#unplanned pregnancy be like
wish-clan · 8 months
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WishClan - Moon 5
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lainalit · 3 months
Wait a damn minute I'm just realising that feyre's reason in Acofas why she wanted a child was because she wanted to have something that remains her of rhysand when he dies but feysand made a death pact at the end of acowar so if rhysand dies she is also dead which cancels out her whole reason for having a child ????????
At this point I'm convinced SJM doing it on purpose with the whole plotholes in her books
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 6/7
can u guess at which point I rewrote this a few months after the fact lmao
[op comic masterpost]
no dialogue
panel 2:
Note (from Law): I've been thinking of my parents a lot these last few weeks. Thinking of Lami. Those happy days I got with them. At first I thought I was even considering this because I might catch a glimpse of them in our kid, and that's a piss poor justification for having a baby. But what I've realized this week is I'm not just nostalgic for a family I've lost. Lu-ya, I'm enamored by the idea of enjoying that comfort with you. (the note trails off, continuing down the entire page)
panel 3:
Luffy: You got a lotta words here, Tra--
panel 4:
Luffy: Oh, shit. I said the wrong thing, didn't I?
panel 7:
Law: ...No, we said the same thing.
panel 8:
Law: So we're doing this.
Luffy: Guess so
panel 9:
Law: We're doing this. Fuck. I'm doing this.
panel 10:
Law: When did I get as stupid as you?? This is gonna suck so fucking much!
panel 11:
Luffy: If you're not gonna be okay then I'm changing my answer.
Law: I've done worse for less.
Luffy: I don't like that.
Law: We're decided, alright?
panel 12:
Law: I'll be uncomfortable for awhile. What else is new? I can handle it.
panel 14:
Luffy: Fine.
Law: Heh.
panel 15:
Law: Sigh. I should probably talk to Kaya-ya again. I don't think I actually had to stop my SSRI at least...
panel 17:
Luffy: Did you say again?!
Law (speaking over him): Oh, no.
Luffy: You told Kaya?!
Law: It was a...m-medical consultation!!
Luffy (speaking over him): So I can tell my whole crew?!
Law (speaking over him): That is an entirely different conversation that I will not be having right now.
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violethyacinth · 5 months
Maximus telling Lucy that she smelled good and the entire following interaction was so funny and good but also made me feel so bad for the people who grow up under Brotherhood rule
Like y’all got all this time, caps, and resources to dedicate to finding goddamn toasters and shit but you can’t take a week to teach your aspirants actual sex ed so you don’t have god knows what kind of stis going around barracks because them teenagers ARE fucking do not delude yourselves.
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withered--s0uls · 6 months
Happy April Fools or whatever except I fear this isn't a joke anymore.
Please read the tags or something idk
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zellk · 1 year
My question is about Qalaa! She’s got an amazing design in every iteration so I wanted to ask what were your main inspirations for her? Also could you tell us a bit more about her story?
Hi there ! Thank you so much for your kind words about my babygirl ;A; !!! Everything started circa 2014 when I started to play Wakfu again with @shuuzaar and decided to make a red-skinned osamodas. She also now exists in multiple universes (a minotaur or tiefling in DnD, a demon/oni, a dragon, etc etc).
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It wasn't a very conscious & willed thing but since I put a lot of 'myself' into her (more than all my other OCs, who have more... handpicked bits) so her build started to grow towards the larger / bigger side naturally. I'm definitely not as big, nor tall as her though (I am short and she's like, 209cm tall or sth).
Her general themes / traits are : A kind, soft & gentle soul in a body that is 'made' for killing / hurting easily because of it's size and strength. Feeling inadequate / dysphoria / struggling to accept her body because it doesn't fit what she likes (petite and feminine girls). Struggle to control flares of emotions & physical strength. And being very, oh so very gay about girls and feminine people (this is a very important part ok).
In time I've been slowly collecting pictures of athletes and people that make me think of her and trying to refine how she looks in my head ! Though, like many of my characters, the specifics tends to change depending on how I feel on the moment... sometimes I want her nose a bit more like this or like that... don't be surprised if her gallery isn't the most consistent in terms of facial features :,^)
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One thing that definitely DID inspire me for her though are the marks on her body ! They are inspired from scarifications of the Chambri tribe in Papua New Guinea https://bodyartforms.com/blog/sepik-river-scarification.asp)
As for her story, well, my current DnD group where I play her has given me a lot of opportunities to flesh it out a little more >:^D I'll try to keep it short.
Qalaari was born from an unplanned pregnancy. Her mother, Aamira Molandine, was someone with a very weak health due to a blood curse running in her family (more on that later) ; but despite her health she decided to keep the child and see the pregnancy through. Her father, Temhos Croquelune, is a member of a tribe of "beast folk" (this is tweaked and adapted to fit in various universes when I can) and, while enamoured with Aamira, was really not ready to have a child, and to potentially have to raise it alone should Aamira die while giving birth. After yet another argument with her about getting an abortion for her sake and the sake of them both, Temhos ran away during the night and never came back.
~6 month pregnant Aamira found refuge in the Croquelune tribe under Temhos' sister roof, Olgha (who also had a crush on Aamira & both her and her brother tried to court her). The travel took a heavy toll on Aamira's already weak health and yet she somehow miraculously survived the delivery of her (very) big and healthy baby girl Qalaari. Qalaari was raised in a very loving home by Aamira and Olgha, but developped a big resentment towards her blood father, especially since after giving birth, Aamira remained a very sickly person with a broken heart. Aamira died when Qalaari was 13, which kind of forever scared her and worsened her struggles to control her emotions.
Remember the Cursed Blood thing ? Well basically, it's a curse that either 1) eats you alive if your body is too weak to handle it (Aamira's case, which is why she had a weak health from the beginning) OR 2) enhances the physical potential of your body, but tends to make you lose control and become little more than a beast (Qalaari's case). So yeah... she's trying to get better but she has a lot of healing to do with her inner child and that's not easy... especially with the layers of self hatred the cycles of her life are bringing in :^) !
EDIT : I FORGOT TO ADD that Qalaari is currently exiled from the Croquelune tribe. The circle scar on her clavicle is the mark of the exiled, who are sent away from the tribe for 3 years before they can come back. The practice exists to try and get people to grow 'outside of the community' before coming back in it as a slightly different person. The once-exiled people are reintegrated in the tribe when they return if possible. Olgha, Qalaari's aunt-in-law and adoptive parent, has a mark like this! This exile is definitely not the best solution ever but it's been done for so long in the tribe that it's hard to yknow... challenge the system of it.
Anyway if you've read to this point, thank you for listening to me fail miserably to keep this short... Qalaari is one of my dearest OC, so it's really hard not to gush about her in a 3 hours TED Talk everytime...
Thank you for this kind ask ! Hope you'll have a good day :> !
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
I'm sorry, and I say this as someone who loves a lot of books with an accidental pregnancy in them, but like...
If you're writing a contemporary romance set in the now times, and your heroine gets knocked up in like a one night stand, and she isn't like, specifically crazy and attempting to get pregnant by a random, if she's genuinely not at all trying to get pregnant or planning on a pregnancy...
I'm not saying you have to have her consider an abortion, but the idea of her being like "this is all hunky-dory", even if she wants a baby in the long term, is INSANE
Like... in this economy? In this current world? In a reality wherein even if you don't typically support abortion, you know you can't have one even if it threatens your life depending on where you live? Not second-guessing your accidental pregnancy or having negative feelings at all is INSANE and to me it makes your heroine unrelatable, even if she was knocked up by a random billionaire who later swoops in and takes care of her
I mean, I know someone who recently got pregnant by accident, and she was with a man she was planning on marrying and kids with in the long term, they lived together, they had a dog together, the proposal was discussed and right around the corner... and she wasn't happy and she wasn't immediately sure she was going to have it. She decided to in the long term, but she was like, SOBBING when she found out. Because it's a big deal and even if, after some contemplation, you're super happy about having the kid, it's at min OVERWHELMING.
idk I just... that's bad writing imo.
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windslar · 1 year
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A midnight pee turns into a midnight surprise
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
Prompt - Midge finds out she's pregnant after her night with Lenny in the blue room.
She'd had this feeling she couldn't shake for the better part of a week. Nothing monumental or show stopping or obvious, just…Something. An intuition. 
One she hadn't been truly sure of until the moment she saw him standing in that empty hallway. Bound for California…
Still, they made small talk. She held her tongue. 
They were already leaving things unsaid that were much more certain than this. He had enough on his plate…
"Okay…You take care."
He turned to go, bag in hand. Off to make a life for himself on the west coast for who knows how long. Maybe forever.
She should let him go. She should…
"I think I'm pregnant," she heard herself say.
He turned back, not sure he heard her right. "What?"
"It's early," she told him quickly, the words tumbling from her mouth or their own free will. "I-I haven't even been to the doctor yet to confirm anything but I just…" She let out a shaky breath. "Christ. And now you've got a plane to catch and a lease and–" 
"Wait…" He strode back to meet her at her side, processing. "You're saying it's…"
"Yours," she confirmed. "Yeah…"
He nodded, looking a little pale as he covered his lip with his finger. "You're sure? That I'm…"
"There hasn't been anyone else in a long time so…"
"Wow…" He puffed out a breath, glancing at the terminal anxiously. "Um–"
"I'm sorry. I know it's terrible timing. I shouldn't have said anything but–"
"But we don't call?" he offered a little sadly, turning her own words back on her.
She deserved that. 
She hadn't been expecting a call from him after the way things ended at Carnegie, after she'd screwed up so astronomically. 
Doesn't mean she hadn't wanted him to…
"We probably could have made an exception," she replied, attempting for light-hearted and not quite succeeding.
Lenny nodded. "Probably. Still, a guy likes to hear this sort of news in person when he can."
A tinny voice announcing the start of boarding for his flight to Los Angeles echoed off the walls around them, intermingling with the quiet strains of their song on the radio…
Lenny exhaled a sigh. "Look just…wait here. Okay?" 
"Lenny." She knew she couldn't ask him to stay. That it wasn't fair to spring this on him like this. It wasn't fair to either of them.
"Just…wait. Please," he begged.
She nodded quietly. "Okay."
She'd always had a hard time saying no to him when he said please.
He got a flight attendant to help him retrieve his checked suitcase from the luggage, a pink baggage tag hanging brightly against the handle.
"You didn't have to do that," she told him when he returned, even if she was grateful he had.
"I'll catch the next one," he replied.
"Is there anyone you need to call? Let them know you'll be late?" she wondered.
"I'll call my mother later," he promised. "But we should talk first."
"I suppose we should," she admitted.
"Bar? Not for you but–"
She held up a hand mercifully. "I get it. Bar is fine."
They made their way to a quiet corner of the airport lounge in hesitant silence.
He pulled out her barstool for her, treating her with kid gloves.
"Thanks," she gave him a smile, hoping to hide her nerves.
God this sort of thing had been so much easier to talk about when she had a ring on her finger and a ten year plan carefully laid out.
He took the barstool next to her, ordering a whiskey for himself and a club soda for her, tapping the bar nervously as they waited.
"So," he ventured. "Pregnant?"
"'fraid so," she murmured.
He took a moment, letting them both come to terms with it.
"Haven't you got a rocky history with that word on stage?" he teased finally.
She laughed despite everything. "Maybe they'll give me a few extra seconds if it's my own condition I'm talking about."
"Maybe," he conceded, downing a bit of his drink. "How are you feeling?"
"Good. Fine. Really good actually. No nausea or anything like that yet."
He nodded quietly. "Okay. Well that's something. Otherwise I'd feel like a real schmuck."
"I'm sorry for dropping this on you," she told him genuinely.
A smirk tugged at his lips. "Pretty sure I'm the one who asked to see your corset that night. We both had a hand in…well, you know."
"I do," she replied, smiling softly as she stirred her straw idly around her glass. "At least it was a memorable night."
"I aim to please."
He looked down at the bar.
"How um…how far along would you guess you are?"
"Not very. They actually start tracking from when your last cycle was instead of from the actual doing of the deed, so…about a month?" she guessed, belatedly realizing what she was admitting to. "Too much information?"
Lenny chuckled. "I think we're passed that point, Midge."
She shrugged. "Just wasn't sure how squeamish you were."
"I'm not," he assured her.
He took another fortifying swig from his glass.
"So…what do you want to do?" he wondered hesitantly.
Midge blew out a breath, giving it some thought. "We could try calling?  I've heard a few positive remarks on the concept. And you could visit if you want or I could come out to California, at least while it's still okay to fly." She fiddled with the edge of her sleeve as she second guessed herself. "Or I could send pictures if you'd rather we just…"
She trailed off, noting the tender, bewildered look in his eyes.
"Nothing," he shook his head. "I just assumed you wouldn't…You want to have this baby? My child? Our…"
He swallowed, struggling to find the words. "That's something you want?"
"Well the timing isn't ideal but…yes," she admitted.
"You're sure."
"Yes," she replied.
"There might be a little Lenny Jr running around making your apartment a mess, ruining your wallpaper in the not exactly distant future, and you're on board with that?" he asked again, a fond sort of smile creeping into his expression.
She shrugged. "There are worse things."
Lenny smiled, sipping his drink slowly. "Yeah I suppose there are. Timing isn't exactly ideal but…"
"But…" Midge agreed.
He turned towards her cautiously, considering his words carefully. "I don't mean to sound indelicate, but what about your career?"
"I've got two other kids at home, what's one more?" she quipped dismissively.
He gave her a look. "Midge."
"It's fine, Lenny. I'm not exactly new to juggling motherhood with stand up. I'll figure something out," she assured him. "I'm not gonna blow it. I promise."
He reached over, putting a hand over hers atop the bar. 
"We'll figure something out," he corrected. "And I'm going to hold you to that promise."
She squeezed his hand gently. "I appreciate that, really. But I'm not trying to make you feel like your on the hook or that you're obligated to–"
"Miriam," he said, looking at her fully. "As the mother of my future child, please give me a little bit more credit."
She felt a flush creep across her skin at the sound of her full name on his lips. 
"Okay," she agreed quietly.
He nodded, removing his hand from hers. "Good."
She sipped her drink, averting her eyes towards the bar. 
"I don't think you've ever called me Miriam before," she informed him.
"No?" he asked curiously.
"No." She shook her head, glancing up at him. "...It was kind of hot."
He put a hand over his mouth to hide a very bad smile. 
"Something to keep that in mind for next time, I suppose," he replied.
She arched a questioning brow at his confidence in a next time, laughing to herself.
"What?" he chuckled. "I can't exactly knock you up any more than I already have now, can I? Wouldn't hurt to make the best of it."
Midge smirked, stirring the ice in her drink. 
"That depends. Do twins run in your family?"
"Not that I'm aware of," he replied. "You?"
"No." She smiled, feeling more at ease with their old patter back.
After a moment she admitted, "You know. If this sort of thing had to happen, I'm glad it was with you."
"Yeah? Why's that?" he wondered.
She swallowed, wetting her lips.
"Because no one else has ever made me feel like you did that night. Made me feel cared for in that way."
"You mean when I hooked your leg over my–"
"Not that." She swatted at his shoulder lightly as they received a sidelong glance from the bartender.
Lenny smirked, looking rather pleased with himself as he arched a contradictory brow in her direction.
"Okay yes, also that," she conceded, keeping her voice hushed. "But I meant after. When you held me just to hold me. It was…it was really nice."
"I concur," he murmured. "At least until the slow runners called."
"And I found that bag in your bathroom."
He nodded, growing somber.
"Right. That."
"Is all really well?" she asked gently. "I know I didn't handle bringing it up well last time but I need to know, given that you knocked me up and all…Are you okay?"
She reached out to retake his hand in hers.
He turned his palm over, lacing their fingers.
"I'm working on it," he replied eventually. 
"Well if there's anything I can do to–"
"There isn't really," he informed her softly. "But I appreciate the sentiment."
She nodded quietly. "We can talk about it another time. Now what about that pack of lawyers of yours? What are we dealing with there?"
"Midge, this wasn't supposed to be a talk about my problems," he reminded her.
"Too bad," she replied, hopping off the barstool to dig one of his files out of the bag at her feet. 
"Miriam," he admonished, lowering the timber of his voice as he slid around her to get the file.
"Nice try," she smirked, flipping it open on the bar, glancing over what appeared to be a billing statement of some sort.
"Jesus Christ Lenny, are you really paying these guys that much?"
He shrugged, slumping back into his bar stool in defeat. "It's either that or face some options I'd care for even less."
Midge shook her head. "You're getting ripped off."
"You know your way around a courtroom better than I do?" he wondered incredulously.
"I know a guy. Mike Kessler. He'll charge you way less than these vultures and he's good. Better than good. You should call him. I might have his number in my purse actually."
"Midge, I've got a lot more charges against me than just saying a few naughty things to a crowd in the Village," he reminded her.
"And flashing my tits. Allegedly," she corrected with a smirk.
He blinked at the image. "I think I missed that."
"You were waiting for me out front. We just didn't know it yet," she replied, pulling the card in question from her purse.
She placed it against his chest, holding her hand over his heart. "Call him. I'll put in a good word," she insisted.
He shook his head, lifting her chin with the crook of his index finger to kiss her.
She was more than happy to oblige, letting herself get pulled in by his embrace, her eyes drifting shut.
"Thank you," he replied when their lips parted, holding the business card between his fingers, pocketing it pointedly. "Now back to why we're really here."
"You've still got the lease and the daughter out in California," she reminded him.
"Kitty," he informed her.
She smiled. "Kitty. That's a sweet name."
"Thanks. She's a sweet kid. Yours are…"
"Ethan and Esther," she answered.
"Right," Lenny nodded. "Are they in school?"
"Ethan just started kindergarten this year." 
"So did Kitty."
Midge couldn't help but notice the proud little spark in his eyes at that.
"How long's the lease?" she wondered.
"Six months. At least to start had been the plan."
She nodded to herself. "We can work with that."
"Maybe Kitty and I could come visit over Hanukkah," he ventured.
"I'd like that," Midge beamed.
"Me too."
Lenny smirked to himself, finishing the last of his drink, setting it aside.
"God, I feel like I should be offering to buy you a ring. Getting down on one knee to make an honest woman of you or some shit," he admitted, pulling some money for their drinks from his wallet.
Midge let out a laugh. "Well how could a girl say no when you put it like that?"
His eyes searched hers, looking for an answer to the question he hadn't quite asked.
"I don't need you to propose, Lenny," she replied gently. "Not right now. I…"
She let out a breath. "I don't want you to marry me just because you think it's the right thing to do."
"I can think of a few other reasons," he drawled, placing the money on the bar.
She shook her head. "I need to know that if you propose it's because you love me. First and foremost."
He nodded, getting to his feet slowly.
His hand came to cradle her cheek as he looked into her eyes, taking her hand in his other and bringing it to his lips tenderly.
"First and foremost," he promised.
He exhaled a sigh as the clock on the wall caught his eye.
"You need to go," she guessed.
He nodded, his thumb tracing circles across her hand, reluctant to let go.
"Promised Kitty I'd be home for her birthday. Should probably try to make good on that."
"Lucky girl."
He smiled softly, gathering his things.
"I'll call you when I get settled. Promise."
"Okay," she agreed, getting to her feet. "I guess I'll keep you posted on what my OB has to say."
"Please do."
"Not exactly how you expected your afternoon to go, hm?" she teased.
"One could say that."
She took him in in that moment, memorizing the lines in his face, the light in his eyes. 
She'd never expected Lenny. Her whole life she'd made careful plans for herself but she'd never once expected him. Never thought to imagine that someone like him would drop into her life, become one of her dearest friends and steadfast supporters. Never expected him to slowly steal her heart along the way.
Was it any wonder that an unexpected pregnancy after a night spent in his arms felt strangely right, even now with the cards stacked against them?
"We'll figure it out," she promised. 
He nodded, gathering his things in hand, a little bit of hope in his eyes that hadn't been there at the start of this.
"See you at Hanukkah?" 
"Can't wait."
She watched him walk away, still bound for the west coast. But this time it wasn't a goodbye.
It was the start of something much better.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
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this. . . this isn't ayato???
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bikerboyfriend · 5 months
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screenshot dump
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mzminola · 1 year
Bat Brat Age & Role Shuffle AU:
Once upon a time there was a young Gothamite who went to the circus to see the Flying Graysons, a pair of acrobats of world acclaim. The mafias hadn’t started paying attention to Haly’s as a potential squeeze in the protection racket yet, so absolutely nothing went wrong.
Several years later Jack and Janet Drake get divorced, but that’s unrelated.
Also unrelated, Bruce Wayne eventually debuts as Batman. Not too long after that, Crystal Brown overdoses while Stephanie is at school and Cluemaster is busy with two-bit supervillainy.
Blaming both herself and Arthur for not being there, Spoiler sets out to kill her abusive dad, running into Batman along the way. They get along as well as you’d expect two people who are similar in all the worst ways, but Bruce can’t stop Stephanie despite her being, like, ten. He’s new at the vigilante thing and she saw his face (there may have been a brick involved), so they have a mutually assured destruction thing going on.
Spoiler bargains to only beat up Cluemaster, not kill, if Batman teaches her to be the best possible crime fighter ever. He agrees. Once Arthur is in jail, Bruce steps up to officially foster Stephanie.
Spoiler keeps flying at Batman’s side, continuing her extensive training. They both lean into the Brooding Loner theme, so Stephanie is only an associate of the Teen Titans, not a full member. They make her feel awkward, and her intense Bat-training makes them feel judged.
Meanwhile, Tim Drake started college at about the same time most people start High School, having gone super hard on academics to drown out his parents’ fighting before their divorce. A big fan of both the Flying Graysons and Batman, he takes the plunge on maybe not actually being he by handcrafting a costume for her Original Herosona Do-Not-Steal, Batgirl! to attend a convention.
Tim being an overachiever, and also a Gothamite who’s lived this long, the costume is fully functional for crime fighting, which comes in handy when a Rogue crashes the con.
Stephanie is younger and Tim a less experienced crime fighter, so Spoiler and Batgirl butt heads a lot once Batgirl starts flying through the night, but they’re always down to team up to dunk on Batman (Tim loses some of the hero worship once actually doing the hero job).
Tim has to pretend to be a perfect heterosexual cisgender young man for her parents by day (or at least for Jack, Tim’s more hopeful about Janet) and so uses Batgirl time as a chance to experiment and as an outlet for a lot of things. She flirts with Batman all the time, which makes Spoiler mime barfing because ew that’s her dadmentor, gross.
Spoiler is even more obnoxious when Bruce flirts with Catwoman and gets along even worse than canon!Dick does with Talia.
Bruce and Stephanie’s too-similar personality clashes get worse the older and more confident Stephanie gets, culminating in an explosive fight when she turns eighteen and ages out of the foster system. She spends a few weeks living with Arthur (out on parole again) out of spite, and then hightails it to New York to prove she can be a team player and join the Titans for real.
Sick of the extreme uptick in brooding, Alfred badgers Bruce to get the fuck out of the manor for something other than crime and tormenting the Wayne enterprises Board of Directors.
Bruce goes to Haly’s Circus.
You can guess how that ends.
It doesn’t even occur to Tim that twelve year old acrobatics prodigy Dickie Grayson wouldn’t stay with Haly’s Circus, surely John and Mary had some kind of preferential guardianship documentation. So while Tim is now done with her LIS degree, has a job, and presumably could be an eligible foster parent, Bruce already has custody by the time Batgirl encounters Robin in the field.
Batgirl makes sure Tony Zucco’s entire organization comes crumbling down while Batman and Robin deal with the man himself.
Stephanie finds out about Batman’s new sidekick from Tim instead of Bruce and reacts…
Canon!Stephanie has some pretty damn strong jealousy issues. She hasn’t even been gone two months yet and Bruce already has a new partner? A new kid? Who does Bruce think he is, replacing her like that? Who does the kid think he is, stealing her dadmentor?
God, and he’s so much peppier than she is, in a brighter costume, Spoiler could always make Batman smile but Robin makes him laugh. He’s got the murdered parents thing in common with Bruce too, parents who never did any crime, unlike hers. This isn’t fair.
Tim thinks Stephanie needs to get over herself and not be a jerk to the kid on the rare occasion she visits Gotham, if she can’t handle being nice. Stephanie accuses Tim of being a kiss-ass to Batman, says Tim must be so thrilled to finally be the more experienced crime fighter for once, and oh, isn’t it a dream come true to work with one of the famous Flying Graysons? Tim throws a book at her head.
Two or three years later, when Tim has already been going out in the field less frequently, doing more casework from the computer, considering retiring Batgirl and working up the nerve to come out as a woman in her civilian life, her parents arrive earlier than they’re supposed to for dinner just as she’s getting back from patrol. In costume.
There’s a lot of shouting. Accusations. Assumptions. Hurtful things said. Some supportive things said, too. Jack blames Janet for Tim “dressing in drag to run around with lunatics!” Janet blames Jack for Tim never talking to them about all this. It doesn’t help that Tim got a small laceration on her temple which is bleeding like a motherfucker when she comes through the window; their baby could have been killed!
Eventually everyone calms down; Tim agrees to put her vigilante work on hold while they all attend family counseling (which she’s tried to get them to do before). Jack admits Grandpa Charlie would be proud of Tim’s heroism. Janet asks what name Tim prefers to be called, and starts listing notable women from ancient history when Tim admits ‘Batgirl’ is the only girl name she’s chosen so far.
Unfortunately, just a few weeks later, the Joker and his henchmen break into a Drake Industries medical manufacturing facility to steal something while Jack is there, on the day Tim came to meet her dad for lunch.
Tim takes a bullet to the spine, instead of Jack taking it to the gut.
While Tim is in the hospital, fifteen year old Dick Grayson is dealing with complicated feelings about family. The Gotham socialite sphere and media keeps gossiping about his status as a foster kid; Bruce’s first still had a living father, a criminal, of course she was in the system, but Richard is an orphan, why hasn’t Bruce adopted him? None of them think to ask Dick how he feels about that; his father is John Grayson, he doesn’t want a new dad…
But he would like more reassurance than he’s getting that Bruce wants him around as himself, not just a crime fighting partner.
Bruce is not good at other people’s feelings; his attempts to not impinge on the Graysons’ memory or make Dick feel pressured about adoption come across poorly.
Then Dick gets a letter from someone claiming to be his half-sister. Since when has he had a half-sister? Is this for real? Does he really have more family out there?
Melinda doesn’t betray Dick, but they both still end up dead at the Joker’s hands in a warehouse on the other side of the world anyway.
Stephanie was in space when it happened. She misses the funeral. It sits hollowly in her chest; she was never there for the kid, never acted as a big sister, now he’s dead and she missed the fucking funeral.
She never wanted a little brother. But she had one anyway. And now he’s dead.
Spoiler gets nearly as self-destructive as Batman.
A few months later the Gotham police commissioner’s thirteen year old daughter Barbara Gordon knocks on the door of Stephanie Brown’s apartment in New York, demanding she come back and pull Batman’s head out of his butt.
“He’s come close to killing people,” Babs says severely, photos taken with a ‘borrowed’ crime scene camera documenting Batman’s self-and-others destructive spiral spread out on the coffee table. “He wasn’t like this when working with the Spoiler.”
Along with the photos, there’s a methodically constructed timeline of Batman’s crime fighting partners lining up with Bruce Wayne’s fostering history. The extreme prejudice Spoiler uses whenever Cluemaster gets out of jail and the similarities between Robin and the Flying Graysons’ costumes is noted in the margins.
“Trust me, kid, if I could pull B’s head out of his ass, I would,” Stephanie says, sarcasm covering up her nerves at their secret identities being blown. “Now why are you here, instead of showing all this to Daddy?”
Babs rolls her eyes. “Because Dad would have to arrest him.” There is an implied duh.
“Well, then, you should be familiar with dads not doing what we want.”
Stephanie drives Babs back to Gotham because she’s thirteen and traveled all the way to New York by herself. Stephanie may be a bit paranoid about kids traveling alone right now.
Alfred compliments Babs’ detective work and makes her cocoa. Bruce reads the margins of the timeline and remembers trying to get Dickie into a subtler costume; the grief and guilt make him say unkind things to Babs. This does not sway her from the conviction that Batman needs a partner again.
Some more unkind words and an altercation with a Rogue later, Babs is that partner.
“The hell are you even gonna call yourself?” Stephanie asks, visiting while Babs is in training. Babs lives with her dad. Bruce isn’t fostering her. Stephanie is gonna be this kid’s big sister anyway. She’s gonna do it right this time, dammit.
“Sparrow,” Babs says. “I thought…” For the first time Stephanie’s ever heard, Barbara Gordon sounds less than 100% confident. “A songbird, in Robin’s honor. And ‘Sparrow’ starts with the same letters as ‘Spoiler’ so it’s...it’s after both of you.”
Stephanie is going to blame the Batcave training mats stench for how her eyes water. “Good name. Dickie’d like it.” She never knew him well enough to know that, but what can it hurt to say?
(On Halloween, the ripples of Superboy Prime’s punch reach back in time, righting what should never have gone so wrong, and Dick Grayson crawls out of his own grave. Unfortunately for everyone, Deathstroke is the first to find him.)
Tim is busy with physical therapy, family counseling, her library job, her new vigilante idea, and getting her name legally changed to Timothea Jacqueline Drake. She doesn’t find out about Sparrow until Babs is back from her misadventures in Paris and Hong Kong with Lady Shiva, and takes down King Snake’s gang at the docks.
Batman’s very first message from Oracle is IF YOU DON’T DO RIGHT BY THE NEW KID I’M STEALING HER TO BE THE NEXT BATGIRL.
Meanwhile, young teenager Jason Todd is stealing tires to pay for his mom’s medicine while his dad is in jail again. Two-Face, Willis’s most recent boss, won’t even bother to pay for his arrested henchmen’s bail, let alone lawyers, and the Gotham court appointed ones are a crapshoot.
Willis never wanted Jason doing crime, but Jason never wanted his dad doing it either, so tough fucking shit all around. Before getting arrested, Willis shared just enough information about his henching gigs to keep Jason away from them. Don’t go to that part of town tonight, avoid the docks next week, never buy anything from Scarecrow’s ex-goons even if they’re working for someone else now.
So when Jason sees the Batmobile just fucking sitting in Crime Alley, he steals two tires and leaves a note on the dashboard with everything he knows about Two-Face’s latest plans.
The snarling photo of that coin-flipping fucker’s arrest in the papers two days later is the most satisfying thing Jason’s seen in his life. It doesn’t get him his dad back, but it sure feels damn good.
So maybe Jason listens in harder on other Rogues’ henchmen and mafia goons chatting with each other in bars and trying to impress the working girls with how much they know, and maybe when the Batmobile shows up a few blocks away from Crime Alley, it loses another couple tires and gets an even longer note.
The third time Jason does it, a hand lands on his shoulder and a voice says “Dude—” from behind him; he swings out with his tire iron, clocking Sparrow in the face.
“Oh, shit,” Jason says, stumbling back. He just whacked Batman’s sidekick! Everyone knows Batman is super fucking protective after the second one died! Oh shit, he is so fucked.
“Dude, ow,” Sparrow says, hand to her jaw. “Nice reflexes, but ow.”
“No shit, nice reflexes,” Jason says. “This is Gotham. Do people just love being snuck up on wherever you’re from?”
“I’m from Gotham too, jerk,” Sparrow says.
“Don’t sound like it,” Jason points out. She has an accent. It’s subtle, but there. Guessing by how her eyes widen, not many people notice. “What do you want?”
“Uh, for you to not steal my boss’s tires?” Sparrow says. She rubs her jaw. “Like, we appreciate the tips, but could you leave the Batmobile in one piece?”
“You can afford to replace them,” Jason says, rolling his eyes. “I gotta eat.”
“Is that so.” Sparrow narrows the lenses of her mask. It’s freaky. She reaches for her belt; Jason jumps back, raising the tire iron higher. Sparrow huffs. “Chill. I’m giving you stool pigeon money. It’s not as much as the tires cost, but it’s better than nothing.”
Jason eyes the money when she holds it out. He doesn’t like thinking of myself as a snitch; this is revenge, it’s getting back at the fuckers who won’t help their own people out. But he does need the money, and what is he gonna do, fight Sparrow for the tires?
“Fine.” Jason snatches the cash out of Sparrow’s hand, eyeing the numbers in the corners quickly before hiding it in his hoodie. “I gotta worry about the big bad Bat coming after me for fucking up your face?”
“Oh, god, no, it’s embarrassing enough a civilian got a hit on me, I’m not telling him it was a teenager.”
She’s definitely a teenager too, but Jason decides discretion is the better part of valor and keeps his mouth shut.
Within a week, the Todds qualify for a health insurance plan Jason’s never heard of before. A pilot program by the Martha Wayne Foundation.
Next time, instead of jacking tires, Jason asks Sparrow to teach him how to use those nifty grappling hooks in exchange for information on a Mr. Freeze scheme.
Leaving off here because there are a LOT of moving parts to figure out for the ensuing canon plotlines, and how they'd change. Also, if any other teams ages and roles outside Gotham have been shuffled around too, or if they're all as per canon.
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msnihilist · 4 months
Another headcanon for the Monday-verse I have is that, unlike our Doc and Drew, Doc and Drew Monday planned for Zak to be born with his powers.
...If only because I can't think of any other reason why the two of them would have had a child in the first place, especially not continue to keep him around despite the fact that they detest him.
#the secret saturdays#doc monday#drew monday#zak monday#like. think about it for a sec#they clearly hate zak. it's implied that they physically abuse him#i imagine that zak s was a planned pregnancy with unplanned powers#and zak m was an unplanned pregnancy that the mondays took full advantage of#they keep zak around for his abilities only#it's not like they'd care if dumping a kid somewhere was illegal the mondays are already on the run#there's no government telling them that they have to take care of their kid because they wouldn't care even if that was the case#so why the animosity if zak m is useful??#he was supposed to be loyal to mommy and daddy but instead fell victim to another puppet master: komodo#komodo told doc and drew about the kur stone and the three of them planned for a baby to act as a vessel for that power#a baby that they could mould and of course eventually use to double cross one another#it's just that komodo sank his claws in before doc and drew could and zak is loyal to him#hence the thin veneer of love that drew m shows in her debut episode that is completely gone the second time we see her#escaping the mirror was komodo's way of rubbing in their faces that zak was his plaything through and through#''my most loyal servant'' headass#the real tragedy of zak m is that he was never loved by anyone he was only ever used for what he could do#and in the end with all that revered power he still died and left no one to mourn him#anyway I'm normal about this show
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kuronousag1 · 1 year
Continuing with HSR Creatober comes another fic + a bonus!
Prompts mixed:
-The Trailblaze 🌠
-The Elation 🎭
Also good to note that even if the prompt was in the SFW list, the fic DOES have a NSFW Bonus ("The extasis of Elation") which can be read completely separate from the other, It is more me trying to wrap my head around how love making would function in their Aeon forms.
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Main fic:
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saltydogsmut · 9 months
I saw your tags on my post and I am now very excited for when you decide to make transformers sex weirder 😳😳😳
Thanks. I'm still pretty slow at writing so it may take a while, but I'll get there.
To be fair, I think I leave my weirder transformers sex ideas as flavour text in completely sfw fics.
There's currently no smut planned for the dissolving spikes idea, it's there mostly to circumvent the idea that pregnant mechs /need/ to interface when you can just pop off hs spike and be done with it.
Just rip the dick off, it's fine, it'll grow back.
That fic idea also has protosparks take millions of years to grow into a spark before the body is formed, so that's fun.
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
Jiang-furen is doing sex ed for the yunmeng kids? there's various levels depending on your age. the baos and baby disciples basically get "consent is important" and "names for body parts" and it goes up to a very thorough thing for the teenagers. The teens also get a bunch of relevant tools and talismans (birth control, menstrual hygiene, etc.)
A few years after TMAAF, some of the Jiang boys work with Jiang-furen to develop reliable male birth control, since most cultivation-based methods won't help couples with a non-cultivating female partner. It turns out to be very successful, especially for new parents who don't want to have two babies two years in a row.
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