#unified galaxy family au
I need more angsty Illusion headcanons in the Unified Galaxy Fam Au 🙏
To anyone out there brainstorming angst for this unified family: do you have any ideas you would like to torture anon and I with?
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Something Done To Change It: The Skywalkers
The Force’s chosen family itself within my AU. This isn’t including the Lars or Organa families (or Chewie, unfortunately), as it’s nearly long enough as is.
Without further ado, Shatterpoint Theaters presents, the Skywalker Dramatis Personae:
Generation 1
Shmi Skywalker-(72 bby-22 bby)-The Matriarch herself, spacer turned slave, first of her name.
The Force itself
Cliegg Lars
Generation 2
Anakin Skywalker-(41 bby-21 aby)-The Chosen One, The Betrayed, The Nemesis, Vader, his sins absolved only by his panic.
Padme Naberrie-(46 bby-19 bby)-The Queen Amidala, Angel of Varykino, defender of democracy, cut down by Palpatine from a galaxy away.
Generation 3
Luke Skywalker-(19 bby-?)-The Last Old Jedi, the First New Jedi. Grandmaster of the New Jedi, lover of history, droids, piloting, and teaching. Still feels like he’s constantly flying by the seat of his pants. Knows what he’s looking for when he finds it, which can be...frustrating.
Mara Jade Skywalker-(18 bby-?)-Imperial Agent turned runaway defector, turned trader, turned Jedi Master with an alarming amount of underworld contacts.
Leia Organa-(19 bby-?)-Queen of the Alderaan Diaspora, Senator and ex-Chancellor of the New Republic. Stubborn and principled defender of Democracy, Jedi “dabbler”. Tends to overwork, but calls Luke a hypocrite when he points it out.
Han Solo Organa-(29 bby-?)-Fastest gun and pilot in the Rim. Ex-smuggler and current trophy husband. Took his surname from an old Corellian king. Only nerfherder Leia ever touched.
Generation 4
Jaina Solo-(5 aby-?)-Sword of the Jedi, Bane of the Sith, Pilot, Mechanic, Leader. Badass extraordinaire, yet would trade it all for the ability to keep her family safe. Afraid of being the last of her family standing, and possessing an indomitable desire to fix things and help people.
None-Jaina here is a real spACE case! (Shut up Jacen!)
Jacen Organa Solo-(5 aby-27 aby)-Oldest son of Leia and Han. Horrible joker, avid nature lover, prospective trophy husband. A unique connection with the Living Force, one that treats Jacen’s untimely death against the Yuuzhan Vong as an annoyance.
Tenel Ka Djo-(4 aby-?)-Daughter of the Singing Mountain Witches of Dathomir and Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium. All around badass.
Anakin Organa-(9 aby-?)-Youngest child of Leia and Han, Heir of New Alderaan, aspirant Jedi turned Senator of the New Republic. The mechanic, the swordsmaster who hated fighting, the leader traumatized by the losses of their failures.
Tahiri Veila (It’s complicated)-(10 aby-?)-Raised by Tuskens, taught by Luke Skywalker himself, withstood the Embrace of Pain and soon to be Jedi Master. All around badass (Skywalkers have a type, okay?)
Obi Wan “Ben” Skywalker-(14 aby-?)-First son of Luke and Mara, expert Lightsaber combatant, sassmaster in the vein of his mother, dealing with his father’s mid-life “eccentricities”.
Vestara “Rey” Khai (It’s not like that!)-(12 aby-?)-Exiled scion of a Lost Tribe of Sith, seeking to kill Luke Skywalker and regain her honor. A pilot, a stormtrooper, and a Jedi may change this.
Shmi Jade Skywalker-(21 aby-?)-Youngest daughter of Mara and Luke, speaker with the dead, connection with the Unifying Force, second of her name.
Generation 5
Allana Djo-(26 aby-?)-Lover of all things fluffy, apple of her family’s eye, Heir Apparent of the Hapes Consortium, and possible future Jedi Queen.
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thewriterowl · 3 years
For the trope post: 50 and 67 for DinLuke?
50: Arranged Marriage & 67: Character in Peril
Arranged marriage, one of the absolute best tropes for Dinluke. It is always marvelous and one I will probably return to in the near future after Hope and the Modern AU is complete.
So, with this, how about it is the Mandalorian v. Jedi war but things are finally beginning to cool down and treaties are being urged for, especially when the Jedi discover that the Sith are beginning to aim for a war themselves. The Jedi could not win two wars or if the Sith and Mandalorains pair. So there is a treaty created. Luke and Din, of course, are selected.
Only this time, Din has to be the one to live with Luke.
They live on Courscant and Luke continues training younglings but sees that his husband is struggling. He is unhappy and depressed and angry and homesick. Luke makes the offer for them to live on Mandalore (surprising and touching Din) but they needed to stay near the Jedi temple for now as part of the treaty. It is a show of trust and good faith and a test to the Jedi to ensure they will not do anything to the Mandalorian heir.
So, Luke brings him to teaching, including him in teaching the children how to fight like a Mandalorian. Din really gets close to one little youngling who is such a brat but so bright and happy and Din just loves the kid. Grogu is the same. Luke doe snot interfere and even urges for the two to connect, as he knows Grogu got lonely as well.
Luke shows Din so much about the Jedi's life and culture, they go to different temples and libraries and he is surprised to see so much more depth to the Jedi than he'd been led to believe. Din thought they were cold warriors who separated families. But spending time with Luke shows how they speak with the families and it is never guilt or pressure but just factual but emotional conversation. How so many families were eager to get rid of their Force-sensitive children. and how happy and loved the children are when they are in the temple. He learns the Jedi are not all boring and serious, but many of them are full of love and, honestly, super stupid that it put Mandalorains to shame.
He also learns that the Jedi did not wage war on the Mandalorains but the Republic did and the previous Mand'alor had done things that were not exactly honorable and were trying to take over territories. Din burns with shame in that realization.
Well, they continue to get close and are falling in love with each other and then Din comes to the realization that Luke was not simply chosen for his power or age but because the Sith side were targeting him. Luke was in danger at being kidnapped or assassinated because this mysterious Darth Sideous and his follower Vader were on a war-path to either have him as theirs or kill him so no one else could.
Din is not about to let that happen. Even if he wasn't in love with Luke, he'd be duty/honored bound to protect his husband...now with feelings involved, he had another reason to do so. There is no way he was about to let anything happen to his beloved cyar'ika nor about to let these two cultures fall back into war when, clearly, they would be the strongest unified force in the galaxy.
They work together to try and figure out who these mysterious people are and why they are so desperate for Luke, finding out some very startling information that put them both in even more danger...with the potential of Luke being kidnapped right from Din's arms.
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sazernac · 4 years
Allied with madness
Pairing: Kara x Lena (supercorp au) Words: 1078 Summary: Kara's life ends up in the clutches of a kryptonite wielding Luthor Rating: T
Read here or on AO3
Kara knew she had made a mistake the moment she landed in the warehouse.
 She felt her powers drain out of her body. Her blood ran cold as if her veins had been injected with ice
. And the pain…
The pain was as if someone had taken the sharpest needles and dragged them across every inch of her skin. Slowly catching her flesh and breaking through the surface into the tissue.
 She dropped to her knees, desperately gasping for breath when the sound of hard bottomed shoes striking concrete pierced through her ears.
 Wicked laughter echoed in the vast emptiness of the building and Kara struggled to lift her head to face her assaulter.
 “My, my, my, what do we have here?” 
Standing above her, clad in a white button-down dress shirt neatly tucked into tailored burgundy pants was the deadly and gorgeous new CEO of Luthor Corp.
 Lena Luthor.
Heiress to an international empire founded by her family over a century ago. Leader of project Cadmus since her mother’s incarceration and a world renowned scientist, surpassing the genius of both her father and brother.
Her accented, smoky voice was teasing and full of mockery in a way that only a Luthor could manage. Lena peered down at Kara condescendingly and a cruel smirk played at her crimson coated lips. The CEO reached into her pocket and took out a pair of Kryptonite handcuffs that caused a shudder to go through Kara at the sight of them.
“L-Lena.” The blonde gasped as the pain traveled through her body in waves. The kryptonite glowed in her veins with each shaky breath she took, and Lena bit her bottom lip as she watched the pathetic display of the world’s savior fighting the effects of the one thing that could kill her.
The younger Luthor kneeled behind Kara and cuffed the blonde’s hands behind her back then pressed her body languidly against the Kryptonian’s. Lena could feel the tightness and warmth of Kara’s muscles rippling through the fabric of her Super suit in response to the pain of the kryptonite and the closeness of her enemy. “You have the power to tear me limb from limb, destroy this entire building, better yet, destroy the world. Rule the galaxy, enslave humanity, and make whatever race you deem fit, do your bidding and yet you fly around in a cheerleader outfit looking like the personification of perfection “‘saving people.’” The brunette whispered hotly against Kara’s ear. “What a waste…” She sneered and stood up slowly.
 “Please, please release me Lena.” Kara pleaded in vain, knowing that her words were falling on deaf ears. The brunette chuckled as she pulled up her sleeves and stood in front of Kara. “We don’t need saving Kara.” She continued. “Humans are fully capable of protecting themselves and contrary to your beliefs, we are also a technologically advanced race, maybe not as much as Kryptonians were but we can certainly hold our own.”
Kara’s heart rate was beginning to slow, and she began thinking about her family. How would Alex and Eliza take her death? She had fought with her sister earlier when they learned that Lena had planned to release a nuclear weapon into the atmosphere that would poison the air and kill all aliens on earth. Alex told her that they needed to attack Lena as a unit but Kara had been convinced that she could somehow talk sense into the younger Luthor, hoping that there was good somewhere in her heart that she could appeal to.
 She could not have been more wrong.
Luthors were the most conniving, rich, psychopathic, highly intelligent beings on the planet and were never easily persuaded. Though they sometimes quarreled amongst themselves, they all had a unified consensus when it came to aliens and especially Kryptonians.
 The weight of Kara’s mistake weighed heavily on her and she closed her eyes to stop the flow of tears that had trailed down her cheeks. She met the scornful, emerald gaze of the CEO and decided to try a final time to plead for her life.
 “Lena, have you ever considered that your brother and my cousin got this all wrong. Instead of Luthors and Supers fighting one another, we should work together. We both want the same thing and that is for this planet to be at peace. Aliens mostly hide out of fear of what humans will do to them upon their discovery but if we worked together, it would usher in a new era for this world, one where both our races could co-exist in unity instead of fear.”
The brunette seemed contemplative for a moment. Her mind working with the same precision of a computer, running alternate outcomes, solutions, even theories as she regarded Kara aloofly.
The blonde’s breath was coming in ragged pants and the kryptonite radiated in green slivers against her tanned skin. Lena realized that the hero was dying.
 The power to chose who lives and dies at their disposal. The strength to crush worlds and build new ones at their fingertips and they easily succumb to a tiny green stone.
Lena slipped her long fingers through Kara’s golden locks and trailed one idly down the hero’s cheek.
“It must be so difficult, to beg on your knees, in that short skirt.” The CEO taunted and tilted Kara’s chin up. Their eyes met in an electrifying moment that seemed to still time and Lena decided she wasn’t ready to rid the world of supergirl just yet.
 “Hope, disable the Kryptonite shields.” The brunette commanded aloud.
“Kryptonite shields disabled.”
Kara felt a rush of power return to her but it wasn’t enough to break the cuffs binding her hands or for her to stand of her own accord.
“Miss Luthor, the perimeter has been breached. Several body signatures detected.”
Kara breathed a sigh of relief knowing that her sister had come with back up to save her.
 Lena pressed a button on her shirt and instantly a Lexosuit assembled around her. She continued to hold Kara’s ocean blue gaze and smirked at the growing rage she found there.
 “This building will self destruct in approximately one minute.” The A.I announced, and Lena raised an eyebrow.
 “Until we meet again, Supergirl.” And with that, the brunette took to the skies leaving Kara to her own fate.
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Aus 24, 25 or 50 with human!(or not so)Jim and someone else please 🙃
(24) Soulmate AU + (50) Arranged Marriage
(I was going to try to fit in the fairytale au as well, but it ended up not working out)
(also this wasn’t exactly supposed to become A Thing, but then it did 😉) 
Aja Tarron, eldest daughter of House Tarron and heiress to the Akiridion Empire, has always known what many do not; who her soulmate is.  Almost everyone goes through many years of their life before finding the one their soul is bonded to.  She has known the identity of hers for as long as she can remember.
As she and many scholars, researchers, and theorists understand it, soulmates are born at the exact same second as each other, regardless of distance.  Of course, this can create some conflicts once one takes into account such things as time zones on a single planet and the varying orbits between different planets in the Empire.  Many, many calculations generally have to go into figuring out what the exact same second is in two wildly differing locations, such as Akiridion-5 and the independent planet, Earth, for example.
History is painted with the stories of those who believed they were soulmates only to find that they got it wrong and their Bonded One is actually someone else.  Aja has been through numerous lessons where her educators have made it abundantly clear they consider her extremely fortunate that she, unlike all those unlucky historical figures, can be certain.
It makes Aja grumpy, but she’s too polite to show it.
Most of Akiridion society, the society Aja is hardly allowed to interact with, disregards the concept nowadays.  To have the funding to hire the specialists needed to properly research potential soulmate candidates tends to be nonexistent for most.  They would have to cover the costs of calculating the exact moment on different planets, finding the records of all the infants born right then in an astronomically high number of hospitals, and then travel between the different worlds.
Most commoners do not have that kind of resources or time available to them.  They’re allowed to settle for someone significantly closer in proximity to them, who they just happen to get along well with.
Aja is not.  She is lucky.  Supposedly.
Almost eighteen years ago (or the equivalent of eighteen years depending on where you are), Aja was born.  Her parents, being royalty and highly concerned about their eldest child’s future, began to search for her soulmate soon after.  They, unlike so many, had the means necessary to track down her Bonded One.  Aja’s parents were determined to find them, to secure Aja’s future and the future of her empire.  If her soulmate happened to be a commoner, they decreed, that child would be taken and raised, and educated, in the palace.  Thus, they’d be prepared to support Aja fully once she takes the throne.
A part of Aja wonders what would have happened if her soulmate had, in fact, turned out to be a commoner.  Would it be better than what it is?  Would she have been able to actually have a life if it were someone who’d potentially need to visit non-royal family members and perchance take her with them?
Thinking of the hypotheticals is useless, she knows.  Her soulmate isn’t a commoner.  Though, considering the vast differences between his realm and hers, he may as well be.  Aja’s soulmate, Prince James, firstborn of House Lake and House Galadrigal, whose union brought a new era of peace to the planet Earth, is someone so different from herself she’d questioned the accuracy of her parents’ findings numerous times.  Each time, the results came back the same.  She was wrong; they were right.
Upon their coming of age, she and Prince James were to be united in marriage.  The arrangement had been made soon after their parents discovered their connection.  It made sense.  Aja’s parents had not hidden their desire to add Earth, rich in minerals and crystals that could be imbued with magic, to the Empire.  They would have conquered the mud ball by now if Earth’s dominant species, the trolls and the humans, hadn’t gotten over their own conflicts, united, and created a formidable defense force.
Aja knows her upcoming wedding is the peacefully agreed upon solution to what could have otherwise turned into an all-out invasion war.  That doesn’t mean she had to like it.
Sure, Jim is kind and courteous.  There are far worse royal candidates out there for potential husbands.  Others would have turned up their noses at his hybrid appearance, but not Aja.  She thinks Jim handsome enough.  The problem isn’t him.  It is that she’s never been allowed to choose him.
Jim doesn’t want to get married.  He really, really doesn’t want to get married.  He understands that he has to get married, but that doesn’t mean he wants to.  His betrothed, Aja, is a nice enough person and, yes, he considers her very pretty.  Attraction is there.  The problem isn’t Aja herself.  It’s the fact that she represents an entire empire that’s made it clear they would conquer his home world numerous times.  And, the only reason they haven’t is the (arguably flimsy) reasoning that he is soulmates with their heiress and that would be poor form.
It means his future has always been laid out for him.  He can’t run from it or deny it.  To do so would mean condemning the people of his planet to a slaughter and, no matter his own, personal feelings on his marriage, that is one thing Jim cannot do.
He feels weighed downed, burdened.  He refuses to hold Aja responsible for the arrangement.  He won’t.  A secret conversation they once had revealed she had just as much choice in the matter as he did.  Aja, just like him, wants the ability to choose, the ability to live her life how she wants to instead of how she’s supposed to.
Jim wonders sometimes about that similarity between them, if it’s the reason they’re soulmates.  In theory, there will come a time when they do have the power to choose.  When they are on their respective thrones and are the most powerful in their realms.  Who would be able to stop them from making the choices they want to make then?
He knows how each of their respective governments work.  He’s had numerous lessons on the subject throughout his life.  He knows things are not that simple.  But.
Once upon a time, it was believed that peace between the trolls and the humans of Earth was an impossible pipe dream.  Then, his parents forged a path and unified their peoples.  He is the living embodiment of that union, of the truth of its possibility.  Could something similar truly not happen between himself and Aja?
Jim knows her Empire’s might is much stronger than his planet’s, but she’s listened to him in the past.  He’s not just a pawn to her.  Perhaps together they could create a future better, brighter, than their present.
It’s the hope he holds onto, because otherwise he’s not sure how he’s going to live his life with Aja.  Jim believes himself capable of loving her, of falling in love with her.  But, for that to happen, then she must see him as an equal, not solely as an acquisition.
So, deep into the night before they are to be wed, he pens a letter.  Written in it are all his hopes and fears for the future.  The absolute truth of what Jim feels.  He disguises himself as an attendant and sneaks through the royal halls until he comes to the doors of Aja’s suite.  He knocks.  When she answers and recognizes him, he shushes her gasp and holds out his letter.  Jim waits while she reads it through to the questions at the end;
Will you join me in changing the galaxy?  Trying to make things better so no future persons find themselves in the situation we’re in?
Will you choose to be my soulmate?
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mroseisweird · 3 years
AO3, Wattpad
The Winters Are Coming ‘Verse - Originally just giving Bruce Wayne a best friend so he had a support system and room to be a better person, but then evolved into melding the Young Justice cartoon and the comics with the addition of Gotham collecting metahumans (which Bruce can’t do anything about because they’re friends with his kids).
The Winters Are Coming - Focused a lot on world building, because I sincerely believe that had Bruce Wayne had adult friends who forced him into therapy when he started his vigilante career he would have been more well adjusted. Spans from the introduction of Bruce Wayne and Zaira Winters onward.
Twist of Fate - Rewriting the Young Justice cartoon in my universe, but the Light is defeated at the end of Season Two because I said so.
@herowatch-official - Role-play blog. Herowatch’s official Tumblr.
@calendar-man-stan - Role-play blog. Random Gothamite’s Tumblr.
Harry Potter
The Wave of a Wand ‘Verse - How inter-house friendships demonstrate that the power of friendship is actually a thing.
Us Curious Creatures - Marauders Era. Basically I made a group of penpals that ran away from me and now Sirius has another family and Remus has a girlfriend. Setting up a fix-it.
The Wave of a Wand - Golden Trio Era. Focused on inter-house friendships because it’s poor writing to say all Slytherins are evil. A fix-it.
Star Wars
Entrodder ‘Verse - Introducing the Akrolite, a sect of Force users separate from the Jedi. Themes of slave rebellion. 
Entrodder Legacy AU - Spans all nine movies plus Rogue One. Delves into alternate views of the Force, Han Solo is reluctantly Force-sensitive and accidentally becomes a vital part of the Entrodder freedom trail.
Let's Save Ani AU - Spans the Prequel and Original Trilogy and The Clone Wars. Anakin doesn’t fall to the dark side, but everything still goes to shit. The Entrodder siblings started a slave rebellion and learned from the Akrolite much less formally. Strong themes of slave revolutions. A semi fix-it?
OT Padawan Time Warp - Spans The Clone Wars. The padawans from the Original Trilogy get thrown back in time to The Clone Wars, are faced with young versions of their parents, and proceed to cause breakdowns while trying to assassinate Palpatine and free the Vode.
Sentinel ‘Verse - Investigating the Unifying Force and how it could change the course of the galaxy - and how it could save the Mandalorians.
Sentinel Saves the Day AU - Spans pre-The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars, and the Prequel Trilogy. Obi-Wan has visions and a best friend who isn’t putting up with everyone’s bs. Jaster Mereel and the True Mandalorians live, and that changes very little actually, but just enough. A fix-it.
Anakin Dyad AU - Basically just Sentinel Saves the Day, but if Lykita and Anakin had a Dyad. A fix-it speed run.
Sith Kid ‘Verse - There’s a new Sith on the field and it’s a kid. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon have a problem with this.
Sith Kid AU - Spans The Clone Wars. You know those fics where it's like, “Anakin was taken from slavery by Palpatine and raised a Sith”? Basically that but with another character. Codywan adopts local feral Sith child and it saves the universe. A fix-it.
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casualtysought · 6 years
IN YOUR SHADOW, pre-pacific rim VERSE 001, undeserved and unrealistic expectations Any threads or interactions that happen after Stacker Pentecost adopts Mako Mori and Jake is still in service with the Pan Pacific Defense Corps. Jake struggles to live up to his fathers reputation and expectations which causes him to lash out, with loud problems with authority and the strict rules of the PPDC, Jake faces scrutiny and disappointment from his father, his superiors and his comrades in arms despite his potential.
WAYWARD SON, pre-pacific rim: uprising VERSE 002, the prodigal son .Any threads or interactions that occur after Jake has left the PPDC. He spends the majority of his time collecting valuable resources to trade in the Black Market and is not on speaking terms with his father but his relationship with his sister Mako Mori is extremely close.
PRODIGAL SON RETURNS, during pacific rim: uprising, or after VERSE 003, we’re coming for them Any threads or interactions that happen during the events of Pacific Rim: Uprising or after. Jake has retured to the PPDC and is in charge of training the new cadets against the return threat of the Kaiju and the Precursors. Jake has a tense relationship with Nate Lambert and has begun to build a mentor / mentee relationship with Amara Namani.
MASS EFFECT, during the main trilogy VERSE 004, up among the stars Jake was dishonorably discharged from the Alliance Navy due to insubordination and the attempted assault of a superior officer. His father, Stacker Pentecost, was an N7 soldier as was his sister Mako Mori. Following the Geth attack on the Citadel, Mako pulled strings to have Jake reinstated rather than serve jail time for the theft and attempted sale of stolen Alliance weaponry.
After the Geth attack and Commander Shepard’s death, Jake became an N7 soldier and was tasked with training and leading new Alliance cadets on Horizon when the Collectors attacked the colony. Jake escaped the Collectors when Commander Shepard rescued the survivors of Horizon and chose to follow Commander Shepard to Cerberus to help against the Collector threat and to hopefully rescue his abducted cadets.
During the Reaper invasion, Jake was stationed on Earth and is one of the many to push the human resistance on the ground while Commander Shepard fought to unify the combined armies of the galaxy.
MASS EFFECT, andromeda VERSE 005, to see stars none had seen before Following his father’s death, Jake left to join the Andromeda Initiative and was one of the first of the Security force to be woken from stasis aboard the Nexus and was one of the many to rebel against authority following the rationing of food, lack of resources and leadership and was exiled. Jake operates out of Kadara port and is one of Vetra’s contacts amongst the exiles.
STAR WARS, any trilogy VERSE 006, this is how liberty dies. Jake was born and raised on Coruscant and raised alongside his adoptive sister, Mako Mori, by his single father Stacker Pentecost. Together the Pentecost family rose in the Coruscant Security Militia. Stacker Fought in the Civil War and was injured saving the council from a terrorist attack and was rewarded and promoted for his troubles. Mako fought in a second Civil War against and was promoted for her part in saving the planet from a planet destroying weapon. Jake attempted to pursue a career in the security militia like his family but his insubordination, unwillingness to submit to authority and his rebellious and often rude personality caused Jake to leave the cadets. He works as an independent smuggler and trader both in the Upper city and the Underground.
Original Trilogy: Jake has joined the Rebel Alliance, utilizing his trade, contacts and prowess for piloting and battle to resist the Imperials. The Sequels: Jake was reinstated by the Republic and drafted to fight in the Clone Wars. He’s a Slicer and Juggernaunt often deployed on ground assaults or sabotage missions. New Republic: Jake is a member of the Resistance. He works to smuggle supplies to the Resistance and partakes in flash attacks against First Order bases, transports and factories. *Obviously will need to plot interactions due to using John Boyega as a FC. Twin or Clone aus or can simply be “look-a-likes”.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU
New to the AU? Start here!
Part 1
Chapter 40.5: NO! What Did You Say To Me?!
It’s the next day and couple had an extra pep to their step from last night’s adventure. Tenya was extra energetic going into work.
“Brother! Did you know McDonalds Sprite tastes like electricity?!” he chopped extra fast as he entered his brother’s office “I now understand.”
Tensei was extremely confused “I don’t know what Manual put in my coffee but did you just say McDonald’s Sprite tasting like electricity?” he looked in his coffee cup and sniffed it “Tenya did you drink coffee this morning? You’re awfully peppy and acting strange.”
“Nope! I’m just so full of good news!” Tenya said as he closed the door behind him and locked it.
“It must be! You don’t lock doors!” Tensei chuckled and put his mug down “what is it little brother? What do you need to tell me?”
“Tensei, I am a man” he puffed his chest out “yesterday I was just a boy but the universe was calling and they said that last night was the night I became a man!”
“Sooo you went to Mcdonalds last night?” Tensei was really trying to piece together what his brother was trying to get at “well the boys were saying that the McRib was back so I guess you had an experience?”
“What? No, well, I mean yea” he deflated a little because it was partially true “what I’m trying to say is that I proposed to Ita... AND SHE SAID YES!”
Tensei gasped and screamed “TENYA! Oh my gosh! I’m so proud of you” he rolled over to his little brother for a hug “tell me! how much did you spend on the ring? I bet you set everything up just right!”
“Oh ummm I didn’t have a ring” he meekly spoke “I sort of just impulsively took her to McDonalds and ate in the car in the peer-over parking lot. The moonlight hit her just right and I just...asked.”
“Wow, props to you” Tensei was somewhat impressed “you got yourself a genuine woman that loves you, any other girl would’ve said no or say to try again when you get a ring.”
-Meanwhile, at the Robo Dog INC office-
“AHHHH!” screamed Mimi and Jin, almost spilling her coffee.
“Ay mi cafe!” I stabled my cup of freshly poured coffee “guys what the hell?”
“My babygirl is gonna get married!” Mimi started sobbing “it seemed like yesterday we were building Muffin 2.0, now our girl is gonna change last names!”
“Man, what the fuck Ita! Now we gotta plan a whole ass wedding” Jin was sobbing and getting his tablet out.
“I didn’t ask-”
“NOPE TOO LATE! I’m already booking a venue hunting day” he tapped on his tablet “but damn, a bitch getting married! Soon you’ll have a whole house full of babies- OH GOD I’M GOING TO BE A UNCLE!”
“SHUT UP BITCH! THAT MAKES ME FEEL OLD” Mimi punched Jin in the arm, then held him “oh god, I’m going to be an aunty!”
“Can we refocus?” I said pulling them closer to my desk “I love you guys but yall always be jumpin ahead to shit that hasn’t happened yet” I sigh into a smile “but will yall be my maids of honor? Because I can’t think of any other bitches that would be down to throw hands for me on my special day.”
“You soft ass bitch of course!” they said as they hugged me from either side.
“I heard screaming!” Beizu panted as he ran into the moment “what’s going on?”
“ITA IS GETTING MARRIED!” Mimi and Jin yelled in unison.
“Oh gee-”
“AHHHH! THE BOSS IS GETTING MARRIED?!” Beizu cried out in excitement.
By the end of the day, our closest friends knew about our engagement. Mimi and Jin were helping with the planning already. I still had to tell my parents and his parents, my parents and siblings so happen to be visiting me on Christmas until my father’s birthday. I killed two birds with one stone and brought my family to the Iida family estate for Christmas.
“Oh wow fancy!” my mother cried out “oh do we have to take our shoes off mija?”
“No you don’t” I said taking off my scarf “but take off your coats and I’ll put them on the thing.”
“Almost 8 years living here and you’re still saying ‘the thing’?” my brother scoffed “pathetic- ow!”
My mother slapped the back of his head “Don’t talk down on your sister!” she scolded “if it wasn’t for her, you’d still be in crutches or dead!” she crossed her arms and looked sternly at the little brother and Older sister “te portas bien! No fire y No vuelas in la casa!”
“Yes madre” groaned the two, glaring at their accomplished sister.
“Well if it isn’t the Palmas?!” warmly welcomed Mr. Iida “welcome to our family estate! Please join us in the main hall!”
Tenya and I followed behind them and saw that the same few amount of people came to the Christmas party. They all welcomed my family, excited to see some new faces at the function. When it came close to the end of dinner, Tenya stood up.
“May I get everyone’s attention?” he waited for everyone to look at him “I’d like to thank the Palmas for join us this holiday and for everyone that had to brave the snow to get here” he cleared his throat “but I have an announcement! Seeing how great both families seem to get along, we’ve decided to unify!” everyone at the table was confused. 
“Why’d you say it like that?” I laughed and stood up “he meant to say we’re engaged.”
The room erupted in a mix of happiness and relief “And I know you said you don’t need a ring but” he pulled out a small box from his pocket and got on his knee “but here’s a proper one to satisfy our nagging parents” he opens the box to reveal a pearl ring in antique gold “would you say it again? For the whole world to hear?”
“I don’t need a ring to show that you love me” I tried not to cry “I don’t care if you give me the biggest pearl in the ocean or the rarest rock in the galaxy, money can’t buy what we have.”
“And your the disorder to my routine, the spice in my food and the moonlight when the daylight disappears” he holds her hand and the family awes at the sight “will you marry me so I can live along side you in your world?”
“Yes, of course I’ll marry you!” I cry out. He slips the ring on me and lifts me up as he stood up. “oh now you’re showing off!” I laughed.
“Why wouldn’t I? I’m marrying my soulmate!” he said confidently and put her down “I’d swim in the freezing ocean, fight off marine life and eat a dozens of oysters for you babe.”
“That sounds oddly specific” I got suspicious “did you-”
“He did, I was there” Tensei laughed as he rolled over to us “he tried to bargain with seagulls to not steal the oysters he was finding OH the look on his face when those seals showed up! priceless!”
“It wasn’t funny brother!” he chopped “the lifeguard ha-”
“THE LIFEGUARD HAD TO SHOW UP! OH MAN!” I bursted laughing “Ay Tenya! You didn’t have to.”
“But I wanted too” they kissed “anything for you.”
Everyone was happy for the couple and got to know each other a little better now that they’re going to be family. Our parents got along a little too well.
“Boy! Why didn’t you tell me Mr Palma is a skilled metal worker?!” Mr Iida huffed “the man just waved his hand over the dents on the antique cabinet and it looks like new!”
“I just adore the curls on your head Mrs Palma!” Tenya’s mother gushed “I hope our grandchildren will have the same curls!”
“Oh geez they’re having a time aren’t they” I giggled as I looked from a distance with Tenya “do you think they’ll always be this buddy-buddy?”
“How should I know? My parents don’t have friends” he ruffled her hair “but that doesn’t matter right now, because right now I want to get cozy in the parlor with you.”
“Take me away Tenya!” I say as he scoops me up to make a quick escape to the parlor for a much needed make-out and cuddle.
Time passes, it’s late February and I have our wedding invitations ready to distribute. I go over my list and see that it’s not going to be a huge ordeal and I could invite a few more people. Shinso comes across my mind, it’s been years and I still haven’t gotten closure nor know where he is exactly. I hesitate on it and Tenya notices.
“Hey what’s wrong?” he leans over to rest his chin on her shoulder “you’ve been staring at this list for a while.”
“It’s just that, I don’t know if should um” I take a deep breath “I don’t know if I should invite Shinso.”
“Oh I see, you still haven’t found him” he sits next to her “I know he’s your ex and you had so much together. He’d want to go to our wedding, he cares about you.”
“Then I have a phone call to make” I said as I levitated my phone to me. I called Kendo and asked where Shinso lives so I can give him a wedding invitation. She gives me the address and notifies Monoma when I should be dropping by. They said tomorrow in the late morning is fine. I got a big anxiety attack in the car before stepping out to their front door. By the time I pulled myself together, it started to rain. I ran to their front door and knocked as I huddled under the very narrow door shelter. The door opened and my heart dropped to the floor, it was Shinso. “Um, Hi”
“Hey” we stood there, wide eyed for a while because this was the first time in years we’ve heard each-other’s voices. He snapped out of it when the sound of the rain got harder “oh please come in, it’s getting bad out there.”
“Thanks, I’ll just-” I started to take off my shoes and he takes off my coat “oh um I got it you don’t have to help me.”
“No it’s okay” he hung up my coat on the rack next to the door “please have seat in the living room and I’ll get you a towel.”
“Oh it’s alright” I was on the verge of another anxiety attack “I was just going to give you a-”
“No please stay until the rain clears up” he basically begged for her to stay “I wouldn’t want you to go back out there and drive. I’ll be quick.”
He hurries off into the hallway and I make my way to the cozy living room. I sit down and I hear a very familiar meow “Could it be?” I gasped and a chonky boi jumps up and onto my lap “Biscuit! Oh my sweet kitty angel babey!” I nearly started crying as the cat rubbed up against me and purred “I missed you so much! I’m sorry I haven’t showed up sooner, I tried so hard to find you two.” He nestled into my arms “How are you baby? Eating well I see!” I scratch his favorite spot on his back and heard him purr louder “did you miss me too? I never stopped thinking about you and your late night zoomies.”
“Oh wow this takes me back” Shinso spoke up, startling me “sorry! didn’t mean to scare you” he hands me the towel and puts down a teacup “I got you some tea as well.”
I wipe my hair and shoulders dry and I remember the teacup “You kept the teacup I got you for our anniversary?” I remembered the day vividly “I still have the hoodie you got me.”
“I saw! Iida-kun has a picture of you with it on as his lock screen” he cracked a smile “by the way, you look good, NOT TO SAY YOU DIDN’T LOOK GOOD BEFORE but you look different.”
“Well when you go through a horrendous break up and gain a couple millions” I gesture to my torso “you spend a couple thousands to stay this presentable.”
“Well when I went through a horrendous break up, all I did was travel and smoked a lot of weed” he copied my gestures “none the richer, just the same old me.”
“You do look different” I giggled “you never styled your hair or let your facial hair grow out when we were together” I point to his outfit “and you hated fashion tracksuits! This whole get up suits you.”
He turned a little red “I did say that heh” he saw me levitate the teacup to my hands to take a sip “listen, about what happen, I’m sorry and I-”
“I forgive you” I interrupted him “I spent years thinking about what I was going to say to you when I saw you again. I told myself I wasn’t going to cry and I wasn’t going to blame you for what happened” I took a deep, calming breath “I’m sorry, I didn’t listen and I didn’t speak my mind when we were together. I spent so long holding back, biting my tongue to what I really wanted to say to you when we lived together. I did it because I didn’t want you to leave me” I started crying “FUCK this is so stupid, I’m crying! But I didn’t want you to leave and I just let you walk all over me when you didn’t want to do what I wanted to do or when you didn’t want to come along to the things I wanted to go to. When I was pregnant, I felt my life drain away as you were becoming more and more controlling. I knew it was toxic but I didn’t want to say anything because nobody was going to help me if I did manage to escape your controlling ways. I loved you so much Hitoshi, I convinced myself that nobody was going to love me the way you do” I wiped my tears “when you left while I slept, I couldn’t sleep in that bed anymore or stand to look at the emptiness of the house. I wished that you’d return after a month or two but the years went by and I stopped believing in love.”
“You suffered before I even left?” he asked and saw me nod “you loved me to the point of suffering! Ita you didn’t have to stay if you felt that way, I would’ve understood if you wanted to let go.” he took a deep breath “Let me say my side, I couldn’t stand the idea of growing up and I saw you maturing and I was scared. I loved you but not your goals or dreams and I thought having a baby would solve everything!” he reached out to hold her hand “but I saw how quickly you changed and realized that it was probably the worst decision ever. I was considering not having this baby anymore, how fucked up is that?! When you lost the baby, I didn’t know how to feel and I didn’t want to tell you that I didn’t want the baby, so I just didn’t talk so I wouldn’t accidentally say what I was thinking. When you said you wanted to hear me, I considered it for a second but I kept writing that note I left for you on the fridge. That last ‘I love you’ broke me, I cried at my desk, as I cleaned the house of my things, did the laundry and loaded my things up in a movers van. I laid in bed with you and it hurt to see you sleeping and unaware of what I was doing. I kissed you for the last time and pulled the sheet over you to keep you warm before I left.” he didn’t notice that tears were pouring down his face “I still loved you as I was traveling from place to place. Wondering if you were doing alright or if you were also thinking about me. When I was in Hokkaido, I saw your face on the cover of Business Insider with your friends in the liquor store I frequent and couldn’t believe it! You made your dream into reality, without me. Figured that you were doing well and that you didn’t care about me anymore.”
“That’s not true Hitoshi, I care so much” I squeezed his hand “I’d worry myself sick about where you ran off to and tracked you for a while until you went north for work.”
“Wait who told you about my whereabouts?”
“Amajiki did, I remembered that you two worked together and I asked him about you about a month after you left” I recalled “he’d update me about the places you bounced off to and where you stayed.”
“Oh that guy, well he’s very honest and means well” he thumbed my engagement ring “but so is Iida-kun, I’m happy you two finally said it and stayed together. He’s a better man than me, you know something, I knew he liked you” he remembered the time in the dorms “he even tried to stop me from getting close to you! He’d talk so highly about you and held you like a lover, so I didn’t believe that you two were just friends. We got into that fight because he lost his temper that I stole you away from him! Why he didn’t just tell you anyways or fought you is beyond me, I would’ve handed you over.”
“Why? You showed me more interest that he did.”
“Yea but I also knew that you liked him too from the way you talked to him, and that thing you do with your lips when you want a kiss but are too shy to ask” he pinched her cheek “and that blush and smile combo whenever he talked to you! And you never did that with me!”
“Was it that obvious?” I blushed bright red “I thought I was playing it so cool! Well I guess it doesn’t matter now that we’re getting married OH THAT’S RIGHT!” I reach into my purse to give him an invitation “the whole reason I came here for was to invite you and Monoma to my wedding!”
He opened the invitation and smiled “I’ll go for sure, I want to see my friends get married” he laughed “you’re the only bitch I respect in that circle and I expect the most outta this wedding.”
Before I could say anything, a familiar blonde walked into view “Hitoshi, why the fuck is the bathroom window open?!”
I look at the blonde man and give him the once over, putting two and two together “ I McFUCKING KNEW IT!” pointed at both of them “YALL FUCKIN’!”
“What made you think-”
I pointed at the blonde’s pants “Those are his fuckin’ pants!” I get giddy “Neito always wears his slam pieces pants post fuck!”
“Oh you caught me Ita!” Monoma slyly said with his hands up “from rivals to lovers, Hitoshi is my personal power bottom.”
“NEITO!” Shinso was turning red “I’m not a bottom just so we’re clear!”
“Shut up bottom!” I hushed Hitoshi and turned to Monoma “you gotta tell me how y’all got into this gay realization!”
We got into good conversation on all that time we’ve missed. It felt good to have this closure and see that he was happy with his new partner too.
“...and that’s when we realized, maybe I should start giving a shit about my hair!” Shinso finished his story.
“Oh I just realized some weird shit!” I got hit with some facts “we are fucked each other at some point, a full circle fuck if you will.”
“WAIT HOL UP!” Shinso put his hands up “you two fucked? When?!”
“Oh babe we lost our virginities to each other” Monoma casually responded “we were yelling at each other in the practice area one moment, then half naked in her bed the next.”
“Good times! You were so pussy whipped that everyone thought you changed your ways” I sighed remembering those days “remember when you accidentally sexually moaned during joint training when Shoji slapped your ass instead of doing his new technique.”
“Oh stop! I was pent up because you kept edging me in passing” he rolled his eyes and laughed “then I fucked the shit out of you later that night for making a fool of me!”
“God that was hot, my kink was making you mad and making you beg” I booped his nose “but I bet you two have more fun! Lucky you.”
“Um what the fuck? And you call me a bottom?!” Shinso said bootytickled.
“You are a bottom Hitoshi” I point at him “do I need to remind you who would BEG for sex and to pull their hair?”
“Well what does that make you two?” he huffed.
Monoma and I look at each other and said “Power-verses, who ever cums on top, wins.”
I laugh “Oh I missed you guys! We should go on a double date” I checked the time “oof I should get going, I have to go drop off a few more invites.”
“The rain did stop” Shinso said as he looked out the window “It was nice to see you again! I’ll make sure we spend more time together before the big day.”
“I’d like that” I smiled as I stood up. We hugged goodbye and I left with a clear conscience. Now I can move on to the next big life step.
-Fast Forward, April-
“Oh my goodness!” cried out Mimi when I stepped out from behind the curtain “it’s basically like the one your mom had!”
“Is it? I haven’t seen myself in the mirror yet!” I get giddy. I took Mimi and Jin with me to my final fitting with Best Jeanist.
“Here you go!” Jeanist flipped his studio mirror toward me “Oh and I have a final piece to go with this.”
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my wedding dress “It’s just like my mom’s! I love it!”
“I’ve been saving this for a while” he brings out a flat box “I’ve been anticipating your wedding day since I went into fashion design. I dabbled in traditional embroidery and made this” he revealed a light gray obi with a scenic embroidery of a garden and pond with light pink lilies and green lily pads floating on the water.
“It’s beautiful!” I got teary eyed.
He fastened the obi around her “You’re a very special girl and usually parents give their of age children kimono and obi” he finished fastening and looked into the mirror with her “I’ve always had a paternal fondness for you, if I did have children, I’d want a daughter like you.” He wiped her streaming tears “don’t cry, but my goodness you look like a proper bride! I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle.”
Mimi blew her nose “I’m a fucking mess! You’re so beautiful” she turned to Jin “you doing alright?”
Jin wiped his tears “Yea, I’m so fucked up on this wedding shit” he tapped on his tablet “wedding prep is 90 percent complete, now we pick up our attire and do a check in with the decorators to finish our checklist!”
“Damn, yall really helped me plan a whole ass wedding” I heard my phone ring “Oh can one of yall check that? It might be my mom.”
Jin checks “Oh shit, Ochako had her baby!”
“NO WAY! She wasn’t due until like mid May!” I gasped “Now come June, everyone will be able to come to my wedding.”
I get home to dinner ready “Welcome home!” Tenya said as he greeted me with a tight hug “how was your fitting?”
“Amazing! But you won’t know until day of” I teased before I kissed him “Did you get your groomsmen sorted out?”
“Yea, so I got Tensei as man of honor and Manual, Shoto, Kirishima and Sero.”
“Glad everything did work out” I pour myself some water “oh and update, My America friends are gonna fly in a week before but they have housing so the house won’t be crowded in the days leading to the day.”
“That leaves with...Hm” Tenya tried to remember what’s left to do “I guess get married!”
“Basically and I’m very excited to do so” I put my arms around him “did you think you’d get this far with me?”
“No, its funny” he touched foreheads with her “when we were still in first year, during the time you declined to be a competitor in the sports festival, I opened up to my brother about you and the strange feelings I get when I was around you” he smirked “I was so oblivious that what I was feeling was love and Tensei pointed it out to me. It was weird to me and I said that I feel like I met my wife, Tensei thought I was crazy but encouraged me to get closer to you.”
“That’s so cute what the fuck” I was flattered “did you think the feelings you got around me was my hidden quirk?”
“If I say yes, are you going to laugh at me?”
“You already know I’ll wheeze” I put my hands on his face and squished “but you were right, you did meet your wife.”
“I did and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together” he put his hands on her wrists to loosen her squish “come on future wife, lets eat, I made stir fry with udon noodles.”
The weeks flew by too quick and it was wedding day! A nice June day to have one, Ita and her bridal party were getting ready at the church.
“Look at how gorgeous you are!” cried out her best friend from America, Calvin “and the side-do really does it for your look, I can’t believe you’re fully that bitch!”
“Shut your fuck!” I retorted back, on the verge of tears “I’m so fucking emotional right now!” Mimi rushing in distracted me “Oh? what’s up?”
“Groom and party have arrived” she informed “also your parents want to come in.”
“Oh let them in” 
My mom walked in arm in arm with my dad, “Ay mija! Te mires muy linda!” she nearly started crying “tenemos la corona aqui si estas lista.” She took out a pearl bridal crown with veil from it’s box and put it on my waiting head.
“AY voy a llorar!” my dad cried out “you look so beautiful Ita, I’m so happy that you’re alive to have a wedding day” he wiped his tears “I thank God every night that you’re alive and happy.”
“Oh dad” I got up to hug him “don’t cry, I’m only here because you were strong enough to let me go.”
We refocus and finished getting ready, Mimi was sending a note back and forth for me and Tenya since we can’t see each other until the ceremony. My bridesmaids line up and before I take my spot, I realized I forgot my bouquet and warped to the dressing room to get it.
“I would forget this!” I said to myself as I reached for my bouquet. As I put my hand on it, a face popped up right next to it “EHH! WHAT THE!”
“Oh I thought you might be here” Mirio said with a smile “you know, you don’t have to marry him. We could just run away together and nobody will be the wiser!”
I wasn’t down to play games “Aren’t you married Mirio?!” I crossed my arms “you better get your ass into your suit and back in that church before I whoop your ass, on GOD!”
“I mean it Ita!” he begged “I’m not joking when I say I still love you, my wife doesn’t have the same effect like you do on me.”
Suddenly Mimi and Jin bust in with guns out “OH FUCK HE DONE DID IT!” yelled Jin.
“Listen here naked man!” Mimi walked forward, gun cocked “you get your cheating ass away from the bride! Or as GOD as my witness, we’ll beat your ass again NO QUIRKS!”
“You three don’t scare me!”
Nighteye rushes in “You little- TOGATA!” he chucked a tuxedo toward Mirio “put your tuxedo back on and leave the bride alone!” he bowed to me “I’m so sorry he tried to do anything to ruin your day Miss, I saw that he would try to convince you to call off the wedding but get beat up if I didn’t intervene.”
 “Thank you Sir” I bowed back “I’ll be taking my spot now” I grabbed my bouquet “I have to marry my soulmate and I’m running behind schedule!”
Everyone gets to their spots and the ceremony begins, as I walk down the aisle with my dad, I catch a glimpse of Tenya at the alter and he looked at me the same way he did when we went to the dance in 1st year.
“Who gives this bride?”
“Her mother and I” my dad says as he was about to let me go to the alter “Tenya, I expect you to love and cherish my daughter with everything you have. She’s my pride and joy, I almost lost her once but this time she’s found with you.”
I hug my parents before floating up the stairs to the altar, when I joined hands with Tenya, our eyes met and sort of shut out some of the ceremony.
“Whoever thinks these two shouldn’t marry, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Almost on cue, Mirio stands up but before he could say he objects, all the agents in attendance whipped out their guns to point them at him. Mirio then sat back down and shut his mouth.
“Now is the exchange of vows, can the ring bearer please bring the rings.”
I get a ring from the pillow “Tenya, from the moment I met you, I thought you were just showing me pity because I was new and alone. But as my heart grew fonder of you and your way of interacting with me, I realized that I fell in love with you and couldn’t say a thing about it because I didn’t want to scare you away. When we reunited, I knew that we had something special that I wasn’t about to let go of again.” I put the ring on him “with this ring, I promise to be faithful, loyal and patient with you because you make me feel less lonely in this world.”
He tried not to tear up as he got his ring from the pillow “Ita, I didn’t know I was in love with you until I couldn’t contain these strange feelings when I’m around you. Every-time I look at you, I want to protect you from the unfairness of the world. And every-time I gather the courage to hold your hand, it’s like I’m on top of the world. When we reunited and you told me you forgave me, I knew that I had to hold on and never let go again.” he slips the ring on her “with this ring, I promise to be understanding, protective and tender with you because I want to be part of your world and always be by your side.”
“I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.”
We kissed and lingered on each other for a moment before giving a bow to everyone. Hand in hand, we ran down the aisle and to the waiting limousine to take us to the reception.
“That went so much better than I thought” Tenya chuckled “I thought I was going to stumble on my words or start crying when you walked down the aisle.”
“It was everything I dreamed of” I rest my head on his shoulder “I hope that this isn’t another vivd dream.”
“A vivd dream?”
“Yeah, my telekinesis over-works when I sleep so I get vivd dreams” I squeeze his hand “it’s my fear that I’ll wake up and I’ll be in the dorms or wake up in the hospital.”
“Well I can tell you that this isn’t a dream” he kissed her hand “it’s all real, and you’re all mine.”
“I better see your face in the morning then” I looked up at his eyes “I love you.”
To be continued
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philcoulsonismyhero · 7 years
Considering what you were drawing-- Criminal Minds Star Wars AU?
Hoo boy, so I’m going to take full advantage of the fact that the meme says “5+ headcanons” because I have A Lot of thoughts
Gideon, Hotch, Morgan, Reid and Blake are all Jedi. Gideon trained Hotch and then Reid, Hotch trained Morgan and then finished Reid’s training after Gideon vanished. Blake is their friend, but not part of the same master-apprentice family.
Hotch has Such a propensity for picking up strays. You’d think it would be Gideon because he’s such a Living Force kind of guy, but Gideon is kind of prickly because he loves people in the abstract but often can’t stand them in person. Hotch, on the other hand, is awkward but kind-hearted, and gets followed around by adoring small (and not-so-small) children approximately once per mission.
Similarly, any time he ends up in the Temple creches, Hotch almost always has at least one kid attaching themselves to his leg or climbing onto his back when he’s trying to leave. Kids love him, and he’s a bit baffled as to why. (Natural Dad Skills™ and a very warmly calm presence in the Force, that’s why.)
Reid is a total klutz with a lightsaber because he’s got very little natural coordination. Gideon didn’t really care, because he’s of the opinion that you don’t need a lightsaber to be a good Jedi, but both Hotch and Morgan got a little bit worried about Reid’s ability to defend himself. So they both tutored him, and eventually he was able to hold his own. (He favours Form VI because it’s designed for diplomats and academics.)
Hotch took Morgan on as a Padawan very shortly after he was knighted himself. Their master-apprentice relationship is rather like Obi-Wan and Anakin’s, with Hotch as the long-suffering mentor who is Barely Old Enough For this Responsibility and Morgan as his boisterous, opinionated Padawan/kid brother who drives him a little bit nuts. They care a lot about each other, though, and they have more in common than you might think.
People tend to think that Morgan is the corrupting influence, and that’s usually true (he kind of ascribes to the Quinlan Vos school of Jedi-ing), but actually around Hotch he turns into the sensible one. Hotch doesn’t have a death wish, but nor does he prioritise his own safety very highly, and so Morgan frequently has to drag him out of dangerous situations.
Morgan favours Form V because it’s the most physically powerful form, but he’s also proficient at Form IV. Hotch learned Form III from Gideon, and later studied widely, eventually settling on a very precise combination of Form II and Form III as his own style. He’s a skilled duelist, and Morgan still can’t beat him in sparring matches. But that doesn’t bother Morgan too much, because his own skill lies in unarmed combat and when there are no lightsabers involved he can kick Hotch’s ass.
Gideon had a real skill for mind tricks. He wouldn’t even need to wave his hand because the sound of his voice was enough to persuade people. Hotch picked it up from him and they tried to pass it on to both Reid and Morgan, but neither of them had quite the same knack. Morgan got close, but Reid could never do it without hugely conspicuous hand gestures.
Reid has a crazy powerful connection to the Force, but it’s very much a sensory thing for him rather than an aid to physical skills. In addition to having very attuned senses, he can tap into the Unifying Force and perceive connections and patterns and possible futures that other Jedi can only feel very vaguely. It’s pretty overwhelming for him, which is why he likes hanging out with people like Hotch and Morgan who have very solid, steady presences in the Force. 
Blake is a Jedi anthropologist and linguist who spends most of her time either travelling the galaxy or teaching at the Temple. She has a Padawan, but he died when he was quite young and she hasn’t taken on another one since. Although if Gideon hadn’t gotten to Reid first, that might have changed.
Emily is the daughter of a senator and, unbeknownst to most people she encounters, also a Republic Intelligence operative. She’s a bit notorious among the Jedi, because she frequently gets assigned Jedi protectors and then gets them involved in all sorts of adventures and shenanigans.
Rossi works for the Judicial Department, running a unit that’s basically the BAU in space. Gideon was his main Jedi contact, a role that Hotch eventually inherits, but he works with the Jedi a lot.
JJ is a Holonet investigative journalist who also works with Republic Intelligence. She and Emily are good friends and frequently work together, and she’s also a common sight at the Jedi Temple because she acts as a sort of unofficial media liaison for any Jedi that might need her.
Elle works with Rossi at the Judicial Department, and is vaguely Force-sensitive. Not enough to have been chosen by the Jedi, but enough that she’s vulnerable to the corrupting nature of the Dark Side…
Aaaand I’m going to stop there or I’ll be writing all night.
Send me AU ideas for 5+ headcanons!
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Small headcanon: In the Unified Galaxy Fam AU, Illusion was made with little freewill. This left his memories linked with Galaxies in a one way tie. He has nightmares about the things Galaxy went through, and as he can shapeshift, turns his hand into a cats paw while hes sleeping and paws/scratches/makes biscuts on his blanket or whatever or whoever hes laying on.
(i just rlly love illusion/p hes so silly)
I assumed Illusion would have all his freewill in this AU, but I like your headcanon!
The cat paws idea struck me in the chest and killed me. This is the most adorable angsty idea I've ever read aaaaaahhhhhh
Thank you for sharing, anon!
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Follow up to the unified galaxy fam AU: here me out here, the first villain is a demon steve and plague steve helps defeat him before becoming evil
omg, like how Plague Steve helped the heroes with Infinity Steve, lol.
Since Galaxy fam weren’t around during Plague Steve’s arc, I’m imagining them being like “we’re turning over a new leaf and we’re gonna be so welcoming, starting with Plague Steve,” and accepting Plague Steve’s help as willingly as Sabre and Lucas during Infinity’s arc.
And after the Demon Steve is dealt with, the family and Plague Steve are just vibing until Sabre comes along, sees the fam befriending Plague Steve, and goes like “Oh NO-”
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