dat-soldier · 1 year
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based on real events
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
ao3 is a medieval feast and i am a drunken lord slamming my goblet down on the table and yelling "bring me the most fucked up shit in all the realm!!!"
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randomfae · 8 months
i don't know, magp fellas, but somehow when alice says shit like "i created you and i can destroy you" or "i was born down here and i will die here" i sorta... believe her? like yeah you're obviously joking but are you tho?
lowkey same vibes as gertrude going "of course, gerard! i just happened not to mention the network of sinister tunnels that snake beneath the archive where i keep all my darkest secrets"
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mellific · 5 months
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another object i'll have at seattle art book fair this weekend (may 11-12) -- this is "A Longitudinal Study of Deadwood Function in Lowland Forest Ecosystems", it is approximately 2.5" x 30", and it comes inside a (paper) log!
i'll be at table 78 (under Snack Break Studio) with some pals, please stop by and say hi!!
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Living for conspiracy Steve. You know if they tried anything Joan the Disservice cat would be on the case. You also know Diane clocked it during her looky loo walks and she’s got tea. An alliance is forming.
What’s funny about Steve’s paranoia with the electric company van parked outside is that it’s definitely just the electric company.
If SoMeBoDy would just listen to reason then maybe they might remember the bad weather they’ve been having. They live in a suburb just outside of Chicago. It’s windy and wind messes with powerlines, but Steve isn’t dumb. Thank you very much.
He knows that.
Just like he knows what logo Mike said was on the van that El flipped. And like he said, “It’s spycraft 101. Of course, they’re here after a storm. It’s inconspicuous.”
“Big word,” Eddie replies appreciatively. “How do you know that?”
“I took the SATs?”
“Now the word! Why do you think that they’re tapping our phones?”
“It’s in all the movies, Eddie.”
There’s an unspoken duh tacked on to the end of Steve’s sentence and Eddie kinda loves it. He kinda loves how confident Steve is when he’s convinced himself this shit is real and a little part of Eddie wants to play along, but he knows how quickly it can all go bad so, “Baby, please. Stevie, what are they tapping into? We don’t have a landline.”
Steve pauses to think and then peaks back out through the blinds. He mutters, “You don’t know how wiretaps work?”
“Do you?”
Steve just purses his lips and looks even harder out the window which is just Steve-speak for ‘no, actually. I don’t know how wiretaps works because no one does.’ It makes Eddie grin, sliding up behind him and whispering in his ear, “Don’t you think one of our half dozen nosy neighbors would’ve told us if someone was spying on us?”
“Not if-“
“Baby, Diane came over twice last week because she saw a suspicious car in our driveway,” Eddie hums. “It was our car, Steve.”
Steve relaxes back against his chest a little but he knows the battle is not yet won so, Eddie adds, “Sweetheart, think about it. They’d know.”
“That’s true,” Steve relents just a little and then says, “Unless one of our neighbors is a spy.”
“No, baby.”
“Like a nosy neighbor that’s always in our business,” Steve continues, building confidence. “And who has always been in our business ever since we moved in…and who is talking to the electric company people right now.”
Eddie looks out through the peak in the blinds Steve is making and watches as Diane makes her way down her driveway in her pink house shoes, waving at the man halfway up the telephone pole. She calls something up at him but they’re too far away to hear it.
He can feel Steve pull away and Eddie thinks, damn it.
“Well, that friendship was good while it lasted.”
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bbpuckdrop · 4 months
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cutie pie kitty cat
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partiallypoison · 2 months
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Hi hi! New chapter alert! Something nice and funni uwu
I'm gonna take a bit of a break to create more stockpile. No worries; I'm not stopping until this is done ^^
Must make Emo's dream come true c:<
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Been a super busy day today (at the hospital with my bubbe again), but I promise I'll get to asks as soon as I can. In the meantime, have a quick update on my sweet snakes!
Just like clockwork, Miriam's shed finished up. Check her out in her fresh new clothes!
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Can't believe my sweet little girl is getting so big!! Ignore how scrungly the shed looks lol, it was a perfect shed but she always rolls them up in a little ball for me to find so they inevitably get ripped.
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We got Hobie's x-rays in, confirming his spinal kinks shouldn't cause any issues with digestion, so he's finally cleared to eat appropriately-sized rats for his weight! 🎉🎉
He was absolutely delighted to get his first medium-sized rat; he had a bit of trouble figuring out how to get such a big rat down but he figured it out! He stretched up real tall to help it down and nearly capsized backwards.
Pictured: a very full, very satisfied young man
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Sirius doesn't have much going on today but he does look a bit grumpy. Sucks not being the center of attention for once I guess
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bellpeppersand-beef · 1 month
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And now, for my 1000th post- The Jetspike sloppy makeout meme redraw! I could not get it to look good on both my laptop and on my phone at the same time, so now it just looks kinda weird no matter screen you view it on 😅 Enjoy, folks!!
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gentil-minou · 9 months
Lanuary 2024 - Day 12, Sizhui's Birthday
The gentians in his mother's garden grow late into the season, as if her spirit still tends to them. A-Yuan's laughter flutters on wings toward where Lan Wangji sits on the wooden deck and watches.
"He's doing well, Wangji," Xichen says.
Lan Wangji nods, the corners of his eyes softening despite himself.
He is. A-Yuan has come a long way in the long months that have passed since…since…
His fingers clench tight and he hides them in his sleeves.
"Soon he'll be of age to join the little ones' class. He'll be a bit behind in core formation, but with diligent study and practice I am certain he will catch up in no time."
Xichen smiles, as if he has no memory of why A-Yuan is so behind his peers. Why he will be starting late.
Lan Wangji's back itches. The bandages stick uncomfortably to his skin. He'd split the stitches open again the other night. He hadn't even done anything this time. His scars just tear open and blood spills from them afresh, uninterested in healing and moving on.
Lan Wangji cannot blame them.
Xichen continues speaking, unaware as always. Lan Wangji knows his brother has other responsibilities and his concerns about the Nie sect leader's growing sickness have recently taken precedence. But sometimes he wonders what sort of world Brother resides in. It cannot be the same world Lan Wangji inhabits.
"He will need a courtesy name soon," he says as his gaze drifts to the ribbon A-Yuan is still getting used to.
He'd marveled over the cloud pattern when Lan Wangji first presented it to him, delighted in being able to match his gege.
Again, his thoughts stray to another caregiver with a different colored ribbon. He wonders, not for the first time, what A-Yuan would have said if Wei Ying gifted him a red ribbon.
A-Yuan has not mentioned his Xian-gege once since he'd arrived. The masters say his memory has been altered forever. How mournful a life never knowing Wei Ying would be. Or would it be a mercy? Lan Wangji still does not know.
His brother gently tugs him away from his thoughts. "Have you thought of a courtesy name yet? If he is to be your heir then—"
"He is already my heir."
Rule number 24. Do not interrupt. Let them add another scar to his back, if they so choose.
Xichen sighs. "Yes. As a Lan heir, normally his name would be chosen by the elders, but I suspect you would disagree."
"Mn." He will, when the time comes.
The boy already has a name, though Lan Wangji will not share it with Xichen or Uncle or anyone.
The only one who's heard it are ghosts lingering at night by his bedside, when Lan Wangji is weak and whispering that name alongside another.
No one else will know the name until it's time. And they will have no say in it. Bitterness swells rotten and tired on his tongue, poison in his teeth. After all, why should they?
The person who should have given A-Yuan his name is no longer here. Why would anyone else ever deserve that privilege?
Eventually, Xichen stops his patient waiting, shaking his head and pretending Lan Wangji can't see. They spend a few more moments watch A-Yuan chase after a bunny, giggling as he trips over his ribbon. The garden is awash in color as red and golden leaves fall to join their brethren in the small pond. Curious carp swim to the surface for a nibble, dashing away once satisfied.
"What about a birthday?" Xichen asks. "You have not yet given one. Will you choose the day you brought him back?"
The day Lan Wangji found A-Yuan and brought him back? The day he learned of Wei Ying's death? The day he spent hours and hours scouring a barren wasteland for a ghost, for a body? The day he found only bones and misery, and one small sickly boy breath so sallow he'd been afraid to take a step lest he hurt him?
No. Nothing on that dark, horrible day. If he could, Lan Wangji would wipe that date off the calendar forever.
But his brother is right. A-Yuan deserves a day to celebrate.
"Mn. I will think of one," he tells Xichen, then says nothing as he waits for his brother to leave. Sometimes Xichen refuses to budge. Other times, he leaves Lan Wangji in peace, and Lan Wangji can let himself feel the fury that spikes in his veins at the sight of him.
This time, Xichen leaves quickly, blessedly. But simmering fury does not flow through his veins. How can it, when A-Yuan's laughter is music that lifts his spirits and fills this quiet space with life it hasn't had in decades.
A breeze scatters leaves into a whirlwind, spinning around A-Yuan as he yelps and holds his prized ribbon to his head. A red leaf gets caught in his hair, nestling unnoticed near his small ponytail.
This time of year…soon it will be Wei Ying's birthday. It would be fitting for A-Yuan to share that date with his Xian-gege.
It could also become a curse.
Lan Wangji swallows down the rising shame at his cowardice. How can he claim that day for A-Yuan when he cannot even speak Wei Ying's name to him? How can he pretend he has any right to that day, to anything belonging to Wei Ying.
No. That day will stay Wei Ying's. It will remain as Lan Wangji's day to repent.
But then, what else? Lan Wangji had so little time with A-Yuan and the Wens, he wouldn't know where to start. Should he seek out a fortune teller for an auspicious date. Another person assigning them their fate?
The idea sours low in his stomach and he casts it away. Whatever else, he wants A-Yuan to live a life freer than his predecessors. He wants him to have more than they ever had.
But he still needs a birthday.
A memory whispers along a winter's wind, carrying a chill from long ago.
"Zhanzhan, come, come. Let's eat cake."
In his memories, his mother's voice sounds like wind chimes and glass. Beautiful, yet breakable. So fragile, and so precious, something to handle with care and polish as needed.
"Mama. We have not yet eaten dinner," he'd said, already following rules that sought to bind.
"Mhm, but that's okay, little one. We can keep it a secret. Come, come. I want to celebrate your birthday early this year."
"But why? Won't I see you next month to celebrate?"
In his memories, his mother's smile is sweet and sad, but stubbornly sticks to her face.
He cannot remember what the cake tasted like, time becoming a chasm he cannot cross. But he remembers his mother's joy as she ate, how she dabbed frosting on his nose, how she laughed at the face he made, how she kissed it off with tenderness.
He remembers how a month later, long after her body had turned to ash, he refused to eat the cake set out for his birthday for years to come.
Eventually, he grew to love the taste anew, finding his mother in every sweet. Sugary syrups and fluffy dough, the same as her laughing cheeks. Honey eyes and candied laughter. Powdery warmth that cradled his back when she'd press him to her heart.
Now, he's grateful they were able to share one last cake between them, the memory better than any treat.
"Gege, look at this pretty flower!" A-Yuan's voice wraps warm around his thoughts, a hug that gently lifts him from his memory.
Lan Wangji blinks down at the purple-blue gentian sitting in his lap as A-Yuan's strokes gentle fingers over soft petals.
"There's so many. Can we keep them? I want to put them in my bed."
Lan Wangji's hand drifts to the stem, hesitant to touch the petals lest he break them.
"No, little one. We cannot."
A-Yuan pouts and whines, "But whyyyy? I want to make them my friends…" His bottom lip sticks out and trembles dangerously. He doesn't often throw tantrums, too well-behaved to try. But Lan Wangji has held him through silent tears after nightmares. It is not any better.
He swallows, wishing again for Wei Ying's guidance. The boy would never shed a tear if he were here. His eyes drift towards the flower bed where the buds drift in the wind.
"The flowers," he start haltingly, "need to rest in their bed. The way A-Yuan must rest in his."
A-Yuan tilts his head, "Really?"
Lan Wangji nods, anxiously on the lookout for any tears gathering in the corner's of big brown eyes.
A-Yuan's faces scrunches up as he thinks. "They have to stay in the soil… so they can grow big and strong? And make lots of friends?"
Lan Wangji nods in a hurry, not sure what else to say. Where did A-Yuan learn this?
But the rain does not pass, and churns into a storm.
"Then—then," A-Yuan quietly sniffles as he stares at the flower in his hand. "Then, then then when I— when I picked—picked the flower, did I—did I take it away from, from, from…its family?"
His tears slip like morning dew, with not a sound like there's no one there to notice. Lan Wangji helplessly cradles A-Yuan's face and tries to wipe them away before the can fall.
"I, I, I," A-Yuan whispers, "I did a bad."
"No, no little one." Lan Wangji repeats desperately. "You did not." He casts his glance around as he tries to think of something to salvage this.
There. An empty tea cup. He rises swiftly and fills with with water from the pond. Then, he holds A-Yuan's hand and guides him back to the flower bed.
He thinks of what Wei Ying would say. The story he'd tell.
"Your flower went on a little trip," he says. He digs a small hole in the ground and with gentle, slow movements shows A-Yuan how to plant the stem back in the ground.
"It went on a trip to see its friend, and now it's back home." He gestures for A-Yuan to pour water over the soil. "And now, it's been fed and it will be with its family."
A-Yuan sniffles and stares at the patch of disturbed ground. "It's having dinner with its family now?"
"Is it loud? Are they laughing? Are they eating soup?"
"…Mn." Water is technically soup.
"…I don't like soup…"
"…Plants enjoy soup. Water soup."
A-Yuan accepts his answer with a nod before smashing his face in Lan Wangji's robes. Lan Wangji gently brushes back his hair and straightens his ribbon, letting A-Yuan have a moment as long as he needs.
Eventually, A-Yuan lifts his head and pulls back, wearing a sheepish look. Lan Wangji crouches down to eye level and waits.
"Sorry gege, A-Yuan will get you another present…sorry…."
Lan Wangji shakes his head as he wipes away the remaining tear tracks. "No need."
"Gege doesn't like presents?"
"No, I like presents," he says, thinking of rabbits and fruit and pink flowers. "But I do not need one."
"Not right now?"
"Mn. Not right now." He tickles A-Yuan and his giggles sing across the garden.
Sugary syrup and fluffy dough cheeks, honey eyes and candied laughter. Powdery warmth that settles in his heart as he cradles the boy to his chest.
Gentians that bloom late into the season, petal soft and vibrant against red and yellow trees. Alive well after they should be, as if cared for by spirits unseen.
Gifts that have no end, that do not fade with time. That stay soft and sweet in his memories.
"A-Yuan, would you like a birthday?"
A-Yuan hiccups around a giggle. "What's a birthday?"
Lan Wangji's lips twitch, just a tiny bit.
"A day where we will celebrate A-Yuan."
"Hmm," A-Yuan ponders as he taps his nose in an achingly familiar gesture. "Does gege have a birthday?"
Lan Wangji blinks mist from his eyes and nods.
"Then A-Yuan wants a birthday too!" His cheers echo against the walls until stopping instantly. "How does A-Yuan get a birthday?"
Lan Wangji lifts A-Yuan into his arms, holding him close. He steps along the garden path winding through his mother's flowers and over the bridge that looks out into the small pond.
For a long time, after his mother's death, nothing seemed to grow in this garden. For a long time, Lan Wangji took satisfaction in it. Nothing should grow here where death festers.
But despite his past wishes, death begets life, and one year the gentians bloomed as if they had every year, and the next year again and the next year again. Year after year, stubbornly clinging to life.
His mother, he thinks, was probably the same.
The day she died, he vowed he'd never celebrate another birthday. They'd remain quiet days for reflection. After all, he never learned his mother's birthday. The elders never saw it fit and mother had never mentioned it.
But Lan Wangji has grown tired of choices being made for him. Perhaps he should make more choices of his own.
Although he won't ever learn his mother's birthday, he can celebrate her life over the memory of her death. He can give new meaning to the day, give new meaning to all the days.
"Your birthday," he tells A-Yuan, who resettles after attempted to grab the carp from so high up. " will be several days before mine, on a very important day."
"Yay!" A-Yuan cheers. "How will we celebrate? Do we celebrate together? Will we get presents?"
"Mn. A-Yuan will have many presents." He will make sure of that.
"What about gege?"
"No need."
He doesn't need them, he thinks. The gifts he'd wish for are impossible to receive.
But there are gifts he has, right in his arms. Gift that life in memories, close to his heart, polished to a shine.
(threadfic here)
(A/N My headcanon is that Sizhui's birthday is the day Mama Lan passed, but because he can't properly mourn her, this way he can celebrate her life alongside this boy who was his gift from another loved lost one.)
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liyazaki · 2 years
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every payurain kiss 💋 requested by @25shadesoffebruary
LOVE IN THE AIR | [2022]
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months
Your analyses are the best. They are so fun to read and I over think everything afterwarrs
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Thank you!
For analyses above my level, I highly recommend checking out these if you haven't already read them:
The two chapters of Kei Toda's Reading The Promised Neverland with a British/American Literature Scholar (2020) that have been translated into English by fans (Chapter 2: Religion by @thathilomgirl & @0hana0fubuki0 | Chapter 3: Gender by @1000sunnygo)
Anime Feminist's "Emma’s Choice: The gender-norm nightmare at the heart of The Promised Neverland" article (2018) (good follow-up to Toda's chapter on gender)
Jackson P. Brown's "Thoughts on… The Promised Neverland, and Black Women in Manga" (2018) blog post and Zeria's video essay/blog post (2019) on Krone's depiction
Jairus Taylor's "The Unfulfilled Potential of The Promised Neverland Anime" (2021) which made me more open to the idea of a remake of S1
For tumblr posts (some of these I'm linking through my blog because I either had a minor link addition or think the OP's/prev's tags deserve to be seen and rebloggable, but you can just click through to the original post):
@puff-poff's exploration of the demon world's culture (Part 1 & Part 2)
@just-like-playing-tag's examination of the farm system, Emma character analysis launched by a minute change in S2e02, and mini-Isabella analysis regarding her treatment of Ray (along with her blog just being a wealth of knowledge in general)
@hylialeia's post on the series' handling of Norman's plan/the oppressed and oppressors
@avadescent's analysis of the S2 ED album art (Norman and Emma are perpendicular; Emma and Ray are parallel.)
@linkspooky has a lot of analyses from when the series was running but special mention to this analysis of Norman's character
@vobomon also has a lot but special mention to her Norman is autistic and Norman has PTSD posts
@goldiipond's "Ray is autistic" essay
@emmaspolaroid with some of the best Emma and Emma & Isabella meta in general
@nullaby's post on Isabella and Ray's relationship
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sablegear0 · 7 months
Pro knitting setup lol
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ryuusea · 8 months
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maybe liam can finally convince sherly to wear socks
* mild nsfw
ran poll and liam + red thigh high socks won, but I also have power in my hands to draw sherly too 🤭
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melanodis · 10 months
at least i get to keep my warframe account
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