#unsigned artists
whatsthenoise · 16 days
Artist Interview: “The Last Song I’ll Write About You” by Midnight Swim
I love these guys! They are awesome musicians and know they're going places! Rock out with me to "The last Song Write About You" 🙌🔥🥰
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empressamberrage · 3 months
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gibsonmusicart · 7 months
Hiring a music producer
Hiring a music producer is a great way to take your music career to the next level. Whether you are an independent artist or part of a band, having a professional producer involved in your project can help bring your music to life. Here are some tips for finding and hiring a music producer:
Know what you want: Before you start your search for a music producer, it's important to define your goals. Think about what type of sound you want for your project and what specific role the producer will play in the creative process.
Do your research: Once you know what you want, start researching potential producers. Look at their portfolios, listen to their work, and read reviews from other clients. Make sure you get an understanding of the producer's style and creative process.
Get organized: Before you reach out to potential producers, make sure you have all the necessary materials prepared. This could include a demo recording, a rough mix, and notes about the project. Having this information ready will make it easier to communicate your vision to the producer.
Ask questions: Once you’ve identified a few potential producers, reach out and ask questions. Find out their rates, what equipment they use, and what their production process looks like. This will help you get a better idea of whether or not they are the right fit for your project.
Make a decision: After you’ve done your research and asked the right questions, it’s time to make a decision. Choose the producer that best meets your needs and budget, and be sure to sign a contract that outlines the terms of your agreement.
Hiring a music producer can be a daunting task, but with the right research and preparation, you can find the right producer to bring your music to life. Good luck!
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newleasemusic · 5 months
New Lease Music's Top Ten Albums Of 2023
New Lease Music's Top Ten Albums Of 2023
OK, as promised, here are the top ten albums of 2023. If you fancy some UK R&B, or maybe some afrobeats fused with smooth R&B, futuristic/dreamy pop or some good old hard-hitting bars, well you’re definitely in the right place! Just get to it and hit play on each beauties below! If you’re feeling any of the collections, please like, or better still, leave a comment below. Be sure to check NEW…
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paolomargari · 1 year
New Song 🎧
Some Days - Qwastasi
© Oltre.Digital 2023 Brussels, Belgium
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alephalpha333 · 4 months
Terra Nova - Instrumental / Stoner Grooves - Music by Aleph Alpha
Aleph Alpha - 'Terra Nova'
All instruments, artwork & production by me
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barnabytremayne · 8 months
Forgotten Musicians, Lost Music: A Plea for Preservation
I used to be a musician. A pretty good one, too. I had a record deal, I toured all over the country, and I had a few songs that made it onto the radio. But then, things changed. My record label dropped me, my band broke up, and I faded into obscurity.
It's been a few years now since I've released any new music, and I'm starting to feel like a forgotten musician. No one knows my name. No one cares about my music. It's like I never existed.
But I did exist. And I made music. And that music is still out there somewhere.
The problem is, most of my back catalogue is unavailable. My record label went bankrupt a few years ago, and all of my masters were lost. So, if you want to hear my music, you have to track down old physical copies of my albums or singles. And even those are hard to find.
Which is why I consider myself to be borderline lost media. My music is still out there, but it's buried deep in the obscurity. And if no one seeks it out, it will eventually disappear forever.
I know that I'm not the only forgotten musician out there. There are countless other artists whose music has been lost or forgotten. And that's a tragedy.
Because music is important. It's a part of our culture. It's a way to express ourselves and to connect with others. And it's something that should be preserved for future generations.
So, if you're a fan of lost media, or if you're just curious to hear some music from a forgotten musician, I encourage you to seek out my music. You may be surprised at what you find.
And if you do find my music, please share it with others. Help to keep it alive. Help to prevent it from disappearing forever.
Thank you.
Barnaby J. Tremayne.
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shadowthartist · 4 months
Happy 4 Months to my project “ Tales From Mercury” what a wonderful and beautiful time it has been since this project has dropped, what’s your favorite song from the project ?
I thank you all for this support, I thank you all to where this project has led me , new music, and new vibes VERY VERY SOON, soon before you know it
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All platforms just pick one 🖤
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majormeilani · 5 months
does anyone know why some people don't post a commission and instead send it directly to you like is there some unspoken code i was unaware of lmao
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lynnstarrisdead · 4 months
House of a Psychotic Woman by LynnStarr.
(Song snippet)
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empressamberrage · 5 months
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gibsonmusicart · 7 months
Getting over stage fright
Stage fright is an intense fear of performing in front of an audience, and it can be incredibly debilitating. Whether you’re a musician, actor, or public speaker, stage fright can prevent you from being the best version of yourself. Thankfully, with a few simple tips, you can get over your stage fright and perform with confidence.
Prepare Thoroughly – The best way to tackle stage fright is to be prepared. Research the topic you’re presenting on, practice your lines or songs, and get familiar with the venue. If you know your material inside and out, you’ll be more confident in your performance.
Visualize Success – Visualization is a powerful tool for overcoming stage fright. Before you go on stage, take a few moments to visualize a successful performance. Imagine yourself being confident and in control, and how great you’ll feel after your performance.
Take Deep Breaths – Taking deep breaths is a great way to relax your body and ease your nerves. When you start to feel nervous, take a few slow, deep breaths and focus on your breath. This will help to calm your racing thoughts and help you feel more grounded.
Talk to Someone – If you’re feeling really anxious, talking to someone can be a great way to get over your stage fright. Find a friend or family member who you trust and talk to them about your worries. They may be able to give you some helpful advice or simply reassure you that you’ll do great.
Accept Your Nerves – Accepting your nerves can be difficult, but it’s important if you want to get over your stage fright. Remind yourself that it’s okay to be nervous and that everyone else in the audience is feeling the same way. This will help to put things in perspective and make it easier to focus on your performance.
Getting over stage fright can be a difficult process, but with the right tips and strategies, it can be done. Focus on preparing thoroughly, visualizing success, taking deep breaths, talking to someone, and accepting your nerves. With a bit of practice and patience, you’ll be able to get over your stage fright and have the confidence to perform your best.
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newleasemusic · 1 year
How Musicians Can Monetize their Creative Work
How Musicians Can Monetize their Creative Work
Image via Pixabay Given that it’s difficult for musicians to monetize their art even at the best of times, it’s necessary for performers to find creative and safe ways to earn a living. Today, New Lease Music offers a few ideas for hard-working musicians looking for new ways to earn. Live Streaming Concerts Even if you can’t play venues, you can still live stream performances using digital…
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senti-mentallll · 7 months
Hello sorry to disrupt everyone's feeds again but I have a song out today called Horror Movie. It's about limerence and maladaptive daydreaming and crushes that make you feel like you're losing it and I made a creepy Stepford Wives-inspired visualiser for it... enjoy
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drondskaath · 9 months
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Celestial Annihilator | Annihilation for Esoteric Nascency | 2023
Korean Atmospheric Black Metal
Artwork by Tim Barton
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inadlzbth · 2 months
Just a few reasons for why I should be your next favorite independent artist 🖤
A little bit about me as an artist and as a human:
I am 23 years old
I am a cancer sun, Gemini moon, Capricorn rising, cancer mercury, cancer mars, cancer Venus
I have been dancing for almost my whole life
I have a degree in communications studies and a certificate in leadership studies
I love to read (especially war stories, fantasy, and crime novels)
I love taking photos with my Polaroid and digital cameras so I can be more focused on capturing moments rather than capturing content (as a result I have very few photos of myself)
I’ve lived in the Chicagoland area my whole life
I love pink colored glass and rose gold
I collect crystals and tarot decks
Want more? Check out the video
Also be sure to check out my music on Spotify
Here is a playlist based on my latest song, forces of nature. Be sure to save it, share it, stream it, and follow me on Spotify and tiktok 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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