#alright get ready to see her kits soon
wish-clan · 8 months
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WishClan - Moon 5
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girlgenius1111 · 1 month
casts, broken arms, & snuggles
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alexia putellas x reader - part of the mila verse :)
an accident at the park pulls alexia from training and to the hospital, where she finds both her girls not doing their best. everyone is very overwhelmed with their feelings, and maybe don't handle it the way they should. basically, protective panicked alexia and insecure reader. a bit of angst / injuries / concussions symptoms, mostly fluff.
You knew Alexia would panic. There wasn’t much you could do about that. Especially not when the only way you had to reach her was through the staff. It was somewhat of a bad omen within the team, having a staff member walk outside with a phone call for you. It only happened in an emergency, and unfortunately, this definitely counted as an emergency. When one of the assistant coaches, Xavi, answered the phone, he seemed to be on the same page as you. 
“Try to act calm, otherwise she’ll just freak out.” 
“I am not sure there is much I can do to avoid her having a nervous breakdown.” Xavi stated. You heard him call Alexia over, and tried to shush the very upset almost 3 year old in your arms. 
“Amor, what is wrong?”Alexia asked, practically tearing the phone out of Xavi’s hand as soon as she heard who was calling. 
“Everything is fine, okay? There was just a little accident.” You began, speaking in a soothing, calming tone, the same one you’d been using on the baby. 
“What kind of accident?” 
“Meels fell at the park-” 
“¡AY DIOS MIO!” Alexia shouted. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. 
“Ale, breathe. She fell off the slide and I think her arm might be broken. She won’t let me touch it and she hasn’t stopped crying.”
“Broken?!” Alexia squeaked. 
“Ow.” Mila whimpered, frowning unhappily at her arm from where she sat in your lap. “Hurts, Mama.” 
“I know, baby.” You told her. “Ale, the ambulance is here to take us to the hospital do you-” 
“What were you doing? Were you not watching her? Why weren't you watching her, why did she fall?” Alexia snapped. 
You bit back the retort you had ready, knowing this was just a result of her fear for Mila. You weren’t happy with what she’d said, but that could be dealt with later. “We’re leaving now for the hospital. Meet us there.” You said coldly, before hanging up the phone without saying anything else. Alright, you were pretty upset, and you let it show. You had already been beating yourself up for what had happened, thinking the things that Alexia had said. 
As you and Mila got loaded into the ambulance, you realized you hadn’t mentioned something important to your wife. No doubt, she was hauling ass to the hospital, so she’d find out soon enough.
Alexia burst into the room in a flutter of chaos, throwing the curtain aside and looking around frantically. Mila was sitting in your lap, holding her arm awkwardly away from her body, while you ran your fingers through her wavy brown hair and tried to keep her calm. Both of you looked at Alexia when she walked in, her panic clear on her face. She was sweaty, still in her training kit, and her eyes were only on her daughter.
“Mila, mi bebé,” she said gently, moving closer to the bed. 
“Mami!” Mila cried, a pout on her small face, holding her arm out for Alexia to see. She squirmed in your lap, trying to get closer to your wife, but you both made sure she stayed carefully where she was. 
“Pobrecita,” Alexia murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed and pressing repeated kisses to her baby’s head. She stared hard at Mila’s already swollen arm, trying to stifle her own tears. You weren’t pleased with Alexia, but you weren’t particularly upset that she hadn’t even glanced at you, her attention fully on Mila. “What happened?” 
Mila’s voice wobbled as she began to talk, reaching out with her good hand to grip onto a few of Alexia’s fingers.. “Fell! Off the slide. Mama tried to catch me, but now she has an ouchie too.” 
Alexia’s eyes flew to you, seeing for the first time the towel and large ice pack pressed to the back of your head. Her heart sank. She knew before that she would have to apologize for what she had said, and now she knew she’d have to do even more groveling. Especially if the hurt look on your face was any indication. 
“Amor,” she sighed, reaching for your hand. You pulled it away, refusing to make eye contact with her. 
“I’m fine.” You dismissed. “Mila’s got a basic fracture, just a month or so in a cast to fix it. They’ll be in to put it on soon.” 
“Mama needs stitches.” Mila whispered conspiratorially to her Mami. 
Alexia’s face grew, somehow, even more upset. “What happened, mi amor?” 
Still avoiding her eyes, you spoke quietly. “I was going to catch her at the bottom of the slide, but she stood up at the top and fell off the side.” 
“And your head?” Alexia asked, leaning closer to try and inspect your injury. Mila looked up at you with concern, her expression matching her Mami’s almost exactly. Where Alexia’s fingers were gentle as they cradled your head, Mila’s were clumsy and clunky as she tried to run her fingers through your hair. It was something you did to make her feel better, and she thought that maybe it would make your frown go away, too. 
“I tried to catch her in time, but I slipped and hit my head on the edge of the slide. And I didn’t really catch her.” You admitted, slightly embarrassed at that fact. Alexia would have caught Mila, you were sure. 
“It’s okay, Mama, you tried your best!” Mila said encouragingly, parroting back something you and Alexia must have told her a hundred times. Her arm temporarily forgotten, Mila shifted so she could lean up and press a kiss to your cheek, before she snuggled closer to your chest. 
Your wife’s eyes were stuck on your daughter, practically turning into hearts as she took in how sweet and caring her baby was. You couldn’t blame her; you felt the same. That you had created such a perfect little person would never cease to amaze you. 
“Thank you, my baby.” You mumbled, wincing slightly as you shifted, trying to keep Mila’s arm in a safe position. Every movement of your upper body sent waves of pain through your head, but you didn’t want Mila to know how upset you were. 
“Mi amor, I-”
Whatever Alexia was about to say was cut off completely as the doctor entered the room, introducing herself to your wife, and beginning to talk Mila through the process of getting the cast put on. There were some tears, wiped away quickly by her Mami, as they began to wrap up her arm. 
Once the nurses had taken over, and began adding the colored plaster to the cast, and Mila was suitably distracted, the doctor regarded you. 
“Alright, let’s get that head wound taken care of.” She said kindly, motioning you over to a chair in the corner of the room. She stood by your head, beginning to clean the wound and prepare to stitch it up.
You shut your eyes tightly, trying to keep your wincing to a minimum. Alexia watched on worriedly from her spot next to Mila, knowing how much you hated needles. The midfielder so wanted to comfort you through this, but she also didn’t want to leave Mila alone if she was still upset. So, she did what you’d spent many years helping her do, and communicated. 
“Milabear? Can I go hold your Mama’s hand while she gets her stitches?” She whispered, heart melting at how Mila looked over at you, and nodded enthusiastically. 
“Go help Mama.” She said bravely, feeling much better now that she had her red cast on her arm, and that the nurse had given her some goldfish. Mila munched away happily, her eyes trained on the TV hanging on the wall, and Alexia had never been more grateful for having such an independent and resilient child than she was in that moment. 
Your eyes were still shut, a few tears escaping as you tried very hard to act like the adult you were. You startled a bit when Alexia crouched in front of you and took your hand. Opening your eyes, you tried to breathe deeply, feeling the doctor begin to thread the needle through the skin of your scalp. A small, rather pathetic whimper fell from your lips, and Alexia brought your hand to her lips, pressing kisses to the back of it. Her adoring gaze only made more tears fall, and you felt completely ridiculous. 
“You are okay, amor. It will be over soon.” 
Every tear that fell was gently swiped away by your wife. The doctor worked as carefully as she could, but there were still tugs on your skin that had shivers running down your spine, and your stomach churning. There was only so much Alexia could do to help, but luckily, it wasn’t a very large wound, and the doctor was done within a few minutes, cutting the excess thread and reaching for a white bandage. She wrapped that around your head, holding a piece of gauze in place, which really felt like overkill. 
“Okay, done.” The doctor announced, removing her gloves and stepping away from your chair. Alexia’s earlier words forgotten, you stood shakily to your feet, allowing yourself to fall into your wife’s open arms. 
“You did so good.” She whispered, smiling despite herself at the bandage wrapped around your head. You looked adorable, frowning up at her with tears in your eyes, looking somewhat like a disgruntled mummy. 
“Mama?” Mila called from her spot on the bed. 
You wiped at your eyes quickly, plastering a smile on your face as you walked over to your daughter. “Hi Meels.” 
“All better, Mama?” She asked, reaching both of her arms out for you to pick her up, which you did easily.
“All better.” You confirmed, holding her as close as you could. 
“Almost all better.” The doctor smiled, turning to your wife. “She has a mild concussion with the impact on the ground, so she’s going to need to take it easy for a few days. I am assuming you know concussion protocol, Ms. Putellas?” 
“Yes, yes of course.” Alexia said, her eyes squinting with concern as she studied you. “I will take good care of her.” 
“Me too!” Mila added, squirming in your hold until she could loop her arms around Alexia’s neck and shift over into her arms. 
Your wife very hesitantly pulled you into her as the doctor left the room. You tilted your head to make eye contact with her, still with a small frown on your face. It was clear that you were still upset with your wife, but the determination in her eyes told you she’d do anything to fix it. 
Apparently, anything consisted of making you sit on the couch next to Mila, holding an ice pack to your head, and not daring to move. Your wife went from room to room, collecting anything she had determined you or Mila might need. It was endearing, but also somewhat frustrating when she’d appear to hand you something, and go flitting off before you could just ask her for what you really wanted: for her to sit on the couch with the two of you, and relax. 
Stressed Alexia made you stressed, but you knew this was just how she was coping with what had happened today. Alexia always held a lot of guilt for the little moments she missed while at work; any milestone that Mila achieved while Alexia wasn’t around was downright painful for your wife. She was a protective person, and you knew she was even more bothered because both you and Mila were hurt, and she hadn’t been there to help either of you. 
You and Mila sat side by side, heads moving back and forth like you were watching a tennis match. In fact, you were just watching Alexia disappear and reappear with Mila’s favorite toy, a blanket, your favorite sweatshirt, a snack, some water, more ice, more painkillers and 6 different pillows for Mila to rest her cast on. You were exhausted just watching her. 
She appeared back in the living room like a ghost the minute you stood up, her hands grabbing onto your shoulders and gently pushing you back down onto the couch. 
“Ale, just let me-”
“No! Sit.” Alexia insisted, ignoring the small giggle from her daughter. 
You rolled your eyes, shrugging out from under her grip and standing anyway. “Alexia, I have to go to the bathroom. You can’t do that for me.” 
Alexia had the decency to blush, at least. “Okay. I’ll walk you there.” She decided, grabbing your hand and beginning to escort you to the bathroom. Honestly. 
Always her mother’s shadow, Mila got up too, and grabbed your other hand. “Mami I can-”
“No. Sit!” Alexia repeated, though with a small smile as she regarded her daughter. “Mila, you stay there. I can take care of everything.” 
“But Mami-”
“No! I can help Mama, you need to rest.” Your wife said, ignoring the amused look you were giving her, too focused on the attitude suddenly radiating off your daughter. 
“Mami. I have to go potty too.” Mila said exasperatedly. Ale blushed further, nodding as she allowed Mila to accompany you both towards the bathroom. You turned your snort of laughter into a fake cough, knowing that Alexia could be sensitive to being teased about her over protectiveness. And, well… it seemed Mila was holding her own in showing her Mami how ridiculous she was being. 
Once you’d arrived at the bathroom door, which took significantly longer than was necessary due to your wife and her mini-me insisting on walking slowly so as to not aggravate your head wound. You indulged them, only putting your foot down when both of them began to follow you into the bathroom. 
“No. Enough. I can do this myself.” You sighed, looking between both Alexia and Mila’s skeptical expressions. 
“But what if-”
“Mama, I can-”
You interrupted both of them by shutting the door and letting out a deep sigh. If you didn’t have a scar across your abdomen that told you that you’d birthed Mila, you’d be sure she was Alexia’s genetic clone. 
The rest of the night consisted of overwhelming amounts of hovering, from your wife and daughter both. Alexia took turns fussing over you, and fussing over Mila, until you were sure you were going to make her sleep on the couch or something, before she suggested waking you up every 20 minutes and performing a cognitive test. 
Alexia had just barely put Mila down in her toddler bed when she heard you call for her. There was urgency in your voice, but it was still obvious that you were trying to keep your voice down for Mila’s benefit. It had been hard enough to get the toddler to sleep; she had become suddenly very tearful once it was time for bed, because her favorite pajama shirt didn’t fit over her cast. It had taken one of Alexia’s t-shirts, around 45 minutes of cuddles, and 4 different stories, for her to finally settle. 
“Alexia,” you whisper yelled, shutting your eyes as the dizziness got worse. You heard Alexia rush down the hall towards you and willed yourself to hold on just a moment longer. 
Alexia ran into the room, seeing you with your head in your hands, sitting up in the bed. “What is it, amor?” 
“I’m gonna be sick,” you managed, pressing a hand to your mouth as Alexia sprung into action. 
“Okay, okay, just hold on one second.” 
Just in time, Alexia thrust the bedroom trash can in front of you. You were sick, retching into the trash can uncomfortably. Your wife pulled your hair back, being careful to not jostle the skin around your stitches, tying it into a very loose bun. She rubbed your back soothingly, pressing kisses into the side of your head until you were done. 
“Oh, amor, I am so sorry.” She murmured, taking the trash can from you once you were done. She was going to take it out of the room, but then she noticed the tears in your eyes, and decided that could wait until later. 
You curled into her when she sat by your legs and pulled you into her arms. Within a second, you were sobbing brokenly into her shirt, incapable of resisting how comforted you felt when she held you. 
Alexia whispered soft reassurances into your hair, beginning to think you were upset about more than just feeling so unwell. “Amor, is it your head? Or something else?” 
You shook your head weakly into her chest, sucking in a few breaths before you tried to respond. “Meels broke her arm and it’s all my fault.” You said miserably. 
“No no no, do not say that. It was not your fault, you did the best you could.” Alexia rushed to make you feel better, but that’s all it felt like; something she was saying just to make you feel better.
“You would have caught her.” 
Alexia’s chest squeezed uncomfortably, knowing that she was partially at fault for how guilty you felt right now. Even if what she’d said had been in the heat of the moment, and it was just a reflection of how upset she was, of course you’d taken it to heart. 
“It was an accident, mi amor. It is no one’s fault. Sometimes kids fall, sometimes they get hurt. It happens.”
“But Ale, it wouldn’t have happened if you had been with her. You’re just… so much better at this than I am.” You mumbled, refusing to untuck your face from Alexia’s shirt, even as she tried to get you to. 
“That is so not true.” Alexia insisted. “You cracked your head open trying to make sure Mila didn’t get hurt. That is not something a bad mother does.” 
You ignored her logic, wiping a tear away with that back of your hand. “You were right earlier. I should have been watching closer.”
Alexia shook her head again. “No. I was-“
“You blamed me then, what’s changed?” You snapped, not quite sure where all of these negative emotions were coming from, or why your mood was changing at the drop of a hat. Sad and guilty one second, angry the next. It wasn’t fair to Alexia, who was just trying to make you feel better, but there wasn’t any room for rationality in your jumbled head. 
Luckily, your wife didn’t seem to take your words or your tone personally. Instead, she tucked a piece of hair back behind your ear and softly kissed your forehead, showing more patience than you were sure you deserved.
“I don’t blame you. I was terrified earlier, but that is no excuse. This was not your fault and I’m sorry I made you feel like it was. So sorry, amor.” Her voice was sweet and you could feel how sincere she was, just from the way her hand gently cradled your cheek. 
Nodding shakily, you took a deep breath, suddenly feeling more than a little exhausted. “I’m sorry, Ale, I just-”
Alexia cut you off, though, placing her index finger over your lips. She looked stern again, like she had before when she was making sure you stayed on the couch and didn’t move. “It’s okay. No apologies. You are overwhelmed and hurt and exhausted. You need rest, we can talk about this more tomorrow if we need to.” 
You nodded your agreement, shifting uncomfortably as you glared down at your pillows. Your head absolutely throbbed, and you hadn’t even tried to rest it on the pillow yet. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna sleep.” You mumbled, brow furrowing in confusion when Alexia smiled cheekily at you.
“I do!” She said enthusiastically, quickly tucking herself under the covers and pulling you to lay on her chest. Your head was completely safe from any contact with anything, and you found so much peace in the steady thump of Alexia’s heartbeat in your ear. 
She was a miracle worker, Alexia. Just when you thought you were going to explode with the amount of thoughts swirling around in your head, she quieted your brain with a few words and a few kisses. 
Unfortunately, as comfortable as you were, sleep did not seem to be in the cards for either of you. At least, not yet. No sooner than your eyes had fallen shut, and Alexia had settled comfortably into the pillows did you both hear the creak of Mila’s door opening. 
You exchanged a glance with your wife, keeping completely silent, knowing that sometimes Mila would come check on you both during the night, before heading back to her room. You heard her little steps padding down the hall, a small gasp, and then a loud thump. 
Alexia was out of bed before Mila could even cry out. “Stay there!” She threw over her shoulder, causing you to sit back down on the bed with a grumble. You were glad Alexia hadn’t turned the light off earlier, as she sprinted carelessly out of the room towards your daughter. 
“Mama!” Mila sobbed, her little voice breaking your heart. She wanted you, and it took everything in you to not go to her in that moment, knowing that Alexia would bring her to you. 
“It’s okay, cariño, I’m here.” Alexia soothed, Mila’s cries becoming muffled by her Mami’s shirt. 
Still, you could make out her next words very clearly. “I want Mama,” Mila demanded. 
Alexia just shushed her, a few seconds passing before they both appeared in the doorway. Mila’s face was red and stained with tears, her cast cradled to her chest. She reached for you as soon as she saw you, and Alexia wasted no time in bringing her over. 
“Careful, Milabear,” she reminded softly, handing the toddler over to you. Mila curled up against your chest, and you rubbed her back soothingly, exchanging a worried glance with your wife. 
Mila was a rough and tumble kid; she fell often, and really only cried if she was actually hurt. Sometimes, not even then. She was like her Mami in that way, so her inconsolable tears now terrified you. 
“I think she tripped over my shirt.” Alexia murmured, running her hands through her daughter’s hair. Dressed in one of Alexia’s old warm up shirts, Mila surely had tripped over the hem of it. You could see this information really sinking into your wife’s head, as she began to gnaw on her bottom lip, worry and guilt clouding her face.  
“Baby, did you trip?” You asked, easing Mila away from your body so you could get a good look at her face. She nodded, looking between you and your wife, her bottom lip jutting out adorably. 
“Woke up and my arm hurt, and I wanted to sleep in here but I couldn’t see and I fell.” Mila said. “Mama’s shirt is too big.” She continued forlornly, as if just now realizing this piece of information. 
Alexia looked truly distressed, opening her mouth to apologize for allowing Mila to sleep in her shirt, even though you knew the toddler had cried and cried until Alexia had finally given in to what she wanted, if only so she could sleep. You spoke before Alexia could, though, pushing a lock of hair out of your baby’s face. 
“Did you bump your arm when you fell?” You asked. Mila nodded, sniffling sadly. “Does it hurt a lot more or just a little bit more?” 
“A lot at first. Just a little bit now.” Mila said bravely, peeking at her Mami out of the corner of her eye. She loved to act tough, your little girl, but she was only three, and broken bones hurt. 
Alexia still hovered on your side of the bed, looking like she wanted to cry. 
“Alright, Mami will go get you some ice, and you can sleep in here with us tonight. Deal?” 
Mila nodded, flopping forward again to rest on your chest. The fact that her mood didn’t even really lift when you told her she could sleep with the two of you told you that she was really hurting. 
Without a word, only a soft kiss placed on Mila’s forehead, Alexia headed for the freezer. She walked calmly out of the room, but both you and Mila heard the unmistakable sound of her running her way to the kitchen, and running back. 
“Mami’s running.” Mila said, a small smile adorning her face. You laughed quietly, doing your best to keep your smile in check as Alexia slowed to a walk just before walking through the bedroom door, acting as though she’d walked the whole way. 
The blonde had returned with the biggest ice pack you had, the one that she’d used on her knee. She wrapped it meticulously around Mila’s arm, handed her a small sippy cup [of what looked suspiciously like juice, even though Mila was only supposed to have water this late at night], and some children’s pain medicine. 
It was only when Alexia slipped back into bed that she spoke, addressing her daughter with a deep sadness in her voice. “I’m sorry about your shirt, cariño, I shouldn’t have let you wear it.” 
Mila gave her a strange look, scooting out of your lap to lay directly on top of your wife. Her little fingers grabbed onto her Mami’s shirt, even the one’s restrained by her cast twisting into the fabric. “It’s okay, Mami. Was an accident.” 
You smiled at your girls, watching Alexia’s face melt from guilt into adoration as she leaned down to kiss all over Mila’s face. Your daughter giggled, and your heart soared at the sound, more than happy that she had stopped crying and cheered up. 
Mila settled back down against her Mami, reaching one hand out to latch onto your shirt and attempt to pull you closer. “Mama, closer.” She complained, huffing when you didn’t budge. 
Alexia frowned, worried you would put yourself into an uncomfortable position with your head in order to make Mila happy, but luckily, your daughter seemed to have the same thought. 
“Not on your back Mama! You gotta lay on your front. Here, lay on Mami.” Mila offered, whacking Alexia in the face with her cast as she struggled to move over. You snorted at the disgruntled look on your wife’s face, ignoring the fake glare she sent back your way.
It took some maneuvering from everyone involved before Mila was curled up against one side of Alexia’s chest, and you were resting with your cheek pressed into on the other side. Only once you and Mila were both comfy did Alexia kiss Mila on the forehead, and you chastly on the lips. 
And it was only when Mila had drifted off, soft puffs of air leaving her as she gripped onto both you and your wife, that you relaxed. Alexia gave you a knowing smile, well aware that your daughter's insistence that you hold her when she’d gotten hurt, and that you be included in the bedtime snuggles, had put to rest your worries that you’d failed her today. 
It all evened out, in parenthood. You couldn’t forget that. Tomorrow, when Alexia would turn away for a split second too long during breakfast and Mila would end up with syrup in her hair, you’d be even more sure of that. Mistakes didn’t change how much you or Alexia loved Mila, or how much she loved both of you. 
Mila didn’t keep score. She just loved you both, and that was that. 
this has been in my drafts for genuienly several months so i apologize if it doesn't feel very cohesive. hope you enjoy anyway 🙂🫶🏻 thanks for reading 🫡🥰
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randomer4567 · 9 months
Run (Alpha Damian x Omega Reader)
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Summary: You ran away from your alpha, years later he and his family tracked you down.
You despised the galas that Bruce would incessantly throw, primarily because of the other Omegas in attendance. They were nothing more than spoiled brats from wealthy backgrounds. In contrast, you hailed from a low-class family and had to fight tooth and nail to rise to the top. Eventually, you managed to secure a job at Wayne Industries, where you crossed paths with Damian Wayne. What intrigued you about him was his scent, a rarity since you rarely found yourself drawn to the scents of other Alphas, save for your dam and your older sister, who was also an Alpha.
Damian stood apart from the rest, as he seemed disinterested in the typical Alpha behavior of seeking out a harem of omegas.
You didn't actively pursue him, but to your surprise, he took the initiative and asked you out on a date. Initially, you almost canceled because you lacked a suitable fancy dress. However, Damian came through and sent you a dress and heels to wear. The two of you hit it off, leading to him asking you out again. This time, you had a wonderful time together. Love blossomed between you, and soon enough, Damian's rut coincided with your heat.
You decided to spend this intimate time at your place since Damian preferred not to be around his brothers and father during his rut, fearing he might go feral. That's how the two of you officially became a couple. In the beginning, Damian was sweet, treating you with gentleness, care, and respect. He showered you with attention, making you feel special and safe. He seemed to have a deep understanding of you. However, over time, he grew distant, concealing your mating mark in public and distancing himself from you. Your inner omega blamed itself, leading you to make the difficult decision to leave.
You concocted a plan to convince Damian that you were unwell. Convincing Alfred proved to be challenging, so you simply informed him that you were going through a rough week and desired some solitude. With Alfred being an omega himself, he understood your need for privacy and even aided in making it appear as though you were coming down with a cold. And now, you found yourself packing your belongings into a bag, including essential clothing, toiletries, scent blockers, enough food for several days, your cellphone, and laptop for communication with work (having transitioned to freelancing), a small first-aid kit for minor injuries, and a few books for entertainment during your journey. You had meticulously planned everything and were ready to go.
"Omega," Damian's voice called out, causing you to freeze. You mentally cursed yourself, and he approached, peering into your bag. "Are we going somewhere?" he asked, though the look on your face made him rephrase his question. "You're going somewhere," he stated, this time without a hint of uncertainty. You desperately searched for a way to lie or at least avoid getting into trouble.
"Something came up with my sister," you replied, avoiding his gaze, although his mesmerizing green eyes captivated you. Damian raised an eyebrow and remarked, "And you faked being sick just to visit your sister?" Your heart raced as you tried to think of a response. You knew you had to come up with something soon. Taking a deep breath, you attempted to explain.
"Yes, I needed to see her. She hasn't been doing well lately," you quickly added, "I just wanted to make sure she was alright." Damian regarded you with a suspicious expression, and you could tell he wasn't entirely convinced.
He nodded slowly and said, "Alright." Damian walked away, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Sighing, you glanced out the window, feeling a sense of relief. You knew Damian would keep an eye on you. You slung your bag over your shoulder, opened the window, and cursed silently. Why did Damian have to choose a bedroom on the third floor? Fortunately, the presence of vines provided a stroke of luck. You grabbed onto them and climbed down.You fled the Wayne property, having purchased a one-way ticket to Gotham months before, before you had met Damian.
You applied scent blockers before boarding the plane. Your laptop was turned off, and your phone was set to airplane mode.Years passed, and you built a new life for yourself. Adopting an alias in your freelancing work, you altered your appearance slightly. While you didn't have a new mate, you lived with your beta cousin, who willingly helped conceal your omega scent. Despite occasional bouts of loneliness, you found contentment in your new existence. That is, until the day you unexpectedly encountered someone you never thought you would see again—Tim Drake.
You pretended not to notice him, grateful for the scarf you had borrowed from your cousin. By a strange twist of fate, you ended up in the same grocery line. Tim attempted to engage in small talk, questioning how you had been, why you left without a word, and urging you to call Damian as he had been searching for you. Feeling a surge of anxiety, you swiftly made your escape, driving a few blocks away before abandoning the car to avoid any potential tracking. With groceries in hand, you approached your cousin's home, only to be confronted by a startling sight—Red Hood and Damian holding your cousin at gunpoint.
To be continued...
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Youth Team
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: The final of the Under-17 Euros
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Your call-up to join Denmark's Under-17 team comes on a random Wednesday.
You're freshly fifteen and have just gotten back from practice, throwing your hair up into a ponytail and shoving your dirty keeper gloves into the washing machine.
"I'm home!"
You don't really expect anyone to answer but Momma appears in front of you in an instant, a phone tucked under her ear.
"It's for you," She says and you take it in confusion - unsure of who would call your Momma instead of just you.
"Is this y/n?" The voice on the other line asks. It's a little weird hearing someone call you by your name like that. Your mothers never outgrew calling you your childhood nickname and everyone at training just called you by your last name.
You can hear their smile down the phone and something unknown stirs within you.
"I'm calling on behalf of Denmark's Under Seventeen Squad. We'd be delighted to have you join us at camp this year."
You're speechless for a moment, eyes wide in shock as you look at Momma, who is smiling and nodding at you.
"Y-Yeah! Yeah, I'd love to come!"
"Excellent. Details will be sent to your mothers and we look forward to seeing you at Viborg soon."
That was months ago now and, as you slip into your kit, you can't help but think back on it. You're still fifteen, one of the youngest on the squad but you've still managed to clinch the first keeper position from your sixteen-year-old counterpart.
You're up against Germany (but everybody already knew that you would be, they'd been on a winning streak since before you were born) and you take the time before kick-off to take steadying breaths.
Eriksson-Harder is on the back of your jersey. It was a small consolation prize for Morsa, putting her last name first on your back after you chose Denmark over Sweden for the youth teams. Sweden had called too, only several hours too late and you had to reject their offer in favour of Denmark.
Morsa had been a bit miffed but after you promised to put her name first, she was placated (if only for a moment before she arrogantly reminded Momma that you had all the time in the world to choose Sweden's senior team).
"Alright there?" One of your teammates asks as you ready yourself to walk out.
"Peachy," You say sarcastically," Just..." You shrug. "At least try to keep them from getting close enough to shoot?"
She laughs. "It's Germany. I don't think we get that luxury."
She's right because most of the match is spent viciously defending your clean sheet.
You jump.
You dive.
You punch.
You do everything in your power to keep the German goals from taking this from you.
"Come on!" You yell in triumph as you narrowly grab onto the ball. The speed at which it came at you nearly winds you but you recover quickly, kicking it quickly to one of your defenders to send it further up the pitch. "Come at me!"
It's a vicious game and your whole uniform is dirty and raked with mud from the amount of times that you have dived to the ground to stop the ball.
It all comes to a head though when the ninety minutes are up and neither team has scored.
You despise penalties with all your heart (although you're incredibly skilled at them). They're the bane of your existence (but at this point, you don't know that you'll never let one in throughout your entire career). It's made even worse when Denmark starts it off. The ball tips out of target.
You step up.
It goes on for a few excruciating rounds. None of your penalty takers seem to be able to score and you're left to make sure that Germany can't either.
Finally though, on the fifth kick, your captain manages to just squeeze one past Germany's keeper and you're left to make sure it stays that way.
If this next ball goes through, it's more penalties.
If not...Well you knew what happened if it didn't go in.
You bounce on your feet, gloves up and ready as Germany's captain readies herself.
She looks like she's aiming right.
The crowd is silent.
She kicks the ball.
You move left...
And catch the ball in your hands easily.
The stadium erupts.
You scream. Your team mobs you and suddenly everyone is talking over each other and laughing and crying and screaming their joy for everyone to see.
You break from the group, still clutching the ball in your hands as you run to the crowd.
To Momma and Morsa.
Tears are spilling down your cheeks as you hop the railing and crash into their arms.
You're not quite sure who's at your front and who's at your back but you just know that Morsa and Momma are here and they're holding you and you've just won the Under-17 Euros.
You're still crying as you pull away to see Momma's the one in front of you. She's crying too, cupping your face and raining kisses on your forehead.
"You did so well, princesse." Morsa's still holding you from behind. "So well. We're so proud of you."
"Denmark's first goalkeeper," Momma says," Winning on penalties."
You grin, your tears having run dry even as you're still overwhelmed by emotions. "So you think I'll stay first keeper?"
Morsa laughs from behind you and you turn around to face her, seeing the pride shining in her eyes. "Definitely. Although, hopefully, you won't stick with Denmark."
"I don't know," Momma teases," She's just won her first Euros. I'd say that staying with Denmark might be her good luck charm."
"She's going to be good enough not to need luck."
You have to break away from them to collect your medal and have a little hold of the trophy but you head straight back.
You take off your medal as soon as you reach them and place it around Momma's neck.
"There'll be more," You promise her and Morsa," There'll be so many more."
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atlasscrumpit · 4 months
Will/Hannibal!Platonic reader
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You were Will's daughter, never Hannibal's
Hannibal and Will never wanted you to get involved in their 'work' but when a whole squad of police came to raid their home they locked you away to keep you safe. 
You held your hands over your ears as you heard screams and gunshots, curled up in a small closet. 
Your father told you to stay here and cover your ears no matter what.
After a long wait the closest doors swung open and you screamed before your father knelt down and hugged you, covered in blood.
"It's okay, baby! It's me!" Will shouted as you cried and hugged him tightly.
"It's alright, I'm here." He whispered, holding you as tight as possible.
"Where's papa?" You whispered, pulling away to let him wipe away your tears.
"He's okay, he's just handling something, okay? Are you hurt?" He asked as you shook your head.
"Are you hurt?" You whispered with worry in your voice.
"Just a little, I'll be okay, darling." He said, checking you over before helping you out of the closet.
You held onto his hand as he led you out.
"Go pack a bag and get ready to leave okay?" He said as you nodded, about to leave when you heard a noise.
You looked up to see Hannibal stumbling into the house, covered in blood.
You backed away in fear.
"Hannibal... You with me?" Will muttered, knowing full well that the killer and Hannibal were two seperate people.
"Are you hurt?" He asked slowly stand in front of Will and looking him over.
He saw a wound and notice a bullet had grazed him.
"I'll be okay." Will replied, Hannibal looked at him with a deadly glare.
"It needs stitches, sit down. Y/N, go get my first aid kit." He said dismissively as you ran off.
"This isn't her fault." Will whispered as Hannibal examiner the wound.
"She is reckless and she is going to get us caught." He grumbled in response, making Will glare at him.
"She's our daughter." He replied, wincing in pain.
"She's your daughter." Hannibal said begrudgingly before you rushed in with the first aid kit.
"Good girl." He muttered, digging through the first aid kit.
"Sweetheart, go pack a bag okay?" Will said as you nodded about to leave when Hannibal grabbed your wrist.
"Do not take any electronics what so ever, do you understand?" He growled as you looked at him in fear and nodded.
"Good, go." He demanded before you ran off.
"You need to stop being so hard on her, she's just a kid." Will grumbled before Hannibal dug the needle into his skin and began stitching up the wound.
After packing a bag, showering and discarding the bloodied clothes you climbed into the back of Hannibal's car.
Will covered you with a blanket before Hannibal began to drive.
"Take a nap if you need, love." Will said, looking back at you as you nodded.
"Love you, dad. Love you Papa." You muttered, cuddling into your pillow you has pressed against the window.
"Love you too." Will said with a smile before nudging Hannibal.
"Yes... Me too." He grumbled unwillingly as he continued to drive.
Will had fallen asleep as Hannibal continued to drive, he looked at Will and smiled a little.
"I'm sorry, Will... You'll understand one day." He muttered, pulling over to the side of the road.
Will was on heavy pain killers and he knew he wouldn't wake up.
But, you did.
You woke up when Hannibal opened your door and pulled you out.
"Papa? What's happening?" You asked, rubbing your eyes.
Hannibal grabbed your blanket and back pack.
"You'll be fine." He muttered handing you a wad of cash and wrapping the blanket around you.
"A bus will come soon. Get on it and get somewhere warm, get to a police station and do not tell them the truth. You will tell them you are homeless and you will never mention our names unless you want your father in prison or dead, do you understand?" He growled, kneeling down and holding your shoulders.
"What... No, I'm coming with you." You whispered gripping onto your small teddy.
"You're not safe, neither is your father. You'll be better without us." He growled before he quickly got back in the car and sped away.
You screamed and tried to run after him but the car was too fast.
"DADDY!" You screamed as tears ran down your face.
You sobbed as you curled up on the ground, wrapping the blanket around you further.
After crying for a while you stumbled over to the bus bench.
After an hour a bus pulled up and a short dark skinned woman stepped out and looked at you.
"Hey, sweetheart. What are you doing out here all alone?" She asked, kneeling down to see your face.
"Can you take me to a police station?" You whispered as she smiled kindly.
"Of course I can, dove. Come on, the bus is nice and warm." She said, grabbing your back pack and helping you off the bench and into the warmth of the bus.
You sat on a seat with your backpack, blanket and teddy as the woman started up the bus and began to drive as you cried softly.
"Where's your parents, sweet pea?" She asked as you looked up and wiped your eyes.
"They...they left." You whispered as she looked at you sadly.
"It's okay, dove. I'm from this town and I know some of the guys at the police station and they're nicer than anyone, alright? They'll help you." She said reassuringly as you nodded.
Will woke up when the sun rising shone in his eyes, he groaned and looked I to the back seat for a moment before panicking.
"Y/N? Hannibal! Where the fuck is Y/N!?" Will shouted as Hannibal didn't take his eyes off the road.
"She puts us in danger and we put her in danger... It'll be better this way." Hannibal grumbled as Will's eyes widened.
"You killed her..." He muttered making Hannibal slowly turn and look at him.
"No, I did not kill her. This isn't a life for a child, Will. She'll go somehwere nice, be raised by a good stable family." He replied, looking back at the road.
"Where the fuck is she, Hannibal? I don't give two shits if she puts us in danger or I put her in danger. She is my daughter and I will never let her go!" Will screamed before grabbing the steering wheel and forcing the car to veer off the side of the road into a tree.
Will groaned and held his bleeding nose as he looked over to see Hannibal unconscious.
"You piece of shit." He grumbled before getting out of the car.
He raked a hand through his messy hair and looked around, tears forming in his eyes. 
"Fuck!" He shouted angrily, kicking the car.
He heard Hannibal groan and rushed to the driver's side door and ripped it open.
"We are going back for her, no let me rephrase that. I am going back for my daughter, either you can come with me and beg on your knees for forgiveness or you can fuck off out of my life." He growled as Hannibal groaned and slowly got out of the car, rubbing his sore head.
"I am just trying to protect you." Hannibal said before Will slapped him across the face.
"Do you have any idea how much that kid loves you? She shouldn't, she should fucking hate you, but she doesn't. She cares about you so much and you just fucking leave her?" Will said as Hannibal slowly looked at him.
"If you wish to go after your daughter then I cannot stop you. But, if you wish to have her then you will not have me as well." Hannibal said, causing Will to laugh dryly.
"Are you seriously asking me to choose you over my child? You must know nothing about me if you think I would fucking pick you over my daughter." Will growled before grabbing his backpack out of the car and began walking.
"You've made your choice then."
You had been in the police station for quite sometime.
Now, you sat across from a lady who was asking you questions.
"Did someone tell you to not tell us the truth, Y/N?" She asked as you clutched your teddy.
"No..." You whispered, not looking up at her.
"It's okay, I know it can be scary if someone tells you to keep a secret." She replied as tears welled in your eyes.
You heard a commotion outside and suddenly your eyes widened hearing your father's voice.
You ran out of the interrogation room and saw your father.
"Dad!" You screamed while he was trying to convince the police officers to let him inside.
You ran as fast as you could and jumped into his arms.
He knelt down and cradled you while he cried softly.
"It's okay, baby. I'm here, I'm here." He whispered as you sobbed and held onto him for dear life.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You cried as he rocked you back and forth gently.
"It's okay, sweetheart. It's not your fault, I've got you." He replied, holding you as tightly as he could.
"Sir, are you the guardian of this child?" An officer asked as Will stood up with you in his arms.
"Yes... Yeah, she's my kid." He muttered as you cried and closed your eyes, resting your head on your father's shoulder.
"Do you have some identification for yourself and your daughter?"
Will knew it was risky telling the officers his name and yours after everything that had happened.
But, he didn't care.
He just needed you back and that was all that mattered.
He sat beside you on a bus, your head resting against him as he held you close.
"So, Papa isn't coming back?" You whispered as Will looked down at you sadly.
"No, sweetheart. He hurt you and he hurt me, I won't ever let him near you again." He reassured you as you nodded.
"I tried to make him like me..." You whispered, practically breaking your father's heart.
"I know, sweetheart. So did I..."
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d6volution · 11 months
Ok, so reader (somehow) gets her hands on a cute bunny lingerie. It's got fishnet tights and a headband and a cute little cotton tail. What better use for it than to tease Jax with it? Surely he won't pin her down and fuck her into next Wednesday, right?
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ive decided to combine these two asks, 🤭 hopefully that is okay. enjoy.
tags: pregnancy, pregnant!reader, miscommunication, dry humping, lingerie, jax in heat
minors dni.
It's strange, ever since you got pregnant with Jax's kits he's.. been avoiding you, well. Not necessarily but he's been trying not to overwhelm you? Yes, maybe that's it. You really couldn't tell, he acted strange around you as of late. Trying to keep his distance but, still caring for you tooth and nail. You couldn't help but feel like your swelling tummy and changing body was becoming.. unattractive for him? You weren't that far along.. you tummy only just began to sprout a small baby bump.
His touches no longer lingered and his body language was the opposite of what it used to be. Maybe he was a bit distressed about .. becoming a father? You felt like you needed to calm him down, help him relax like he's been helping you.
You decided to take things into your own hands, you wanted to feel sexy for him again. And you had an idea.
Knock, knock knock.
Ragatha opened the door and you stood there timdly, "Hi.. is this a bad time?"
"What, no no— Of course not, come in y/n." She ushered you inside with a kind smile and you both got comfortable in her room. You explained your situation and like the good friend she was, the doll completely understood.
"Give me a day or two, and it'll be done alright? Don't think too much, Jax... can be very confusing sometimes." She reassured you, and you exited her room soon after. Running into Jax just outside of the hall.
"H.. Hey, doll, how ya feelin'?" He asked, avoiding eye contact and rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm fine, are you alright Jax..? You've seemed.. distant—"
"Hang on doll, I'll get right back to ya." He spotted Kinger and used this as a means to escape your questioning.. and that confirmed that you weren't imagining his strange behavior.
The days went by, and soon your 'package' from ragatha was ready. It was a bunny themed lingerie set. You were flustered when she delivered it but thanked her all the same.
Today would be the day you'd capture Jax's attention, one way or another.
You waited until it was late enough, late enough that Jax would return to your room soon. It became a routine to make sure you were okay and had everything you needed before bed. During this time you slipped into the lingerie.. it hugged your body, your curves and put them on display deliciously. You felt your heart race, was this too much..? No you couldn't back down now.
You heard footsteps and quickly shuffled to get onto the bed, assuming a suggestive pose.
Jax walked in.
"Hey babe just checkin' in—  .... on... you.." His voice trailed off and his eyes were glued to your form. He swallowed and quickly shut the door behind him, "What's all this toots..?" He sounded, nervous. It wasn't like him. He gripped his own wrist as if to hold himself back and you subtly noticed this..
"I.. I wanted to surprise you.." You stuttered out nervously. "I wanted your attention and you seemed to be.. avoiding me.."
Jax was silent, his compsure was slipping. Seeing you in this outfit, your legs your tummy .. your neck your entire body. He couldn't do it. He was doing so well before but this? It was too much. The man nearly pounced on you. In the blink of the eye he was pinning you down, his breathing heavy.
"You don't understand, doll. I've been doin' this for your own sake.. look at you." He breathed, holding your wrists down and gently squeezing them. "Walkin' around in those tight little shorts all day now this? Heh.. you must want me to [censor] another set of kits into you." He nearly growled, his knee pushing your legs open so he could close the space between you both and rut against your crotch.
He was throbbing, his dick straining against his clothes painfully.
"I haven't been avoiding you on purpose doll, my heat came back.. I didn't.. want to overwhelm you, but if ya think im gonna hold back after this your dead wrong." He whispered into your ear.
"T.. Take me Jax, please.. I need you," You whimpered, arms wrapping around him.
"The things you do to me.. hng.." He was already losing himself just dry humping your crotch, he had been holding himself back for a while now. "J.. Just stay still, doll—" His hand caressed your stomach. His ego swelling when he felt the curve of your baby bump beneath his fingertips. Jax grunted, his face more flushed than yours now. You felt the warmth between your legs grow even more. He came in his pants...
"J.. Jax.." you whined, squriming beneath him in need.
"I know, babe.. I know.. Im gettin there." He was trembling , removing his overalls.
"Let's pump you full some more, yeah?"
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rubycruzin4abruzin · 6 months
hit the showers
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Summary: you accidentally stumble upon Hazel alone in the locker room showers after fight club. When what was supposed to be an innocent shower becomes anything but, there’s nothing that could stop you from turning up the heat.
Pairing: sub!hazel x dom!reader
Contains: mature language and content, smut, fingering (hazel receiving), caught masturbating, shower sex, locker room sex, subby!hazel, pervy!reader, hazel begging, 18+, MDNI
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Welcome to my first fic on this account!! Would love to know your thoughts. Requests are open for Hazel Callahan and Kit Tanthalos fics :)
Hazel Callahan flipped you onto your back, and soon had you pinned to the floor by your wrists.
You could feel your brain turn to mush as she hovered above you, her hot breath painting your neck. She stared down at you intensely as you squirmed and writhed beneath her. Her face and neck were drenched in sweat from the strenuous activity, but she knew lifting a hand to wipe her forehead would give you an advantage she couldn’t afford.
You were panting. Hard. Hazel was taking your breath away… in more ways than one. She stole all your focus when she straddled your lap, forcing you to let out a soft groan. She smirked, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Ready to give up yet?”
You were shocked back into reality at the sound of PJ’s voice. “Wait, PJ?” your mind raced. “What’s PJ doing here…”
“Winner, Hazel!”
The voices of the fight club members cheering Hazel's name slowly drew you out of your fantasy. You blinked your eyes as you remembered that you had gone up against Hazel in a fight. During fight club. And lost.
The blue eyed girl crawled off of you, and held out her hand, offering a lopsided smile as she helped you up off the floor.
“Good fight?” She asked, slightly unsure of herself. You offered her a shy smile back. “Yeah. Good fight.”
“You ok?” She asked, noticing your slightly disheveled state. You nodded, rubbing the side of your head. “Yeah, just a little dizzy is all.”
Hazel's eyes went wide with concern. “Oh no! Did I hit too hard? I’m sorry! Do you need the nurse? Or I can get you an ice pack…” You shook your head, stifling a giggle and trying not to melt under Hazel’s worried gaze. “I’m fine Hazel. I promise.”
You looked down, and noticed Hazel’s hand still wrapped around yours. She must’ve noticed too, because she dropped your hand almost immediately and hid hers behind her back as her cheeks flushed a soft pink. You tried to hide your disappointment, but how could you not be when your longtime crush pulled away so suddenly?
PJ’s voice echoed across the gymnasium once again. “Alright ladies, good work today. Time to hit the showers!”
The members of the fight club chatted amongst themselves as they headed towards the locker room. You looked down at yourself. You could really use a shower. Your hair was tangled from laying on the mats, and your clothes were damp from sweat. Not to mention the wet patch that had begun to form in your underwear…
You looked back up at Hazel and jerked your head towards the direction of the locker room. “You coming?”
Before Hazel could open her mouth to answer, PJ and Josie quickly approached her. PJ was the first to speak.
“Hey Hazel, would you mind staying back and putting up the mats? Josie and I could use the extra time to study for Mr. G’s test tomorrow.”
Hazel flashed her a bright grin. “No problem. See you tomorrow.”
After PJ and Josie had walked off, you turned back towards Hazel. “Aren’t you also in Mr. G’s class?”
Hazel shrugged. “Yeah, but it’s fine. I can just study later tonight.”
You frowned at Hazel’s response. You were never really a big fan of the way PJ treated her, but Hazel was too nice to say anything. That or she just hadn’t realized that PJ was a bit of a bully.
“Need a hand?” You asked, gesturing to the mats strewn about the gymnasium floor. Hazel shook her head. “Nah, I’ve got it. See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.” You responded before heading towards the locker room with the other girls.
You wondered if Hazel had finished putting up the mats yet, still slightly annoyed at PJ for making Hazel stay back and do her dirty work. As you walked out of the locker room in your fresh (non-sweaty) clothing, you peeked inside the gymnasium doors. The mats were gone and Hazel was nowhere in sight. You breathed a gentle sigh of relief. That probably meant she was able to get home before it got too late. She had a test to study for after all, and you had heard that Mr. G’s class could be a bit… confusing.
“Hey!” You hear your friend Isabel call your name from across the hall. You turn around to see her running towards you. “Hey Is, what’s up?”
“Brittany and I were gonna meet up with Stella to discuss fundraising ideas for the fight club. Stella wants to do some type of car show, but PJ says we could get a lot from our used panties…”
You cringed, rolling your eyes. Of course PJ would suggest a panty-sale. The thought of middle aged men lining up around the block to buy used panties from high schoolers made you sick to your stomach. But of course that wouldn’t deter someone like PJ.
“…I don’t know why anyone would want our used panties, but…” poor Isabel. She was so naive, and right now, you were jealous of her because of that. As much as Pj’s idea made you sick, you thought you might have a chance to throw out some fundraising ideas that didn’t involve a panty raid.
“Sure, I’ll come. Where are we meeting?”
“But I’m A Diner. Need a ride?”
“Nah, I drove here,” you answered. You shoved your hand into the pocket of your shorts to look for your phone, but came up empty. “Crap. I must’ve left it in the locker room.”
“Can I meet you guys there actually? I lost my phone and I have to find it.” Isabel nodded, smiling sweetly. “No problem, text me when you’re on your way!”
Walking back into the locker room, you found your phone sitting face up on the bench right outside the showers. You let out a small sigh of relief. You hated when your phone wasn’t with you at all times.
Just as you were about to leave, you heard the soft pitter-patter of water hitting tile. “That's odd,” you thought. “I was the last one to leave. Maybe I left the shower on?”
You trudge back into the shower room to turn off the offending nozzle, but just as you were about to pull back the curtain, you noticed the soft outline of someone behind it. Weird. You could’ve sworn you were the last to leave the locker room. Maybe you were mistaken…
You notice some articles of clothing hanging from a hook outside the shower stall. A button up shirt, a white tank top, some acid wash jeans…
Oh shit.
The person in the shower was Hazel.
You froze. If it had been any other person, you would’ve left immediately. But it was Hazel, your longtime crush, the girl who occupied almost every corner of your mind. You knew it was weird, you knew it was perverse, but the knowledge that you were less than five feet away from Hazel’s wet naked body was absolutely intoxicating.
A small wet spot began to form in your (previously fresh) underwear as you watched the water run down Hazel’s soft silhouette. You fought the urge to slip a hand into the waistband of your shorts, feeling the pulsations of your now-throbbing clit. You wanted to touch yourself so badly, but you feared you might accidentally let out an audible moan, get caught by Hazel, and have her hate you forever. “Oh well,” you thought. “Guess I’ll remember it for later…”
Suddenly, the sound of the shower handle squeaked and the water stopped running. Your stomach dropped, thinking Hazel was going to throw open the shower curtain any minute now and catch you standing there. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears. This was a bad idea. This was a really bad idea. You shouldn’t have spied on Hazel. You should have left immediately. Weren’t you supposed to be at some diner…?
Just as you were about to make a run for it, you heard a soft voice coming from the other side of the shower curtain.
Pause. What was that? Was that Hazel? Was she trying to say something? Oh god, what if she was hurt…
“Mmph… fuck…”
oh. Oh. OH!
Hazel wasn’t hurt at all. No, she was…
You turned back around to see Hazel's silhouette had changed. No longer was she encased in running water while her fingers gently massaged her scalp. Instead, her head was thrown back onto one of the shower walls, while her hand desperately rubbed at the sensitive area between her thighs.
You. Were. Floored.
Not only was Hazel wet, naked, and protected by nothing but a thin plastic curtain. Now she was also touching herself while letting out the softest moans you’d ever heard.
Fuck perversion. There was no way you were missing this.
You leaned your back against the wall as you rubbed your thighs together, desperate for some kind of stimulation. Each little noise Hazel let out sent shivers down your entire body. You swore you could get drunk off her sounds alone.
Hazel’s moans gradually got louder and more desperate as she neared her climax. Her legs shivered and her hand stayed perched right where she needed it. You, on the other hand, had to bite your lip to hold back any sounds that threatened to escape. You refused to miss any second, any movement, any gentle murmur, any…
Wait. What was that?
You slowed down in order to focus all your attention on the jumbled whimpers coming from the shower stall. You could be wrong, but you could’ve sworn you heard something all too familiar…
“Mmph… need…”
Your heart stopped. Did you hear correctly?
Oh. My. God.
Not only was Hazel wet, naked, and touching herself. Hazel was wet, naked, and touching yourself… while moaning your name.
You could’ve cum right then and there.
At this point, you made up your mind. You were gonna throw open the shower curtain and finish Hazel off yourself. Why not? After this, you were 100% certain she wanted you the same way you wanted her.
Just when you took a step and reached forward to grab the shower curtain, your phone betrayed you and fell from your pocket onto the locker room floor with a loud thud.
You froze. Hazel froze. Neither of you dared to move or say anything. The silence in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.
Finally, Hazel meekly pulled open the shower curtain enough to peek her head out. Her face was already blushed pink from being caught, but upon seeing you flushed a bright red. You wondered if she could hear how loud your heart was beating, and Hazel was wondering the same thing.
“Uhm…. h-hey…” you finally stuttered out after what felt like an eternity.
“Hey…” she responded, refusing to make eye contact. “Uhm… did you forget something?”
“Uh, yeah… I left my phone, I was just coming back to get it.”
“Oh. That makes… sense.” Hazel's gaze fell to the floor where your phone was still laying. You quickly scooped it up and shoved it back in your pocket. “Uhm… were you… watching me?”
Your body froze at Hazel’s question, as your mind raced to think of a response. Suddenly, the confidence boost from before returned, and you met Hazel’s stare. “Were you saying my name?”
Hazel’s eyes widened at your accusation, and quickly looked away as her face flushed an even deeper red than before. “Uh uhm… I was just… uh…”
Before Hazel could mumble out a ‘sorry,’ you threw open the plastic curtain and let yourself in, pushing her up against the wall of the shower. You forced your mind to wrap around the fact that Hazel’s wet naked body was completely squashed against yours. Unfortunately, Hazel had not yet processed that fact, and desperately tried to cover herself up.
“H-hey, wait! Uh… I’m…”
“Thinking about me while you touch yourself?” A sly smile spread across your face as Hazel refused to meet your gaze. “Uh… uhm… I…”
You grabbed Hazel by the shoulders and roughly kissed her to shut her up. She gasped at the feeling of your lips on hers, but soon began to kiss you back. She swiped her tongue across your bottom lip, practically begging for access. You sighed at the feeling, happily obliging as her tongue explored your mouth.
“God, Hazel’s good with her tongue,” you thought to yourself. You started to wonder what else her tongue could be good for, when your thoughts were interrupted by a repetitive bumping against your pubic bone.
You pulled away (much to Hazel’s chagrin) and looked down to see Hazel had been rubbing herself against you after having been denied a previous release. You couldn’t help but smirk at her obvious desperation.
“What’s the matter?” You asked, feigning concern. “Are you that needy already?”
“Puh… please…” Hazel moaned in response, bucking her hips against you a little harder. You frowned, taking her face in your hands and forcing her to look at you. “Baby, I need you to use your words. Tell me what you want.”
Hazel’s eyes darted back and forth as she attempted to say something other than a weak stutter. You felt a little guilty about it. Let’s face it; you intruded her shower, pushed her against the tile, kissed her, and are now expecting her to speak in complete sentences. C’mon, you gotta cut her a little slack.
You took Hazel’s hands in yours and lightly squeezed them to calm her down. “Hazel, I want to make you feel good. Will you let me?”
Hazel involuntarily swallowed at your choice of words before nodding enthusiastically. At this green light, you reached down and slowly ran a finger through her soaking wet folds, taking an extra second to linger on her clit. Her hips stuttered as she chased your touch, a soft moan escaping her puffy pink lips. A smug smile spread across your face. “Poor baby. You must’ve really needed to cum.”
All Hazel could manage was a groan in response, which turned into a whine as your middle and ring finger danced over her opening. She rolled her hips against your teasing hand, desperately trying to get you inside her. The moment your fingers slipped past her entrance, Hazel threw her head back against the shower wall and let out the most erotic noise you’d ever heard. You kissed her to shut her up, letting her moans vibrate against your lips.
Your fingers curled to reach just the right spot as you let your palm work her clit. You could feel Hazel’s hips stutter as her breathing sped up. You pulled away, Hazel whining at the absence of your lips.
“Someone’s close,” you teased.
“C…close…” Hazel managed to squeak in response. “So close…”
“Do you want me to do anything different…” you barely got the words out before Hazel fervently shook her head, letting her nails claw into your back from under your shirt. “No… don’t stop… please… please keep f-fucking me…”
You felt yourself get dizzy at Hazel’s word choice. It should be illegal for someone to be able to turn you on this much.
Hazel pulled you closer, desperate to feel every inch you had to offer. You buried your face in the crook of her neck as your hand quickened its pace. You could feel how close she was, and you would give anything to watch her tremble under the crushing weight of an orgasm you caused.
The pressure in her lower abdomen pulsed against the arch of your wrist. “I-I’m… I’m gonna…” Hazel sputtered out, before you grabbed her jaw and brought her down to you, kissing her feverishly as she reached her climax.
Her muffled moans tasted oh so delicious, you swore you could get drunk off them alone. Strings of unintelligible pleases and praises vibrated against your lips as your hand drowned in her juices.
You pulled away from her lips and slowed your pace as her breath began to even. She was about to slam her head back against the shower wall, but you rested your free hand on the back of her skull to cushion the impact. Hazel mewled, grateful for what seemed like a caring gesture.
Eventually, she quieted and her hips stopped sputtering completely. You removed your hand from inside Hazel, and took a second to marvel at the way her juices seemed to glisten at the tips at your fingers. Curiosity took hold of you, and you dipped your middle finger into your mouth, moaning as the taste coated your tongue and mentally kicking yourself for not going down on her. Hazel’s jaw dropped as she watched you lap up her juices, reveling in the way you didn’t miss a single drop.
“Wow…” was all Hazel managed to say. You smiled, a faint blush appearing on your cheeks. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
“Ditto.” Hazel responded with a breathy chuckle.
You noticed Hazel's legs still shaking slightly, so you let her lean into you. A comfortable silence filled the locker room as you stroked her hair and she nuzzled into your neck.
Out of nowhere, a sharp ringing echoed around the tiled room, yanking you out of your peaceful trance. You growled, pulling your phone out of your pocket to see who the fuck was calling at a time like this. Isabel’s contact name lit up on your screen. Oh shit! You were supposed to meet up with her at the diner! She’s probably wondering where you are.
You stood and contemplated your options for a minute before Hazel finally lifted her head to ask what was going on. You stared at her big blue eyes gazing up at you, and that was all you needed to make your decision.
“Fuck it,” you exclaimed, turning off your phone and setting it outside the shower stall. “We’ll just do a panty sale.”
“Wait, what…” Hazel began to say before you cut her off with a chaste kiss. “Don’t worry about it.”
You reached behind her and turned on the shower nozzle, making the poor brunette jump in surprise.
“Wait…!” Hazel exclaimed, speaking your name before gesturing to your (now drenched) clothing. “Your clothes!”
“Eh, they were already wet anyway.” You reply, stifling a smirk at your double entendre.
Hazel watched with wide eyes as the water dripped down your body, forcing your shirt to cling to your skin and leave little to the imagination. Without warning, she grabbed your shoulders and spun you around, so your back was now pressed against the cold tile.
“Hazel, what are you… mph!” Hazel kissed you roughly before lifting your chin to force you to make eye contact. Her eyes were dark with desire, and she had this air of confidence you had never seen outside of the fight club.
“Maybe I wanna make you feel good too.”
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burning-academia-if · 27 days
Hello! How would the Ro's react to finding out Mc is hiding their injurie? 👁️👁️
Rook: The rush of adrenaline crashes as soon as you do. He spins back around, chest still heaving from exertion, and sees you there on the ground. He's by your side in an instant, calling your name. His eyes take you in, before he sees the blood. There's so much blood, and it just keeps spreading.
"How did you keep going?" He breathes, before wrapping his arms around you and hoisting you up. He doesn't have anything for immediate first aid, but he's getting you help as fast as he can.
Beck: "Why would you hide this, you know I can heal you?" His voice is gentle, yet scolding. A furrow between his brow showcases a hint of anger he can't quite hide. His hands dance across your side, golden magic dancing along his fingertips and mending your wound. His own wounds are still open, still bloody. With the set of his jaw, you don't think he'd listen if you told him to worry about himself first.
Rhea: She reaches for you automatically when you fall. Her arms wrap around you on instinct, the twinge of iron hitting her nose. Her hands touch something wet and when she looks there is blood and it is seeping down your back. Her mind grinds to a stop, her body straightens out and her voice is as soft as it it serious, "Hold on, MC, we're almost there."
Zoe: "We made it...MC...?" They turn, only to find you knelt on the ground, arms wrapped around you. "What happened? Were you hurt?" They drop to your side in an instant, hands fumbling in their bag to pull out any first aid kit. "H-hey, talk to me. Let me see." They gently pry you arm away, eyes going wide at the wound. It takes a deep breath, but they force their hands to steady. They have to. They'll help you no matter what.
Lars: "You're such a fucking idiot." He snaps, jaw set on edge and face turned away from you. You didn't think he'd talk to you, let alone visit you, after you collapsed on him. But here he was, sitting in a chair, glaring daggers out the window. He'd never admit it, but the nurse said he was the one who healed you when you collapsed. They said he didn't leave your side the entire time.
So even though he looked ready to kill you himself right now, it's still easy to notice the way his shoulders relaxed the moment he saw you awake.
???: It's the way you hold yourself that gives it away. When you're far enough from the danger, they spin back towards you, motioning with you to stop. Their voice is hard, "We'll be alright for now. Show me where you're hurt. And don't lie to me."
They ignore any insistence that you're fine until they see the wound themself, their already murderous expression grower darker. "I should have killed them." They whisper, before tending to your wound.
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millie-multifics · 7 months
Proverbial Dark Clouds • Part 3
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Major John Egan x Reader
A woman finally snuck her way into the heart of eligible bachelor Major John Egan, he is all too soon reminded of why he fended off love for so long.
Warnings: Angst. Themes of war, death and violence. Heart break. Spoilers to episodes 1-4. A little bit of steam but nothing graphic.
Word Count: ~2.7k
Final part of Proverbial Dark Clouds. Thank you so much for reading!
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2
x x x
Every moment they were stuck in the Algerian sand, Bucky kept his eyes on the sky, hoping that maybe a straggling plane would come along. The sun and sand were hot, most of the men had stripped to their underclothes hoping for some relief, many thinking about their lost comrades and the prospect of an ice-cold beer.
The only thing on Bucky’s mind was you. He could picture you sitting along with the boys in the sand, hounding them about sunburns and heat sickness but you would be as undressed as your modesty would allow with sweat dripping down your brow- so in love with the fact that you both had made it through alive.
It had all been a blur, the past two weeks or so for John. Being a leader amongst his men meant he couldn’t allow himself to be effected by the disappearance of you and his friends, he couldn’t lay his pain on the shoulders of his men. It had become a morning routine to visit the infirmary. The visits had started as a daily occurrence until Buck had caught on to his pre-breakfast disappearances, but he still stopped by when he could sneak away from Gale’s watchful eye. He’d stand near the doorway, expecting you to walk by, beautiful as ever even with blood spattered on your uniform. You never did.
You quickly learned that the base was always abuzz before and following a mission. While the pilots rested as much as their minds would let them the night before, all the other personnel were preparing to bring the men home as successful and safe as possible. For you it meant one more checkup for any soldiers who were cleared to leave the infirmary, preparing a general medical kit for each plane and hundreds of smaller medical kits for each soldier, a precaution should they need to bail out of the plane.
“Is there a man you fancy on this mission?” Doctor Williams asked, earning a confused frown as you shook your head. “If you keep pacing you will wear a hole in the middle of my floor.”
To put it lightly, you were bored. All of the patients had been tended to, every other task that the doctor had requested you complete was finished and you were full of trapped energy as your body overcompensated for your lack of sleep.
“They should be arriving anytime now, put on a jumpsuit and meet them in the field.” The doctor suggested, glancing up from his paperwork as you continued to pace.
“Am I permitted to do that?”
The man shrugged, just as tired as you. “Well, I’m permitting it. It would be more of a hassle to replace this floor if you wear a divet in it.”
You watched as the planes landed one by one. Most of the men had small treatable wounds until one particular plane caught your eye. The crew worked together to lower a bloodied man from inside, the rest of the medical team quickly rushed toward them with a stretcher. You followed, working to roll up the sleeves on your jumpsuit, ready to get your hands bloodied if need be.
“What’s his name?” You asked, your feet following along with the stretcher as you moved the injured soldiers jacket away from his wound.
The familiar voice had you glancing over your shoulder as the men loaded the stretcher into the truck. Those gray eyes had been ingrained in your thoughts for the past week. Recognition dawned on his features, and what you could only decipher to be distaste flashed across his face. You had been someone he was not expecting to see again, after all, England had an array of American bases and neither of you had specified your destination during your previous encounter.
“Alright Duval, let’s get you fixed up.”
After helping Doctor Williams assess and treat Duval, you had been placed in charge of treating the men with smaller, more superficial wounds. Since most of the men had smaller wounds requiring only proper cleaning, bandaging and maybe a few stitches the lineup at your station was quite lengthy. Needless to say, your lack of sleep had you on edge and when the final man sat in the chair across from you, you couldn’t help but sigh.
“Don’t sound so sad to see me, sweetheart.”
“I heard you’re the one who treated Duval on the plane?” Your fingers gently gripped his chin to turn his head to the perfect angle for proper light.
“Confused.” You dipped the clean cloth into the bowl of water, “You could treat a wound like that but not take a shower to wash this blood off your face?”
“And miss my chance to be patched up by you?” He teased, but you could see it in his eyes, the nervousness he tried to hide. With your time in the medical field you had learned to read people through their eyes and body language, an important part of your job was to detect when people were in discomfort or pain.
“Earlier, you looked at me like I was a ghost or something.”
“I was just surprised is all.” He winced from the sting as you dabbed the dried blood from his hairline, “You this heavy-handed with every soldier?”
You scoffed, “The man before you did not flinch when I put 6 stitches in his brow.”
“Are you calling me weak?” John playfully leaned away from your touch “Maybe I am weak, weak in the knees for you.”
“Do these lines usually work for you?” Your fingers paused their work, your eyes jumping from inspecting his wound to the mischievous glint in his gray eyes.
“That depends. Will you agree to have a drink with me?”
“You are infuriatingly charming, Major.”
“Please, call me John.”
He had been tense lately, slipping closer and closer to the edge. It had become clear to Buck at Dye’s 25th Mission celebration that his friend was in dire need of a break. He sent John to London for the weekend, hoping that it would ease some of the tension in his shoulders and cast away the dark cloud that hung over his head. John felt the hotel was too quiet, escaping to a local pub for some noise and a beer and when a beautiful woman had approached him to share a drink he had tried to entertain her, maybe that would help him forget about you, but when she had gone to powder her nose he had slipped out undetected.
Sometimes John had trouble sleeping before missions, he would still be tossing and turning when a runner was sent to wake them up for their briefing. Now, he had trouble sleeping every night. Nearly two months had passed since you had disappeared, still nobody had any answers of what exactly had happened, either you had died a gruesome death or become a prisoner of war. The dark truth was John wasn’t sure which one he would prefer, resting at peace like the angel you were or trapped, possibly facing cruel acts of violence every day.
When exhaustion took over and sleep was impossible to avoid, he dreamt of you. Always so beautiful, always so you- those nights caused a deep ache to spread through his chest. He almost felt silly for the whole thing, you two had not been together long but he had been so captivated by your whole being. For so long he had sworn off love, not because he did not want it, but because he was certain that he would never experience it.
You smoothed down the soft skirt of your dress, no longer accustomed to wearing such a luxury item. The dress had been gifted to you by another nurse upon hearing through the grapevine that you had a date with the handsome Major. Unbeknownst to you, that Major was the “grapevine”.
A fast moving jeep suddenly stopped in front of your billet, the sound of it skidding along the gravel road pulled your attention away from the small crease along the dresses hem. The handsome Major stepped out of the jeep, his smile grew as he took in your form. There was a glint in his eye as he approached, gently brining your the back of your hand to his lips to lay a gentle greeting kiss.
“Your carriage awaits.”
You inspected the jeep and the patiently waiting solider in the drivers seat. “Have you ordered that man to chauffeur us around this evening? Or is he doing this with his own free will?”
“Half and half,” John shrugged, leading you toward the vehicle, “But that is because I have a plan.”
“A plan?”
The Major hummed as he opened the passenger door of the Jeep, “Do you happen to know how to ride a bicycle?”
Your chauffeur dropped you off at your destination and quickly drove off into the sunset, presumably back to Thorpe Abbott before anyone realized he was gone. John led you into a quaint pub, his familiarity with the other patrons and bartender told you that he had visited it often since arriving in England. He led you to a table in the corner, leaving you by yourself momentarily while he went to get drinks.
“It feels like you are sitting a whole world away,” He gripped the edge of your chair, pulling it closer to the corner of the square table, “Much better.”
“So, what are the components of this master plan?”
“My crew is set to arrive tomorrow, if all is according to plan. Bicycles are hard to come by at Thorpe Abbott right now and I sure as hell could use one, trying to get one for a friend of mine too.” His breath brushed your face as he leaned closer, keen on hiding the next phase of his plan from any nosy patrons. “He always said that drinking leads to gambling, and where would a better place be than here?”
You gasped, feigning shock. “Major, I hope you are not planning to swindle some poor locals for their bicycles?”
“If all goes according to plan.” His charming smile returned, “But of course that is simply only a singular component of my plan, enjoying a beer and the company of a compelling lady are my highlights.”
You spent your evening tucked away in the corner, John coaxing stories from you about your past, eager to learn more about you. You were both so enthralled that neither of you had noticed your bodies slowly gravitating closer as the night went on. You were sitting on the same side of the table now, shoulder to shoulder, feet tangled together and hands lingering merely an inch apart on the table top.
“It’s getting late.” John glanced at his watch, turning his wrist to show you the face of the timepiece.
You sighed, not wanting the evening to end. “Time flies when you are having fun.”
“That it does.” He finally stopped playing coy, boldly taking your soft hand into his rough one. You felt a chill run through you as his thumb swiped over the back of your hand. “I should put in a little work on acquiring those bicycles, then get you back to base.”
You waited patiently, unsure of what his gambling entailed. What you had not expected was for John to bet another man could hit a bullseye, the target though being an apple resting on top of Johns very own head.
“John, as a medical professional I must advise you against this.” You spoke over the rowdy patrons in the pub “There has to be another way for you to acquire a bicycle, you’ll lose an eye.”
“No I won’t, I trust Tommy.” He assured, the additional beer and adrenaline now running through his blood stream providing him with extra confidence. “Now he wins this, I get both those bikes.”
“Yeah, you’re on yank.”
“And I get a kiss.” John sent you a wink as he stepped in front of the dart board. “Alright, Tommy, not my eyes. Not my eyes, Tommy. All right?”
He placed the apple on top of his head and covered his eyes with his hand, letting a big breath out. “Alright Tommy, whenever you’re ready.”
You held your breath, pulling at the skin on your fingers to keep yourself from covering your eyes as well. The possible outcomes filtered through your mind, puncture wound of the face or hand, loss of an eye; both would not have great outcomes for any pilot. You had to close your eyes as Tommy took aim.
Gasps echoed through the pub as the dart pierced skin, luckily for sake of most peoples it was the skin of the apple.
John brushed past you to hug Tommy for their victory, before circling back to pull your body into his arms. You were too shocked with the contact to return it before he retreated for one more celebrity cheer with the other patrons who had witnessed the unbelievable sight.
You gripped your dress in your hand while trying to maintain grip on the bicycles handlebar, not wanting your dress to get caught in the wheel. Only a minute after you had departed the pub, the clouds opened up and the down pour started. You had laughed in disbelief at first, just your luck to be caught in the rain on a night like this.
“Nothing but blue skies do I see,
Not in England though,
Got shitty weather and blue skies, smiling at me.”
John sung at the top of his lungs as he weaved along the road in front of you, making the most of the poor weather with his clever lyrics and self-identified singing ability.
The bikes were abandoned in the rain on the walkway to your small cabin. Against all the rules, you had invited the Major to step inside to escape the rain to say goodnight. He stood in the threshold, his confident demeanor dwindling as a near awkwardness hung by the threshold.
You were grateful that the other ladies in your cabin had been granted weekend passes, you couldn’t imagine this moment if you had five other women watching this moment like it was the next best movie.
“I enjoyed tonight.” You found a shirt abandoned on your bunk, using it to quickly dry the water droplets running down your scalp. “Despite you nearly blinding yourself for a bet.”
“Actually, I do recall the bet including a kiss.”
His words hung in the space between you. You dropped the shirt onto your bunk as he took slow steps forward, almost unsure if you were open to fulfilling the wager.
“You’re right, I think it did.” The words sounded like a whisper coming from your lips, nearly being drowned out by the sound of the heavy rain beating against the tin roof above your heads. You slowly stepped forward, closing the space between your bodies until your finger tips brushed.
“This alright, sweetheart?” His warm breath fanned your face as he asked. Your nod causing your nose to briefly rub along his before your lips connected in a slow kiss. Your hands found his hips as his snaked around to the back of your head, slowly increasing the pressure of the kiss as your body relaxed against his. The kiss had unleashed an array of feelings that continued to smolder throughout the night.
His short trip to London had done nothing to help ease the spreading darkness of his mind- 30 bombers lost.
The headline in the newspaper and his phone call to Thorpe Abbott was all he needed to solidify the fantasy he had of what he must do moving forward in this war. The only way he would make it through without losing the rest of his sanity was to find you, and now Gale with the other missing men.
The heart breaking truth was you had never made it out of your reverie, the last words gracing your thoughts was your Majors sweet whisper.
“My pleasure, sweetheart.”
x x x
@canyousmelltheflowers @mads-weasley @groovin2beats @major-john-bucky-egan @finelinetimothee @surazim @orphancains @danny-boy27 @eugenedream
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Silver Aid the sparkling (long version)
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Slight Famialal, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
A few hours before the incident…
“Megatron are you sure this is… wise? We don’t know its full extent; it could be dangerous.”
“That’s why we are testing it.”
“I know the reason Megatron…”
Megatron looked over at Silver Aid.
She had made her way to his side with one servo clutching her med kit. Her optics scrunched a bit in concern and curiosity. Probably wondering who she was going to fix up once this ‘experiment’ was done.
The Decepticons had recently uncovered a ‘relic’ of sorts. It emitted a high energy level, possibly enough to power the spacebridge for longer periods of time. If this worked, more supplies and troops could be sent through the bridge.
“Everything will be fine.”
“You don’t know that Megatron, its dangerous to gamble with relics.”
“It’s a gamble we must take.”
Silver just sighs and closes her optics.
Megatron let a small smile on his face and gently pulled her to his side. He smiled more seeing her fight a growing smile on her face.
“You’ll see my dear. Everything will turn out right.”
Silver Aid huffed a bit giving him that small smile.
Megatron and Silver Aid jumped apart at the sound of Lugnut’s voice.
Megatron sighed, while Silver Aid giggled a bit at his dismay.
Lugnut walked in front of the pair and bowed a bit to Megatron.
“Lord Megatron! The device is ready for testing!”
Megatron nods.
The three walked behind the safety tape. Megatron moved slightly in front of Silver Aid, who swatted his servos in response.
“Its fine Megatron, or are you going to admit I was right about this being slightly dangerous?”
Oh, Primus she was smirking at him!
Taunting him!
He was not going to lose this round.
The warlord turned to Starscream and Blitzwing who were at the side of the device.
“Proceed with the activation.”
Starscream grumbled under his breath before starting up the machine. He and Blitzwing soon flew to the group on the safe side of the safety tape. The team waited in anticipation for the device to start working.
The device started glowing and whirling with life. Bits of sparks flew, but otherwise remained steady. According to the levels in data pad, the energy it was putting out was increasing rapidly. Soon enough the levels were starting to go above the estimated levels.
Silver Aid tugged at Starscream’s servo and pointed at the increasing levels with a worried look. If anyone here was going to agree with the danger of the surge in power levels, it was going to be Starscream.
Starscream’s optics widen and went to tell Megatron.
The entire group was thrown back from the explosion.
Megatron and Starscream were thrown on their backs; Blitzwing landed on his chassis with Lugnut landing on his wings; Silver Aid had been thrown on her side a few feet farther than the rest.
Silver Aid rubbed the side of her helm groaning.
“Sound off, anyone offline?”
Muffled yelling was heard from underneath Lugnut causing Starscream to wince a bit.
“I think Blitzwing will if Lugnut doesn’t get off of him.”
Lugnut quickly rolled off the Triple changer, his cursing much more audible now.
Megatron slowly sat up popping one of his back struts turning to her.
“Are you alright?”
Silver gave him a smile before it was replaced by a frightened one.
No one had noticed the stray energy beam that had been produced from the explosion. Neither did they realize the beam heading straight towards Silver Aid before it was too late.
Megatron got up and reached out to her.
The Decepticons were once again thrown back from the smaller explosion. Once the ringing stopped in his audials, Megatron stood up looking back where Silver Aid had once been. In her place was a bunch of rubble and some pieces of equipment.
“Silver Aid!”
Megatron sprinted to the rubble and immediately started digging through.
Blitzwing, Lugnut and Starscream soon came to his side and started digging.
Starscream muttered under his breath as he continued to dig.
“I swear if you offline and leave me here with them…”
He swore in his mind he was going to personally offline her if she was terminated by a measly blast! The Second in Command’s servos started to shake the more time passed and not a single sign of life was found.
Blitzwing, for once, had settled on one face to concentrate on the digging.
Hot Head was screaming and wanted to blast the rocks so he could find her. An idea that Icy heavily argued against doing.
Random was strangely quiet.
Icy was the most composed and just kept on digging.
Lugnut was getting even more anxious the time went on. He knew as well as the others that Silver Aid was not as durable as they were, curse her softer organic side! He should have done something! Strika would have!
Megatron looked emotionless as he dug.
Inside, however, kept on playing the fearful look on her face before the blast hit her chassis.
Why did these things happen to her!?
What else did the universe want to punish her for?
What did she ever do to offend it!?
He needed to get her out as quickly as he could… she didn’t like cramped spaces.
His digits brushed something warm, the warlord didn’t hesitate to pull it upward.
Megatron was not expecting to be holding… a sparkling?
The sparkling with a familiar color scheme…
The other Decepticons had the same dumbfounded look on their faces.
“What… the… f—”
“You never swear in front of a sparkling! That’s a new low even for you Starscream.”
Starscream rubbed his helm glaring at Blitzwing.
“Just you wait until I—”
Megatron stood up with the sparkling in his servo. The little one just blinked while looking around curiously.
“We need to figure out how… this happened. And as soon as possible.”
Lugnut steps up and gently pokes the sparkling on her tummy, a little giggle escaped from her.
“And who should be in charge of watching her?”
Megatron paused thinking about Lugut’s question before he looked down again at the sparkling.
She blinked again.
No one knew what that was. Must have been sparkling gibberish.
Yes, just sparkling gibberish. Megatron shook his helm.
“Everyone will take turns in watching her. In the meantime,”
Megatron walked over to his habsuite and emerged with a crib.
All the Decepticons gave him mixed looks.
“Is that—”
Megatron cut off Blitzwing.
“Silver Aid wanted to try building contraptions out of the left-over scrap that wasn’t safe to have in the base.”
Megatron carefully puts her down.
She whined a bit before finding a coloring data pad in the crib.
“Decepticons, move out and find that cure!”
Blitzwing and Lugnut waved a bit at the sparkling before leaving.
Starscream shrugged but did eventually leave with a little smile on his face.
Now it was just Megatron and Silver Aid.
Megatron looked down at her.
“I don’t understand…”
The sparkling made an annoyed sound and sat down with her coloring data pad.
Megatron sighed and sat down.
This was going to be a long day…
It had been a couple hours and the babysitting system the cons had was going exceptionally well… until they completely forgot to tell the other it was their turn to watch Silver Aid.
Silver Aid just looked around bored.
The nice bots that were around earlier were nowhere to be found, o one wanted to play and still no sign of Oppy!
…Maybe Oppy, Nel, and Eeta were in trouble!
They were always in trouble when she wasn’t with them. That was the only explanation to why they weren’t with her!
She had to find them!
Good for her, Silver had quickly learned this new webbing thingy was stretchy and strong, maybe if she hit it o those rocks over there…
With one go, the little sparkling was flying across the room and landed a bit roughly on the damp floor.
Wobbly, she stood up and began to walk around until she found an exit.
At the opening, Silver Aid saw a bunch of lights in the sky
Colors red and blue.
Just like Oppy’s colors!
That’s where Oppy must be!
Carefully Silver Aid started making her way down the entrance and followed the pretty colors in the sky.
It was a couple minutes later before all four mech suddenly appeared in the same room.
“Lord Megatron? I thought you were watching Silver Aid?”
“No, was it not your turn Lugnut?”
“No, I thought it was Blitzwing.”
“No, it was Starscreams turn.”
“No, it was Megatron’s turn.”
There was a silence before they all ran to the crib to find it empty.
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mjauqeen · 1 month
A little secret
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Hi so this fic is based on a request. I changed it up a bit and in the end it ended up being a lot longer than i planned but here we are. As i said before english is not my first language but if you see any mistakes or things i should improve on pls tell me (but be kind). Enjoy!
This is the request: https://is.gd/HHkdJ_request ( i havent figured out how to link the things as other people do so if anyone knows pls do tell). Also everything that is in italics indicates that its being said in Spanish, since i dont speak Spanish nor do i trust google translate i figured this would be the best option.
“Lucy come on we are going to be late” Ona groaned.
“We still have time, and I want to kiss you” Lucy murmured against her lips. “Besides I’m won’t be able to even touch you when we get there, let me have this.” She said as her lips began going down Ona’s neck.
“You are so needy I hope you know that. But we have to go.” Giving Lucy one last kiss the brunette left her girlfriends arms to get her bag and get going. “Come on Luce today is the Clasico Ale will have our head if we are even a minute late, and we can’t get there in the same car you know this.”
“I know, I know.” Lucy grumbled “I just wanted one last moment before the game.  We are coming back to mine after the game and getting take out right?”
“Yup, now come on move your but we have to go.”
When Lucy came into the changing room 3 minutes after Ona, she saw that almost everyone was already there. She said hi to the girls and silently went to her cubby to put on her shoes and kit. Just as she was finishing tying up her laces Mapi came roaring thru the door.
“HOLA CHICAS!!!! Is everyone ready for the Clasico.”
“We are ready Maps you can calm down.” Ona chuckled from her side of the room.
“Oh oh oh look who it is, well you look less nervous now then for your last Clasico don’t you Onita” Mapi said as Ona blushed and the rest of the room began to chuckle.
“Oh leave her alone Mapi, of course she would be nervous for her first Clasico don’t act like you weren’t. Alexia told me all about it.” Lucy chuckled
“I… ALEXIA!! Why the hell would you tell that to Lucy .“ Alexia just singed as Mapi hit her on the head.
“Mapi calm down, you were there when we told her that story. And Lucy since when do you defend Ona.” Alexia now had a smirk on her face as she looked at Lucy whit her brow raised.
“What, now I can’t even defend others Ale seriously.”
“You can sure you can it’s just that you’ve never done it. Well anyway let’s get ready ladies the game is starting soon and I need you all at 110 % alright. Let’s win this classico.”
And whit the whole team excited and shouting they went outside.
They were wining, it was half time and they were already up 4 – 0. But whit Barcelona winning Madrid seemed to get more and more reckless.
“Ok girls gather up” Alexia shouted since the break was coming to an end. “They are getting more aggressive and I don’t want anyone to get hurt today so be careful please. Ona, I don’t know if I’m imagining things but they seem to be targeting you specifically.”
“Yea I don’t know what’s up with that. Every time I get the ball it seems like number 21 wants to knock me off my feet.”
“Ok Ona be extra careful please. But otherwise, we are doing great girls keep it up. I think we can score at least 3 more goals yea.”
Ona saw Lucy looking at her with concerned eyes, asking if she was ok. Ona herself wasn’t sure why they were after her and everything was starting to hurt a bit but she didn’t want to worry Lucy so she just nodded and sent her a small discreet smile.
And with the break over the girls once again went on the pitch.
Twenty minutes have passed since the beginning of the second half and the aggressiveness was getting worse. In the one moment that she didn’t have the ball Ona joked with Aitana that she will be surprised if she gets out of this game in one piece and almost got a smack on the head for the joke, with Aitana grumbling at her that she shouldn’t say stuff like that.
They were up 5 – 0 but the brunette hasn’t really contributed to any goals since she was always getting pushed as soon as she got the ball. Ona could sense that Lucy was fuming because of the tackles but Ona herself was getting irritated, she wanted to at least get an assist.
Right now Madrid’s goal keeper Misa had the ball and they were wating for her to shoot it out. Ona saw the ball flying in her direction and made a run for it, but she didn’t see that one Madrid player also had the same thought and when Ona jumped to head the ball towards Aitana she felt a boot connect with her head. She let out a scream and suddenly everything went black.
As soon as Lucy heard the scream she knew who it was, she turned in the direction were the scream came from only to see her girlfriend lying on the ground. Her feet moved on their own and she isn’t sure if she ever run this fast in her life. The right back crossed the pitch in record time, and only Aitana was there before her. Lucy dropped to her knees her breathing raged as she looked at her girl. She was so panicked Ona’s eyes were closed and when Lucy touched her, she wasn’t responding.
“MEDIC! WE NEED THE MEDIC!“ Lucy screamed when she saw that everyone around her was frozen in shock. She gently stroked Onas’s hair and face while whispering to her to wake up.
Suddenly Aitana was kneeling besides her, saying something but Lucy thru her panicking couldn’t actually hear what Aitana was saying. She didn’t respond until she felt her shoulder being shaken and then hearing Aitana say that she should probably move and that if Ona wakes up now she would probably want to see someone more familiar in front of her. Lucy almost growled at her, the right back wanted to scream at Aitana say that there was no one that knew Ona better than her in this team, that Ona would be the happiest seeing her if she wakes up. But she bit her tongue and simply pushed Aitana’s hand of her shoulder.
 In what felt like an hour but was maybe one minute the medics were by her side gently checking Ona’s head. She still hasn’t woken up and Lucy felt like crying. By now their teammates made a circle around them to hide them from the fans and cameras. Everyone was concerned but also a bit confused, nobody expected Lucy of all people to react this way. Hell, nobody knew that the two girls interacted with each other outside training and their interaction on the field were also very limited. Just as the medical team was about to put Ona on the stretcher Ona opened her eyes.
Everything was fuzzy and she felt sleepy and dizzy. Ona could make out that people were around her still she couldn’t really focus on anything. But then she felt those gentle touches on her cheek and hear the softly whispered words. She instantly realized who was in front of her even tho she could only make out Lucy’s silhouette.
“Hey carino. Can you try to stay awake for me for a bit please.” Lucy asked softly.
“Don’t know Luce… my head hurts and everything’s blurry.” Ona slurred. Grateful that her girlfriend was talking in Spanish since she wasn’t sure if she would be able to understand what was being said if it were in English, she could hardly comprehend what was being said anyway.
“I know princessa but please try to stay awake, they need to get you on the stretcher please Amore.” Lucy softly told her and at the same time nodded at the medical team that they can start putting Ona on a stretcher since they stopped with their efforts when they saw Ona wake up.
As soon as she gave the sigh the medical team started moving and transferred Ona on the stretcher.
“Luce it hurts please…” Ona whined and everyone saw that she will lose consciousness soon.
“I know baby I know. You can go back to sleep now I’m here.” As soon as those words were out of her mouth Ona fell unconscious again.
Lucy cursed under her breath as she watched Ona being caried away, she realized that she was probably going to have to stay on the pitch since there was no one there that could replace her.
When Lucy turned around to look at her team, she saw that everyone was looking at her with concerned but at the same time confused look. Lucy was so close to crying and she really didn’t want to deal with this right now. As soon as she saw Mapi open her mouth to start asking what that was she shoot her a glare and told her to go back to her spot so they could finish the game.
Alexia was confused but she also saw that Lucy might punch someone if they stayed here, so before anyone could ask any more questions, she commanded everyone to get back to their spots. After all they still had a game to finish and the faster they were done the faster everyone could check up on Ona.
As soon as the whistle for the of the game was heard Lucy was running towards the medical room. She didn’t stop outside to check on others or to talk with fans, honestly, it’s a miracle that she even stayed on the filed after Ona went down. She made it to the medical room in record time and there she saw Ona awake. She was lying down while the doctor was still checking her head but her eyes were still open. Lucy breathed a sigh of relief and Ona’s eyes turned towards her. When she saw her Ona offered her a slight smile and relief washed over her face, she grimaced in pain not even a second later but that didn’t matter since Lucy was now here.
Lucy came by her side and took her hand to start kissing the younger woman’s knuckles.
“Luce… you’re here”
“I’m here baby, here and going to stay here whit you. How are you doing.”
“Everything hurts, and they called the ambulance to get me checked out in the hospital. The ambulance will be here very soon I think.”
“Mhm ok.” Lucy took a big breath before kissing Onas’s palm “Doc do you know to which hospital they are taking her.”
“I think they are going to the La Maternitat i Sant Ramon hospital, the ambulance should be here in a minute or two.”
“Thank you” Lucy said before turning back to Ona. “Alright Bubs I’ll wait with you here until they arrive and then I’ll go take our stuff and go straight to the hospital after. Is that alright with you?”
“Of course Luce. Thank you for being here.” Ona looked around the room seemingly confused about something before looking back at Lucy ”Where is everyone else?”
“They are probably still outside or something I don’t know. I came here as soon as I heard the whistle, tho I imagine they have a lot of questions because I reacted the way I did. Ughhh I don’t want to talk to them right now especially not about our relationship. Omg this is going to suck.”
Ona giggled before slightly catching the older woman’s head. “Maybe you can say that we are just friends or that you were just in shock.”
“Ha I doubt they’ll believe that, did you know that Aitana almost pushed me off you saying that you will probably want to see a more familiar face when you wake up.”
“Seriously? Well I quite like the face I woke up to, I think Aitana was a bit wrong about that.”
Lucy hummed as she scratched Onas’s head. Her fingers sliding thru her now free hair. Ona closed her eyes as she tried to enjoy the feeling of her girlfriend’s fingers in her hair, her head was pounding and she was going to take any relief she can get, she wasn’t able to take any medicine since the doctors still weren’t aware of everything that may be wrong with her head.
“Lucy, Ona the ambulance will be here in a few seconds so I`m just going to take my stuff from the other room before helping you to get in the ambulance. Is that ok with you Ona?” The doctor that left before they even started their conversation came back.
“Yea that’s alright I`ll wait here then”
The doctor nodded as she again left the room.
“Ok but before you go can I please get one kiss please?” Ona asked.
“Of course my love, I wanted to kiss you since I came in the room but I wasn’t sure how your head would take it” Lucy said as she brought her lips to Onas.
The kiss was incredibly gentle and soft since Lucy was scared of hurting Ona. The younger woman let out a soft sound before disconnecting their lips and then going for a small peck a second later.
The doctor came back into the room and slowly helped Ona to her feet so they could go. Lucy helped alongside the doctor as they slowly walked to the ambulance since Ona was still very dizzy. As they set Ona down, Lucy gently kissed her forehead before promising that she would see her soon and running back to the changing room. As soon as she walked into the changing room she felt everyone’s eyes on her. She knew that they had questions but Lucy was still panicked and they only reason she was so calm when she was with Ona was because she was forcing herself to be, she wasn’t sure she could have stayed that calm much longer. And because off that she stayed silent and ignored everyone, she quickly threw all her stuff in her bag and went to Ona side to throw all her stuff in the bag too, as she picked up Ona’s boots she felt tears run down her face, she softly cursed before stuffing that in the bags too. She hasn’t even changed before she took their stuff and was heading out the door. But then Alexia stopped her, Lucy knew that she owed them an explanation but she just couldn’t do that today, she wanted to see Ona. She NEEDED to make sure that Ona was for sure ok, and so she brushed past Alexia and started jogging to her car. Lucy got into her car and immediately broke down… she didn’t even realise that she was so scared. She cursed and hit the wheel while tears were streaming down her face again. As soon as she calmed down a bit she started driving home. She got out of her car threw their bags on the floor, quickly went to her room and changed. Before she left, she took one of her hoodies which she knew Ona loved to steel and few of Ona’s favourite snacks. Lucy was in the hospital not even 15 minutes later and asking the nurse if she could tell her where Ona was. In the end it looked like they put Ona in a room. The right back quickly thanked the nurse before hurrying up the stairs. Before she went in she gently knocked on the door and waited for someone to tell her to come in. Not a second later she could hear Ona call out her name. When she went in Ona was still in her kit and only her boots were gone. Ona gently smiled at her before making grabby hands to indicate that she wanted hugs. Lucy dropped her stuff on a chair before gently gathering Ona in her arms, she buried her head into Ona’s hair gently kissing her and breathing her scent in. They stayed like that for a few minutes and Lucy finally felt herself relaxing.
 She pulled back a bit so she could look Ona in the eyes and asked: “And what did they say, how come they put you in a room?”
“They said that luckily I only have a concussion but from what they see for now that I should be fine. They told me that I needed to stay so they could monitor me. It looks like I’ll be spending the night here. Oh and we are still waiting for a few test to come back so they can be sure that there isn’t any bleeding in the brain and all that.”
“But you’ll be fine right.”
“I should be ok yes. I didn’t realise you were so worried I’m sorry Luce.”
“Hey no apologizing it wasn’t your fault ok. I’m guessing that your head hurts and that you want to go sleep right. You look like you’re about to fall asleep.” Lucy said as she stroked her hair.
“Yea…” Ona quietly mumbled into her shirt where she buried her head in.
“Alright, I brought you some clothes so you can change and then you can sleep, ok?”
Lucy gently pried herself away from Ona before taking the clothes and helping Ona change. The whole ordeal went slowly since Ona was drowsy and Lucy just felt the need to drop a few soft kisses here and there which made Ona giggle.
“Wait isn’t this your hoodie.”
“Well you are always stealing it and you say its your favourite so I thought why not bring it to you. But I can quickly go and grab another one if you want something else. Sorry.”
“No no Lucy thank you. God how are you so perfect I love you so much.”
Lucy brought the chair so she could sit besides Ona “I love you too superstar, why don’t you go to sleep now yea”
“Superstar? Mmm that’s a new one I like it” She said as she softly looked at Lucy her eyes lazily closing and opening.
“Mhm makes me feel special” The younger woman mumbled.
“Well that’s good because you are really special to me.”
“I love you.” Ona said as she took Lucys hand into her own her eyes finally closing.
 “I love you to bubs. Go to sleep now.”
“Stay with me?”
“Course my love.”
And with that Ona let her head tip to the side and went to sleep. Lucy gently moved her chair so she could rest her head on Ona’s thighs and softly started playing with Ona’s fingers which were still in her hand. Minutes passed and Lucy stayed still, just content to watch Ona rest. After an hour or two a doctor walked in. Lucy gently raised her head as to not and wake Ona up and looked at the doctor. She softly introduced herself and asked him if he could explain to her better what happened with Ona and if there were any news. The doctor explained everything and told her that the rest of the scans they were wating for all came back positive so for now they didn’t have to worry about anything. They wanted her to stay the night so they could make sure nothing went sought but chances of that happening were really small. He told her what she should do to ensure that the recovery goes well but also promised her that he would repeat everything tomorrow before they leave. Lucy thanked him and he left. Since it was getting late Lucy gently woke Ona up so she could eat something. They started eating the snacks Lucy brought from home and started chatting a bit.
“You know I’m surprised that they haven’t come here yet.” Lucy said.
“Who are you talking about.” Ona looked up from the pudding she was eating to stare at her girlfriend.
“You know our teammates…”
“Wait did you explain anything to them before you left?”
“No…” Lucy admitted all while looking incredibly guilty “I basically ignored them.”
“Lucy omg” Ona giggled.
“What! Oh come on you can’t blame me I was panicking and I really didn’t have the time nor the nerves to explain anything to them. I’m pretty sure everyone thinks I’m crazy now tho.”
“I know Luce, I’m sorry I’m not blaming you. And I want us to explain everything together anyway. But it is quite strange that they haven’t come here yet. Did you check your phone maybe they sent us messages.”
“Shit yea let me check. So, I have approximately at least 50 texts from everyone and you have at least 100. Probably should call your mum now.”
“I completely forgot about that, give me my phone so I can call her.”
“What no. I’m calling her you know you can’t look at screens when you have a concussion.”
Ona glared at her but still let her make the phone call, it was already 10 pm so the call didn’t last very long but Onas’s mother was happy to hear that Ona was ok and that Lucy was there to take care of her. By the time Lucy was done with informing everybody that Ona was in fact ok Ona was ready to go back to sleep, her eyes kept closing and she was 5 seconds away from sleep.
“What’s up carino? You look tired maybe you should go back to sleep.”
“Yea I was just thinking about that, but when will you get back tomorrow.”
“What do you mean.” Lucy looked at her confused “Back from where?”
Ona looked a bit frustrated she thought that maybe she lost something in the translation, after all her English was not the best when she was tired.  “Like from home, when will you get back here in the morning”
“I… Ona I’m not going home what? I’m staying here with you.”
“Luce I’m fine now you can go home. You should go home actually, you need to sleep and probably eat something. I know that what we ate now is not enough for you especially after a game.”
“What no, I don’t care if you’re fine now I’m staying with you. And I can just eat tomorrow when we get home.”
“Lucy you need...”
Lucy quickly cut her off now fully glaring at her. “I’m not going home and that’s final now go to sleep.”
Ona relented she knew that when Lucy set her mind on something it was really hard to change it and right now she was to tired to try. And after all it warmed her heart and made her feel a bit safer that Lucy would choose to stay with her instead of going home. With that thought Ona fell asleep with a small smile on her face and Lucy fallowed soon after, her face on Onas’s thighs while holding her hand just like before.
What Lucy didn’t see last night when she quickly went thru her texts is that her teammates planned to visit Ona in the morning. Alexia somehow negotiated with the nurse from the front desk to let them all go in the room, she barely managed to do it considering there was about 15 of them. Everyone who played yesterday came and some of the younger players also came with.
“Mapi calm down, some of the patients are maybe still sleeping.” Alexia whisper shouted while they were walking down the hall to get to Onas room. “Also does anyone know what happened with Lucy yesterday and where she is today, because I can’t get her on the phone.”
Everyone shook their head no. Nobody knew what to make out of yesterday, Lucy never acted like that when someone was injured but at the same time no one saw the two of them interact outside of training. Some of the players like Mapi and Pina suggested that maybe they were secretly dating but the rest of the team quickly threw that idea out of the window. There was no way that those two would work out, and while some players knew that Ona had a small crush on the older right back before, most of them figured out that Ona would either be too shy or awkward to make a move on Lucy and that Lucy would look at Ona as some of the younger players. At some point some of them even made bets about what is going on between those two. Alexia is a bit ashamed that she took part in the betting but she just couldn’t believe that those two were together and Mapi, Pina and Vicky all put a hundred dollars on the fact that Lucy and Ona were dating so Alexia figured out that it was a quick and easy way to get some money.
Soon they were outside Ona’s door and knocked to see if anyone was in. When they didn’t get an answer, they just assumed that Ona was sleeping and they came in. Alexia couldn’t believe what she was seeing, Lucy was just laying on Ona their hands interwind.
“Should… should we wake them up” The question came from Ingrid who had the same disbelieving look as Alexia.
“I mean yea probably.” Aitana said.
“Right… um let’s wake Lucy first.” Alexia guessed that she said that a bit too loudly since the moment the words came out of her mouth Ona started waking up.
“Wha… Omg Luce wake up. Um what are you guys doing here?” Ona nervously asked while gently shaking Lucy to wake her up.
“Ona what time is it, late me sleep.” Lucy didn’t even rise her head just simply buried her head even further into the blanket and Ona’s legs.
“Luce I swear to god get up.” And this time the warning came with a hit to the head.
“Ow, what’s wrong? Wait are you in pain I’m sorry what do you need?” With that Lucy was on her feet in a second not even paying attention to anything around her just Ona and what she might need. Ona sighed and almost smacked her own head with her palm before Lucy stopped her.
“Lucy look behind you.”
“What…oh um hi guys.” When Lucy looked behind her, she saw half of her team with their jaws dropped. “What are you doing here.”
“Well” started Alexia “someone got injured in a game yesterday and we basically got no updates from the medical team except that she is ok and in which hospital she is in. And someone else “she continued all while glaring at Lucy” basically disappeared the moment Ona got injured.”
“Right so um I’m ok, they kept me here just to make sure that I’m ok in the end. Lucy stayed with me and now I guess we are just wating for the doctor to come and release me.”
“Right…. And how come Lucy just stayed with you?” Cackled Mapi.
“Well uh…”
“Ok let’s cut the shit then, yes me and Ona are dating that’s it. I was that upset yesterday because my girlfriend whom I love was injured and I wanted to make sure she was ok and that is also the reason why I stayed.” Lucy was now a bit irritated. She knew that their relationship was surpassing but to wake them up while Ona was injured and demand answers, well it was getting on her nerves a bit. “Does anyone have anything to say.”
Everyone was quiet until Mapi just broke into a big grin and said “Well it looks like you all owe me, Pina and Vicky a hundred euros.”
“Wait what” Ona tried to say but her question was drowned out by everyone complaining and pleading with Mapi. All this noise was starting to give her a headache since she had a concussion and when she looked towards Lucy she saw that she was also in shock. Ona quickly tugged on Lucys sleeve and gave her a pleading look hoping that she would understand what she means. Luckly for her Lucy understood and with a quick but sharp “Be quiet!” shut everyone up. Lucy turned towards Alexia who was standing in the middle of the group with guilt attached all over her face.
“Alexia explain” She growled.
“Right um well yesterday we were all confused with your rection to Ona getting hurt and since you weren’t answering your phone and no one had any answers we started speculating… and in the end we made a bet. Mapi, Pina and Vicky guessed that you were together but we all didn’t believe it. And yea that’s basically it.”
“So you basically bet if we were in a relationship or not instead of just asking us.” Ona asked now a bit upset but mostly amused. “How much money did you lose?”
“Everyone has to give 100 euros”
At that Lucy simply laughed “Well that might teach you not to bet on people’s personal lives”
“Right, but wait come on since when are you guys together? No body even suspected it until now and you guys’ barley interact while we train”
Now it was the couples turn to look a bit sheepish and embarrassed. Ona started explaining how they met at Lucy Stanford’s weeding and how it all kind of went from there, Lucy cut in here and there to add some details but she was mostly staring at Ona with a love sick smile.
“Wait” now Patri cut in “so you’ve been together for what a year.”
“It will be a year in 2 months yes.” Lucy said.
“Why didn’t you guys tell us, you know that we wouldn’t judge you right?”
“Well at first we wanted to tell you but then we realised that we kind of liked the privacy of no one knowing so we decided not to say anything for at least a while.”
“And I was wondering why Lucy was on her phone so much during camp all smiley. Honestly, I’m surprised we or at least I didn’t figure out that you guys are together. You loke absolutely in love. I’m happy for you guys.” This was the first time Kiera spoke up but she did look genuinely happy for the couple.
“Thanks Kei that means a lot. Do you mind if we talk a bit later?” Lucy said, now both Ona and her had small blushes on their cheeks.
“You know I don’t mind Luce”
“Alright now that everyone knows everything you might want to go home, because I can see that Ona is getting a headache and the doctor will be here soon.”
“Yea we’ll go, but you guys have to host a team bonding night and explain everything in detail deal.” Alexia said while ushering everyone outside. “Yea yea now get lost.” 
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mymindcreatedthis · 2 months
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Are These Your Panties? 18+
Reader x Jil Roord
Warning: Smut, Teasing, Sexting, masterbation, daddy kink, rough sex, squirting, hair pulling, Spanking, R doming Jil, Jil Receiving, clit teasing, leg trapping, blow job, throat pie, unprotected sex, multiple creampies, Positions: Doggy, On Side, 3 legged girl, Reverse Cowgirl
Word count: 4.1k
*Y/n's pov*
It was the 3rd day of camp. Today we had a light training session. Along with weight lifting, I turn off alarm. It was 7:30 am, I get up and go into the bathroom and start getting ready for the day. I brush my teeth and hair and change into my kit. I put my shoes on, I grab my phone, key card and head phone and leave the room.
I go down to the conference room for breakfast. I get food and sit at a table. Jil, Viv, Victoria, Lieke, Dan and Daphne join us, we make small talk as we eat breakfast.
Jil smiles and rubs my thigh. "Hey you okay love?" Jil asks.
I smile and nod. "Yeah just a little tired." I smile. "What about you? Are you okay?"
Our fingers interlock. Jil smiles, "Yeah I'm okay."
We smile and sit there looking at each other, not breaking eye contact. We soon break eye contact as Coach comes into the room.
"Alright ladies, finish eating then we have weight lifting." Coach says.
After 5 minutes we finish eating, we grab our things and go to the weight room. We get to the gym and start doing stretches. Jil is in front of me bending over giving me a full view of her ass.
Fuck her ass looked amazing in those shorts. I can see the outline of her Panties. "Fuck baby, your ass looks amazing in those shorts." I say.
Jil giggles and shakes her ass a bit. "Mmm like the view?" Jil teases.
"Mmm I love the view." I say.
We finish stretching and start lifting weights. Me and Jil are partners. Jil was my spotter, as I was bench pressing Jil had her hands on the bar. Our pinkies were touching and rubbing against each other.
"Come on baby, 8 more." Jil say.
I nod, I let out a breath and continue to do my reps.
*Jil's pov*
I help Y/n lift the bar to help her finish the set. Our pinkies were touching, My eyes couldn't help but wander her body.
I bite my lip as my eyes go to her toned tatted abs as her shirt lifts up a bit exposing her abs. "Mmm you want to touch them?" Y/n asks.
By now we are the only ones left in the weight room. Everyone else finished their workout and left.
"Go on baby touch them." Y/n says seductively.
I bite my lip. "Mmm you're so sexy." I say.
Y/n smirks and takes off her shirt and sets it to the side, I feel myself get wet as I check out her toned tatted body. I bite my lip and trace my fingers over her toned sweaty tatted abs.
"I'd let you ride them." Y/n says.
Y/n bites her lip and rubs my inner thigh. "Fuck I wanna grind and get off on your abs so bad." I say.
Y/n smirks. My eyes trail down to her bulge, she looked like she was packing she looked huge. I get soaking wet and squeeze my thighs together as I fantasize about her being balls deep inside me. Fuck I wanted to feel her deep inside me so bad.
"I gotta go to the bathroom I'll be back." Y/n says.
I smile and nod. "Okay I'm done, I'm gonna head back to my room."
Y/n smiles and nods. "Okay talk to you later."
She disappears and goes into the bathroom. I see her bag and smirk as I get an idea. I lip my panties off under my shorts and slip my panties in her bag.
I smirk, I grab my things and leave the weight room and head back to my room, I sigh. I go into my room, I close the door behind me and lock it.
I was soaking wet, I bit my lip and massage my boob. I moan I slip my hand in my shorts and rub my clit with my fingers. I moan n pleasure. "Feels so good." I moan.
I quickly take off my shorts and sports bra and shorts and lay on my bed. I moan as I roughly massage my boobs as I slip in two fingers and slowly pump two fingers in and out and rub my clit with thumb.
I curl my fingers and finger myself a bit faster than before. I moan and rub my clit faster, I finger myself even faster I moan loudly in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Mmm fuck." I moan. I reach into my night stand and pull out my vibrator. I turn it on the highest setting, I place it against my clit. I moan loudly in pleasure, I moan and grip the sheets. My legs shake and buckle in pleasure as pleasure goes through my body.
"Ahh fuck." I moan loudly in pleasure and squirt.
I moan, I can't take it anymore and let go. I cum like crazy all over the vibrator. I moan and lay there panting as I come down from my high.
Once I catch my breath I grab new clothes and go into the bathroom. I start the shower and strip my clothes, I stand under the water and close my eyes and let the water soak my hair and body.
After a couple of minutes of standing under the water I get cleaned up and rinsed off. I turn off the shower and get dried off, I get dressed and check my phone. I smirk as I see I got a new text message from Y/n. It was a picture of my panties with a text.
Y/n: Are these your panties?
Me: Yeah sorry, I must've dropped them by accident.
Y/n: Sure, you accidentally dropped them in my bag.
Me: Yes it's true. I accidentally dropped them in your bag.
I bite my lip as I see cum in my panties. Fuck Y/n rubbed one out and finished on my panties and in my panties. Fuck that was so sexy. I smirk and type a message.
Me: I can see that you enjoyed my panties.
Y/n: I did, they smelled so good. I was so hard and needed to cum.
Me: fuck baby that's so sexy.
I blush darkly as Y/n sends me a pic of her bulge over her boxers. She was laying In bed. The picture had the caption. 'Making me throb just thinking about it. After dinner can I come back to your room for Dessert? 🤤'
Me: Yes you can, I'll give you my spare key card. I'll be waiting for you 🤤😘
Y/n: Yes baby, see you after dinner 🥵😘
I smirk, I swipe up and turn off my phone. I watch tv for a bit and then go down to dinner. Me, Y/n, Viv, Victoria, Lieke, Dan and Daphne sit at a table and make small talk as we eat our food.
*Y/n's Pov*
As I'm eating my food, Jil rubs my inner thigh and grabs my dick over my shorts. She was eating her food and playing on her food pretending like nothing was going on.
I blush darkly and continue to eat my food. I mess around on my phone and try to calm down. After 45 minutes we finish dinner, the girls start heading back up to their rooms.
Jil disappears and sends me a text.
Jil:Give me a couple minutes to get ready.
Me: Okay baby.
I continue to talk to the girls as I wait for Jil to tell me she was ready. 5 minutes go by and Jil texts me.
Jil: Ready for you daddy.
I smirk, I say good night to the girls and go up to Jil's room. I unlock the door and go inside, I close the door behind me and lock it. I blush darkly at the sight in front of me as I turn around.
Jil was completely naked and laying on the bed. Jil smirks when she sees me, she gets up and walks towards me and starts making out with me. I'm shocked at first but start kissing back.
I spin us around and pin her against the wall, Jil rubs my bulge over my shorts. I moan in the kiss as she does this, Jil smirks.
"Take off your clothes baby." Jil says.
I nod, I do as she says, I take off my clothes leaving me naked and toss them off to the side. Jil smiles, she gets the idea. She wraps her leg around my back, I smirk. I rub my tip through her folds and slowly slide my dick inside her. Jil moans in pleasure as she takes my dick inside her tight wet pussy.
I smirk and kiss her, Jil pulls me a bit closer to her. We both moan in pleasure as this causes me to go a bit deeper inside her.
We both moan as I slowly thrust in and out of her. "Mmm fuck baby. You're so wet and warm." I moan in pleasure.
Jil giggles and moans. "F-Faster."
I nod and moan as I thrust into her faster and faster. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"Fuck...Fuck....Fuck." Jil squeaks out with each thrust.
I moan and thrust into her harder and faster. I rest my head against hers and look deep into her eyes as I continue to fuck her cum filled pussy. 
Jil’s mouth hangs open, I start to pound her g spot. Jil moans and screams in pleasure as I hit her g spot. "Ahhh I'm gonna squirt." Jil moans in pleasure.
I smirk. I moan and continue to thrust in and out of her faster as I continue to pound her g spot. I reach down and tease and slap her clit. "Oh fuck." Jil shouts as she squirts like crazy all over my dick, my thigh, my abs and all over the ground.
I smirk and kiss her neck and gently slap her pussy, Jil moans and shudders as I do this. I smirk and moan in her ear, I wrap my arm around her waist and continue to thrust in and out of her even harder and faster than before.
"Mmm fuck it feels so good." Jil cries out in pleasure.
I moan in pleasure and keep going. I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Ahhh I'm close." I moan.
"Me too." Jil moans.
I moan in pleasure, my breathing gets heavier letting Jil know that I'm close to cumming.
"Yes cum in me. Cum in me." Jil moans begging for my load as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"J-Jil baby I'm gon-" I try to warn in her in time but I'm unable too.
Creampie #1:
I moan in pleasure and bust my load deep inside her. Jil moans and cums all over my dick, we both moan as I shoot ropes of cum deep inside her and paint her walls white. Some of my cum drips out and drips onto the floor.
"Mmm fuck there's so much cum." Jil moans in pleasure.
I moan and lean in and kiss her. I moan in the kiss I slowly thrust in and out of her as the last of my cum oozes inside her. I help her ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her.
Cum immediately pours out of her and onto the ground. Cum glazes her folds, coats her thighs, some of the cum drips onto my dick.
Jil smiles and kisses me deeply and lovingly. I smile against her lips and kiss back. Jil walk me back to the bed, my legs hit the bed and she pushes me back onto the bed. Jil joins me on the bed and lays on her side and spreads her legs a bit giving me access to her wet pussy.
Jil scoots her ass back against me and lifts her leg up a bit. I rub my tip through her folds and slowly slide my dick inside her. I moan as her walls immediately clench around me.
Jil moans as she takes my dick deep inside her. "Mmm so tight and wet." I moan in pleasure.
"Mm you're really deep in there." Jil moans.
*Jil’s pov*
I moan in pleasure as Y/n slowly thrusts in and out of me. Fuck she's really deep inside me. I can feel her throbbing inside me. She really needed a release.
I moan and rest my head against hers. I look down and watch her dick slowly slide in and out of me.
Fuck she was balls deep inside me, she was so sexy when her cute moans as she thrusts into me a bit faster than before.
I reach down and grip her ass as she thrusts into me faster and a bit harder. I moan loudly in pleasure.
"Fuck daddy you're really deep in me." I moan in pleasure.
"Yeah? You like that baby daddy balls deep inside you stretching you out?" She questions as she goes faster and faster.
"Mmm I love it." I moan in pleasure as her balls slap against my skin and our moans fill the room.
She was so sexy when she was a Dom. Fuck her being Dom made my legs wake and made me super wet. It was a major turn on.
I moan in pleasure my walls clench around her. It's only been 20 minutes and I was already about to cum.
"Mmm someone close?" Y/n asks seductively.
"Mmm I'm so close, I'm gonna cum." I moan in pleasure.
"Let go baby, cum for daddy." Y/n sexily whispers and nips my ear.
I moan as she kisses and sucks on my neck leaving hickys. I moan as  feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Mmm I'm gonna squirt." I moan.
I squirt all over her abs, her dick and all over the sheets. Y/n smirks and keeps going, she goes at an angle and starts to hit my g spot.
Y/n and I both moan in pleasure. My legs shake and buckle in pleasure. "Mm fuck, so tight." Y/n cutely moans In pleasure.
I wrap my arm around her, I look deep into her eyes as she continues to bottom out in my pussy.
I moan and kiss her deeply we both moan in the kiss. Fuck she has amazing dick game. Y/n moans as she thrusts into me faster and harder.
My tits bounce up and down as she continues to fuck me. Her balls slap against my skin as our moans fill the room. I feel her dick throbbing inside me she was super hard and needed a release.
I moan as I feel that familiar knot forming in my stomach. I moan and grip the sheets. "Ugh fuck, Y/n baby I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
"Mmm me too baby." Y/n moans.
I feel her precum leak inside me letting me know that she was close to cumming and desperately needed a release.
My legs shake and buckle in pleasure as she continues to pound my g spot. I feel my walls clench around her dick.
"Need to cum baby?" Y/n asks as she moans in pleasure.
"So damn bad." I moan in pleasure.
"Let go baby." Y/n moans as she fucks my brains out.
I moan and squirt all over her abs and dick. Y/n moans in pleasure as she goes faster and harder. Y/n's breathing gets heavier letting me know that she was close to cumming.
"Yes, Yes cum in me." I moan in pleasure.
I smile and moan as I see pleasure on her face, her face cutely contorts as she is about to bust her load deep inside me.
"Mmm f-fuck." Y/n cutely moans in pleasure.
I giggle and moan. " cum baby, cum in my slutty pussy." I moan.
*Y/n's pov*
I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. My breathing gets heavier letting her know that I'm close to cumming.
"Mmm fuck." I moan.
Jil giggles. "Cum baby, cum in my slutty pussy." Jil moans loudly in pleasure.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her pussy. Jil cums all over my dick, we both moan as I shoot ropes of thick cum deep inside her painting her walls white.
" mmm fuck." Jil moans.
I slowly thrust in and out of her slowly pumping her full of cum.
I help Jil ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her. Thick cum glazed her folds as cum pours out of her, cum drips down her thigh and oozes onto the bed.
We both moan and laugh there Panting and trying to catch our breaths. "Fuck you can really make a girl cum." Jil pants out.
I giggle at her comment and kiss her. "Mmm so can you." I say.
Jil giggles. "Mmm still got 2 more rounds left."
I smirk and nod. Jil moves to the middle of the bed and gets on all fours, "Come on I'm not done yet. Come on daddy two more round." Jil says shaking her ass.
I bite my lip, and check out her ass as she shakes it. I smirk, I get up and get behind her.
I slap her ass, Jil moans and jumps as I slap her ass.
"Fuck daddy I love when you spank me." Jil moans.
She moans as I slap her ass again. I smirk and rub my dick through her cum filled pussy.
"Such a good slut." I moan as I slide my dick back inside her cum filled pussy.
We both moan, I place my hand on her hip. I grab her hair with my other hand I wrap her hair around my hand. I slowly thrust in and out of her as I pull her hair.
"Fuck....fuck....fuck." Jil squeaks out with each thrust.
"Like that baby? Daddy's dick deep inside you stretching you out?" I ask teasing her.
Jil moans and nods. "Fuck yes, I love your dick deep inside me stretching me out."
Jil moans and throws her ass back against me as I continue to fuck her cum filled pussy faster and faster as I pull her hair.
I pull her close to me. We both moan as this causes my dick to go a bit deeper inside her. Shit this is so good I'm balls deep inside her.
"Shit I don't think I'll last long babe. Ugh your grip is amazing." I moan loudly in pleasure.
Jil giggles and moans throwing her ass against me sliding back and forth on my dick faster helping me out.
"I guess I should help you out and make you cum deep inside me huh?" Jil moans.
I moan loudly as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. Fuck her pussy was tight and warm and felt like heaven.
"Mmm I'm close." I moan.
"Ugh shit....me too." Jil moans.
I moan loudly my balls slapping against her skin as our moans fill the room. I moan loudly in pleasure her walls clench around my dick.
Jil throws her ass back against me as she slides back and forth on my dick faster and faster. Fuck shes really gonna make me cum.
"Ahh Jil baby I'm close." I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer.
Jil moans and goes faster and harder. I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming.
Jil screams in pleasure and squirts again. Jil squirts all over my dick, and on the bed sheets.
"Baby, I'm really close." I moan.
I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls as Jil goes faster and faster.
Creampie #3:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Jil moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her painting her walls white.
"Fuck I feel so full." Jil moans.
I smirk, I help Jil ride out her high. Once we both come down from our highs, I slowly pull out of her. Cum oozes out of her and glazes her folds and drips down her thighs and onto the bed.
I slap her ass again. Jil moans as I slap her ass, I lean down and kisses her ass.
I wrap my arms around her and pull her back against me and lay us in reverse Cowgirl.  I lay her on top of me, her back against my tits. I spread her legs with mine.
Jil moans and shudders as I rub her clit with my dick. "Mmm fuck." She moans. I smirk as her legs shake and buckle in pleasure as I do this.
"Put it back in. Put it back in daddy." Jil cutely begs.
"Mmm yeah slut? You want daddy's dick back inside you?" I ask teasing her.
"Mmm fuck please daddy, Ive been such a good girl. I'm such a slut for your dick and cum. Please I want more." Jil says.
I smirk and grant her wish. I slide my dick back inside her, Jil moans as she takes my 11 inches back deep inside her. I moan as her walls immediately clench around me.
Jil moans and leans back against me as my dick is back inside her cum filled pussy. I place my hands on her hips, I spread her legs a bit more with mine and slowly thrust up into her pussy.
"Mmm fuck, right there. Ugh just like that." Jil moans.
I moan in pleasure and thrust up into her faster. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room, fuck her pussy felt so good. She had amazing grip, her pussy felt like heaven. Mmm so Wet and warm.
"Fuck baby you're so tight and warm." I moan.
I thrust up into her faster and harder. Jil screams in pleasure and grips the sheets, I make her look at me and make out with her. We both moan in the kiss as I continue to bottom out in her pussy.
We break the kiss, we rest our heads against each other's. "Feels so good. Don't you dare fucking stop, don't you dare stop. we aren't stopping until you give me every last drop of cum."
I smirk. "Yeah slut? You want more, such a naughty girl."
We both moan as I thrust up into her pussy faster and harder. "Fuck, I'm gonna squirt!" Jil screams in pleasure
I smirk, I slap and tease her clit. Jil moans and shudders as I do this, Jil moans loudly in pleasure and squirts. I smirk as I feel some of her juices go on my thigh. She squirts on the blankets and sheets.
We both moan, I continue to thrust up into her faster and harder. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. "J-Jil baby I'm close." I moan.
"Me too. Don't stop don't stop." Jil moans.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. I rub her clit with my thumb at a fast pace. My breathing gets heavier letting Jil know that I was close to cumming.
"Yes cum in me, cum in me." Jil moans.
I moan loudly In pleasure as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #4:
I can't take it anymore, I thrust up into her and bust my load deep inside her. Jil moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as cum oozes and spurts inside her painting her walls white.
I slowly thrust up into Jil. I help Jil ride out her high. I slowly thrust up into her as the last of my cum oozes and spurts inside her.
I moan and slowly pull out of her, my dick falls limp. Cum immediately pours out of her. Cum coats her folds and drips onto the blankets and sheets.
"Mmm fuck there's so much. I feel so full With your cum inside me." Jil moans.
I smirk. "Good, hehe I stuffed you full." I say rubbing her sensitive clit.
"Mmm fuck that felt so good." Jil moans.
Jil moans, we get up and shower together. We get dressed, we get coffee and breakfast together. We come back to the hotel, we cuddle and watch movies together and end up falling asleep.
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willicewc · 1 year
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Finally more "Scourge gets adopted by Bluestar" au content >:)
In this au, Bluefur got pregnant and gives her kits to Oakheart before she meets Tiny !
Bluefur gets angry at Thistleclaw and Tigerpaw and sends them back to camp. She waits for them to be gone, and she goes after Tiny. She calms the kit and judges him quite injured, and hearing his story about being thrown in the river if he isn't picked by a twoleg, she brings him back to camp (I guess Tiny is then 2 moons, as his twolegs had kids at home to pick a kitten, and kittens are ready to be adopted at around two months).
At the same time, Spottedleaf's Heart events happen. Spottedpaw sees Thistleclaw ordering Tigerpaw to attack Tiny visciously until Bluefur interrupts them.
At camp, little Tiny then stays in the nursery with the other kits (if there are any, I didn't read Spottedleaf's Heart so feel free to correct me !) Tiny still considers Bluefur as his mother, but he is big enough to stay in the nursery without her.
Spottedpaw confronts Thistleclaw for attacking a kit and when Thistleclaw defends himself, they argue.
While Thistleclaw is being the worst person possible towards Spottedpaw, a literal CHILD (Still can't believe Thistleclaw is a freaking groomer, the man is commiting every crime he can as a checklist), Spottedpaw finds solace in Featherwhisker and Tiny. Tiny is often near the medicine cat den, following Featherwhisker around and asking about every plants. Featherwhisker is always checking on him to make he doesn't eat any herbs like Snowkit did before, and teaches him which herbs are dangerous and which are safe.
Thistleclaw and Tigerpaw are extremely mad that Tiny is now part of the clan and keep staring at him coldly. Bluefur is very protective of Tiny and doesn't let the two toms get near him.
After being harshly beaten by Tigerpaw as a kit, Tiny doesn't feel like fighting is what he wishes to do. He feels insecure and useless as a warrior. However, he feels comfortable around Featherwhisker, the medicine cat, and thinks he could be useful by healing his clanmates. Featherwhisker is happy about this idea. However, several cats in the clan think that a kittypet should not have a role as important as medicine cat, Thistleclaw and Tigerclaw notably.
After a long debate, Sunstar ends up letting Tiny become Featherwhisker's apprentice under the name Tinypaw for his small stature (and his old name lol). Spottedpaw becomes a medicine cat apprentice soon after and this eases the mind of the clan to have a clan-born cat being a medicine cat.
I don't remember the books well enough after that to make an accurate description of what happens, but Tinypaw and Spottedpaw are both good friends. They work together and both have a strong dislike for Thistleclaw and Tigerclaw. Spottedpaw gets her medicine cat name first, Spottedleaf, and a lot of the cats come to her rather than to Tinypaw because Tinypaw was a kittypet.
I think Tinypaw would give herbs that taste bad to Tigerclaw and Thistleclaw on purpose everytime he has to treat them. Spottedleaf would be in on this and lie that these disgusting herbs are needed to feel better.
Tinypaw grows fond of little Ravenkit/Ravenpaw, and understands his fear of Tigerclaw.
If I follow the timeline well enough, Tinypaw is named Tinyfeather (He would be named a bit late because the clan would oppose to it, mainly Tigerclaw) a little bit before Rusty comes to the clan.
Firepaw is immediately friends with Graypaw and Ravenpaw. Tinyfeather and Firepaw become friends and bond over being ex-kittypets. I think Tinyfeather would become a good friend to the main trio of book one.
And that's it for now ! It took me hours to recreate the whole timeline following Bluestar and Spottedleaf's books so I hope it's alright ! :)
I decided to just call the au "tinyfeather" because that's Tiny medicine cat name in this au, I just like the word "feather", it sounds soft and completely opposite to "Scourge"
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rogueddie · 8 months
Buckingham, 1,760 words, for @thefreakandthehair’s Spicy Six Winter Challenge, with the prompt; snowball fight.
Winter, and Christmas especially, has always been Robins favorite time of year.
Or, more accurately, it used to be.
With the heavy snow, December of '85 is starting to become the worst month of Robins year. She can't even bring herself to enjoy the snow. Nothing her parents usually do to cheer her up works either.
"Until the roads are cleared, I've got to walk," Steve repeats. "I'm sorry, Robs. Maybe the snow will clear tomorrow."
"Maybe," she reluctantly agrees, ignoring the fact that he'd said the same thing yesterday... and the day before that... and the day before that. "At least we're on shift tonight, right?"
Steve's tone only fills her with more dread.
"Keith called me before you," Steve says. "Family Video is closed for the day. Something about the snow being too much and no one shopping in this weather anyway."
"So, hey, maybe school will be cancelled too," Robin tries, though they both know school won't cancel.
"I'll walk you home from school," Steve offers. "Or we can go back to my house. I still have that cake we made."
"Yeah, alright, whatever. I'll call you at lunch, yeah?"
"Ok. Missing you already, Robs."
"Love you too, Dingus."
Hanging up, she drops her head against the wall with a soft 'thud', grumbling complaints under her breath.
"No Steve today?" Her mother asks.
Robin turns, glaring when she sees the teasing smirk. "No, no Steve today. By the time he clears his driveway, I could have already walked to school and waiting... whatever. It's not a big deal."
"Mhm," her mom hums, chuckling. "Sure it isn't, sweetie."
"It isn't! It's not like we need to be together all the time. We can go one day."
"Your uncle and I used to use those same excuses, you know. We weren't any more convincing than you two. Now, come on, get ready. You'll be late if you don't leave soon."
Reluctant, and groaning, Robin takes the coat her mom holds out for her. She picks her bag up, sat by the door, and sitting on the stairs so she can pull on her boots.
"Don't rush, there's a lot of ice," her mom warns. "And keep your coat zipped up. And-"
"I know, I know. I love you, too. I'll see you later!"
"Bye sweetheart! Be careful!"
The air outside is freezing. It hits Robin like a brick wall when she steps out and, despite her mom's warning, the idea of spending longer is the cold than she needs to is horrifying.
She jogs, careful to avoid patches of roads and sidewalks that look icy.
She makes it most of the way with only a few stumbles before, inevitably, she slips over.
"Oh my god," someone yelps. "Are you ok?!"
Robin flushes, muttering curses, when she realises that, not only did someone see her fall over and eat shit- Chrissy Cunningham saw her fall over.
"I'm- yeah, fine, totally," she chokes out, forcing a laugh.
"Here," Chrissy pants a little, having ran over to her, offering a hand.
Robin takes her hand, a little surprised at how easily Chrissy pulls her up.
"Thanks," she says, trying to smile.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Chrissy frowns, looking her over. "We have a first aid kit if-"
"Oh, no, that's not... I am ok, really."
"if you're sure." Chrissy shifts, glancing back to the drive. "I'd over to drive you the rest of the way, but..."
Robin leans to look around her, wincing when she sees the drive.
The snow is piled high in the driveway and, despite how much has been cleared, there's no way that Chrissy is going to clear the rest in time.
"Why don't we walk together instead?" Robin suggests.
She almost takes it back, wincing at her own boldness, but Chrissy lights up.
"Yeah? I mean, yeah, let's! Lemme grab my bag, ok?"
"Ok, yeah, that's fine."
Robin wraps her arms around herself, starting to step side to side in an attempt to keep warm while she waits.
Luckily, it doesn't take Chrissy long.
"Ok, I'm ready!" She smiles. She pulls the strap to her back a little further onto her shoulder, the polite smile faltering. "Oh, are you cold?"
"Uh, yeah, but I'm fine, really, it-"
"No, don't worry," Chrissy twists so she can root through her bag. "I've got a spare... aha!"
She pulls out a scarf that's mostly green and white. She wraps it around Robins neck before she can protest.
"You can give it back later," Chrissy easily dismisses, starting to walk down the street. She raises an eyebrow when she glances back at Robin. "Come on!"
Robin stumbles a little in her rush to catch up.
"Careful," Chrissy says, taking hold of Robins right arm and cradling it in both of hers. She glances down at her boots. "Do you have enough grip with those?"
"What? I mean, yeah, these are great, they're sturdy and build for ice- mom got them specifically because they have great grip. The problem is with me, I'm not good at running. Like, I have terrible co-ordination- Steve is always joking about how I run like a windmill and, yeah, I do, but he learnt to walk slower than I did so really, he's the weird one here- I mean, what type of baby tries to crawl backwards, right?"
Robin finally pauses for breath. She glances at Chrissy, who is struggling to stiffle her giggles.
"Steve Harrington?" Chrissy asks, when she finally realizes that Robin isn't going to continue.
"Uh... yeah... don't tell anyone I told you that."
"My lips are sealed."
"No, really, that's- I think he told me that in confidence or something, I shouldn't have told you that, I just can't stop rambling when I get nervous around- and you're- oh god. I'm shutting up now. No more conversations. We're just... having a nice- silent- walk to school together. Just... me and Chrissy Cunningham. Jesus."
"You say that like I'm scary."
"Well, I mean..."
That only makes Chrissy giggle harder. "You think I'm scary? Really?"
She leans heavily into Robins side, one of her hands curling up around Robins bicep. She's looking up at Robin with an expression that's painfully familiar.
It's the same expression she's seen girls pull out when they're hitting on Steve. The same moves too.
But what would Steve do? Robin thinks, panicking.
She's grown so used to old conversations with Steve repeating in her head, his bad jokes and questionable advice a constant and welcome companion.
But, now that she actually needs him, he's nowhere to be found.
After a few seconds of panicking, Robin is desperate to break the tension that is quickly turning from flirty to awkward.
She ducks down, grabbing a handfull of snow, and throwing it against Chrissys coat.
Robin jerks up, standing stiff upright, frozen and stunned at herself, whilst Chrissy is equally frozen, staring at Robin with her mouth agape.
It doesn't take long for the shock and confusion to vanish though, and soon Chrissys grin turns wicked, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"I'm sorry?" Robin tries.
"Are you?"
'That means she's flirting, just... in a more playful way', Steve voice finally rings in her head. That day had been confusing for Robin- she hadn't known if the girl had been flirting with him or bullying him. 'I kinda prefer it. It's nice to know you can roughhouse a little with a girl, you know? It can be fun. Sexy'.
That had been one of his more successful dates, Robin remembers. He'd gushed about her for the entire week between their first and second date. She can't remember what went wrong, but he was confident that-
Chrissy ducks down, quick, scooping up a pile of snow with both hands.
She takes off running, barely darting out of the way of the snowball in time.
"Hey!" Chrissy yells after her. "Get back here!"
But she's laughing as she says it.
So, almost tripping onto her face as she ducks down, she scoops up another ball of snow. She turns, aim going a little wild with how fast she keeps running.
She yelps, stumbling a little heavier when the snowball sent back in return smacks directly in the back of her head.
"Careful!" Chrissy yells.
"Then don't aim for my head!"
"It's not my fault it's an easy target!"
Robin scoops more snow, turning and sliding to a stop. Chrissy doesn't have enough time to stop, but she does duck out of the way so it hits the side of her head instead of directly in her face.
She realizes her mistake a second too late.
Chrissy, unable to slow her momentum on the same patch of ice that Robin had slid across, slams straight into Robin.
Robin winces when her back slams into the ground, the snow doing nothing to cushion the fall. She feels lucky that her head didn't also slam into the ground.
"Oops?" Chrissy says, pushing herself up slightly but making no move to get off her.
"No, it's ok, that's on me."
"Yeah..." Chrissy trails off, voice weak- distracted.
Robin holds as still as she can, irrationally worried that if she moves then she'll startle Chrissy out of whatever moment she's having that has her looking down at Robins lips, cheeks flushing.
For a moment, Robin is sure that Chrissy is going to kiss her. Her eyes flutter, shifting up so her face is above Robins, tilting her head and starting lean down, to-
Someone wolf whistles, loud.
Chrissy jerks back, throwing herself off of Robin- but she is immediately glaring at the two boys, laughing and leering at them.
"Fuck off!" Chrissy yells. "Jerks!"
She ignores them when they try yelling back, instead focusing on Robin and helping her to her feet.
"Ignore them," Chrissy mumbles, grabbing hold of her hand and gently dragging her along, walking fast. She glances back, seeming to relax. "What assholes."
Robin glances back, relieved when she realizes that they're turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.
"Yeah," she agrees, turning back to stare at Chrissy, awed. "You're so brave."
"What? Oh, no, I'm not."
"Yeah, you are! Scary, too."
"I am not!"
"Scared those two."
Chrissy huffs, leaning in so their shoulders bump together.
"You're something else," Robin continues, emboldened. "It's impressive. You're, like, actually cool. Not just popular kid cool, but... truly, really, awesome."
"Shut up." She's mumbling, but she's smiling. She's blushing. She's looking up at Robin through her eyelashes.
"Nope," Robin grins.
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woso-dreamzzz · 11 months
Katie McCabe x Reader
Summary: The comeback of McCard
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It all happens so quickly, you're not entirely sure what happened.
One moment you're running up the pitch, ball at your feet. You can spot Esme gaining on you from the corner of your eye - a blur in the Man City kit. You weave out of the way but you're not fast enough to avoid Kennedy.
She collides with you viciously.
You don't just lose the ball, you lose your footing as well.
You land on a heap on the ground. For a moment, there's nothing but confusion but the moment your eyesight focuses again, white-hot pain lances through your body.
It radiates from two places.
You know your nose is broken without having to check. You can feel the blood run down your chin, staining your Arsenal kit a deeper red than before.
You can deal with a broken nose.
What you can't deal with is the pain in your ankle.
You're not sure if its sprained or fully broken but you know that you can't walk on it.
You roll around on the grass, clutching at it as if that will stop the pain. Tears leak from your eyes as you stifle a scream or a sob, you're not sure which one it would be.
You're sure the stadium is loud but you can't hear anything over the pounding in your ears.
You groan as a hand holds your shoulder.
You look up.
"Hey," Beth says," The medics are coming. It's okay. They'll be here soon."
You try to nod but any movement of your face has you seeing stars so you just blink a few times, trying to clear away your tears.
Lia joins you a moment later. "Is it just your nose?" She says hurriedly, glancing a bit behind her in worry.
"Are you injured anywhere else?" She asks with urgency, still glancing behind her.
"My-My ankle. I-I don't think I can walk."
Beth and Lia exchange a look before glancing behind them again.
You turn your head to follow their eyeline.
The ref is talking to Kennedy (who looks mildly horrified and slightly green when she looks at your bloodied face) but it's the other person standing with them that catches your attention.
Now that you've regained some of your senses, you can hear everything.
Katie's screaming at the ref.
"Just a yellow?!" She demands," Are you crazy? Are you blind, ref? Look at her! She's all bloodied up!"
"Watch it, McCabe," The ref warns," Or I'll card you as well."
Katie keeps arguing but your view gets blocked by the arrival of the medics.
"Definitely broken nose," One of them says as they help you mop up the blood.
"Gee," You say sarcastically," Never would have guessed."
Beth and Lia join you with stilted laughter that lasts a total of two seconds before you're shrieking and writhing on the ground again when one of the medics moves your ankle around.
Looks are exchanged.
You know it's bad news.
"How bad?" You say with gritted teeth.
One of the medics leans down into his walkie-talkie. "We're going to need an ambulance on standby. We're walking out with l/n soon." He turns to you. "It's broken. You'll need x-rays. Are you good to get up?"
You wince. "I'll need help."
"That's a given."
You take a few steadying breaths as you prepare to lift yourself up onto one leg. Beth and Lia linger nearby, ready to help should you need it.
"How bad is it?" Katie demands as she runs over, completely abandoning the argument she's having with the ref. "You feeling alright, babe?"
"Surprisingly, no," You say.
"We need to get going, y/n," One of the medics says," You ready?"
"Going," Katie echoes. Panic appears in her eyes. "Going where? What's going on?"
She looks between you and the medics and then to Beth and Lia, although neither of them wants to be the one to break the news.
You bite the bullet, speaking as you're helped onto your one working leg. "My ankle's fucked," You say bitterly," Collison with Kennedy snapped it, I think. Need to go get an x-ray." You shrug as each medic takes their place on either side of your body, helping you to hop off the pitch.
You press a kiss to Katie's cheek in passing so you don't notice the anger simmering in her eyes until you're almost off the pitch.
The big screen switches from you to Katie, who has turned on Alanna Kennedy with a vicious vengeance.
It probably wasn't a good idea on Kennedy's part to walk past Katie with a smile on her face so soon after you've hobbled off the pitch because Katie grabs her by the shirt and shoves her to the ground.
Kennedy, of course, doesn't take that and surges to her feet.
She shoves Katie back.
Anger blazes in Katie's eyes at the action and she's screaming again - although you can't exactly hear her.
They're both in each other's face and, when Kennedy shoves Katie again, a slap is captured on the big screen.
By the time the pair are separated, Kennedy has Katie's jersey in her grip and Katie looks like she's ready to start swinging again.
The ref blows the whistle.
They immediately give Kennedy another yellow, pointing to the sidelines.
She turns to Katie and flashes a red.
Katie doesn't look sorry whatsoever as she stalks off the pitch. She completely ignores Jonas, who looks ready to yell at her for the whole stadium to hear, and takes the place of one of the medics.
"You shouldn't have gotten that red," You say to her as you're finally loaded up into the ambulance," Jonas will have a field day yelling at you."
Katie shrugged. "I don't care," She said," Kennedy shouldn't have snapped your ankle. She's lucky I was restraining myself."
You let out a huff of laughter - your pain dulled by the painkillers the paramedics have laced you with. "It was a bad decision to go after her." Your face colours slightly. "Although, it was slightly hot - seeing you defend my honour like that."
Katie grins at you - all mischief. "Really? I'll have to do it more often then."
"Preferably without being carded."
"I make no promises."
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
It's not necessary, but I found this song to be a good fit to this part. :3 (Steve Morgan--Into the Night)
He snapped the suitcase shut.
Taking a step back from the bed where it lay, he sighed.
The day was upon them.
It was time to begin the flight to Hoenn.
He found himself thinking back to the last time he'd visited his mom. Far too long ago. Soon after he'd discovered he was in M--
Soon after he'd discovered he was a Mew.
It had been a much less lighthearted visit. He'd had to break it to her that... Well...
That her son had died...
He hadn't expected her to accept him as... as a continuation of Randy... Arceus knew he had a heck of time accepting it. And there was no way he would've been able to if she hadn't.
He didn't dare think about what he would've done if she hadn't accepted him.
He smiled, as Lav's words came back to him.
"I'm proud of you, Dad. I know that time is hard for you, but... You've come a long way since it all."
...He had, hadn't he?
You alright, Love?
He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the beautiful blue Mew. Yeah, I am. Just reminiscing.
She nuzzled his cheek, purring. For once, he believed he would be to, if in Mew form.
Are you packed yet?
Yeah, I think so. I don't know how much of it I'll need.
That's always the case for travel. Better to have more than you need than less. I wonder how Lav's doing. And Perzi. Have you asked Perzi if he wants anything packed?
Yeah. He's fine. He's the most ready of any of us.
Randy sighed. I have to admit I'm jealous of how easily he adapted to having Rosemary. How easily he adapts to anything, really. I feel like a mess compared to him.
Akoya gave him a peck on the cheek and snuggled up to his neck. You're a recovering mess, Love. It's not easy, but you're doing great.
He felt his eyes grow hot with tears, and he smiled. Lav said something similar a bit ago. He paused, recomposing himself. I'm proud of you, too. You've been an amazing mother.
He felt her tense against his skin for only a brief moment. Her response was quiet and full of emotion. Thank you.
Randy turned to the doorway just in time for the pale Mewtwo to barrel into him, knocking all three flat onto the bed. Thankfully they missed the suitcase.
Lavender quickly hopped up and hovered speedily around the room. YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAASS IT'S ALMOST TIMMME! WE'RE GONNA SEE GRAMMA VIVI!!!
Randy clenched his teeth against the peal of her voice. Lav, please, I know you're excited. But my ears are ringing.
Sorry Daddy! Her voice was at a reasonable level now, but she still floated and kicked her legs as she fought against her overwhelming joy.
Are you all packed, Lav?
She nodded vigorously. So much so her body rocked in the air as she bobbed her head. She finished with an accidental summersault and a giggle. Her parents couldn't help letting their own chuckles out as well.
Randy stood up, keeping a sense on his legs to see if they would decide to ache or not. Once up, he gripped the suit case handle and telekinetically pulled his cane to his hand. Mentally noting that he had everything, he turned into his Mew form. The items in his hands vanished with his human body.
Shall we speak to Perzi and the team?
You're all clear on how to run the place?
The three shiny Pokemon nodded in unison, grunting in affirmation.
Randy smiled at them, then turned to his wife, who was saying her good-byes to Jerry the Pichu. Lavender and Perzi were with the three kits, who were playing around in a nice padded tote bag they'd gotten for this trip, as a means to gather them together if need be.
Good. They seem to like it. Hopefully we won't need to force them in there.
The Mews eventually gathered together, waved good-bye to the remaining Pokemon...
And took off...
I hope you all don't mind the influx of written parts for this arc. And potentially future arcs as well. It's just a lot quicker to get done, and helps offer looks at emotions and thoughts comics can't achieve on their own.
The trip has begun. :)
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