mapsontheweb · 11 months
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Populated (white) vs unpopulated (brown) areas of Australia. Resolution down to individual Outback cattle stations and tiny remote communities. Based on 2011 census.
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k3llyyyyyy · 1 year
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thingsdavidlikes · 2 months
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Inhabité-Inhabituel XLII by dono heneman
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wanologic · 1 month
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always good to keep a screamhole handy
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panchalispeaks · 2 years
It's been a Wonderful Li-e
There was a time when I would not go out without minimal makeup, at least without kohl lined eyes and a lip tint. Mental illness empowered me to get over this self induced mandate. For the first time when I realised that getting out of the bed can feel like moving a mountain, I did not have an option to think if I'm looking too pale. And slowly I absorbed my paleness into my skin. I still do wear makeup, however not wearing makeup doesn't make me anxious anymore.
There was a time when I was shy about not having enough money. I would make excuses of being busy or of illness for not going out. I have been earning since I was in Xth standard. Dance tuitions, teaching students who were two, three, four years younger than me. I paid for B.Tech from my own pocket, I bought my first mobile when I was in XIIth, or my first desktop during my second semester of college, paying EMIs from my own pocket. People often wonder why do I still have the shirt that I bought when I was in XIth standard? And I have no words to explain how did buying a pair of bootcut denims feel like etching on a milestone for a self-supporting teenager; the story that I cannot part with.
I was a good student, I had good scores; however my priority always was more of seeking knowledge than a being a scorer. I however did my entire graduation with the intent of bagging a job. My professors would say that I could have topped the university if I had put in more effort, but the only thing on my mind was financial stability. My hesitation regarding financial crunch at the end of the month still remained even after years of earning, until recently. Paying EMIs have drained me so badly that don't care anymore. I can tell people that I don't want to hang out because I have 500 rupees left for the month, and I am not ashamed of it.
I have always been strongly opinionated and never shyed away from debates, when I had to stand by whatever I believed in. My mother often told me, the girl child, that nobody likes me because I am not polite, and nobody is going to like me ever. And she was right. I however have been in denial for most part of my life. I sure have people around who like me for who I am, however when it comes to emotional intimacy, maybe my strong self-identity is what drives people away. I have never experienced anyone else love me with the amount of passion, affection, and tenderness that I have extended to them, and I don't see it as a personal failure anymore, unlike the way my mother taught me.
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garkgatiss · 4 months
dweeby DND-obsessed fiance who can't improv and is also lost possibly forever in another dimension. welcome to the polycule!
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frozen-seagrass · 1 month
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The WALL-E au no one asked for
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haleyincarnate · 10 months
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Excerpt from “Uninhabitable” by Sierra DeMulder ✨
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Nobody Lives Here: Myanmar
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todayintokyo · 4 months
Okinawa by @AtsushiOkinawa
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aceouttatime · 7 months
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Deso Tevvitus, Citadel Special Tactics and Reconnaissance
Yet another First-Contact-War-era character of mine who has become a bit of a brainworm. Was this just an excuse to draw another turian? Why, no! Of course not!
Yes. Yes it was.
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sweet-potato-42 · 8 months
cool fun fact for sunday
East Asia and South of South America are Antipodes meaning that they are in completely opposite points on the globe.
This means that when Acau joins we will have ccs in oppolise places playing together. People who physically could not be further away from each other.
The ones in buenos aires would be the furthest but i doubt Carre will play so I think cellbit or bagi are next. (idk where exactly they live but I'm pretty sure they come from the south of brazil)
Here is a map of the world showing antipodes. The areas in orange are perfectly opposite to each other.
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lepurcinus · 2 years
Yeah, I am a little tired of the animal fiction that takes it upon itself to demonize zoos, conservation centers, responsible captivity and ex situ.
Yes, there are bad zoos, but there are also good ones. And I don't give a shit if 200 years ago it wasn't a good thing. Today their main objective and purpose is the conservation of species and that is a very important thing.
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i love it when bad is very specifically a good roleplayer by giving other people good prompts. like casually bringing up wilbur now to tallulah. or when he put missa in the petting zoo. or all those times he Tormented the Lesbians so they could protect each other from him. its just so !!!! I love watching roleplayers be considerate of other roleplayers and gleefully hand over something they Know the other person's character can react to. i've seen cellbit do it, too (that time he handed his knife to bbh. oh my god). it's not a rare thing, and it's possible to be a good roleplayer without keeping that sort of considerate back and forth in mind, but its one of my favourite things to notice. foolish does it too, sometimes- i haven't watched him much, but i did take note of when he Made Sure to bring jaiden along with him on a cucurucho quest. and basically every interaction he had with bad when the eggs were missing. its just so so good
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chaos0pikachu · 9 months
when phaya and tharn finally fuck yai's gonna have to file a missing person's report b/c no way they're coming out that room for a few days at least bet you me
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 4 months
Stranded FINAL Chapter 5
Summary:  Tossed overboard and lost at sea, Bucky washes up on an uninhabited island.  Injured, lost and scared, with little to no wilderness training, he fights to survive.  But is he really alone?
Warnings: bodily injury, mentions of sexual harassment/assault, eventual smut
Previous chapter
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Bucky was quiet from then on.  He knew he was being ridiculous, but couldn’t find it in himself to try to be better.  He started messing with the plane’s motherboard after finding a manual under one of the seats.  He had taken a few classes in school about electronics and needed something to keep his mind off of the unlivable situation he lived in now.  
A few weeks later he figured out how to turn it on, the plane thrumming as he picked up the radio and held the button.  Static rang out in the cabin and he smiled.  It was worth a try, right?
“Hello?  Can anybody hear me?” He said loudly into the receiver.  He waited a moment before trying again.  “We are stranded on an island.  Last known location was near the southern coast of Costa Rica.  SOS.”  He waited again.  He thought he heard a blip of some kind of noise, but it quickly disappeared back into static.  He sighed and repeated the message one more time before leaving the radio on for a few more minutes, then turning off the plane altogether.  
He did it every day at about the same time.  He never heard anything, but he figured that at least it was something new to try.  The sour mood between him and Y/N eased up slightly, but the tension was still there.  At night they didn’t dare touch each other as they slept next to each other, and if they woke up entangled they would quickly apologize and move away like each other’s touch stung.  
Bucky woke up one morning to a strange sound.  He waited until he heard it again and then shot up out of bed.  The jostling woke Y/N.  “Buck?  What’s going on?”  Bucky ran out of the plane and towards the beach he had washed up on.  The blaring noise happened again, and as he broke through the tree line he saw a huge cruise ship coming their way.  He started laughing and waving his hands above his head.  “We’re here!  We’re here!”  
He could faintly see a few people aboard waving back at him.  Bucky turned back to the tree line and saw Y/N slowly walking out of it.  She gaped at the ship coming toward them.  “It worked!!  Y/N it worked!”  Bucky ran up to her, picking her up and twirling her around.  Y/N barely reacted, her eyes still watching the ship as a few smaller boats were lowered with people in them coming to shore.
“The radio?”  Y/N asked, her eyes finally meeting his.
“It worked,” Bucky breathed, surprised by himself.  “We’re saved.  We can go back home.”  
Y/N broke down into sobs, sinking down to her knees and crying heavily as Bucky held her.  The small boats finally made it to the shore, some people walking up to greet them and helping them grab what they wanted to keep and bringing them back to the cruise ship.  
They were hurried along to the doctor on board to be assessed, then given a shared room to get clean and settled as the ship moved back towards a port in Costa Rica.  The captain asked them a lot of questions and gave them his phone to call whoever they could think of.  News spread on the ship quickly of the rescue mission and that one of the people was the famous lost singer.  
Y/N and Bucky hid in the cabin they were given, not wanting to be hounded by passersby and watching eyes.  After another dinner had been brought to them Y/N stood out on the balcony, watching the water and the sunset.  Now that she was cleaned up Bucky found it even harder to look at her.  The wild nature of how he’d found her would probably always be his favorite, but this clean, glowing woman in the setting sun was another nail in his coffin.
Bucky approached her, standing next to her and leaning on the balcony like she was.  They stood together for a moment before the sun disappeared off the horizon, then Y/N quickly turned and went back inside.  Bucky sighed then followed her in.
“How much longer are you going to ignore me?” He asked.  Y/N looked at him in shock.  “Or are you just waiting til we make port and then you’ll be whisked off to your awaiting entourage and try to forget this ever happened?”
“For fuck’s sake Bucky,” Y/N grimaced.  “It’s like you don’t know me at all, after what, almost a year on the island together?”
“Apparently I don’t, because you won’t speak to me.  You won’t even look at me most of the time.  I really thought that maybe someday if we got off that godforsaken island we’d have a chance at a happy life together.  You made it pretty clear you wanted me,” he said as he walked up to her.  Y/N backed up until her back hit the wall.  “And I’m pretty sure I made it clear I wanted you.  So now that we’re free, and safe, did you change your mind?”  He gave her a wounded look as he tried to control his frustration.  “Or was I just a convenience to you?  Something that made you feel good for a minute?”
Y/N looked hurt at his words.  “Of course not, Buck.”  He stared at her and waited.  She sighed and hung her head.  “You scare me.”
Bucky recoiled at that.  “Scare you?”
“Yes, you scare me.  Because from the moment I saw you I wanted you,” she said, her voice raising.  “Not just because I was lonely.  And I fought, I wrestled with myself that entire time, to keep it friendly.  We were using each other to survive, to have companionship in the struggle.  And then you helped me not freeze to death, and then you looked at me like that,” she gestured towards him.  “And then I was weak and wanted just a moment of something good, just one moment to feel you.  And you gave it to me, and it felt so good, I didn’t want to stop.” Her eyes closed and she rubbed her temples with her fingers.  “But I couldn't handle it, being near you, after that.  I wanted more, all of it, all of you, what we could be.  And now we’re safe,” she looked back up at him.  “And now…I’m scared of what this means for us.”
Bucky sighed again, a small smile on his lips.  “Well we’re here.  We’re going home.  And we can make that whatever we want it to be,” he stepped toward her again, reaching for her hand and lifting it to his lips, kissing her knuckles.  “All I want is you, lovey.  I’m all yours.”  
Y/N gave him a dreamy look, her eyes fluttering at the feeling of his lips on her skin.  “I’m yours,” she whispered back to him.  
Bucky couldn’t wait anymore and gently grabbed her face and kissed her.  Y/N immediately responded, her hands winding around his waist and pulling him close, a soft whine passing her lips.  Bucky walked backwards until his legs hit the bed behind him and he sat, bringing her with him to straddle his lap.  His hands slid from her face down to her waist, settling on her hips and pulling her flush to him.  Y/N was feeling him all over, her hands gripping his shoulders, the back of his neck, his face, his arms, everywhere she could reach.  He opened his mouth and tasted her lips with his tongue, making her whimper and opening her mouth to let him in.  
Y/N scratched her nails down his scalp and he moaned into her mouth.  It all felt so good, too good, that he felt like he was vibrating from the inside out.  His hands slid to her butt and he pushed her down onto his growing erection.  Y/N gasped, her hands pulling the hair at the nape of his neck.  Bucky started kissing down her cheek to her neck, licking and sucking different spots, finding out what she liked.  When he reached the top of the sundress someone had given her from the cruise gift shop he pulled the straps down and started kissing the swell of her breasts.
“Oh god,” Y/N sputtered, her hips starting to grind down on him.  She started pulling at his shirt, which he quickly helped get off before going back to her chest.  Her fingers softly ran along the scar on his sternum then her nails scratched down his chest, making him slightly rut up against her hips.  He suddenly turned so that she was laid on the bed and he crawled over her, pulling her dress down til her breasts were exposed then hiking up the bottom half of the dress til he could see her pussy.
“No underwear?” Bucky breathed incredulously.
“Well when you haven’t worn them for a few years…” Y/N teased, giving him a shrug.
Bucky moaned as he looked at her, one of his hands reaching down and his fingers exploring between her legs while he went back to nipping and licking her breasts, his tongue flicking one of her nipples as he found her clit.  She arched her back at the dual sensations as she choked out a moan.  Bucky’s thumb rubbed and flicked her clit while his other fingers slowly entered her.  He groaned from feeling how wet she was for him.  As he pumped his fingers in and out her moans became increasingly louder, her legs shaking and her hips bucking against his hand.  He kissed back up to her mouth and pumped his fingers faster, curling them slightly inside her.  Y/N panted against his mouth, feeling the tightening deep inside her get pulled taught until it snapped and she yelped as she came around his fingers.
Bucky kept pumping until her hips stopped shaking, then he pulled his fingers out and tasted them.  “Taste so good, Y/N,” he groaned as he shifted himself over her.  He shimmied out of his pants and underwear and pulled her legs up and over his hips.  He dragged his cock through her wet lower lips, the head rubbing on her clit and making her whine.  “We don’t have any protection…” 
“We can figure that out later,” Y/N said hoarsely.  “Please Bucky, let me feel you.”
Bucky thanked the scientific gods for after-sex birth control as he held his cock, pumping it a few times before lining himself up with her.  He slowly pushed the head in, making her mouth drop open, a long groan coming from each of them.  Y/N’s feet hooked behind his back, pulling him in faster.
“Fuck, Y/N, you want my dick that bad?” Bucky gasped.  Her pussy felt like it was swallowing him whole and he had to wait a moment so he wouldn’t immediately lose it.
“I need to feel you…all of you, everywhere,” Y/N said, her hands scratching up and down his back.  
Bucky could tell she was touch starved but wasn’t prepared for how badly she would want him.  The thought flattered him but made his heart ache for her.  “I’ve got you,” he promised, keeping his upper body close to hers.  He rolled his hips, making her eyes roll in her head.  “I’ve got you, Y/N.  My girl…”
He thrust slowly at first, letting her adjust to him and feel him fully.  Y/N’s brow furrowed, her eyes shut tight, her hands sliding down to his butt to pull him in again then tickling up his sides.  Bucky had been with people before, but none of it had felt this intimate, this special or personal.  He picked up the pace of his hips and thrust a little harder, helping him reach a little deeper.
“Buck…” Y/N moaned, kissing his cheek and down to his neck, licking and sucking along his throat, her fingers running through his hair again.  Bucky’s hips shook as he thrust even harder.
“God, Y/N,” he moaned into her ear.  “Taking me so well…so deep…you feel perfect.”  He kissed her again, their tongues entangling as he thrust in and out of her.  He could feel her pussy flutter around him and he shivered.  “You gonna cum?  Cum all over my dick?  Huh?” he spoke against her lips, not letting any space come between them.  
“Fuck yes,” Y/N said, then sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, nipping it with her teeth.
“Gonna fill you up–”
“Please,” she gasped, her back arching.
Bucky slipped a hand between them and started flicking her clit as his hips pummeled into her, chasing his own release.  “My girl…my pretty girl…” he grunted.
Y/N tensed as she came again with a loud strangled moan that he quickly covered with his mouth.  Her pussy squeezed his cock so hard that he gritted his teeth, a long whine coming from his throat as he came inside her, continually rutting against her to make sure she could feel it all.  Y/N groaned feeling him fill her up, a little bit of cum dripping from in between them.
They panted against each other as they tried to breathe normally again.  Bucky’s face was tucked against her neck, his lips randomly kissing her neck and her ear, whispering praises to her.  She shifted her arms so that she was holding him around his shoulders, her fingers running through his hair like they used to when they would fall asleep together in the plane.  She started humming “Nature Boy” softly like she used to and he smiled.  When she finished the song Bucky sighed and squeezed her.
“God I love you,” Bucky sighed.
Y/N tensed slightly and looked down at him.  He looked up at her to see her reaction.  She was smiling softly and leaned down to kiss his nose.  “I love you, too,” she said quietly.  
Bucky had been right about one thing.  Once they made port Y/N was surrounded by people and cameras that separated them.  Bucky was greeted by his parents and sisters, their tearful reunion recorded for the world to see.  Y/N’s family tried to whisk her away but she wouldn’t leave without Bucky, pushing through photographers who were screaming questions at her and him and their families.  Airport and police officials took them all away to a private room and asked Y/N and Bucky extensive questions about what happened to them.  After a few hours they were finally released, and Y/N jumped into action with her family and people who had been involved with and in charge of her estate upon her disappearance.  She arranged for everyone’s flights home and figured out a time for her and Bucky to get back together soon once everything calmed down and they got things settled in their lives.
“This isn’t goodbye,” Y/N said, tears falling from her eyes as they held each other.   “You hear me?  I will get things settled and come get you.”  Bucky nodded, a few stray tears of his own falling that she quickly wiped away.  “You’re mine.  And I’m yours.”
“You’re mine and I’m yours,” Bucky repeated, kissing her nose.  “I love you.”
“I love you,” Y/N said, her tears falling more heavily.
They separated, each of them going back to their respective homes.  Bucky had a slow, steady flow of tears the whole way home, his family trying to console him.  He cried for the friends he’d lost and all the questions the officials had about them and having him go through what happened the day of the storm.  He cried for being able to see his family again.  He cried for the fact that he had survived and was rescued.  He cried for finding love that he so far had only gotten to enjoy for a short period of time, and he wasn’t sure when he’d feel it from her again.  Bucky was a mess as he tried to get back into normal life.  All the things he used to take for granted now were overwhelming.  He couldn’t sleep when she wasn’t there next to him to hold him.  The silence in his life was so loud without her there always humming or singing a song.  His parents tried to get him to cut his hair but he wouldn’t because he knew when the time came that she would want to run her fingers through his hair again.
A few weeks later he got the call and was instantly on a plane.  As scared as she was of flying it was the fastest way to get him, and so he found himself on a private plane.  Y/N had been able to get her estate fixed and was bringing him back to her.  The minute he was on solid ground Y/N was running to him on the tarmac, jumping into his arms then holding, crying and kissing each other.  She brought him to her apartment that she was renting for the time being.
“How have you been?” she asked once they were finally alone.
“Not great,” Bucky said honestly, a grimace on his face.
“Yeah me neither,” Y/N laughed sadly.  
Bucky pulled her close, holding her face in his hands as he just sat and looked at her.  “Can we just…lay down?”
“Yes,” she whispered, staring at him like she was memorizing him all over again.
She led him to her room and they changed into more comfortable clothes and got into her bed together.  Bucky snuggled into her chest as she held him, her hands running through his hair.  He breathed shakily.  It was like he was taking his first full breath in over a month.  Y/N moaned as she felt him against her.  “It’s been too long, my love.”
“Never again,” Bucky sighed.  
“Yeah you’re not going anywhere,” Y/N snorted.  “You and I are going to go get a house together.  And anywhere I go, you go.  I mean…” she looked down at him.  “You can obviously say no…”
“Please,” Bucky scoffed.  “I’m not going anywhere.  You’re going to get so sick of me.”
“Impossible,” Y/N scoffed back at him.  
As they cuddled Bucky felt like he could finally relax.  He was willing to give up anything he ever wanted or planned just so he could stay right there with her forever.  As hard as the experience had been, he was grateful to have been stranded with her. 
THE END! I hope y'all liked this one. And I'll keep churning out more stories as they come to me. Thank you for the likes, comments, follows and reblogs!!
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