#underrated i need more content of them thank u
xianta · 1 year
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I would like more of them pls
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star-mail · 8 months
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repost cause i decided they deserve their own post
breaking my silence,, liujiuplane <3<3<3<33<
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myreygn · 1 year
HELLO I SAW WHAT U SAID ABOUT DEMON SLAYER (THAT YOULL KISS ME LMFAO) BUT I WANTED TO ASK FOR MAYBE LEE ENMU??? YEAH IK HE JUST IS SO UNDERRATED IN THE TK COMMUNITY- idk why I’m yelling sorry but I need Lee or ler enmu anything pls 😭 my love for that man is indescribable and HE HAS LIKE NO TK CONTENT and that makes me sad awawaw but anyway have a good day or night or whatever time it is for u <333
Unhand me!
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summary: Akaza allows himself to take a day off from the mission he was assigned and decides to stay at Mugen train - surely he and Enmu can avoid each other for the time being. Only that Enmu seemingly has no interest in avoiding Akaza and Upper Moon Three isn't one to turn down a challenge.
an: HI I'M SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG ALSO PLEASE YELL AS MUCH AS YOU WANT WE SUPPORT YELLING ON THIS BLOG- okay good news is i finally finished it and i had a lot of fun with it, i also learned to appreciate enmu more during the time i had this in my inbox and finished the manga so i feel like i was able to write for them a lot better than i would have been three months ago! thank you for the request - i went with akaza's pov for this one because i find his easier to write than enmu's, i hope that's okay ^^ it's set somewhere between s1 and s2, enjoy!
wordcount: 1765
tagging: @giggly-squiggily because i stole your rui/akaza-dynamic and @duckymcdoorknob because it's your husband <3
warnings: it's an akaza pov so lots of swearing!
Akaza was exhausted. Which was ridiculous, considering that demons, let alone Upper Moons, shouldn’t even be able to feel something as mundane as exhaustion. Yet this stupid mission managed to- no, it wasn’t a stupid mission, there was no way he could even think that when there was so much as a chance of Muzan-sama listening in on his thoughts at that very moment. 
A noticeable shiver ran through Akaza’s body and he jumped through the opening in the train’s roof (whatever purpose a damn skylight on a train had but alright). It would probably be best to just not think about this mission at all for a few hours. He had worked hard these past few weeks, he could take a day off. And while the company of Lower Moon One certainly wouldn’t be his first choice in any other situation (except maybe if it was between them and fucking Douma) the train they had brought under their control would do as lodging for now. Especially because it was in the engine shed which meant that there were no people around to disturb him and enough space to get away from Enmu in case they got too annoying.
Akaza slouched down in one of the seats, not bothering to open his eyes when he felt a poorly covered presence approaching. “I’m just crushing here for today, don’t make a fuss about it.”
No answer, but the presence was still there. Okay, weird, but it was undoubtedly exactly who he thought it was and he wasn’t gonna open his eyes for Enmu of all people. A little voice in the back of his head started squeaking about how disrespectful the lower ranked demon was being but honestly, Akaza didn’t have the energy to scold them right now. Who cared anyway, it was just the two of them and Enmu knew very well that Akaza could obliterate their ass within two seconds, so whatever.
He crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back and enjoying the silence. Well, while it lasted.
Nope. Absolutely not.
He was not gonna sacrifice his peace of mind for whatever bullshit Enmu was up to.
Tap tap. Taptaptaptaptap- 
“GAH!” Akaza felt his eyes fly wide open and his foot crashed into the floor next to his seat at something squeezing his knee. A few quick tapping noises and a soft snicker that seemed to come from the walls rather than from the hand that sat patiently in the middle of the gangway, an aura of fake innocence and smugness to it that would’ve driven Akaza up the wall on any other day.
Today though? Maybe it was really only because he was so fed up with this not at all stupid, so much fun mission that he had been trying to complete for weeks now but he had to admit, he felt rather… playful. Daki and Gyutaro had plenty of playfights whenever they all came together and although he’d rather walk straight into the sun than admit it out loud, there was always a sting of jealousy in his chest watching them. He had no one he could do that with - these days he hardly ever came across anyone who a) matched his strength enough for them to actually do something like that, b) had the guts to challenge him and c) didn’t make him want to rip his own head off whenever they opened their mouth. Fucking Douma, honestly.
And sure, Enmu was only a lower moon but they still matched two out of the three necessary criteria, so maybe it was gonna be fun. The hand tapped the floor with its index finger and a mouth appeared on it, stretched into a wide grin. Fuck it, why shouldn’t he play along.
“You have balls, I’ll give you that.” He lunged forward, missing the hand only by a mere inch or so. Hm. Surprising enough. Of course he hadn’t used his full speed but he still had planned on catching the hand. Little fucker was quick - that, or he was more exhausted than he had thought. Maybe both. Probably both.
“That was a good one, Akaza-sama!”
Heavens, he didn’t need this creepy thing giving him compliments- “Hey!” In the brief second he had been busy thinking about how weird it was to literally talk to the hand (he had seen Enmu pull the talk to the hand move on one of the other lower moons once and begrudgingly admitted to himself that that had been pretty cool), said hand had lunged forward to squeeze his knee once more. That brave move brought an end to its attempt at a reign of terror though.
“Gotcha!” Akaza held the hand up by the fingers, pressing them together in a way he hoped wasn’t too painful - he was still having fun and didn’t really want that ruined by Enmu getting hurt and inevitably becoming horny over it - and smirked at the struggling limb. “What do you think you’re doing, huh?”
“Oh, I thought we were playing a little game,” Enmu chirped through the hand’s mouth (hands shouldn’t have mouths, jeez, Enmu was so weird), “Akaza-sama seemed so down on the bench, I thought I might as well try to cheer him up.”
“By sending your creepy hand to squeeze my knee?”
“Yes!” The thumb wriggled excitedly and Akaza was glad he was holding the other fingers hostage so he didn’t have to see them do it as well. “Douma-sama told me about Akaza-sama’s knees being quite, hum, sensitive, I wanted to see for myself!”
“He said that, huh?” Akaza felt heat boiling in his stomach but he couldn’t really tell whether it was anger or horror at the prospect of Douma spreading this particular weakness of his around like hot gossip - not that a vast majority of demons could manage to utilize it against him if he didn’t want them to. Still. Fucking Douma. “Did he tell you what would happen if you got busted by me?”
The hand seemed to stiffen a little at that and Akaza couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle. “That’s what I thought. Tell you what, if you show yourself right now I might go easy on you.”
Silence. He lifted the hand to eye level. “Alright. You brought this upon yourself.”
A shriek echoed from the train’s walls and Akaza felt the corners of his mouth pull up in amazement. All he had done was gently scratch at the soft skin right where regular humans had their artery. “If your wrists are this bad, what about the rest of your hand?”
“Wahait, wait, Akahaza-samahahahaaa!”
Akaza snickered to himself, relentlessly dragging his blunt nails over Enmu’s wrist. (Enmu’s hand’s wrist? This was Enmu’s hand, right? He wondered whether they carried substitute hands in their pockets.) “I am waiting, waiting for you to come out so I can look at your face while I annihilate you.”
There was no real bite to his words and he was sure Enmu could tell - otherwise they would’ve probably thrown themselves in the dirt in front of Akaza already, begging to be left alive. Not that Akaza had the authority to kill the last remaining lower moon just like that but Enmu probably didn’t know that, and honestly, they didn’t need to. He was allowed to keep at least a little bit of his threatening exterior.
Although how threatening could he seem, standing in an empty train and tickling a detached hand? Probably not very, but whatever, looking threatening wasn’t the top priority right now. The top priority remained getting that little weasel Enmu to leave their hiding spot and if he had to bring out the big guns for that, then fine, he’d bring out the big guns.
“AIEEE! Ahahahakazaha-sahahama! Nohot thahahahat!”
Enmu was losing it now and the whole train vibrated as if shaken by their high and shrieky cackles. Akaza allowed himself an evil chuckle. There was something very satisfying about hearing that normally melodic and breathy voice brought to such loud and, dare he say it, ridiculous noises. Especially considering that he wasn’t really doing much aside from gently scribbling over the palm of the hand - as he knew all too well from countless humiliating interactions with Douma, a light touch was often enough to really get someone screaming and Enmu didn’t seem to be the exception to that.
“Ahakazahaha-sahahamaha, unhahand mehehe!”
“Oh, you think you’re really funny, huh?!”
Growing more hysterical by the second.
“You know what to do if you want me to stop.” Akaza smirked to himself when a low thud behind him notified him of Enmu’s long overdue surrender and he stopped his attack on the hand to turn around to an absolutely demolished looking lower moon. As soon as he took his fingers off, the limb went limp (Ha ha.) and he gave himself a moment to relish in the sound of Enmu desperately gasping for air. “There you are, you little freak. So I guess that means I win.”
“Ehe, indeed you do. Well played, Akaza-sama.” Enmu got on their knees and grinned up at him, cheeks flushed and lips stretched into a pleased smile; a smile Akaza found himself returning, much to his surprise. “May I have a turn now?”
The upper moon hesitated for a moment. Pausing and really thinking about it, this was beyond inappropriate, but then again… it wasn’t like Muzan-sama didn’t already know about the tickle fights amongst his Kizuki. And even if Enmu went on to tattle about this to Douma, well, it wasn’t like Douma didn’t know about Akaza’s tendency to goof off with the lower moons as well. Or at least his tendency to goof off with a former lower moon. 
Akaza felt the ever so slight hint of a sting in his chest; he knew he shouldn’t, but damn, he missed Rui. He remembered their tickle fights, their games of hide and seek, Rui demanding piggyback rides. And grief was such an embarrassingly human feeling to experience, but to call it anything else would be a lie. For a moment he wondered whether Rui missed him too, watched him even - wouldn’t Rui want him to do this? He could almost sense the kid nudging him from the afterlife - Do it! I haven’t seen you laugh in a while! And Enmu was still there, still looking up at him so expectantly and fuck it, why the hell not! 
“Bring it on, sleeping beauty.”
Maybe it was okay to feel a little human every now and then.
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002yb · 1 year
i love ur HCs so much! i just read the one of dick staring at jason and it was sooo cute! could u possibly list some hcs for jealous/possessive dick :33pls
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Casually answering these like it hasn't been a few months since receiving them ahhhhhh so sorry, anons. Thank you so much though! ;3;
Possessive!Dick feels so underrated ahhhhhhh it's actually so good though i love it and all its flavors so much. (´∀`)♡ My thoughts are hyperfocused on something kind of dark though?? Still sweet (maybe) and definitely leaning obsessed lol. So let's start there.
Dick's possessiveness stemming from an intense and consuming need to protect; a coping mechanism for all the loss he's ever endured. The lack of control Dick has would scare him, so he'd seize it in whatever way he could and it reads: jealous, territorial, possessive.
What's sad is that people laugh. They think it's just a brother being silly or having a complex or any number of things. More than that - it's Dick clinging to Jason to make sure he stays breathing, that his heart keeps beating. That no one hurts him or touches him or breathes his name.
It starts innocent enough. It's Dick standing closer - always in proximity. It's Dick running interference when necessary (and then even when its not). It's a tactile touch to feel that Jason is warm, but also to keep Dick in an optimal spot to pull Jason out of danger - to throw Dick, himself, in front of it. A barrier, a shield.
It would be concerning, but Dick looks calmer than he has in a long time. Content, even, because Jason is safe. Because Dick ensures it.
This is naturally leaning darker so~ warning? But Dick's thoughts and fears running away from him. Dick thinking back to a failed attempt to kill the Joker, the demon who took Jason away from him before and - it haunts him that Joker still breathes. A risk. A loose end.
It's unprompted, but Dick acts while he still has control over the situation (because he's terrified to have that control taken from him again again again). Fueled by could be's and have been's.
Just a full mental breakdown from Dick. Who takes it further and further because no one is taking what's his from him again.
Comfort!End: Jason talking Dick down, getting Dick help. Loving Dick senseless for the lengths he would go for Jason, recognizing that the feelings are there but Dick is a fractured man and Jason knows how dangerous it is to be so broken so he returns the soft feelings beneath all the heartache and just. Ugly healing, but they get there. ;3;
Angst!End: where Dick lets go of his humanity and Jason is all heart eyes at the lengths Dick would go for him. Very unhealthy but like... (°◡°♡).:。
The above is dark and angsty for what people expect of me I think LOL sorry. For lighter, softer possessive!Dick hm hm~
Dick getting irritable when someone gets too familiar with Jason and Dick is there to bear witness. If this is at a point in time post-Damian, it most definitely involves little tongue clicks. Just a bad habit of 'tt' to quietly express Dick's disdain/displeasure lol
Sometimes Dick loses against all rationality and gets petty hahaha; he'll turn up the charm, pull out all the charisma and either call the offending party over to him to distract or he'll saddle up next to Jason with tactile touches and scare whoever off with one of these '(°◡°♡).:。' or he'll bodily exclude them by just putting himself in the way or turning Jason away and LOL petty!Dick is so good.
Usually Dick fights with himself against the possessive feels because he thinks it's dumb, but when he realizes Jason likes it (within reason lol), Dick leans into it. Because he's indulgent. Because he likes to watch how it makes Jason fluster when Dick owns it.
Alternatively, Dick being completely unaware that he's got possessive tendencies towards Jason and it becomes a joke Dick isn't in the know on. Or better yet, it becomes a game on who can push the limits furthest before Dick has that epiphany, himself.
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
Hii!! First of all, i love reading ur fics & all of them are reallyy good ones :) if u don't mind, i'd like to request a cute fluff fic that make my heart goes boom boom💞 about charles (safelight) & reader being the most adorable couple & reader decided to ask charles to take bath together w them & they had fun, teasing & taking care of each other, being playful, lovey-dovey etc & they ended the day by cuddling together :) hope it's not too much for u but i really need to read one since he's so underrated plus not many write about him :( ik u would nail this one i trust u hehe love u thanks again xxx ❤
Of course i can! This idea is the cutest thing ever i love charles hes such a gentleman and a sweetheart i hope you like it 🫶 also it sucks sooooo im sorry and i love u too mwah❤️‍🩹
You want to take a bath with your boyfriend and he agrees but since you guys are so cute charles is clingy and you love him with your whole heart and think hes adorable
Bath? (Charles safelight)
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I walk to my room since my boyfriend charles is at my house i start to open the door revealing more of charles on my bed messing with his camera i smile and close the door going over to him "what ya doin" i ask setting the glass of water i went to get down on my night stand "just cleaning the lenses a bit" he says and i nod going to lay next to him while he fixes his camera a sigh escapes my mouth as i lay on my back onto the bed "you okay?" He asks and i nod a bit looking up at his pretty eyes "just a stressful day" i say and he nods understandingly if theres one thing i love about charles is hes so understanding i dont even think weve ever had a argument
"what do you want to do to calm down?" He asks moving a piece of hair off my face "well, if you want thats only if you want me and you could take a bath together? Its fine if you dont want to weve just never done it and i mean were always comfortable around each other but its up to you baby" i say and he thinks for a moment almost like hes been waiting for this or something (prob was)
"okay yeah sure" he says and i look up at him surprised "okay ill start the water" i say walking into my restroom making the water pretty warm and wait till the tub fills up i even put some soap so itll have a lot of bubbles i sit and admire charles while i wait for the water to rise
Charles finishes cleaning the lenses and puts everything back together before turning to me "ready?" He asks and i nod we stand up and go to the restroom i start to take my clothes off putting them in a pile on the floor before i start to get into the water the warm water relaxing my muscles charles gets in as well my back against his chest as he holds me close to him my hands rubbing his arms softly and i lay my head back against him sighing contently
My hands rub his arms softly my body relaxing into him as i take deep breaths listening to charles breathing as well "you make me so happy" i say softly and he lifts his head up and looks at me "you make me happy too" he says a small smile appearing on my face and he leans down kissing me gently i love his lips against mine so much
"we should've done this earlier" i say "100%" he says in agreement before we sit in comfortable silence with each other i look up at him my hand reaching up to touch his face gently with my finger tips and i lay a soft kiss against his cheek (cheek kisses and neck kisses make him fold 100%) and i pull away looking at him long enough to see a blush fall across his cheeks "your so adorable" i say smiling a bit to myself but it only makes him more flustered he lays his head against my shoulder "stop im gonna keep blushing" he kinda whines making me laugh softly "its okay baby" i say kissing his head softly and his arms tighten around me
His hand draws shapes against my shoulder with soap as my eyes are closed breathing deeply my head resting against charles chest charles puts his face in the crook of my neck laying soft kisses against the skin making me laugh and squeal a bit after a while of being in the water the temperature starts to go down so we take that as a sign to get out
Charles wraps a towel around my shoulders and i do the same to him we walk to my room and change into clean clothes we lay in my bed close to one another with my tv playing faintly in the background charles scoots closer to me and i open my arms letting him wrap his arms around me and lays his head on my chest my arms wrapped around him lazily my hand playing with his hair gently fixing his messy hair
He lifts his head up and lays soft kisses against my lips which i return holding his face close to mine giving him extra kisses in which he smiles trying to move away but i roll on top of him and keep giving him kisses making him eventually laugh trying to pry me off of himself and i finally let go after giving him one last firm kiss and he goes back on top of me laying his head on my chest the same position as before my hands soothingly rubbing his back and his head a bit
"i love you charles" i say softly my fingers still gliding through his soft fluffy hair "i love you more y/n" he says making me smile softly "im so glad i met you that day at the truck stop you helped me through so much" i say softly "thats all you babe" he says softly nuzzling his head against my chest "you tired?" I ask and he nods against me "go to bed baby im right here" i say switching hands that glide through his hair so i can play with his hair and rub his back softly
He closes his eyes and i watch as his body becomes more relaxed and his breath calms down i kiss his head softly and close my eyes as well charles weight like comfort as i drift to sleep with charles in my arms...
Awe i love this idea so much this is so cute charles is underrated yes sorry i took a while i went a whole bunch of places today haha my friend might come over im excited anyways i love you like so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love
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maplesunflowers · 1 year
Hey.... what's ur fave internet horror series/project/etc
Or the one u think is like the best thought-out slash most intriguing
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Thank you Corvus for allowing me to finally info dump on one of my most special of interests. Love you Bby 🥺💕
Ironically I made a whole ass Tik Tok a while ago listing my faves too lol
First up, EverymanHYBRID. This might be a hot take, but despite Slenderman’s reputation nowadays, I still think Slenderverse series are GOOD and I will die on that hill. While everyone sees Marble Hornets as the superior Slenderman series, I have always preferred EMH. The story was way more interesting and Evan, Vinny, and Jeff were way more likable protagonists that you genuinely wanted to see everything work out for them, which is why is was so heartbreaking when things didn’t. Plus, as cringy as HABIT maybe seen today, he’s still a super fun villain. He’s just evil for evil’s sake, he doesn’t care if these are people’s lives he’s destroying, he’s going have fun!
This Is My Milwaukee isn’t necessarily horror in the sense you’re thinking, but I love showing it to people and watching their reaction. This video was the trailhead to an ARG that’s now defunct, but honestly I still think the video stands on it’s own as a weird little video to show your friends. 
Possibly in Michigan is one of my all time favorite YouTube videos in general. I found it when the audio from PiM went viral on Tik Tok a few years back and instantly few in love with its surreal style. The Perfume Song and Animal Cannibal live in my head rent free. 
This House has People in It is another surreal trip I adore. I just love that it’s something you need to rewatch multiple times to catch everything that’s going on, plus the fact that there’s hours of extra hidden content on the “security” website that adds to the world building and story of this family. 
Sexygirlmax2019/ Hey Peabrain, You Teleport? Is so underrated and I wish more people talked about it. It’s one of the few Tumblr ARGs and it was made by two 15 year olds, which is SO impressive to me that two teenagers pulled off such an amazing ARG that had a satisfying ending when a lot of companies who’s LITERAL JOB IS MAKING ARGS can’t manage to do that. 
Hi I’m Mary Mary is just a gold standard. The story is engaging, and the EDITING, THE EDITING IS SO GOOD! Honestly the editing my favorite thing about the series, it’s just god tier. But the story is just as amazing as the editing, you feel for Mary’s struggles against her monsters and want to see her win and escape the house she’s trapped in. 
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park isn’t going be for everyone (especially if you’re someone who isn’t good with body horror) but I love the idea for weird stuff going on in a National Park and it surprises me that you don’t see a lot of stuff playing with that idea. I love the idea of this weird, eldritch creature being found and of course humans first thought goes to Capitalism. 
Vita Carnis is another body horror series that won’t be for everyone. This series has managed to do the impossible and has made my desensitized ass absolutely paranoid over their FUCKING MIMICS!!!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY, FUCK THE MIMICS SO HARD!!!! I BOTH LOVE AND HATE THEIR EXECUTION SO MUCH!!!!! IT’S SO WELL DONE, IT’S DOING WONDERS FOR MY INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS!!!!!
The Ningen is actually made by the same person who made the Monument Mythos series, tho I don’t believe it’s a spinoff. It follows a lot of lore surrounding the cryptid while also making it its own thing as well. The Ningen has always been one of my favorite cryptids but since there’s not a lot to it’s backstory no one ever seems to do anything with it, so it’s REALLY nice to see this obscure cryptid get some love.
Echo Rose/Nettlebrook actually stars the same person from Daisy Brown (another series I love) but wasn’t made by her, it was made by her cousin. Echo Rose is really funny and it makes you feel like you’re just watching someone’s vlogs, but in the background a mystery is unraveling with a missing girl. 
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boabelboo · 3 months
for the ship bingo🤭
jessup and lyssie????
I think they're overlooked😔🖐🏻
— @lettersfrompanem 🤭 (it's a sideblog, that's why I'm asking anonymously 😭)
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my underrated loves, i actually need more content of them u guys have no idea
thank u for the ask!!
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bookinit02 · 1 year
HAVEN OH MY GOSH THE NEW EPISODE!!!!!! I SCREAMED. I made a bunch of very insane notes and I thought I'd gift them to you. as a treat:
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fucking COLD
So curious as to what's going on with Will and Vecna, also Will tell your boyfriend!!! Come on!!! crazy together!!! (also MIKE tell your boyfriend actually. y'all need to talk about the messed up Vecna stuff!!! that's the whole idea!!!)
NANCY ROBIN ERICA TEAM UP!!! Erica gets friends and mentors as she SHOULD and I love her
WINGWOMAN NANCY!! Hasn't even been come out to yet and is already the wingwoman of all time. We love to see it. I love her.
What does Karen Wheeler KNOW
Mike and Holly are the cutest little sibling babies and I love them so much. They are my favourite and Holly is adorable and deserves the world.
Oh Mike. I love you so much. you and will need to TELL EACH OTHER THINGS. PLEASE.
All in all amazing episode, I loved it and it was sad and happy and funny and destroyed me like six times but it's WORTH IT!!!! I'm excited for the chapters of the fic!!!
ok i hope it’s ok that i waited a few days to answer this—i didn’t want to spoil it for anyone!!
first of all YES i was so fucking proud of myself for that line😭 such a banger . i literally left it there for like 2 days without writing anything else bc i was like how tf do i follow that😭😭
yes!! i am also super excited to develop the will & vecna storyline. and listen they’ve been miscommunicating for like 2 seasons now, ofc they’re gonna keep going (for a little bit at least😉)
yeah honestly i cried writing that scene☹️ they make me so . So.
yes!!! i need some sort of girl power moment in s5 so badly (but Not in that cringy forced way that shows do sometimes if u know what i mean😭)
nancy is The wingwoman of all time actually. she treats it as a matter of life and death. it is a one-woman competition and she is NOT losing.
ronance crumbs… perhaps… hehe :)
yeah listen it broke My heart too and i was SO split on whether to do it or not . but i think it’s the most realistic option and they definitely have things they need to work out!! i’m honestly very very interested to see what the writers do with the love triangle storyline bc this has definitely been the most challenging plot to write so far. but i am enjoying the challenge :)
as for what karen knows… we’ll have to find out👀
nancy and mike as well. just more wheeler family dynamics all across the board bc i am Obsessed with them!!
yeah that scene was very emotional to write😭😭 he’s come so far and i’m so proud of him!! (is the one actively writing his character arc)
love me a good parallel🫡🫡
THANK YOU THAT’S ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES AS WELL💗💗💗 and yes i’m so excited to write the fic version!!
i’m so glad you liked this episode, thank you SO much for this comment! i don’t get as many comments on my scripts (understandably) as i do on my fic, but i really appreciate when people give me feedback :) i’m so happy that you’re enjoying them!
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silverbladexyz · 9 months
this is lowkey really stupid but i love ur writing!! 💕especially everything u write abt the flags, i literally need to find more content abt them or ill go insane (they’re so underrated </3)
No no anon this isn't stupid at all!
In fact it brightened up my day even more and put a smile on my face; thank you so much 💞 I'm happy that you like my writing >.< and I hope I don't disappoint :D
And yes!! The Flags are really underrated; as well as the other Stormbringer characters (especially Adam and 16!Chuuya) Asagiri really did an amazing job writing such amazing personalities and characteristics for them ❤
There's quite a couple of requests for the Flags in my inbox; I'll try working on them when I have the time- and I'm also deciding on adding Chuuya to the Flags requests too because I love him so much :')
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koolkat9 · 1 year
(Also, wanted to take the chance to say that I love ur GerEng AUs and fics. When I first got into Hetalia (a bit over 2 years ago) and started to know England and Germany, my brain totally went “oh yeah they make one great ship” only to be disappointed at how little is out there of these two. Like how come ppl not see how great they are together - there’s just so much goddamn potential! And now over 14 years later since the anime, it seems the fandom as a whole still didn’t catch up on this. Alas, I found u and I’m infinitely glad for tht. Thanks for being here and not making me feel like the only one cursed with liking a rare ship.)
Sorry this took forever. These things took way longer than I thought.
Oh my gosh! This is so sweet thank you🥰.
There really isn't a lot of content for them and that's a shame... Though I think it's gained a bit more popularity thanks to the adlib the creator of Dreamtalia did in her play through of it which created a whole GerEng subplot (that's how I got into the ship) and then creators like Teethhoarder (who runs the blog asking-gereng and has made many great fanart and fics of them) and myself who has made so many little fics and headcanons for them specifically. But still, it is underrated compared to other ships.
That's actually part of the reason I started making content for them. There was so little of it. And now I've been going 3 years strong writing fics.
And don't worry there is actually a handful of us who ship it. Teeth like I've mentioned and there is a whole GerEng discord server (ran by yours truly). But listen to me ramble. You want an au.
Here's probably one of my favourite aus. GerEng Roadtrip AU.
We've got character arcs, slow burn, finding yourself. It's so good, I love it. The GerEng server was great for sharing ideas and we built on it together.
Anyway, Ludwig is going to university for engineering, but after his first year and after doing very poorly on an exam, he's devastated because perfectionism, but also something else bubbling underneath that he's yet to realize/acknowledge.
With the school year ending, Ludwig decides to go stay with his brother for the summer. After all, despite owning it for a couple years now, Ludwig never got to visit the record shop his brother opened and Ludwig needs to get away for a little bit so why not spend the summer in a small quaint town near a river?
Arthur is on of Gil's employees. He and Ludwig don't exactly get off on the right foot. Arthur's grouchy, prickly, a smoker. But Arthur catches Ludwig sifting through some rock albums and the two start to bond over their shared music taste, only to find out they actually have a lot in common and enjoy spending time together.
A little over a month before Ludwig is set to return to school, Arthur proposes they go on a road trip together. One last hurrah before they go their separate ways. Ludwig, feeling more and more anxious as the date of school approaches, agrees for the distraction.
They travel all over, to all kinds of little towns, seeing all kinds of sights. And in the process, learn that they're both kind of broken and lost but find comfort in each other.
Like one time they stay at a campground and have a campfire. Arthur brought his guitar so he strums a bit as they sit. Ludwig asks if Arthur can sing. And Arthur makes a weird face, but gives in and they end up singing together.
One time they stay at a hotel but because it's summer and there is a big event going on, almost all the hotels are booked up, so they have to stay in a room where there is only one bedTM.
They stop in the middle of no where to watch the sunset. And they may or may not share their first kiss in this moment.
They go to some big mall and they end up having to help a lost kid together. Ludwig falls harder seeing how Arthur is with kids.
But it's not all fun and games. Over the course of their trip Ludwig learns Arthur used to be in a rock band. They were just about to hit it big, in talks with fairly big record company only for Arthur to get a case of vocal nodes that changed his voice forever. It changed his sound, his range, and though he still sounds decent he hates how he sounds now. And even if he was find with the sound of his voice, he didn't have the vocal fortitude to be a professional singer. Just when his dream was about to come true it was all snatched away.
Gilbert, a fan of Arthur's band who had become a dear friend offered Arthur a job at the record store to try to help him back on his feet.
Singing with Ludwig during their travels was the first time Arthur sang after the damage. Ludwig thinks he sounds beautiful.
Arthur mentions in passing once that he used to be a singer in a band. So when Ludwig hears Arthur sing, he asks why he doesn't anymore. This leads to an argument as some of Arthur's old wounds open up, making him more defensive and Ludwig doesn't know the full story so he doesn't get why Arthur is suddenly angry.
But eventually Arthur opens up, reminiscing about going on little tours with his band to nearby towns. Ludwig of course listens intently to all the stories Arthur starts to share about his band. Arthur ends up getting a little emotional by the end and Ludwig just hugs him. They stay like that longer than they probably should but Arthur can't deny it makes him feel warm and fuzzy.
Ludwig has his own struggles. He is dealing with his first major failure and with a bad case of anxiety and perfectionism it isn't easy. But there is even more to it. Ludwig has long had the doubt that engineering and university in general is the right path. He knows he's smart enough to be there (even though his anxiety sometimes tries to tell him differently), but his just isn't passionate about what he's studying and if he was to change paths he doesn't know to what. Some of his shitty feelings from failing the exam are connected to this doubt though he's not fully aware of it yet.
Anyway. The car breaks down some time during their trip and Ludwig fixes it. Arthur notices how focused and in the zone Ludwig is working on the car. It reminds Arthur of how he would get playing music. He knows Ludwig is going to university and is struggling a bit, but there is much of story he's still missing. He doesn't even know what Ludwig is studying. So he finally asks about it. Since at this point Arthur has opened up to Ludwig, Ludwig figures it's only fair to open up to Arthur and perhaps finally confiding in someone will might make him feel better.
Ludwig finally admits he's not happy in his program, but he doesn't know what else to do and he doesn't want to disappoint anyone who had high expectations of them (everyone around him just assumed he'd go to university because he was so academically gifted).
"Fuck them all," Arthur replies, "Do what you want first. That's what I always did."
"It's not that easy for me," Ludwig fires back, "Plus...I don't even know what I want."
"I wonder why..."
"Nothing. Look Ludwig. I couldn't pursue my dream job, now look at me. Wasting away in that old record shop. I don't want that with you. You have a chance to do something you love, take it. Pursue it until you can't."
"Arthur I-I don't..."
"If you won't do it for yourself, do it for me. If you need an idea, I think you'd make a really good mechanic
Ludwig thinks about it. Reflects a bit and takes Arthur's words to heart and decides perhaps a mechanic apprenticeship would be his best path. He always liked tinkering with cars and machinery and being hands on with it. Wouldn't hurt to at least look into the idea.
Ludwig, thankful for Arthur helping him onto the right path, wants to help Arthur find a new passion or a way he can embrace music in a different way. Ludwig recalls how Arthur taught him a few cords on guitar and how good of a teacher Arthur is. So maybe Arthur could give lessons or even go to school to be a music teacher. Arthur shoots him down, but Ludwig catches Arthur researching what it takes to be a music teacher.
Anyway. The road trip comes to an end and Ludwig has to make his choice. Return to university, to a program he dislikes, or take a chance and stay and get an apprenticeship in town. So just as Gilbert is about to take him back to the city Ludwig comes clean. How he doesn't like his program, that he wants to try an apprenticeship as a mechanic. Ludwig is terrified of Gilbert's reaction, that he'll be disappointed, but Arthur's words echo in his head, keeping him grounded.
Instead, Gilbert is happy for him. "You always did love working on cars," he notes, "Remember our old neighbour who let you tinker on an old, broken down car they had? If only we could have gotten a new engine, perhaps it could have been saved from being scrapped.
Ludwig is shocked, having almost forgotten that summer.
"I bet someone would love to hear that news," Gilbert says with a smirk.
Ludwig runs back to the record shop, but Arthur is missing from his post. Lud hears a faint noise coming from the back room and finds Arthur, next to the old record player, singing along to the song they sung together around the fire. He sits and listens, only revealing he's there when Arthur finishes and Ludwig applauds.
Ludwig tells him how he's going to stay in town and try to get an apprenticeship with a mechanic Gil knows. Arthur is elated, jumping to his feet and kissing Ludwig hard. Their first kiss since that one time on the road during the sunset that they had thought they'd never talk about again.
"But on one condition," Ludwig says, pulling away breathlessly, "You look into school for next year and become a music teacher."
"If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for me," Ludwig smirks.
Arthur can't help but laugh and kiss him again. "Okay. For you then."
And in the end, Arthur does become a music teacher and Ludwig gets to take over the shop he did his mechanic apprenticeship at. They also date and eventually get married 🥰
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timelostobserver · 1 year
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
(Cream of the crop muses all around; I know I've only interacted with your Gyutaro but like- bruh you have a gift idk if anyone has told you. You're a joy to talk to and always make me smile, thank you for being a mutual and I look forward to future interactions, both IC and OOC bc you're wonderful <3 )
[[ -Takes the stars and EATS THEM!-
Aaa thank you! I'm so happy you like my Gyutaro! He's such an underrated muse that I wish I saw more of.. (I needed more content of him so bad.. So I made my own!)
That you also for interacting with him and me in general. I love your writing. Your Enmu is just absolute perfection, Gyutaro wants to strangle him so bad! And Daki? Just.. AMAZING! ;u;
I live for the overprotective little sister~ ]]
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earthtooz · 2 years
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༉‧₊˚. 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑮 𝑹𝑬𝑪𝑺:
these are some of my fav writers!!!! if you ever need recs, these people are my no 1 - as well as checking out #earfrecs!
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first and foremost, my BOYYSSSSS need their place on the list so:
彡 @basilly : an 'after you've read angst' writer. short yet super sweet haikyuu works :,) so many toothrotting-fluffy-headcannons - singlehandedly responsible for me starting to see the hype with kageyama
彡 @limitlesshq : incredible writer. my destined rival (jk), but seriously, go check out art for jjk works that hit exactly where you need it to!!! i love the way they write more headstrong, sarcastic readers &lt;3 it's so real and personal
彡 @mitzimania : bane of my existence but UNDERRATED AF!!!! i need you to check mitzi out!!! so so talented, the descriptions, the imagery, the techniques embedded throughout their writing? incredible>>
彡 @sixosix : LAWD where do i start. multi-fandom writer who is also singlehandedly responsible for me starting to understand the hype behind izuku - characterisation, on point, six is amazing >>
moving on - certain writers below have nsfw content and do not allow minors to interact with said posts so be careful!!!! respect writer's boundaries !!
彡 @ufo-ikawa : literally like the FIRST anime writer i ever followed bc i LOVEEEEE ari's works so much - i don't think i can ever fathom just how amazingly she writes like UGH SERIOUSLY I'M IN LOVE pls ari's so lovely too. i love when she pops up on my dash &lt;3
彡 @coconutdays : eren simps come get yo juice! LMAO but seriously, violet appreciation <3 one of the first writers that i have ever read for eren and i still love her works sm. girlboss reader realness!!!!
彡 @lytters : a lot of creative works with ideas that i would have never thought out. not only that, but they're executed super well!! everybody loves a good timestamp fic and L has tons of those so i really really recommend checking them out!
彡 @sipsteainanxiety : i think i ascended when shay followed me - no joke, i think i'd read over her masterlist fifteen times so if it's any blog i recommend IT IS HERS DFOADHOFFDF if you follow me bc of my bnha works and you don't follow shay then that's a crime wtf go now!?!?!?!?
彡 @shotorozu : I'M UR BIGGEST FAN!!!! so many creative ideas and they're all super fluffy - the tiktok series is unmatched. anaïs is one of my fav bnha writers on this app >>>>
anaïs if u ever read this just know that i'm very intimidated by you slash pos.
彡 @/chimielie : beautiful beautiful beautiful writer!!!! so talented and i can only hope to ever think thoughts as creative as lia's :c writes for a range of haikyuu characters !!
彡 @vrmxlho funniest mf on god 🤣🤣🤣 will always be a fan of zaina's smau's, but i love his fics regardless !! very creative ideas for everything they write, seriously, i'm :OOOOOO every time she posts. FIREEEEEEE POSTS 100/10 GO SLUT GO !!
彡 @sacchariins stan hanni bc the fact that she can actually remain multi-fandom and not zero in on one fandom is actually so impressive to me. PLUS every fic is saur high quality?? i'm. yeah. yeah. always a good day when hanni posts their drabbles.
彡 @escapenightmare zuki pookie (slash not affectionate i hate u) posts such amazing things i'm- thank goodness for you tbh bc every time i see that you've posted a drabble i'm 💳💥💳💥💳💥 IMMEDIATELY. bnha + bllk content !! go check them out !!
彡 @fallenssun another very creative and very gorgeous writer !! (i think abt ur one isagi drabble daily LOLS) if u ever want a talented writer for bnha + bllk + genshin to follow then rosie is ur gal! GO FOLLOW I TRIPLE DOG DARE U.
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bloomingjungwon · 3 years
please write a heeseung college!au !!!! ♡♡
college!au heeseung
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: thank you for requesting! sorry if this is so long, i kind of got carried away and i was kind of inspired by one of my favorite blogger's writing style
major: cinematography (don't ask why, i can just imagine him being so into making motion pictures)
he'd probably minor in like north american or woman studies tbh
i can see him as a really quiet, doesn't involve himself in too many things, kind of student
doesn't really speak up when it isn't needed
but if it's a topic he's really familiar with, you can't shut him up
definitley the type of student to sit in the very front even if the classroom has like a billion seats left open
i also see him as the type to never be in the library, he usually just studies out on the grass or in a very underrated cafe.
lives off of coffee to the point his roomate!jake tells him he smells like coffee 25/8
you know how gym freaks take a shot of like protein powder before their workout? yeah that's him but with ground up coffee beans if he is in a rush and doesn't want to wait for his coffee to brew.
it's kinda funny, you don't know heeseung, and he doesn't know you. but you pass each other almost everyday because you also go to the same cafe as him.
like youre always leaving as he enters and like????
hello how r u not noticing such an amazing human being
but dont worry, ya'll meet some day
you're walking across your campus and the bulletin board catches your attention
amongst all the papers screaming "tutor needed" or "join our club", theres a flier SMACK DAB in the middle
"class do20 presents mini films at flint theatre this friday!"
and like, that peaks your interests
because you've always appreciated people's works
but you're kinda just standing in the middle of the walkway and staring at it , you don't realize someone standing next to you
"are you going to go and watch?"
you nearly jumped out of your skin cause like, who tf just talks to someone without getting their attention first
heeseung does
and now he's just staring at you waiting for an answer
"uh,, yeah seems kind of interesting. why? are you?"
"i have no choice to. i'm a part of it, i just haven't started on my film yet."
.... homie, the show is on friday and it's currently tuesday
no words or expressions are exchanged and you're just staring awkwardly at each other
but in reality, you two are just silently admiring each other's features
"do you want to be a part of my film?"
your blank expression turned into a "wtf" kind of expression
"you want me, a complete stranger, to be a part of your film?"
he proceeds to tell you that it'll be a lot easier for him to work with a stranger since he'd most likely not mess around
because this boy needs to get his assignment done asap
and you kind of hesitate but then you're like "well, fuck it. sure"
and then he smiles. and holy
this guy has one of the most captivating smiles ever and you literally feel your heart stop for a small second
"let's get started today, if that's okay with you?" he suggests
and you agree and tell him you have one more class, but he can meet you at a cafe you're usually at
and now it's his turn for his heart to skip a beat because he's talking to an attractive person who just willingly agreed to help him on his project AND goes to the same underrated cafe???
but before he can say anything.. you're already walking away
and now he's just standing there dumb and love struck
but yeah heeseung is already at the cafe thirty min early while he waits for you, camera out facing the door, waiting for you to enter
catches you on film as you walk inside and he kinda just watches you in awe as you're scanning the room to find where he is
you give him a small smile and wave and in that moment, heeseung knew what title he was giving his film
you take your seat and you're like "so, what would you like me to do?"
and heeseung just asks you to do whatever you would usually do at the cafe
and you're like oh sweet. that's easy.
so you ask him what kind of coffee he wants and when he tells you, you stand up to leave and order coffee
he films everything
from you standing in line awkwardly, you picking at your nails, scrolling through your phone, ordering... literally everything
you come back holding both cups (which of course he films too)
"i usually just do my homework while i'm here, but i don't have a lot today"
"that's fine. you can just do it, and if it's okay, i can ask you questions to get to know you better."
"yeah that's okay with me. i can multitask well. i think."
that earns you a chuckle from him
he angles the camera at the end of the end of the table, focusing on you
and ya'll just do homework together and learn new things about each other
like how you eat pizza with a fork and knife because you refuse to get your hands dirty
which heeseung reacts with "do you need professional help?"
but homie blurts out he lives and breathes off of ramen noodles and his roomate!jake has to restock for him every two days
and you're like.... "you're the one who needs professional help."
and for a couple hours
you guys are just goofing around and talking to each other as if you've known each other for years
homework done, three cups of coffee later, heeseung's camera runs out of battery so he calls it a day
chooses the next location to film
a dog park
so the next day, classes done, you meet him at the dog park, and even brought your dog
films you throwing tennis balls, petting dogs, and even you getting chased by a dog
laughs throughout the whole filming process but then internally regrets it because he notices it could probably be heard in the video
breaks it to you that he has enough content for his project
and lowkey youre kind of sad because you've had fun being around him the past two days but you keep it to yourself
"i'm glad i could help. i can't wait to see it heeseung."
loves the way you say his name and now he's sad too because he doesn't really have an excuse to hang out with you more
so ya'll part ways after saying bye
but it's not some dramatic "i'm never going to see them again"
cause ya'll run into each other again at the cafe the next day
and it's kind of unspoken but ya'll just silently agree to sit down with each other and work on homework
you, reading out of your textbook, and him working diligently on his laptop (shh he's editing his film)
and you kind of steal glances his way and he's just smiling to himself as he works
and that's because he loves the way his film is coming along, and he loves seeing you
because in that moment, you both realize you have feelings for each other
but once again it's unspoken cause you're both scaredy cats
you call it a day and say bye and him back
you guys don't see each other until the night of the film show
and you're like okay i'll tell him i have feelings for him after the show
little did you know, he was thinking the same thing about you
but he's up in the film booth sweating his ass off because he knows you're somewhere in the crowd
and all of a sudden he doesn't want to be there
"what if they don't like me in that way?" "what if they take my video the wrong way?"
internally and externally panics
but before he can grab his cd and break it, the lights turn off and oh shit the show is starting
tbh, the films from the other students were quite interesting and you were enjoying each one
but this uncomfortable feeling was forming in the pit of your stomach
were you anxious? nervous?
idk but you were anticipating heeseung's film
and finally on the screen appeared heeseung's picture and biography
you didn't even notice the smile growing on your face
you thought to yourself, what did he even name his film?
"love through my eyes"
does heeseung have feelings for me too? or did they switch up someone's film with his??
but nope, there was no switch up
you watched yourself on the screen, from you smiling at him at the first moments in the cafe, to you laughing at his eating habits, and to you being chased by the dog, audibly hearing heeseung's giggles
but you thought it was over until there were more clips of the both of you in the cafe
however, they weren't from the first meeting. the clothes you both were wearing were different
wait, isn't this from two days ago? he filmed us that day?
from a hidden angle, the camera caught you two stealing glances at each other when the other wasn't paying attention.
you looked at him with stars in your eyes, and when you went back to your textbook, he stole glances at you as if your were his entire universe
speechless, the film ended, and with his film being last, the show ended and the lights turned back on
you didn't even applaud, for you ran out of the building immediatley, looking for heeseung
and there he is at the entrance of the theatre just staring at his feet
looks up when you hear him running up to him
"so... the film" he starts
but you don't let him finish because you pull him by the shirt and kiss him
and he's shocked because what the fuck they're kising me?!?!
but relaxes and kisses you back
and yeah, that's how your relationship starts
and expect him to film you at random times
would probably treasure "love through my eyes" and play it as a surprise at your guys' wedding in the future
im crying
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sakurayumeno · 3 years
hi!! could i request some hcs/fic or anything you feel like writing about Kurt!! THANK U IN ADVANCE, he is my very fave and I’d love to see more content of him!
Kurt Relationship Hcs.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: Aaa Kurt's so underrated! Glad to see he got an event in game about him.
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Due to Kurt being an avid reader, and because of the erratic lifestyle he was born into, he never really tried getting a significant other. Sure he would think about it once or twice, but it was always a task that was put aside.
He's read romance books in the past and was always fascinated by the ways to make people swoon, as well as their reactions to certain things. Reading about it is one thing, but experiencing it is a whole other.
He has soo many cute things he wants to do when dating you! From holding hands to pillowtalk, Kurt is desperate to find out. To him it's as if he's at the rising action of a book.
Kurt is a simple man who love hand holding. He's always thought it was a cliché and dull gesture back then, never would he have guessed he'd have a thing for it too. Now he does it frequently, when talking with you, engrossed with the subject at hand. Or sometimes without even thinking, fingers intertwined and all.
Kurt likes blankie cuddles! The best times are when both of you are tired and just want to relax, he got everything ready for emergencies. Lying down on a bed or couch, he'll open the blanket to allow you to enter and become engulfed in both the warmth of the blanket and his arms.
But let's get into what he likes, which is scar kisses. Boy does this man love them. Every peck given is literally euphoric to him. He hasn't really cared about his scar to be honest, it's just a physical feature of his, who cares. Well now he does by what you do to it so that's that.
Ok not gonna lie, he gets a little down when you don't give them. If it's been a while since the last one, he's gonna pout until you give in.
Desperately wants to impress and be praised by you. Kurt needs your affirmation that he actually has importance in him. He craves the attention he never got from his parents or anyone else for that matter.
Sometimes he's too nice and puts others way before himself, specifically in matches. He can't count how many times he's body blocked for others and sometimes getting downed in the process. You tell him to stop hurting himself like this, but he just feels really bad for the others.
When you guys are at the point where you sleep together, you'll realize how bad of a sleep schedule this guy has. Like, it's horrible. He stays up until ungodly hours and reads or writes. You have no idea how he survives the next days with such sleep deprivation. Help him I beg of you.
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honeybunnybeez · 4 years
Duuuude. Sfw alphabet for Eret or Bad??? Or even Fundy. All very underrated and I need see much content for them -⚰️
SFW alphabet:
♡Reader is Gender Neutral!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Bad is pretty affectionate when it comes to you, almost never leaving your side if he can.
He's very affectionate physically and verbally, clinging to you and giving you kisses while calling you sickly sweet pet names and praising you. Despite what he's supposed to be, he's incredibly adorable and hard to resist.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship starts after you're introduced to him thanks to Skeppy, who you met first around the server and clicked well with. After getting to know you better and seeing you get along great with Skeppy, he easily accepts you as one of his close friends.
As a best friend he's kinda clingy, often wanting to see you and knowing what you're up to. He also likes to make sure you're okay and comes to visit you often, making sure no one messes with you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles are his jam and given the opportunity you two would probably never leave the bed for the whole day. He doesn't have a set cuddling style, though one thing stays the same and it's that he wraps his arms around you pretty tight.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does seem like the type to want to settle down. It sounds like a very nice thing to do once everything in the server calms down, well, if it ever does calm down.
Domestic life wise, he's pretty decent at it! His best chore is cooking, he makes a pretty good meal when he cooks.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Depending on the situation and what led up to it, I think it'd end on good terms but he would get very emotional while doing so. He would be crying while apologizing and explaining why he feels like a romantic relationship wouldn't work as to not hurt you too severely. He still wants you to be in his life as his best friend though so you two do keep in close contact if you're okay with that.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He is rather loyal and commited to the ones he loves so I think he would get married. Maybe after being together for 6 months or a year would be when he pops the question.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is very physically and emotionally gentle with you, not wanting to hurt you in any way.
Sure he does tackle hug you in his human form but in his demon form with his tall height he makes sure to treat you like glass if he ever handles or holds you.
Emotionally he doesn't ever want to say mean things to you. He always apologizes profusely (almost crying himself) if you ever get truly upset with something he teased you about.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loves hugs, the moment he sees you he's running up to give you a big old hug. Hug him back, please. Please, (y/n). Hug him back, he wants you to.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He used to say it quite often back when you two were friends, so there's no exact way to tell when the I love you's started to be genuine.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Lord above, we've seen this man be jealous. He's super jealous when you start to spend more time with others. Can and will blow up your communicator asking you where you are and who you're with. Sometimes Skeppy joins in too half jokingly. If you're with Quackity you bet your ass you're getting dragged somewhere far away from the man.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves giving you surprise kisses and half expects you to return the gesture. ESKIMO KISSES! All the eskimo kisses, he loves them. He love giving and receiving eskimo kisses from you so much.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Oh he adores kids quite a bit. Innocent, active and still full of life, he thinks they're precious. Though he can't really handle the spoiled ones, the ones who scream and throw really bad tantrums when they don't get what they want in the supermarket.
I don't think he's capable of having his own kids with his partner (being a demon and all) but he'd like to adopt one or two if you're into that idea. He's had experience raising Sapnap (and he doesn't hate bad's guts as far as I remember) so he's sure he can handle it.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Before you wake up he likes to stare at your peaceful face while you rest. At first you did get a bit surprised when you wake up to see a pair of dimly glowing eyes staring back at you so closely. Now, you just instinctively reach out to give him morning kisses when you wake up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He holds you in his arms while you slowly drift off to sleep. Sometimes he hums a soft happy tune while playing with your hair as your eyes grow heavy.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Skeppy totally tells you a few of Bad's secrets before you two started dating, only very minor ones though. Other than that, he's a pretty open book and if there was a secret he has he spills pretty easily when you say his name in a dissapointed tone.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Unless you insult him or swear like a sailor on purpose to annoy him, he has a good bit of patience with you and your shenanigans. If you're best friends with Skeppy then you're bound to get into a little bit of trouble.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers things about you quite well. Such as what you like to eat, what your favourite ore is, your schedule, etc.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He loves you and he loves his best friend Skeppy too. He enjoys every moment you guys are all together but his favourite moment was when you three all hung out with one another watching the sunset on the roof of your home. It was all so unsually calm during those few minutes. You 3 totally held hands, just saying.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He knows you can hold your own but even so he does get pretty defensive when others try to threaten you. Will stab a person for you if they really hurt you, no hesitation.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in a lot of effort to make you and everyone happy! It doesn't always feel like a chore when he's trying to find something you like or helping you around here and there. Anniversaries with him are simple but they're very sweet and memorable.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Oh boy, his clinginess and jealousy does tend to be a bit of a problem. You have to remind him that you need personal time too. He always pouts when you say that and often times you do give in because of it. Though, if you really do need to be somewhere without him, promise to spend your next free day with him and he'll happily agree.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not very concerned, he's aware that he looks a lot different than others but he doesn't think it matters when almost everyone in the server is a different kind of human or hybrid. Everyone's different and that's normal, he thinks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Sure we know that Skeppy is his whole heart both metaphorically and literally in a sense, but he would be devastated if anything were to happen to you. He would feel like a part of him is missing and it would frustrate and upset him to no end knowing that the missing piece could never be found again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
In his 9'6 form he will carry you around in his arms like a doll just to tease you. He think you look adorable as you whine and tell him that you aren't a toy to haul around.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn't like someone who takes advantage of him or does things he doesn't like consistently on purpose. Like, teasing him is fine, he does that too, but don't do what he doesn't like on purpose everytime you see him. He just thinks that's disrespectful even if you were just teasing.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
When he sleep he's absolutely wrapped around you. Laying by your side, arms and legs wrapped around your torso and waist respectively. You are his pillow now and you're being held hostage until he's decided he's satisfied.
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A/N: Hey ⚰! Thank you for the request! I have to admit it was a little hard not to make it reference poly!c!skephalo because of how often its referenced that Bad and Skeppy are close to one another. (Someone please give me an excuse to remake this with poly!c!skephalo-) Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Cater is so underrated! Could you do a yandere Cater fic where a fem!MC is already dating him and they’re having an intimate moment (kissing) when she decides to break up with him and he keeps trying to get her to stay (he’s desperate). He wasn’t a yandere until she decided to leave. I hope this is an okay request! Slight nsfw if you’re willing!
I don't know why but writing Cater as yandere was way harder than Kalim.
Achievement unlocked: You made your boyfriend go yandere
Italics indicate thoughts
Cater Diamond
Warning: Yandere behaviour, toxic relationship
You can do this, (Y/N)! (Y/N) was giving herself confidence-boosting phrases as she firmly made her way to Cater, her boyfriend, well, soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend. He was taking selfies when she arrived at his side. He greeted her with a kiss on the lips after he was done with selfies. She couldn't find it in her heart to return the kiss. To get out of the situation and get his attention, she gingerly patted his shoulder. Lady luck must have been on her side as he withdrew the next second.
"No kissy today?" Cater asked with a cheerful attitude. He didn't even wait for her response before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pressing their cheeks together, and making a peace sign with his hand. "Say cheese!" She force smiled at the camera instinctively as she grew accustomed to Cater's sudden selfie moments. He took a few selfies and retreated his arm to select the best one in his standards.
"Cater, we need to talk."
"Hmm hmm," Her request, once again, fell into deaf ears as he didn't even acknowledge it. "Just a moment babe, I'm posting our picture #CutestCouple #Sweethearts #CantGetEnoughOfEachOther #Ca(Y/N) #(Y/N)ter"
Oh shit!
(Y/N) launched at his phone before he could post it, being grateful that he was "You need to listen to me before you post it." Only interrupting him posting on Magicam would get his attention since it was all he cared about. “I don’t think this,” she motioned herself and Cater, “... is working out.”
“Huh? What are you saying?” He looked confused, looking at her intently while he was reaching to get his phone back.
“I asked you to meet because I want to break up. It would be better to do it in person." She felt relief wash over her after she told him what she was holding back for the last 2 weeks. "I just ca-"
"That is not cute, totally not Magigrammable." (Y/N) assumed he didn't process what she had told yet considering he was standing in front of her with a blank expression.
"You are amazing and I had such a great time with you. I thought I would be fine with you posting every moment we have on Magicam but I am not." It is better to be straightforward than to beat around the bush. He is going to understand me, I'm sure of it.
"I want people to see how cute we look, (Y/N). Why wouldn't you like it?" He was trying to bargain with her, completely ignoring what she had just said.
"You are too focused on being cute and showing it off to everyone and expecting validation for it but you don't live the moment from my point of view. It is not something I can handle. It just encumbers me." (Y/N) put her hands on his biceps gently, making eye contact so he would see her genuineness. She didn't want to hurt his feelings but the reality was better than living a lie. "I can't expect you to change or force to be different than you already are. It is best if we part ways as a friend. I'm sure there is someone out there who would love every side of you." She let her arms fall to her sides, slightly patting on her thighs as she awaited his response. He was far too silent than usual. She just hoped he accepted her reasoning as a mature person would and now was pondering a way to react.
"That's not going to work." Thank goodness, he understood! "My followers adore our pictures together. They get the most likes! We can't break up!" Damn it, I spoke too soon. (Y/N) was about to reason with him but he suddenly grabbed her arm. "You can't break up with me!" She had never seen his eyes blazing with anger, and it was a sight she ought to not see.
(Y/N) was wriggling to be free of his grip but he was squeezing her arm more and more as she continued her struggle. "You are hurting me!" She grabbed his hand on her, digging her nails on his skin so that he would let her go out of pain.
"I'm hurting you?" Cater ignored her plea as if it meant nothing to him. "You are the one who is hurting me! Are you trying to make me lose followers? Do you want people to dislike me? Is that your goal?"
She stopped her strife momentarily, too shocked to hear what he had said. "Wh-what... What does that have anything to do with how I feel about our relationship?!" He was being too self-centered at the moment, only caring about how he felt. "Listen, I want to remain as friends. We can take occasional pictures together that you can post on Magicam but I gotta go my own way, Cater." She wanted to bite his hand and kick him in the sack but she wagered it would be worse if she pushed forward so she decided to take a passive approach.
"Is that your way of pitying me? You are just like my sisters. So cruel, thinking yourself better than me, taking the best thing from me, and expecting me to be content with the scraps." He let her go abruptly, making her lose her balance and fall on her butt. "But you aren't a cruel person, are you?" He knelt on her level, lifting her head from her chin with his hand. "We aren't going to break up. That is just a silly joke you made."
Was he always delusional? (Y/N) tried to sing his tune but it didn't work. She hastily swatted his hand away. "I thought he would stay as friends but clearly you are too deranged for it!"
When she tried to get up, Cater pushed her back. "I believe you would prefer to continue dating me." He was too calm as he uttered those words while twirling the end of his hair strand with a snide smile on his face.
What the fuck is he on? He better gives me the number of his dealer! "Were you not listening to me?!" The more this drew out the more she got irritated. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He just smiled at her remark. "I suppose plenty of things but now isn't the time for me. It is the time for you." He unlocked his phone and scrolled through something. He chuckled when she assumed he found what he was looking for. "You would prefer to date me than seeing what I have to be shared on Magicam and for everyone to talk about it." He had a chesire smile as he closed his eyes and waited for her response.
The gears turned on her mind as she understood what he was talking about. She couldn't help but laugh, it was such a weak threat for her to continue dating him. "If you think I'll still be with you because you would share my nudes and you're in for a ride. The moment you share them or are involved in their distribution, my lawyer will call you." She was certain that he would cut the crap now.
Instead of him falling out of his act, he let out a burst of loud laughter. He then turned to face her once more, bopping her nose. "Don't be ridiculous. Why would I put myself at that type of risk? It would ruin my life more than yours." He chuckled, giving her the most devilish look. "I know what you did last summer."
(Y/N)'s heart started to pound in her chest. She was panicking, her breathing was getting hitched but she kept quiet this long and she wasn't going to quit the act now. "Nothing besides having fun." Her voice cracked as she spoke, her nerves getting to her.
"I bet you did. Especially with your high school friends. Did all of you agree to never speak of what happened last summer?" He was calm as if he was talking about weather instead of her secret.
"I don't know what you are talking about." She was convinced that he would drop the topic if she persisted to deny it.
"Oh?" He feigned surprise before turning his phone towards her so that she could see what was on the screen. Her breathing stopped and her eyes widened the second her eyes laid upon what was on Cater's phone. How did he learn about that? How did he get that video?
(Y/N) gulped, trying to collect any courage left. "H-h-h-how?" Her mind was racing, trying to find an escape from the situation but failing amazingly.
Cater just shrugged his shoulders, acting as if this was a regular thing for him. "I know a lot of things about everyone. Perks of knowing many people and having a broad network, I say. I have everything to know everything about my girlfriend, don't you think?" He didn't expect her to answer. Even if he did, what could she say? She just remained silent and she tried to process everything that happened in the last 10 minutes. He seated beside her on the grass. He took her right arm and put it around his shoulders. Her arms were limp, not having enough energy to fight back. He inched even closer and wrapped his left arm around her waist. They must have looked like a loving couple from outside while in actuality, one of them was a psycho who just threatened his girlfriend into dating him and the other one was a murderer who kept quiet even though it was just an accident.
Cater looked at her, stroking her face as a lover would. "Now be a good girl and wipe that terrified expression off your face. That's not Magigrammable unless it is Halloween time." He closed the video and opened the camera on his phone, holding it up for another selfie. "Smile for the camera." (Y/N) couldn't even bring herself to fake-smile. She was just looking at his phone with a blank expression. Cater must have seen it too since he pouted after looking at the pictures he took but he didn't fret about it, instead, he moved forward. "Now kiss me. Lovers kissing always gets more attention." (Y/N) turned towards him and leaned to kiss him as he took pictures. After he ended the kiss, he simply turned his attention to his phone. "This is going to get so many likes, (Y/N). See what happens when you stay with me?"
She only nodded in response, not wanting to talk. As Cater was adding tags to their picture, (Y/N) was left alone with her thoughts.
I deserve this. I shouldn't have agreed to stay silent last summer. Now not only I have to live with its guilt but also have to obey everything Cater says if I want to live free. But will I be truly free with Cater?
If someone is threatening you to share your intimate photos, don't bend to their will. You can take legal action which can result in you receiving indemnity from intangible damage caused by them and they can get jail time for the distribution of sensitive personal data (I am unsure of the actual term in English). Just know your rights and don't stay silent.
I love "I know what you did last summer". It is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. I highly suggest it.
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