#urdu to marathi
gwendolynlerman · 9 months
Additional letters
This is a compilation of additional letters in the main scripts of the world.
Arabic script
The basic Arabic abjad has 28 letters: ح ‎ج‎ ث‎ ت‎ ب‎ ا ‎ص‎ ش‎ س‎ ز‎ ر‎ ذ‎ د ‎ق‎ ف‎ غ‎ ع ظ‎ ط‎ ض ‎ي‎ و‎ ه‎ ن‎ م‎ ل‎ ك. Some languages have adapted it by including additional letters:
پ: Arabic, Balochi, Kashmiri, Khowar, Kurdish, Pashto, Persian, Punjabi, Sindhi, Urdu, Uyghur
ٻ: Saraiki, Sindhi
ڀ: Sindhi
ٺ: Sindhi
ٽ: Sindhi
ٿ: Rajasthani, Sindhi
ﭦ: Kashmiri, Punjabi, Urdu
ټ: Pashto
چ: Kashmiri, Kurdish, Pashto, Persian, Punjabi, Urdu
څ: Pashto
ځ: Pashto
ڊ: Saraiki
ډ: Pashto
ڌ: Sindhi
ڈ: Kashmiri, Punjabi, Urdu
ݙ: Saraiki
ڕ: Kurdish
ړ: Ormuri, Torwali
ژ: Kurdish, Pashto, Persian, Punjabi, Urdu, Uyghur
ڑ: Punjabi, Urdu
ږ: Pashto
ݭ: Gawri, Ormuri
ݜ: Shina
ښ: Pashto
ڜ: Moroccan Arabic
ڠ: Malay‎
ڥ‎ ‎‎: Algerian Arabic, Tunisian Arabic
ڤ: Kurdish, Malay
ڨ: Algerian Arabic, Tunisian Arabic‎
ک: Sindhi
ݢ: Malay‎
گ: Pashto, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Mesopotamian Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, Urdu, Uyghur
‎ګ: Pashto
ڱ: Sindhi
ڳ: Saraiki, Sindhi
ڪ: Sindhi
ڬ: Malay
ڭ: Algerian Arabic, Kyrgyz, Moroccan Arabic, Uyghur
ڵ: Kurdish
لؕ ‎: Punjabi
ݪ: Gawri, Marwari
ڽ: Malay
ڻ: Sindhi‎
ݨ‎‎: Punjabi, Saraiki
ڼ‎: Pashto
ۏ: Malay‎
ۋ: Kyrgyz, Uyghur
ۆ: Kurdish, Uyghur
ۇ: Kyrgyz, Uyghur
ۅ: Kyrgyz
ی: Pashto
ې: Pashto, Uyghur
ىٓ: Saraiki
ێ‎: Kurdish
ۍ: Pashto‎
ئ: Pashto, Punjabi, Saraiki, Urdu
ھ: Kurdish, Punjabi, Urdu, Uyghur
ے: Punjabi, Urdu
Cyrillic script
The basic Cyrillic alphabet includes 29 letters: А а Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ж ж З з И и Й й К к Л л М м Н н О о П п Р р С с Т т У у Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ь ь Ю ю Я я. Most languages use additional letters:
Ӕ ӕ: Ossetian
Ä ӓ: Hill Mari, Kildin Sámi
Ӑ ӑ: Chuvash
Ґ ґ: Belarusian, Rusyn, Ukrainian
Ӷ ӷ: Abkhaz
Ѓ ѓ:  Macedonian
Г' г': Kurdish
Гъ гъ: Avar, Ossetian
Гь гь: Avar
Гӏ гӏ: Avar
Ғ ғ: Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Tajik, Uzbek
Дә дә: Abkhaz
Дж дж: Bulgarian, Ossetian
Дз дз: Bulgarian, Ossetian
Ђ ђ: Montenegrin, Serbian
Ѕ ѕ: Macedonian
Ҙ ҙ: Bashkir
Є є: Rusyn, Ukrainian
Ә ә: Abkhaz, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Dungan, Kalmyk, Kurdish, Tatar
Ә' ә': Kurdish
Ё ё: Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Buryat, Chuvash, Dungan, Hill Mari, Khalkha, Kildin Sámi, Komi-Permyak, Kyrgyz, Meadow Mari, Ossetian, Russian, Rusyn, Tajik, Tatar, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Ӗ ӗ: Chuvash
Ӂ ӂ: Moldovan
Җ җ: Dungan, Kalmyk
Жә жә: Abkhaz
З́ з́: Montenegrin
Ӡ ӡ: Abkhaz
Ӡә ӡә: Abkhaz
І і: Avar, Belarusian, Rusyn, Ukrainian
Ї ї: Rusyn, Ukrainian
Ӣ ӣ: Tajik
Ҋ ҋ: Kildin Sámi
Ј ј: Azerbaijani, Kildin Sámi, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Ҝ ҝ: Azerbaijani
Қ қ: Abkhaz, Tajik, Uzbek
Қь қь: Abkhaz
Ҡ ҡ: Bashkir
Ҟ ҟ: Abkhaz
Ҟь ҟь: Abkhaz
Ќ ќ:  Macedonian
К' к': Kurdish
Къ къ: Avar, Ossetian
Кь кь: Abkhaz, Avar
Кӏ кӏ: Avar
Кӏкӏ кӏкӏ: Avar
Кк кк: Avar
Ӆ ӆ: Kildin Sámi
Љ љ: Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Ӎ ӎ: Kildin Sámi
Ӊ ң: Bashkir, Dungan, Kalmyk, Kildin Sámi, Kyrgyz, Tatar
Ҥ ҥ: Meadow Mari
Ӈ ӈ: Kildin Sámi
Њ њ: Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Ө ө: Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Buryat, Kalmyk, Khalkha, Kyrgyz, Tatar
Ö ӧ: Hill Mari, Komi-Permyak, Kurdish, Meadow Mari
Ԥ ԥ: Abkhaz
П' п': Kurdish
Ҧ ҧ: Abkhaz
Пъ пъ: Ossetian
Ҏ ҏ: Kildin Sámi
Р' р': Kurdish
Ҫ ҫ: Bashkir, Chuvash
С́ с́: Montenegrin
Ҭ ҭ: Abkhaz
Ҭә ҭә: Abkhaz
Т' т': Kurdish
Тә тә: Abkhaz
Тъ тъ: Ossetian
Тӏ тӏ: Avar
Ћ ћ: Montenegrin, Serbian
Ӱ ӱ: Hill Mari, Meadow Mari
Ӳ ӳ: Chuvash
Ў ў: Belarusian, Dungan, Uzbek
Ӯ ӯ: Tajik
Ү ү: Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Buryat, Dungan, Kalmyk, Khalkha, Kyrgyz, Tatar
Ҳ ҳ: Abkhaz, Tajik, Uzbek
Хъ хъ: Ossetian
Хь хь: Abkhaz
Хӏ хӏ: Avar
Ҳ ҳ: Abkhaz
Ҳә ҳә: Abkhaz
Һ һ: Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Buryat, Kalmyk, Kildin Sámi, Kurdish, Tatar
Һ' һ': Kurdish
Ҵ ҵ: Abkhaz
Ҵә ҵә: Abkhaz
Цә цә: Abkhaz
Цъ цъ: Ossetian
Цц цц: Avar
Цӏ цӏ: Avar
Цӏцӏ цӏц: Avar
Џ џ: Abkhaz, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Џь џь: Abkhaz
Ҹ ҹ: Azerbaijani
Ҷ ҷ: Azerbaijani, Tajik
Ч' ч': Kurdish
Чъ чъ: Ossetian
Чӏ чӏ: Avar
Чӏчӏ чӏчӏ: Avar
Ҽ ҽ: Abkhaz
Ҿ ҿ: Abkhaz
Шь шь: Abkhaz
Шә шә: Abkhaz
’: Belarusian, Ukrainian
Ъ ъ: Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Chuvash, Dungan, Hill Mari, Khalkha, Komi-Permyak, Meadow Mari, Ossetian, Russian, Rusyn, Tajik, Tatar, Uzbek
Ҍ ҍ: Kildin Sámi
Ы ы: Abkhaz, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Belarusian, Buryat, Chuvash, Dungan, Hill Mari, Khalkha, Kildin Sámi, Komi-Permyak, Kyrgyz, Meadow Mari, Moldovan, Ossetian, Russian, Tatar
Ӹ ӹ: Hill Mari
Ҩ ҩ: Abkhaz
Э э: Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Belarusian, Buryat, Chuvash, Dungan, Hill Mari, Kalmyk, Khalkha, Kildin Sámi, Komi-Permyak, Kyrgyz, Kurdish, Meadow Mari, Moldovan, Ossetian, Russian, Tajik, Tatar, Uzbek
Ӭ ӭ: Kildin Sámi
Ԛ ԛ: Kurdish
Ԝ ԝ: Kurdish
Devanagari script
The basic Devanagari abugida includes 48 letters: अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ए पॅ ऐ ओ औ अं अः ॲं क ख ग घ ङ ह च छ ज झ ञ य श ट ठ ड ढ ण र ष त थ द ध न ल स प फ ब भ म व. But some languages add additional ones:
ॠ: Sanskrit
ऌ: Sanskrit
ॡ: Sanskrit
ॲ: Marathi
ऑ: Marathi
क़: Hindi
ख़: Hindi
ग़: Hindi
ॻ: Saraiki, Sindhi
ज़: Hindi
ॼ: Saraiki, Sindhi
झ़: Hindi
ॾ: Saraiki, Sindhi
फ़: Hindi
ड़: Hindi
ढ़: Hindi
ॿ: Saraiki, Sindhi
ळ: Gharwali, Konkani, Marathi, Rajasthani, Sanskrit
ॸ: Marwari
Geʽez script
The basic Geʽez abugida consists of 217 letters: ሀ ሁ ሂ ሃ ሄ ህ ሆ ለ ሉ ሊ ላ ሌ ል ሎ ሏ ሐ ሑ ሒ ሓ ሔ ሕ ሖ ሗ መ ሙ ሚ ማ ሜ ም ሞ ሟ ፙ ሠ ሡ ሢ ሣ ሤ ሥ ሦ ሧ ረ ሩ ሪ ራ ሬ ር ሮ ሯ ፘ ሰ ሱ ሲ ሳ ሴ ስ ሶ ሸ ሹ ሺ ሻ ሼ ሽ ሾ ሷ ቀ ቁ ቂ ቃ ቄ ቅ ቆ ቋ በ ቡ ቢ ባ ቤ ብ ቦ ቧ ተ ቱ ቲ ታ ቴ ት ቶ ቷ ቸ ቹ ቺ ቻ ቼ ች ቾ ኀ ኁ ኂ ኃ ኄ ኅ ኆ ኋ ነ ኑ ኒ ና ኔ ን ኖ ኗ አ ኡ ኢ ኣ ኤ እ ኦ ኧ ከ ኩ ኪ ካ ኬ ክ ኮ ኳ ወ ዉ ዊ ዋ ዌ ው ዎ ዐ ዑ ዒ ዓ ዔ ዕ ዖ ዘ ዙ ዚ ዛ ዜ ዝ ዞ ዟ የ ዩ ዪ ያ ዬ ይ ዮ ደ ዱ ዲ ዳ ዴ ድ ዶ ዷ ገ ጉ ጊ ጋ ጌ ግ ጎ ጓ ጠ ጡ ጢ ጣ ጤ ጥ ጦ ጧ ጰ ጱ ጲ ጳ ጴ ጵ ጶ ጷ ጸ ጹ ጺ ጻ ጼ ጽ ጾ ጿ ፀ ፁ ፂ ፃ ፄ ፅ ፆ ፈ ፉ ፊ ፋ ፌ ፍ ፎ ፏ ፚ ፐ ፑ ፒ ፓ ፔ ፕ ፖ ፗ. Certain languages use additional letters:
ቈ ቊ ቋ ቌ ቍ: Amharic, Bilen, Tigrinya
ኈ ��� ኋ ኌ ኍ: Amharic, Bilen
ኰ ኲ ኳ ኴ ኵ: Amharic, Bilen, Tigrinya
ጐ ጒ ጓ ጔ ጕ: Amharic, Bilen, Tigrinya
ቐ ቑ ቒ ቓ ቔ ቕ ቖ: Amharic, Bilen, Harari, Tigre, Tigrinya
ቘ ቚ ቛ ቜ ቝ: Tigrinya
ቨ ቩ ቪ ቫ ቬ ቭ ቮ: Amharic, Bilen, Harari, Tigrinya
ⶓ ⶔ ጟ ⶕ ⶖ: Bilen
ኘ ኙ ኚ ኛ ኜ ኝ ኞ: Amharic, Bilen, Harari, Tigrinya
ኸ ኹ ኺ ኻ ኼ ኽ ኾ: Amharic, Harari, Tigrinya
ዀ ዂ ዃ ዄ ዅ: Amharic, Bilen, Tigrinya
ዠ ዡ ዢ ዣ ዤ ዥ ዦ: Amharic, Bilen, Tigre, Tigrinya
ጀ ጁ ጂ ጃ ጄ ጅ ጆ: Amharic, Bilen, Harari, Tigrinya
ጘ ጙ ጚ ጛ ጜ ጝ ጞ: Bilen, Tigre
ጨ ጩ ጪ ጫ ጬ ጭ ጮ: Amharic, Bilen, Harari, Tigrinya
Hebrew script
The basic Hebrew abjad has 22 letters: א‎ ב‎ ג‎ ד‎ ה‎ ו‎ ז‎ ח‎ ט‎ י‎ ך/כ ‎ל‎ ם/מ‎ ן/נ‎ ס‎ ע‎ ף/פ‎ ץ/צ‎ ק‎ ר‎ ש‎ ת. Yiddish adds two more:
וו וי יי: Yiddish‎
בֿ: Yiddish
Latin script
The basic Latin alphabet consists of 26 letters: A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z. Many languages add special characters:
Countries between parentheses are added to distinguish between different languages that have the same name.
Æ æ: Danish, English, Faroese, Icelandic, Kawésqar, Lule Sámi, Norwegian, Southern Sámi, Yaghan
Ɑ ɑ (Latin alpha): Duka, Fe’fe’, Mbembe, Mbo, Tigon
Ð ð (eth): Anii, Elfdalian, Faroese, Icelandic
Ǝ ǝ (turned E): Anii, Bangolan, Bissa, Bura, Kanuri, Kposo, Lama, Lukpa, Ngizim, Tamahaq, Tamasheq, Turka, Yom
Ə ə (schwa): Awing, Bafut, Bulu, Daba, Dazaga, Dii, Ewondo, Fe’fe’, Gude, Kamwe, Kasena, Kemezung, Kpelle, Lyélé, Mada, Makaa, Manengumba, Mfumte, Mofu-Gudur, Mundang, Mundani, Ngas, Nso, Nuni, Parkwa, Tarok, Teda, Temne, Vengo, Vute, Yom, Zulgo-Gemzek
Ɛ ɛ (Latin epsilon): Abidji, Adele, Adjukru, Aghem, Ahanta, Ait Seghrouchen, Ait Warain, Aja (Benin), Akan, Anii, Anyin, Ayizo, Bafia, Bafut, Baka (Cameroon), Bambara, Baoulé, Bariba, Basa (Cameroon), Beni Snous, Bhele, Bissa, Boko, Busa (Nigeria), Central Atlas Tamazight, Cerma, Chakosi, Dagaare, Dan, Dangme, Dendi, Dii, Dinka, Djerbi, Duala, Dyula, Ewe, Ewondo, Ghomara, Iznasen, Kabyle, Kako, Kemezung, Kenyang, Kposo, Kyode, Lika, Lingala, Lupka, Maasai, Mandi (Cameroon), Manenguba, Mangbetu, Matmata, Mbelime, Medumba, Mzab-Wargla, Nawdm, Ngiemboon, Ngomba, Noni, Nuer, Sanhaja de Srair, Shawiya, Shenwa, Shilha, Tarifit, Tem, Tigon, Turka, Yoruba, Zuwara
Ɣ ɣ (Latin gamma): Air Tamajaq, Dagbani, Dinka, Ewe, Kabiye, Kabyle, Kpelle, Kposo, Lukpa, Tamahaq, Tamasheq, Tawellemet, Wakhi
ɤ (ram’s horn/baby gamma): Dan, Goo
I ı (Dotless): Crimean Tatar, Gagauz, Kazakh, Turkish
Ɪ ɪ (small capital): Kulango, Lomakka
Ɩ ɩ (iota): Bissa, Kabiye
Kʼ ĸ (kra): Inuttitut
Ł ł (L with stroke): Gwich’in, Iñupiaq, Kashubian, Navajo, Polish, Silesian, Sorbian, Venetian
Ŋ ŋ (eng): Aghem, Iñupiaq, Kemezung, Lukpa, Mandi (Cameroon), Medumba, Mundani, Nawdm, Ngiemboon, Ngomba, Noni, Northern Sámi, Nuer, Skolt Sámi, Tem, Tigon, Wuzlam
Ɔ ɔ (open O): Aghem, Akan, Bafia, Baka, Bambara, Baoulé, Bariba, Bassa, Boko, Dii, Dinka, Duala, Dyula, Ewe, Ewondo, Kako, Kemezung, Kposo, Lika, Lingala, Maasai, Mandi (Cameroon), Manenguba, Mangbetu, Mbelime, Medumba, Mundani, Nawdm, Ngiemboon, Ngomba, Nuer, Tem, Tigon, Turka, Yoruba
Œ œ: French, Lombard
Ʀ ʀ (small capital R): Alutiiq
ẞ ß (Eszett): German
Þ þ (thorn): Icelandic
Ɥ ɥ (turned H): Dan
Ʊ ʊ (upsilon): Anii, Anyin, Foodo, Lukpa, Tem, Yom
Ʌ ʌ (turned V): Dan, Ch’ol, Oneida, Temne, Tepehuán, Wounaan 
Ʒ ʒ (ezh): Aja, Dagbani, Laz, Skolt Sámi
Ɂ ɂ (glottal stop): Chipewyan, Ditidaht, Dogrib, Halkomelem, Kutenai, Lushootseed, Nuu-chah-nulth, Slavey, Thompson
Ꞌ ꞌ (saltillo): Central Sama, Mexicanero, Mi'kmaq, Nahuatl, Nawat, Rapa Nui, Tlapane
Tibetan script
The basic Tibetan abugida is formed by 34 letters: ཀ ཁ ག ང ཅ ཆ ཇ ཉ ཏ ཐ ད ན པ ཕ བ མ ཙ ཚ ཛ ཝ ཞ ཟ འ ཡ ར ལ ཤ ས ཧ ཨ ཨི ཨུ ཨེ ཨོ. Balti uses four additional characters:
ཫ: Balti
ཬ: Balti
ཁ༹: Balti
ག༹: Balti
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hellooo with your permission, i am coming back to bother you with the Indian James headcanons 🙏
assuming they're from Maharashtra and they speak Marathi (and Hindi? i'm assuming most families know more than just one language) at home, what would he call his parents? and what would they call him and each other? I've heard "jaan" a lot but I'm not sure how accurate that is and whether that works for Marathi too. are there any other endearment terms they could use? like love, sunshine, darling etc in English.
also i've been wondering if there's any exclamations/expressions etc that can be used within English speech without making it sound unnatural. like in Arabic we say "basmala/mashallah" for good luck or "inshallah" when we hope that something happens etc and it's integrated in English speech very naturally. wondering if there's anything of that sort?
Okay imma go step by step here. In India, especially where I live (Maharashtra yay hehe) it's pretty normal to know like three or more languages. I myself— plus my family— speak Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati and Marwadi, and even though we can't speak them we understand Punjabi and Bengali. So you assume correctly that they speak more than one language at home. Especially my family, where we know a bunch of non Indian languages as well, for business purposes.
Assuming James is Maratha, he would call his mother Aai (pronounced Aa-ee) and his father Baba (Mum and Dad). I have this headcanon that when he wants to annoy them he calls them Matoshree and Pitashree lmao (formal terms for Mother and Father in Hindi/Sanskrit).
"Jaan" means "life", and it's pretty accurate even if it's Urdu tbh, a lot of parents call their kids stuff like jaan, hayat (which you already know the meaning of), laadli (darling in Hindi), maajha baal (my baby- Marathi). If you wanted nicknames in Marathi you'll be good to go with bubdi (bubba), laadkaa or laadki (darling in masc and fem), or sonpari (golden fairy, usually for girls) and Sonu (dear, used for children).
Exclamation sounds can be "arey!" (uh-ray) which is "hey!" and "aai ga!" (aa-ee guh) which is like "oh mother!". They're just one word each, but they can be used in like 50 different situations lmao. Arey can be used for calling someone's attention ("arey come here a second will you?"), to express frustration with someone ("areyyy, why are you like this?"), exasperation ("arey yaar!" yaar is slang for friend) and a bajillion other stuff. Aai ga is used as an exclamation mark for when you're surprised, or got hurt, and in place of "oh God!". We don't have specific phrases that mean good luck or inshallah, but Urdu still uses both mashallah and inshallah so you'll be okay i think. But James probably wouldn't use them bc he's not a Muslim yk, and Hindu people usually use the name of the god they're praying on on swearing on, so there's that. We say stuff like "hay bhagwan" ("oh, Vishnu". Bhagwan is one of the innumerable names of the Lord Vishnu). Or "har har Mahadev" ("glory be to Lord Shiva". Maha-dev literally translates to Great God, but it is one of the well known names of the God of Destruction). We do use "arey deva" (oh god) as well. "Jai shree Ram"(hail to the Lord Ram) or "jai shree krishna" or "jai shree ganpati" (ganpati is what most marathi people call Lord Ganesha) is used when we're beginning something and we want to make the start auspicious. The phrases are kind of used as "may this go well and end well" ykwim? This is hard to explain I hope you get what i wanna say lol.
Anyways, this is it, I hope this helps, and you can ask me anything and i will answer. Not always so quickly but I will. Have a good day!
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mischeifblogger · 2 years
إذا كتب الله وجود شيء في مصيرك ، فإنه يرزقك أولاً بالعلم ، ثم يرزقك بالحكمة ، ثم يمنحك القدرة على العمل به.
اگر اللہ کسی چیز کا وجود آپ کی قسمت میں لکھ دیتا ہے تو پہلے وہ آپ کو علم سے نوازتا ہے، پھر آپ کو حکمت سے نوازتا ہے اور پھر آپ کو اس پر عمل کرنے کی توفیق عطا کرتا ہے۔
اگر خداوند وجود چیزی را در سرنوشت شما بنویسد، ابتدا به شما علم می بخشد، سپس به شما حکمت می بخشد و سپس به شما توانایی عمل به آن را می دهد.
If Allah inscribes the existence of something in your fate, first He blesses you with knowledge, then He blesses you with wisdom and then He blesses you with consistency to do it.
यदि अल्लाह आपके भाग्य में किसी चीज़ का अस्तित्व लिखता है, तो पहले वह आपको ज्ञान का आशीर्वाद देता है, फिर वह आपको ज्ञान का आशीर्वाद देता है और फिर वह आपको उस पर कार्य करने की क्षमता प्रदान करता है।
जर अल्लाहने तुमच्या नशिबात एखाद्या गोष्टीचे अस्तित्व लिहिले असेल, तर प्रथम तो तुम्हाला ज्ञानाचा आशीर्वाद देतो, नंतर तो तुम्हाला बुद्धी देतो आणि नंतर तो तुम्हाला त्यावर कार्य करण्याची क्षमता देतो.
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jyotishyaa · 4 months
Free Kundli Matching, Kundali Milan Report | Horoscope Matching| jyotishyaa
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Take some time to reflect on the specific questions or concerns you would like to discuss with the astrologer. Clarify your thoughts and note down any important details or events that you would like them to consider.
2. Provide Accurate Birth Details
Astrologers require accurate birth details, including the date, time, and place of birth, to create your birth chart and make accurate predictions. Ensure that you have this information readily available before the chat session.
3. Be Open and Receptive
Approach the chat session with an open mind and a willingness to receive guidance and insights. Be receptive to the astrologer's interpretations and suggestions, even if they may challenge your existing beliefs or expectations.
4. Take Notes
During the chat session, take notes of the astrologer's insights, predictions, and any remedies or suggestions they provide. These notes will serve as a valuable reference and reminder of the guidance received.
5. Follow-Up or Book a Consultation
If the chat session leaves you with unanswered questions or the desire for a more in-depth consultation, discuss the possibility of a follow-up chat session or book a consultation with the astrologer. This will allow you to explore your situation further and gain additional insights.
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wishopenastar · 2 years
Trying to read a language I can't understand because it looks like a language I do understand
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bloginspiringilango · 2 years
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dogboyrevenge · 2 years
I have successfully reignited my love for Bollywood music and am happily frolicking down memory lane
I think I'll make a playlist of all my favourite Bollywood songs and once it reaches 100 songs I'll share it here
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kkginfo · 2 years
IND Vs WI: ODI with West Indies.. Rare feats before Kapbar.. Chance to surpass Kohli | KKG INFO
IND Vs WI: ODI with West Indies.. Rare feats before Kapbar.. Chance to surpass Kohli | KKG INFO
India VS West Indies 1st ODI: After beating England on home soil, India is ready for another battle. As part of the West Indies tour, the ODI series against the hosts begins today in Trinidad. Captain Rohit, Virat Kohli, Rishabh Pant, Hardik Pandya, Bumrah.. India VS West Indies 1st ODI: After beating England on home soil, India is ready for another battle. As part of the West Indies tour, the…
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khwxbeeda · 6 months
Indian Dark Academia: Pune
(all of these are my experiences since moving to the city at the end of July this year)
The Peth areas are convoluted, haphazardly arranged and teeming with life. You walk through a lane crammed with stalls of fake jewellery, and you want to buy every pair of jhumka and bugdi you can see. You raise your phone and take a close up, deciding that you're gonna post it. (You never do. That picture feels personal, somehow, in a way you cannot explain.)
There is a plaza in Good Luck Chowk on FC road whose basement has a somewhat hidden bookshop. The books there are both fresh and second hand. You make your way to the second-hand shelves and breathe in deeply, savouring the smell of old books and yellowing paper. You want to buy all of them, but you take home the worn copy of a collection of Marathi stories. The old man at the counter gives you a bookmark and tells you to be back with a wide smile and crinkling eyes. (You go back within the week.)
You stand under the dubious protection of a patryacha chhat, cold fingers wrapped around a mud tumbler full of steaming aalyacha chaha. The rain does not look like it will stop anytime soon, but you're not worried. Your best friend is standing next to you with her own tumbler, and both of you are giggling at a story she tells you about her own college— she lives in Mumbai and is visiting for a day, just to spend time with you because she missed you. You silently hope the rain does not stop for a while yet; you're having too much fun.
The sun is high in the sky, but it hides behind rain clouds. You take a step, the soles of your sports shoes scraping over the uneven rock of the tekdi that you decided to explore on an impulse. You're alone, with only the trees and the dog that randomly decided to follow you up the hill in sight. Invisible birds chirp and sing, and you slide your phone out of your pocket to take a photo of the unbeaten path. A little part of you fears getting lost in an unknown place. The bigger, more curious part of you wants to know why the wind sounds so melodious when it slips between the leaves of the trees. You'll post the photo, you think, once you're home.
The college is quiet. It's seven in the morning, and you're already on campus, and have climbed up the walls of the main building to reach that unreachable part of the roof. Except it isn't as unreachable as you thought it to be— the walls are engraved with little messages from the students who came here before you, and you brush your fingers over the letters with a secret smirk. Someone had enough love in their heart to carve a short Urdu love poem for their partner. You search up the words on Google, but the results are inconclusive. An original piece, then. Shame, you think. That is beautiful wordplay. You take a photo, then go back to your book. Class starts at half past seven, and you want to finish at least this chapter.
The library is packed with people, but all of them are silent. It's eerie, but you've been living in libraries for as long as you can remember, and you're perfectly at home in this silence. It feels like being in a temple— there is a awed, almost devotional hush in the air, and you fear that you will breathe too loud. You slip between two darkwood shelves, and brush your fingers over the spine of an old hardbound collection of the works of Pu La Deshpande that looks like it will fall apart any second. You've read this one before, but you check it out anyway.
The exam is tomorrow, but you're sitting in the light of three diyas and feverishly flicking your eyes over the pages of your tattered copy of the Hindi translation of Chokher Bali. This is the eleventh time you're reading the book, but you're still obsessed with it for reasons unknown. Pariksha gayi bhaad mein, you think, and flip the page. The next day, you turn up at the exam hall with bags under your eyes, a completed book, and not a second of studying. You walk out with a score of 19 out of 20, and promptly fall asleep under the shade in the bamboo garden with your head on a friend's lap.
Tag list: @musaafir-hun-yaaron @hum-suffer @patriphagy @orgasming-caterpillar @mad-who-ra @kanha-sakhi @yehsahihai @h0bg0blin-meat
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deadvnstudios · 2 months
What languages do the characters speak? Are there any they want to or currently learning?
Noel: English, French, and Mandarin
Mona: English, Italian, and Greek
Sorin: English and Vietnamese
Mary: English and Spanish
Tempest: AMERICANNNNNN 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🦅 🦅 🦅 🍔🍔
Vein: English and Tagalog
Side Cast
[CARSON]: English, Somali, Italian, and French
Charlie: Finnish and English
Khana: Hindi, Urdu, English, Marathi, Mandarin, and French
Drew: English, Swiss German, and reads Latin and French
Maraeve: Spanish, English, and reads Latin
Note: From most proficient to least, proficiencies vary
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Hey I absolutely adore your Indian James headcanons can you do some for Harry too please <33
Okay this got too long so it's only Harry's first year at Hogwarts. At some point I might do the rest of his years but yeah. Here you go, i hope you like it :)
The first time Harry noticed his skin was darker than the people on Privet Drive was when he was four. The first time he noticed people sneered at him for it was when he was five and a half. He didn't understand it; why did they think the colour of his skin meant that he was inferior to them? He heard the words chee-chee and brownie thrown around like Dudley threw his food, and quietly pulled his shirt tighter around himself.
When Harry is eight, Dudley and his gang throw him in a ditch and throw dirt and soil on him till he's coughing and tears are running down his face. "You blend right into the mud," Piers laughs at him. The next day, the boy turns up to school with black skin. Harry sits in the corner and turns his face away, a secret grin playing on his lips.
He comes to Hogwarts, and there are so many colours. He is approached by Parvati on the second night, and she asks him if he's excited for Ganpati Chaturthi. He stares at her, and then says, "I'm sorry, but I don't know what that is." She gets offended, but they haltingly talk it out, awkward and stilted like most eleven year olds. When she realises that he's been kept from his heritage and his magic, she flies off the rails with anger. "That's it," she says, "we're friends now. No arguments."
Harry loves talking to Parvati. She's the one that tells him his father was from India. She's the one that tells him the names of his grandparents, that tells him of the importance of heritage in the magical world. They talk about religion and food and all sorts of things, and within two weeks Harry is asking her to teach him Marathi. It's hard at first; the grammar structure is more like French than English, the alphabet sequence is weird and complicated and has too many letters, but he keeps practising his svar and vyanjana and kana and matra. He will do this, he tells himself. (He doesn't tell Ron. He wants this for himself, he thinks. His family, his heritage. He wants to learn before he shares, and so he doesn't tell Ron. For now. He will, when he knows enough.)
Slowly, he starts talking to other Indian kids at Hogwarts. Padma, a seventh year Slytherin named Aarzoo who's Muslim and always has the prettiest hijabs, Gryffindor Kalyani from fourth year and Hufflepuff Rushabh from the third. Kalyani is from Maharashtra just like the Patil twins and Harry, Rushabh is from Gujarat and Aarzoo from Punjab. Harry finds it fascinating that India has so many different cultures and religions, and demands knowledge from them. Aarzoo laughs, and tells him he should have been with the 'Claws.
Harry disagrees. He was supposed to be in Slytherin, he knows, but he is in Gryffindor, where his family had been. His family had been Indian. He wants to know everything about it. If he couldn't have his parents, he would have that which had been a major part of his father's life. And so he reads and observes and studies and asks questions— hesitating at first in case they yell at him (Aunt Petunia hated questions and he feared these people would be the same), but slowly he asks more and more. He talks for hours with Kalyani and Rushabh, and they tell him about Garba and Dhol Tasha, Ganpati Chaturthi and Diwali, Eid and Gudi Padwa. They talk about the languages of India, and Harry immediately asks Aarzoo to teach him Urdu and Hindi. She laughs, and says he should focus on Marathi first. He pouts, but nods.
The Mirror of Erised shows him his father, and he can't take his eyes off. James Potter is a tall man, bulky frame covered in muscles and warm brown skin that seems to glow with happiness. His eyes are light brown, and the bold black lines drawn under them make the green specks stand out. He's dressed in what Harry knows is called a kurta, white and gold threads woven to form images of peacocks and elephants and other intricate designs. The next day, Harry asks Padma what she lines her eyes with, and she promptly hands him a little round metal box and a tiny wooden stick. "It's called kajal." She tells him the differences in pronunciation between Hindi and Marathi, and shows him how to apply it. Harry wears it everyday. It makes his eyes look bright, brighter than they already are, and he falls in love with it. Kalyani presses a kajal covered finger behind his ear every morning. "For good luck," she tells him, a grin playing on her pretty lips. Harry flushes, and smiles back shyly.
For Christmas, Aarzoo gives him perfume. It's chandan and mogra with hints of rose, she says, "and your grandfather made it. His name was Fleamont Henry Potter, and he was an exceptionally talented potioneer." Harry wears it religiously. Padma and Parvati band together and get him books on the Potter family and their historical importance, and he almost cries. Rushabh promises to teach him how to play Garba, and Kalyani gives him a cookbook for everyday Indian foods— breakfast and lunch and a few fancy stuff. Harry hugs it to his chest and thanks her with shining eyes. (he may have a bit of a crush on her. He can't help it— she's really smart, and she's pretty.)
Throughout the year, all of them work to introduce him to Indian food. At first, he thinks it will be easy. It is not. There is no such cuisine named Indian, Parvati tells him sternly. There is Punjabi, South Indian, Mughlai, Maharashtrian, North Indian, Bihari, Bengali and so many more. "The food in India changes with every twenty kilometres of travel," Aarzoo says when he mock complains about it. "It's never the same, and that's what makes it so special." He agrees.
The end of the year arrives, and Harry is still weak from his tryst down the trapdoor. When Ron and Hermione aren't present, his friends from home (because that's what India is, isn't it? His home. The home he never got to see, but is no less a part of him.) crowd around his hospital bed and have long talks with him, filled with banter and laughter. His Marathi is so much better now than it was in September, and he blushes when Kalyani compliments him on it. Rushabh winks at him, and Harry throws a pillow at him, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks at being caught out.
On the last day of school, he hugs Aarzoo around the waist and cries into her stomach. It's the first time he calls her "Aarzoo Tai", and she smiles widely, her own eyes dripping tears. "You will write," she says sternly, "okay? This might be the end of my Hogwarts years, but you are my little brother." He cries harder and nods, refuses to let go until the very last minute.
Harry goes back to Privet Drive with a heavy heart and a proud smile. He isn't inferior to the people there, he knows. He's special. He's Indian. He's James Potter's son, and he's going to live up to it.
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somerabbitholes · 2 months
I always come for book recs but this time I'm here for sogs/artists recs. Do you or any of your followers have any hindi/Urdu/any regional language non-bollywood song recs? My playlists are lacking!
hi! here's what i have, and i hope everyone adds onto the list. i would also love more music!
just a bunch of gazals
marathi music
vaguely classical maharashtrian stuff
music in a bunch of languages other than english
hindustani classical (instrumental)
kumar gandharva
this is called home, which is just some old music that's almost always playing at my home
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survivetoread · 11 months
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molkolsdal · 2 months
kar: Tamil
kariya: Tulu
karu: Telugu
karuppu: Malayalam
kari: Brahui, Telugu, Gondi,
kolu: Kashmiri
kala: Hindi/Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi
kalo: Romani, Bengali, Nepali, Konkani
kola: Assamese, Odia
kalu: Dhivehi, Sinhalese
kaola: Bengali
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toasttt11 · 4 months
maleah barzal
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Malakai Elise Barzal
Career: Business Owner
Height: 5”6
Hometown: Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Harvard University
Accepted in 2015 when she 16.
She got her Major Degree in Business Administration and her Minor in Fashion.
Received the Lucy Allen Paton Award in Humanities.
Received the Detur Book Prize.
Received the Louise Donovan Award.
Received the Artist Albert Alcalay Prize.
Received the Richard Glover Ames and Henry Russell Ames Award.
Received the Helen Choate Bell Prize.
Received the Carl Schurz Prize.
Received the Joseph Barrett Award.
Received the Harvard College Women’s Leadership Award.
Received the Sophia De Mello Breyner Andersen Prize
Received the Jeremy Belknap Prize.
Graduated the top of her class of 2020.
Languages she can speak
Swish German
Ancient Greek
She first sold a pieces of clothes when she was young at little set up shops, when she 15 she started her online business and started to sell clothes more often and had her first warehouse, she had pop up shops and eventually got her first real shop and it blew up even bigger and it she quickly needed more locations. Within in a few years she had hundreds of locations and skyline in New York City. By the time she was barely 19 she was already proffering millions of dollars. By 2021 she had one of the biggest companies in the whole world.
Her business name has always been τόλμη which means darling in Greek.
Born July 31, 1999
Daughter of Mike and Nadia
Has two siblings Matthew and Liana
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metamatar · 6 months
/r/ is usually flapped or trilled.[30] In intervocalic position, it may have a single contact and be described as a flap [ɾ],[31] but it may also be a clear trill, especially in word-initial and syllable-final positions, and geminate /rː/ is always a trill in Arabic and Persian loanwords, e.g. zarā [zəɾaː] (ज़रा – ذرا 'little') versus well-trilled zarrā [zəraː] (ज़र्रा – ذرّہ 'particle'). [...]
Loanwords from Persian (including some words which Persian itself borrowed from Arabic or Turkish) introduced six consonants, /f, z, ʒ, q, x, ɣ/. Being Persian in origin, these are seen as a defining feature of Urdu, although these sounds officially exist in Hindi and modified Devanagari characters are available to represent them.[35][36] Among these, /f, z/, also found in English and Portuguese loanwords, are now considered well-established in Hindi; indeed, /f/ appears to be encroaching upon and replacing /pʰ/ even in native (non-Persian, non-English, non-Portuguese) Hindi words as well as many other Indian languages such as Bengali, Gujarati and Marathi, as happened in Greek with phi.[21] This /pʰ/ to /f/ shift also occasionally occurs in Urdu.[37] While [z] is a foreign sound, it is also natively found as an allophone of /s/ beside voiced consonants.
The other three Persian loans, /q, x, ɣ/, are still considered to fall under the domain of Urdu, and are also used by some Hindi speakers; however, other Hindi speakers may assimilate these sounds to /k, kʰ, g/ respectively.[25][35][38] The sibilant /ʃ/ is found in loanwords from all sources (Arabic, English, Portuguese, Persian, Sanskrit) and is well-established.[10] Some Hindi speakers (especially those from rural areas) pronounce the /f, z, ʃ/ sounds as /pʰ, dʒ, s/), though these same speakers, having a Sanskritic education, may hyperformally uphold /ɳ/ and [ʂ].[39][24] In contrast, for native speakers of Urdu, the maintenance of /f, z, ʃ/ is not commensurate with education and sophistication, but is characteristic of all social levels.[38] The sibilant /ʒ/ is very rare and is found in loanwords from Persian, Portuguese, and English and is considered to fall under the domain of Urdu and although it is officially present in Hindi, many speakers of Hindi assimilate it to /z/ or /dʒ/.[27][24]
Being the main sources from which Hindustani draws its higher, learned terms– English, Sanskrit, Arabic, and to a lesser extent Persian provide loanwords with a rich array of consonant clusters. The introduction of these clusters into the language contravenes a historical tendency within its native core vocabulary to eliminate clusters through processes such as cluster reduction and epenthesis.
what fascinates me about linguistics is that i have known all of this, intuitively, i know which sounds are urdu sounds, which are the upper and lower registers in hindi, i have also heard the complaints of elders about the loss of the proper /ph/ and i have never ever systematised this knowledge but continue retain it through sheer practice.
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