#update: i took it off of his list fuck it it’s messing with the rest of my shit
t4tozier · 4 months
why does jace have flesh to stone...it's only a wizard or warlock spell...he already said he couldn't be a wizard...who is his patron...
51 notes · View notes
look-at-the-soul · 2 months
Look at the soul- Part 12
Cillian Murphy x OC
Author’s note: please please forgive me for taking so long to update this little story, hopefully I’ll get on posting more frequently ✨ I hope you still like this couple, there’s a lot in the store for them 🥰
Series Master list
Song: Alone by Heart, the Royal Philharmonic Orchest
Word count: 2,938
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“That was great!” The director called enthusiastically just as Cillian finished his lecture.
An assistant emerged from the shadows in a heartbeat and asked if he wanted something to drink.
“I’m alright, thanks.” He gave her a small nod.
“Let me take this off.” A tech approached him and pointed at the microphone attached to the nape of his jacket.
“Oh, sure.” Turning around, Cillian lifted the back of his jacket so the man could undo the clip holding it together.
Someone else offered Cillian another folder with another part of the script. Something happened in that very moment, the paper felt heavy, not because it was a ton of papers, but because of the character, what this opportunity could mean.
“Are you sure you can’t push your other commitment?” The director finally reached him with a long face. “Your screen tests is fucking amazing.”
Cillian clenched his jaw for a moment. Thinking of the play, all the hard work they’ve been investing daily, the rehearsals, the way it had helped him with the pain and loss of his wife. And then, in the back of his mind, Marianne’s face appeared flashing him.
This was probably one of the greatest opportunities in his career…
“How’s little Miss Hanna?” Marianne asked over the phone as she finished washing the dishes.
She could feel her best friend smiling as she made a sound to her daughter.
“Getting bigger every minute.” Her friend Anna replied. “Do you wanna FaceTime?”
Marianne made an excitement sound and pressed the green button on her screen. “Oh look at you princess! You’re so pretty.”
“She was sick last week, and now I’m starting to feel ill, it sucks because I won’t be able to take any medicine.”
“Ow sweetie, try to get some rest at least.”
“The sleeping schedule it’s a mess she wakes up in the middle of the night every single day, we’ve tried soft music, dark room and now Evan is sleeping in the guest room because he needs to get up early the next day.”
“Wish I could be closer to help you during the day at least.” Marianne felt sad for the miles keeping them apart. After years of friendship seeing her best friend become a mother hit different, maternity gave her this beautiful aura and she seemed to have special super powers to balance motherhood, her business and everything around the house without breaking a sweat. It was admirable.
“I’d love that! But enough of diapers… tell me! How’s it going over there?”
Finishing with the dirty dishes, she took her phone with her to sit on the couch, pausing the movie she wasn’t even watching.
“Oh! It’s been good, lots of rainy days. I was working on an essay for a project but words won’t come out as they should, it doesn’t makes sense so I’m taking a break from it and I’ll start it over later.”
“I wish I could help you but… nope.” Anna stated firmly and then cracked a smile, she was over college papers now. “Have you been out meeting cute ginger Irish boys?”
Marianne laughed. “How do you know?” She joked, her schedule was hectic most of the time, that was the last thing on her mind.
“Ugh of course you haven’t.” Anna rolled her eyes, she knew her too well.
Suddenly Scout did a big stretch and decided to join her, demanding some petting like she did whenever he was close.
“Who’s that?” Anna asked with interest.
“Scout. Say hiya.” Marianne moved her phone closer to show her friend the black lab. “I’m puppy sitting him, it’s adorable.”
“And the owner is…?”
“He’s part of the cast of the play.” Marianne pretended to give Scout a smooch on the head, but she was able to feel her friend’s gaze on her.
“Okay… is he single?” Anna went immediately in for the important details.
Anna’s jaw dropped, she grabbed her phone excitedly while whispering because Hannah was now taking a nap on her other arm. “Spill the gossip.”
“Stop, there’s no gossip.”
“He’s widow, has a dog that clearly likes you. What else?”
“Anna relax.”
“No. Don’t tell me to relax, tell me the dirty details.”
Marianne felt mortified, in the past Anna tried to be a matchmaker, introducing her to several friends, and her husband’s friends, even a cousin, but it didn’t went further than a date.
“Look-” but her words got cut when she got a message from Cillian greeting her and to ask how Scout was behaving.
“Is that the dog’s Dad?”
“No, it’s Mum I’ll give her a call.” She felt bad for lying to her best friend, but she didn’t feel like there was something to tell. “Love you, call you later.” She rushed to hang up.
Cillian strolled thru the busy platform at the tube, it was starting to get packed, close to rush hour. He remembered this all so well from the years he lived in the city, eager to get a better opportunity in the industry.
He waited patiently minding his own business just like everyone else… people from different places, backgrounds and mindsets crossed before him not giving him a double look. He liked that, it was awkward to be stopped by a stranger to praise about his work, he felt extremely grateful without a doubt, but he sucked at the taking compliments part. He never knew what to say or do.
He felt thankful for the walk he was taking, he had a lot of things on his mind, he just got off the phone with one of his kids, they were just finishing their homework and decided to help grandpa set up a dvd player. Cillian strolled through the busy street now, deciding to go straight to his hotel room, he could always grab something from the mini bar to have dinner.
The beep on his phone announced a new message and it changed his whole mood.
Sleeping (he’s snoring).- Marianne wrote him and added a photo of Scout peacefully sleeping on her lap.
A stupid smile appeared on his lips, he couldn’t stop it.
Looks like you’ve got the magic touch. He wrote back, but deleted it before sending. Looks like he’s having a blast. He typed instead. Can I give you a call?
As he stepped inside his room, Cillian took off his shoes and jacket, Marianne didn’t reply but called him directly.
“Hey how’s it going?” He asked walking around the room.
“Oh my! You should’ve seen Scout, he jumped and stormed off towards the door when he heard you.” Marianne explained that she had the call on speaker.
Cillian chuckled softly. “Yeah?”
“Yes! Look I’m going to put you on video.”
Staring at his screen, he pressed the green button and soon an image of Scout wagging his tail and looking at the door filled his phone.
“Talk to him.” Marianne proposed crouching down to get closer.
“Hey buddy, over here.”
Scout turned around a started stomping his front paws.
“See? He misses you.”
Cillian saw her hand caressing Scout’s head.
“What was the other photo you sent me? Earlier.”
“Oh! That was us going for a walk.” Marianne explained going back to sit on the couch, still pointing her camera towards the black lab.
With a huff, Scout jumped on the couch before getting comfortable against Marianne once more. Arranging the base, she leaned her phone on it to have her hands free and went back to scratch Scout’s head.
“He’s having the time of his life.” Marianne stated giving the dog a glance.
A soft smile grew on his lips. “But he had something yellow on?”
“Yes! I got him a raincoat.” Marianne explained waving her hand.
“You let him on the couch, protect him from the rain… when I go back he’s going to be so spoiled.” He chuckled softly getting comfortable.
“Well he deserves spawcial treatment.” She explained running her fingernails through his back. “Righ?” She asked staring into those big brown eyes.
Envy flashed through Cillian’s mind. How lucky that bloody dog is, he thought.
“Tell me, how is London?”
“Crowded and it wasn’t raining so that’s grand.” Cillian chatted. “But they could’ve saved me the trip.”
“Why?” Marianne frowned and started fidgeting something around her neck.
Cillian let out a soft groan and looked towards the window. “From the beginning I said I couldn’t do this project, but the director insisted on the screen test.”
Marianne mouthed an explicit oh, but decided to not interrupt Cillian’s explanation. “I’ve other priorities going on at the moment.”
How could he make a decision like that? Choose between two projects, she wondered what made him say no before it could even start and how that probably affected him on future plans.
He couldn’t help but fix his eyes on her hand, twisting one of her fingers between the necklace. “I’m sorry… what’s that?”
Marianne looked down to see what he meant.
“Your pendant.” He clarified.
“My grandma gave it to me when I turned eighteen. It was given to her by her mother.” She leaned forwards to get closer to the camera and show it to him. “It’s our Lady of Guadalupe. I’ve had it for years.”
Cillian thought how he hadn’t noticed it before. Immediately it gave him an idea, it could be useful as a resource in the play, how come he didn’t think of it before?
“That’s lovely.” He hummed.
“It’s very popular over there, the fact that she chose to show up with the same skin color as our natives, the meanings behind her dress and veil… there’s actually professional studies that confirm the image isn’t a print and her eyes actually are alive.” she explained, getting lost. “Sorry, I got carried away.”
“No it’s fine… I mean I don’t, but everyone chooses what to believe in.”
He remembered seeing her making a silent prayer from time to time, or the signal of the cross subtly before a rehearsal.
Marianne thought how thoughtful it was from him to respect her beliefs. She liked the fact that he didn’t laugh or rolled his eyes by her words.
“You know… I keep you and your kids in my prayers.” She added out of the blue, not knowing if she was stepping over the line. But she did, praying was the best she could do for him.
“Thank you, that’s very kind.” He swallowed, not knowing what else to say, it was a beautiful gesture from her despite his own thoughts about religion. “I think adding a subtle touch like that to the play would be nice.”
“What? Are you going to make Adria pray at night?” She joked, making him laugh.
“No, but the necklace. That and the letters we thought about her and this secret man in her life, I just thought he could’ve given her a necklace that means so much and she keeps it.”
“I like how it sounds!”
Cillian asked her to hang on while he looked around for a pen and paper to take notes, Marianne heard him curse over what seemed to be an stuck drawer.
“It could be like a transition step,” he thought out loud, “she finds the necklace and it’s a pivotal moment for Adria, then the letters… and that’s when this man reveals himself to the audience.” He could see it all so clearly, Adria’s facial expression, her strong persona shattering by the sudden memories.
Marianne could hear Cillian talk all day long, his velvety voice was like a lullaby to her when he got lost in something, it was like she could see what he was explaining in a movie scene. The images were so vivid, like in a dream.
His critical point of view added something magical to what might sound like a regular idea. He made it stand out.
“I just think we’re going to cause Enda a heart attack with the changes we’ve suggested.” Marianne sighed and Scout mirrored her.
“Nah, he’s gonna be fine.” Cillian waved his hand to dismiss her worries. “What really matters here it’s how you feel.”
She chuckled nervously, not wanting the conversation to turn about her, deep down she still felt so nervous for the outcome of this.
He didn’t want to say he was a good actor, but he was good at reading people. For an instant, her fears flashed through her eyes. But at the same time he was having a hard time trying to find the differences between her and Adria, it was almost impossible to spot where one ended and the other started.
“What? What is it?”
“How do you do it? How can you not be scared of getting on stage?”
Cillian pouted, pondering on her question. “I guess you don’t think about it.”
“But I’m already.” She laughed.
“Then just move your attention towards something else… your next move, the next line. Try to focus on what’s going on at the moment.” He tried to give her the best advice. “Roll with it, enjoy it.”
“I’m just wondering if anyone will come and see a rookie.”
“Tickets will sold out, mark my words.” He assured her without hesitation.
“Thanks for the cheering, I really appreciate the support.” She scratched Scout absently.
“Do you want to hear the idea I’ve for the video?” Now it was Cillian’s turn to smile, he had been working on that project most of the flight, taking notes and letting his mind go as he listened to the song over and over.
“We’ve learned to leave judgment behind us already right?” He asked holding his phone in his other hand.
“Oh God, what are you going to make me do this time around? Should I be scared?” Marianne joked.
“Just wanted to make sure.”
“I’m going to do it anyways.” She added then.
And Cillian was transported back in time, when he’d get the call from certain film director, he didn’t ask what was the part about or how big was the role involved… he always said yes.
So he went on to tell her all about the very specific idea he wanted to achieve for this video and how fitting it felt for the lyric.
He felt inspired, in his mind he could already see the images, the story telling itself, and the permission to use the locations was already on its way. Being behind the camera was one of his many passions, and getting the chance to do it once more was an opportunity he didn’t want to let go.
She noticed the excitement in his voice as he explained the different segments of the story, she could only compare it to taking a kid to Disneyland, and a couple of times, she forced herself to look somewhere because he was too distracting.
“I had a crazy moment earlier,” Marianne started to tell him as the call took another turn.
“Ya? What happened?” Cillian asked lifting his free arm to place it behind his head, involuntarily Marianne couldn’t help it but stare at his bicep.
“I started talking to Scout, as if he’d answer me.” She laughed and Cillian imitated her reaction. “Then I stopped abruptly when I realized what I was doing and started laughing while Scout barked uncontrollably, he probably thought I was crazy.”
“Oh he’s used to that, don’t worry I talk alone all the time.” Cillian offered then with a smile.
“He’s like a big teddy bear.” She gushed, swooning over the black lab keeping her company. “I’m not so sure I want to give him back.”
She added in a playful tone, but quickly rushed to explain she was just joking.
And that provoked a loud and deep laugh from him. Raisin his eyebrows he covered his mouth with his palm, the realization of how easy she made him smile or laugh made his mind go into another direction…
“Alright Scout, are you ready? We’re having a spaw night.” Marianne explained to the dog after ending the call with Cillian, she put on a fluffy robe, threw her hair up in a messy bun and invited Scout to sit on her lap, as she started to brush him he quickly started to relax, opening his legs wide and closing his eyes while she rubbed his belly.
She then put one of her hairbands just for fun and took one of his paws to added moisturize. So far he seemed to enjoy it, she always thought a dog is just like a little kid, they get excited over the simple things the things that really matter, and in the process they show us a different side of love.
“Do you like it?” She asked trying to look at Scout’s face, but he was far gone, with his tongue sticking out, showing off his teeth.
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“You know, I’ve been keeping a little secret…” she whispered, struggling to find the right words. “I think I’m falling for your Dad.”
But admitting her feelings out loud didn’t make it easier, all the opposite she wondered how she’d be able to hide them while working together.
And little did she know that a few miles away, staring out of his hotel window, Cillian was looking at the sky, thinking of her and all the feelings she was making him have.
He wanted her to be part of his life, he was craving the peace and joy she brought whenever she stepped in the room. He needed to hear her laugh and see her smile every day, all the time. He just needed to find a way to her heart.
I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here, the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
'Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone?
You don't know how long I have wanted
To touch your lips and hold you tight
You don't know how long I have waited
And I was going to tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
And my love for you is still unknown, alone
'Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone? How do I get you alone?
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Black lab Inspiration: Elvis batz the lab
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Tag list: @lyarr24 @garrison-girl-08 @cillmequick @zablife @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo
@kettlechips3 @blondie-22 @forbidden-forest-witch @kaitebugg03 @narlytude
@onlydeadcells @babaohhhriley @lonelyweeb0044 @lovemissyhoneybee @ange-thoughts
@already-broken144 @cutecurly-hair @winchestergirl22 @moral-terpitude @ironpen
@elenavampire21 @lespendy @kittycatcait219 @stevie75 @esposadomd
@sloanexx @shaddixlife @rangerelik @peakyscillian @woofgocows
@cillianlove @imichelle-l-rigby @emmanuelle19 @sydneyyyya @cljordan-imperium
@flippittygibbitts @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @elk96 @shelundeadxxxx
@kmc1989 @lau219
30 notes · View notes
and-claudia · 2 years
His Heir pt. 9 (Darth Maul x fem! reader)
Tag list found here
His Heir Masterlist
Over all Masterlist
Word Count: 1598
a/n: I'm back!! Also there is an important update to the taglist at the bottom so please read it!!
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Dinner never came. Just as Maul and I were preparing to call for the droids, my comlink began going off frantically. 
“Who would be calling so late?” Maul asked confused. 
But I was just as confused as he was. No one should be calling this late. Not unless it was an emergency. 
I grabbed it and pressed the button. 
It was Qi’ra.
“Qi’ra it is late, why would you be calling so late?” I said, slightly irritated that she had once again interrupted my time with Maul. 
“Is Lord Maul around? I don’t want him to hear this.” She said.
She was clearly stressed. 
“I am right here, Lady Qi’ra. Why wouldn’t I be? You knew Lady Yn was spending the day with me. Now, what is going on?” Maul said, stepping closer so she would be able to hear him clearly. 
“Um… I need Yn's assistance on something.” She said. 
It took everything in me not to laugh as Maul scoffed at her answer. 
“Lady Qi’ra I will only say this once… When I ask you a question, I expect an actual answer, not some skirt around the edges, bullshit answer. Do you understand?” He was angry. 
“Y-Yes Lord Maul. My deepest apologies.” She stuttered out, “I was just trying to send out the new assignments for tomorrow and I sent some of them to the wrong people…” She admitted. 
“Seriously? How did you do that?” Now I was pissed too. 
“It- it was an accident. Is there a way to fix it?” 
“Yes, there is. Do you realize though that you could have just compromised all of Crimson Dawn?” I asked. 
“Yes, I know. It was an accident.” 
I looked over to Maul and sighed. 
“Where are you?” 
“Our office.” 
“I’ll be there in a couple minutes.” I told her before ending the link, not giving her the chance to answer. 
“Yn, she needs to fix this on her own.” Maul said. 
I sighed, “And she will. I’m going to collect the rest of the assignments to do them myself. She clearly was not ready for that. I’ll make sure she learns how to fix this mistake just in case she messes up again.” 
“There won’t be a next time, and if there is… I’ll have to find a replacement I guess.” Maul said as we both approached the door. 
“I’ll be back soon. Go ahead and call for dinner, I’ll just eat when I get back.” I sighed. 
“I’ll wait. Go clean up her mess.” He said, before kissing my forehead quickly. 
Once I left his quarters, I booked it to the office. As soon as I got there I sat down at my desk with my data pad and began frantically typing out a mass message for everyone. 
“What are you doing? You’re supposed to be helping me.” Qi’ra said in a panicked voice. 
“Calm down! I am helping you.” I said, not even looking up. 
“How? You’re just sitting there!” She was freaking out. 
“Hey! Listen, this was your mess up. I am here to help you, so don’t come yelling at me like that. I am sending out a mass message to tell everyone not to open their assignments to prevent your mess up from compromising anything. If I were you I would be thanking me.” I said just before I hit send on the message. 
“Why should I thank you for doing your job?” She asked. 
I looked at her like she was insane, which she might just be. 
“Qi’ra I get you’re new to working here at the compound, but let me tell you something, my job title is not “Fixer of Qi’ra’s Fuck Ups” okay? My title here is Head Advisor to Lord Maul. I’m only here because I know how to fix this mistake.” I said, getting angry. 
“Well then here, fix it.” She said setting her datapad down in front of me. 
“Um, no.” I said grabbing it and forcing it back into her hold, “You’re going to fix it. You need to learn. I’m not going to always be at your disposal to clean up your fuck ups. Especially once…” I gained my wits enough to stop myself before I said anything about Maul and me. 
“Once, what?” She asked. 
“None of your business. Now go to where you send out the assignments.” I said, quickly trying to change the subject. 
She tapped away on the datapad for a few moments before looking back up at me, “Okay, now what?” 
“Do you know which ones you sent out incorrectly?” 
“No, how could I? There’s so many of them.” She said. 
I rolled my eyes. It was going to take her so long to get up to where she needed to be. 
An exaggerated sigh left my lips before I answered her. 
“Okay, you should really pay attention to that more, but that’s a battle for another day. Down in the bottom right corner, there’s a button that looks like a diamond inside of a square. Press that.” I said. 
“What does it do?” 
“Just press it.” I sighed. 
I watched as her eyes light up with shock as all the assignments came flooding back onto the device. 
“It was that easy?” She asked. 
“Technically yes. But don’t expect to use that often. Maul gets alerted anytime you use it. And… if I were you I’d make sure you never have to use it again… for your own sake.” I advised. 
“Your threats don’t scare me.” She said. 
I scoffed, “Okay, it’s not my threat, it’s Maul’s.” 
“You know you are so disrespectful.” She said. 
“How, I don’t have to respect you so therefore I can’t be disrespectful.” I said. 
“Not to me, to Lord Maul. You don’t even use his proper title.” 
“I do when it’s needed… You see that’s the difference between you and me. I may work for Maul, but I am also his friend. You only work for him. I don’t feel the need to prove anything to him, you clearly do. I have a lot of respect for him, more than you would even understand, trust me.” 
I stood from my desk and began to make my out. 
“Where are you going?” She asked. 
I gave her an odd look. 
“The assignments still have to get sent out.” She pointed out. 
“I am aware. Get to it. I am going to go enjoy my dinner with Maul.” And with that, I left. 
The audacity of this woman. What the hell was her problem? I go to help her and she insults me like that. Part of me now couldn’t wait for the day Maul is finally able to announce that I was pregnant with his heir. Her reaction is going to be priceless. Watching her face as all the gears start turning and she starts piecing the puzzle together and realizing why Maul and I have been spending so much time together, not much is going to beat that. 
When I got back to Maul’s quarters, true to his word, he hadn’t eaten yet. We called for the droids and were soon eating while sitting on the couch together. 
“I saw your message. Did you get everything fixed?” He asked, which prompted a slight glare from me. 
“I am going to take that as a yes you did but something else also happened?” He asked. 
“Spot on.” I sighed. 
“What happened?” He asked gently. 
“She’s just a bitch.” I continued to explain the events that transpired in the office and telling him about how she said I was disrespectful. 
“Is it bad that I am really looking forward to the day that you announce I’m pregnant? I just know it’s going to get under her skin.” I asked. 
Maul let out a small laugh. 
“I don’t think so. In fact, I agree, her reaction is going to be priceless.” He said. 
His answer made me smile a little. I was glad that I wasn’t the only one looking forward to that moment, but it also made me think about that moment a bit more. 
“Would we announce it right away to everyone? Or would you want to wait until after they’re born to announce them as your heir?” 
“Why would we wait until then?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. 
“I don’t know… I don’t want anyone saying anything like we had an unprofessional relationship or anything… I don’t want anyone to think it was an accident and that you were being forced to name the child as your heir.” I confessed. 
“I’d like to see them try. If anyone ever says anything negative about you or our future child, you have my word, they will be dealt with. But Yn, most members of Crimson Dawn know that we have known each other for years and are more than just a leader and an advisor. They’d be idiots to not realize our friendship.” He reassured. 
I nodded, realizing that he was right… hopefully. 
We finished up our meal and were soon getting ready for bed. I opted to head back to my quarters for the night. I knew I was welcome to stay, but I didn’t want to seem like I was expecting to stay another night. When I got back to my quarters, I showered and got dressed for bed before pulling out an outfit for tomorrow. 
I opted for one of Maul’s favorite dresses, he had actually gotten it for me. I knew he’d notice it… and Qi’ra would notice him noticing it. Tomorrow will be fun. 
A/n: Because this story does/will contian smut I am no longer allowing ageless blogs, or blogs under the age of 18 to be added to the taglist. I hope you understand. I have messaged those already on here to notify them about this change if they did not have their age posted. I will continue to tag yall until I get to a part that will have smut but if by then I have not heard from you I will have to remove you from the tag list.
@fifithexeno@perseny @justalittletomato@pomiotszatana
idk why its formatted strangely
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“do you want me to use my fingers?” for the nfl au pretty pleeeease
yes anon, yes, thank you for sending this in and I'm sorry this took me forever to get to
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|| prompt list ||
prompt: "do you want me to use my fingers?"
au: nfl
word count: 631
warnings: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI (minimal plot with your porn, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, brief mention of jake finishing WAY too fast)
✎……likes are great but comments/reblogs are even better!
✎……nfl au masterlist
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Ronnie hated that he could reduce her to such a whining, begging mess in only a matter of minutes. Hated that he could just call her and ask her to fly down to Nashville for the weekend — and she would drop everything to go. Hated that they wouldn’t even leave that fancy-ass executive suite with the beautiful view of the city the entire time they were there.
Hated that she loved it all the same.
She rocked against his thigh quickly, trying to get herself there as she clung to his bare shoulders. He had a loose hold on her hips, still trying to come down from his previous high. The brush of her knee against him making him hiss he was so sensitive. He could feel a mix of her juices and his cum leaking out onto his leg. He hadn’t meant to finish so early, had tried to hold it off, but it had been so long since he saw her and she just felt so damn good.
Jake hated that she could reduce him to a moaning, writhing mess in only a matter of minutes. Hated that he had to call her and try and act casual about inviting her down to Nashville for the weekend — try and act like he wasn’t excited that she said yes. Hated that he couldn’t take her out to dinner the entire time they were there. 
Hated that he loved it all the same.
“Mm, J-Jake,” she whimpered out as she circled her hips against his thigh.
“Yeah, baby? Feel good?” he questioned, still trying to catch his breath, his hold on her tightening to press her down against the thick muscle even more. 
Ronnie keened high in her throat, open mouth pressed to his neck as her thighs twitched on either side of him. It made him smirk. Some little pleased thing at the way she used him to get herself off. He wanted her to use him for everything.
But then she shook her head minutely, forehead brushing against his throat, even as she worked herself harder and faster against his leg. “Can’t get…Need something inside…”
“Do you want me to use my fingers, baby?” he asked against her temple. 
He didn’t wait for an answer. His hand slipped to the inside of her thigh, ghosted over the sensitive meet of her leg and felt her shudder — fall closer into his chest. 
“Please,” she breathed, shoulders rising and falling like she just sprinted a mile. 
Jake hummed as he slipped his fingers through her puffy folds, all of it slick with a mix of their spend. She jerked in his lap at the touch, sensitive and desperate. 
“Easy, baby, easy. I got you,” he whispered as he held her steady with a big hand encompassing her waist. 
He found her swollen clit easily, circling it a few times just to hear her broken moan. Then he dipped his middle and ring finger lower, teasing the tips of his fingers at her soaked entrance. 
“Jake.” She lifted her head and kissed him, sloppy and fierce, but pulled away to rest her forehead against his own. “You said you got me…” 
“I do.”
His fingers slipped inside her easily, met no resistance after the stretch of his cock and how wet she was. She nearly sighed in relief as she sunk further into him, head rested on his shoulder as she moved herself up and down on his fingers.
“That’s it, good girl. Ride my fucking hand,” he growled.
Her walls pulsed around him as he curled his fingers just so into that spot he knew so well. Ronnie came with a stuttering moan, forehead pressed into his collarbone, rutting into his palm. 
She never wanted to leave that room with him.
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skyfall8600 · 2 years
Day 11: Christmas Eve
Eddie Munson list
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12 Days of Christmas List
[800 words]
Note: so I know it’s not Christmas anymore and I’m so sorry you all had to wait for so long. I do plan on continuing with my writing but you should all hear it from me, 2023 will not have as frequent updates as my 2022 works. I’ve taken on a new job, still studying and will try my absolute best to write the stories you have all grown to love on here. That’s all for now, and I’ll finish off the 12 day of Christmas for my own sanity of the series being completed.
With all the lead up to the big day, over the years you started to feel that Christmas day was overhyped. Most of the time you would be stuck between family members you only saw once every few months, picking at the food on your plate.
But Christmas Eve? Yeah Christmas Eve was the main shit for you. You’d go all out, decorating cookies and perfectly wrapping each gift. Naturally, everything had to be following a particular colour style and presentation for how it looked…. Aesthically pleasiinig visuals was a must.
Over the few years that Eddie had grown to known you, seeing how you shined on Christmas Eve was one of his favoirite things. This christmas however, all your plans came crashing out because fate had been cruel and decided to gift you with the Flu on your favourite holiday.
And he had to hear all about your suffering as you spoke to him on the phone.
“By now I would’ve had all the presents wrapped,” you sulked, tearing up into the phone. “The house would smell like cookies…”
“I’m sure the house still smells great!” Eddie laughed, trying to conceal the noises he was making.
“I wouldn’t know, can’t smell a fucking thing.” You sniffled, “So, what are your plans for the rest of the—“ you were cut off by your own coughing, followed by groaning at the chest pains.
“Nothing much.” He lied, his eyes scanning over the mess of his creations. “I’ll let you rest up, Merry Christmas Eve love. Get better soon.”
“I’ll try.”
And with that, Eddie hung up the phone and got back to work. He had a scattered mess of wrapping paper and baked goods around the small trailer. It took him forever to hunt down the exact type of bows you always used, and as for the wrapping paper… he got the closest thing he could find.
You would always rave about how you mainly loved preparing everything for others to enjoy. And yet, Eddie couldn’t remember the last time someone gave you anything as nicely put together or special.
Today seemed like the perfect opportunity for Eddie to do just that. All the gifts he was planning on giving you tomorrow for Christmas Day suddenly had a new purpose; to give you the joyous Christmas Eve you always wanted.
With the gifts loaded in his truck, trays of cookies sat neatly on the passenger seat, Eddie was ready.
The drive to your house was short but he took his time, terrified that the slightest bump or curve in the road meant all his hard work would be destroyed.
He sung along quietly to himself when he parked the van in the driveway. Slowly he unloaded the goods and his eye caught the white costume beard.
He sighed, “Jesus Christ, Wayne.” He laughed, grabbing the rather cheap Santa beard in his hand. “I thought I said no to the beard, bloody old man.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. Wayne felt absolutely gutted that you were sick and suggested that Eddie should dress up like the ‘big guy’ when he makes his delivery. Eddie opted for a simple Santa t-shirt but couldn’t get the image of the beard out of his head. Would you like it? Would you think he was childish?
Frankly he didn’t care, or he should have thought about it more. Because now, he stood on your porch, arms full of presents and baked goods. And his big smile covered behind the white fake beard.
You, on the other hand, were covered in tissues and buried yourself in a blanket that towered over your entire body as you opened the front door. The first thing you saw was boxes upon boxes of gifts. All containing the exact ribbon you loved.
“Merry Christmas Eve! I figured since you couldn’t do the ribbons this year, then I’d give them to you.” The voice behind the hair and boxes called out.
That voice that you could always pick out in a crowd.
You smiled the best you could without feeling more pain, and you weren’t entirely sure if the tears running down your cheeks were from pure love of his boy or the slightly stinging sensation from your sore sinus.
“What—Eddie.” You croaked out, “what’s all this?!”
He scoffed, “It’s Christmas Eve. Like I was going to let you miss it.”
He leaned over all the items in his arms to kiss you on the forehead, you nudged him away, “But I’ll make you sick!”
“I don’t care. Gimme your germs.”
The toy of you laughed, hugged and sneezed for the rest of the night. And although you hated to admit it, perhaps being on the receiving end of your Christmas Eve celebrations was nice for once.
@silky-luxe @fentyreligion @littlelunarfox @coconutchumby @eempxth @superflannel @fluffycookies22 @yearwalker96 @cutiecusp @magicalchocolatecheesecake @grungegrrrl l l​@m1rkw00dpr1ncess @dixontardis @buckyslwt @bratckerman @dani-d0rk @musicmoviestv @tomshelbystits @reddisteddie @santaatemypuppy @cherryrevenger @chipster-21 @azaleaforsure @eddielives1986 @luceneraium @loving-and-dreaming @gothvamp1973
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
I hope I haven't missed the window to request from the prompt list! 8 and 20 please if you are still doing them. No problem if not! Hope you're having a good weekend.
8. "How's the stomach?" and 20. "Have you eaten anything since (meal)?"
Say it with me, team! Food poisoning... *checks notes* I haven't seen it in quite a long time.
I start my new (kind of... it’s a transfer) job on Monday! So excited. Might do another sickfic weekend on Friday :)
Update: today’s Friday. fUCK.
Update 2: sATURDAY?? What are you doing here??
Update 3: it’s the Saturday after the last update and like. Fuck.
*sighs in confused writer*
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The team grouped around the table, watching plate upon plate of nachos arrive. Maverick grimaced, leaning back slightly.
"Look, ah, no offence, I'm sure the cook is great, but- ah. I don't think Penny would appreciate me making a mess of her bathroom six months into us living together."
Jake grimaced, pushing the nachos away himself. Even Natasha looked a little grossed out. Bob reached for the fries in the middle of the table, also pointedly avoiding the nachos.
“Oh c’mon, guys, they look fine-“
“-they look like a bad night in a basket,” Javy deadpanned. Everyone winced.
“Well, when you put it like that,” Payback huffed. Fanboy rolled his eyes.
“They cannot be that bad. They’re fucking- they’re nachos, guys, they don’t even have bacon on them.”
“I’m not worried about the bacon. I’m worried about the status of your stomach after eating those,” Maverick snorted. In response, Rooster scooped up some chips, cheese, guacamole and sour cream. He swallowed it easily, shrugging.
“Tastes fine to me.”
“That’s what she said,” Hangman muttered. Apparently egged on by Rooster (as per usual), he took a serving himself.
“Remind me again why we didn’t go to The Hard Deck?” Payback asked. Everyone’s eyes landed on Maverick who winced.
“Listen, when I left Penny was pretty pissed.”
“I was not getting in between that one. Hey, these are kinda good.”
“How are you eating those? If you shit your pants I’m not helping you.”
Phoenix’s nose remained scrunched as she watched Rooster and Hangman crack in, Payback joining them after a moment. Watching his pilot and the other two dig in, Fanboy tentatively took a serving.
“Oh my god, you guys are idiots,” Coyote facepalmed. He reached over with a napkin to chase Jake who had sour cream on his chin. Phoenix and Bob looked equally as grossed out, Maverick already bailing.
“I have to go and walk Ice,” he said as he got up.
Maverick was, of course, referring to his new dog, a Border Collie with so much good boy energy Maverick had named it after one of his oldest friends who never broke (there were exceptions) the rules.
(Maverick himself was an exception).
(According to Paramore, he was the only exception).
(Listen, I’ll let myself out).
“Oh, cool. Me and the others are gonna play some pool then probably find our way home. Right, guys?”
“Sounds good,” Payback agreed with Rooster, sharing the basket of nachos between them still. Fanboy had pulled away from his and Hangman’s basket, both of them kind of avoiding it with a grimace. Jake already looked ready to gag.
“Okay, actually, maybe we should go now, hm?”
Maverick hooked an arm over Jake’s shoulders, unsurprised when the bigger guy leaned into him. Touch starved, as usual. The rest of the team were very similar.
Maybe it was a TOPGUN thing.
“That sounds like a great plan!” Bob exclaimed, leaping up and grabbing his hoodie. Phoenix cottoned on and pulled Rooster’s hoodie from his chair to pull it over her shoulders which left him in just a t-shirt.
Honestly? He wasn’t all that bothered by it. He could freeze his ass off later.
“What the fuck is that noise?”
Maverick scrubbed at his eyes, grimacing as he pulled himself away from his blankets to investigate. To his knowledge, everyone had gone back to base to get some sleep, but there was movement downstairs and Iceman wasn’t looking ready to nibble their legs off.
“Ice, go get ‘em, buddy. Get em.”
The border collie glanced up from the end of the bed, scratched at his ear, and lay his head back on his paws.
He wasn’t going anywhere.
“Yeah, y’know, you’re a great guard do-”
Maverick frowned.
He knew that tone.
But Rooster was back on base...
Ah, there he was. Standing in the hallway light, making himself look small.
“What’s up, B?”
Maverick sat up in bed, scrubbing at his eyes.
“Me an’ Payback puked, Mav, sorry.”
“When did you guys get in?”
“When we realised the nachos were bad.”
Oh, this was going to hurt.
“Please tell me you cleaned up.”
“We’re okay, but Bagman doesn’t feel good either and Mickey looks like he’s gonna cry.”
“Oh geez, you guys really broke yourselves, huh?”
Maverick sighed, flicking back the blankets.
“Okay, I’m coming.”
Now Iceman was up and jumping at Bradley’s knees, tail going a million miles an hour despite the late (early?) hour. Rooster went to pat him but stopped, eyes widening in alarm to look at Maverick.
“Go,” Maverick huffed. He watched his godson bolt for the bathroom, the sound of retching following.
It was going to be a long night.
Look, it was going to be a very long time before Maverick saw his bed again.
Coming down the stairs, Iceman at his heels, Maverick carefully made his way to Mickey first, frowning.
“Hey kiddo, what’s going on?”
“Those fucking nachos,” Mickey hissed, grimacing when a cramp ripped through his abdomen. Maverick grimaced, rubbing his back.
“Yeah, had a feeling this was going to happen. How’s the stomach?”
“It would be better if I could just hurl.”
“You can’t?”
“No,” Mickey whined miserably. Maverick frowned.
“Okay, let me go and get you some water and check on the others.”
Maverick squeezed Mickey’s arm, going over to check on Payback who had curled up beside Hangman on one of the couches, clutching his stomach.
“Where’s Penny?” Rooster whined when he came down the stairs in the background.
“And Amelia?” Jake asked, scrubbing tiredly at his eyes before curling back up against Reuben. 
“They’re both staying with Penny’s dad. I wasn’t kidding when I said she was still mad,” Maverick said. Iceman put his paw on the couch near Jake’s face, tail thumping against the floor. Hangman grimaced but reached out to scratch at the dog’s snoot- his favourite spot for a scratch.
“What about you, Reuben? How are you feeling?”
“It’s definitely not good, Cap,” Reuben confessed. Another cramp wracked through his gut and he grimaced, sitting up abruptly.
“-yep, okay, let’s go. Bathroom, now.”
Maverick’s smaller frame was dwarfed by Payback but he was strong and managed to get him into the downstairs bathroom. Reuben curled around the toilet and immediately threw up, Maverick grimacing.
“Bradley, are you throwing up right now?” He yelled out the door.
“Uhhhh... no?”
“Good, go and get some Gatorade for Reuben. Give some to the other two as well. And let Ice out but keep an eye on him!”
Maverick knew his godson was cussing him out right now but he knew his dog and he’d need a trip outside. He also knew Rooster and he’d been sick once; he’d feel nauseous as hell for a while but he wouldn’t be sick again for another couple hours.
“Breathe, kid,” he said to Reuben, rubbing a hand over his back. 
“Fucking nachos,” Reuben hissed with his head in the bowl.
While Payback was very unwell in the bathroom Rooster got to rehydrating everyone and letting Iceman out into the backyard. The dog stared blankly at him from the grass and Rooster rolled his eyes.
“You have fucking bathroom shame? Seriously, dog?”
Turning his back he watched his friends through the door for a moment, trying to breathe slowly to hold his nausea at bay. He knew food poisoning, and he knew his body. He felt like shit but he’d most likely be able to sleep it off. On the other hand, he’d known Hangman for years and he most likely would be puking on and off for hours before he’d sleep the rest of the day away.
Iceman appeared on the porch beside Rooster, breaking him from his daze. Grimacing he gave the dog a pat and opened the porch door to let him in. Iceman pushed ahead to lie on the floor in front of Hangman who hadn’t moved from the couch. He was looking admittedly more pale and Rooster didn’t dare crouch near him in the risk of losing his battle with his own stomach.
“How’s the stomach?” He asked tentatively. Jake glanced up with a glare.
“How about I shove my foot up your ass?”
“Always with the threats, Hangy.”
“Can it Roo. It’s your fault I’m here in the first place.”
“Ah, man, you didn’t have to give in to the nachos.”
“We should have just gone to Hard Deck and sucked up Penny death glaring Mav.”
“That’s fair. Dude, you’re... really pale.”
“Don’t talk to me.”
Rooster rolled his eyes, glancing at Fanboy.
“Feeling the need to explode yet?”
“Rooster, shut up. Just because you puke once and you’re done doesn’t mean it’s the same for the rest of us.”
“What do you need?”
“Take my bed, I doubt I’m gonna be in it much.”
Fanboy glanced at Rooster for a minute then shrugged.
He carefully got up, making his way to the stairs. Maverick came out of the bathroom with his hand on Payback’s back, sighing at his team.
“So, nachos?”
“Mav,” Hangman groaned. When Payback stumbled over to the couch Jake lifted his legs enough Reuben could sit then flopped them back down on top of him. Maverick glanced over to check on Rooster and Iceman then frowned.
“Hey, guys, what’d you do with Fanboy?”
“He just wanted to sleep so I said he could have my bed,” Rooster said. He sat on the other couch and immediately a grimace crossed his features. 
“Okay guys, let’s get you as comfortable as you can be.”
Maverick reached into the cupboard and produced an air mattress. Bradley may have been good on the couch but there was no way Maverick’s body could do a night on the floor. In minutes it was ready to be slept on and he curled up on it, glancing at his kids. Jake was probably next to go but Payback had one eye closed, the other focused on the bathroom door. Bradley, on the other hand, would probably sleep through the night now that he’d puked a couple times. Maverick was kind of glad; he didn’t know if he could handle a whiny Bradley right now. 
In the mean time, Iceman whined.
“Ah, good morning guys! What a beautiful day, I slept so well-”
Maverick made the cut-throat motion and Phoenix beamed as she took in the sight of the guys in various positions across Maverick’s living room. For now Jake was eyeing the nearby bucket, the other three passed out still. Maverick hauled himself off the air mattress, moving to follow Bob into the kitchen.
“Have you guys eaten anything since the nachos?” Coyote asked, arms crossed against his chest but the corner of his mouth tilted upward in amusement. Hangman dry reached a little and Phoenix snorted.
“Okay, cool. What do you want, maybe we could try some toast?”
“Oh god, fuck no. I will litera- I will- oh, shit.”
Jake reached for the bucket and Maverick put a hand on the back of his neck.
“Breathe kid, it’s okay. You’re good.”
Phoenix, Coyote and Bob poked their heads out of the kitchen.
“Hey, you know what’s not a good idea?” Bob asked.
“Eating nachos that don’t look safe?”
“Got it in one, Tash.”
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triptuckers · 3 years
Fix her - Kaz Brekker
Request: nope Pairing:  kaz brekker x reader Summary:  kaz sent you out to gather information, and you always return on time with the intel he needs. well, maybe not always. Warnings: angst, language, mentions of BLOOD, BRUISES, INJURIES, typical soc stuff, slight six of crows and crooked kingdom spoilers Word count:  2.2K A/N: hello my darlings it is I and I have read almost every book leigh bardugo has written in the past month. I am now hopelessly in love with jesper, kaz and nikolai. I'll be updating my character list soon! I still have a few wips but I don’t have any motivation / inspiration for those. so have my first kaz brekker x reader instead! enjoy reading :)
It was a rather easy job, really. Kaz had received word that the Dime Lions had an important meeting coming up. Because he always wanted to know what exactly was going on in the Barrel and with its gangs, he wanted someone to listen in on said meeting.
Normally, he would send Inej. She was the obvious choice when it came to gathering information. But she was still recovering from a rather nasty cut in her side, and so you had offered to go.
Inej insisted she could go. But all it took was you raising your eyebrows when she moved to sit up, only to wince and flop back down onto the bed. Though he didn’t quite like it, Kaz had assigned you to the job. 
No one said it out loud, but everyone knew there was something between you and Kaz. Neither of you had spoken about it. There were just a lot of lingering glances, smiles from you and what you think was almost a smile from Kaz, and you even had stolen his coat once when you had lost your own. He didn’t seem to mind though.
When you had left that evening to listen to the Dime Lions meeting from the shadows, Kaz had sent you a look that you knew all too well. He reserved it only for you. It was him telling you to be safe. You’d respond with a wink that basically meant always am.
The rest of the crows started a card game to pass the time as they waited for you to come back. They didn’t worry, you were always careful and are considered one of the most dangerous criminals in Ketterdam. They knew whatever happened, you could handle yourself.
But after Jesper had lost four rounds of card games, the tension began to rise between them. Most meetings typically didn’t last this long. Still, no one said anything as they started their fifth game. You would show up eventually, probably bringing valuable insight with you.
After two more games, there was still no sign of you. Nina was the first one to speak up.
‘She should have been back by now.’ she says, absently looking out the window into the dark street. 
‘Have a little faith, Zenik.’ says Kaz, though on the inside he was filled with worry. He shook it off and focused on the game again.
More than once he’d scolded himself for allowing you to get this close to him. For putting so much trust in you, especially after what happened the last time he’d really trusted someone. But he couldn’t help it. It was like he was drawn to you like Jespers trigger finger was to his revolvers. He couldn’t help it.
Still, he knew your skills. He knew you were smart, and a fighter. Whatever was going on with you out there, he had no doubt you’d show up at the door in a few moments, cheerfully announcing what good intel you’d gathered and wondering how many card games you’d missed.
But you still didn’t show. And one by one, they all lost their interest in the card game. They fell silent and looked out the window or fiddled with their empty glasses. The tension in the room grew. Until Kaz suddenly stood.
‘Finish the game.’ he says. ‘I’ll go and look for her.’
‘I’ll come with you.’ says Jesper, getting up as well.
‘No.’ says Kaz, earning a frown from Jesper. ‘Just me.’ he says. And with that, he pulled on his coat, grabbed his cane and was out the door.
‘Right.’ says Jesper, sitting back down. ‘Anyone fancy another game? I have a feeling I’m gonna win this one.’
They played three more games. They were tired, and it was well past midnight. Still, none of them went upstairs to their rooms. Too anxious to play any more cards or to even have a normal conversation, they settled for silence and more drinks. 
Jesper was fiddling with his rings and bouncing his leg. Nina had her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands. Matthias was trying to not look at Nina. And Wylan was attempting to build a house out of the cards. 
Finally, they heard the sound of the door opening. All of their heads shot up and turned to look who it was. 
Kaz stumbles awkwardly through the door, carrying you in his arms. Nina gasps softly and Jesper murmurs ‘Saints’ as their eyes land on your body. 
It’s bruised and bloody, and your eyes are shut. Was Kaz too late?
‘Clear the table!’ says Kaz loudly, limping toward it with you in his arms. 
Instantly, Matthias and Jesper seize the glasses and cards off the table as Wylan pulls some of the chairs back to make room. Kaz lays your beaten up body on the table and turns to Nina.
‘Help her.’ says Kaz.
But Nina is looking at you body, bruised and bloodied, nothing like the cheerful girl that buys her waffles and laughs as she teases Matthias. It’s almost impossible to find a spot on your body that doesn’t have a wound on it. There’s slashes from knives everywhere, bruising around your neck and the side of your face, and to top it off, blood is slowly leaking out of a bullet wound in your leg.
An expression of horror is written across Nina’s face, her hands pressed against her mouth. 
‘Nina.’ Kaz presses on. ‘I said help her.’
‘Kaz, I don’t think-’ stammers Nina. ‘Come on, fix her!’ says Kaz loudly, surprised of how much anxiety can be heard in his voice. Fix her, he thinks, because I need her to fix me.
‘I can try but-’ ‘Do it.’ says Kaz and then he turns away, he can’t bear to look at you any longer. Memories of Jordie flood over him, mingled with memories of you. Your laugh, how he fights his own smile every time you wink at him or send a flirty comment his way, the way you smell. How you look at him when he catches your eyes. 
Kaz shuts his eyes, attempting to drown the memories out. Taking deep breaths, he tries to focus on the voices behind him.
‘Jesper get the bullet out of her leg.’ says Nina. 
‘Just pull it out?’ questions Jesper.
‘Saints, you’re Grisha, Jesper, pull the fucking bullet out!’ says Nina in a loud voice laced with fear.
After a while of listening to Nina’s murmuring and instructions to others, Kaz finally turns back around to look at you. A wave of nausea hits him unexpectedly and he swallows hard. 
Nina had treated most of the wounds, with Jesper’s help. But your entire body is still covered in bruises, and now bandages as well. Nina’s cleaned the dried blood off of your face, but your arms and legs are still covered with it. 
They’re all nervously looking at Kaz.
‘I don’t know if she’s going to-’
‘Don’t.’ says Kaz, interrupting her. He needed to think straight. He needed someone to help him focus. Normally, you’d be the one to do so. But you’re in no condition to softly talk to him to reassure him everything is going to be alright. He needed to be his own soothing voice tonight.
‘Matthias.’ he says. ‘Bring her up to my room. Nina, go with him, see if there’s anything else you can do for her. Jesper, get Inej up to speed. Wylan, clean this mess up before someone notices.’
Without waiting for their reactions, Kaz walks up the stairs to his floor. Several moments later, followed by Matthias, who is carrying you, and Nina and Jesper. Jesper disappears into Inej’ room, while Matthias and Nina continue to walk the stairs to get to Kaz’ floor. 
When they arrive, Matthias carefully places you on Kaz’ bed as he was instructed. For a while, the three of them look at you. Until Matthias and Nina go to their rooms as well, leaving Kaz alone with you.
None of them had questioned why he insisted Matthias brought you to his room and not your own. Of course, they were dying to find out exactly what was going on between you and Kaz, but they all knew tonight was not the night to push him.
As he looks at you, Kaz feels the strong urge to touch you. Lay his hand on your cheek, to see if it’s still warm. But he can’t. Instead, he merely pulls out a chair and sits down next to the bed. He lets his eyes travel over your body, wondering how much pain you’re in, and who the hell was responsible for it. 
He needed you to wake up. He needed you to tell him who did this so he could send his biggest most muscular members of the Dregs to them. Kaz wanted them to hurt the way they had hurt you. 
His mind is running at an alarming speed. But eventually, even Kaz can’t fight his tired body anymore, and he falls asleep in an uncomfortable position in his chair.
From that night on, he instructed that you shouldn’t be left alone. He doesn’t want you to wake up and realise you’re on your own. The next day, it’s business as usual. The members of the Dregs are coming and going like they always do. The familiar flow of people helps to take everyone’s mind off things, but as soon as they’re by your side, they remember. 
Nina had tried her best to heal you, but it still took you almost a week to wake up.
When you wake up, your first thought is that your entire body feels way heavier than it’s supposed to. You try to open your eyes but it’s like your eyelids are made of lead. After a couple more tries, you finally open them.
You take in the room, and realise it’s not your own. Kaz. 
Why would you be in Kaz’ room? Why aren’t you in your own room? And why does your body feel so damn heavy?
And then all of the memories flood back. Like a tsunami, they catch your breath in your throat, making it hard to breathe. You try to inhale deeply, but it’s like your throat is sealed shut. You start to panic when you notice you can’t breathe. 
Then a pair of hands land on your shoulders and gently push you back onto the bed. Whoever it is, is talking softly to you. You close your eyes and try to steady your breathing. 
Then the voice yells out, but from much farther away, like they’re standing in the doorway, and not next to the bed.
‘Kaz! Nina! Get up here!’
It’s Jesper. 
You try to ask him what’s going on, but it’s still hard to breath normally. You try to focus on something else. Jesper’s voice trying to calm you down, his eyes looking into yours, but nothing’s helping. 
Then you hear a sound you know all too well. A familiar stumbling, of someone walking up the stairs with a cane. 
Seconds later, Kaz rushes into the room and roughly shoves Jesper away, taking his place next to the bed.
‘Who did this to you?’ he says. 
His voice is that familiar rasp, and normally you love it. But now it just makes your head hurt. You shut your eyes and softly shake your head, trying to drown the sound out. 
‘Y/N, who did this to you?’ says Kaz, more firmly this time.
‘Kaz.’ says Nina’s voice. ‘Let her rest. You can talk later.’ Nina’s voice is softer, more gentle than Kaz’. You try to focus on it as you open your eyes again.
Kaz is close. He looks down at you and you’re surprised by the look in his eyes. Was that a hint of worry you detected? You open your mouth to say something, but Kaz is faster.
‘Y/N, tell me who did this to you.’ says Kaz.
‘Couldn’t see their faces.’ you manage to say in a hoarse voice. Your throat feels dry and you start to cough. Immediately, Nina moves to get you a glass of water and helps you to drink it. 
‘Did you notice the way they moved? How they walked? Were they Dime Lions? Could you see any tattoos? What about scars? Clothing? Voices?’
Kaz keeps on firing questions at you, but you can’t focus on his words. Your head feels heavy and you feel your eyelids slowly closing again. 
‘Kaz.’ you say softly. ‘Tomorrow.’ 
You expect him to press on, to find out who did this to you. But instead, he looks at you and holds your gaze. He doesn’t say anything, he merely nods at you. You know what it means. Despite his harsh voice and the million questions, he’s glad you’re safe. And the ones who did this to you will pay for it. He’ll make sure of it.
You offer a weak smile before closing your eyes, already drifting off. You hear two pairs of footsteps leave the room, and assume Nina stayed behind to check on you.
The chair next to you gets moved back and you hear how someone sits down in it. When you feel something brush against your fingers, you assume it’s Nina checking your pulse.
But then you feel a gloved thumb on the back of your hand. It slowly rubs over your skin. To most people it wouldn’t mean anything. But to you, it meant the world. A tiny smile reaches the corners of your mouth, as you fall asleep. 
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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eddiebillysteve · 2 years
cat and mouse
(( harringroveson prison au ))
chapter seven | find the rest here
pairing | billy hargrove/steve harrington + billy hargrove/eddie munson + billy hargrove/eddie munson/steve harrington
summary | poor stevie finds out what happens when you disobey/piss off billy
a/n | plEASe take notice of warnings for this one because billy is being an asshole lmao feel free to leave me any comments/messages with any thoughts/ideas you may have!! find it on ao3 here !!
warnings | punishments, burns/brandings, violence, possessiveness + billy being controlling and toxic bc he likes to treat his cell mates like his property, ends with a nsfw moment that includes rimming and a quick mention of fisting, dom/sub talk, daddy kink, steve being a gay panicked confused mess (this is a permanent tag), general prison talk, stuff like that !!
tag list | @whoringrove - let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future updates !!
“I told you not to say it,” Eddie hissed to Steve as they made it back to the cell Hargrove and Harrington now shared. It used to be his own little home, but it wasn’t anymore. Now he only ever really visited for quick shags or punishments. “And in front of all those ears. We’re fucked. He’s so pissed.”
“But I didn’t even do anything,” Steve blurted, quickly following along. “Everyone has a name. I don’t understand why he’s so angry about it.”
“Everyone has a name on the outside,” Eddie shut the cell door behind them. “But not in here. Hurry, take your clothes off.”
Eddie, unlike his counterpart, didn’t hesitate to start stripping himself off, the fresh clothes just put on being discarded onto Billy’s top bunk. “When he’s pissed, this is what you do, okay? You strip off and kneel down here. Keep your head down, too. Look at the floor. Don’t look at him when he comes in.” 
“Can you just hang on for a minute?” Steve held his head in his hands, trying to understand what the fuck was happening. It was just a name and they were acting like he’d committed murder.
“No. Because he could be back any second and if we’re not where he wants us to be, we’re double fucked, man.” Once Eddie was completely naked, he reached for Steve, hurriedly trying to yank his clothes off.
“Eddie, stop!” Steve nearly shouted at him, in his face, overwhelmed and freaked out, and Eddie paused for a minute. 
“Steve, I’m trying to help you. You don’t know the way in here. I’m trying to make it easier on you,” Eddie stressed. “I can’t stop. I wish I didn’t have to make you but you’re not giving me much of a choice here.” 
“It’s not your choice to make,” Steve shoved his hands away. “Stop acting like him.” 
Eddie physically flinched at the words, coiling away from him. They hurt. He’d been trying to be kind and gentle to Steve, had been trying to be the person he’d wanted when he’d first arrived, but Steve still thought he was cruel and violent, clearly. “Fine,” his voice was short, and he took a step back before kneeling onto the cold, hard floor. 
Silence followed. Eddie didn’t move, as still as a statue despite the pain in his knees, eyes trained on the floor and waiting. Steve sat on his bottom bunk and kept his head in his hands for awhile before speaking up again. “What’s he going to do?” He asked, but Eddie didn’t reply. His messy hair was hiding his face. “Eddie?” 
“Be quiet. Don’t be caught speaking when he comes in,” he muttered. 
“This whole situation is fucked. You’re scaring me.” 
But Eddie didn’t reply, didn’t say anything else. He was just silent, even when Steve called his name. 
Steve was about to give in and copy him, strip naked and join him on the floor, when the cell door opened. 
“At least one pet knows how to follow my rules,” Billy had his eyes narrowed at Steve as he wandered in, one hand immediately going to Eddie’s hair. He pet over it, touching his face, his cheeks. Eddie was physically relieved; his body relaxed muscles Steve didn’t know he was tensing. 
“We’ve got to talk about this,” Steve tried, standing up from the bunk. “This is insane. You’re acting insane.” 
“Am I?” Billy laughed, but it wasn’t a pleasant one. It was scary sounding, maniacal almost. “Eds, baby. Do you think I’m insane?” 
“No, Daddy,” Eddie was trying to nuzzle against his hand. He knew what to do, how to obey, and he’d learned very, very quickly. He’d been falling over himself to obey Billy from the second he’d entered the prison because it meant he’d survive and have protection. Steve had no idea how stupid he was being. 
“See, Stevie. Eddie’s a good boy. Eddie follows my rules. He fucked up by telling you something he shouldn’t have, but I know it was an honest mistake. I can tell. But you? You’re a naughty boy. You’re pushing my fucking patience,” he pulled his hand from Eddie to point at Steve. “You’ve got thirty seconds to get your clothes off and join him on the floor, or you’re going to be very, very sorry if I have to make you.”
Eddie shifted closer to him, wrapping himself around one of Billy’s legs. He clung to it and rubbed his hands up the length of Hargrove’s body, up his legs and to his chest before back down to palm at his cock. He thought maybe it would soften him up, make him feel a little less mad, because Steve was making no move to get nude.
“Tick tock,” Billy taunted, letting out another cruel laugh before looking to Eddie. “My boy, you can get dressed. I want you to go and get Argyle and tell him to bring me the shit I asked for. You’re doing so well.”
Eddie didn’t hesitate to scramble up and onto his feet, quickly pulling his clothes back on and rushing out the door. He didn’t know what it was Billy was wanting, but he assumed he and Argyle had discussed something during the time he and Steve had walked to the room. 
“Now, Sweetheart. I gave you a chance to be punished like one of my pets,” Billy started, getting out a cigarette to light up. “And you chose not to obey. So now I’m going to give you a punishment I’d give any of the other inmates if they so disrespectfully called me something they didn’t have permission to. My pets have lucky privileges, including slacker punishments, but you don’t yet realize who you belong to, so I’ll have to give you a permanent reminder.” 
Argyle wasn’t far. He had already gone to get what Billy had wanted and Eddie had been able to catch up to him just down the hall. He was with someone Eddie didn’t like too much, a dumbass lackey named Tommy that would have kissed the ground Billy walked on despite not being a pet. He was jealous of Eddie for being Billy’s special someone, and now that jealousy would extend out to Steve, too. He was always extra harsh when he got a turn, leaving love bites and bruises without permission and forcing himself inside dry, just as a little added fuck you as if it was Eddie’s fault that he was the one Billy had chosen.
Billy didn’t need to say anything when the others entered his cell. Eddie immediately climbed up to the top bunk to stay out of the way, Argyle handed over whatever it was he had in his hands to Billy, and Tommy immediately moved to pin Steve down and over the bottom bunk. 
Steve let out a shout and fought against him, but it was useless. Tommy was about his size, but much stronger. He worked out at Billy’s side every single day. “Let me go!” Steve cried out, trying to push against the mattress as if he could throw the man off. Tommy snickered, and Billy yanked Steve’s trousers down past his arse. 
“Shut up,” Billy snapped, sending a hard enough slap to his bottom that Steve let out a yelp of pain. He didn’t shut up, though; instead he started babbling on about how he was sorry, about how he’d listen and obey. It was music to Billy’s ears, and he let him go on with his blubbering for a few minutes just to enjoy the sound.
After a second of muttering to Argyle and having a good look at Steve’s bottom that was in the air, he took his trousers and underwear off all the way in one go, only to shove the underwear into Steve’s mouth as a makeshift gag. “I said, shut the fuck up. You may be a little slow at catching on, but you cannot possibly be stupid enough to not understand what I’m saying,” he sneered around his cigarette, shoving the fabric in far enough that Steve gagged on it. 
Steve immediately tried to spit it out, but Argyle had already handed over what they used for binds — torn up sheets. Billy wrapped it tightly around Steve’s mouth, locking the fabric in place by tying the strip behind his head.
How hard he panicked made him feel like he was choking. It felt like the cloth had a vice grip on his throat, cutting off all the air he so desperately needed. 
“Relax, Stevie,” There was cooing in his ear, one of Billy’s hands stroking over his hair. “Calm yourself down before you make yourself black out. Breathe through your nose. Come on, be a good boy. In your nose, out your nose. You can do it.”
There was rustling going on behind him, but Steve couldn’t focus on it. He had to focus on breathing, like Billy was telling him, because he was starting to go light headed and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could stay conscious while panicking around the gag. 
“That’s right. Good boy. Calm right down,” Billy soothed, rubbing his hand over the part of Steve’s back that Tommy’s wasn’t blocking. “Now, sweetheart. I tried to punish you like one of my pets, did I not? I told you to strip and kneel and wait for me, and you disobeyed me. People do not disobey me, especially not someone that belongs to me. I hope whenever you feel the urge to say something you’re not allowed to, you think of this.” 
There was a searing pain and Steve screeched in a way he never had before. The fabric muffled it a fair bit, but even if the guards heard, they wouldn’t have come running. He’d never felt any sort of pain even remotely similar to whatever they were doing to his backside. 
It felt like it lasted forever and when it stopped, it didn’t really stop. It took everything in him to keep from screaming again, and again, and again. 
“This here, Stevie, is a H. You see that?” There was something put near his face, some sort of metal wire in the shape of a ‘H’. He couldn’t focus on it, couldn’t figure out what it was, because his rear was on fire. “H for Hargrove. My name. Every time you call me something different, I’ll add another H to your sweet body until you’re eventually covered in pretty little H shaped scars.”
Billy flicked his lighter on, held it under the metal, and Steve finally understood what had happened as the metal started to get visibly hot.
He’d been branded. 
A letter H was officially seared into his skin forever as if he was just another cow being used for meat on a farm. Even when he left, he’d never be able strip naked in front of anyone ever again without having to explain how he’d gotten the undoubtedly messy looking scar. Billy smirked like he could read Steve’s thoughts. 
“Next time, it’s not going to be somewhere so hidden. I’ll do it right here, on your neck,” Billy taunted, reaching out to touch a part of Steve’s neck. Whether or not he was being serious was up to Steve to figure out. “And then, after that, I’ll leave one on your cock. Maybe that’s where I should have put this first one, but I’m still going easy on you, pretty boy. The sooner you understand that I own you, the better. This could have been entirely preventable. You made me do this.” He moved away from Steve’s upper half to look at the burnt skin, plucking his cigarette out from between his lips to hold it in his fingers, instead. “What do you think, Eds? Should I do the rest of my name? Or is it good just being a H?” 
Steve started to sob, desperately trying to get up, to free himself. Eddie was going to tell him to do the rest because he’d been a fucking jerk and told him to stop acting like Billy when Eddie really had just been trying to help, and Steve couldn’t blame him. 
“Think it looks good like that,” Eddie’s voice was small from the top bunk and Steve smushed his face into the mattress to muffle his tears that had suddenly turned into ones of relief. The underwear in his mouth did a much better job at quieting his tears than his screams.
Eddie still had his back, even when he so easily could have turned on him. 
Steve didn’t think he deserved his friendship, at least not in that moment, not to that degree.
“Yeah? Me too,” Billy grinned and then he looked to Steve once more. “Hagan here is gonna get up off you now, baby. But you’re not gonna move, because I said you’re not. You reach for your gag and I’ll snap your finger, got that?” Only when Steve nodded did Billy gesture for Tommy to get up and out of the cell. He only ever gave Tommy the tiniest scraps of attention for doing the dirty work, yet the boy lapped at it like his life depended on it. “Good boy. That wasn’t so hard now, was it? Things will go so much smoother for you if you just do as you’re told.” 
After ushering Argyle out, as well, Billy reached out to palm at Steve’s bottom, the cheek that wasn’t burnt, massaging it roughly in his hand. “Goddamn, Stevie. I can’t wait to see my fist buried in your tight ass. You hard from that, baby? Hard knowing that my mark is on you forever?” He yanked Steve’s hips down so he could reach beneath him to touch his cock. It wasn’t hard, and Billy pouted a bit. “You’re not turned on by pain, huh? It’s alright, sweetheart. Daddy’ll fix that right up. Eddie wasn’t either in the beginning, now he fucking loves it.” Steve had gone a bit limp against the bed, trying to disappear into the mattress, and Billy sent another smack to his asscheek, again the one without the brand on it. “Think I’m gonna have to keep that gag around. Real nice in the quiet. Don’t you think, Eds?” He gave Eddie his cigarette before bending down and spreading Steve’s cheeks. “Just look at that hole. Brand new and waiting all this time just for me. So pretty.” 
He leaned forward, buried his face close enough that his tongue was able to sneak out and flick over the little hole, and despite the pain he was feeling, Steve’s whole body reacted. His cock came to life, hips stuttering, mouth letting out a gasp around the fabric. Billy made a gesture for Eddie to take the gag off of him, wanting to hear him sing. 
No one had ever used their mouth on him there before. He’d never even thought it was a possibility, and yet the feeling had turned him into pure putty. He jutted his hips forward, wanting some friction on his cock, and could feel Billy laugh against him. “That feel nice, baby?” He murmured as he pulled back. “You never have anyone eat your ass before? So glad I get to take so many firsts from you.” 
He wanted to train Steve’s body to get off on the pain, to get turned on from it, but it had been a punishment, after all, so he stopped long before Steve could reach any orgasm. Instead, he got him hard and leaking, watched him try to fuck Billy’s hand and cry into the mattress, before letting him go and pulling his trousers back up. “No getting off for you. Not for the rest of the day. Maybe not for the rest of the week. Depends if you decide to try to make it up to me or not,” he smirked as Steve let out the most pathetic little whimper. “Now, you’re going to stay here, and you’re going to feel that pain, and you’re going to think about what you’ve done. If you even consider touching yourself or getting up from this bed, Eddie’ll tell me, and we’ll deal with that when I’m back. You hear me, pretty boy?” He reached down and smacked his arse loud enough to make him yelp in pain. “Be good, and be quiet. It’s that simple.” 
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nobody7102 · 3 years
The Spider-Man and Spinneret: Chapter 4
Warnings: None
Pairing: Tobey!Peter Parker x Reader
A/N: The story progresses a bit more, mostly just fluffy stuff tho, and a little bit of Harry
Chapter 3 Chapter 5
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Three Months Later…
Groans filled the air, followed by the creeks of a bed, and not soon after the beeping of a pager was heard. Shifting of covers then ensued as an arm reached over the side of the bed for the pager, but just as the hand was a few inches away it stopped before straining itself to try and reach for the phone once more. Eventually the hand fell limp off of the side of the bed.
“Pete…. you gotta move” Y/N's voice croaked
“No!” his voice was firm as his eyes stayed closed, his full body weight pressing against Y/N as she laid under him. She pushed at his shoulders knowing full well she could shove him off of her, but she didn’t. Why? You try going full strength at 6:30 in the morning.
“NO!” he groaned again “You said you took today off”
“Peter” she whined “Pete it could be the lab! I have samples” she struggled reaching for her pager again.
“Y/F/N!” Peter whined back “You said today was gonna be a Peter and Y/N day…..with maybe a little swinging, you're not going into work.” He leaned over to the side table grabbing the pager, throwing it up in the air and webbing it to the ceiling.
“Peter!” she quickly sat up shoving him to the other side of the bed. “That is not fair!” she huffed starting to get out of bed, she was pulled back to the mattress before her foot had hit the floor. Peter quickly climbed back on top of her, watching as she tried to get up once more before he placed his hands next to the side of her head
“Y/N, if you don’t go to work today. I won’t look at the police scanners for a week” he hummed looking down at her.
“And, I will do whatever you want me to do for a month.” he paused. “And I mean, whatever” he smiled watching as a blush started to creep onto Y/N's face as she took a moment to think about the deal, when Peter knew she didn’t have to.
She rolled her eyes as soon as she saw the smile on Peters face, moving to smack his chest, “Fine” she smiled back “Cheeky ass” she turned on her left side, causing Peter to lower his weight back onto her,
“Oof, Peter!” she laughed. With a smile still on his face, he rolled off and behind Y/N wrapping his arms around her. Resting his head on her shoulder, his jaw sitting in the crook of her neck “So what do you wanna do today?” she hummed, taking his right hand in heres and began tracing patterns onto the palm of his hand.
“Well” He shifted his head, “I was thinking” lightly placing kisses on her neck and shoulder, “We could stay like this for a while” further nuzzling his head further into her neck till his nose now rested in the crook of her neck. “Maybe till noon,” The hand Y/N had been playing with moved to lace his fingers with hers.
“Then we could go get breakfast” he hummed “After we could either go for a walk in the park….or we could come back here and watch a movie, unless you have other ideas”
A smile graced Y/N's face just letting out an “Mhm, sounds great” they just layed there, quite literally wrapped up in each other.
And after a few minutes it seemed that the silence had finally reset itself into the apartment, Y/N's phone started to ring.
“Fuck…” Peter groaned as Y/N laughed watching as Peter reached over for her phone, and answered it. “Y/F/N's phone, what do you want?”
“Hey Peter” He could hear the smirk coming from Harry on the other end of the phone. “Is your girlfriend there?”
“Oh, Sorry Harry” Y/N started to reach for the phone trying to reach for the phone, but Peter kept pulling away from her. “She went out for a……walk…” Y/N covered her mouth trying to restrain a chuckle. “I thought she had the day off today?”
“She does, I was just wondering if she had any updates on some of the genes she was running. I would check myself but I don’t know what I’m looking for, plus I can’t operate the lab equipment” he laughed.
“Oh I can pass along the message Harry, but I can’t promise she’ll get back to you” Peter watched as Y/N continued to try and grab her phone.
“Alrighty” Harry hummed “Just remember to take it easy. I still want my head researcher to be able to walk tomorrow” he laughed
Peter rolled his eyes with a smile “Roger that Harry, I’ll talk to you later” sarcasm dripping from his response. He hung up, placing the phone back on the side table.
“A walk? I’m out on a walk Peter?” she smiled
Peter shook his head ignoring her statement “Okay the next phone or pager that goes off is going on the ceiling and it’s not coming down till tomorrow” he looked at Y/N, crawling back over to her. Now laying on her right side, hands returning to her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Is this how you felt when you were waiting on me when we were dealing with Doctor Octavius?” he raised his eyebrow as he asked the question.
Y/N nodded, “Oh god yeah, back when I was Harry’s PA.” her arms went to wrap around his neck playing with the hair at the base of his neck. “I was waiting on you and Harry. Waiting for you to take time off of Spider-ing, waiting on Harry constantly, waiting for updates from Doctor Octavius, waiting for you to rescue me after getting kidnapped” she joked, causing Peter to pinch her waist. “No for real, I was just waiting on people for the first two and a half years after we graduated.”
“I’m sorry Sweetheart” he moved one of his hands to cup her cheek, thumb brushing over her cheek. “Because this sucks”
“You don’t have to be sorry Peter. Waiting got me to where I am, sure I asked Harry to try working in research but waiting at the bottom is what eventually led me to the top, you know Harry wasn’t even the reason I became head of research. His meeting board actually called for it.”
“No shit” Peter shifted.
“Yeah” she hummed, beginning to curl a single piece of hair at the back of his neck around her finger. “They told Harry that product success rates were going up because they didn’t have to send it back to testing and lab because I made the teams test all of the possible processes. Don't get me wrong we had setbacks but not as much as before.”
“And I’m the lucky guy who gets to date the head of research” he smiled
“Did you even listen to what I said?” she laughed
“Yeah I listened, now I can tell people how you became head of research and that I get to take you home at night” his smile grew.
“You’re horrible” she giggled, starting to lightly push his shoulders “You. Should go get us food” she grabbed the covers from him, leaving his body cold in his shorts and t-shirt.
“Why do I have to go get it?” He tried to grab the covers back from Y/N.
This caused her to sit up, clearing her throat she grabbed Peter’s glasses off of his bedside table and slid them on her face “Oh my god your vision really is shit” her eyes went wide as she pulled the glasses from her face, taking a few moments to blink she placed the make on her face only letting them sit on the bridge of her nose this time a she continues “I will do whatever you want me to do for a month.” she moved to stare Peter in the eyes “And I mean, whatever” she wiggled her eyebrows at the last part.
Peter almost laughed “You know I meant that for stuff like I don’t know sex. Or maybe a massage or i don't know shopping and buying you a gift” he crossed his arms pouting almost.
“Oh Baby” she crawled over to his wrapping her arms around his shoulders “it's not like I’m asking you to do it in the spandex” she hummed kissing his cheek “I’ll let you pick out the movies for tonight, and what we get for desert” she whispered before flopping back down on the bed. A groan came from Peter as he moved to stand from the bed, walking over to the dresser and changing.
As he changed he felt Y/N's eyes watching, he smirked glancing over to her.
“You know that if you keep eyeing me like that, I’ll just have to take my breakfast now and go to the dinner to order stuff later” he threw a shirt over his head.
“Oh, as nice as sex sounds for breakfast Pete, you know what sounds better?” She turned to face the ceiling.
“Waffles,” Peter and Y/N answered at the same time, earning a laugh from Y/N.
“Yeah yeah yeah, I swear you’d leave me for waffles”
“You're probably right” she glanced back over as Peter began to shimmy into a pair of pants “but I can’t climb walls or catch bad guys with waffles” she watched as Peter moved to sit at the edge of the bed slipping his socks and shoes on. “Hey”
He turned to her “yes sweetheart?”
“Thank you” he smiled nodding.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes”
As Peter left Y/N started to move from the bed, heading over to the bathroom to shower. This morning's route was something that commonly occurred. But as of lately it would be the both of them struggling to get from their bed to work, however ordering breakfast was a treat in itself for the two since they most often spent their morning rushing out the door with nothing but a coffee or nothing at all.
As steam filled the bathroom, Y/N just stood under the warm water letting it wake her up before she quickly washed her hair. After which she exited the shower, whipping down the mirror. She grabbed her toothbrush yet searched for the toothpaste. Eventually turning to look at the cabinet behind her, as she did her eyes caught a glimpse of something on her lower back, something dark and purple. Turning to set her toothbrush back in its spot, she twisted her body to the side in the mirror trying to glance at the obvious bruise.
Y/N's eyes scanned over it, her hand reached to touch it stopping a few centimetres away before she could reach it. Letting out a sigh she continued with her previous plan, soon after exiting the bathroom to get dressed.
As she searched for comfy clothes in the drawers of her and Peter’s shared dresser she heard him re-enter the apartment, the should of rustling bags following him.
“They didn’t have any strawberries, apparently they forgot to cut some up last night before closing so they threw in an extra thing of whipped cream for your waffles.”
Walking out from their room Y/N had the back of her shirt lifted up, exposing the bruise.
“Did you see this?” as Peter’s eyes moved from the food set on the coffee table in the living room to Y/N, she turned her back to him to show the bruise.
“Oh my god!” Peter moved over to her, on hand going to rest on her hip the other ghosting over the bruise. “Was this from the guys we fought last night?” his eyes flickered between the bruise and her eyes.
She shrugged “I don’t know, I got out of her shower and saw it”. One of her hands rested on the hand of the wrist and rested on her hip. “We really have to start cataloging how many injuries we get and what they are,” she joked.
Peter's thumb brushed her hip, the other went to hold her face. “Yeah, we need to do something. Because I think you get more bruises than I do now”
His hand eventually left her cheek going down to her hand leading her over to the couch.
“Maybe we’re just getting old” he hummed as he had down, pulling Y/N to sit on his lap.
“We are not old Peter, we’re 25, we can’t be old.” Y/N rested her head against his.
“Really because” his hand went to her hair “this looks like a gray” he joked. Y/N shook her head laughing
“You wanna talk about Gray's old man?” she moved, grabbing the plastic box that contained Peter’s food handing it off to him before grabbing her own.
“I do not have that many grays, have you seen Harry? He dyes his hair”
Y/N busted out laughing. “No I’m serious the next time you see Mary Jane ask her if she helps him dye his hair” Peter urged her.
The two started eating. Not saying a word, just sitting. Letting the noise of the city below fill the air.
Some time had passed since the events of the morning, the takeout bag sat next to the trash can. Yet Y/N and Peter still sat, lounged on the couch. Y/N still sat on Peter's lap, Peter’s hands had one hand behind her back and one over her legs holding her in place. Y/N's head rested on Peter’s shoulder. Both of their attentions turned to the TV as the classic Dune (1984) played.
“Do you think we could develop that” Y/N hummed watching Paul’s square body shield go up around his body. “Obviously we would presumably make it less boxy, but do you think we could do it?”
“Well we wouldn’t have to convince Harry to shovel out for it… He loves this movie” he thought for a moment “If we could piece together a stable radius for the energy to be in, but it would be super bulky. At least until the technology gets better” his head leaned against hers.
And by the time Paul and the Fremen started their main attack, it had become background noise as Peter and Y/N sat upside down on the ceiling.
“I will beat you,” Y/N huffed, crossing her arms.
“Y/N the last two times we did this you tapped out at five minutes, just admit it sweetheart, you can't go an hour upside down. There’s no shame in it” Peter laughed.
Crawling over so that she was just above the couch, Y/N dropped down onto it.
“Yeah yeah yeah” rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms in front of her frame. After a few moments however, her demeanor changed, she looked over to Peter who had just started to climb down from the ceiling “Hey Pete, stay up there for a minute.” Giving her a confused look Peter obliged, crawling over to just above the couch. “Sit up straight” He followed her directions, watching as Y/N moved to stand on the couch.
His face and hers were now basically level with each other.
“What are you doing” he hummed, Y/N placed her hands on either side of Peter's face.
“I wanna try something” she smiled, bringing his face closer to hers, as soon as her lips ghosted over his, Peter finally understood what she was doing. Extending his hands, he placed them on the back of her head and neck pulling her so their lips connected. The pair stayed like that for a moment lost in each other's bliss before Peter pulled away.
He was speechless for a bit before finally finding his words. “Why haven’t we done that before?”
Y/N shook her head smiling. “I don’t know” she laughed “now you can get down”
Peter looked between the ceiling and the couch, anchoring himself with one hand he almost flipped down onto the couch next to Y/N. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder as he landed the smile on his face grew bigger.
“We’ve gotta do that more often, that was a better head rush than the chrysler building”
“You and the fucking chrystler builing” Y/N chuckled
“What?! It’s got a great view, I can easily go anywhere in the city from it. What’s so great about the fucking Flatiron building?!” He joked defensively
“Have you seen how I swing off of it, Peter it had the perfect height for exactly two flips before I swing off and it ha-” she was cut off by the ringing off her phone.
“Y/N” Peter warned “Don’t do it” he watched as Y/N contemplated.
Moving quickly she webbed Peters hands to the couch as she sprinted to their bedroom
“Y/N, you pick up that phone the deals off” he laughed trying to unstick himself. Even Peter knew he was too late to do anything as Y/N answered.
“This is Stellan…… yeah…… ummm….. I could run in quick…… yeah…. okay….. not a problem…” she trailed off watching as Peter approached the door frame leaning against it. Walking over to Peter, wrapping one of her arms around his waist leaning against his chest.
“Yeah…. I can’t promise that your sample will be done but I can check…… yeah…. I’ll be there.” Y/N hung up the home letting it drop to her side. “I’m sorry Pete.” she rested her head on his shoulder
“No it’s okay, I get it” he hummed resting his head on hers.
“Two hours, I will be two hours” she looked at him, Peter just nodded, watching as Y/N started to change into lab clothes. “If i’m not back in two hours I give you full permission to call me and yell, and barge into the lab and pull me out by my hair.” she grabbed a shirt from the dresser throwing it over her head “plus Harry will be there, so if you wanna have him kick me out of the lab you can” Because of her focus on changing Y/N failed to notice Peter walking over to her until he placed his hands on her shoulders
“Y/N” he stopped her, his hand brought her face to look at him “You are a scientist…. that is absolutely the sexiest thing ever to me, I know there will be late nights and times when you have to run out unexpectedly” he smiled “I know this because I’ve been doing it for years. There are worse things you could be running out for.” he moved to kiss her cheek “No go be a scientist” He smiled.
The lab was silent, not an unusual thing for Y/N to experience given how late she liked to stay in the lab. Standing from her office chair she groaned as her joints popped and cracked, looking around the empty office she hummed looking at the clock. 6:30PM, she left at 6:30PM and she was supposed to stay for two hours. Now of course it had to be midnight
“God Peter is gonna kill you” she laughed to herself. Her laughter however was cut off by the beeping of her pager, sorting threw the mess that was her mess of a desk she moved aside a few files and notes before coming upon the device. She sighed making her way over to the elevator, seeing as one of the gene sequences was done.
As she stepped into the elevator she let out a yawn mumbling to herself
“Ya know, for once I think I’d rather be swinging” rubbing her eyes. As the doors to the elevator opened her eyes drifted to the floor of the lab, a worried look on her face as she saw a light.
No. A glow.
A green glow came from the lab, not just the glow you’d get from lights or a computer monitor. A glow that illuminated everything around it. As Y/N moved to inspect it closer she noticed it came from the area where chemical storage was.
“No.” quickly left her mouth as she started to run towards the chemical storage rooms. As she got closer and closer the green glow became brighter and brighter, her spidey-senses were on high like she’d been electrocuted.
Coming to a stop in front of the doors to chemical storage, her heart skipped a beat seeing the door ajar. Swallowing what little saliva was left in her dry mouth she slowly approached the door, pushing it open with one hand.
Her heart dropped as she saw one of the vials of Goblin serem missing. Quickly backing away, she closed the door to chemical storage and whipped out her phone dialing the one person she knew could help. She ran to the elevators as the phone rang, and rang and rang.
“Sweetheart, are you still at the lab?”
“Peter!” Her voice was all Peter needed to focus on whatever was happening. “I can’t tell you everything right now but something’s happened” as the elevators opened she rushed inside frantically hitting the button that would bring her to Harry’s office. She groaned, wishing the elevator would move faster. “You can yell at me later for it later when I explain everything but right now how soon can you get here?”
“If I swing only a few minutes, Y/N promises me you won’t do anything reckless” she could hear Peter start to shuffle around the apartment.
“You know I can't promise that Peter, but I have to go check on Harry really quick. I’ll see you when you get here” Handing up, Y/N cursed herself for not having the serum under security lock-down. When the doors to the elevator opened she bolted to Harry’s office hoping he was still there.
To her luck Harry sprawled passed out over his desk, approaching Y/N cautiously, raised one of her hands ready to web him if anything had happened and extended her other hand to tap him on the shoulder.
“Harry?” nothing
She began to shake his shoulder,
“Harry!” she raised her voice a bit more causing him to jump.
“Huh?” groggily he took a few moments to rub his eyes, taking a few minutes to blink he looked at Y/N. “Why the fuck do you look like you’re about to web me”
“Harry… are you okay?...."
“I don’t know. Should I be asking you that question Y/N? Because my best friend just woke me up from a nap and she looks like she's threatening me with her webs?” Harry rolled his eyes “Will you put your arm down already? Why is that even needed?”
Y/N only raised her arm higher “You tell me Harry? Why was the chemical storage missing one of the serum vials?”
Harry’s eyes went wide as he stared at Y/N “Bullshit”
“No Harry, not bullshit” she shook her head “Now, roll up your sleeves” she motioned to his arms
“Are you serious Y/N?” Harry stood from his spot. “Do you think I’m that stupid”
“No I don't Harry, I just know that there is a missing vial of the deadly substance that caused you and your father to go insane.” her hands started to shake. “Can you really blame me?”
“Fuck off Y/N” he yelled irritated, he rolled up his sleeves shoving both of his arms out to Y/N “I haven’t taken anything, are you happy!?” he hissed, as Y/N lowered her arm. Her hands continued to shake as she ran her hands over her face.
“I’m sorry Harry, I’m sorry…..” her voice was quiet, Harry just shook his head walking around his desk to Y/N.
“No I’m sorry, sometimes I forget that that serum made me want to kill you and Peter” he leaned against the front of his desk eyeing the floor
“...I called Peter” she looked at Harry exhausted.
“What?!” he snapped his head up to look at her “why?!”
“I told him that I would explain when he got here, but I didn’t tell him anything”
“Y/N we have this under control”
“Sure Harry, we are missing a vial of a deadly psychosis inducing stimulant but it's fine!” she raised her voice. “He has a right to know Harry! It almost killed all three of us”
Y/N signed “He said he was gonna be here in a few minutes, we should probably go down to meet him”
Harry just took a moment before following Y/N, as they approached the elevators they opened to reveal Peter. He looked absolutely terrified, as soon as his eyes met Y/N's he rushed to her checking her over for any injuries
“Are you okay?!” Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder
“Yeah I’m fine” she gave a sad smile, looking from Peter to Harry, then back to Peter
“Pete we have to tell you something” Harry began to lead them back into his office, continuing “A few months ago I was cleaning out a storage room in the apartment….and I found some old serum my father used….”
Before he could continue anymore Peter cut him off
“I know Harry, I heard you and Y/N talking after she had the lab test it”
“Why didn’t you tell us you knew” Y/N's eyes went wide
“I figured you both had it under control, I trust both of you well enough” he looked between the two “So this is obviously about the serum and I’m assuming from the fact that you aren't webbing Harry that he hasn’t taken it so, what's happening?”
“Well…” Harry and Y/N both started
“It's missing, not all of it. But at least one vial is missing.” Y/N rocked on the balls of her feet.
“We need to check the cameras” Harry spoke up again, moving behind his desk to his computer. Y/N and Harry followed, standing behind him watching the screen.
Pulling up the security footage of the lab, scanning over everything. And stopped when they came upon a hooded figure standing in front of the Chemical Storage room, the screen fuzzed out before they could see the figures enter the chem storage. The last few frames were of the figure leaving with the serum then he was gone leaving the chem storage door open.
“Someone tell me what the time is when he leaves the screen” Harry moved to pull up the security log on another screen, Peter reached over and clicked the video.
“8:42” Peter repeated as Harry clicked about and typed a few things in.
“Whoever it was must have avoided the security check points because the logs don’t have anyone here from that time, the last two people who clocked in where you two.” Harry leaned back in his chair. “No one else knew about the serum. I know that by fact…”
“Great we have no suspects” Y/N huffed.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK - Chapter nine: “Fuck it, I love you”
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Word count: 8,2K
Summary:  (Y/N) is struggling with her feelings for Spencer, and being just her friend might be harder than she thought. Spencer feels everybody but (Y/N) knows he is in love with her, and for a second, he is sure he will lose her.
Warnings: Cursing, angst frustration, mention of S03E09 (Penelope), usual Criminal Minds content.
A/N:  Hello my dearest friends! hope you are having a great week, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. All feedback is welcome!
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen |
(Y/N)'s point of view
Since Rossi joined the team, we were as busy as we had been in a long time. We didn't have much free time, and most of the cases took us out of Virginia. But, it was our job, and we all liked it, which is why none of us complained much. No one but JJ, who still tried to keep her relationship with Will a secret.
On the bright side, all that traveling and working with the team got us even closer. Having Rossi there gave us a boost to be better at what we did and be even better friends. We had to spend a lot of time together, and by the look in David's eyes, you could tell he was surprised by how good we all got along. At least most of the time.
We were in Florida trying to find an unsub who kidnapped and mutilated women when it happened. After knowing them for over two years, Garcia and Morgan had a fight. A real fight.
- "Hey, how is it going with Father Marks? Any of the volunteers jumped out at him?"- I asked Morgan when I found him at the station after a long day trying to find a lead that might take us to the unsub or the victims.
- "Not yet"- my cellphone rang that second, and Garcia's voice at the other side of the line gave me more info on the case.
- "I'm still running the particulars of our homicides though vicap. Nothing so far."- she announced.
- "Ok. I just sent you the volunteer search list"- I walked from Morgan and sipped my coffee, feeling there was something off.
- "Ok. And I'm cross-checking the names against mental institution records."
- "Pay attention to individuals who were involuntarily committed in Florida. Rossi is convinced our unsub is the type that likes to stick close to home."
- "Got it. Talk to you later."
- "Wait, PG. You usually call Morgan about these kinds of things. Is everything ok?"- I whispered though I knew Morgan was paying a lot of attention to what I was talking about on the phone with Garcia.
- "God, I hate profilers"- she groaned at the other side of the line.
- "Come on, tell me."
- "Fine. I met this guy in the coffee shop I go to every day. His computer crashed, and I helped him fix it. He flirted, I flirted, and he asked for my number, and somehow I gave it to him 'cos he was incredibly hot and nice, and did I mention he was smoking hot? I didn't think he was going to call, but he did, which was surprising 'cos these things do not happen to me, sweet cheeks, never! But it did! And when I told Derek, he just told me I have to blow him off 'cos it's too weird."
- "What!?"- Penelope spoke so fast she didn't even breathe.
- "Yes! Just because he wouldn't hit on me doesn't mean another hot guy wouldn't! And he made me feel like I don't deserve anyone's attention."
- "I'm gonna kill him,"- I whispered and turned around. Derek wide opened his eyes and shrugged, not getting what was going on.
- "Don't. I'll take care of him when you guys come home."
- "Well, take care in the mid-time, and I'm here if you need to talk."
I hung down and sighed. Morgan looked at me, knowing I knew what happened between the two of them.
- "So?"
- "You fucked it up,"- I whispered and smacked his shoulder.
- "Is she furious?"
- "She's hurt. That's actually worse."- Derek sighed and shook his head.
- "What do I do?"
- "You mean, other than to apologize?"- I walked with him to get Hotch and tell him what Garcia had just informed us- "Think big, 'cos you really fucked it up."
- "What does Reid do when he fucks things up with you?"- Morgan asked, and I could sense the innuendo hidden in his words.
- "He doesn't do a thing, 'cos he never fucks up"- I answered with a pleased smile and turned to Hotch. It was time to catch a killer, not time to argue with Derek.
I always thought Morgan and Garcia were the greatest friends I had ever met. I could envy their relationship, especially 'cos they could be so flirtatious and so adorable, and at the same time, you knew their friendship was sacred.
I envied that. I don't think Penelope felt for Derek the way I felt about Spencer. That's why I was sure I had fucked it up. I didn't have to catch those kinds of feelings for my best friend, and I felt I had to find a way to get rid of them. I had to stop having a crush on Reid.
Those weeks had been challenging and yet amazing. It was awful knowing I had a crush on my best friend, but I was really enjoying all the time we were spending together. We had been sharing rooms for the last two cases, and that meant endless sleepovers with Spencer. After a long day, we would meet in our room and just share candies, ice cream, pizza, movies, whatever we needed to decompress.
If things had been too hard, I would lay with him on his bed and just cuddle for a while before going back to my bed. More than once, I fell asleep with him, feeling his fingers playing with my hair as he read. I always apologized the following day, but Spencer kept saying he didn't bother, that he had slept well and that I could always count on him whenever I felt bad.
Knowing I had never done that with Mikey or Frank more than a handful of times in all the years we had met each other made me feel like the shit. Sure, I could sleep in the same bed with them, but not the way I did with Spencer. This felt intimate. Serious. Real. Waking up in Spencer's arms was the best way to start my day, and each time it happened, it made me feel worst and worst 'cos I didn't want to ruin the best friendship I ever had over a silly, stupid, meaningless crush.
Each time it happened, I promised myself it would be the last one. And each time I did, I ended up falling into his arms again. It never meant anything sexual. It was just sharing a bed, cuddling. Holding each other. It was all the intimacy I always refused to share with other people. And I guess that's what freaked me out the most: how vulnerable I was with Reid and how much I enjoyed it for the very first time. Ever.
- "Hey,"- I heard Spencer whisper when we landed. I was curled up on his chest on the couch on the plane, as usual after a long case. I scratched my eyes, probably messing with my makeup, and smiled at him.
- "Sorry... you must have been awfully uncomfortable."
- "Not really. Besides, you looked like you needed a good nap,"- I chuckled and shook my head, sitting down correctly.
- "Next time I drool on your jacket, please wake me up,"- I collected all my things and took a look around- "What time is it?"
- "Almost midnight,"- he announced and stared at me as he held his go bag and put on his jacket- "Do you want to grab something to eat before you go home?"- and I nodded, thinking that was exactly what I had in mind.
But life had other plans, and this time it had nothing to do with us. We were about to get out of my car to catch a late dinner when I got a call from Hotch telling me Penelope was in the local hospital. Spencer's cell phone rang at the same time, and JJ announced the same. We looked at each other for a moment, scared of the worst, and all we managed to do was to get buckled up and drive to the hospital. We both needed to know Penelope would be ok, but all we knew was that she had been shot, and the doctors were doing all they could to save her life.
As soon as we reached the waiting area, we met Aaron and JJ. They looked as worried as we were.
- "She's in surgery,"- JJ announced, and I hugged her immediately- "There's no word."
- "This is crazy,"- Spencer whispered as I felt JJ's arms tighten around me.
- "I can't believe it! I talked to her before we took off."- I murmured and closed my eyes.
- "What do we know?"- Rossi asked, walking over in a hurry with Prentiss.
- "Police think it's a botched robbery,"- Aaron explained.
- "Where's Morgan?"- Emily asked, looking around the hall.
- "He's not answering his cell,"- JJ replied, and Spencer took his phone right away.
- "I'll call him again."
I looked at him as he walked away and turned to my friends. Emily and JJ were doing their best to stay strong, but it was clear they were fighting the tears back, just as badly as I was doing.
Spencer walked back and shook his head. He couldn't reach Morgan. I walked to him and rested my head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to him. It was unreal. I felt I was in a nightmare, and I couldn't wake up, no matter how much I tried.
- "They can't give me an update,"- JJ walked over to us after half an hour. She had been trying to get more info about Penelope's condition, but nothing.
- "Morgan's phone just keeps going straight to voicemail,"- Spencer added, and Prentiss's angry voice nearly made me jump.
- "Where the hell is he?!"
Nearly two hours later, Spencer finally contacted Derek, and in less than half an hour, he rushed into the hospital and found us still waiting for news about Penelope. He ran over, shocked and confused, and looked at us, waiting for an explanation.
- "She's been in surgery a couple of hours."- JJ whispered as soon as he stood by our side.
- "I was at church. My phone was off,"- he explained and mostly tried to excuse himself for not being there earlier.
- "There is nothing you could have been doing here,"- Reid whispered, trying to make him feel better. Spoiler: it didn't work. Morgan was getting more and more hyperventilated with every second he spent in that hospital.
- "The police got any leads?"
- "I spoke to the lead detective. He doesn't think we'll get anything from the scene."
Hotch spoke in the calmest voice he had. Morgan was about to say something but bit his tongue. Instead of yelling, he walked around the hall for a few minutes until a doctor approached us.
- "Penelope Garcia?"- and we all nearly yelled "Yes" as a desperate reply.
- "The bullet went into her chest and ricocheted into her abdomen. She lost a lot of blood. It was touch-and-go for a while, but we were able to repair the injuries."
- "So what are you saying?"- JJ questioned as we all held our breath.
- "One centimeter over, and it would have torn right through her heart. Instead, she could actually walk out of here in a couple of days. And I'd say that's a minor miracle."
The way we all sighed, relieved at those words, was priceless and unbeatable. The doctor smiled at us and added.
- "She needs her rest. You can see her in the morning."
- "Thank you,"- I smiled at him, and he was gone. I turned around and looked at Reid. He cut me a short smile as Hotch's voice caught our attention.
- "David and I will go to the scene. I think the rest of you should be here when she wakes up. I don't care about protocol. I don't care whether we're working this officially or not. We don't touch any new cases until we find out who did this."
We all nodded right away. No one had other plans. And after those words, Hotch and Rossi were out of the hospital, and we were left waiting for Penelope to come back from surgery.
- "How are you?"- Reid whispered and handed me a new cup of coffee.
- "Scared. You?"
- "Me too"
- "Who could ever want to hurt Penny? She is adorable,"- I murmured and shook my head.
- "We are gonna find whoever did this"- Spencer held my hand and cut me the warmest smile. I nodded and looked at Derek, who stood up from his chair for the hundredth time and walked to Penelope's room to see if she was ok.
- "In case we ever fight, I want you to know I will always forgive you,"- I murmured in Spencer's ear and rested my head on his shoulder.
- "Should I be worried?"- he asked me, and I just shook my head.
- "I just wanted you to know that you will always be my best friend, Spencer Walter Reid. No matter what happens between us."
And I meant every word back then. I had no idea what was coming ahead and how much things would change within a few months.
Spencer's point of view
The attack against Penelope hit us all hard. She had been shot by the same man who had invited her out for dinner. The one she and Derek had had a fight about.
Of course, Morgan was the one who was more affected by the whole situation. I tried to comfort him, and he nearly killed me. I knew Derek didn't mean to be mean. He was just losing it and feeling overwhelmingly guilty about everything going on. He was in hell, and you could tell. I didn't want to think what it would be like to be in his place. If anything ever happened to (Y/N) and I wasn't there to help her, I would go crazy. So I understood how Derek felt and did my best to be supportive.
Those days also made it pretty evident Rossi was still shocked we were such close friends and team members at the same time. I know he was friends with Gideon, but the fact our friendship surprised him so much made me wonder how close they really were.
It didn't get better when we were all asked to stop working on the case after Hotch found an encrypted file in Garcia's system, and she ended up suspended. That's who we found out how the FBI had recruited her.
Morgan and I were at the hospital with Penelope when Hotch gave her the news and heard the story of her hackers days. Something that I bet she didn't really want us to know about her.
- "After my parents died, I... kind of went off the rails for a while. I dropped out of Cal Tech. I lived underground, basically. But I kept teaching myself code. It was like the one thing that kept me together. In the way, the bureau decided to keep an eye on me, I guess... Did you know they keep track of hackers?"
Neither Morgan nor I opened our mouths. We couldn't, 'cos we were processing the whole information.
- "They do, of the ones who have the skill to be either extremely useful or a potential menace."
- "So they offered you a job?"- I asked her, and she simply nodded- "Like Frank Abagnale. The bureau figured if you can't beat 'em, hire 'em."
- "Yeah. Something like that."
- "Garcia, what's on the encrypted file?"- Derek crossed his arms on his chest and stared at her, waiting to hear nothing but the truth.
- "I'm required to keep a record of everything the team does. And after my system got hacked and Elle got shot, I just didn't want anyone else to be able to get at you."
- "We'll talk to the doctor, see if he'll clear you to leave,"- I whispered and left the room, just in time to get JJ's call to announce we were officially off the case. It wasn't good, and it wasn't getting any better at all.
In a way, the fact we were all such good friends wasn't as beneficial to the case as it could be. It all came clear later that night. Penelope was attacked again, this time in her own house. Unfortunately, a cop was killed in the process, and if it weren't for Morgan, who insisted on crashing her couch that night, Penelope would have been dead too.
We were all at her house at three in the morning. We wanted to take her to the BAU and keep her safe, though we all knew it would be hard to explain to the authorities, all things considered. We were all just talking about what had just happened when Garcia started remembering more details about her date with her attacker, and we decided to ask more questions about it in case she could give us more info that might lead us to him.
- "Tell us about the car,"- I told her and sat in front of her.
- "Why?"
- "Just go with him"- Morgan smiled at her and nodded, trying to reassure her everything was ok. It wasn't, not even close.
- "You said it was white, 4-door, American. What else?"- I asked Penelope, but she shook her head, confused.
- "That's it. It was just a car."
- "No, come on, think. Anything. Go back."- Morgan held her hand. We could tell she was trying her best to cooperate, and he was making his best effort to be sweet and calm, considering he was losing it to catch the asshole who hurt her.
- "The seat belt was buckled behind his back. Why does that matter?"- and that was progress.
- "It wasn't a rental. It was for surveillance,"- Derek explained to her.
- "Agents don't wear seat belts. They need to get out in a hurry"- (Y/N) added and was about to add something else when Rossi walked across the room and sat in front of Penelope.
- "All right, let's cut the crap. You need to be straight with us. Right now!"- she wide opened her eyes in shock and turned to Morgan- "Look at me, not them!"- Rossi commanded.
- "I'm not hiding anything,"- Garcia whispered, astonished.
- "You got shot. Most people get shot for a reason,"- she tried to look at Derek again- "Eyes here!"
- "Ease up, Rossi!"- Morgan shouted when David raised his voice, scaring everybody in that room.
- "You got a roomful of people here willing to believe that an FBI agent has tried to kill you. We need to know everything you do on company time that we don't know about!"
Rossi yelled on her face, pushing her to tell the truth, and Garcia nearly started crying.
- "What?"
- "Come on, man!"- I guess we were all waiting for Derek to lose it and punch him.
- "It's nothing bad!"- Penelope yelled, and every eye in the room turned to her.
- "Spit it out!"- David pushed her again.
- "It's... I counsel victims' families, and they know where I work, so sometimes they ask me to look into cases for them."
- "What does that mean?"- Rossi frowned and kept his eyes on hers.
- "It just means that the cases, the unsolved ones, I tag them, so whoever's investigating them knows that the FBI considers them a priority."
- "You're not authorized to do that"- Hotch's voice was as severe as kind, which surprised us all. Rossi the most, I guess, 'cos he stood up and turned around.
- "I know. I was just trying to help."- Garcia whispered, fighting the tears back.
- "But whoever's working those cases thinks you're watching them,"- (Y/N) said in a softer voice, probably to explain to Garcia how the whole situation had ended up with her being shot.
- "I just wanted to put pressure on them so that they don't slide,"- Penelope excused herself.
- "How many cases are we talking about?"- Hotch asked.
- "I don't know. 7, 8 maybe. I need to get into my system."
- "You can't. You're suspended,"- Hotch reminded her, though it sounded more like "you are grounded."
- "Wait a minute,"- Morgan interrupted the conversation- "Garcia, on your date, you said this guy was pressing you to find out if you were working murder cases. Hotch, we gotta look at those files."
Hotch looked at David, who was still as pissed as earlier. I don't think neither of us had ever seen him acting like it.
- "I told you, I'm sick of this jagoff being in front of us,"- Rossi said to him, and Aaron nodded.
- "Dave's right. We'll go back to the BAU. Morgan, Reid, (Y/N), Prentiss, you stay here and make sure no one forgets to log out of the system. Garcia should not have access."
We all stayed in her living room as Garcia walked to her room and hacked her own system. At the other side of the screen, Kevin Lynch, the analyst of another FBI department, was fighting back, trying to protect the files, and losing the fight after a few minutes.
Later on, (Y/N) explained to me that was how they met and finally how they fell in love. I guess everything happens for a reason, after all.
We didn't catch the bad guy that day. Instead, JJ was forced to kill him. It was the very first time she shot anyone, and surprisingly, she wasn't as shook up as we all imagined she might be.
- "You do whatever it takes to protect your family,"- she said when Penelope asked her if she was ok.
And she was right. That's how we all felt for each other at that point. And somehow, we all knew we were going to prove it, sooner or later.
(Y/N)'s point of view
I had been part of the BAU for almost three years already when it happened. And I felt so stupid 'cos we had all had a rough couple of weeks, and the last thing anyone needed was another worry. We had just gotten over the whole Penelope issue; having another member of the team injured was the worst thing that could happen.
But it did.
I got shot.
We were after our unsub. George Flemming. The bastard had killed four women in less than a month, convinced God had sent him to Earth to get rid of sin. We had been after him for two whole weeks until we finally got him. But I was stupid and reckless and didn't wait for backups. I wanted to catch that mother fucker, 'cos the way he had killed those women made me madder than I had ever been with an unsub before. That's too dangerous. You can't lose yourself in a case, 'cos you lose your objectivity. You risk your life every day in this job, but that specific day, I put mine on a silver platter.
We were supposed to wait for backup. I was just checking the perimeter, searching for the unsub. Spencer was with me, but he stayed behind for a second, trying to contact Garcia to run the plate number of a car we found hidden in a barn. I should have waited for him, but I couldn't stay still and do nothing when I heard a woman screaming for help. I had to run and try to save her. I wasn't going to let George kill yet another innocent woman and get away with it. He had to pay.
- "FBI! Freeze!"- I shouted as I walked into the last room of the house and found George holding close and pointing a gun at a woman who was covered in blood and bruises but still very much alive. Which, I must say, was a relief.
- "Stay away!! I'll shoot her!! I swear I'm gonna shoot her!!"
The unsub was sweating cold; he looked sick and weak. He looked like I could definitely take him down in a fight.
- "George! Put down the gun!"- I commanded and didn't move my eyes from him.
- "You put your gun down!"
- "I am sorry, George, but I can't do that!"- I answered- "Now let her go and put the gun down before anyone else gets hurt."
- "I don't have to listen to a whore like you! Who do you think you are? Giving me commands? You are evil!! Evil!"- he shouted, clearly losing control.
- "(Y/N), where the hell are you?!"- I heard Reid asking in the earpiece, and I just shook my head.
- "That's all you've got, George? Hiding women in the back of your house and threatening them with your gun? That makes your God proud?"
- "Shut up!! You bring disgrace to Earth! You should be punished too!!"- I took a step closer slowly and shook my head.
- "You are going to be punished, George. For killing innocent women."
- "Innocent? What makes you think they didn't deserve it?"
- "What makes you think you are the one to judge them?"
I kept my gun pointed at him, but I couldn't take a shot 'cos he grabbed the victim and kept her close to him, like a shield.
- "There's a special place in hell for whores like you!"- he announced, and suddenly, all I could feel was pain. There was a second gunshot, and George was down. I took a look around and saw Morgan still pointing his gun at him from outside the room, as Spencer and Prentiss ran inside, and he moved to me and held me close.
- "Medic!! We need a medic!!"- Reid yelled frantically through the speaker- "(Y/N)! How do you feel?"
- "I'm ok, honey bunny,"- I whispered in the most excruciating pain I had ever felt in my entire life- He just shot my shoulder, nothing important.
But the way Spencer looked at me, I swear that no one has ever looked at me the same until this day.
- "Don't move!"- he commanded, though his voice was soft and gentle. Prentiss took care of checking George's body. He was clearly dead. She liberated his last hostage and helped her to the ambulance while Reid stayed by my side until a doctor appeared.
- "Why didn't you wait for me?"- Spencer asked as they took me to the ambulance.
- "She needed help"- that was all I could say.
- "Please, try not to talk,"- the paramedic commanded and got me into the ambulance, followed closely by Reid.
- "I'm coming with her."
My best friend wasn't asking for permission. He was informing the medical team he wasn't going anywhere else. And by the tone of his voice, it was clear no one was ever going to change his mind.
- "That was so stupid, chipmunk,"- Spencer whispered and held my hand in our way to the nearest hospital. The paramedics kept pressing my shoulder to stop the bleeding, and I just closed my eyes 'cos honestly, it hurt too much to process what was going on.
- "I am so sorry I wasn't there with you, chipmunk."
- "It's ok, honey,"- I mumbled- "You are right. I was stupid. This is my fault."
- "Please, don't talk,"- the paramedic commanded again, and I just shut up 'cos the pain was too much.
Spencer stayed by my side the whole time. After we reached the hospital, the paramedics took me to the ER, where a doctor cleaned my wound and took out the bullet from my shoulder.
It was a clean wound, and luckily, no arteries were hit. I just got some stitches and a sling, plus a few painkillers I really didn't want to take, 'cos after Spencer's experience with drugs, I was scared of painkillers.
- "Thank you,"- I whispered to the nurse who helped me get dressed and walked out of the room to find Spencer filling up the medical forms and Morgan and Prentiss waiting for me
- "How are you feeling, princess?"- Derek asked and caressed my cheek.
- "Like a virgin"- I sang the Madonna song- "Shot for the very first time"- and though Emily chuckled, Spencer didn't think it was funny.
- "I can't believe you think this is something to joke about!"- Reid frowned, upset.
- "Calm down, honey. I'm ok, I'm alive. It was just a shot on the shoulder."
- "Just? Just a shot in the shoulder?"- and Spencer freaked out- "Did you know some of the larger vessels of the human body run through the shoulder? The subclavian artery and vein, which by the way, are the basic blood supply to the upper extremity."
- "I'm sorry, honey bunny. I shouldn't have said that."- I whispered and tried to calm him down, 'cos I knew precisely the kind of man Spencer could be when he was mad and stressed.
- "The brachial plexus is also located in the shoulder, and it's the primary nerve supply to the upper extremity as well,"- he added and didn't take his eyes from the form he was filling.
- "I understand,"- I added, but he didn't stop.
- "You should also know that the shoulder is a very complex spheroid joint, and if it's injured, it can lead to lifelong disability."
I stood in front of Spencer and placed my movable hand on his chest. That forced him to stop writing and look at me.
- "I'm sorry I got hurt. It was a mistake. I didn't mean to make you mad at me or worry. I am ok, I am here, and I promise I won't do something as stupid and reckless as this ever again. Ok?"
Spencer looked at me and sighed. Morgan and Prentiss were still there by our side, and I had the feeling that stopped my friend from saying what was in his mind. Instead, he nodded and cut me a short smile.
- "Good. Can we go home now?"- I asked, and Morgan grabbed my bag immediately.
- "The jet is waiting, pretty girl. Let's go."
The flight back home was too long. It was only a four hours flight from Fargo to Quantico. But it felt eternal. Besides, I kept doing my best to act cool and in zero pain, in a poor attempt not to worry Spencer. Little did I know, no matter what, he would be worried sick anyway.
- "I was on the phone with Frank,"- he announced and sat in front of me with a cup of hot chocolate.
- "Please don't tell me you called to tell him I got shot,"- Spencer stared at me and cut me a short smile. I closed my eyes and groaned- "Did he go nuts?"
- "No, I started by telling him you were alright."
- "Thank you,"- I whispered and sipped the cup he had prepared for me just the way I liked it, even with the little marshmallows.
- "Your mom went bonkers, though."
- "You called my mom?!"- I shouted, and everybody in the team turned around and looked at us- "Why did you do that?"- Spencer looked at me surprised and frowned.
- "You just got shot, chipmunk. Of course, I'm gonna tell your mom!"
- "But she is going to overreact!"
- "She won't! We already talked. She said she'd stop tomorrow by your apartment to have lunch."
- "Tomorrow, I'll be at work for lunch,"- I frowned, and I swear I wanted to cross my arms on my chest, but I couldn't, 'cos... I have been shot.
- "You won't be back to work until next week,"- Aaron announced from his seat, overhearing the conversation.
- "But Hotch! I'm ok!"
- "Spencer is correct. You just got shot. Take the rest of the week,"- I groaned and frowned at my boss.
- "I can still do my paperwork."- I can't believe I was begging not to get days off from work.
- "You do realize most people don't argue when their bosses give them a few days off, right princess?"- Derek took off his headphones and asked, frowning.
- "But I'm not injured,"- I argued, but I knew I was losing that fight.
- "Chipmunk, may I remind you, you just got shot!"- Spencer looked at me, annoyed.
- "But I'm fine! Look at me! I can dance!"- I was about to stand up and do a little dance, but Reid stopped me. He literally grabbed my good arm and kept me on my seat.
- "It's Wednesday. You just have to stay home Thursday and Friday. And I'll be there, making sure you won't do anything stupid."
I looked at Spencer and groaned one more time.
- "There's no way out of this, (Y/N). You are hurt, and I'm gonna take care of you."
- "Will you cook?"- I whispered and pouted, defeated. And Spencer chuckled, blushing.
- "I will definitely call and ask for your favorite food"- I tried not to smile and shook my head.
- "Oh no, no. If you wanna take the lead and take care of me, you will have to do the whole job and cook, Spencer Walter Reid."- I teased him, and his cheeks turned blood red in less than a minute.
- "Fine,"- he whispered, narrowing his eyes.
- "I can give you my carbonara a la Rossi recipe,"- David said to Spencer from his seat- "Guaranteed to heal all wounds, and special to cheer up your girlfriend, kid."
Everybody stayed quiet at the same time. I wide opened my eyes, shocked, and looked at Spencer, whose cheeks were burning red.
- "She... (Y/N) is not my girlfriend,"- Spencer mumbled and avoided looking at me for a few seconds. Rossi chuckled and turned to us.
- "You call each other cute nicknames, you are always together, you argue like I did with my first wife..."
- "No"- I shook my head and did my best to ignore Derek's teasing comments and Emily's laughter.
- "Well, you could have fooled me,"- David smiled at me, and I didn't know what to answer. I frowned and looked at Spencer, who somehow was even more blushed than he had been a moment earlier.
- "I'm driving you, by the way,"- he whispered, and I didn't really have the strength to argue against that, so I just nodded and sighed.
Spencer's point of view
I thought I was going to die when I saw (Y/N) lying on the floor, blood coming from her shoulder. Time passed in slow motion, like a movie cliché. I ran to her, and I didn't know if the perimeter had been secured. I had no idea if the unsub was dead. I would have killed him myself if I hadn't been focused on (Y/N).
Then she smiled and assured me she was ok. But that wasn't enough for me. Her face was so pale, though her smile was shining bright. So I held her and called a medic. She was in pain, and I didn't know what to do to help her.
I held her hand the whole ride to the hospital and stayed by her side in the ER while the doctor cleaned her wound and put some stitches on it. Then I walked with her to the jet, and the whole time I made my best and biggest effort to stay calm. But once we were on the air, on our way back home, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I could feel the tears fighting their way out, no matter how much I tried to keep them inside.
So I did what seemed more logical and locked myself in the backroom. I needed a minute to put myself together again before I had to continue pretending I didn't nearly lose the woman I love that day. So I washed my face and let the water run through my fingers for a few minutes, trying to calm myself down. But I failed, and the tears started falling down my cheeks anyway.
I rested my back against the door and slowly slipped down to the floor until I was sitting, hugging my legs, crying my heart out.
I knew why I was crying. It was a weird mix of fear and relief. I was scared to lose (Y/N), and at the same time, relieved nothing terrible had happened to her. I had to convince myself it was all ok, that she was there on the plane with me, hopefully trying to get some rest.
- "Spence?"- I heard JJ's voice at the other side of the door, and I quickly stood up and washed my face saying, "In a minute." I looked at my reflex. My eyes were puffed, my cheeks were red. There was no way I could ever convince anyone I hadn't been crying.
- "Can you open the door?"
- "There's another bathroom, JJ,"- I said and closed my eyes.
- "I need to talk to you."
- "I'm kind of busy here..."
- "Spence, please"- she begged, and I gave up, only because I knew she wasn't going to leave me alone. No one at the BAU seems to understand the concept of personal space.
I opened the door and let her in. The bathroom was too small for the two of us, and I didn't want to think of all the teasing I would get from Morgan if he saw us locked in there. JJ smiled and handed me a cup of coffee. I just sipped it carefully, 'cos it was very hot, and looked at my hands, avoiding eye contact.
- "Why were you crying?"- she whispered and stood against the wall in front of me.
- "I wasn't,"- I lied, but she just raised an eyebrow, and I knew it was useless to deny it- "It was a hard day, and I needed to decompress somehow."
- "Was it because of (Y/N)?"- she simply asked, and I just nodded- "It wasn't your fault, Spence."
- "I should have been there. But I stayed behind, on the phone with Garcia checking the plate of a car that didn't even matter at the end."
- "You were doing your job, and so was she."
- "But I should have done my job better, 'cos something bad might have happened to her, and I would have never forgiven myself,"- JJ nodded and reached out for one of my hands. I tried not to look at her but failed.
- "Are you going to tell her how you feel?"
- "Telling her I feel guilty she got injured won't stop her from being reckless,"- but JJ shook her head.
- "No, Spence. I'm talking about you telling her you are in love with her."
I widened my eyes and stayed still, shocked, blushed. JJ cut me a short smile and probably tried to soothe me, 'cos I immediately got all defensive.
- "What... what are you talking about? I am not in love with (Y/N),"- I whispered and prayed no one outside that bathroom had heard her.
- "Spencer, there is nothing wrong with being in love. I actually think you two would make a cute couple."
- "No, JJ, no. I am not in love with her."
- "Spence, I'm not a profiler, but you are not that hard to read. I can see the way you look at her."
- "She is my best friend."
- "But you love her,"- JJ sentenced, and I just sighed- "It's not wrong to have feelings for someone, Spence. I am sure she feels the same way too."
- "We are just friends. That's it. Thanks for the coffee,"- I added and opened the door.
I walked out of the bathroom in a rush. To avoid talking with anyone on the plane, I called Frank and told him what had happened. I also asked him for Mrs. (Y/L/N) phone number and explained the facts too. She was so scared it took me a while to calm her down.
- "I'm going to stay with her tonight,"- I said and looked at (Y/N) at the other side of the yet. She hadn't slept at all, and I knew she had to rest.
- "Thank you, Spencer. I'll be in Virginia tomorrow. I'm visiting Phoenix in New York this week."
- "Don't worry, Mrs. (Y/L/N), I'll take care of her."
- "You are the sweetest man she could have met,"- she whispered before hanging down, and I couldn't help but wonder if she knew it too.
Apparently, I wasn't hiding my feelings for (Y/N) very well. If JJ could see it, maybe anyone else could. And after what Rossi said, I didn't know if I was busted or not. I didn't know anything. (Y/N) seemed to be as shocked as I pretended to be, so I guess I felt safe. But I knew I had to watch my back now.
Of course, planning to stay with her that night didn't make it easier for me at all.
- "I'm ok, honey bunny,"- she argued and sat carefully on her couch- "You don't have to stay here with me."
- "I'm sorry, chipmunk, but you were shot. There is nothing on Earth that's gonna make me leave you alone right now."
- "Fine, then help me take a shower,"- she simply said, and I widened my eyes. I know I even held my breath at that. I stared at her from the kitchen door, on my way to make her a cup of tea.
- "Well, in that case, I, I will do... I will do whatever you need to help you,"- I whispered and made my best not to stutter. She shook her head and sighed.
- "I was bluffing, honey. But I mean it, you don't have to stay and take care of me. I'll be fine. Just go home and rest,"- but all I could do was walk to the kitchen and put on the kettle.
- "I'm not going anywhere, so... how do you feel about that carbonara a la Rossi recipe?"
- "Spencer Walter Reid, you don't cook."
- "I do cook! Do you think I've lived on take-outs and coffee all these years?"
- "Hell yeah!"- she said and chuckled. She was right, though. I wasn't the best or more experienced cooker on Earth. But for her, I could try.
- "I tell you what. What if you take a bath and relax, I'll cook you dinner, and then we'll watch a movie? Anything you pick."
- "Anything?"- she raised an eyebrow and stared at me so sweetly and concentrated, I nearly stopped breathing. I didn't trust myself with an answer, so I just nodded and looked at her. Her cheeks were blushing, and that made me feel better. Clearly, she was relaxing at home. The color was coming back to her after being hurt. That was always a good sign.
- "Even my favorite chick flick?"- (Y/N) bit her lips and caught my full attention with that simple movement. I nodded again, not really thinking what she meant with "chick flicks." All I could think of were her lips and how incredibly soft they looked.
- "Even Pride and Prejudice?"- she added, and I nodded again.
- "It's an essential piece of literature. Jane Austen was an incredible writer,"- my voice was muffled, and her eyes were shining- "Did you know In 1802, in her late 20s, Austen briefly accepted a proposal from Harris Bigg-Wither, the younger brother of two of her close friends? She rescinded it the following day."
- "Yes, neither her nor her sister ever married"- (Y/N) added, and her eyes moved from mine, traveling around the room- "She believed that a woman shouldn't get married if she wasn't in love. She once advised her niece Fanny Knight that "anything is to be preferred or endured rather than marrying without affection."
Somehow, (Y/N)'s eyes were blurry with sadness all of a sudden. Her words stopped. I was tempted to hold her hands that rested on her lap but stopped myself. I was scared to give too much away, and that she suspected how I felt about her. I didn't want her thinking I was in love with her. Don't get me wrong, I was. I am. And I know I will always love her. But that night on that couch, I was afraid of her rejection and scared she might have stopped being my friend if she ever knew how I really felt about her.
- "Maybe you are right, honey,"- (Y/N) whispered and slowly stood up- "I'll take that bath after all."
- "Watch those stitches"- I quickly stood up too and just nodded, looking at her as she started walking towards her room- "I'll cook dinner meanwhile."
- "Thank you, honey bunny,"- she said and turned around just to cut me a small smile before disappearing into her bedroom.
I made my best effort with dinner. I followed Rossi's instructions to the letter. (Y/N) had a lot of food in her fridge. Unlike me, she actually cooked her own meals. She was right about me and the take-outs. I had never been a great cook, and I trusted my local Thai place with most of my dinners. But that night was different.
Pasta carbonara was pretty good, I must say. (Y/N) opened a bottle of wine, though I told her it was a horrible idea mixing drinking with the pain killers she was prescribed.
- "I am actually not taking them,"- she whispered and took a sip of red.
- "You had a major injure on that shoulder (Y/N)."
- "It's just five stitches, honey. I don't need those pills. I actually didn't even get them,"- she replied. I looked at her in awe, thinking she was way stronger than she even gave herself credit for.
- "In that case, you can have two glasses of wine and extra dessert,"- I stated, and she chuckled.
We ate in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. I guess the two of us were pretty tired that night. It had been a long day, a long case, and though neither of us wanted to deal with it, we knew things could have easily gone wrong.
After eating, I cleaned the dishes and prepared a tray with a cup of herbal tea for (Y/N), a coffee for me, and two bowls of ice cream, and we cuddled on the couch to watch Pride and Prejudice. She whispered most of the lines and argued against Darcy for half of the movie. But by the end, she snuggled closer to me, and I wrapped an arm around her carefully, trying not to get near her shoulder at all. Her head was resting on my chest, and I could feel her sighing with each word that Darcy spoke.
- "What is it with you and this book?"- I asked her suddenly. She huffed and looked at me with a cut, short smile.
- "I don't know, but I've been obsessing with Darcy and Lizy ever since I first read the story. I guess the classic "fools in love" story is my weakness. How couldn't they see how much they loved each other from day one?"
My mouth fell open, but I didn't say a word. She just smiled and turned to the screen again. That was good. I didn't want her to see how flustered I was.
- "Darcy knew he loved her, but he tried to fall out of love with her, and she was completely blinded by her so-called "hate" towards him to deal with her real feelings."- (Y/N) added- "I know that's not a complex and complete study of the story but in a short version of the whole plot... I guess that's what's so endearing and addictive about it. Everyone has been Darcy or Lizzy."
- "I doubt most people can relate with having four sisters and an obsessive nervous mother who keeps forcing you to get married,"- I joked, and (Y/N) giggled.
- "You'd be surprised, honey,"- she sighed and snuggled closer. My hand played with her hair for a few more minutes until the end of the movie.
- "(Y/N)?"- I whispered when we were already in bed. I wore the pajamas I kept in my go bag and crawled into bed with her as soon as she asked me to sleep with her. Ee had done it before, it wasn't weird, and we were best friends.
There was absolutely nothing friendly with how I felt, though. But I had to put all those feelings in a box and hide them deep inside of me 'cos they were no good for our relationship.
- "What happens, Spencer?"
- "I just wanted to tell you... you scared me today,"- she sighed. We were already hugged, but she snuggled closer and kissed my cheek softly.
- "I'm sorry, Spencer. I'll be more careful, I promise."
It was such a simple promise, and I knew though she meant well, the job was always going to get in the way. Our lives were always on the line working at the BAU. And no matter how much we wanted to take care of ourselves, sometimes things were out of our control.
- "Promise me you'll be careful too,"- she whispered, and I leaned over to kiss the top of her head gently.
- "I promise I'll be careful, chipmunk."
- "Will you always come home to me?"- she whispered and sighed, dozing off.
- "Always. I love you so much, (Y/N)"- that last confession fell from my lips before I could even realize what I was saying.
- "I love you too, honey,"- she answered, her voice muffled against my chest.
I stayed still, trying to burn in my memory every second of that moment, 'cos I knew it was going to be one of my most precious memories until my last day.
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Next update: June 9th, 2021
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spidxysense · 3 years
Back to You | 14
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader x Timothee Chalamet
A/N: Yay I updated! I hope you guys like this one, I was stuck for a bit there but once I sat down and got to typing, I really finished it in one sitting. I was just planning on updating it bit by bit lol. Let me know what you guys think, Love you!!!!!!
Word count: 2,591
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
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In a few short months of your movie premier with Timothee, you were finally able to release your double-release album, and the response was massive, to say the least. You'd been getting calls from different show hosts' upcoming awarding ceremonies. Still, you couldn't for life in you accept, all except for the Oscars, which your manager told you was a must since you'd be attending in the first place anyway and that performing at the Oscars was a big deal given that you also starred in films and shows.
You turned in bed, facing Timothee's sleeping face. He had been in town for a week now, back on a break from filming in Hungary. Then he'd be back to film in England in a couple of weeks. After your talk on your premiere night, it was to an agreement that whatever you had going on was just two people exploring and experiencing things with someone they had strong feelings for. There wasn't a need for a media circus to cover anything about you two except your movie.
You move his arm, placed it over your waist, and sit up slowly in bed, making sure not to stir Timothee. The jetlag must be shit. You stretched your arms in front of you, glancing at the clock that read 2:07 AM. You get up, grabbing Timothee's white shirt from the floor, and, putting it on, walking over to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, touching some of the reddening parts of your neck courtesy of Timothee, and then you notice the toothbrushes… there were two. From this single thing alone, it had you catching everything about the bathroom, how there were two towels, one black, and one violet, which just so happened to be your favorite color.
You walked over to the nightstand beside the bed, putting on your skinny jeans, turning on the lamp, and noticing his wallet. Inside was a picture of you. Opening the closet doors, the ones hung up were various suits, jackets, and even dresses you've worn to events. Why didn't he just send these back? Why would he let you keep your stuff in his house?
You drag your feet downstairs, noticing small details you'd been blind to before, like the large dog bed positioned by the door despite Timothee telling you he could only ever get himself to take care of a tiny dog. You noticed the colored mugs and bowls, a deep dull navy blue color, the same as the ones in your house. Suddenly, everything feels as if it's moving too fast. You both agreed there was no relationship, and there was attraction, but why does his home feel like it's become yours as well?
You sit down, taking a few deep breaths before deciding to stand up and grab your cardigan from the coathanger, opening the front door and closing it behind you as you waited for a taxi to bring you to the more active part of the city at night.
You just couldn't deal with a relationship right now. You couldn't let your heart get broken again, so you have to find ways to distract yourself.
The car stops in front of you, driving off into the night and dropping you off by a club that Troye agreed to meet you at.
You and Timothee had an attraction, but you both agreed there was no label; ergo, there was no intimate relationship even though you both have done everything together. No boyfriend means you were free to do whatever you wanted without worrying about him. But if you were honest with yourself, this was more of you suggesting something you already knew Timothee wasn't too keen on agreeing with but would just because he thought that having something with you was better than absolutely nothing. You saw Troye waiting out by the back entrance for you when he spotted you and called you over. Almost like clockwork, every time you snuck out away from Timothee, everything in you screamed to turn back, to clear your head, and for the first time, you listened.
You motioned for Troye to go ahead and sent him a text that you'd probably just head home because you weren't feeling well. He gave you a knowing look before looking like he finally approved of your actions and sent you a quick and short 'Good." text, and headed inside.
You walked around for a while after that. Soon it was already just about 5 in the morning, and even though you wouldn't let yourself come to any conclusion as to what you even wanted out of this almost relationship with Timothee, you still found yourself back at his front door.
You took out the keys in your pocket, slowly opening the door only to find Timothee sat on the couch, his knees up to his chest as he stared off into space, either deep in thought or trying to keep himself awake… maybe even both.
When he saw you enter, a soft smile formed on his face, and for some reason, that made you smile too.
"Hey, you." He spoke softly.
You sat down quietly next to him, instantly he set his feet on the ground and reached over to embrace you in a hug, the familiar scent of Timothee that never left you that evening even more evident… It felt and smelled familiar, and right now, while your mind was a mess, familiarity was what you needed.
Timothee lifted his head, worried, "Hey, are you alright?"
You sighed, "I don't want to hurt you."
He murmured quietly into your neck as he peppered kisses, "You could never."
You pulled away, feeling guilt in your bones, "Aren't you even a little bit frustrated that we've been like this for months? That even in private, we can't even say that we're in a relationship?"
You gave you a reassuring look, "We both wanted this Y/N."
You sat up, "Except we didn't… You didn't." You corrected yourself, "You're bringing your mother to the fucking Oscars next month because I told you we couldn't be seen together at carpets for Pete's sake."
You stood up, starting to pace back and forth, "We have to coordinate outfits for the sake of not matching, and we never go out because I can't be seen with you in fear that we're going to get found out. I'm a terrible fucking person, and I don't understand how you're so okay with this."
Timothee was grinning, sleep still in his eyes, "I'm okay with it because I love you, Y/N."
You froze in your spot, "You what?"
He nodded and got up, walking over to you. The blue light of the early morning peaking through the curtain made this moment feel and look ethereal, "I said I love you, Y/N. I've known that I loved you from the moment I met you." He kissed the top of your head as he embraced you.
You shook your head, "No, no, no, you don't. I'll even list more shit I've done to you just so you understand how and why you don't love me."
Timothee chuckled, "And yet despite all this... all that's registering in my head is the fact that you've been thinking of me and only me this whole time. You've been worried about how you're hurting me because you don't want to."
And that's when you realized that Timothee was right. This whole time you've been thinking of Timothee and how much you wanted to protect him from you, but he never wanted to be protected from you because he knew that you could never hurt him. You rested your forehead against his.
"I-I need to go. I need to think."
He smiled sadly, "I'll be here when you're ready. I'll always be here Y/N until you don't want me to be here anymore."
You sat in your house, since leaving Timothee's earlier, you had been sat there lost in thought as you argued with yourself. It was true, the last thing you wanted was to hurt Timothee, but you were confused because it's like you couldn't understand your feelings. After all, a particular person still held a large part of it in his hands.
Timothee was there for you. Late night at the recording studio, whether through being there physically or even calling you or skyping you, he was always there. He was there with you when you bought all your albums from Target, and he was also the one who insisted you find another target that hasn't sold out your CDs so he could buy all of them too. Timothee was there with you when you had interviews that you almost felt like you could puke from nervousness backstage as he watched you talk about another celebrity you were getting linked to, and he was there with you to giggle about how stupid talk shows were. Timothee was always there. Whether it was dancing, kissing, or even fighting in the rain, he was always with you. He always wanted you around. Even when you rode the subway to get to a press conference of his or a promo for his upcoming movie, he always wanted you with him. He'd run with you in the rain, and he'd kiss away the sadness when you didn't want to speak with him. He was there with you when you get the sudden urge to buy all the popsicles from the nearest whole foods, and he was there with you when you got sick with the flu, which he also got from you. You'd spend afternoons walking around a far-off hill as you two put flowers in your hair despite knowing that you two probably had your busy schedules. Nothing mattered when you were with Timothee. Nothing mattered except each other. A part of you felt hurt that these memories you had kept of you and Tom were slowly being replaced by everything Timothee, but a large part of you also knew that the person you have now had no doubt that you couldn't ignore your feelings. You couldn't have to take Timothee out of your life.
Making up your mind, you got up, got dressed, and left for where you were sure you would find Tom.
He was in the middle of filming a new movie, but the second he saw you, he immediately asked to stop filming, a familiar, loving face plastered on as he walked over to you before being stopped by the director. They looked to be having a bit of a disagreement before he pointed you out, and the director looked at you in realization, patting him on the back and allowing him to jog over to you.
"Hey." You paused, your hand grasping your arm, and Tom took notice right away.
His eyebrows furrowed, "Hey, what's wrong?" He pulls you to sit by the curb as you two sat side by side, "You only do that when you're having a hard time saying something."
You gave him a look, "Well… I came here to ask you if it was alright if I try things out with Timothee."
He looked taken aback, "Oh, well, honestly, I thought you came by to sort things out between us…." He took notice of the way you looked down in guilt, "I don't think you could do anything with another guy that wouldn't upset me… but I don't really get that prerogative anymore, Y/N." He sighed, wrapping an arm around you to comfort you, "The fact is, you're trying to grow into who you've always wanted to be, and I'm trying to do that too for the sake of us and what we could be. If that means that you need or want to date someone again, I'll fully support you, but the most important thing is, does he make you happy?"
You sighed, looking out onto the filming lot, and nodded slowly, not noticing the slight upset look on Tom's face, "I catch myself sometimes smiling to myself when I think of him… But it's like I can't do anything because I don't want to let go of what we had."
Tom took a gulp, deciding that what was important right now was you, more than what he wanted, "What we had and what we were isn't important anymore Y/N. I'm working towards what we could become. What we had was co-dependency and a constant need to be in each other's presence to prove that what we had was perfect. I want us to find each other again in the future and know that no matter how far apart we are, if hopefully, we get together again, there is nobody in this world we'll love more… and that's what I'm encouraging you to do. I want to grow with you and grow for each other, and if that means you dating other people to understand yourself more, then I support you."
You looked at Tom for a second before hugging him and pecking him on the cheek, "I really needed that, Tom. Thank you."
He hugged you tighter, "Anytime. I'll always be here for you, Y/N."
You gripped your seat in the car in pure nerves. You were on your way to the Oscars with your assistant constantly telling you about your performance and what not to mess up and things to remember, especially about reporters who wanted an interview with you. To say you were all nerves today was an understatement. You hadn't spoken to Timothee ever since you told him you needed time to think, so today would be the first time you would ever come face to face with him. You thought long and hard about everything between the two of you. Still, you think you're finally ready to actually put some time and effort into this… and if that meant doing things that would significantly make Timothee happy, then you'd do it.
Your assistant watched a live feed from the Oscars as she gave you updates on how Armie was on the carpet. Saoirse was on the carpet, talking about how she hoped to make a movie with you and various other stars. You were a few minutes away from the carpet when she spoke up again.
"Timothee has just arrived." then she looked at her phone and back at you, doing a double-take as you gave her a sheepish smile, all she could do was smile approvingly at you before going back to giving you live updates.
A few minutes later, and your heart didn't feel like it was going to slow down anytime soon as your assistant gave you a pep talk, "Y/N. You are gonna rock that carpet, you'll turn heads, and most importantly, you're gonna be the talk of the night. There is nothing that could go wrong tonight. Just take deep breaths and don't trip."
Luckily you were still coherent enough to understand what she said as you took deep breaths to calm your nerves.
"Alright, three… two… one." The door flew open as one of the large men in suits grabbed your hand and helped you out. Your dress was not providing you much flexibility to move, and for almost 15 seconds, it felt like everything was moving in slow motion as everyone was quiet. You found Timothee busy with an interview as the crowd looked from you to him, the topic on everyone's minds for the past few months. As if this were the only proof they needed, they held their cameras in their hands as they snapped pictures of you and a commotion started as they started asking for Timothee.
You think you gave them a quick, charming grin as you told them he was in an interview before walking towards the interviewer and Timothee. She was the first to notice while Timothee talked about how his mom stood him up as his Oscars date, something you arranged a week earlier and something Timothee's mom was more than happy to comply to.
The interviewer looks ecstatic as the only one and the first one on this carpet to get whatever the scoop was here, as she wasted no time when you slowly approached them, "Timothee! You said you were stood up, but you never told us that your backup would be late!"
Timothee shot her a confused look before he felt your arm slowly snake around his arm, "Sorry I'm late." You quickly whispered to him.
His face looked shocked. Almost as if a reflex, he almost pulled away from you before getting a good look at what you were wearing. His jaw looked like it would drop to the floor as he looked utterly awestruck.
The interviewer giggled nervously, already knowing her interview time was slowly coming to an end without any payoff to the two of you, "Timothee, you look to be speechless at Y/N's dress tonight." She looked at you hopefully, "Could everyone here assume this is date night?"
You smiled shyly at the lady before giving her a tiny curt nod, "I know it's a bit cliche to match outfits, but when I saw that Timothee was going to wear a harness, I just couldn't let him take all the attention for tonight, so I apologize, but I've kept this secret from him too just to make sure he doesn't do anything to take the spotlight, that's why he looks like he's just had a heart attack." you giggled.
He gave a quick, playful tilted look to you before blinking multiple times, "In my defense, I didn't even know that this was a harness... They told me this was a bib."
"Bib or not, you two look like the sexiest couple on the carpet, and I just so happen to be the luckiest interviewer tonight." The interviewer looked ecstatic as can be as she jumps up, more energetic to interview the two of you, "And well, Y/N, one look at you, and it's hard to believe anyone would still have the ability to speak. You look gorgeous." She winked at the camera, "But I can't help but notice you just confirmed this is date night… Is it safe to assume what everyone has been wondering for the past few months? That you two are dating?"
Somehow, Timothee finally snaps out of it and looks at you, a questioning look before you leaned over and spoke into the mic, "Yeah. We're together. We have been for a while now." You smiled sheepishly as you saw Timothee's face glow as he wrapped his arm around your waist, "I apologize for keeping quiet for so long, but we think it's the right time to go public now that we've decided to take things to a more serious level."
The interviewer waves a hand in the air, "As long as you two let us in on the secret, there's no problem there." She faced the camera, "You heard it here first, folks. Hollywood's newest and hottest up and coming power couple. From both Y/N and Timothee themselves, now going public with their relationship."
As you two walked away from the interviewer for more pictures, Timothee embraced you, uncaring of the cameras flashing in your faces, "Are you serious?"
You nodded slowly, "I'm ready to be with you completely, Timothee. I'm sorry I took so long."
He shook his head like a puppy, "As long as you're here with me now, Y/N, I don't care."
He pulled away at the sound of your name and his in the same sentence as the photographers asked for your attention. He quickly kisses you on the cheek as you shut your eyes and grinned, cameras going off and commotion started up at you two, the young hot couple everyone had wanted more details on.
Timothee clutched your waist tightly, almost like he was afraid that if he let go, this would all go back to how everything was before.
Before entering the venue, he pulled you to the side, "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to force yourself."
You shook your head, guiding his head to yours, "I think I'm in love with you too, Timothee. I'm all in with you." And then you kissed him.
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Hii! Could u maybe do a 12 & 13 from fluff prompts with Bucky?
Also congratulations on the milestone! 🤍
Just say yes
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A/N: Beware of the fluff attack and Bucky being an absolute puppy dog!
Not my gif! Credits to the owner.
Prompts - Dancing in the kitchen & Proposal gone wrong. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Warnings: Fluff town, a curse word or two.
Word count: 1500ish
Requests & Challenges
Bucky Barnes Taglist - @marvelgirl7 @mycosmicparadise @feetoffthetablee
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @little-baby-vixen @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @fyreball66 @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Tags are open! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be included in any of these lists ;))
As the saying goes, ‘everything that can go wrong, will go wrong’ Bucky found it applicable to his current situation now more than ever.
He had been planning the perfect evening while you were away on a small mission with Sam and were expected to be home in less than an hour. He’d ordered your favourite pizza, kept that special bottle of wine you’d been saving on the table with two glasses, even texted every single person in the team to not disturb once you were home. 
Bucky wanted you all to himself tonight. That and the fact that he was planning to propose. 
You arrived fifteen minutes later looking tattered and exhausted. Bucky frowned, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel as he heard the front door slam shut, concerned when he didn’t hear your usually chirpy voice, he walked out to greet you. 
“Welcome home sweetheart, how was th—”
He stopped mid-sentence after getting a good look at your state, hair in disarray, minor cuts decorating your forehead and chin. It wasn’t the first but today was supposed to be an easy one. 
“Oh you look terrible.” 
“Thanks I feel terrible.” 
Bucky chuckled, pulling you into a hug before pressing a kiss on your temple, immediately feeling your body sink into his. 
“What went wrong? I thought the mission was fairly—” 
“Yeah except it wasn’t. I’m going to take a bath okay.” 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
Sighing, you gently pushed him away to get to the bathroom, peeling off the unitard as you went,  exhaustion making you forget he was waiting for a kiss, but he understood.
“Alright, don’t be too long though. I made you dinner, and I can guarantee it’s edible this time.” 
“I’m sorry babe but I’m not really hungry. All I want is sleep.” 
You mumbled, your voice laden with sleep as you reached for the door, missing Bucky’s dejected face that he quickly recovered from, not wanting you to worry. 
“How about I get you a glass of wine and patch you up?” He offered.
You practically crawled into bed after you bathed, falling asleep instantly. Bucky climbed in shortly after, racking his brain for yet another attempt of proposing as he draped his arm across your waist, gazing at your sleeping form for a while before kissing your forehead. 
A lingering aroma of fresh bacon and eggs woke you up the next day. Peeking through a half open eye, you saw Bucky holding a tray of food in his hands and your favourite flower between his teeth.
“God bless you Bucky Barnes!” You exclaimed, sitting up against the headboard with the biggest smile on your face, making grabby hands at the food as your stomach growled. 
He placed the tray in your lap and tucked the flower behind your ear, whispering ‘good morning’ before leaning in for a kiss which you happily returned.
Bucky had already cleared your schedule for the day, made sure that no one bothered you today, he was determined to not let you out of the house before getting that ring on your finger. 
You took turns eating yourself and feeding your super caring boyfriend who had gone through all this trouble for you, not really saying much but rather enjoying the silence you shared. 
“Hey I got us a table at that Italian restaurant that you love for dinner.” Bucky announced matter-of-factly, hiding his nervous self under the facade of a casual dinner date. 
“I’ll have to check with Agent Hill if there’s some updates after last night’s blow-up but I’m sure th—” 
“Oh that won’t be necessary.” 
“It won’t?” You eyed the man who kept his gaze on the piece of fruit he was toying with in the plate.
“Y-yeah I cleared your schedule for the day.” 
“Yes. I want you all to myself.” Bucky’s soft smile warmed your heart as did his honesty, making you lean forward and place a chaste kiss to his lips. 
“So it’s a date Barnes.”
“It’s a date.”
Bucky went over his plan once more after deciding to drop the idea of proposing in a public place, he figured he would take you out for a nice meal first, get home, maybe open a nice bottle of wine with some cake and do it then. 
He still had some issues when people disturbed your peace while out at a public place or a social gathering. People would stare, ask for pictures with his vibranium arm or just generally give him the look making him utterly uncomfortable. He decided he couldn’t afford that tonight, everything had to be perfect. He even decided to take the efforts of making you a chocolate cake from scratch. 
Evening rolled by and the kitchen counter was a mess of broken eggshells, a thousand mixing bowls and spoons, the floor covered in sugar and cocoa powder while Bucky wiped the sweat off his forehead and finally got the batter in the oven. 
Looking around, he knew it would eventually have to be professionally cleaned or it would be sleeping on the couch for a week. Somehow he had to evade you from entering the kitchen until he popped the question. 
The super soldier double checked the ring box in his back pocket and set the timer, getting to make the ganache for the cake. 
“Bucky! Get in here right now!” You yelled from the bathroom, voice sounding downright pissed off. 
“Ah fuck what now.” 
Muttering under his breath, he ran, only to find your fully clothed self drenched as the water sprayed everywhere from the broken shower. 
“Oh God, are you alright?”
“Besides being fucking soaked and ruining my new dress & make-up? Oh just fabulous!” You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest and stepping away to let him in the mini pool.
You stood next to him shivering while he tried his best to fix it, his vibranium arm doing the trick as he closed the tap, now completely soaked the same as you. 
A tiny box fallen on the wet floor caught your attention and you bent to pick it up, gasping when you opened it to find the most beautiful diamond ring sitting inside the cushioned box. 
It felt more and more real the longer you stared at it, unable to form words, glancing at the man you loved and who, by some miracle loved you back & enough to take this next big step. 
“Hmm?” He wasn’t paying attention.
“What uh..when did you—please look at me.” You croaked, holding the tiny box up in your palm.
Bucky’s eyes turned wide before his hand automatically went for the back pocket of his jeans from where the ring must’ve fallen.
“Fucking hell.”
“What? I hope this isn’t for someone else.” You chuckled at your terrible attempts of a joke, tears already gathering in your eyes while Bucky scratched the back of his neck nervously. 
“Okay I’m gonna do this now. Wait fuck, let me get you a towel first, you’re shivering.”
He hurried to wrap you in a fluffy towel, walked you out and sat you on the bed before knelt down on both knees and cleared his throat.
“Here we go. None of the amazing things that have happened in my life in the past few years would’ve happened, if it weren’t for you. You have been one of the most integral parts of my journey towards healing and by no means is it over, but I know I can’t go ahead without you. You’ve loved me through my worst and by some miracle continue to do so even today.” He chuckled, tears gathering in his eyes while you were down right sobbing at this point.
“I mean it wasn’t supposed to happen like this, I had a whole thing planned and now the kitchen’s a big mess and we have a pool in the bathroom. But again when has anything worked perfectly for us right?”
You giggled through tears, nodding as your mind automatically played all those memories, first date, first kiss, the first ‘i love you’s, everything. It wasn’t the smoothest ride with Bucky but it was the best and you wouldn’t have it any other ways. 
“So Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N), would you be interested in spending the rest of your life with a semi-stable hundred year old man?” 
Wiping your tears, you knelt in front of the man yourself as fresh tears appeared, cupped Bucky’s face in your hands and kissed him with all the love you had in you.
“What do you say?” He mumbled, never breaking the kiss as he stood up with you and walked you over to the bed.
“What do you want me to say? I already found the ring.” You giggled, flopping on the bed and peeling your clothes off, dinner reservations  long forgotten. 
“Just say yes.”
“Yes.” Saying it out loud made you believe it actually happened, as Bucky climbed between your parted legs.
“Say it again.”
Two hours later when you were finally ready to leave the bedroom, you found yourself in the kitchen in Bucky’s arms, swaying to some 40s ballads that he put on, the floor was a complete mess but neither of you cared. The cake he’d prepared was mostly burnt - thankfully he ran to turn the oven off right before giving you your second orgasm of the night. 
But you wouldn’t trade this moment, this day or this man for anything. 
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annie-mit-ie · 3 years
Glimpses: Part 15 (Kathryn Hahn x Fem!Reader)
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Part 1 // previous chapter <<< >>> next chapter
Summary: The Aftermath.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: hello there! hope this makes up for all the drama I caused 😅 also, if the formatting is off: excuse me, this was written AND POSTED entirely on my phone. Have fun!!!
Tag List: @danvers97 @zafirosreverie @srtamercurio @wanatag @pulledbythestars17 @plantowl @spacehahn @sarahp-stan @agentbrownierso @our-blood-is-our-ink @fruityhahn
“NO! No no no no.” Kathryn paces up and down in her hotel room. “HOW DID THEY KNOW?”
Jennifer, who is sitting on the couch, computer in her hands, looks at Agnes, who is leaning against the wall. “I’m so sorry, Kathryn.”
“This is a disaster!” She looks devastated.
“Actually, it’s press and any press is good press. PLUS, Jeffrey is a good catch.” Jennifer scans another article.
Kathryn paces towards her, takes the computer out of her hands and sits down on the couch herself as Jennifer gets up to give her some space. Leaning back into the pillows, the actress looks like a mess. A grey tank top falls loosely of her shoulders and her unbrushed hair frames her face that is in painful distress. She puts the computer down on the tiny desk next to the couch and reads an article discussing if Jeffrey and her are Hollywood’s new favorite couple.
The article promises an update and as she clicks on the link provided, she looks at very private pictures taken of herself in her hotel room. Someone must have added the numbers up and figured out where she was staying to stalk and observe her through the window that she, stupidly, didn’t close right away last night. A short series of pictures shows her in front of the window, Jeffrey behind her. Him right in front of her as he leans in for a kiss. Another one of her getting undressed. Another one of him in just his underwear during a photo shoot for another project.
Stressed and in disbelief, she doesn’t even finish reading the captions and quickly sits up again to smack the device closed. Shaking her head, she stares at the floor.
“Kathryn? Are you okay?” Agnes asks cautiously.
“Honey? Are you okay?” Alex asks as you continuously stare at your screen with empty eyes.
You continue staring. “Y/N! You worry me.”
Alex sits down again and places the phone next to her so you look like you are sitting righty with her on the couch. She has been trying to calm you down ever since she got up this morning. Right as she read the first article, she knew the situation was bad.
“Hey… it’ll all make sense in the end. She wouldn’t do that. You know that! You know the press!” Alex really tries and you appreciate it, yet, right now, it’s hard for you to show your gratitude.
“Hm…” you hum and nod with empty eyes.
Ever since you’ve read the article, you have been waiting for Kathryn to reach out. She must have seen it. Jennifer must have seen it. Maybe they all did and it’s the truth and that’s why no one is saying anything.
Alex looks at you again. “It’s probably rumors! You know how it works.” More than ever before, she wishes she could simply wrap you you up in a long and loving hug and make you feel better. Sometimes, it’s hard for her to believe that you’ve been friends for as long as you have and the actress you are bonding about had more physical contact with you than she did. What a story to tell.
“I know,” you say, but the pictures keep being projected inside your head, “but the pictures. These… the pictures! His hands, the hotel, her not talking to me. It all just adds up.”
Alex sighs. You do, too. You both sit in silence.
Still staring at the floor, Kathryn tenses. “Oh my god.”
The other woman stare at her with raised eyebrows.
“Y/N!! I was thinking about the press and all and totally forgot.. she must have read it! OH GOD. She… she…”
“You should probably call her…” Agnes nods.
Jennifer shakes her head. “Not now. You’re way too emotional over all of this. We should organize the press first. Write a statement if you really want to. But really, it isn’t that big of a deal.”
Agnes turns around harshly and faces Jennifer with a stern look on her face. “Excuse me, can you please be her friend again for a minute?” she points at Kathryn, “does she look like it’s not that big of a deal?”
They both face Kathryn again, who has gotten up to get dressed. Without another word, she walks past her friends and employees and storms out of the door, on her way to discuss the matter with Jeffrey.
Meanwhile, Jennifer decides to take matters into her own hands, since Kathryn seems to be way too distressed to hold a serious conversation today. Rumors about her client being with someone aren’t exactly new, but pictures taken of private situations are unacceptable. Without consulting Kathryn again, she decides to publish the statement right away to help her friend.
It’s been two days since the incident and Kathryn hasn’t contacted you yet. Heartbroken, you got updated on the story as her team released a statement declaring that Kathryn wants to keep her privacy and asks for the pictures to be removed off of the internet.
You wish she would’ve called you, or at least texted, but little did you know that she got into a fight with Jeffrey as his team called the pictures good press for him and decided to not do anything about it. Following that, Jennifer took Kathryn’s phone away so that the actress could fully concentrate on the project for the rest of the week of shooting. A rule written into the contract by Kathryn herself, as she is aware she gets carried away from time to time.
Right as she has her phone back, she runs for an empty space and tries to call you. It’s the early afternoon and you are in an online class as your phone starts ringing. Reading her name, your heart drops to the floor. All the stress adds up and gets combined with the anger you feel inside of you. You take the call.
Her face fills the screen and her eyes widen as she sees the state you are in. “Honey, I’m so sorry.”
There is a moment of silence. A moment of silence where a storm is raging inside you. “NO. No. You don’t get to be like that. You don’t get to break my heart and then come back apologizing, asking me to pretend nothing happened!” Kathryn’s mouths is slightly agape and her even widen even more. She listens. “I gave you my heart, Kathryn! My time. Do you really think I’m whoring around? Staying with older woman to play round just like that? Is that what you think I am? A toy?”
You are enraged and the words keep coming and you want to call her names and scream, hold onto her and look into her eyes. But you can’t. You can’t and that’s why your words are turning into a waterfall of emotions and you yell at her as she doesn’t have a chance to react in any way.
“I can’t believe myself,” you shake your head. “I offer myself to you and there you are. Going out and sleeping with a man. A MAN. Excuse me for not having a career. Excuse me for not having a six pack like your new friend does. What the fuck, Kathryn. What the actual fuck.”
Kathryn realizes you saw the pictures. Of course you did. She raises her hand to give you a signal that she wants to talk. Your mouth, ready to rant again, closes and you look at her.
She takes a breath. “It isn’t true.”
“It…. Isn’t?” You squint your eyes.
“It isn’t.”
2 days ago
“Come and spend the night with me.”
Kathryn swirls around. “WHAT?”
Before she can help herself, she finds herself pinned against a table that is close to the window. Jeffreys face is only inches away as he slowly starts to lean in.
“STOP.” She says and tries to lean back.
Obviously confused, Jeffrey looks at her. “I thought we had a great night. What’s the problem, sweetheart? Don’t you miss having with… other people?” He smiles.
Kathryn shakes her head. “I’m… I’m seeing someone, Jeffrey. I’m sorry if this came across wrong but tonight wasn’t a date.”
He distances himself from her, utter disbelief plastered across his face. “Oh no.”
“Don’t worry, it’s not a problem. I just… I can’t. You’re a great man, but, no.”
He is still putting space in between them, looking at her with worried eyes. “Kathryn, I would’ve never. I thought you were flirting. I thought you sent signs. God, I am sorry for coming this close to you.. I… I’m just gonna leave, alright? Okay! Good night, Kathryn.”
“JEFF!” She calls for him before he can close the door. “You’re a good looking man. I bet lots of woman would kill to be me right now, but please, ask. Don’t just assume. Yeah?”
He nods and with that he leaves her room. As the door falls into its lock, Kathryn undresses her blazer and shirt and remembers to close the curtains before stripping completely to hop into the shower.
“It isn’t…..” you repeat.
“No. And I would never do that to you.” She looks at you with sad eyes. “And I can’t believe you would think I do.”
You look at each other for a moment and the sad smile on her face breaks your heart once again.
“I would never….” She repeats, whispering quietly, but loud enough for you to notice. “I would never, because….”
She stops and looks up to lock eyes with you. You are both crying and your heartbeat skips a few beats and you think you might actually pass out any second.
“I would never because I am falling. For you. I would never because I think I am in love with you.”
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wizkiddx · 3 years
your song blurb
hello!! sorry ive been so inactive and I have got a number of req that I am trying to work through - I am sorry, please be as patient as you can with me. general life shit and all hasn't been ideal. I am aware I reaaallly need to update my master list and will get round to it when I can I promise ;)
also have lots of asks abt the t + z situation but all I have to say is im so very happy for them and hope people respect their privacy ;)
harryhollandxreader // friends --> lovers blurb
summary: harry never sings in front of you, until you need it
There were some things that Harry, even after being friends for years, kept close to his chest. The one that you always tried to catch him out on was his singing. For some unknown reason, he was super self conscious of it. Every time he was nonchalantly humming along to himself, all it took was for you to make a single sound, and he’d immediately lock his mouth shut. From those fleeting moments, you had thought he didn’t even sound half bad, hence where your frustrations drew.
Because whilst you, who sounded like a cat being tortured, would scream your lungs out - Harry, who wasn’t even that bad, refused to make a fool out of himself.
It was exactly what had happened this evening when you had let yourself into Tom’s house otherwise unannounced. It’d been years since you’d been given a spare key by Harry - when they were both away, you often ‘house-sat’ for Tom; plus, you spent most evenings there too because that was where your best mate was.
Tom had messaged on the group chat to say he would be out for the evening, and Haz was around his girlfriends tonight, meaning on arrival, you’d known it’d just be you and Harry. So once you heard the quiet tune of a song, that you couldn’t quite place yet, safe to say you were on stealth mode. Sliding your shoes off and wincing as the floorboards creaked a little, you slowly crept through the house to find your frizzy-haired friend.
Sure enough, as you made your way through the kitchen, you found him stood over the hob, stirring round a wooden spoon of a saucepan - presumably filled with pasta he’d promised to have ready for you. Pouting as you leaned on the doorframe and crossed your arms, marvelling at him. He was dressed just in grey joggers and his favourite pink hoodie, arms rolled up to his elbow as the poor boy slaved away at the stove.
You stayed silent, to what you now recognised as billy joel, only unable to stifle a giggle when he reached a particularly high note. Like a rabbit caught in headlights, he jumped around and yelled, eyes fiery and pointed at you.
“OH fuck off Y/n!!”
“Billy Joel, an old school choice.” You smirked, now walking into the room to greet him properly.
“How long have you been stalking on me?”
“It’s not stalking if the stalkee gave me the key.”
“I don’t think that’s admissible in court.” He deadpanned back, pouting for a couple more seconds before finally shooting you a wide grin. The boy held his arms out, welcoming you into a proper greeting hug. Happily reciprocating, you inhaled deeply with your face pressed into the crook of his shoulder.
“How was work?” He murmured, already guessing the answer correctly.
“Shit. Exhausting. Hell, you want any more adjectives?” Harry just snorted back as you leaned away from his warmth.
“Nah rule of three is quite enough. Did you never pay attention in GCSE english?”
“Fuck off you can’t even spell GCSE.”
That was always how your friendship had been; it had always been a piss-taking battle. You simply were one of the boys - or at least that’s what you thought. Said boys though (meaning Sam, Tom, Harrison, Tuwaine and even Paddy) disagreed. You didn’t know, or didn’t believe, that Harry did NOT treat you like one of the boys. He cared about you differently, too. Tom thought it didn’t stop there, that Harry did in fact love you.
And yes, you might’ve admitted to Harrison on one very, very drunken night that you had occasionally thought of Harry as something more than your sarky friend. He had been since sworn to silence, though Haz had in fact, told Tom - who only replied with an ‘i told you so’.
Even though everyone else saw your relationship as complicated, to you and Harry it was just simple. You were just the best of friends.
And that’s how the evening went. The two of you were just messing around as usual; after eating the tomatoey pasta creation Harry had tried, you both made a right mess of the washing up - water ending up coating the floor and maybe one of the walls too (Tom would never know). And just like usual, it ended with you sprawled out on one sofa, Harry mirroring you on the adjacent one.
It was love island season, which meant every night at 9 pm there was only one place on earth either of you would be. On your respective sofas, watching the most trashy tv in the world.
Tonight though, no matter how excited you were for the next instalment of who-likes-who, your day of work caught up with you. Not that you noticed, but you’d pretty much passed out as soon as the opening scenes started. There were only two minutes of silence before Harry registered something was up - typically, he was trying to make you shut up so he could actually hear the TV. To investigate, he jumped off the sofa and leaned over the couch, the sight making him pout.
He knew work had been super stressful recently; and he also knew that your insomnia had been coming back with a vengeance. So instead of treating you like ‘one of the boys’ and throwing things until you woke up - Harry used a different approach. He draped the blanket that hung off the side of the sofa over you, biting back a slight smile as you huffed in appreciation for the soft quilt. Then Harry left you alone, knowing you could do with every little bit of rest you could get.
That was all good until it reached the third set of adverts when Harry heard you huff and move about on the sofa. And then again and again. Then again with what sounded like a bit of whimper too.
Brows furrowed, he paused the TV and slowly got up, rounding the sofa to see you somewhat matching his expression. Your face was contorted in one of distress, and you kept thrashing your head from side to side of the pillow. It didn’t take a genius to work out; this was your nightmares rearing their ugly heads.
Harry just wanted to stop this for you. Although the two of you were never particularly ‘mushy’ or vulnerable with each other - he knew just how much you were suffering recently. So without much thought into it, Harry knelt down to sit on the floor, side leaning up against the sofa as he looked towards you. Trying to hush you, he ran his hand over your forehead and over the top of your hair, though it seemed to take little effect. And then, again entirely without hesitation, Harry started to softly sing.
It’s a little bit funny
This feeling inside
I’m not one of those who can easily hide
Why Elton John was the first that came to mind was a mystery to Harry - except maybe that the lyrics ran true a little.
And you can tell everybody
This is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done
I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind
That I put down in the words
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world
You’d always loved old 70s music, you were the one that had properly got you into all that stuff - the beatles, billy joel, elton, even a bit of springsteen. He owed half his music taste to your Spotify playlists, even if he’d never admit it to your face.
So excuse me forgetting
But these things I do
You see I’ve forgotten, if they’re green or they’re blue
Anyway the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen
With a final huff, you finally settled down, Harry swore he could see all the discomfort literally melting away from your face. It took a minute but your breath evened out, mumbling something incomprehensible as you curled up toward him on the edge of the sofa.
This wasn't the first time he’d sang to you in your sleep - and he sort of hoped it wouldn't be the last either.
feedback is really appreciated <3
harry taglist : @euphorichxlland @lovehollandy12 @pandaxnienke @msmimimerton @crossyourpeter @hallecarey1
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes- Pt 19
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Click Here for a full list of other parts! Part 20
Warnings: Angsty Shiggy, this gets a little fluffy. Next chapter is worse. 
Word Count: Just under 2k
I would like to say thank you so much to those of you who have been patiently waiting on me to update this story. I got really stuck on this chapter and wasn’t sure how I wanted to get from point A to point B but after for freaking ever it’s finally done. We are having a little bit of calm before the storm and I think this is a really cute idea. Getting to the end guys, things are going to be going down in just a few more chapters. Thank you so much for all the support on this! 
TAGLIST:   @superblyspeedydragon @jparra4587 @flyingowls @emrysaf @imuziawi @sheedaabee @peculiarinsomniac @littlelovebug98 @plutoneu @giftofwonder @kitty-kat-ash @fukyouthink @anarchys-bnha-mess @threbony @orenjineki @toobsessedsstuff @bamf-barnes @x-a-delama-x @inanabsentia @reallyshey @godsblesstheboi @drownedbytears @emilymikado @fluidfandoms  @mikasackrmann @bohica160 @andrastesbeard  @percabethismyotp14 @celestiallustre @moon-spirit-yue @hecatve @bakugoshrimp @vanillanjin @toshiuwuu @rxinbowrena @therealwalmartjesus @callmepopcorn @xxdumb-bitchxx @medicinalkiwis @kat-unzel @headfirst-halo @capricorn-nightmare @annie-daetris @skumtrash @totorotoni @kst-chernish @itsmysticalmystery @the-occasional-artist1125 @beautifulparisiangirl @stanzastic @helena-way07 @aurorahoneybuns @cth-l @nightlygiggless @filledasaf  @hailstorm888 @ozzy-bozzy @girrawr13 @hawkssnugget @dabilittleslut @over-grown-emo-kid @sasageyowrites @littledustyflame @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that @thefirewasfriendly @babayaga67 @kiegosbby​ @foxes-and-arrows 
“Sir we have eyes on the target.”
“How many times do I have to tell you coffee is not a target. It’s a beverage. You’re not funny.”
“N-No sir, I mean… S-shigaraki. I have eyes on Shigaraki.” The sidekick tried to whisper so not to alarm the surrounding civilians. They didn’t want to incite a panic.
“What?! Where?!” The hero screamed into the cellphone making the side kick wince and pull it from their ear, gaining a few glances.
“Electronics store, south side.” The side kick rattled off the address, there eyes glued to black hoodied figure, fear freezing them in place as they watched from the café across the street. What are the odds of locating the number 1 villain in Japan while just picking up the team’s morning coffee? The hero continued to rant and ask questions into the cellphone but the sidekick’s brain was numb, watching as the blue haired villain just, casually, wandered over to the electronic stores counter, setting down what looked like some controllers and cords for the new console that was out, and just…. Paid?
What the fuck.
“…Do you hear me? Do not engage, but do not lose him. We need to know where he goes.” The side kick zoned back in on the instructions that the hero was giving. Mentally kicking themselves. They were a professional. They needed to be calm.
“Yes sir. I will track the target…. What should I do about the coffee?”
“Are you kidding me? Screw the coffee!”
You watched as Shigaraki walked into the bar, barely giving you an annoyed glare when you took a cautious sniff as he entered the room. He smelled just faintly of honey… and something else… but you left it alone, not wanting to incur the alpha’s wrath again after last time. Still, your brain questioned as to if that soft lingering scent was of an omega… and if so was it just a random one.. or the one that he had been hiding away from everyone else?
“Did Tomura just walk in? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him walk anywhere. I thought he was an invalid since Kurogiri is always just teleporting him wherever he wants to go.” Dabi’s voice made your lips raise in a smile, leaning back against him as he came up behind where you were sitting at the bar, a bowl of ramen in front of you, feeling yourself warm up as he slipped his arms around your waist leaning down and kissing the top of your head.
“He insisted I stay here in case of a raid. A split second could mean the difference between us all getting caught or getting away. We don’t have One for All to save us this time.” Kurogiri shut down the conversation with a pointed look. Clearly, he knew better than to gossip about the alpha behind his back. Or he was trying to keep something a secret.
It didn’t matter anyways, the conversation long forgotten as Toga burst into the room with Twice in tow, an excited look on her face. Her usually soft beta scent sharper and bubbling out around her.
“Twice had the best idea!”
“I really didn’t. I always have good ideas.” The two of them came to a stop in the middle of the room, Spinner looking up from his game that he was playing on the couch in the corner seeming almost interested in what the two had to say. Toga was practically bouncing in place as she looked from Twice to everyone else and back to Twice.
“Well tell them!”
“Toga it was stupid, I really don’t think they are going to agre-“
She interrupted him immediately her wide smile turning towards you.
“We should have a party!”
Dabi snorted and turned around, ignoring the smaller blonde, Kurogiri resumed cleaning up from cooking and even Spinner turned back to his game, checking out of the world again. Everyone else in the room was completely ignoring the blonde whose eyes were focused on yours so intently you couldn’t help but swallow. Even Twice was looking up at the ceiling like he was wishing he could be raptured into the heavens to escape the room.
“Toga… why would we have a party?” You tried to reason with her, shrinking back as she bounded over to you taking your hands between hers, her smile wide and toothy.
“To celebrate! Duh! We all need to have fun and relax.”
“But what are we celebrating?”
She paused for a second, a pout on her lips like she was suddenly upset about something before the pout disappeared completely and her smile was back.
“You two getting married of course!”
Dabi choked on his drink, and you could feel your cheeks growing redder by the second. Even Twice looked back to the two of you confusion written all over his face before it transformed into what could only be described as the joy of  a puppy.
“You’re getting married? How romantic! You should marry me instead.”  He slid up to Dabi wrapping an arm around his shoulder and waggling his eyebrows only for Dabi to push him off a frown on his face as he whirled to face Toga.
“What the hell are you talking about?” You couldn’t help but bristle at the annoyance that was in his tone. Sure Toga was being…. Toga, but he didn’t have to act like getting married was the worst thing he ever heard.
“You’re already bonded, now it’s time to make it official.”
“Bonding makes it official. No one gets married anymore other than rich assholes who want to show off and throw a big party.”
“My parents did..”
“Oh my bad, and dick heads who sell their kids to those rich assholes.”
An awkward silence filled the room as you closed your eyes pretending for a brief moment that he did not just say that. Maybe you imagined it.
“… Y/n?” Toga’s worried voice was soft, and you could smell it as the excitement in her scent was fading quickly, being replaced with a calming beta scent.
Nope, he definitely said that. Taking a deep breath as you steadied yourself before glaring over at Dabi who looked like he was beyond pissed at himself for even opening his mouth.
“Exactly how long have you two known each other?” Shigaraki’s voice spoke up from the doorway that he was watching from, his fingers dropping from his bond mark, it red and raw from previous scratching.
You couldn’t help but sigh in frustration, looking over to Dabi again to see he had his head against the counter of the bar, blocking the rest of them out as he ran his fingers through his hair. For someone who was supposed to be great at lying, he was messing up a lot lately. It was like he wasn’t even trying to hide things anymore.
“How long have I been here?” You shrugged looking back to your ramen and pulling some into your mouth to occupy it. Everyone knew that was a load of bullshit, but you weren’t about to be the one to spill Dabi’s all important secret.  
Toga was still looking at you with wide eyes. Eyes filled with pity but also with unbridled affection. You knew she didn’t have the greatest parent’s herself, no matter how much she tried to play it off and deny it. You knew everyone here had parental issues. You weren’t special. None of them were crying about it, and why should you?
Still, the look she was giving you made your throat burn and eyes prick. You pushed past it though and kept your face as neutral as you could. You barely even remembered what your parents looked like. What they did shouldn’t matter to you anymore.
“How long Dabi?”
“It doesn’t matter.” He grumbled against the counter, tapping it twice to signal Kurogiri to get him another drink. You agreed with his statement, it really shouldn’t matter to the rest of the league when the two of you met, or how long you had known each other, but you knew that Shigaraki would take it personally.
“I said how long!” Shigaraki was fuming now, angry that secrets were being kept from him from those who he was supposed to trust. His alpha ruffling up and itching to come out. How could he trust them if they wouldn’t even answer that simple question?
“How long have you known your omega? Huh? How long have you been sneaking out to see them risking us all getting caught?” Dabi whirled on him, getting up so fast that the bar stool tipped over making a loud crash that had you Toga and Twice all wincing, Kurogiri freezing completely. Even Spinner looked up from his game, slowly putting it down like he was ready to separate the two.
Shigaraki’s eyes immediately turned to you, but before he could even take a step towards you Dabi’s voice continued as he pushed himself between you and the angry alpha.
“She didn’t tell me. We all knew, we’ve all known since the first time you disappeared and came back smelling like fucking lilies.”
Shigaraki stopped, looking wildly around the room, his anger still apparent, his fingers itching for something to decay as he looked at all of the league’s members for confirmation.
Toga frowned at him before nodding, keeping her distance and letting out her best calming scent that she could, only for Shigaraki to snarl at her in annoyance, taking a step towards her.
“Stop with that fucking smell. It stinks. You think I need to be comforted like a fucking pup?”
“When you’re fucking acting like one, yea.” Twice stepped between Shigaraki and Toga and even Shigaraki looked genuinely surprised by the Beta’s act of defiance. Twice was never known to go against the alpha’s in the group, especially toe to toe with the dangerous leader himself.
“Tomura…” The smaller beta peeked her head out from behind Twice who was currently puffing his chest trying to look half as intimidating as the alpha in front of him. “None of us care if you have an omega, or if you want to keep them away from us. We know you just want to keep them safe.”
Shigaraki looked around again, noting the similar looks of slight annoyance and understanding before his eyes landed back onto Spinner, probably his closest friend in the league minus Kurogiri. Spinner only shrugged before speaking softly. “I just assumed you would tell us when you were ready. You know we wouldn’t hurt them.”
Tomura paused, his body relaxing slightly as he looked at the ground, almost like he was ashamed of something, his reaction maybe. It was silent for a moment or two before he finally glanced up at you and Dabi a grumble leaving his lips shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket with a shrug, the topic effectively dropped.
“So are we having a wedding or not?”
The groan that left Dabi’s lips had you pouting until he caught sight of the look on your face and caved, pulling you into him looking down at you, his face neurtral and lazy to everyone else but you knew better, you could see the adoration hiding in his cerulean eyes.
“Fine. If you want to throw a dumb party, we will throw a party. But I am absolutely not wearing a tux.”
You couldn’t lie… the thought of him in a tux had you absolutely giddy.
Want to show your support? Buy me a coffee!
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moxfirefly · 4 years
Giving you two options here (obviously, you should know my mind wanders a lot — or surprise option C where you delete my ask entirely, don’t feel pressured to do this — and before we continue THIS UPDATE WAS THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED PERIOD WE CAN NOW COPY AND PASTE ON THE APP)
Either [both A and B with the praise kink] A with Donnie:
9) Did you miss feeling me around you so much that you’ve resorted to your hand? and 1) What? Does that feel good? (Like, maybe he masturbates? She walks in, and ands up touching herself to... him touching himself? Or something like that? — loll I just realised it’s having sex while safely social distancing)
(And I don’t think it was on the list, but one way or another dyou think that you could potentially somehow add a strap on in there ... somehow — I know, I’m a kinky bítch — like, maybe mommy says “okay, princeling, fun’s over. You know the rules.” or something? — I’m giving you my own prompts now, Jesus 😂)
Or B [the much simpler, quicker, and more “wiggley” option] with either Donnie, Raph or Mikey: 23) Loser has to give the other a lap dance (he gives the lap dance)
.. I’m starting to think I went overboard, and I’m sorry, i just get excited sometimes, you know?
I’m taking a few liberties because honestly it’s about time I write Don getting pegged so I hope it still vibes with what you want.
So yes everybody, Donnie is getting pegged, I’ve finally done it. I can retire and live out my golden years in peace.
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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You liked playing a little game with Donatello.
Often times there was no pattern to how it happened or how it would escalate. The two of you would sit together, talk about everything and nothing, it would slide into more tantalizing talks and then it would be like this.
Sitting opposite one another on swivel chairs. Running off your mouth with things that would make anybody blush.
Messing with Donnie was just too much fun.
You’d watched him snake a hand into his sweats, pulling his already hard member out. He swallowed on the first pumps, hand lazily stroking. You smirked, spreading your legs for him, thankful you’d chosen a short comfortable dress. Donnie’s eyes lingered on the exposed flesh of your thighs, he slid down a bit, long legs spreading for you.
“You ever laugh at how easily little ol’ me gets you like this?” You traced lazy patterns on your thigh, he followed bewitched by your movement. Donnie’s hand stroked his cock, his fist twisting on the upturn, teasing the head. “Be a good boy and answer my question” You crossed your legs, enjoying how his frown at being denied the view.
“Yes, yes I do, love it” He groaned stopping briefly to lick his palm before wrapping it around himself again.
Opting to reward his honesty you slid your own hand into your underwear. “Did you miss feeling me around you so much that you’ve resorted to your hand?” You grinned at Donnie’s whine. He nodded, hand picking up speed as he stroked with more vigor. His eyes watched entrapped as you teased yourself, you sighed contently with the sensation spreading all over you. A trickle of pre-cum gushed from the tip, he spread it, the wet sounds of Donnie fucking his fist faster filling the room.
“You rather make a mess all over you lap, mhm?” You asked, all sultry voice and promising eyes. You stood up, opting to step out of your short dress. It was an ego boost seeing how his eyes raked all over you.
But your question had him wondering.
You walked over to him, leaning down towards his lips. “Do you want me to fuck you?” You ghosted the question across his lips, Donnie choked a moan, with reluctance he seized his movements and squeezed his cock to quell his need. A slight bashfulness spread across his eyes, you caught his gaze going towards the bed but more specifically for something that lay hidden near it.
“Oh? You want me to fuck you like that? Your smile spread before you turned towards the section where his bed was, you looked behind a few things and pulled out a box. Donnie swallowed, excitement flourishing in his stomach.
He watched as you took out a harness of sorts, a bottle of lube and a clear colored dildo.
Oh boy.
Donnie had been in the mood for it for a while now. He often didn’t have the nerve to ask for it as much he wanted it but he was thankful you could read him pretty well. Some nights just required to be taken like this.
“Come here,” You called him over and he did as told, discarding his sweats with a slight kick. You acomadated a few pillows and told him to lay across the bed propped on them. It was a more comfortable angle for this, Donnie was all legs and that was a favorite feature of his but also made things tricky for your smaller stature. He laid himself where you ordered, legs bent and spread for you.
“Now while I finish setting up, be a good boy and get yourself ready for me” You handed him the bottle of lube. Watching him spreading a generous amount over his entrance never seizing to send a spike of heat through you, the way he circled it before gently pushing a digit in. What a display you had as you stepped into the strap on, Donnie finger fucking humself slowly with his eyes fluttering closed. You grabbed the dildo, a modest size so as to not hurt him, and attached it to the metal ring on the strap.
Once everything was secured and it place, pulled tight you in between his legs. Hands on his knees you tutted tapping on his knees. “Now now, if you rather just keep at it with your finger...” Donnie shook his head, slowly retreating the digit and handing you the lube, your raised a brow. “Right, right” Heat flushed his neck as he sat up briefly and squirted a decent amount onto the dildo. Just as you loved watching him get ready, you absolutely loved when he got you ready for this.
He fisted the silicone expertly, making sure it was covered from base to tip. You caught his lips with your own before he laid back down, kissing him sensually.
“Remember the rules?” You asked, your voice much sweeter and less cocky. “Red means stop, yellow slow down and green is go” He nodded shyly, but this excitement was palpable in his eyes as he laid against the propped pillows. You got on your knees at the edge of the bed , hands slidding over his spread thighs, carefully you gripped the dildo and found his hole. Slow and steady you pushed into him, the hiss that left him making you bite your lip.
Doing this was by far one of the most thrilling and power trip induced things ever. Donnie’s responses to it never stopped turning you on. You were half way inside of him, watching his cock twitch in need. Fully sheathed in him you thrusted slowly to get a good rhythm going, each movement making him groan. Your hands rested on his waist, not like you could grip him like he could you, but you kept your hands firmly there pushing him down and keeping him in place. His thighs squeezed against your own, eyes fluttering shut as you moved within him.
“What? Does that feel good?” Your ego was already reaching new heights by now, having Donnie at your mercy, trying to meet you thrust for thrust as you sped up, one of your hands when under his thigh. “Feel so good, please-oh” Donnie’s moans hitched slightly when you changed angles, clearly hitting the spot he wanted so desperately to be hit. You leaned over him, propped up on your hands as you hips moved harder.
Each thrust seemed to be enough to have the leather material rub against your clit. You chewed on your bottom lip, settling on your forearms for easier quicker movements. Donnie raised his hips more, one foot on the ceiling above (good thing that bed of his is a literal cubby) his hands found your back and he dug his nails.
You moaned against his collar, the lip of his plastron cold against your cheek. “God- fuck!” The close proximity of your stomach was causing friction against his aching leaking cock. “Har-der!” He chocked out, his hands slid to your rear and he gripped the flesh. You had to oblige, getting Donnie riled like this, having him gasping out pleas and moaning out his desires.
Sweat covered your body as you moved against him, muscles tense and trembling. By the sounds he was making he was approaching his release, he snuck a hand between your bodies but gripped his forearm and pinned it down. “No no no” You breathed out with a low moan. “You’re cumin without touching yourself or you’re not cumin at all” Donnie whined at your threat, pinned hand in a fist as he moved against you. Those pretty brown eyes of his fluttered open, he always did look beautiful without his glasses and mask.
“Please, mommy” He mouthed at you and god you felt it buzz in your veins. Donnie’s debautched features giving you another surge of stamina.
You leaned back placing his knee on your shoulder, you wrapped your arms around the muscled limb and held onto it as you thrusted fast. Donnie moaned, loud, feeling the dildo hit his sweet spot over and over. “Fu-I’m! Y/n!” You saw his cock twitch, cum shooting in thick spurts across his plastron. The image, sounds and friction enough to make you slip off the edge yourself. You held onto his leg, mouth against his calf you moaned as your orgasm hit.
Your hips slowed, each movement making Donnie shudder. “Wow, that never stops feeling insane” He spoke, chest still heaving. You chuckled equally spent and trying to ease your rapid heart. He lifted his leg off your shoulder and you took the moment to roll the join until several pops were heard. “You know if you like it so much you can just ask me to do it more often” A tired smile on your face, Donnie nodded looking for anything to clean himself up with.
Naturally you decided to give him one last shiver of excitement. Leaning down you licked up the mess on his body, enjoying the little strangled noise he made. Slowly and carefully you pulled out of him and rolled over next to him with a pleased sigh.
“You um... you came, huh?” He asked somewhat teasing, he smiled when you nudged him with your elbow. “Look it just happens, especially with the show you put on” It was his turn to nudge you while shaking his head.
Donnie turned on his side, arm draped over your stomach and face nuzzling your breast. You caressed him, in a bit you could take off the strap on, for now you wanted to cuddle him until sleep became too strong.
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