#utdr fan fic
villowstar · 1 year
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enjoying freedom post-pacifist route :)
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legandairy-horror · 4 months
Does anyone have any really good Ralsei betrayal fic recs?
I've been turning over this idea for a Ralsei betrayal lyrical song/boss Fight (please Dont ask) for months now but I don't know how to write songs. So instead I figured I'd right a fanfic based on it instead but since I need to get it out of my head somehow. The problem is my brain can't decouple the story from the elaborate boss fight/song scenario so it's making it way harder to write than it should be.
The reason I'm asking for fic recs is cause I'm thinking that maybe getting some non-musical examples of what I want to do will help my brain better understand what it is I'm trying to do if that makes sense
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
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i drew fanart for your fic :)
I’ve been starring at this for like an hour I hope you understand that. This is so pretty I love it💞
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dattosdan · 2 years
So, if you've been in the utdr community for a bit now you've probably heard of the sans otherworld theory, specifically the variant where sans comes from deltarune.
But the main consensus is that sans swaps or is transported to undertale sometime during the events of deltarune or after them, but like what if he was already swapped with the other sans by the time, we meet him in deltarune?
Guys what if the sans we talk to during deltarune is actually just sans from undertale playing it cool?
Guys what if like, if we ever get a second sans fight electric boogaloo, and we like kill him via weird route or something, he just turns into dust immediately unlike undertale sans who bled?
Guys what if the reason papyrus won't come out of the house has to do with the fact that he knows his brother isn't the same person?
Guys what if the loneliness of being separated from his friends is being offset by the fact that he has to keep it together to take care of a younger papyrus and that he's genuinely happy he's no longer trapped underneath a mountain? And therefore, he isn't as depressed as og sans?
Alright... I think I got all the intrusive thoughts out my system, I'm good now, no longer insane, now I can actually think about things with evidence rather than head canons with no tangible proof.
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cherryistired · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Deltarune (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Addison (Deltarune), Blue Addison, Pink Addison, Swatchling (Deltarune) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Spamton G. Spamton Acid Bath Theory, Hurt No Comfort, Angst, no beta we die like berdly, it's just the blue addison visiting spamton and getting garbage noise instead, but with more phone calls for flavor Series: Part 3 of You Have One (1) New Messages
Finished a wip finally! The blue addison goes to visit Spamton on the day of his eviction. It goes as poorly as can be expected.
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lynxgriffin · 7 months
Hot takes on the community of UT?
If you mean on the fandom itself, um...I don't know that I have any specific hot takes? Like, sure, there's trends in there that annoy me...the tendency for a big chunk of the fandom to hyperfocus on the angsty white guy to the detriment of everyone else, the general disdain/apathy towards female characters (especially ones with clear flaws), agonizing debate over the queer characters/relationships, general shallow readings of the characters and themes, etc. But those are things that you're going to find in almost every fandom, so I don't think UTDR is unique in that regard. It also depends a lot on where you choose to engage with fandom...the vibes are different on twitter vs tumblr vs reddit vs youtube vs ao3 and all that.
And on the plus side, there's some seriously talented people in this fandom, in so many corners...fic, art and comics, fan games, and music! The music one alone is kind of mindblowing; a good chunk of what I listen to is just various artists' takes on UTDR music. So I'm willing to put up with the annoying parts if it means I get to see and engage with that kind of outpouring of artistic skill!
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Transcript: honestly another reason i steer clear of the sans au fans specifically is because their was a weird amount of misogyny in the early days. treating alphys, undyne and toriel like these evil bitches and because alot of early fans saw chara & frisk as female (they arent btw) they got it too. its better nowadays but some fans still treat toriel and alphys so much worse than asgore and gaster respectively but thats a problem the whole utdr fandom has. like how Noelle was demonized b4 chapter2. honestly i could write a whole essay on how susie and undyne receive less hate than noelle and toriel because they are more 'masculine' acting and are less conventionally 'girly'. its also weird how undyne & asgore get less hate for wanting to kill us than toriel does. Again its a problem ive noticed fandom wide but i notice it more in the utmv fandom due to aus villanizing toriel & alphys more than they do asgore & undyne. i attribute it more to the sans au fans specifically because of how many fics where every character that isint sans (including papyrus) are these evil awful people and the sans is a poor woobie until he escapes to the multiverse to be with other sanses.
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imptwins · 7 months
Why making any concessions to puritan rhetoric is a bad idea
(note for the uninitiated: 'anti' is short for 'anti-shipper', 'anti-ship', or 'anti-fan'; in this context it refers to people who get very vocally militant about opposing dark kinks/problematic ships in media, especially creative fandom spaces. Proship is simply the opposite, people who vocally believe people should be free to make/indulge in whatever as long as a line is drawn between fiction and reality.)
(note 2: this was written for cohost, i cbf rewording it lol)
I very often see people - both websites and individuals - making a concession to the people who come up to them yelling about problematic kinks and guilt by association and 'why didn't you block this person' blah blah blah. It's happened with a few BNFs (big-name fans) in the UTDR scene lately, I've seen it from artists I respect, from friends, hell I used to be in this camp myself. And, of course, it happened to this website about a year back, and the conversation has come up again recently due yet another tumblr exodus.
It makes sense. The most common stuff that antis go after is stuff very few people are into: lolisho/cub, ferals, heavy gore, heavy noncon. It's niche, the real-world applications are unquestionably vile, it's very easy to just say 'I also find this icky regardless of whether I really believe that all people into it are secret criminals, so, I'll just block the people who they say are bad and move on.' I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen someone respond to proship/antiship discourse with "I'm an adult with a job." Going to bat for this content is high risk, low reward. You're not going to make friends, you're going to lose them. YOU WILL LOSE SUBSCRIBER, etc. As a result of all this it's very easy to assume that anyone defending it must be into it.
But I'm not. I'm a writer who often deals with darker subjects, but most of the first-on-the-list anti stuff, I'm not into at all. I'm not into ferals or gore period, noncon I like purely as character exploration, lolisho I can enjoy from the perspective of what I call 'trauma repair.' There's probably a proper term for it. But the tl;dr is I've never been actively aroused by any of these things, not in fantasy and especially not otherwise. Whenever I write them, it's just fascination or character analysis. Whenever I have a 'this character can be any age you want' fic, in my head, they're 18+. Writing noncon is a weird challenge for me because I'm constantly battling with the alternate ending in my head where the victim breaks free, beats the shit out of their captor, etc. This isn't me trying to claim virtue through this, just stating my position.
So… Why do I go to bat for these things? Why do I get annoyed when websites block lolisho, when artists have 'proship DNI' in their bio, etc? It's lost me a couple friends, it's certainly cost me followers and general reach, it's gotten me blocked by countless people I respected the work of. It's earned me a few callout posts, multiple with 1k+ followers, and one particular obsessed stalker who tells anyone who will listen that I actually groomed a child (despite all evidence otherwise). It's caused me a really significant amount of trouble. Why die on this hill?
The answer's kind of simple, when you boil it down: fictional fantasies either affect reality, or they don't. This is why I go to bat for things I'm not into, but it's also why whenever you see someone making concessions to antis, it's never enough. Cohost banned lolisho last year (I believe it's still banned?? Unclear), but the antis still make constant callout posts about this site and its owners. Some of the team have even gone out of their way to state very firmly that they're against these things, they've gone above and beyond just 'ban the bad thing' and broadcast their views about the morality of it. You'll frequently see artists write some huge apology or clarification when a callout post hits, usually involving some variation of 'I do not condone x y z and think it's disgusting.'
It's never enough.
But it makes sense, when you think about it. By drawing a line, you have essentially agreed with the core angle of the people screaming at you: that a fictional fantasy affects reality. That it's dangerous. You will, by necessity, now have people start to work down the list. Incest, ferals, gore, noncon, sure. Any relationship with any kind of skewed power dynamic. Sibling-coded, minor-coded, postminor nonsense. All of these things are less easily agreed to than lolisho, I've seen countless porn artists concede with the core idea that lolisho is immoral, then they act like it's unreasonable that people just keep going until they're being told that a knot on a furry is bestiality, or a 23 year old dating an autistic 21 year old is pedophilia. These are genuine examples of things I've seen people dogpiled for. Seriously look up "postminor" if you want to see how bad this can get, on top of being absurd it's one-for-one the kind of gross ableist shit that Autism Speaks gets into.
But YOU AGREED TO THEM. You agreed with the core concept, that the fantasy must reflect reality. Of course they're going to keep demanding more; by the logic you used to agree with them, you are doing immoral things. If fictional lolisho is immoral, so are the rest of them. It's way easier to look at your average pic on baraag or inkbunny and go 'oh, eugh, vile,' but at the end of the day the cutesy played-for-laughs sleeping kiss, the dubcon bondage that you don't call dubcon, or the meet-cute where they're a bit too drunk, they're all immoral fantasies.
That's not even to get into non-sexual stuff. If the lolisho fantasy is wrong, so is running down civilians in GTA. Suddenly your notifs are full of 16 year-old Jack Thompsons with rainbow flags in their bios.
This really is an all-or-nothing debate. If fictional fantasies affect reality, then even the immoral fantasies that you're personally comfortable with, the cutesy coy playful ones, must be immoral. If fictional fantasies don't affect reality, then even the ones that make you uncomfortable, the ones that have you scrambling to close your browser in case the feds are looking, must be fine.
It should have become very obvious over the last decade that you cannot fence-sit on this. There's a huge internal disagreement going on among progressive/queer/compassion-minded people, on whether these kind of things affect reality, or whether they don't. You can learn to apathetically dismiss stuff that squicks you, or you can learn to sanitize everything you ever make so there's not a trace of contentious theming left. Immoral fantasies are immoral, or only immoral actions are immoral.
You're going to have to pick one.
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I’m ngl I only got into tf2 like two weeks ago and I recently found ur fic and?? Woah???? It is so so so good I’m genuinely so invested. Single-handedly changed my view from “blu team as clones is kinda boring” to “I need more content of them acting like this Right Now or I will Die (lighthearted)”. I really don’t know how to give specific compliments to it without it sounding like incomprehensible word vomit but just know I really love ur writing and am so excited to see more (also, aroace who doesn’t like how centric shipping is to fandoms solidarity 🤝🤝)
Also, just out of curiosity, were the monsters in ur fic inspired by the amalgamates in undertale at all? I called them that as a joke when I first read it but assumed it was just a coincidence but then I saw that u were a big utdr fan so I thought I should ask
Holy crap, I never actually expected anyone to realise I'm an UTDR fan! I am SUCH a huge UTDR fan, I've loved Undertale and Deltarune since I was a kid. Literally. 9 years since I've been in the fandom baby!
But no, funnily enough, I was actually heavily inspired by SCP-001, "When Day Breaks." Though I was probably subconsciously inspired by Undertale too. I was also inspired by Inside. It's kind of funny how many stuff have horrific amalgamations.
I'm glad you like the clones! I was kind of tired of them being the same copy and paste when they have so much potential for story telling! I was reading another fic, and I thought "man, why can't they just make the BLU team their own people instead of villainizing them or forgetting they exist?" And that's how they came to be!
Just to end this, but AROACE SOLIDARITY! YEAH BABY!
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emoangel44 · 6 months
HI RAXZ IT TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECTED AS IT'S BEEN A WEEK BUT!!! DURING ALL THAT I DIDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR FIC/S It's just one of those pieces of fanwork that leaves so much of an impression on someone, that it just ends up sticking and changing what you initially thought of a character, because of how well done the things most would just move aside or chalk up for simple reasons. you seem to be the only person who really does get Chara like no other, and I hope it's not strange to say you write them almost as if you know them or you are them that I'm sorta afraid nothing else will live up to how you written them and asriel in ur fan fic LOL but no matter... i will prevail. I love how you were able to portray charas self hate and self harm, i love how you didn't hold back on the ugly side of it and how far and disturbing it can be especially for someone as young as chara. There's just something so realistic about it that don't see alot anywhere else. 
I also like how you made asriel be childish, childish in a way a kid can be bratty or selfish(?) in the first half, that might not be a good descriptor but my puter is lagging from the many many words I've written for this ask so I'm making do </3 the point is you really know how to write these kids. Also enjoy that the tone of each fic is starkly different from one another, asriels pov feels grounded in comparison to charas inner thoughts
HOPEFULLY this all makes a little sort of sense, I've read both of ur fics three times so I'm praying it does, amen. ANYWAYS……. Love ur brain, would love to hear any thoughts you have on utdr in general if you ever decide to share em…. godbless. perhaps i couldve worded this better in a diffrent time but oh well, we ball. i hope u have a great day emoangel44🫡 will be looking forward for ur new utdr stuff
FIORE!!! i have been waiting for this day.. thank you so much. ive had several people say that i really get chara including like, literal veteran chara fans. its very nice to hear, theyre pretty important to me as a character. which is rather funny because the only analysis ive ever actually written on them that wasnt fanfiction was an essay on how i think theyre kind of actually a little poorly written LOL. to understand someone you have to know their weakpoints i guess... even if on a meta level.
for my asriel interpretation i try to incorporate a lot of "flowey-isms" as i say. the way i see asriel is that he was always a bit of a bratty, selfish kid that struggled with low empathy. he chooses to do what he thinks is right because he knows its right and not because it provides him with positive feelings himself... i think thats even more admirable. as opposed to this is think chara is high empathy which is part of the reason they did what they did. asriel is just way more of a people person than chara and so comes off as more understanding, charas just naturally a bit off-putting no matter how hard they try not to be.
chara and asriel are quite different people so i tried to make that clear in how i write their perspectives. chara is kind of stuck in their own head and lives in a world with walls of misery and think prose. theyre very direct but also very metaphorical. its a weird combination but it gets easier to write when taking in account their canon dialogues (one day youll get a fic from me with a more light hearted tone where chara will get to make their dog puns and nerd jokes. maybe). this is also the reason i write them with a strange mix of first and second person. it just feels natural for our narrator.
asriel on the other hand is much much more of an emotional person and is much less formal in how he thinks. he has a lot more filler words and "i-think"s and "i-feel"s and such.
i figure ill write a bit on what inspired each fic.
for my chara fic, i actually started writing it while bored in class. it was inspired a narration line in one of the fights in undertale, the one i used for the summary. the main thing i wanted to play with was metaphors and metaphors upon metaphors. mainly related to charas self hatred though the lense of soil and dirt and flowers and gardens because of course.
for my asriel fic, the main thing i wanted to play with was, quite obviously, writing from asriels perspective. i had already written 2 fics from charas perpective (the 1st one isnt as good as the other two and was mostly written as a characterization and perspective test) so i figured it was time to give him a turn, especially since it we only realy got a peak and asriels personality through charas eyes and i wanted to show it off more. the other thing that the fic ended up centering on is something my friend said to me about how they felt my chara characterization was screaming to be understood under all the hurt. basically the thesis of this fic is "asriel did not fully get chara but he was also the closest anyone ever got by a long shot which counts for something".
if youd like to see my other undertale stuff, here is some poetry ive written about chara (and asriel), here is my art tag which is full of stuff with them (alternatively, just use my undertale tag if you dont want art of anything else), here are my chara and asriel playlists that i always listen to while writing, and here is that chara essay i mentioned.
speaking of my thoughts on utdr... i actually dont post the majority of them. but id absolutely love to talk about them. so if you (or anyone else) have any questions about my thoughts on utdr or want to start a discussion about it Please do. Im actually begging you. i need more engagement guys send me asks. thank you for reading this absurdly long response
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acaciapines · 2 months
for the ask game, answer whichever of these speak to you the most: 4, 5, 11, 14 :D
oh they ALWAYS speak to me. i answer All. i will not be contained.
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
actually shockingly few! ever since i finished my big owl house editing pass back in june i've not done a whole lot in terms of projects...and recently i've been playing rain world so instead of writing im playing rain world like 24/7. currently my only main project is the dess raises kris au, and in that 'verse the only thing i'm writing right now is a dess/chara relationship study. i WOULD finish it, but, uh. rain world. (<- guy who is trying so hard not to write rain world fic. i probably wont but also i am always tormented by ideas. but consider i have to tell the story of my slugpup scooter SCOOTER I WONT EVER FORGET YOU--)
5. What's a fic idea you've had that you will never write?
probably countless that i do not remember right now! but digging around through my drafts, i've got a few deltarune daemon aus that won't ever see the light of day...one of them was a fangame where the player played as one of kris's two daemons, and the other was a fic where ralsei was kris's daemon. the ideas from there have basically been repurposed elsewhere--a lot of my kris&ralsei stuff went into various works, and the fangame stuff is being reworked into the dess raises kris au.
beyond that, in terms of things that are actually abandoned and won't be used elsewhere, there are so many daemon aus that i've left behind for one reason or another, though the gravity falls transcendence au is the one that i think was the best...that one postcanon his dark materials fic i was gonna write where lyra and pan return to will's world and cause general shenanigans there with him and kirjava...a vera-centric son of sea foam wings of fire au because vera is the love of my life and i was rereading wings of fire bc i felt nostalgic....oh my god fantasy high SOPHOMORE YEAR FIC, which i tried to start TWICE, once from fig's pov and once from ayda's that was their road trip back home and i have some very funny snippets from...MY INFINITY TRAIN DAEMON AU WAIT THAT ONE STILL GOES SO HARD ACTUALLY. okay drop everything ive ever said the fact that i never wrote my infinity train book two daemon au is a travesty. i was cooking with that one.
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
sort of! i usually always have at least one or two songs i connect to any given fic, but in terms of what i listen to when actually WRITING, it's changed over the years. i used to put on compilations of video game music--usually utdr, pmd, and then just whatever got recommended to me lol--then i did like. those character playlists people make on youtube? mostly bc they tended to pull from the same pool of songs so it became good background noise lol. now i use the youtube mix or whatever its called for a similar reason--it tends to play the same handful of songs ive listened to a lot, so they dont distract me.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
oh i LOVE this question, and it would be without a doubt my nimona daemon au oh, are you at all like me. nimona itself is obviously both a comic and a movie, and i'd say animated film since the fic follows the movie plot more--i think there'd be a LOT of really cool scenes you could get with that fic. i also think i could make killer animatics based on my fics if i could draw good enough <3 and thats not a joke i have scripts and sketch storyboards and everything. maybe one day i'll finish one of those.
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copepods · 5 months
While there is no set Gender for Chara and Frisk, Kris is VERY MUCH they/them. What the fuck are these fic writers doing?!
pretty sure chara and frisk are also referred to with they/them... idk utdr fans will do anything but acknowledge transgender identities
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dave-strider-is-my-bf · 9 months
i've decided to open writing commisions.
here is my ao3
you can pay me in steam gift cards and tf2 items. (/srs)
pricing and rules under the cut
1. just because you rocked up to my inbox and technically followed the rules does not mean i am obligated to write for you. i can always deny writing for any reason.
2. writing takes time. please do not charge me back because you """expected me to be faster""".
i WILL write:
alternate universes (particularly canon divergence)
meme stuff
shipping (read my pinned post for hs, for utdr i'm a fan of soriel, kris/susie/ralsei, suselle and spamvil)
mild gore
i MIGHT write:
fandoms other than the ones i mentioned before
i WON'T write:
your trollsonas/kidsonas/etc (don't forget to provide lore)
something wholly original (i'm not a ghostwriter!)
incest (this is mostly just for @electrasp8der)
major gore and/or death
drabble/short fic (500-1k words): any cosmetic, strange weapon or game worth 2€
you can dm me to discuss prices, but they generally follow these rules
teeny tiny fic (100-500 words): free!
regular fic (2k-5k words): 5€ gift card
big fic (5k-10k words): 10€ gift card
giant fic (more than 10k words): discuss in dms
multi chapter fic: depends on chapter length. see the prices above
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
The ship names are just as cool as I expected!!! UNWANTED Survey makes me think… is their relationship marked simply by wanting privacy away from the yellow ad? Or why that name?
ALSO Im really glad you put Holiday Hijinks on there because Susie/Kris/Noelle is one of my top ships that doesn’t get talked about a lot. You’re doing all the heavy lifting for polyamorous deltarune fans.
I’m glad you liked them!!! I am not a fandom veteran for any fandom (not including fnaf) but the dying art of ship names is hurting me! I feel like people don’t ship susie Kris and Noelle as much cause not too many people are into poly ships but also just the focus on susie x noelle. Not upset but susie has two claws, she can throw both of them <3.
As for Unwanted Survey, It’s not about Surv at all actually. Their names are based on types of ads hence Surv = Survey, Pop = Pop ups or Video = Videos, Audi = Audio ads and Banner = Banner ads. The ship comes from Spam being a Spam ad and Banner being a review ad, sorta like surveys stores ask you to fill out after you shop. Most of the time both are unwanted and out right annoying so on the surface level this is where the ship name comes from, sort of like a mix of their functions and how people perceive them. I have mentioned shortly but based on my ad HCs none of the ads of mine are totally functional and in line with the regular ads one way or another. Surprisingly, it’s Spam and Banner that bond over this the most and thus, get along best on the whole “everyone find your purpose annoying” aspect.
The second reason is their own relationship. Banner has a need to critique, review and comment on things, create an order. I show this with how they take the initiative when setting up a plan like wanting Spam to be neat or getting excited at figuring out who the ad would work with first. Banner was always like this, not as doting but more micromanaging. Spamton always hated it. It makes him feel like he’s always doing something wrong and can’t be trusted, however, he still wants to figure out how to please Banner as a coworker and partner.
Banner on the other hand can’t handle criticism of herself, which Vidie and Spam gave out in abundance (Vidie more so). Spam would always call him out on how hard he was on him or how his stubbornness was gonna push everyone away (this only happened during heated debates). Banner hates how accurate the criticism was. The name comes from both hating what is essentially an unwanted assessment of their own character kinda like having someone fill out a survey about them. It’s something they can bond over and use against each other hence it being their ship name. Banner and Surv has the rockiest relationship of the ads, their name should reflect that somewhat.
Though the idea it would be about Surv would be funny, considering the last thing either would want is for him to not be around.
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Hey! you can call me Crow, they/them, welcome to my blog! i’m a huge fan of art and animation, media analysis, and linguistics. currently in the rottmnt fandom. and also into utdr now. apparently.
there’s a good chance i’ll forget to answer ur ask but i do read them all!!
my ao3 is just_a_tired_Crow
art tag: #crow does art
TMNT: Broken Bonds stuff:
——— cover ———
Turtles refs Mikey and Klunk Usagi Aro week Just Be Brave (fic)(OLD) Raph's Sewing Hobby April and Tang Shen Doodles
the tag is #tmnt: broken bonds. you can find misc doodles there!
please do not trace my art or repost without credit :)
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peachpitss · 3 months
I really like your utdr fic. Do you have any headcanons?
hello !! thanks so much, i'm glad you enjoy them! <3 i made a very long post with some headcanons for frisk/chara/asriel/kris from a previous ask i got! you can find that here!
i don't think you'll find anything in that post that would be surprising, if you've read my fic! haha. i suppose one thing that i touched on in my fic writing but didn't mention in that other post is that i love the idea of post-pacifist flowey getting addicted to gacha games. it just feels Correct. (in fact, i wrote a fic about him begrudgingly bonding with alphys over one!) i think flowey would either be the type you need to hide the credit card from so he can't become a whale, OR he'd be so determined to not spend a cent out of spite that he'd play for hours and hours grinding during limited events. someone would need to limit the fella's screen time. lol i also think flowey would enjoy devil may cry games, because they're so campy and concerned with defeating your enemies in the flashiest, most stylish way possible. i think he'd get hooked by how indulgently absurd the games are. ESPECIALLY DMC5. dante ripping his motorcycle in half to dual-wield it like a sword?? popping wheelies on demons??? you can't read the winter alarm clock dialogue for flowey and not think he'd have a blast doing that. (apologies if you're not a devil may cry fan, anon!)
sorry, this is so laser focused on gamer flowey. LOL i probably have other headcanons rattling around in my head, but this is what i have at the top of my mind for now! it can be hard for me to produce these things without specific prompts. but thank you for the ask! (:
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