#uuuggghhhh i love them so much
googleitlol · 11 months
Now I wanna share more so here’s another blurb from my jttw x reader, thinking of calling it Little Dove but that’s just a placeholder rn
I’ve never rlly written a dynamic that begins so… aggressively before, so it’s been rlly fun writing the beginning bits where Reader straight up despises Sun Wukong. I’ll probably do another post for this fic explaining why Reader (or Dove) hates him so much, so if anyone wants to know more, lmk!
(This takes place just after SWK has been freed)
Dove Masterlist:
This river would be perfect for finding the right materials. Once you can see a suitable clump of reeds by the river, you turn back to begin your harvest. Alone at last, you're finally able to feel a semblance of peace. The moon reflecting over the great body of water, a soft breeze carrying through the air, tonight might prove to be the first calm night in weeks of travel.
The family that let you and your traveling companions stay the night truly seem to be kind people, they were quite considerate when realizing your group are strictly vegetarian. It also felt amazing when you were able to properly bathe yourself again. Not that you aren't used to spending days in the wilderness, but it was certainly a welcome change of pace to have proper shelter for the night.
You start snapping the reeds out of the ground, checking the first one to see if it was the right width for an arrow before continuing your harvest. You carried no extra arrowheads, but you were certain you could worry about that later. For now, these reeds would work as good arrow shafts.
Normally, you would collect your own arrows after a fight. But that just wasn't possible in the midst of the chaos of that demon attack. There were too many of them to kill them all, and with Tripitaka's horse taking off with the monk, all you could do was leave the arrows behind. Luckily, you still have a few left over, but it isn't enough.
After taking a sizeable amount of reeds, you follow the river downstream for some time. It didn't take long for you to find a rock large enough to sit on while you work. Setting the reeds by your feet, you take out your bow to help measure how long to make the arrows. Taking a seat, you take one of the reeds in your hold, drawing the soon-to-be-shaft and taking mental note of the length.
"Do you ever sleep?"
The voice from behind makes you jump out of your skin, though the following snicker quickly helps to ground you.
Turning back, you see Sun Wukong leaning against one of the trees lining the shore of the river. "I mean, you've made it very clear that you're mortal. Rest is important for those of you that can die, right?" One might think his words came from actual concern if not for the smirk on his face stretching from ear to ear. "I wouldn't know, seeing as I'm immortal. But you knew that already, didn't you?"
He has no idea how infuriating he is.
You swiftly turn back to face the river after seeing who's with you. "Done showing off your new garments to your master?"
"Can’t I accompany you? You’re not the only one who can become a bird." His reply was casual, as though he didn't sense your blatant hostility. You know he does, but he acts oblivious to it. Maybe that's the point, a method to aggravate you further. So much for that peaceful alone time.
Now with more annoyance than before, you begin snapping the reeds to the length needed. Silence falls over the two of you as you work, which you might almost be grateful for… if not for the monkey's overbearing presence that had moved to be just over your shoulder.
Taking out your knife, you begin notching the arrows shafts, doing your best to ignore the occasional brush of a tail over your arm. It was easy at first to call them accidental little grazes as his tail never seemed to stop swaying. However, it was starting to grow harder when it kept happening. Tapping your nose was the final straw.
"Can I help you?!" Your head swivels back to face the monkey, the same shit-eating grin resting on his face.
Despite the clear aggression in your tone, a laugh is his first response. "What are you doing?"
The question makes you roll your eyes. His tone is condescending, his smile doing nothing to hide the mock in his voice. "I need arrows, what does it look like I'm doing?" Part of you can’t help but wonder, would his teeth get replaced if you knocked them out? If he's immortal, would they come back or would he remain teeth-less? One could only wish for the latter.
The Monkey King strolls over to face you now, his hands behind his back. "Oh, I know. What I meant to say is, why? Didn’t you hear what I told Master? Don’t you know how powerful I am?” He gestures to himself, getting much too close as he continues to blabber. “You don’t have to worry your pretty little head anymore. Just curse me out from the safety of Master’s shoulder. Your insults will keep me entertained.”
“You pompous—!” You stop yourself before you can go any further, the iron grip on you knife tightening as it points towards the ape. The smug look on his face tells you all you need to know. He wants you to get riled up, like he said. He has to be bored out of his mind, being ‘converted’ and forced to help Tripitaka. So instead of plundering villages or whatever it is that he did before his punishment under the mountain, he’s playing with you.
Closing you eyes, you let out a deep sigh. If that’s how he wants to play it, then so be it. “Why are you here, Sun Wukong?” You ask, your expression returning to its neutral state from before.
The demon raises a playful brow, finally stepping back to allow for some of your personal space back as he hummed in faux thought. “Master seems to like you— I don’t really see why— but when you left, I thought what a shame it’d be if you were snatched or eaten in the middle of the night.” He shrugs absentmindedly before his eyes narrow. “Then again, who knows? It might be fun to watch.”
You let out a dry chuckle at that, inspecting your handiwork as he turns to look out over the water. “Trust me, simian, I am plenty capable of caring for myself.”
“Is that how you ended up under me that day in the Jade Palace?” He snickers, and it takes everything not to snap at the comment.
“You mean how I distracted you long enough for the thunder deities to arrive, and eventually the Buddha himself?” Collecting your arrow shafts, you rise to your feet. “It was never my goal to beat you. I’ve been taught to know the difference between fights I can and cannot win. Your power is the only reason I can stomach you being here.”
Laughter ripples from his chest, the monkey turning to approach you once more. “Aww, what a good little student you are. Is that why you’re so uptight all the time? You’re a teacher’s pet?” Despite his demeanour and mocking tone, you stand tall as he circles to your other side, his back now facing the woods that line the river.
With an uncaring expression, you study the monkey’s face. Brow raised cockily, smile accompanied with teeth that are bared. His body language, arms crossed and posture tall. “You may be immortal, Sun Wukong, but everything is temporary.”
He lets out another huff of amusement. “Is that a threat, Dove?”
“A lesson I’ve been taught again and again.” You raise your brows with an uncaring smile. “You might have eternal life, monkey, but you won’t last on this journey.” You lean closer, voice just a whisper. “So I’ll be there to watch the moment you mess up.”
With a little hmmph, you move past the Monkey King. “And I’ll enjoy it.”
With your final words, you take your materials to work elsewhere, leaving the Monkey King by the water to digest your words. He turns to watch you stalk off into the woods, frowning with a smile. One could only know it was forced if they noticed the twitch at the corner of his mouth.
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dragonfly0808 · 6 months
I know this has been asked before but what's your favorite scene for each couple you've written so far
Bloom and Sky- Their talk after Sky tells the truth of his curse season 3, Chapter 34; The Truth is a Grotesque Animal
I just feel it captures how despite loving each other so much, things just keep getting in the way and (in a parallel with Daphne and Valtor) they are also a tragedy
Stella and Brandon- I don’t think I have a specific one but if I had to chose their moment in Season 4, Chapter 2; Love or Like, It’s Like Hide and Seek
It’s just very domestic and shows how much they just get each other. Also Brandon loving it when he gets to see Stella with her glasses is UUUGGGHHHH- they’re the cutest
Flora and Helia- I’m between the love confession in Season 2, Chapter 34; See the Light and… their scene in Season 3, Chapter 27; Show me the Places Where the Others Gave you Scars. Also, honorable mention to their moment in Season 3, Chapter 31: I’ll Stare Directly at the Sun but Never in the Mirror
They’re just so soft, I love writing for them but these 3 specifically where just… ugh- love it
Musa and Riven- I got 3 favorite scenes, first Season 1, Chapter 21; Lightning can Strike Twice, when they’re at Zenith because I feel like this is the first time they truly connect. Then, Season 2, Chapter 40; But Tonight I’ll be the Happiest Girl in the World, you’ll see, Like it Never Happened, since this is when they get together.
But THE SCENE for them is season 3, Chapter 45; Fairy Soiree, because this is when they realize that they’re in it for the long haul and they’re finally learning to communicate and it was just very soft and fun to write
Tecna and Timmy- there is only one possible option here, their talk in Season 3, Chapter 39; Would You Hold Me and Just Forget the World? Because I feel like it’s these two at their purest and the best way to see their relationship and what they mean to each other
I just loved writing that scene for them
Aisha and Nabu- their scene in Season 3, Chapter 27; Show me the Places Where the Others Gave you Scars, since this is when Aisha first realizes that she’s falling in love with Nabu
Honorable mention to Nabu backing her up when she goes up against her mom in Season 3, Chapter 57: Things Work Out, Except for the Ones that Just Won’t
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highfantasy-soul · 2 months
NATLA Episode 8 - Legends (2/4)
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
Of course, full spoilers ahead.
I really enjoy how Zhao (Azula) is a much smarter villain in the live-action than he was in the animated series. While I do love them both, leaning into the Fire Nation not just working off brute force, but rather being strategic and clever with their attacks was a great choice. The Ice Moon caveat for the spirits and Kuruk's spirit knife made the world feel bigger to me than just having the moon and ocean spirits conveniently always sitting there to kill by any means. I don't think the live-action team went in with the idea that the ocean and moon spirits being mortal was 'a plothole to fill' like some claim (yet again, always jumping to the least charitable interpretation of the live-action rather than spending three seconds to think about what it ADDS to the story to flesh that part out), I think they used it to seed a lot of lore and worldbuilding while also giving reasons as to why events played out the way they did.
Like I said in my post about episode 6, it makes a lot more sense to me that Zhao would have easy access to the info (and weapon) needed to kill the Moon Spirit rather than that shlub somehow finding the super hidden library that an archeologist spent YEARS searching for. While it was a cool foreshadowing of the library in season 2, having Zhao discover the moon and ocean spirit stuff in Avatar Roku's temple in the live-action I think makes more sense.
The fire sage being the one to explain the spirit oasis and the origins of waterbending to Zhao was a really cool change! It shows Zhao formulating his plan rather than having it just told to us like in the animated version - it includes the lore behind the ocean and moon spirit without making it so obvious that that's the solution to their problem, it introduces it as the problem and we have to work our way to the solution instead of it just being given to us. The fact that the sages still know and revere (even though they're using it to form an attack plan) the histories of bending is a nice touch. Especially the older sages, they remember the old ways and stories and don't discount the power of the old tales like younger people might. It doesn't stop them from falling into fascism (it stops some, but not all), but it does add layers and nuance to their world view rather than the very surface-level 'all others are bad, we don't pay attention to them' view that was shown mostly in the animated version.
Kuruk appearing to Aang to warn him was super cool!! I like how past Avatars can appear to their current iteration (not to mention they were right outside his shrine) to warn them of something and having it be Kuruk's knife that he can feel added a lot. It's another instance where the Fire Nation can turn anything into a weapon against the world - the weapon Kuruk forged to PROTECT the world from evil spirits and keep the world in balance is now being twisted and used by the Fire Nation to hurt the good ones and throw the world out of balance. Just as Zhao and the Fire Sage took a beautiful story about the creation of the Water Tribes and twisted it into something to harm them, they're taking a weapon of protection and making it a brutal weapon against the light.
UUUGGGHHHH Zhao and his twisted 'justifications' as to why killing the moon isn't actually all that bad. "Killing the ocean would deprive people of their lives - I'm not a monster!" of course he wants a world to rule, so he can't kill them, only fully subjugate them and wipe out their culture! See, they will get to live under his amazing rule, why would he deny them that opportunity?? Watch closely, everyone - that's the reasoning a lot of fascists give when they start trying to eradicate cultural practices - they argue that they're leaving the people alive, so it's not actually bad! We're just stripping away their identity and replacing it with our own! Save the man, kill the savage and all that.
"The Avatar's power is great, but it pales in comparison to the elemental spirits" SUCH GREAT FORESHADOWING WITHOUT GIVING IT ALL AWAYYYY!!!!!!! Also a great way to show the power scale of the world - as powerful as Aang is in the Avatar state, the spirits are the OG - especially the elemental ones. Aang ISN'T the most powerful thing in this world. It sets up how they're going to defeat the fire nation army without Aang in control of the Avatar state really well! They're leaving breadcrumbs rather than telling you the plan in a monologue or just randomly deciding to join with the ocean spirit - a power that hadn't been discussed at all in the animated show.
That Momo fake out death was CRUEL!!!! He just saved a girl's life and we think he gave his life to do it!!!! But it was a great way to introduce not only the spirit oasis, but also the healing properties of its waters. In the animated show, that's not mentioned at all until Pakku gives Katara the water vial and tells her it can heal - it's actually SHOWN in the live-action that it's powers are beyond normal healing. Yue's story about her being healed in these waters makes a lot more sense here as well rather than in the animated series where she tells the story once the moon is in trouble. At the time, it seems like it has nothing to do with the immediate danger, it's just a way to set up that she'll give back that life in the end - a quick lore set-up break in the action. In the live-action, it's directly tied to what's happening - she's doing the same thing to Momo that was done to her to save her life. Her connection with the moon isn't relevant yet, so that part of the story is held till later when it is relevant.
Honestly, I think the spirit oasis is much more impressive in the live-action. In the animated show, it's just a small island of grass with a pond - in the live-action, it's a whole valley filled with life. And I love how NO adaptation can resist showing Zuko fire-blasting his way out from beneath the ice - it's just too damn cool to leave out! I like how Iroh is still playing his loyalties close to the chest - he's not going to outright attack Zhao yet, but he'll definitely stall and not help out as much as Zhao wants him to.
Zuzu!!!! Like always, huge shit is happening all around but Zuko still thinks him capturing Aang is the most important thing in the world. I like that they're keeping that narrow focus for him - one of his biggest flaws - that blinds him to everything around him. He's not concerned about saving Agna Qel'a, he's not concerned about saving the spirits, he just wants to capture Aang and restore his place in the Fire Nation.
His face as Katara says she's gonna fight him and Aang agreeing - oof. Here he is thinking he's Aang's biggest threat and Aang is just handing his battle off to Katara. And Aang's sly little 'go easy' that wasn't to Zuko - the poor thing. So we begin Zuko v Katara round 2!!! Back in episode 2 on Kyoshi Island, Katara stood against Zuko - untrained and terrified, but knowing she needed to protect Aang. She was beaten easily, but now, she's had training. She's had experience. She's forged herself into a warrior and she's ready for everything Zuko can dish out. Well, not EVERYTHING as even in the animated series, Zuko does win due to his extensive training, but she puts up a wicked fight!
I am good with the siege only lasting one day rather than several like in the animated version. Though I do miss the 'you rise with the moon, I rise with the sun' line, it does kind of feel like Zuko kidnapping Aang was more to provide a cliffhanger for the end of The Siege of the North: Part 1 rather than a necessary narrative choice. In a 2-part finale, yeah we want a cliffhanger, but since this is all one episode, like I mentioned in my post about how episode flow has to change given the new format, that just wouldn't have worked out as well as a smooth single-night attack. Aang seeking guidance before the battle rather than getting kidnapped mid-meditation I think was a smart move. (I've always felt like that cliffhanger was a bit of an odd choice anyways because they make this huge deal about Aang not being able to find his body if it isn't right where he left it, but then it's…not a problem at all - his spirit just zooms back to his body - conveniently showing the Gaang where to find him and Zuko and nothing actually comes of that 'threat' of him not being able to re-enter his body. I'll talk about Zuko's speech about Azula later when it's brought up and altered in the live-action).
I LOOOOOVE Zhao's little speech here - his ambition to gain status - to become a legend, has led him to more and more dangerous things. He truly believes he could become the new Fire Lord. Iroh pleads with him not to do it, but Zhao is too filled with the desire for power that he's not listening to reason. Even after Iroh's threats, Zhao isn't concerned in the least - he views the threats 'empty' and is so smug about how 'this could still work out for you'. As if Iroh is like Zhao and would cave to any opportunity for power.
Like always, Aang tries to talk his enemy down - he tries to appeal to their better nature, an idea that they wouldn't want to throw the world into chaos. The exchange here is SO FREAKING GOOD. Aang pleading with Zhao that this isn't power, Zhao so drunk on his own importance that he can't imagine why anyone would give up the chance to wipe out an entire race of benders - and Aang knowing exactly what that's like, how horrifically awful it is. But for Zhao, those are only stories - he's never known a world with airbenders in it, but Sozin went down in history for that 'accomplishment' he, himself, can be in the history books along side such a 'legend' with no thought to the actual real, human hurt necessary to get there.
Aang finally tries the last thing he can - making Zhao the same offer he made Zuko: leave the attack behind and he'll go with them peacefully. But Zhao isn't Zuko - he wants more than just the Avatar. He wants to cause pain and suffering and have people look upon him with fear. I think it's such an interesting take to have Zhao, like June, not view the Avatar with reverence. He's bought into the Fire Nation propaganda that the Avatar isn't actually all that powerful - the Fire Lord has taken that place. Even the legitimacy of the concept of the Avatar itself is called into question - after all, the Fire Nation wants all the power and the Avatar would stop them. That's not helping  them, so the Avatar must be useless.
Unknowingly, Zhao has just struck at Aang's biggest fear: while Zhao thinks the Avatar doesn't matter on its face, Aang is afraid that he's not good enough as an Avatar TO matter.
I've seen people confused about Iroh's loyalties and his true goal in the live-action - is he really working against the fire nation or not? And some criticism that it seems like he's helping Zuko capture Aang TOO much/ doesn't stop Zhao soon enough from killing the moon spirit. I'd point them, yet again, to the animated series where he very clearly, in The Waterbending Master episode, tells Zuko "once we get to the north pole, the Avatar will be yours". At the moment, animated Iroh is fully on board with Zuko capturing the Avatar. If he plans on trying to influence him not to turn the Avatar in to the fire lord, it's not even hinted at yet, so I think keeping it up in the air for the live-action is staying true to Iroh and Zuko not being 'good guys' - their goals are still to capture Aang. Live action Iroh even attacks Zhao BEFORE the animated Iroh does! In the animation, Iroh threatens Zhao, but doesn’t make a move until Zhao has killed the moon spirit - in the live-action, he attacks in an attempt to save the spirit. Yet another example of people criticizing the live-action for something even more apparent in the animated series - often because they're thinking of the character 2 seasons from now and what they think THAT version of the character would do and trying to apply it to season 1 when that's not even the characterization the animated show gave them in season 1.
I think the subsequent fight in the moonless night is even more emotionally intense in the live action than it was in the animated series. You can FEEL the terror and SEE people dying as the waterbending fails and the fire nation advance. The way this sequence was shot is honestly amazing - it's not gruesome or violent for the sake of it - it's showing the truth of war and the horrific cost of such an assault. Letting the warriors of the Northern Water Tribe have a heroic stand against the firebenders even when their best resource was taken away was great to see. Giving Hahn and Chief Arnook their moment showed that it truly wasn't just about Aang and his friends - this story is about every single person who stands up to fight against tyranny, no matter the weapon they might wield or power they have.
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andvys · 2 months
Chapter twelve. Girl. GIRL. GIRL
I am dead, deceased, exterminated gone puff caput. What in perfection was that? You cannot make me feel things right now. I CANNOT HAVE FEELINGS RIGHT NOW
Uuuggghhhh the way they’re both obliviously in love 😭😭😭😭 I love them I can’t I just can’t right now. This was perfect. I felt feelings and I’m so 🥰😨😥😱❤️‍🔥 I cannot compute words I don’t even make sense right now I just love them and they’re so cute and Jacob being drunk and sad and them leaving and holding hands and doing it in the car and the after care and omg can you imagine if that had happened in a bed THE CUDDLES AND THE LOVE they didn’t even get to a bed because he was so desperately jealous and in love and I can’t
I can’t
I will leave now, process, come back, and die again
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you only got a little tiny glimpse of soft!Steve, you’re gonna get so much more of him soon!!
now get ready for some revelations in the next chapter
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 1 year
We did it boys.
The series premiere was a bit disappointing (and confusing and convoluted) but well, um, we watched it.
"You're trying to turn me into you."
Best episode(s): It's a tie! Between The Girl Who Waited and Closing Time.
TGWW had an amazing concept and setting (I freaking LOVE the idea of the Two Streams Hospital!) And my god the character writing was on POINT. Best moment and the moment that rocked me to my core had to be where Rory told the Doctor
I mean, damn. That's on par with series 1's "You would make a good Dalek." And not to mention, this episode holds no punches. (Neither did The God Complex, but this one is a better episode in my opinion) when it comes to how manipulative the Doctor can be. 11 can be a goofy, silly little guy but at his core? Cold ass mother fucker.
And I LOVE that. It shows how fucked the events in series 2-4 made him. Time Lord Victorious does things to a mf.
Closing Time is not a super deep episode but it is funny and charming. And I could not stop smiling while watching it. I love Craig. I just do. I love how he's not even a companion but he's aware of what's going on with the Doctor. I love how the Doctor and him have this weird partnership going on and neither of them are like "ew gross" when they're mistaken for a couple. I love how it's implied that Craig actually *really likes* the Doctor (bicon!). I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the scenes with the Doctor and Alfie, especially with the galaxy lights. I'm using that in fanfiction, make my words. This episode was just fun. Simple as that. A nice little one off.
Also the part when the Doctor saw Amy and Rory from afar, that was really sweet. 🥺
I LOVE the relationship between the Doctor and the "human" TARDIS in this episode, it is so damn adorable. And the episode was written by Neil Gaiman! Yay!
Best thing about this episode? It's reminiscent of RTD Era present day Earth episodes. And God, I missed them!
Most surprising episode: The Doctor's Wife.
Look at that title. Look at the title and tell me what you expected this episode to be about. It's not! It's not that! Rory punches two Nazis, including Hitler but it's a fucking River Song centric episode. Lame. So fucking lame. Also that ending. Ugh....
Most Disappointing: Let's Kill Hilter.
We get 11 in coat and tails and a top hat though so not a complete loss.
The Wedding of River Song and A Good Man Goes To War.
Worst Episode(s): Another tie...
First, I'll say that the series finale is better than Big Bang. Because I could actually follow what was going on for the most part and it kinda(?) made sense(?) But besides that?
UUUGGGHHHH. So bad. So much bad.
At least i know what the hand tying thing looks like now. So I can use it in fanfiction. But I'd like to point some things out. Rivers statement about how no one loves the Doctor "no more than me"? Fuck. You. 1, nice assumption. 2, The TARDIS would like to know your location. Ugh, I HATED that line!
Also, also! This nice, romantic scene? ABSOLUTE MANIPULATION. The Doctor 'married' River to basically be like "There, I'm your husband now. Do what I say." Fuck this fucking scene. This romance. This plot line, END ME.
A Good Man Goes to War, is not as bad, but still pretty awful. Yet again, amazing title, terrible execution.
We got to meet some neat characters! ...and they're all dead. (But I'm assuming we learn more about them in other episodes)
I went into this knowing who Melody Pond/River Song is. But my partner didn't. So when it was revealed who she is, my partner's response was the following-
And that's all I have to say about that. Also River being conceived on the TARDIS gave her Mary-Sue Time Lord powers and Rose literally absorbing the Time Vortex did what...? Nothing?
Please no. I want Bad Wolf Theory to be true. please.
Compared to last series that really only had 1 episode that felt was worth the watch and was actually really amazing, series 6 had a few that I genuinely enjoyed but everything else was either meh or FUCKING AWFUL.
Series Rating- 6/10
So overall better series but Flesh and Stone doesn't hold a candle to the awful/awkwardness that is The Wedding of River Song.
Series 7 next. We already watched The Asylum of The Daleks which was a lot better of a series premiere than The Impossible Astronaut. (BTW, if I haven't mentioned it, I really could not care less about this era's overarching plot.)
Not looking forward to Day of The Doctor. Just being honest. I feel like the scenes between 11 and 10 will be fun but ill just be thinking about how
no nine
no eight
Rose is here despite not being her and Moffat not liking her unless he can use her as a plot device
But the two twinks interacting will definitely help in the crack fic I want to write.
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angelanimedesaray · 18 days
Are you still doing the writer's truth or dare game? :) Here are my emojis: 🥤🧃🍬🍦🧩 🌸 I hope it’s not too much! Haha. Feel free to ignore any you don’t feel like answering
Yes I am, and I don't mind at all!!!! I love that there's so many, hehehehehehehe. The only drawback is this post is gonna be LONG since I write so much in my answers, I'm gonna need the keep reading bar hahaha
🥤recommend an author or fanfic I love.
Okay, so before I went on hiatus, @dingdongitsbees was writing a Levi x Reader Hunger Games AU called "Black-eyed Susan" that was AMAZING, like, I had to walk away and take a breather for a bit from the equivalent of Catching Fire cause it was just SO GOOD and the EMOTIONS WERE SO HIGH and I was flipping out over the potential parallel fates to certain characters, but it was so beautifully done, and the characters were rich and made sense and the lore was woven in so wonderfully and UUUGGGHHHH IT WAS AMAZING!!! I don't know if it was finished though cause life got busy and I went on hiatus, and I'm kind of afraid I'm going to pick it back up and discover it is unfinished, sooooooo SORRY IF I JUST RECOMMENDED AN UNFINISHED FIC I AM SUFFERING WITH YOU!!!
🧃share some personal lore you never posted about before
Okay, sooooo not to inadvertently trauma dump a wee bit in a roundabout way, buuuuuuuutttttt...my fic Through the Looking Glass? I was SUPER nervous about posting a lot of those earlier chapters because a lot of Reader's childhood experiences I provided from my own experiences, sooo it was kind of like exposing a nerve to enrich a story/character and praying no one struck it. But it worked out beautifully and it was mostly my anxiety getting to me there worrying about what people would think about those spots specifically, since I never really got anything negative about those bits--frankly I don't think I've seen a single negative comment on that fic besides "PLEASE COME BACK WE MISS YOU AND I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT AND IF THIS GETS RESOLVED--" That kinda thing hahaha, which has been a bit of a relief.
So yeah. I put a lot more of myself in Through the Looking Glass than I normally do for fics. I think more than I ever have for a fic before. Which makes sense since that fic was born from my, I just wish I could pluck Levi up out of that world every now and then and just TAKE CARE OF HIM and give him LOVE AND AFFECTION AND CARE. And I'm relieved and very glad that it worked out well. <3
🍬post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
IIIIIIIIIII don't know????? I mean, I don't pay attention to fandom discourse or whose "right" and "wrong" over opinions enough to know what an "Unpopular" opinion would be, which makes this a bit difficult to answer. I know of a few of my opinions that might deviate a little bit??? Or where I have an EARLY ON fandom opinion that I just kept carrying because I loved it so much???
I knooowwwww that there's still back and forth every now and then about Erwin vs Armin for the serum, even now, but I've always been of the opinion Levi made the right choice in choosing Armin. It took some thought to come to a decision myself, but I think Armin was the right choice for multiple reasons, and believe Erwin was ready to rest and that was a great respect to give to Erwin--its complicated, and something that I know I'll address in AT LEAST one fic, so I won't go into the complexity of that, here.
Hange Didn't Have a Pointless/Shock Value Death. The fuel tanks were damaged by Floch and they needed time to fix it enough to escape and her going to fight the titans headed their way bought them the precious few seconds they needed to escape, otherwise the colossal titans that Hange killed would have crushed the plane and everyone there before they could take off and without her actions the entire world would have been destroyed.
Speaking of Hange, and considering I just used she/her pronouns and I know most people use they/them, I'm gonna also add in this little opinion I've held tight to since I FIRRRRSSTTT joined the AOT fandom. I know a lot of people use they/them pronouns in stories and posts about Hange nowadays, I've used she/her pronouns for FOREVER because when I first FIRST joined the AOT fandom a looooonnngggg time ago, 1) I'll admit I just always assumed she/her, female, she was always female to me, never really had anything to make me think otherwise and I didn't NOTICE any lack of referring to Hange as she/her because I, myself, tend to default to they/them a lot to refer to people, even when speaking of a singular person I'm familiar with, so I thought nothing of it until I started getting into fandom spaces and there were people asking about Hange's gender (Cause this was still pretty early on in the fandom) and then 2) here on tumblr and over on twitter I saw a few discussions/headcanons/fics and such that identified Hange as a transwoman, and I really loved that, and it really stuck in my head, so I kept that headcanon and kept using the she/her pronouns. I get a little self-conscious about it every now and then when I realize just how few people use she/her pronouns with Hange and use they/them instead, but I got really attached to she/her transwoman Hange early on and don't want to relinquish her. So yeah. That's why I use she/her more often than they/them for Hange. Though I try to use they/them when referring to Hange on people's posts that use they/them instead. Sometimes I forget, but that's what I try to do. She/her for my spaces and stories, they/them on other people's posts where they use they/them for Hange.
🍦name three good things about a character you hate
uuuuuggggghhhhh whhhhyyyyyyyyy fiiiiiiiinnnneeeeeeee--
(I surprised myself actually with how quickly I came up with this, which makes me feel a bit better about appreciating a character for what they are even if I DESPISE them)
Floch is certainly dedicated/devout, I'll give him that. And he certainly developed and came a long way as a character. And he was fully ready to fight and die for what he believed in.
🧩what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Listen, I will check out just about anything once, but the thing is, the characters from the universe have to be in character. And i don't mean, write them as well as the original creator, we're all going to have different flavors/tints on the characters when we write them in our styles. It's when the character is so OUT of character that I can't recognize them AS that character that I click away. At least for the main ones you're focusing on. i can forgive more OOC characters that are playing a side character or temporary character to the plot. But the characters the fic is focusing on has to be recognizable as themselves.
Also Mary Sues/Gary Stus. I really don't like Mary Sues/Gary Stus.
🌸do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them.
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anarchistbitch · 2 years
briefly(3 weeks and 5 days to be precise) but anyway, im tired, there's one class that idk if im gonna fail but im just glad to be done with it for now
how have you been?? ive been thinking of talking to you for such a long while uuuggghhhh but n e ways, i hope youre doing great and send you tons and tons of hugs to make up for the time i've been gone
i'd tell you im gonna read the sxf manga rn but ive got so many things on my list and i havent progressed with any of them bc ive been gaming, there's kinnporsche, and cutie pie, and semantic error, an endless list of books, so many fics too, my three weeks and 5 days are not going to be enough for sure
yeah, s2 was way more messy, but well, it's fictional and enjoyable to watch, benedict i felt was 2 seconds away from jumping him but theyre cowards so i wasnt expecting it
did you end up finishing cbaw?? 👀 btw, im gonna watch fire island tonight bc of you reblogging so many things about it cause i hadnt heard of it at all
i havent read a single thing ugh, idk if i mentioned that i was reading vermillion bird but i havent even continued that one, even tho i watched the donghua and it was good as hell, at this point i wont even login to goodreads cause ill be too ashamed to see the 0/4
i didnt even know there was a semantic error novel lmao, i started the manhua and might watch the la soon but that might is quite stretched
i was reading the lady needs a break or something like that, ive seen so many variations of its english name, it's about this girl that has been reencarnated so many times, remembering every single life and is just done with life and wants to laze around but her plan keeps getting spoiled by her being unable to ignore situations that she sees as unfair or generally disagrees with as well as other plot reasons, i wouldnt say it's high literature or whatever but ive enjoyed reading it despite several moments where i just feel unimpressed lmao
smzs was fantastic, 100/10, so much fun :'3 i wanna watch it with my friends sometime soon but theyre still in classes so it's gonna have to wait
hearstopper ahhhh it was great and i cant wait to see what alice meant exactly with big asexual plans, need me that rep
did you hear about the bts hiatus-not-hiatus?? thoughts on that??? honestly i think they said it wasnt really a separation to bring down the chaos somewhat bc everyone was already crying their eyes out, i feel they went "sheesh" and backed up a bit lmao on a serious note tho im glad theyre taking a break, recently after the announcement i saw two reels that just made me get out of the saddened state, one was about how the op hoped somewhere in the multiverse jk got to live his childhood and the other one was that one time they realized they could go home directly after the shoot, they really have sacrificed so much of their time to this and it's heartbreaking bc yeh, it's their dream but it does not replace family and friends
also, i cant with the memes about joe biden being sold to bts, i think of them and laugh randomly through the day
and yes, i want to tattoo jin's speech in my forehead bc i need to remember it more often
FEVER BY ENHYPEN WAS A MOMENT, it's so fucking good, i think i said in my last ask but i really like their vampire/supernatural concept
i am eagerly awaiting holland's bl, idk what it's about but i hope it wrecks me
did you finish the god of highschool??? it's so fucking good and well, halfway through i BAWLED, damn i wanna rewatch it now, i LOVE the fight scenes and the op makes me wanna stand up and start kicking stuff
heavy by yonaka is so SEXY, makes me think of like a noir movie heroine
re:gooey by glass animal yeeeees indeed, it's just perfect for that, and i though more brownies buuuuuuuut chocolate deserts exactly 😌
sxf does not dissapoint EVER lmao, it's comedy gold and yeah, yuri pls chill, and the thing about anya's performance at school is just agh, cause, i dont remember if it's canon or if it was just an analysis i saw floating around on here, about her having lied about her age and it would add so much bc she's trying her best and i seriously understand trying your best and still not seeing the results you'd hope for and if she's younger then she's already doing so damn good for her age, not to mention that she was in a shitty af orphanage for who knows how long, i cant imagine she got good education there, so yeah it's comedy gold but it has so much heart, what a great show :'3
ok i can be normal now(lie) djkfhjsdhfjd look, i, sdjkhsjfhd, it's something alright, and with context it's so fucking different but still kfhkdsf i cant wait for you to watch/read it, the manga has so many scenes that make me put my phone down to breathe and it's art style doesnt help, in the anime they look softer
and yes i think of you often <3 hope you're eating well and resting enough!
i know ive done this many times, but id like to begin answering by apologizing for the delay[ik u said its okay but its fine if u were frustrated]
i really wish i couldve answered this a few weeks earlier because i wanted to wish you the happiest pride month with better months to come!! i hope it still holds true
i do hope that class went well[on that note, smth similar happened to one of my subjects: long story short, it wasnt fine for a bit but now its fine-ish, if it was the same for u i hope it continues to be well and then better💗💗💗💗]
i have been well!!! ive been in good health but how have you been!!! i hope you see cats , and ice cream trucks/ or little convenience stores with reasonably priced ice creams and chocolates!!![if u hate both maybe drinks? u strike me as a fanta person] ive been thinking of ways to talk to u too!! but it istg tumblr has some agenda against me cause it glitches so weird!! truly home of phobia😔[NOW SEE,, if i posted this during pride month i couldve also landed a joke about "during pride month??". truly my own enemies art mine own actions]. i am hugging u rn so if you feel warm rn thats me!! and if u feel cold in ur hands thats me holding ur hand with my ice cold hands hehe[im distantly related to mbj. sorry🧊🧊<-ice demon emoji for hearts<3]
i have so much to get through and its very ❕❕❕❕❕[<-overwhleming] so im taking everything as slow as possible but i am watching a few things rn like cutie pie and sxf so i get u. but also do tell me ur thoughts on everything regardless!! i like knowing what u think!! [also on cutie pie: idk if u started but i did and i think its a pretty good show and i think u'd like it 🤗 ]
bro i totally thought that benedict was gonna join in and s2 would be those 3 navigating a queer poly relationship in s2 while dealing with societal rules and "decorum" as it was in the 1800s
i did not finish the cbaw kdrama[im kinda abandoning all the shows ive left in the middle and coming back to them fresh in a year or around that time ]
re: fire island. i aim to inspire😔
oh goodreads isnt even that social but boy does it bully you hfksjksf[changed my reading goal to 1 book and now im 1200% done<3<3 beat the system<3 or beat up the system<3]
by the sounds of it she needs a break sheesh. high literature is fake ,if its doesnt bring u joy in some sort of way approach it like a snake[with care and curiosity] and i will check it out[in the future!!]
ive rewatched smzs so many times it really doesnt get old🥰 hope u and ur friends get to see it while eating smth really good!![personal rec is soup cuz im a soup fanatic!][also teeny tiny story but i once watched a show when i was younger and very impressionable ,and one character mentioned hating soup and i was like "ykw i will also hate soup now" and i felt horrible for like a week after that cuz i love soup!! moral of the story: soup is about warmth and love and also a form of rebellion against the deep nihilism engraved in society]
whats ur favourite soup? mine is sweet corn soup cause i used to have it a lot as a kid! and rn i favour egg drop!
heartstopper ahhhh!! i wanna see what they meant by big asexual plans too!!
bts does need a hiatus just for like letting ppl get into the know about what all they done -bbmas, run bts, bon voyage, beyond the screen , in the soop, literally all the concerts, not including solo work and so much more . and its been 9 years since theyve debuted and like namjoon said its hard to improve or grow urself in a field of constant expectations, so if they go to paris or a museum im glad they want to share it as well yk?
writing this in small cause even though i mean this genuinely i also feel a bit cringe😭so like ik theyve sacrificed a lot , not a little ,a lot and even though theyve reached a level of success that is quite hard to achieve without real talent and a lot of support, i do wonder what wouldve happened in another world if they didnt decide to pursue their current career. and yk. i hope theyre happy in both. also i hope in another world we wouldve crossed paths a little closer, m.
hope joe robinette can finally pay those student loans😢 and gets to live his best reverse harem explicit lemon 100k wip wattpad fanfic<3
ooooh wait if i also tattoo it on my brain😳😳 we'll have matching tattoos😳
i dont follow enhypen but yes it was a MOMENT i remember the first time i heard fever i was like "waiiiiittt a sec"
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NOTE: above image is supposed to represent my enthusiasm about the song and nothing else. thank u for ur time
wait didnt holland release a song for it!!! im listening to it rn and its a freaking bop!!!
i couldnt start the god of highschool ( ̄ ‘i  ̄;) but bro . bro why did it make u cry. bro answer me [<- person who is even more motivated to start it once they have enough time]
oooh i do like noir movie heroine!! and also . thats kinda a spot on vibe??
dude i kinda made a mistake associating that song with brownies/desserts cuz now whenever i hear that song im hungryyyy
anya! is ! such ! a ! cool ! character! the thing is idk if shes actually younger than six but if she is then she is technically performing better than any average child at that age would be[when i was six we already started multiplication and also at six i had an impulse to lick window cause of hansel and gretel<3] and shes just so near and dear to my heart💗💗 and also theres this thing about loid being an exemplary spy , but still fatherhood being his toughest mission like iktr
mika shoving his fingers in someones mouth is a spoiler therefore implying major plot significance got ya😊👍🏾
i might actually read the manga before the anime cause im a sucker for cool art [love animation too but as i said , im kinning a snail for the next few months<3 ]
i think of u quite often and hope ur well safe and have lots of food!!!
a song rec: every pore by tamino
love, kit
idk if u wanted to know and i feel. a bit weird about sharing this at all but the main reason for not answering this in so long is cause im in a weird headspace. which haha i mean who isnt right? but a lot of things changed in two months and like i can feel im in that stage you are right before a huge burnout and im trying to not? burnout? and my support system rn isnt the best rn and yea. im doing less than ok but just above being crushed. hopefully it passes and also hope this never happens in mine or anyones life again lol
making u read that might have u bummed out but if u read that [firstly sorry] [and secondly just, thank u for sending that first ask at all<3][my good bitch what do you want for your birthday][i think of u everyday lol][and also these last few months ive learnt to say i love you more freely without it being some huge moment at all, so i'd like to say: i love you. i truly do. idc that we've never seen each other. if u ever feel lonely just know that im rooting for u forever][💗💗💗💗💗]
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
BRO IWHRAIDBDKS the big daddies in bioshock are literally the best!!! I like to imagine that once the find someone then thats it. You are theres and they WILL be following you and protecting you whether you like it or not. Plus, i think they would love to hold you and kinda nuzzle you to 'kiss' you and uuuggghhhh i love them so much plzzzz bless us with how you think they would act 🥺🥺🥺
Oh they absolutely follow you around. They'll use their power ups and weapons on anything moving (Except for little sisters of course). They're curious about you at first, and once you aren't deemed a threat they'll slowly warm up to you. Being kind to the little girls is one way to spike their affection for you. Once they see you have a heart, they see you as another person to protect with their life. Kinda mad they can't express their love very well, verbally anyway, so they show you by making items, giving you medical assistance when you get hurt, and trying to gently hug or "kiss" you. Damn steampunk diving suit is in the way!
I can easily see them carrying you on their shoulders as they escort you and their little sister around, happily strolling along like a family unit.
The souls who dare threaten you are shown no mercy. Their drills or rivet guns they have are used until damaged, even after the villain is clearly out of commission.
I also like the image of them heating up in a flustered manner when you compliment them or give them a gift (That they also protect with their life).
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blacksupremacy86 · 2 years
All In The Family
Part 1 - 3
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My best friend family is mega bucks wealthy rich since the day I have known him from like about two years.
I hear my buzzer go off letting him hit in and he hits the staircase, and greet him.
I am at the door walking out as he greets me with a smile, and we head down the stair case.
We enter his limo heading off for the hour long ride to his home, it’s definitely new rich.
I smirk handing over my cd I just made for him as he gives it to his driver and he plops it in.
“Jack please play the cd jeeves now.”
“Yes Master Jack”
“Lawrence what is this? It’s amazing “
“I love this…..it’s”
“I know so much synchronicity dragging you in and falling in to a deep trance.”
He lost in a deep trance staring straight in to face me, and I lean in to his body.
I kiss him slowly forcing him to fall on to my lap, we make our intensely with love.
He can’t help himself kissing me more and more as he is falling for me.
The man I’ve carved for so long is all mine to control, I undo my pants for him.
He is inhales my scent as I force his nose on to my cock and he begins to sniff.
His mouth opens up my hand smashed my penis in to his mouth, and make him suck it.
Part 4 - 6
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His chauffeur opens the door for us as the limo stops cold, I pull myself back in to mi pants.
He pouts in disappointment cleaning himself up, and he looks pretty dapper.
Inside of the house tuxedos, drunks, music and more flows all over me.
He introduces me to his older brother in a sly attempt, he kisses me to a shock crowd.
I want to fucking marry in to this family and take them for all they have.
I snap my fingers Jack takes me back to his room, as we make out.
“Hey, can we place the music back on?”
“Yes boi, go head let’s do it”
“I love you, Master Lawrence!”
“I love you too”
“Get the hell off of my brother”
“Yes Master”
“Colton, listen to my music let go”
“No! What the fuck?”
“Get off me bro”
“What are you doing to me?”
“Uuuggghhhh! Ssstttoooppp!”
“Fffeeelllsss sssooo ggggoooodddd”
Part 7 - 9
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There father had died recently leaving all of his six children a piece of the empire he built from scratch.
I am receiving text from Colton, and Jack who are keeping the crowd busy as they set they scene.
Master I am looking for the dj, ok found him.
Jack set it up, I am getting the party going my king.
Come down stairs now Master.
They are trancing out.
“Excellent jobs boi!”
“Thank you sir”
“Yes sire”
“We belong to you “
“You are our lord and servant”
“Sir Yes Master Sir”
“Sir is this is our brother Oliver”
“Nice to meet you! This music is good”
“Did you make this?”
“Yes forget it and listen “
“Oh God! Feels good”
“Mmmmmmmmm yes! I obey “
The end
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Frost family in a nutshell
Adam: *a menace to society*
Jacquelyn:Hey I’m going out shopping. Turkey is in the oven; I’ll whoop your ass if of burns. Love you! *Closes door*
Adam:...That threat was unnecessary but okay I guess...
Toddler Jael:Dad, can I have breakfast for dinner?
Adam:What did your mom say?
Jael:Aren’t you the man of the house?
Adam:Yes, and your mom is the maiden of this house and Remnant; I am out ranked.
Adam:*getting life together* It’s kinda nice not having to be in a tense situation every waking moment.
Sienna:Hey dad, what happened to women you named me after?
Adam:Set myself up for this one I guess....
Neo:*opens front door* Yo boss, I need you to approve this hit li-
Kid Jael:*braiding a Barbie*
Sienna:*braiding Jael*
Adam:*braiding Sienna*.....
Neo:....Can I braid your hair?
Adam:Really, that’s how you wanna approach this?
Adam:Sigh......no pictures.
Adam:I’m home. How’s everything going?
Jael:*staring at a noodle bowl*.....
Adam:Woah, that’s quite a pile in front of you.
Jael:I cooked two packs because I thought I was that hungry. I forgot how much they fill when cooked. I’ve been here for twenty minutes.
Adam:Well if you’re full then dump the rest.
Jael:Yeah but....we’re poor. I don’t wanna waste your money.
Adam:Jael...*pats head* their noodle packs. You’d have to throw away twenty just to waste five dollars.
Jael:Oh yeah. *pushes bowl away* kinda forgot that part.
Sienna:Hey dad, I got a question.
Adam:Fire away.
Sienna:Am I pretty?
Sienna:*squints* Ummm I would’ve liked more certainty in that answer!
Adam:Sorry. It’s just...this never was a thing you seemed to concern yourself with. Other’s opinion I mean.
Sienna:*red* Yeah well you’re not other people. It would be nice for my father to think his daughter was pretty. Even if I don’t have your gene-
Adam:You’re a beautiful young woman.
Sienna:Shut up! You can’t just say things like that! *storms off*
Adam:....(Why am I a parent?)
Jael:This society is warped. Change needs to happen. A change I’ll bring about with my own hands.
Adam and Jacquelyn: *sweating* Like....?
Jael:.....*shrugs* I don’t know. I��ll be a huntress I guess and help people.
Jacquelyn:Oh thank the gods.
Adam:Really thought we royally screwed up parenting for moment.
Adam:....How did this happen?
Sienna:Simple. He knocked, and I took action. Not my fault you didn’t tell me others knew where we lived.
Sun:*hogtied* Twerp, we’ve met before! Several times!
Sienna:You keep saying that but there’s no proof. I would remember a monkey faunus.
Sun:Like you remember Neo?
Sienna:.....Dad do I know this man?
Adam:Yea you do sweetie. Nice knot work though. Very resourceful.
Sun:I’m never picking up things for your house ever again.
Adam:Jacquelyn is making a roast tonight.
Sun:Uuuggghhhh! I guess I’ll put up with this.
Sienna:You sure I know him?
Phone rings
Adam:It’s m-
Kali:*hangs up*.....
Kali:Fuck him...
Ghira:We made a promise. Let’s not make a liar out of our daughter.
Phone rings
Kali:....*answers* This better be good or el-
Adam:The baby is sick, and Jacquelyn is too.
Half an hour later, the Belladonna’s door was opened and let in a little tiger girl holding her baby sister, who were both guided by a giant man. Kali stared at tired and almost drained eyes that were once hidden by a grimm mask
Kali:It’s for the children and mother, not you. Please leave.
Adam:Of course. Just make sure Jael takes her meds every six hours, and rush to a hospital if-
Kali:I know the signs. Your child will be in good hands. The safest hands.
Sienna:Excuse me?
Kali:Hmmm? Yes little-
Sienna:Don’t talk to him like that.
Adam:Umm, Sienna it’s ok-
Sienna:No! It’s not. Who’s rude to someone that just carried two kids through the desert? They should’ve came to us. Now you gotta walk back to take care of-
Adam:It’s fine. This woman like many other people, have been wronged by me. You know that. Fortunately, her heart is big enough to care about you and your sister. That’s enough, so thank her.
Sienna:.......No. She can judge your past all she wants, but what’s the first thing she knows about your parenting? She hung up on you too.
Adam:That’s...I’m sorry about her Sienna.
Kali:.....No worries. Not like she’s lying. Anyways....Ghira, sigh can you make sure this father makes it home to his wife.
Ghira:Consider it done.
Before Adam could register the gesture, he was already being guided away by Ghira, the door closing behind them. Kali looked at a scowling little girl that had her fangs barley hidden. Footsteps from upstairs made them both look up to see Blake walking down the stairs with her hand out. Sienna’s expression immediately softened and took hold of Blake. The young woman put the small girl in her arms and went back upstairs. All while keeping a neutral expression that was pretty easy considering she had just woken up.
Blake:I’ll take care of this one while you tend to the baby.
Sienna:How much did you hear?
Blake:Enough. As your loving daughter, I understand. However, as the High Leader, please respect the rules and authority I’ve set, even if it’s uncomfortable. *smiles* Please?
Kali:Sigh....yes ma’am.
Blake:*walks away*
Sienna:Thank you....Mrs. Belladonna.
Blake:Thank you by apologize to the actual Mrs. Belladonna tomorrow, okay? I still have several months to go before I get that title too.
Sienna:Yes ma’am.
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
I read your new Bakugou story and...WOW! I loved it! You captured him and the traits that make him Bakugou beautifully. He showed off his rude and petty side, he was a jerk but not always as he helped reader out starting with her car issues. He is passionate about his work and succeeding after leaving home. The setting of them being teachers was fun and I really liked readers personality as she didn’t put up with his crap. I also laughed at his flirting style. This was very enjoyable, thank you!
Uuuggghhhh thank YOU, Anon! I always LOVE it when someone takes the time to tell me how much they enjoyed something that I created. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to give me such a thoughtful play-by-play of what you loved about it! Katsuki has my whole heart and writing for him is always so much fun! Yeah, fighting is his flirting style. 🤣🤣🤣 His character has more complexity and depth to it than a lot of people give him credit for, I think.
I always appreciate feedback letting me know what I got right, or even what I got wrong bc it helps me learn and grow as a writer. Also, a lot of sleep deprivation and anxiety went into the making of "What Became of Language Mechanics..." and knowing that you enjoyed it so thoroughly literally brings tears to my eyes. It was so worth it tho and you just made it doubly so. 😊 This means so much to me, thank you. 🧡
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megatraven · 3 years
Nora's teasing glances are just uuuggghhhh I love her! I just love all the dynamics between the EAA characters! They're all so unique and amazing!! I really want more FMC and Nora gal pal moments where they tease each other and stuff. I want them to be best friends! And MMC's protectiveness over FMC is just... it hurts??? Like I get where he's coming from but also he just... I know his heart is in the right place but still uuugghhh it hurts my heart. OH AND ARIN FLIRTING BACK JUST !!!!!! I LOVE!
RIGHT??? it's so cute, i love the dynamic between them so much, heck, i love ALL the dyunamics theyre so unique and interestign and fun!!!! i want to see more of fmc and nora hanging out tooo 🥺💛 ALSO YEAH....... mmc cares a lot about her..... and of course shecares so much for him too......... but it's so complicated and she's still hurting from being alone ;O;;
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Why am i imagining yn still being in a sleepy state while cuddling Iwa "Soft tiddies" while cuddling against his chest. With messy hair and everything 🥺😔🤣
BAHAHAHA ‘SOFT TIDDIES’ BRUH SHE TOTALLY WOULD THOUGH!!!!! like she would mumble in her sleep and talk nonsense with no filter and thats probably why the boys want her to sleep on them so they could hear things she doesnt normally say,,, orororor she probably would move around a lot on his shoulder and her hair would look like she just stepped out from a tornado and its an inside joke in the team of how she can switch into a whole different person with a few hours of sleep,,, oooo better yet yahaba has been tasked to take care of her appearance bc she absolutely gives no care about what she looks like and he chides her but is so gentle and playful about it as he runs his hands through her hair,,, but in truth though, y/n LOVES AND I MEAN LOVES to sleep next to iwa bc again, ive mentioned in that part ?? that the gruffiest and roughest looking players (iwa and kyo) are probably the comfiest and best people to sleep on?? like bls i make this canon in my content and i hope other people could accept this as actual canon???🥺  iwa probably holds her close with dem bara arms while he makes little circles on her back, giggling with her as they talk about absolute nonsense together since theyre getting sleepy, and he produces so much more heat than everyone else so she sleeps better and snuggles even closer!!!! but he gets jealous when she sleeps next to other people bc he doesnt want them to know the cute dazed little blinks she makes when shes just waking up or the blush on her cheeks as she slowly figures out her surroundings and her instinctual hold on the other person when shes being disturbed as if its a comfort thing,,, like uuuggghhhh i can go on w this forever and ever and this anon actually made me smile as i keep thinking about soft!iwaizumi like bls love on him and cherish him bc hes best boy and im just like ‘ehehehehe ✨M A N I F E S T✨ iwaizumi hajime’
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Into The Woods - Chapter Fourteen.
Story also available on wattpad
Chapter One Previous Chapter
‘’Liu! Liu, get up!’’
‘’Ack!’’ Liu was shoved roughly, his head banging against metal. He groaned and opened his eyes, glaring at the person who had awoken him. ‘’Dude...what the hell…’’ he muttered to the black, white and red blur in front of him.
‘’We need to go!’’ Jeff hissed. ‘’C’mon, we’re still in the car dude!’’
Liu sat up, rubbing at his groggy head. He grunted. ‘’I had the weirdest fucking dream…’’ he muttered. ‘’Some crazy goth lady was trying to kill us while singing Neil Diamond’s ‘Sweet Caroline’.’’
‘’That happened. That was real.’’
‘’What-’’ Liu looked around. They were on a lawn, and a well maintained one at that. The house in front of them looked pretty expensive. ‘’Where are we?’’
‘’The truck owner’s house.’’ Jeff replied with a shrug. ‘’I think we passed into Arkansas.’’
‘’Arkansas?!’’ Liu nearly leapt off the truck in shock. Instead he scooted calmly over the edge and dropped down, looking around. ‘’Shit...we were supposed to head for Texas!’’
‘’I’m just glad we got away.’’ Jeff murmured as he scooted himself over to the edge of the truck. ‘’Little help?’’
‘’Huh? Oh, right.’’ Liu helped his brother get back down on the ground. ‘’How’s your leg?’’ he asked softly.
‘’Hurts like a bitch.’’ Jeff muttered back. Liu gave a slight nod.
‘’We’ll find somewhere to rest for the night, have something to eat. It’ll feel better in the morning.’’
Jeff nodded. The two of them slowly walked off the lawn and down the street, just trying to find- well, somewhere to stay for the night. They managed to make their way from what looked to be an upper-class neighborhood to a much poorer area. The houses got smaller and the lawns became more unkempt. Usually this kind of area would unnerve Jeff and Liu, but...honestly it didn’t faze them now. It even felt fitting for the two of them in some cruelly funny way.
‘’Liu.’’ Jeff spoke up. The two of them stopped.
‘’What’s wrong? Does your leg hurt?’’
‘’No, no-’’ Jeff sniffed a couple times. ‘’You smell that?’’
Liu frowned, sniffing the air. He noticed the scent of freshly baked bread, and his stomach growled in hunger. Jeff looked up at him. Liu hesitated for a moment before pulling Jeff along towards the scent. ‘’C’mon.’’
They followed the smell to a backyard. Liu set Jeff down against a wall and glanced around the wall to look around. He spotted an open window, and on the sill, a plate of small bread rolls. His eyes widened. It was almost too good to be true. He glanced over at Jeff. ‘’...Wait here.’’
Liu carefully crept through the backyard and stopped at the window sill. He crouched down out of sight and reached up towards the bread rolls. However, instead of grabbing a bread roll, his hand met...another hand.
Liu leapt back, crawling backwards across the backyard, his eyes wide and staring at the window. Standing in the window was a girl, maybe a little older than Jeff but older than Liu. her skin was dark, and she had long black hair tied up in a ponytail. Pinkish-purple streaks ran through her bangs as she stared at Liu with wide, surprised eyes. Her expression went from shocked and surprised to...angry.
‘’Were ya just tryna steal from me?!’’ she yelped in a thick, southern accent that instilled Liu with paralysing fear.
‘’N-no-! I was-’’ he gulped, looking around for an excuse. ‘’O-o-okay, I was, but-! I-I can explain!’’
‘’Make it quick.’’ she gave him a firm look.
‘’I was taking them for my brother! He’s hungry, a-and hurt!’’
The girl’s expression softened. ‘’Your brother?’’ she asked. She tilted her head. ‘’...y’all don’t have food…?’’
Liu shook his head. ‘’No, we don’t.’’ he hesitated before adding. ‘’We just wanted a couple pieces of bread, that’s all.’’ He hoped desperately that this girl would pity them.
She frowned for a moment and grabbed the plate of bread, pulling it off the sill and out of Liu’s sight. ‘’Hold there a sec.’’ she said before disappearing from the window. Liu sat there for a moment, glancing from where Jeff was hidden to the back door in panic. The back door opened after a couple minutes and the girl stepped out. She walked towards Liu, holding a lunchbox and two travel mugs. She crouched down and held them out to him. ‘’Sorry I was so harsh on ya.’’ she mumbled. ‘’The mugs have stew in ‘em. It’ll keep y’all warm and full.’’ she smiled. ‘’You’re welcome ta come inside for more, if ya want. Ya can save the stuff I packed for when y’all leave.’’
‘’It’s cold out here, ain’t it?’’ she tilted her head at him. ‘’And you said your brother was hurt. I have a medkit upstairs that y'all can borrow.’’
Liu paused, staring at the food she was offering him, then over at the open back door. Somewhere warm and safe to stay- Jeff could rest, get medical help and-
"Where are your parents?"
"Oh!" She shifted on her feet. "My mom is on a trip, and my- dad's not around, so it's just me and my little brother."
Just her and her brother...Liu blinked. This was a valuable thing, a warm place to stay and rest. Taking this opportunity, without telling this overly kind girl who they were and why they were on the run...it would be manipulation. An awful, selfish lie- but when he thought of Jeff…
"We'd love to, thank you."
‘’Great!’’ she smiled brightly. ‘’You go git yer brother, I’ll leave the back open for y’all to come in.’’
Liu watched her walk back inside the house. He quickly stood up and ran over to the side of the house. Jeff looked up at him in surprise. ‘’Did you get anything?’’ he asked. Liu walked over to him and helped him stand up.
‘’Yep,’’ Liu helped him limp to the backyard. ‘’She’s letting us come inside.’’
‘’Inside?!’’ Jeff stared at him in shock. ‘’We can’t go in! W-we-!’’ he glanced aside anxiously. ‘’What if they see me?’’
‘’You’ll be fine, Jeff,’’ Liu murmured to him. ‘’You’re gonna be able to rest, and we’ll get a hot meal.’’
Jeff gave him a worried look as they stepped inside. He looked around. It was a small, cluttered kitchen with a dining table stuffed into it. As they stepped in, the girl Liu had met earlier, now wearing an apron, turned to look at them. She stared at Jeff in surprise. She blinked.
‘’That yer brother?’’ she asked, regaining her words.
‘’Yeah.’’ Liu helped Jeff over to the table and the boy sat down nervously, still staring at the girl. Liu stood up. ‘’Uh- I’m...Louis. This is my brother- uh- Jake.’’
‘’I’m Nina.’’ she smiled. ‘’Y’all like beef stew?’’
‘’Uh-huh.’’ Liu sat down, taking off his bags and scarf. Jeff pulled up his hood in an effort to hide himself. He sniffled. Liu glanced at Jeff and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the door to the kitchen swinging open.
‘’Hey sis ha-’’ in the door stood a young boy, maybe around Jeff’s age. Possibly younger. He had lighter skin than Nina, but the same messy black hair. It hung over his eyes slightly and curled around his ears. He wore a striped polo shirt and grey jeans. He looked at Jeff and Liu and blinked in surprise. He frowned. ‘’Uh- Nina? Who’re these?’’
‘’Oh! Chris!’’ she pointed at Liu and Jeff with her wooden spoon. ‘’These’re Louis and Jake! We’re havin’ em as guests!’’ she chirped.
‘’O-oh.’’ Chris fiddled with his hands. ‘’Nice ta meet y’all.’’ he added softly. Liu nodded a bit and raised his hand in greeting. Jeff grunted.
‘’Well don’t just stand there,’’ Nina gestured to the table. ‘’Take a seat. Soups on.’’
Chris slowly walked over to the table and sat down. He glanced at the two of them awkwardly, particularly focusing on Jeff, who was still covering himself with his hood. He glanced anxiously over at Nina, who calmly carried a large glass jug of red liquid. She smiled at Liu as she poured some into each glass. ‘’Y’all like kool aid, right? It’s Chris’s favorite.’’
‘’I haven’t had kool aid in forever.’’ Liu replied, resting his arm on the table. He glanced at Jeff. ‘’Right bro?’’
Liu frowned, but didn’t say anything. Nina carried over a big metal pot and a ladle and began serving up the most delicious smelling beef stew Liu had ever smelt. Or maybe he was just hungry. He stared after her as she grabbed some of her bread rolls and put a couple on the edge of each person’s bowl. Liu snatched up a fork and began eating quickly. Nina calmly sat down, ignoring the disgusted look Chris was giving Liu. she clasped her hands together and cleared her throat, closing her eyes. Liu looked up at her.
‘’Bless us lord for providin’ us this bread,’’ she spoke. Chris quickly clasped his hands together too. Liu swallowed quickly and put his hands together. ‘’And for lettin’ me find some company to share your food with. We’re very thankful for ‘em.’’ she opened one eye and smiled over at Liu. ‘’Amen.’’
Jeff grunted something that might have been another ‘amen’ but none of them really caught it. Chris grabbed his fork and slowly began to eat. Liu began eating again, a bit slower this time. Nina smiled gently as she watched the two boys dig in. It was silent for a little bit as they all just ate.
"So," Nina eventually broke the silence. "How'd y'all end up on the streets?"
"Streets?" Chris glanced from Nina to their two guests. "Y'all are- homeless?"
"Yeah," Liu shrugged. "We're running away from home. Our parents- didn't treat us great...so we're heading to Mexico, to start a new life."
Chris shot Nina a look, like he didn't trust Liu. Nina didn't notice it, she just frowned sadly. "That's terrible…" she murmured. "You're doing all of that for your brother?"
"Yeah," Liu smiled softly, looking at Jeff. He nudged him. "I gotta look out for my bro, right?"  
Jeff looked at him and grunted. He might have been smiling under his face mask- Liu wasn't sure. Nina laughed softly. "That's sweet." She glanced at Chris and reached over to him, ruffling his hair. "Y'all're makin' me feel like I'm not doin' enough for this li'l rascal."
"Ninaaaa." Chris whined, swatting her hand away. She laughed. Liu chuckled and looked at Jeff. This was nice- a hot meal, a warm place to stay and friendly faces. He looked over at Jeff and tilted his head.
‘’Je-’’ he caught himself. ‘’Jake? Aren’t you hungry?’’ Jeff’s plate was completely untouched. Jeff glanced at him, then slowly over at Nina and Chris. He hesitated, then slowly reached over to grab one of the bread rolls he’d been given. He tugged down his face mask and bit into it. He looked up and realised Chris was staring at him, eyes wide, mouth agape. Horrified. Jeff yanked his face mask up quickly and put the bread down, folding his hands nervously in his lap.
‘’Nina…’’ Chris slowly looked over at his sister. Nina remained calm and composed. She only shot Chris a glare out the corner of her eye. Chris looked up, realising Liu was also glaring at him. He shifted in his seat and looked at Nina again.
‘’Jake,’’ Nina said calmly. ‘’Were those scars on yer face?’’
‘’You got a problem with ‘em?’’ Liu cut in defensively. She shook her head.
‘’Naw,’’ she responded calmly. ‘’I just wanna make sure he takes care of ‘em. We don’t wannem gettin’ infected, right?’’ Liu relaxed and slowly looked at Jeff, then at Nina. ‘’If ye’re okay with it, I’d like to take a look at ‘em after dinner. Make sure you’re okay,’’ she smiled at Jeff, who stared at her. ‘’And I can offer both of y’all some clean clothes, a shower, and you can sleep on our couch.’’
Liu slowly looked over at Jeff. It was silent for a few short moments before he gently nodded. ‘’Okay.’’ he murmured. ‘’...But Liu gets the couch. I don’t mind sleeping on the floor.’’
Nina laughed gently. ‘’I’m sure we can do that.’’ she smiled at him. ‘’Now, why dontcha eat up?’’
Jeff hesitated for a second, then pulled down his mask again and bit into his bread roll again. He chewed quickly at first but eventually began to slow down. He was vaguely aware of conversation around him, but he wasn’t paying attention. He had a headache, and everything felt...hot. Too hot. Was the kitchen always this stuffy? As he continued eating his appetite faded. He couldn’t even bring himself to finish his second bread roll and a good chunk of his stew still sat untouched.
‘’Jake?’’ His attention was pulled back by Liu's voice. He looked at his brother. "Are you done eating?"
Liu looked a tad worried at the answer but said nothing as Nina cleared up the table. She glanced over her shoulder at the two of them. "Do y'all wanna take some showers?" She asked. "And I can do yer laundry too."
Liu smiled a bit and nodded. He glanced at Jeff. "You can take the first one. I'll stay down here and put our stuff in the laundry."
Jeff nodded and stood up, leaning against the table, and glanced around for a moment. "Chris," Nina said. Chris, who was drying a plate for her, looked up. "Show Jake the bathroom, won't ya? And gettim a towel."
Chris nodded gently and looked over at Jeff. He still looked wildly uncomfortable. "C'mon." He murmured as he crossed the room to the kitchen door. Jeff limped after him silently. He was led upstairs and down a hallway. "Wait 'ere." Chris said, looking again at Jeff's facial scars before walking away. He disappeared into one of the rooms along the hallway for a few moments before returning with a towel. He handed it to Jeff, nodded at him, then walked away. Jeff watched him for a couple moments, then walked into the bathroom.
The shower was extremely welcome. He sat on the bottom of the tub, letting the water just pour over him. Even though his headache had gotten worse, and the warm water wasn't helping at all, it felt nice to just...relax. Plus it felt great to finally wash himself. His hair was a greasy, knotted mess and he really hoped Nina didn't mind him using her shampoo. He asked would've used Chris's but- hers smelt like fruits and flowers.
He stepped out of the shower, feeling surprisingly tired. And even warmer. Maybe he should've used colder water. Leaning against the sink he looked at himself in the mirror through dazed eyes and paused. The last time he'd seen himself- properly seen himself was...at home. He reached up, tracing the scars on his face. They were a dark red colour and beginning to scab over. His skin was whiter than he remembered it being. He rubbed his arm, decorated with faint lines. Scars from only a year ago. His skin felt tight as he moved, and leathery to the touch. It looked disgusting. He looked disgusting. Jeff scratched at his arm, his skin peeling away easily, blood dripping down as he reached up and scratched at the scabs on his face. He could taste blood. His eye- the damaged one- his iris was shrunken and grey. Vision from it was blurry, almost impossible to see out of. He reached up towards it and-
Jeff was broken out of his thoughts by himself sneezing. He sniffled and grumbled to himself, grabbing some toilet paper and wiping his nose. He coughed a couple times, spotting up phlegm. "ugh…" he murmured. He grabbed the towel he'd been given and sat on the edge of the tub while he wiped himself down, ignoring the red stains he left in it. He put his clothes and face mask on and limped downstairs. His eye could barely stay open he- he felt so tired…
"Jake!" Nina called. Jeff ignored her. "Jake?" He looked up, blinking. Oh- right. He's Jake. Fake names. Nina stood in a doorway to his left, smiling at him. "C'mere, I'll do yer hair for ya." She smiled wide at him. Jeff smiled, just a tiny bit underneath his face mask. He moved to step into the room, but Nina stepped toward him and held onto him, helping him limp into the room.
‘’Thanks.’’ Jeff murmured in slight surprise as he glanced around. A cozy looking living room. Nina gestured for him to sit down while she unwound the cord for her hair dryer.
Jeff tensed slightly at the loud noise of the dryer. The heat wasn't helping either. He whimpered slightly as she brushed knots out of his hair, tugging painfully on his scalp. He screwed his eye shut and grit his teeth while she worked. Suddenly the hair dryer shut off.
"Jake? Ya okay?" Nina asked. "I'm not hurtin' ya, am I?"
"N-No it's fine." Jeff murmured. She frowned.
"I'll be gentle," Nina said softly. She began brushing Jeff's hair again, much more gentle with her brush this time. Jeff relaxed, glancing at her. "Ya have such nice hair, y'know that? A real nice colour…" she smiled at him. Jeff looked surprised. "Really long too...I love it. More boys should have long hair."
"You- think I look good with long hair…?"
"Uh-huh." Nina smiled at him. "You look cool." Jeff smiled wide under his mask. Nina went back to work on his hair, gently brushing knots out of it and occasionally commenting things like "your hair is real soft," and "I'd love to style this."
By the time they'd finished, Nina had tied Jeff's hair up in a short ponytail, and Jeff had gotten even sleepier. Almost ready to pass out. He yawned, then winced. His mouth hurt- a lot. Nina stood up and leaned over him. ‘’Can I look at yer face?’’ she asked. Jeff hesitated. ‘’I just wanna make sure yer healin’ up okay. I won’t freak out. Promise.’’ Jeff glanced aside, then gave her a gentle nod. Nina ever so gently pulled off his mask and- ‘’Oh sweet lord-’’ Jeff whimpered and lowered his face. Nina cupped his face in her hands and stared at him. ‘’Didjer wounds open up again?’’
‘’Shit-!’’ Jeff swore to himself. He’d forgotten he’d picked at the scabs. He gulped. ‘’N-no?’’
‘’Jake…’’ she murmured. She turned around, grabbing the medkit that was on the coffee table. She opened it and pulled out some antiseptic wipes. ‘’Ya gotta be careful with this stuff!’’ she chided. She grabbed one of the wipes. ‘’This is gonna sting. Be brave fer me, okay?’’
‘’Ow-!’’ Jeff seethed as she wiped at his scars. He whined as she cleaned up his wounds. Nina grabbed a bunch of large bandages and began applying them all along his cheeks. Jeff glared at her the whole time, stopping only to cough and sniffle. ‘’I thought the scars were cool.’’ he murmured.
‘’Yeah, but not gettin’ infected wounds is cooler.’’ she lightly patted his head. ‘’Now, wanna let me see yer eye?’’
‘’No.’’ Jeff replied. Nina sighed.
‘’Alri-’’ she paused, staring at something. Jeff tilted his head. ‘’Jake.’’
‘’Yer arm is bleeding.’’
Jeff blinked and looked down. ‘’Shit-!’’ he cursed. Nina grabbed his sleeve, pulling it up. Jeff tried to yank his arm away but found she had a surprisingly strong grip on him. She stared at the long cut along his arm.
‘’You poor thing...how’d ya get all hurt like this?’’ she asked as she grabbed more of the dreaded antiseptic wipes.
‘’Well I- ah-choo!’’ Jeff was cut off by another sneeze, which broke into a coughing fit. He groaned softly and shook his head. ‘’Ugh…’’
Nina pressed her hand against his forehead. Her eyes widened. ‘’Ya gotta fever too?!’’
‘’I’m fine.’’ Jeff murmured. Nina shook her head, tutting.
‘’No you’re not.’’ she chided. She walked over to the door and leaned out of it. ‘’Chris! I need some cough syrup, stat!’’ she called before moving back to Jeff and continuing to clean up his arm.
‘’I got it.’’ Chris said softly as he stepped into the room. He looked at Jeff and his bandaged face as Nina got up and grabbed the medicine from him.
‘’Thank you Chris, yer a peach.’’ she chirped as she opened the bottle. ‘’Can I ask ya to go grab some blankets and pillows from upstairs? We need to get Jeff comfy.’’
Chris nodded and quickly left the room. He quickly went upstairs and into their mom’s room where they kept their spare blankets and pillows. As he stepped out again he saw Liu down at the other end of the hall, stepping out of the bathroom after taking his own shower. He looked up, blinking at Chris. ‘’Your brother’s sick.’’ he said.
‘’What?’’ Liu responded, the panic plain in his voice. Chris nodded and walked over to the stairs. Liu followed after him quickly, hovering around him with worry. Chris walked into the living room, where Nina was busy propping Jeff up against the arm of the couch. ‘’Je-’’ Liu caught himself. ‘’Jake? You okay buddy?’’ he asked worriedly. Jeff looked at him through half-lidded eyes. His cheeks were flushed red and his hands shook slightly. Nina took the blankets and pillows from Chris and propped Jeff up against a couple of them before wrapping him up against blankets. Jeff hummed and curled up amongst the soft blankets.
‘’There ya go…’’ Nina murmured, stroking Jeff’s bandaged cheek with the back of her finger. ‘’Get some rest, ya hear me?’’
‘’Mmm…’’ was all Jeff could respond with. Liu stepped over to him and took off his scarf, draping it around his brother. He crouched down and stroked his hair, watching him worriedly. Nina patted his shoulder.
‘’Don’t worry about ‘im. A couple days rest and he’ll be good as new.’’
‘’You sure?’’
‘’I’m sure.’’ she smiled at him. ‘’Now how about we set up your bed for the night? You’re gettin’ the floor unfortunately.’’
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ratchet · 3 years
hi em, it’s me again your sc secret santa! i thought i’d take this opportunity to talk about you and your favourite things... so, what are your top 5 schitts creek moments and why? who are your favourite comfort characters (from anything, i’m not limiting this to sc) i’m gonna sign off every message with these emojis 🎅🏻🎁 then you know it’s me! i hope you have a wonderful weekend and i can’t wait to get to know you better! 🎅🏻🎁🎄
HELLO SECRET SANTA! Sorry I sat on this for a few days I needed to think.
okay. top 5 sc moments. 
1) david’s olive branch - he’s soft, he’s letting himself be vulnerable in a good way for the first time in his life, he LOVES THAT BOY so much he’s dancing for him basically in public. yeah. yeaaaah.
2) alexis’ little speech in singles week about the right person for you not necessarily being the person you think needs to be. especially in conjunction with her telling ted she loves him and not expecting anything from it. again i’m just soft about these rose siblings putting themselves out there and being vulnerable and letting people in.
3) THE BARN PARTY just the whole community coming together and the roses having that turning point where they’re not just tolerating living in schitt’s creek but actually embracing it and embracing the people and new found family they’re building there along with rebuilding their own family bonds. also the shot of david at the very end is like...in my top 3 of all shots in the whole show.
4)”i think you’re my best friend” UUUGGGHHHH david and stevie were both so lonely and a little broken and Not Happy when they met and they navigated it and messed it up and built it up again and to admit all of that to each other is so much for them and i love them both very much.
5) david’s birthday dinner. the soft faces, so many soft faces, they’re so stupid and they like each other so much and thank god for friends like stevie. that’s all i can say. morons, the both of them. truly.
COMFORT CHARACTERS YOU SAY. outside of sc you say.
april ludgate, all three gilmore girls (though i lose my patience with rory around the end of s3) leslie&ben (all in one go), john carter (i watched a lot of ER with my dad as a kid and he was my faaaaav), marceline the vampire queen, michel gerard is me in literally any given situation on any given day. david rose. david rose x100.
This was a lot of information I’m very sorry 😂
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lilithpooped · 5 years
Apology / Kim Hongjoong
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A/N: uuuggghhhh this is my second fic and im not really sure how it is, so please let me know? I may keep writing if i receive requests (which i don’t think i will) but i might as well quit now.
Genre: angst, boyfriend! Hongjoong
“You already know his antics, why do you worry so much?” Your best friend tells you.
“Yeah i know but still... I don’t like having fights with him, and we’ve never been out of touch for this long.”
“Y/n, it’s only been two hours, you’re just overreacting. Stop and wait.”
“But this time it’s different, I’m telling you. This time it’s different and it’s all because of me-”
Your phone’s message tone cut your sentence. It was Hongjoong.
‘I’m okay, practice ended. Turning back home.’
‘Ok baby, I’m really sorry about what happened this morning. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Can we talk?’
No replies... You were really worried and you just didn’t know what to do. You tried calling him several times but no response. His phone was off.
Your best friend sitting comfortably on a couch wasn’t helping either. In fact, she was getting on your nerves. You started strolling around your room. Was going to his place and convincing him to talk to you a good idea? You thought it was, he couldn’t possibly say no or you could even force him to talk to you, right? He would understand, right?
Neither you nor your best friend were sure about it when you worded your thoughts but you had to give it a shot. So you directly ran to your room to find a jean and a sweatshirt quickly. After changing into your daily outfit, you stepped outside, went to the nearest street and waited for a cab. All of this was happening so fast, in a span of 5 minutes. Your hands were shaking because of the stress and you decided to run instead of waiting for a cab. And running would help you ease your mind, right??
Well, not really.. When you arrived at Hongjoong’s place 3 streets down from yours, you were still anxious and now you also were looking like trash. You breathed in, breathed out. In and out. It didn’t help, nothing really helped at that moment. Your mind was busy with making false scenarios that had never happened or will never happen. But at that moment, they were all so relatable for you so you just couldn’t knock the door. Instead you turned your back and started to curse yourself while taking a step forward on your way back home.
“Why are you turning back?”
That voice. No no no, this wasn’t really happening, right? Could he be watching you from the other side while you were struggling to knock the door?
“I...” you stuttered, turning back to face him.
“You?” His face was clear from emotions, this was so not him you thought. He always had a face showing lots of emotions and he even unsuccessfully tried to hide behind a poker face several times but this was not one of them. This time it was different. There were really no hints of any emotion on his face. You felt your eyes getting watery. Your lips trembled.
“I just... I just wanted to apologize.”
“For what? Do you realize what you have done?”
“Look Hongjoong, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you the way i did. I was just so anxious and so stressed out I guess I couldn’t help but got mad at you and said lots of things i regret. I can’t assure you that this won’t happen again, but i promise i will try to change it. I will try not to say anything bad to you, i will even-“
“Y/n, that’s enough. I know you didn’t wanna hurt me but you still did hurt me. I was so surprised at your words, I can’t even describe how disappointed i was. You blamed me for not being there for you when you know i tried to spend most of my free time with you. I just cannot accept this. I love you so much but can you please give me some time?”
“But Hongjoo-“
“I’m not breaking up with you, I swear I’m not. I just wanna be alone for a while.”
“Can I at least apologize properly?”
“You don’t have to.”
“But I want to. Please Hongjoong at least let me do it.”
“Okay then, go ahead.”
“I just wasn’t in a good mood and i let it get to me. I’m really sorry about what i said to you. I was really out of my mind. All my problems were just so hard to bear with and at that moment i wanted to hug you and kiss you and and... And i just wanted you to be there. But I promise i know you should work hard and you can’t always be there physically, you’re always there mentally and you’re always open to me. I just... I don’t know I’m so sorry. I just didn’t mean to hurt you. I love you so so much, you have no idea. I can wait as long as you know i love you and will keep loving you.”
“I accept your apology if that will make you feel better, y/n, and I promise I’m not that hurt anymore. I just.. I just wanna make you feel good and I just wanna be enough for you but now I really don’t think I’m enough and you have no idea how bad that feels. I just wanna think about it and find a way to spend more time with you if possible. Can you at least give me one day to think about it and rest? I will be back, I promise.”
“Okay.. I guess I’m okay with it.”
He came closer and pulled you into a tight hug. Then whispered in your ear.
“I really am in love with you.”
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