn’t even need to know all that much about his field of work to seem genuinely interested in his passions and he loved entertaining your interests as well. 
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Peter Parker
Your nerdiness. Peter couldn’t believe he had met a girl who was just as obsessed with Star Wars as he was. Sure, he wasn’t ignorant to the fact that girls could be nerds, but he had just never met one in person - at least not one as full of so many amazing qualities as you were. You were kind, funny, sharp-minded, and totally enthralled with anything to do with your fandoms, and never missed a beat when he used one of his many fandom-related references in day-to-day conversation. Not to mention you were downright beautiful. He enjoys nothing more than the hours he spends with you and Ned talking about movies, comics, and music, and especially the times you help them build their limited edition LEGO sets without a hint of judgement. You were something special. 
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Your laugh. Scott couldn’t get enough of it. Since the first moment he had heard your real laughter, unkempt and wild, he had been finding ways to bring it out of you - which he succeeded at more times than not. There was something about the way that expression of joy left you breathless for air with little crinkles at the corners of your sparkling eyes. It was adorable. Being able to have that effect on you was one of the few things he could truly take pride in, and he would happily spend the rest of his life doing just that.
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Your eyes. He is always careful to study a person’s eyes upon meeting them, knowing them to be the window to a person’s very soul; their innate being. When he looked into yours, he saw a mix starlight and wonderment. He could see from the very start that you had an honest soul - you sought no ill will upon anyone around you. You were good, passionate, and pure. You had captivated him with just a single glance and he found himself relentlessly drawn to you. 
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The way you speak to him. Loki had spent a lifetime surrounded by voices fueled with negativity and condescension, apart from the voice of his mother. He had been the brunt of cruel jokes from the Warriors Three, blamed for his brother’s numerous misgivings as children, and forced to accept Odin’s distaste for him. When you came along, he had expected no different from you - but you proved him wrong. You spoke to him in a way no one, save his beloved mother, had ever spoken to him. 
You regarded him with respect as a noble, which most people had try to strip from him all of his life. Your kindness, which overflowed in abundance around him, warmed his soul with pleasure. Your tone was never anything less than sincere. Even when you grew frustrated with him, you were mindful to respect his triggers and could express your anger truthfully in love, without malice or hatred. When you laughed, you laughed with him, and not at him. Your compliments and endless affirmations of his worth gave him a since of residual positivity about himself. He found himself eager to see you and speak with you - he knew you would never dismiss him or abandon him. Because of you, he had begun to like himself as he was, not for what anyone told him he could never be.
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Your compassion. Thor had known a great many people in his lifetime, noble and ordinary, and had yet to meet anyone with a heart as big as yours. You had seen him as more than just a stuck-up prince from the very beginning and had helped him see past himself and shed his arrogant scales. You never asked for anything more than simple kindess and in return, you gave your heart so fully to every cause. In many ways, you had taught him how to see with his heart and not so much his power or his royalty. You’d shown him how to see through the eyes of his people, and not just as their ruler. He wishes he could be as compassionate and selfess as you are. 
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Your combat skills. To say Valkyrie was impressed the day you slayed three Sakaar Imperials with one clean swing of your blade was an understatement. They had been looming in the distance, their weapons aimed for her head, as she fought of a hoard of junk hunters. The imperials had been out for her for a few weeks, ever since she had gained the special favor of the Grandmaster for her delivery of new gladiators or scum. Your swift decision to aide her saved her life. She hadn’t trusted the sword of anyone other than herself since the massacre of her fellow Valkyrie until she met you. She admired your skill and determined demeanor in a fight, as well as your ability to sense a sour situation. You had grown on her.
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Peter Quill 
Your taste in music. Peter wasn’t used to having a receptive audience when it came to sharing his mix tapes with the Guardians. It took several weeks - for Drax, it took months - for them to begin to appreciate the songs he blasted through the sound system of the Milano. When you arrived on the scene, he was more than ecstatic to find your Zune hidden away in your things after Rocket, who had yet to trust you, had convinced him to search your bags for any incriminating evidence. It was loaded with many of the same songs he had spent his life memorizing and dancing to. From then on, after you got over the snooping through your things in secret, you and Peter would share your music. Whether it be oldies, new discoveries, or absurd alien songs that came through the radio frequencies, Peter couldn’t be happier to finally have someone who understood the power of music the way he did. 
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bnha-butterfly · 4 years
she’s a lady with denki and angsts please! his feelings for y/n aren’t mutual but y/n doesn’t know that. denki doesn’t tell her because he doesn’t want to ruin his friendship with her. it’s painful for him to still be friends with y/n and act like everything’s ok when he’s still hurting inside.
for her personality, she’s witty, quick, and sassy with her remarks. she’s a badass and will defend her friends in a heartbeat.
y/n and denki are really close. like denki stays with y/n during wash days. that’s how comfy they are together.
just something angsty and will make me sad idk 😄
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I really hope I did this justice. I swear I listen to the song about 3 billion times while writing it. This isn’t as angst filled as I wish it was but it is pretty sad. 
Female!Reader || Black!Reader || Angst
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“She's a lady
And ladies shouldn't be messed with”
Denki remembers the way you looked when he first laid eyes on you. There was just something about you. Maybe it was the way your braids had perfectly framed your face, or the way the layer of lip gloss made your lips seem that much more enticing, or maybe it was the way that you carried yourself. Back then he had only liked you for your looks. Sure you were gorgeous, heavenly even but the more he got to know you the more your personality enraptured him. You had Sero’s wittiness, sass that rivaled even Mina and were even more badass than Bakugou. You had all the aspects of his friends that he enjoyed with your own flair and twist to it.
He isn’t quite sure when it all happened. But, at some point his harmless flirting became more serious. Always complimenting you or finding ways to be around you a little bit longer. He didn’t notice the exact moment he had fallen in love with you. Maybe it was the very first time he had heard your boisterous laugh at one of his shitty jokes, or the time he watched you tear into Monoma for saying something rude about one of the other kids in class 1-A. But it was painfully obvious to him and everyone around him that he was in fact in love with you. Obvious to everyone except for you that was. He had made plans to tell you, to confess to you that you were the reason he had stopped flirting with all those girls. Yet, when it was time to go through with it and he attempted to, his mouth ran dry and the words sat in his throat just choking him. So he had swallowed them down and instead offered to keep you company the next time it was wash day, the words sitting like a stone in his stomach.
He wished he had never offered to keep you company. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy spending time with you. But, it just killed a little part of him to sit alone with you in your dorm room doing something so domestic together. You nestled between his legs on the floor while he sat on the bed working product into your hair and tenderly massaging your scalp. He had surprised you when he showed up and seemed to know what to do. You had even questioned him on why he knew so much about natural hair. He had played it off saying he’d sometimes help Mina. When in reality he had spent the past few days looking up natural hair styles, watching wash day routines on YouTube, and googling any questions he had.
By the time the two of you had finished your wash day routine the sun was beginning to dip down under the horizon. The remaining rays of light coming through your balcony window, bathing the room in a warm golden hue. The sight was enough to take Denki’s breath away. You, bathed in the warmth of a sunset, the rays forming a halo around your crown of freshly taken care of curls. He couldn’t help but to reach out and cup your cheek with his hand.
“You really are the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. You know that right?” Denki said, his thumb gently rubbing over your cheekbone.
“Now don’t go sayin’ all that and have Mina hear you. She'd throw a fit.” You said with a laugh. That same laugh that made his heart swell and made butterflies flutter in his stomach. “You aren’t so bad yourself, sparky.”
Kaminari had never wanted to kiss you more than he wanted to in that moment. But instead he let his hand drop from the side of your face and gave you a bittersweet smile. You didn’t get it. Didn’t hear the sincerity and admiration that had laced his voice. But, that was okay because for now he was willing to choke down his feelings for you and let them settle like a rock in his stomach. It was obvious now that you didn’t feel the same way he did, and maybe it had been obvious all along and he was just too blind to see it.
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feastofcadavers · 3 years
Even in the most comfortable of beds, Mint couldn't seem to catch a break when it came to resting well. Though it didn't exactly help when the lights in his place of rest were flickering rapidly. Just barely opening his eyes, Mint looked into the blurry darkness that would seem to set itself alight for brief moments. It was through this haze that the musician would slowly process that this flickering was... Not normal. Blinking a few times to attempt to get some of the sleep out of his eyes, the emerald-eyed man would realize that these lights were flashing too sporadically to be caused by someone messing with the light switch. "Wha..." He'd tiredly start to speak, though soon had his eyes shoot open as he heard a distant yell. That- that sounded like someone was in excruciating pain.
Whipping himself out of bed- and nearly falling over due to the imbalance of just waking up- Mint looked around for where the sound could have come from. Aloe was in the room with him, sleeping peacefully and holding some sort of doll. He couldn't exactly make it out since the lighting was so inconsistent, but it at least wasn't the source of distress. There was a split-second idea of waking Aloe up, just in case, but... As the shrieking of pain caught in his ears again, he decided against such and just focused on the sound itself... Which seemed to be coming from outside.  There was a window in the space between the beds that the two resided in that also held a window, clear of dust and whatever else. There seemed to be sparks flying past it, coinciding with the screaming. So, what else was Mint to do? He'd approach the window, looking out into the world that wouldn't break into dawn for at least a few more hours.
And to the violinist's surprise, or rather, his shock... There was a yellow glow far beneath the window. And looking into that glow, there was... Someone. Too familiar with someone with electrical abilities, Mint could feel a weight on his heart as he heard the voice cry out again, barely recognizing the voice now that he had a visual. Lemon?! What was he doing all the way out here? Mint's expression furrowed into one of deep distress. What was causing that much pain? Screaming out into the darkness, the agony held in his voice, it... If it was something that even someone like Lemon couldn't stifle, it must've been excruciating. As the latest scream died down, the concerned onlooker could make out some sort of bag next to the sparking victim. That was-
Another scream-! This one was far louder than the others. One that sounded more like a screech that almost gave the impression that Lemon's vocal cords were tearing themselves apart. The horrific sound rang itself in Mint's ears, and he was met with the sight of... Oh- Oh for the love of- Mint could feel a similar pain shoot through his back as he saw the sight of wings tear out of Lemon's flesh. Despite the darkness, the red of blood was kept visible with the yellow glow that was speckled throughout it, highlighting the horrors and agony that one as cold as him couldn't help but fall apart under. Lemon was curling in on himself, wings seeming to glimmer as if it was some sort of newborn blessing.
Mint was finally able to pry himself away from the window, pupils trembling and his body tense as he tried to process what he just saw. His eyes wouldn't deceive him, would they? Putting a hand over his heart, he would breathlessly try to tell it to be still. He'd retract it a second later, knowing what his words implied. "Just... Just calm down... I-I... I need to..." Shutting his eyes tight and shaking his head, he'd turn away from the window and make a break out the door. What way was the exit to this place? He couldn't let Lemon suffer alone out there- Not when he had personal experience as to how painful it was and how weak one could become afterward!
Turning a corner, Mint would accidentally collide with Truffle, narrowly falling back but catching himself. "I'm- I'm sorry, I just-" "You are going to look for the source of all that screaming and these flickering lights, aren't you?" "Well, yes, but you- you see-" Mint would pause in his words, trying to properly get himself to speak. In which that effort was... marginally successful. "That- Out there is an acquaintance- Lemon, he... He just sprouted wings! I need to go and- and make sure he's taken care of!" "Ah, I see. Well then," Truffle began as she turned from Mint, softly smiling back at him, "how about we go pay him a visit and I will ensure that he is cared for? It would be rude to keep him waiting." As much as the violinist felt unease about the situation, at least Truffle was there to help- her and those spiders. He didn't question where the spiders were at this time, just... Instead focusing on making sure the two of them would get to Lemon as fast as possible.
Despite only being able to see some spindly portions of what Mint assumed to be the guide's dress, Truffle was very quick on her feet and brought the two out in no time flat. "This way-" Mint would quickly state, heading around the perimeter of the mansion. Past the graves and whatever else the Hallow's Eve addict had for decorations, Lemon was in sight, glowing bright and sparks flying from his wounds like frayed wires amidst the dark, wooded atmosphere. "Wait a moment," Truffle would interject, putting a hand on Mint's shoulder to stop them both from barging in. "There is someone in front of him- the one clad in reddish-purple, see?" The worried one would squint into the dark, and yes, there was someone else there. Someone... With a crossbow. Truffle would gently bring Mint behind a nearby tree, hiding him away from possible sight.
Mint would watch cautiously, attempting to get a better view of the one that seemed to be focused on Lemon. They were shorter than most he'd seen, but clearly not one to be messed with if the tattered cloak that covered them were any indication.
"So... You finally fucked up big time." The figure would speak, prominently irritated in tone. The voice was feminine, but held a gravelly undertone. "First Carrot, and now this? I should have shot you down the moment you decided to go after Caramel." There was a growl, the crossbow being tampered with in her hands. Mint almost brought himself out, but Truffle held onto his shoulder. "And where is he now, huh? Did your little prison break go well? I wouldn't say so, considering you're... Well... One of them now." Some mix of a scoff and a dry laugh came from the figure as she raised her crossbow and gestured idly over Lemon's body, as if deciding where to shoot. Lemon's body was visibly trembling. Not from the threat before him, but from the pain.
"I always thought you were a rebel, a dishonorable one at that. I can't believe you couldn't even stick with us hunters just because... Just because of some bitch that can't hold his own." And for once, Lemon would retort back. "You'd- you'd do the same for Carrot, Beet. Or should I call you... A hypocrite?" "Oh, shut your fucking mouth." Beet would take a step forward, aiming her weapon at Lemon's chest. Even if the sparking insect was stuck against the side of the mansion, bloodied and depleted of energy, he still had some sass in him it seemed. "At least I was able to save- to rescue someone that I care for, unlike you." "I said, shut your fucking MOUTH!"
Beet would let a bolt out of their weapon, but... It narrowly missed Lemon's head. Probably a warning shot. Probably. And at that point, Mint gave the impulse decision to run out and stand in front of Lemon- defending him. "L-listen here!" Mint would try to speak with confidence as they spread their arms to further cover Lemon- or more accurately- his wings. Though the tone of 'confident' was lacking naturally- so in a time such as this-? "I'm- I'm not going to let you kill him, who-whoever you are!" "Oooh, so now the one who nearly killed their own assistant is going to lecture me?" Mint's mouth opened, but no sound came out at such a remark. "Yeah, you heard me right. I know who you are. Most hunters do... Except for the one that ran out on us at the drop of a hat." Beet scowled, taking little time to reload her weapon and aim it once more. "I don't have time for either of you. Violin boy, if you step out of the way, I'll make your death painless. If not, then... it won't be. Simple as that." "You-” Mint’s perseverance wavered, but... “I won't let you kill either of us!" There was a pause between the two as Beet looked on inquisitively. She almost seemed mildly entertained, but that didn't stop her from raising her crossbow. "...So be it, bastard."
Three sounds were let out at once: A crossbow firing and clattering to the floor, a yip of pain, and a 'shnk' of an arrow through flesh. Beet would soon be wailing with a shower of swears to accompany it. While she had her moment, holding her arm and quickly finding that there would be more bites to come- Mint had his own ordeal. The upper part of his arm, though in the least pain of the three, had been pierced by Beet's weapon. He gasped and whined, leaning forward as his one arm gripped the other. "Ow ow ow-" He'd hiss out, eyes sealed shut as tears welled at the corners of his eyes. "W-worth it-"
After letting the pain course through him, Mint would wipe away the tears and open his eyes. To his surprise, where Beet previously stood was now a... Large white cocoon. A chill sent itself over the violinist's spine as he didn't wish to think about what could have happened in such a short time. Blink and one will miss it, he guessed. "Are you stable enough to bring yourself inside?" Truffle would gently ask, and Mint barely registered that the question was not for him. He opened his mouth to answer, but thankfully didn't embarrass himself by noticing that Truffle was behind him, helping Lemon to his feet. The poor newly cursed was forced to lean against the elder, who was stronger than she looked. Seems like the answer was no. "Well, you can't eat me anymore... so what the Hell else do I have left to lose?" He'd murmur in irritation. "Your dignity, the ones you care for, your life... There is plenty that you still have, young one." A mirthless laugh came from the elder as she would gingerly carry Lemon away, with the one being carried obviously miffed by the retort. Though Mint wasn't left unacknowledged, as Truffle would give him a motion to follow. He did so, and desperately tried to ignore the large sack of a body that he... Had a feeling wouldn't be alive for much longer, considering it was surprisingly still whilst being carried by spiders.
...At least Lemon was okay, even if there were some- Mint will guiltily admit- avoidable casualties...
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inadaydream99 · 4 years
A/N - this really has come out of nowhere but I love an enemies to lovers trope, I hope you enjoy! Also, this is a lot longer than I realised 😂
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Sat on the bathroom floor with mascara stains running down your face, that’s when you realise that you are in love.
It had taken you approximately two hours to get ready and mere seconds to ruin your makeup, but you couldn’t care less, your mind replaying the whole evening as you wallow in self pity.
~ flashback ~
“I’m ready.” You cheerfully enter the room, looking forward to the night ahead. You had all decided to go out for dinner, to celebrate the groups recent success.
“Woah (Y/N), you look incredible!” A shy smile creeps onto your face as everyone’s attention is drawn onto you.
“Thanks Juyeon.” You chuckle to cover up your awkwardness. It’s never been easy to take a compliment, especially with so many people watching your responce. Though you appreciate it regardless.
“Is everyone ready?” You glance around the room curiously, counting heads and realising that one person is missing.
“Seems like someone is eager to leave without me, isn’t that right sweetheart?” Your smile instantly falls into a frown upon hearing the condescending tone of none other than Sunwoo, his use of the pet name leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
“I actually didn’t realise you weren’t here. But then again, I really should have noticed when I wasn’t greeted with your loving presence.” You retort, sarcasm dripping from your lips and a forced smile beaming towards him in the hopes that it looks unaffected by his comment.
“Maybe you should get your eyes tested then.” He quips, so causally and off the cuff that it annoys you how quickly he can come up with his little digs at you.
“Guys... come on, can’t you just get along for one night?” Ah Jacob, so kind natured and mature. If only more people were like him. You notice how he gently places a hand on each of your shoulders, slowly trying to pull you in closer together, though failing when you both resist. But his warm smile makes you melt everytime, making it impossible to say no, even if it does mean making friends with the enemy. And it seems he has the same effect on Sunwoo.
“Fine. But that doesn’t mean I like her.” Sunwoo grumpily spits, sending you a glare to indicate he means every word.
“Oh trust me, I would never want you to.” You comment, eyes narrowing in onto him holding such venom it could kill.
“Ok, that’s great.” Jacob softly speaks. He’s encouraging and supportive, always trying to see the good in every situation.
“Alright, the car’s ready.” Sangyeon moves on the moment, ushering everyone out the door, ready to let the celebrations begin.
~ end of flashback ~
Your head falls into your hands defeatedly as you stretch your legs out across the floor after they went numb from sitting cross legged for so long.
You just can’t understand it, you can’t understand him and his hatred towards you. What had you ever done to warrant him to take such a disliking towards you?
“(Y/N), can you unlock the door?” Your eyes snap up to watch the handle jiggle around impatiently, though the voice is calm and sympathetic.
“Please don’t cry.” You hear the sadness in Jacob’s voice as he enters the bathroom after you have reached over and unlocked the door. Taking a seat on the floor next to you he wraps you protectively in his arms, whispering murmurings into your ear in an attempt to stop your tears.
“I... love him.” Your confession explodes through another wave of tears, your fist clinging onto the fabric of Jacob’s sweatshirt and your face burying deeper into his chest.
“I know, I know.” He whispers back. You pull away from his chest to gage his reaction, he seems so... unsurprised. Like he has known this all along. “He’s feels the same you know.” You can tell Jacob is being sincere, telling you as if it’s nothing new. But your first thought is that it can’t possibley be true, he hates you. He’s said it so himself... at the restaurant... in front of everyone.
~ flashback ~
“I never thought I could hate someone so much, but you’ve proved me wrong.” Sunwoo seethes at you, his whole body trembling in fury. The teasing smirk falls off your face, you had only refused to pass him the jug of water. You thought it was a game, the normal bickering that goes on between you, but now you realise you had seriously misread the situation.
But to Sunwoo the teasing and tormenting that went back and forth between you all night had really started to piss him off. The water was the final straw, pushing him so far over the line of anger that he can no longer think straight.
Everyone at the table has fallen silent, food forgotten as they watch the tension build in discomfort. You peer around at a loss for words, before gently placing the jug of water within arms reach of Sunwoo. An unspoken truce.
“Sunwoo calm down, it was just a joke.” Changmin speaks up looking very concerned. He sends you an apologetic glance briefly before resuming focus on Sunwoo at his side.
“No, I will not calm down! I’ve had it with her. You hear me (Y/N), I hate you.” He all but spits at you, his voice so loud the whole restaurant goes quiet, people at other tables stopping their conversations to turn and watch; some in shock and others completely unimpressed.
You’re not sure what to do next. You don’t want to make even more of a scene but you also want to burst into tears.
“I don’t want to lay eyes on you ever again, got it.” He talks down to you like a you’re a child but with far more uncontrolled spitefullness. You nod, wide eyes watching as he intimidatingly slams the palms of his hands down on the table before storming off.
~ end of flashback ~
“How could he feel the same?” You’re voice is hoarse, eyes strained from all the tears and cheeks flushed. You’re completely drained at this point and want nothing more than to sleep off this nightmare of an evening.
“Before tonight there was a little part of me that thought, hoped, that the reason he is always so rude towards me is because he shares the feelings I have for him, but now I’m sure it’s not.” You let out everything to Jacob as he passes you a face wipe, your hand cleaning your face of all the makeup slowly.
“Just give him time to cool off. He’ll regret it in the morning.” Jacob seems sure of himself, knowing his friend well enough to be confident in this prediction.
You on the other hand are sceptical but too tired to debate, settling on a heavy sigh as you accept the hand that Jacob holds out to help you stand up again.
Your eyes flutter open, taking a moment to adjust to the dark surroundings. Refusing to let you be alone tonight, Jacob had insisted on making you sleep on the sofa of their dorm. Hence why you wake feeling disorientated.
You check your phone for the time, the light blinding you as 3:04am displays across the screen in bold numbers and your chest sinks upon seeing how early it is. It takes you a minute of contemplation before deciding that getting a warm drink might help you fall back to sleep.
The tiles are ice cold against your feet as they patter across the floor and you don’t bother turning on any lights as you enter the kitchen, your eyes only just having readjusted properly from looking at your phone.
“Oh my god! You scared the life out of me!” You jump when the lights suddenly switch on, your hand covering your heart as it races. However, the chuckle that escapes your lips is cut short when you turn around to find Sunwoo standing in the doorframe, his expression unreadable.
“What on earth are you still doing here?” You flinch at his words, terrified under his gaze.
Before tonight you would never have been scared of Sunwoo, you probably would have just snarled and rolled your eyes. But your mind keeps flashing back to the scene in the restaurant, the pure and utter hatred that consumed every fibre of his being petrifying you still.
“Jacob...” it all you can manage to get out. You feel tense, your hands trembling from the rush of adrenaline that fear has struck you with.
“Oh of course it’s Jacob. What’s your obsession with him anyway.” Sunwoo cuts in before you are able to continue speaking. If you didn’t know any better you would think he is jealous of Jacob, but to you that just doesn’t add up.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You finally regain some composure, feeling agitation from him bringing Jacob into this mess.
“It means that all you ever do is revolve around him, don’t you see it sweetheart?” His tone has turned condescending, the tormenting smirk resting on his face sending chills down your spine.
“And why would you care?” You sass. You’re no longer interested in getting a warm drink, too riled up to even attempt to relax and go back to sleep. Instead you are ready for a challenge, the air thick with tension.
“Because maybe other people want your attention.” He voice is low, just above a whisper now but you still hear him loud and clear.
The realisation suddenly hits you. It’s been to get your attention the whole time. You stand with your mouth agape as you watch Sunwoo walk across the kitchen and close the space between you until your back is pressed against the counter, his chest to yours.
You look up to meet his gaze, it’s no longer filled with anger or distain. He’s simply just gazing at you longingly, waiting for a sign of consent.
He smiles when you reach out to caress his cheek, eyes filled with awe. You feel like you are floating in a dream, that this isn’t real and you have somehow stumbled into an alternate universe.
“At first I was horrible to you because I saw it as the only way to get you to notice me, but then I began to lose sight of my intentions and took things too far until you actually hated me.” You take in every word that Sunwoo speaks, your undivided attention on him. It all begins to make sense now, the arguments over pointless, insignificant things and his uncalled for remarks towards you all just to get you to bite back, to pay him attention even if it is in the form of insults and glares.
“I never hated you.” You whisper, drawing him in closer by the chin until your lips ghost his tauntingly.
“I never hated you either.” Sunwoo reciprocates, focus glued to you lips that morph into a smile when you hear his responce.
“I’m glad to hear.” You chuckle when Sunwoo whines at you pulling away, placing one hand on his chest to move him back a little while the other takes his hand and intertwines your fingers.
“Come on, let’s go to bed.” Sunwoo smiles affectionaly down at you before leading you towards his room. You comply, a wide grin on your face to match his. This is what you had both secretly wanted all along, to finally be comfortable with sharing your feelings towards each other. And even after the events of that night, you knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter for you both.
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ethelphantom · 5 years
How to Become a Part of Your Target's Family as Told by Damian al Ghul (or should he say, Damian Dupain-Cheng)
You should be happy and very thankful. I would have given you angst, but then I came up with this and instead you're getting humour with little to no angst.
This is Maribat -- Don’t like; Don’t read
It was supposed to be easy.
He’d had her in his sights, she wasn’t moving at all, there were no obstacles between them, and she was just a girl. He knew how to aim a moving target even when he was moving as well, this should’ve been easier than ‘snatching candy from a baby’. He was rather certain that was the expression anyway.
But then…
Then why…
Why was she able to sneak up on him, now in front of him, and completely unharmed?
The girl — Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the Ladybug, he’d been told — was standing in front of her, looking like she was just disappointed. For some reason, the chance that was the case stung. She had his crossbow in her hands, as well as the arrow he had shot at her which she snapped in half, and with a sigh, she crossed her hands over her chest.
“Are they serious? A child? Do they really think I’m that easy to get rid of?” she asked, clicking her tongue and shaking her head. “Go home, kid, and please tell Ra’s that just because I said no to his offers doesn’t mean I should be underestimated. If he’s heard about all of his missions around here having gone wrong, he should have already realised it was me and that a kid isn’t going to be what takes me down.”
“I— what? What are you talking about?”
“Oh my god, I was just joking about the kid part, you’re just so short, but you’re actually a child? What are you, ten? Goodness, he’s getting even worse at this.”
Damian, for a moment forgetting all his training and the fact this girl was holding his weapon and that she could see him and was far too close to him for comfort, just stared at her. She was young as well, a little bit shorter than him, and dressed in a red skirt and satin shirt and there was no good reasoning or logic behind how she somehow had managed to approach him without him noticing.
The girl looked at him up and down as though she were sizing him up. Which, now that he thought about it, was most likely the case. “Well, aren’t you gonna try again? Why are you just standing there like an idiot? Surely Ra’s had you trained better.”
The words hit him a little too late, and his eyes just widened. Did this girl actually ask him if he was going to attempt assassinating her again? Just who was she? Was she to be killed because she had refused the league, had she said she was not going to join them? Or was it because she’d been ruining Grandfather’s missions? Was she even telling him the truth?
Still looking at him, she cocked her hips and tilted her head. “Kid, please. You’re the only one in a long time that has made even a mediocre attempt on my life, it’s offensive if you don’t try again. Not trying again would be rude. And you wouldn’t want to offend your target when you’ve also managed to fail at killing them? Like, please choose to either succeed and offend me or fail and at least try once more,” she sighed, placing her hands on her hips. Then she booped his nose. Which, excuse her? Who did this girl think she was? He was Damian of the House of al Ghul, the heir of Ra’s al Ghul and his League of Assassins, and he was not to be disrespected like this, by his target nonetheless.
This was so confusing. “You actually want me to kill you?” slipped from his lips.
The girl shrugged. “I mean, not really, I don’t think I would enjoy dying, but I do want you to try again. If you manage to kill me while you’re at it, that’s fine with me. It’s not like I didn’t ask you to do it.” The girl flipped her hair from her front to her back, pushing it away from her eyes. “Besides, I’m bored. You, kid, are the most interesting thing that has happened to me in weeks.”
Then she flipped out her yoyo — a yoyo? What even… — and made a ‘come here’ gesture with her hand. The crossbow she abandoned on the side, though not without taking it apart first.
Damian huffed out of irritation and unsheathed his sword, brows still furrowed because he was confused and rather offended for getting sassed by his own target for missing. It was humiliating.
He didn’t think enough much, and instead just went for her. That was… definitely a mistake on his part as she simply stepped aside, giggling. Giggling. That had him realise this was not a fight to be won without plans and she was not an opponent to be defeated all that easily, so he jumped and grabbed a tree branch above him, bringing himself to the safety of the shadows of the leaves. The shadows were familiar, they were home — they were the best place to hide.
He knew them and they knew him, and he could use that.
The girl was left yawning on the ground, and her eyes seemed to search where exactly he went. While she was doing that, he studied her and her movements, trying to find a weak spot. There was a limp in her walk, clearly. Maybe she’d injured her knee while they were at it because she hadn’t had that a moment ago?
Well, he had not been trained to fight fairly, he’d been trained to fight to win. He could also use her injury to his advantage.
So that was what he did.
As soon as he moved though, there appeared a slight smirk on her face and she turned to look at him, her eyes locking with his even though she wasn’t supposed to be able to see him. It was disturbing. After all, he had tried to hide from her.
Regardless, he dropped down from the tree right at her, almost managing to pin her under him. The problem was, she threw him off of her, and that was lost.
That continued for a while. He attacked, she dodged. Every single time. She didn’t even try to attack him, which on its own was insulting as well. Did she think he was too young to be attacked? That he couldn’t handle it? He was eleven already. He wasn’t that young anymore. Surely Grandfather and Mother had known how well trained this girl was and decided that Damian was the best suited to take her down.
Aside from dodging and the occasional remark (“Is that the best you got?”, “In order to kill me, you must first be able to actually get the sword to touch me, but nice try”, “Rule number one of assassinating: don’t let the target find you, and especially don’t let them start a game — chances are, they’re better than you and you haven’t got even a chance at winning”, “It’s okay, don’t worry about not succeeding, worry about why I’m winning”, “Actually, you know what, if you’re indeed Ra’s’, maybe you should worry about not succeeding”), the girl did nothing. It was infuriating, and at this point, Damian wanted to slap her before actually killing her.
It took him until the latest remark to actually snap, though.
“Please tell me Ra’s didn’t think he was sending his best because this? This is not the best,” she sighed at some point and shook her head, jumping to the side, away from his blade.
“Silence yourself!” he snapped, clutching at the handle of his sword desperately. His voice wavered a little. “I am one of the best Grandfather has! Mother made sure of it!”
That had the girl stop. She threw her yoyo at his sword and snatched it from him before throwing it away and placing her yoyo back at her hip where it seemed to belong. Then she approached him cautiously, her hands open in front of her so he could see she had no weapon in her hands. When she got close enough, she placed her hands on his shoulders and looked at him with a serious expression, brows furrowed and mouth a thin line.
“Your grandfather? You are the perfect vessel and weapon Ra’s mentioned in passing? You must still be like, ten.”
“I’m eleven!”
“You just proved my point, kid, and that doesn’t make it any better. Okay, yeah, the game’s off, I’m coming with you to the league. Nope, you don’t have a say in that.”
“You’re what?”
“Coming with you to the league. You’re too young for this, and I’m gonna make sure nothing happens to you for failing to kill me. It’s not like you’re gonna succeed anyway, and neither is your grandfather — or mother — if I have any say in it. They’re not the only people in this world with training too excellent. Especially not when one’s been trained by a lot of people, including someone from the league. Besides, if I willingly come there with a changed mind, I doubt Ra’s would kill me until he found out why. So. Let’s go.”
Still, not completely sure about what was happening, Damian let himself be dragged along towards his transportation, and he couldn’t understand how she knew where it was until she showed the little tracker she’d taken from his pocket. This day was proving out to be the most embarrassing and humiliating he had ever had the dishonour to face.
When they got back to where Mother and Grandfather were waiting for him, even they couldn’t hide their surprise at the girl that had forced herself to come along, completely unharmed (had she faked the limp earlier?), smiling. Damian was sure the smile wasn’t happy or gentle though — he’d seen it before so many times, and it reminded him more of Mother’s smiles when she saw someone she loathed or someone she was furious at. It was sharp and dripping with something that could only be called wrath and superiority. Like she somehow had power over Mother and Grandfather.
Judging by how Mother sighed and told Grandfather she was leaving him to deal with this, and how Grandfather just told her that yes, sure, she can stay if she does what the league tells her to do like his offer months ago had been, there was a chance she actually did have power over them. Some, at the very least.
It was confusing.
Years later, the girl — he’d eventually taken to mostly calling her by Ladybug or Akhtaa (my sister) — who had proclaimed herself Damian’s big sister but said that if Ra’s somehow got the idea of making her an heiress or something because she was older, she was going to ruin any and all plans Ra’s had, and then gift that right straight back to Damian as long as it didn’t bring him any harm, and who had become one of the best assassins the league had ever had, told him to stay quiet as she took him to a plane she’d insisted on learning how to fly a year back. He could now see why she had wanted to learn. It was smart of her not to try anything until now. At some point, she stopped, took out a paper and a pen from her pocket, scribbled something on it and slammed it on the wall closest to her. It seemed to be a post-it note as it stuck.
When he questioned her actions, she replied with “They’re abusing you, and you’re still a child, which also means, you still have a chance at a better life and I’m going to make sure you get it before they fucking destroy any chance at the life you might’ve been able to get” before the plane took off.
They ended up in Paris, of all places. If Ladybug was planning on having them hide somewhere, the capital city of France wasn’t probably the best of places. At least she’d left the plane in another country.
The bakery, instead, might have been. It was small, even if popular judging by the number of people waiting in line, but Ladybug — maybe Akhtaa when they were near civilians who certainly didn’t know of her other life — just cut in line (apologising, of course, she was always so very polite to most people despite usually also being superior to them on all fronts), and told them she needed to see the bakers, and no, she was not going to buy anything, she’s not cutting in line that way. It was unlikely Grandfather or Mother would look into a bakery, of all places.
“Maman! I’m back,” she yelled when she got inside, dragged Damian to what looked like a living room and seated him on the sofa. In full assassin regalia. Accompanied by what was at least three different weapons, few kinds of knives and daggers and a sword. How was she going to explain this to anyone, let alone her… mother?
A woman came in, wiping her hands on her trousers. She did indeed look like Ladybug did — and yeah, he should maybe learn to call her Marinette now, shouldn’t he? Unless she was still content with him calling her Akhtaa because that was more comfortable to him —, just older. She also looked way too much like the infamous Nocturne in the league. She couldn’t, right— “Ah, it’s good to see you, baby. My, you’ve grown. Ra’s didn’t treat you badly, now did he? I don’t need to go kick his ass?” the short woman with a pixie cut asked Marinette, pulling her into a hug. Marinette hugged her back and smiled before untangling herself from the embrace and leading her to Damian.
“Maman, this is Damian. I saved him and he’s now my little brother, which, actually, I should probably inform Papa of. Also, I’m not sure he actually listened to me when I taught him how to bake, so that might be in order.”
The woman looked at him up and down, as though she were sizing him up, and didn’t being looked at like that feel just a bit too familiar? At least now he knew where Marinette — no, she’d called him her little brother in front of her mother, Akhtaa was probably still alright — had gotten her ability to do so from.
“You look a lot like Talia. And maybe a bit like— Baby, please tell me this isn’t who I think it is.”
“It’s exactly who you think it is, Maman. Talia’s only son, Ra’s heir and the perfect vessel, but also the son of the Detective Ra’s originally was so obsessed with years ago. I would’ve taken him to his Father but that’s no less safe than staying with the league since he’s an emotionally constipated idiot who fights crime dressed as a Bat instead of getting therapy and would have taken him along, so I took him here. I thought we could keep him until I trust he’s either old enough to actually say no to his father if the need be or at least old enough for the fighting part not to be that bad. It’s not like I could’ve left him now. Oh, and you remember how I left for the league for a few years?”
“Yes, how could I forget?”
“Well, it’s because this kid was only eleven at the time, was told to assassinate me, failed, and you know how Ra’s would have taken that. So.”
A beat. Then a groan, which then turned into a growl.
“I am going to kill Ra’s.”
The exchange between Akhtaa and her mother was, the least to say, strange. They were talking about the league like both knew it like the backs of their hands, and there was a chance they did.
The woman Akhtaa called her mother was the Nocturne, wasn’t she.
It would explain why Akhtaa had said she’d been trained by a League soldier years and years ago. Why she knew exactly how he would move. Why she knew how to handle Grandfather and Mother because there was only a handful of League soldiers who could leave the League and stay alive — she must have learnt it from Nocturne.
Nocturne turned her eyes to Damian and smiled. It was sharp, but not in the same way as Akhtaa’s had been when she’d smiled at his Mother and Grandfather a long time ago. This smile was also soft, like she wanted to make sure Damian knew he was safe here with them.
“Hello, Damian. I’m Sabine, Marinette’s mother, though you might know me better as Nocturne since you’re from the League. And, as she claims you to be her new little brother, I suppose I’m your new mother as well. You can call me Sabine or any version of ‘mother’, whichever you prefer. House rules are as stands: No smoking, no drugs, no underage drinking, no weapons at the dinner table, at least one meal with the family a day is a must unless the rest of the family has been informed of absence at least three hours before, and absolutely no killing within the city bounds. Also, no scaring away the customers.”
Damian just found himself nodding as Sabine continued speaking.
“Marinette can show you to your new room. If you need anything, just tell me or Marinette. Dinner is at 8 pm sharp. Being late is not an option today. You can choose between getting homeschooled and an actual school, but we’ll discuss that later. Have fun, I’ll see you in a few hours.”
And that was how Damian found himself inserted into the Dupain-Cheng family. How he’d gotten here from trying to kill their only daughter, he wasn’t too sure, but honestly? He wasn’t complaining.
Five years later, Akhtaa took him to Gotham and introduced him to his Father and adopted siblings (which, how in the world had Father adopted so many kids? There was at least Cassandra and Jason whom he’d met at some point in the league, Richard, the first of his children and on par with Akhtaa when it came to hugging people, Timothy, the second youngest of the children, and Duke, who was only a few years older than Damian.) They were confused but welcomed him after they’d confirmed he was indeed Father’s blood son, and Damian was relieved about it. He’d come to appreciate found family with the Dupain-Chengs and Akhtaa over the years, so it wasn’t too hard to adapt into this family either — though that was probably because Akhtaa and he had insisted on having her as a family as well. After all, she was more of a big sibling to him than any of the others together.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to know how meeting them would have gone if Mother and Grandfather were the ones to send him to his Father, especially if that had happened when he was still younger.
Good thing he didn’t need to know.
He would never need to know.
Basically, Marinette is hurt and offended because the only one who has made a proper attempt on her life is a child, and Damian is confused and offended that his target is sassing him for missing. You were supposed to get someone actually, physically hurt and instead you're getting this. Be happy.
@kris-pines04 @thethirdwheelfriend @daminett4life @abrx2002 @persephonebutkore @rebecarojas07 @corabeth11 @freshbark @maribat-march2020 @catsandfanfic @fertileleaf @eat0crow @cutechip
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ymiwritesstuff · 4 years
I think we need some comedic fluff in these trying times, so Dio x reader, except reader is literally physically incapable of dying. She can be melted, smashed, mutilated, or even severely burned and walk it off like nothing even happened. She's also incredibly sarcastic and just constantly sasses Dio...She's basically DeadPool. "Do you want to die you impudent little wench?!" "Bold of you to assume I can die. Bitch."
This request was really funny to me, and I hope I wrote it in the way you were hoping! Thank you so much and please enjoy!
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood
Dio Brando x Fem!Reader
Summary: With a great power came a certain amount of arrogance. And that arrogance you possessed tested the patience of your Lord more often than once.
Notes: A bit of fluff
Dio had seen a great number of bizarre things in his life and these things only seemed to increase in numbers after the powers of the Stone Mask had blessed him. From strange abilities to unique personalities, he had seen it all, and in most cases, overpowered all of them. It didn’t take much to dominate over nearly anyone brave enough to confront him, however, Dio always found some of the people and their powers quite fascinating, only for the sake of gaining more possible followers, of course.
With all that being said, you were able to catch the golden-haired vampire’s attention with your powers and he was fortunate to have gotten you to join him, but just like with everything else, there was a price he had to pay. And that price was simply to try and withstand your quite... Interesting personality. You see, thanks to your ability that possessed great regenerative properties, physical death was practically nonexistent to you. The amount of physical body your body could withstand was massive, and Dio was more than impressed, wanting you to join him as soon as possible. When it came to regeneration, he was outclassed by you, something that didn’t happen often as no one else came close to rivaling his powers. 
However, the current situation was... conflicting for the Lord. While he was fortunate to have you on his side in his fight against Jonathan, he sometimes wondered if he was better off not hearing your constant and sometimes highly obnoxious remarks about your powers, that to him, you took far too much pride in. Dio had always had a short temper. It was a weakness he knew far too well and this weakness was testing his patience more than ever as soon as you had stepped into his castle. Under normal circumstances, he would have disposed of anyone who dared so rudely to vex him, however that possibility was out of his reach. Furthermore, for some reason, he found himself growing fond of you, despite your highly irritating nature. On top of that, you found it quite amusing when your Lord was clearly frustrated with you. You would never anger him past a certain point, but the sheer sight of him angrily, yet somewhat childishly glaring at your smirking form amused you greatly.
Dio walked in the hallways of his lair that was surrounded by the darkness provided by a yet another night, heading towards the loud sound that had pierced his rather sharp ears moments ago. The noise was unexpected and sudden, as if something heavy had fallen on the harsh stone floor in one of the many rooms. Though there was no need for concern, the blond thought it best to investigate the cause of this precipitous commotion.
Once he opened the door to the room and saw you sitting on the floor with your hand under a piece of rubble that had fallen from the wall of the sturdy, but quite old castle, the vampire raised his brow and silently watched as you tried to pry your hand free from its prison, no expressions of pain apparent on your face.
“Oh, hello, Lord Dio. So kind of you to come here and help, I really appreciate it,” You say once you turn your head to him, your voice feigning gratitude and kindness, as you stare at him with a slight smirk as you finally free your now mangled hand from under the heavy stone, leaving a trail of fresh blood behind it, one that the Lord could very clearly smell. “However...” Your eyes glance at your bloody and crushed hand, that would have left anyone else screaming in agony, slowly watching it as it heals before your very eyes.
“Did you perhaps forget that this kind of damage has no effect on me? Not that I blame you, by any means. Frankly, I sometimes forget it myself too.” You slowly move your fingers to make sure everything is intact again and return your (E/C) eyes to the man before you, that smirk of yours never fading from your lips.
Dio scoffs, and crosses his arms, his sharp amber eyes looking at you, their threatening flames having little to no effect on you. One could say that you were quite used to his burning gaze. “Your arrogance is quite vexing, (Name). Are you perhaps in a hurry to die?” His voice is as intimidating and threatening as ever, the tone he often uses in order to evoke utter fear and terror in his unfortunate victims. The threat he almost unwittingly lets out, despite knowing full well how you are going to react to it, hangs in the air for a few moments before the somewhat grueling silence is broken by your response Dio knew he was getting from the moment his words instinctively left his mouth:
“You know, I would love to know how dying felt like,” You say as you finally stand up and take a few confident steps towards him, that playful and mischievous sparkle in your eyes glowing stronger than ever as you bow before him, the simple action serving as a sign of submission Dio wouldn’t have otherwise minded. “Could you perhaps assist me in granting my little wish? I do recall you being quite strong after all.” Something inside Dio’s hollow insides twitch in increasing frustration at your words which are merely playful in nature and for a brief moment he considers landing a devastating blow on you, which would ultimately result in nothing and he doesn’t want to actually hurt you or lose his temper, hence he decides to hold himself back and instead, turns his back to you, the feelings of annoyance still very much present in him.
“My patience has its limits, my dear. Or did you perhaps forget about that?” A small smile dances on your delicate lips as you walk up to him, placing a considerate hand on his broad shoulder. Dio then feels the familiar sensation of your lips tenderly touching the cold skin of his cheek, the action taking away all the negative energy from his body that was raging inside him like a storm just a moment ago.
“Of course not. But I also know that you wouldn’t hurt me.” Dio raises a curious eyebrow at your words and looks at you, hints of his own playfulness apparent in his amber orbs. “And what makes you think that, (Name)?” Upon noticing the slight change in the tone of his voice, you lightly giggle at him and walk in front of him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Well firstly, you simply wouldn’t be able to. And secondly-,” Your lips somewhat suddenly meet his in a quick kiss that admittedly makes Dio feel a certain sensation of warmth he hasn’t felt in years.
“Because you love me.”
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empyreanwritings · 5 years
Oooh for Mob Monday! mob Steve got Mob Boss Bucky a new bodyguard but suprise she is a sassy 5 foot nothing and Bucky makes a very rude remark but then he is on his back in 10 seconds. He didn't know she was the granddaughter of the old man that owned the boxing gym that still owed him a debt, she took the job to pay off the debt so they dont take the gym sorry if that a lot of info I just love mob Monday lol
Bucky coughed, trying his best to get the air to return to his lungs. He was more in shock over the fact that you really just knocked him on his ass. You barely reached his chest!
You pressed the heel of your boot against his throat. Threatening your boss probably wasn't the best idea, but you were in no mood to be sassed by Bucky fucking Barnes.
"Let me make something clear," you started with a sneer, "I may be working for you to clear the debt under my father's name, but that does not mean you speak to me like I am beneath you."
"Who the hell is your father?!"
Steve hadn't given him the details on your employment. Just that you needed the job to make some extra money.
"Michael Booth. He owns the gym down in the Bronx that you are threatening to take from him."
He closed his eyes. He hadn't realized how similar you looked to your father until this very moment, but how was he supposed to know that? You had a different last name than the man! And you hadn't offered that information until now!
You slowly released your hold on him before straightening out your shirt. You were no longer in the mood to deal with his attitude today.
"Can I have the rest of the day off and try to start fresh tomorrow?" You offered.
Bucky nodded. "Yeah, uh, yeah. Go ahead."
As you walked away, Bucky shamelessly checked you out. There was a lot more to you than met the eyes, and he intended on discovering all your little quirks.
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