#understand i mean that in the nicest way i can explain. i dont like answering these kinds of asks
saki-19 · 11 months
(I don't expect an answer to this and don't require one, so please don't feel like you have to answer this publicly.)
I mean this in the nicest way possible but if you don't have the artist's permission don't repost someone else's art. That's art theft, even if you tag it "not mine". Fan artist's own and have copyright of their art. That's an actual legal fact, not just my opinion. Reverse image search is annoying but it's also free.
Reposting art also doesn't do the og artist any favors because no one can find them and the people scrolling can't be bothered to do the homework of finding the artist for you and even if some people do, most don't. I've also seen artists mention that reposting doesn't encourage people to go out and try to find them so it actually hurts their engagement and visibility. Which artists need for various reasons but the biggest is that if no one knows who they are they can't get paid for their work which is how some of them make their living.
I get you're just trying to have fun and share art you like but that doesn't excuse art theft. I genuinely am not trying to guilt trip you and I apologize that I don't have posts and resources on hand to help explain this better or for you to read up on this yourself but it really is a very unkind thing to do to artists.
That's all I have to say, I'm not going to harass you about this and whether you stop or not is wholly up to you.
Hello i hope you dont mind me anwsering this publicly but in a way i feel like i should. I understand where your coming from. I agree with you it is not good enough to say ( art not mine) and expect it to be okay. I would do my research about the art and ask the creator if i can reapost it but the thing is most of the things i post i get from a website that does not show the creator. And where im from other apps like insta show only things from where i am. I know its not really an exuse but if i knew how to find out who the creator is i would ask them and then post. And logging into an account in a different country is not posible. If you or anyone really has any idea how i could find the original creators id love to hear about it. And again i appologize for this.
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
if the tbh could beatbox
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golbrocklovely · 4 years
Yo Colby apperently sees everything because he goes on his Tabs on all social medias i mean he even typed his name on Amazon and found pillow cases of himself. So my question is, why is he refusing to acknowledge the BT stuff and act like all his fans are delusional. I get the majority of us may not know him personally but are we just supposed to ignore the victims. The snc fandom has gone down in recent months and they dont care to know why they just associate it to "hate" & "cancel culture".
alright, i have a feeling this is gonna be long, so bare with me.
TW: rape mentions, sexual assault, brief suicide mention, BT
so i've kinda wanted to put my two cents out about the whole colby not calling brennen out thing, but i never did bc i felt like i could possibly get hate or at least not explain myself well enough or something bad was gonna happen. but i feel like i can do this all now.
first off, i believe the girl that is accusing brennen. i also know that brennen has done some terrible shit in the past that i do not agree with. i don't like brennen at all and his half ass apology can suck a fat fuck.
that being said, i want to explain something that happened to me a couple years ago.
i was in college when i met this boy named R. he was probably the nicest guy i had ever met. he was so sweet and caring to me, and i needed that at the time bc i was extremely suicidal and needed someone to talk to. i had friends that went to different colleges in my state, but i didn't want to burden them with my bs. but one night i let lose on R about all of my shit. he was one of the few guys i had ever met that actually gave a shit about me and when he asked about how my life was going, he actually wanted to know and hear my answer. plus he was really charismatic, funny, and hot.
so, i instantly fell in love with him.
what sucked was that he was taken. but even tho he was taken, he would do things that personally felt really weird and questionable. honestly, if i had been his gf i would have counted it as cheating. he would flirt with other girls constantly, get really close to their faces (looking like he was gonna kiss them), say really dirty things, and dance in a sexual way with them. sometimes he would do all of this in front of his gf, and at the time, i felt like i should be calling him out. but, if he was doing it in front of her, and she wasn't saying anything, how am i to tell him he was wrong? maybe that was how their relationship goes... maybe it's open or something. i didn't know so i never said anything.
there was only one time he ever made me feel uncomfortable. he would drive me home, which was a really long drive (like 45-60 mins long) and the first time i went to get a ride with him, i stopped to think 'something could happen to me and there's no way i could stop it' bc i was really questioning him since he didn't want anything in return for driving me. i offered him money and he said no, and i don't trust ppl who are overly nice to me. this was the only time i thought something bad about him.
i met him my junior year. he was senior so he graduated. i go on to my senior year and see him once or twice bc he lived close to campus, and then i end up having to take an extra semester to finish up some courses. during this extra semester, i go to a house party with a bunch of friends, all girls btw. at the party we see him and i say hi. after a couple mins, one of the girls starts crying and i have no idea why. we end up going back to their house, and when i ask what's wrong, her roommates (one of whom i'm closer to than her) explain to me that while R was with his gf, he would cheat on her with this girl and one time when they were together, he coerced her to have sex with him (roommates words).
now the cheating wasn't unbelievable, but the sexual assault... that was a whole other thing. it didn't help that literally everyone that knew of this situation took it like it wasn't a terrible thing (literally they were rolling their eyes at their own roommate, who was one of their best friends, crying over R). but that being said, and i'm not proud to admit this, it took me a long time to believe this happened. i didn't outwardly think it didn't happen, but i just couldn't fathom someone i cared about, someone i loved, raped someone. i thought i knew R well. he helped me when i was at my lowest, was literally the sweetest person i knew. did he do some questionable things? sure. but rape? i couldn't believe it. but i believe it now bc i realize that all the red flags that he flew pointed to him being able to do something like that.
now to relate this to colby: brennen was there for him when he felt like he had no other friends bc sam was just starting to date kat. outside of the trap house, brennen is his other best friend. if a stranger told you your best friend sexually assaulted them, you're not gonna instantly believe them. bc assumingly, you know your best friend more than some stranger. this situation isn't easy in any way, shape, or form.
colby could easily be seeing everything we have been saying but he might not want to believe it. there’s no way someone he knows and cares about could do something as disgusting and evil as rape. plus, elijah daniels even said that brennen is a good manipulator so maybe he's manipulated colby (and the rest of the trap boys) to not believing anything the victim has said. i mean, he did it in his “apology” !! plus if he has said he's getting lawyers involved, then that "proves" he's innocent bc look how hard he's fighting against it.
i say all of this as not to excuse colby for not holding brennen accountable, but to maybe explain why he hasn't. if you personally feel upset at colby not unfriending brennen, that's 100% understandable and i agree with you. 
i just felt like maybe this was something that needed to be said.
and if you don’t agree with how i handled the situation back then, good. me neither. 
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Omg the "last words au"ask ahh right in the feels qwq but still hella beautiful written how do you do this ahahah catch me crying in the corner :^D well done dear author 🙇‍♂️💙but question could we get it this time with mc last words at the ro👀? Only if you want of course and if you have time :D (i hope you dont have too much stress)anyway have a beautiful day 💙😁🙇‍♂️
Omg thats one of the nicest asks I’ve gotten. I love writing snippets so I’m really glad you enjoyed them (and crying is the appropriate reaction, I almost did too ;-;). My only problem with writing snippets is that with this amount of ROs I have to keep it short which is a tough task as a writer. So I’m sorry if the answer is not the appropriate length that you were expecting (mind you I wrote this before I actually wrote the snippets, and let me tell you, they ARE long). I will, however, do my best! And I wish you a beautiful day as well, have a stress free day ❤️
The shot was right below your stomach, and you felt this stinging feeling before feeling heavy. Almost like you stepped into hot water, you felt like drowning. The tiding was rising, and soon you met the floor, your body too numb to feel the impact of the fall. Your vision turned blurry but you could see a figure stood over you, so close that you could feel their warmth despite the fire inside you. You had trouble breathing but you reached out, not fully understanding how one could feel their own blood leave their body.
Caiden: Caiden was screaming your name way before you hit the floor. You were in their arms before you knew it; despite the pain in your abdomen, you felt nice, comfortable. “MC...” Caiden sobbed. 
You thought that maybe you would be the one crying, but your brain is losing blood, and you can barely even conjure any emotion besides a slow decrease of panic and pain. Caiden cradles you, and you hear more footsteps, then a few hands examining you, those aren’t Caiden’s. Forcing your eyes to move, you look around you... paramedics? Doctors? Not that they would be able to save you at this rate, you know what dying feels like.
“MC, look at me.” Caiden suggests, and your eyes move to their face. Seeing the worry in their eyes makes you feel weird and angry, but you have no energy for that. “I’m worried... No, that’s- Look. Doctors, the ambulance. Everything’s okay.”
You whimper very weakly, not a cry per say, but a breath laced with the fleeting life that’s leaving you. “I wish... I could fight harder. Just for you Caiden, but it’s too late to try now.”
“No, no. You can still fight.” Caiden pleads, slightly pulling you up closer to them. You never knew Caiden had such strength. They laugh shortly and anxiously. “You’re a fighter, you’re stubborn.”
You nod, eyes drooping. Your body is turning cold now. The irony of it really, death is weird like that. Your lose sense in your legs and soon your fingertips too, there’s an ache in your heart, or maybe your lungs. You can’t tell the difference anymore. It’s finally coming to you that this is it. Will there be a heaven like promised? Will there only be darkness? Will you cease to exist? It’s scary not knowing- no, it’s scary leaving Caiden. You won’t be able to tell them about it. 
You laugh for the last time, but it’s a rasp, the last breath. “I’ll see you Caiden, take your time.”
And as you die in their arms, those spoken words form on their wrist.
You would cry with Caiden if you could muster, but all that’s left is the heavy cold weight of the body you leave behind.
Jade: You’re drowning, in more ways than one. Your ears are ringing and you can barely hear Jade scream at you. You just know that whatever they’re saying goes from a shout to a whisper. With their arms around you, you feel their hair tickle your forehead, and their voice comes to you like an idea in a dream.
“Hey...” Your eyes move, as if they had been frozen. You finally see Jade right in front of you. And when I say in front of you, I mean directly in your face. They’re a breath away, and you’re looking at each other as if you were miles apart. They smile sadly when they get your focus, but you see their emerald eyes getting glassy. 
You cough a bit, trying to reply, your throat feels scratchy, as if the air in it is getting corrupted. It feels metallic in your tongue, your lungs burning from the inside out. But you smile back at them and croak, “Hey.”
Jade gulps and blinks, tears finally falling from their face into your own, everywhere they touch it feels cold, or maybe it’s just your own body getting hot. Despite what they would call ‘a shameful display of weakness’, they frown, really like they’re about to cry. 
“You’re still breathing. The ambulance is coming.” They mutter, voice breaking despite the confidence in their words. “You’re okay.”
“Am I? I feel weird.” You answer. Jade is cradling your face, and they smooth out their own tears in your face as they hear you speak. 
“How do you feel?”
“Like this body isn’t mine. Like I’m watching from the ground, but I don’t know where I am.” You explain and it feels true. Jade nods, but you’re unsure if they’re agreeing with you or just listening. “You can see me right?”
Jade chuckles surprised, it’s sad and weak. “Of course I do.” They caress your cheek again but this time you don’t feel it, you just see their hand move from the corner of your eye. It’s starting to come to you that you can’t feel anything. 
As you understand this, your vision grows smaller, there’s black spots everywhere. The corners are closing in and you feel like you’re being buried. You sigh, tired. This is it. You feel numb, like a stone in the earth. It’s getting darker but you can still see Jade look at you, begging with their eyes. You breathe out, one last time before you go. “I see you too.” 
Those very words engrave themselves on Jade’s wrist, and they glance at it briefly, gasping once they realize what just happened. Jade cries really hard this time, you don’t know for how long since you fade away, like falling asleep. But this time it’s forever.
Bo: Bo had managed to grab you before you touched the floor, so maybe that’s why you didn’t feel the impact. Their hands were warm, but everything felt warm and then hot, were they even touching you to begin with. You feel the ground, and like an anchor, your body attaches itself to it. Every limb of your body feels heavy and it takes strength for you to be able to grasp blindly for Bo.
They luckily, grab your hand before you find them. Your breathing quickens as you glance at them. “Bo, bo, what happened?” You ask, despite knowing what happened. You feel it in your abdomen, it feels like a frostbite, it’s too cold or hot you don’t know the difference, it just burns. Bo’s grip on you is tighter, and their eyes are wild.
“You got shot.” They explain, breathless. “But the doctors are here, and they’ll take care of you.”
“Will you be here?”
“I won’t leave you.” Bo’s answer is quick, like a reflex. You’re still holding hands with them, but as your hold lossens, theirs is the only thing keeping you afloat. You feel your heart no longer in your chest, it’s beating slowly all over your body, you feel it... but you don’t feel anything else.
Bo is staring at you attentively, they look like they want to say something, but they’re distracted watching you. You would laugh if you could, but words are starting to be hard to speak. If only they could focus like this in anything else. You gasp, your lungs pressured. Almost as if you’re being crushed by the air itself, the ground becoming somewhat translucent, like you could fall through.
They furrow their eyebrows, frowning at you, before glancing around. “Hey, c’mon! Where’s the ambulance?” Bo shouts at someone. The sound isn’t coming from their body, or their direction necessarily, it’s ringing in your head along with your heartbeat; both are growing slower. You feel their eyes on you again, you can’t see them as well anymore, your vision is turning darker... or your eyes are shutting. “MC, just stay with me. Look at me, I’m right here.”
You nod, or at least you think you do. But then again... you can’t move. You can’t feel anything, you can’t see or hear properly anymore. Any second now, and you’ll be gone. Were you fighting for nothing? Were you really expecting to survive this? 
“MC please.” Bo’s voice cracks.
You give you last breath to them. “I’m with you.” Those words echo on Bo’s wrist, and that’s all that’s left of you. It was them all along... and now, they watch you die. You feel like smiling, but you descend into darkness instead.
Tori: Tori is cursing as far as you can tell, it’s a long string of curses but they’re not directed at you. You grasp around, almost crawling around the ground, but despite the pain, Tori stops you. “Wait, don’t.” They hold your shoulders. “You’re bleeding too much.”
You sit up, biting down your lip as you actually feel your organs moving. It’s a weird detachment feeling... is it even your body? Tori pulls you closer to them, resting your body against them on the ground. You’re now warm all over, probably because you’re sitting in between Tori’s legs, but also because you feel your lungs burning. “Tori...” You whimper. They simply wrap their arms around you, moving hair out of your face. You didn’t realize you were sweating until now.
“Just breathe, calm down.” Tori breathes out for you. They seem calmer than you expected - turning your head to glance at them, you breathe out with them. You feel calmer, less panicked, and the pain subsides significantly. You let yourself fall back on them and they welcome you by carefully putting their hands where you bleed. You don’t feel their hands there, but by their grimace, you think it’s pretty nasty.
“The ambulance is coming, so you just have to sit tight.” They tell confidently. You nod to yourself, body slowly limping and heart beating slower, less rapid. “Hey.” Tori calls you.
“Hm.” You hum.
“This is the first time I actually hugged you.” Tori chuckles and you laugh too. “I hoped it would be under better circumstances.”
“If I knew you were this good at hugging, I would’ve asked sooner.”
“Let’s strike a deal. When you’re out of the hospital, I’ll give you as many hugs as you’d like.” 
“That doesn’t sound like you...” You say, now struggling to speak. It’s like you’re losing air, drowning maybe. “But you promise?” 
“Yeah. I promise.” Tori mutters, their voice is sounding garbled, fuzzy. You suddenly realize you don’t fully understand where you are, you don’t feel them behind you, you don’t feel the pain anymore. The sounds around you are all mixing together into one single ringing sound. 
You groan. “Tori...” Your voice is going, just like the life slipping in between every breath. “I think this is our last hug.”
“No, don’t say that.” Tori exclaims, the familiar anger creeping through. “We’ll have more chances.”
“No Tori...” You take a deep breath, ragged and suffering. Your eyes close and you accept it. You’re glad you got to be this close to Tori at the last second, but your body is giving in and you can’t do anything about it. You wish you could live longer, got to know Tori better. “Hug me tight when I go.”
“MC, you’re not going anywhere!” Tori seemingly shakes you. “MC-” They glance at you, but you’re no longer breathing. Taking their hands off you for a second, their hands trembling and soaked in your blood, they stare at their wrist. Your last words are engraved there. 
They do hug you tight, tighter than they ever will anyone. You were theirs, even if it was just for a second. They didn’t want to lose you like this...
Jay: Jay grabs you, and suddenly you feel like you were just born. “MC no...” Jay sobs in shock. You cling to them in desperation and the next thing you know, you’re sitting in their lap on the ground, head resting on their shoulder and their arms clumsily around you. “MC, you’re okay, you’re okay.”
“God, it hurts.” You try not to cry along, but your face is too numb to obey you. Tears streak down your cheeks and it feels hot. Everything feels like it’s burning. Jay is there at least, and they’re holding you, changing pressure from gentle to tight and then gentle again. “Jay, is it really bad?”
“No- I mean, it’ll be fine! The police, the ambulances are coming. Oh noo...” They whisper the last part. “Deep breaths, deep breaths.” You’re not sure anymore if they’re talking to themselves or to you.
“Jay.” You call them weakly. You voice is breaking, air is leaving you every time you speak. Lungs feeling weightless and body losing sense, you stare at Jay. They’re not paying attention, taking very deep breaths blurring into hyperventilating. “Jay.” You try again.
“I don’t want to lose you, I really don’t want you to die or anything like that- What am I saying, you’re going to be okay. The hospital... you’ll go to the hospital, and you’ll be okay. They’ll fix you right-”
“Jay!” Finally, they glance at you, as if truly seeing you for the first time. They apologize with their look but they stutter one along the way. “I’m still okay.” You mutter and they hesitate to move their hands anywhere else in case they change that.
They nod. “You’re okay.”
“Yes, I’m okay.” You both take a deep breath. You’re not sure how many of those you have left, but you smile at each other, enjoying the peace that follows. That is until you realize you can’t really move. You can’t breathe anymore, you can’t hear or see properly, everything seemingly fuzzy. You feel cold and heavy, not real.
Jay is calm, so you don’t alert them on the fact that this is it. You are not okay. You are not going to survive this. You hate what that will do to Jay, they won’t be able to take it, they’ll break down crying. God, you’re going to be the reason they won’t sleep at night. Gently, you try to catch Jay's attention. Your voice is too broken, and you can’t breathe anymore, so whatever you say, comes out like choking.
They stare at you in shock, fear, eyes wide. “No-”
“Jay, please. Don’t... be sad.” You croak out. “Imagine my smile instead.” Your last breath, that was it. You can’t say anymore. Jay panics, breaking into sobbing again and halting once they catch something on their wrist. Your advice is written there.
Jay cries so much. But you’re not there to see it, you know it, and you hope it won’t be a familiar sight. You don’t want this to be the only thing Jay remembers of you.
Jun: As soon as you touch the ground, Jun is on you. It’s a strange feeling, panic rises in you, pain, fear, and the wild comfort of having someone worry about you. You hear them say something to a person somewhere, but you don’t quite catch it. Your senses are foggy, and you reach to touch where it hurts. Your hands come back bloody and sticky.
Jun moves your head to rest on their lap, it’s soft and light, but the rest of your body seems like it’s an endless act of falling. You turn to them and they stare back at you. It’s tender as far as you understand it, but it’s fleeting. “MC, can you hear me?”
You nod.
“Can you see me?”
You nod again.
Jun takes a deep breath and says something once again to the distance. You hear the word “dying” but your sense of self in somewhere else. Your legs give out and you feel incapable of moving anything below your waist. Jun’s head turns back to you and their translucent hands fall on each side of your face. “Take a deep breath with me.” Their chest rises and fall along with yours. Everytime you breathe, your lungs burn, similarly to a balloon, they seem to get weightless as you follow Jun’s instructions. “How does it feel?”
“Like I can’t breathe.” You answer and Jun’s shoulders rise in concern. “Jun, am I going to be okay?” 
“Of course darling.” Jun says gently, using a pet name to reassure you. It does, which is no surprise. But your tension is still high by the way their hands tremble. 
You shift your head a bit to nudge their hand closest to you. Still staring at them, they hum back, understanding but disappointed they couldn’t hide it better. “Are you okay?”
“I will be.” They mutter, using that hand to caress your cheek. You lean into the touch. It’s cold compared to the rest of your body. Everything else is like it’s on fire. You feel sick, like you just woke up and really want to go back to sleep. But staring at Jun stops you from ever closing your eyes. “Do you remember that time where you were so lost in your own world that when I nudged you to call for you, you nearly toppled the whole couch?” They laugh, the sound light despite the world turning darker.
You chuckle. “Yeah. You really scared me.”
“It wasn’t my intention...” Jun hums, their head tilting, voice getting softer. They move a hair out of your face. “You always did say my hands were cold.” You would agree with that statement, but you realize that you can’t feel their hands anymore. You can’t move, you can barely breathe. You blink and frown, tears forming in your eyes.
Jun looks surprised. “Oh no no MC, why are you crying?” They lean closer and clean the tears as they fall along your cheeks.
“I think I’m dying.” You choke out, voice raspy from the difficulty of breathing. “Jun, I’m scared.”
“Hey hey.” They call you, their voice shifting a bit as well. You’re not sure if it’s your hearing failing you or their voice breaking. “I won’t let you. Just keep looking at me.” You think they’re smiling.
You cry again despite the safety in their words. You’re losing yourself, you’re eyes are becoming foggy and dark, you can’t see them. “Jun... I miss your cold hands.”
“They’re still here darling.” They reply, grasping your face kindly. You sob one last time and go. Your body heavy, your eyes open, your cheeks cold. “MC?” Jun calls you, searching your dead eyes for any sign of life. There isn’t any. On their wrist, in the same water that spills from their eyes, your words are there, like magic. They never stop holding you.
Wow this was long, also. I cried. Might I tell you, I love writing about how something that I never experienced might feel. Writing what it would be like to die is kind of therapeutical, morbid too. Anyways, hope you like it!
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crispyapplepies · 4 years
Copy pasta improvised terra-slept-with-joshua-and-ven-is-upset-about-it fic i wrote in a discord chat for any terravens willing to overlook the present tense sketch writing, i hope you enjoy the angsty comedy drama --
so by chance, vens assigned gym partner for the day is joshua~ sora is stuck with roxas in the bg which is also amusing if you wanna know the background noise to this xD ven is an utter sweetie and has no personal problem with joshua so hes happy to pick up his slack on their activities today since he understands some people just dont care for athletics, especially when they have pretty looks to preserve for rehearsal tonight^^ at the end of class joshua offers his coy appreciation to ven who was such a cute gentleman today in getting him through that~ and then he makes some remark about how he never wouldve guessed ven even was that physically inclined given what he thought terras taste in men was~ ven lowers an eyebrow and asks "huh? what does that mean? =o=" and joshua chuckles "oh it was a long time ago, nothing to wonder about now~ i will say this though, you my friend? are one very very lucky bottom ;) keep a close eye on him." and then he saunters off to his next class. ven squints =.= hes a lil grumpy now x)
come lunch time, terra and aqua have already sat down at their usual table, seniors come in first, and theyre settled in with aqua going over some extra terms with terra for their history exam. sophomores finally file in and ven marches over with the tray of food he didnt even look at when he was at the counter. terra turns with a smile to see him and plants his usual kiss hello on his cheek as ven sits down with a slight fwomp, not responding to it. terra asks "everything okay? :o" and aqua looks over to check if hes feeling alright, not spotting any signs of sickness. ven responds almost gritting his teeth "i've been better. =_ =" terra tells aqua he'll help her study in a minute, cuz obviously upset boyfriend takes priority<3 he sinks his fingers into vens hair and asks him if he wants to talk about it. and ven takes a deep breath, trying to resume his usual Good Boi Angel attitude, gently swats terras hand away and says "Maybe later, you and aqua can go ahead and study! 8) I'll even help you if you like~" terra recognizes that this is certainly not over but hes not gonna force ven to talk or anything so he kinda nervously says okay.. and then tells aqua "Wanna quiz me?" and aqua says sure, and starts reading off the list of vocab words only for ven to suddenly smack the table and turn sharply to terra and ask "WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME YOU SLEPT WITH JOSHUA????" and terra just- O//__//O oops.. and aqua looks at terra all disappointed and grossed out and groans "Oh, terra, you didn't... >~<" and terra is so embarrassed and tries to explain to ven's scowl "i-it was a long time ago! really it meant nothing! :'D... a-and besides it was even before I met you! so.. thats- alright?" and he glances over at aqua hoping for some kind of validation but she just goes "ughh..." in the most smh big sister voice xDDD
ven exhales, trying to cool off and be rational, but his usual sweet happy face just cant help being all =_ = at terra, and he says "I guess its- fine, but- gosh, really? joshua? you didnt have feelings for him, did you? er was this just a fling? how long ago was this?" and terra stumbles to answer saying "i-it was- um... back when i first came out! people were telling me i couldnt say i was bi if i'd never had sex with a guy too, so i- had to prove it! thats all, really, it was nothing meaningful to me, honest<3 :'3 I'm not like that." as he cups vens cheeks playfully, but where theres usually a smile between puffed out cheeks theres still just a >:T ven folds his arms and tries again to collect himself and says "i guess i get it.. i guess xT thats really all it was? no more secrets?" and terra swears with his hand up and his eyes closed "I swear thats all it was v_v." aqua shakes her head and tells terra "Youre gonna owe ven preeetty big after this blows over :/" but before ven can even respond terra has already jumped in to tell her "I'll do anything to make ven happy! theres absolutely nothing to worry about~ :')" and ven is still kinda pissed but he finally says "okay. i'll let it go. here aqua, i can read off the list and quiz both of you" and aqua slides ven the paper to read off while she glares at terra who glares back at her as if to say 'drop it =.='
so thats the end of it for the day, and the next day too, but then the next day is gym again, and whatever sora and roxas are struggling with in the bg is still going on xD and ven and joshua are partners again. ven is still not comfortable with the idea of his terra sleeping with joshua, the twink incubus of the school fdkjgh but hes a nice boy so hes going to continue being nice and get joshua through this "drag of an hour, and not even the fun kind" pff joshua can kinda tell ven is pretty tense today though, unusual for him since ven is always the nicest kid in the whole school next to maybe sora. so finally near the end he asks if something's on his mind and ven realizes ack, what am i doing? there is no reason for me to be such a jerk. so he tells joshua "im really sorry, I mean it, I have no business acting like this;; i just- when i found out you slept with terra i was kinda.. uncomfortable about it to say the least, but i have no reason to be, youre perfectly nice :) besides, it was before he even met me so it doubly doesnt matter~^^" but thats where joshua raises an eyebrow. "oh? i think youre a little mixed up there cutie pie~ terra and i had sex together last year. some time after you transferred. I was amazed at the offer, really, i honestly thought that once he met you, none of us other cuties had a chance. but it looks like he landed you in the end, so it is of no matter. but i do certainly hope that you and he are happy, terra is quite the catch and we'll all be quite jealous of you til the end~ catch you around ;)" and thats the end of that conversation. ven. is. livid. 8)
so ven actually skipped lunch with his friends 8) terra looks around curiously, he still isnt showing up and hes not texting him back either. aqua asks him "doesnt ven have gym today?" and terra answers like its a dumb question pff "yeah? its thursday, everybody has gym today. its gym day." and she shakes her head at him and says "I think you should give him some space. im pretty sure i know where he is. :/" terra looks uneasy tho. "do you think hes okay?" and aqua says "oh... im sure he will be." terra grips his arms and tries not to think about it 8)
senior gym class is last period and they start filing in as the juniors file out. terra fist bumps riku on his way in xD terra is practically exempt from whatever is on the activities list cuz hes.. terra and gym class is honestly childs play pff he finishes everything in 2 seconds anyway. so usually the coach just lets him bench press for a while. highschools are bullshit xD aqua has that privilege too but she considers it a warm up before her practice later and does them anyway. terra takes his time prepping the bench, saving himself the trouble of dealing with the crowd in the locker room, and once they all run out he yoinks his gym bag up to his shoulder just to be extra pff and marches on in there to change. weird that everyone is snickering at him on their way out though... he walks inside, humming mindlessly to himself cuz gym class is his chance to relax after school before his practice. and then he half screams in surprise as his gym bag falls to the floor. ven is sitting right there in front of the lockers with the angriest look on his face terra didnt even know he /could/ make jhdfgl ven "sings" out "hello, terra. >8(" and terra just- run kdjfhglhdfsg
terra runs back to the bench as if he can just- run away from reality kdjsfhgljkdfs xDDD and start bench pressing cuz he doesnt know what else to do sdklfjhglsdj im having too much fun with this i love dumb ass jocks and soft cuties xDDD ven launches himself on top of terra pushing down on the weights terra was about to pump up and yells "YOU SLEPT WITH JOSHUA WHILE YOU WERE COURTING ME?!?!?!?!!!!"
(everyone in the gym is cackling quietly to themselves at the display sdfkjgh this AMAZING xD) terra looks up at ven in fear and stutters "I-I didnt think i had a chance with you! you didnt seem interested D:!" ven yells "OF COURSE I WAS INTERESTED YOURE JUST SHIT AT FLIRTING!!!!!!!" terra tries to calm him down "youre gonna break the bench press, ven! D:" the coach comes over at all the yelling and yells at them "HEY, break it up--" only to be shut right up when ven glares at him and growls and terra looks at him utterly terrified dfkjhg and motions for him to leave them alone. the coach is both very scared of ven xD and also doesnt wanna lose his quarterback so he smiles and holds his hands up in surrender and says "hey, you know what? why dont you two work it out amongst yourselves?^^;;; maybe somewhere that isnt my expensive bench press though?" ven yells "FINE." and grabs terra by the wrist and drags him back to the locker rooms using a scary strength terra didnt know he had dkfjglh O_O;; aqua pauses her stretches and shakes her head and mumbles "it was nice knowing you, terra. :/" and then resumes her work out xD
well ven flings terra into the locker room and shuts the door with a slam and chews him out. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HUMILIATING THIS FEELS?!!! YOU SLEPT WITH THAT LITTLE HORNDOG AFTER I CAME HERE AND THEN YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT IT SO I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM THE HORNDOG HIMSELF?!!! GIMME YOUR BEST EXPLANATION FOR THAT, TERRA, JUST TRY ME!!!! >8UUUUUU" terra reaches out his trembling hands bravely to try and calm ven down, before he pulls his hair out and he cries out "I'm SORRY, i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry, okay, I didn't do it to hurt you!!!! It was just a small thing-" "AHAHAH IS THAT WHAT IT IS THEN??? WELL IF IT WAS SUCH A SMALL "tHinG" THEN WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT IT, WHAT OTHER SECRETS HAVE YOU BEEN KEEPING?!!! DID YOU SLEEP WITH RIKU TOO? ANYMORE CHEERLEADERS I DONT KNOW ABOUT??? OR MAYBE JOSHUA AGAIN AT SOME POINT????!!! >8'DDDD"   ven is about to lose his mind sdjfhg terra is starting to feel upset too ;~; "No, I don't have anymore secrets, after we started dating I havent even so much as THOUGHT of anyone else! I mean that! :'U" he pleas, finally managing to place loving hands on vens shoulders as he prays for forgiveness dkfjhg ven finally just cries it out letting himself sob into his palms and terra steps in closer, hating to see ven cry, and this is much worse knowing hes the cause of it ;-;
ven glances up again, terras scent hitting him and that warm chest right in front of him that he loves and he just buries his face in it not knowing what else to do dkfgh terra holds him, stroking his back, mulling over in his head how many ways he could apologize for this but then ven pushes himself away again, hes still so upset >~< and he sniffles "why. did you lie to me about it." terras face goes red and he fishes for his words "because i- i care what you think ven." ven scoffs, but his frown hardens and he wipes his eyes "you care what i think, and so you LIED to me? what am i supposed to think?" terra replies quickly "i dont know :'u i guess i just didnt want you to think..." ven holds himself and turns away. terra supposes he has to just- be honest then, its worth a try if  it keeps him from losing the love of his life. "Look, I- I lied because the way you look at me matters to much. I care what you think of me more than anyone else, ven." ven sniffles, his back still turned to terra "oh yeah?" and terra glides over to turn him around and look at him, taking vens hands in his. "yes! ven youre the nicest, kindest, most pure hearted person i've ever met. i cant even imagine there being a darkness in your heart. who even says "slept with" and "courted" anymore besides a sweetheart like you? youre like an angel to me, but i- dont have the best reputation anymore. and the number of partners ive had seemed to disgust you. it broke my heart the way you looked at me the other day knowing that id slept with joshua. like you thought i was- i dunno.. im sorry i did it, i really am. i never wouldve done it if i'd known you really did want me too." ven reaches up and places a hand to terras cheek promising "Terra, I think the world of you. i wouldnt be with you if i didnt think you were a great person. the best even! you know how much i admire you. i just- was I just a fling? how do i know im not the next joshua or shiki you sl- have sex with and drop?"
and terra leans down to kiss his forehead and chuckles "because you're you, silly." that gets ven smiling again, the cornier the better with him<3 he presses his nose to terras chest and slides his arms up over his back for a tight hug and terra is so relieved they got through that dkfgjhdjl f ven tells him "I'm sorry for making you feel judged. i was way too rash about that whole thing." terra tells him its alright, imeanididlietoyouafterallahem.. ven goes = _= for just a second, cuz yeah that sure wasnt cool dfkjgh but he removes it cuz mostly hes back to smiling and he pulls himself away to look up at terra again, admitting with a blush "i guess i'm still in disbelief that youre really mine. maybe in 5 years or something i'll believe it" ven chuckles at his joke, but terra smiles down at him very sincerely and says "then i'm counting the years with you til then~" and that just tickles him and he jumps up to give terra make up smooches for a while<3 eventually they emerge from the locker room, ven clearly looking like hed been crying but smiling away again, even feeling okay enough to go to class now, cuz hes a good boy who wouldnt just ditch at that point like i would xD terra looks relieved too. aqua breaks formation when she sees them come out and runs up to ven to ask if hes okay and hug him if he needs, but ven says "everythings fine :) thanks aqua~" and aqua looks up at terra to double check that and terra nods affirmatively that yes, everything is fine. ven nudges aqua "see you at practice today~" and waves at terra too, knowing he prefers not to smooch in front of the other seniors;; but terra tells him to hang on and he runs over to give him a smooch goodbye and all is well after that<3 and axel snarks "tchh- drama queens :/"
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perhaps-blue · 5 years
Character cheat sheet
Alright so today I decided to rewatch bungou stray dogs cuz my writing is really lacking when it comes the all the characters. It feels like they’re more often than not out of character. So I wrote down notes on how they behave (and a lot of stray comments) and thought I’d share them in hopes that it might help someone else. Getting all these characters right is really hard after all. So, enjoy! And feel free to add/comment if you want to change something!
Here goes! Part 1/2 The Agency
- very loud
- Lots of exclamation marks!
- Always looks worried, probably is as well
- Assume a lot
- There’s just so much panic in that small body
- Stutters
- Says stupid things to get out of something
- Not confident enough in his abilities
- Puts others above himself
- He needs to actually want to hurt someone or he doesn’t know how to fight
- Good instincts when it comes to fighting as well
- If this boy couldn’t regenerate he’d be dead by now
- Fighting spirit is much fueled by rage
- This naive little thing, stop believing everything people say
- Easily scared
- Jesus he’s gullible, stop listening to Dazai
- His will to protect others is admirable
- He can transform fully he just rarely does it
- Always sees good in people
- He is so done with everyone
- Uses San for almost everyone (as he should)
- Usually answer questions with questions
- Doesn’t correct assumptions
- Doesn’t make them himself
- Neutral/bored facial expression unless he’s teasing someone
- He actually is serious sometimes, actually pretty often
- Watashi
- Does go for some pretty long monologues when he explains things
- Actually listens to kunikidas orders
- Pain does in fact not bother him
- Watch him punch someone with a cheesy line
- He likes to tell the criminal how he figured it out or where they made a mistake
- Hands in pockets, always
- He shows surprise in his eyes
- Very mean when he has to, Akutagawa for example (see: my new subordinate is much better than you)
- Says Chuuya a lot, well people’s names in general
- All this pickpocketing
- I mean he can actually fight
- Also this jumping up from a laying position
- We already know he’s smart but Jesus, how do you write a character that’s smarter than yourself?
- He just sitting against the wall in a 90 degree angle so Chuuya can reach him, cute
- Does in fact not know everything, he does research to find what he needs
- He tells Oda about missions at lupin, lupin really must be mafia owned?
- “The biggest misfortune of Dazai’s enemies is that they are Dazai’s enemy”
- He did still joke a lot in the mafia, same lightheartedness as now.
- Does Dazai know it’s gonna end badly with oda? He wanted to take a picture to remember
- Uses a lot of fancy words even when young
- Carries a lock pick
- He guesses a lot and says he knew
- Dont feed him spicy food
- Fuzz up? I mean I know he curses in the manga but really?
- Basically never uses San (did he with Mori? Yes he does) Ane-San doesn’t count
- I’m happy that the mafia members are still scared of him, they know how ruthless he can be
- Does he have feelings?
- He really doesn’t predict everything, he’s just good at adapting
- He likes slapping people, you backhand that bitch, go dazai!
- Very flippant when he does something to help
- Red eeeeyeeees
- There’s no exceptions to his ability
- I wonder if he dislikes celebrations
- gets angry easily
- Trusts Dazai when there’s need
- Much smarter than I give him credit for
- Super strong
- Acts on his feelings all the time
- Just.. ideals. I hadn’t realized how often he mentions them
- Very straightforward, he doesn’t say things in the nicest ways
- Shows his feelings on his face
- Calculating
- He’s proud of the younger ones but don’t show it
- Likes calling people idiots
- Can be really dense when it comes to normal things, as in not detective related shit
- Please stop listening to Dazai’s bullshit
- serious
- So small and innocently cute
- Looks very cut off from reality, at least in the beginning
- She’s an assassin
- Seems like she just wants to try normal child things all the time, crepes for example.
- Maybe she missed out on growing up (like most others did)
- She’s killed 35 people
- The mafia scares her
- Is she scared of her ability? At least in the beginning
- She basically does anything others tell her
- So scared
- Doesn’t understand how normal people behave, just does as she’s learnt
- Strong independent woman (or 14 y/o)
- sadist
- Always ask if someone’s hurt and gets disappointed when they’re not
- Very nicely threatens people with dismemberment if they’re being a bitch
- Give them hell
- Doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit, if they’re wrong they’ll know
- Yes use that motor saw hon
- She relies on her ability a lot when she fights, though I’m sure she’s a good fighter nevertheless
- Threatens random people who are being unreasonable
- very bored, always
- Does question the president when something is wrong
- He talks more than I actually thought, and it’s not always smart things, usually just rubbish
- Candy
- Very hyped when he gets to have fun
- And teaching Kyouka about candy yes
- “War is so boring” I agree Ranpo-San
- Doesn’t actually figure everything out at first glance, sometimes he asks or need clues
- Seems like he can figure people out in one glance though
- He does stupid things when he isn’t wearing his glasses, it’s a trap dear Ranpo
- Really he’s an idiot without them
- He believes in the glasses thing
- The president is the one who made his ability, sort of
- So he isn’t actually stupid without.. more like he believes he is
- The agency was created because of him
- “I’d look stupid if I turned out to be normal now” so he basically does know
The Tanizakis
- she follows him everywhere
- His ability is so useful why don’t I ever write him?
- This sisterly love is... special
- He cares for her as much as she for him
- She shows everything on her face
- But she is very brave
- He is as well
- The brother is as old as Atsushi
- He worries most when she’s in danger
- “For Naomi I’d gladly burn the world”
- Well he can fly a plane
- cares about everyone in the agency
- Appears out of nowhere
- My dude’s got a boat, probably have more than one safe house as well. Oh and a car. Imagine them owning a plane/helicopter. Note: they do in fact own a fighter plane
- Always knows what’s going on somehow
- Very fair in giving everyone a chance
- Looks pretty cold hearted
- Bet he’s got a thing for saving children as well (Odasaku would do great in the agency with him)
- Takes no bs
- How did Natsume get the permit for them?
- Op fighter, better than kunikida
- Puts it on others to explain plans
- he says such horrible things in such a nice way. (The person would be tied up and thrown off a cliff~)
- Really not aware how the world works
- Happy go lucky
- Doesn’t look at death with any feelings unlike Atsushi
- Knows everyone
- Doesn’t judge anyone based on looks or so
- How are people scared of him
- These people would do anything for him what
- Let’s smile and wave around a pole, it’ll only scare the living shit out of everyone
- Straight forward
- Takes everything at face value
- “If you are sincere you can communicate with people”
- He could take a few hits yes
- Many cows as well
- Lots of mentions of “back home things work this way”
- He actually goes to sleep after eating, thought he only lost his strength
- City folk really are amazing
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allisonbaelfire · 6 years
Triggered Destiny
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Pairings: Theo Raeken x Reader, Stiles Stilinski x Reader Summary: (Soulmate AU!) After you parents died you moved to Beacon Hills, to start new a new life. But in the moment you were in High School, you felt something you never felt before. 
Word Count: 4,076
Requested by Anon (1): hi! your page is amazing keep it up. Can I request a Stiles Stilinski one where the reader just moved to BC and she's on the dead pool being worth five million but all seems to be a mystery? Thank you so much and if you dont feel like it thats fine!
Requested by Anon (2):  Hey! 💕 can you write an imagine with theo where he is dating with reader and he is obsessive with the reader ? Like really obsessive. Not the illness level but you know what ı mean 😂 And you can add a little over protective and touchy theo. I hope you can write. If you cant its totally fine 💗 love you
Authors Note: I’m sorry if this should’ve been a Stiles x Reader where they fall for each other and happy beautiful stuff. I had this in my mind and it wouldn’t go away, I hope you’ll like it anyways. - In this Story, was Theo already introduced in the show in Season 4 but everything that was in 5&6 already happened.
Edited by @nas-marie-loves-u ♥
“I’m happy to welcome you to our high school Y/N. If you need anything, just tell me.” smiled the principal, Mrs.Martin.
“Thank you so much.” You nodded and exited the office.
You strolled through corridors on the hunt for your classroom. You wondered if it was the right decision to move to Beacon Hills until you aggressively made contact with someone.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” You apologized to a guy with brown hair. His books fell to the ground as but instead of lifting them, he stared into your eyes. “Are you alright?” You asked as you grabbed his stuff.
“Yes.” He replied, taking his stuff and still gazing into your eyes like he was searching for something in them. “Sorry, I’m Stiles. Thiswas totally my fault.”
“I’m Y/N,” You introduced. “and no, I should’ve looked out and stopped sticking to my thoughts. It was nice to meet you.” You departed and continued on with your search.
You paused again after a few steps. It felt as if someone were watching you and now, everything around you became warm and comfortable. Your eyes scanned the corridors and landed on a man leaning against the lockers watching you.
He seemed puzzled, as if he had felt the same energy you felt. The feeling grew more intense and you turned around quickly to go further without anyone seeing your eyes.
You eventually found your classroom and quickly sat down in one of the empty seats. It was just you and few students, so the class wasn’t full yet. You tried comprehending what happened a few moments prior and why you almost lost control for the first time in years. The first period bell rang and the rest of the students flooded in. You didn’t recognize anyone until the guy you last saw in the halls jostled in and stared at you as if he had noticed something.
Your first day at Beacon Hills High School quickly came to an end and you were more than relieved when you finally arrived home. Still, for some reason you started to feel watched again even though you were alone in the house. And since your parents were dead and you didn’t know anyone, nobody would have thought to come over.
You went through the whole house with an urge to find something unknown to you. After browsing every room and being sure that only the stress of the past few months was causing you to go insane, you headed to the bathroom to throw some cool water on your face. It was then when you looked into the mirror that you noticed your glowing red eyes.
Something hasn’t been right since you've been to the school. You haven’t lost control since you became an Alpha a few years ago and you believed that moving away from your parents' home into a new city would be easier to forget the deaths and to stay in control.
But you were wrong.
The urge to search for something became stronger until you shifted into your wolf form and jumped out of the window into the woods.
You didn’t know where you were running as you hadn’t memorized the woods of Beacon Hills yet. However, you couldn’t stop. It felt like you had been running for hours.
You paws carried you further into the forest until you saw a familiar face standing near a bridge. You growled but the man wasn’t fazed. He took small steps towards you. You didn’t understand what his intentions were and took the form of a protective stance that was ready to attack.
“I’m Theo.” he introduced. As he spoke you, felt the familiar feeling you had earlier consumed you. The man knelt down to your level, his eyes switching into a glowing yellow. “Theo Raeken”
You don’t know how he discovered that you were a werewolf; your mother always said no one would decipher the difference from a normal wolf to your form. Maybe he felt the same as you but did Theo know you were the girl that stared at him in the hall this morning, running away from him?
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You walked closer to him, showed him your eyes, and let him touch you. The warm and comfortable feeling grew as he touched you. You felt safe and bonded with him. Was this what it felt like looking for a pack?
When you found out about you being a born wolf, your mother explained  everything. But she never mentioned that an Alpha would look for a Beta or would feel what you felt towards Theo. Instead, she explained that a Beta would come for an Alpha and not the other way around.
You heard a crack behind you and the tranquility disappeared. You looked at Theo and started to run away.
“Damn it.” Theo growled as he watched you run away.
“What the hell was that?” he heard the voice of Liam whisper.
Theo moved over to the tree where he could make out Liam and Stiles’ scents. “What are you idiots doing here?” He asked.
Both boys revealed themselves to Theo but Liam was the one to answer his question.“Watching you.” Stiles lightly hit him.
“I noticed you were a bit off today and the glare you gave the new girl. I knew you still couldn’t be trusted and now we see you have an accomplice.” Stiles hissed with Theo smirking. “What? Is she the one writing the deadpool? Do you help her?”
“I don’t know who she is.” Theo responded. “Neither do I know who is writing the deadpool and if you haven’t noticed I’m on it as well but you on the other hand—” he crossed his arms. “Are not. If you’d excuse me now, it’s late and I have school tomorrow.” He made a move to leave but stopped. “But one thing: leave her alone.”
BHHS - Lunch a few days later
“I knew he couldn’t be trusted and you wanted to give him another chance!” Stiles argued with Scott.
“Why did he help us then?” Scott asked. “He needs a pack and who the hell was the white wolf?”
Stiles wanted to answer but noticed Theo walking up to you. “Maybe he wanted to help but now he wants to save his own ass and flirt with the writer of the list.” He responded, staring at you as you smiled at Theo.
“What, Y/N?” Liam chewed his sandwich. “She’s the nicest person around, even after her parents deaths.”
“Liam has a point there. You haven’t spoken to her since her first day even if she’s in the same class as us. Y/N is really nice and Malia even likes her.” Scott elaborated. “Lydia will decode the third list and then we see if she’s on it or not. Then, we can think about what we do but until then, we leave her alone. She has enough on her plate already.”
You stayed in your home for some time to assure you had self-control over your true self. And to avoid Theo. You thought about what happened and searched for explanations in some of your parents' books but came up with nothing.
After those few days, you decided that you were ready to face the world again. So, you headed to bed early for school the next day.
As you shut your eyes, you heard a crack from. You feel like your eyes went red as you quickly got up and stealthily made your way down the stairs.
You couldn’t trust your eyes once downstairs. The light in your living room was on and although you could only see a strangers back, you knew who it was. That familiar feeling surrounded you once more warm and comfortable feeling surrounded you. Theo
He smiled but you growled again. “Okay, don’t freak out. I was worried about you.”
“You don’t know me. How did you even get into my house?” You hissed. “What do you want?”
He walked closer to you and even when you looked like you wanted to rip his head off, it wasn’t how you currently felt.
“To be honest? I don’t know. I needed to see you.” Theo grinned. “I know it sounds crazy but I know you felt the same in the school, in the woods, and I know what you feel now.”  
So he knew who I was and he feels the same, you thought.
He tried to come closer but you stopped him. “Don’t” You took a couple steps back. “If you know me, then you would know that I don’t have control.”
“You have no control because you don’t know why you felt the way you did.” He responded.
He made you feel comfortable in a ways you couldn’t explain. Every word he spoke was like a melody you could listen to all day. Your body told you to relax but your mind was clear: you didn’t know Theo. You didn’t know what was going on and you had to stay away from him.
“Have you ever heard about soulmates?” he asked, trying to read your puzzled glare. “I know it sounds crazy— it is crazy but my grandma told me about it. I never believed it either but I can’t bring myself to stay away from you. I just need to be by your side.”
For a second you thought about his words. But then you let out a faked laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Soulmates?”
You marched up to him so you were now right in front of him. He was taller than you but you couldn’t have cared less. You wanted to prove a point to him and yourself. Your eyes started to glow red and you growled at him, trying to bring him to subjugate. You never had a Beta until your parents died. You were one yourself, but your parents taught you what you could be an Alpha. It didn’t work.
“Don’t worry you didn’t do anything wrong, it usually works that way.” Theo said once he realized what your attempt was. “But it doesn’t work around your soulmate.”
He gently took your hand in his. In that moment, your heart began to pound faster and than images of Theo ran through your mind. You closed your eyes to see them more clearly. You saw his past, all the things he had done, all he was but it didn’t frighten you. What scared you was that you saw his future too, a future with you next to him.
You opened your eyes and gazed at him. “What was that?” You breathed heavily while a tear rolled down your cheeks.
He pulled his hand out of your grip. “I’m sorry you had to see this. I’m not that person anymore.” Theo took a few steps back with a scared expression. “I should go, this was a mistake. I could endanger you.”
Your mind tried comprehending the glare he held. He was referring to his past, of course, and while you knew that you should be staying away from him because he was dangerous, you felt safer with him than without.
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Theo stared out of your window, where the sun slowly began to rise. He looked beautiful with the sun gently touching his face. When you you touched him, you didn’t only see his past and future but you also saw through his soul. You walked towards him and placed your hand on his face so he could look at you.
It was like he put a spell on you, “I’m not afraid of you.” you heard yourself say but not knowing why you said it. Theo looked at you, trying piece together the meaning behind your words. “I-I need you to stay.”
“You might not know it but there is a deadpool with the name of every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. They get killed one by one and the killers get money. I’m on it. So there are a lot of people who are after me... and I don’t know what this is here but I can’t put you in danger.” Theo was trying to deter you. But you could see that he was afraid of what you had seen. He didn’t want you to judge him. And even if what he said was true, you wouldn’t be able to let him go.
You saw him looking out of the window, where the sun slowly began to rise. He looked beautiful as the sun gently touched his face. as you touched him you didn’t only see his past and future, you also saw through his soul. You walked towards him and touched gently his face to make him look to you.
It was like he put a spell on you, “I’m not afraid of you.” you heard yourself saying but not knowing why you said it. Theo looked at you and tried to understand your words. “I- I need you to stay.”
“You might not know it but there is a deadpool, with the name of every supernatural creature in Beacon Hills. They get killed one by one and the killers get money, I am on it. So there are a lot of people who try to get me.. and I don’t know what this is here but I can’t put you in danger.” 
Theo tried to deter you. But you knew that he was afraid of what you saw before. He didn’t want you judge about him. And even if what he said was true, you wouldn’t be able to let him go.
LYDIA’S HOUSE  - a few weeks later
“I knew it!” Stiles said as he studied the third section of the Deadpool.
Liam was confused. “Y/N is on the list, so she couldn’t have made it.”
Stiles thought for a moment because Liam seemed to have a point. “What if this is just to make us think she didn’t write it?”
“That doesn’t make sense...” Lydia responded. “The list was there before Y/N moved here.”
“But she was just one town away from Beacon Hills.” Malia interjected.
Stiles nodded. “Thank God someone gets my point. And did anyone else notice that the bad, big, black wolf kinda moved into her house? They’re planning something.”
“To be honest, I noticed that they do everything together. It really seems like they refused to be separated... and I don’t think that this is because he has a crush on her. He seems to be obsessive when it comes to her.” Lydia added. “And he stopped hanging around us.”
“Thats the only thing that isn’t bad actually.” Stiles shrugged.
Scott didn’t want to admit it but ever since Stiles informed him of what happened in the woods with Theo, your absence, and you only focusing on Theo... you were now on the Deadpool. Stiles was right, something was odd.
Scott shot Stiles a glare for him to understand that everyone got his point.
“Okay fine. Theo and Y/N seem to care about each other a lot. So what if, we trick them? See what happens if they think that something happened to one of them?” Malia suggested.
“Like what, telling Y/N that her doggy got hit by a car?” Stiles sarcastically suggested.
“That’s actually a good idea. We’d get her out of his sight.” Lydia replied with Scott nodding. “I can call her and tell her that something happened to him while you get Theo away from her.”
It didn’t take long before the pack put their plan into action. Liam and Scott caught Theo before he went to see you. Malia and Kira watched your house while Stiles and Lydia waited in the hospital.
After Lydia called you, she informed you that someone had attacked Theo and he was in a coma at the hospital. After that, you sped to the hospital.
When you arrived, Lydia caught you. She waited until you followed her into one of the hospital rooms and blew Wolfsbane in your direction. Your eyes glowed red and you growled at her. She didn’t know if it would work, as she had no idea what a creature you were, so she threw Mountain Ash at you. It didn’t take long because you fell to the ground unconscious.
Stiles entered the room as well. Lydia told him what happened and he understood why Theo stopped being around Scott, trying to get into the Pack. He already found one.
Theo was annoyed as he stood in front of your door. Scott and Liam tried everything to keep him in school until he was tired and angry. He entered your house and called after you but there was no reaction. He anxiously ran all over the house searching for you but came up unlucky. You were gone. Theo blamed himself for putting you in harm's way and being needed to get to him.
He tried picking up your scent when he exited your house but found nothing.
He was lost on what to do. After half an hour, he felt something. He felt you. Since he moved in with you, your bond with each other grew stronger. You weren’t really a couple because you wanted to get to know each other better. However, you couldn’t be without one another. You both learned a lot about the bondage of the soulmates and that you could find each other no matter where and when. If one was in danger, then you could feel what the other one felt.
Theo started to cough. In his mouth it tasted like wolfsbane. He put one and one together and knew that someone must’ve poisoned you but what they didn’t know was that he was coming for them. He would kill them in a rush if they’d have touched you. You weren’t a couple but he couldn’t deny that he was falling for you hard. He followed his feeling and ran into the hospital.
“Shit.” Kira said as she noticed in which direction he ran. “How did he know?”
“Don’t know, don’t care. Call Scott and Stiles, I’ll follow him.” Malia replied and went after him.
“What?!” Stiles yelled into the phone. He hung up and shot Lydia a worried glare. “You stay. Take her into the basement—” he commanded as he pulled off your jacket to get your scent. “—and I’ll get Theo on the roof. Tell Scott where I am and please, please do for once like I say.” Lydia nodded and Stiles kissed her head and left the room.
It didn’t take Theo long to reach the hospital. As soon as he walked in, he searched every room for you. No matter who tried to stop him, he didn’t give up. Until he found your smell. He went up the stairs to the roof and saw Stiles with his jacket in his hand.
“Looking for your Alpha?” Stiles asked as he saw Theo throwing your jacket in his direction.
Theo growled. “I don’t know what you’re up to but if something happened to Y/N I’ll rip your head of with my bare hands.”
“Don’t be so mad wolfie.”
Theo stalked towards Stiles. Stiles knew Theo could do what he had threatened him with a few seconds ago but he wasn’t afraid. To be honest, Stiles didn’t care about him. He knew an idiot like Theo wouldn’t be able to have that much money to pay all the hunters, who killed the supernatural. Stiles just wanted to protect his friends, find out who wrote this list of deaths. And you were his prime suspect.
Stiles grabbed Theo by the collar and pushed him against the fence. “Tell me why Y/N is doing this and how do I stop her?! I swear I’ll kill her myself if thats necessary to save my friends ” He yelled at him but Theo looked confused. “It was pretty smart of her to play the new girl and putting you both on her list but you can’t trick me!”
Theo now knew why he was here. Stiles thought you were the one who wrote the list and opened the hunt for supernatural creatures.
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“Now listen super officer—” Theo started, switching their positions with Stiles against the fence. “Y/N has done nothing but saved me, giving me a home and to be a better person than your precious pack.”
Theo noticed that the door which he entered to get up here opened again, “Leave him alone, Theo.” Scott growled behind him.
Theo smirked. “Only if I get her back.”
“Then tell us what we want to know.” Malia clenched her teeth.
Theo released Stiles and shoved him down to the ground. He faced the others. “Y/N didn’t write the list. She’s not the one who’s trying to kill us all. Her parents where on that damn list and they got murdered. She was born a wolf and became the Alpha after they died. She moved here because her parents grew up here. Y/N wanted to be close to them again.”
Stiles got up and moved next to Scott, “Let’s say we believe you, why are you two a pack and why are you so obsessive with her?”
“Scott should know that, if he remembers his lost love...” Theo answered calmly but no one understood. “She’s my god damn soulmate. It’s more than just having an anchor to stay under control. It’s like you can’t breathe without the other.”
“My mother told me about that when I was little.” Kira remembered. “The bond of wolves. It’s like a triggered Destiny.”
“—But he isn’t even a real wolf.” Stile replied.
“A part of him is and he’s a strong one. Its possible that he’s telling the truth... and if he does and what Lydia said is right and she is an Alpha, we don’t want to be here if she finds out we separated them. They can’t control themselves when it comes to their soulmates.” Kira stated, suddenly scared.
“Too late.” You growled behind the pack.
“Damn it.” Stiles said looking at you. “What have you done with Lydia?”
Liam was nervous as he saw your eyes in a glowing red. “You weren’t so scary in school.”
You made your way towards Stiles and pushed him aside to see Theo smirking. Your anger disappeared the moment you saw him. You calmed down and ran into his arms. He embraced you and was relieved as he felt you. You looked at him and gently touched his cheek, smiling at him and kissing him for the first time.
The kiss felt more intensive than your first touch. This time you just saw the future you two would have together. You felt everything he was feeling and he felt yours too. You knew you were in love with him and that you wouldn’t survive if anything would ever happen to him.
You stopped your kissing and turned around to the confused McCall Pack. “Lydia’s with Scotts mom. Lydia wasn’t so stupid and tried to attack me again. I’m a true alpha like you Scott, wolfsbane doesn’t knock us out for long.” You smirked. “And what Theo said is true. My parents got killed by hunters and Lydia told me that I’m on the list as well. I’ll— We’ll help you find them.“ You looked at Theo who wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead. “But I’d test my patience again. Liam is the only one of knew who knows me a bit and how nice I can be but next time you try to separate us I’ll kill all of you.”
“I’m sorry, we were afraid.” Scott replied, he was ashamed about what he and the pack had done the moment Theo mentioned Allison. And as he saw you two together, he knew you both weren’t lying. If something like soulmates existed then Allison was his once. “I’m glad you both found each other.” Theo and you smiled. “Stiles...?” He looked at his best friend.
“I’m sorry I thought you two wanted to kill us all even when Theo really tried to kill us once. I think I'm biased.”
The others of the pack also apologized to Theo and you which you accepted and went home. After a few days, you and Theo could even sit down with them and work out a plan together how you would survive the death list.
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snowkatze · 7 years
Normal Guys
This is for the Carry On Countdown 2017 (@carryon-countdown) Prompt: Social Media (Day 2) Genre: angst, fluff Word Count: 2118 Summary: Baz texts some guy on a dating app online and tries to forget about his love for Simon Snow.
Factually, they're just lines. A machine could be programmed to write lines like that; yes, he might not even be human. It might just be an illusion that has been granted to me. He might not be who he says he is, he might not be anybody at all. They might be lies, because lying is easy under the cloak of anonymity and online, where there's no eye contact, no mimics, no sounds to give you away. I know that it would be easy and that life might be cruel enough to fool me into believing someone would be able to love me. I know they're just lines. But despite all that, I can't help but look at these words and feel like they're not just lines, but hope.
And they make me think that even I could love again, someone who is not Simon Snow. For that, it is not important whether this is real at all, whether anyone could be capable to love me at all, because after all, I am nothing but lines, too.
Sconeslove2 02:12 am: lol r u a vampire or smth
NormalHuman 02:12 am: May I remind you that you texted me first? Sconeslove2 02:13 am: yeah but i'm disfunctional, what's your excuse?
Sconeslove2 02:13 am: btw ur so posh Sconeslove2 02:13 am: u talk like old people
Sconeslove2 02:13 am: cause ur an immortal vampire
NormalHuman 02:14 am: I am a normal human. It literally says so in my url. And of course, I lie, too.
Sconeslove2 02:14 am: which is suspicious in itself!!!! NormalHuman 02:14 am: What about your url? I can honestly not believe there is another imbecile on this earth who would call himself 'Sconeslove'. So why the 2? Sconeslove2 02:15 am: don't try to distract me!!! ur trying to seduce me aren't u NormalHuman 02:16 am: If I was a vampire, you would be the last person whose blood I'd drink. Sconeslove2 02:16 am: aaaaw because u love me so much? NormalHuman 02:17 am: because your blood would taste disgusting, idiot
Sconeslove2 02:18 am: how do u kno? can u smell it.. cause ur a vampire with super senses? NormalHuman 02:18 am: sure. i kno exactly which smell belongs to ur blood under all the 7 billion people whose blood i can smell at the exact same time
Smelling every person on earth, that would be hell. It's hard enough with the person sleeping across from me every night. Sconeslove2 02:18 am: ahjdaldakl u didn't use perfect grammar. r u tryin to get down with the kids to conceal ur vampire identity
NormalHuman 02:19 am: You simply don't deserve this eloquence. I don't respect you enough. Sconeslove2 02:19 am: it's just my bad influence, isn't it
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: I know you're not a vampire btw
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: My room mate is one and he's ToTalLy different from u
Sconeslove2 02:20 am: TOTally
Sconeslove2 02:21 am: He is the epitome of evil!!!
NormalHuman 02:21 am: And I'm just the nicest person on the planet, aren't I? Sconeslove2 02:21 am: well no but ur not planning my demise, r u? Sconeslove2 02:22 am: or the downfall of literal mankind?!?! NormalHuman 02:22 am: Once again, it is shown how little you know about me. As a matter of fact, both of these things are on top of my priorities.
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: u have a list, don't u
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: a priority list
Sconeslove2 02:23 am: u seem like a person who has lots if lists
NormalHuman 02:24 am: Stop double texting me. Sconeslove2 02:24 am: U FOOL
Sconeslove2 02:24 am: i dont just double text Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I tRIPle text
Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I QUAdriple txt
Sconeslove2 02:25 am: I Sixtriple text
Sconeslove2 02:26 am: Septribble NormalHuman 02:26 am: sTOP Sconeslove2 02:26 am: Octave
NormalHuman 02:27 am: Go to sleep
Sometimes it scares me how much he acts like Snow.
Sconeslove2 02:27 am: why? are u concerned for my wellbeing?
NormalHuman 02:27 am: no NormalHuman 02:27 am: It's just like you're sleep-drunk or something
Sconeslove2 02:28 am: hey
Sconeslove2 02:28 am: is there a reason you're still awake? NormalHuman 02:29 am: just couldn't sleep
Sconeslove2 02:29 am: did you have a nightmare?
And it's almost like somebody actually cares about me. Sconeslove2 02:29 am: again? NormalHuman 02:30 am: yes
Sconeslove2 02:30 am: Do you want to tell me about it? NormalHuman 02:30 am: i'm fine
Sconeslove2 02:31 am: Don't lie to me
Sconeslove2 02:32 am: it's okay, you don't have to tell me
Sconeslove2 02:32 am: I just wish you were alright
NormalHuman 02:32 am: me too
Sconeslove2 02:33 am: Just imagine I'm hugging you Sconeslove2 02:33 am: really hard
Sconeslove2 02:33 am: until you're not sure any more whether I'm trying to show you that I love you or trying to kill you
I can't remember the last time somebody hugged me like they meant it. Nobody ever touches me. Nobody dares to touch me.
Sconeslove2 02:34 am: You know, I'm sort of really good at protecting people
Sconeslove2 02:34 am: I'm exceptionally good at slaying monsters Sconeslove2 02:34 am: And I'll slay your nightmares too
Sconeslove2 02:35 am: until you're happy again
Sconeslove2 02:35 am: I can be your knight in shining armour
NormalHuman 02:36 am: And I can be a normal guy
Sconeslove2 02:36 am: ha
Sconeslove2 02:36 am: I can't imagine anything nicer
Sconeslove2 02:37 am: don't worry
Sconeslove2 02:37 am: You and I, we can be normal guys
That would be nice, wouldn't it?
NormalHuman 02:38 am: Promise me we'll run away together Sconeslove2 02:38 am: of course
Sconeslove2 02:39 am: It'll be the cheesiest love story
NormalHuman 02:40 am: I don't know a lot of love stories
Sconeslove2 02:40 am: How about Romeo and Juliet
Sconeslove2 02:40 am: You know that one for sure
Romeo and Juliet? Been there, done that. But of course I can't tell him that.
NormalHuman 02:41 am: You know they die in the end, right? Sconeslove2 02:42 am: You're a vampire tho
Sconeslove2 02:42 am: You can't die
NormalHuman 02:42 am: Then I'll just lose you
Sconeslove2 02:42 am: Fine, then we'll be a different love story
Sconeslove2 02:43 am: Twilight?
NormalHuman 02:43 am: fuck off
Sconeslove2 02:44 am: You're smiling though, right?
I'm not smiling. I'm crying. Because this is just a dream that I'll never have. Because he doesn't know that my life is actually a pretty crappy novel, and I really do die at the end. Because he doesn't know that I'm the monster in someone else's love story. I don't reply to him for a long time. NormalHuman 02:58 am: yeah
NormalHuman 02:58 am: I'm smiling
He doesn't answer me after that.
I suppose I'll try to go back to sleep, too, then. Tomorrow I'll have to return to Watford, go back to face him. But maybe it's true that one day, I'll be rid of him. (Except maybe I'm only fooling myself; maybe, in reality, I'm pretending like I'm texting Snow, and not some stranger, and that means that, actually, I'm not making any progress at all.)
The problem is that it doesn't help at all. I like Sconeslove2 (Though, really, scones? It's almost too ironic). But I still love Simon Snow, no matter what I do.
In a very, very low moment, I created a dating profile and there he was. Sconeslove2, who seems to understand me better than anyone has before. Sometimes I think he's just as broken as I am, which should make me sad, but somehow only comforts me (Another indication of what a terrible human being I am. Or rather, vampire being.).
We've been talking for weeks now, yet I still don't know his name, and he doesn't know mine. I like it too much to give it up. For once, I can disguise myself as someone else.
When I arrive at Watford, I realize that I have a few new messages from Sconeslove2.
Sconeslove2 01:16 pm: hey
Sconeslove2 01:16 pm: I'm sorry. I lied to you. Sconeslove2 01:17 pm: I don't think we should keep texting.
I stare at the messages, trying to grasp their meaning. He lied to me. I knew it. I knew he couldn't be real; that no one could ever be serious about liking me. It seems like a physical impossibility of the universe. And even though I gathered that something sketchy was going on, I can't help but feel hurt, like I can't breathe any more.
It's okay. I was lying, too. I'm not a normal guy.
He never would've liked me if he had known who I was.
It's okay. NormalHuman 02:23 pm: ok Sconeslove2 02:24 pm: no I'll explain Sconeslove2 02:24 pm: I just don't want to lead you on, ok? NormalHuman 02:25 pm: No it's alright
Sconeslove2 02:26 pm: Remember when I told you you weren't like my room mate at all? Sconeslove2 02:26 pm: That's what I lied about. You and my room mate are actually really similar. NormalHuman 02:27 pm: … NormalHuman 02:27 pm: So you hate me?
Sconeslove2 02:28 pm: no
Sconeslove2 02:28 pm: that's just the thing
Sconeslove2 02:29 pm: I really really like you
NormalHuman 02:30 pm: Then what's the problem? Sconeslove2 02:32 pm: The problem is that you're really similar to my room mate
NormalHuman 02:34 pm: ? Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: that made me realize Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: I think I like him
Sconeslove2 02:34 pm: Romantically NormalHuman 02:35 pm: The epitome of evil? Sconeslove2 02:36 pm: unfortunately
Sconeslove2 02:36 pm: he'd kill me if he knew
Sconeslove2 02:37 pm: he'll kill me one day one way or another
NormalHuman 02:37 pm: Maybe you're wrong about that
Sconeslove2 02:37 pm: You aren't mad?
NormalHuman 02:38 pm: No
NormalHuman 02:38 pm: Actually, I'm in love with my room mate as well. NormalHuman 02:39 pm: And if your room mate is anything like me, he's really good at pretending. So your chances might be higher than you think.
Sconeslove2 02:40 pm: Wouldn't it be funny if we were actually room mates? NormalHuman 02:40 pm: That wouldn't be funny, that would be a fucking miracle.
I smile down at my phone. Maybe at least Sconeslove2 can be happy. He wouldn't have been happy with me anyway. Not once he'd met me in real life.
Sconeslove2 02:44 pm: I'm going to miss you.
NormalHuman 02:45 pm: Me too
Sconeslove2 02:46 pm: Goodbye then, vampire boy
Sconeslove2 02:46 pm: Thank you for helping me find myself
NormalHuman 02:47 pm: Just one question before you go
I can't help it.
NormalHuman 02:48 pm: Is your name Simon? Sconeslove2 02:49 pm: yes???? wtf
I drop the phone. I can hear the glass shattering, but I don't care. I start running. That's too many coincidences to ignore. I make my way up the steps and only stop shortly in front of our door. Then I take a breath and open the door, my heart fluttering nervously.
Simon is lying on the bed, his phone in hand. He doesn't even have the time to look up before I've snatched the phone out of his hand.
The chat is still open.
Sconeslove2 to NormalHuman.
I'm a fucking idiot.
“Hey, give that back!” Snow shouts, but I ignore him and scroll through the chat to convince myself it's still there. Snow stands up and tries to take the phone from me, but I push him away. “I like him,” I hiss. “Romantically. That's what you said.” Now he recoils and blushes. “I – I -” I won't listen to his stammering. I push him against the door with my arm and hold him there.
“Did you mean it?” He avoids my gaze. I press harder. This is important.
“Did you say it just to mess with me?” And he looks up. He looks scared, but I can't tell what of.
“No,” he whispers. I hold his gaze. He doesn't look away.
He's telling the truth. I can tell. It's a lot harder to lie in real life than online.
“You like me?” I ask stiffly.
“Yes,” he mutters and drops his gaze.
“So... You're NormalHuman?”
“Yeah.” “Weird that that's the name you would give yourself...” “What? Because I'm a vampire?” My gaze is dark, and he looks up at me again.
“No... Because you're the most extraordinary human I've ever met.”
“I didn't lie to you about my room mate.” He looks at me sheepishly and I see that he's trying to hide a smile.
“So we both like our room mates.” “A miracle...” “It is a bit funny though, isn't it?” I smile at him. “Yeah... It is.”
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enaasteria · 7 years
Answered Asks // 1
Under cut~~~
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 5th 2017, 4:06:00 pm · 9 months ago aww I'm going to miss u :( good luck on writing!
You sent this 9 months ago but TY FOR THE WARM WISHES. It took a while and not exactly the best chapter but it’s done. It’s what I could manage so please forgive the less than good writing T___T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 5th 2017, 4:13:00 pm · 9 months ago TAKE YOUR TIME LOVE, GOOD LUCK, I'M SURE YOU'LL DO GREAT!!! Θα ειμαι το τυχερο σου αστερι ♥ (I'll be your lucky star)
I feel like I know who you are and ty ty ty for this message! You definitely were and thank you for your patience! TT___TT
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 5th 2017, 10:30:00 pm · 9 months ago I just finished all the current chapters to 5018 and can I just say, its so great. Sehun is my bias wrecker (Chanyeol is my bias), but this story is seriously making me reconsider who has the title of my "favorite" and I've never felt so attacked.
Oh yes. Yes, yes yes please come to the dark side and join our sehun forces. we are always looking for new members
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 5th 2017, 10:33:00 pm · 9 months ago I just realized LOXE (the club from 5018) is EXO-L backwards and I've read the story twice, why did it just hit me
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 21st 2017, 2:03:00 am · 9 months ago ena ena ena~ It's been a while. Hope you're doing well! 🤗
I’m doing better now that chapter 16 is DONE.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 23rd 2017, 9:28:00 am · 8 months ago I just found Apartment 5108 and I am dying. God. I mean, I know Sehun and Ahri are the romantic leads, but that boy needs to get his shit together. She deserves the sun and the moon and whatever the hell she wants, not this! I feel sorry for him, but also kinda want to kick his ass real bad. Also, love your portrayal of Chanyeol! If you ever have them fall for each other (though I doubt it) you'll have my full support.
He’s learning and I hope that’s apparent in the chapter about to be posted. She really deserves it all and no worries. I shall give her the world. Or well---get Sehun to give her the world LOL. I KNOW. I have many issues with PCY bc I give him the best dialogue in this damn story and I really shouldn’t but it just happens that way and I can’t help it. But he’ll have his own happy ending---as will all of the characters in this universe. //hugsssss//
Anonymous said to enaasteria: January 28th 2017, 1:53:00 am · 8 months ago Hi Ena!! I hope you're doing well, I miss your updates :( how's life/writing going?
I feel like death tbh. I think I got sick from stressing over this chapter but it’s done and I’m sorry if it’s not good but I felt the progression was necessary???
@knownotwhatisinstore​ said to enaasteria: February 5th 2017, 11:38:00 pm · 8 months ago Hello! I finally managed to get caught up on 5108. It is so fantastically written that I can feel every emotion, almost down to the physical pain in your story. It's so wonderfully humanizing and psychologically deep. I can't wait to read more. Please take your time and continue to write openly! Thank you!
Hugs you! Thank you so much for reading and yes---I love pain. I write pain better than I do with happier tones so I think it’s why chapter 16 took so long. It didn’t really have a super angst element so I was like ????? how do I write this part?? But yes. THANK YOU so much for reading!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: February 13th 2017, 12:47:00 pm · 8 months ago omg ena! is chap 16 ever coming out soon? I'm so excited you're such a good write I swear... I love ur story so much 😭😭
Thank you for loving the story and this message is about 8 months late but it’s being posted tonight. Have a good time reading //hugs//
@sassyunicorns2​ said to enaasteria: February 23rd 2017, 3:24:00 pm · 7 months ago Hi!! I'm a big fan of apartment 5108 and i have a few questions: 1° - what is Ahri height 2° - in chapter 15 are lay and soi no longer together? 3° - can you please explain me better where are Ahri scars? Since my first language is not english it's a little harder for me to understand. Thank you. I know that you are in hiatus and i hope you can write and finish the story just like you wanted. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING AND HWAITING
The best of the message: You are my favorite writter ever and your stories are amazing. They are so well written and the plot is so good! Like thanks you for writing. Before you i couldn't read any angst story... Now i cant escape them
1// Ahri is around 168cm --- 5′6″ 2// Yixing and Soi are broken up //les cries// 3// Scar is on her forehead line where her hair and forehead touch and also on her back jawline
And thank you so much for reading. I’m so glad you enjoy it and please have fun reading 16!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 5th 2017, 5:26:00 am · 7 months ago Ok I don't know if you remember me but I was the girl who had to distant herself from a guy because one of her friend was really into him and people shipped them. Also I know you're on hiatus but I'm just sharing news so don't answer it's okay :). Well, basically I had to go on a trip with his family because his dad is doing the job I want to do so he proposed to show me everything and the guy came along with his brother to see too. (1)
And for a hour, his dad had to do administrative tasks so the 3 of us were left alone until his brother went calling their mom. So the guy began talking to me and at a moment he asked me about the fact I was more distant. And I messed up. Saying I wasn't feeling confortable with him anymore (which was true) and that it was for the better. AND. He knew about my friend who's into him and he told me he knew why I was distant so lying to him was useless. (2)
So I explained to him that it wasn't that I was into him but me being close was worrying my friend. He litterally said "Bullshit". So I said "Even if i'm into you, it isn't going to work out. I don't like you enough to put my friendship in danger and we both know she's an amazing girl. Also you're going to the same university next year so give her a chance." So he confessed to me but we agreed to never talk about it again and we decided to stay friends. (3)
And that's how we ended every chance with had. Because I'm litterally going to live at the opposite of the country so I'm sure he will be better by giving her chance when she's few meters away from him. I know I did what is right but is it normal for me to be hurt by it because I swear I wanted to throw up when I told him to give up. Anyway, I hope you're doing well and take care ! :)
Of course I remember you anon! Your story pains me a lot. I feel for you and wish I can give you a hug but I love how resolved you are. You let him know plain and clear you like him---but not enough to put your friendship in jeopardy. I really commend you on that bc it shows your maturity and I don’t know. I still feel sad for you on it because it appears you both have mutual feelings for one another---it’s just wasn’t meant to be. :(
@jediofthemarveluniverse​ said to enaasteria: March 8th 2017, 4:08:00 pm · 7 months ago Erm i dont really know if this was answered in the story . But why did Sehun remember something bad when Ahri asked for the pass code for the balconey? Thank you xx
It was in chapter 12---Ahri found out the balcony locks were numbers to Jiyul’s birthday. When Ahri asked him what the passcode was, it made him think of Jiyul and in turn, place him in a somber mood so it’s why he was perturbed when she asked.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 8th 2017, 4:18:00 pm · 7 months ago How did sehun feel hearing tht pcy was talking to ahri? What was it like when he saw the final photos? How long has he been going back to his old habits ?
In chapter 16! Ty! <3333
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 9th 2017, 2:22:00 pm · 7 months ago I'm curious as to how Ahri told Myungsoo that she was living with Sehun and had developed feelings for him since she never mentioned Sehun on their first date x)
I might not dive into this because Ahri kinda touched base on it in chapter 9 how she told Myungsoo and you could see Myungsoo’s interaction with her after. I’m sure it hurt a bit but they went out once and it wasn’t enough to develop into something too deep to get out of.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 9th 2017, 5:52:00 pm · 7 months ago What about the jar in the kitchen when they put kind messages ?
I’m gunna try to put this into chapter 17. 16 was overcrowded with information. hahaha
Anonymous said to enaasteria: March 9th 2017, 5:54:00 pm · 7 months ago MYUNGSOO FUTURE LIKE IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT HE DESERVES SO MUCH HAPPINESS
YES! Chapter 17 will touch on this! I was gunna do it in 16 but I tried and the chapter got even longer and I was like. nope.
@khaty-fan​ said to enaasteria: March 11th 2017, 2:58:00 am · 7 months ago SEND ♥ THIS ♥ TO ♥ THE ♥ FIFTEEN ♥ NICEST ♥ PEOPLE ♥ ON ♥ TUMBLR ♥ IF ♥ YOU ♥ GET ♥ 5 ♥ BACK ♥ YOU ♥ MUST ♥ BE ♥ PERFECT ~♥ :D
Thanks babe!
3 notes · View notes
quality quote insurance
"quality quote insurance
quality quote insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance policy for a newly licensed driver?
I recently got my license at the DMV. My parents won't let me drive a car because of the cost of insurance. They told me that I have to wait for the price to go down. My question is, how much does insurance cost for a 17 year old male in California and if it's true that I have to wait for the price to go down. Please explain car insurance in general.""
How do you get health insurance for under $500 a month?
My health insurance premium costs $500 a month. What options do I have for a cheaper plan? Would I have to avoid going to the doctor for many years to get affordable health insurance ? What is the secret?
Insurance on 03 infiniti g35 for 17 year old?
How much is the insurance if they have 2 cars on the policy?
Whats the cheapest car and cheapest insurance for a 17 year old boy?
whats the cheapest car and cheapest insurance for a 17 year old boy i dont want Nissan micra something 1.2 and the car should be somewhere around 2500 its for my first car any advice
Why is my insurance so high?
So I am 21 years old working part time as a supervisor with a certain big brown shipping company. I am making decent money, and was, at the time, driving a really high mileage 1998 explorer that got terrible MPG and was nickle and dimeing me to death, so I decided to go look for a new car. The car I found, was a 2011 Suzuki Kizashi S. It had really high safety ratings, the car itself was in very good condition (the previous owner was a little old lady who I actually got to meet because her nephew was the car salesman I bought it from, who even brought me all of the paperwork on the maintenance she had - impeccable maintenance record I might add), and the average highway mpg, is double that of my explorer. However, I made a mistake of not confirming what my insurance rate would change to when I called State Farm over the phone to have my coverage changed to the new vehicle, and now here I am paying triple what I did for the explorer. I don't get it, how does a little 4 door sedan w/ awesome safety ratings and all that jazz cost me $224 a month to insure, but a 4WD fully loaded explorer, in Colorado, that I had since I was 17, was only like $63 a month. I mean, I understand that a vehicle that isn't paid off yet is going to have higher insurance thanks to the lender requiring full coverage, but I don't know ANYONE around my age paying this much except for a guy I work with who drives an Acura and got a massive ticket for going a buck 20 in a 45 speed zone and now pays like 350 a month. Is there something particular about this car that I wasn't aware of? It's a great car, but the huge insurance cost is really hurting what I'd planned to be able to afford per month on top of my other bills.""
Where can a 16 year old male get his own auto insurance if he is the only licensed driver in the house?
Where can a 16 year old male get his own auto insurance if he is the only licensed driver in the house?
How much do you think insurance for an Acura RSX would be?
I'm 16 years old and I want to buy an Acura RSX. Does anybody have any idea about how much insurance might be? I live in California.
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
Question about speeding ticket/insurance?
I had a speeding ticket for going 55 in a 45 mph, would that make my insurance rates go up?""
Do you need insurance to drive a car?
i live in alberta and i am wondering do you have to get insurance in order to drive a car will you be in trouble if you drive without insurance?????
Car insurance for teenagers?
Just wondered if anyone had some top notch car insurance companies that could get me an affordable quote, below a grand would just be amazing! (i live in the uk) thanks!""
Affordable full coverage auto insurance?
Where can I get affordable full coverage auto insurance in Delaware with a scetchy driving record?
Is there any life insurance you can get for stroke victims?
My sister had a massive stroke and she needs life insurance because she may die.
""My truck got totaled, now the insurance wants to give me crap for payout. Can I negotiate?""
I had a 2000 Sierra that was probably the nicest truck in town. I have pictures of how it looked, videos of how it ran, and plenty of people to testify it was a nice ride. The insurance wants to give us crap for payout saying that the truck was average to poor condition. Even after stripping off most of my aftermarket stuff, I still have a few thousand $$ still on the truck. I know they don't cover aftermarket stuff, but if I can't take it off, I should be compensated for it. Can I negotiate with them or do I have to take what they offer me? I've already told them that I don't like what they offered me since my truck wasn't the junk car they are paying me for. Can they turn around and just tell me they won't pay anything since I didn't take the first offer?""
How much is audi a4 insurance?
i am 18 years old looking at buying a 2003 audi a4 and wanted to know how much the insurance would cost me. I have a clean driving record and good grades.
Average cost for motorcycle insurance in massachusetts?
Does any one know what the average cost is to insure a motorcycle with normal driving record
Affordable Health Care Who is really paying for it?
32 Million in the US uninsured. Pre ACA, the uninsured would show up in the ER, get whatever treatment they could then leave, most of them not paying the bill. The hospital prices ...show more""
""Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?""
I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it.""
How much do i need to save for a motorcycle?
I have my g1 and will be attending a motorcycle safety course soon then getting my m1. Then i can drive motorcycles. But I want to wait till next year..I am first buying my car. (03 crown vicotria) After the winter. I am 6'2 and weigh 140lbs. (17 and male) is a kawa ninja 250r a good first bike for me?? how much do i need to save for the bike itself? but also insurance?? what is your opinions?
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
Need good car insurance in new jer sey -?
i recenlty moved form california to new jersey. i was holding my car insurance with 21 st century ,that was earlier called AIG . i needed a better insurance in new jersey with reasonable rates. i see the rats are pretty high in nj , from what i looked at,.please adivse some better car insurances companies""
What are some cons of medical doctors not taking insurance?
What are some cons of medical doctors not taking insurance?
Driving parent's car without insurance?
*I'm 16 with a license *My mom has insurance under Liberty Mutual *I am not on her insurance but the car is insured *I live in Georgia (GA has weird laws so any laws specific to GA would be great)
How much would car insurance range for a 16 year old?
I am 16 years old, going to be driving a 1992 Ford F-150, I don't have great grades, I just wanted to get an idea of what I looking at for insurance.""
Help with car insurance........................
i am 16 but when i turn 17 i want to pass my driving tests. my worry is car insurance. i want to buy a little car like Peugeot 206 1.4 or something similar but i have checked insurance companies and their quotes are ridiculous so my dad said that if i give him the money to buy the car he can then insure it on his insurance and add me as an additional driver so i can sometimes drive it to my mates or whatever. i have heard of something called fronting and i was just wondering if then we would be doing that or would everything be legal. thanks in advance Matt
quality quote insurance
quality quote insurance
How can i get Health insurance?
Hey looking for advise on how i should go about getting health insurance. I'm 18 turning 19 in March my father is passed away and i live with my mother we recently moved to Arizona I'm from Massachusetts i knew about mass health but never had to deal with anything due to always being insured by my mother and fathers works. Looking for what i should do Also i do not have a job as of right now I'm looking for health insurance so that if i get hurt while doing things such as snowboarding an break a bone or something i don't have to pay a 12,000 bill when i have no money Thank you for any help""
What is full coverage auto insurance?
What counts as full coverage auto insurance in California? Thanks!
Why are so many insurance companies hiring agents?
Is it because of the government trying to force coverage on people?
Where is the best insurance company to insure a subaru wrx turbo?
Im 40 years old and am going to be buying a subaru wrx turbo ,can anyone suggest a good insurance company and how much roughly would it be to insure it fully comp .THANKS .""
Will my insurance be notified for a texting ticket?
I have been driving for 3 years, and got my first citation yesterday for textng and driving. It's only $70, so I'll pay it off myself & not tell my parents (I'm 19, they pay for my car insurance since I'm in college and can't make enough money to pay for it myself). The officer said that the ticket will not give me any points or make my insurance rate go up. I was wondering if my insurance (Progressive) will be notified at all & the information be visible to my parents. This is in Maryland by the way. PS. I know texting & driving is dumb... I try not to do it, but since I'm fairly good at it, I have done it a lot. But after yesterday, I'm done.""
Can we get a tax break because our insurance is so costly?
My husband only takes home about $2400 per month (after health insurance is deducted from his check) and $300 in savings from a shared family income property. Our health insurance is almost $800 per month for us and our 2 children- a toddler and an infant. We are barely getting by. We pay $1700 in rent and utilities plus our other regular bills such as food, fuel and phone bills. I just started an evening job 3 nights per week making minimum wage to help, but is there any way we can get some of the health insurance cos ts back? I know Obama Care is available, but is there any other program or tax credit we could apply for while still keeping our health plan? I have a preexisting condition FTR.""
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a 17yr old in London?
I'm not 17 yet, but I am next year. I was wondering, what are the best sites or companies for cheap insurance for cars?""
Temporary Car Insurance?
I want to pick up a car, i live in manchester uk and the car i am buying is in sheffield, what do i do about insurance when driving it back.""
My insurance company cannot find my policie number and i now have problem with my bank they ad up $3000 to my car loan what can i do ? i also loss my proof of insurance please help
Least Expensive Car Insurance in AZ?
I need to switch car insurance companies this month...I am currently with Geico...but its in ALabama...and if I stay with them and switch to AZ, my policy doubles!! I have two accidents and a ticket on there...So i realize I can't get it super low. But does anyone know of a really inexpensive company in AZ? Thanks!""
""How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.""
How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.""
What cars has cheap insurance?
i no the tato nano is gonna be cheap but that is not in Europe yet so any suggestions
What are the regular insurance cost of these cars. (without deduction or add cost)?
Porsche Nissan 350 Honda S2000 and also give me a recommendation on a nice not that expensive, good sporty looking car, lol.""
I borrowed my parents car. am i covered under their insurance?
they forgot to put their insurance card in the glovebox so i got a ticket for no proof of insurance. The ticket will be dropped if i bring in proof of insurance. will it work to just bring in their insurance card? i do not drive their car very often. We live two hours apart
Insurance on a Mazda miata mx5?
Would it be considert a sports car? And how much would the insurance go up from a regular adult insurance?
Should I accept a $500 settlement from an insurance company for a stiff neck suffered in a car accident?
I was a passenger in a car accident two weeks ago. My only injury is a stiff neck. The insurance company of the at-fault driver has offered me $500 to settle. Should I accept it or fight for more (for example, by threatening to sue)? Should I see a doctor and bill the insurance company for that, even though I wouldn't normally see a doctor for this injury? I'm not really concerned about the seriousness of the injury; the pain will probably go away eventually. I just want to get the amount of money I deserve.""
Need the names of insurance companies for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks?
Need the names of insurance companies for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks?
How can i finance a car and pay insurance? help?
hi, im an 18 year old student, i work part-time and make around 400-500 a month after tax. im looking to buy a car (doesnt have to be brand new) for less than 4k and insurance is ...show more""
I have a a term life insurance calculator?
I have a term life insurance calculator, i want to place the link in to other sites which are relevant to term life insurance. Can any one please suggest me list of those sites which are relevant to term life insurance or any article or blogs site which belongs to an individual person and is relevant to life insurance. Please provide me only US site. thanks""
""Cheap Home Insurance Companies Orlando, Florida?
I used to be insured by Homewise Home Insurance but for some reason they cannot longer insured me and they are transferring me to another insurance company when my renewal comes around and increasing my premium by close to $300. I need to know right away the cheapest home insurance companies in Orlando... help..
""Motorcycle Accident, i have no insurance, can i sue?""
I was driving home from work, on my motorcycle, i dont have a moto license or insurance (i do have a regular license) this dude runs a red light and i end up crashing into him, breaking my left femur and fracturing my left arm. i still have a case right?""
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where can i get cheap car insurance? I'm now 18, and I did use to drive a 1.2 Renault Clio, but I had to sell it, because the insurance was so high. I've been looking at other cars with small engines, and I have been using price comparison sites, but the cheapest quote I ever got was 3000 (and have done Pass Plus too!!) Is there any way to make insurance cheaper, or is there any insurance companies, that specialise insurance for young drivers with Pass Plus? And is there any other ways to make quotes cheaper? Please help :)""
How much does insurance increase for a teen with an old car?
I was doing some research to buy my own car. I wanted either a 1976 dodge Monaco or a 1989 Chevy caprice. My question is, if I am 17 years old and I had this car, what is a rough estimate of how much my dads insurance will increase? I figure old cars and young drivers don't mix well but I need to know. Also, I have never gotten in any accident or received any tickets and I don't even remember the last time my parents crashed or got a ticket if that helps. Shanks""
Transferring van insurance to car?
can u transfer van insurance to a car in republic of ireland
Made a mistake on previous car insurance?
I'm worried about changing insurance companies as I forgot to tell previous insuraure about 3 points I have. What will the new insurance company say about the situation? Should I ring my old insurance company and explain? But the insurance has expired thanks
quality quote insurance
quality quote insurance
I bought a stolen car and the insurance company offered me to buy again at a high price?
I bought a Audi 05 reg for 13k privatley that turned out to be stolen. The insurance company have now offered me 15k a ridiculous amount of money to buy it again, that they say is non negotiable. Does anyone know if I can get it cheaper maybe the insurance company is trying it on as they know I want it, or shall i let it go to auction and try and buy it back then.""
Car road tax and insurance costs?
Can anyone direct me to a website which will tell me the insurance group or cars. Also one which will tell me how much road tax per year. Looking to buy a car but would like an idea of these costs first. Looking at a Honda Civic se executive... 1600cc... 2003 model.
What is a cheap good health insurance company in CA?
hi im 15 years old and i need health insurance for sports and i also need doctor check ups and dental maybe even eye check ups, my parents and i cannot find a company that is cheap and just for me. what is a cheap but good company to go with for health insurance in california?""
How much would insurance be on a hummer?
A hummer h2 2003 and up. I live in tennessee, and am 16. Parents use state farm. I have never had a car so i have a clean drive record. Its a used hummer, just give me some guessing please""
Subaru wrx insurance !!?
first of all I'm 20 about to turn 21 in december and I'm currently looking at purchasing a 2009 or 2010 subaru wrx i called to get a quote and they told me id be paying 460 a month! with no accidents no tickets and i got my license at age 18. so i got another quote under my dads information and it dropped significantly to 68 dollars. i was wondering if this would be okay to do because id buy the car and he would be insured as the primary driver of the vehicle and I'm not sure the legality of this oh I'm in sunny san diego california btw!! so basically can i buy the car and have my dad under the insurance I'm on his plan but for another car not my future wrx thanks for your help!!!
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?? everything is so catch 22?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres insurance for me while i have my learners permit?""
A way to make health insurance premiums to go down.?
To make it affordable we have to come up with a no-profit system for health insurance companies. Since that would never happen, due to our capitalist economy. I would suggest the ...show more""
Classic car insurance for new drivers?
Hello. Can you get classic car insurance for a new just test passed driver. If the car is say a 1.1 escort or similar and the driver is over 30 years old? or is it verboten until at least 2 years have passed driving with normal insurance? Thankyou.
Cheap motorbikes to insure?
19 just passed my bike test wat a get a big bike and insure it with restriction 33 bhp. im looking at the GPZ 500 S , but there all far away , insurance for third party is 496. a year. Any one know any 250-750cc engine motorbikes that are cheap around 500-1000, and are chear to insure, i wanted the kawasaki ninja 250, but 2008 year is 1750 and the insurance is over 750. a year. to dear for me, so any idea's please let me know! thanks.""
What is the best car insurance?
im 18 i just bought my car and now i need insurance what is the cheapest insurance out there for a guy of my age?
Can I claim for mechanical faults on my fully comp car insurance?
My car set on fire whilst I was driving it & as a result is a write off. My insurer is refusing to pay up as they claim its a mechanical fault. Is there anything I can do? Please help.
Car Insurance Question? Price?
I'm going to be turning 18 on July 14th 2009, and I was wondering what the cost of insurance would be if I got a used 2003 or 2004 Nissan 350z. I got my license April 08, and have had no crashes or anything. I plan on going to college, but a community college for the first 2 years then going to a 4 year college. Any ideas? I mean the price for this one is only 13,000 and it's a good deal.""
After getting a speeding ticket how much does your insurance increase on average?
After getting a speeding ticket how much does your insurance increase on average?
Am I paying a reasonable amount for car insurance?
I am 21 listed under my parents insurance with Progressive. I got my license at 16, and have no tickets, but one accident that was a no-fault to me. I am currently paying 120 dollars. ...show more""
How much is car insurance for a....?
28 year old first time driver in a BMW 3 series?
Will one accident and citation make ur car insurance go up?If so how much?
Im a 23 yr old guy and ive only been insured for a month, will my insurance rate go up immediantly?If so,how much?""
Insurance companys are evil?
So my dad is a very involved liberal democrat. We both really like obama (for the most part) and we've been invited to some protest down in Washington DC about how insurance companys are evil and need to change the way they do things. Which i'm excited about, i've never been to washington and it sounds fun. But the problem is.. i dont know very much about how insurance even works. I'm only eighteen, i've never had to deal with it before. I know a little, but since i'm young, its mostly just from the daily show. which is a crappy way to base any opinions i have off of. I'm more informed than most 18 year olds, but i'd still like to know more, if i end up going to this thing. So, can anyone explain to me why they're evil and what needs to change? Id ask my dad but he never shuts up once you get him started..""
""Thinking about buying individual health insurance in georgia, 22 years old?""
in the beginning of feb my dad passed away so i they dropped coverage on 2/28. i get health insurance through my employer but it isn't good. can i still apply online for individual health insurance even though i can get insurance through my employer? i plan on quitting in two months so i figure it would save me the hassle if i get individual health care now. i have asthma and need medicine regularly/monthly. i'm planning on going on vacation in the summer and then when i get back, i plan to get a job with health benefits, so i would only need insurance until then. would that be considered short term (now-august/september)? does the price differ from short term and long term health insurance? i was looking up some plans online and i was thinking of applying for this one. http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/ifp/plan-details?planKey=3002:200067&productLine=IFP&noSelectedPlan=true&ifpUIState.planDetailsBackUrl=/ifp/all-plans so what this means is that i pay 115 dollars a month and since there is no separate prescription deductible, i can buy my prescriptions which is tier 2/3 for the copay only. also there is a 2500 maximum out of pocket for my part. right? and is this a good plan for me? im 22 and dont smoke/drink and live in georgia, my only health concern is that i have asthma. can they reject my application because i have asthma and that's a pre-existing condition? and when i get a job with health benefits i can just cancel this or is there a contract that states i have to be with them for a certain amount of time? thank you very much for your time!""
Will it be cheaper to pay the $1000 fine for not having insurance then to purchase insurance?
There is no incentive to buy insurance...just a whip if you don't. Maybe a small example; Dude and his girlfriend, who voted for Obama, are a young couple living in an apartment. They own an old car that they are always trying to keep running and Dude has bounced off of a couple of jobs while his girlfriend is looking for a part-time that she can hold on to. They can't afford the payments on a new car or health insurance. Dude gets a new job but time is running out. It's coming up on tax return time and they NEED that f'n money! But it's too late...they are going to lose the whole tax return to fines now and will owe more for the fines than the tax returns were going to be anyway...so they buy insurance and wonder how they are going to pay the rent, much less eat.""
How much can you lie while obtaining new auto insurance?
I'd like to know... Whenever you're trying to obtain new auto insurance they take your driver's license number & social security number.. You'd think that they could look up any tickets/accidents you've gotten into. BUT, why do they ask? If you forget an incident, will they find out? This is coming from a 21 year old who was already paying $1,200 over 6 months for insurance and was involved in an rear-end collision doing 15 in congestion on the interstate, now my premium is $2000 for 6 months.""
""The most basic and cheapest insurance available, forget what it's called?""
There's a type of insurance for mostly minors or people who deal with used cars that are cheap etc, rarely driven, traded often, and it's called ______ I forget, and it only entitles you to be insured against law suits if the other person is injured. Real crappy insurance right? I'm starting to trade cars but some will need to be driven to shops and stuff like that. In my state MICHIGAN, you need to have insurance BEFORE you register, which sucks for me. For example, I am about to buy a piece of crap 500 dollar Chevy Cavalier and I need to most basic insurance, I just forget the term for this. I don't want to get a huge big policy for a car that will be driven probably less then 50 miles in it's time that I have it.""
Insurance... please help?
Someone I know is 76 years old and is working as an employee at a small business. Can the owner of the small business get insurance to cover him? If not, any other suggestions?""
Car insurance for teenagers?
Im 18 and I own a used car. Never a trouble maker. I have a part time job. I want to know what insurance I can get for my car that is affordable.
Car insurance price? ?
I am nearly 16 and looking at cars. I was wondering what a ballpark cost would be for me to get a 2000 to 2002 mustang GT. I know the V8 will make it more. I will be 16, a boy, I have a 3.5 GPA.""
Does blue cross blue shield cover accutane?
So tomorrow i am going to get accutane if my insurance covers it. I have Blue cross blue shield of ga and the blue choice option through the TJX companies (my mothers work). it says on my insurance card medical coPays, $20 office visit, and $100 ER. Does this Blue cross blue shield cover accutane?""
quality quote insurance
quality quote insurance
Cheap car insurance with dui in california?
i know drinking and driving was dumb and dont drink anymore for a year. i need car insurance where can i find the best deal something cheap for a whole year for liabilty for my shitty car.
Is medicare considered good health insurance?
how good is medicare compared to an average health insurance plan?
Can anybody Reccomend a good online insurance company for a Cagiva Mito 125?
I have been looking around for a low insurance rate for my Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, does any Mito owners know of a good insurer for that bike and how much did you pay?""
My Insurance Company Want Me To Buy My Car Back!?
I had Learners insurance out with Collingwood Learners. I had a crash and have excepted responsability. They have now inspected my car and decided it is beyond economical repair, but a garage I know can fix it for me! My Insurance company have asked that I send in my Vehicle Registration Document as well as the most recent MOT Test Certificate and also the Service History Book! They have told me they will value my car and then pay me the price they believe it to be worth, They will take the 350.00 excess from this also and then I can choose to buy my car back from them at whatever they value it to be! Is there a way around this where I wont lose my car for example refusing a payment from them or something? Please help me I'm new to this all! Thanks""
Insurance for mitsoubishi rvr import?
Am trying to find an insurance company who will give me a good insurance price on the above car.It is a 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey import.My present company charging the earth because they say it is group19 sports car.Is down on the reg document as an estate!""
How many questions are on the California Fire and Casualty insurance exam?
I am currently attending online classes at AD Banker for Fire and Casualty insurance. Does anyone have any idea how many questions are on the state exam?
""Car insurance, how much?""
how much would full-cover car insurance cost for a cadillac luxury coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about for a 2014 Nissan 370z?""
What is a cheap insurance company for teens in washington?
Im 17 and I just started driveing and I have to be on my own insurance, what is the cheapest insurance that I can use thanks for any info""
What kind of coverage do I need for my motorcycle insurance during storage months? It has a lien on it.?
What do I need and what can I take off from my coverage during the winter months when I store and not riding it? It has a lien on it so obviously I need to keep some coverage. A friend to me I need to keep the full coverage. Is this true?
Need help finding affordable health insurance for a 1 year old baby boy in Nebraksa or Iowa?
Please help
Why do some insurance agencies consider the subaru impreza wrx sti a 4 door family car and others a sports car?
ive seen multiple people saying in reviews on the 2004 subaru impreza wrx sti that there insurance company considers it a 4 door family car so there insurance is alot cheaper and others whos insurance company considers it a sports car and they pay more.
I want to get an insurance quote and i have a DUI?
I need to get an insurance quote but i have a DUI (reduced to a reckless driving) i have a terrible driving record I was born Nov.12 1989 do you think that would make my insurance quotes higher?
""Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
First Time Insurance?
i have just bought a 1998 fiat punto and would like to insure it.... i am going under my dads policy i have my test next month so i am looking fo a provisional insurance for a month and then change it ... i am not finding any insurance that is a cheap enough budget for me i am living in the uk ??? and good insurace out there ???
I'm not gay but need health insurance?
In my state (ct) my boyfriend can not add me to his health insurance policy because we are not a homosexual couple. We live together and have for a long time, but because we have the option of getting married I can't have coverage. While I am happy that Ct takes homosexual relationships into account, I feel heterosexuals are being discriminated against. We are not religious and in no hurry to marry- we are very happy. Any thoughts on the legalities here or how to get around this?""
""What are the best cars that are cheap to insure, low on tax (highest band D), and quite fast?
This is for my first car 17 year old. Thanks
""Does anybody know of the cheapest car insurance company in Hamilton, Ontario?""
Getting car insurance these days is getting ridiculous...I've gotten quotes for $500, etc. but there has to be something cheaper out there. I'm getting an old car, so just basic insurance would be fine, so I can legally drive. Does anybody know of the cheapest car insurance company in Hamilton, Ontario?""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with an SUV?
im thinking about getting a 1998 Chevy Tahoe for my first car but i dont know how much the insurance would be and i have my JOL license
Car insurance for a 21 year old?
Im 21 years old. living in the uk. i pay 1,2500 a year on a citron Zara Picasso im 2nd driver as my mum is 1st driver. iv been driving since January 2010, i have done pass plus too, i am looking to get a car so i can get cheap insurance. my mate pays 800 a year hes been driving for 3 years, he drives a ford KA.""
Is this the only way I can get cheaper car insurance at 17?
Have my mam as the main driver on my car and add myself as a driver, my mam has 6 years no claims bonus and i've only just passed my test.""
Can I apply for California Unemployment Insurance?
i was working two jobs, and part time permanent position, and a full time temp position. i was layed off of my part time permanent position. i am still working full time at my temp postition, but at times i don't work that position for a couple weeks at a time. can i apply for edd now so when i have those weeks off i can claim edd. or do i need to wait until i have those weeks off and then claim i was layed off from my permanent job?""
Car insurance?
Car insurance company's do they make you angry!!!!?
My car insurance compnay (Hastings Direct ) dont use them there sh!t, anyway on the 22nd april I asked for them to send my Insurance certificate as I only had a temp one that ran out 2 weeks before the date I needed to tax my car wich was 31-5-06, but i never got it so I rang again on the 25th of may and they said there sorry but forgot to send it in april & said we will sent it today . still not got it and my car tax ran out on 31st! rang again today and asked were the hell is my insurance certificate .. there reply oh it must of got lost in post we will send it out today!! how bad is that!!! has this or anything like this happen to you.? if so what compnay s I know not to move to them""
How can i get cheap motorbike insurance? UK?
im 19 years of age just passed my test and my insurance is going up by like 30-40 pound, it should be going down! and then there charging me 50 to change policy! haha 80-90 pound stupid. and im already paying 350 a year for third party!! on a honda 125 vararedo with 1 year no claim bonus!! when people are paying 50-100 a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked building. got alarms locks data tag!?""
Would a Jeep Cherokee cost a lot to insure?
I want a Jeep cherokee for my firs car. My parents are telling me the insurance is extremely higher because jeeps are dangerous, is this right? (compared to a sedan of some sort) thanks!""
quality quote insurance
quality quote insurance
0 notes
wosaegeansea · 7 years
Responses To Jury
Dan Hi Dan, my favorite color is red!
Daisy Hey Daisy, your vote off was more just about path of least resistance while also creating the best chance of someone winning a challenge against Drew. The path of least resistance part is because my goal final 5 after the Dani vote was Aqua/Jaze/Lexi/You/Myself because I felt I had the most control over what would have happened while having a strong shot at immunity. When Drew won immunity I truly believed taking you out would help ensure at some point Drew would lose immunity which he did the next round.
Your second part of your question was about me saying it "saved" you and several others. This is simply me not being able to explain things if I'm being honest. I should have said "forced drew to work with us, which would strengthen our alliance and help protect Steven and Lexi and Dani and Daisy." I cannot type or write to save my life, so again I'm sorry.
Now for compliments! (I'll do this in jury order) 1. Adrian: I truly admire your confidence in yourself and your ability to speak your mind regardless of where you are in the game. I usually try and refrain myself in tribe chats unless I am being spoken to or about and I think it's nice to see something different. 2. Dan: You seem very smart and dedicated to your studies. I have always struggled with school and every time someone has good attendance and always is studying is something I try to be more like. 3. Bodhi: You seem super energetic and like someone who is always willing to have a conversation/someone to go to IHOP with at 2:30 in the morning. 4. Karen: You are one of the few people in this community that has the respect of everyone and always seem to remain calm and try to treat others well (somethin you need to teach me to improve) 5. Steven: You are one of the nicest people I have met in this community and someone I'm proud to call a friend of mine. I really value our friendship here and irl. 6. Dani: You are one of the wildest people I've ever met and are beyond entertaining even if you keep calling me bobo the clown > : ( 7. Daisy: You are someone I truly didn't have much interaction with before this game and didn't know what to expect. I think you are extremely nice and funny, it seemed you always chiped in at the right moment in a conversation or had something smart to add/clarify 8. Drew: you are truly like the godfather of this community, no one dislikes you, you do amazing in games, and you somehow put up with all my shit. I'm sorry I can't spell or type or act like a normal human being but somehow you are smart enough (or maybe just have enough restraint) to deal with me and it does mean a lot to me. 9. Lexi: Lexi aka the Empress of India, coming into the game you were someone I was actually frightened to be on a tribe with after watching how well you did. You are a vary caring and genuine person, I felt whenever we would talk you were always straight up with me and that is very uncommon in games.
Dani Oh hello. I may be bobo the clown but I somehow still clowned ur ass honk honk! You should vote for me because I believe even though I didn't play a "honest/kind game" I still believe I played a strong game. I used alliances to further myself, which is the point of an alliance. Every non game related conversation I had was genuine. I played this game to win and I spoke to people to make friends. I don't see why they have to be mutually exclusive.
Adrian Hey Adrian! Well first I am going to apologize to you. I am sorry for voting you out and betraying you. I always try and separate personal relationships from games, which is something most don't accept/understand. I play games to have fun and sometime the odds aren’t in someone's favor and sometimes they aren’t in mine. I stook my neck out for you during the Lexi vote not because i thought it would necessarily help my game, but because you were my friend and hopefully still are. I voted Karen because i didn’t want to vote for either you or bodhi that round because i liked both of you. During the revote i voted you out because i needed to ensure trust in an alliance. If i played this game based on who I liked the most this would not be who I would be sitting next to at the end because I’m closer to others in this game. I hope for your vote, not because im your friend, but as a competitor and because of the game I played. Between the 2 others, i truly believe i played the best game.
Bodhi Okay so i didn't answer the other one’s as a rhyme because i just did them as they were sent so to make it up Imma write you a rhyme about Kansas!
Hey I live in Kansas, i hope this isn’t too corny Hopefully you like this, more than you love your porn(y) Hopefully voting for me, isn’t too thorny If you vote for me, I’ll make you some forni
Continents= 6
lexi Hi Lexi, so I will just start off with an apology again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for flipping on you when you were loyal and betraying your trust. I hadn't planned on it until the moment I told you. All day I was thinking about what to do and I made my decision and I know it upset you and again I'm sorry.
Now for you question, I think the point of an alliance is for the betterment of each individual member of said alliance. But just because you have a majority alliance doesn't necessarily mean you are in the best spot in the game. I play these games to have fun, meet new people, and to try and win. And if I don't like my position in a game I will try and change my position by any means necessary. I won't sit here and spew how I played a noble and honorable game and that I never told a lie because that isn't the truth. I played this game hard from the moment it started and played it as best as I could. That's what should earn me your jury vote. I tried in every challenge, I spoke to everyone and tried to work with everyone, and I made moves that others didn't or wouldn't. I burned some bridges along the way yes, but hopefully a internet game won't be the final nail in a coffin of a genuine friendship.
Drew I'm going to explain by using kangaroo gifs. https://68.media.tumblr.com/33290ec73267c0563fea6ce612345b5d/tumblr_nunu8xYBxC1ues38qo1_500.gif this is you in this game. Everyone likes you and wants to pet you. https://68.media.tumblr.com/332560eb43a673806ba9f5a767d684ac/tumblr_oksptqkgJs1tfmrz4o1_400.gif that is our relationship. https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7qE5866bLg4VKabe/giphy.gif I kept trying to find a time to take you out before we finally aligned but I simply couldn't catch you https://68.media.tumblr.com/8098664402692064cf1535c093c60103/tumblr_onqfgkWwbI1v1iw1co1_400.gif https://68.media.tumblr.com/6665f4c8202b214671d3003937caa700/tumblr_odyvk8k9qL1v1frjoo1_250.gif and then we became allies. https://68.media.tumblr.com/88c452e8492eda108d743cae730f10e4/tumblr_no280p5GBY1rz1st5o1_500.gif We were the head hanchos but it was clear I was the Jackie because everyone dislikes me but like you https://media.tenor.com/images/7d8f2524a4c9e30e1b93bb9723e30b55/tenor.gif So I had to lie in wait for the opportunity to strike https://media.tenor.com/images/b8393cced8739e24459414e897579497/tenor.gif And finally found it at final 5.
Karen Hi Karen so this will a rather long answer but I truly hope you read it all. So I will just start off with the aspect of my nonexistent social game. I am not a "hello, how are you?" kind of person. In real life or on here. It's simply not who I am. If someone wants to tell me about their day I am all ears but I simply don't ask because I just assume if they want to talk about it then they will. And this isn't the case with everyone but that is me irl and here. If I am going to talk to you on here about nongame things then that is me trying my best to get to know someone. That's why I know about where people live and the schools they go to and the jobs they have and if they like their state and ect. I don't think, and never will claim, to have a strong social game, but I try my best.
I said this in my answer for another jury question; but I don't believe our jury responses have been released yet, My desired final 3 was Steven, Dani, and myself. Steven and Dani I get along with both socially and game wise and are people I felt comfortable going to the end with knowing they both were playing good games. When Dani got Steven voted out I realized I needed a new game plan and when I assessed the people left I saw several goats, and that's when I decided to try and bring 2 goats to the end. I don't believe I could have beaten drew or a few others at the end, so it was my best shot.
I agree with you that my gameplay wasn't amazing, it wasn't clean cut, and it wasn't very nice to my friends. I truly believe Drew played the best game this season and had he made it to the end he would deserve to win over everyone including myself. I think I played the best between the three, but I wont claim I played the best game this season no.
To you, and everyone else on the jury that I have hurt I am truly sorry. There isn't much more I can say other then I am deeply sorry for hurting you all, most of which I consider to be my friends. I didn't intend to upset/hurt y'all, and I hope for anyone that is upset that you will accept my apology.
Daisy: Why would you ask a question when you know very well, no matter how I answer, you will not change your mind? Also, you were good at getting bad scores in tribal stage and not leaving.
Dani: Hey love. If I'm going to be honest, which I will since I keep it real, no. I can't. I was a fucking leech. Other people's power was my power. If one person dropped, I moved to another. I was a leech.
Adrian: Of course it faltered, especially when I caught ear of him wanting me out over Aqua. I figured that he would be gunning for my tiny alliance of three, and after the tribal council where Dani and I used the conjoined vote, I knew I should've suggested Seamus. Maybe then I would've had an actual move. I wanted to go back in time and tell Dani "Can we flip on Seamuck?". I proceeded to vote him at the Dani elimination. I had to trust him at final four, since he was my only chance of getting here. In short, yes, my loyalty to Seamus faltered for a small time near the end.
Bohdi: idk how to rhyme im bad at rapping and also there are either as many continents as you want due to the definition, large landmasses separated from each other by water, being very vague, so technically, if you think its large, it can be a continent to you
Lexi: I never spoke to you since I never thought you would be useful to my game. Plain and simple. In this game, I didn't find you valuable. I'm sure you are a lovely person irl though.
Dan: I am not one for initiating conversation, since I feel like a burden often. Also, EVERY time you initiated a conversation with me, AKA: twice, I responded and had a brief conversation with you. So don't go around libeling my name, when I made effort. Zero effort would be me not responding to you at all.
Steven: Vanilla. I also really like Wedding Cake and Orange Sorbet.
Drew: ,
Karen: Hey! Nice to see you too! Aren't you a bundle of joy? Sorry you feel that way, but I'm not sorry because I can't sympathize with irrelevant people! Have fun, sweaty!
Per request I will answer all of my questions in rhymes This will be worse than the most violent of crimes
I got asked how many continents there are by a man in heaven So I responded with “There are seven”
Dani is someone I was close with in this game Her elimination was a shame We were friends since the first day Now she is in the jury to my dismay I am friends with a man named Drew We made up from last season and our friendship grew He won a lot of challenges in the merge Therefore he fell victim to the purge
I cared about this game a lot Even though most of the times I remained quiet in thought I hope my rhymes can show that I cared Because I would hate for my effort to go unshared
I’m sorry that I never spoke to you I didn’t want it to look like I avoided you like the flu You weren’t someone who looked like I could trust At the end of the day, our relationship in game was unfortunately a bust If you don’t want to vote me that's fine I already know the win isn’t mine
I wanted to keep him for a vote on my side When we spoke to each other we never lied I was very scared when people wanted me gone So I needed a potential vote I could call on Many members on the jury say that he is a liar So now those votes I may acquire
Adrian I’m glad that I got to meet you in this game, you are 100% the opposite of lame Bodhi I think that you’re really funny guy, your Karen vote made me cry. Daisy You were someone who I had a great time talking to, you never made me feel blue Dan I never really got to meet you, but it would be cool to chill out with you at a barbecue Dani You’re a really amazing friend, you will always be someone on which I can Depend Drew You were by far the best player on this season, not voting you to win would have been like treason Karen One thing I like about you is that you’re always real. Your cat cookie is sweet like Cinnamon Oatmeal Lexi You rejoined the game after leaving early, however you definitely proved yourself of being worthy. Steven I never got to know you very well, but from when we did talk you seemed swell.
One thing that I did that had a lasting impact Was when I voted out Karen to counteract All of the supposed votes that were against me However those votes never came to be
For this question I cannot Rhyme I’m sorry Bodhi, don’t treat it like a crime
Now, From the time that you left, there were a few things that I did. I never really had a role in anything until the Karen vote. The Karen vote was good for my game for two reasons. 1, It took out an ally of someone who was bringing my name up, and 2, it decreased the target on my back and put it on Seamus as most people saw him as the person controlling it. When my votes didn’t appear, it looked like he was a liar, etc. Bur anyways, First Dani told me I was getting votes from Drew. Immediately I knew that Karen, Steven, Daisy, and Lexi would all have majority if Drew got them on board. So Seamus and Dani both said that we could use our Double votes to counteract it.
[7/10/2017 6:58:13 PM] Aqua Orcal: Do you want to vote off Karen? [7/10/2017 7:10:28 PM] jaze (PBB3[J]/Aegean Sea[M]): Yes
[7/10/2017 6:52:12 PM] Host Charlotte: Drew wants to vote you off [7/10/2017 6:52:44 PM] Aqua Orcal: So that's why I haven't heard jack [7/10/2017 6:53:53 PM] Host Charlotte: It's okay [7/10/2017 6:53:58 PM] Host Charlotte: We're gonna use our double votes [7/10/2017 6:54:18 PM] Aqua Orcal: Yeah [7/10/2017 6:54:28 PM] Aqua Orcal: Seamus and I are using ours [7/10/2017 6:54:37 PM] Host Charlotte: Who are you guys voting off [7/10/2017 6:54:58 PM] Aqua Orcal: Seamus said Karen [7/10/2017 6:55:03 PM] Host Charlotte: Perfect [7/10/2017 6:55:05 PM] Aqua Orcal: At this point it's better than me [7/10/2017 6:55:37 PM] Host Charlotte: Talk to jaze [7/10/2017 7:05:05 PM] Host Charlotte: You might need to use your advantage to stay [7/10/2017 7:05:22 PM] Host Charlotte: Just make sure to talk to Jaze [7/10/2017 7:05:30 PM] Aqua Orcal: How so [7/10/2017 7:05:39 PM] Aqua Orcal: I can only use it against rewards [7/10/2017 7:05:47 PM] Host Charlotte: Cuz if they use their double vote [7/10/2017 7:06:13 PM] Aqua Orcal: Who still has it? [7/10/2017 7:06:19 PM] Host Charlotte: I'm not sure [7/10/2017 7:09:23 PM] Aqua Orcal: You need to talk to jaze in your pair chat and make sure that you both vote Karen [7/10/2017 7:10:01 PM] Aqua Orcal: Drew and Lexi still have their vote [7/10/2017 7:14:58 PM] Aqua Orcal: Jaze told me he would [7/10/2017 7:21:03 PM] Host Charlotte: Drew is voting for u [7/10/2017 7:21:58 PM] Aqua Orcal: So I'm assuming that he has Daisy Karen and Lexi [7/10/2017 7:22:22 PM] Aqua Orcal: And Possibly Steven [7/10/2017 7:22:58 PM] Host Charlotte: No it's official [7/10/2017 7:23:01 PM] Host Charlotte: We have the votes [7/10/2017 7:23:23 PM] Aqua Orcal: Who else is voting with us? [7/10/2017 7:24:02 PM] Host Charlotte: It's gonna be 6-5 [7/10/2017 7:24:04 PM] Host Charlotte: We're good [7/10/2017 7:25:36 PM] Aqua Orcal: So everyone else is voting against me? [7/10/2017 7:26:30 PM] Host Charlotte: Probably
[7/10/2017 12:51:07 AM] Aqua Orcal: Hey [7/10/2017 12:51:21 AM] Seamus: HEY! [7/10/2017 12:51:29 AM] Aqua Orcal: What do you want to do with the votes this round? [7/10/2017 12:54:24 AM] Seamus: I am not sure yet, why did u have an idea in mind? [7/10/2017 12:55:02 AM] Aqua Orcal: I was asking you because I don't know what to do either [7/10/2017 12:57:10 AM] Seamus: let me ask around and see the general vibeeee [7/10/2017 4:01:26 PM] Seamus: I'm kinda nervous bc no one is talking to me [7/10/2017 4:01:32 PM] Seamus: if u hear my name please let me know [7/10/2017 5:23:03 PM] Aqua Orcal: No one is talking to me either [7/10/2017 5:42:48 PM] Seamus: do u care who goes home this vote? [7/10/2017 6:53:22 PM] Aqua Orcal: Well Drew wants to vote me out [7/10/2017 6:53:39 PM] Seamus: correct, would u be down to blindside Karen? [7/10/2017 6:53:55 PM] Seamus: u me dani jaze, plus 2 double votes [7/10/2017 6:54:04 PM] Aqua Orcal: Yeah I'm cool with that [7/10/2017 6:54:50 PM] Seamus: what score did u submit for the challenge [7/10/2017 6:55:22 PM] Aqua Orcal: 17,000 ish [7/10/2017 6:55:35 PM] Aqua Orcal: Ik Karen is being randomized because she didn't do it [7/10/2017 6:55:52 PM] Seamus: oh Karen didn't do it? neither did daisy phew [7/10/2017 6:56:14 PM] Aqua Orcal: Oh good [7/10/2017 6:59:53 PM] Seamus: (chuckle) this is what drew gets for gunning for us [7/10/2017 7:00:01 PM] Seamus: too bad its not him tonight hehe [7/10/2017 7:00:33 PM] Aqua Orcal: Yup c: [7/10/2017 7:00:49 PM] Seamus: but if one of us beats him next time then :D [7/10/2017 7:06:23 PM] Aqua Orcal: Yup [7/10/2017 7:06:49 PM] Aqua Orcal: Are you/me/dani/jaze the only people using double votes? [7/10/2017 7:06:58 PM] Aqua Orcal: Or who can [7/10/2017 7:07:33 PM] Seamus: lexi and drew have one but they wont know this is coming hehe [7/10/2017 7:07:55 PM] Aqua Orcal: If they use theirs against me I'l flip [7/10/2017 7:08:02 PM] Seamus: isdnfnsdif [7/10/2017 7:08:16 PM] Seamus: the only person we need to worry about ratting our plan out is jaze [7/10/2017 7:08:25 PM] Seamus: like if we get him to vote Karen we r good [7/10/2017 10:26:11 PM] Seamus: We did it!!! [7/10/2017 10:26:27 PM] Aqua Orcal: Yesss! [7/10/2017 10:26:41 PM] Aqua Orcal: Tbh it was kinda underwhelming because they are messy af [7/10/2017 10:27:03 PM] Aqua Orcal: But at least we have enough communication skills to execute a plan [7/10/2017 10:29:06 PM] Seamus: ^^^^
I also secured myself and Jaze a spot in the final two by securing seamus’ vote for Lexi [7/25/2017 12:03:40 AM] jaze (PBB3[J]/Aegean Sea[M]): we need to vote lexi... [7/25/2017 12:17:53 AM] Aqua Orcal: Yeah I'm down with that [7/25/2017 12:18:01 AM] Aqua Orcal: I'm trying to get seamus to do the same [7/25/2017 12:18:10 AM] jaze (PBB3[J]/Aegean Sea[M]): alrighty
[7/24/2017 11:03:50 PM] Aqua Orcal: You won [7/24/2017 11:03:55 PM] Aqua Orcal: Congrats [7/24/2017 11:04:27 PM] Seamus: :d <3 thanks! [7/24/2017 11:05:41 PM] Aqua Orcal: You got first in everything and I got second in everything lol [7/24/2017 11:21:44 PM] Seamus: icons only do well in challenges :D [7/24/2017 11:22:30 PM] Aqua Orcal: Yup! [7/24/2017 11:49:28 PM] Seamus: so what do u think for le vote [7/24/2017 11:54:42 PM] Aqua Orcal: I'd say Lexi [7/24/2017 11:54:54 PM] Aqua Orcal: I think she has more connections than Jaze [7/25/2017 12:22:51 AM] Aqua Orcal: I talked to Jaze and he is voting for Lexi [7/25/2017 10:04:04 PM] Seamus: I voted Lexi [7/25/2017 10:04:17 PM] Aqua Orcal: Alright [7/25/2017 10:04:24 PM] Aqua Orcal: Lexi should have 3 votes then
I know that Drew was the one who brought my name up You were only a victim of my blowup Since you were someone who was close with drew Drew could not be voted out so I had to settle with you
Seamus was a close ally of mine But our relationship wasn’t my only lifeline Dani and Jaze were two people who I was close to We voted together so our games would not go askew I made friends from back when we were on Tribes So going into merge I hoped to had positive vibes With those I could at least scope out a majority That way I would not leave, which would have been a pity (For me at least)
Drew and Dani did not ask me questions The only word that rhymes with that is suggestions
Now the jury, please send in your votes!
0 notes