#us specific statistics
chronicallycouchbound · 9 months
Almost twice as many people died from COVID-19 in 2021 than all unintentional accidents. COVID-19 is the third leading cause of death. COVID rates are on the rise.
The least you can do is wear a mask.
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pastadoughie · 2 months
helo creechers
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cryptidjeepers · 7 days
lot of homophobes using june as men's mental health month as a gotcha at pride and i just gotta say. those fuckers never gave a shit about mens mental health. this past week, i have not seen a single post from these men about mental health from the so-called mental health advocates. its only used as a strawman's argument about pride overshadowing men's mental health. (also its not hard to see that they mean straight, cis men's mental health)
conservatives are obsessed with men and boys not seeking help with mental health issues or even expressing emotion. if they do theyll be called gay, a pansy, weak, etc. its so transparent to me how often conservatives will co-op certain things to weaponize against things they hate. you know who does care about men's mental health? the gay and trans men that have been on the other side of vitrolic attacks by former friends, family members, and politicians for their entire lives. If there is a group of people that understand the importance of mental health, it is transgender men. pride and mental health are not inserparable. fuck off with that.
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thehealingsystem · 4 months
now im......not jewish, and not well educated on this subject so im not sure about how to talk about it myself, but this has been picking at my mind so......can anyone tell me if this is antisemitic or not?
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oh and let me just say, the original anon this person is responding to didn't mention america or living in america AT ALL. the conversation was suddenly changed to be about the us, which is the center of the world obviously (/sar), with this additional comment
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im not informed enough to combat this, though this post did NOT give me a good feeling while reading it
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universalsatan · 1 month
Hey bestie, no need to answer this, but I saw u reblogged something from roach - works, and I just wanna let u know that she's a major terf
oh!!! thank you for this fr. i'm answering this bc i just wanna say that i don't have shinigami eyes and i'm on mobile most of the time, so these pointers are much appreciated <33
#preemptive soury for the rant. guess my meds finally kicked tf in. and im at my computer so keyboard access vvv#caveat i WILL say that i have a sideblog that specifically reblogs terf-specific rhetoric but it is an archival blog for research purposes#archival bc in the past i've been looking at blogs that end up being deactivated or change to a name i dont know#and research bc i've been interested in understanding the sociology/psychology behind it for a while and how other bases of discrimination#(eg acephobia and anti-pornography) tie into their sets of beliefs. as well as having the privilege of a strong foundational academic#background in these topics that i am perfectly capable of disputing each argument point if need be#this also provides me with a set of dogwhistles that may not be as obvious to the larger tumblr population (eg i have a strong suspicion#that 'natal female' is a dogwhistle in the context of academia. yes this comes from reading actually published articles. if that sounds#familiar to anyone. yes this is heavily rooted in that one that tries to propose 'rapid onset' gender dysphoria but used an insanely biased#sampling population for their statistics. which was the basis of the entire paper. i want to ask how some of this shit even gets published.#but then like. there's the AI rat penis so. anyways)#saying this bc i occasionally DO have anxiety that i will accidentally reblog something to the wrong blog. and it's moreso the concern of#not wanting to spread misinformation and bigotry without a critical deconstruction behind its rationale.#that sideblog is there and tucked away for storage purposes only. please let me know if ive accidentally reblogged smth to this blog#ask#Anonymous#edit damn wtf. i dont even follow them whhh. tumblr's GOTTA stop just. randomly putting shit on my dash. god
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thedisablednaturalist · 3 months
Anyone good at data analysis pls give me tips on how to explain the process for an interview bc literally I black out for 6 hours and when I come to the analysis is done and I don't remember how I did anything. This is not something interviewers want to hear.
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
maybe i SHOULD just try to get a different job that would be better suited to me
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arolesbianism · 4 months
Ok no one asked but I've been tempted to make Jackie and Olivia stalien designs since I've been working on some new icons for the eternal gales stalien kiddos and it's been making me also think abt how disastrous it would be if they were in the same stalien society that the main cast are from because dear god would they either die instantly or make things so much worse. Even if they did get lucky enough to be able to be remotely near a position to found a stalien version of gravitas, no way in hell they'd be able to get far enough to even begin their own morally corrupt downfall before one of the other big companies forcibly assimilated gravitas into their own corporations and do the same shit but way WAY worse. Even if Jackie Was in a position to eventually climb the ladder enough to get to a more ceo position shed probably end up painting a target on her back way before she could get there, as her and Olivia's whole infinite power research would be very much unwanted by most of the ceo elders. Oh and Olivia would be fucked even beyond that because she's a biologist lol so at best she's going to be forced to drop every last one of her morals and barely scrape by
#rat rambles#oni posting#eternal gales#posts that will immediately isolate every last one of my followers rip the the recent oni followers sorry for the no context#anyways realistically olivia and jackie wouldnt be in positions of power just statistically and as such would be dead in their early 20s#well by their early 20s most dont make it that long#but assuming they ended up in jobs that sort of line up with their canon jobs theyd both likely be working at the convieor facility#aka where mason was supposed to work at and where dancer and helmet where both held as lil kids#and if you know anything abt that whole situation then you know that olivia and jackie are not winning in the job lottery here lol#now assuming that they stick to similar specialties olivia definitely has the more extreme shit to be stuck doing here since well. y'know.#but jackie might theoretically be able to luck out a bit and not be hands on in the surgons branch#she would probably still have to work with them but shed be more so in charge of collecting the data and deciding what to do with it#this means shed be more closely working with the twos boss for better or for worse#most likely for worse but yknow#olivia and jackie Could stand a chance at making it past the first culling checkpoint due to them being useful enough but thats a maybe#it mostly just depends on what direction they try to take their research and if it's smth their boss would take interest in#so less 'bettering society' and more 'making our lives specifically easier'#so no infinite power or at least not with any intent on wide scale application#if olivia could figure out the whole biolengineering thing somehow without ever having seen an animal then that could save her#one big issue that the facility is meant to be solving is the whole corpse crisis#aka stalien corpses dont rly decompose well especially without other wildlife to help#and as you might have been able to gleam there are a lot of corpses on these guys hands#so finding methods of body desposal is a big research point of the surgons branch#now ofc this research does indeed make more corpses but hey at least theyre smaller ones. iykyk.#anyways the main question for me when it comes to hypothetical jackie and olivia stalien designs is what color energy do they have#because usually I just go off eye color but they dont have canon eye colors so I could get more creative#also if I just go with my designs for them then theyd both just have red or yellow energy#which I could certainly work with but idk if I want either to be red and I dont want both to be yellow#plus red and yellow are technically both based in the same color energy anyways so it still feels unapealing#I could make jackie a pale purple or black varient and olivia a particularly dense yellow varient
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
I know it just begun, but what's your favorite submission so far?
Well, first of all, I'd like to share some statistics.
There have been 20 submissions so far, for 16 different characters, of which 3 are Strawhats (which kinda surprised me).
The funniest and most surprising submission was this one though 😂
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Also, I'd like to mention these two (probably not by the same person 😂):
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The last one especially because no one even submitted Doffy yet (bet that's about to change though)
Also, special mention to this submission for not reading the rules at all 😂
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And for the short, but to the point explaination.
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chronicallycouchbound · 4 months
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I can’t live in over 99% of housing.
This is not an exaggeration.
“Less than 1 percent of all units are equipped with features that would allow a wheelchair user to live independently.” (HUD.gov)
My experiences of homelessness are inherently tied to this.
[ ID: Red capitalized text on a cream colored background reads: “I can’t live in 99% of housing” the “99%” is much larger than the other text. Below that in pink small font reads: “Less than 1 percent of all units are equipped with features that would allow a wheelchair user to live independently. HUD.gov” End ID. ]
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aeide-thea · 1 year
the thing abt this website (and probably other websites as well) is that like. posters will complain that readers get mad at posts for not encompassing Everyone's Experiences, when they were just talking about their own experiences
and it's like. okay but did you phrase your post in the universalizing second person or.
cue janet-with-cactus gifset.
#this is specifically a vagueblog of a post that describes 'being a girl and hitting puberty' as#'you spend years hating being a girl and hating everything puberty did to you'#which is like. i KNOW i read some personal essay by some famous female screenwriter whose name i'm blanking on#that was *entirely* about her adolescent Desire to Grow Breasts#it's not that feeling dubious abt yr body changing *can't* be a Cis Female Experience—#[bc ultimately i do believe like. Gender is a bunch of different things in uneasy harness#(more on this another time probably)#but definitely one of those things is 'the particular lens we personally choose to view our own experiences through'#so if afab!you decide yr a woman? yr experiences are those of a cis woman‚ even if they're statistically speaking uncommon for cis women]#—but it definitely is not a universal one#(and tbh i rather suspect not even a common one‚ although i don't remotely pretend to have data on that point?)#anyway like. if you aren't trying to make claims abt the universality of an experience: first person is a tool available to you!#consider using it!#i think honestly people deploy the universalizing 'you' in ways that are totally invisible to them and it's often alienating-to-harmful#but like. we're so primed to Seek Social Validation that we often phrase things in ways that are like. subtle equivalents of latin nonne#and it's like. this is a power move actually! you don't even realize you're making it!#anyway i'm just a lobbyist for like. understanding what you're doing and doing it on purpose#language#metatumbling
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ailinu · 10 months
blasting into a discord with my 750,000 simulated dice rolls and stem background to argue about the rules of a game with the designer
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cafeconbrujeria · 1 year
It’s simultaneously true that the Latino erasure in American conjure is WILD, and that some people are way too comfortable reading two tumblr posts and going out to shove graveyard dirt into their purse.
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lostryu · 2 years
idk who needs to hear this, but if a post sounds liberal and uses “male sexuality” in a derogatory way, it’s a terf using progressive language to mask a shitty opinion
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bitchfitch · 2 years
I have been having Thoughts about Lasha. but instead of those thoughts being in any way coherent I've mostly just been pulling limbs off of him and super gluing them back onto him.
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tcypionate · 19 days
reading articles for class and it's absurdly funny to me whenever there's an article that's like "this virus/disease is expected to be at an all time high this year and can cause a lot of deaths. this is NOT good for the economy"
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