#useless info
phantasmalnightmare · 28 days
// People are sharing how long they've rped for so... I've been rping since 2003. I know, I know I'm old. I started on xanga, then went to MySpace until it died. Then I went to aniroleplay until discovering Tumblr(I still have one account on ani)
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personaglitch · 2 years
Hanma is the Kabukicho Reaper.
Kabukicho being called the entertainment district and has a standing history of problems with organized crime, including the Yakuza.
It really is the most fitting place for him to be from.
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messiahdev · 1 year
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from the test voice lines of King of Lineland, like, imagine you told him that the average flatlander is like 12 inches long.. he'd go WOW i think,
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babolat85 · 2 years
Get to know me
[useless info edition]
I was tagged by: @lacr1mation23 (Thanks, this was weird but kinda fun)
1. What do you have under your bed? Cat fur probably, there’s only like 5cm between the floor and the side of my bedframe anyway so I can’t fit much under there. I can’t be arsed moving my bed right now to clean under there.
2. Favorite candy? (be very specific if possible) Sour Patch Kids (RIP my teeth)
3. Describe your favorite shirt: Mustard coloured checked flannel shirt I got from Primark a few years ago
4. The last thing you drew/doodled was: I have a habit of doodling city skylines and bridges.
5. Are you completely sober rn? Yes, unless you count Lyrica and Celebrex. On the hard stuff, man...
6. What's the one thing that annoys you more than anything? That stupid female Tik Tok voice.... or Charity Muggers, tough choice
7. Have you ever gotten you tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter? I don’t live in A Christmas Story, no amount of Triple Dog Dare will get me to do it. Plus it doesn’t get cold enough here, so it would just look like a I’m a complete loon going around licking poles......well.....
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Scottish Highlands, or I dunno... Svalbard looks appealing right now. Somewhere away from people.
9. What was the single last word you spoke? Either “Ciao” to my parents, or “Bébé” to my cat
Tag whoever you'd like to know better: @ljfoxie @glammoose @tigo @nornities @bakersimmer
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babblingstacey · 2 years
Get to know me
[useless info edition]
Thanks for the tag @nempne!
1. What do you have under your bed? I have a storage bag full of blankets - between me, my mom, my grandmother (RIP), my partner's mom & grandmother, we have a lot of knit & crochet blankets that we don't know what to do with and would feel guilty if we got rid of them. And yes, we have plenty around the house too.
Anyway, there's that and probably some of my cat's toys.
2. Favorite candy? (be very specific if possible)  I actually don't eat a lot of candy or sweets to be honest. I'm quite fond of dark chocolate though and I do love the Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups.
3. Describe your favorite shirt:  Right now it's a black long sleeved tee I sewed up recently. I have a lot of black tees but this one's now a favorite. It's a cotton/bamboo blend, hip length and has a scoop neck. There's not much else to it but it's really comfy.
4. The last thing you drew/doodled was:  Probably some stars I doodled during a meeting, but honestly I knit during boring meetings so I don't really doodle that much. I'm not much of an artist.
5. Are you completely sober rn?  Well...I am drinking a cider (Prickly Pear by TwoTowns Ciders, yum) so no.
6. What’s the one thing that annoys you more than anything?  I could say a lot of things that makes me furious in the world but to keep it lighter I'll say someone talking to me when I'm reading.
7. Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter?  Nope. That sounds horrible.
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?  Hard to say since I'm such a homebody. Maybe in a house on the coast with a perfect view of the ocean so I can just sit & watch the waves.
9. What was the single last word you spoke?  "whatsamatter" to my cat. There's nothing the matter. She just doing her "staring at me & meowing" game.
Tag whoever you’d like to know better (no pressure, but saying hi!) @mdianasims @emasdf @cantseemtohide @aurorangen @satureja13 @simmer-rhi
ETA: this is my 1900 post, which probably means...something.
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worldxwonders · 2 years
Get To Know Me; Useless Info Edition
I was tagged by; @chris-that-one-explorer, much appreciated for the invite to join this tag! :')
1.) What do you have under your bed?
My clothes organized in drawers.
2.) Favorite candy? (be very specific about it)
I gotta say starbursts because they're very flavorful. Preferably I like the red mixture more tbh. It's my comfort treat that could instantly cheer my mood up.
3.) Decribe your favorite shirt.
I have two favorite shirts which include my Fallout t-shirt and my black turtleneck long sleeve. I got the first one as a graduation present, and the other came from a thrift store. Might I add that both fit my style greatly.
4.) The last thing you drew/doodled was:
I don't quite remember since it's been a hot minute. Though looking back at my sketchbook was a random drawing so I guess this? Lmao, sorry in advance if it shows in bad quality. Phone issues as of late. xD
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5.) Are you sober right now?
6.) What's the one thing that annoys you more than anything?
Much to be said so I'll just say a main one: bad organization. I like things to be tidy around my space, and when it's not it stresses me out.
7.) Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole during the winter?
I tried as a kid yet was unsuccessful doing so haha.
8.) If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
A place where I could witness the northern lights. Always has been a dream of mine since a young age.
9.) What's the single last word you spoke?
Cosmetics. Explanation: was watching my boyfriend play Assassins Creed Valhalla and we talked about the neat decorations to the settlement on that particular game.
Tagging; @hervoidfury, @erikageiger, @sendhelporcaffeine, @totally-not-deacon, @peppermint-frogs, & anyone else can join along! No pressure, best wishes to all! :D
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illkeepmyhelmeton · 2 years
okay so we all know how the names sada and turo are derived from pasada and futuro right? So they don't really resemble actual Spanish names. Then i remembered my relative whose name is Arturo, and Turo is sometimes a nickname. Although his sisters have taken it even further and just call him churo, like churro but without the rolled r. Although the way phonetics work maybe they really are saying Turo but the t is coming out /ch/??? They also use the American r when they say churo. So it's like multiple levels of phonemes??? To get from Mexican Spanish pronunciation of Arturo to the way the average American says churro
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dipetschmot · 18 days
Siedzi za mną w czytelni chłopak z którym miałam hiszpański 3 lata temu i którego na tinderze widziałam jakoś w tym roku
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starlightrose · 9 months
If you stacked the us national debt in 1 dollar bills on top of each other, it would make it to the moon 4 and a half times
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iamshmolphrog · 1 year
in other news i have a fever and last night i had a dream that i grabbed a newborn baby, sprinted up a mountain and threw the baby up at the moon and somehow they stuck and then i leaped off the mountain, landed at a farmhouse, look up and see that the baby has inexplicably turned into another moon and i just go "wWHAT the frickity frick" and then i woke up
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lapanona · 2 years
I’m so tired. Like physically and emotionally tired. I’ve taken care of my cousins kids for several years and it’s been cutting into my weekends for over a year now. She’s never paid me for it only thinks that she deserves it because she’s now starting to work part time and take off to bars. It just isn’t fair. I need to find another job because I would rather starve and live by myself than stay at home for free. I love those kids a lot but their mom has never treated me well and she only takes from me on a constant basis.
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awkwardsonicphotos · 2 years
One thing that has happened recently with sonic that I adore is when Sonic does things real hedgehogs do.
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Curling up when nervous where only his face is visible. (Obviously sonic is brave by nature so you would hardly ever get this. But still cute.)
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My hedgehog, Thistle, sleeps like this. Half curled up.
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Hedgehogs are nocturnal and can not see well at all during the day or in bright rooms. If I turn on a light my hedgehogs freeze in place and just stand there like a deer in headlights.
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But hedgehogs do navigate their surroundings very well in the dark thanks to their amazing sense of smell and hearing! Even if a hedgehog is blind they can get around surprisingly well! So sonic using his ears to listen for danger is very accurate hedgehog behavior.
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And finally, sonic constantly face planting is also very accurate for hedgehogs. Hedgehogs have terrible depth perception and sense of height. If you have a pet hedgehog you should always be around them and watch them carefully so they don’t walk off high ledges or fall off of tables or beds. They will also just run right into walls. While their quills are amazing for absorbing the shock of falls if they land on their face or belly it could be fatal or lead to severe injuries. Thankfully, Sonic is very sturdy.
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rainboopz · 17 days
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Uh oh babes… got a new idea involving a mysterious girl with a mysterious guardian in a mysterious world!! Have some concepts before a proper ref happens or whatevs!!!!
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r-aindr0p · 20 days
Mini Rollo looks like he’d squeak when you squeeze him. Just don’t squeeze him too hard.
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Aight guys it's Mini Rollo science class time ! All explained by Rook !
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Side notes :
-Can be nibbled but depending on their personnalities they might bite back, though they don't have teeth.
-Most of them are very passive and loving little guys.
-They multiply in a similar way to cellular divison when well fed and happy.
-Only Rook has the recipe to create the mini Rollos, but Trey witnessed the horrors during club hours.
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theredcuyo · 2 months
Sleepovers at the manor. SLEEPOVERS AT THE MANOR.
Bruce had always been very wary of who got to and who didn't get into the manor further than the guest spaces, and when Dick appearead in his life with eyes that could make him do literally anything, he feared the day he'd ask to bring a friend over
Maybe that's why he decided to use the ancient ways Alfred has once used against him and Harvey
Wally West was used as a warning to Dick, and he learned
Dick didn't get the chance to teach Jason that lesson in his time as Robin, but when his little wing and Roy crashed at his place one time, he got it
He'd gotten practice before that, learning from the masters themselves when Tim invited young justice over
Tim got back at him by sending Kory and Babs some of his old stash of Robin photos
Steph tried to escape it, but she and Cass got trapped at the same time by Alfred's cookies, and that day, Tim took notes
By the time Jon first stayed with Damian for a sleepover, Damian knew about the 'tradition' already and he was determined to prove himself over it
He failed when all of his sibblings joined forces, from Dick's retale of when he was his Batman, to Todd's old stories from their time training in the league and somehow Drake had gotten pictures of him when he was younger (Talia gladly contributed)
Was it too late for his father to un-adopt them all?
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kheprriverse · 2 months
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Current Twili sheet. More is likely to come, especially for the last couple pages and possibly some info on twili customary practices. Or maybe that'll come in with a short comic.
Been working on this for a while now and trying to remember everything I wanted to put down started to get kind of difficult. My memory is so bad :')
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