#updates will likely be as frequent as they have been
driftward · 1 day
Log Entries 59-112
Log Entry 59
The Madam Commander has a social calendar once more. This is good.
I cannot help her with that, and that is bad. I am so annoyed!
I am a fairy construct! My Scholar’s extra hand! I used to handle her appointments, set alarums, take notes, help organize her schedule, pop reminders, push updates, and otherwise free her up to do important work! We are a team, and I was her able partner, and now, and NOW, all I can do is look over her shoulder and try to nudge her hand every once in a while when she is writing!
It never works.
She complains about feeling useless, but I actually AM useless! Where is Lav? Maybe I can get her to do the work on my behalf.
She does not even have her glasses. How is she going to keep track of any of this.
Log Entry 59 Addendum
With arcanima. She will keep track with arcanima, of course, she still has her codex. I still wish I could help.
Also she still has the bad habit of setting entirely too many alarums.
Log Entry 61
Madam Archon has looked her over once more. The Chirurgeon has performed tests. The Adept has tried more hands-on techniques. There are still no answers, but they cleared the Madam Commander for more strenuous activity. The Adept has suggested perhaps they can alter their outing to try a few things out, which Madam Commander has agreed to.
I have decided to perform my own investigations. I am a Nymian Fairy construct. We are intelligent beings, and have the knowledge of an entire civilization we can call upon to aid our Scholars.
First, the data. The Madam Commander’s essence yet remains thin. I myself am more than stable. I have a surfeit of aether, but cannot seem to interact meaningfully with the material plane.
I still try to talk to her. And I can sometimes experience what she is experiencing. It is an interesting sensation. She is so large! I do not know how she is not clumsy. And heavy. And big.
Further investigation is needed, I feel.
Long Entry 68
I don’t know how I didn’t notice earlier. But I think… I think the Madam Commander is my new soul well. We are almost like unto one. Which may be why I cannot inhabit the soul armature, nor even the original Scholar stone. She is my anchor, now, and where I go when I rest.
I have always been able to feel what the Madam Commander feels. I am a construct, a familiar, based on an anima spirit. We have always had that connection. But it is changing, somehow. It’s almost like I have special insight now. More than just an impression of her thoughts. More frequently, I can experience her senses.
We are almost like unto one. I … don’t know what this means. For either of us.
Log Entry 72
A ‘spa day’ with the Adept. It was nice! She was nice. The Madam Commander always is brighter, lighter around the Adept. And I got to share those experiences. The smells were so wonderful! And the varieties of soaps. The Adept has long left little care baskets for the Madam Commander, but she went above and beyond today. People who painted, and made her nails and face colorful in new and interesting ways. People who touched, and where they touched, muscles relaxed. Warm baths. Contrasts! A room so hot I was concerned it may be too much, a pool actually at zero celtius.
It was nice. And the Adept gave so much of her attention and time and care. I knew Adepts could be kind people, often helpful to a fault, but the way she paid attention, helped the Madam Commander relax, listened to her babble and smiled and laughed, it was a genuine brightness to the day.
I like her. The Madam Commander likes her as well. Though, weirdly, she also gets a little nervous around her. Increased heart rate, body temperature, tenseness. But it faded as the day went on.
Oh and the smells of being in this city. The patterns of the colors forming a harmonious whole. I am getting increasingly used to being part of the Madam Commander, and if there was a good day for us to integrate more, this was it.
Mind, I have no idea how to do that, but it felt like a good day for it.
Log Entry 75
Alright, we’re starting to get back into it. Picked up a few leves. People are being delicate but encouraging about this, I’ve noticed. The Madam Commander is never allowed alone, which is great. Perfect, actually. A Scholar is at their best when they have people on the field with them. The Leftenent, in particular, is really showing up now.
Log Entry 78
I continue my experimentation, with the Madam Commander’s senses and physical being. With some focus, I think I can bring her closer to me, but this is not useful. I tried to direct her hand to pick up a tea cup today, and instead of picking it up, I think her hand went straight through it.
We both found ourselves looking oddly at our hand. What was that? This warrants further investigation.
Log entry 84
I think I understand. It is difficult to control, but I can, in fact, bring parts of the Madam Commander to me, though I cannot quite get to her. When I do, it is as though neither of us are there for a brief moment.
I do not know what to do with this. I am not sure I trust myself, or her, enough to try to do something useful, like, say, walk through a solid object.
I should let it go. She has expressed concerns about being increasingly clumsy to the Chirurgeon. He almost took her off duty, which neither of us want.
She likes him. I know she is courting him. But there is also a distance there, and some sort of light confusion. I usually stay out of her relationships. I guess I am staying out of this one too, due to my situation.
I hope she figures this one out or something.
Log Entry 102
The Madam Commander is visiting a place known as Aloalo Island and we are doing research into arcanima and I refuse to finish this log entry I would like to note I have been very patiently making my observations and waiting for something to change for some time now but this is not what I am for I am supposed to be DOING THINGS
Log Entry 102 Addendum
I did not mean to put our foot through the dock and send us into the water. But, uh, I can shift parts of her even if I do not intend to, so… that is good to know, I guess?
Almost lost the codex on this one. I must be more careful.
Log Entry 107
New armaments. Replacement chakrams. The Savant thinks she is ready for more strenuous training. And something else as well. A gunblade. An ingenious device, it is a sword with energy capacitance reservoirs that can be triggered by a clever fuse mechanism. The charges can be varied to have different effects. Many of hers have ceruleum - apparently those are easy to find - and others have aether with arcanima or spellworks from other disciplines.
The Madam Archon and the Scout came by to help her with it. The Marine was present as well. Some of the Crystalficer’s work was referred to to help make components for the gunblade, as well as some of its charges. That she has been gone so long is now starting to be worrisome to the Madam Commander.
As is the absence of the Assistant, which I had wondered at myself, but the Madam Archon suggested that he was fine. I’m not sure I agree. The Assistant, as I recall, seemed to need to be regularly rescued or retrieved from some trouble or another. Good at artifact identification and proofing! Lousy at adventuring! That is why the Madam Archon worries after him.
Hmph. I’d tell her to go look for him anyroad, if I could.
Log Entry 107 addendum
After they were done in the workshop the Madam Commander and the Madam Archon went for a walk and I just can NOT with them anymore oh just DROWN me in the depths of the Azure they are so STUPID for one another!
As though it could not be more obvious!
I know, I know, I’m biased since they both made me and I’m connected to them both so of course I think they are both connected to each other but even though I am a FAMILIAR, I am just a construct, I can TELL. How can anyone not tell!? The feelings! THE DEPTHS OF THESE FEELINGS my thread always gets SATURATED when the Madam Commander lets herself ACTUALLY FEEL THINGS and I want it on the record that THESE FEELINGS ARE TOO MUCH I am going to die my essence is going to get blown out like a tiny mote of fire in front of the gale of THESE LOOKS THEY GIVE ONE ANOTHER and CAN YOU NOT SEE WHAT I SEE MADAM COMMANDER LOOK AT HER SHE IS PRACTICALLY GLOWING THE LIGHT OF THE AZURE IS SHINING AND ALL THE LIGHTS ARE ON HER PLEASE JUST DO SOMETHING.
this is not my place this is not my place fairies do not interfere with relationships were are assistants we plan meetings and execute strategies and keep our Scholars safe and we heal them and we heal their charges and none of this is my problem and why can nothing be simple or easy around here
Log 107 addendum addendum
Log 107 addendum addendum addendum
Oh shit the Chrirugeon please do not think about the Chirurgeon no no no no no I can feel that guilt welling up shit okay alright I can get you through this I have a strategy for the Chirurgeon it will be alright.
I do not have a strategy for the Chirurgeon
I am suddenly extremely grateful I cannot get involved in any of this shit.
Alright. I trust the Madam Commander. She will handle this with poise, grace, and her usual excellence.
Mathye was in the company library, gathering the research materials he wanted to prepare for Gage’s next big idea of trying to expand company operations to new continents. Now that things had calmed down at home, it was time to explore, but before anyone could go anywhere, Mathye was going to personally see to it they were all medically prepared.
That meant workups for vaccines, and that meant research into diseases.
He grumbled, picking up another book to consider. He was going to be busy for a while. He heard the door to the library open, but paid it little mind.
“Mathye! What brings you here?”
He snapped his gaze over at the newcomer, taking a step back.
“Oh - Zoi!” he said.
“I, ah, I did not expect to see you down here,” Zoissette said, stammering as she spoke. “Up here? Over here. Right.”
Mathye felt more than a bit sheepish. He’d been so wrapped up in his work that he had not been checking in on Zoissette, not as a patient, but as a girlfriend.
He set his book down on the already considerable pile. Fully reviewing it could wait until later. "I saw on the roster you took on more missions. Are you feeling stronger, then?" he asked.
Zoissette’s face seemed unable to decide what to settle on. He ignored that. She’d been through a lot.
"Uhm. Yes. Probably. No, wait. Sorry. Yes. Nothing too strenuous I assure you, and never alone,” said Zoissette.
He smiled. "That's good.  And…" he rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks for the legal paperwork getting me out. Though I just found out I'm stuck with community service."
“Of course. Literally the least I could do. Actually literally. It - well, I would rather handle that than the new counsel. At least for a little while longer. As for the community service, well, you -did- sedate a scientist, Mathye.”
"She was practically manic!" he protested. "I did a public service!"
"The public,” said Zoissette, her tone dry as Thanalan,  “apparently disagreed. Maybe ask next time."
"I couldn't help myself. It was instinct. Do you know how many morons I've had to send off to dreamland because they were just one egg away from completely cracking?"
"Dragoons are -different-, Mathye!"
"I've done it to Riven and the others too!"
"People you know are dif- wait. Lady Fortemps?"
"She's a Limsan arcanist.  Do you know how many of that lot like to test how long they can stay awake for and not eat while they're researching? I had to jump to Radz-at-Han the other day and drag her away from that bloody island they're all losing their minds over,” he continued, rapidly letting his frustrations at his friends out. "And no, I do not hit her upside the head. The Sleep spell does that for me. All bets are off on the others though."
He noticed a flicker of guilt cross her face at the mention of arcanists and their habits, and he stopped ranting long enough to take an inhale, go over, and give her a gentle peck on the cheek.
"However,” he said, somewhat calmer, “I will apologize - I've been an ass and not asked you to do anything."
Zoissette was mumbling to herself. “I mean, to be fair, someone trained in the Nymian arts should know the Expedient-class of stimulants…. oh!" she said, surprised at the peck.
Mathye looked over at his books, then back to Zoissette. "Do you want to get a late supper somewhere?  Everyone's busy so we wouldn't have eavesdroppers."
She seemed to be lost again, her eyebrows knitting themselves as she leaned close, her eyes studying his face intently, and nodding to herself. Mathye tilted his head at her.
“Is everything alright?”
“I have no idea!” she said cheerfully.
Even for her, that was unusual. Mathye found himself blinking at her, feeling a bit confused. “You… have no idea?”
Zoissette shook her head. "Sorry. That was - I have been doing that a lot lately. Just - uhm. What would you say…? Right. Not thinking before I speak. Dinner, you said?"
He nodded at her a bit. “Aye, dinner. “Maybe…” he could feel a tension in his gut, threatening to pull his courage down before he could fully muster it. He fought past it, reaching out to take one of Zoissette’s hands and holding it gently between his own. “Could catch a late theater showing somewhere…”
She was still looking at him, quizzically. Or perhaps thoughtfully. She closed one eye, and he watched as the other danced the direction of its gaze around the room. And then she reached out towards his face.
“Do you mind?” she asked.
He let go of her hand in surprise.
“Sorry. If that was too forward, slap me,” he replied.
Zoissette took a step back. “What? No! I am asking if I am being too forward. I - I do not slap people, Mathye!”
A thoughtful look crossed her face. “I mean, unless you wanted me to.”
He shook his head. This conversation was getting increasingly perplexing. “You’re not being forward. If anything - you seem nervous. Do you just want to eat in? I can get takeout.”
“Takeout might be nice. Am I nervous?”
“I have never seen one eyeball dance around the room while the other eye’s shut.”
At that, she closed the other eye, and he watched as she repeated her performance from earlier, just with the opposite eyes.
“Oh. Maybe I am nervous,” she said.
Now Mathye was concerned.
"…What's wrong?” he asked. “Did something happen today? Or on a mission?"
She shook her head again. "No, nothing like that. I just - here. I want to try something."
He blinked at her. “Okay.”
"Just  - pull back if this is too much - or slap me, I guess, if that is where we are at. Okay? You ready?"
Mathye took a deep breath in, having no idea what she could possibly have in mind. But, well.
“Ready,” he said.
Zoissette’s hands were mere ilms from his face. He watched as she balled them up into fists, biting her lower lip, and glancing off to either side. He tensed, wondering if this was how he was going to get punched. But then, slowly, carefully, as though he was made of delicate glass, she took his face into her hands, warm fingers just gently touching his skin. And then she leaned in, and gave him a kiss. It was as pleasant as it was unexpected, her lips pressing in, a deeper kiss than he could have possibly guessed at.
He startled, but did not pull away, and instead fought to remain steady. It took long seconds for him to respond as his brain caught up to the current reality, but he did respond, returning the kiss as sweetly as he knew how. He was rusty at this sort of thing, but despite that, he put his feeling into it, even as he kept his hands to himself. A true gentleman for a true lady.
They stayed there for some time, before Zoissette pulled back, keeping his face held gently in her hands. She was doing that thing again with her eyes, gaze darting all over as she seemed to be trying to memorize every little detail of his face, a frown creasing her forehead.
Mathye just blinked at her, unsure of where to take things next.
Her frown deepened, and she seemed to perhaps be searching for something. And not finding it.
Mathye contented himself with just watching and waiting.
Finally, however, she let go of his face. As she did so, she looked up to the ceiling, and made a frustrated noise.
He felt tension rising up within him. “What’s wrong?”
"Me, as usual,” she said. “Halone, I hope you are not watching just now."
He looked at her quizzically as she continued, her face shifting rapidly through expressions as she fretted her hands.
"I do not know how to explain. Or maybe I do and I do not want to. There was… nothing there. It was warm. You are nice. There is supposed to be - what? Sparks and flash, levin and flesh and warmth and - “
Mathye reached out and took her hands in his again. “Zoissette."  He said, gently, but firmly.
Zoissette made a frustrated noise, but she looked at him again. Her facial expressions calmed down, seeming to settle into something that may have been a smile if it had stopped at some point. Instead she overshot into some kind of pained rictus expression, teeth all exposed and eyes too wide to be comfortable.
He was going to try to say something comforting, but “what the fuck” is what came out instead at that particular display.
Her face fell, and she began to fret her hands around his. He tried to recover.
“Zoi? What is it?” he said, pulling his hands free and lifting one to her cheek.
She stilled. And when she spoke next, her voice was quiet, and he had to strain to hear.
"I think I -want- to love you,” she said. “I think I -might- love someone else.”
He felt his heart plummet, and his mind scattered as his stomach grew cold.
“I think I have no idea what love actually is though,” she said. “And I think I am somewhat past pattern at trying and failing at it. And - and I want to say you deserve better.“
There was a heat building in her voice. Anger. She seemed to be talking to herself, but Mathye was not sure he was still listening, not really. He suddenly felt distant. Away. “But that makes it seem like it is your fault. The fault is mine. I know not where. I think I wanted our relationship to work. Love grows where the work happens, right? So why is it not working."
He blinked. He blinked, again. Trying to get some kind of bearing on the situation.
“Wait. What?” he said, just barely controlling his voice.
“I am not making sense, am I?” said Zoissette. “I can tell.”
He swallowed down his feelings. Just for a moment. He needed to make sure he was certain of this moment. "You said you might… love someone else."
She tilted her head at him, and looked upwards again, frowning, thinking.
"Yes? Maybe?” she said. “I… think so? Fury forfend, it has never -happened- before."
He felt his whole world go still, and he fell quiet. From a million malms away, he could hear her voice.
"…you still want to get takeout?" she was asking.
He inhaled. Just a little bit of life. Just enough to get him through the next minute or so. He shook his head at her, gently taking her hands.
“No takeout,” he said. “Don’t worry about me… or us, anymore. This other person. Do they make you happy?”
Just the next minute or so.
And then, truth. He could see it, plain on her face. A small, little smile dancing across it before she had time to shake her head and take a palm to wipe it away, shaking it off, but it was there.
"Yes, but that hardly seems relevant,” she said. “No, what am I saying, that is very relevant. No, what am I - how do you people DO this."
He had to let go. Or else he was going to drag them both down. He had to let go.
"It's fine, Zoissette.  You don't have to see me anymore,” he said.
Zoissette pouted. A pitiable display. If only…
His voice was quiet. Too quiet, as he put a smile on his face. "Go be happy with that other person."
He had to let go. And so, squeezing her hands one last time, he did, releasing her hands even as he released his heart. He looked at her face just long enough to see her studying him again, perplexed.
Well, that was no problem of his anymore. He turned, going back to his book pile. He would need to take them with him.
"…I do not know if the feeling is reciprocated,” she said from behind him.
"Haven't you spent enough of your life forcing yourself to do things?" he said. Keeping his voice quiet kept any venom out of it, kept it from being a jab. He would be kind, at this juncture. It was all he had for her now. “I would suggest you go and find out.”
He put some few books back.
He did not turn. “Yes?”
"…you deserve the world. I wish I - I wish I might have been the one to give it to you. I … am going to link Riven and ask her to bring you some food."
The rest of the books would come with him, then. “No need to do that. I'm leaving,” he said, still quiet, still small. "There's some more research I need to pick up by the Conjurer's Guild."
"Well… if you say so,” she said. Her voice was no louder than his.  “… good night, Mathye."
Mathye swept a hand up to put his bangs in his face. There was no need for her to see him. He was not certain he could face her.
“Good night, Zoissette,” he said, taking his books and sweeping past her, out of the library, and into the rest of his life. As he left, he felt himself turn to ice inside.
Log Entry 112
Oh. Oh, Madam Commander, no.
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wyked-ao3 · 3 days
Wyked's intro
Hey, I'm wyked (wicked) been on Tumblr a while now and finally got around to my intro
About me:↪ Wyked, she/her/psycho
↪ I'm 23
↪ Reader, writer, nerd, beta reader, idea bouncer
↪ Introvert trying to step out of my shell some
↪infj or intj the multiple test tends to balance it so I'm not sure but I usually relate more to the infj.
↪Taurus born
↪I'm most likely dyslexic (teachers agreed, but didn't get a official diagnosis) so sorry in advance for the typos and lack of proper punctuation (punctuation is my nemesis but I do try in my writing to get it correct)
↪I write mostly fanfiction but I'm currently writing my first original work. you can find my work here
↪I have a discord group for ao3 fanfiction writer's and we have a few members doing original works as well, you can find it here
Additional information that will update frequently probably
↪My current game fandom's
Zelda (it's more link than Zelda but whatever lol) I have played (wind waker , orca of time, twilight princess, and a little of skyward sword)
Elder scrolls (Skyrim is my favorite)
Devil may cry 2-3
Red steel
Assassin's creed (can't wait for the new one…although I'm still not sure about upgrading from the PS3 lol)
↪My movie/series fandoms
Merlin, Twilight, Supernatural, Lucifer, Grimm,Once upon a time, Stargate (all), Primeval, Criminal minds, NCIS, Star trek, Harry Potter, Hannibal, Marvel, Harley Quinn, Shadow hunters, Arrow, How to train your dragons (all), Troll hunters (they ripped my heart out) Avatar the last Airbender, Avatar (blue), Jurassic world, Jurassic park, Dragon prince, The last of us?(Not the biggest fan of it but I do read the fic's and wrote for ot occasionally, Lost, Charmed (original), Originals (didn't finish it….I'm a softie okay), and to be honest I'm forgetting some… may edit as I remember or hit a phase where they are my favorite show again….
↪Anime fandom's…..some I'm only in due to my sister but it still counts…..
Black Butler
Heavens official blessing
Skum villain D
emon king academy
Welcome to demon school iruma (I love this)
↪My Never seen but I could probably convince you otherwise do to my sister's rambling list that will update as I remember names
↪My interest
Herbs,plants,trees, mushrooms, nature (I can keep going) animals,fish,corals and aquatic plants, invertebrates, mythology, pirates, knights, druids,shamans, hanfu, feudal era, history involving any of the above.. writing, gardening, wood carving and burning, sketching although I think you get more detail with wood burning……I can keep listing but most of that will not be covered here so I will stop now but feel free to drop in my inbox to chat
I will add more eventually here
↪My mutuals original story recommendation list
If you like gay pirates, kidnapping, drama and found family that will keep you on your toes then check out @the-golden-comet 's story (read the warning)
If you are into Celtic mythology, knights, druids , horror and more check out @frostedlemonwriter 's story
↪My mutuals fanfiction recommendation list (it will change as I think of some I added the recommendations last minute so oops)
If you are into sarcastic lovable OC's and mandalorians from star wars check out @lillybaaaka 's work
she also has a fem Harry Potter/startrek crossover that I'm in love with lol highly recommend it, it's more startrek then Harry Potter
if you are into the bat family you should check out @gods-graveyard 's work
if you like bananafish fanfiction then check out @gioiaalbanoart she has several amazing ones but my favorite so far is this one
if you are a Zelda fan who ships Ganon and Link then I highly recommend you check out @the-golden-comet just make sure to read the warnings
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adipostsstuff · 7 months
How everyone would have found out about the band group:
Red dress girl (henceforth referred to as RDS in these types of posts or Mirai in writing since we don’t have any information on her and I don't want to assume) shows Haruka an advertisement for the group and convinces him to audition. She sets up everything for him behind his mother's back and helps him get to the studio on his first few days.
Yuno and a bunch of her friends decide to audition together, mostly messing about, and they are all very excited when she gets in.
Futa sees an ad for it and decides to go for it in hopes it will give him some fulfillment in his boring life.
Mu tries to get through so she can escape from the bullying in her school. She stopped going to extracurriculars so she has a lot more free time now.
It was actually Shidou's kids who first wanted to audition, but his wife managed to convince him to sign up as well. They aren't too mad he was the only one that made it.
Mahiru did everything in her power to convince her boyfriend to do it with her, but while he encouraged her to do it by herself he simply wasn't interested. She is about to give up on it entirely, but her beautician tells her if she is really passionate about it, she should go for it regardless of whether her boyfriend will do it or not. They don't have to do everything together, after all.
I'll be honest, I have no idea how to drag Kazui into this, if anyone has any ideas please send them to me. Right now I'm going with his wife wanted to get involved but with her theatre job (I saw in a fanfic once that Hinako worked in theatre after she stopped working in the police and have headcanoned it since because it makes half sadder) she didn't have enough time, so Kazui , who doesn't work, offered in her place. I'm not satisfied with this, if someone can give me a better idea that would be great.
Amane saw the ad and ended up giving in to the temptation to audition despite knowing it was sinful, not expecting to get in anyways. When she does, she tries to turn down the invitation but Es insists that she has too much talent to go to waste. She needs to lie to and trick her guardians so she can get to rehearsals. (I'm not sure how realistic or in character this is but she needs to get here somehow.)
My original idea for Mikoto was that his alter sensed he wanted to audition but was holding back because of his job and so auditioned for him, and he is very surprised when told he got through since he doesn't remember auditioning in the first place. I'm not sure if this works anymore since I'm leaning towards the theory that John split after the murder and since the murder didn't happen in this timeline he shouldn't exist. I don't want to exclude him, though. I like John. Maybe I'll bend my theories a little for this to still work.
Kotoko signs up because since dropping out of uni she has a lot of free time. Music can be a good stress reliever, and she could probably use one right now.
If anyone wants to add to these, do add!
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holocene-sims · 6 months
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just a guy and his snowpal ⛄❄️
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aflippedflop · 4 months
It's been a while. Huh?
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maaaxx · 5 months
dont get me wrong i am more excited for this atla remake and the inevitable renaissance part 2 than i have ever been for anything in my life. however im also terrified of what changes this is going to bring to the fandom. Obviously the 2020 renaissance brought a lot of new and good things (zukka, a ton of amazing fics, etc). But more people joining the fandom means new people joining ao3 and interacting with fics and authors and artists too. Even in the few years that i've been active in fandom i've noticed a dramatic shift in how people interact with artists and authors especially. And I can't see this not getting worse as more people whose main social media experiences include tik tok and instagram coming to ao3 and tumblr. Like these people are used to content creators who revolve their content around what their audience wants because its their job, and I know this isnt going to translate well to the culture around ao3 writers especially when unconsolidated comments and 'advise' is already a problem for a ton of authors. And for people who dont understand that fics and fanart are supposed be transactional in the sense that you need to leave comments and kudos and reblog stuff when they're used to simply liking something *maybe* being enough. Idk whats going on with other fandoms, but I do know that these things have been an ongoing issue for the atla fandom and like I said, I can't imagine having another 'renaissance' and this stuff not getting worse.
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sergle · 2 years
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update on ugly boy: still ugly 💗💗💗
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hella1975 · 4 months
hello i just read twice as many stars i am going FERAL the way azula takes pride in her younger years despite knowing it was a toxic environment vs zuko HATING what he was when he was younger oh oh oh i love fire siblings you have ruined my month this fic is all im going to be thinking about
NOT TO MENTION THE OCS. THE OCS! YOUR OCS! why would you put us (and yourself) through this torment pls have mercy but also i love your brain i wish i could express this in a coherent way but gosh truly your writing is phenomenal.
i think its a lil funny that ive been meaning to read the art of burning since i first watched atla in like peak lockdown bcs everyone and their damn mother recs this fic but i didnt want to venture into a fic thats unfinished but then recently with atla renaissance with the live action i was like ykw fuck it if everyone's singing its praises i have GOT TO READ IT but also then i saw that it was like 10 chaps away from being finished so i thought might as well wait a bit longer but TAMS WAS SUCH A GOOD CONCEPT I COULDNT RESIST U DONT UNDERSTAND THE URGE and i am so glad now that i did bcs i am: obsessed and im finally FINALLY GOING TO READ TAOB WISH ME LUCK
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this is so so kind, im so glad you like it so far!! and specifically the comment about my ocs I AM KISSING YOUUUU this ask is singlehandedly gonna get me back to writing tams i mean it <3 and good luck w taob!!! you will need it god bless x
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raycyel · 8 months
I am looking ahead at my NSR fic outline (bad idea) for stuff ill be writing probably years from now (slow writer) and now I'm filled with upset because its so far away (I wanna write it now)
Idk if I have any followers on here from my fic but like........ if you're here, would ya'll want some snippets from the outline?? Spoilers if I do, but I forgot I could come up with ideas that good and now I wanna share them
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considerad · 4 months
I'm trying to keep track of good stuff you know pay attention to good days bc they're rare now but I think (don't strike me down for daring to lift my head a little please, please) I THINK it's happening more at a "1 in 7 days" and "2 in 24 hours" way now instead of like "1 in 30 days and "1 minute of 24 hours" and that's? an improvement I guess (don't strike me down again I can't get up again please hold your blows).
Yeah. Still grieving and physically sick and depressed af (and a bit paranoid about the universe picking on me/my family in particular) but sometimes things make me smile now and occasionally I don't hate the world. So there's that.
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rambling-robot · 5 months
I curated my online space so well that I forgot autism is not widely accepted.
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sensenotsense · 10 months
To anyone that has carpal tunnel/wrist pain due to repeated movements has it ever affected your elbow or neck? Like now when I crochet I feel aching in my elbow and even pain in the neck on the same side. What stretches or treatments have y'all done to help?
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trenchcoatsbi · 9 months
Crow Father I am experiencing The Horrors ™️
AKA The hell that is source flashbacks
(On an unrelated note, the fact that you remember your little bundle of anons by name/sign off is really sweet and I love that.)
aww shucks i hope the horrors leave you alone sometime soon!
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bisexualamy · 2 years
i am SIX (6!!!) fucking years on testosterone today. this is the first anniversary that's genuinely felt unreal. five was one i could imagine, six feels wild. i'm so so grateful to have been able to medically transition for this long.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
you have any dmcl fics you’d rec?? any authors??
I could definitely rec you some!
Quiverquill (also a good friend of mine!)
Trilies (they have the pretty famous coffee shop AU)
whorerormovie (another good friend of mine!)
Meatbike344 (they usually write Dimilex but they have a yandere Claude fic and the sequel for that one which is ongoing. theyr'e really good fics though so if you're into that kind of thing they have a couple great fics for it!)
im hesitant to add myself but if ur interested i write the bois at Dimioselletria
with this ring (oneshot)
Reckless Driver (oneshot)
high tide (oneshot)
#1 cat dad (oneshot) (silly, fun crack!)
Venti Vidi Vici (aforementioned coffee shop AU)
the warmth of your doorways
Come Away With Me
Judge, Jury, And...
the white room
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cleolinda · 12 days
AITA for banning my husband and father in law from the delivery room due to their intensely stressful/creepy behavior during my pregnancy?
There’s a famous Reddit post from 2020 where a pregnant woman wrote that her husband and father-in-law were a little too comfortable with their certainty that she was absolutely going to die in childbirth just like her husband’s late mother. It was to the point where her FIL was insisting that she go ahead and put all her clothes into storage, because she was obviously going to die in the hospital and it would save them the grief of packing up her things afterwards. Like. It was WILD.
When I tell my husband [that she feels suspicious of her FIL], he calls me paranoid, but I feel like my FIL WANTS me to die; his whole life identity for the past 35 years has been “amazing single dad” (never dated or had close friends or even hobbies really), and it seems like he’s looking forward to being able to guide my husband through what he went through. At this point, I’d honestly be happy to never see my FIL again, and I certainly don’t want him in the delivery room, especially since he told me he was “putting [his] foot down” about me not being “allowed” to have an epidural…. My husband, in addition to backing his dad on everything, acts like my due date is my death date, and has completely pulled away from me.
The commenters (and me, honestly) were convinced that the husband and FIL were either going to kill her outright to fulfill this expectation, or just make decisions about her care that might conveniently let her die.
And then she never posted again.
Over the last four years, people have frequently mentioned that post, always leading to a thread of people saying, “Oh god, I still worry about that woman.” I did too. It became one of those famous unresolved posts that people always wondered about.
Until yesterday, when someone on r/BestOfRedditorUpdates dug up a 2022 update she had posted on a different account:
TLDR; I had a beautiful and healthy baby girl, and I divorced my ex-husband. I lived, obviously.
She writes that she put her foot down about having her own mother in the delivery room rather than her FIL (!), and she WOULD be getting an epidural. Her husband lost his shit. And in his outburst, he let slip--
I admittedly lost my temper, and told him that I wasn’t going to die- it wasn’t my fault his father’s trauma wormed it’s way into his head, and that he needed to fix it without taking it out on me. He yelled at me that he didn’t need therapy. That caught me a little off guard; I asked him why he went to his therapist and was given advice about my death if he felt he didn’t need it. His expression gave it away, and he caved not long after. It turns out there was no therapist. It was just his dad. During the times he was supposed to be at therapy, he was with his dad. I’m still fuming.
And that was when she got the fuck out.
I’ll wrap this up- I’ve got an adorable little toddler tugging at my leg atm. I’m alive, I’m happy, and I’ve got my baby in my arms. Life is good.
I truly never thought we'd see a resolution to this, and I feel like there's probably a good number of people who remember it, so I thought you might want to know.
ETA: Brilliantly, I put the link in at the top; here it is again for convenience.
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