#usually it takes me forever cause I get really anxious planning stuff especially if it's about plans changing
numbuh424 · 6 months
there are some days when I wake up and for whatever reason I just don't feel as anxious as I usually do... today has been one of those days and I've repeatedly surprised myself by doing things that normally would take me days because they make me so anxious
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hypaalicious · 9 months
My internet was out for a week & this is my survival story.
No deadass I was kinda struggling 😭
But at the same time, I learned a lot about how social media is absolutely affecting my brain chemistry and it’s enlightening.
I’ve often had to take breaks from certain platforms whenever I find myself overwhelmed. But I always had an escape to like, other media.
When I ghosted FB for years, I took solace in Tumblr.
When I got burned out on fandom stuff on Tumblr, I ditched it for Twitter.
Whenever Twitter gets to be too annoying, I just scroll on Reddit.
But this was the first time in many moons that I had absolutely NO access to any of my vices. 🥲 Worst part was not having access to my besties on Discord, I felt so isolated and restless and bored. I depend on Twitter as like, my news station as well so there was a lot of FOMO on my shoulders. I was just sitting in the house like
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I’m an asocial introvert but being absolutely cut off from the world at the safe distance I already kept it was brutal.
But, I went back to reading. I absolutely tore through Jacqueline Carey’s newest release in a day. I picked up an Astrology book I’ve had forever and read through that. I spent my time doing more chores or just… not having constant stimulus. I was still anxious because I couldn’t talk to my besties and also work on my VN stopped cause the team was waiting on ME to catch up 😩 But…
I’m calmer, overall. I feel less polarized and combative mentally. I have a lot to catch up on but it’s not as overwhelming in my head as it usually is. I feel like despite all my attempts at trying to get to a deeper understanding of astrology by following knowledgeable astrologers, I got more of a breakthrough NOT being pelted by a thousand astro opinions a day. Reading Carey’s book absolutely reignited my love for Terre d’Ange and adult writing in general; she has such a mastery over words I’ve only been able to grasp like ONCE in my life. I was all up in Joscelin’s story like
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You really don’t notice how much you’re not being challenged in your reading until someone with her skill runs you over and you thank her for the privilege, LMAO!
I’m scrolling on Twitter now and feel detached from it in a way that’s good, I think. Being constantly informed is a double edged sword and I’m TRULY understanding how just… very reactionary social media is even when you follow people/topics that mean well. It literally cannot be healthy to absorb the knee-jerk takes and think pieces people make all the time, even if it shows me a perspective on issues I hadn’t considered.
It’s sad that my eternal fight with Cox internet forced me to take a sabbatical but I’m thankful for it. I need to be more disciplined and make my own planned absences from social media because I feel better not being constantly plugged in and doom scrolling. Idk how I’m gonna wrestle my ADHD to comply but ima figure it out, lol.
I guess this ramble is a reminder to take breaks from this hellsite and any other form of social media. It seems like nbd when you’re jumping from a YouTube video to IG to Tiktok all in the span of maybe 20 minutes and have been doing that for years. You don’t notice when you’re being overly influenced. You think cause you’ve curated your feed very well that you’re not stressed, especially when there’s extreme examples of unwell people on display to reassure you that you’re doing just fine by comparison.
Bestie, no you’re not. 😭 You’re drowning in stimulus and giving yourself no time to sit in stillness and find YOURSELF outside of all of the noise. Detox from all that and see how far you’ve REALLY come.
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Can you do a fic about you being Will’s celebrity crush and him talking about it in an interview? I love your writing so much
Of course, sweet Anon!😊Such a cute idea, I was pretty much giggling and smiling like a baby while writing this honestly lmao
Will wasn't normally the type to talk about crushes that he had, especially during interviews, but there was just something about you that made him unable to shut up.
"So, who is this special person that you love talking about so much?"
Will immediately blushed, grinning nervously at the interviewer's question. "How'd you know about that?"
The interviewer laughed. "Your costar, who I interviewed before, said you kept going on and on about this actor. They said I should bring it up."
"Oh, of course they did. They love embarrassing me. Okay, um, recently I've been a bit enamored with this actor I discovered. Y/n L/n."
"Oh! I've heard of them! Been in a lot of fantastic movies. I can see why you're so smitten."
Will knew he must've been beet red, his face so hot he felt like it was going to melt off. Thankfully, the interview ended quickly and he didn't have to embarrass himself further.
It wasn't that long ago when Will first found out about you. He went to see a movie with his friends, and it happened to be a movie you starred in. After that, Will made it his new hobby to watch every movie you'd ever been in. Even the first films that you were in. Watching interviews of you, you seemed like such a nice person. He shared a lot of your views and opinions, he almost couldn't believe you were real.
Being in the same career field, Will held out hope that he'd meet you one day. But alas, he's never even been in the same area as you yet. Of course, his friends had to tease him about his newfound crush. But they were also supportive in the idea that he'd meet you one day. He didn't think it would be any time soon. But that voice in the back of his head loved to focus on the "what ifs."
Will was on a press tour for a new movie he was in, so he was almost too busy to even think about possibly meeting you, which he was kind of thankful for.
In your neck of the woods, one of your friends sent you a link to a YouTube video.
Now, your friend loved trolling you, so most of the videos you got sent were just Rick Rolls. The thumbnail was of Will Poulter smiling during an interview, and your friend knew how much you admired him as an actor. You knew it was probably just another troll video, but your curiosity got the better of you.
You were surprised to see that it was, indeed, an actual interview video. But you were even more surprised to see your name in the title.
Will Poulter On His New Movie and Celebrity Crush: Y/n L/n! 😱😱
Clickbait, obviously.
You usually hating feeding in to that kind of clickbait shit, but you were anxious to see if Will did mention you at some point in the video. You were pretty much giggling like a school girl as soon as you got to the part where he talked about you. You awed out loud when you quickly noticed how red his face turned, but you kind of started to hate that interviewer and their line of questioning. You were pretty private about your personal life during interviews and the like, so you could imagine how uncomfortable you'd be being asked questions like that. But, you could only speak for yourself.
Then, you got a mischievous idea.
You were acquainted with one of Will's costars, so you decided to send a quick DM to them with an idea.
A few days later, Will was exhausted from all the press stuff he had to do for the new film, but it was a good exhaustion like it usually was. He had one more interview to do that day then he'd have a couple days off to relax, which he was excited for. He was thankful he didn't have to do the interview himself, a couple of his costars would be joining him this time.
The interviewer came in, did the usual greeting and congratulating on the success of the movie and expressing their positive opinions. Will could've answered all the questions in his sleep, having to answer so many that were pretty much the same. It was almost like he could put himself on autopilot if the interviewer focused on asking questions to his castmates.
The interviewer directed a question at Will, and he internally sighed. "So, have you gotten the chance to meet that actor you love so much?" The interviewer grinned excitedly.
Will hated how easily he blushed just at the sound of your name. "Ah, no. I haven't. I doubt it'll be anytime soon, if ever, so I'm not going to get my hopes up. But as of right now, I hope I don't meet them cause I'd probably embarrass myself."
"Aw, that's a shame."
Will froze, tensing up and his blush deepening. He turned around in his chair to see you, grinning beautifully. "Oh my god..." He uttered, too shocked to say anything else.
"Hello, everyone!" You greeted, giving a quick hug to your friend.
Will looked at his costar in disbelieve. "Did you do this?" Will's costar grinned proudly, nodding confidently.
"Well, if you don't want to see me right now, I can leave."
"No!" Will quickly blurted out, much louder than he intended, causing you to giggle. "Sorry, uh," He was at a loss for words, your presence such a surprise that he could barely form a sentence.
"That's okay! I wasn't planning on crashing for too long. I'll see you guys when you're done." And with that, you left the room, leaving the interviewer to finish their questions.
Will was pretty much in a stunned silence for the rest of the interview, which elicited some teasing from his castmates. He was so anxious for the interview to end that it felt like it was going on forever, so when it ended, Will all but ran out of the room to see you waiting patiently outside the building with your headphones on, mouthing along to whatever you were listening to.
You quickly noticed Will's presence, taking off your headphones and walking up to his with an approachable smile. "Well, hi there! Hope I didn't give ya a heart attack in there!" You laughed, it was like music to Will's ears.
Will shook his head with a nervous smile. "I've never had a heart attack before, but I imagine that's as close as I've gotten so far."
You laughed, placing a hand on his arm. "Sorry!"
Will tried to shake of the immediate spark of electricity he felt at your simple gesture. "It's fine. It was good, it was really good, you got me. So, I'm guessing that was my castmate's idea?"
"No, it was mine, actually."
Will furrowed his brows with a small smile. "Really? Why?"
"Well," You drew out flirtatiously, "I saw that interview."
Will groaned, running his hands over his face as he felt his face heat up for the third time that day. "Oh god..."
"Hey, don't worry! I thought it was really cute." You smiled.
Will looked through the crack between his fingers to look at you. "You did?" He tried to hide his wide grin.
You nodded. "I did. I really wanted to meet you. And since you were close to my town, I thought I'd surprise you."
"Well, consider me surprised." Will chuckled.
"So, if you're not doing anything later, wanna go get a drink with me or something?" You smiled while slightly nibbling on your bottom lip.
Will smirked and nodded. "I'd love to."
Wow, I actually love how this one came out. It's so cute and my mouth hurts from smiling😂
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Kokichi’s fluff alphabet
Mod Mikan: Fluff alphabet is from @mod-sonia-writes-stuff! Keep being awesome, darling! :)
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
-Kokichi gets bored pretty easily, so he likes any acitivity where he’s always on his feet doing something fun with his SO. This can range from a variety of dates in his mind, such as the amusement park, carnival, arcade, even walking in the park!
-Dates with him can get a bit tiring, considering you are always doing something, but nevertheless, they are super fun and full of energy! He’s also a huge man-child, so going shopping to Build-a-bear or pranking your classmates are also on the agenda!
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
-Kokichi adores everything about his SO. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Though, if he had to pick, he’d say their sense of humor and smile. He loves how he can have fun with them and their smile just lights up the whole room!
-He also likes how they wouldn’t change themselves for anyone since he fell in love with the real you! It makes him wanna take down his own walls when you guys are alone
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
-I think Kokichi would be a total sweetheart when it comes to comforting his SO when they’re feeling sad. I believe he has had his fair share of panic attacks in the past and although he didn’t have anyone to comfort him, he knows exactly what to do for his SO. He will never let his SO feel the sadness that he had to face, so his first instinct would be to hug them and pull them onto his lap. He’d shush them gently and try to help them get their breathing under control if they were feeling paranoid and anxious
-After you are calmed down a bit, Kokichi would ask you if you wanna talk about it or not. If you did, he would be listening and full locked into what you were saying. After you were done speaking, he would try his best to cheer you up, telling jokes and putting on your favorite movie. He’d poke your cheeks, cuddle you, tickle fights, anything to see that smile he adores so much!
-If you didn’t wanna talk about it, that is fine too! He would skip right into doing anything to make you smile again!
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
-I believe that it would actually take a long time before Kokichi would consider settling down with his SO. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like he doesn’t want to. A secure future with you is all he ever wants! But there are a few factors that would make him a bit unsure about his vision alongside you
-Deep down, Kokichi is very insecure. It’s a deal of coming to terms that he even deserves to have you. He may be a big talker, but he struggles with his own negative thoughts surrounding himself, and he really yearns of the day where he can come to terms that he deserves someone like you
-He also never had such a deep emotional connection with a single person before. He’s very inexperienced in the romance department, let alone, friendship even! He’s not sure if this would even last, since everyone ends up hating or leaving him in the end. It would take a while before he would feel confident that you want to stay by his side
-He also doesn’t want you to get hurt. His organization may just be a small group of harmless pranksters, but DICE has gotten into some serious trouble before. Kokichi will protect you with his life, but in the event that he fails to, he would never forgive himself if something bad happened to you because of him
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
-It would appear like Kokichi is mostly dominant in the relationship. He looks like he’s the one who makes a lot of decisions in the relationship, ranging from date nights, milestones, anniversaries, and even planning out surprises between him and his SO. While he may take control a lot, he really does this to make sure that he can spoil his SO like they deserve. He’s very calculating and plans everything to every small detail, so he’s very confident in his ideas. He will deny that he’s spoiling them, but trust me, honey--he is!
-Of course, Kokichi would never do anything if it made his SO uncomfortable. He always asks for consent if he has a seed of doubt in the back of his mind that his SO would be against. However, it’s pretty rare that he would ask them if they were okay, since he’s certain of himself that he knows his SO very well. He also wouldn’t ask consent of surprises, since well--it’s a surprise!
-Despite being the dominant one, Kokichi is totally open to what you wanna do as well. He’s always ready to hear your thoughts and input on dates. He would make teasing comments, calling your ideas ‘cheesy’ or ‘lame’ but he would still do them anyway. He complains and says “He was forced to do this” but don’t worry, darling--he loves doing pretty much anything with you and loves your ideas ;)
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
-Kokichi is a huge brat and a literal embodiment of a man-child. But when he fights with his SO, it’s an even bigger nightmare. He wouldn’t even try to lie, he would be so open about how he feels and just blurt out whatever was on his mind. He would aggravate the situation even more than necessary, causing a full-blown fight to break out. Kokichi may be self aware, but when he gets emotional, he won’t even try to hold anything back
-However, Kokichi loves you so so so much. There is no way he can stay mad at you forever! However, I think him forgiving his SO would depend entirely on what the fight was about. If it was a petty, lover’s squabble, he would forgive his SO with ease, calling/texting them saying they have to talk. If they refuse to talk to him, he would even show up at their house ready to apologize. If that doesn’t work, hell-he’ll get DICE to kidnap you and bring you to his office!
-He’s super stubborn when it comes to you not giving him attention, and when it comes to fighting you, he will forgive you super easily. You’re his weak spot, and it pains him to see you so upset at him because of something stupid he said/did
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
-Kokichi is extremely grateful for his SO! He covers up his gratitude by saying that they ‘ruined’ him in a sense, but it’s all in good intent: He went from a feared and hated evil dictator, to a huge softie and cuddle bug at night! You taught him what love was and how to feel it. You brought light into his dark life. It’s even safe to say that you are is everything
-He will always show his gratitude instead, by planning fun date nights, spontaneous surprises, and romantic cuddle sessions. He always covers up his lovey-dovey nature by teasing or even saying his signature line “It’s a lie!” by we all know he’s lying about lying--he absolutely loves you to death and his intense actions show it!  
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
-It would depend on how deep the relationship is. At first, he would be pretty reserved and wouldn’t really talk about his feelings at first. He would boast about really anything he would deem ‘proud of’ and tease his SO with ‘lies’, sometimes being true, sometimes just being flat out playful banter. He wouldn’t really open up at first, but he would definitely try for you
-Kokichi will never admit this, but he does wanna better himself for you. After all, you’re such an important person in his life! You’re the only person that can wrap him around your finger and he hella loves it! Over time, I feel like he would break down his walls and open up a bit. It would take a while and with some effort, he would drop his facade with you and be more genuine and honest with you. Be patient, honey. He’s really trying!
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
-As said before, you ruined him! It may only be with you, but he has learned to be more open and sincere about his feelings and reactions. He kept up his ‘evil supreme leader’ act for so long, practically being used to people hating him. But you were special to him, since you don’t hate him like everyone else did. He would certainly learn to be more honest with you around, and he eventually grows to be a very wholesome lover
-Another secret Kokichi will never admit is that you turned him into a huge sweetheart. He’s ‘gone soft’ because of you and even shows a hidden hopeless romantic side to himself. With Kokichi being....well Kokichi, he will hide his thoughtfulness and selflessness with playful banter and teasing, or even call it a ‘lie’ but with time, he will take off that mask and be genuine more often. He obviously won’t stop teasing completely, since it’s a huge part of who he is, but he really does wanna be good enough for you
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
-Kokichi is prone to get very possessive towards his lover. He doesn’t like it when another man even touches you. Even seeing someone else’s eyes wander all over you in an attractive manner makes his blood boil. It’s actually pretty easy to get him jealous, but admitting it is a whole different story
-Kokichi acting on his jealously can go two ways:
1) He silently glares daggers at the guy until he leaves. Later, he will deny that he was ever jealous and won't admit it. He feels like being jealous shows vulnerability, and he doesn’t wanna seem weak. This would especially be prominent in the beginning of the relationship  
2) He will annoy the S H I T outta the guy and cling onto you like a koala. When you guys get home, he will kiss you like there is no tomorrow and will get (even more) clingy than usual. This would usually be the option if you guys were dating for a long time and Kokichi was in the middle of coming to terms that you weren’t leaving him and it was okay to be honest with someone he trusts--you!
Either way, both options will end in the dude getting pranked for life
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
-Kokichi’s kisses at first are very inexperienced. He never had a close emotional connection with someone, so it’s all super new to him. He may take initiative a lot, but he wants everything in this relationship to be perfect, so he would back out on kissing for a bit before he would plan out how to make it special
-After some thinking, he would just be like ‘fuck it’ and kiss you at such a random and unexpected time. Kokichi’s kisses are like him--spontaneous, unpredictable, and random! He���s super quick with his kisses and LOVES to peck your cheek, forehead, hand, and even neck to get a cute reaction from you. But he’s also a big fan of making out when he has the chance
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
-Kokichi wouldn’t just fall in love with anyone. It would have to be someone that he already has a close connection with. He would be most likely to fall in love with someone he considers a close friend to him. It would take some time, but patience is key
-When Kokichi starts to feel romantic attraction to his now crush, he starts to distance himself a lot. Romantic feelings are all so new to him, and he's very inexperienced when it comes to close relationships. He has only told Kaito and Shuichi, a bit reluctant to receive help from Kaito. They start to coach him, or in Kaito's terms, 'man him up'. It took help from both men to finally aid Kokichi into confessing to his crush, making sure that they knew he was totally honest in his confession
-The week before the confession, Kokichi said that he'd be in his room and lab more often, because of an upcoming 'test' in Friday. Little did (Y/N) know that their devious friend was reading romance novels and watching youtube videos on 'how to be a good boyfriend' Kokichi wasn't really one to care about tests, so what exactly was this quiz about that he was 'studying' so hard for? When they went to ask Kaito about it, he just chuckled and ruffled their hair
"Don't worry about it, (Y/N)! Kokichi will tell you on Friday!"
-Friday came and the pair finally met up at the gym. With a bouquet of flowers in his hand, he asked--er, demanded--the question
"Date me! You can’t say no to an awesome supreme leader like me!”
-I feel like at first, they would believe it’s just another one of his jokes, lies, or pranks. Kokichi would be heartbroken on the inside, but he would play it off as a joke that “Nishishi~! You got me!” and run away, trying to hide his embarrassment. It would take time, and some more help from Shuichi and Kaito, but after reassuring them that it was a genuine question, Y/N would hesitate before agreeing to go out with Kokichi  
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
-This really ties in with his ‘D-Dream” category. While he really does want a future with you, it would take some time to even consider making it a reality. He would have to establish a very close and deep connection with you and be sure that you aren’t going to leave him. He also needs to come to terms that he actually deserves you and that you won’t get hurt because of him
-Somedays, Kokichi would be lost in thought, considering the possibility of marriage. With time, he’d definitely talk about it with having a future with his SO, but he wouldn’t say the actual words ‘marriage’ or anything related to it. While he may play it off as a joke at the end, he really does mean every word he says
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
-Loves to call you any pet names that makes you all flustered and blushy. While he loves to tease you, he also likes to incorporate his dark and evil persona along with his nicknames for you. Would cycle between “My dear” and “My sweet(heart)”. He will even add a ‘my precious’ or ‘my darling’ before calling your name, making you blush in public. Would use “My queen/king/liege’ sparingly at first, but gradually, it becomes a regular pet name
-If it was a time where he was serious and teasing/playful banter had no room in this grave and heavy conversation, he would call you ‘Angel’
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
-Kokichi keeps a poker face on when it’s just him and his other classmates. When you aren’t around, he carries on with his day like it’s nothing new, and just annoys and causes trouble, ya know, the usual “Kokichi” stuff
-Deep down, you are always on his mind. You filled his head with nothing but you, you, and you! He loves you so much and while it may not be visibly present just by looking at him, he’s great at bottling up his emotions. He will never let anyone see such a weak and vulnerable side of him  
-When you are with him though, he would be ALL over you! He has crackhead energy and loves to just be a personal koala when you are around. He will be very clingy physically and love to show you off any chance he gets, even if it’s clear as daylight to the others that you are in a relationship. And making the others all annoyed by his PDA is a bonus!
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
-As said before, Kokichi is ALL! OVER! YOU! It’s motherfucking Kokichi, he will show off anything: You not being an exception! He’s not into hand-holding that much, believing it’s ‘too weak’ between couples that love each other. He wouldn’t be shy about straight up hugging you, kissing your lips, resting his head on your shoulder, and swinging his arm around you. He will always have some way of touching you and he likes the feeling of your skin against him. It assures him that you’re real--that you aren’t going to leave him
-He also loves to compliment you and make you all flustered with his words. He would brag about you in front of all the others, you just standing next to him all red in the face. You W I L L be called at least one nickname in public!
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship
-Kokichi is a very detailed-oriented planner and hyper intelligent. When he plans date, he always makes sure that everything will be perfect and guarantees that you will have a blast with him! He also doesn’t wanna have a boring time with you and wants to be entertained, as well as wanting the same for you. If you guys are going on a date planned by him, there is always a 100% chance that you will have fun and a good time
-Overall, he’s very good and skilled at planning dates, promising you a great time with him!
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
-It’s really a mix of cliché and creative. While Kokichi has his own way of doing things and will whatever he wants, whenever he wants, he also tries a lot in the relationship to keep you happy. He would go to the depth of hell for you, and while he may just seem like an annoying brat who whines for attention on the surface, you have absolutely no idea what he is capable of when it comes to his beloved
-He blends the two really well, being romantic and creative at the same time. He’s unique with his way of showing love, however he’s fluent in many love languages, whether it would be acts of service, physical affection, or praises. He’s a fan of cuddles, but would tickle you and kiss your neck sweetly while he cradles you in his arms. He would plan adventurous date nights, but add his own twist and spice into it as well ;)
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
-Look....Kokichi is a shithead. But he’s a shithead that cares. He is extremely supportive in what you do and will never lie about his feelings towards something so important, as in you following you dreams. He would make little playful and mischievous comments calling your dream “cliché” or “lame”, but he will always be here if you ever need help
-Will do everything in his power to make sure that you are on the right track towards achieving your goals. He will fight tooth and nail for you and what you want. You mean everything to him and seeing you so happy in achieving your goals is rewarding to the both of you
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
-At the beginning of the relationship, Kokichi would constantly be trying new things with you, dragging you to different places and even pranking people just cause! Kokichi has a habit of being bored quickly, so he would always be trying out new things and is open to new suggestions
-Overtime, he would settle into a routine with you. Of course, he’s open to surprises and loves spontaneous, uninvited events to spice things up, but he would fall into doing certain things with you and making a habit out of them. Waking up next to you and falling asleep with you doesn’t sound too bad. Cuddle sessions after work? Going out for a midnight run at McDonald’s when you can’t sleep? Sounds like a plan to him! When he’s with you, he doesn’t fall into boredom easily, because you’re far from a boring person to him
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
-He knows you probably better than you know yourself! Kokichi is observant, aware, and hyper intelligent. Seeing how your eyes sparkle when you see something you like, or how your lip twitches into a slight, nearly invisible frown when you see something you hate, he will take mental notes. You’re basically going to love anything he gifts you or dates that he came up with, since he’s always putting your thoughts into account. He does everything for you and is one of the most selfless partners you will find. You may even call him wholesome when it comes to his SO  
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
-His relationship with his SO is very important to him and is probably the most valuable thing in his life, along with DICE. He will never chose between the two, since he cares deeply about both his families. Ya know how his motive video was DICE? You could’ve easily been his motive video if you guys were together prior to the killing game, since you are really the most important person in his life
-It’s clear that he has a strong biased towards you, since he rarely insults you and his pranks and teasing regarding you are much more toned down than it is with his classmates. He plays less pranks on you and makes you more of his partner in crime
-Overall, you are his guardian angel, his whole world, his everything. He loves you very much, it’s actually quite concerning the lengths he would go for you. He’d never do anything violent though, since his organization has a policy against killing, but rather manipulate and work on a crafty, sneaky plan if it would benefit you in the end. He would literally, and I mean--LITERALLY- do almost anything for you
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
-Kokichi has written love letters addressed to his SO, expressing his real and true feelings about them. However, he always backs out on giving them the letters, not wanting to seem like he’s getting attached too fast or that it’s cheesy and not very ‘evil supreme leader’ like of him. He keeps the love letters in a box locked in a drawer underneath his desk. When he’s alone, he’d take the letters out, re reading them with a smile on his face. He always writing new ones, but never gives them to you because of his own insecurities and clashing thoughts. Unless, one day, you stumble upon it somehow, they’re really just collecting dust inside his desk
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
-Kokichi is a HUGE fan of affection. He’s big on PDA and loves to show you off to all his classmates and even his DICE members. He absolutely has no shame and his hands are ALL over you! Behind closed doors or even in public, he will never deny a chance to cuddle, kiss, hug, or just show you how much he loves you
-He’s so affectionate, it may come off as possessive or borderline obsession sometimes. But he can’t help it! You’re an angel and someone better is bound to sweep you off your feet! He wants you all to himself, you’re the only person that was ever there for him, the only person that understands him, the only person he can trust and be real with. You accepted him for being him and for some reason, you claim that you love him
-How can he not love you?
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
-Three words: Annoying his classmates
-If people thought he was annoying from the get-go, Kokichi when he’s away from his partner is a total nightmare. He becomes even more of a shithead, crying and whining for his lover to come back. The tears are real and he won’t fake anything that concerns you, but he would also just loudly complain about how boring it is without you to irritate his classmates even more. Let’s just say that your classmates, especially Shuichi and Kaito, will be E X T R E M L Y grateful when you return. Expect Kokichi to literally run towards you and hug you tightly, commanding you to never leave him again
-Kokichi also texts you and calls you whenever he can, finding anything to talk about just to see that you are okay and still safe. His first thing to do when he wakes up is facetime you. When he’s about to go to sleep, he can’t unless he chats with you and tells you goodnight
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
-Isn’t it strange how the fandom simps for Kokichi, but in every single fanfic he’s the one simping for us? Well....nothing has changed. Kokichi is a deadass simp for his lover. As states previously, he won’t do anything violent. He is a pacifist and doesn’t actually harm people
-Nevertheless, he’s more of a manipulative and scheming type of person. He’s the leader of a group of skilled pranksters, no doubt he would be sending DICE on someone’s ass if they were to hurt or even hit on the supreme leader’s lover! He would also subject someone to a life of emotional/mental pain and misery with an elaborate plan that he’s been thinking about. While Kokichi wouldn’t physical harm anyone, it doesn’t mean he isn’t a dangerous, calculating person  
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mah-gah-lee · 3 years
be stuck with you - owen patrick joyner x (reader)
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Word Count: 2303
Request: YES, from that sweet @idontcare011​, hope you’ll like it ! 
Summary:  you were late and a random boy comes into the elevator at the last minute. By some incredible force of fate (or pretty crappy weather) you find yourself stuck with the young man in this narrow cabin.
Warnings: panic attack and i think it’s all
disclaimer: I don't know Owen personally or what his life is like. All you will read in this "x reader" is from my imagination. My point is not to invade Owen's privacy. I don't want to offend him or offend anybody else in his life (family, potential girlfriend…I heard maybe he has one, so I don’t know but I don’t want to offend her).  All of this is not the reality
Tagged: @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @standingtalllove​ @lukeys-giggle​ 
Thanks God, the quarantine was over and everyone could travel again. However, this stupid virus was not completely gone. Since the health crisis, you have adopted new habits, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. But today, you were in a hurry, so you entered the cabin eagerly. The conference you were due to attend was starting in no less than twenty minutes, and your itinerary had said it would take you 15 to get to your planned location. But with the weather conditions creeping in out there, you were sure you would need a lot longer than advertised. The automatic door was closing when a hand stepped in the way. A young blond man appeared and slipped into the elevator. You grumbled at the action, making you fall a few more seconds behind.
 "Sorry" the boy said through his mask.
 But you didn't answer.
 You had almost ten floors to go down together. You looked in your bag for a while to make sure you had your recorder when you felt an uncontrolled jerk. Your body no longer held you in balance but you caught yourself on a side of the elevator as the young man accompanying you tended to stabilize you. The lights flashed for a while and then went out. Your eyes widened as your heart pounded.
 "oh no no no no no no no. Anything except that, please!" you said, frantically pressing a random button.
 “I think we stuck…”
  "Oh yeah, what makes you think that?" The fact that we weren't moving or that the lights went out? "
 The boy threw up his hands in defense, eyes wide with so much animosity.
 "Hey, I'm in the same situation. You don't have to be aggressive."
You groaned before leaning against one of the elevator walls, peering into the face of your elevator failure companion. He had blond hair; his tips reached the base of his neck. But his expressive blue eyes - seeming constantly anxious - reminded you of someone, but you didn't know who. You have pushed the alarm button to warn the staff that there was someone in the lift.
 “Sorry, it’s seems to be a bad day. I’m late and now I’m stuck in an elevator with a perfect stranger”
 “I’m Owen…Not a stranger anymore”
 “I’m y/n, but yes, you still are”
 Owen laughed at your outspokenness and you gave him a polite smile before you were silent for several minutes.
 After what seemed like forever - when it was only ten minutes - you looked at your phone. No networks. For no obvious reason, when everything seemed to be going well, your heart started to beat faster. The thought of being stuck here forever crossed your mind and ached in your chest. The boy in front of you seemed so calm, which made you even more anxious.
 "How the hell can you stay so calm"
 "Oh ... I'm dying inside, just trying to play it cool"
 You can help with giving him an amused smile, he had been so frank. But this little interaction did not bring you back down from your state. You were breathing harder and harder, your chest was heaving quickly, it was nearly out of control. Owen seemed to notice that and give you a concerned look.
 "Panic attack?"
 You nodded briskly and Owen approached you cautiously. You saw his hands move towards you and your gaze expressed fear but you were paralyzed to do anything.
 "I'm going to take that damn mask off you already."
 Gently, he grabbed the fabric mask and pulled a little on it to lower it, he reproduced the gesture with his own mask.
 "Look at me, just me. There's nothing around us. Take a deep breath. I'll count to 3 and then you'll breathe out. Okay?"
 you nodded and when he shook his to urge you to breathe you took a deep breath, like he told you to.
 You sighed, keeping your gaze on him. You started once more and when the blonde asked you if it was better, you were shaking your head negatively.
 "We're starting over but… take my hands and squeeze them as much as you need. Don't worry about grinding them."
 You grabbed his hands and restarted each step over, crushing his hands. But the contact with matter, your breath and Owen's comforting eyes, help you gently. A soothing silence has settled between you. Owen had helped you through this panic attack when you didn't even know each other. But you could feel deep inside that this man was good. Things seemed to calm down for you and you thanked Owen with a genuine smile.
 “You know how to deal with it ... Thanks for that.”
 “I also suffer from anxiety and panic attack. But the elevator is big enough here that it doesn't cause me one. Although I am a little anxious ...”
 “hey, breathe Owen.” You replied with a smirk
 Owen laughed and shook his head as if to say "that's a good one!" You look at the young man again, staring at him intently. It was very rude but you couldn't put a name on his face anymore. You were sure you knew him. Was he a distant cousin? A neighbor? A guy you knew in high school? Or just a guy you saw in an ad? Maybe the ad for these new cereals!
 “Excuse me but ... I've seen you somewhere before, haven't I?”
 “In an elevator, yeah!” he joked
 You laughed he was funny
 “No, I mean ... I feel like I've seen you before but I really can't remember where.”
 he sighed, as if a little tired of the question. You were surprised at his reaction but Owen answers you anyway
 “Yeah, I don't usually talk about that when I first meet a girl, especially when I'm stuck in an elevator with her but ... I'm an actor. I played some stuff on Nickelodeon and now I'm supposed to shoot season two of Julie and the phantoms, it's a Netflix series.”
 You watched him chattering, you nodded then wide your eyes. This is where you saw it! You had been relentlessly browsing the Netflix catalog and seeing the trailer for the series he told you about, but you had avoided it, the show seemed too childish for you. You first reaction was to make fun of him
 "Again, don't forget to breath Owen. But the way, I didn’t want to bother you with that question."
 He laughed lightly then smiled politely at you. You didn't seem to be a hysteric or a weird person. He had a deep feeling that you were a good person, which is why Owen seemed to relax.
 "It's just ... for a while, I thought you were a fan and I didn't want things to be weird all suddenly "
 "Oh don't worry I haven't seen any of your shows.” you said nonchalantly
 Owen burst into laughter. Once again, it was bafflingly sincere and he was really starting to enjoy being stuck in an elevator with you. You smiled, the energy in the cabin was positive that you almost forgot you were stuck with this young man for almost half an hour. You didn't know when you were going to be able to get out of here but you didn't really care anymore for the sole reason that you wanted to get to know this man. You tilted your head back, resting it against the elevator wall before sighing loudly. Seconds later, your gaze turned to Owen again.
 “So tell me about this series that you’re filming. What is it about?”
 "It's a pretty cool show actually. It's directed by Kenny Ortega, I don't know if you see who he is."
 "Hell yeah ... he's the choreographer of Dirty Dancing"
 "Himself ... So what about the storyboard ... It's about ..."
 And then, you listened to him to tell you about the series. Something like a '90s band dying of food poisoning from a bad hotdog and returning twenty-five years later as ghosts to help a super talented young girl to make music after her mom passed away. It made you laugh; it was probably the dumbest death on TV after Marion Cotillard's in Batman. He couldn't even stop anymore so that he sometimes swapped over a few anecdotes from the set. You even got a little exclusive on season two before Owen stopped in the middle of a sentence.
 "Sorry, I got a little carried away. But when you like your job, it's pretty easy to talk about it."
 You smiled at him and Owen started asking you questions, about your work, your life, your passions and you were giving him back. The conversation was fluid, natural You learned that he was German, that his mother tongue was German until he was about four years old, that he had a sister and had lived with his parents until that year when he moved into his own apartment. Getting to know Owen was really nice and you could feel your stomach twist every time he smiled. He was a boy full of humor but also sarcasm.
 You've been stuck with Owen for an hour and a half now. You ended up sitting on the floor of the elevator. Boredom was really starting to take hold of you. You rummaged through your bag for something, anything. An idea crossed your mind when you saw the small block of post-it notes.
 "How would you like to play a game?"
 "What kind of game do you want to play here?"
 "Who am I?"
 "Obviously you are y/n" he tells you with a smirk.
 You laughed before pulling out your notepad and a pencil to show it to the blonde. He claimed to have understood your intention, which made you smile even more. Of course, Owen knew the game you wanted to play. He nodded, and you'd write a celebrity's name on a sticky note before sticking it on your new friend's forehead. He did the same for you. Fortunately, your two post-its are well stuck. Owen spoke
 "I start: am I a man?"
 "Obviously" you say with a smirk, responding to the blonde's previous joke.
 Owen laughed, catching the tone of your voice.
 “But how funny she is! Is my character a man?” He continued.
 You did several parts. You even teased him when he made you guess Julie and the phantoms, because the game didn't stop only with characters, celebrities but also series, movies, musicals. You were laughing when there was another shake, stronger than the first, the lights came back on and you couldn't help but be disappointed. You looked at Owen and he seemed to have the same gaze as yours. The doors barely opened and you found the hotel staff, patiently waiting to ask if you needed medical assistance, while also offering you a bottle of water. You left the elevator car, hurriedly stuffing the many post-its into your bag. You didn't really know how to act with the blond guy next to you. You had formed a little bubble in that enclosed space and now it seemed to have burst. For some strange reason, it made you sad. Now is the time to part ways with your new friend.
 “well, good-goodbye, it was nice to meet you.”
 you rushed into the hotel lobby a little more, but Owen seemed to catch up with you, his long legs only having to take a few strides.
 "wait, y/n!"
 You turned to him, you could see the embarrassment on his cheeks, asking with a frown what was the cause.
 "I think you let that go"
 "No, I don't"
 You looked at the crumpled white paper. It even looked like a piece of chewing gum. And at first glance, Owen's perfectly white teeth were chewing one.
 "I think you did."
 He handed you the paper with a determination that convinces you. You bite your lip as you look at the series of numbers on the packaging: a phone number. His telephone number. Owen swallowed hard as he looked at you. His eyes never leaving your lips.
 "It's pretty spontaneous of me but ... I won't start filming until next week. I hope you're still here the day after tomorrow ... because I would really like to ask you to come have a drink with me ... "
 Your cheeks turned red, did he really just ask you for a date? You did not know what to answer. The urge to say yes was so present but you were afraid to rush. Perhaps humor was your only defense
 "it depends"
 "about what?"
 "Does this appointment include a blocking session in an elevator? This is the only way it works"
 Owen laughed before giving you a genuine smile, showing his perfectly aligned white teeth. God, what a beautiful man.
 "I can try to fix this and find a faulty elevator."
 "So expect a text from me"
 You smiled back at him and gave him a wink before turning on your heels. Owen's heart skipped a beat and he when he arrived several hours late in the hairdressing section of the set, Charlie laughed at him saying that he had never seen him so happy to have a haircut. hair. But in reality, the blond was only waiting for one thing, and that was to receive a message from you, which arrived in a second.
 (y/n) text : "After being stuck in an elevator, here I am stuck in traffic ... Are you sure you want a date with me, you might just end up stuck with me?"
 Owen couldn't help but smile broadly.
 Owen text : "I'm sure. I'd love to even be stuck with you (again).”
(y/n) text : “Fine, ghost boy. See you soon”
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jarofstyles · 4 years
Dirty Business V- Affogato
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A/N: HI!!! sorry for the long wait, we’ve been really busy with life, but we wanted to get some stuff out for you! We’ve taken some of the requests about this series into consideration and tried our best to fit in everything we could. If it’s not in this part, it will likely be in the next! We’re thinking two more parts for them? let us know you’re thoughts! - n + d
send feedback and requests here
If you like this, please check out our Patreon!
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut, FILTHY dirty talk, rough sex, use of toys  👉🏼👈🏼
word count: 6.8k
Things were going amazingly for the two love birds. 
Harry had been excelling at his job, it seemed everyday Y/N’s father was giving him praises. Y/N had felt secure enough to return her focus on her boutique, expanding the store online and even dabbling in designing some of her own clothes. The anniversary of her father’s company was coming up, the big 50th, and as usual she knew to expect a special event to be planned where all of his most coveted employees, partners, clients, and investors would be invited to attend. Food, drinks, live music, the whole lot. It was the talk of the year. Y/N also knew that this meant that Harry would be meeting her mother far sooner than she had hoped. The pair had been together for about 3 months now, stable and in the groove so it seemed right, but she knew how her mother could be. How unpleasant she was especially when it came to things that Y/N loved doing.
“Babe? you sure this is alright?” Harry called over to her general direction. Y/N had bought him some Gucci suit— well, called up her friend who worked the head and asked for one? Giving them Harry's photo and measurements. It was a black with a silky pattern and he didn’t know much about it other than the designer and he liked it. “I feel like I look expensive. Kind of like a prick.” He smiled. “Love it though.” He had her hands going through his hair before and he missed the feeling. Y/N was much more relaxed with him. Calmer. Soothed. Like a different person and not as anxious or on edge. When they had gone away to Paris it was similar, but here at their home, she was on edge. Especially today. “Oi, my love. Where did you go?” He peeked out to her bedroom from the en suite,  seeing the room empty, before he heard the heels clicking down the hall.
“I’m here, baby! One second!” Y/N came walking back, just having finished slipping on her dress, she just needed to get a few extra things. Accessories for herself and for Harry to complete the look. As promised, she had gotten him a Rolex, a small congratulations for moving up in the company, but also because she felt like he deserved it for being so incredible. A wide smile spread across her face when she saw him, admiring him in the sleek suit that hugged his body just perfectly. “Mmm I think you look perfect.” Y/N cooed, walking closer to him and gently playing with the lapels of his jacket. He had learned well from her, the top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned only slightly and it definitely gave him that youthful expensive look. Y/N hooked her finger in his necklaces and tugged him closer to her, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. Thank god for liquid lipstick, not that she cared about him having lipstick stains on his lips. “Give me your wrist. Close your eyes.” She spoke, pecking his lips in between each sentence.
Harry was so lucky. He was reminded every time he saw his woman but— there was that blank in his head that wondered just how the fuck he had been able to resist this woman for so long. She was perfect for him. In all aspects. 
“Hm?” He pouted when she pulled away, her immaculate lipstick that matched her dress perfectly not budging at all. It was amazing. Some feminine magic he didn’t know about. “A surprise?” He raised a brow, not sure what it was. But, the man complied, closing his eyes when he felt a cold metal on his wrist. At first he thought she was being kinky but it wasn’t a handcuff. It was... a bracelet? A watch? Too heavy just for jewelry. When she told him to open, he nearly passed out. A fucking Rolex. The cheapest he had seen being 4 grand. But he knew this one was leaps and bounds more expensive considering the fact it was gold. “Y/N...” Harry breathed, eyes wide. “Baby... What is this?”
“Congratulations, my love.” Y/N cooed, pressing another kiss to his lips. “On the promotion, on making waves... Every businessman deserves a good watch... can tell a lot about a man by his watch. I wanted the best man I know to have the best watch.” She blushed and gave a squeeze to the hand she held. “Do you like it?” She asked sweetly, a bit shy because she knew she went a bit overboard with gifts but she felt like it was the least she could do. Y/N knew that all this money her family had went nowhere and she would rather spend it on him, someone who deserved it, than let it set collecting dust. Y/N knew once he took over the company that he’d be donating all the money he didn’t have use for. “I know you don’t necessarily like me spending lots of money on gifts, but... you’ll have this watch forever and ever and you can pass it down and everything and it will always remind you of your successes and humble beginnings and your hard work.”
“Yeah— I wanted to yell at you for spending so much but I know it’s cause... your heart is there.” He sighed, looking it over. His Y/N. His sweet, lovely, beauty. So generous and thoughtful. Pulling her in, a sweet kiss was given to her lips, repeated a few times. “Thank you. You’re the best.” She was one of the best things, if not the best thing to happen to him. “Trust me. I adore you. And I adore this watch. But if you buy me something ten grand again, I will spank your little ass until it’s bruised.” He brought a hand down for a warning spank and smirked when she squealed. “I love it. Wow.... now. How about we get going?” He smoothed the hair from her face. “Precious girl. You’re so lovely. I can’t wait to show off that you’re mine.” At work he didn’t let her bet too touchy. But outside of work, he had gotten a bit too happy with it!
Y/N was happy to hear that he liked the watch, she would happily take a spanking for spending loads of money on him. He definitely deserved it. It’s a good thing he didn’t know how much all of these clothes cost either. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him though. She had her driver come pick the two of them up, thankfully, Oliver was with Niall for tonight so he wouldn’t have to be alone for god knows how long. These things usually dragged on for hours but as long as the two of them made it to at least midnight, they’d be fine. Besides, Y/N was sure she could manage to sneak them away somewhere. 
When they arrived at the hotel, Y/N hooked her arm in his and put on her best resting bitch face. Everyone there knew who she was of course, but it was Harry’s first time attending. He looked incredible and she could feel the eyes on him. She couldn’t help but smirk to herself, knowing she had a catch. Harry was perfect. 
“Relax.” Harry kissed her cheek. Oh, how he wished she could be her bubbly and happy self here. “It’s alright. I can feel your nerves from here, my love. I’m here.” He cupped the side of her face with his free hand, kissing her forehead too. It was amazing to see her other persona pop up, incredible even. She was so easy to speak to people with this mask on and fake laughed at things while he observed and talked every so often. He would linger at her side and pull her in, kiss the side of her head or whisper funny things that came to mind. She was slowly relaxing but never enough.
“Styles, my boy!” Y/N’s father’s voice called from behind. “Princess, you look beautiful.” He complimented before turning to look at Harry. “Love seeing you two together.” As much as Y/N wanted to believe he meant that in a genuine way, she knew he really just liked the fact that his favorite employee was dating his daughter, that his legacy and company was in good hands. 
Y/N instantly stiffened up, hating that she didn’t even get a chance to brief or warn Harry about her mother. She knew I’d her father was there she wouldn’t be far behind. Keeping up this illusion that they actually loved one another. The all too familiar clicking of heels coming her way informed her that that moment was coming even sooner than she hoped. Y/N certainly didn’t have a great relationship with her mother and no matter how old she was she still felt her anxiety spike whenever she was around. Be it the comments she made on her life choices or how she looked, she always managed to spoil her mood. 
“Y/N?” Her mother asked with a raised brow, looking between her and Harry with a look of surprise. “Is this your boyfriend your father has been raving about?” She spoke in a tone only Y/N could read as sarcasm. The look on her face gave it away to others though. 
“Yes, he is. Harry, this is my mother. Mother, this is my boyfriend, Harry.”
Harry held her to him. She had tensed up next to him and he felt it as she got upset. She tried not to show it. 
“Nice to meet you, ma’am.” He extended a hand to greet her. He was prepared slightly for the grimace when she took his hand, shaking it weakly. Oh, great. “You’ve raised a lovely young woman. I enjoy her company very much.” He complimented, trying to make this pleasant— but he knew Y/N wasn’t the fondest of her mother and he was prepared for something to go wrong. Anything. He was concerned. 
“Dear, this is Harry. He’s been treating Y/N very well and a very good worker.” Her father tried to soften the blow of what was going to come.
“Charmed.” Her mother answered in her usual snobby tone. The woman was never impressed by anyone or anything really. No amount of money could buy this woman happiness or passion. She was bitter. For what reason? No one was sure. “Just how well can he treat her if she bought everything he’s wearing?” Her mother countered, very much able to sniff out her daughter's sense of fashion. She was aware that her husband never hired anyone with money, no, people with money always had motives. He always hired potential. 
The comment made Y/N’s blood boil. She felt like she was seeing red. Y/N finally felt like she had a positive influence on her life, felt like someone was making her into a better version of herself and her mother had to step in and invalidate it. 
“He treats me so well that I struggle to walk most days...you must have forgotten how that feels, yeah?” The words flew out of her mouth before she could even think. She just needed to get something out even if it wasn’t the most appropriate thing to say to her mother. Then again, she wouldn’t take disrespect from anyone.
Harry closed his eyes at her comment. Jesus Christ, Y/N. He wasn’t taking her mother’s comments seriously but she had blurted out a very obvious innuendo about the fact Harry fucked her so good she was wobbly, the first time meeting her mother. 
“Baby...” He chuckled, squeezing her sides. “Is money more important than how your daughter is treated, ma’am?” He said it a bit loudly, knowing her husband was looking more amused than anything. He wouldn’t get in trouble for this. “While I’m saving money for our future and showering her in more affection and love then anyone else with a hundred million in their bank accounts ever would, I am happy. I think your daughter is very happy with me. She buys me things and I buy her things. Our relationship isn’t transactional, ma’am. It never will be either.”
The older woman looked them both up and down, taking a sip of her champagne and letting out a sigh. “It’s not about the money, it’s about our reputation...” She answered and let out a sigh. “Then again, she’s never been good at making choices that represent our family well.” She rolled her eyes. 
Y/N didn’t even have a chance to say a word before her father moved his arm in between the two. “It was actually my idea, dear... Harry is the closest thing to a son I have and he will be the next in line when I step down... regardless if he is with our daughter or not.” He stated calmly, “Please, do not bring this nonsense into tonight’s celebration.” 
Y/N was left speechless at her father’s statement. The entire interaction further proved her beliefs that she wasn’t really an important member of the family. She was merely there. Her father so calmly defended Harry, said he’d have the job regardless of Y/N being in the picture or not. It was like a shot to her stomach. 
“Well what a shame that is.” Her mother sighed, looking around the room to find someone else to talk to before excusing herself and leaving the group all together.
“Excuse us, sir.” Harry gently took Y/N’s arm and led her out to the back patio, knowing she felt upset. He could just... feel it. The energy of the room wasn’t helping her and the fact people had been looking. Weaving through people, he gave professional smiles with little nods before he got to the doors, taking notice of some of the people out there and walking towards the empty side. It was a time that he knew her well enough to know she needed some alone time to recharge. Most of all, she needed a hug. 
Y/N was stunned, her face stone cold as the two of them walked out onto the balcony for some fresh air. She couldn’t bring herself to cry about her parents again, couldn’t bring herself to cry in front of all these people. It was just a kick to the stomach really, the one this she had been prepared for but was hoping to avoid. 
Harry gripped her waist and held the back of her head to his chest, sighing when he felt her rest herself against him. His back was taking the blow so no one could see her being vulnerable. 
“My baby.” He soothed, petting her hair. “You alright? Not the best interaction hm?” Her hair smelled so good and he focused solely on her, not focusing on any possible business opportunities. She was his priority. “I’m sorry I got loud with her. I didn’t mean to but I don’t want her to speak about our relationship like that.” Harry muttered. “I won’t let people disrespect you or us like that.”
“‘s not your fault, Harry...” Y/N spoke softly, “no need to apologize, you did everything right.” Y/N added and allowed herself to close her eyes and relax into him. “I didn’t want you to meet her...” She said in a quiet whisper, “She has a way of getting into your head… I didn’t want her to... to make you feel like I wasn’t proud of you or that I’m not proud to show you off...” Y/N didn’t really care what her mother said at this point, she knew she was wrong. It was the way her father defended Harry first that really made her upset. “Do you believe me now?” She asked quietly, pulling back to look at him with worry in her eyes. Y/N had told him about how her parents didn’t care about her as long as they had their money and reputation.
“Baby...” Harry’s heart broke. “I’ve believed you since you told me. I always believed you. I don’t know how they could feel that way but...” He smoothed his thumb over her face. “My darling girl. You always have me on your side.” It was nearly impossible for him to comprehend why either of them cared so much more about money and reputation than they did about the happiness and well being of their daughter but he wouldn’t stand for it. He wouldn’t ever let anyone make any children of his feel that way. “She isn’t going to get into my head at all. I’m happy with you. I know who I am. You’ve made me feel so much more secure in that. Not the job, but just how it is. We need each other.” He pressed a kiss to her nose. “You’re what I want to have and who I want to be with. No one can convince me otherwise. I want you. You’re my sweet girl. My angel. My baby. Yeah? No matter what shit she says or tries, I’m not going anywhere. She can’t change my mind.” Thumbs rubbed soothing circles into the girls skin, Harry’s eyes soft. “She’s probably going to have very, very limited time with our children though. Even supervised.”
Our children. 
Y/N felt her heart flutter. Harry had said it to her before, sure, but to hear him say it so confidently again and to know he was thinking about it? Well, it just made everything feel better. Restored her confidence though it hadn’t faltered much like it usually did. 
“Funny how you think she’s even going to get to meet our children.” Y/N mumbled, looking up at him with her brows furrowed and nose scrunched. It wasn’t nearly as intimidating as she thought it was but his fond little laugh was worth the attempt. “I love you.” She told him again, her voice gentle and sweet. Y/N had saved saying it for moments like these and though he still hadn’t said it back to her, she didn’t mind the wait. “So much.” Harry was truly her rock. Had he not been here, had he not been the way he was, Y/N would have reacted much differently and would likely be making a scene. She had gotten so much better. “But the company is yours regardless... you heard it straight from the horse's mouth.” Y/N said to him with a small smile, “How does that make you feel?” She asked and moved her hands up to play with the unbuttoned portion of his shirt.
“I love you even more, my sweet girl.” Harry pulled her in for a few sweetened kisses to make her smile a bit more than she had. He did love her, the girl was so lovely. He would risk it all for her, every bit. “It feels nice that the company is mine, but I’d choose you before I chose it.” That's the truth. For a long time at the beginning he was trying to focus on that but she had brought him so much happiness, so much self love for himself and he was head over heels for the woman. 
“You love me?” She asked, needing to pause for a moment to make sure she heard him right. Y/N was over the moon. Sure, they might have had a very unpleasant conversation with her mother, but that didn’t change how Harry felt about her. That was all the support and love she needed. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up to press a sweet, passionate kiss against his lips. For years she was convinced she needed to be someone else to be loved, for a few months she thought maybe she needed to be someone else for Harry to love her. That wasn’t true at all. He loved her. And she loved him. 
“Yes. I love you very much. Do you want to go home, my lovely? Can drink some champagne on the car ride back and go back. Cuddle a bit....” Harry knew that champagne made her frisky. Harry mainly wanted to get her out of the same place as her mother and wanted to be selfish with his time with her.
“You sure you don’t want to stay?” Y/N asked sweetly, “Just for a little longer.. we just got here. Go mingle a bit, I’ll behave. I promise I’m fine.” Y/N cooed, pushing a few pieces of hair away from his eyes. “Lets go inside yeah? We’ll stay for a little and then we can go back..”
“But... what if I want to go home?” Harry murmured, cupping her cheek again so he could kiss her again. Not having gotten enough beforehand. He wanted to kiss. And kiss, and kiss, and then spread her open and fuck. He had so much love for this woman right now. It was growing every day but he was hit hard with it. “Just want to be alone with you and remind you how much I utterly adore you and your every bit.” He nibbled her bottom lip lovingly, pulling back. Their sex life was erratic. Some weeks just having cuddles but others being full on fuck fests. Right now, he wanted an even mix. “C’mon. Want to be close to you.” He slid a hand down her body to rest on her ass. “You’ll give me that, yeah?” 
Harry wasn’t usually this forward, it was often Y/N who wanted to love up on him and have him completely and utterly ruin her. Not Harry who was pleading for them to leave an event that could be important for work. Oh how the tables have turned. This was a welcomed change though. 
“Is that so?” Y/N murmured truly surprised by the way he was acting, but she was going along with it. She wanted to see what could come of tonight. “Of course I’ll give that to you, baby, I’m just—” She bit her lip when his hand squeezed her ass tighter. “Okay, alright!” Y/N giggled, leaning up to press another kiss to his lips. “Let’s go.” She decided they’d slip away unnoticed. No one would really look for them. The cars were already waiting out front and Y/N made sure she snatched a bottle of champagne for them to take in the car with them.
Harry felt like the kitten who had gotten the cream— even though he hadn’t quite yet. He had gotten her to leave, was touchy and finally got her in the car where they finished the bottle of champagne quickly. He pulled her closer to him, feeling like a needy puppy with the way he nuzzled at her neck. A hand slid up the slit of her dress and touched the softness of her inner thighs, purring at the heat of them. 
“Haven’t told you how much I love this dress.” He muttered against her neck. “S’so lovely. But I want to get you out of it.” He was only slightly buzzed but he felt even more in love right now. “Want to see somethin’ like this on you when you’re pregnant. Mmm— fuck, that’ll look so gorgeous. Can’t wait for that.” He had a bit of him that hadn’t realized how much he had a bit of a breeding kink until she showed up. The idea of filling her and letting the cum catch in her, claiming her in that most primal way? It was godly. “When are you gonna let me, pet?”
Y/N was definitely feeling the champagne because his comment caught her off guard for a moment. She remembered when he first told her about this kink of his, how he wanted to put a baby in her and just... pretend that that was the goal. How he had a thing for knowing he could get her pregnant. She had been on birth control for a while and they’d been having sex without protection for a while. There was really nothing to fear. All she had to do was give in, let that primal instinct take over and let him live this fantasy that quite frankly, turned her on. The way he wanted to be a father of her child, the way he wanted to see her stomach swell with life. It was hot. 
“Wanna put a baby in me?” Her glossy eyes looked at him, a loopy smile on her face as his fingers pressed against her skin.
“Mmmm. Yeah, so bad.” Harry rubbed his face against her. “Sooo fuckin’ bad, bunny. Just want to stuff you up full, over n’ over again and make you hold it in. Even tho’ it looks so pretty drippin’ out. Love cleaning it with my tongue but I want it to catch.” He sighed. He thinks perhaps it’s a mix of the alcohol buzz and the way he felt like maybe she truly needed to see his desire for him that set him free. He really wanted her to be able to see that he was so into her, he never wanted to leave. Ever. Add in the fact she just made him unbelievably horny. “Wanna get it all stuffed in that little tummy of yours, yeah? Just... wreck you n’ make you cry from his good it is, then keep fillin’ you up.” He muttered. “Jus’ wanna get inside cause I’m so hard. Want to fuck. Get back inside my pussy.” He always referred to her cunt as his own, and he knew she liked it even if she didn’t tell him that.
“Daddy..” A whimper left Y/N’s mouth at his words, her whole body heating up with a sudden burning desire to be at her home and in a car with the partition up. Goosebumps spread across her skin as he continued to speak, lips brushing against her sensitive neck making her squirm. Between the alcohol and hormones, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could take it. She dared to look out the window, seeing that they were only a few blocks away from her place. Thank god they weren’t driving all the way to Brooklyn, she would’ve had him fuck her right in this car. Y/N moved her hand to rub over his hard cock, giving it a slight squeeze. “What’s gotten into you, daddy?” Y/N smirked, her voice coming out much darker. “We’re almost there... then you can take me upstairs and do whatever you want. Anything.” She hummed, knowing that whenever they were in this mood something kinky always went down.
“Haven’t been in you in too long. I’m so... I want it.” Harry grunted against her neck. “Jus’ wanna be inside of you. You’re all hot and slick. I know it.” He moved his hand up and startled her, groaning against her skin as he felt his suspicions become reality. “Mmm— Yep. Knew you’d be wet for me.” He smirked to himself, placing his fingers on her pussy. He didn’t move them yet but kept hold of it. “S’all mine. Let me touch it whenever I want to just do this. Want to make you go crazy with how good it feels.” He muttered, kissing her jaw and finding her ear to talk into. The vibrations of his dark voice tingling against her, making her shudder. “Daddy’s hot little cunt. And you’re such an eager slut for it. Already slick for my cock. Gonna have a hard time keeping still when I lick your pussy up and get you cleaned up. Plus... have a bit of dessert.” He felt her shiver as he pressed his finger tighter against her.
Y/N inhaled sharply, feeling his fingers press against the place she needed him most. It had in fact been a while, a few days. It’s not long by most people’s standards, but for them? It had definitely been a while. 
“Fuck, please—“ Y/N bit down on her lip as the car had come to a haunt. “Thank you!” She called today the driver, hesitantly pushing Harry to get out of the car as she followed with the empty bottle of champagne. Y/N threw it out in the trash can in the lobby, hoping her dress still sat correctly on her body after Harry had a proper feel in the car. Seeing him all drunk and disheveled, nice suit and hair a mess was the hottest fucking thing she’d ever seen. She swore it. Seeing that loopy smile and his hungry eyes on her was making her forget why they even went out in the first place. Y/N stumbled into the elevator with him and hit the button for the top floor, looking at him from over her shoulder. “What?” She giggled.
Harry grabbed her and pressed her front against the wall of the elevator, ankle hooking hers and knocking her legs open. Immediately his fingers found her cunt, sinking two inside of her. The shocked gasp and moan mix make him smirk, fingers moving in and out of her pussy. 
“Couldn’t wait to feel it. Missed my pussy so fucking much.” He smeared his mouth over her jaw biting down gently. “Fucks sake, sometimes I think you forget that it belongs to me. S’daddy’s pussy. Think you need a proper reminder of that today.” He bit down on her ear this time, moving his fingers harder into her pussy, the slick little squelch of his fingers filling the enclosed space. She was squirming in his arms and making these noises— fuck. “Keep making those little mewls. Such a dirty kitten. Letting your daddy finger fuck you in the elevator.”
It was all so sudden. Y/N really thought he’d at least wait till they got inside, but before she knew it she was pressed up against the cool wall of the elevator, her heart racing. Harry really wasn’t playing tonight and Y/N surely wouldn’t underestimate him again. 
“Fuck me— daddy, ah!” She whimpered out, cunt clenching against his fingers while they moved inside her. Her head fell back on to his shoulder, the feeling of him biting at her jaw and smearing kisses against her skin sending her wildest thoughts over the edge. “‘S your pussy daddy! Fuck— yours, all yours!” She pleaded, feeling herself shiver at the sound of her own slickness against his hands. Y/N had never been quiet and Harry was well aware of that, hitting all the right spots inside of her that would make her go crazy for him. “Please— please!” She begged, “feels so good! Don’t stop!” Y/N begged, knowing she could easily cum just from how insanely turned on she was.
Harry didn’t hesitate to make her cum. She came all over his hand in the elevator, a devilish grin on his face as he pressed his fingers in and curled them just so, having her drip all over the digits. He truly felt like he was going feral because he really couldn’t wait. He loved his Y/N so much, he felt the tiny bit of buzz hitting him and all he wanted to do was fuck. Show her how much he meant it every time he promised forever. How he cherished her pleasures. He had swiftly picked her up and thrown her over her shoulder when they’d gotten to her penthouse. Carrying her through the whole place to her bedroom with a dirty hand he had sucked clean and a squealing Y/N over his shoulder, he finally got to her bedroom. 
“You’re going to be a good girl for me. Aren’t you?” Harry smirked while Y/N looked up with her innocent eyes and nodded, seeming to be in awe of his behavior. Harry hadn’t exactly gone this primal before but she was wet as fuck and he was as happy as could be. Taking his tie off, he smirked down at her and held it in front of him. “Wrists.” He demanded. At the rapid blinking, he gripped her throat, leaning down over her. “Don’t make me ask for them again. Give me your wrists.” It was quickly after that, she was stripped and they were tied and held to the headboard. Naked and all at his mercy, Harry stalked the end of the bed with a dark gleam in his eye. “Look so pretty, my sweet girl. Innocent, if it wasn’t for your drippy little cunt making a mess of those expensive sheets.... Said they were silk, didn’t you?” He chuckled, unbuttoning his shirt. “Where are the toys?” At a drunken 2 am they’d ordered sex toys one night and a little toy chest she had gotten for them, and he wanted to play with them. 
“Daddy!” Y/N whined, but the sharp glare he sent in return immediately sent darts of hot arousal and a bit of fear through her. “Closet....”  the whisper was given as she clenched her thighs together. Harry brought the chest out and hummed as he looked through things, happily finding what he was looking for. 
When Harry took out the wand vibrator, it had her heart racing faster. She hadn’t ever used one with someone else before. Usually she could control when she took it away and just how much she could handle at a time, but with the way Harry was acting... Y/N knew that he wasn’t going to be nice about it. 
“Daddy... please, I just want you inside.” Y/N tried, not sure she could handle all that pleasure. 
“Hm. It’s a shame I didn’t ask, isn’t it?” Harry knew that she would be okay with this, because he had gently asked her colors and she had genuinely responded green. He knew her well enough and had permission beforehand. They’d spoken about this being something they did anyways. “Now. I can see you’re all slicked up. Already came once tonight so I’ll be nice and make sure this one is even better.” He cooed, leaning down over it and spitting right on it. The flinch had him grinning, Y/N moaning and bucking her hips at the sensation of it. 
As soon as the vibrator was clicked on, Y/N knew she was in trouble. Still sensitive from the knee weakening orgasm from the elevator, the buzzing had her legs stiffening. 
“Oi.... keep them open.” Harry scolded. “Daddy’s been so nice to you. So sweet. And now you’re out and trying to take away my fun?” He gave a faux pout, but his voice was thick with arousal. 
“I forgot about how much of a slut you are sometimes. Been so gentle with you lately but you really have been wanting a bit of fun.” He murmured, clicking up the setting. 
Y/N was laying with her mouth open, breasts heaving with the way Harry moved the wand up and down. The powerful vibrations had her shaking a tiny bit and she knew she wouldn’t last long. Another pitiful whine of his name had her getting a bit more pressure over her clit. 
“Shhh. That’s my girl. Daddy’s dirty whore, hm? Can’t get enough.” 
Her hips were bucking up and the heat coursing through her was intense. Harry’s behavior well was fueling this intense arousal. He was all man. All.... perfect for her. She loved being admired and needed and even a little bit degraded when it came down to it, and he was giving it to her. 
“Fuck... look at you. Dripping down to your sheets and panting like a bitch in heat. All you want is cock inside your precious cunt, isn’t that right?” 
“Yes! Daddy, please. I’ll be so good. So, so good just... inside me!” Y/N pleaded, bucking her hips needily. Harry was so good to her. More generous than any other lover. More caring and loving in general but in bed, it was a whole other level. 
“Begging... sounds so good coming from you.” Harry muttered, pressing the setting up as he leaned over her. “One more orgasm before you can take me. I know you love being filled up. Pounded. Like when your makeup gets all messy and smeared because you’re so fucked out you can’t breathe. I know that you want to be so sore in the morning that it’ll be obvious that you have the best cock in your bed.” Harry has also shown off his possessive side lately. Been increasingly so. “Want everyone to know and to see that you’re well taken care of. Daddy’s princess.” He muttered, watching her face. 
Y/N was losing it. Her stomach was hot with heat and she kept bucking her hips and grinding into the wand Harry held firm against her cunt, playing with her breasts with gentle movements of his fingers. Two types of sensations. 
“That’s it. I can see it.” Harry encouraged, it was obvious when she was close. “Be a good girl. Cum.” 
At the demand, Y/N lost it. Shaking, she let out a gasped sob as her body writhed against the sheets, a squeal of his name and holding on to the tie holding her wrists to the board, her back arched and her whole body trembled in the best way possible. She didn’t even know what was happening as she felt her wrists get let go of, flopping to the bed. All she felt was herself being turned over to her stomach, propped her hips up with a pillow and then— fuck. 
Harry filled her. A loud moan came from him, a pathetic whimper. Harry’s hand gathering her hair up and holding it firmly, cock buried deep inside of her for a moment before he began to go. There was no mercy with his thrusts. Hard, bed shaking, dirty. Leaning his body over her, speaking into her ear. 
“That's it. This is what you were made for.” He muttered into her skin. “Made to be fucked by me. Act so spoiled all the time but no one knows... you come home, my sweet little angel. Want to be so sweet to me and then a needy little bitch in bed.” He cooed, hands slipping between them. He wasn’t going to last very long. “Had me all worked up all night with that sexy fucking dress, your pouty lips. I love it so much. My pretty girl. I love showing you off. I want to do it more.” He grunted as he pressed her further into the bed. “Mine. You’re all fucking mine. This pussy belongs to me. I want every fucking person to know that I’m yours. That you are mine. No one else gets to take you. I’m keeping you forever.” He wasn’t even hesitant to say that. He loved her. His woman was the only one for him. “Mine. Fuck... I’m gonna cum soon. You got me all worked. Fuck, I needed this pussy so bad. Needed you.” He groaned into her ear as he ran sloppy circles across her clit. 
Y/N was more than happy to take it, whining loudly as she felt him take every bit of his cock and slam it in. Truly, she felt cock drunk, eyes crossed and mouth unable to close. She was so sensitive and needy, but she had let go completely in his hold. It felt like shocks every time he pounded into her and the stream of whimpers and little noises was loud but pitiful. She needed this so bad. To be fucked out by him.
“Daddy! Daddy! Plea-” Her whines got caught in her throat as his hand grabbed at her hair and pulled her back. 
“Yeah? Begging to cum again like the good little cum slut?” Harry practically growled, “Squeeze for me, yeah… that’s it… fuck, you’re so good, so perfect.” He knew he wouldn’t last long. Her cunt felt like heaven. Nothing had ever felt better. With every thrust Harry felt like he was struggling to hold back his full power, essentially shoving his cock as deep as he could manage. Y/N’s sweet sounds of pleasure only edged him on, his own grunts and mutters begging her to cum for him so they could share a sweet release. 
And my god was it sweet. A series of throaty moans left the both of them, nothing but the added sound of skin slapping against skin and the slickness of their climaxes filled the room. Harry slowed the pace of his moving hips and stayed hovering above his love whilst they caught their breath. 
“You mean everything to me, you know that? Nobody, and I mean nobody will change that. You’re mine, Y/N. I love you.” Harry meant it with every fiber of his being.
He was going to marry this girl.
A/N: hehehe fore-shadowing? 😈- n + d
let us know what you think!
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craftypeaceturtle · 4 years
Sanders Sides Fic Rec
As a heads up! It’ll be very obvious that I prefer Virgil angst and so there will be a definite bias. Just a heads up! All of these will be on AO3 because... it’s the best haha! Also, I’ve only just noticed that a lot of these aren’t necessarily shippy but hey ho! Anyway, here we go! 
What Students Teach- mt_reade, 4,000 words.
Hello! My name is Thomas Sanders, and I just finished my first year as a teacher.
I taught a grade one class this year, at a relatively small school. I’ve known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was young, and babysat for the first time. I just love kids so much, and I remembered how much my teachers had an influence on me growing up. I wanted to be able to do that for others. I’ve known for a long time that teaching is the right job for me.
But, what I didn’t know, is that the teaching goes both ways, and the lessons that my students have taught me this year are more valuable than any of the things that I taught them. I’m writing this now to share with anyone who reads this, just precious few of the things that my students teach me.
(I came across this recently but I just love how simple and sweet this idea is! I love how they characterised all the sides in the perspective of children, especially Remus. I feel like it would be easy to write as absolutely ridiculous but he feels still realistic while still being very much Remus!).
I'll Stay Awake (cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight) - starlocked, 2,000 words, Anxceitmus
Virgil doesn't get to meet his soulmates each night. No, he has nightmares. His roommate decides to stage an intervention.
(I just love this take on the soulmate idea of meeting up in your dreams. I also like that it was no one’s true fault. It would’ve been easy to say that it was all Deceit’s and Remus’ fault for being terrifying but it’s more nuanced than that! There’s not a lot of shippy-ness but it’s still a soulmate au so there we go!)
(don’t) take this the wrong way- delimeful, unfinished, 7,000 words.
Local shark mer Roman finds a tiny mermaid tangled up in a net in his territory, and enlists his siren friend Patton's help to find a way to free the little guy. Unfortunately for Logan, they end up 'borrowing' a human to assist them in untangling the net. Virgil just wants to get out of this nightmare of a situation.
(Maybe I’m just a sucker for merpeople aus, but this is such a good story immediately. Instantly engaging and I’m keeping an eye on it for any new updates. I may also just be a sucker for misunderstandings which is the main conflict so far haha!)
Centaur AU- KieraElieson, unfinished, 10,000 words
Thomas is hired as a centaur groom very abruptly, and is just a little bit lost, but trying his best.
However, when you think of centaurs more as people with animal-like bodies, and everyone else thinks of them as animals with human-like bodies, disagreements are bound to come up.
(So far it’s pretty much setting up the context and characters but it’s done so effectively! The trauma of the characters is handled so well, hinted at and clearly effecting their behaviour, but not so obvious that you immediately know what’s happened to them. Despite being tagged as ambiguous time period, you don’t even really question when the story is set! It quickly grabs your attention and you focus on the story more than any tiny ambiguous details.)
No Longer Alone- Amydiddle, 3,000 words
Anxiety has been living in the basement of Thomas' mind space for almost two years now. A place were all the host's darkness resides. The small side has learned how to take care of himself and how to avoid the sides whenever he goes upstairs.
Tonight's midnight food run goes a bit differently.
(I am so weak for stories about how all the sides formed and first interacted! I think I just fell in love with this concept! Simple but such an interesting fun read!)
The Worst Thing in the World- Arwriter, 6,000 words
Everyone knows Virgil needs to be handled a little differently. He might not like it, but that’s the way it is, and living with the light sides won’t change that. After all, it’s common sense.
(The first part in a slowly expanding series, the entire series is sooo good so if you like this one then definitely continue reading! It’s such a well written look into their lives, how they handle conflicts and grief. I love Virgil angst where the others get a look into his previous life, no matter how small and sad that look is.)
tales of reverie- cattonsanders, 40,000 words, offscreen Logince. 
Roman loves to read bedtime stories to his kids (even if Virgil says he’s grown out of them), but soon Patton and Virgil discover that the story book their dad has been reading to them is actually a portal to the very kingdom they’ve been told about- not only that, but their dad is the prince!
What else will they find as they venture deeper into this new world they’ve found themselves in, and what other, much darker secrets are being kept from them?
(SUCH A CREATIVE IDEA! I love how the plot always kept me guessing but never in a way that felt cheap or misplaced. Characters were introduced and you were left piecing it all together to figure out if they were trustworthy, which is what the main characters are also doing! Will always recommend)
Caught Red Handed- Wholesomereader, 20,000 words
Virgil doesn't like his dad, runs away, and 'accidentally' steals from a local bakery.
Then, the owner of said bakery hires him.
He's in so much shit.
(I love how this is paced and written out. There’s a lot of themes and relationships being built but it still feels easy to keep track of everything and nothing feels swept to the side or neglected.)
Slither Into Your Heart- Jungle321jungle, 6,000 words, unfinished, Anxceit
Deceit didn’t bother to knock as he slammed the door open and glared down to where Remus sat on his bed polishing his morning star. 
“What did you do?” Deceit hissed. 
Remus gave him a large smile as he looked him up or down, “Do you have the snakes just up there or are they down below too?”
If asked by Patton later, Deceit most definitely did not try to strangle the other side in that moment. Not all.
Also known as:
Deceit is turned into a Gorgon.  And the new annoying little snakes on his head seem to have an annoying obsession with Virgil.
(Amazing idea, amazing writing, sweet scenes and just! It’s just a nice read! I love how they write Deceit to be this cool tough persona but also named all his new snakes!)
Wings of Anxiety- ShadeCrawler, 7,000 words
Virgil normally kept his wings pressed tight against his back. He never let them out to stretch when he was outside his room. Yes, they got sore after a little while and yes, it rustled his feathers to the point that it took forever to groom them.
But, he couldn’t take them out. He just couldn’t. Dark Sides didn’t have wings. Only Light Sides did.
(Love me some Virgil angst, add in some wings and I’m in! I also love this idea that Virgil was supposed to be a light side all along but circumstances weren’t as fair. Strong self hatred to make a compelling story! Just yes!)
This isn’t what I wanted, but I’ll take it- Simpleton_Cat, 17,000 words, unfinished.
Thomas didn't think he would ever get pets, much less a cat. But here he was, having four cats, Logan, Patton, Roman, and Remus. And then Remus (God, please exorcise the demon that is most definitely in his cat body) brings home two more and then suddenly he's back at the Vet.
Or in other words: Everyone is a cat and Thomas is their owner.
(Again, such a cool idea! I love how this new context for the characters allow for so many new ideas and characterisations. I love Deceit and Virgil’s relationship and how that has shaped, especially how Deceit’s link to lying is written!)
Changing Tides- LadyoftheWoods, 6,000 words.
Virgil ends up overboard of his father's boat during a storm, and expects to drown in the sea. Instead he is rescued by merpeople, in more ways than one.
(Virgil angst plus merpeople- well hello! I love the slowly forming family relationship between the characters. I also love how Virgil reacts to finding out merpeople exist, feels genuine but not too drawn out.)
A Fanciful Dream- AceDetective, 20,000 words, Prinxiety 
Virgil could say with certainty that he was no prince. Found by King Thomas’ chef, lost and with no memory of who he was, Virgil spent his childhood running errands in the halls of the castle. When a young King visits and claims Virgil is his brother, Virgil must determine if this is truth or a young King’s hopeful dream.
(While this is very fast paced, everything feels justified and well explained. The confusion between both Virgil and his brother feels so genuine and well written. The quiet slow reaching out makes sense for the both of them!)
Ten Things- LostyK, 30,000 words, unfinished, Anxceit, Royality
When Roman Prince learns that Patton Foster isn’t allowed to date until his older brother, Virgil, is, Roman is crushed. Roman’s twin brother Remus, however, comes up with a plan: find someone who is willing to date Virgil.
And who better to ask than Janus Verona, who according to rumours is willing to do anything for the right price?
(This is one where I kept a close eye to see if it updates, while a silly idea, it’s so well  written! I love how Deceit is written as slowly caring and falling in love while still maintaining his persona, just like Virgil! I also love how Virgil is characterised as his usual anxious self but a bit more persona based like before accepting anxiety) 
You Can Picani Family You Want- DramaticGarbage, 20,000 words, Analogical, Royality.
Emile finds himself in charge of two small boys who need somewhere to go. It’s going to be a learning curve for everyone.
(If you love found family stuff then this is it! It’s a series of oneshots about different parts in their lives but I love the themes and how the characters progress through each moment. It’s so sweet and rewarding. Plus it has big boi Roman which is always a plus!)
Fatherly Sides- Bright_Sea, 60,000 words, Moceit
There are good and bad days when it comes to being a father. Deceit and Patton learn all about it while raising their four boys.
(Similar to the one above, lots of found family sweet moments all connected by the larger plots and themes. The angst of the larger plot is given the seriousness and gravity that it deserves. I love how trauma is talked about and dealt with in a healthy manner. Everything feels so genuine and realistic!)
Colors- Badgermole, 49,000 words (21 works), Logicality.
A collection of stories where Logan is a young Virgil's dad. Virgil happens to be autistic and has a fascination with colors. Unless otherwise stated: Virgil is aged around early elementary school age with Roman 2 years older.
(Again, with the sweet family moments with minimal angst! I don’t have autism so I can't say whether it’s realistic or not but it’s very well written and covers a lot of autistic themes and everyday life. Actually, read pretty much everything by badgermole as their writing is so good and they tackle a lot of disabled issues!)
Powerless- patentpending, 187,000 words, Logicality, Prinxiety.
“People like us,” Logan had once remarked to Virgil. “Are statistical anomalies.”
(Almost)  Everyone in the world has powers.  As for those who don’t, well, they’re such a small part of the population - only 0.04% - why would anyone care about them?
Ever since he realized what people mean when they call him Powerless, Virgil Sanders has tried to fight back against the system that oppresses people like him, Patton, and Logan.  When Patton’s bakery is targeted in a hate crime, he finally snaps.  With the help of a mysterious sponsor, Virgil becomes a villain, ready to remake a broken society.  The only thing standing in his way is the world’s most Powerful (and infuriatingly charming) superhero: The Prince, who is hiding the fact that his gilded life isn’t as perfect as it may seem.
(So well written! While fast paced, everything feels so well balanced. Main characters and their plots balanced with new OCs that don’t feel too much and justified in being there. The plot kept me guessing while still feeling justified and interesting.)
Grounded- InstantFire, 18,000 words
No matter your age, punishments are no fun. Despite being no fun, would you be willing to do anything to avoid said punishment?
(I don't know what it is about this piece but it's just sooo good! I’ve reread it so many times, it just won’t leave my mind! I love how it’s carefully written where we don’t quite exactly know what the misunderstanding is until it’s stated out loud for all the characters. Maybe I just have a weakness for Virgil angst and misunderstandings but so worth a read!)
Snow Day- RandomSlasher, 8,000 words
Every year, the sides go to Roman’s realm and spend a few days enjoying the snow. Well…most of the sides. Set pre-Accepting Anxiety.
(SOOOO GOOD! The found family is so well written. Actually, while this is the only mention of Random Slasher because I don’t want this to be too long, read everything and anything by Random Slasher. So well written with some amazing ideas.)
Looking for the Light- OreoButter, 30,000 words
Remus, Deceit and Virgil Dark are Brothers. They had an awful home and now are in the foster system. After being passed from family to family they finally end up with Thomas. Remus is gross, Deceit is a compulsive lier and Virgil has crippling anxiety. Virgil will do anything to protect his brothers, at any cost. The family of three will have to face trial and the truth as they search for the light.
(I absolutely love found family if you couldn’t guess already! But I love how they wrote the sibling relationship between the dark sides, feels so genuine and justified. There is shipping but it feels more like a side plot so!)
Sightless- riverblujay, 9,000 words
Virgil is blind. It's not a big deal though, right? But he hides it, because if the other sides knew they would push him away again. And besides, he's pretty good at faking being sighted...
And the other sides are also more observant than he realizes.
(Again, this is another fic that I keep returning to! Also, I’m not blind or have any partial sight so I can't so whether this is realistic but the conflict and comfort feels so genuine and justified.)
The Black Hole Group Chat- Greenninjagal, 26,000 words, LAMP.
Cat_feelings: [I just have a lot of feelings for you Logan]
Anxi_Tea: [platonic?]
Cat_feelings: [does it matter?]
Anxi_Tea: [you’ve known him for twenty five minutes.]
*** aka a text fic where Logan texts the wrong number and everything goes downhill from there.
(I know text fics can be a little hit or miss but the chemistry feels so real and fun. The characters are still very much themselves, a lot of text fics can feel out of character. I also adore the fact that Virgil is mute so the fic has a reason for why the group chat is used despite them all meeting in person. So good, will always recommend!)
April Fool’s- feduphufflepuff, 5,000 words
This is Virgil's first April Fool's Day with the FamILY, and he has no idea what to expect.
(Love me some Virgil angst and misunderstandings so here ya go! The found family vibes and the comfort and just ah! So good, just go read!)
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doctorgerth · 4 years
Omg omg omg can I please requedt "One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other" for Killer?????
Gahhhh I am so sorry it took so long to get this out to you honey! To be honest, I’ve been working on it for a while I just kept fixing it and adding stuff and I just couldn’t ever finish it lol but now I finally have it and I really hope you enjoy it! Killer is my latest obsession so this was very very fun to write! x
warnings: cursing, explicit sexual content, unmasked Killer, sinful Killer content, cheesy fluff
Unmasked (Killer)
Word Count: 3879
The mess hall was as it always was when the Kid pirates congregated together - chaotically energetic. Boisterous, drunken laughter filled the dining room as everyone gulped down their alcohol, letting loose and enjoying each other's company as they chatted and wrestled with one another. Killer was babysitting his drinks, remaining cautious as always and he was far too enthralled with the entertainment from his tipsy girlfriend and trashed captain to really focus on getting drunk tonight.
"And then I slit their fucking throats, stole their treasure, and burned down the whole goddamn town!" Kid proclaimed, face flushed from being heavily intoxicated and rather pleased with himself. He was on his eighth drink and it didn't look like the night would be ending anytime soon for him.
Killer sighed with annoyance, "That's not exactly how that went."
"Oh come on, darling! Let the captain have his fun!" (Name) cheered while patting Killer on the chest. She was only on her second drink but he planned to stop her before she got too carried away. He knew her limit as he's had to remind her a few too many times already; especially when in the company of Kid.
"You're just pissy cause I left with all those women and you still haven't kissed anyone!" Kid challenged with an evil smirk before finishing off his drink and easily fixing himself another.
(Name) gasped and looked towards her boyfriend in shock, "You've never kissed anyone? And you never told me?!"
"Babe, you're my girlfriend." Killer offered a short, amused scoff at her genuine surprise. Drunk or not, she knew better than that.
"How could he? He's got thin, paper lips! Why do you think he wears the helmet all the time? He's scared no one could love him cause of those scaly lips of his. Not to mention that ugly mug of his."
"No way! I bet his lips are soft~" (Name) mused, rubbing at his helmet. No one noticed the patches of red that flushed his neck, but he could feel the heat radiating off his face, making him sweat inside the helmet. Why did she have to tease him like that?
"If you think kissing a fucking scaly snake lizard thing is soft," Kid groaned, followed with a burp, "Then I guess so."
Killer couldn't even protest, too amused with Kid's ridiculous antics and (Name)'s teasing to even respond. He decided he'd let them have their fun, even if he was the butt of all jokes that night.
"And how would you know that, Captain? You been smooching on my man?" Her arms crossed in front of her chest sassily as she awaited an answer. Killer could hardly tell if she was being serious anymore but it was entertaining nonetheless.
"He wishes." Killer responded casually.
It was Kid's turn to blush profusely now as he spat out his drink, "Shut the hell up you idiot! I'll punch those scaly ass lips of yours!"
"Not if you're too busy kissing 'em."
(Name) giggled to herself as she cuddled into her lover. They both ignored Kid's ranting as he rambled in a drunken stupor, hardly making sense anymore. She peered up at Killer, and though she couldn't see, she knew he was staring right back at her.
"I have an idea. Hold still." She whispered, leaning in.
Killer's heart began beating wildly in his chest, so loud he was sure that she could hear it too. He's had her so many times like this, so why was he anxious at the way she leaned in closer and closer towards him? He could usually read her pretty well, predict her next movements, but her intentions were puzzling and making Killer visibly quake.
When she was face to face with him, just mere centimeters away from his mask, she placed a small kiss on his cold, metallic helmet. Such an innocent notion was enough to make Killer nearly explode on the inside, and it was times like these that he was beyond thankful she couldn't see how easily capable she was of making him blush intensely.
With a warm smile, she clapped excitedly and raised her fists triumphantly in the air, "I was Killer's first kiss, woo!"
The crew, though unsure exactly of what was going on, and too inebriated to care, cheered along with her. They raised their mugs into the air and congratulated her triumph with large gulps of their drinks. Killer's embarrassment only increased tenfold and he immediately wanted to be anywhere but here.
"I think he likes me." (Name) whisper-yelled at Kid whom was rolling his eyes and finishing off his drink.
"Alright, I think it's time for bed for you, missy. Kid, tuck yourself in tonight." Killer stated, picking (Name) up and carrying her bridal style towards their shared bedroom. Kid pouted at first before offering a sole middle finger in the air at his best friend.
"Bedding me already, huh? You could've taken me to dinner first, at least." She grinned cheesily up at him while wrapping her arms around his neck and burying herself into his chest. Another flush of the face and he found it difficult to respond as her relentless teasing was dizzying his mind.
When they arrived at the room, he laid her down gently on the bed against the pillows. With eager eyes, she patted the bed next to her, reaching her arms out in needy motions and begging for him to join. Killer removed his shirt and crawled into bed with his lover, instantly wrapping his arms around her.
"Kid's lying, I know it." She mumbled against his chest.
He patted her shoulders, unsure of what she was referencing but assumed it to be just the alcohol talking, "I think you've had one too many tonight. Let's go to bed."
"No, I'm serious!" She proclaimed as she settled herself atop him in one swift motion, straddling his waist, "There's no way your lips are rough and scaly. They're totally soft and dreamy, right?"
He stared up at her quietly for a moment, before raising up and settling himself against the headboard. His nerves were all over the place as he prepared himself for his next move. He wasn't sure if it was the way she looked at him so desperately or if he was just eager to prove Kid wrong, but he decided to do the unthinkable.
With steady, calloused hands he grabbed her own, guiding them to hold his helmet. His fingers pressed down on her own, a clicking sound catching her by surprise. A small gasp left her lips as she realized what he was doing, now finding herself utterly sober. He helped her in the removal of his helmet, unmasking himself for the first time ever for her eyes to see.
Killer allowed her some time to feast on his big reveal. He could see the curiosity and hunger in her eyes as she soaked in his every feature and how his blushing was entirely present for her viewing now, which in return only made it worse. She didn't say a word as she remained motionless atop his body, only wanting to bask in this moment forever. She was terrified to move, worried that any movement would startle him and he'd go back into hiding.
She had spent many times previously imagining just what Killer hid behind that mask of his. (Name) never once believed the horror stories Kid passed off about Killer's mysterious looks. She didn't know what to expect when he revealed himself, but what he offered was beyond all expectations. His face was warm, a bit rugged, but loving as he stared up at her. To anyone else he would probably look intimidating, but not to her. She could only marvel at the beauty that was Killer. He had long, beautiful eyelashes that accentuated his bright eyes. She was quite jealous to see a man with such beautiful lashes. And those eyes. His eyes that looked up at her with a mixture of worry and utter adoration were enough to make her melt. Now she was the one at a loss for words.
Her eyes fell to his lips next. They were painted a dark shade all too similar to Kid's, which she found amusing. But oh how they looked so soft, so inviting, so kissable. He followed her eyes and knew exactly what she was staring at. He could tell what she wanted, yet she made no effort to take it. Anxious about the silence, Killer acted brashly and planted his lips against her own in a quick, heated kiss. He was growing increasingly insecure at the silent staring. He needed to feel her, he needed reassurance. When he pulled back, the bright red blush on her cheeks served as reassurance enough.
"How was that? Soft and dreamy?" he hoarsely whispered in the tense silence.
Her heart jumped at the movement of his lips. They were so enchanting, easily putting her under a spell. (Name) placed her hands along either of his cheeks and he felt himself melting into her touch. She'd never grabbed him like this before and her soft hands brought him a comfort he never wanted to lose, "The softest and dreamiest."
She wasted no time in pulling his lips back to hers and kissing him passionately, devouring the lips that she's ached to feel for so long. They were tangible; so real and so comforting. They were needy and fervent against her own, and she could tell he was fumbling as it had been a while since he last kissed anyone like this. She knew he'd kissed before, but a part of her also knew she was one of the very few, if not the only to see him like this; so captivatingly vulnerable.
His hands roamed her body, pulling at her clothes and groping any place he could touch as he was entirely overwhelmed by his love for her in this moment. He knew he'd have to reveal himself to her someday, and she was ever patient, so he wanted to show her how truly thankful he was for having her in his life.
In heated passions, they swiftly removed their remaining clothes and found themselves completely bare in front of one another. Their bodies already began to sweat as they intertwined with one another in the warm cabin air, chests heaving from lost breaths. They pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. Killer had always noticed how captivating hers were, but the full view and pools of water adorning her irises was truly mesmerizing.
She couldn't explain the tears that pooled at her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks. Her lips quivered, hands shook against his skin. She was so overwhelmed by it all, the emotions, the connection, the immense love she was so full of for him. How could he possibly ever fathom it? Would she ever be able to fully express it?
"You're so handsome...so beautiful..." Her tear soaked lips kissed all along his face, now exploring the uncharted territory of his facial features. Killer felt his own being begin to shake, emotions spilling forth as he wrapped his arms around her and sighed contentedly with each adoring claim of her lips. Each kiss was a proclamation of love and acceptance, and she wouldn't leave a single inch of his face unmarked. She didn't think it was possible to help him understand just how enamored she was with him, but she figured this would be a start.
"You're the beautiful one." His voice cracked against her skin, chest quaking from the nerves. He hadn't expected his reveal to be so significant, and usually he wasn't one for the dramatic, but her immediate acceptance was truly heartwarming.
"I love you so much. So much, Killer." A lopsided smile formed at her lips and she laughed a little despite the sad face she wore, "Thank you."
He had to fight back the tears, the way her reactions were making him feel like the greatest man on earth. She always had a way of making him feel special, important, but now that he was fully under her tender stare, he felt like he could conquer the world. He pulled her into him for another kiss, a small one, loving and gracious. They pulled away and she could see the constellations in his own eyes. As the tears threatened to spill, a sudden shift in the atmosphere washed over them like a tidal wave. An intense, burning passion bloomed in both their bodies and they pulled into each other yet again. This time refusing to let go of one another.
This kiss was all-consuming. Tear-stained cheeks collided and lips melded together fervently. She was growing accustomed to the taste of his lips and was entirely addicted. She drank him in, toying, licking, and biting at those soft lips; savoring the sweet sensation of them. His tongue danced with hers, a little too eagerly, but she accepted his entrance and moaned into his mouth at the feeling of his slick muscle against hers.
They couldn't possibly have each other any closer and yet they still pulled further into, chest pressed against chest, bodies flushed against one another. It was his turn to taste her now as his stained lips left hers, trailing lipstick smudges down her neckline, along her collarbone, and towards her breasts. Even from the lightest of touches, her body was tingling like crazy and her breathing became erratic as he wasted no time in plastering his lips all over her breasts.
Soon, they were covered in red, forming an abstract painting along her chest. His tongue reached out curiously, prodding at the pert nipple that was mere centimeters from his hungry lips. A breath hitched in her throat and her head fell back as he latched on, encircling his tongue around her nipple. He couldn't help but moan lowly at the sensation of finally having a part of her inside his mouth. She felt so soft, so delicate, and she tasted divine. He was starving for so much more of her.
His piercing eyes stared up at her as he sucked at her breast and he soaked in every reaction from her, mentally saving what worked and what didn't. She couldn't stare back as her eyes were closed, head thrown back, and back arched. His large hands supported her, thumbs rubbing soft circles onto her smooth skin as he continued his ministrations on her chest.
"Killer..." she panted out weakly. She was utterly amazed at how his lips were leaving her so desperate, so inconceivably needy for him. Her hand subconsciously snaked down towards his twitching cock, grasping onto it and pumping lightly.
His teeth bit down harshly in response, causing her to gasp loudly resulting in a small apology from Killer. He pulled away from her, breathing heavily as she rubbed him faster and faster. She couldn't even blink, she was so entranced by his reactions. The way his eyes fluttered between closed and open, the way his lips parted, exhaling shaky, hissed breaths, it was all so dangerously sexy to her. Though he still wasn't very vocal, his facial expressions revealed that (Name) was making him feel insanely good. He called out her name in praises, and it sounded like a song.
As she continued pumping, he noticed how his muscles were clenching, drawing closer and closer to his release. But he didn't want to let go yet, so he snagged her wrist, instantly stopping her actions.
"I want to taste more of you." He whispered. She was so bewitched by him, even the movement of his lips was making her abdomen tighten, cunt throbbing and begging for him.
He trailed kisses down her heaving chest while his tongue danced along her stomach. His hands cupped the inside of her thighs, slowly spreading her apart for him. His eyes looked so proud, so hungry for the soaked pussy that awaited him. If he had stared at her like that any longer, she would've come undone right there for him.
Killer was mighty eager to get a taste of her and it showed as he shoved his face into her core, lips and tongue tracing every area imaginable. A quick scream escaped her due to the sensitivity and the fulfilling sensation of his lips where she wanted them most. Her fingers instantly latched onto his wild mane, nails scraping helplessly against his scalp as he ate her out like a starved man.
He had wanted to take his time, but god, she tasted so sweet and he was fascinated with her every reaction. He was selfish and stubborn and he wanted so much more from her. His tongue lapped at her juicy cunt, tongue prodding in and out of her warm, tight cavern. Killer used his hands to keep her spread wide open for him while he explored every inch of her, drinking every bit of her up.
The instant his hands left her thighs, she clamped around his head tightly, eliciting a low moan from Killer. He swore he could stay like this forever, snug between those beautiful thighs of hers. He looked up at her, the pleased contortion of her face was making his cock throb violently but he was far from done with her. His calloused hands crept up to her chest once more, kneading and pinching at her sensitive nipples. His face was pressed against her cunt, tongue deep within her and she was a writhing mess because of it.
"Fuck! Killer, baby...." she cried out, toes curling at rapid paces. Her entire body was tingling and from the quaking of her thighs, they both knew she was close. His tongue left her entrance, eager to get to the main course as he latched onto her clit and went wild. He was sloppy and rough against her bundle and it didn't take long to send her straight into white hot euphoria. Her thighs squeezed his head as she came hard against his lips, whining helplessly as he ignored the over stimulation of his lips consuming her every drop. His tongue hardly ceased its affections as it lapped up her juices, causing her body to squirm desperately.
He rose from between her, using the back of his hand to wipe the drops of her that dribbled onto his chin. She caught her breath and pulled his massive torso back down towards her, plastering her lips onto his and enjoying the taste of herself mingled with the taste of him.
"I want you inside me, now."
A small smirk from him was nearly enough to make her cum all over again. This man was truly dangerous for her health. He pumped at his cock, prepping itself at her entrance. As his tip slid inside, he hissed at the way she slowly consumed him. Her walls were so tight, yet slick enough to grant him entry as he continued his way in, stopping when at the hilt. He sighed heavily, eyes closing blissfully at being entirely inside her. Feeling her walls clench around him was both uncomfortable and immensely pleasurable.
She moaned out as he began a steady pace. Her hands grabbed onto his chest in purchase before he laced his fingers with hers. He brought their intertwined hands up to his lips, painting more red along the skin of her fingertips and hand. Killer stared down at her, forcing her to keep eye contact with him as he made love to her. He wanted her to watch, to see how in love he was with her. She didn't dare look away, staring into those bright eyes that watched her with absolute adoration.
"I love you." He muttered, picking up his pace ever so slightly. Her entire being melted as she fell in love with how his lips formed those words. She wanted to hear him, see him say those three words over and over again.
He let go of her hands to throw her legs over his shoulders, hitting her at a deeper angle which had both of them moaning uncontrollably. He painted her calves now with faint markings, lips kissing and nibbling at the skin. She was his canvas and he would have her painted entirely red by the end of the night. In the midst of the intense pleasure he was giving her, she grabbed at his face, holding it steady while they stared at each other.
"I'll always love you."
Killer bent down to crash his lips onto hers. His fingers dug into her thighs as his pace increased again. The kisses were passionate and messy as the two moaned against each other's lips. They adored each other in hot, open-mouthed kisses as Killer increasingly fucked into her deeper and harder. Soon, the two to become exhausted from expelling so much love for another. Killer could feel that familiar peak inching closer and closer while (Name)'s lower body tingled uncontrollably.
His last few thrusts were desperate, rough as he fucked her into the mattress with all his might, spilling himself deep inside her with a low cry of pleasure. (Name) screamed out as his thumb retreated towards her nub, rubbing harsh circles into it in order to help her reach her own high.
"That's it baby, come for me..." He muttered breathily, rubbing her quicker and harder as he stilled inside her despite the agonizing over-stimulation.
He stared down at her, biting at his lower lip as he focused primarily on getting her off. The way he eyed her so lecherously, paired with his magical fingers, she finally came with a whine of his name on her lips.
Killer helped clean up their mess, not hesitating in pulling her into him once they were comfortable in bed again. Exhausted as they were, that didn't stop them from continuing to kiss each other softly and lazily. They could hardly keep their hands to themselves as they giggled like two teenagers in love, so young and eager for more.
"I'm crazy about you, you know that?" Killer rested his forehead against hers, his index finger rubbing gently along her cheek.
(Name) smiled widely, "Well I'm crazier. Also, how dare you hide this gorgeous face from me?"
He face palmed, trying desperately to cover the cheesy, embarrassed grin that stretched across his face, "Stop that. You're being ridiculous."
She would never get tired of seeing his face blush so brightly. She soaked in what she could of his face once more, before reaching behind him for the mask. He removed his hand to retrieve it from her, looking at her quizzically.
"If you're not ready, I understand."
He pursed his lips slightly, sighing before sliding it back on. A hint of regret in the pit of his stomach made him realize that things were going to be different with her from now on. He didn't have to hide anymore, but perhaps one more night would secure his feelings, "Sorry."
She shook her head with a warm smile, "Don't apologize. I love you, masked or unmasked." With that, she placed a small kiss along his helmet. Killer quickly slid up his helmet to sneak another peck of her lips before they drifted off into a warm slumber in each other's arms.
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ssttitdramon · 4 years
Steddie (Soft Energy)
@richiefairchild @just-another-shipper-01 @agressivebabyslug and I were at it again, tackling another underrated ship~
Eddie would go birdwatching with Stan and genuinely be interested
He asks all sorts of questions and immediately makes a mental note of which birds make Stan’s eyes light up 
They’d get all excited when they finally find the bird they’ve spent hours outside for 
Eddie insists on using and reapplying sunscreen and Stan just nods and listens to Eddie stress rant about skin cancer for 10 minutes
They would both listen to each other talk for hours, whether it’s birds or interesting developments in medicine
When they move in together, they keep the place organized, clean and most of all, comfortable
Super classy husbands
With lots of plants around the house, great for “clearing the air”- they don’t like the noise of an air purifier anyway
There are a few walls around the house with bird wallpaper- it looks great just trust us
They’re both sentimental and keep childhood stuff on shelves and tables
Stan framed this sweet letter Eddie wrote to him when he went of to summer camp one year
Eddie made a puzzle of the two of them together too :’)
At some point we agreed their place would look like an old person’s house, but really nice
One of them gets up early, grabs a giant blanket and migrates to the couch
The other will flop on top of them and they’ll snooze for “five more minutes” while they wait for their tea/coffee before heading off to work
Stan will play some soft jazz as they get ready and they’ll remind each other not to forget their stuff + make dinner plans
On weekends, whoever gets up first will make a huge breakfast to surprise the other- Eddie likes Stan’s pancakes and Stan likes how Eddie makes coffee
They like to slow dance together on date nights, they’ll have classical/instrumental music or sometimes Eddie’s favorite showtunes that Stan only secretly likes cause they remind him of Eddie
In fact, Eddie likes to play them while he showers and Stan will be washing the dishes and quietly sing along
“Aha! Caught ya singing to this!” -Stan will deny it forever and roll his eyes
After dinner they’ll go out for walks just to clear their head and spend quiet time with each other
If something’s up, they’ll patiently wait for the other to finally speak up and they’ll even quietly settle on their front porch swing, usually good for whenever they feel trapped inside the house and they’d like to listen to frogs and whatnot in silence
Stan is respectful and understanding of Eddie’s anxiety and fears, so he knows when Eddie just needs his presence 
Sometimes they’ll lightly bicker just to amuse themselves. Plus, Eddie’s such an argumentative dude that will sometimes need to talk his energy out and Stan always goes along with it, resulting in the most weird back and forth fits
Anyone walks in as they’re going at it, they’ll hear Stan say the funniest comeback with a straight face and Eddie doing the same -it will confuse them
They’ll immediately have each other’s backs when it comes to arguing with someone else. Even if they disagree with each other they’ll still gang up on the other person- it’s intimidating, I would not recommend 
They don’t do much for Valentine’s day + they’ll usually stay in for their anniversaries and spend some time together, with the exception of a camping trip every four years on their anniversary 
When they do go out to eat, they like to try new stuff, or at least Stan does- he’ll walk into any place and order the first thing he sees
Meanwhile, Eddie gets dragged along so that he can “broaden his options” according to Stan. Eddie won’t admit to it, but going to new places has helped him slowly get over his food anxiety. He still can’t help but to overanalyze the menu and will have Stan ask about certain ingredients
At restaurants, if one of them did not get their order right, the other will immediately let the waiter know and ask for the right order
“Send this back please. He did not want the pickles.”
Afterwards, “Eddie, you’re not allergic. You just hate them, don’t you?”
“I could be allergic. Are you accusing me of lying, Stanley?”
“Me? Accusing you, my dear husband? Never!”
When they go camping on their anniversary, it’s usually a new place every time as well. Eddie gets anxious and was reluctant to go the first time, but seeing Stan’s eyes shine as he plans out their weekend and the peaceful look on his face during their trip makes it all worth it
They’re like kids again once they’re out in nature, Stan’s got his eyes on the trees and Eddie’s back to asking questions about everything- nearly scares off the birds
Stan’s likes to tease Eddie about being shorter when there’s only one (1) inch of a difference
Stan doesn’t like pet names for himself, especially not the typical babe/baby stuff, but sometimes Eddie will slip “love” here and there and Stan feels all warm inside and nearly combusts… 😳 this is fine 💕
Stan is a little shit that likes to see Eddie get flustered, so when he sees Eddie get ready he’ll have a huge smirk and will start calling him handsome- shameless flirting and compliments just to make him blush
Eddie swore up and down he was allergic to peanuts, but one day he just ate one and he came out Okay and Alive. Stan always brings it up whenever Eddie is being stubborn about trying something new. So, one night as they’re talking and falling asleep, Stan whispers “Good night, Peanut” and Eddie nearly melts
The only other solid pet name they have for each other is Veery, the name of a forest thrush that stuck in Eddie’s head during a camping trip and would continuously repeat it to himself. Throughout the trip, they’d refer to each other as Veery only.
They are totally soft uncles when it comes to Ben and Beverly’s kids and compete against Bill and Richie to be the kids’ favorite uncles
Always reassure Bev that her kids will be much more safe with them than they are with Bill and Richie
And they are! 
Initially, Eddie was a bit awkward about it, but eventually he warms up to them and doesn’t mind answering their billion questions
Stan is excited from the start, he likes to listen to the kids talk about their cool interests and every time they come over they bake something new together
Yes, they go wild with frosting
Trust me, all four of them, Bill + Richie and Stan + Eddie, will spoil the hell outta those kids
Beverly sees right through them, “They’re just using you to get stuff, they only say you two are the favorites cause they wanna go to the movies this weekend.”
Neither of them care 
“Richie, stop spoiling them.”
“Ah, so Stan sent you, hm? Well, tell that sucker- Bill and I are taking them to Dave and Busters tomorrow.”
Ben and Bev’s babysitter decision making boils down to “Sugary uncles or chaotic uncles?”
They decide to hand them over to Mike this weekend. He’ll take them around his farm, let them feed the goats, cook a big meal for them and read them stories
Once the kids are back to their usual two sets of uncles, they claim Mike as the ultimate favorite uncle
They’re all hurt and will send a flow of salty texts in the groupchat
Mike is super humble about it, but the other four are pissed
“All those times we took them out for laser tag and ice cream… and they pick MICHAEL?”
Any time the kids ask either of the four for something at the next gathering, they just say “Why don’t ya ask your favorite uncle?😪”
Mike finds this funny and he’s lowkey proud he’s got them all ticked off over the opinions of kids
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lazulifoster · 5 years
Get Up (Loki x reader) Part 3
Pairing: Loki x Reader x Thor
Warnings: Angst(?) Death, childbirth
Word Count: 2.7k+
A/N: Sorry for the delayed post, not gonna lie I stress myself out over my writing sometimes and think whatever I write is crap, but sometimes I just gotta post it no matter what my anxiety tells me :) Anyway, this whole chapter is a background, so everything makes sense from chapter 2. If there are any typos, from the bottom of my heart, my bad :)
Also, still new to Tumblr so if I forgot to tag you or something I’m so sorry, I just learned about how to link stuff :/
Previous Chapters:
Part 1  Part 2 
20+ Years Ago…
It was early dawn in Asgard. The sun had just begun to peek behind the mountains, causing the color of the sky to turn from deep indigo to blush pink. Other than a few guards making their rounds, most occupants of the Allfather’s palace lay asleep, perfectly silent; all except one. A Valkyrie hastily ran through the halls and corridors of the castle as quietly as possible. She periodically sprinted behind the palace’s many pillars and peeked cautiously around them, making sure she was not noticed by any of Odin’s guards. She finally arrived inside the palace library, the meeting place she agreed to meet Thor, her future King, and most trusted ally. She carefully peeked around the library, Thor was late. She began to pace, panic-stricken Thor had forgotten their meeting altogether.
Thor lackadaisically made his way toward the palace library. He found it extremely odd for Sigrún to ask him to meet secretly before sunrise inside the library, but nevertheless, he obliged her, not thinking much more of the request. When he finally arrived and saw the Valkyrie’s face he was shocked by her distraught demeanor.
“Lady Sigrún, what is the matter? Why do you look so troubled?”
“Your majesty, this is urgent, and there is no one else I trust."
Thor was taken aback, Sigrún was a mighty warrior who fought diligently for Odin’s army. She had no fear for any of Asgard’s foes and found valiantly whenever called upon. She had seen Hel and laughed at its gates. But now, Sigrún was acting like someone Thor did not recognize. Sigrún was utterly terrified, her fear was almost tangible inside the library. Thor reached out and gently grabbed her hand.
“My Lady, please tell me what is troubling you, you’re beginning to frighten me.”
Thor led Sigúrn a couple of feet to one of the many ornate benches and motioned for her to sit. Sigrun placed her head between her hands as she attempted to hold back sobs. Thor put his hand on Sigrún’s back, trying his best to comfort her until she finally spoke.
“I am with child.”
Thor was confused. “But—well, that’s wonderful news, Sigrún! Why are you so worried? Children are a blessing—”
“Your grace, I am carrying a human child, a Midgardian!”
Thor’s eyes widened. Odin had made it very clear that none of the Valkyrie were to ever leave Asgard, let alone lay with a Midgardian. He demanded all of their loyalty to Asgard. Odin had only recently permitted the Valkyrie to bare children with an Asgardian, but just because Frigga had requested that right for the Valkyries. And Odin, to not upset his Queen further, begrudgingly obliged. But what Sigrún had done, in Odin’s eyes, was treason, punishable by an eternity in a prison cell or death.
“Oh, Sigrún…”
“Please your majesty! I can’t—Help me! I do not know what to do!” She began to weep, uncontrollably
Seeing the mighty Valkyrie reduced to a grieving mess made Thor anxious. Sigrún was one of the Valkyrie he most admired. She had fought alongside Thor before, even saving his life once in battle. Thor didn’t need much time to think it over, he decided he would return the favor and save the life of his friend. Even if it meant betraying Odin.
“I think I might have an plan…”
Loki sat in the farthest corner of the palace library occupying his favorite chair. He had a difficult night sleeping the night before and decided to not fight his sleeplessness and made his way to the library, his sanctuary. He would peruse through the alchemy and spell books and then make his way to epics and poetry. This was his usual routine. He grabbed a few books from each section and began fervently reading, soaking up the words on each page. Suddenly, Loki started to heard heavy stomps, frantically moving around the library. He made himself invisible, curious who would be in the library at this time of morning. Loki peaked around a bookshelf and saw Sigrún, the Valkyrie, darting back and forth, seemingly looking for something. What is a Valkyrie doing here? Loki felt slightly possessive of the library even though it was technically open to all who entered the palace. Soon after his first discovery, he heard another set of footsteps, ones he recognized; thunderous and rhythmic. Thor needs to have his rendezvous elsewhere. Loki was irritated and almost revealed himself when he heard Sigrún plead for Thor’s help.
A smile spread across Loki’s face, Ahhh a secret… What are you trying to hide brother? Loki made his way closer to Sigrún and Thor, already thinking of ways to use this as blackmail against his father’s favorite son. But the more Loki eavesdropped on their conversation, the more his motives turned from mischievous to mutual concern. Despite what Loki would say, he cared for Sigrún greatly, especially after one particular instance. 
Years ago, when Loki’s Jotun heritage was exposed to all of Asgard, Sigrún had spotted Loki standing alone in the palace garden among a large hedge of roses in his Jotun form. She saw him plucking individual petals from the flowers, cupping handfuls in his palms and then turning them into ice and letting the frozen petals fall from his hands, watching them slowly dissolve when they hit the ground. Sigrún walked up beside him and tried to reach for him.
“Don’t!” Loki hissed “I’m sure Odin would not wish one of his treasured Valkyrie to be corrupted by a Frost Giant.”
Sigrún ignored him and gently grabbed his shoulder. Loki tried to jerk his shoulder away but the Valkyrie refused to move her hand. The both of them stood in silence for what felt like hours, staring at the rose hedge and the melting petals on the ground.
Sigrún didn’t say a word to the Loki, she merely stood beside him, silently showing her support.
The simple act of kindness that the Valkyrie showed Loki, by keeping him company among the roses, almost make him emotional. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he was extremely grateful for the warmth of Sigrún’s simple act.
As Loki listened further, he vowed to himself he would never reveal what he heard, and perhaps, maybe even assist Sigrún in whatever way she needed, silently showing support.
“Do you really think this will work, your grace?”
“It is a risk we have to take, Sigrún…” 
Thor’s plan was simple, he would take Sigrún back to Midgard without Odin’s knowledge and help her set her life up in Midgard with her human love, Aaron and their new baby. The plan seemed easy enough, but the execution would be much more challenging. Recent news of an uprising from Surtur surrounded the kingdom; Odin would most definitely call for his army of Valkyrie, making sure all were accounted for. 
Thor and Sigrún made a plan to meet in the middle of the night in the library once more when most of the servants, maids, and guards were sounds asleep. Thor would escort her to the Bifrost Bridge and beg Heimdall not to say a word to anyone, and travel to Midgard for a short while with Sigrún to make sure she was settled with her new life on Earth. 
The night came for Sigrúns escape. The palace was eerily silent. Sigrún carefully made her way to the library, unspotted. She peered behind the bookshelves, making sure she was alone. Thor arrived shortly after her.
“Are you ready, Lady Sigrún?” Thor whispered
“I am.”
Thor lead Sigruún through the long hallways of the palace, making sure not to be seen. The journey seemed forever for Sigrún, she was anxious to exit the palace.  Please, don’t let us be seen she prayed, to whoever would listen…
Loki waited for Thor and Sigurn to leave the library and began to follow them. While they were walking past the hallways, Loki had spotted two palace guards heading their way Excellent planning brother. Thor had obviously forgotten that because of the potential Surtur uprising, the palace would become more heavily guarded than usual. Loki quickly cast a spell on the guards, causing them to not see the Valkyrie or Thor. Loki did this their whole escape of the palace, casting spells on the various guards that would almost make their way towards the two escapees. He really didn’t know why he was helping his brother and the disgraced Valkyrie, it certainly wasn’t for sentiment, at least that's what he told himself. 
You are forever indebted to me for this, Brother.
6 months later
Something was wrong. Thor could sense it as he jolted out of bed and began to get dressed.
Thor had safely (and without exposure) aided Sigrún’s escape to Midgard. They had met up with Aaron in a small apartment, and all was well. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Thor—I-I mean, your Highness. Sigrún has told me so much about you and Asgard” Aaron began to bow which made Thor chuckle.
“It is quite alright, Aaron. And you may call me Thor.” 
It was the first time Aaron and Thor had met, but Thor could see that he was a good man. Especially if a highly esteemed Valkyrie was willing to risk everything and uproot her entire life for him. The two men became instant friends.
Thor stayed in Midgard for a few days before heading back to Asgard. The three of them shared tearful goodbyes, not knowing when they would all be together again.
“Thank you so much, for everything, your majesty. I will never be able to repay you.”
“You’re a fine woman, Sigrún, and I am honored I was able to aid you and your little one.” Thor reached down and placed a gentle hand on the Valkyries forming baby bump.
The God and Valkyrie embraced once more. Thor then raised Mjölnir above his head, called out to Heimdall and then quickly vanished.
Thor raced toward the Bifrost Bridge, awkwardly maneuvering through the bustling palace and ignoring anyone who called out to him. Loki happened to notice his brother running around which piqued his interest. He followed his brother from a distance and could see Thor was making his way toward Heimdall and the Bifrost. He made himself invisible and spied on Thor.
“Heimdall! I need you to allow me to leave for Midgard!”
Heimdall stood still, hardly acknowledging the booming demand.
“Heimdall!” Thor roared louder “I had a dream last night that felt more like a prophecy, I need you to see what has become of Sigrún.” 
After a few more silent moments, Heimdall finally opened the Bifrost Bridge, allowing Thor to leave. Loki decided he would follow his brother to Midgard, blaming his boredom and curiosity.
Thor arrived in a hospital waiting room. He was confused but then remembered it was approximately the time Sigrún was expecting to give birth to her child. Thor, with Loki invisible and close by, looked for someone who could help him locate Sigrún.
“Excuse me, Medicine Lady of the Children’s Ward, I’m looking for a new mother called Sigrún.”
The nurse raised her eyebrows in confusion. Thor’s Midgardian vernacular was still lacking. Loki laughed to himself, What a remarkable idiot.
“Any new moms will be that way.” 
Thor thanked the nurse and followed her direction. He entered a vast hallway, each room filled with women just arriving, in the process of giving birth, or just finishing the anguishing ordeal and holding their new babies. Thor looked at the names on each door trying to find the Valkyrie’s name. After about the seventh door, he saw a sign reading; “Welcome Sigrún to room 1107.”  Thor was immediately excited. Without thinking he barged in, hoping Sigrún had given birth already so he could meet the new baby. When Thor (and Loki) walked in, the scene was not what they expected after a joyous event. Aaron was resting his head between his arms on the side of Sigrún’s bed. It was evident he was crying, but the only noise coming from the room were the soft cries of a newborn coming from an infant cot in the corner of the room.
Sigrún lay perfectly stiff in her bed, colorless. Thor quickly processed what had happened and that his foreboding dream was indeed a prophecy. In his dream, Sigrún was covered in blood begging for help, with the sound of a baby crying in the background. Thor’s eyes welled up with tears. 
Loki was hysterical. He immediately left the room, and transported himself back to his room on Asgard and began to throw and shatter any objects he could find. One of the few people who ever showed him kindness in his Jotun form was gone. And there was nothing to do to bring her back.
Back on Midgard, Aaron looked up to see Thor standing in the room, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was covered with tears and snot. 
“What. Happened?”  Thor tried to keep his voice from cracking.
“They said it was ‘postpartum hemorrhaging.’ She—bled to death.” Aaron began weeping again. The baby’s cries continued. Thor looked over to the infant cot and saw a beautiful baby swaddled in a white hospital blanket wearing a pink cap. Thor assumed the baby was a girl. He walked over to the newborn and picked her up from the cot and held her. He looked at her little face. She was absolutely beautiful, making out the features she shared with her mother. The baby stopped crying as Thor gently rocked her back and forth. 
“What am I gonna do, Thor?”
The two men looked at each other. They both saw a mutual uncertainty in their faces. Thor didn’t know how to answer him.
“I do not know, Aaron. But what I do know is that Sigrún would want you to remain strong for your child’s sake.” 
Thor handed the baby to her grieving father. “Why don’t you hold your daughter and come up with a name for her.”
Aaron looked at his child as tears continuously ran down his cheeks. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“Her name is Y/N, Sigrún said she really liked that name.”
“A beautiful name.”
Thor made his way by his friend's side and stood next to him. He looked at the Valkyrie’s lifeless body once more and silently promised her that he would never allow anything to happen to Aaron and Y/N.
taglist: @portietomednalynn
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fallling-skys-blog · 6 years
2D x Reader
You weren’t the type of person to go up to a stranger and attempt to greet them but this time everything about the situation was different. You hadn’t noticed him at first since you came here to dance and enjoy yourself, not to find someone to potentially date or hookup with. You didn’t think there was anything wrong with that, it just wasn’t really your cup of tea.  If somebody bought you a drink, you would just politely thank them and slide it over to your friend when the person who had bought you the offending beverage wasn’t looking in your direction. That way, at least someone would get to enjoy it.
You'd first noticed him when you were dancing or, to be more specific, you'd noticed his unique hair color. You hadn't even known it was him, you just wanted to compliment the person on their cool hair and were thinking of a plan to approach the stranger when he'd turned around. When he'd briefly turned around to face your direction, you almost had a heart attack. It wasn't exactly everyday that you met the lead singer of your favorite band at a club on a whim.
You weren't really keen on the idea of going up to him and introducing yourself but you knew that you'd regret it for years if you didn't go for it now. As you debated whether or not you should talk to him, you watched as the girl he'd been talking to starting to get up to leave.
You did your best not to raise an eyebrow as you watched her trailing her hand down his arm as she made her way to the dance floor after whispering something in his ear. You told yourself that if you didn’t go up to someone who was in the same room as someone who made music that you loved, you’d regret it for the rest of your life.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep it together, as you walked over, sitting down in the sit that the other girl had recently been occupying. You almost felt bad taking the seat, in case the woman who’d just left had been his girlfriend.
You doubted your theory that she was though, considering he’d been dancing with someone else earlier who’d definitely had short black hair. If anything, that would be his potential lover.
You shook the random thoughts from you mind, giving yourself words of encouragement in your mind, before finally turning to him.
“You’re the singer from the band Gorillaz right?” you asked, almost yelling over the music to be heard.
“Yeah,” he responded, staring into the space in front of him.
That wasn’t exactly the kind of response you’d hoped for but you figured he probably got this all night and that’s why he was less than ecstatic to have somebody at the club recognize him.
“That’s pretty cool!” you respond.
He doesn’t even bother to reply and you sit there, staring at your hands in your lap and mentally work up the courage to say something again for what seems like forever as you try to remember his name.
“Your name’s 2D right?” You ask, hoping for some response.
“Tha’s right,” he responds.
“Cool…” You mumble under your breath and take up staring at the counter awkwardly, trying to steady your nerves.
It’s probably around a half hour of anxious thoughts and breathing exercises later when you decide to say something again.
“It was nice meeting you! I’m think I’m just going to go…” You trail off when he turns toward you.
You meet his black eyes and your heart skyrockets. He did have a point, you’d worked up all this courage to talk to him and you were just going to let the opportunity to meet the singer from your favorite band slip through your fingers. It was such a short and to the point question that it made you completely rethink leaving.
“I don’t know actually. I just figure that I can’t really control myself around people I like that much and I’m not exactly the type to go here for a hookup or anything. I just come here to dance and have fun with my friends, as weird as that is. I guess it’s not that weird but I have a feeling that’s not why most people come here.” You explain, sitting back down.
Your face goes red as you realize you just explained to a complete and utter stranger that you thought he was more than attractive. He doesn’t reply to but you have a feeling it’s not because he’s uninterested this time. He probably just doesn’t know how to respond to your detailed explanation.
You watch as he takes the cigarette he was smoking out of his mouth to take a sip of his drink.
“Does that help?” You ask.
“What do you mean by that?” He says.
“I mean...Well does it help you to be yourself without being nervous? I’ve heard alcohol just helps you to be more confident in everything that you normally do but I wouldn’t really know.” You explain.
“Not really. For some people I fink it might do that but mostly the liquid courage phrase is total rubbish. Just lets you forget what you do for tha time you do it. Think tha’s why Murdoc likes it so much, makes him forget all o’ the horrible stuff he does,” 2-D responds.
“Oh,” You answer, wondering who Murdoc is.
You never really got obsessed with the people in bands, just their music. It was pure luck that’d you’d gone to one of his band’s concerts before and recognized him tonight.
“Ever been to this state before?” You ask, trying to continue the conversation.
“We usually go to bigger places. Chicago and such, never been ‘ere before.”
“I can’t blame you on that one. I mean it’s not really the most interesting place to visit. At least from my experience living here,” you reply.
“You live near here then?” he asks.
“No, actually, I meant the state. I just came here to dance and my friend’s girlfriend lives near here so we decided to…” you trail off, before getting excited, “Actually I’ve never really been around here before at all! Maybe we could go exploring?”
You’re about to take it back when you realize that you’re asking a complete stranger to accompany you in exploring a dark place at night before he interrupts your worried thoughts.
“I’ll ‘ave to ask Noodle what time she wants me to be back ‘ere but that sounds a lot more interesting than just sitting around at a bar.”
“Awesome!” you reply, before realizing that you should probably text your friend as well.
He watches over your shoulder as you text her. It’s an action that would usually irritate you but right now it just serves to make you more nervous than you already were.
You: Hey, what time do you want to leave?
Misty: probably around 10
You check your phone for the time and realize that only gives you about an hour, before texting her back. It’d probably be smarter for you to say yes, be back quicker, and text her that you were leaving with a stranger but you’re starting to get an adrenaline rush from doing this and decide to risk it on the grounds that it’ll be fun. Not to mention, you get a vibe that this guy you met isn’t really dangerous in the slightest and hope you’re right about this as you send her back a text.
You: Think we can make it 12?
Misty: sure!
You: Thank you!!
You turn to him, “Shall we leave?”
“Alright,” 2-D responds.
You get up and lead the way out the door as he starts to talk to you.
“Your friend seems nice,” he remarks.
You’re extremely relieved that 2-D seems like he genuinely wants to want to conversate with you all of a sudden.
“She is. Well, not really nice exactly.”
You end up holding the door for him, old habits die hard and you’re used to escorting and hanging out with girls. The process is about as awkward as it sounds, especially considering the height difference and such. You continue talking so he doesn’t have the chance to say thanks or mention the fact that you were holding the door open.
“She’s like if you had a build-your-own character game and you chose to combine sarcasm, passive aggressiveness, and a caring nature. I mean, I’m not saying she’s not kind, she’s just loving with a twist.” You tend to ramble when your nervous.
“That’s good that she’s caring,” he replies, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Oh she totally is! I-” you say, stopping mid-sentence distracted.
He’s even more attractive when you can see his face better in the light of a street lamp. You notice for the first time that his two front teeth are missing and you’re a little curious how that happened, not that you’re going to ask.
“Somefing wrong?” He asks when you stop talking, seemingly at random.
“No! I just, you’re very attractive?” you respond and then immediately regret it.
At least it was better than saying he looked absolutely amazing in the light of night, but it was still embarrassing. You tended to reply to any questions in complete honesty which you didn’t consider the greatest trait to have at the moment.
You’re relieved when he smiles back and looks down at you in confusion. You can’t help but smile back embarrassed and then look down at the sidewalk, muttering a half-hearted sorry under your breath.
“I’ve heard I’m attractive but I never knew I could make someone stop talking ‘cause of that,” he jokes.
“You learn something new everyday I guess,” you respond, still keeping your gaze down but starting to walk away.
You look back after you notice that he’s not following you.
“You coming?” you ask.
“Didn’t know if I was allowed to,” he says, walking to catch up with you.
“Of course, who else would I stop talking to at random to admire but you?”
“Tha’s a good point, right there. Guess I’m pretty important then, huh?”
“Definitely. So, if I can ask, who were you dancing with back there?”
“What do ya mean…? Oh! You’re talking about Noodle.”
“I like her name, it’s cool.”
“I’ll tell ‘er that. She gets loads of people hitting on her with bad food puns all o’ the time so she’ll probably be grateful,” 2-D says.
“Yeah, Noodle’s great. She’s like a little sister ya know? It’s always real fun when she takes ya anywhere, never know what going to happen but it turns out great every time. You should meet her sometime, she’s a real unique person, jus’ like you.”
“I’m unique?” you ask, surprised.
“Well from what I’ve heard from ya, you are. I don’t see a lot of gorgeous ladies going to clubs just to dance and inviting strangers for walks.” He responds.
“Huh, I guess you’re right in that regard. I don’t usually talk to a lot of people at the bar though, so you’re pretty special,” you say.
“I am? Tha’s a stroke of luck right there. Glad that I am, special and all that,” 2-D comments and it makes you smile.
“What made you stop dancing with Noodle and head to the bar?” You ask.
“Well I get these killer ‘eadaches sometimes. Tha’s what happened, I got a real bad one so I ‘ad to sit down. Had a smoke and tried to get rid of it by sort of relaxin’ over there. That’s when some lady came along and she was real loud. You did too, right after that. Sorry if I wasn’t really all that inviting or anything, my noggin’ was really hurtin’.”
Well that explained why he was ignoring you at first when you came up to him at least.
“That’s okay, I ended up getting to hang out with you anyways right?”
“You most definitely did,” 2-D answers.
“Tell me more about yourself, you must have a pretty interesting life right? I mean you’re the singer of a hit band and all that jazz,” You cringe at the last add-on, it sounded like you’re some kind of interviewer.
He doesn’t seem to notice though, because he answers you and tells you all about everything.
“Not all that it’s cracked up to be, let me tell you. Got locked in a room and tortured by a whale for a chunk of my life, I did,” your eyes widen significantly at that, “Murdoc’s a pain. Do you know the names of everyone in the band? Usually fans do but you might not.”
“I don’t, sorry. I usually just listen to a band’s music and love it. I don’t normally get invested in the band and it’s members like most people, I just feel like the music speaks for itself, I guess. The only reason I recognized you was because I went to one of your shows once,” you answer honestly.
He actually seems to be a little relieved at that. You imagine it’s from girls only being nice to him because he was in a famous band or other kinds of things.
“I kind of like that. Well, the band’s got four of us in it. Murdoc’s the bass player, Noodle plays the guitar, and Russel plays the drums. You already know I’m the singer, used to be Murdoc but he can’t really sing unless you like listening to nails on a chalkboard. We’re a sort of family, the four of us together.” He explains to you.
You have to admit you’re more than hooked on every word. He’s an interesting person to be around and his accent is almost hypnotizing, making sure that you listen to whatever it is that he has to say.
“That’s so awesome,” You say, before adding on, “Except the whole being captured by a whale thing.”
You attempt to get him to talk more about himself. After a little bit, he does and you get him to talk about his band, interests, and Noodle. You gather that she’s his favorite even if he doesn’t explicitly state it. You’re surprised that you just find how much he cares about her cute and aren’t really too jealous.
During the conversation, he’ll sometimes turn it back around to you. You do your best to keep from rambling and manage short responses. You don’t think he’d be against it, if you only talked, but you just prefer to listen to what people have to say, especially when it comes to him.
You eventually reach the end of the street and turn to him, “We should probably turn around…”
“We could explore the other street if you want,” he offers.
You get a feeling that neither of you particularly want to turn around. You realize how close you are and end up staring up at him. He eventually stares back down at you and gives you a confused smile.
“Is somefing wrong?” He asks.
“No. I mean unless it’s wrong that I want to kiss you?” you say, blushing.
“If it is, guess we’re both in trouble then,” 2-D responds.
Before you know it, he leans down to kiss you. His lips meet yours gently once before you he leans back.
He’s extremely gentle and you get the feeling that he was leaving you with the option of going back and not continuing on with anything. You had said that you weren’t the type for hookups but you didn’t really feel inclined to stop.
“Can I kiss you again?” you say.
“You don’t have to ask,” 2-D answers and you stand up on the tips of your toes so that you can reach his lips.
You kiss him softly at first and are more than happy when he kisses you back. You want to be as close to him as possible and soon desperation to be nearer to him shows itself in your kissing. You wrap your arms around his neck and bring your body as close to his as possible.
He pushes you up against the wall of a building as he kisses you and your entire body is filled with want as he slides his hands from the small of you back to your waist. You moan softly as he moves his lips from yours to your neck.
He pulls your shirt up and you realize that you’re in the middle of an alley, with someone who you technically just met, and you’re about to have sex for the first time. When he moves his hands lower it takes all of your strength to push him off of you as gently as you can.
“Did I do somefing wrong?” 2-D asks.
“No, no that was more than wonderful. I just don’t want to…” you try to explain, realizing how out of breath you are as you speak.
You don’t want to admit your a virgin and that all you want to do at this moment is lose the label in this dark alley but you know that you’ll regret it later. If there’s a chance that you’ll get to see him again, you have a feeling that you shouldn’t go through with this.
“Tha’s okay, you don’t really need an excuse, I just didn’t want to do something to upset you is all,” he responds, as you have an inner struggle to decide what to do.
“Thank you. I just don’t, want to be someone who you...you know, in an alley and then forget about the next day. If that makes any sense.”
“That’s fair, I don’t think anyone wants that, really.”
“I guess not,” you laugh, pushing a stray hair out of your face.
You want to see him again, as laughable as it is. You know it’s pretty unlikely that he’ll say yes or even want to be with you again if you’re not exactly willing at all times but it’s worth a chance.
As he pulls his phone out from his back pocket and signs it in, you get your idea.
“Noodle texted me, she’s ‘bout to drive home. I should probably join ‘er…” he trails off, looking at you, almost as if he was waiting for your approval.
“Can I see your phone for a second?” you ask.
“Sure, just don’t change the password or anything like that,” he responds, nervously.
“Of course,” you mumble, distracted by your new mission.
You finally find where he keeps his contacts and resist the urge to ask who Paula was. It was probably just his mother’s name, you tell yourself and click on the button to create a contact. You write your name in, along with your number, adding “Call Me!” next to your name in parenthesis.
You’re worried that it’s a little desperate but you don’t know how drunk he is and you want him to at least remember to call you. You hand him back his phone with a nervous smile, hoping he’s not upset at you adding your contact.
“So that’s your name? I can’t believe I never bothered to ask,” 2-D responds, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“It’s okay, now you know right? Should we, start walking back?” You ask.
It’s probably ridiculous that you feel like your going to miss him, you haven’t even known him longer than a couple of hours.
“Yeah, right, let’s walk back,” he responds, broken from whatever trance he got in when you were messing around with his phone.
It’s quiet on the way back but not a bad kind. You figure that he’s either spacing out or thinking hard about something from the way he acts and you decide it’s better not to disturb him.
As you approach the club, you hear the music from where you two are walking, and then spot Noodle. You give her a nervous smile, trying not to seem sketchy, especially considering how much you know 2-D likes her.
“Who’s this?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.
He explains about how you met, decided to take a walk together, and what your name is, before Noodle gives you a semi-smile. You have a feeling that she hasn’t decided how she feels about you yet.
“I’m Noodle,” she says, sticking out her hand.
“It’s really cool to meet you,” you say.
“I’d hope so, 2-D usually talks about like I’m some legendary creature,” she jokes.
You smile and almost immediately decide that you like her and she’s definitely worth the reputation that he’s built for her.
“I’m just tryin’ to be honest about how I think…” he trails off, trying to find an excuse for building her up so much.
“I’m just kidding 2-D, I appreciate you being so kind. Are we going to see your friend again, soon?”
“If things go right,” he answers and you can’t help but be relieved.
“Good, she doesn’t seem like the type to leave because of Murdoc,” she answers, bluntly.
“The bass player?” you ask.
“You might end up seeing what I mean. Let’s just say he has a personality,” Noodle replies, before turning to leave.
You get the feeling that she’s used to people following and admiring her as you watch her walk away. She doesn’t strike you as rude, just focused on what she wants to do.
You finally turn away from watching her and look up at 2-D, using all your courage to lean up and kiss him after remembering him saying you didn’t have to ask.
“Thanks for walking with me,” You tell him.
“I’d gladly do it again,” he responds.
You smile and he walks away, somewhat hesitantly as if he has something else he wants to say. You watch him leave for a little bit, before forcing yourself to go back into the club.
As you make your way back into the bar, you run into Misty, her girlfriend, and a group of your friends. She looks at you like you’ve got three heads and you look back in confusion for sometime before she finally talks.
“You...you have a hickey. On your neck...A couple of them actually.” She manages to get out.
Your face goes red as you try to figure out how you can hide the marks when you go home that night. In a way, you’re proud of them but you don’t really think that they’re realy suited for anything you have to do later on this week and you don’t want Misty to be tempted to comment on them anymore than she’s done unconciously so far.
You place one of your hands over some of the marks on your neck, fighting a smile, before you finally speak.
"So do any of you guys happen to have something I could use as a scarf?"
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I know it sounds absolutely insane, and believe me, I know it does, but my heart would be absolutely shattered if Destiel isn’t canon. I first started watching SPN last year when I started having anxiety attacks and they’ve helped me so much, and I just feel so much love for them, almost like they’re real people. And I just feel so alone because most people on tumblr are like “Oh, I’m pretty sure they won’t be endgame, I’ll be fine we’ll always have fanfic” and it’s like I’m glad I have fanfic
(PT 2) I’m glad we have fanfic, but canon matters to me, as much as I try to deny it. I know it’s probably unhealthy to be so attached to them, but they’ve helped me so much and I’ve genuinely never fallen this hard for a ship before. Idk, I just don’t think I’d ever be able to move on if they aren’t endgame. I try to hold out hope and I get so happy when I read meta, but I’m really scared Danneel’s character will be Dean’s endgame. I know it sounds selfish but I’d rather he’d not end up with
(PT 3) anyone at all than end up with some random female character at the end of the show.
Hi there
There’s a ton of stuff out there already said about how they aren’t thinking about romance for these characters, about how they have no plans to do that, and also good posts from other people trying to calm things down and reassure everyone that we don’t know what’s going to happen yet but we shouldn’t assume immediately she’ll be a love interest JUST because she’s Jensen’s wife as well as being an actress in her own right. I don’t really want to get deep into it because I find it unlikely and talking about these things really just flames panic because people can so easily be like “what if anon is right and the person answering is just trying to mollify them!!” but it didn’t seem right to not answer you at all >.>
I feel the same about having very rarely ever felt a ship as GOOD as this one and how important it is to me. I get how you feel completely but I’m way less worried these days after being in fandom for ages and seeing how the story is going, not because I’m sure it’s heading towards a happy ending, but because by this point I’m 100% certain that what we’ve seen in canon so far is *justifiably real* in the sense that while it’s all interpretation and personal view on it all, it’s coming from a very real place within the text, beyond the teasing and jokes of the early seasons to something really real in the text for the last 4-5 years where the romantic element is at the very least a solid part of the subtext. I know that *whatever* they do they can’t make that go away and Dean and Cas will *always* have been in love with each other in the core narrative of the show. I think that’s what makes them so good and compelling - for a non-canon ship it’s not like they’re in the unrequited staring and teasing stage that a lot of them seem to stop at and they haven’t been for years, even if it’s been pretty tumultuous in that time.
That’s something that no one can take away from me because I don’t have a doubt that the show hasn’t made itself completely available for that reading and it’s a very strange sort of shipping perhaps where sometimes it feels like 99% of what I want from the ship is already there, and we’re just missing confessions and kisses but after that they’d basically just carry on as they are. 
Dabb’s comment makes me kinda feel like the low low weasley NEW worst case scenario ending now we’ve breezed past “You’re our brother Cas” in 11x23 and Cas dead at Dean’s feet in 12x23, has been upgraded 2 ranks to the previous 3rd worst ending (improvement! :P) the show ending where neither of them have a love interest, they’re hypothetically available and hanging out together, but no declaration has been made despite the blatant narrative evidence they’re married. I sort of don’t really factor in “with other love interests” as a plausible ending and I didn’t before Dabb’s comment but now I’ve taken it off the list, or locked it in a black box with a skull painted on it and chains around it for “god tier worst case scenario ending” but not really one I feel in my bones, just a nightmare that haunts the fandom. 
And it’s REALLY HARD shaking these fandom nightmares. The bitterness about characters and ships spreads and no one can say what WILL happen just what we feel will so the nightmares can’t be banished until the show gets rid of them (like the 2 worst case scenario endings we’ve already ticked off and got out the way to carry on from). And of course the only way to really get rid of them forever is to end the show and treat the ship right. So. Yeah. Fandom nightmares continue >.> I wish there was something I could say to make it all better especially when it means so much to you because my heart would be broken too and I think I’m trying to have reasonable hopes as in I’m positive for the emotional outcome but trying to keep a healthy scepticism about the canon thing so I don’t run wild with it and get accused of getting other people’s hopes up, and I know it would make it hurt more for me, so it makes me focus more on the immediate moment and what I’m enjoying now. Because as much as I’d like to tell you not to worry about endgame I think avoiding worrying about it is more how I’m going :P I focus on the positives and try and sort out the negatives into likely and unlikely and be really careful about weighing what everyone’s saying before *feeling* any of these things. 
There’s usually a few people talking objectively about anything on my dash, people like @ozonecologne, @mittensmorgul, @ibelieveinthelittletreetopper or @justanotheridijiton who can be relied to make a good picture of what you should be feeling about a thing when you collect up their takes on it and see a reasoned out middle ground on any topic. When I say I scrolled my dash to see if “anyone” was talking about something when an anon asks, it’s usually those guys in one combination or another I’m hoping to see making posts about it before I get back to my inbox as they usually get asks or comment on/snark about current events in fandom/spec. To me stuff like their takes on Danneel’s casting, as an example, is less “giving something to hold out hope for” and more evaluating the situation and giving as much info as possible about how to look at it rationally, by talking about what we know about the character, the casting and who she’ll be acting with (Lucifer apparently) and fandom history with these sort of panics.
But anyway to me the Danneel wank is an immediate thing I can be reassuring about, the endgame is another issue, and I still haven’t figured out if I’m having any effect with trying to impart my own coolness about it. Because of course it means the world to me, but I’ve seen enough of fandom to see how the fandom nightmares about endgame and canon and character treatment can destroy someone who doesn’t manage their expectations because week to week things can seem like they’re pronouncing a doom on the whole show, and in that atmosphere mass panic can spread and individual wanky people with a platform can cause a lot of damage and sow doubt and mistrust in the fandom. Especially about the people like me who love the show every much as deeply as them, but are enjoying it week to week for its positives and taking its negatives in a measured way. If you see a bunch of panic about Danneel eventually it’s going to set in that this is a thing to panic about and then it spirals to the whole endgame idea. If you can feel okay about the one small thing, hopefully the entire picture is easier to handle you know? 
And I’ve been surfing through these fandom panics since season 10 and almost ALL of the worst case scenarios other people model haven’t come to pass, like Cas x Hannah or Dean x Amara or all the smaller freak outs about characters who weren’t even teased romantically with them in the narrative but still got the freak out. I’ve just got really really used to my knee jerk to female character casting to not be “Oh no she’ll marry Dean and that’s the end” to “oh boy here comes the fandom panic” which isn’t necessarily less negative but at least it’s not putting negativity into my enjoyment of the show? Bleh :P 
I’m sorry this is so long - your comment about anxiety and investment really hit me because I know how it feels, I’m very anxious about a lot of stuff and my entire approach to fandom and the show is learned and a sort of self-care practice to stay invested and stay positive and happy about it and NOT to become one of the many cases of fandom burn out. Because back in season 10 before I managed that I was seeing so much random panic and it always gave me an anxiety spike, and it was only reading the sensible voices and learning to have a measured response instead of following the loudest voice in the room creating the most compelling narrative - and fear can be very compelling in the sort of horror movie way in these cases - that I ever learned to recognise what was panic, what was someone else’s fatigue with the show and what was valid criticism without burning the house down. 
I really hope this can help and I’m not just rambling into the void, because I feel so bad for people caught up in this painfully and feeling now like they’re in such a vulnerable place with it, and getting hurt even before anything they actually fear comes to pass just on the thought of it happening. I REALLY feel for everyone sending these kind of messages who aren’t doing it wankily. I hope you can get some sort of peace with the show and canon because the thing is I’m definitely not wanky like “IT WILL NEVER BE CANON” but people say that trying to be well meaning to stop people hoping and getting hurt because they’ve been hurt in turn. And being positive but having no idea what’s going to happen and only hoping it’s in my favour, I just know no one can tell you what you need to hear about canon and every answer sucks and yet somehow in that little space in between all the sucky answers, I’m at least not upset with what *I* see in canon, which is useless to everyone EXCEPT me. >.> 
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skymoonandstardust · 7 years
Your First Date with Steve Rogers
An: As requested by the lovely and amazing @a-girl-who-loves-disney  oy vey . . . this is so long. I'm so sorry, I guess I got carried away. Any who, enjoy :)
After Peggy, and the whole bombshell of being in the future, plus all the time Steve spends saving the world and at shield he never thought he'd find anyone ever again.
but he was wrong. . .
cause he found you obviously.
I don't care about cheesy and cliché-- it was love at first sight (for him at least)  and nothing can convince me otherwise!!
And it only got worse when he talked to you. Yeah, he was pretty much a goner from the first conversation. . .
You were so nice and intelligent and it was impossible for Steve to keep himself from falling for you.
It's a known fact that Steve Rogers has never, ever backed away from doing anything scary or crazy in his life, so of course he out right asks for your number then and there (in a slightly shy kinda adorable way)
Of course you give it to him
He's lowkey internally freaking out cause he's never really had any luck with girls before. They ignored him before he got the serum, so really he's  only been with Peggy . . . and that technically didn't even get to the dating phase. Now suddenly this amazing, stunning girl is giving him her number.
Soldier down. I repeat: soldier is down. 
Anyway, you guys say goodbye  and go your separate ways.
Steve really wants to call or text you later that day, but he gets pulled into a shield mission and it's the next day before he finally does.
Nervious! anxious! super soldier here as he pulls out your number and punches in the string of digits written  on the slightly crumpled piece of paper.  
If anyone asked him later, Steve would admit that pushing the call button was one of the bravest most nerve wracking things he'd ever done in his life.
Would also admit without embarrassment that nothing could ever top it on the nervous scale.
Steve was born in the 1940's so politeness is his middle name. That's why there's ten straight minutes of small talk, first. The gentleman has to  check up on you and ask how you've been cause that's the nice polite thing to do and he doesn't even regret when you talk for five minutes about everything in your life. 
Steve also tells you a bit about how he's been doing, but not too much cause of all that sensitive classified shield stuff. 
FINALLY, he works up the nerve to ask you out.
"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me."
"I'd love to."
"Great! Does Saturday at 8 work for you?"
You say it does and it's one happy captain America who hangs up the phone after saying goodbye.
so so so so happy and  over the moon, but tires to be stoic and keep feelings under wraps.
It doesn't work
He still seems a little more chipper then normal so the rest of the avengers catch on (including Tony) and so they're asking him about it through the day. He keeps trying to brush them off  and pretend nothing's different.
But in the end Steve cracks.
He tells them all about you-- mostly cause they insist on having every detail and knowing everything and oh boy, by the end they do.
Tony and Natasha were especially probing and thorough with the questions.
Seriously, they just didn't stop.
Once they're all satisfied, the avengers get down to  work.
Next mission: Help Stevie with his date.
They all offer suggestions,  opinions and advice. even mild mannered Bruce Banner.
Thor keeps congratulating Steve on "his wooing of the fair maiden"
Clint gives some helpful suggestions and insight, but you know he also couldn't help throwing in a few jokes, a quip here and there, and the occasional sarcastic comment.
Tony would have no  qualms. none. he'd be laughing and joking and congratulating Steve. allllllll the innuendos.  All his advice is kinda lewd and Steve wouldn't do any of it in a million years. It's all shot down, expect for the last one or two which were actually serious. Stark wanted to do a full background check on you, just in case-- and  hey, it might help think of something good to do for the date. Everyone says no. . . and  he does it anyway on the sly (of course he does, this is  tony stark).
Natasha is the most helpful, being her usual serious self and giving real useful opinions.
Banner in a quiet way contributes and is the second most helpful. Throws in like two light jokes and one congrats and is the most chill of any of them.  
In the end Steve decides to take you to the movies.
This is where Tony's background check came in handy cause he could tell Steve what kind of movie you'd like with out Steve having to ask you.
He looks online and sees what movies are playing-- and thankfully there's one you'd like and it's playing not long after he pick you up-- just enough time to go to dinner somewhere then get to the theater.
the rest of the team all helps him, getting the tickets before hand, finding a restaurant-- then Tony handles setting up a reservation there for the right time. They all weigh in on the outfit he picks out  and Steve is really grateful for all their help.   
finally it's the day
Steve drives over to your place on his motorcycle and walks up to your door.
you know he got a bouquet of your favorite flowers and he's just standing there on the front step clutching them like a life line cause he's a nervous supersoldier tm
He's faced down Nazi's and taken down evil organizations but he can hardly handle this.
Your door opens and he's blown away cause your just, so stunning!
And his heart goes !!!!!! when you're literally just wearing a normal top and jeans.
He's so in love and such a sap that he thinks you look perfect all the time. so. . .
It's a minute before he remembers the flowers. Then he does and hands them over to you
"These are for you"
You thank him and go inside to put them in water before joining him outside again.  
"Shall we go?" "We shall."
Thanking your lucky stars that you thought to wear jeans as you climb on the motorcycle. High key freaking out cause you have to wrap your arms around Steve to stay steady and you can feel those abs under his shirt! 
Steve high key freaking out internally cause your arms are wrapped around him and your holding on to him!!
Both kinda sad when you've got to get off cause you sorta want to stay like that. . .
The two of you walk into the restaurant to find that Tony didn't just reserve a table. .  .no, of course not--- he reserved the entire restaurant for an  hour or two so other then you and Steve it's completely empty. and the entire wait staff is just looking after you two.
The host shows you to your table and the two of you sit there staring at your menus feeling awkward.
it gets even worse when you've ordered and you kinda have to talk. . .cause lets be real, even if Steve's now CAPTAIN AMERICA WITH AN INREDIBLE BODY TO MATCH HIS PERFECT HEART AND SOUL, AT HIS CORE, HE'S SITLL THE SKINNY, AWKWARD, SHY KID FROM BROOKLYN WHO NEVER QUIT OR WALKED AWAY FROM A FIGHT. . . so he's not sure how to talk to you?? or what to say???
Finally you break the ice by asking what you're going to do after this, and the two of you end up talking about the movie for a bit. After that the both of you are more comfortable and all the awkwardness and shyness melts away.
The rest of the dinner goes well. Both your meals are delicious and the conversation's smooth and interesting and it's way too soon before you and Steve are paying the bill and walking out the door.
You guys get to the theater and pick up the tickets. . .. and since no movie is complete without snacks and a drink the two of you walk over.
He tells you to pick out whatever you want--it's on him (aw, the gentleman) Buuut since he did all this stuff already you insist and end up paying for both your snacks.
The two of you head into the theater and -- lucky for you--- are able to get seats right in the middle with a good view of the screen.
It's a blast. the two of you talk a bit, watch the the previews and when the movie finally starts, it's great beginning to end.  
the two of you walk out of the theater discussing it and just walk around the city for a bit cause both of you want to prolong this date as much as possible since you like spending time with each other  and you're  pretty sure you're in love with him already. 
ssssssshh but-- Steve is already 100% sure and is pretty much thinking about your future together, and planning it al out in his head already but you didn't hear that from me. . .
Anyway, after about an hour of walking  he drives you back home and the super soldier (being the gentleman he is) walks you to the door (awwww)  and he's not exactly awkward, more hesitant cause he lowkey doesn't want to go and is it ok to kiss you??? You're the one in the end that makes the move, kissing him before saying goodnight and walking inside.
Steve just stands there, smiling at your door for a minute with his hands in his pockets.
When he walks away Steve's already planning your second date. . .and the third.
Steve rogers is a pure, good, kind, angel of a human being and he deserves a love in his life. good night!!
Extra: as soon as he goes into work the next  day the team ambushes him, sits him down and doesn't move till he tells them all about how it went.
They start setting the plans in motion for the next date that very day.
The forevers: @a-sea-of-fandoms @casownsmyass @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @scarlettsoldier @thatbasicnerd4life @docharleythegeekqueen
Marvel girls: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @kenziecole-green @l4life @padfootsiriusorionblackthethird
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kekekentyuh · 4 years
Quarantine Blues
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The reason you’re probably reading this post — or why you’ve probably even heard of this blog — is because you, like most of us, are stuck in quarantine, and have probably spent a huge chunk of your time the past few months stuck indoors. And if you’re particularly lucky, like me, you’ve probably spent the last hundred or so days inside your house, and you may have your lost sense of time a few months back, have only gotten up from your bed to either eat a meal, switch up the fan or air-conditioning, or take a dump, and have willing dedicated your time and undying commitment to Netflix. And, above all else, you might have run out of new things to do or have run through a lot of the possible things to do with limited social contact, and it’s driving you nuts. 
Now just staying inside is draining everything inside of you, and it’s taking everything to just do something. And without a doubt, I get you; honestly, it’s not the best feeling, especially since we have no idea how much longer this is going to last.
But that’s okay, because you know what? You are definitely not alone. Quarantine has been sucking the life out of me, too, like a fricking dementor parallel-parked at my windowsill. I’ve been home with my family since March, because as soon as Manila announced it was suspending classes all over for the rest of the week, I left my 4pm class and bought a 9pm bus ticket back home. Then everything went downhill from there; the week turned into a month, and the month turned to two, until it’s half the actual year, and I haven’t been back to the city since. Normally staying inside for a good few months wasn’t really a problem for me (I mean, I spend a lot of my summers off inside my room) but staying at home, without contact with anyone from outside my house or go somewhere I can to take my mind off things and relax, until further notice? I didn’t know that was a deal breaker for me until now. 
So much has happened in the past five months, and with our days revolving around what’s inside our homes, it’s so hard to keep track of time and how much of it has actually elapsed; everything changed so quickly that I didn’t have time to absorb anything at all, and it’s all been impacting me — all of us, really — in a not so great manner.
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But, like I said, no one is alone in this; even you. This experience with a pandemic is literally traumatizing, and I am here to tell you that it is absolutely okay to feel the way you are feeling now. Nothing is your fault, and we’re all doing our best to find ways to cope with all that’s changing.
Let me be the one to tell you that what you’re feeling is valid, and it’s better to feel all of it than to keep it all inside and let it blow up sooner or later.
I’ve been constantly looking for stuff to keep me busy and distract me on some days, because I don’t really tend to stick to one commitment at a time; I want to keep working so I feel like I’m making the best of all the time I have at my expense and feel like I am growing in terms of my knowledge and well-being, even if I am at home. Apart from the online classes I’ve taken for my degree, I’ve also been catching up on a lot of the things I left behind when I started college, like reliving my knack for music and practicing my dancing (which, for the most part, has gotten really, really rusty). I’ve also been working out, focusing more on toning my body and using it as an improvement of my lifestyle for the better. And, most importantly, if it’s not obvious enough, I’ve been back to writing again; I terribly missed writing, as it’s been a vital part of me for so long and I really tend to express myself through words, and coming back to open this blog officially and write some more was one of the things I promised myself to be committed to while on lockdown.
But even so, I still find myself so bothered a majority of the time.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, since I mostly have nothing to do, but also because I’ve been feeling so anxious and tense a lot of the time, and I’ve realized that it’s not entirely due to not being in contact with my friends (we usually make it work through messaging and video calls for good measure) and the separation anxiety I have with them, but mainly because being stranded indoors has made me feel more helpless than I ever have in my entire life and, without a doubt, even if I try, there is nothing much I can do about it. It’s been a recurring thought in my mind, how much I want to do things out of my own accord and have a sense of control again in my own life, even in probably the simplest of things, believe it or not.
I want to do my own laundry or decide where I want to eat or study in a cafe on my own and decide where to go or when I want to go home.
I spend a lot of my time thinking about all of the things I’ve laid out for this year that were forcibly pushed aside, all of the plans I’ve made with my friends on what to do or what to celebrate, all of the opportunities I could’ve had to enjoy the last few months or make the most of my time during freshman year, all of the things I wanted to happen that all went down the drain. Not being able to decide, knowing how much I wanted to carve my own path, make my own plans, and not being able to do anything about it, it’s too much for me. I value my independence too much to just throw it away completely.
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But then again, it’s more than just feeling helpless that my own life is spiraling out of my control — it’s the lives around me, too. I can’t help but feel bad for those who are directly affected by this pandemic getting the best of us each day that passes, those who are suffering in silence, especially here in the Philippines. They are the ones who are taking the sharp end of the knife; we are safely spending quarantine in our homes, away from any immediate harm, but it’s at their expense, and I absolutely hate that I am at the opposite side of the spectrum, that I still possess the privilege to get to turn away from the reality that’s eating us from the inside while others are paying the price for it, either by working all they can to help others survive with only so much compensation for risking their lives, or blatantly suffering at the hands of those who will not look their way. 
As time passes by, bit by bit, the voices of those who are exhausted or suffering are continuously being diminished into almost nothing, and it’s the exact opposite of what should be.
This is the exact reason why I don’t buy into this whole ‘new normal’ bullshit. This ‘new normal’ most institutions are promoting, where everyday life will shift to methods with more limited instances of face-to-face contact and social interaction, is just another motive to get us to accept the fact that this virus may not ever go away entirely — because the ones who should be providing solutions to this crisis clearly have more important things to take note than actually preventing it form killing more people — and we should be the ones adjusting our lives to the fact that it may take a lot more time for this solution to surface. And, more importantly, this ‘new normal’, however way you put it, is not for a country that is not ready to accept how unprepared it is for such a big step. So many think that we are ready for whatever challenges this pandemic may shoot at us, and this is probably the biggest, most undesirable case of the toxic idea of Filipino resiliency. So many fail to see reality; the ‘new normal’ isn’t going to prioritize the struggling hospitals and medical professionals that are doing all they can to prevent the virus from killing more. The ‘new normal’ won’t help the number of displaced citizens safely be given sustenance, or help those whose modes of earning a living were compromised because of it, like small business owners or those in public transportation, and if there were any help, it certainly won’t be enough to pay the bills and provide basic needs for the families they have to support. It won’t look back if a child fails to gain a quality education because he lacks the means to do so, because so many resources are way outside his reach and he won’t be able to do anything about it, even if he tries, and he’ll be the one to pay for his shortcomings. Let me call the ‘new normal’ for what it is — an alternative way of living without the usual need of face-to-face contact or social interaction for those who are capable of doing so, and unless more motives are done to help those who are really in need in a time of crisis, that’s what it forever will be: a ploy that will knowingly leave those who cannot keep up behind. And the worst part is we don’t know how long this is all going to last, and until a solution is made to eradicate all of this completely, no one is sure of how life will turn out. 
This pandemic has caused so much problems and even more uncertainties, and so many of those who are suffering are also the ones paying for the repercussions of the actions of those who aren’t. They have to live through the fear of their lives, praying not to contract what may cause their demise, but they have to worry about trying to make it through the dark days that are affected by it, and they have no idea how much longer it will take, and that, along with the thought of not being able to do anything for them, is almost too much for me to handle every single day.
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But, like every other Iskolar ng Bayan out there, I have a duty to my people and my country, and I will keep on finding ways to help in any possible way I am able.
Aside from donating and providing aid whenever I can, I also have been keeping tabs on what else is happening outside my door, mainly through social media, even though it’s taking everything in me to open even just an app at a time. I've also been assessing each situation occurring in the country the best I can and have been constantly providing my voice on social media or anywhere I can to share relevant knowledge with others as well, because everyone else has just as much of a right to know. Keeping myself and the people around me aware and informed is one of the most important things I have learned as a student of UP, not only because we all have a right to know what is happening, but because knowledge is a powerful aspect of how we are going to choose our next move. Knowledge, for the most part, is power, and it’ll be your greatest weapon in many of the challenges you will face. 
And, most importantly, in times of darkness, there will always be hope. Hope does not show itself most of the time, but it is everywhere: in the faces of the ones you love, in the pain of those who are suffering, in the strengths and weaknesses we possess as humans. Hope does not give us the answers we seek, but it’s always there to give us a reason to keep fighting, and keep gaining the right means to make a country that is safe for everyone.
This turned out way more like a disorganized ramble than an actual piece of writing, but I’m more than happy to be open about what I’m feeling during these trying times. How have you been feeling this quarantine? Leave a comment below or reach me through the Inquiries page, or through my social media here. And before I end this, I will say this: don’t lose hope. The light in darkness still seems a bit blurry, and it’s almost as if it’s nowhere in sight, but I assure you, it’s there. Always find hope in all of this, because we will get through with this together. Keep yourself up and running, have someone to rely on and lean to when you need someone, take care of yourself, and be informed. We have a long way ahead of us. Thanks for staying and reading, and I’ll see you on the next one!
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matthillica · 4 years
Pandemic - Day 50
When I picked this blog back up again back in March, we were still very much getting used to the word “pandemic”. Although I’d been preparing since mid-January for a worst-case scenario, 50 days in and I’m still not sure I’ve fully reckoned with whatever the hell this new reality is. 
I’m not sure why I’ve left this sitting for the last month. I guess once the initial shock and fear of that word subsides, life becomes deceptively boring. Thanks to the internet, we’re constantly connected and have plenty of memes and TikToks to take the edge off our situation, but the number of experiences we now encounter on a daily basis that, three months ago, would have been completely foreign to us is pretty striking. 
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Grocery store trips are a perfect example. 
Three months ago, our family made weekly trips to the grocery store, typically on Saturdays or Sundays. They were leisurely, especially since moving to Atlanta where there’s a grocery store on almost every corner. We usually circled the lot once or twice looking for a race car cart Caroline could ride in. She loved using the steering wheels to drive the cart and the distraction helped us keep her in the cart and shop more quickly.
I can’t remember the last time Caroline was in a grocery store... probably late February? When you pull up to the store now, the race car carts are all lined up neatly curbside, waiting for kids who probably also haven’t been to the store in months. I can’t remember the last time I saw a child at a grocery store. 
Our trips now are biweekly. We usually plan them four or five days in advance. We’re now buying for our family of three plus Laura’s folks. I think they’re still secretly stealing off to the store now and then for produce or a six pack. It definitely causes anxiety, but I think I need to just get over it and keep telling myself that by shopping for them, we’re making their trips to the store fewer and shorter... at least that’s the hope. 
I think I’ve taken about 3 post-pandemic grocery trips at this point. Enough that they’re becoming more routine, but I still tend to lose sleep the night before I go. I’ve started going to the Parkaire Kroger, which is about 10 minutes further from our house, but it is a larger store with much wider aisles, so it’s a lot easier to avoid other shoppers.
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On Monday, my boss’ boss reached out to me to let me know that I’d be receiving a letter extending my furlough through July 6, at least. She said that although she’s still working, she hasn’t been to the office in over a month. She also said that as the company struggles to restructure and stem the losses, that my position will likely be eliminated after July 6 and I should start hunting for new work. I asked her if there was even a chance that I’d be brought back and she said no, very flatly. I mean, it is what it is... not surprising since I’ve only been there a few months, but man... back to square one again. In a pandemic. With 30+ million other people also searching for work. This should be fun.
I’m definitely disappointed about losing my job, but I think of all the jobs I’ve either lost or left, I feel the least “bad” about this one. Completely out of my control and there are lots of others in the same boat... small consolation, but consolation nonetheless. 
The good news is that I’ve got content creation work coming in from old coworkers, so that’s helping to make ends meet while we wait for the state/federal government to get their butts in gear with Unemployment Assistance.... I’ve still received nothing except my Trump Bux check a few weeks ago. Just one more headache. 
I’ve talked for years with my wife about becoming an independent contractor, so maybe now’s the time.
Mom sold her house in Kansas last week, in other good news. I really didn’t think there was even a chance, particularly in McPherson, Kansas, people would be buying a house right now, but I was wrong. She managed to push the closing date back to July 1, so hopefully some of this will have subsided by then and she’ll be able to make the trip safely. 
The last few days have been a mad scramble of Skype calls and emails with our agent here as Mom set to work trying to find a place to live. 
In case you’ve never done a house hunt from a different state during a pandemic where you can’t leave your house or travel or go get tattooed freely (inside joke for us GA folks), it’s an interesting process. 
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Mom is ridiculously organized, so she had a list of about 10 properties she’d found and was interested in seeing. I connected with our agent Josh and, amazingly, he was able to get appointments to see all of these homes in one day.
So that was most of my day yesterday. I met Josh at the first property. We drove separately, we each wore masks and gloves. I’d pull up to the property, get out my phone and call Mom on Skype. We’d spend the next 10-20 minutes walking her around the house, answering questions, trying not to touch stuff but also trying to look at closets, pull back shower curtains, get into attic spaces. 
Four weeks ago, if you’d told me I’d be going through that process at 10 different houses, I’d have been too afraid. I think the fear is still there, there’s just been a numbing of sorts. I keep thinking this must be what soldiers in war experience... I know that’s probably a really unfair comparison for me to make, but there you go. It’s like... you can’t be terrified of being shot forever... you can’t be paralyzed by it for ever. Your body just runs out of terror. Your brain knows the potential for harm is still there, it’s just out of the resources you had at the beginning to be completely gripped by fear and all the potential for harm. You’ve resigned to it a little bit. At least that’s what I imagine being in a wartime situation must be like... I don’t know.
I digress... we saw a bunch of houses Mom liked and she wound up making an offer on the second to last one. After some quick back and forth with the owner, who wasn’t thrilled about a July 2 close date, they accepted her offer. So now it’s fingers crossed that the inspection process, appraisal, etc. all go through without a hitch and she’ll be here in a little over 2 months... another, huge, silver lining.
A bit of a rambling post, but they probably all will be for a while... when I get around to writing them anyway. 
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50 days in and we’re still kicking. Although the country is still shut down, GA is starting to reopen... many think too early, but only time will tell. There is plenty to fear, lots to be anxious about, and I think we’re all coming to terms with the passing of life as we knew it a few months ago and understanding that it may be a very long time before we’re able to get back to that, if ever.
But you know what? That’s okay. We’ve survived joblessness before. We’ve survived fear of death, we’ve survived anxiety, we’ve survived health scares, and we’ll survive this. 
We have so much to be thankful for. We have our family and their health, we continue to grow closer to one another and we have new appreciation and love for those people we hold close. Most of all, we’re so thankful for the people who are out there in this. We are incredibly fortunate that we’re able to quarantine in our house for weeks on end and couldn’t possibly do it without the grocery store clerks, gas station attendants, farmers, and truck drivers who are soldering on through all of this. 
I’m grateful and optimistic... and ready for this shit to be OVER.
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romanoartsless · 7 years
Yeah so um I don’t know what to say so here’s an update
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Next Chapter
Chapter 42
Thomas was minding his own business when an arm suddenly wrapped itself around his neck from behind. It took him aback at first until he looked to his side and saw a familiar blond. “Do you always have to make such… dramatic entrances?”
“Yes!” Crispin exclaimed. “When you purchase your friendship with Crispin Petrov, be sure to read the fine print. Spontaneous dramatic entrances are sure to be there.”
Thomas rolled his eyes, but smiled at the remark. “Any news about the competition?”
“Oh yeah, I think I heard someone say the king is raising the stakes or something.”
“Raising the stakes? What does that mean?”
“I think he’s making us report to him everyday or something. That’s what I heard my dad say when I was eavesdropping on him.”
This was not good. Only having to meet up with the king every week gave him time to both get what he needed done with Caterina, but also think up a good enough story to fool the king with. Daily meetings would throw this all off. “Do you know why?”
“Nah, I think that’s what he’s gonna talk to us about today.”
A pause in silence grew between them as Thomas pondered how he might sort this all out until- “Do you want to maybe hang out after this whole meetup thing? Go get drinks or something?”
“Oh I was just thinking, for people who throw the label best friend around so freely, we barely ever spend any one on one time together anymore, you know, ‘cause we’re busy lately and stuff. I dunno… I thought it was a good idea, but if you-.”
“I’d love to go get drinks with you, Crispin.”
His face lit up at the reply. “Great!” he said, skipping a bit in front of Thomas. “And Gideon’s not crashing the party this time, understood?”
* * *
Thomas didn’t want to interrupt the king to tell him he was here when he first walked in. He seemed distracted at the moment. He sat at his desk, holding a picture frame containing a collage of circular images of his own face. “I’ll find you,” Thomas swore he heard him whisper to himself, “I promise.”
“Oh!” the king said, placing the frame back on his desk as he turned around. “Captain! Please, come in.”
Thomas sat down before him in on of the chairs set out. “Crispin told me you were… raising the stakes of the competition?”
“Yes! Yes. I imagine he also told you I wanted all of you in the competition to meet me every other day now.”
“Oh. He said it was everyday.”
“No, it’s every other day. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, good. But yes, the plan is every other day. However I will give all of you a handful of free days, but you must have an excuse.”
“May I ask why you’re raising the stakes?”
“... Personal reasons.”
Thomas didn’t bother to pry any further information out of him. “Now Thomas,” the king began again, “I’ve heard others have been slacking off in their search. You’re not one of those people are you?”
“No sir.” His face stayed blank even when images of Caterina flashed through his mind. Her hair. Her eyes. Her tattoos. Her smile that he wished he could witness one day.
“You looked a little distracted there.”
“Oh! Sorry about that.”
“Are you really sure you don’t slack off?”
“One hundred percent sure, sir.”
“Then what have you found so far?”
And Thomas lied straight to the king of Novak’s face. He ate up every line of how he went east and searched and searched to no avail. So much detail he put into these intricate lies that only a select few would think them false. No mention of Caterina. No mention of a search for a murderer.
The king’s deep brown eyes looked like they were on the verge of tears, but before they could spill down his cheeks, he sharply turned around in his seat. “You can go now, captain.”
* * *
About an hour later, Crispin sat at Thomas’s side and they made their way off to a nearby bar. Crispin made his usual snarky remarks as they did their stroll. “I’m just saying,” he joked, “everything in my life would make so much more sense if March Ranez was secretly my dad.”
“Crispin, the chances of you being the secret love child of your mother and March Ranez are just about as slim as the chances of me being the secret love child of my mother and the Wrie prime minister. I mean you have-.”
“I know, I know. I have my dad’s eyes, but like I wish March Ranez was secretly my dad. He’s a cool dude.”
Thomas rolled his eyes and the two of them kept walking. When they finally reached the bar, they sat down at the counter and ordered their drinks. A few hours into chatting, when he was a bit drunk, Crispin said, “You know, the last time I was at a bar, I stabbed a dude’s hand. I mean it was a few months ago, but like yeah, I did that.”
Thomas just about choked on the sip of his drink he was taking. “I’m sorry, you did what?!”
“Just, you know, stabbed some guy’s hand. Like bing bang boom one minute he doesn’t have a knife in his hand, the next he does. That simple.”
“I’m guessing you were blackout drunk when this all happened. Am I right?”
“Nope! I was completely sober!”
Thomas almost choked for a second time. “I know I’ll regret asking this, but why would you stab someone’s hand while you’re sober?”
“He was harassing this girl and, let me tell you, I couldn’t watch that go down so… stab stab stab! I mean it was only one stab, but you get the point. But like Thomas, you don’t understand-”
Crispin began to bang his fists on the table, but Thomas stopped him, saying, “Crispin, you’re drunk. You need to drink some water and calm down.”
“-how hot she was! She was so hot! Truth is, I haven’t been doing jack shit for this competition, I’ve just been hanging out with this girl like every week for the past few months. Like wow, she’s hot. And nice! Fuck, she’s so nice to me. And like sincere, I actually care about you, Crispin, nice and not, I secretly just want to get into your pants, nice. She’s just… wow! Like I kind of want to-.” And in that moment, Crispin took his hand and began to passionately kiss the back of it.
“No! Oh gods no!” Thomas exclaimed, pulling Crispin’s hand away from his face. “We’re in public! Can someone get him a glass of water?”
The bartender set down a glass of water in front of the blond, who chugged it like a shot. “Woo!” Crispin shouted. “You know, brown eyes are soooo beautiful. I could stare into brown eyes forever. Like wow! Hey everyone! I love brown eyes!!!”
“Thank you? But Crispin, you really need to calm down.”
“I’m not talking about your eyes, silly. I’m talking about her.” He was pointing at the wall all the bottles were shelved on.
“Crispin, you’re drunk. You need to drink some water, eat something.”
Thomas pushed the small bowl of nuts on the counter towards Crispin, who promptly poured them in his mouth and on himself. Again, the bartender set down a glass of water in front of Crispin, who took it down with ease. “Another round!”
“No! No. Crispin, I think we’ve had enough for tonight.”
“Noooo! Thomas, you’re no fun! I wanna drink and talk about girls!”
Thomas was practically dragging Crispin out of the bar at this point. “I’ll talk about girls with you if you cooperate with me and just walk to my house with me.”
Crispin drunkenly skipped beside Thomas as they walked to the captain’s home. Once they got there, Thomas opened the door, Crispin ran in, and crashed onto the couch in the front room. “You said we could talk about girls.”
“Yes I did. Let me go get drinks.” And by drinks he meant water. “Are you ever going to tell me who this mysterious brown eyed girl is?”
“No! It’s a secret.”
“Because why?”
“Because I just don’t feel like telling anyone.”
Thomas sighed and asked, “Well then, how long have you had feelings for her?”
“What?! I don’t have feelings for anyone! Especially not her! We’re just friends!”
“Crispin, you were literally making out with your hand talking about this girl.”
“It was platonically!”
“I don’t think fantasizing about making out with someone is a platonic thing.”
“You just don’t understand the deepness of our bond, Thomas.”
“You must be a sentimental drunk.”
“I’m not drunk!”
“You’re wasted.”
“Fine then, Mr. Sober, tell me something about some girl in your life.”
“Well… um… there isn’t one.”
“I call bullshit. You hesitated.”
“Um…” Thomas couldn’t think of an answer to please Crispin, so, since the latter was intoxicated and would likely forget the entire conversation by morning, Thomas spat out the first name that came to mind. “Caterina.”
“Oh my gods, there really is someone! Tell me about her so I know she isn’t fake.”
Shit. “Well,” he said ad sat down on the couch next to Crispin who sat alert as can be, “her hair reminds me of midnight skies and every time I see the sunset and the sky goes dark it makes me think of her. And the way the moon glows against the sky reminds me of her skin. Her eyes are so dark and I just want them to consume me entirely when I look into them. And she’s so tall and regal and just-.” It scared him how easily this all came off his tongue.
“Thomas Arthur Dubroin. Holy fucking shit. Why isn’t everyone in Novak dropping their panties for you?! If someone said something like that about me, I’d marry them that second.”
“Thank you…?”
There was a pause before Crispin said, “I’m gonna hibernate  so your overly romantic ass better get off the couch unless you want me to use your lap as a pillow.”
Thomas chuckled and said, “No thank you,” before getting off the seat and heading up to his bedroom. But before he left entirely, he set a bucket beside Crispin for when the hangover would surely set in.
Chapter 43
It had been two weeks and Thomas hadn’t come back. Caterina had grown too used to his bi-weekly visits that not seeing him in that amount of time made her anxious. She’d sit by the door all day the days he was supposed to come, waiting. Some days she’d bring her sketchbook, others she’d just stare at the wall. “Dammit Dubroin,” she muffled under her breath, “where are you?”
She wondered if maybe he decided never to come back. He got her all the files she needed, why did she need him to come back? Why did she want him to come back? Why had her mind, for the past two weeks, been entirely clouded by thoughts of Thomas Arthur Dubroin? Is he ever coming back? Is he just going to abandon me without telling me why? Does he secretly hate me? Why do I miss him so much? Oh gods. Her stomach felt sick at any of the possible ideas that came to her mind.
Then, all of a sudden, the door come swinging open. Caterina half expected it to be the Crows, but got a pleasant surprise when she looked up into golden brown eyes. Before she even realized what she was doing, she jumped off the ground and wrapped her arms around Thomas’s neck. “Well hello to you, too, Caterina.”
She immediately pushed herself away from him, realizing what she had done. “Where the hell have you been for the past few weeks?”
“Back west. The king’s tightening our schedules a bunch and-.”
“Why didn’t you at least give me a heads up?”
“I regretted it the moment I realized what I did. Look, I’m sorry. I thought, at first, you’d be fine since you had all the files. Then I remembered… what happened to you and,” he reached out and grabbed her hand, his thumb drawing swirls on the top of her hand, “I’m sorry, Caterina.”
This time when she wrapped her arms around his neck, she was fully aware of what she was doing. When she pulled away from the embrace, it was much more gentle and only a way for her to be able to walk into her room. She turned around when she realized he wasn’t following her. “You coming?”
“Oh! Yeah.”
Thomas sat down onto his usual chair, awkwardly picking at his fingernails. “So,” Caterina said from across the room, on her bed, “do you care if I ask you something… personal?”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Do you have any… unnatural-.”
“Physical attributes? No Caterina, I don’t think I’m your soul partner.”
“You’re the only explanation.”
“But I’m not. If it’s not me then I’m not the only explanation.”
“Do you think there’s a possible loophole?”
“No. I don’t think you would’ve fainted when you overused on magic a few weeks ago had I been your soul partner.”
Thomas chuckled from across the room. “Why are you laughing, Thomas?”
“Nothing, you just make me laugh.”
Caterina tried to hide it when her face flushed red. “Thank you.”
“Thank you? That’s very polite. Who is this new, more polite Caterina?”
“Friend Caterina. Before, that was acquaintance Caterina.”
“Friend? You consider us friends? I’m so honored.”
“As you should be?”
He laughed again. “And who might top tier Caterina be?”
“Crow Caterina, but you’ll never get to meet her.”
“That’s okay, I just want to meet Thomas Caterina.”
Caterina froze. She couldn’t hide her now ripe red face anymore. What made it worse was somewhere deep down inside her she hoped he’d have his own personal level one day, too. Next thing she knew, her mouth was moving without her thinking about it. “I know you got me all the files I wanted, but like… can you keep coming back?”
“Do you have a crush on me or something?”
“There’s no need to get defensive, I’m just kidding. But yeah, I’ll come back.”
“I understand if you don’t want to- wait, you’ll come back?”
“Yeah. I mean I could say I’ll keep coming so the king thinks I haven’t found you, but in reality I just like you.”
“You like me?”
“I like you.”
“That’ll change soon.”
Three times. He’d laughed three times now. She hadn’t even meant to make him laugh, but he still did. The sound was what she wished her dreams consisted of. “Gods Caterina, you’re hilarious, I hope you know that.”
“So now you’re just gonna sit there and compliment me.”
“Yes, yes I am.”
“Please, go on.”
Whenever he’d say something about her, she’d snark back with a reason why it wasn’t special. “If my grandmother weren’t such a petty bitch, my hair would’ve just been brown. It’s nothing special.”
“How do you know that?”
“How do you think I know that?”
His brown face went as red as it could for its complexion. “Well…”
A cackle fell out of her mouth. “Thomas Dubroin! Oh my god! Get your mind out of the gutter! I know because had brown hair. Sweet little Thomas has a dirty mind now doesn’t?”
“Shut up.”
Caterina began to mock him, sitting like he was and imitating his voice. “Shut up, Caterina. You’re calling me out for my dirty ass mind.”
A vulgar gesture came at her from Thomas. She returned the favor. “You’re what Novak needs, Caterina,” he said between chuckles.
“Ah yes, Novak needs the most wanted person in the whole country.”
“That’s not what I mean. I mean someone who doesn’t just sit around and mope around all day.”
The tone in her voice went serious. “But that is me. I do sit and mope. I cry myself to sleep at night and I hold grudges that’ll stick with me until the day I die. I am that person. I am weak.”
“No you’re not and quit telling yourself you are. A weak person doesn’t fight like you do. You wake up everyday and you fight through the day, trying to win. And some days you lose, but you tried. A weak person doesn’t try like you do.”
Her black eyes watered up, but she refused to let the tears fall, so they stayed in her eyes, blurring her vision. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why don’t you just turn me in, get the throne? Why are you like this? Why are you nice to me? I’m practically blackmailing you so why are you nice to me?”
“A lot of reasons, Caterina. But the main one is I see myself in you, and when I was like you, I would’ve wanted a me.”
She didn’t hold back the tears anymore. When the flood ran down her cheeks, Thomas ran from the chair to the edge of the bed next to Caterina. As she cried into his shoulder, he petted the top of her head, letting out comforting hushes as he gently rocked her. “I don’t deserve you,” she mumbled through cries. “I really don’t.”
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