#untitled fragment
seashore-winds · 8 months
with bloodied hands
i drag his corpse and my worries,
and i bury once again
a carcass and impulses.
I hope next time
i get to break you further.
I would love to leave you behind,
but in the meantime i hope to see you suffer.
I hope i get to gut you as i heal.
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soracities · 2 years
he was looking for a    way out. To his life.
Etel Adnan, from “Untitled”, pub. Bomb Magazine
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gustaving · 3 months
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By Brenda Hillman
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silentfrgmnt · 1 year
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silly doodle i made during the lesbian week of visibility a while back... all my lesbian OCs
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roxy206 · 1 year
Thinking about how many times Brennan would say I don’t know what that means while listening to Trixie & Katya
And the way someone would say werk & Brennan would be like, yes, I am doing my job
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glass--beach · 5 months
going to do something very unlike me and post a demo i literally just recorded last night... might post some more demos / song fragments / unreleased tracks on here in the near future, stay tuned.
lyrics below the cut:
this is the ending of the world come out and taste the ash obelisks colliding in the sky love on the front lines
outside your radius, outside your radius come and throw your babies to the mouth of the Euphrates  and i believe  we’ve come to see the end of the 20th century
oh useless limb, oh listless wife your drunken daze, your bloodshot eyes
this is the ending of the world come out and taste the ash obelisks colliding in the sky love on the front lines
outside your radius, outside your radius come and throw your babies to the mouth of the Euphrates  and i believe  we’ve come to see the end of the 20th century
oh useless limb, oh listless wife this hungry throat could swallow knives your drunken daze, your bloodshot eyes this hungry throat could swallow knives
it’s always alright when i feel the sun it’s always alright when i feel the let the sun shine in through the window in the hall let the fresh air in through the window in the hall  let the air let the this is
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topcat77 · 8 months
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Bridget Riley
Untitled [Fragment 2/10], 1965
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cosmicanger · 7 months
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Adriano Amaral, Untitled (Prosthetic Painting series), 2023, prosthetic rubber, pigments, wood frame, translucent acrylic, nylon, ink, fragmented screens and electric cables, graphite, iron powder, 58 x 58 x 5 cm
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seashore-winds · 11 months
And he leans into the touch with such ease, with a deep breath, like finally coming home. Soft, like a whisper.
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taelonsamada · 1 month
Tidbit Tuesday
I’ve been tagged in so many “Snippets” “Micros” “Tidbits” and “Fragments” that it’s shameful I haven’t posted one in ages. And you all have been so patient. It’s only fair that I give SEVERAL pieces at once 😉 LOL So here’s 4 fics I’m working on atm!!
Leave It All On The Ice - Chapter 6
David tore across the ice, his gaze locked on the puck sent flying down the rink from the fight that had broken out behind the Dires’ net. His heart pounded as he raced to catch up to the puck, determined to sink it in the other team’s net and push their meagar lead ahead another point.
It was the Playoffs, after all. Being ahead by one wasn’t enough, especially not when they were in the last period of the game.
His focus on the puck kept him from noticing the player charging at him, catching David entirely offguard as a shoulder collided into his upper chest hard enough to take him off his feet. David’s back hit the ice and he wheezed, his entire world spinning. Rolling over onto his side, he braced a hand under him and struggled to sit up. Every breath was a stabbing pain, which he knew wasn’t good.
Shaking his glove free, he clawed his helmet off, taking in deep, sharp breaths. The noise around him was muffled as he struggled to focus again. From the way his chest and head throbbed, he was likely hurt enough that they’d bench him.
All thoughts of being benched were forgotten as he finally got his eyes to focus, and found himself staring at Tank. They were knelt over another player with one fist tangled in the front of the other player’s jersey, punching them in the face repeatedly with their free fist. They were also using their hold on the other guy’s jersey to yank him back every time they punched him.
Untitled David/Darlin Fic
He felt his phone go off yet again, even though he was staring at the pack in front of them and could see they hadn’t moved. Hadn’t stopped sending him that lazy, cocky smirk that drove him crazy, in both the worst way and the best way.
Their gaze hadn’t broken from his, their body (and oh, how well he knew that body by now) had remained entirely still, and yet he just knew in his core as he phone vibrated against his leg in his pocket that it was another message from them.
Containing an image he didn’t dare open while in a pack meeting.
Shaw Pack Tattoo Fic
Milo looked as if he were about to fall asleep, the bastard, despite getting a large rib tattoo. His already fully inked arm was draped over his eyes, so Tank would have thought for a quick moment that he was trying to hide a grimace, but then he stretched with a yawn, earning a gentle smack from the tattoo artist that earned a laugh and a quick apology.
Asher was talking to his artist the entire time as the poor girl did his thigh. Tank wondered if the artist was evening listening to him, or if she was just letting him ramble to keep himself distracted. They also wondered if he’d been serious about getting Jigglypuff holding a trophy to signify his latest victory.
As their own tattoo gun bit into their leg again, they briefly lamented no longer having Asher’s hand to crush in their grasp, closing their eyes with a slow exhale to keep from kicking their own artist. The feeling of a large hand taking theirs had their eyes snapping open in surprise.
David was standing next to their seat, looking the room over and likely checking on the rest of the pack. With his body angled in a way that hid the fact he was holding onto Tank’s hand.
Between You, Me & The Fence Post - Chapter 14
It was a massive relief to have the barn finished before the ‘big snow’ showed up, as Asher put it. The makeshift shelters were only going to hold up for so long, and while they didn’t get the same crazy amounts of snow other states did, there was still enough that piled up each year to worry about.
What was an even bigger relief for Asher was when he got to hand a check to David. The confused look on the taller man’s face was good, but what was even greater was the moment his eyes widened, the disbelief that bloomed across his face as he realized the check held the remaining balance for the barn.
David’s head snapped up at him, his mouth working soundlessly as he struggled to find words
“We all chipped in,” Asher said with a shrug and his usual cheeky grin. “We factored in the savings you already had saved up, but there should be enough there that you won’t have to drain them entirely.”
“Wait, what? You—Asher! I am not taking my own employees’ money to pay for—”
“For what?” Asher interrupted. “A freak accident that damaged our home? This place belongs to the Shaw family, but we all live here too, David. We love it, and we want it fixed. It’s not like this is gonna end up with any of us starving or homeless, you’ve seen to that.”
The foreman’s grin turned devilish. “Besides, I have it on good information that a very large portion of that came from a certain runaway who really wants to make sure their newest horse they were just gifted got out of the snow as soon as possible.”
😁 hopefully that makes up for my silence on here! And hopefully I get at least ONE of these finished soon!! In the meantime, tagging @zozo-01 @dominimoonbeam @glassbearclock @ejunkiet @romirola and @lovelylonerliterature cause I wanna see what you’re working on! And as usual, anyone else who wants to join in!
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untitled-smp · 2 months
So there's been something I've wanted to announce for a ..while now, even hinted at it every now and then if I remember correctly, this is coming a LOT later than i thought (there were some very important things that set the release of this further away haha oops) but I think now it's time.
For the past few months I've been working on..
The Royal Wedding - An [Untitled] Visual novel
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Yep, you've heard right !
Despite what the blogs inactivity and general lack of videos may make it seem (oops), the smp has been more active than ever before! We developed our own fun little system to roleplay our characters in game, and even developed many storylines and character arcs. It's honestly been really fun, and I hope I speak for all when I say, that we're very happy with what we have made this season!!
But, (unfortunately) most won't people want to go through almost a hundred transcripts of these sessions to experience this season. So, I thought of making a visual novel myself :]
This game will cover the first arc of season 3. the [Political Union Arc]. There are 6 "episodes" that are planned to release eventually (I have an idea to add 2-3 extra episodes if there's enough support for the game tho!)
After escaping the grasp of the void, the players of [Untitled] settled upon a new world to temporarily call home. However, due to the growing distrust brewing between the group, they were fragmented into factions. ...Eventually, an agreement is made between all factions to maintain diplomacy amongst one another, the Peace Treaty.  But said peace is disturbed when a certain faction ruler causes discord upon the players with a simple question.
I'm sure you're wondering, when will it come out? I don't have a set deadline yet, since the last part of the game, the soundtrack, is still in production and I do not wish to rush that, but stay tuned for updates on the blog!!
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silentfrgmnt · 2 years
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another sketchbook compilation... in the process of scanning sketchbooks so might post another one soon
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countrydionysia · 6 months
Submit your vote!
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Submissions are now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted a piece for this edition of the Rural Dionysia! Are listed below this year's entries. Enjoy the read!
Freestyle Poetry
mint by @forthe-theoi
I Do Not Know How To Sing by @holywineandmadness
66 Days by @kallisto-aglaia (cw: death, cw: grief)
The gifts of Aphrodite by @piristephes
The Chthonic Sun by @khaire-traveler
Hearth Hazards by @arathergrimreaper
Untitled ('And I know you think') by @hawkmothdraws (tw: blood mention, tw: weapon)
Apollo by @beastial-bacchanal
Freeform Musing on the Zeus of China by @lavendervillage
Love of Man by @junooddly
for furor club (óðinn and dionysos) by @disir-ex-machina
The Hill at the Backyard by @straight-up-paranoia
Untitled ('Oh Enodia, brightest one') by @morteumdragonis
Modern Hymn
Dionysus by @beastial-bacchanal (tw cannibalism, tw gore, tw blood mention)
Praise to the Phosphoroi Theoi by @piristephes
To Psyche, the Hope Bringer by @starry-polytheism
Anima Bacchi by @binchtids
An Attempt of A Hymn of A Foolish Farmer Scholar by @lavendervillage
Untitled ('Hail Lord Apollon, hail golden Phoebus') by @achillesoul
Complete the fragment
fragmented (prayer?) by @eyeofnewttoungueofdog
Sing the melody, calm your mind. by @piristephes
My God by @definitelynotkiylen
To vote:
Voting takes place via poll. You will be asked to vote for 1 entry per category. You have until Dec. 18th to vote and we will be announcing the winners on Dec. 19-20th latest.
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adhdtsukasa · 2 months
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sometimes i have a good day and then i remember about this one hakoniwa no coral verse and then i cry. one from the peak wxs verses from one of the peak wxs songs ever, if you even care.
is the what sort of ending do you want and the world hasn't even started yet reference even intentional? Who Knows! (or maybe someone actually knows idk i didn't read koyori's producer note when the teaser dropped nor do i remember if it was ever mentioned). but even if it somehow isn't, then it still drives me insane. especially since hakoniwa no coral is the last song before the disband arc resolved— the donketsu reference was sooo cruel. i was found dead.
the sekahaji reference is pretty interesting as well. since it's paired with donketsu, THE disband arc song, then it could mean that it should be taken as a disband arc ref as too. but wouldn't then the title be twisted as something like "the world has already started" if it was supposed to represent the wxs disbandment or even a new beginning (i actually wanted it to be the title for wxs wl song but lol. i guess the group of four illuminating the world is pretty cute as well)? since sekahaji is wxs' untitled and, therefore, their first song ever, then i guess it could be interpreted as wxs not even forming, however... there's still an "ever" before even beginning — and that makes me lean onto my more preferred interpretation of sekahaji's title. "the world hasn't even started yet" — because wxs still didn't became the big thing, they're not popular actors yet. the world didn't ever even start for *wxs* specifically, because they parted ways and didn't fulfill their dreams as a group. and this would make more sense, because "without ever met you" is right after and why would it repeat. (although this verse doesn't make sense to me because well, nene couldn't fulfill her dreams without wxs. but it's ok, the songs are not strictly canonical, i'll let this slide.)
and because the song, as well as the whole fragment this verse comes from, ends with "i'll sing this song and smile", my sole intepretation of it is "even though we're not a group anymore, i won't let my grief consume me and i'll keep on singing". nene would miss wxs dearly, but she wouldn't ever forget them, their kindness and the experience they gave her if they parted ways. but thanks god they didn't, because it would make this song ever sadder.
conclusion (besides "you should stream hakoniwa no coral"): none. you can form it yourself, because i'm not an analyst, i'm an overthinker and i state common facts by crying over wxs on daily basis. i just wanted to show you this verse because i think about it 24/7. enjoy.
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mybeingthere · 8 months
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Birdie Lusch (1903–1988) was a self-taught artist who worked for most of her life at an assembly line in a ball-bearing factory in Columbus, Ohio, and made art out of found materials and repurposed household articles such as fruit crates and potato sacks. The selection of her paintings, sculptures, and collages shown recently at Kerry Schuss was of uneven quality: some works appeared simplistic or overwrought and others sophisticated and clear-eyed.
The collages (all untitled and all but one ca. 1977) were among the latter. Made on Hallmark Cards sales catalogue pages, they are variations on a single theme: one, two, or occasionally three vases with flowers against a white background. The vases and blossoms are composed of magazine clippings, while the tabletops on which the vases stand are indicated by marker scribbles. In some pieces, several lines of printed text and a Hallmark logo are visible behind the imagery, and a rectangular frame that once held a card sample now resembles a picture or window in the back of the depicted space.
Despite the limited means, the collages have a remarkable spatial complexity, with the push and pull between the drawn lines, printed text, and colorful cutout shapes producing Cubist-like visual oscillations—an illusion of depth momentarily opening up and collapsing again. Fragments of the original imagery cropping up in the cutout pieces strengthen or disrupt the figuration. In one image the vase is fashioned out of a black-and-white photograph showing three gazelles frozen in place against the night sky; their long necks and legs create a rhythmic pattern that seems to twist around the vase’s rotund body. In the same work, images of a tomato, a pillow, and a bowl of rice are deftly employed as red and white blossoms. There is a strong modernist impulse in the collages: the methodical exploration of slight variations in a predetermined format, combined with the mundane subject matter, demonstrates the artist’s deep engagement with the mechanics of pictorial organization. But the main attraction of these works lies in their fine balance between a rigorous, experimental attitude and an easy playfulness and humor in the artist’s handling of found imagery.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
i was reading honami's fragment sekai card story and. What. Huh?
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as i understand it, since fragment SEKAI aren't fully-formed SEKAI, they don't have their own version of untitled. and since there's no untitled to get you in and out, you have to use the fragment it was created from. Fragment SEKAI aren't directly connected to the SEKAI you found it in as well, they're their own thing, so I guess that's why the untitled for the SEKAI you found it in doesn't work either.
fucked up though like let's say you hypothetically lost the fragment. that's it you're stuck there now.
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